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I The Man About Town.-




Umintas Aftdrtssts. X STOP ONE MOMENT. X "Ob, dear. Doctor, what will you recommend for my Children's Cougi. i and Cold ?" rjiRY rjpuDOR yy ILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. iChe most marvellous Cure for all disorders of the Jhest, Throat, and Lungs. It never fall. to give Statant relief, and does not contain Laudanum, Opium, or Morphia. ECONOMISE YOUR HEALTH. HEALTH IS THE FIRST WEALTH. All who IU., engaged in indoor and outdoor ttcnpation. and are especially exposed to the «»er- ♦arymg climate of Great Br¡in, BE WISE IN iWI Don'b tamper with Danger, but go Itraight away for TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY IT IS INVAMJABLB for weak-Chested men, delicate women, and children. to curee when all ther remedies fail It cures Couchs, Colds, )troncbitis. Asthma, Tighto^* of the Cheat. It rtirne thousands of children A Bronohitis and Whooping Coughs. It cures tor One Shillinsr vhen Pounds have been spent in vain. DO rRY IT If you have a Cough, try it; if you have a 3old, try it; if you have Bronchitis, try it. It oosens the Phlpgm and promotes expectoration, >roducea warmth and comfort to tte chest, and ;iv,-e refreshing sleep when you have lost nights f rest. READ ON. NOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, lose banged up, throat sore, limbs aching, with a general feeling of smothering, a few dO"8 of tbe Balsam of Honey will ote?r the wretched lymphoma away almost before you know it. There s nothing like it on the market it is thoroughly ip to date it trickles into all the system A ne friend, prompt and reliable in its ac'-ion, BRONCHITIS. Thera are thousands of children who die tnnnally from bronchitis, whooping cough, and iroup. A grand discovery has been made for the core of such complaint*, nfinely, Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey, which contains Welsh hon^y and an essence of the purest and most t-fficacious herbs. A Swansea lady declare that this famon* Balsam acts like magic on her ihildren whenever they are afflicted with one if these kindred ouinplatovs. It is to be obtained all Chemists and Stores. Sold by all Chemists and Scores all over the World in li 1 d. 2s 9 i, and 4s 6ci bottles, DUCK AND SON Bt-g to announce that they are this wek distributing their new Price List for 1896. showing sensational reductions in the pries of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Pho- tographic Good*, &c. A comparison of their prices with those of other firms will show an absolute saving of 3%d in the Is, thus proving them to be the £ IHEA4PEST £ J H E mists in South Wales. One List will he de- livered to every Householder in Cardiff and District, or may be had gratis and post free on application to their address, viz., St. Jnhn's-square, Cardiff. Special attention given to Doctors' Prescriptions, which are prepared at about one-third the charges usually made §K CARDIFF. 244, t j 2<4e A lqo"rr DROP IN BUTTER r SELLING THIS WEEK. QUR Jp IN EST JJANISH BUTTER. ILOD. PER LB. QUR JpINEST IRISH CREAMERY JJ UTTER, IAD, P E It. LB. NOTE ONLY A ODRESS- JJAVlD JO N S A 0(1.. I M I T E D 4 w ESTMINSTER STORES, WHART014 STREET, QARWlTf; fclfe -i '-— r — r — ROYAL ^r«tSD W tt t 9 19 N V wu KXPCRIKNCB A very narked alpotetia" of the above, showing that they who Value ft good thing are wide awake, WN ANTICIPATE A still farther increase of popularity of the Whiskey 01 WEL H WALKS, distilled from REAL WELSH BARLEYS of the finest quality. )V ALL WIN. AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS THROUGHOUT WALES, ilk fat it, you will easily obtain it; if set, write as for name of nearest Agent. Distillery: VROfN GOCH. BALA. Wholesale Agents: J. R. JpHILLIPS A CO. NELBON-MBET BRISTOL 1386 MZLIA)R% SAUCE. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Martceti j^JELLOR'S SAUCE. The Beet Cheap Daooe la the Market. The Best Cheap Sauce in the Market jy/^ELLOR'S j^AUCE. Tbe Beat Cheap Sanoe in the Marked The Best Cheap Saace In the Market. MFIALONS SAUCE. The Best Cheap Sauee in tbe Market The Best Cheap Sance in the Market MELLOR'S SAUCE. 12S7 The Best Cheap Saoee in the Market. 91o The Best Cheap Saace in the Market. THE SCHOLASTIC TRADING 00., JL LIMITED. CLEARANCE CATALOOUE OF BOOKS FREE ON RECEIPT OF lD. STAMP. DtANSPARENCIK8 for WINDOW DECORATIONS t'rom 6d per Sbftt. SCHOOL FURMT LAC AND ALL SCHOOL MATKMAL. GLOBES for School ~nd iioms Use, torm Ss each. iqotjg PAPKR and BN VKLOPKH. Plata aad Fa.V, From 6d per Packet. -—— 1293—50V », ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. DON'T FORGET THAT VIRIDINE. is the CURK for COKN.-i.-Thia grand disccin y Dae led mrny to Imitate it. but without fa* I neb mnamtion the ati fa? tory refUite ViAdIM I hM aee?wd. In bf?Uett. Is a p^t ?' 2d. J MUNDAY Chet!:?. I ih trwt ("ardUU. TY,ETU. Complete Set, One Guinea. I Pt. oafV W.,rrao 'OODU A C. 56. ,.I 'tnt, ,mci 18 tfuV.i'rect, C'trdtif i Snaituss Abbrtsl' rpHB WEST. END TAILORS, — REGD.. 19, DUII-E STIIFFT. CARDIFF, FOR HIGH C L Ass T AILORING AT UP TO DATE PRICES. FIT AND STYLE THE VERY LATEST 25 PER CENT UNDER LOCAL PRICES. 127s CONSIGNMENTS ARRIVING DAILY. MAlL OARTS AND pERAMBHLATORS IN ALL THE VRY LATEST DESIGNS FOR THE COMING SEASON. Largest Stock in Wales to Select from at l285 SPENCER'S 486. RENOWNED BABY CARRIAGE WARE HOUSE, ST. JOHN'S CHUITCH SQUARE. CARDIFF. Repairs in all Branolies by Experienced Workmen. J. E. C OMLEY AND gON Are now Booking Large Orders for Coming Season for PRESENTATION CHINA. BALLS, PLUSH GOODS, PURSES. ALBUMS, FANCY GOOD"* of all Dmcrtptioniq, Jfcc., ice. GARDEN AND JfLOWER speeds In Id. Packets, CAREFULLY SELECTED FROM SOME OF THJB BEST GROWERS. Special Quotation on ApplWtion. We hold the largest and Best Selected Stock of Fan -y and Oeneral Goods In South Wales. Oar name being so well Known needs no further comment. Note Address 23, MOiltA-TERRACE, CARDIFF. I Bae Clo e to New Infirmary. 1601 KSTABLISHKU 1880. WHOLESALE ONL V lnjTJRNTS FTINO, FOR JpURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEWEST DESIGNS, ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS, LOWEST PRICES, AND FOR CACltI ONLY, GO TO WILLIAM S'S FURNISHING EMPORrUM4 14, B t 0 B S R gET, C A U D t V P. ALL GOODS PACKED AND DELIVERED FREE WITHIN 100 MILES; 1243 pRtEST AND CO., KING'S ROAD. CANTON, CARDIFF, WIRE NETTING in SO Yard Rolls 3m. Mesh 2fL wide 2/8 3in..4 af ir ;i 4/2 3im a 4ttr a 5/5 2in. Mesh 2ft. wide 3/7 I 2in: u 3" S? 2ITK i: 4", II 7/0 I GALVANISED SHEETS-nest Quality 5ft. long. 1/1 -RLh 6ft. ,1 14 )) 7ft. U ?. 1/7 ,t 8ft> long, 1/10 each 9fti ,.?.2/2 10ft. 2/6 ,1 ROOFING FELT, 25 Yard Rolls—Beet 3- 2d, 4., 5* 6'l. Im.1 6s 6d Roll. BÁRBRD WIRE; HUttOLES, GARDEN ARCHES fta SPECIAL TERMS FOR CARRIAGE PAID. H5 JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA W I NE. IMPERIAL 2/6 pm-s lit a real gemrine Coca Wine prepared from the fresh green leaves of tbe Krythroxylon Coca, a shrub cultivated on the slopes and flateao of the Andes In Bolivia and Pern, ft is fMm the" leaves tb?t the wonderful local A nsMtbetlc cocaine is prepared. The Wine with which we extract the leaves has been specially selected and blended for as by Messrs Stevens and Sons, Ltd. JESSE WILLIAMS'S COCA WINE baa been praised as a nervine and muscular tonic preventing waste of tissue, appeas- ing hunger and thirst, relieving fatigue, aiding free respiration, and as being useful in various diseases of the respiratory organs. It is recommended for indigestion, pe. tMt))t? <<M'trodyn!a.. n?Me&, i4eknwo, die. =fof f-I"Z It is?et) to relie,. p*Aa, D&U".k. vomit4og or discomfort oaused by excess In eating or drink. It is the antidote for Brain Fag and Worry. For Fatigue of Mind and Body. For the sleeplessness and nervousness that comes of overyork. anxiety, and worry. There 18 sotbvi so good aa JESS. WMLIAMWS COCA WINE Park Hall Building, Cardiff. 1864-00. NO EXPENSE IS SPA RRD to make oar D.C.L." Y1Wrr. PERFECT BOTH FOR HOMB US ft AND BAKERS, RKQUIRKMENTS. If 100 have not tried it send to 118 for a free sample and If y Booklet of Instructions. Sole Manufactarms: THE DISTILLERS OU., LTD., EDINBURGH Always ask for 11 D£.I. 3m STONE BIIOS., Sens of the late Ald. Gaius Augustus Stoae COMPLETE FUNERAL KURNISHRRS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes, of Funeral Cars. Hearses, Shilli- and CMchee, Superb Flemish Horgeset-L Ptice List on Application. Please Note the Only Address J— S, WORKING-STREET. TetaRrapbic AddMM >- "STONE BROt? CAJROm? OMN T,RoiL. CA"Lmw 157e ASECRE1 UNFOLDED AT LAST I It is a positive f^et that no one in tbe world has been able to put a beautiful pearl-like aloft on linen, C°? Collars, etc., 10 eMY ",ad qalolt. by -III tbe NEW DO O,I,H l IN EN Ol.AZE. ng the It is the pride of the world. The work of ironing Is turned into plewure. Try it. and judge for yourself. A Child can use it. Sold By Grocers, ,,c, everywhere, in Id and 3d I packet.. Mlt?qUPAIU zpA-G. TOBLEV AND CO. 7. 59, Rilghnston-street. Birmingham jlttbltf Antustmtnts. CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYAL. LKSSEI AND MANAGER MR ED FLETCHER. ANOTHER GREAT SUCCESS OF Mr MORELL'S and Mr MOUILLOTS COMPANY, in the Greatest Financial and Artistic Success Gaiety Theatre, London, has ever known, THE SHOP GIRLI THE SHOP GIRL. THE SHOP GIRL. G.W. RAilwa-y.-On Thursday, May 14th,A Special Ex- cursion will RUN from Swansea, High-3treet, A,t2.1C, an'L returning AT 10.4?, calling at all intermediate Stations Time and Prices as usual. Half-price at 9. Booking Offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Limited, Queen-SK. from 10 tW 5 o'clock. Telephone No. 521. NEXT MONDAY, May 18th- First Visit of Mr Milton Bocie's Company, in the most Successful Comedy ever produced, entitled- GENTLEMAN JOE, THE HANSOM CABBY. Words and Lyrics by Basil Hood. Music by Walter Slaughter. Originally produced at the Prince of Wales Theatre, London. THE EMPIRE. QUEEN-STREET. MANAGING DIRECTOR—OSWALD STOLL. SPECIAL NOTE —The highest praise emphatically expressed has been generally accorded to out new &t&Wbhuuont# TO-NIGHT < THB LUMIERE CINEMATOGRAPHE, THE ORIGINAL—NOT A COPY, Under the direction of MONS TRKWEY. These living photographs, presented at 'he RPIBE. LONDON, have attracted the 41ite of the Metropolis. The Cinematographe will exhibit at each of the two perlormances every evening, and also daily M .30, 3, !.jC, and o'clock. THE WEBB BROS., Continental Musical Comedians. LIZZIE VALROSE, Ballad and Light Comedy Vocalist. ABKL and WELSH, Laughs ble Gymnasts. ETHEI. DOVE, Impersonatorof Coster Character. WALLIS & LANG I ON, Comedians. ARTHUR BOS H, DON, Comedian ill SONG. PAUL LENGTHY. The Black Calue Back. NEXT WMEK: Tony Wilson and Clown. Rose Hamilton, Tom Lokmore, Box OtBce open daily 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plan of Boxes, Fauteuiis, and Grand Circle. C^RAND THEATRE. THE PREMIKR THEATRE OF WALES. I.RMKK A MAFAUBR Mr (JIIAKKNI'K RTOLJNER ENORMOUS ATTRACTION & GRAND SUCCESS of America's foremost Novelty. HARDIE and VON LKER'S Company, including the Eminent American Actor, Mr JAM SH. WALMCK, in the Original Modern Kquest ri N Sensational Drama|s,> Monday, Tuesday, I fTHE 13ANDIT IIING, and Wednesday, i. Thursday, Friday, IFFLHE J IATTLE 1/ ING &nd Saturdy. J? j t? Return Visit of THE PROFESSOR'S LOVE STORY Doors open at 7 commence 7.30. Box Office open at Theatre daily 10 to 4. Telephone 725. Pricee 6d to £11.. JP H RL H ARMONIC, A L L (^TOLL'S jpANOPTICON. MANAAING DIRECTOR OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT, a.t 8 o'clock. SATURDAY, at 3 and 8 o'clock. JJOBERTON'S K NTUOKY JYJINSTRULS. Pronounced by all who have seen it the best Troupe of Christies ever in Cardiff The Prices of Admission a" unexampled in their modemtion-Is, 6d. and 3D—just h?f what this Company ever appears to. LAST' WICEK. LAST WEKK. Remember their former visit, whieh was a record success. SACRED CONCERT ON SUNDAY NEXT. ?JHEPHERDS SECOND ANNUAL O ATHLETIC SPORTS M FOOTBALL TOURNA MKNT takes pJaee on VV HIT-MONDAY and TUESDAY, in the Taff Vale Park, Tie forest, when ?HMwiUbe?euinprizea aud a?nu?menta. Entry forms and f rther ptnticu?rs to be had on application to the Secr?Mtry, Mr Isaac Liles, 2. Danycoedoae-road, Pontypridd. 14e SWANSlflA. 'r H E B M P I R E A. MANAEINA DIRKCIOR ..OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT I The Great, Only, and Uprecedented C A 1 C E D O On the Wire. Literally a Wonder. Joe Edmonds, Lilian Robina, Alli- and Jukn, B. W. Bentley. Agnes Hazel. Gladys Hallett, and Herbert Le Martine. Next Week :-Paul I.n r Harry Champion, Sisters Wynne, Brothers Webb. jS'l?JWrORT. rp H H E M F I R ? 1. MAIunIRø DI]LZMR .?StVALD 8TOH. TO-NIGHT I HARRY CHAMPION, The Quick and Quaint. THE THRKE SISTERS' WYNNE. Divinely tall, and most divinely fair.* Zlobe, Paul, Carrie Joy, Horace Warde, The Omars, and FRANK COYNE Next Week -The Great, Only, and Unprecedented CAICEDO on the Wire. PONTYPRIDD. ROYAL CLARENCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. PROPRIETORS Messrs TRRNCHARD & JONES' TO-NIGHT, at 7.45, the Charming and Popular AetresR, Miss MARIE DAGMAR, in the New and Original Dra.ma, from the Pavilion Theatre, London, A WOMAN'S VICTORY. Mabon's Monday, May 4th, Grand Holiday attraction, Mr A. E. Percival's No. I Company in Joseph Jeffer- son's great play. The SHADOWS OF A GREAT CITY. Booking Office: Messrs Thompson and Shackell's Tatf-street. Prices as usual. (Excursions. DAILY SERVIOE BETWBKN CARDIFF AND WESTON By the WAVERLEY (Weather and circumstances permitting), MAY. Leave CARDIFF. Tues. 12-8.0 a.m., 3.0, 5.0, 7.0 p.m. 10.15 Wed. 13-8.30, 10.15 a.m., 4.30, 6.45 p.m. Thur. 14-9.0. 10.45 a.m., 4.45, 6.45 p.m. Fri. 15-9.20, 1L15 a.m., | 5.30 p.m. Sat 10.0 a.m., 12.10. 5.46 p.m. Mon. 18-9.30, 11.30 a.m., 1.30, 7.0 p. m. Tues. lb—930, U.30 a.m., 2.0, 7.30 p.m. Wed. 2D-10.15 a.m., iai5, 3.0 p.m. ) Leave WESTON. ) Tues. 12—8.50 a.m., 3.50, | 5.50,8.15 p.m. ) Wed. 13-9.20 a.m., 3.0, 15.30, 8 15p.m. Thur. 14-*9.50 a.m., 3.30, 5.40, 7.45 p.m. (via deTe- don). Fri. 15-*Ioln a?m., 4.15, 7.30 p. aL I Sat. 16-9.0, *10.50 a.m., | 4.30, 8.0 p.m. I M n. is 0 a.m., 12.20, 0, 8.0 p.m. ..? 8,9?_ 0.20 12.30. 6.30, 8.30 .m. Wed. 20- 11.10 &.nL, LIO. 8,0 pm. 8teamer leaves Penarth New Pier 10 minutes later than Cardiff, except trips marked thus (*). REGULAR SERVICE to and from CARDIFF and PENARTH, LYNMOUTH and 1LFRAUOMBE, By the magnificent Saloon Steamers BRITANNIA, CAMBRIA, WESTWARD HO! LADY MARGARET, RAVENSWOOD, a.nd WAVERLEY. Weather and circumstances permitting. MAY. LEAVE CARDIFF. I Taeød&12. 9.30 a.m. Wed. 13 10. 0 a.m. Thur. 14 10. 0 a.m. Friday 15.. 10. 0 am. Sat. 16.11. 0 a.. m. I Monday 18 11. 0 am. Tuesday 19.11. 0 a.m. I Wed. 20,10a.m., *2.45 p.m. I LEAVE ILFRACOMBE. Tuesday 12 3. 0 p m. Wed. 13 3. 0 P.M. Thur. 14 3.15 p.m. Friday 15 3.30 p.m, Sat. 16. 4. 0 p.m. Monday 18 6. 0 p.m. Tuuday19.. 5.30 p.m. Wed. 20 730 p.m. Steamer leaves peoarth New Pier 10 minutes later than Cardiff also steamer leaves Lynmouth 35 minutes later than Ilfracombe. SPECIAL CHEAP THROUGH FARPtg IO TO DEVON AND CORNWALL, In coqjunction with the London and South• Western Railway Companv. For full particulars and fares see bills. 1355—67fie SPECIAL SAILINGS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th. HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP TO BRISTOL. Leave Cardiff 3.30 p.m. Bristol 7.45 p.ms EVENING TRIP TO CLEVKDON AND BRISTOL. Leave Cardiff 5.30 p.m. Bristol 7.45 p.m. Clevedon 8.45 p.m. THURSDAY. MAY 14TH. EVENING TRIP to CLKVEOON. -Lskve Cardiff 5.45 p.m., Clevedon 8.15 p.m. Fare, is. CHANNEL C, UlSE to CLEVEDON. via Weston.— Leave Cardiff 6.45 p.m., returning about 9.15 piL Fare, For further particulars see bills, or apply Mr WM. aUY, Agent, 70a, Bute-street, Oardiff; or Messrs P. and A. CAMPBKLL, LTD., Cumberland 1340 Bas n, Bristol. M6e a UGHES'S ]I UGHESIS BLOOD BLOOD pILLS PILUS. If y- W-t t* be h?thy. strong, "d ,"iti, of ?1 impo? ance t!?t YOUr b)oo? be in good CODdi?iOn- B&ù and poor hi means UJ-health and probably d-th- Fortify younteM by takinJgp iLLS, JJUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS. which are undoubtedly the very finest remedy ..stant for improvlne and strengthening the blood. n you suffer from INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA. WIND. BllJOUS" NESS, CONSTIPATION. NEB- VOUS COMPLAINTS. BLOTCHES and SORES, PILU SICK HEADACHE, KIDNEY TROUBLES, etc., etc., these pU? will care you qu'cMy and ?tao. tWely. Don't a6tay MY lonm but get a box to-day. Prepared by JACOB HUGHES. Manufacturing Chemist, and sold by all Chemi-is An'l P-It-ent MadJ. cine Dealers at 19 111sd, 2a 9d, and 48 6d. or Mnd value ill stamps to Special Agents, Messrs NEWDIM a I & 2. Kins Edw&rd?treet, London, E.C. ti UGHES'S H UGEtEsss .BLOOD 13LOOD it L>ILLS. |>ILLS. W4 J. 1194 public Notices. pORTHCAWL, WHIT MONDAY. ATHLETIC SPORTS AND GALLOWAY RACES. For particulars see bills. 120e EDGAR J. Coxa Secretary. p RAND FETE&-ÁTHLETIO PORTSt I under A.A.A. Rules (by permission), will be held WHIT-MONDAY, on BARRY ISLAND, pro- moted by the combined Friendly Societies of the district. for the Benefit of the Nursing Association and Cotta.ge Hospital. PRIZES to the value of nearly £50 will be given. Entry Forms and further particulars to be obtained from Mr H. Wheeler, Griffin Hotel. St. Mary-street, Cardiff and Mr F. Huelin, Liberal Club and Institute, Barry Dock. I Entries close Thursday, May 21st. Friday morning's post in time. 206 TENDERS are INVITED from Hotel and Refresh- I ment House Keepers for BOOTHS and TENTS. I Applications to be addressed to Mr J. HARRISON, I Hon. Sec. R.A.O.B. Institute, Barry Dock, and sent in not later than FRIDAY, the 15th inst. ROSEBERY HALL, PARK-PLACE CARDIFF. GRAND MAY FEvSTIVAL, MAY 13th, 1896.' Little Old Woman Who Lived in a 8hoe. (Mon- streShoe 6 teet long.) Four and Twenty Blackbirds." in Costume. (Gigantic Pie.) Musical Drill, Amusing Action Songs Humourous Dialogues, Choir lOO Voicex. LAD\ WINDSOR (Mayoress of Cardiff) will receive purses and flowers. Reserved .seats, Ss Unreserved, Is 6d; Second Sftots, Is Back, 6d. Separate entrance apart frum Exhibition Buildings in Park-place. Plan at Band of Hope Union Offices, Arcade Chambers, St. John's. aquMe, Cardifl\ 1/29 43e OARDIFF JgJXHIBITION, 1896. PUltON HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Q P E N jQ A I L Y FROM 10.30 A.M. TO 10.30 PH. FINE ART GALLERY (Containing 800 Pictures). MACHINERY IN MOTION. GREAT DISPLAY OF WORKING MODELS. WORKING COAL MINE. MODEL GOLD MINE. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS: LAKE AND CANAL with ELECTRIC LAUNCHES and GONDO AS. BAND OF 9TH (QUEEN'S ROYAL) LANCERS WILL PERFORM TWICE DAILY in TUII IMPERIAL GARDENS FROM 2.30 TIUL 5, AND 7.30 P.M. TUT 10 P.M. In RESPONSE to NUMEROUS RE. QUESTS, the Executive Coanoil have decided to ACCEPT PAYMENT FOR SEASON TICKETS by the FOLLOWING INSTAL- MENTS, namely :— On APPLICATION 6s (including cost of photograph), and 3 MONTHLY PAYMENTS of .5s each, PAYABLE at 1, 2, and 3 MONTHS after date of APPLICATION. THE OLD WORLD BAND (from Amsterdam) WILL PERFORM ON BAND STAND IiN INDIAN BAZAAR from L30 till 3.30, and from 5.30 till 7. THE WHOLE OF THE GROUNDS WILL BE BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED NIGHTLY BY 10.0TO FAIRY LAMPS. Applications for season tickets will be received at the 702e Office. Exnibition 15886—1358 CAnnIFF EXHIBITION, IN A PARK OF 50 ACRES IN THE CENTRE OF CARDIFF. ADMISSION, h. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WHAT MAY BE gEEN AND jg-EARD WITHOUT EXTRA QH A RGB: INDUSTRIAL, MARITIME, MINING, and SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITS, including a tery fine Collection of Models. PICTURE GALLERY AND STATUARY. MANY NOVEL AND INTERESTING INDUSTRIES ACTUALLY AT WORK. OLD CARDIFF AS IT APPEARED 100 YEARS AGO. READING jyjILITARY JJANDS. THIS WEEX: THE 9TH (QUEEN'S ROYAL) LANCERS AND THE OLD WORLD BAND FROM HOLLAND. pROMENADE CONOERTS. GRAND SPEOTACULAR AND DRAMATIC OPERA, HE JgOMBARDMENT OF SANTIAGO, With a realistic re-produokion (around the lake) of the City of Santiago with its Cathedral, Fortifi- cations, and Distant Mountains. FULL BAND AND CHORUS OF 200 WELSH SINGERS. GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS TWICE EACH NIGHT IN THE BOMBARD. MENT. RACING ON THE FINEST CYCLE TRACK IN THE WORLD. THE IMPERIAL GARDENS, BEAUTI. FULLY LAID OUT AND illuminated with OVER 10,000 ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND FAIRY LAMPS. For a small extra oharge the following Side Shows and Amusements are provided -Colorado Gold Mine, Welsh Coal Mine Eleolirio Launohes, Turkish Caiques, Canoee, Water Oycle, &0., on Lake and Canal, Switchbaok and Bioyole Railways, the Mate of Mirrors, the Haunted Swing, the Flying Lady, Orooodilee and Alli- gators, the African Shooting Jungle, Panorama of Waterloo, the Bleotrio Railway, the Kineoptikon, Graphonee and Phonographs, Royal Epping Forest Gypsies, Phrenology by Profeeso* Allaby. THE WHOLE FORMING THE FINEST EXHIBITION EVER SEEN IN THE PROVINCES. 184e 1702 ftettibtxB and Contracts. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are hereby invited tor the ALTERA- nON of CHAPEL and EREC (ION of VESTRY at Aberaman for tbe Welsh Wesleyans. Plans and specification to be seen at the Rev. T. Manuel, Bryuhyfryd Villa. Mountain Ash, to whom tenders Brynhyfryd VUh., &nd delivered on or before Stttar- must be addressed and delivered on or before Satar- day. May 23, 1896. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 1712 T. ELLIS. Secretary. T OOMPLÉTE SET^ ONE JL GUINEA. Messrs GOODMAN, 56. Queen-street. and 10, Duke- street, Cardiff. SINGLE TOOTH, 2s 6d. Fire Years, Warranty. Painlessly Fitted by Atmospheric Suction at One-third the usual charges. No extraction neces- sary. Country patients supplied in one visit and railway fare allowed. DB. AKDRHW Wiison (late R.N.) says r—" I can recommend Mr Goodman as a very skilful and humane Dentist. His reasonable charges should attract to him all classes Consultations Free. English and American Dentistry MESSRS GOODMAN, 10, Duke-street, and 56. Queen-street, Cardiff, and at 86. Tafl-street, Pom ypri.l.i; 28, High-street. Newport 1: I-street, Swan-ea. j SOURS), 10 to a UON^UI/lATIONS FREE [ IhUIIÍ1U11 ).brtllts. A Ws-E MkN'-s gOOTS The value of a shoe is largely measured by the weal you can get out of It, but there is something else to be considered If that were the only point shoes with iron heels and soles would be made, but durability is only one of the qualities to be borne in mind. An ill-fitting shoe is an instrument of torture, and a shoe which doe- not look well is an eyesore. Get a shoe that will protect and aid the foot instead of being a detriment to it. You can easily be deceived, but that will be because you have been unwise in your selection of a place for purchasing. You will run no loss if you make a choice from BOYLE AND C 0 GRAND NEW SEASON'S STOCK OF gOOTS AND SHOES. The Lateet Styles and the Best Variety in the District. NOTED FOR STYLE AND WEAR AT REASONABLE PRICES. JJ O Y L E AN D CO., -t) 1;198 2, HIGH-STREET, 28, ST. MARY-STREET, 10, CHURC".STREET, 1, BUTR-STRRET, 19, CHURCH STREET, 60, COWBRIDGE-ROAD 175, COM,-AERCIXY-STRI,' ),,T (NEW PORT). 723e Wholesale Warehouse WOMAN BY-ST.. CARDIFF G. A. STONE & CO., UNDERTAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS, AT THig OLT, Atin ONLY ADDRRII8- 10. 11. & 12, WORKING-STREET, CA RDIFF. tJNDRR THE MANAGEMENT Of Mistt STONE, assisted by all Efficient Staff. Telegraphic Address "Stone, 11; Working-street, Cardiff.' ge—Hftx

——WMM L 11 N PW—WI ■■ I !…





I Mail Packet Robbery. I







I-A Trilby Auction, I



