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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. torrn waxes neue. WORDS. I ONCE. THIUm .1X TIME4. TIMES. 20 Words 0 6 10 1 6 30 Worda 0 9 1 6 2 3 9,x "■ [N I 111 ■" — "NEWS' 40 Word. 1 0 2 0 3 0 "echo." 13 P. 6 3 9 Worth 2/6 6$Word*] 1 6 3 0 4 6 5, w#rA| 3/q WALES OA I IT HfBYTS. ———_ Tlm2 SIX 41 Wordtl .<!————————————————————— 5/- it Wordi 8 6 1 0 1 6 —————— —— — i ——— 18 Word. 3$WotAi 0 C 1 6 2 3 1/- 49 Wotdi 1 0 2 0 3 0 £ »ofe*xtra 10 W«rdsj 0 3 0 6 0 9) ehmrptt a t. Øw oiauet of Atlver tiseutmt sptcrted ielrrw, nnd are strwtly tt •k«K ere ordered for consemHve insertion f*v& previous t. ittttrhen; if either 9; MN cmJitKmi 11 not eewjNiei wttfc, ,1&, AAwrtite øMIIt toff bt thm-j/ml by IIw JButmtu 8ock:- .A. Situation* roemnt JVenW, To w lAt RHtI., Lift. Fixmi, and SiiteelltMup Wanst. .AI. Not4c.Applil"aati tending Irpljea c Advar- Sj tt8m:øu. &<1dreeted to 10iM.lo or ArtiMoin names, 2M Olioe, are requested oot to tend original tesMmoatah Mutt application*, Wt to snttoao aopiea of toetimoalal* only. fMIOIIH, rfcaxM left at 6, Llwyamadoe-rtr.et, PontyprlM, as* i. not olalmed witfcin i ÙI8 tram tliit date they Brill ht cold. 91Ðe wni AeOeptlennw A call at tame aAdrott (SI). Thursday or Wrtda, night »t «■ M4 W IIXIAM Murphy, rrite Raymond, PImmiw, 0,meN. 411 riKTNRIUBir. AOontleman witt able business experi. "ould 1M glad to hear of a mod Partnership in ikmtii Walet.—K. M, Daily Knn OhM, t. 1ó4e IMCAWMAt London (Denble Honours), A.R.C.S., Lasdo* J) deeirtt Pupils in Mathematies and Science suhjeota. Turn 17ft appl ioacion.—O 335. Eofce. Cardiff. 333 jftOLiljI KKY Oflotala and Mlaw.—Luxw by post: \j the nnat read to pronation. Id Kmmp.— T. A. faatharn, M.X., late H.M. I et 111-. The Vilrenil Jtiaiog Bokocl, DerIrJ. nr AMcnrO.—Mr C. H. Marehaat's Prirrte Cfcee, ( Mall, Oaatle-Mad, ftteadai* aai WedaMdays, I tt DAISCrjfS Taofkt at J, Caati*-r*ad, eoraer N — read. Select elaai Wrdne«day«, 7.31 y.n. bjf DAjfCI8TQ. — >fr I" G. KoberM* etae»e« wfll oeaui«a«e (}OTe«ltas) Satorday, Ooteber Wtb. AdalU, Mondn, Oeteber JUfc.—F»r parUa«lan ayyly SB, Albaay-read. OUT HAND (Fitiaaa's), Brenirc Leesens. — Pnplh O 88qbt and qualified for appointaxrnt* b1 an upetf- eneecl tutor, ora111 or by pott: iudlTidnal tuition evety eftnlnj! fren 7. Corl8S1)ont'nncar.' reportinll 8trla. and speed clacsec.—Apply Priaaiyal, S. De Burø-nnet. Ritm. Mdt. MIT Alt liiVlJlA. 14Üi Red lion. Terrier; unleoi r claimed in three days will be told to defray expentM. —Apply Francia Llewellyn, OlanyUya. 148 TTKJUaD. at West Dock, yonng Bla«k Retriever Biteh> JD If net claimed in three daya will be eold.—42, Wynd- barn-read. 711 Soecch Coihe 9of. If act elatmed ia tllfte dQl JT wfll be told.—John Eraae, Bryn-wtrace, V.trad" Bheadda. ITS CJVJtTND, Bay Mare, aeed owaer oaa hare her by paying _T expeniee.—#7, Albert-ttreet, Oaaton. er Police PlaaaPowlt. Ml FOUJJD, at Merthyr Vale, a Smootb Fos Terrter Do*. I JF II not elataed ia Area day* will lie aold.—Inspector JeakJee. 851 LOST, WadnWay, Skd, Brladle Owyhoand Bitch; umn mate of I«dy Aader rewarded, detainer wfll lie prceeooUd.-M, Millloeat-ttreee. Cardiff. 89* White Pox Terrier BitiC JU Mack ean, bran eeadded aellar name Vlo reward 8iftD.-IM, LOST, Priday laet, Black Terrier Bltob, white breaat; eroee tReed: aaawera M) Pan, Anyone retumiaa will In rewarded.—J. Darlsf, Pareat Lerel, Monnhfa A»b. 7M an ldtit hut,, Blaek »nd Tan Sheey /&7niim,^5' "bite «pot an tail. Detainer prwecuted.— HMTAm. aad Prea R««t>try far yeang nenrante, ff, _*h>a ?*ort'a»d- Cardig (late IX, Parade). Young girla ~yp or attoattan will be weteame. X» A oeahi—eeeT1' Ser*«nt wanted at once, able to da pliria ~-?*A|irtr Mra Jonea. M. Pna^lriea-plaee, Cardiff. A. Berrant wanted at eaoe.—Apyly 9^ Z-—'off Qoeen-etreet)^ Cardiff. <12 A, Metropale aad Pree **i«*ry OBee fwrSe*- r-^i J-V^agin, ritaaOooe, or ranMatabie womea eaa. Meira-terraee faear Infirmary), Cardiff. 5e«7 t j! every eenveniei'Oe, 1d per aigkt mefe- *»»lj fer oharvamMu Ito. 4*« A •antral Sarraat wasted, andaiwiaitda -Apply (between 6 and I p.m. er by a->erraw. Oarttiff. 8BB A. Uana in Serrante re^nlriag Bltna- iXimti bm. KbencW* Valley, apply Ser»Mit»' Registry, ^l^ ^wyaypia, Rheadda, Stamped envelope stj A. R«cisfy want reepeetable Servanta at al *ji»«an'». ia Hous?«, Hotets, aad Bntlort.—Kett ^XPRli Cardiff. IW_ "K General Berrtnt waated, arart bare a y«ch-raad. U -Aft/It first ta^J, fit Vttmf*0*" Geaaral benrvaat Ke^uired far tba TJ aa early date; twa in famOy plaia Mewpart. «».—Applp by leWar t« IL, Koa« IHll, 301 (jf OtvWuu.r™t waartad immediately, «M 21.—*#, -iri, "r*a1, C»«t««. \JT wanted, far tmaM fanrily mwt .—- „— Ton well.—Apply S7, KingVrd., Canten.MI G™00 Pjal aad Hous^-Farlvarmftid wanted: goad, Cardiff £ 16-—Apply, after <, at (0, Bew^t- Cafe. —Required a creed Geaaral !t.D 'n*ea.—Ad»u g muit be quick, naart, and fond of boei- ■y. oagereea, after 7 o'cloclr. 463 Cw r^ij a strong steady Girl, *e Hen*e a>>d Pantry. Mrs Karris, Oaetle Hotrt, Mrrtbyr. 61? SEKVANT?i—— .— PortaiftL 14, Milford-street, CasdifP. off -z —r-road ate0 comfortable lodging §14 lfl frcctable Oirl, age 14 to 18, for morning ■—-p-jp-ggPty 57. Albany-road. Roath. Cardiff. 9M General, about 20: Vartemaid. 16: betk ffewport, Mei** Cto* IMt btlore.—5(^ C%tb» Park^raad, V y ^er3[S?' Wad Oercral Serraat able to de plahl '^APP'y 81, C«nmercial-»ead, Kewport. I2fce AtmiI*re*D*c*llb'« <5'rl a* General: age, 17 te II.— _J?»y, between 6 aod t p.m., «6. Crwy-rd., Catbaya. 'Vy raapeatable Ghrl, able to wa*.— Apply "0 t »nd S at M, WoHbtrertfc-avtaua, RoaKb. WA^nvOiri, sbent 14, as Bume toWa b*r».-a, "W-U-rr^oe, near Daeka. 878 Girl, abeot 14, to elaaa and atshit ia J —Apply &. Edwardt-twrraoe, Cardiff. ST1 \V i»m»diatply, experieneed Caok-Qenerai; r„ *amily nurae kept.—Arply. stating ego, Soontaio and r8lereuoea. Waiismts, Cefapetjnar, \V A?^j^y~rasyeetable Toaat dlrl as Hooeemaid.— jJilt^XnSS^n St. Arrant Whltrturd^aM "\ff 'ttpectable Qirl to tniit tn boutawork: •' refartneo repaired.—Apply 197, C«ile- _Ml \V AuT.*? 'MKiedfaMty. (*M General ServMit.—Aarir JJ S», MlHcant-street, Cardiff. 840 r«»iblt Pnaon at plain Coatc: alsa good Tnn>r1'7r *,r*^ General Serraat, 23.— Joiua. 84. Syatam-st, Bplotinndt. Cardiff. 821 *\SI faPmedSacaly, a healthy and re* peotuble u- — Oenerai na great ezperleace reqnired — ». Higfcfleld Villas. Newaham. 8« i#%7 Mad General Serraat.—Woodbine Hotuw, 782 an erteneed General 8- 1 s. to ldo plain eaohiac.—Aj»ly, with rafar- t^-eeaent, Oardiff. m = noe, Plain Qook: also Houte and V» able te da piala » wms snail faaMly. -■ Cardiff. 805 ^ra7Ay^*P' • »aoj streac Girl, able ta milk and d» ar q *4 Gea«*J Serraat, wko madw- rr *?** JJ^V1 referenoot reqnlred.-Appty ggwrriag a«er i .eleet at Richmond-road. OarditL TV »«niral Serrant.-Apt,ly Mm W D4*1' Iftafd, Ontmr aad i>rap#r, Talrid iSiwidsi yonyprMd. m_ VxTAKYKO. k Sjrfent, f0B)i chfldrtn.-Applv l". r? Hantwivatreet. 753 WANTEDr respeo^ble^Gwr^bout 17, as dlnerTl Servant: toivd of children—Apply ftlrsBIette, 262, «olton-road, Barry 760 WANTKD, eood Pla'n ^ptGeneral—Apply Mrs tiobbj B^nk Hmise. t'ontvpndd. 75i>_ JlXf^STEI), clesnGir! for hOUged reference*; J. ''om cimccrv Pr; «fS Evans, 6, Qucca's- 5f?!~i5?^ban»swH1-roiid, Newport, Moi) 3Coe Ay¥Sp. youujr Olrl. sbotit 19 as General tmnJl Ca^.j^o^^Appiy, aftsr 6 P 0*- '• Seaghenydd-pUet, "W eTparteweeu <3 £ "f*V2t £ f*n* '<?•*•*«• (1Mtho **P' r*St»a(^blc. clean Serraut.—Appip JLI B**T^. 7A, Oaartawa^e«3'J**wi)ert. S36o WAJgRP. ^Perj^nexd «en*ral ServimtT_ e»od ehutrxiar.-A^Bt, 7^ Samb^raad. fjj Apyty IMaca, Ordift. 735 AteTBl) a* sa«. a« e*»rnew««l Gaaenal, aot imtVor « 7.Sat AS*-—Apply 10 No. Si Kdsr»rd-tf«T«ce, Til Ajrvmi' t Mto w Applf Mrs SeAttuld, Lmntshuiit T^Car* W Xy good -Ap^y 1* Tador r*d. tiu-dMl. «4 a jatl j^?(a Ceek, er eaaarimeed Gaaerai tm- •> raaa*Aptly 4ft«r 7 pm„ I, Birtmawi-WTracs, ^ark-pl.-»e», Owdl*. 673 ANTife, a rasp* Working Hotnekfsper, to Ivivo fiontrel of »i«g| Ooff»e Tavern 011 behalf c»f younc r wil1 n'anibranc& undeniable reforwccs KHUtrsfli—Apply, ,_cc!o«ing photo ii possible, Coffee ^Wn. Echo Cff'V; Cardfa. 694 \\7A-NTKD imsjiliately. cood Plain Ceofc: able to bake w^L, *nd with sf-e kn-jwledse ef dairy; good references rp M-a Wayce Morfftn, Maesycoed, rou-Ipr.dd. o «7 J W ANTID, a *tro«g Gtrl, abaut 19.-Åppl, Hughes. 17 t" Weadvitte-road, Sarraat (nat under 20) small Yf family. Apply Um Staita, l CHiftan-plaae, New, M-. WANTBB at aaee, a rang CUrl, abaut II.—Apply M Haitan-raad, Ban* Doe*. \\7 A if TBI)7 reet>a«a»bi« Gtrt a* Oenerel. 16 » 1': "f oouMiry preferred rd8Naou reb_Apply, 4.. 6. FWmIjis. «, W AWTBO, gaod Geaaral Sarraat: wages tit to .14.- yY M., Staart Hcmse. Cbapttaw, Maa. 814 WANTBB Ooek, *30 KittAaamM*. £ li Kursemald, £ 12; Henna- Parlourmaid. Bit Housemaid, £ 12 ICkcheamaiis, 1S131.— WMm Mm Casta*. EegMry Offioa, Glaucettev. immedrntaip, good o-a1, \)8.er fM" VV dagle lady ooakiag aad wasfehig wwretiai.-Ap^. witb raft^eaoaa, Mlertfte. Westera-raad, Abergavaany. 9M *7 AN TAB (Norember Still, Qeewal Serraat, abeat X W Vla^e^k^T: wi ^tar-ee i.d* paasable.-g. Pumfrtee-piaea. ^uaaa-ecrert. Cardiff. 671 A'WTMD a iwaetaM* toang «|»J far gMeral work all to £ £ £ -?»* 11 Pmartk. i3T WANTEB. reepeateble Yeuag Servant Girt: 16 yeaw; mall family; boms.-Apgdy, betart II, <6. Plastwrtaa-avaape, C«urdif. irr_ AtiTSB~lma>ediately, a rtapeotablv Girl aa Geaaral, able te iraa.—Apply 2. Kyreik>g-»taraet, Catbedral-rd. iNTBD. gead Ooek-Oeneral: a too Hopat-Piwlanr- m^td.—Apply JH. OayUi, Barry. 478 AKT8U. young Giri fram 14 to 16, to belp ia housa- W werfc aad thep ■ f*»d 80.1 te eaitabie girl, treated at one 461 tmmeditely, Hroag. raspoatable fltrl, V T ) ? to aanst aaatber »irya»t t. general heasawot k.— Apply Hit J. Je»tm«. Bsipartast, Porndala. 483 ANTED. Coolo, Heiasemaid*, Caek-Gea«re.b, vr Kltabmimaid* nnabers e( Uaoaral Servant*, Ho'ise- Pariant-mnida dieetigstged.—Mins Ctoeitiasd's Registry, 11i. Qu«eB-ter*«t> Cardiff 469 WAMTKP, g&od Geaeml for attall family: geod re- W terenee rccruired; auras kept.— t. Bast-grara, Soa-th. WAKTIB, (troag, tapable Wamaa ae Co»k-B.eute- Wf keeper, cardial naanagar goad referaaae wasaes 319 aktIb kt aooo as possihie. a Laundrns for the T Truaat Sokeoi, Quaker's Tars wafea, 1. per yeir payable mouUilv, and rations. —ApplioaUions, with reft* enaee, ta he seat te the Secretary, It, Oewtlaad-berraee, Marthyr TydUL 357 \f ANTED, fieoeral 6arv<iaL ta wsak: tore to v T family.—49. Holteu-road. Marry Deok. i39 WANTED, a alee reepeetable Girl a* Geaernl Servant.— Apply N, Oatfeedral-raad. 5* WAMTED, a reapeetable yoaag GHrl as Kwrna, age 16 to 17.-Apply <. OaM'ld-streat, Cardiff. 8M W AJib=.<;ö:t. J:: Vr Brans, Draper, 10, Oos»mereial-road, Newpart. SSSe ANTklD, a ratpeatable Vhrkh. Heosekeeper )8 Bualnees boats; middle-aged preferred 1 conform tabie boa* ta caicabia persea.—J. 0. Hawkiee, fI, Daffrya-efcreet, Paradala. 3M AiTTEB uamidtaMly, wood Qeaeral: most be able ta VT waab aad iron: aNd raferenees required.—Mm Gowca, Castell Her, Hapfctaetawa, Paatypridd. 1728 YOUKQ Wemaa waatad for aboat one month ae Jt. Mother's H.lp —Ajpptir 10. Clafe-gardeat,Rirwitide. 748 GOOD Geaaral Serraat waated goad wages giY#«.— <jr Apply Hahitattea Hatel. Kewpart, Mon. ITht UNDKK Barman.—Taaag Maa, age M, Situatiaa tj as a beta wfll glrs flrst fartaigkt: willhtg ta lsara.— O. II.. lo, lian.o.r-r. Barry. >88 WANTBD immediately, a read Qeaeral Serraat must understand plaia eeekiag.—Appiy Vaf4st Hatel, St. Mary-etreet, Cardiff. 718 WAkTBB, Youug liady as Barmaid far BwglUJi Hotej at Antwerp.—Pbote aad referaaaes te 1*4, oare ti Lc€ke'i "aNTBB at aaee, a atraag, reepeeteble OM for Hotlft- work.—Bat* OtsUe Betel, A..ft1 Docks, Cardiff. 406 WANTKD far Hatels, Heaeekeepar, Barmaids, Walters, WaKretses, Chamberstaida, Coeks, Kitcheamaids, upper aad aader Laaadrtrmaida, Hensemaids, and Pages.— Appiy Hatet UegMtry, CaMle-SMa4e, Cardiff. II. V. Marks, M< ari'iiATION* «A«;AMT Good Plostersr wanted at anee, — John A. Morons, Plastarar, Poptyoynmer, Garw VaHsy. 7ST A Sharp Improver Wanted immediately to the Grocerr A and Proristaa Wade.—Apply B. B. Jonas, Korsd Stores, Dewlais. ™_ BAKKR/i.—Tboroagh goad Hand wanted far mails and hot-plate goods muse bare indisputable rofereseos.— Apply II, May-etreat, Cardiff. T71 BAXCR8.—Wanted at oaee, tttorough I Hand.— D Apply, stating salary (in-leore), refereneen, M. and 7. Williams, Household Stares, Scnghenlth, Cardiff. 690 BRIOKLATBRS are re«t?eetad ta call and see their U Branch Ssoretary Mare acaaptfag smytoyHant it the Londea lkiatriot. I ARAPBRT.—Wanted far temmter, yaang Lidy, Juuiar JLJ or Improrer state partioulars a'so AjmrvuVfcea for millinery aad sauatsr.—D. Brans and Ca„ II, Woad-abieet, Cardiff. T83 DRAPKRT —Wasted, gead JTuniar far HtmUntM Befaartmeat, Bre te six rears' experience.—Apply, with tall pa*UaaharSb J. WQUvma, Scotland Hotne, Sew* port. il311 DRI53SMAKKR8.—Wasted, e^erieuced Bodice Hands. —Apply Oreeataads, Llmlad, Hereford. TIT 17ILBCTBIOAL Rnsinearing.—Meears Sydney P. Walker li and (Ja. hare Tioatxry lor one Appranttca.— Cardiff Kleateloal Warlo, Rerena-read, Cardiff. t66 CIROOBR'S HoaJier wanted.—Apply, gtrlng references 1 aad Mating age, wages Hades**), and when dll- eagayed, Arthur Daniel, TraedgAwr. 317 AIRDRBSSirRS.-Wanted, at once, first-class i-t. cuUer and Sbaaw l»daew>—Apply Lebeu. 51, Tbavpnoa-tta^sat, Carry Dock. 6aD HÁJJü).1V.ft"d immediately, good RatT. i-t. satter aad Sharer; permauent berth to a stendr Man oabdoor.—Apply, statiag all particulars, to D. J. Lewis, Hairdresser and Tebaoeonist, 78, Court-atraet, Blaea- clydaab, Iiwypypia, Bit—«Mk. !J68 MBH, Yowtbe, Bojs.—All olasses requiring any esvplor- meat (ii«daars ar o«t) write at oace. ffituaueu Guide free busy time kaadreds miied: den't delay: town or eoantry dietaries aa abjeot.—^Saamer aad 0. Doc 84, 112, Hewiagtaa-eaaaeway, Ijondem. 668 M AJfTLBS.—Waated, Yoaag Ladles as Junior salt* women drap«ry eiperienoes. —Apply A. Walket, Mantle Maswsfaaturer, », High street,. Cardiff. tW MA*TI/Bi.-Wa»tad at aa»s a food Msntlamaker aad iM. Fitter.-Apply A Walker, MmtUs Maartactarars, S, High-street, OaralJL MILrJHBRT galee -Waated, a pnsliltwTaang Lady tor _jaww-x>am -Apply Bd. Kobineea, Draper. Cardiff. 1J(La8T £ RBR.—Steady, <aMk Maa srantad.—»«^7, JL Moira-ylaae. OL.ABTiR.KR8 Wasted tor Chapel, renrhiweejber: i. mnet be gaod meo.—Reea, Oaabractor. Merthrr Vale. PLUMB1BG.—Imprarer with axpefieacs wemted. Kfwlv. if*/r»-»lao«. 836 Pl/UUBBK wasrted at aaoe, good practical steady maa. —Apply (stating references, and wanes reqatred) Boob. Berw-read. Pootpprldd. 900e PILINTXKG Wanted a gaad Cropper Machiae Lad.— Appig fimaUb Walae Psiaah* Werta, Weatgehe steeat, Cardiff. RW8PMTABLB Pareaa ta sarre la Pork Shn,.able ta JK. weigh Joints aad aqt ehope.—J. tedi. 111; .0000toft- Btraat Cardiff. 856 SABITAKY Iiiape«toctfhip«.—Goad aaJarfee na»m)as raaanoiesi permanent appointmenm. Pestal aour^ now eommeneiag far Cardiff Exm. (July). Over 181 sacceases, and fullT half had ne previous o< sanitary matters. Bpeoial oauree far ladies. Apply K»f,. Mireheas, Sanitary Baienee Teacher, Snnclerland. tM STANDARD FftmithiTig Oa.. 81 Queea-street, O Vaoancy for respcetable Yenth l»arn Furaitning Tn.«. good apportnnity for lad leaving school. nno CanfecMoners.—Wanted, a smart Man, for email JL goods must be well up.—Apply, siting waj^j, to Hepkin Margan, Peatypridd. TO Pork Batchers.-Waated, a goadMao "nderstendls small goads—Apply, with references, «. Jewffliao, Batcher, Main-street, Cadoxton-Barry. TO Pork Bwtohers. A gead Slaughter Man wanted at ± once: outdoors.-Apply, stating e. wages, ana refeeenon, Hiltier, fl). Qneeti-etreet, Card1^* „ \\7 ABTBD. a reapeetabie Young Man for the Boot Trade. W —Apply J8. FTara-etreet, Cathays. ANTED, two L*Wireaders work for th* ",Int. W Apply Nioholas and Co, Limited, Timber Mar. chants, New part, Mini. iJTTBD ii enoe, Tonag Girl. about 1" to aesisti with young obildron: alsa Washerwoman.—1-5, Serara-roa^ Caotea, Oftrdiff. \\7 ANTED »t a»oe, Phimber aad Tinplate Worker: one V» need ta the werfc af aa ironmonger's shop.—Appjj Jasaes Kaaa, Irawmeager, Paabra, Rhondda^ ABTBD. a resaeaUbl* Lad fer Pawnbroking, wltk VV vioa at apprentioaehlp.—Apply, with referOTice^t Jamas-streat, Boehs. Cardiff. J?—- Y^ABTEB, Two Ptestesam.—Kaymemd. Ojotere. AJTTKD Munediatelr. Youag Man iu the Fisb Fnttt Basineas: able tie drive aodlook after horses- —Apply, stating age, wages, b., Bartlatt, Fruft eltorja, M- ? WAKTBD a Bay. naed ta Baking.—Apply to 0. Lawtaa, ZS, Borth CBvaatceet, Grange town. 708 AWTEU, «e«d CwA-mlslar.-y, Dimes, OoaHt" TV bailder, Marthyr, <66 WAKI*D, twa er three gaod Caraeaters.—Apply Pore- man, Pare Gwyllt A»yHnn, Bridgend. Si6 WANTBD at oaoe, tew read Ihrraklaye rs, ftcQusiDted I Vf with raflraad werfc—Maaateg and G»rw deektoa. Pert Talbet Railway- TOO AWTKD. a rasps stable Yoaag Girl as an Appreatioe rf ta a light Vaasg BsMtnes* Address T S94. Bcho Oftae, CaTdiff, SM tjT/ ANTBD, sharp 1*4 for the Pawnbraking aUe to > » „«ad aad wrrta »s«st havs good raference.-Apply Ke«d, Rallway-etreet, Cardiff. 4M WAMTBD. MaeWnlsts aad Iieners for Shirk -Work all sewing maohioes driven by power l»rga, heaHfey. w«Il-rew«Uted workrooms. Bawd aad 1 edging pioridtd tree for learaens Dt emplosrment ana good priess puid. Railway tarsa adraaoad.— Apply ta Mm Cfceddar Vallay MaiinfaoU»ri»g CX, CfceXdar, hasaerwi. W7s OUTU wajsted iwPurter gaod rtrfereaees ro<|atrtKC^ Apply Viotarm Tea Oa., Liaaited, Bt. Mary-s».. CapSIff. ilTrwkir«»n»fa mar be reused by eitbei sex, without dW biaderlag oacapatsea.—Par psrMoulars, tnmplM. te., encleae addraseed ewralapa, Braas, Watts, aad Co. (P 131), Mosghaatit. Brrmiaghass. Gaaabw). fi9 *»T»A*tdMi» WAWT«*». BAKBR.—To*n« IIau seeks sitWBtton all good Bread JD Baker well aoetntviaed ta nnallt: goad reference Hooa.J.P^ry^ce-rea^^l^yj^a. Wsntird as Third EUtitl; well nr> la bread and cake; willing to deliroi.— Apply J. ,T." Kciio Office. CardliT. 514 AKBRS.—Wanted, by Young Man, StaatiotTirSeooiid or Pfafle llatid good reference.—Ad<«refs F.N., is, m i^CK»Mn,HW.-Tan»g n«n weks *:tn*tToa Mtiorm. itoer er Jobbing Smith Fod icfertuc!—Apt-37 A. jfen seake > poait. 1»eTI ar I. gaod references. statateer. ago fji. 853 (" S ROC«aef.—Waatsd, Sltwation I* warehouiwTusedTo yr the uradc eeonf.ote7 vau aBy A/nirieV Jaliit. Beho •JuUm KNTaL Mcfeaa. — Tean« Maa aeei« frwi.ley- iM rtH*nt good iiMtttwi fc«h«>rt rrt«r»new». 11, Doushty atrwt, Meetlr»bu»K-<nn*r«. La^da^, W.C. J58 MRS Cakley waats a PamHrt WaSWv* or a Ooffe« Tavora Wathiag '• goad wta^as* —w, » dtard-u S~'fWiwoi"'wwiitM~ii» Carpeat«r «*><&> «■»« :"eoia. rUi_mt work, ar f ScJlo Ottv*, Cardiff. Sff(JATIO!C< miil 'a Geaar*! f»r aavwal uonuuy UirtM vnriaatt age*, liw «basa«ter! —ftjrs Clutter, Hegi^brir, ulaoeoste*. 417 QVATIONKKY »r Fai^Bwia^«^Mad~¥»u^ KJ Lady seeka R aucatrnamt ag^d SO', aattalaats.ry •e/«r«»ea.—O. BavUo, llTAhag-etsaet, Brramawr. r iX) 1>>ibari. Siaitatiaaty good Braad and Cake Haad; .1 go«d rptsrenaos.—Maasaa, wabory, Tredegjir, Moir m rIX) Qrocan, fcrapert, ets.—Any ki id of D«!iva» wanted X lor ecb antl sprlug «wt daily er weekly.— B t>l, JJolro, Cardiff. 404 WANTED, by regpectftblt Person, FamiUes" Washing (plain olothes): every convenience good drying 871 \TyL^UTED,SStuatlon u TV" Mn Taylor, Lower Ktlee, nev Bltkeney^louooBter^ sMre. 8 vy ANTED, by roeoectabls Woman, charias. howse Maurh^nX^: te elean.—K. P., 11, Aiexandra-st. Cathftys. Cardiff. \V YouDrGirl, a SitnatiotTl nany lightar Write Jonea, Echo Offlce. Cn,6ML W^ k^naer's daughter. Situation as Workasg .!fL.„Z^Ueei Per^ ■»« t*rm house or prirate, goad reterenties. J imes. Cogan Parsonage. Pe.nttr« £ '91_ ft re^eciTble^GirirsituSioti In Coole*. ft WH.1?r JSy "«ht b«win«« wen educated n« St.—Writs g ear, Boba, Cardiff. 607 VyANTBD a YOUnc lnDIaa Plain Sewiag ehildren's w b' djf;Vriu Echo 081"8. (;aMiIf. u- W A JTTEI>,by raspeauihle mTddTe^aged Widow,~Situ^ ? C&r""ker or any piaee of trast: good ntm- eaees.-AddrsasJBJOKcha Office. Cardiffj "7 WANl-KD by r«epooiWe^«r»on, sitMation as Werkh* Heiwelreepar r oetiU also u*ut In bosiaess—Awrtg it, Barry-road, OadoxWa. fo61 yy IIX)W at fiai ar busiaesa hsese situstiou "as Htus^kee^we, ,A.4d. A. Jenkins, J, Li8- cota-»tr»et, Oaniaa. WORAIMG Hansekeeper, &»^fab~T3«r"lismMUMW? Navemhev I2tle :»ed e*«k reUabie leforeooa^S. K., Brypeynen House, firwaia, near Aberdaro. *11 r|X) Ha-ohers.—Yon«r~M^. 12, reqlllirea rtto»Uon as Slaughtermwa also well ap in *hep rood rrferoaoe last Cook, Bleidtiey, "ells. Somerset. "9s CiLMiHHt. MAtAtiJMM. d6. LAW Writer waated mwt be a «r»t-cl»«w writer ani "exter tend speaimes of work.-B. 887. Bsfao. CardiC C HIP-HEP A IRfNO.-Prate i,«T' a deeires MtaitM. or Asstnaat Managers Wales good ttAtuumuiOe modevabe saiary.—U iuz. 302 Ofice, Cardiff. V\7AKTKDrB^TSro^ ,*jL Tiso-keepfcg. *«.-Bteteage, wages, e^.ta J TB6. Bcho Oaioe, (.'arditf. AttliNtlllig AGEKTTS wauted everywhere. eanvassii« ShoiAeeper* Glamoi gaasbire, MoamouU»*h«*, Pembrokeubireu <;arsB»rMtei»bira, Oai-digam*«ie. weakly.—Meaers Pampkilon, Caoglsto^ Cheehtre. A' GKN'f S Tf ant««L—M obey easily in •»» £ « ac«ney jxaqx ooaiMtnt »Mtnd. rtrueu1 Wr» tr** also Poaket Rubber jom n»m« drees—8. Bell, 128, Cbeapside, LoDdoa. 1NCRBA8E Your Inoome.- Poresnea, Check-Weighman, Tim«koepers, Ol^rka, and all respectaWe men with infla- enoe auaotig the working olaaeee, wanted to ,fo £ Watclim, Jewollary, t*oek», C)wU«-y, Mattoal ta. Toms and Catalogae of Kendal A Dewt, 10^ rii sUs, Loadoss. Great Bnaoess. LKATHKR Trade.-AdvsrMser, age M, woid Represent a good H >u*» as Traveller lor daath Wales. Good and saundoo»n«ortan ia Uhe wade, "well m oettleHes :a,od ■sers of Ma?kiae Belttag, fco,—Addreas leather, Dai)p News OIIee. Cardiff^ LITBRPOOL Tiotorh Legal Priendly Sosia^ Wanfcsd, i-J gaod Canvaseer a»d Colleotor, for Aberdare Junction and Oiifyuydd.—Apply Bow land*, Montrose, House,Nelson. ARUAKlITB AgMt Seath Wal«s.— Pirstolass Dutctl minutaetumr «pa« to engage flrst-class Agent; bllt.est referenoes rquire4.- Writ.. application onbr ta M. V S-, Royal Hotel, Cardiff. 8". APARTMBim elte PARTMENTS ta Let, aomfartably furnished, in Onto, A teld street: het and eold bath: gaod attendance.— AHIT B. 881, Ecfct Office. Cardiff. »* i A-PA:ltTMIÏm-W:ü. baai-d, offered an reasonable A terms to a Yoang Ladr or (Jeatleman Plasturtjm. frroace • bone •omfodtf JtlAaai lurrouudlnfi.—-P 751, ISaJM Office, OardUT. __7 PARTMEMTS ta Let (Harailtan^street) mifarniihed", A very ebeap rewt desirable teaant. -Apply Legaseick Cheapest Turwutre Berntaw and Warehouse, Canton Cardiff. 744 APARTMENTS (wc41 farnUhed*. front A sitting and bedroom, saitable for one or two gentla. usa or two ladies.—2, Strathaairn-atseat. 621 PARTMENTS for twa Yeoar Mea, with or withowi board aha twa rooms unfurnished erven grata.— Wittiams, 6, Oraobrook-plaoe, Oatbays. 581 APARTMENTS (unfurnished); front bedroom, back Bitting-room: suit renp«etable couple every conve- nience.—8. Don ton-road (near St. Johns Ohuroh), Canton. APARTMBNTS waated by jwutleman, Sitting-room and A Bodroam, hi Richmond-road or Trede^arville, or would board with DIN family.—Apply, stating terms, Kotao Offioe. PARTMSNTS, weH furnished suit one or two «ent!o- A men piano hot and said batik.—Apply 39, Talbot- stioot, off Oathedral-road. 443 APARTMENTS.—Board and Residence for gentleman- goad table well-furnblhed rooms: terms — 12. PIUBian-plaee, Newport-road, Cardiff. 440 APARTMBNTS for one or two fóentlemen, front Sitting, A roam and Be^raom with or without board hot and cold bath: terms madarata.—Apply 26, Plautagenet-streeb Rtveniido. 419 APARTMElfTS (froufc) comfortably or two gentlemen piano, hoh and oold bath, all 38 Plautagenet-etreefc, ALivertlde. J4q BEAUFORT Villa, It, Ovwbrtdga-roitd.—-Apartments for tw. (tlulllell16W.. 466 BOARD ar Apartannts, in Canton, for Two Ladiea: hemoiy poo pi*: every attention and clean: near tram! — S 842, Hehe Ofloe, Oaralff. 943 CX>MPORTABLB Ixxiging* for respectable Working J Meu 01 ohtMrsa; fcsrrms moderate.—Apply 11. Bell!- 741 COMPOitTABLB Lodgings for two Young Men, or Uafsrctabed ALpartnspnta with attendance if required, —14. GreaD-street, Cautaa. 754 f "COMPORT ABLB Apartments for one or two gentlemen, KJ with atoendaaee good cooking hot aud cold bath.— Apply 27, Tader-road, Cardiff. Tl6 C10MP0RTABLB Ltdglngs for a single man.—Apply li Bremflold-strsat. Lower Grange. 718 /'COMPORTABLB Pnrnlshed Apartments and LotViofs V fer ane or two young meu hot bath.—Applv 196 Hoi ton-read, Barry Dock. 658 CWMPOttTABJJt Hume la town for a respectable yeang i « th* *»Ti tor oompany.—E 608 BchS UBM, UlraiS. ^lOM PORT ABLY Fon»l»bed Bitjtin* and Bedroom hot and oold bath suit one ar two yoang men.—1, South Imtaa-tdaee, Adamssdown, Cardiff. 6" CT>^?HTABLB tar Geathsman hot and cold J bath: tersw moderata.-127, Tader-rd., Riverside. 502 i WMPORTABLB Pnraished Praot Bed Sittiag Koom Vy ta Let: pleasawUy sitsiatad.-6T. Metal-street, Cardiff. C"*OMPORTABLB Apartments for twa or three young g^»U«»»n twHi modorate near Docks or town.— Aah Grove, Clarwaea-rtyd. Grangatawn. 4Sfl ( ^OMFORTABLB Lodgings far respeatable Men board is n!0d«r*t* charges near T.V.R-14. Bdward-straat, Queen-atree*. Cardiff. 445 Lodgings for One or Two Young •on** £ >dr?0,u* «" day .-Apply personaUy, 10. Orbit-street, Roath. Cardiff. r I^UBNISHKD Apartments, suit two gentlemen or married t w'^out childrea feot and cold bath.—Apply 57, Laohabee-^tceet* Keath Pars. 860 l^UENISmSD Apartssaats. is 6d "pOT "weak~AppIy 1 A Mertbyr-rtreet, Cathaia torraor. Cathays, Cardiff. 6K f^URBISHED Bedraom tu let, with use of sitting* >oa4 "SZjT™ -1 rent.—IA, KinjV n" ('-<itif. 1168 .FUUI8D ^Partatwata, salt twa young xn«a Of TT ooaple trams pass terra* reasonable.—>3, N<*r* Roath, Cardiff. S76 I^URNlSHKB Apartments to l<«t to Two Young Gentle- y*«»g Marris4 Ooaple without ehildreti pro- rerred.—1. Diaiia^raet, Park. 343_ 1 'or Two or Three Young .r1',™ or large aembined room near town P*rk i^eTI,8derata.—28, Bedford-st., Ttoath. 88S0 1 ,°^ 'or one steady, respectable Gentleman Jr. v- 1*ftr Albatiyvioad.—Apply W„ Statiouer. 8, Mackintosh-place, Roath, Cardiff. 707 I for re*peot«ble Young Men, with or B without board hot and cold bath; terms moderate. 426 AJICKLY Parnifhed Pront Apartmentfl: bath: suit gentlemen friends good attendance: piano if ftl', ffiu<Ierat9. Somerset Villa, 39. Harriet-street, (Jntbays. 414 | N E or Two Rooms ta Let (furnished or unfurnished), 9f lodging* two young uien moderate.—74, w eUs-straet. Oautoa. 466 'po L«t, Aparlmenta or Lodgings: suit lady or gentle- ^77,.88 a" »e*T bus; terms moderate—Addrsss R., .Stationer. 8. fcuclrtauwls.nlaor. Roath. 373_ comfortable Purnished Room* to Ltt for two », L 'I" er ysong married canpia.—Apply 56, Wynd- ham-traar, CWiitan. 863 rrw° to Let: every sonrsuience.—Apply — I e"ba.T»d-street, Grange 4^5 r«»fotable pe.tplo, without children preferred.— I'?5 'jaudonn-eQuare, Dock», Cardiff. 87b f TNPUR^iaHKD, one Room (small bedroom if re- taired) to guiet people use of kitchen immediate ps •siselon^ W hipwaker, 212, Buta-road, Cardiff. t42 TTBffURNlBHKD Aparlmenta to Ixrt for resj)ecfcnl»ln V_ "larrlsKi eavple oluea 60 tranu or "bns.—4, Marion- •"T™' Oardiff. 461 I Apartsnents to Let hot and cold 0." olaoe be Roath Park.—Apply Miohaelstone House, Upper Dotiald-r re^. Roath. 479 rTNrCJliNXHHRD Anart.ssents" to~Let^T hoTcoid water ^'A.-Apply 8, Maoh en-pi ace. Riverside, Cardiff. 463 W bedroom aad to share sitting-room, or live fasstty baHi: Canton or Riverside terms m^dfra^BT, Asho Ofllee. Cardiff. V>T_ VV Two Sitting-rooms and Two Bedrooms, f"™>ed or unfurnished, in neighbourhood of New- port-roaq. a pp>yt st*tii>K t^rms, H b24, Fcho, Cardiff. 524 Sitting-room use of .i.r? r*> • oiose to trams aad "busses.—13, I>ong- oroga-atreot. 353* Wlrenride.—Comfortable At\artl /v m.e"?. or Lodgings for one or two Gentlemen bath, hot ana sold ao children terms moderate. 355 := f* Mtr.—iwwai.«. AHonso to Let or Front Rooms, also Kitehen and TJed- 7*™ tunjiished or aaCunswhad.— Apply 27, Havelock- street, o^rdlff. 821 O YROff-stv^, RoB.u.-HeaM to Lstto tidy tenaat- P Appto, with rafm-aaoes, Wss. Bmalsrs k Sams, 28, St. Oarttte. 836 BUT* D«cks7-^9 Lot, Hoase In George-streetTnewii. papered also House, Loudoun-square.—Apply Pembroke Boose, Oonwsy-road. Canton. fft J BUILDING Lan d to LetTInthe best position of~Cado? ton: riapectiable builders financed.—Apply j p_ JonM, Richards and Budgsn, jH.JMai^stwefc, Cardiff. Ij^LT)'^N-rot <i.—House to Let, 4 bedrooms, bathroom. j and w.c.—Apply ffn. Sanders and Sons, 25, st. Mary- street. Pordiff. 352 BElV?JJ*f,;reet.—House J*ct AO ll^y tan ant, vent 6s 6d —\Vro. Zanders and bons, c9, 8t. Mary-sty^ef Cairtl«: B33 H'ovhn to Lat all PairwaWr Gror«. oompletT"'i^ -'— rpqu'uumeiiti;. niodern^ rent, easy dintanca to lJ«»ttd*fi: or my Station, ^-W.R.; beautiful sioust- lton.—Wtn. Pretoo, Pwwltfnke-rg^ Catdw. 832 HOUSE to" Canton (J^posi^ JLJL Pow Om„.); immedlsto possswiom.—Apply VVeyt, 33., HftmflMU-siriMt MI OaUjedraJ road): fa OOSie im Ts^iiad7«oar Cs*»twn tram^terminua f"6 r»"o>» bo«-»ad luith »» (inclusive).— Apply W. t^w^-ldse-roaeU _768 HOUMB to Let, OJarpnoe-roafl: ba«iliot7eoirt7Vbe<r i_J)L rooms .gas, papered fhrimfihoul izs od week clenr. —Apply SH. CDiftcni-streot. 768 HOIXRR to Let, 71. Baagnr-rosd. hot jTt. oold hatha, doahie bays.—Hope Villa, Upper Arabella Kiraet, Roath. 661 HOUSB to Let with garden. pllre-p'ace (off ('astU-coadJ, 6d (er w«ck.—Apply 1J, Bdws,ra- terrfioe. 9a koteold btook eøeraace rant S. ^y-rd. HOUSBS to lit^-ipnrnitinre mrnn. olte" 1-1 Vtt. In town: Mtiimitotf •Buoy, 911ft "nü Ca. 15. Duke-thrMU CarèltT. ^53 C^-difTl _i House to Let; hot water and gt* throughout: key at oorn6T house. 106 £ e\~Apply c"s. Jt. Arthur, Kstnte Agent, 8, Queeo-streat. Cardiff. 762 m IX-roomertHouse to Let.lii, Alfred-street, 9s 6d i-J week.—Apply 92, Alfred-street. Roath Park, Cardiff. SPRINGFleiTb^piace7—noaM3 t° Let to tidy tenants — Apply, with references, Wni. c?d Sons, 28, St. Mary-Btreet, Cardiff. 634 I 0 Let, jood Double-fronted House, Ne. 2, Rieharda- JL terraae, Roath, containins large arawinr-room, aining-room, 2 kilcberts, scullery, conservatory, and out- houses, four bedrooms, bathroom, hot and cold, w.e sepa- r?^f servants' staircase. The premises are now being com- pletely renovated inside and out. Rent £ 40 per annum, tenant paying t»xe«.-Apply Welch, 1, West Grove, Cardiff T° t, JO, Uanbledddas-gardens, two reoeption-rooms, J. srx aadrhoiBs, hot atnd coid bath.—18, St. Andrew's, cresoent. an 1'0-1: j'¡ou.d \)I)II;I»OftiOU8, oonftllient oornar A 8012118. 6 bedrooms, 5 reception-rooms reut £ 52, two t!" tSii-istmas.—Key next door, or Knox aad Weill, Bencoi -atreet, Roath. 81«_ T° j'. 'P Tnrbervfll»-square, Canton, House in first-rate n contalnihg 4 bedrooms, hot and cold bath well atbed throughout rsnt, lis 6d inclusive.-Apply W. Symoods. 16, Reotory-road. 761 Tjet' b roomed House, three minutes' waik from Ta# •«««*»». haatthy pom*ia».-Apply lM, OaaUa-road, Cardiff. 713 riX) be l>t or Sold, II, Talhot-street three reoeption, 7'ar bedrooms, conservatory and grooahoase (both heated).—Apply above address 683 T° Wo. K, SploUrastd four bedrooms, hot ■A ftad oolt bath. Urge cellar thoroogb condition — Apply abova. jjj rtOh j;&i-d:-fi.-Št. reoeptioa-rooai, 4 JL* #oaw' batil' w-°-« laratoryw—Apply U6, Cluude- roaa. 6U rpO Let, now ready, stnse more Houses Nesta-roaA C»» ,°L#S* 10 tr*m• an<1 Corporation New Park 2 roeepuon, 3 bedrooms, bathroom (hot and ceWt). large ki»- caivi and seuil«ry, back entranoe<, Venetian blinds, gse actings throaghotrt, hsaltby neighbourhood, gravel swk- weekly inclusive.—Apply Cwrner Bousa, right- hand dde. 515 rrO Let (Cadoxtoa Common)* convenient House hot u ajMi A sold bath, wo., front and side eatranoa.—App% Townnerol, Newsagent. Cadoxton. S62 T° Let. t5. K»elyii-etrcet[ DockT; end boom sldo JL entrance, with stable suitable ooal pard.—46, Georgo- Btreet, Deeka, Cardiff. 437 ,1"0 Let, House ia Tunuer-road papered throughout, 1 varni«hed 9s week clear bath, hot and oold.—In- quire 50, Wyn<1ham-cregc»nt. 431 rpHE Bouth Wales aud Monmouthshire Property Regietesr tor Oolober free on application or post.—Hern and I ertwee. House Agents, Auctioneers. Valuers &\C.. Cardiff. VILI,AS to Let, Canton, with or without stables rent T moderate: every convenieswe.-Apply and E.u,19, Duke-street, CardifF. 287 WOODVILLB-road. — House to Ijot.—Apply C. a. Arthur, Estate Agent, 8, Queen-street, Oardi. 766 <14. Oiare-stre«t, Rivtrsiile, three reoeption, seven bed- /y roocw, £ 46 16s, exclusive et ratea.- Morgan aad Boott, 18. High-street. 747 83, Sim-street, to Let: 8 rooms. In thorough good condl- tion large garden.—Appiy at 14. 726 OH Talhot-street.—Barlv poesessioa 2 siMsng-vooms, 4 O bedrooms, buth.—J. J. David and Co., St. JohaV ralamWs, Cardiff. 60S 94. Llandaff-rsad, to Let: 4 bedrooms, upstairs good II bathroom house thor8U¡chly done throuchoui rent £i8, IQeIWlln.-Aply Heath, Queen-street. 8í1e 10, Tulloeh-street, Hoath Park, to Lei, with hot and CG JL bath newly papered runt, 10s 6d.-KorlEar.. Lachtt- bar- 556 HOUSES and Shops to Let as under.—Apply Evans A J. and Hnghei, House and Hstate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, County Pire and Provident Life Offices, 1'orough CSiambers, Vvharton-sfcreet Cardiff. 69e 3, De BBrgh-street; hot and cold bath III 6d per week. 1 i, Bradford-street, Grange la por week. 46, Bldso-road.— Spacious Shop aad Promises. Heat moderate. 5Bvans'-buildings. North Mergaa-stfeet, Canton, newly • t>aperad. Rent, 4e per week. 2, GJenroy-sti-sat. Mnckintaah Btetato. «»e.. VTANTRD. HOUSE Wanted, Richmond-road or neighbourhood; -.I. three bedrooms, bath rt<)uired rent inclusive not Inland Revenue, Cardiff. 775 WANTED to Purchase, good Cottage* in respecteble T neighbourhood state rents, particulars, lowest price oftenae no IILII. -C 913, Reho. Cardiff. 903 WANTBD to Purchase small Villas and Cottage Pro- Y perty.—Stats lowest price to Phillips, Echo Offloe, rdjff, ]_■ 77 r» iJyr-8;t3»iMt.a» ftnannfe dt« ABakebmsa to Let.-2T, Rlm-streot, Roath, Cardiff. A 374 II>ARRY Dock.—Several Shops, best positions m Holtou- IJ road and Thompson-street Villas, Kingsland-ores- cjnt and Trav»-street eatahlishnd bluineaef'll.-Âpvl1' Edward Roes, Auctioneer and Receiver 8If Rents, Barry Doak, 872 iiOR B.W!, House in excellent position for conversion into buain- premises; also Shop suitable f^>r ry taade but grocery —Add'ess Z 689, Eoho Office, Cardiff. 681 f-c-Iousri and Shop to Let (48, Angns-street), with het and JUL cold bath.—Downing, IBT. Sold, Shep and large Bakehouse. Portmanmoor- Jt road 4 Shops and CoMaffe, Moors 17 Cottages, Can- ton: < rooms.—Hotridge. 179, Broadway. 488 iiwPORT.—To be Lot, Suite of Offices tour roon.s and Lavatory; centrally situated iu Trc,degar-place.— P&rtiwttan of Manager, Dally News"Oglce. Newport. 23e Omolt to Let. ground toor, 18, Omtom House-street; beat position for wholesale businoss, also < rooms; rent mal4te.-WM Brothers. 110a QURKN-sfcreet, Cardiff.—To Let. flrst-class Buflinen Promises (best position), exoellent living accommoda- tiou —Write Z 814. Boho Office. Cardiff. 814 O HOP to Let or Sold, Trevethick street, near Wells O Hotel, Riverside, Cardiff.—Apply 16, Charles-street 521 CJJNGJjB-fronbod Shop to J/tk best position for any kj business: near railway stitloi;, Pontypridd.—Job WiiUsnts, 67, Riohard-sOrect, Pontypiidd. 34fI rriHE whedeor nart of Stables and Lofts, with good yard JL (xtek Church road, Canton.—Clark, 6, Northcote-etreet, Cardiff, ■ r|->0 Let, House, Shop, and Bakehouse also House. Sholt J. and Yard, suit greengrocer, vacant next Monday and HotMt in Pearl-street.—For particulars apply 185, Pearl- street, Roath, Cardiff. 529 r «iO Let. splendid Shop, Glebe-street, Penarth: bmt J. pcattion grand opening for fruiterer or dairy low rant.— Robert England, Cardiff. 520 njX) Lwt. LM-ga Room or Rooms Duke-street, suitable for A offices.-Apply Paonoy and Burt, Furniture Removers, 19, Duke-street. 352 '»^U Lot dseta of Rooms as Offloes, above South Wales JL Daily News" Office, St. Mary-St roes.—Apply Daily Bews." (Cardiff. _42 VILLA for 811. Donald-street: four bedrooms, hot and T cold b"Uh pricc, £ 349,—Penney and llnrt" llouse Ayenw, 19, Duke-street. 664 d. A Bargain.—For i;, two weil-biiilt Villas in Swansea- /t terrace, near tbe Dowlals Steel Works aDd Biscuit Factory. — Apply 76, Lla»ei;j-s)Teet. Rast Moors. 505 BARRY Districts.—Several grand bargains Cottage Pro- partg: eeoupied Shop, Cottage, aud Villa graud po#iiiona.—A vply Bdward Rees, Auctioneer, Barry Dock. Two Villas, D ait a-street. Cathedral-road t JL and 4 k«dronms all latest improvetaoBtc.—Bter, Angns-sbreet, Roath Park. 853 u Two Houses in best part of Stoekland-street, 1 well let, ia exoeUout oenditien.-Awt7 A 791, Koho Offloe, Cardiff. 791 Sale, clieap. Two Villas tn StBsbuiy-road, Cardiff, M. swry oonvenienoe, in thoroogh repair, hot aad cold tIt._G.11,_be, Cardiff. 712 170R Sale, two well-bailt Houses in Canton, let bo coed A tenant" a barg»i»._K 705, Boho Offiw,Cardiff. 706 several Cottages, Splotlanas, near Steel Works and Docks pays 9 per oent excellent investment Lodge, Tyler-tsraet, Cardiff. 447 tj^CR Sale, Two new Houses, Gordon-road: near TaSE and A Rhyraney Stations immediate possession. — O. Purnell, 6, The Walk, Cardiff. 462 X^OR Sale, No. 6, Richmond-terrace, Park-place con- tmns htlg;) drawing-room, dining-room Rud breakfast room, six be<irl)oms. bathroom, wiue cellar, conservatory, If"" c. nearly the whole of the purchase mone y may remain on mortgag.- at 4 per cent.—Appiy at the South Wales Daily News Office, Cardiff. HOUSE for Srtle, corner of Mackintosh-place and Moy- JLiL road, now beiog converted Into shop premises.—W. T^Morgan, Whaber-stre^t, Roath. 354 Sale, two or more t A OottMet, in thorough good position.—Apply F. A. Pollard, 19, Jenkin-otreov 9126, LLANEl/LY-street, off each I bedrooms, well built, price £ 135 eaoh.— Doggitt, 16, Port.mno_OT-ro..d. Cardiff. ^24 OFF Portmanmoer-road —Good Corner House, with side way, and four-stalled Stable, prioe £260.-Doggett, 16, Poi-tmanmoor-road, Cardiff. jpBNARTH. -Two geod Houses, let 68 6d unex- A pited lease 61 years, price £100 Portwoannvoor-roed. Cardiff. 424 ROATH-Park.—For Sale, splendid Comer Premises in Moy-road, suitable for Shop.—Full particulars 57 Invernoss-pkcs. 338 S' orTTH Latoo-pijbmT—Honse for Hale, 5 bedroom?, price C3 ;û3o!f.-AP(It)o Wm. Sitnders and Sous, 23, St. Slary- streot. Caidift. 746 buHt House, £310, hot and cold bath.—Doggett, 16, PortMAnU1-roto<:l, Cardiff. 424 rrO b« Bold, Two new detached Dwelling-houses k ploasantlv situated close station and docks (Barry Dvck), wibh f'Hry OOD1'6t1ierce: two p"rJour. kilchec, scut try. three bedrooms, bath-room (hot oold): water through price moderate.—Appiy Clytha Villa. iCIngsland- sreecsBt, Barry Dock. 750 ni^O be Sold, cheap, small Villas, Roath Park three bed- 1 rooms, hath. 3 room!> down.—Apply for particulars, P 444, Koho Office. Cardiff. 444 —j—fJC ttellJióLlt. ARDIFP!—Pr*ei~Double-Iicsosed Hse: exSelleatly J situated: establiahod trade.—Particulars Powell, Ijewis, and Oe., Auctioneers, 8, -!<:J.rdilJ. ARDirF <e«itre of fown).—WeO-known, old-eat«YjtBbed \j DouWe-lioensed Houae.—Partiovdara Powril, l^wia, and ùo" St. John's-square, Cardiff. 5099 riAlbIFF <»iiburb*). —Corat, old-esoablislied Bouwi V7 licensed House poimkras neighbourhood; present hands 12 yoara wall recoMaacndei. —Powell, Lewis, and 0. Cardiff. 60ge (1SNTRB o< CardUT.—Handsomely-fitted aiBgle-lioenned J Hoose. old-established good oppaTtuattT for young beginners.—^Gill, above addrooo. 363 VTRAR Oftrdiff, — Germine free, Single-liecnsed House 1_~ low sent.—Powell, Lewis and Ce., St. John's-sauaro, PONTYPRIDD.—Cheaj>est Double-licensed House to JL Let in this important wo, talul19 S40 weukly.— Apply Pennnfiljv, Gill, above address.^ 56 RARE opportunity.—Double-licensed Road-sido inn, with ten acres cf hnld; rent only £ 24.—Apply per- !IONLJ}y, Oill. above I\d(ïr. 63 iTo^rp^^rdiffT—1iiiindaomely.fittcd" Dou1)le-1 i cl'sed Puijlic-hotiHe; good lease, low rent.—Apply Gill, 119. St. Mary-atreet, <a_raiff. M I Xlout.3 rtnt low sooa opportaoity for young he- ginr»^r».—Appl^, personally, Gill, ahove M101re.<t!. 363 r|tRSHI5HBEUT.-9ewuiiio Wift and Spirit BastTess; A wentip takicffS £1IJ. roe ut wtiOTlrra Powell. I Lewis and Co., w w»p»fi,vu AGeaoral Umdness t*r Disposal at tfce Bate Docks, nc&V Pl'vr Head.—V Jit, K=h» Offloe, Cardiff, Si7 N old osttihlUbed I'twubrokiog Business for immediate Disposal (old Act) in a •fosely-jpoj.oiftted thorough- fare in Otrdiff «ati»f*ctc>'7 'or disposing.—Apt' Pawnlwokw, Me.ho OH°e-Grudiflf' 472 B" ARRT (>Mk"Pi^Mi»*«dT>TimHf and Oo«* fvotiookrr. Gr#e««"?c*7J. Butobar, and other ohUHctftbU^0^ whoie»n» ~»ga and Fl^h, Apply t^iwavu Hte^ iiivrry (Holfeoi>.ro«d) AOJ* tjun Roomt and Af^acy (Est^1iiiadi«d 1377). Dock. fH Dock. 114_- CCARDIFF wwghs.uuz, ) hawl-earts £26 to purdHtter balmboiise M let.—D. 515, bo, Ci! 513 alIOOd paying trade sflf J stock, fixtures, and goodwill, £ 130.—J. 7JO, 0 Office, I'ardiff. j'jUiANNRri Manufivctory with m&chine.-y to Lot. Llangattock, OnckhoweH, Bi-econaliir", ""l*1" y-Puntro Factory (t.arou«h of late proprretOr) the above Factory is to Let (rmmedrate possession can be had), with 0.11 machinery (comparatively new) in exoellent work- ing order water powers, of which there is a plentiful sup- ply capital large dwelling-house with ttabfe, abedS. other buildings, together with three creaof rich land, all at a low re wV.pply t0 T. i^ewia. Auction"' C'rickhovrell. small Grocer's Shop ■ takiag £ 5 weekly ,-f *Q<i Axtsros, £ 12.—Write V 901. ofi«* .V1:. 3U £ ,j po*i}ia*< u Graitgwcown. Sweets, Fruit, £ too«arSrtSr — ■ • I^OR Disposal Floriss, Frrttwer and Ccmfoctiocsry up through ill-haalth.—AfP]r lru, Ecf¡o OlBae, UaMiff- Ii92 (4K? £ KKY *n? rro^^srwrtir"oF^Wiue alvl Bs«r 111 in Clliton trade appraacbos £ 2,009 a Tear price £ lse, ~1^ioa.-Apvij R. W. Br^tol. Company, Limited, Stoketcroft LjWSlfr and General BusmsM nfc^an bov Cardiff^ oollleiy A district for Dnipoeat bIi-fMll.t4 nrospects ofcoUiatv sinkiog: oale of large deveiopmeok; estabHshed Je years. Appl'y k. iff. Daify News Oflk-Tc-rdiff. -Ini- rpOBAf CONIST, Stotirouory, Ac for P«* vi. tr*« shop.—Address Tobacco:.is*, Behe 0«oe. Oaruig. -= 'F Boot and Shoo Bhuksoss: rent W ?UJ"chai4e coad Milk Rcu"^ '■ Nowv»t; Newport™" |t*w daSyv-Write «°«w> ■"rrr^ssrgg1" l1 ■■ il ji- t "IHUC" A S?rin8a drawing-rooaoTUprigbt Grand .•TV ™"««»te Mjiok.1 be«Mj Med ouly a few times th? atlentKMa of go«4 oianists or professors no reaooaable offer reftwsd Tiew aI)p0inan»st at any time.—Address Magistgr. Boho OMoe,\ta!rdi«. 8U_ A ria"°' splendid walnui Oottag«~i^fr<i*ed trichord t tt»e-toned irae-t^u»»d Pmao, £ io-~»ooth«r i16:-u;. £ X. »u Amerioau Organ. £&2, cud!rd, corner Newport-road. B A n^.y^dowo-square, tutor. R. Alit-n c*dV°i?r °fth* Cardiff Amateur Banjo, MandoUn, liuitar Orcbeotra. —Terms, ( lAlAN.. S«bool of Miuiol lji," Woodville-road, wi u Mor«"k» Harris. Silver Medallist. R.A.M., has rnucb pJeascre In »nnout,cing tha' be has optneu a ..ahool of Music at. tbi above address, sad is pro- pared to receive pupil, i. p]a,i„g. Voice Pre- (tnctKia. Thoery, Hanaong, Coeetornart Stndents prepared for all local and higher examinations. Terms on applies. tioll. 544 EXPRKJKNCSD Mast^. !w() L(«os« weekl* J[l< Pianoforte, Amerioau 0. Harmoninm, Violiu, «awinatioM 5o 6d montMy. I^OK B «at, noTsoiledT^ price, £ 4 8s U « r?' b'J ,s** (new), list prioe, throe guineas wt«k 85s. < l&rin«t, B 4*^ rux pr>6«t sell f<^2fo 6<l. Aieo i»«rir,„ Organ,' in good oosiditien cash 88s. 24, Radnor-road, Oaa ton. Cardil. 889 Sale at rcn^Vamiiid^^Hana, by 8. SranV £ 10. n-n-. 1968 HARMONIUMS, Pfemos, Organs Ao., *n the Eire Pur M chase Spsteas. Atiat Vurnishiijg Company, Ltd., Hayes, Cardiff. 26* PIANOFOBTB TuoingT— Mr Ride way from the cei»- brated manrtfactumra Berd s Paris'- terms 3s id. — Piano Show Uo«m<, 106. Castle-road. Ä Ü A Diij Band cornet, late, any number moderate.—Webbe, Tunej, R«pairer, 12, Frederi^-streot, Cardiff. bis rpHB Cardiff Cymredorion Choral"society.—Applioatioisi X fer membership are now invised to be sent to the BOllI. secretary, Mr Thomas Iií. Bowes 8 Arran-etreet, Roath. Membors^sigbt reading oiassos are bwing being formed. M2 VIOLIN for Sale, oomplet. wiMi be and oaoo; 36e, or T offer a bargain.—Yiojto, Boho Offloe, Cardiff. 801 VIOLIN.—Gentleman (¡,) 4erir"- n-e8in& l«sons T also of musical theory. Address stating terms, B.B., Kchn OIBee, Cardiff^ WOLFF Violin, 38« beet Iteilwa^Maodoline, m ease, 4fa.—Sol. PhiUipj, Pawnbroker and Jowsller, 43, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 575 W0-!t:!HL,FiotV Beoond-hand grand Piano- T T forte, by Bro«dwood l-ooewoed frame, spipridid tone, good condition: prioe, 16 guiseaa — AWi« Fatniskiog Com- pany. Hayes, Cardiff. 2Se ZITHER Banjo, Ave Otriogs, TO^b"bo«. by DnllasT leather case eost what aCenl—Artiinr, Henilys Vale, Nswport, Mem. 907a g i'i't'tat. tBH tn,gn jw. AJWOLUTB Ol»*ra»<;»~^Morris Bio«. wfll send List at Bargains and N»w Oreie Look Free, 6d stamps. Plated Bars, for ea-h, 6d, large 29s 6d, wtsith double.—Cycle Works. Pontypridd. 19e BICYCLES also Perambu- lator, twat 56^, only 10s.—Soooad Hand Bicveie Sh-rp, 73. Broadway, Roath. Cardiff, 742 IADYS Pneumatic, ^onliiTno^ii^r^yTes: ooo¡t-£Iï J 14 days ago, not. IOUtd, latest 1896 pattern. Will d on anproval with pleasure, and sell for £7 iOl e&.I!h only: no use V) Alto bady'g OnuMon Tyre, M new, £3 181 6d. Both » bargain.—Ap»j, Ii, itejeat-etroet. Weston- aup« 487- PA «RY and Co., Cycle Manufactorers and Repairers, Mill-lane, Cardiff.— Agwoca tor Imperial Rovers, Jíx. ceWors, Osmonds, creation, ice. Repairs, Enamelling, Nickel-plating. 793e REPAIRS.—Plating and stove baamellmg promptly at trade pricos.-Morris Bros., Pontypridd. 19e RBl'AIBS-All;#o toliirrta Bros..Fcutrpndd ^o jok too ditnoalt. no job too small. Don't forget 19? CABKU«W. YR8IULD.. A thorough good T«rnoa», s|J»ndld_thick*et Horse, 15.1, six yeftrt; Stt of new Basinets Cart, suit any tradesman; any roaijonablo triil Welhngton-strot. Canton, Cardiff. 902 A good teoond-lutnd Orank-axle Cart, suit horse from A 14.1 to 16 hands, cheap. Gibbon, Mill-rd., Pontypridd. Vaii for Sale, choap.I-Apy y 337"Ou6U,m U Hoose-etroot, Cardiff. 6)6 BARGAIN, good Trap, suit any business would suil JD gsntiem&n fer station work well made, nearly new. Howard, Lfckwith, metr Cardiff. 409 BUSINESS and Ploasnre Traps, aU sorts"and size/; Har- ness, new and seooo«-o»nd strong Tipcart and Harness Twenty Pair Carriago L»muo, Two Chaff Macbinee. Thirtg odd Collars.—14, Haveiook- .At.reet. Temp«rai>oetowu, Caralff. 554 JCV>R Sale, preMy *uit cob. — Apply 4S, A Ijoudoua square.^ Carol". 943 I^OR Sale.—C%*ios of 4 Trapa aud good JT £ 5 18s. Also black Cob, 14.S also creiwn colour, 12.2, 3 nnd 4 years ckeap —A Ko -o-stroet, Rcwtth. 776 li^O [t Sale, Greengrcoer s Cart: warranted new throngh- IL out—Apply G. John, OntwoD. near Carditt. 794 i?OR Bale, oheap low* oaeh. go* Coal Cart: also flat i' Gr^fnaroc«r « Cftrt, a" Furiutmro Xruclc—'Ihomw I>eokes, Limited, Coosfcilatioa-su'eeo. n2 Bale, Goror's, WhartoMtreet^ Cardiff, 2 new Eaul- a i«rs Carts, nearir new SpTiog Kusitieea Cart, and lot Navvy Barrows and Batchers jWocks. ggj Sale.—Large sin Hroughain suituble for posting L ch«ap also a very stylish j>og (j^ri-.— Apply \T. Fitageraid. Manager OarsiK Carriage Company, Hope-streoi, Cardiff. 666 Ir.OR Sale, Ohipp*ii Potato Cnrt. equal to new,—K^iley JL and Son, GVoucoeter. me also i. Goveriieaa Cart. Apply Wr *It»B««rald, Cardiff Carriairu CoaP4U, H<jp«-e*r»et, Ua»«i*. (6a Ii^OR Sulo, good Sweoed-baod Do*-o»rt, l»mpg and cushions aomplete large s«»e ntoona-hamj Orank-axle Cart, new Ttolloy, Mortar Oart» a«d Hauling Carts.— T. Sak»r, PonartJl-road, i_!»rdi*. I^OR Sale, grandest New Surroy Dogcart also ligbt Wagowotte, in exooBent condition: several Second- hand Dugoarts and Pony Traps cheap to clear.—Apply liughes. Ooach Builder, gbepheiison-st.. Riverside. Cardiff. IrOR Sale, Ck»burg far horse 16-1. ,??»ker, £ 10 Tip l Cart, suit haulier, £ 7—Fuller BwtiU, Alba«y-ro..d, Oardlff. 295 J/OUR-wheel Covered Van; suit house furnisher, lauudry, tC. will stil cheap.—Apply 144ai Oai,u. slreot, Cardiff. 727 ( I OOD Br^ke (cwrry~25 ps*ergers), 2 Cars, 1 X g'iod Flat Care suit C 'al Srebugi .Tc^r, or china dealer several Bunintws and rieasure Trap*,cheap. —Gibbon, Mill-road, Pontypridd. 922e i lOOD^net c>jb-eize Silver mounted Double Harness tw, V3T vooi set# of .-Jingle Harness, very —Gibl>»n Mill-road, Pontypridd. 904e HOBSI3, Harness. Coal Cart., etc., nearly new sell cheap, owner giving up.—101, "get-gt., Granifetown. SPECIAL designed Van t<j snit r^-quireau iirs of county council bye laws strong ni,tlce easily fixi-d, with it ings comiutte, 14r pair.—Carailf Carriage lio., Hop'-atieet. W. Fitzgerald, Maneger. 557 SPRING Kaad Truck Lewis, Orooer, AcUs-roa-.i, 484 SHCOND hand CrankrwitThorrSe lS^TrFittt two lip Carts, two Busiuett Tr#p»- c-lkiagton. Wheel- wright, Penarih-road, Cardiff- 763 SMCOND-hr.tid light Wagon. Whitechapei, ]»ox riR{.fc k3 Iruok, (juantiky Wheels. p,- Yer and Co., (Jo.,ch. bnilders and Wheelwrights, Gu(lafara-«froot, Cardiff. 714 npEN wJpoiid-hand prmy and OfJD Business and Pieosure A Traii, £ 4 18s to £ 8 eoeh srrertJ nt^v pony tprine raTe Carta, col) lailkCart, 2 Pony Crank*, new no„y and cob Rntuos, Dog-Cart, etc.: obeai>.—^tto^oor, Horbert-sii ci*, Newport. &62. WANTBD, cheap, second-band l'gbt Spring Cart for f delivering paroals.— Apply Duke- street, Cardiff. gg2 M«K*>IKB. UiY. A handsome C-ib, 13.1, < faat trotter, Å with grand action (ne bettor m south .> alrn), guaran- t»ed perfoo;, sou ad, and dependable also «>t brown double stitched Harrises and ligltc Pieosure ir»P if required.—Ap- p!y 1*. WelJiiMttoa-etreet, CtonU». A 2 inches, 6 years: x* warranted staunch worker in any h&rneea, and porfectlv sound owe week's trial ailowea pne, £ 13.-8, Backhall-etroot, Caerleon, Kewpo'j;- 923c A Bargain.—Pony, 13 bands, 6 pJ^« P*rfeo«lr sound and quiet worker, with new *at ciart Harness, one week's trial allowed, price £ "• Moore, Btckhall- ttroet, Newport. 919e A Pony, Flat CJart, and Haros*- "engroc«r or oU- »ao bargain £ 12.—Apply ^*e-«'oet. Roaih, Cardiff. yggjg A e. J'ms. gaaranteod good worker 10 barnee* and no blemish suit coal merchant or hauaoi. price £ g l9»._10e, WeUrogtoMSroet, Cantou. Cardiff-^ 574 APreUT. thiokaet, Brown Pony l?i. flro years war- ranted soond, quiet to ride a"*1 ar1" trial allowed. rfemp<woncoW>w"» Car<h« 556 Poay .TTaVU^X busiuevs, £ 12 the lot al a strong Hors<#, 1•'« Oo^i and Harness, equal to new, wish seal? weights, sold cheap together or separate.-Apply 28, S»(W1rd., Roath, Cardiff OAROAm.-D^lTMar«, 15.2, good worker: .J tnal Allowed will sell BARGAINS.-Howe, Cart, J5t?T*a8il »mt a coal- man two Spring Traps and two befci, of Harness.- -53, Splotlnjuls, Ciirdiff- 553 BJ LAÇ1K and Tan Bitch ;plelJdl)' Sood brec di JLt will ru^kf ptrao winner tel.ll1.ll CIlEoap for c.,sh.-72, Arran-Jtrefc- 723 Lot. -Poiir (w«rr«Tit*(I aoiind, qUI-eti 81 worker), wit* Butftnes-i 0»r'. Ha.nsgj 01 Ber^ratpiy 25, l/tcka ttb-r^ ^*0tODj5:ar(3ttr. 429 ^b' Spring Otov« dark ssbfe "helped Pembroke Sqjnirr e, Aigfeurth Smut wiuuw Trolfnr^5! *eoon6s, '• £ 25-—Cai<tArn rrollopa, v. j^jvciere, Heeto«. MidtOenex. handsome biaek K<'5j'^Ter Smith, 2L kwit-n-rov.<i. Cejatou,—^■————_ '7 Sale, reed aged ber»e "'dSet cf SiiT#r.pi^5 Wa-rposg the lot-AppJyj6?' *»<>. Tyl m»owu. Hale, a smart Irish 3 veers ol<i of tt»e highest g*1'?rin whalp to a i J P»dl«r»e dog .Uso a pit** UP- 5 tntiiiths. The 'his pnp his vrvm tilver oapo aoo other pnxet all o*er if', U<Ja"u*. Ko rea&TOfvblw otS*rK Apply So, i^'trfchou-street, Tb« Moorx, ( •'[diO- 743 Sale, KUalt Maj-e, 14A*ni« baker or *Ut^ier a OtMn^ 459 I^^OOD Horso, li.i, suit haa-^B, a»<J tororal oobs and I iioniot to be told rory Mlll-ottd, Pontypridd. W6e T HlTiH Terriers.—A ftw gfst^jw^iiweed Irish Terriers for Sale, cheap,—Apply 16, Castle Arcade, (Jardiff. S43 l>OUKK}tS for Sali-R. Lousier. yntitchnrc]i] f 812_ tjORE Shoulders fcc., OukAty Cured l>y Coody's Fluid. Horses suffering from s01"* sbtmiriers, sore backr. tllrosh. grease broken knees, cuts, wounds, cracked heels, speedily cured by bathing Cundy" s Fluicl (diluted). It makes the bair grow whore rubbed off. Of all chemists 8oz. 1a: 20oz. Full lnstnictioa* with erery tottte. Vetertnttry bool"^e Post from Coniy s Fluid Works. TurnmiU-sto rrO Coal Merchants, Hauliers, and Others.—Active Man, A 15 h&iids 2i»., J yesrs warranted sUunch werkerju shaftr. or eh»h«s, pi-ioe £ 7 trial allowed,—Apply No. f. Albert-avenue, Maindoe, Newport). 81le rrO Builders and CeistraoMrs.—For Sale, a I Cast, J- Horse, and Harnoae, and Haulier's Cart, Norman's make cunae of sale, building completed.—Apply Adanm, Builder, Ship 8U Launoh, Quay-tweet, Cardiff, < be lot £ 31. he diseased of, powerfnl Cart Mare, in foai to prise A winning oart huree Proaodont; al80 ar Hare, suitahio for brake, grooer, or milkman warranty given and trial allowed, or would ex6haDó1e fur fana prodaoo.—11, Coint- sireot, Tooypandy, Rbondda Valley. 679 rpWO aouve van, crank axle, et brake Horses, bay aad s chestnut, 6 and 7 years prices, 14 and II guineas; both warranted seven tree trial rïnn; bargains. -14, Havelock-at.reet, Temperaneetown, Cardiff. 553 USE Jewol O*ntmeot for speedily eonog synw«e; curbs, tmd splints when forming, over-roaches, oappod hooks, rbeumaUsm, windgalta, scarf after Mistering.— Lawse box post tree for Is 2d fcrom Condy's. Rnid Works, 8(, TurQKiill-3t„ London. B.C. Biie U.7 ATIm to buy, rood aoosd Pony and Haroots^ obean.— Apply Robert Boglaad, 16, Cnel sm Houso- street, Cardiff. EH £-6-¡¡;Y;UDdÐILY Horse, 15 hands good fast £4: both warranted seven tttti bargains.— 14, Havelock-otreet, Tamperanaotown. Cardiff. 656 fonMrtt*. Pitmv.u. «c A Quantity of large ouBg Geese for Salo also Marafe l'ullots.—N oill, 3, Poaypeel.road, Caoten. 684 Prize Golden Wyandotse Cookerols for Sale xfaeM A to fJear, or exchange poiiets, cro*s-bred or pure,-I, Frederick-street. 3Z3 Sale, three Portable Fowl Hottsaa. raot aMaeiuA jS- also Fowls, Chiokons.—Apoly IJ4. CarKsio-atreet diff. No reasonable offer refaood. 428 HAKTZ Mountaia Rollers.—Thoae beautifal sengetest. JLJL singing by day and gaslight. 601! each. Birdlime, M box. froe. Trap Cages, 2s. Norwich nl Canaries Bird Jk&, Neath. !64t MODERN Game Blaot Rods.—Cooker els. £1: pullet* H 10a. Stock bird. firA 4 speeuJs, Cardiff sa.o. Parke:, 16, NoOiBgham-tureet, Canton. 884 OKNAiiiCNTAL Ducks.—Wanted, soreral pairs of adult Parudise, Mandarin, and ethr Fancy DIrob: state lowest cash price.—Address Dveks, Hoata Waios Echo, Ctrdid. 76M POULTRY. Pigeon, Care Bird, and Dog Foods.—Write loi prices and samples te Noah Rose net Son, Hag; Corn, and Keed Ckr^jf, 697e PRIZH-b.-ed Norwieh Canaries aad Mules, the grandest nock In Wales ali ou approval, stamp.—41. Ll'>yA Coaimei cial-street. Mountain Ask. 890 SINGING Canaries (CSveapL — German, Norwich croes, Greens, Cinnamons, Ticked rare songsters a too Hens rivius up.—Podd^i. Gross Hands. Newport. 921e UOBBrnC AKTICAKS. Alasn. | >r.AIBERG'S Aroado.—Pik4 Qvei-soat, 12* 6d, doey JL* velvet collar, wool liood. ostlar taps, fall length. Bslmet It that all f J3LAIBBRGT5 Aroade.—Out-door Workers,— Best thing MJ to keep you going te yonr work when wet or cold, RaiV Wdo, Overcoats. és lQJd. BLAIBKRG'S .A.roall.6 Knives, maker Joseph Hew- i-t wood, ShelSekl, 31 ÓIi the Italf-4- (Heel. not hoop roll). Arcade.—For Praaosrti, Oif, I^OR Sale, at Follick's, a Bihrer Double-oato Waltbm I^evar, in good oondition. 2&«. )86e Lady's Stiver Lover, oomponfHfe A ted balance and silver dial, Kb. 996e FOR 8s t at Foiliok-'s, a Sliror Lever, by Benso*. _67a; warranted 986o FOR Sale at Folllok's, a SUvor-ptatod Sugar Basin, cool i- scuttle shape, 12s (-1. Wê8 FOR Sale at Follick's, a Lady's Hall-marked Goid SangioT lis 6d a bargain. S6e || ANGLKS Was&in; Machines, Sewing Maebines ua x?A the Hire System.—Atlas Fwrniahtug Company LW. Hajre* Cardiff ggs PERAMBULATORS, slightly tolled, lie bo dearod from JL 10s Mail Carts half-price.—Atlas Furnishing Com- pany, blayee, Cardiff. 26e OBRAMBULATOR, nearly now, to seat two, a barmrin A 158 oaah.—Apply J. Gorwill, 137, Severn-road, Canton, Cardiff 779 W'KliniBH. A LL-brass handsome Feodsr, Dogs and heavy Firs A. Brasses to match 30» lot bargain.—" The Don't Forget It," 41, Onsfcie-road, Roath. R3 ARTISTIC Furnishing.—Before going elsewhora call at B. E. Harris's. Market Hall, Newport, for the Boot Lines of Artistic Fumiitre In tho trado, at Ordinary Priooi forO>vflh: 885 e t>RUS-(RI>> Bordered Carpet, handsome beaut, if al Quality hardly soiled aiM about 12ft. square bar- g.iin. — Ph» Den t Forget It, 41. Caetle-road. 533 BUKUAU, Chipoondale, solid oak. bargain haadeome JLJ all biass fonder, dogs, aad brasses to metah — The Forget It. CasHo-road. 5SJ 1.1L1RNITURB oi everv descrinteoa jbMOUQ n value tu select from, on the Hiro System strictly privaei. Fne ljtwgost Premise* and Stock out of furnishing Company Umitod, Harm,Cardiff. M e HA KRIS has no ooooeotaoa wftfc any aMter Firm, dis- tont or near. Only eattaaoe ia the Marcet Ball, .N e W1)Ort.. 1836 LARGE Let of Dials* aad Drawing Room Suites, upoi- stored in silk, tapeotry, plash, velvet, saddlsban, lonther. Bcrgalns.—Xdee, Curioeilg Sbop, Newport. 896e SECOND-Hand Furniture Beuaht ta lane or small lo+t; cash al onoe.—Apply the CVril Sooood-hand Fsrnii-nrt Stores, 12, Broadway, Cardiff 478 ri^HOSB aboub to Finnish Waited upew at Uieir JL Houses, and assistance given as to the kett altd mart suitable stylet of furniture, by B. B. Harris, Market HaU, Nt-woort-. Ready, that speakt all languages, down on IIte-L A Good sound principle. T. Woodruff, Original Adrer- tisluir, rrlirtbl c-*sh buyer of new an4- ncend.-ttand fnrni- ture, Th." Don't Forget It," 41, Castle-road, Roath. Any qnantiiies bought, and stricaly private tranoaoW ma. 586 VERY hnndsome uaasiv* all-bram Pariaian 3r.. 6in. Bod- V stead. h*»ds»m»ly drapod; also wire-woven Mpriag Mattress and Wool Overlay eit. eost 10 guineas eaefa £ S bargain. — 41, Vlts!I-r-ead Roath. W \i ÙY Buy ou the to-oalled Hirs or Kesy Payment Sy?- V V tern, which K at least 2Ii per eant. mare than If bought for oash (tb" quality at the goods being oftea timm much inferior in addition thereto), wke» a ewll at The Pioneer of 11. Harris, Market HaR, Newport, will enable th Intending Housekooper to lay net hit mouoy lie the btut advAntago. 883e K i! ):■' triU on oor new l»ir» Hire »?**em. I Apirtments nompietety fureiBbml on a now a^etom i.dopteu solely by u., whereby all publicity, exposnro, and nqnirkw usually Made by ethor osnutiiiet ore iDopeusod with. We have at) imsKOH svock cf Hoiueho* Faraitstre of aheap and superior (jualK^. All goods sold oa the Hire .Systfttn at ready-money prieas. We mak« ne extra charge for or wis *•■ ntitt in t prWtW ?m frd# of oiatrgt or bba4« no biV oi al-w; erery thing private. Arrangements rssm»letod .,¡ thoat delsy atw, bnl mlk.8Ufacrimr en., we gaarantoe quality and will udortake to sapoiy furniture, efec., a* 10 per cent, em than any prioe-iWt weed hgr aay firpi ia Oruiff. Eleven sbowrootno. C%U and inepoe* our iui- mi-nae stock, and emnpare prioes aafere pwreJisving olae- whore. We will supply £ 6 worth for It A weekly £ W vortb, 4s weakly £ lS worth for 6» weekly U90 worth, 6s weakly, and so ou m proportion. Kpoesal terms ioi vortb, 4s weakly £ lS worth for 60 weekly :U8:J worth, 6s weakly, and so ou JII, proportion. Kpoesal terms far larger Quantities. Please uoce the &44r- :—8«mih WaJe. PurrUfchmg Comiwuy 33, Ctt-Kie ntvest (opposito tho Caecle) Cardiff 7e — — r»C A Brass Door or Offroe Pl«te, for to 6d, with aay name evgraved.—B. Van dor Veide, Custom House- EOreet, Carfliff. 1&38 BlRillNGHAM Goods. Jewellery, Watches. Hardware IF Toys, tlotiivig, Furmture, Wringors agonts wanted whd8..le hode free.—Henry May, Birmingham. 679 OLAIP.KRG'S Aicde. —Cardiff Arms enamelled on XJ special design Croooh. BLAIBKRG'S Arcade.—Silver Brooch, tpeeial doMgn Cardiff Arms enamelled on same, 5s 6d. S >L.'i IBKRG'S Arcade. -Silvor Pio, special design, Cardiff Ji.> Aims ena.n)«ileo, 3s 6d Ijuckft d)r.&o, 5* 6d. B'LAiKKRG'S Arcade.—A PactT—A lady cnst^eTTf JD ours, after purchasing some articles, Kijntod that her husband hold an important nojition in a large drapsry establishment in this town hat I And prioes are mueh cheaper. BU rCHER'S Bsakets.—Pet of f.»nr good strwng Baskefc, t.) carriage pOol, for Ie Broa., Butchers' Costnialver! Co".kollariou-!P.tret, Tal I iHHAPffiST of all Adverttoerg.—Fligelstone, the Pojiular Vy Cardiff Pawnbroker. 22 Cae«e-road. Cardiff. »4«e a 1HKA P E.^ Tof id Advarkisera.- Pilgels&one has fotfeited G"«t s Ksghsh O id Lev-r, only £ 6. I40e ~tUKAPlCST tf all AdvurtliMra. — Fligelstrme has forfeited VV Gent's solid G'jJd o^on auri Albert, Hall-markod. 10s CiHBAl'ISST of ait Advertisei-s.- Vligrlacone has forfeited I ] £ «xli*k SilvtT IrtTir (makor, Ingram, Cardiff), 68s. C^HKAPKST of all Advertiisert Fligflseoae'e 8-dsv Clock, ^Vwalnnt frame {maker, Jeromelk only 12« lid warranted. IllKAPF.^T ef all Advertisers. Fllgolstono's Lady's 18ct ) Gold Watch, 56s toiid Gold A'bort, 36» toge^er 3gs. ^HKAPKST of all Advertisers. — Fhgeleeone has forfeited V> lSot. Single Stone Owsieud Ring. 3. •*> "tfiKAPRST of all Lc-'8I' SUrer Watehaa, 6s Botlloh Lovota, lie. C~lHSAPBST ail Advertisers.—Fligolatone's Gent's murked Alters., 58: Lady's Wilvor do. AJhortt, Ja 6d. jriHKAPEST of all Adv^hwrs.—FligelottmVs Iswly'i ball- sy marked Dress Rings, 3s 6d: Gent s 9Wne*. Rings, is 6d. CANNOT be Sqaallod.—Flirelstone's 22ot. culnea Gold b edding krtgn, Jiwt 15s Mdwt J6s. Wondarfnl value. (- HEAPE8T of all y Keepeis, Ifti: solid Gold Keepen. i«. Wondorfal value. iHyiAPKiST of all Advertisers.—FligeWitoae's Popular V>_Shirt», Is 11 id; compare the Popular Shirt, Is Did- C^HK APB-,T of alMldvortwers.-Pair C^oih BlankoU. 101 I Hd Tapesbry Quilt, 4s lid; pair Kit seta, 18 lid. 94ee CHEAPK8T at ali Advortioors.—Popular Overeoats, vel- vet oolSar.wool-fiuod Deavoia, lis lid: compare value. /^iHBAPISST of all Aivortssers. -Vligelstoues Popalar Vy black or Blue Vicuna C1HBAPKST of all Advertisers.—Fligeete.ie's Feather y Bed, Bolster, two PtHosi: Hnon tank fHbs owiy 3bs. C1HBAPBST of all Advtrtisortt.—FligolstewV's the Poon- y l«r Real Welsh Fisneol Drawers, only Is 8^d. 94Ce C~"iHAijLKNG* to the Trv.de.—PIigsiatonReal y Weish Flannel Skirts, is lljd. J4$e HEAPKSTof all AdvertUsrt.—Railway Conts, 3» lid Railway Overcoats. 4s l.d. Quajfry guaranteed. 940e COAL.—Best Largs ha»d-pjclwd genuine, 14s 6d per ten delivered, c?th,—K62S, Bcho, Cardiff. 526 Large House Coal, delivered any V parr of Ciwdiff, ls ed IIer ton ea.b.-Addre14 Ooal, Kcfaa Oftioe. Curdtfi. mSO Cyri.h H Y (sterling silvor. Hall-marked, ipounted). — For immediate oish, lidy ûffers unsoiled 10 service for 30s, 12 large, 12 emali knives, meatcarvors ca.vers, Io finest quality; app-ovai pnid.-Mrs Purquharson, 62, Hurt-street, 553 DRAPERY Si^e\ tor Sale at disofcnt: excellent a*eortm«Mr ireneral ifoods: snifc beginner opeuiia.— O 876, Pc o OlMce, C'jfJiTf. £ 75 EARTliKNWAllK »nd China.—Sect)rd3~ £ 2rOratew Wet JLJ f or will seel 15 Seoead* Arfeicl,,» for 17. M; write for Wetbaftd Co., Railway Lenrsco, Btafi'orO(iiire. i!" jL',IR £ ."v>'cRKS Pirewarks 1 nreworSTlTte"i^rTnd A onjy house in S ^.th Walts for t.he Anglo-Frvcch Fireworks. Coloured fire, balloonB, tc. Wboleeals and retail.- Note the address :—Richardson's, ntlvor Troni, "ridjs^-ijtreet, Ca.vhft. C39 I^OR Hal?, a nuiaber of Kmpty Boxes. Old ROlN. ï;o JL Apply Jx>cks. Stationer loud Newsagent, Maokintosh- PII, Heath, Cardiff. i^OR Sale cheap, hrst-oJaas Lii*e-light IAntern. 00m- pl&t" S»roeu, three S«?W S.iaos tc, — Apply W< ccl- ss £ f_f_Chap«iJ, Cardiff. 296 J^OH Suls, at Volliafs, 40, Bridgo rti^, Oardl! "a Fa.miilv Bibi^, in 3 Vols., lis. 49^ 1Qk Sale at FTliicFs, T Superior~?itBBt l>ove,hr Iú6e Fo ni Follick's, Pawnbroker and Jeweller, 40, Bri-ig«-street, Cardiff, lady's Gold Albert, 35?. 996. I^ORSaio at Fonick's, 40, Eridg^street, C»rdrfr,Md 44 llolton-roud, Barry Dock, Gold Albert ,35s. 996 i^ou Sale at Follicle's, handsomely engraved Gold Pone 11 Cue, IfuI 6d. adlÇ Albert. 168 6d. • 896e 1^9? ^'e Rollick's, a Lady's Silrer Watuh and Albert, ■ '6s6d. A g eat Bargain. 996e pair of Gold Earrings, se wi tIa diamonds, 10& 6d. "96a FOk Wale at F-jliick's, oW, Bridge-street, Cardiff, a Lady's ilc. Gold Geneva WaTch, 16s. 996c 3TLTR Collarette, veiy handsome, real betr, finest quuiitg A nahly sasrn lined, quits new Immediate ease, 25s exooetAf.ua] bargain: approval paid. Mrs H., 66 Hand- IpUR Boa (real Rupsiao) dark brown, perfectly new, very A bwahy, srrft. silky. Ateeka Tail Boa three yards long immoeiato cub, IJ !9s 6d worth £ 6. Great bargain Jbproral, oarriage paid before pnrchasmg.—Mrs B. Hopkins, iI. Haadtortti-road, Brixton-road, S.W. 652 F Halo, Couate.s, Ladders, K:_ls, eD8!Ja. Truota, A Lismps, Butchers' Blooks, CSothes Poets, Boards, 100.- ™ak«, Oathays Yard, Mlniater-street, Cardiff. 372 (JJENTLEMBN, we sent ovor 588 S^its last seasoc into Cardifi and district. What more do you want? No »iler can possibly comDste with our All-wool Tweedn and e Suits to m«aeur« at 35s 6d. Write fer patterns (free). The WooUmi Company, Bradford. ( JJ.ENUINB Saorifice.—Beauiital blaek Wa Coat, sewn soams all over, latest strU, deep eepe all roond worth 46e misfit, take i" 64 sash approval willingly post paid state heigLt and ohest measuremewts whoa writ- CommoraUi-sereet, Newport, Mob. 251e GOOD Soecmd-haad Scale, suit butober or grocer 1) aaiss Carriage i^amps, very ahoap.—Gibbon, Mill-r", rontyj^Wd. 101 e HANDSOME Real Alaska Beaiscm Jaoket: wholesake cast, £19 10¡ latest style, fuitc new JE19 geriuina bargain approval.— g., 12a, Gladiug-torroce, Stoke Luu<lou. 541 \^| ANUPACTURERS' Remnants diroot ia 61h aodlCih a. Bandlee. Stuffs. Calioos, Velvets, Shirtings. Fl.\&. ltsjeites also Phuaforos, Underc.othiog, and Smallwaroe. Pnoe List free.—J Mitchell and Sons. 44, Well-st.; Brai- fori. York. 548 R Books. Cuirous Bookx, Sensatiocal Books, French i- 1\ ""els ill etc. de«oript.iv» catalogue, stamp. London. 50)1 OAFB (24-ineb) hy Oartwright tor Sale: oajdi drawer: J 63s- Ato T-ootare !»•_«»*. by Tolkioo, £ 18.-7, Talbot. ac.r&t>t, Cai-diff. S76e CALK, powerful BitHiial Lime 1/ K»; suitable for large hall: also quantity of slides.— 26, Penarth-road. 790 0 AU6 AGE Soaooniae. Mlbs. of our best will KJ b» lorwaraed M.-riage paid to any station in dxon on receipt of P.O. val.e 12« 6d.—Goodman Bios., Conotellation-streot, Cardiff. ^^9 UWXS Forks, Ladlwi, ic—VaJuabia 20-guinea a. editing Present (a. great bsurgaiii). Young l&dy leaving for India offers complete Set rice (83 pieces); ™ l»*l«spoo»t Aad forks, 12 dostiart spoons s.na forks, 12 toa, 12 egg, 4 talt, 2 mwstard spooma, 2 snuoe ladlea, 1 soup ditto, travy spoon, and sugar tongs warranted sterling silvor on nickel silver, AI, for 25 wear fashionable pattern uaaoilerl; cash ueeded 55s accepted unl earria^e paid appromdanywboro.—Miss Hamikoty 55. Handford road. Loudon, S.W. 860 T^O Buiidars and Others —For Sale, SaoA put ou rail A at Barry.—Apply for terms, Dvrmao, 111 Queen- strtot, Barry. 8S4 HjX) 8bort.J.ava Teaobors. rn, Ioswrooce Ageats, Cet- 1 A loofe'irs, atd Others.— S«»d at a pooooaKl for partioulars and dfcoountste e.tlilot the celebrated Stanley Fountain Pens, the beM i. world.—Wholesale depot., Williams and Co., 1, Stophenson-scroet, Riverside, Cardiff. 510 TO ChrymntAemum Kxhioiton.—For Sale, few BeokeU's 0. and Tubes, only onot need alto Show Wyndham-troeowat. 530 'TTPEVVRITBR for S%le, (brief) cost complete, A 16s 6d part exchange lees valuable machiae, or nei cbosp,—V. 898. Koho. Cardiff. 508^ ATBRPROOFR, Coat, (3ape, and Legging^ eoot £3, cell for 36s also parr Palmer tyres pune. ture-provMiting bands, speediest tyre out. good condition, tester SSt, oast £4: exafasmte either for any useful articles. 19. Cftrdig-rtreot. Aberdare. T51 PHIL Phillip* Rheumatie Cure, M, Bt. Mary-it*w> Cardiff. PHIL Philllpt' Rheumatic Ckire.—Becks 1.. 6d por JL pair. Sotid sire at boots. 226o Phillips' Rhcumattc Cora.—Ladiot and Gowdenmi waited upon at their bwn resideooes. PHIL Pfetllqps' Rbeumatie CXiro,—Cures Bheumatio Oeat. Rheumatic Con.—Belts from 101 64. i Band moasmre of waiot. I OIL Phillips' Rbeumatie Our*.—Ourei Soiatnoa. DHIL. PhilBpa' Rbeumatie On re.—Wristlets from 51 per pair. PHIL Phillips' Rboumatio Cbro.—Freeh Testimonials of cures daily. PHIL Pkillipe Bheomatie Core.—Tor 10s 6ti you can IN Cured. PHIL Phillrris' Rheomatic 0a1.ole manufacturer, 24, JL bt. Mary-sweet, Cardiff. BA(«IKm. npOPft But she vs.—Sansago Meat Chopping Machine A (by Gardner, Birmingiism). for Sale, cheap.—Apply 19, Kames place, AdwmMilowa, Cardiff. M) good Sansage Maehin-B, hand nnd steam A power, ewamalled bowU, to be told very cheat. — Giooon. Mill-roa<t, Pont-rpridd.. 9C3e n(krKUtKMI||» WAfcT*. SMITH'S Pertahle Focre Waated must be good and reaoonable prtoa.—Thonaaa Dij. Aberdare. 3B9 \:(1.&.nID. a Part-y to Adopt Child.—For further par- r V ticnlars apply Y. 540. Daily News Officc. Cardiff. 541 W ANTRD, good Second-hand Kiritting Machine, round ot Cat give lo prioe.—T.R.H., 62. Penarth-ros-d, Grange town. Cardiff. 512 LCTTOW n«11i^t,. LADY whhoe to dispose et Gent's Dress Suit, nearly JU new, height abw.it Ofi. oost £6108: Overcoats and President's Coat: take reasonable offer.—Apply for I sddrvos Thomas. Stationer, CHf boa-street. 777 1ADY wlslies to Soil Parse! Baby s flrst Ctothee superior J quality, qURe ii-.w. n.ver wm n very Clleatl.-L., 18, Laneaster-road. FallowAekl Maoahe«t«r. 719 Gentlemen's ff Clothing Purchased; good rioe 17 and 18, Queen- street ArrvCde, and ft. Bridge-street. 179 JADirct) Gentlemen's, Children's Left-off Clothing -I Bought —Mrs Rich. 57, C'istle-road. Cardiff. Geod piiofc* Ðfèera pnwetnailv to. Fnrnjt,nre bengh>.60j HIM».LAKM*th A New Thing fer Cardiff. -All kinds of damaged or old LoolriftM-¡d- repai.-ed and madn &" Dew, at lowest prieee quiek and promint work guaranteed.—Lookini;- I Maunfaetory. 101.. Balson and Co, 41, Eldou-rd., Cardiff ARTIFICIAL! Peg Arms. Byes, Betos, Elawtio Mtoukings, Trusses, to. ffrst-otass workmanship Apply dweot, Pearoe and Maunfaoterr (the sldeat esukblisbed firm). 14. Station-terraee (oppoeiie T.V.R. Stu.Uo«i Cardiff. o&6 A- ,T:&ÜLOGY.-Wà&\ is before you ? Prosperity, Heofeb, Marriage, Changes, etc. Pree with Charac- ter frvm H.isdrnhug or Kbo-ograph. Send birthtime, Is and stamped adaress.— C. Gordon. 76, CamborweU Grove, 1.0 IHIiori 957 It ptrfer.ev d^.v;rib«d, 7 tttnjpt tend birtfcrime.— frof. T, K^yen-ttree*, Stoko. experience. J^LAIBBRA'S Aronde.—Red Band Shirt, 21 4tL 114. BLAlB.iRG; 8It.. 3i4,t. Ring. Arca^lo.—(s td. Wedding Bang or Keeper. tJLAIMRG-s Araado.—SS, Diamond Ring. I^LAIBilFG S Arosde.—Nt, Russnirs Lever. Ajoodo.—Hs, Silver Lever. Cards. 48 6d, JU (speoial line), 49, Bridge-st., Cardiff. — Rers, Mallett. IUl !anbuc:r, Printers. Football Fixuuref, Testimovrialp, BY Boyal 1/ettors Pabent.—Coalins saves 30 per cent, coal numerous unsolicited testimonials. House-to- house Oanvasevrs wanted in Cardiff, Newport, Br.rry, Penarth, Aber«rar*npy.—Letters Coalice Co., Cardiff. 458 CWRE fer Plleo —Perfeit cure jroarantecd l»i most y stnbborn eanos free, 25 8<1, 4s 6i.-La Trobe rnhot" t. Miehael's-hill, Bristol. 71)6 I^OR Salo at Follick's, a few Gent's 9e. Gold Signet Rings A at 3o Id. 99^e FOR Sals at Follick's. a King, very neat pattern, 10s M. 6e FOR Sale at Folliek's, Large assortmeut of Ladiee'G >ld D.-em Rings from Si 6d. 996e r*ale at hak's, a Handcomo Gold Brooeh ia Case, Ts 6d. 996eSi Sale at Polliek e, a Silvor Lever, bp Barry and Sous, A Dnke-straot 30«. warranted. 996e Is yonr Watoh Wrong ? The Best and Cheapest Shop iu JL Jjardiff fo- the M-pair of Witeliv of every deseriDHon. Enrlish or Foretga, is 33. .Á rc:>d.. (third shep fruia UNcle street), by James Xelr, The Cardiff Watchm^kwr. 'I electa .4 Jewelliwy Hepairod. Pipes and Sticks Mounted. MATRIMONY.—Phoooyraph futnrs btwbartd r-r wrfa, 1 with positiar, 1« 6d "fte rearlII ere-uto, 10 6<i th yoara, is 6A eex, birtfatim*.— Prof. Lh;e, Firpeove-rc«<l, Freeosaat'e, Sontkampion. 74* PURBNOLOGY, Marriage, iuslsesp. Chttracter, Palni# -t. try, free.—Pirrf. Mayo. OMMw Aroade, Cordit 886 RHEUMATISM, Soialsoa, and Paralvots Oared expodT isosuJy st Uoogkten's Rlecfro-Hj^ropathte Metablaih- menL, Stuart Hoaoe, Bdwards-torraco, Otdiff. 478 SWBFTRBABT'S Ckiriaus Ixive Letter, I Fanny Pheto ra. and 6 Magic Card* 7 penny atamps. Hrsms, 124, St. Lake's-read, Birmiogliam. 887 WATCH B8 docks and .Jeweller* on the Hire Hv*:t>rr. As3t yuroiehiiwt Company. Ltd TJsres (>ardrff Z5 1- Bneinese Oards, Memorardums, o Billheads, 5s: JL samples free.— Fisher and 0. Maehins Printers, Broad mead, Bristol. 412 «*KKt and £ 300 wanted, on fttt-olam leasehold teoaritifs in Cardiff ample margiut: 6 por oent. interest. — Solicitor, Eoho Offloe, <ardiff. 861 C- .SU Advanvee made ut aay amount promptly, prrvat«iy J a8eI Rt a talr I'&& iotorest: diotanee ne object. Apply, bp oaiy, ta Mr C Lloyd, 84. Baglitn utrgp-, N, p XTO FKBS.—Money lent, £ 8 to £ 1,006.—Appiy, by letter ii oriiv, bo 11, Berth v. in-s tret. Cardiff. 162 MONBY at fair rate af interest, advanoed in anv Hi. tusss without dej; distance no objeot. —Apply, hy letter or personally, to W. Williams, 36. Graig-street (late of Vine Oottagt*, MONBY, from £ S upward, advanced to respectable IjJt Householders, Cab Proprietors, ei« on rn Mcurity, by ths actual lender, J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-sfcroc^i, Car- tie. No fees. Office hours. IC to 7 Wednesdays, 10 to 2. HYBF. SHuRT OF HON EY ? When I ara i.repared^ ff grant advances immediately Iroan £15 to to re- sponsible peopie of-all classes en. their Note of Hand. latwlJt very l"w. No f.e5. No seen: ity. Distance DO obJc. Repayments to suit borrowers —Apply to J. E. Edwards, E.cq., 18, Sunniofcd&le, Clifi on, Brfetol. 332 "< *5 i.pw?,rrfs jrsrted daily to^ householders, withcu r'-aw snreirl" nr> delay, no fees and confidential. Apply, by letter or pereoosl'y, t* F Gould. 88, Potrtenorlais, MerUiyr TydSl, b, letter or pI!1w.!lIr. t. F Gould. 88, Potrtenorlais, MerUiyr TydSl, 26, Carolins-rti-eet. li rklsend, and at J. Friars Park. U*r?in»e» j;. fjkrrcwi>ea, 193e AT O N BY L B NT AT PIVE PEll CE Wt ItA FROM £ 79) te £ 2,500. wtiy pay mors, whto s Private GvnOcsiMin h prepared to grant A Ivancee to rfspansibie pereo<-«, Male er Feanle, upon their NOTE OF HAhU ALONK. ia a«y part of Kngland or Wales, without oflice formalities ? wtiy pay mors, "hte Private GvnOcsiMin h prepared to grant A Ivancee to rfspansibie ptreorx. Male er Feanle, upon their NOTE OF HAhU ALONK. ia "'7 part of Kngland or Wales, without oflice formalities ? NO BILL OF At.1 OS SCKErIES RB^UiHEIX The advaaee oan be t*id bacc >»y easy ineta^mc-to, or oan remain out t:*m 1 to 15 years fcy paying tbs mterest onij. Call er write to the sctw.l Ij«ed«r. CK^IL G ailjKTIKAY, Ksr. 895e CK^IL G ailjKTIKAY, Ksr. 895e 11, Btroud Goton-roaa. Bistert-rood, Jvondon, N. O N B Y T O L S N D ÃIIT SUM LENT PEOSI £ i TO Advances mmie il vily to aU o!A»^«a of ReepwnsiVie Persons ob SioSe of Haisd or Otb. B«oarltfb Apply pemonallr or by letter to PHILLIPS, 365 18, CHUHCH-STREET, CARDIFF. 'r HJ' wrS ASI'J ° N B A. N K L I M Fr E D, JL 38, FINBBL RY-PA VEMBNT. LONDON, E.C. (Incorporated 1886). HAS UPWARDS RKADY FOR IMME- DIATE ADVANCE. S TO £59. BUSINESS TRANSACTED QUICKLY and CHEAPLY Deposits received at Five per Cent. Interest. Apply to Mr W. P. Thomas, Branch Manager, It and 20. Market-streiet, AbertHlery Messrs J. H. Rimer and Co., ne Don, C:therioe.trt:et, Aberdare Junction, or to H. C. Rimer and Co.. Park View House, Penycraig-terraoe, Foatyp ud Royal Bxchango, ih W A.KTJED, a Loan ef £ 10 woulu rrpay it £ 1 poir 1 mepth.—Apply W.G.. Yew Tree Inn .Gorsty Cwn:?r;i?*, near Pembridge. m A BdAK ar log, heb na thrsrul ua thrafferth.- Tsjrrlf. i.wch yn bewsosH at Lewis 67, Caetlt-roAd, y d. 549 x Boed, £ 6, Kailway-su-wt, Moore, Cardiff, advanens x 'row £ 2 to £ 290. Borrowers r&oeive courteous and prompt attention. J'-Q N wtto gives quickly given twioe,— Loans are to be oh- .J. Wiloeo aa4 Co. B, S8, Quoda-atroet, Cardiff, ana nojom tg time. 351 M-rtiay,. -Th. ,f ail pONPYPKIDD to Mertbyr.—The inhabitants of all th.ise J r. who wwk be borrow money apply to Wallace and Co., 96, (joooa-stroML, Cardiff £ 3 and upwards. 3S: No exiKKturo of private affairs need oeotn. Wallnw and .Oo.'s of pcrvately advaooiag money do-a away with it; Pid. oatranoe.—86. Qwe^o-streot, Oartliff. 551 PRiVATB C&sn Advaiioes Made —Appiy (br letter only A J. Wiilmm, U. Â Bmth, Cardiff. 641 e O 26S,000 to Lend kur the Pvoviacavl Ui'-ou Bank, ia turn O 26S,000 to Lend kur the Pvoviacavl Ui'-ou Bank, ia turn 1? o £ 800, on Note of Band alone, or on any »Mi*r beemrty, at a few hours' notico. to al! classes in any P&rt tf the ooU"tJ-> rep yuhio b»- easy insUlmeace no feat, no ourotM required, 110 deiay.—Apply te Mr Stanley S° » 5?' J-' Queoa-scuaro, Bristol or ti»e Diatrtot Agon*, MrB. W. \tebbor, i, W orkiog-atreot, Cardiff. 3H i\l l)^Y—i snKO kingj3om—deposit- bans £ 111 Of it, C!RAVBN-STRKTET, BTRAND, LONDOJL A«ffaw«es Cash Privately npon N fill Hand without M9 of Sale te "t-gble persons, repayable by o-s i-t.A. meius, extoading over a period from OII to five yeass, secreey guaranteed. No (, lommiseiaa or tlr liong. Call or write for prospectus to 933« A G. WILLIS. Manager. 935. A G. WILLIS. Manager. To liONBSr AND BErfPKCTABLB BORROWBRB JL ONLY. The Castle Advauoe Bank is prepared to Advance Money at the lowest raU of interosi,, Wir-hont Suretiot ar Bead*- men. On Your Own Note erf Haod Alone. Yes most bear is mind that we are no acente, and thai you are dealing with the Arm direot. If yon profer waimpt treatment aud strictest privaoy apply, personally er hp letter, to GEORGE DAVlBS t CO.. CASTI.E ADVANCK BANK. J•trj, CAbTLK-ROAO. CARBIFF. 795 A CAPITALIST is prcDfijsd to make IMMEDIATE PROMPT, and STRICTLY PRIVATE CASH ADYANUKS lID Sums front Zia TO £ 1,000 TO Prefeosional Ladies acd No Fee ef any dsscripBiec. Geotleaieai, Ko Biite 11 Sale. Trudesmon, o pablie or looal expooure. Fanners, No objecitiosable Inquiries. Flor1I, No osaal Loan Oftice Fue- Uarket Gardtaots lnaL Hot«i Proprietor^. And at a ReannaMe Kate Job Masters, ef Interest. And all olanea. ON NOTK OF HAND ALONR. Ioten4iag Borron ers wt Cactioned sgaiinst the Battering Advortioemenca that- apoear daitr. TVp majority of them emanate from Agents, whooe Sole Object is to Obtain Fees of all deoeriptions. Applicants can tely uoon it that by nc to ate t-hoy do so In oonfiilence, and that they will be treated in a tair and bvsinoei-iike maonor.—Apply hL BAGXNVT, ime Oaroline-sfcreet, Cardiff. HO"Y PRIVATELY. PROMPTLY. AN OBRAPLY TJUE SATIOBAL MKRCAJHETLB BANK. BALDWIM-WIRBET. BRISTOL, The BU eoters of this rid-eciablished, well-known ODha kaving largo available ftwdn, offer ixnneDal facilities to an respootabla and trustworthy persons who require eftber tomporarr or pormaoeot sieistawoe. OaKh in amounts from £28 to .W,8OI advan ced in al parts of tbe kiatrdoai without suroMes, delay, or publicity, aad oa security only of the borrower's written promise to repay. Tbeoe advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly iasfcalacenig extending over a period at time r-onvesient to Use borrower, or the principal may remain bo long M the intonpt is paid. No Bills d Salo taken, and the trauaotimas are not pub. lished in amy newspaper of gazatto. Apply, rtatmg amoamt r-qaired, ve Mr T. 0. HlhBVKg. Oemerai Maaager. *•—A pet tally advantageous terms for loans 9. Lift: nsuraaoe Itovemiens, and Second Mortra«ros.S97e IB. FIKLDIKG AND COMPANY^ T.TMlTKIi A (SetabiSshed over half a Oestury). FTKAjrCE. MOKTGAGB. AND INSURANCE BKORKR8. Hbau oirrior-THig HAYES, CARDIFF. DBPOSrrS RBi/RIVKD. i;10 AND UPWARDS, At the following -too of internet, payable Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly: Withdrawal 011 d(=And 4 percent. per auntma. „ at 3 .entlt.. notice 8 per oent. per aDuma. at 'meat.lto' notice.6 per cent, per annum. „ at 12 months' aotioe., 7 pel cent, per annum. Depositors bav« the 4r»t charge apo« rhe entire assets of the Oompaoy; one of til* safest and bsfct paying invest- ments of the day. Advances miuie in ana- Nn cpon personal and every kind af Security from £ 10 to £ 1.000, ts Tcwn or Country* without doiay or ¡>tlblbtT. TRADE BILLS DLKXMJNTRD. Proqsoe 111 884 paruculass free IJJ; appiyi.og te Manager, as a BIRAKCHies: London, Oxford, BalJk, Manchester Clroy,lon. Exetnr, GLot>.r, Leicester, Reading, Liverpool, CbeltienhsEB, fcc., ltc, 4. St. Catherine-otreet, (ftppoeite tbe Police Station) Ponty- pridd ai d Albert Chambers. Btow Hill. Newport, Men. 8')o altl bu jurtimi. MR H. HIBBKRT has been instructed *0 SELL by AUCTION on WKDNRSDAY, Oct. 30th, 1896, oa tfce Tram-road-tide, Pontypridd, &t 2.30 p.m. sharp, 15 HORSES and PONIfcS, ONE HAULING CART, SEVEN TRAPS snd EIGHT SBKS of HARNESS. Also MOWING MACHINE, a LIGHT BUGGY, and GAS B N 6 iN I. &6 public øtius. EV. J. P. BELLINGHAM Preaches at STATION-STREr.T CHAPE! NEWPORT, SUNDAY, 27th. at 11.0 rd 6.30. SPECIAL P.S.A. MEETING at 3.0 p.m. -+ £ JAKDilT J^ACES, WDNESDAY AND THCR.SDAY, 30th AND 31ST OCTOBER, 1895. ——— 6426 FIVE RACKS EACH DAY. GOOD ENTRIES. Hctfli, fiimttij-roffms. t. BRISTOL^ THE ADELPHI RESTAURANT, JL 6, WINB-STRKET. Ilia Noted House in t-be City for COLD AND HOT LCNCHaON.S, DINNKRS, TEAS I AND SUPPERS. I Lar^e public dining-room. Pino old rinCajre wines drawn from the wood. Prime home-brewed beer. I Jeed Lafor boar on draught- Pleame "te the adilrotts; I 6, WINE-SIRHIBT. FREDRRICK BRAND. Proprietor. (Late of Uranrfs Bining-r>)OBis, CTdiff) 253e I 0& U s br rTo T Ii E ii s WORKIKG STREYT, CARDIFF. WIRE NETTING IN 50 YARD ROLLS. 3in. xne«h 2ft. wide 2/10 2iu. m«*sh 2ft. wide 3/10 Sm. „ 3ft. Kjt, 2m. „ 5t't. „ 5/10 3'n. „ ift. 6/- I 2in. ^lt. „ 7/9 3,; Lt. 4ft. 6/- I 2in. 4Ù. 7/9 GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON SHEETS. ¡ 5ft. long, Is 1<1 each. I Ift. long Is lOd each, I 6fc. „ It 4.((.. 9ft. „ 2s 2d „ 7ft. 18 7d 101b. 2s 6d „ BEST ROOFfNG FKLT 32in. WIDE, I AND 25 YARD ROLLS, ;s H. 4-a td, 5, 9ci roll. 875e J_j J3RIKST AND KING'S RD., CAKTON, CARDIFF. i Galvanised roofing, beat quaiitv. T SfL. Is Id lkft.. IslOd bft. Is M\ Sft. 2s 2d 7ft. 187<1 I l'Tt. 2s fd -mh, Ridjre. ocrew^, Are, Roofing fklt, 5s 3d, 3« 7d, 4s 3d, 3s i)d, 7» per Hoil. I rtF, NETTING. 60 Yard Rolls. I 1" T 5io. Hwh an., a/10 j aim Mash ift., c/10 I „ „ 3f* V4 „ „ 3ft,, 5/10 I 4ft., 7."9 roll. HOT WATER iXH PBED TANKS FOR THE TRADE 736 D, )]s-p FORG KT THAT 7i VlRlblNK is fcho CUItF, for CORN*.—This grand discovery has led many to iT%i. at* it, but without gaining for such proparadog the satisfactory remits Viridine" has ee-curod. In bowties. Is by pott, 1b 2d. 3e J. MUDA Y, Chentiet, 1, High-street, Cetrdift. ERYOUS D E BI LI fY, &c. j A gestiomm baTillC tried 111 rain every known retnody, has di«c<v»red a simple Øf evert for Nervou-s Debility, Pretnatare Decay, Kidney and Liver Com plaiuts, and si) kindrod DiMdsot, which he will be rlm-sed toe forward on reoeipt of .tamped.addressed oirvelope. Addrem- HBNTIY DA TIS, Eqq., | Capford Lotli^a, Chicbestor-p'ace, Bright-on, Sugsox. 769 Nawo this paper. K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J £ A?E'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. 1 ITZ-AYES WORSDELL'S PILLS. { KAYT: S W0TrSDELI;s PILES. | K AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. ¡ J^AYE*S WORSDELL'S PILLS. II AYRS WORSDELL'S PILLS, They .y tbA m, and u a Mild but etrtJ Aper*ent ar*'an..«ju-,lled, atisi IvsvoikI lid. tboy Hr-ice i ■p the Xtvss xrxi tm wvoiy organ »■ Healthy Action, j thus coaip'iote retioration '■ y«'<?<rt Tl'iey art A CKCTA1X CURS f<* 1MM..J 1C-.TI05' BILIOUSNBrSS, HRAPACHE, DTSPP.PSIA. COW eTIPATIOX, i.IVBR AND KIDXBY COMPLAINTS FOR LADIES OF ALL AGJCa THltT ARE 157K IN V A LU A liL E. Of all fttMtstt Ii l1hJ, as iJ aad A* id per bo*. Q.KiIf AMERICAN PR £ SCBiPT10N Twenty ytta'Wi' research has broupSit to lielit a eunrante^d Remody for NRRVOUS DEniLirY Weakness. Ditune«s of Sight, Bladder, Grave-), Kidnev ami Liver Conaplajnhs. This ireicdption i. in the hands of a Minister, who will befriend anyone suffering-. from them one.ivatlnj diseases. It. has CURPT) THOUSANDS. Merely seitd srff-addressed ftttnipel enTeiepe to the Rev. DAvil Jonea, Baty Villa, I^ewes, when this Prescription will be seal FREE 01 CH A nOli: -name fihe paper. 77S BUY the CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH W4W WEEKLY NSWS,H>»JB fXUKt. J I 1t5ittt.sS I j MASTERS AND CO. Hare stocked all the New and Lsadifig Shapes in MEN'S AND !JOYS' QVERCOATS ASD ■^TlSXffl SUITS. Selected witli great care and all dpwtillp noticeable for the EXQUISITE PATTERNS, EXCELLENCE OF MATERIALS, quality OF WORKMANSHIP, UP-TO-DATE STYLES, REMARKABIil VALUE. ME^6D. B. ULSTERS, Wool Lined, Eo| YOUTHS'D. B. ULSTERS, Wool Lined. JL 15s 6d. BOYS' D. B. ULSTERS, Wool Lined, fQi 10s 6d. JJASTERS AND £ J 29 and 30, sr. MARY.STREEt. 292. BUTE-STREET, 1, QUEEN.STREET, c ARDIFF. ALSO AT SWANSEA. NEWPORT, MERTHYR. PONTYPRIDD, HEREFORD, I 1346 ABERDARE PONTYPOOL, ABERGAVENNY and LLANELLY. public ^musenuitta. CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYALe JL LESSEE It: Manager. Mb EDWARD FLETCHJS5, LAST TWO NIGHTS OF MR WEHDON GROSSMITH'S Celebrat-ed No. I Company in the London success, T H E AT E w g ° YI. I Preceded by the One Act Play, entitled- HAL THE HIGHWAYMAN. PricelJ 6d to £:s è-. Doors open a' 7, commence 7.301 Booking Offices at Messrs Thompson and Sha. I Ltd., Qneen-street. Telephone No. 521. MONDAY < Mr P. G. Latham's Co. will present THE SECOND MaS 'IAl\QUERAY. Nov. 1, of the Renowned Actor, Iff WILSON BARRETT, from his American Triumph, Is the Greatest Success of his Life- THE SIGN OF THE CROSS. THE EMPIRE. I MAWAOXS, OSWALD STO&& TO-NIGHT « j. ETCamp- THE MAN WHO NEVER SMILES. An exponeal of Efficacious EccentriCiSJo The Operatic Humourist. The Two New SISTERS BELFRY, "Divinety taO aag most divinely fair." The idols of London, Palik and New York. W. B. VOX, a worthy namesake of Valentine Voar. whose powers as a Ventriloquist he emulates. MISS LOLA PATEY, A lady a.s charming as her n&tne. BEET BREEVE, Wile and BlLlIY Boy.' PROFESSOR DliNNO, I A past master of Humour and Magic. TfiX AMERICAN-IRISH DON.NELLS, Cliaracttt Du»tUsU. WHIMSICAL WALTER BELLONINI, Mute, Merry, and Marvellous. Juggling aud Dogs are the staple of his act. Mute, Merry, and Marvellous. Juggling aud Dogs are the staple of his act. GRAND theatre. Lessee ft Manager. Mr CLARENCE SOUNKS. GRAND DAY PER- FORMANCE (By special dent e) TO MORROW (SATURDAY), I (Ü'l'URDA V), at 2.30. Doors open at 2. j TO-NIGHT AND EVERY £ V £ £ (q ING at 7..V3, and SATUKDA* AFTERNOON at50, MR BEERBOHM TREET5 COMPANY IN A _BUNCH OF VIOLETS. From the Haymarket Theatre^ London. MONDAY NEXT, Oct. 28th, Mr Horace Lingardfc Comic Opera Com. any in 1ALK A, THE OLD GUARD. PKPliA, and EW) YH Elt PELICAN. Box Office at the Theatre fl.,m 10 to 4. Doors opea at 7 Saturday at 2 and 7. Prices from 6d to £lls. ATOLL'SpTNVpT I CUN, s PHILHARMONIC HALL and BUILDINGS, Si'. MAKY-STRKbT. EXHIBrriON AND NOVLLTV PALACE. Second and rina Week of HEllR PAREEZKBS PRLSsIAN CHOfR, BAND DIORAMA, and SKETCH PARlY. Daily at i, Nightly at S. Over Twenty Artistes. Prices oi Admission, ód, 1", and Is 6d. The LMest Arrival to the Curio ttAlls THE G I A T CHILDREN, Clement and Bertha De Smfd, the Belgian Wonders. Bertha is eight j ais old: Clemsnt is fllteen years old They level the scales at 60 stones 71bs. In Liverpool THE BOTTOM DROP! OUT Ol THE CAli that they weie riiiitio in. COUNT IVAN ORLOKF, the Ossified and Transparent Man, a creature fearfully but wonderfully made, isatge to be seen in thili depa; ttaeut of the establishment. For each of these extraordinary sights a mereft nomin.l extra chaige is made. tIAICDIFF MClCAL SOOIETY. SEASON 1895-86. Pkksident — Tbe Rt Worshipful the MAYOR OF CARDIF* PROSPECUVE ARRANGEMENT'S. Moroni bar 27th. 189.5..SAllSUS. February 14th. 189o ..CHOllAL and ORCHESTRAL. April22nd. 1896 GOL EN LEGEND, Couaucted by Sir ARTHUR SULLIVAN. ORCHESTRA and CHORU, 300 PEiil uRMKBS- CuMpItCTOR—Mr T. E. AUHAIOI. Ballot for Priority Booking, Saturday November 2nd. Psoapecuis with full particulars from Messrs Newiaan and Sons, Queen-street or 6465 The Hon. Sec., Mayfield, Whitchurch. 6VVAJNrSEA. Til H E EMPIRE A X MAMAsmo DIRKCTOR OSWALD STOLL. "f TO-NIGHT i MISS MAY EVANS, GAERTNER and RICHARDS, JAPA and JAPO. THE STELLA QUARTETTE OF YOUNG LADDS, BOB GARDNEli, DAISY JAMES, ROSIR COLEMAN, auli THE UORNE TROUP*; Prices as usual. jj: J— —» NEWPORT. fp H E E M ir I R E « J- MAKteiNe BiRKCTOR..OSA'AL!> STOUx TO-NIGHT? THE SISTERS AMY and NELLY TILLEY, IXiTTC, I.1LLO and OTTO, SAM RICHARDS, LIZZIE CHASE, CARRIE EEATON, ALF. GIBSOSc VúLTi :.nd RAY, ADA LONSDALE, and NEWMAN and DOWNES. -Next Week—May Evans, The sisters Belfry, etc. pontypridd! Royal clarence theatril PONTYPRIDD, MO>- DAY, October 21st, and daring the week, Mr Gerald h1 C iuipany in two Powerrul Si^iodrama). Monday, Tuesduv. and Wednesday, THE CONSCHIPT. Tknrsdar, Friday, and Seturday, THE SIUMS o. LONDON. Monday, Get. tll, Gn'uihorg's great )ii.(orieal play, LAD V GUDIVA. Popular Prioe> ;—Centre Circle, 2s od Side Circle, 1* Ad Pit, is Gallery. 6d. Doors open 7, performance 7.4it 4- ( POSTAL jjEXTv Eli i OF THE I SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of ti e Scl th Wttx- DArur New I 1 o anroupce that by a special concession of the Postal Authorities they Won enabled to desp3.ien that First Eiirron 'bac!il ulornilig by the Mails Cardi £ ^2a,M U>unt,ySubscrib-rsresidi,v3 'l!l'"it.hs thp Inmt. of GLAMORGANSHIRE, ^AiiM.vrrrHFNSHTRi: p EHBEOKESHIEE. OAIiblGANSHIEJJ. t),ose portions of KH LCONSfiIRE ««i DSI;iIBE c°rapri^?-! ^hin the TV.-dcgnf fff J^ynnej-^Valley Postal l>ii.ncts, ;uav uo w liar* K.OCTH m Waixs Wailt Nkws delivered at (Mi noatae which eng.