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Furniture Removed. of all sizes kept. By Hour or Contract. DAVID PAULETT.. Light and Heavy Hauling done at mmtFURNITURE REMOVED BY ROAD OR RAIL Moderate Prices. \JPI1| ESTIMATES FREE POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. N ate the DAVID PAULETT, COAL MERCHANT, Court-road, CADOXTON-BARRY. OFFICES—STATION YARD & MARKET MEWS, CADOXTON. NO CUTTING OR LANCING IF DR. SMYTH'S UNIVERSAL SALVE IS USED THE BEST REMEDY for Wounds, Ulcers, Jt. Abscesses, Varicose Veins, Burns, Skin Diseases, and all Sores. Promptly relieves and cures Soro Throat, Bronchitis, and Chest complaints. Takes away all soreness when applied to any affections of the Skin and Flesh. Softens and reduces Hard Swelling, arrests Inflammation, and is exceptionally quick and safe in its action on all ailments for which it is recommended. Thousands of Tefitimonials:- 36, LONDON-ROAD, BOXMOOR, HERTS, May 10, 1901 DEAR SIR,—I am very pleased to add my testi- mony to the wonderful healing powers of Dr Smyth's Universal Salve. About 10 months ago I had a very bad ulcerated throat, which was swollen right across. The doctor said the only thing to be done was to burn the inside of my throat. Instead of allowing him to do this, I procured a pot of Dr Smyth's Universal Salve, and rubbed my throat several times. The next morning my throat was a. lot better. I continued to rub the Salve well in three or four times a day, and in a few days it was quite well, and I have not had any sign of it since. I have recommended the Salve to several friends for piles, and it has given immediate relief, and cured them in a very short time.—Yours truly, E. JOHNSON. Sold by Chemists and Store3 at 1/li and 2/9, or post free for price from JAMES SMYTH & Co Medical Laboratory, Cogan, Penarth. 1 J. R. CHAMINGS, POSTING MASTER, BARRY HOTEL POSTING STABLES. tS- WEDDINGS A SPECIALITY. Carriages, Wagonettes, Victorias, Lady's & Gent's Saddle Horses, and Traps on Hire at Shortest Notice. First-class Hunters by Day or Month. Large Brakes for Picnics and Parties. Cabs, &c., may be obtained to and from any Station in the. Barry District. Telephone, No 47. WORKMAN'S BOOT, 11/9 (The lolyneux) 11/9 SEE WINDOWS. it9- District Agent for the Renowned "K." MOLYNEUX & CO., 75, Holton-road, Barry Docks. (, For Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TRY THE Barry ock News' OFFICES. The Leading PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT In the DISTRICT. THE 'Barry Dock News' IS ON THE GOVERNMENT LIST FOR PARLIAMENTARY ADVERTISEMENTS r EIGHT PAGES. ONE PENNY WEEKLY. Published every Thursday Afternoon.

The Cycling World.