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BARRY DISTRICT COUNCIL. The monthly meeting of the members of the Barry District Council was held at the Gas and Water Offices, Barry Docks, on Monday evening last, the members present being Mr J. L. Davies, J.P. (chairman), Mr W. Paterson (vice-chairman), Dr P. J. O'Donnell, Alderman J. C. Meggitt, J.P., Mr J. H. Jose, Mr Evan Jones, Mr J. Milward, Mr J. A. Manaton, Mr James Jones, Mr E. B. Smith Jones, and Mr A. T. White, with Mr J. Arthur Hughes (clerk), Mr J. C. Pardoe, A.M.I.C.E. (surveyor), Dr G. Neale, J.P., (medical officer), Mr F. M. Harris (gas engineer and manager), Mr E. W. Waite, A. M.I.C.E. (water engineer), Mr T. W. Lewis (collector), Mr W. C. Howe (assistant overseer), Mr W. J. Hopkins (port sanitary inspector), and Mr C. Hockley (assistant town sanitary inspector). The sitting, in an atmosphere of tropical oppressiveness, lasted nearly four hours. A HOST OF QUESTIONS. Mr Milward enquired how many plumbers were employed in the Water Department ?—Mr Waite replied only one.—Mr Milward said only six water services were laid during the month, and the plumber must, therefore, have a considerable amount of time on his hands.—Mr Waite replied that the man had a large amount of other work to do besides laying services, and his time was fully occupied. In reply to Mr Smith Jones, Mr Jose explained that the sand purchased for the Gas and Water Department since the last meeting was part of a previous order. Mr Jose, referring to the advertising arrange- ments of the Council, pointed out that on the 20th of May the Council passed a resolution to insert the advertisements every alternate three months in the local papers, the Barry Dock Neivs to have the first three months. At the last meeting of the Council a resolution was passed setting aside the previous resolution, and he wished to know from the Chairman whether it was in order to rescind resolutions without notice ? — The Chairman replied that the resolution of the last meeting was probably not in order, but it was not now worth while interfering with it. Replying to a further question, it was explained by the Clerk that proper bathing machines would shortly be provided for Barry Island. Mr Manaton, calling attention to a recommenda- tion of the Gas and Water Committee, asked whether it was correct that the committee had decided to proceed with the erection of the new retort house. He maintained that the only resolu- tion passed was that the Clerk should write to the Local Government Board with reference to the loan.-It was explained in reply that Mr Manaton's version was correct. Mr Milward asked whether the Council had received the consent of the owners of property for the diversion of the road near the Colcot ?-The Clerk replied in the affirmative.-Mr Milward When was the inquiry held ?-The Clerk ex- plained that the road referred to in the minutes of the Public Works Committee was probably not the same road as that to which Mr Milward referred. The road which it was intended to ask the consent of Quarter Sessions to divert was a small piece of old road near the Hospital, and not behind the Colcot Arms.—Mr Milward felt that plans of all intended new works should be sub- mitted to the Council for inspection, so that the members generally might have the same informa- tion before them as the Public Works Committee had. He should like to know whether the con- sent of all parties had been obtained with regard to the road near the Colcot Arms.-The Clerk Not from all.—Mr Milward asked whether it was correct that the Clerk had entered into a private agreement on behalf of the Council with the owners ? -The Clerk denied that any arrangement had been entered into, and he should like to know who had made such a statement ?—Mr Milward said he had seen a letter written by Mr Jackson, the solicitor to Mrs Howell, of the Colcot, in which he said that Mr Hughes, as clerk to the Council, had promised that the Council would defray Mr Jackson's charges, and any other expenses in connection with the piece of land in which Mrs Howell was interested.-The Clerk repeated his denial of the allegation, and said he should like to produce the whole of the correspondence in the matter at the next meeting of the Public Works Committee. If negotiations were bandied about, he said, as appeared to have been done in the present instance by Mrs Howell, it could not do the Council any good. (Hear, hear).-It was resolved that the correspondence in the matter be produced at the next meeting of the Pnblic Works Committee. The Barry Estate Company having offered to give 190 feet of land to the Council in connection with the widening of a portion of road between Barry Hill and Holton Farm, Mr Milward enquired whether an estimate had been prepared of the cost of the work ?—The Surveyor replied that an estimate had not yet been prepared. — Mr Milward con- sidered it simply meant getting in the thin end of the wedge by proceeding with the work piecemeal like this. He moved therefore, that an estimate be prepared before further steps were taken.—Mr James Jones seconded.—Mr Smith Jones said it would be ill-advised for the Council to commit itself to making only a portion of the road.—Mr White had no doubt it would benefit the west end of the district to have the road widened, but they should first of all know what they were going to spend.—Mr Manaton did not regard the matter from a narrow point of view like Mr White, but maintained that the widening of this road would be for the benefit of the whole of the town, and he hoped the Council would agree to go on with the portion referred to, and at the same time make arrangements for the remainder of the road.—Mr Jose said the landowners were quite prepared to give up the land required, and the concession of the Barry Estate Company was for the benefit of the public.—Mr Manaton, replying to a question, said the Barry Estate Company were prepared to pay for the pavement on the north side of their land when built upon.— Mr Meggitt said he was in favour of making- the road at the same time he quite agreed with the suggestion that an estimate be prepared for the whole of the work. The matter might, therefore, be deferred for a month for this purpose -Mr Milward's suggestion was then agreed to by maiority.-Dr O'Donnell then moved that the portion in question of the road be deferred until consent had been obtained for the whole.—Mr Jones was of opinion that the object of certain members was to throttle the scheme, and he would second Dr O'Donnell's motion.—Mr Milward did not anticipate any difficulty in the matter of obtaining the consent of the parties con- cerned, as the whole of the land, he understood, belonged to the Wenvoe Castle Estate.-After some further discussion it was agreed that a report and estimate be prepared of the whole scheme. Mr Milward next asked what were the terms of negociation between Mr D. Spickett and the Council with reference to the working of the Hatch Quarry, and what was the result of the negociations ? — The Chairman said Mr Spickett made three offers-that the Council be responsible for the rent of the two cottages, that the crusher be removed, or as an alternative that proceedings be taken immediately to a b tte the nuisance—but the committee rejected the whole. Replying to Mr Milward, the Surveyor said the amount which it was proposed to expend on the two bathing houses and pool at Whitmore Bay would be £ 1,300, and this would be provided by Lord Windsor. NOTICE OF ANOTHER ABORTIVE RESOLUTION. Mr White having elicited from the Surveyor that he had invited Messrs Davies Bros. to tender for the supply of building materials in connection with certain new work at the refuse destructor, gave notice to move at the next meeting that the Council censure the Surveyor for setting aside the existing resolution of the Council with reference to this firm. DIVERSION OF A FOOTPATH AT MERTHYR DOVAN. The Public Works Committee having recom- mended the Council to take legal proceedings against Mr David Rees for the diversion of the old footpath at Merthyr Dovan, a letter was read from Mr Claud Thompson asking the Council not to institute proceedings until after the return of Mr Forrest, and this was agreed to. COMPLAINTS OF KUISAMCES. Mr Smith Jone, drew attention to nuisancea arising from an open manhole near the Gas Works, and a liquid percolation in Island road, and directions were given to have the same seen to. Mr White referred to the old reservoir near St. Paul's Church, and said having no fence it was a source of danger that should be seen to. SUB-LETTING BY A LOCAL TRADESMAN. Mr White moved the adoption of the minutes of the Finance Committee, with the exception of that portion imposing a penalty upon Mr Lewis Evans for sub-letting printing work entrusted to him for execution by the Council. This item, he said, might be taken separately.—Mr Milward seconded. —Mr Jose called attention to the charges for advertising, and it was stated that the matter would be considered by the Finance Committee.— The minutes were adopted. Mr Meggitt then proposed that no penalty be imposed upon Mr Lewis Evans. The matter, he said, was too trivial.—Mr Smith Jones seconded, and said it was incompatible with the evidence brought before the Committee to impose a penalty. —The Council divided, when seven voteed for the recommendation of the Finance Committee, calling upon Mr Evans to refund to the Council the amount of profit which he made upon the work he sub-let, and four (the Chairman, Messrs Meggitt, Smith Jones, and White) voted against. — The penalty was, therefore, imposed. — Dr O'Donnell said they had heard from Mr Meggitt that the case was a paltry one. That might be true, but he should like the members of the Council to be consistent and be guided by considerations of principle, and not, as some were, by personal spleen. Referring to the Barry Dock News, Dr O'Donnell said, although in that case not a penny of profit was made over the transaction, the proprietors of that establishment were penal- ised, and on that occasion Mr White moved that the Barry Bock News be struck off the list of printing and advertising contractors of the Council for twelve months. He (Dr O'Donnell) would move precisely the same resolution in the present instance and he would be curious to see how certain members voted on the matter. The charges against Mr Evans were actually admitted by him- self, and in the case of the posters, Mr Evans took the work knowing at the same time he had no type to do it, but he straightway sut-let the work, and made a big profit by it. — There was no seconder to the motion.-Dr O'Donnell said four members voted for it on the previous occasion, and amongst these four were Messrs Smith Jones, Manaton, and White. He always liked to put the consistency of such members to a test. His object had, therefore, been attained.—The two former protested against the personal remarks of Dr O'Donnell, but Dr O'Donnell retorted that he was merely mentioning facts he was sorry if they were not tasteful to them.—Mr Jose said the cir- cumstances in the case of Mr Evans were certainly worse than that of the Barry Dock News. In the present case there was a signed contract between the Council and Mr Evans that there should be no sub-letting, and yet the work was sub-let without permission; but when the complaint came before the committee the whole town was trumped up in order to get evidence to exonerate Mr Evans. In the case of the Barry Dock News. the Council had no legal right to impose a penalty. In the present case there was a direct violation of a signed agreement. Certainmembers sought topersuade the Council that no penalty should be imposed, and he should like those who tried to extort a penalty from the Barry Dock News under a threat of blackmail to be quite consistent, and treat all cases alike. He moved that the whole question be referred back to the Finance Committee for further consideration. -Mr White seconded that the matter be referred back to the Finance Committee, but even admit- ting that there was a signed contract between the Council and Mr Evans there was no penalty clause attached thereto.—Mr Smith Jones said the remarks of Mr Jose passed his comprehension as a labour representative.—Mr Jose's motion was defeated by two votes, but he gave notice to move at the next meeting that both penalties be remitted. THE SMALL POX HOSPITAL. Mr Jose introduced the question of making pro- vision for a suitable Small Pox Hospital for the town. He proposed that the recommendation of the Health Committee to let the Council's land near the Sanatorium be deleted from the minutes. This land, he said, should be used by the Council. A temporary small pox hospital should be built upon it, so that the Sanatorium might be available for the isolation of cases of infectious disease. Where there were large families, and one member was stricken with disease, it was only right that the sick person should be isolated. They were at present unable to use the Sanatorium owing to its being used as a temporary small pox hospital.— Mr White seconded the resolution. Some months ago, he said, the Finance Committee provided £1,000 for small pox hospital purposes, but this had been scotched. Whether this was done to force the Council's hands in connection with the permanent hospital he did not know.—Mr Paterson said he could not support the resolution. He' would only support a permanent building.—Mr Smith Jones supported the recommendation of the Health Committee. The object of the committee was that they should get something for the shoot- ing in the woods. For this privilege he was certain they could obtain a substantial sum. The recommendation also provided for the sale of over- growth.—Mr Meggitt hoped the recommendation would not be passed. If it was, the control of the land would go out of their hands. The drains at the Sanatorium were not connected with any public sewer, and the drainage went over this land. -On being put to the vote, the recommendation of the Committee was lost.-It was decided to put up a notice-board warning trespassers over the hospital land. ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE WANTED FOR COLLECTOR'S DEPARTMENT. With reference to an application for additional assistance for the rate collector's department owing to pressure of work, Mr Manaton said the work was very much behind, more especially with the poor rate demands. A suggestion was made that temporary assistance be obtained for the department pending the decision of the Finance Committee in the matter.—Mr Smith Jones said, in his opinion, the department was not understaffed if anything, it was overstaffed. The fact that the work of the department was in arrears proved nothing. Perhaps it was convenient that it was so. He went on to contrast the work of the in- come tax collector in the district with that of the staff in the collector's department, and said time and labour could be saved, and the work more efficiently done by means of a re-arrangement of the present system. There were too many sine- cures in connection with the Council already, and they should not be increased, neither should the work be allowed to get into arrears.—Mr White said in the present emergency temporary assis- tance should be obtained.—Mr Milward said he had gone carefully through the duties of the collector's staff, and felt there ought to be no arrears of work.—Mr T. W. Lewis (the collector) explained the heavy duties which his staff were called upon to perform, and said temporary assis- tance would be practically of no use. He asked for an additional clerk permanently for his department. There was a difference between Mr Milward and himself, and he objected to Mr Mil- ward being deputed to enquire and report upon the application.—Mr Milward said as far as he was concerned he knew of no difference between him- self and Mr Lewis.—Mr Manaton enquired whether there was any friction between Mr Milward and the officials in the collector's department.—Mr Smith Jones replied he thought it was a trivial affair, and when enquired into it would be found that there was nothing in it.—Mr Jose said there was something underlying this matter which ought to be cleared up.—Mr Milward said he was not ashamed of anything he had said or done, and he had no feeling whatever towards the collector. —It was decided to grant whatever temporary assistance was required, pending further considera- tion by the Committee. WHITMORE BAY ON BANK HOLIDAY. The Council refused to grant Miss Amy Evans, of the Voluntary Hospital, Barry Docks, permission to erect stands on the sands at Whitmore Bay on August Bank Holiday, but they granted applica- tions in two other cases upon payment terms. It was p3inted out that the beach inspector had com- plained that certain licensed boatmen did not ply for hire except on holidays, and the Council felt that should be borne in mind when the licenses came up for renewal. THE PURCHASE OF THE SYNDICATE SIDING. Mr White moved that the previous resolution of the Council with reference to the sale of land of the Syndicate Siding, and other land near the Gas Works, to the Council, be rescinded. The land, he said, was not of the commercial value it was suggested to be, and the whole thing should now be discussed in public.—Mr Smith Jones seconded. and said the committee failed to comply with the instructions of the Council to dispose of a portion of the land. The committee, he added, had entered into an agreement, and created a liability.—Mr Jose rose to a point of order, and said Mr Smith Jones did not know what he was talking about. The committee had done no such thin^.—Mr Smith Jones said he knew what he was talking about, and stated it appeared in the minutes that the Council had entered into an agreement with Mr T. R. Thompson to purchase this siding and other land abutting thereon for £ 7,000, and in entering into this agreement the committee had exceeded its instructions and violated the Public Health Act.—Mr Jose It is surprising that any reasonable rational body of men should be obliged to listen to such state- ments as we have just heard, statements which every member must know are not correct.—Mr Paterson They are lies !-Mr Jose said the com- mittee was appointed after the resolution to purchase the land was passed. It was unfair to the town, and demoralising to all concerned, that members should be allowed tc speak as Mr Smith Jones hat1 done. He moved, therefore, that a full report of the negociationsin the matter be prepared, together with a record of the voting of each member, and then it would be seen who were to blame.—Mr Jose's suggestion was carried, the report to be discussed at a special meeting of the Council. THE £ 18,000 SUPPOSED TO BE UNACCOUNTED FOR. Mr Paterson proposed that the transactions of the Council in connection with the purchase of the Gas and Water Undertaking be investigated to see whether there was any ground for the allega- tions that £14,000 was unaccounted for. That allegation had been made by a person who had been, and was still, chairman of the Finance Committee, and many in the town had a suspicion that there was something in it. He (Mr Paterson) had waited for some months to see if the person who had made the charges would take any steps to enquire into it. That person had not done so, and it was now for the Council to take steps to see whether any individual could prove the charges that had been made.—Mr Smith Jones seconded the pro- position, and said Mr Paterson was wrong in stating thathehad said it was £14,000 that was unaccounted for. What he said was that there was a balance of £ 18,000 in connection with the purchase of the undertaking that had not been accounted for.—Mr Paterson I am speaking about the £ 14,000, which was afterwards magnified into 18,000 by the Ratepayers' Association. — Mr John Cruise (secretary of the Ratepayers' Association, who was present with several ratepayers) I beg your pardon.—Mr Paterson Mr Chairman, I expect to be protected from the ratepayers. I will accept the £ 18,000.—Mr Jose said this was one of the nicest impeachments it had been his privilege to listen to. Some of Mr Smith Jones' personal friends, who were also his friends, had spoken to him about it, and they had said that Mr Smith Jones was going to explode the whole thing. Some of the ratepayers believed that the councillors had put the money into their own pockets.—Mr Smith Jones: I have not said 418,000 was missing. The Chairman: unaccounted for.—Mr Jose (continuing) said it was ridiculous to think that the Local Government Board would let £ 18,000 be spent without being accounted for. If Mr Smith Jones says he did not make the statement, I will accept it, and then the whole thing can be wiped off the table.—Mr Manaton intimated that he would vote for the inquiry. He had been told that the present councillors had had a share of the money.—Mr White said he would also support the proposition.—Mr Meggitt said he quite expected to see Mr White trot out his pet when he rose. He was of opinion that any body of persons would say that the District Council had acted like a lot of school-boys that evening. This was the worse of the whole lot of questions dealt with. This resolution meant the loss of thousands of pounds to the town, more particularly the resolution relating to the Gas Works Siding. He would call a man a fool to his face who said the councillors had had this money. It was sickening and childish that these election inuendoes should be brought before the Council.— Mr Milward considered that too much had already been said upon miserable questions of this kind. He had been at great pains to go through the accounts referred to that day, and Mr Brown (the accountant) and Mr Phillips (the treasurer) had rendered him all the assistance possible, and he was satisfied that there was nothing whatever in the allegation. He hoped, therefore, the Council would proceed with the business, and not waste time in this way,—Dr O'Donnell said Mr Milward had made the same assertion himself at Caddxton, and it was significant now to hear him repudiate it.—Mr Milward challenged Dr O'Donnell to say where he had made the assertion.-Dr O'Donnell I am prepared to give you proof.—Mr Paterson, reviewing the discussion, remarked that Mr Meggitt seemed to be afraid of resolutions lately however they might be worded. It was absurd for Mr Smith Jones or anyone else to suggest that £ 18,000 had not been unaccounted for when the accounts had year by year been audited and passed by a Government auditor. Mr Smith Jones had also made the assertion that he had applied to the clerk for a statement of the accounts in question, and had failed to get them. That too like his other statements was untrue. A complete state- ment had been supplied to him by the deputy clerk (Mr Willett), and a statement was also published in the year book of the Council for 1895, so that it was ridiculous to suggest that the information could not be obtained.—On a vote being taken, eight held up their hands in favour of the motion, and three (Messrs Meggitt, James Jones, and Milward) against. BOYS' CAMP AT SULLY. Permission was granted to provide a supply of water and the loan of a water cart to the Hamadryad Industrial School Camp at Sully. ANOTHER FALSEHOOD COMES HOME TO BOOST. The Clerk read a letter from Mr D. Paulett, denying a statement made by Mr Smith Jones at the previous meeting of the Council with reference p 11 to the rate of wages paid to the men in his employ. He paid his men, the letter stated, 22s per week, except one youth who was employed at the Hatch Quarry, and the men had been in his employ for a long time. It was very unfair, Mr Paulett added, that any member should make groundless state- ments of such an injurious character.—Mr Jose: That's another of them exploded. MEMBERS WILL TAKE A HOLIDAY. At the suggestion of Mr Meggitt, it was resolved that arrangements be made to hold as few meetings as possible in connection with the Council during August. This concluded the business of the meeting.













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