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I-The Late Shah.-I



Armenian Horrors.I



The -Transvaal.I






Reading Murders. I I







Welsh Gossip. 1



[No title]



pERFECTlON-" — SOAP AND TTIFE » A SSUItANCE. MRSSKS JOSEPH Cnosmu) & SONS offer to all twers of PorfrtOti" Knap a POLICY of LIFE ASSURANCE, with immediate benefit, for ONE YEAR, in the British Workman's and General Assurance Company. The policies may be taken out for all ages to 65, and run from 22 2s to JSll lOs in amount; these benefits are much larger than can ordinarily be secured by the usual weekly payments. 112 Perfection" (outside) wrappers to be collected any time before June 30th, 1897. For full particulars see bills. "pRFECTION," SOAP IS MANUFACTURED 15915 FULL POUND WEIGHT. 958m 1896. gPRIING CLEANING. 1896. SEND POSTCARD TO THE CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY, DYEING, CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING CO., LIMITED, MINNY STREET. CATHAYS. PENARTH OFFICE :-57, WINDSOR-ROAD Every order receives prompt attention. Red Cross Vans and Ladder Trucks to all parts daily. National Telephone, 741. 13330505e ATLAS J1URNISHING £ JOMPANY, L IMITED, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. REVOLUTION IN THE JJlURNITURE fJIRADE, No more broken-backed chairs. In order be secure perfect strength and rigidity to the backs of ail chairs we now make, wo have patented the only effectual invention for this purpose. All our newly-made Suites are now fitted with OUR PATENT RIGID CHAIR CLAMP, Registered No. 1,911. Ib is indispensable for Strength and Durability. N.B.—The rights of using: this Clamp being secured by us, no other firm can supply it. We have the most extensive g T 0 C,K 0 F 0,U S E JflURNlTURE in Wales. Style, Quality, Workmanship, and Prico unequalled. Come aud see our Goods before going elsewhere, it will pay you to do so. OUR NEW SEASON'S STOCK pERAMBULATORS I AND M AIL CARTS -vow ON v I F, Nv, LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION IN WALES, OFFICE FURtftTURE, MNING ROOM FURNITURE, iniA WING-ROOM FURNITURE BEDROOM F URN I ruAfi. AU and ofoty de<&f-iptimi tlf Fafttitwe up to date i Itott fittx* WflEWLER AND WILSON's SEWING MACHINES, No better Machina in the world. AGENTS FOR CARL OTTO'S PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS AGENTS FOB THK CLIMAX MANGLES. We have DISCONTINUED our Aencies in the Rhondda Vivllnya and the Ogmore Valleys, so that ALL ORDERS to be supplied by us should be given or sent, direct to Cardiff. A great saving is thus effected. All goods sent by our Vans or by Rail Free. Catalogues with illustrated designs, prices, and terms free on applioacion. Note our Address and Order yourselve Direct ATLA s FURN-ISEIING QOMPANY (LIMITED), THE HAYES, CARDIFF, AND AT 18, KINGSGATE-STREET, HOLBORN LONDON, W.C. 1190 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T IIOMPSUN,S BURDOCK pILLS Overcome the worst forms of diseases and the foulest state of the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; they go to the core of every disease, where no other medicine has power to reach. In boxe" at Is l%d and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists, or from the Bur(Tock Pill Manufactory, 44, Oxford-street. Swansea. 100-650 L. 13 L E N K 1 N S 0 P P, FRENCH STAY AND CORSET MAKER 5, WHARTON-STREET, CARDIFF. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. No connection with any other Firm. 22a WE ANTICIPATE most people prefer a really Smart-fitting Bespoke Garment at a trille over; the cost of a, Ready.made one. This may be had at BISHOP AND GO'S., The Cardiff Tailors, 50, QUEEN-STREET, opposite the Empire. Experienced Workmen Only Employed. 221 IMPORTANT to THOSE WHO SUFFER & One Box of Horton s LX.L Pills are guaranteed o cure all complications Also gravel and pains in the back. Post free for 4. s from G. B, Horton, M P.S. (from the Gene-I Hoilpital), Aston, road, Birmingham Agents:-Cardiff-A. Hagon, Chemist,39, Bridge-street; and 11, Bute-street. Merthy Wills, Chemise. Swansea—Ltovd, Chemist, Oxford street. N ewport-Y oung, Chemist, High-street. N B Hasnever been inown to fail. Lettevs answered free please name paper 86a J> R E S C R rP_T ION FREE, I have resolved, after much consideration, to give to sufferers who will send me a self-addressed stamped envelope, the Prescription which cured me after 17 yeam of suffering from Nervous Debthty. 1hJ8 Prescription is, from my own experience, an infallible guaranteed cure for Exhausted Vitality, Weakness, Despondency, Varicocele, Kidney and Liver Complaints, and all kin- dred diseases, and I confidently recommend it to all who o suffer. (Name this pane;)—Write to \V. H. UROWN 14, Chesham-roivi, Brighton, Sussex. 453 I JJOOD'S gARSAPARILLA WILL CURE YOU IF ANYTHING WILL. This is the remark of thousands of people who kuow by personal experience the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla, in recommending it to others. They know that when the blood is impure and the severest forms of Scrofula and Salt RhluO\¡ afflict their unhappy victims, jgOOD'S gARSAPARILLA CURES. They know that when the digestion is wrong, when the impurities in the blood permit or causa rheumatism, catarrh, malaria, or other com. plaints, JJOOD'S gARSAPARILLA QURES. They know that when the blood does not properly feed the nerves, and that tired feeling and nervous prostration prevails JJOOD'S SARSAPARILLA OURES. I must say with reference to Hood's SArsa.- parilla, that we believe it to be an excellent remedy forrheumatism."—C. BAXTER, 1, Percival* street, Midland-road, Peterboro'. JJOOD'S gARSAPARILLA Sold by chemists, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Sen 6 by post on receipt of price in stamps or postal order, by C. I. Hood and Co., 34, Snow-hill, London, are EASY TO TAKE. III Idf All chemists, or of C. I. Hood and Co.. 34, SnoW hill, London, E.C. Be sure to get Hood's, 105=13 sss ROATH FURNISHING CO. 42, GAmts ROAD. j,8ä yERHI jgT„ JMUTH, 0ARt>», ONE OF THE LARGEST HOUSE FURNISHERS IN SOUTH WALES, HAVS just received their first consignments of TILLS year's Latest. ^PATTERNS AND DESIGNS in JPERAMBULATORS AND £ JARTS FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY PURCHASE SYSTEM, ALL GOQDS DELIVERED FREK. CATALOGUES pSr FREE ON APPLICATION: Note our One and gbl Atlrtfess in Qikdift- R OATil JpyRNISKING COIl 42, GAS$LE=R9AB & VER £ »STIUSET, ROATH, CARDIFF. &7e Factory-WARWICK < STREET, TONDON. K EATING'S POWDER JL? -u FIe&s. ?ttgsj?Moths, ?SMttes KB AWHOF'S^ POWD:ER =~~ JL?L K,l1 f!MS. Bt)?, Moilts, BseHes EATING'S POWDER JtUL Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles; KEATING'S. POWDKR JLA. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. This Powder, so celebrated, is per- ledly unrivalled In 3D, /?D, &~j HP INS^ destroying InMctt VF JL 1 (whilst perfectly JL i 8D' 6D 1s TINS' Sirw,0 ;i! 'J" a.ulmg,l hfe.)..AU ??DT? ??Dr\ & f ? ?S c< tr??ITN-h.TSf woollens and furs f•j»f D, 6D, & i s miNs-rfir ff"1 welt ? v JL JL sprinkled with the Powder before pltc= in away. Sold only in Tins. WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, Are easily, surelv, and with perf ct safety got rid of by using KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. Nearly el children suffer from Worms. If suspected, do not wait, yon can with ease cure the child (has no effec except on worms). Sold by all Chemists, in Tins, Is V/vd each. ^JjEORGE'S I pILE AND £ JJ RAVEL TRILLS. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. These world-renowned Pills hold the first place in the world as remedies for PILE and GRAVEL, and the common disorders ot the stomach, bowels, liver, and kidneys. There is not a civilised nation under the sun that has not experienced their healing virtues. GENERAL SYMPTOMS Pains in the back, loins, between the shoulders, and in the reion of the heart stomach, liver, and kidneys, constipation, wind. griping, colic, biliousness, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the thighs, palpitation, giddiness, biliousness, depression of spirits, general debility, and other symptoms too obvious to po.nt out. These Remedies do not in the least trench on the medical man's provinces, as (heir use is only recom- mended in those minor forms of these common dis- orders respectin which professional advice is seldom sought. Neither do they profess to do the impossible —to cure all the iUs that nesh is heir to. Wh?t the Proprietor does claim is that in George's Pile aud Gravel Pills' he has discovered Remedies of extraordinary virtues •>nd efficacy for two of the most painful and common disorders that trouble mankind (piles and gravel) and their accompanying aches and pains; medicines which never fail to alford relief even JII old and neglected forms of these complaints, whilst in cases of more recent date satisfactory cures may be confidently expected from their healing action. The three forms of these temedies;- No. PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2.—GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS No. PILLS FOR THE PILES. The Proprietor has in his possession thousand of testimonials from all parts of the world, of which the following are offered as fair samples :— From the originator of the movement in favour of taxing Royalties and Ground Rents for local purposes I have looked over hundreds of ORIGINAL testimonials received by Mr J. E. George, Hirwain, bearing upon cures effected by his "Pile and Gravel Pills. The writers of these letters are unanimous in their testi- mony to the MARVELLOUS REMEDIAL POWERS of Mr George's remedies. I look upon the bundle of testi- monials placed before ine as a. SATISFACTORY PROOF that he has by his discovery boen the means of alleviating the pains of a multitude of sufferers. (Signed) D. E. WILLIAMS, J.P. for the Counties of Brecon and Glamorgan. From the RECTOR OF ALBURGH. Alburgh Rectory, Harleston. Dear Sir,—I have found your No. 3 Pills invaluable and I know no Pills so effectual as an aperient for those who unhappily have a tendency towards con stipation. I have been anxious to write to you in testimony of my grateful sense of obligation to you. You are indeed a benefactor to the sufferer. Your Pills have in my case (and I am now in my 77th year), if not added to the 1. ngth of my days. for that has been entirely in the hands of God, certainly contributed largely to the comfort and enjoyment of my life. not- withstanding a weak heart and a feeble frame.—Yours faithfully, CHAS. W LOHR. faithfully, all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors Sold by in boxes at Is 1lhd and 2s 9d each. By Post. Is 3d and 3s' Ute J^OOK! JJARGAINS! £ JHEAP! SEVERAL SECOND-HAND SIDEBOARDS, CABINETS, BOOKCASES, OVERMANTELS, MIRRORS, PIANOS. ORGANS, BEDROOM SUITES in all Woods, at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. E. E. H A R R IS., THE ORIGINAL FURNISHING DEPOT. THE MARKET HALL (Main Entrance), NEWPORT, formerly in Market Gallery. ESTAB. 1852. 484e SUFFER rjIRY J £ EKNTCK'S VEGETABLE JpTLLS. ESTABLISHED FIFTY YEARS, 13%d, and at 9d per box of all Chemists, Stores dcc. 926e 1295 15898 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure Gravel, Pains in the Back, and all kindred complaints. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world or sent to an y address for sixty stamps by Makers Tne I.in.t<t and Mid)?u(\ C'junti? T)n? Conyany i1 Lincoln  i £ JARDI £ F E XItIBITIOIf. ADMISSIöN FREB t WtTH rjIRAlN FARE. pAID ) The Enormous and Constantly ExpaadiliK Business flbne bt REVAN AND CO MMITEDi SKGISTRRRD AS éi THE CÆRbtFF FURNISHERS. Eaahtes littt&titit ohiy to] Continue to Supplf Every fifesetttitilon of JJUUSEHyJU9 JjlURNXTURE A6 ABOUT BALF THE PRICES USUALL1 by sotns at their compeMtora, bat to prespiit to all Ganh Customers at each 01 their branches during tho holding of the Exhibit fcitm a picket el IfflKE ADMISSION, with trail faro paid AS follows :-To Cash Buyers of £2 WORTS, Freo Admission. £5 WORTS.Free admission, with train fare one way up to twenty-five miles. £10 WORTH.FrAe admission, with train fare both ways up to twenty-five miles. £20 \VORTH.Free admission, with train fare both ways up to fifty miles. AS THK LARGEST FURNISHERS In South Wales and Monmouthshire, they aro in a position to serve you far a.nd away below the prices charged by their competitors, whilst the uninterrupted trading of forty six yean affords the strongest possible proof that thl quality of all goods may bo fully relied upon. DINING, DRAWING, and BEDROOM SUITES from 3% to 50 GUINEAf PIANOFORTES from 10 to 45 GUINEAS. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES jGRATlS. DELIVERY OF ALL GOODS FREE. gEVAN & COM: P ANY. Q A n D I F F* NEWPDtVlV nNTVPOOL., 862&1 T Jfj A D E S J> I L L S IflAElE'S ?itts. AUwhd suffer from 0Gut. !i ,or Rheumatism ShoulC ??A, D.E'.S 3)tM.?; immediately ha.? recoarM '? ■ Id KADES MH3. H<uf LAKE'S dreds of TestitnonMs ht? Ð been deceived from &If CADE'S jHh?S: ?rts and t?ndiH?ns ot .ru ,1: tneh testifying to t?ewaa? ?'JA, S?.3 .B?. tltRS. derful power th?se PilK II A have in giving reHet ih th* ter? WoMt cases; These PiU9 Me purely ?egeHtb!t and perfectly safe itt tlieif action. INSTANT RELIEF AND UAPtDLY CURE TBfi WOUST FORM OF GOUT) RHEUMATISM, .RHEUMATIC GOUT, PAtNS IN THE HlSADj tfACE, AND LiMBS. And have the largest recommendation ever frtvea ahv Patent Medicine of its class. OUT "16, BUrton'<Mscent. Dewsbury voad, Leeds, May 2nd, 1894. vIX B HKUMATISM "Dear Sir,—It is with unbound? JH/ pJeMUte ( send you a few Hnest OUT praise ?f yourmostexeeHent PiUs JT It is six years since I S? st; hM  HEUMATISM Rheumatic Gout, and I ha.d three months in bed with it. Of course 1 OUT T had the doctor, and he sweated %J? me down almost to a skeleton. RHEUMATISM The next spring I had another JL? attack, and was persuaded by < (1 OUT Mend to try your Pills. Ididsa? ?y and am quite sure they prevented RX HEUMATISM my being laid up again. Evej )Lt< since when I have had the leas* GOUT pain I have taken 2 or 3 Pills and have teen all right agair g » HEUMATISM directly. LVi I WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT i 1 OUT THEM IF THEY COST ?JT OE POUND A BOTTLE. ¥> HEUMATIM You are quite at liberty to makl XV what use you like of this, Md I 1 OUT shall be pleased to answer ani U poor sufferer who care a to \ni RHEUMATISM me (enclosing stamped address) .J Wishing you every success. Yours truly, ALBERT MOUNTAIN. Mr George Eade." EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is nid and 2s 94 orsent post free for Postal Order by the Proprietor GEORG" EADE, 72, GOSWELL-EOAD, E.C. Ask for and be sure you obtain EADE'S GOUT ANa RHEUMATIC PILLS. EADE'S DILLS. JL'J 1 1267 HOe á- SPLENDID jyjEDICINE.' J^ AS MAIL'S WONDERFUL jgPECIFIC. THE MOST EFFECTUAL NOTHINC CAN RESIST IT. The only Trustworthy and Guaranteed Remedy Worth its Weight in Gold. Send Stamped addressed envelope for Book ani Testimonials to A. DASMAIL (Specialist of 30 years' experience). 266s Box 394, LANGDALE. WALTHAMSTOW- TEETH.—A COMPLETE SET, ONJ JL GUINEA. Messrs GOODMAN, 56. Queen-street, and 10, Dakt street, Cardiff. SINGLE TOOTH, 2s 6d. Five Yea. Warranty. Painlessly Fitted by Atmospheric Suctiaf- at One-third the usual charges. No extraction neces- sary. Country patients supplied in one visit ani railway fare allowed. DR. ANDRKW WILSON (late R.N.) says :—" I eat recommend Mr Goodman as a very skilful and humane Dentist. His reasonable charges should attract to ht* all classes." Consultations Free. English and American Dentistry MESSRS GOODMAN, 10, Duke-street, and 56, Queen-street, Cardiff, and £ 86, 'J'aff-street, Pontypridd 28, High-street, Newport; 15, Castle-street. Swan-ea. HOURS. 10 to 8. CONSULTATIONS FREK JJEECHAM'S JflLJUu. 1 EECHAM'S PILLS. j[) Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. Jt.) For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAMS PILLS. JL? For Nervous Disorders. EECHAM'S PILLS. JO For Indigestion in all its forms. EECHAM'S PILLS. JL? For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Have saved the lives of Thousands. B EECHAM7S!5LLS For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAJVI'SPILLs! Are Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. —— JO A Wonderfnl Medicine for Fema!«s of aF Ages. feXo Printed and Published by the Proprietors, DUNCAN & hiUXS. at 105, St. Mary-street iw Wostgate-street, in the town of Cardiff io the ,"l'n, of Glamorgan