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The Man About Town. I

I Men of the Day.I







IMurder by a -Boy.








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Tit Bits. j

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Tit Bits. j I THE WEATHER. I I Already some tons of gooseberries and  berries have been received at Waterloo Static* j| consigned to the London and provincial i the bulk of the fruit having been shipped I Houieur and St. Maio. M, .I- I DOG IN A PAPER BAG. H At the City Summons Court on Saturday VVI* Handley was summoned for contravening muzzling order. Police-constable Buxey said fondant carried a bag from which protruded tb8 head of an unmuzzled dog. Defendant product a brown paper bag, and said knowing about th* muzzling order be put the dog in the bag and pat it under his arm to take it to the docks en roto for Amsterdam, where it fetched lOd. It WO only a three months' old puppy, and its li- nose was just out of the bag."—Sir W. EvanO Be more careful in future. The summon" dianussed. -0 I THE EGG TRADE A SUGGESTION. 1 Where are our poultry farmers During 18* the United Kingdom imported 1,526 million egg* valued at £ 4,003,440. Thus, four millions a dafi or 40 per cent. of the eggs consumed in thl United Kingdom, come from abroad. The largest number come from Russia and AnstrC Hungary, but (as Mr J. V. Swain shows in •• interesting paper just published) most are froo Russia, The Board of Trade returns put dowd Germany as sending us eggs; but, in fact, tha eggs made in Germany come from Hungary} while Russia supplies Austria with a larff*' proportion of its Hungarian export. The advamt of Russia is as notable in its egg supply for expoft as in anything else:- 1370 11 miUions. I ?77 millia. I 1885 235 millions. I 1890 755 millio" S 1895 1,250 miwom C These Russian eggs are purchased in Russia fofc I from 2s 4d to 4s 5d per 120, or ftom 3d to 5d tbf. dozen. They arrive here, from five to six weett old, and are bought by the reüiler M from 8s ttf 4s per 120. We cannot say what the consumaWg. I pays.-St. James's Gazette. -0 THE PAINTER OF 3,000 PICTURES, I Mr Abel Hold, of Brook House, CawtbdrDt. the veteran artist, who. in September losk attained the age of 80 years, died on Fridafl When a boy deceased had a fondness for drawing animals and birds from nature. When only if years of age be was earning scanty wages bf painting showclobhs depicting wild animals and battle scenes for showmen. He began to paint portraits when he was 18. With few exception* between the years 1849 to 1871, Mr Hold was at exhibitor at the Royal Academy, and it was bit boast that he never had a picture rejected. By far the largest portions of Mr Hold's works are game and still-life pictures. It is estimated tha'. deceased painted something like 3,000 pictures. SUNDAY AT THE MUSEUMS ( Yesterday the Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyu-street, was added to the national institutions open in London on Sundays. The number of visitors was 511. At the National Gallery the number was 2,396, and at the South Kensington Museum 3,809. O MB CHAMBSRLAIN'SS OIGAB. I Mr Chamberlain is well known to be one ot I the heaviest smokers on the Ministerial bench. He has the curious faculty of being able to keep his cigar alight throughout a long after-dinned speech. I FALSE GODS IN THE KITCHEN. I Mrs Norman has an interesting article in the Daily Chronicle on English cooking &3 it is, and as it should be. The cause of the bad cooking ill this country she attributes to false gods in the kitchen. If you put the wrong things into the kitchen (she writes) it must not surprise you to get the wrong things out of the kitchen and an English kitchen—yours, mine, everybody's—is crowded with false gods. To name these deitries, the kitchen range is the biggest; the blaoklead box and brushes is another that nasty saucer with the wet grey mess and sodden rAg in it (whitening or pipe-clay) is a third. The batb- brick and rotten-stone and emery-paper for my steels, m'm," is another so is the stuff for" my tins," and the cookery-book, full of recipes, ia another. ? A KING'S JIIWBM I King Prempeh's jewels, which recently formed the subject of a would-be jocular question from an Irish member to the Colonial Secretary, as to whether the money taken for their exhibition. would be devoted to the reduction of the National Debt,am to furnish material for a query of a more practical kind. Sir John Kennaway will ask Mt Chamberlain whether it is a fact that the gold plate and other articles taken at Kumasie, said to be worth B2,000, have been plaoed in the hands of a London jeweller for sale, and whethtt they could be retained for the country. BMOKR-CUBED. 1 That tobacco smoke is a great preventive 01 contagion," writes a correspondent, is, I believe, an established fact. In any case, I know at least two medical men who, after attending fever cases, invariably go home, change their clothes, and indulge, the one in a pipe, and the ether in a strong cigar. But I confess that I did not know that the knowledge extended to ladies, I was in a smoking carriage the other morning on the North Loudon line, when a buxom dame entered the compartment at Willesden Junction. I made bold to teU her that it was reserved for fumatory purposes. That's why I want to come in,' she replied. I have just taken my daughter to the hospital, and 1 wish to get rid of the in. fection.' I was too polite to change carriages, but the one other male traveller and myself began puffing so vigorously that the fair intruder re- treated directly we got to Acton. Perhaps.she felt smoke cured." CLEVER CHILDREN. I A teacher who was hearing a class in an infant Sunday school made her scholars finish each sentence to show that they understood her. "The idol bad eyen" she said, "butit couldn't See," cried the children. It had ears, but it couldn't Hear," was the answer. It had a nose, but it couldn't Wipe it," shouted the children. MRS CLEVELAND. I The wife of President Cleveland, who tvas once very pretty, is said to have changed strangely. She has come to resemble her husband. Both faces wear precisely the same expression they look like twins. Mrs Cleveland, like her husband, has been gaining flesh, and as she has a large frame she is an imposing figure. She makes a point of taking a five miles walk every day in rain 1 or in sunshine, -0- SA V AGBS AND THE HBNO. I The menu at the Savage Club dinner wis an entertainment in itself. It was about eighteen inches square, and bore a capital porbrait of the chairman, with a series of sketches setting forth a comic history of his life, from 1859. when he appeared as a much be-sashed child, with a small cannon for a toy, to the present day, when he was represented as superintending the discharge of a huge champagne bottle, blowing the members of the Savage Club into the air. Tbe anin waalh Oliver Paque. THE CENTENARY OP VACCINATION. The 14th of May will be the 100th anniversary of Jenner's first vaccination, performed upon James Phipps, then eight years old, who, in the course of the net 20 years, was 20 times inoonlated with smallpox without result. In honour of the occasion Mr Malcolm Morris, editor of the Practitioner, has issued for May a special vaccination number of his journal, containing articles on the subject from many different points of view, and setting forth in simple language and with greab completeness what raay be called the medical case in favour of vaccination. Among the authors who have contributed are Dr. Monckton Copeman, Dr. Buist, Dr. Colcott Fox, Dr. Sea ton, and Dr. Edwardes and the number taken as a whole affords a convenient summary of facts which it is the custom of anti-vaccina. tionists to ignore, but which are essential to the formation of sound conclusions about the value, the efficacy, and the barmlessness of the Proceect. ing.

