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BARRY DISTRICT COUNCIL. MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MEMBERS. BARRY TO COLCOT NEW ROAD SCHEME. DEFEATED AFTER LONG DISCUSSION. THE OLD LANE WILL PROBABLY BE WIDENED. BARRY DIRECTORS AND MORE DRY DOCK ACCOMMODATION. The monthly meeting of the Barry Urban District Council was held at the Council Chamber, Gas and Water Offices, Barry Docks, on Monday evening last, when the members in attendance were Mr J. A. Manaton, J, P. (chairman), Mr J. Arthur Hughes (deputy-chairman), Alderman J. C. Meggitt. J.P., Mr J. H. Jose, Mr James Jones, Mr J. Milward, Mr A. Ti, White, Mr D. Lloyd, and the Rev Ben Evans, with Mr T. B. Tordoff (clerk), Mr J. C. Pardoe, A.M.I.C.B. (surveyor), and Mr C. B. Brown (accountant:) RHOOSE WATER SUPPLY. Mr Milward enquired what were the special arrangements made with the landowners in con- nection with the water supply to Rhoose ? The Chairman Mr Milward knows as well as the rest of the members of the Council. No arrangements have been made with the landowners; we simply supply the water to the Llandaff and Dinas Powis Rural District Council in bulk, and they will make all arrangements with the land- owners. NEW ROAD FROM BARRY TO COLCOT. Mr Milward enquired whether he would be in order in moving a resolution with reference to the recommendations of the Public Works Committee, with regard to the proposed construction of a new road from Romilly-road Schools to the junction of Barry-road and Colcot-road, in face of the motion of which Mr Jose had given notice ? The Chairman suggested that Mr Jose might move his resolution forthwith, so as to pub Mr Milward in order. Mr Jose accordingly moved that all resolutions dealing with Colcot-road be rescinded, so as to take into consideration the desirability of constructing such portions as the Public Works Committee may deem necessary, and also the construction of a road from Holton Buildings to Pontypridd-road. This was duly seconded and agreed to. Mr Milward then moved an amendment to the recommendations of the Public Works Committee in reference to the scheme for the new road between Romilly-road School and Colcot-road. He was, he explained, entirely unconvmected with any syndicate interested in land in the district, and was, therefore, at liberty to speak freely on this subject. According to the scheme submitted by the Public Works Committee, the Council were prepared to undertake the liability of making a road, 1,020 yards in length, from Romilly-road School to the junction of Barry-road and Calcot- road, at a cost of £3,592, irrespective of £ 252 for fencing. The Committee, however, had not included in their estimate a sum of at least £1,000 which it would cost to lay out as a park the seven acres of land which would be given by the Estate Company in conjunction with the road. This figure was rather under than over estimated. .1 The fencing of the park, 2,000 yards, including gates and posts, would mean another £750. Then there would be a caretaker's lodge to be provided, including tool house, conservatory, and cooling frames for flowers, which he estimated would cost a further sum of at least £ 600. Water rate and other rates and taxes he put down at £ 37 10s per year, which, capitalised over a period of 23 years, at 3i per cent., would mean £ 1,000. Then the Council would have to employ three men and a boy, with horse and cart, to look after the park this would mean £ 7 per week,or £360 a year. Added to this sum, Mr Milward said, they should take into account the sum of JS261, the Surveyor's estimate for short roads off the proposed new road and £ 1,020, half cost of the lower road, making a total of £18,075, from which would have to be deducted £ 3,381, the estimated cost of the old road, includ- ing fencing, bringing the net cost of the proposed new road to £14,694, or no less than £ 2,000 an acre for what wa,s said to be a handsome gift of seven acres of land to the Council. The figures which he had submitted were based in each instance on a low estimate. Looking at the matter from a ground landlord's point of view, he calculated the entire frontage of the gift of land at 5,160ft., which would provide 258 building plots of 20ft. each frontage, say at £ 3 each, making a total of L774 a year, which, capitalised at 23 years' purchase, would mean jE17,802 increased value of the land. He considered the Council had done too much of this sort of thing already, and if the ground landlords wanted the road they should make it themselves. He contended these figures would bear comparison and investigation, and he felt that the Council were not justified in carrying out the scheme, which was merely an adventure. The town was already full of white elephants, and, with the exception of the gas under- taking, there was not a single public undertaking in the town which was in any way remunerative. Mr Milward added that the Council were not justified in launching upon an expenditure of £ 14,000 in the construction of a new road when the town could be equally well served by the widening of the existing road at a cost of £ 3,000 or £ 4,000. Mr Milward concluded by moving as an amendment that the old road be widened to 60 feet instead of the construction of the new road. Mr D. Lloyd seconded. Mr Jose said he too was quite unconnected with any syndicates. He would have preferred if the figures submitted by Mr Milward had been published, so that an opportunity might be given to duly consider them before passing a resolution thereon. The Public Works Committee certainly did not view the matter in the same light as Mr Milward did, neither did Mr Milward himself advance these arguments at the Committee meeting. Mr Jose reminded Mr Milward that it was not intended to put up the fencing for a period of five years. The making of the new road, or the widening of the old road was an absolute public necessity. and the estimated difference between the entire cost of the new road and the widening of the old road was only £ 463. He thought, therefore, the making of the new road was much the better scheme, for, in addition to having the new road, possessing therefrom an excellent view of the channel and surrounding country, they would also have, as they had already heard, as a gift from the Barry Estate Company, who gave up the land for the purpose, a depth of 135 feet. about seven acres in extent, along the line of the proposed road, which it was proposed to use for public gardens. The laying out of this land in the manner I suggested by Mr Milward had never entered the minds of the Committee such a course would be altogether too expensive. Everyone knew that the present road between Barry and Colcot was in every sense dangerous, and if anything serious should happen there the Council would be- morally if not legally responsible, and he considered it was their duty to carry out this long deferred improvement as soon as possible. The Council should not be led away by fancy tales and fancy figures sprung upon them by Mr Milward without notice or without due consideration. If they widened the old road they would have to carry out the private improvements on both sides of the road, but in the case of the new road only on the south side, for the landowners would undertake to do the private improvements on the j north side. Taking all the circumstances into consideration, he was convinced that the new road scheme would be the cheapest and most advan- tageous to the town, and be hoped the Council would adopt this scheme. Mr Milward reminded the Council that this was only a section of a greater scheme to construct a new main road from Barry as far as the public arattoir at Cadoxton, at a cost of £ 60,0C0, and he thought the Council ought to be very careful, in the present state of the district, how the public money was expended. Rev Ben Evans said the old road had served the purposes of that district for many years, and he did not think the traffic over the road had in- creased very much. The Barry Estate Company were prepared to give a piece of land for the for- mation of a new road it was true, but he should like to know whether they had a guarantee from the other landlords that land would be forthcom- ing for the construction of the remainder of the road. Without such a guarantee he did not think they would be justified in proceed- ing with this scheme. Let them take the Gladstone road for instance the greater portion of this road had been completed for nearly four years, but there was a portion at Cadoxton not yet completed owing to the difficulty with the landowners. The Council has already several big schemes in hand. There was the small pox hospital scheme, whether temporary or permanent; then there was the Shelter at Barry Island. The Education Committee would also have to spend some £ 15,000 or £ 20,000 on the erection of schools in the near future, and a con- siderable portion of this sum would have to be spent almost immediately. They should be care- ful, therefore, to have the necessary guarantee before committing themselves to any further new schemes. He did not know whether they had public opinion with them in this matter. He thought the Council would be consulting its own dignity, and influence, and responsibility if they ascertained the feeling of the ratepayers, and took the public with them in this matter. This was the first time he had heard of this scheme, and he did not know whether the publie had had an opportnnity of discussing it. Until this had been done, and until the guarantee which be had suggested had been obtained, he felt it would be his duty to vote for the amendment. Mr J. A. Hughes said as a shareholder of the Barry Estate Company he would not be able to vote on this question, but he was quite entitled to speak. The question of this new road was one upon which the ratepayers of the West Ward felt very strongly, and more than one local election had been fought upon it. He pointed out the many disadvantages and inconveniences attendant upon the existing lane, which he believed was the worst bit of road in the whole district, and inas- much as it was the main approach from Barry to the County School and to the Cemetery, the new road should have been made long ago. But the question was, which was the best scheme ? The one scheme was to widen the existing road, which unfortunately was in a hollow, but the line of the proposed new road was on the brow of the hill, from which a commanding view would be obtained, and the land which would not be required for the road might be utilised for public gardens. The making of this road to a width of 60ft., and a length of 1.020 yards, was estimated to cost £ 3,592, with j6252 in addition if the road was to be fenced, whereas the widening of the old road to GOft., and a length of 897 yards, would cost £3,159, and the fencing an additional £222. If the town would not continue to grow as it was anticipated it would, the laying out of the land on the south side of the new road for public gardens would not, of course, be carried out for a number of years, but the land could in the meantime be utilised for allotments. At the same time he hoped to live to see the whole length of new road made from Barry to Cadoxton, but whether the greater scheme was carried out or not the present scheme was complete in itself, and it was greatly needed. He hoped therefore, the Council would adopt the suggestion of the Committee. Mr White endorsed the remarks of Mr Hughes that the views of the electors of the West Ward had on two occasions been expressed in favour of this roan. The ratepayers of Barry almost to a man were in favour of the new road scheme, ^especially when it was considered it would only cost £ 463 more than the widening of the old road. He was prepared to admit that it would benefit the landowners, but the town generally, and this part of the district in particular, would also benefit in equal proportion, for he was convinced that the making of this road would enable a better class of property to be put up, and consequently a better class of tenants would be attracted to the district. The Chairman was surprised that the Rev Ben Evans had not heard of this scheme before. It had been under consideration by the Council for fully three years. It was part of a bigger scheme, no doubt, but it was also a complete scheme in itself, and, as had already been pointed out, if the new road was made the ratepayers would only have to pay for private improvements on one side In his opinion this scheme was undoubtedly the best of the two. Mr James Jones asked what were the conditions under which the land was obtained from the Barry Estate Company ? The Chairman replied that the conditions were fully explained in the minutes before the meeting. A vote was then taken, when Messrs J. Milward, D. Lloyd, James Jones, and the Rev Ben Evans supported the amendment and the Chairman, Messrs J. C. Meggitt, J. H. Jose. and A. T. White voted for the adoption of the proposals of the Committee, the Chairman also giving his casting- vote for the latter. At a later stage of the meet- ing, the Clerk pointed out that the resolution would not be legally effective unless passed by the votes of two-thirds of the members. This being the case, the recommendations of the Committee were lost. Mr Meggitt next proposed that the fencing be not put up until the land had been covered by buildings along the north side Rev B. Evans seconded, and this was agreed to unanimously. Mr Milward intimated his intention also to oppose the scheme at the Local Government Board inquiry, when he would also name the parties interested therein. Mr Lloyd proposed as a further amendment that the land on the south side of the road to a depth of 135 feet be used for public purposes instead of for public gardens. Mr James Jones seconded. Three members voted for the amendment, and five against, Mr Hughes remaining neutral throughout. RAIN WATER CHANNELS. At the suggestion of Mr Jose, the Council agreed to abandon the idea of laying down cast-iron rain- water channels in the street pavements, on the ground that the system was an antiquated one, and had been abandoned in most of the larger towns. COST OF WORKING THE REFUSE DESTRUCTOR. At the suggestion of Mr Meggitt, it was resolved that a statement showing the receipts and expen- diture for the past three years in connection with refuse destructor, prepared by the Accountant, be printed in the minutes. THE SMALL-POX HOSPITAL. The Health Committee having recommended that the Surveyor be asked to submit a plan of the observation block of the proposed permanent Small Pox Hospital, sufficient to accommodate eight patients, Mr Meggitt asked if this was part of the per- manent scheme ? The Chairman replied in the negative. Mr Milward said it was part of the permanent building. The Chairman I mean that it is not part of the main building. Mr Hughes said the Council had discussed this question more or less continuously for three years, and he hoped there would be no further discussion until the plans asked for had been submitted. This was agreed to, and the Surveyor was also asked to include in his report a scheme for a temporary building. THE FIRE ENGINEER. Mr Jose drew attention to a minute of the Health Committee with regard to the application of Mr James Hutton, the fire engineer, for compensation for deprivation of appointment. Mr Hutton, he said gave up a permanent situation when appointed three years ago, and had been put to considerable inconvenience and expense when he went into occupation of the Fire Station, for he had to dispose of many things which he could not take into the new building, and had to buy carpets, window-rollers, &c., which would be of no use to him on leaving. He accepted the situation believing it would be a permanent one, I and now he was dismissed with a month's notice because the Council had decided to dispose of the steam fire engine. He considered that Mr Hutton was entitled to reasonable compensation, and he proposed that the matter be referred back to the Committee for further consideration. Mr White seconded. The Chairman agreed that it was rather a hard case. Mr Huttton had made considerable sacrifices and incurred a good deal of expense when he went into the building three years ago, and he suggested that Mr Hutton should be compensated for the loss be would sustain. Mr Hughes said that it was the opinion of the Clerk that it would be illegal to pay Mr Hutton compensation, but his claim might be met by giving him a month's holiday at the conclusion of his period of notice, and paying him for this extra time. Rev Ben Evans agreed that it would be a hard- ship to dispense with the engineer without some form of compensation. It was agreed to refer the matter back to the Health Committee, The Chairman then suggested that Mr Hutton's services be retained until the engine had been disposed of. Mr Jose agreed, and it was resolved on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Milward, that the engineer be re-engaged temporarily, subject to a week's notice. CADOXTON COMMON. Mr Jose having drawn attention to the fact that horses and other animals were allowed to graze on Cadoxton Common on Sundays, the attention of the Surveyor was called to the matter, with a view of steps being taken to prosecute those who sent animals there. MOTION WITH REGARD TO TENDERS. Mr Hughes moved, and it was carried, that in future tenders for haulage, scavenging, coal, and stores be advertised for at an earlier date, so that particulars and prices might be inserted in the printed reports of the Committees concerned, and that this be a definite instruction to all officials of the Council. CONTRACT FOR GAS COAL. The Council accepted the tender of the Plas Coal Company, Broughton, for 10,000 tons of gas coal, at 15s 9d per ton, or 6d per ton less than last year. STALLS AT BARRY ISFCANP. Mr White was of opinion that ,the time had arrived when the Council should more freely grant permits to persons desiring to have stalls on the Sands at Barry Island but Mr Hughes pointed out that Lord Windsor, as owner of the foreshore, objected to the same, and his Lordship would probably be unwilling to renew the lease, which would expire in July, if his wishes were thus disregarded by the Council. NATIONAL TESTIMONIAL TO "MABON." The Chairman and Clerk were appointed mem- bers of the general committee with reference to the national testimonial to Mr W. Abraham, M.P., (Mabon) and, on the proposition of the Rev B. Evans, seconded by Mr Milward, it was resolved that a public meeting be held in the town in furtherance of the scheme, tribute being paid by Mr Evans to the excellent services which had been rendered by Mabon in the cause of the workers, and especially in relation to the recent coal trade dispute. MISCELLANEOUS. The seal of the Council was ordered to be affixed to agreements with reference to the water supply to Rhoose. An offer made to the Council by Messrs Prestich and Hulway of a quantity of gravel was referred to the chairman and engineer of the Gas Depart- ment. PROPOSED DRY DOCK EXTENSION AT BARRY. A letter was read from Mr W. Mein, secretary of the Barry Railway Company, to the effect that the communications of the Barry Council and Chamber of Trade, with reference to the proposed extension of dry dock facilities at Barry, had been discussed by the directors of the Company, but they were of opinion that no useful purpose would be served by their receiving the suggested joint deputation from those bodies in the matter. Rev B. Evans Are we to take it that our views are endorsed by the Barry Company ? (Laughter.) The Council then went into committee for the consideration of several matters in private.



