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General JSKt'tfitUattg,

[No title]

BANKRUPTS.—(From the London…

^tupping A Jntrlligrtuf.




-I Glamorganshire Quarter…


Glamorganshire Quarter Sessions. The General Quarter Sessions for the county of Gla- morgan commenced at the Town-hall, Neath, on Monday last, the 30th of June, upon which occasion the following Magistrates were present:— HENRY THOMAS, Esq., in the Chair; Hev. II. L. Elosse J. Dilhvyn Llewelj-n, Esq. Starling Benson, Esq. William Llewellyn, Esq., Court Rev. John Collins Coleman E. C. Nicholl Carne, Esq. Griffith Llewellyn, Esq. L. L. Dilhvyn, Esq. J. Bruce Pryce, Esq. Frederick Fredricks, Esq. Charles H. Smith, Esq. II. J. Grant, Esq. T. Edw. Thomas, Esq. Hovel Gwyn, Esq, Iltid Thomas, Esq. John Grove, Esq. N. V. E. Vaughan, Esq. T. Y\\ Hill, Esq. Charles Warde, Esq. Hev, Robert Knight &c. &c. PRISONERS CONDEMNBD TO DEATH. Mr. Dalton read a statement of rules to be observed in the treatment of prisoners condemned to death, and which were drawn under the direction of the Secretary of State. It was ordered that the regulations so read be entered on the gaol rules of the prisons of this county, COUNTY PRISONS. In submitting the various journals of the county pri- sons, Mr. Dalton drew the attention of the magistrates to a special entry in the chaplain's journal relating to the internal arrangement of Cardiff gaol, by which it ap- peared that a young man named Elliott and two others infringed the regulations of the prison by climbing over a wall and intruding upon the rooms appropriated for the imprisonment of women. The chaplain recommended that a c 7ievmix-de-frise should be placed on the division wall, with the view of preventing similar irregularities in future. Upon the suggestion of Thos. Edward Thomas, Esq.. the matter was referred to the Visiting Committee. The attention of the magistrates was called to an item of E4 16s. Od. in the accompts of the Cardiff gaol, which sum, it seems, was paid for stones which prisoners not sentenced to hard labour were employed to break. Mr. Woods briefly explained that the stones were purchased by the directions of the Visiting Magistrates. An item of thirty shillings paid for the services of a barber at the Swansea House of Correction was also noticed. Mr. Cox said the charge had always been hitherto allowed. Mr. T. Edward Thomas said the ser- vices of a hair-dresser were required, and the item had been hitherto allowed. Mr. Woods said that be generally selected one of the prisoners for the purpose of perform- ing the duties usually required of a barber. The various journals were then signed and passed. FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Mr. Dalton then read the following report:— Glamorgan,-At a meeting of the Finance Committee, held at Pyle Inn, on Thursday, the 26th of June, 1845—present: Robert Oliver Jonp, Esq., in the chair; Lewis Llewelyn Dilhvyn, Esq., and Henry Thomas, Esq.: "The Committee have examined' the several bills for the ex- penditure of the last quarter, amounting to £ 735 14s. 4d. They re -urnmend such bills to be paid, but they would remark as to hill at Cardiff gaol, that they find no account of the applica- tion o £ a quantity of stones charged at £ 4 16s.; and an item of th;rj y shillings —a quarter's allowance at Swansea gaol to a bar- hr-r, -which docs not appear in the gaol accounts. As requested c ),\ the last Sessions, they made enquiry into the care and cus- tody of the weights and measures belonging to, or lately used bv, the county inspectors, and find that in 1835 the respective c,rpovations of Swansea, and Cardiff granted the county the use of their weights and measures, free of charge, but that the set at Cardiff being incomplete, the treasurer completed the same, and they were entrusted to Mr. Watkins, the then inspector;- that the weights and measures belonging to the town of Swansea we-e used by the inspector of such district until the spring of this war, when the council declined allowing the further use of them except within the town, and that no inspection has since taken place in that district. In the Cardiff district no inspection has taken place/or some vents, -that at the last Epiphany Sessions a new inspector was a >piiiated, but he has been unable to perform his duties in con- rc--quenee of the defective state of the weights and measures handed over to him by Mr. Watkins, his predecessor. In the Merthyr district there is a complete set of weights and measures; but your committee do not know when any inspection took place, as in reference to the payments of salaries no entrv for such appears for many years past. Yoiir Committee have caused a plan and specification for an intended Justice-Room at Merthyr to be prepared; and having advertised for contracts for the building the same, recommend that the offer of Mr. Thos. Jones be accepted, but that he be re- quired to make drains therefrom & from the police-station gener- ally to the main drain of the Merthyr market, at a specified sum that all the works br completed to the satisfaction of the county surveyor, and that no extras whatever be charged by him in the completion of all the works beyond the sum contracted for. Your Committee find that the sums expended for prosecu- tions at the last Spring Assizes, and at the Epiphany and Easter Sessions amount to JL1118 14s. 7d.; namely-at the Assizes, £ 731 Is. 3d.; at Epiphany Sessions, £ 210 3s. 10d.; and at Easter Sessions. £ 177 9s. 6d.; one half of which sums will be repaid to the county, as also the sum of jEl7 15s. 6d., being the whole expense of the removal of convicts for transportation. Your committee referring to the expenses attending the holding of Coroners' Inquests, remark in the bills of Mr. Collins aiid Mr. Cuthbertson charges for fees to medical men on two occasions, which appear to have required such extra expense, but beg to call the attention of the sessions to the act authorising "'11:11 expenses, that, if possible, some positive rule may be laid down, and eorone^niot subject themselves to have their bills ieUured by striking out payments, which although sometimes iv.juisite may not be strictly chargeable on the county rate. (Signed) 11 ROBERT OIIVEB JONES, "L. L. DILLWYN, "HENRY THOMAS." Air. Woods explained [that the stones broken by pri.. «orers in Cardiff Gaol would shortly be sold, and the pi.ceeds placed to the credit of the County. MESTIIYB STATION HOUSE. Mi-. Hill asked Mr. Whittington, the County Surveyor, whether, in the Station House erected by Mr. Jones, the contractor for building the new Justices' room, a vast quantity of green wood had not been used in building1? Mr. Whittington replied in the affirmative, and said ,c wood shrunk a little." Mr. Hill put one or two other questions to Mr. Whit- tington with respect to the quality of the timber put in The Station House at Merthyr, but which, we believe, ZJr. Whittington did not answer directly. The Vice-Chairman then interposed and said the ,'r.q;istr&t«3 would decidedly feel obliged to Mr. Hill for having their attention drawn to the subject. He did not think the County Surveyor was responsible for the quality of the timber put in the Station House at Merthyr: however, as the tender sent in by Mr. Jones had r?eeivcd the approbation of the Finance Committee he should move that the report just read be entirely adopted. This proposition was seconded, we understood, by Mr. Emce Pryce, and carried unanimously. COUNTY CORONERS. Mr. Dalton drew the attention of the magistrates to charges in Mr. Charles Collins' bill for fees paid to medi- cal men, and more especially to sums paid to Mr. llerepath, Analytical Chemist, Bristol, for analyzing the contents of the stomach, of a person named Gibbs, who resided in Gower, and who died under circumstances which caused suspicions to arise that his death had been occasioned by unfair means. Mr. Dalton said he had trken the Right Hon. John Nicholl's opinion upon the subject, who stated in effect that the payments were not in accordance with law, as the service of a second medical man had not been required in writing by a majority of the persons comprising the jury. The Vice-Chairman took the same view of the case, although he thought that in point of equity the sums charged in Mr. Collins' Bill ought to be paid. Mr. T. Edward Thomas said he knew nothing of the late inquest in Gower, except from common report, and what had appeared in the public papers of the county. How- ever, he had not the least hesitation in moving that upon this occasion, the fees referred to, be allowed. (Hear, hear.) From the nature of the case it was quite impos- ;Uc that the jury could have been satisfied with the .pinion of one medical man, and he conceived the cor- jr.cr had exercised a sound discretion in sending the ieh to Mr. Herepath. (Hear.) The distance from Swan a to the place where the inquest was held was 16 miles, lie believed, and ^therefore, as an adjournment necessarily took place, he thought the coroner entitled to mileage for each adjournment. (Hear.) Taking every circumstance into consideration, he had great satisfaction ill moving that the fees referred to by the clerk of the j euce, .be allpwed. (Cheers.) Air. J. Dillwyn Llewelyn had great'pleasure in second- i:v; ,i (C proposition, which he hoped would be unanim- ou.>_> c.ried. The Rev. John Collins believed an analysis of the stotna'-h was strictly required by the peculiar circumstan- ces of the case. The question was then formally put, and carried unanimously—namely—That the full amount of Mr. Collins' bill be paid the items in dispute being the amount paid to medical witnesses, in the case of suspected poisoning" in Gower, and the mileage caused by the inquest having been adjourned. The Chairman said the only irregularity complained of was, that the coroner had called in the services of medi- ca'. gentlemen, without having been required in writing to -the so by the jury. It was stated to the ;magistrates that R. Lewis Reece, Esq. h-id appointed Charles Vachell, Esq., physician, to be his deputy,and that the Lord Chancellor had approved ot the appointment. COUNTY TREASURER'S BALANCES. A statement of the accounts of the county was read to tho magistrates, from which, it appeared that E. P. Richards, Esq., the county treasurer, had in hand the following balances IJunc 29th, 1845—Balance] on' county account 1 £ 049 5 10i POLICE—Merthyr £ 10 15 V 4 Newbridge 38 10 6* Ogmore 80 17 Swansea 42 18 lo| £ 173 2 9* Merthyr Stipendiary Magistrate's rates 219 15 5? -\itor the accounts had been fully read a COUNTY RATE of one half-penny in the pound was unanimously ordered. THE CHIEF CONSTABLE'S REPORT. Captain Napier's report was then read by Mr. Dalton. Bridgend, 26th June, 1845. My Lords and Gentlemen—I have the honour to submit to your consideration my usual returns for the quarter ending the 15th of June, 1845. The number of persons summoned and apprehended, amount to 494 of which 191 are cases of drunkenness "u;d assaults: a much greater proportion than has occurred h ny previous quarter during the last three years. Drunkenness, the fruitful source of assaults, amongst the lower ord ers, may in the present instance be attribu- t ted 10 the increased rate of wages now given at the rarjo-ui the county, and to tbe ■i J "umber of beer shops. On referring to the tabular return it will be observed that in the last quarter no less than 30 convictions have taken place against public j houses and beer shops. The sums raised under 10th section and superannuation fund is £23 9s. Id.: under 17th section X90 Is. Id. The police stations remain exactly in the same state as in the report of the last quarter, except as regards the Neath station, in which the wrong wing of the building had been given over to the county this error has since been rectified." This report was signed by Captain Napier and ad- dressed To the magistrates of the county of Glamor- gan." BRIDGEND STATION HOLSE. It was stated that the rooms of this station smoked very badly-that the chimneys did not draw well. The Rev. Robert Knight was of opinion that the evil might be remedied altogether by placing new and im- proved grates in the rooms. At all events he thought the county had received a good shilling's worth for a shilling in having a station house which cost .£'500 for £300. (Hear.) Mr. H. S. Coke said that the room the magistrates were then assembled in smoked dreadfully at one time, but the evil had been entirely cured by substituting a new grate for the one which was formerly fixed there. After a short conversation upon the subject, in which the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Bruce Pryce, Mr. T. Edward Thomas, Rev. Robert Knight, and the County Surveyor took part, it was ordered that steps should immediately be taken for the purpose of lessening, if not entirely removing the evil complained of by the inmates of the Bridgend Station House. The Vice-Chairman thought the Swansea Gentlemen were best calculated to deal with nuisances caused by smoke. (Laughter.) COUNTY POLICE RATES. The following sums were ordered for the several police districts of the county:— f. s. d. Merthyr District 332 7 111 Newbridge" 151 17 9 Ogmore 110 14 8 Swansea 89 14 10 It was formally reported that the Secretary of State had approved of the appointment of an additional policeman for the Swansea District, who is we believe, to be stationed at Briton Ferry. MERTHYR STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE'S RATE. Mr. Dalton stated that the sum of JE550 would be re- quired to meet the contract to be entered into for building the Justices' rooms, independent of the fitting up, which would form a separate item of expenditure so that in all, for the ensuing term, £ 880 would be required, of which sum there was a balance in hand of about £ 200. No rate was payable this day, as no order for one was made last sessions. The sum of JE687 5s. 4d. would have to be raised to meet the demands of the ensuing four months. An order to raise that sum was unanimously carried. Mr. T. Edward Thomas hoped that the county sur- veyor would see that no green timber was used in the erection of the justices' rooms at Merthyr. THE VICE-CHAIRMAN. In pursuance to notice, it was moved, by Mr. J. D. L!ewe!yn,—" That the Vice-Chairman be an ex officio member of all county committees." He (Mr. L.) well knew the advantage which attended the presence of the chairman of the sessions amongst the members of a committee and he had, therefore, great pleasure and satisfaction in moving the proposition which he had just named. (Hear.) Mr. J. Bruce Pryce briefly seconded the motion which was then formally put and unanimously carried. EAGLES' BUSH COLLIERY. The Vice Chairman rose and said that in the absence of his right honourable friend, the Chairman of these Ses- sions, he rose to move a proposition which he had given notice of, and which had reference to this coliierv. Those gentlemen who resided in the neighbourhood of Neath were perfectly acquainted with the circumstances which caused the notice to be entered upon the paper, but as Imany of the magistrates present resided in distant parts of the county, it might be as well if he were briefly to detail some of the leading circumstances which had been the means of directing the attention of the public to this colliery. (Hear.) It was a matter of notoriety that during the last two years, accidents by ex- plosions of what was termed fire damp," had very frequently taken place, by which many workmen had been seriously injured. In this case there were two ad- jacent collieries, namely-the Erskine Colliery, the pro- perty of the Earl of Jersey, and the Eagles' Bush Colliery, which was the property of Mr. Herbert Evans, -which collieries were worked by lessees-Messrs. Pen- rose and Evans, and were viewed by the public as one and the same colliery. He (the Vice Chairman) would not pledge himself for the accuracy of the statements he was about to make respecting this colliery, but he might observe that many of them were roatteis of common notoriety. He believed he was correct in stating that within the year 1845, a great number of accidents from the explosion of fire damp had taken place, (hear, hear), and that many of the colliers engaged in these works had been seriously injured by fire. (Hear.) He believed his honourable friend, the Chairman of the Neath Union (Frederick Fredricks, Esq.) would corroborate him when he stated that more than twenty persons had suffered. Mr. Fredricks.-Decidedly. (Hear.) The Vice Chairman stated that Messrs. Penrose and Evans, had at the Neath Petty Sessions, made application to the magistrates for summonses against certain of their workmen who had left their work previous to giving the usual and required notice, and the result of that applica- tion was that the magistrates to whom it was made, dis- missed it, being of opinion that as the works were notori- ously deficient in ventilation it would be hard to compel men to labour in them and thereby to expose them to great peril. (Hear.) However it would be unfair for the magistrates assembled in Quarter Sessions to give any opinion upon the subject until a proper enquiry had been car ried out; but as there could be no doubt that within the last two years a great number of persons had met with serious accidents by fire in the colliery, it was their duty to take measures for instituting an enquiry into the state of the works, with the view of protecting that numerous and useful class of persons who were engaged in mining operations, and who probably were not able to protect themselves. (Cheers.) The Vice Chairman then referred to the Act of Parliament—5 and 6 Victoria, cap. 99, termed Lord Ashley's act, by which it was made illegal to employ women and girls in collieries, and also contained provisions under which it was intended to memorialize the Secretary of State upon the subject, with the view of inducing him to send down a proper person to examine and report upon the state of the works and the means adopted for ventilation. No case of this kind, calling for the interference of the magistrates, had hitherto taken place-safety being the rule, and accident the ex- ception in the collieries of this district. (Hear.) How- ever he thought the magistrates were justified in making the present application as a great number of persons resided in this neighbourhood who were employed in coal works, and whose wives and families in cases of accidents, formed great burdens upon the rate-payers of the Neath Union. (Hear.) But still, the magistrates did not put their application upon that ground they had far higher motives for their conduct, namely, the protec- tion of a large body of men who were rather unable to protect themselves, and who were far from being a tur- bulent set of men. (Hear and cheers.) It was the magis- trates' duty to prove to that class of men that while they were at all times required to obey the law, the same law was also able to protect them from injury, and that they were entitled to receive the benefit of that protection. (Cheers.) There was no class of men more peaceably or well disposed than the colliers of this neighbourhood, and he was sure the magistrates generally would feel happy in doing anything calculated to promote their happiness and prosperity. (Loud cheers.) Mr. Griffith Llewellvn said, that the accidents were to be traced to insufficient ventilation. Mr. Dalton said he had received a letter from Mr. Penrose, in which it was stated that the accidents were frequently occasioned by labourers who had entered cer- tain stalls of the works with their lamps, into which the men had been forbidden to enter upon any pretence whatever. Upon one occasion 12,000 cubic feet of fire- damp had exploded solely in consequence of the careless- ness of labourers, and by which several men had been severely burnt. --— Mr. Fredricks said, that twelve months ago Messrs. Penrose and Evans pledged themselves that the state of their colliery should undergo an examination by an eminent surveyor of mines, but he believed the examina- tion had not taken place yet. Accidents were of frequent occurrence; and as there was no sort of fund established in connection with the works whereby men might be assisted during sickness, they were consequently wholly thrown on the union for support. Men, who unfortu- nately suffered by accidents, required great assistance- extra nourishment and attention. (Hear.) He did not think the burden of providing such extra assistance should be borne by the rate-payers the owners of collieries who derived such large profits-such immense advantages from the labours of their men—should come forward and contribute towards the support of men injured in their service. (Hear, hear.) Mr. J. D. Llewelyn trusted publicity would be given to (the matter-to the course taken by the magistrates -in order that the proprietors of other collieries might take warning. (Hear.) Mr. Fredricks stated that he was induced to infer from the tenor of a conversation he had had with Mr. Evans, that they were about to take the most decided measures, namely, to ascertain by means of a mineral surveyor (Mr. Struve), whether the works could be efficiently ventilated and if so, to proceed forthwith and ventilate them on the other hand, if it were ascertained that it was impossible to ventilate them efficiently, the works would be given up. Mr. Bruce Pryce said it might well be supposed that sufficient care had not been taken to ventilate the works, as in general coal-pit accidents by the explosion of fire-damp happened on Monday mornings: in the case of this colliery the accidents did not happen generally on Monday mornings. In ordinary cases the inflammable air gathered in the interval between Saturday night, and Monday morning; but at Eagles' Bush colliery accidents took place at all times. Mr. H. J. Grant said that those accidents had been going on for several years. It was then unanimously agreed, that the Secretary of State should be requested to send a surveyor down to inquire into, and report upon, the state of the colliery, with the view of taking ulterior proceedings under Lord Ashley's Act, should it appear by the report advisable. A conversation then ensued upon the same subject between Mr. NicbvJl Carjje, Hr. Brueg fry ce, wri Vice-Chairman, from which we gathered that by the provisions of the Act, proprietors of coal works may be compelled to have their collieries well and efficiently ventilated. LUNATIC ASYLUMS. The notice upon this subject was ordered to be held over to next sessions. THE SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. Mr. N. V. E. Vaughan rose and said, that as it was probable that in the event of the passing of the South Wales Railway Act, a great number of strangers would be employed in the county in forming the proposed line, it might be considered expedient to call upon the South Wales Company to appoint a sufficient number of constables to protect the property, and to preserve the public peace of the county. (Hear.) It would also be extremely desirable that the constables so appointed should be under the control of the Chief-constable, who, however, would not move them from their respective districts, but merely see that they did their duty properly, and by a proper system of training render them more efficient. (Hear.) Mr. J.D. Llewelyn said he had named such a proposition to the police committee, and was told that the case was provided for under the general act. The Vice-Chairman thought no harm would be done by giving notice that the subject be taken into considera- tion at the next sessions. Mr. Vaughan then gave notice—" That a communica- tion be made by the Clerk of the'Peace to the Directors of the South Wales Railway, expressing the wish of the county magistrates that a sufficient additional police-force should be employed along the line of road during the peiiod of its construction, at the expense of the company; such police-force to be under the control of the Chief- constable and superintendents of the county police." A conversation took place with regard to the payment of witnesses in bastardy cases. No order was made. The court rose at three o'clock, having sat two hours. At five o'clock the magistrates dined at the Castle Inn, the entertainment being placed upon the table in a style highly creditable to Mr. and Mrs. Savours. ( To be continued in our secondpaf/e.~)