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HALL lUGHTS BESEBYED.1 AD RlETTA: OR. GRANDFATHER'S HEIRESS. BY MARY KYLE DALLAS- "When will she come?" repeated the invalid. Oh, when will she come 1" She is coming," said the doctor, I hear tlio carriage." She is not coming," said Mr. Brandon. "She is far away. I feel it-I know it. My heart tolls me so." In a moment you shall have her in your arms," said the doctor and summoning Ben, he hurried downstairs. The carriage had driven to the door. It stoarl therewith closed doors. On the box sat the family coachman, who did not stir. He held the rehis, but his head was bent down upon his bosom. "Dick!" cried the doctor. Dick made no answer. The doctor ran dawn the steps and opened the car- riage door. There was no one within. Dick cried doctor Jeffrys, answer m3. Did the train arrive safeiy 1 Dick descended from the carriage slowly. The lantern one of the servants held showed that his eyes were dull and his face flushed. He staggered and supported himself against the garden gate. A strong smelUof liquor was diffused from his person. "Answer, Dick cried the doctor. "Train's all right," muttered Dick, stupidly. And Miss Grevel did not come on it f" asked the doctor. Miss Grevel did como on it," replied the coach, man. Master's granddaughtar cams. She's in the carriage." There is no one here, Dick," said the doctor. "Man, you'vj been drinking." Doctor," replied Dick, I know I seem so, but it was just one glass, I don'tunclerstandit; and oh, dear, I'm so sick. But the lady is all. right, she is in the carriage." Good God cried the doctor. Sober your- self." I can't, doctor I'm very sick," said Dick, reel. ing forward. "I swear miss got into the carriage. She's there—no, she isn't. How did she get away ? Where is she ? And almost before the words were out of his, mouth, he staggered forward and fell to the grouud helpless and insensible. The doctor bent over h irn. "This man is not simply intoxicate," ho said, lie has been drinking drugged liquor." CHAPTER XIII. ARE YOU ADJtlETTA GltEVEL ? As cook left the church in a hurry to get lioina and see that the dinner was all right, soma ona stepped up behind her and said, Weil, Mrs. Cook, what a privilege these afternoon services are. lam sure you find them so; I never miss you from them, though, I am sorry to say, our house is not very well represented here." Goodness 1" cried cook, turning. How you did scare me, Mr. Fox, speaking to mo so sudden. Beg pardin' for not seein' you beforo and inakin my manners. And as for the services, Mr. Fox, a3 you was so condescending as to mention to mo in that affable way of yours, yes sir, thank yon, I feel them a great privilege, and I only wish 1 could see rny fellow-servants in the same frame of mind. And how is it I didn't see you, sir, lookV out for you as I did, knowin' you'd come if you couid on si c I an occasion." I was rather late," said Mr. Fox, and I think it wrong to disturb divine service, so I sat down in one of the free seats." Oh What a saint you are, to be sure, sir," s: id cook, with tears of something very like adoration in her eyes. There's them that ain't half so well off and high up as you are, sir, that wouldn't bo seen in the free seats. Oh, you are a pious gentleman, sir, and its a privilege to live in such a family." And cook, overwhelmed by the fact that Mr. Fox continued to walk beside and converse with her, smiled and courtesicd and turned the prayer book in her hands, now up and now down, and settled her shawl and remembered a story her English grand- mother used to tell her, of how the Duke of Daffo- tlowndilly fell in love with and married a protty housemaid. And the road homeward seemed as nothing to her, as she remarked when the gates came in view. Such conversation as yours, sir, passes time so wonderful. But sir," cried cook, the next moment, what's the matter? Ther's the carriage and the folks all about it and somebody lying on-the ground. Oh I hope the horses hasn't run away with Miss tui 1 killed her. I hope not, I hope not," said Mr. Fox, and the two hurried together to join the little group gathcred about the insensible coachman. What is the matter ? what has happened ? asked Simon, in an anxious voice. "This man has been drugged, and some one has taken your cousin from the coach in which lie was driviug her home, said Dr. Jeffrytf. Impossible said Shnon. That was his account of the affair before lie quite lost his senses," said the doctor. Then," said Simon, with all. (llle deference to your opinion, doctor, I think that you will discover the truth to be, that Dick has not been to the sta- tion at all, and that my poor little cousin is still waiting there. Dick has been .going to the tavern rather too often of lato, and feared -it would end in this way. Does my uncle know what is be- lieved 1 I have not told bur. yot," said the doctor. Ah, then, pray don't until wo can send and dis- cover the truth," said Simon. Don't alarm dear uncle unnecessarily." "If ever there was akind considerate gentleman 1" said eook, looking skyward. It is possible you are right," said Dr. Jeffrys. At least about Mies Grevel, but who will ride over ? "—he paused, interrupting the sentence with, There comes the stage. The driver will know if there is any one waiting for llS. Here, Mr. Cherry, MY. Cherry." The driver, a rosy-faced man, nodded and smiled, and stopped his horses. Any one for us at the station, Mr. Cherry ? asked the doctor. Yes, there was, and hero, they be," replied Mr. Cherry. I fetched 'cm along safe. What's the matter there ? Dick is taken sick," said the doctor, That's why he didn't fetch your folks, then," lie said Mr. Cherry. "But here they be s8,fe." And as the driver spoke, a gentleman jumped down and assisted a young lady to alight. -By Jove, it's G'rcsham," said the doctor. By the mercy oE heaven," replied Mr. Gresham, advancing. I never hoped to see you again, I thought my time had come. I trust I am not too lato," he added after a slight pause. Mr. Brandon is no worse," said the doctor. God be praised," said Mr. Gresham. "And here, Doctor JeftVyS, is our dear Miss Grevel, who has borne her trials bravely, I assure you. Ship- wreck, starvation, the presence of death. Miss Adrietta, this is your grandfather's physician, and yonder is your cousin, Mr. Simon Fox. I am telling them how brave you are," lie added in French. I am very 'appv," said Eve yn, with an elegant inclination ot the-hoad, to meet YOll." The doctor advanced extending both Jiis hancl^.



