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HEATH & SONS, SOLE AGENTS for J JYJETROSTYLE BROADWOOD, PIANOS, BLUTHNER, "piANOLA PIANO- ERARD, PLAYERS, SCHIEDMAYER, and NEUMEYER, TJ^OLIAN SELF- WALDEMAR, &c. PLAYING Also PIANOS in 0 RGANS. STOCK by —— EXCEPTIONAL DISCOUNT BRINSMEAD, FOR CASH OR COLLARD, EASY TERMS ARRANGED. BECHSTEIN, PROM "J /^D STEIN WAY, i-U O IBACH, &C. MONTHLY. ORGANS by 76« QUEEN-STREET, ORGANS Dj CARDIFF; MASON AND TAFF-STRLET, MABOJN AJN U PONTYPRIDD TTAMTTN PENARTH, and HAMLLJN, poRT TaLB0T. BELL> Nat. Tel.: Cardiff, 01199; DOMINION, &c. Pontypridd, 21. CAPITAL PLOTS OF BUILDING LANDi TO LET, Facing the Common. SPLENDID VIEW. LOW GROUND RENT A.Pi'v J, A. HUGHES, Esq., Solicitor, OR TO J A. OWEN, Architect, Cadoxton. BUILDING LAND TO LET afc Moderate Ground Rents for the Erection of COTTAGES, VILLAS, &c., on the MOUNT PLEASANT ESTATE, Cadoxton; Church Estate, ,fo.; Cadoxton Land Syndicate, do Land off Coart-road, do. and Central Estate, Barry Dock. — Particulars en application to J. A. OWEN. Architect and Surveyor, Vere street, CadoxOon-Barry. CHARING CROSS BANK, EST. 1870. C CARDIFF BRANCH-73, ST. MARY-STREET. Head Offices: 28, Bedford-street, Charing Cross, W.C., and 119 and 120, Bishopsgate-street Within, E.C., London. Branches throughout the Provinces. Assets, 1:881,616. Liabilities, £545,196, Surplus £336,420. Loans of R,30 to;62,000 granted on any security. 21 per cent. interest allowed on current accounts. Deposits of B10 and upwards received as under:- 5 per cent. per ann.. subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal 6 „ »> 6 r. 7 » „ 12 „ „ Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. The Terminal Deposit Bonds nay nearly nine per cent., and are a safe investment. Instead of paying large Dividends to Shareholders, we pay fair rates of Interest to Depsoitors, and by so doing have earned the position that we undoubtedly hold in the public confidence. We have been established 36 years, and our unique position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the success of our business methods and to the satisfaction of our customers. Write:or call for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS & H. J. TALL, Joint Managers. IFF- 7Eil FLANNELETTE. If purchasers' of this useful material for underwear all the year round would buy the best English make, which can be obtained from all leading drapers, they would avoid the RISKS they undoubtedly run with the inferior qualities of Flannelette. HORROCKSES' FLANNELETTES, Made by the manufacturers of the celebrated Lonorcloths, Twills, and Sheeting. ARE THE BEST. ♦'HORROCKSES" st^fy TJgg** T. EVANS, SHOEING AND GENERAL SMITH, NEAR THE OLD PARISH CHUECH, CADOXTON-BARRY IRON RAILINGS & GATES MADE TO ORDER. Orders of all kinds punctually attended to. WOMAN'S UNFAILING FRIEND. TOWLE'S Tff PILLS FOR FEMALES. QUICKLY CORRECT ALL IRREGULARITIES, REMOVE ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, AND RELIEVE THE DIS- TRESSING SYMPTOMS SO PREVALENT WITH THE SEX. BOXES 1/1 i & 2/9 (contains three times the quantity), qfall Chemists. Sent anywhere on receipt of P.O.O. for 1/3 & 2/10, by E. T. TOWLE & 00.. Ltd., Manufacturing Chemists, MOTTtNQIlAit. Beware olImitationi, Injurious and Worthless. NEW GARDEN SEEDS. OUR STOCK of New SEEDS has now arrived. They require no recommendation, as they are well known throughout the district. Please ask or write for Price List. Our Stock of SEED POTATOES (Lincolnshire Grown) will shortly arrive. THOMAS BROS., HAY, CORN, & SEED MERCHANTS, 24, THOMPSON STREET, BARRY DOCKS; AND 17, YORK PLACE, Sing a song for sixpence, Of dimes and dollars, too, Raining in your cash-box All the long day through. When the till is opened, There your gladdened eyes v Find the maxim proven: "Pay to advertise in the Barry Dock News." II HAVE YOU KIDNEY TRODBLE ? Are you suffering from any such serious sign as Backache,. Gravel, Dizziness, Swollen Ankles, Puffy Eyes, Uric Acid, Irregular Heart, Sciatica or Rheumatic Pains? POAHfS Sidney PIUS Can be Tried Free by Every Sufferer. (See below). t < 5 ?}P sf > "Every Picture 1 ML.J: jjjiiy/ | LI— j Y. Kidney Trouble Comes on Unnoticed, and is Fatal if Neglected. If you have any form of kidney trouble, you are running the-risk of Bright's disease, dropsy, stone in the bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, diabetes. For kidney complaint never gets well of itself, ,and if neglected it must end fatally. It takes the kidneys, all the twenty-four hours of the day to keep up with their work of purifying the blood, taking out the uric acid and the waste matter, and passing these impurities out of the body. Weak, sickly kidneys, however, cannot keep up with their work. They must have help, and it is because Doan's backache kid- ney pills give the kidneys just the help needed that this medicine is so successful in curing kidney complaints. If the kidneys are not helped some of the uric acid and other kidney poisons are left in the body, and these im- purities irritate, clog, and hinder the heart, the liver, and the bowels. That is why the whole body is ill when the kidneys are ill. Health, depends on the kidneys. Look; after them, and when you do not feel as well as you ought—no matter what you think your trouble is-give your kidneys help, in Doan's backache kidney pills. This medi- cine is special kidney help all its healing powers go to the kidneys. It aids the kidneys in their great work, it soothes and heals the tired kidney membranes, dissolves crystal- lised uric acid, and keeps the body free from kidney poisons. Do not neglect any such plain sign of kidn ey disease as gravel, sediment, pain in the back or loins, puffiness beneath the eyes, swelling of the knees and ankles, urinary disorders, rheumatic pains, nervousness, strange, ir- regular action of the heart, dizziness, headache, pale complexion, pimples, feeling of ex- haustion or depression, etc., etc. Doan's backache kidney pills will make you feel better in «. few days, and they will cure you to STAY cured. This medicine has been in use for the past seventy-three years it is the medicine for men and women, old and young. A SAMPLE BOX SENT FREE.—We have such confidence in Doan's backache kidney pills that we will gladly forward a free sample box to any sufferer from kidney or bladder trouble who will send us a penny stamp, to cover postage. (See address be- low). A book on kidney disorders will also be sent. Please say what paper you saw this offer in. The regular-sized boxes may be had of all chemists and stores, «or- direct from Foster- McClellan Co., 8, Wells-street, Oxford-street, London, W., at 2s. 9d. a box, or 13s. 9d. for six boxes. When purchasing Doan's backache kidney pills, care should be taken to see that the name Doan appears on the package you buy, for this is a guarantee of the genuineness of the medicine. PEARL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31ST, 1905. Presented at the Forty-second Annual General Meeting, held at the Offices of the Company, London Bridge, E.G., Friday, February 16th, 1906. IN presenting the Report and Statement of Accounts for the past year the attention of the Shareholders ie directed to the continued prosperity of the Company. The Income which in 1901 was JB1,005,938 stood at £ 1,499,102 on December 31st last, being an increase of nearly 50 per cent. in four years. The total Assets J31,429,782 in 1901 were doubled during the same period, the actual figures being £ 2,857,208. This rate of progress has prevailed in both the Ordinary and Industrial Branches alike; the Ordinary Branch Income being increased from £134,136 in 1901 to i £ 224,409, the Assets being increased from £ 459,223 to £ 979,564. This remarkable growth fully justifies the attention given by the Directors to this department ol the Company's business. For the first time in the history of the Company the sum assured during the year in the Ordinary Branch has exceeded a million. A Valuation of the business as at December 31st last has been submitted to the Company's Consulting Actuary, R. M. Moore, Esq., who reports a surplus of JS560,870, after providing for all liabilities. INCOME. The total Income for the year amounted to £1,499,102 10s Od, being an increase of J6116,734 9s 3d over that of the previous year. This includes;0224,409 4s 2d Income in the Ordinary Branch, which is JB28,550 6s Od greater than the previous year. The number of Policies issued during the year in this Branch was 12,545, assuring the sum of £1,043,580 Os Od, and producing a New Annual Premium Income of £ 44,073 7s Od. j PREMIUMS (DECEMBER 1905). The new Policies issued during the year number 1,359,086, and the Premium Income on the Policies in force on the Company's books now amounts to JB1,555,526 16s Id. OLAIMS. The Company has paid 66,989 Life Claims, Grants, and Matured Endowments during the year, amounting, with Bonuses, to £461,743 11s Od, which, added to the sums previously paid in claims since the establishment of the Company, make a total of £4,725,025 14s Id. ACCUMULATED FUNDS. The Total Funds, with Capital paid up, now amount to £ 2,857,208 7s 3d» showing an increase for the year of £ 428,793 14s 7d. This is the largest annual increase to the funds yet reeorded by the Company. By Order, P. J. FOLEY, Managing Director. See Reports and Opinions of the Press as to the remarkable progress made by the Company. Wanted, Additional Representatives in all Districts. To good business men liberal terms and certain success.—Apply to the Managing Director at the Chief Office, Adelaide Buildings, London Bridge, E.G., or to the District Superintendents—A. C. REDMAN, ST. MAWE's VILLA, KENILWORTH- ROAD, and 107, COURT-ROAD, CADOXTON-BARRY J. HUGHES, WIGAN VILLA, PONTYCLUN, R.S.O.







