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gnaimss Ait&reaata. X STOP ONE MOMENT. X Ob, dear. Doctor, what) will you recommend for my Children's Coughs and Cold ?" TRT T UDOR ^yriLLIAMS' PATENT JJALSAM OF HONEY. 1M most marvellous Cure for all disorders of the Ibest, Throat, and Langs. It never fails to give Batant relief, and does not contain Laudanum, Opium, or Morphia. ECONOMISE YOUR HEALTH. HEALTH IS THE FIRST WEALTH. All who are engaged in indoor and outdoor ijcupation, and are especially exposed to the ever- Jfcrymg climate of Great Britain, BE WISE IN Don't tamper with Danger, but go ffraight away for JvDoa WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. II 18 for weak-chested men, Jelieate women, and children. It cures when all rtber remedies fail. It cures Ooufhs, Colds, droncbitis. Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It lords thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whooping Coughs. It cures for One Shilling rtten Pounds have been spent in vain. DO PRY IT If you have a Cough, try ft; if you have a Oatd, try lIi; if yon have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the Phlegm and promotes expectoration, paducua warmth and comfort to the chest, and ;i* £ t refreshing sleep when you have losti nigb" f fed. READ ON. NOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, bunged up, throat sore, limbs aching, with a feeling of smothering, a few doses of the Salaam of Honey will clear the wretched symptoms away almost before you know tt. There is nocbing like it on the market it is thoroughly 2p so date it trickles into all the system A true friend, prompt and reliable in its action, BRONCHITIS. are thousands of children who die | gftinmlty from bronchitis, whooping cough, and jrtiup. A grand discovery has been made for Jh8 cure of such complaints, namely, Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey, which contains Wets" honey and an essence of the purest and oocmt pfBcaeiooa herbs. A Swansea lady declares Jhat this famoo" Balsam acts like magic on her shfldren whenever they are afflicted with one if these kindred complaints. It i8 to be obtained alt Chemists and Stores. Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the ifortd to Is 1%d. as 9d, and 48 6d bottles, JpRIEST AND CO., KING'S-ROAD CANTON, CARDIFF. WIRE NETTING in 50 Yard Rolls :— ?n. Meah 2ft. wide 2/8 2m. Mesb 2ft. wide 3/7 3m. „ 3ft. „ 4/2 2in. „ 3ft. „ 5? 3in. 4ft. „ 5/5 2in. 4!t. „ 7/0 3ALVANISRD SHKETS—Best Quality Kt. long. 1/1 «ach 8ft. long. 1/10 each ?t. ? 14 „ 9ft. 2/2 „ fit. „ 1/7 „ ) 10ft. 2/6 „ ROOFING FELT, 26 Yard Rolls—Best 3 2d, 4-, 5" 6'1. and 6* 6r1 Roll. IARBED WIRE, HUKDLES, GARDEN AJRCHES &C. SPECIAL TERMS FOR CARRIAGE PAID. ITS •r DO YOU KNOW THAT SWILYM EVANS' QUtNINE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC, IS THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR fftSVOUSN ESS, nWIGES110N, RKNESS, CH&sT AFFECTIONS, LOW SP1MTS. LOSS OF APPKHTR. METANCHOLY, BLOOD DISORDERS. 1WILYM ft VANS' QUININE BITTERS, iHF. VEOETABLK TONIC, FOR WEAKNESS. TESTIMONIAL. Bhfne BACH. LLANGEINWkn. ANGLESEY. March 3, 1896. GENTLEMEN,—I beg to inform you that I have derived unspeakable benefit from GWILTM EVAMS* QUININE BITTEBS I was so weak when I first took it chat I could not walk to the fireside myself without the assist- ance of my mother althonch I Was at the tMae t&tinll( medicine that I had from doctor!! wAlch did me no good. One dltY a friend told me of GWILYM EVANS" QUININE BITTEES, and after I had taken it I felt better in a short time. I htva unbounded faith in GWILYJJ EVANS' QDININX BITTERS, and I thoroughly believe that I would havH been dead were it not for the fact that I took it; and I wish to recommend it as the best remedy 1 ever had for Weakness, and I wish evei y one to try it. I am certain they will derive benefit by so doing.—Yours faithfully, ELLEN WILLIAMS. EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC FOR NERVOUSNESS. TESTIMONIAL. HOPE HALL, BETHESDA, CARNARVONSHIRE, SIR,—Though I have never seen you, I feel that I am under great personal obligations to you as the discoverer of what has proved indeed a blessing to mankind—the now world renowned QUININE BITTERS. To it I owe release from pain, an the restoration of bodily health and strength, when all other remedies and doctors had failed to give me any lasting benefit- My experience has indeed been a wonderful one. Few men have suffered more than 1 have done, and certainly there can be but few cs-s which could be considered more hopeless than mine before I tried your invaluable remedy. I was compelled to be very carefnll\S to what food I partook of, as nearly everything I ate ave me reat pain. My stomach was distended with wind, which again pressed upon the other great organs of the body, such as the Lttftg*, Liver and Heart; upon the fulfilling of whose functions proper bodO, health, comfort and strength neces. sarily depend. So great was this distention at fcfees, and so greatly did it affect my heart, that! often feared my heart would stop its beating for ever I 1 felt weak, dispirited and nervous I feared to speak a word in public, as I felt I might at any moment tall dead. My breatmng was difficult, rapid and weak, while sometimes my heart beat so loudly that people 1fbo sat in he sarne room with me eotud plainly hear it. You may therefore well conceive that my lot was indeed a pitiable one, my life a burden to me and a trouble and anxiety to others. In this unhappy condition I was persuaded to try year QuiiflNK BITTERS, though from my experience of other remedies, wbicn I had tried in vain, I had very little faith in this remedy. I tried a 2s 9d bottle. Before I had finished taking thfs I felt such a decided change for the better that I deter- mined npon trying a larger bottle 4s 6d. The benefit I received was so evident that I readily obtained another 48 6d bottle, with the most happy consequences. Now I am strong and healthy—perfectly healthy—and have beeD so from tbat time until now, stronger In mind and body than I had been for years previously, and all that at a cost of only lls9d. Sine* then I have recommended it to dozens of atfter*. and I have never yet seen anyone give ? a fair trial without being benefited by it and perfectly satisfied with it. You are at perfect liberty to make any use you may see fit of this letter.—Yours, very gratefully, E. W. JONES. 3WILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC FOR INDIGESTION. TESTIMONIAL. lJys Awea, Gwynfa, Rbyl, April 17th, 1895. Dear SIR,—Some time ago I was greatly troubled with Bile and Indigestion and was ad- vised to make a trial of your renowned prepar- ations, viz., Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters" and H Digestive Pearls," and it is with much pleasure I testify to the great benefit I have reo ceived from their use. I have taken several4s6d bottles of the BItters and am resolved to keep a bottle always at hand and take a daily dose an hoar before breakfast, for it has not only banished the headaches I frequently suffered from, and the neuralgia and rheumatic pains and other ailments which often troubled me are gone for ever, I hope but I can also add it has been effectual in removing the Bile and Indigestion. I find that it has improved my appetite, purified the blood and enlivened my spirits. 1 have recommended it to several others who now highly praise it as an effectual remedy tor different ailments.—I remain, Sir, years gratefully, JAMES nAVIES (lago Tege). Home and Estate Agent. &WTLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Sold in 2* 9d and 4s 6d bottles. See the name EVANS on stamp. label, and bottle. TJds • taportont, as there are numerous imitations. SOLK PROPRIETORS QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TURING CO., LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. WHO made that smart-fitting Coat 7- wv Bishop Cb., 50, Queen-street, opposite Empire y OUR P HOT O Jp* 0 R 0 T H I N Q (t CABINET PHOTOS, taken by Eminent JHMtogHtphera), lIT tntcM S9 LARGE or 40 SMALL BOTTLES or JJAIRD'S £ JOFFEE ESSENCE DURING 1596. Aú your Grocer for Bottle with Coupon Underneath Capsule. 9Sfe A SECRET UNFOLDED AT LAST JOL It Is a positive fact that no one in the world has been able to put a beautiful pearl-like Gloss on Linen, Cuffs, Collars, etc., so easy and quick, as by, using the NKW DO OTUY I .IN EN GlAZE. It is the pride of the world. ?he work of ironing & turned into pleasure. Try it; Mid Judge for yourself. A Child can use it. d 11. 6, Grocera. etc.. everywhere, *n la aD M ?dM? ,M*?'*cntWKM-G. TCRLEY AND CO, 7. 8% Edg-bastou.stnet, Birmingham ^ttaiiuas l'.bhresstl. ARDIFF EXHIBITION JjOUQUBT WILL BE EXHIBITED St J. MnNDAS IN "OLD CAKDIF I," AtM) SOLD IN BOTTLES, 18, 2s, Õ6 6d, SEr, 79 6d, tt lOfl 6d. A NEW AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME. THE ABOVE TITLE AND LABEL ARB REGISTERED. AND THE SOLE PROPERTY OF J. M U N D A T* CHEMIST, 1. HIGH-STREET, QARDIFF. 38e SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO.. 31, OASTLE STREET (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF gOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., QPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF, JJNDERTAKES TO SUPPLY r I1HE BEST QUALITY IN FURNITURE X ON Ii IRE SYSTEM OR FOR CASH WITHOUT BILL OF SALE. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN A PRIVATE VAN. L OWEST PRICES CHARGED EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM j^OLELY ADOPTED BY US. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP. TioN. QN APPROACHABLE VALUE GIVEN. Ji. >EALLY HANDSOME SUITE FROM %F &4 10s. if?-? t EWEST DESIGNS in FLOORCLOTHS 1?) AND LINOLEUMS. INSPECTION INVITED. SIDEBOARDS IN MAHOGANY, OAK, tO AND WALNUT. HUUSES FURNISHED FROM TOP JLJt. TO BOTTOM INDEPENDENT OF DISTANCE, .N 0 EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. ^jRAND DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, ??OVERED IN EVERY DESCRIPTION ) OF MA1 EMAL. /SRDERS BY POST PROMPTLY AT. U TENDED TO. TJtJJ fllND, DON'T FORGET OUR AD. 1: DRESS. pARTIES ABOUT TO MARRY A RE RECOMMENDED NOT TO GO ELSEWHERE, BUT TO LT CALL ON us. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR TERMS. A3 tor Is 6d Weekly I £16 for 58 Od Weekly £ 6 „ 2s 6d „ „ £10 4a Cd „ 37& OUR ADDRESS :-31. CASTLE-STREET, OPPOSITE THE OASTLE, CARDIFF. R. J. tJEATH & SONS. PIANOFORTES by BROAD WOOD, Schied- mayer, Collard, Erard, Kukmau, Kaps, Brinsmead, Steinway, Hnpkinson, Boob. stein, Challen, NAumayer, &c., &:0. ORGANS by MASON and HAMLIN, Bell, Smith, Carpenter. Sterling, Story and Olark, Doherty, Karn, to., &c., and Harmonious by Alexander, &c„ 9co. A FULL CONCERT GRAND, 11,4 Octaveejby the genuine and celebrated firm, SCHIED- MAYER), for Hire, for Concerts, &c. J^ARGEST JpOSSIBLE DISCOONTS FOR CASH. EXPERIENCED TUNERS VISIT ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WALES PERIODICALLY. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS EXECUTED BY FIRST-CLASS AND EXPERIENCED LONDON WORKMEN. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR PLACES OF WORSHIP, INSTITUTIONS, AND SCHOOLS. Before Purohasing do not fail to mod for our Price Lists and Verdict of 900. and Compare our Prices and Terms with other Houses. SHOWROOMS- 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD AND 31, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. Agencies at ABERAVON, CADOXTON-BARRY, OAER. PHILLY, BRIDGEND, MAESTEG. Canvassers Wanted in all Parte on Good 9431 Commission. 1066 & CoMlfANV. ADULTS FUNERALS 1st Class with Best Hearse and Coach, on the««o."t modern principle with a pair of their well-known Flemish-Dred Horses to each,one.inch Kim Poiisli d Coffin, beat registered Furniture, with elaborate named plate engraved, fine satin-trimmed robe. an,) attendance £5 Õ 0 Marsh A Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto 440 Marsh & Co.'s 3rd, with improved eMtaM;e .32 10 300 Marsh A Co.'s 4th, ditto, dftto-. ? ?? 2 M 0 CHILDREN'S FUN KRALS. (ndodlnl pair of Flemish-bred Horses, modem Coact with all the latest improvements, Polished Cofflu, toed with fine flannel, and atteDdanee- ? 6 Under two 1 < i One-hone Carriage, incladinc coffin covered in black, blue, or polished, lined with flan- nel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 116 0 0 Under Ana m on in proportion. Sandsome Car, Carved or Plain Plumed Hecxae Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich PIataea, Ac ADDRESS: 21e 80. at. MARY -STREET. CARDIFF. COLES CELEBRATED' COUGH In Bottles, 18 1 and 2s $d. LINCTUS COUGH It Cures Coughs. Colds, LINCTUS COUGH Shortness ofBraath, LINCl'US COUGH Bronchitis, Ac., LINCTUS COUGH III a marvellous manner. LINCTUS COUGH ——— LINCTUS COUGH Can be obtained of LINCTUS COUGH M R HUGHES, LINCTUS COUGH Carlisle Drug Stores Carlisle- LINCTUS COUGH street, Cardiff: LINCTUS COUGH or direct, post free, LINCTUS COUGH Is 1%41 and 2s 9<. LINCTUS COUGH from LINCTUS COUGH 0 L I V If. D A V I ES, LINCTUS COUGH Chemist, Poatyprid<U72e LINCTUS X VERY CHOICE STCCK OF~ M EDITERRANEAN SPONG, HONEYCOMB AND TURKEY, TO BE SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES. Lje WIS'S PHARMACY MS, CLIFTON-STREET, CARDIFF, Stabltc Jloiias. ROSEBERY HALL, PARK-PLACE, CARDIFF. GRAND MAY FESTIVAL, MAY 13th, 1896.' Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe." (Men. sire Shoe 6 feet long.) Four and Twenty BlackMrda." in Costume. (Gigantic Pie.) Musical Drill, Amusing Action Song, Humourous Dialogues, Choir 800 Voice", Action SongWs, INDSOR (Mayoress of CardiS) will receive purses and nowers. Reserved Seats, 2s; Unreserved, Is 6(1 SScond Seats, Is Back, 6d. Separate entrance apart from Exhibition Buildings in Park-place. Plan at Band of Hope Union Offices, Arcade Chambers, St. John's- square, Cardiff. 43e ^JARDIFF JjIXHIBITION, 1896. PATRON: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. r) P E N DAILY FBOM 10.30 A.M. TO 10.30 P.M. PJNE ART GALLERY (Containing 800 Pictures). MACHINERY IN MOTION. GREAT DISPLAY OF WORKING MODELS. WORKING COAL MINE. MODEL GOLD MINE. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS LAKE AND CAN At with ELECTRIC LAUNCHES and GONDO AS. BAND OF 9TH (QUEEN'S ROYAL) LANCERS WUoL PERFORM TWICE DAILY IN tHE IMPERIAL GARDENS FBoIl 2.30 till 5, AND 7.30 P.M. TILL 10 f.M. In RESPONSE to NUMEROUS RE. QUESTS, the Executive Council have decided to ACCEPT PAYMENT FOR SEASON TICKETS by the FOLLOWING INSTAL. MBNTS, namely On APPLICATION 63 (including cost of photograph), and 3 MONTHLY PAYMENTS of .6" each, PAYABLE at 1, 2, and 3 MONTHS after date of APPLICATION. THE OLD WORLD BAND (from Amsterdam) WILL PERFORM ON BAND STAND OPPOSITE INDIAN BAZAAR from 1.30 till 3.30, and from 5.30 till 7. THE WHOLE OF THE GROUNDS WILL BE BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED NIGHTLY BY 10,000 FAIRY LAMPS. Applications for season tickets will be received at the 702e Office, Exhibition. 15886-1358 CARDIFF EXHIBITION, IN A PARK OF 50 ACRES IN THE CENTRE Of CARDIFF. ADMISSION, It. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WHAT MAY BE SEN AND HEARD WITHOUT JfJXTRA CHARGE: INDUSTRIAL, MARITIME, MINING, and SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITS, including a very One Collection of Model.. PICTURE GALLERY AND STATUARY. MANY NOVEL AND INTERESTING INDUSTRIES ACTUALLY AT WORK. OLD CARDIFF AS IT APPEARED 100 YEARS AGO. "I" READING jyjILITARY JJANDS. THIS WEEK: THE 9TH (QUEEN'S ROYAL) LANCERS AND THE OLD WURLD BAND FROM HOLLAND. pROMENADE QONCERTS. GRAND SPEOTACULAR AND DRAMATIC OPERA, THE gOMBABDMENT OF jgANTrAGO, With a realistic re-production (around the Talte) of the City of Santiago with its Cathedral, Fortifi- cations, and Distant Mountain?. FULL BAND AND CHORUS OF 200 WELSH SINGERS. GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS TWICE EACH NIGHT IN THE BOMBARD- MENT. RACING ON THE FINEST CYCLE TRACK IN THE WORLD. THE IMPERIAL GARDENS, BEAUTI- FULLY LAID OUT AND illuminated with OVER 10,000 ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND FAIRY LAMPS. For a small extra charge the following Side Shows and Ammements are provided —Colorado Gold Mine, Welsh Coal Mine Electrio Launches, Turkish Caiques, Canoes, Water Cycle, &c\, on Lake and Canal, Switchbaok and Bicycle Railways, the Maze of Mirrors, the Haunted Swing, the Flying Lady, Orocodilea and AlIi. gators, the African Shooting Jungle, Panorama of Waterloo, the Electric Railway, the Kineoptikon, Graphonee and Phonographs, Royal Epping Forest Gypsies, Phrenology by Professor Allaby, THE WHOLE FORMING THE FINEST EXHIBITION RVER SEEN IN THE PROVINCES. Sttt of the late Aid. G"iu8 Augustas Stonv COMPLETE FUNERAL FLRNISKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Rhiw. and Coaches, Superb Flemish Hots. Priee List on Application. Please Note the Only Address WORKING •STREET, Telegraphic Address "ørolCi BROS,, CARDIFF." 1Me jj DON'T FORGET THAT VIRIDINE. Is the CURE for CORNS.—This grand discovery has led many to imitate it, but without gaining for such preparation the satisfactory results Vindinc bu seeared. In bottle8, Is ;b post Is 2d. hM J MPXPAY Chemist, ffigh- treet Oardiff.3e pHIL HILL IPS TOOTH A ORE CURE (Bef:iatered) SM been Tested by the PubK« fMC of charge (or one week. Nearly Three Hundred Oasu Treated and IMMEDIATE RELIEF given in each eMe. NOT ONE FAILURE- & NB ??HRAD ACHES & NEURALGIA it hM no eanals. GIVES ??? RELIEF. No hom should be without it. A ?on to the Public. Sold in 11 bottles: postaKe, Is 2d (PaMl Order). ?Sm U, h ??: Sl?l??' Orde? (KO OTHER ADDRESS) :? pHIL PHILLIPS, 24. ST. M ARY.STREET, CARDIFF, 118a  L ——— I Ms L. SAMUEL, BAYBS BUILDINGS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. AUCTIONEER, VALUER. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGBN'l. Sales conducted at lowest inclusive charges, with prompt settlements. Cash advanced on Goods consigned tor Sale. Bents Collected. Book Debts Bought. Only Address- S14e 1279 BAYES BUILDINGS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF public ^mttafttunia. CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYAL. JL LEsSEE AND MANAGER Ma ED. FLETCHER, TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, May 11th, For six nights only, Mr MORELL'S and Mr MOUILLOT'S COMPANY, in the Greatest Financial and Artistic Success the Gaiety Theatre, London, has ever known, THE SHOP GIRL, Written by H. J. W. Dam. Music by Ivan OaryU. Additional Numbers by Idran Ross and Lionel Monckton. G.W.Ra.ilway.-OnThnrsday,May14tb,a Special Ex- cursion will Run from Swansea, High-street, a.t2.1c. and returning at 10.45, calling at an intermediate Stations. Time and Prices as usual. Half-price at 9. Booking Offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Lunited, Queen-st., from 10 till 5 o'clock. Telephone No. SGL. NEXT MONDAY, May 18th- First Visit of Mr Milton Bocle's Company, in the most Successful Comedy ever produced, entitled— GENTLEMAN JOE. THE HANSOM CABBY. Words and Lyrics by Basil Hood. Music by Walter Slaughter. Originally produced at the Prince of Wales Theatre, London. THE EMPIRE. QUEEN-STREET. MANAGING DIRECTOR-OW ALD STOLL. SPECIAL NOTE.—The highest praise etnphatically expressed has been generally accorded to our new Establishment) TO-NIGHT! | THE LUMIERE CINEMATOGRAPH E, THR ORIGINAL—NOT A COPY. Under the direction of MONS. TREWEY. These living photographs, presented at the EMPIRE, LONDON, have attracted the elite of the Metropolis. The Cinemalogiaphe will exhibit at each of the two performances every evening, and also daily at 2.30, 3, 3.30, and 4 o'clock. THE WEBB BROS., Continental Musical Comedians. LIZZIE VALROSE, Ballad and Light Comedy Vocalist, ABEL and WELSH, Laughable Gymnasts. ETHEl. DOVE, Impersonator of Coster Character. WALLIS & LANGTON, Comedians. ARTHUR EOSRDON, Comedian in Song. PAUL LANGTRY, The Black Came Back. NEXT WKEK: Tony Wi)son and Clown. Rose Hamilton, Tom Leamore, &c. Box Office open daily 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Plan of Boxes, Fauteuils, and Grand Circle. GRAND THEATRE.1! U- THE PRE Ml ICR THEATRE OF WALES. LESSEE & MANAGKH MI CLARKNCE SOUNES. ENORMOUS ATTRACTION. TO-NIGHT and During the Week', America's foremost Novelty. HARDIE and VON LEER'S Company, lncludiug the Eminent American Actor, Mr JAMES H. WALUCK, in the Original Modern Mquestri m Sensational Dramas, Monday, Tuesday, NPUE T> ANDIT J¿ ING.! and Wednesday, X B # Thursday, Friday, UIHHE i ?ATTLE XT'ING and Saturday. JL ? Jt? MONDAY NEXT, May 18th, Special Return Visit of A PROFESSOR'S LOVE STORY. Doors open at 7 commence 7.30. Box Office open at Theatre daily 10 to 4. Telephone 725. Prices 6d to Sl It. JE. AND I I. ^TOLL'S jpANOPTICON. MANAGING OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT, at 8 o'clock. SATURDAY, at 3 and 8 o'clock. JJOBEHTON'S j^ENTUCKY jyj-INSXRELS. Pronounced by all who have seen it the best Troupe of Christies ever in Cardiff. The Prices of Admission are unexampled in their moderation—Is, 6d, and 3d—just half what this Company ever appears to. LAST WKEK. LAST WEKK. Remember their former visit, whieh was a record SUCC6SS, SACRED CONCERT ON SUNDAY NEXT. SHEPHERDS SECOND"ANM UAL ? ATHLETIC SPORTS and FOOTBALL TOURNA MENT takes place on WHIT-MONDAY and TUESDAY, m the Tafi Vale Park, Treiorest, when JS100 will be given in prizes and amusements. Entry forms and f rther particulars to be had on application to the Seer tary, Mr Isaac Liles, 2, Danycoeacae-road, Pontypridd. KE POÑTY PRIDV. ROYAL CLAREISCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. PROPRIETORS Messrs TRENCHARD A JONES" TO-NIGHT, at 7.45, the Charming and Popular Actress Mis!! MARIE DAGMAR, in the Now and Original Drama, from the Pavilion Theatre, London, A WOMAN'S VICTORY. Mabon's Monday, May 4th, Grand Holiday attraction, Jr A E. Percivai's No. 1 Company in Jo -oph Jeffer- son's great play, The SHADOWS OF A GREAT ( IT If. Booking Office: Messrs Thompson and Shackell's Talf-street. Prices as usual. SWANSEA. rp H E E M P IRE. A MANAGING DIRECTOR ..OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT The Great, Only, and Uprecedented C A I C E D O On the Wire. Literally a Wonder. Joe Edmonds, Lilian Robina, Alli" and Juan, R. W. Bentley, Agnes Hazel. Gladys Hallett, And Herbert Le Martine. Next Week Paul Langtry, Harry Champion, Sisters Wynne, Brothers Webb. NEWPORT. m H E E M F IRE. 1- M*M-»"ING DIRECTOR .osvVALT) STOLL, TO-NMHT HARRY CHAMPION, The Quick and Quaint. THE THRME SISIEUS WYNNE, Divinely tall, and most divinely fair." Ziobe, Paul, Carrie Joy, Horace Warde, The Oscars, and FRANK COYNE. Next WeekThe Great, Only, and Unprecedented CAICEDO on the Wite. alt.s bu Àlldiuu. CAERPHILLY. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. MESSRS MOORE & 00. have received J?JL instructions to SILL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Market Hall, Caerphilly, on THURSDAY, May 14th, 1896, at 7.30 o'clock in the Evening (subject to Conditions to be then and there read), the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES i- STOCKLAND-STRKET. LOT 1.—All those Four well-built and conveniently- situated HOUSES, being Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, Stockland- (street, Caerphilly, in the occupation of Messrs James Etms. Hutchins, Talur, and MM Venting, and let at a. monthly rental of 20s each. This property is held on lease for 99 years from 1st May, 1838, at an annual ground rent of 16s per house. BARTLE IT-STREET. LOT 2,-All those Two well-built HOUSES, situate and being Nos. 7 and 8, Bartlett-street, Caerphilly, in the occupation of Mr James Moses and another, and 1st at 26s and 30s per month each respectively. Each house contains four bedrooms, bathroom, two sitting- rooms, kitchen, and pantry, with side entrance and large garden. This property is held under lease for 99 years from 1st November, 1893, at annual ground rent of 95 6d per house. LOT3. —All those Four well-built VILLAS, situate and being In Bartlett-street, in the occupation of Messrs Thomas, Bateuian, Stevens, and organ, and let at a rental of 20s per mouth, each containing three bed- rooms, two sitting-rooms, kitchen, and pantry, bay windows and large gardens. This property is held on lease for 99 years from 1893, at the annual ground rent of 32s per hou e. of 328 per ORCHARD-TERRACE. LOT 4.-All that well-built HOUSE, situate and being in Orchard-terrace, Caerphilly, in the occupation of Mr Hicks, and let at a rental of 20s per month. This property is held on lease for 99 years from 1877, at a ground rent of 21s per annum. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, 49, Qneen-street, Cardiff or to Queen-street, DAVID LEWIS, Esq" Solicitor. 920e 6, Charles-street, Cardiff. QUEEN-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. LARGK UNRESERVED SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, REMOVED FROM 3, GLYNRHONDDA-STRENT, CATHAYS. MESSRS MOORE and CO. have received .1. instructions from the tenant to Remove and SELL by AUCTION at their Salerooms, Queen-street, on THURSDAY, May 14th, 1896, the whole of her HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising bedroom suite in walnut, ditto in satin walnut, chest of drawers, duchesse toilets, sideboard, cabinet, octagon and loo tables, suite in saddlebags, ditto in leather, easy chair, couch, 2 overmantels, coal vase, brass fender, brasses, bookcase, oftice table with 6 drawers, hall stand, carpets, rugs, bedsteads, wool mattresses, spring mattresses, feather bed, mangle, mailcart, perambulator, Ac. On view morning of Sale Sale at 2 o'clock sharp. No reserve. 95e ONjflUESDAY AND THURSDAY NEXT, May 12th and 14th, 1896. IMPORTANT and UNRESERVED SALE of the Superior and nearly New HOUSEHOLD APPOINT- MENTS of Lyndale House, Windsor-road, Penarth also the Contents of a Residence, removed from Newport-road, and sold by order of a lady leaving England. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and SON .i?jL are favoured with instructions from the various owners to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their Salerooms, 25, Duke-street, Cardiff, on the above dates, at 2 o'clock precisely, a large assemblage of verI: SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Including 4 best bedroom suites complete wardrobes, pair of duchesse toilets, 5 massive iron and brass bed- steads, 2 walut sideboards, marble top clieffionier, bookcases, gilt and walnut overmantels, dining and occasional tables, drawing and dining-room swtea, carpets, walnut and rosewood cabinets, &c., Ac. On view day. prior to and mornings of each day's Sale. 99e 42, WOODVILLE-ROAD, CATHAYS, CARDIFF. ON FRIDAY NEXT, MAY 15th. 1896, tOM. MENCING AT TWO OCLOCK PRECISELY. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and SON ?- i will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above, the whole of the superior and nearly new HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS Of the Residence, comprising a full-compass piano- forte in walnnt case, by the Brooklyn Pianoforte ColIlpauy a carved walnut 5ft. sideboard, handsome gilt pier-glass, walnut carved huite in saddlebags, walout octagon and occasional tables, 5ft. mahogany dining table.pairs of curtains, easy and small chairs to match, Brussels carpets, marble clocks, fenders and brasses, a 4ft. satin walnut dressing chest, bed- room suite complete, all brass foot and other bed- steads, half-round marble-top washstands, dressing tables, sets of ware, toilet glasses, a quantity of medical and other books, Ac., Ac. On View Morning of Sale. There will be No Reserve. 1168 TR Your easy-fitting Trousers. Bishop A Co., 50, Queen-street, opposite Empire. mEETH. — Complete Set, One Guinea. A Five years' warranty. — GOODMAN A ce., 66, Queen-street, and 19 Duke-street, Cardiff, (TENR&TPITS, I JJAILY SERVICE BETWEF.N CARDIFF AND WESTON By the WAVERLEY (Weather and circumstances permitting), MAY. Leave CARDIFF. I Leave WESTON. Mon. 11-1.30 a.m., 2.80, Mon. 11-8.15 a.m.. 3.10, 4.20, 6.30 p.m. 5.10, 8.15 p.m. Tues. 12-8.0 a.m., 5.0, 5.0, j Tues. 12-8.50 a.m.. 3.50, ) 5.50,8.15 p.m. 7.0 13-8.30, 10.15 a.m., I Wed. 1S—&.20 a.m., 3.0, UO, 6.45 p.m. I 5.30,8 15P.M. Thur. 14-9-o iO.45 { Thur. 14-*9.50 a.m., 3.30, 4.45,6.45 p.m. | 5.40, 7.45 p.m. (via Cleve- { don). Fri. 15-9.20, I 4.15, 5.30 p.m. I 7.30p.m. Sat. 10.0 a.m., ) Sat. 16-9.0. 410.60 a.m., 12.10, 5.45 p.m. ) 4.30, 8.0 p.m. Mon. 18-9.30, 11,30 ajsu, I Mon. 18-10.<:0 a.m., 12.20, 1.30,7.0 p.m. 6,0, 8.0 p.m. Tues. 19—9.30, 1L30 a.m., I Tues. 19—10.20 a.m., 12.30, ao, 7.30 p.m. 1 6. 30, 8.30 p.m. Steamer leaves Penarth New Pier 10 minutes later than Cardiff, except trips marked thus REGULAR SERVICE to and from CARDIFF and PENARTH, LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE, By the magnificent Saloon Steamers BRITANNIA, CAMBRIA, WESTWARD HOI LADY MARGARET, RAVENSWOOD, and WAVERLEY. Weather and circumstances permitting. MAY. LEAVE CARDIFF. LEAVE ILFRACOMBE. Monday 11. 9.15 a.m. I Monday 11. 2. 0 p.m. Tuesday 12 9.30 a.m.  Tuesday 12.3. Opm. Wed. 13 .10. 0a.m. Wed. 13.?. 3. 0p.m. Thur. 14.10. 0 a.m. Thur. 14. 3.15 p.m. Friday 15.. ..10. 0 a.m. Friday 15. 3.30 p.m. Sat. Sat. 16.u. 4. o p.m. Monday 18 11. 0 a.m. I Monday 18 5. Op.m. Tuesday 19 11- 0 a.m. ? Tuesday 19. 5.30 p.m. Steamer leaves Penarth New Pier 10 minutes later than Cardiff also steamer leaves Lynmouth 35 minutes later than Ilfracoinbe. qPECIAL CHEAP THROUGH FARES o TO DEVON AND CORNWALL, In conjunction with the London and South-Western Railway Company. For full particulars and fares see bills. 1355-6700 gPECIAL SAILINGS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th, HALF-HOLIDAY TRIP TO BRISTOL. Leave Cardiff 3.30 p.m. Bristol 7.45 p.rn; EVENING TRIP 10 CLEVKDON AND BRISTOL. Leave Cardiff 5.30 p.m. Bristol 7.45 p.m. Clevedon 8.45 p.m. For further particulars see bills, or apply Mr WM. GUY, Agent, 70a, Bnte-srreet, Cardiff or Messrs P. and A. CAMPBWLL, LTD.. Cumberland 1310 Basin, Bristol. 536e THE RE ARE MANY KINDS OF TEA. but if you wish for that which is suitable to a cultivated and refined tJRlate- BUY PHILLIPS & CO.'S TWO SHILLING. Read what a London Tea Export says of this Ten 41 It is one of the finest ftavourett Teas I have tasted for years like d flower garden, rich and meltow. II We shall be pleased to forward 61bs. of the above Tea, carriage paid, to any address in the United King- dom, on receipt of Postal Order value 12s. PHILLIPS & CO.. TEA SPECIALISTS, 74, QUICEN-STitKET, CARDIFF. Send Post Card for Tea Van to Call. 7\NYTAST'' jj^ISlNF hiCT WITH gjANITAS JQISINFECTANTS ARE THE BEST. SANITAS jl.h Ertjoys general favour." K9 Ztanett. Q ANITAS "—Valuable Antiseptic Imd Disinfectant. "-TwiU. SanitM kills all Disease Germs. ";anit" is fragrant and Non-poisonous. Sanitas Fluids, Powder, Soap, And Appliances Fumigate with Kingzett's Patent Sulphur Candtes. 15910 Illustrated Pamphlet sent free. S670 SANITAS CO., LIMITED, Bethnal Green, London, E CARDIFF AND-COUNTIES COAL CO. Head Office, 84, .The Kschange. Agents—P Wricie, 48, Lower Cathedral-ro t d; W. G Davies, 7, Park-street. Prices—16s 8d, 15s, 13s 4d per ton. Ovders'by post will receive prompt attention G. A. STONE & CO.. UNDERTAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 Y11A n; AT ran OUI AND ozqlv AvDitirsa- J 10, 11, & 12, WORKING STREET,. CARDIFF. UNDRR THE MANAGEMENT OP Miss STONE, "Plated by ?" Efficient S?t. 1 ? t?Ktphic Address CtHfd..ta. "Stone, 11, Working-streeb, CardilL,I 80—HO!' KOUEHS' "MONARCH" ALE AND STOUT 28 6D PER DOZ. IMPERIAL PINTS. BREWERY, BRISTOL. CARDIFF OFFICES- 2, MILL LANE. 3281- I)

The Man About Town. I

I Men of the Day.I







IMurder by a -Boy.








[No title]

Tit Bits. j

