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PftCPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMM W?ttM MMM. ??S. OCR. 1'lIRIŒ S!X IP™ ^OM)S. ONCE. TIMES. TIMES. ??-. J^otdsl'O 6 10 1 6 ?Words06 10 16, ?? "0 Words 09 16 23 stXTtM?s rr "'EIN,V' "IU'Wo- 1 0 ANti 40 !W oz'ds 1 0 2 0 3 0 "ECHO." ? ?ordaT T '? T 20 ^13 60-1- 2/6 I l'Gs 1 6 3 0 4 6 30 Words I 613 01 4 6  ■ ^ORDg oNfTf" 'mut'.u six W Words I WoRbs. ONCE Tilltil !1, ,IX 40 Wortl.,3 :\V „„„ EI»,» ords 0 6 1 0 1 6 Each EJt$ra' 7° Words 0 0 1 6 2 3 ]Oworl1lfj Words 0 9 '1 6 2 3 1/- ,r;7'30' EaoheI- ?Words 0 3 0 6 0 9 I t."?? charges apply o? ? the classes of??Mt'- ktemem 3p'-oifiecl below and are ar??y cott??"? to *Ose'whicit are ordered for co?sc<'M<t? n?«-"o?, '? ?<t? j?, ???:o<t! to insertion; if eithcr 6J J? CM)???,s ? ??j, complied Mt?, the Adveriise- Vlt W!? be chan/ed ?y the Busimss ?M/<— ?«?MC)?i), ?!7t«f?o)ts FaM?< or ?"<n:??, To bt £ 01' NoM, ?p«. Found, «t? ?!SC€???0'<!) "ants. S F??oMue.—Aupt!MnM sendinF'et.Ues m Ad?t. ?tMcaMntaaddreMe?M inibiats or 1!0?iLio?li M th', A Ofilce are requMtx? not to aeud orJma.1 tMt,'mo.utt •»uiy ?pphoat.otM, bat M enc!oM caples of test tmom.J< but to enc,,D.o copies of rG<tSON.U.. ?? ^'citora and OthfT?.—Wii] th parties who advertised To for '?? of kin of Job" ?'? ??cc Thomas, Bristol, zbout :-ay, 1894, kindly cMumumMte with W. S., VIC¡U s- — "~r i ? 119- _-?__?_ P?KTXKK?HtFT to invest P,60 iii .HER (Motive or sleeping wanted, to invest £ 50 in Oac??J?y'ng busine-)!): uo rMk.—W 909. Di.Hy ?Y9  ?-?-?__ MEMCAt. '"ZH A '<V?'?''?"?Mted. Qualified Ai?si?taut: also Junior '"U Mrticu)tt-?"°? preferred outdoor.—Apply. 'Y'M full 4iclll re' tYo]ais. 996 ANTE 8p<.e?{.?''??' D<-ntht.-S?te terms to Dest?np. 'SE?Pridd. ?ow???T' ??rttyr. City CoTfRTaMr. ?''———.—?SS?.?Treharris. or Market..st?Ab?dtr? y-T~ JbT~~ :Watk»io X1,11. .?- ?'??"c?? ??? ?'. i? a fair p.?ition. good-lookinK, ?Mtedwe???'.?'?M to correspond with a true- Wease enclo?s*e nh 0hn.,tlan ??- with a view to m?"-?'' ,ow P?oto- (f'be sa?e wlt be returned): genume agents^ strictly priv?.-Address W 11, Echo Offace, (,?xrdiff W 11, Echo 0,%ct, N"~ ?- ? tho?????M?bach?r7 ass "32,??ng sevcml iA I,' thoum?,l ?Un^s in"ested in a good Dnsinss..would °?'CK!??? with an amiable lady of suitab.e age. M'-hcu? '?cs to enable him to develop his busine.?s requested, which will be honourab.y fticuUra and crc?ev assiired, this breing a bons lille ^l^turned Btr", etest BGerecv assured, this belnK ? bona hJo "Smanft B „ rePlies only invited no ?ents.-Ad. Cecil; ans LN 914 ;M a«0nv!^ Lady, accomplished, domesticated, — — ?PMty. d<?'?''?. GOvernment ftock, ?nd freehold .?aic?. Bns?L? M.wnase.-A(tdress Box, 51, Adverti?er fATR?o?———?_ _?— ° ¡M A:i\ONYdY ?'? Bl.OOO year!y. o?o I?adnn. ?Dd North St6rn «tOck, desJreg M.?n?e hon? is"daf <Addre« r^ fLe?>ead' A dvertiser Otbee, Bristol -— T) Of B?ch?'.i? Widow wishes to meet with Widower or BSCj' to Confid,?ce, vieTrto 'n?rrM?.-Appfy. "Conad?nce, I?on?yDrIcId Re18- M'11-street, J?ypndd? 94?e ? Poudeoc???''? GentkmAn. ?. "5, desires corrM- Poudenoft^vu COnKenial youos ?dy of means, snm- ellabiwe itthh e,ii to live modeatiy and comfort:.hly. Ca.r?M-. _5;)? t ——_j««fiMSrnLt- i £ £ k*Ilgg]_ G. 943, Echo Office. Cardiff. S43) live modestly and comfortably. ?.??t?"'? "? Miners.-]?SFOM t)y post: Jftr*. ?outhe?n ? ? !<'Motion. Syt?bM. Id stamp.- HS'^rsa^ H.M;. iu^pcetor of Mines, X'ho 1I1In Schol)l. DerBy. 827 p OT7.<r 5 J.O.t' "1\.) .OIL,}). F c!M? —Kton Terrier Doff win be sold ]f not b_t. 1l'1tbm, three 4aY8.-19. Front J"on£w,  i UnteMc?irL Ointon Pound, black Cab Rors. 6 -a? t I cl?nton 1?cklbab Horse. Uniels Ojai ?" within 7 days wiU be so!d to defray ex TO?T" ?????' CMton. 832 ? Ha?n? '? d-Y near or on Rhymney S?tion I[, Pltttom, Cardiff. a Ladys Scent Bottle, Gold Chain and pencil Cue attached.-Finder. rewarded more than r.i vs-tevrace. 104 • JLi°'d?fT Lado'|Uc f3rdiin 715 train from rerarth o .It diff- lAd? B black SatO-hel containing money. keya. &c. f,inder will Jha SOmely re?rd.d.-R. Post Ofnce, J IUantwit vdre  W jEMt?. ?'"<?'K??' *?M? -(I blaelfuaddle in~ itil.- k.ry Dock. 167 OBT. i? Co'T??t'o"-roa<t a Green ?rMt. AnyOM ''■1 returnfC same to Dr. ?-' be rewardec d j: jg .er wql be prosecuted. d,ee- I" OBT .orBren, Wednœday last. Wire-baired Föx 7tTneT ??. white breMt?-tour white PMn. w?itf rme t Jmk. answers to Fan if return",l wiH be re- o e.- lamB, 31, Commercial-street, Ato.?t?i,x Ash.  Hannah-street Lane, a Hand Truck, with ?JS? Mo- .-Apply R. W.'James Md?o.. 3153. D" Ut?-road, CtrdijC Wboever detains it after thIS nnhce 'ii uaecued,. 121 LIDU? J1!??1 Grangetow dark chestnut Cob, about l'ands -bit- iace, white fetlocks in front, %car on 'Deat hi. qq?rt, ?Clr?wardto iid,r.-Apply 2, V lrgil street, Grangtown LOSl1 Monday, Pony 13 hands marked ou 1 ba' k rrlty Møn<l11.Y, Pony: 13 ha.nds; ml1.rked on I Price, C'Wnlbargoed. to fi'Jder.-ApWlsS'  J-?Y 29th, at Pcnarth, between the Beach and ?'cder??f???' ? lady' Silver Watch and ChMn. 'os WJ11- be rwarded o returning it to^, Marine-parade. T.0Ot3T 'Stolen, on 20Hi July, Black Retrieveg Bitch 'Ip, Pl?y, -Reward on returning to Mi-s Wheeier. St. • 755 t  m "?Mif?tKJ !!tMM.tAK't' •Aar>3 ??* Registry for young seTnnts, 87, -k I*po. -.load, ?"?'? C"? 12, Parade). Young R'r? •; bl-ldi. Ll keep or situation will be welcome. 20e A. tit)) dil'f¡ ''??"'?S Servants, Servants requiring Situa- -A. the Khonada Valley, apply Servants RpRMtry, llrt'?treeo, LlwYnYPiat Rhondda. Stamped envelope. 99 G wor??? ?"?' mornings only. for ligbt home- n^N-«.rewport-road. ° 200 'I??,F.??"E_TAL Servs6nt Wanted; about 25: from country rred- Appl,y to MrBom?sh. 19, Qucen-3treet. 927 "E:AL Servant" e:¡,:perienced. Wanted in private j l-1'-pNEPAL Servant, experieno,-(I. Wanted in private l ?'?es -M* -Pl%,Il cookiDIt; ge 25 nurse kept state ^j-j~p-f^-KatIlpri.dge. 5. A delaide-teTrace, Ilfracembe.  ??nt General Servant, able to do plain cooking, 5pT »an^H i 0-0?? other servants kepr,Apply Mrs J. W obb, ?eQM Lawn, CroesTceiliog, near Pontypool. 37:6 K EED, two 6enerai SerT?nts for ladies' 3chool, ?Uey. "rthcawl good reference?.—Mra GarBed. e.o. Miss )]all 11, l?-icb mond. terrace, Clifton, BhstoJ. 124 S ,.f. or Female, requiring Situations, in 1-ndon write to Um Coster, Registry, testimoni? free. 174 T^lSv—~ AuRust, Kbie to  wash sm.tU J- ta",nl ^ant«d by Ilfth August, able to wash small '?'?ortho&°? OMdtft: reference w&nted.—MM HU). W ADI' General Servant.-Apply Mrs Beed, Xep- t?-'??C?"'s-street. CM-dig. 251 V "TED two good SerfM? as Cook-General and rdilR'44rle-iiOU$ejnaxd.-BLre D. E. Lewis, 68, Park-place, W A S r ? T — 165 i W D, J'esctable Housekeeper for working man; ,«!,» Onl» total abstainer need ?pply.—MrRaymcnd, 110, aft4d, e-pt ee ss=;is6sid*i 'kl4TED. (;enaral Servant, with good references: ?n?*?cx and plain cookiD: nurse kept.—Mrs- • -?^J<Wr8^efa 4 ^nil?r^. vi^,pPn1!th. J92  T ;ED. Genesal Serva;ït must have ?ood refe? "Wl' 91, Newport-road. l_- ^yy A'fbJJ:D, General Servant; about 18.—Apply 33. Y^r-^AUoiaany-road. Cardiff. ?.ut 18.-Apply .5. «o»^S ????''<'y. good (?ner?I Servant, able to '??bte waahil)z ?°? plain cooking good character indn. JZ s&ble JJSv *C2h?. ve-road, Canton. Cardiff. 151 rt st;ED ImmediatIy, a Yng Nurse wf?eB. S9 to ltlr?. '-Awith ''?sreuQes, to Mrs Dr. Davies, evul Tred c-Lar.  T————— 162 .w ?T-P- D-.r age b.,?t 15.-21. Wood-3tre?t "4N 139 "TIRD it once, good stronf Girl as General Servant: blo to do Plaiu w"hin one fond of childreio. -1, str:eet.. 127 AZITED atOnce. experienced General Servant: refer- il* enes -q-1r,?d. 'p,tv 17. Romillv-road. Barry. 134 j^ify ^JJ^ediat^ly, yoMnf Girl (about 17-18) to IAW=T. anot,her servant: good referMees; country Iflirl preferred -31, (,haries-str?et, Cardiff. 91  "ceEJ?llclean resdee le Gtrl.-?8 Nurse, and to assist  ?-  ?'y?leep in.—ADPIV 85, StrathMim-at. 107 -'Me?)?:T  good, strong Girl as GenemL-Apply '?- lqevill? no tel, Clare-road. Saltmead, Cardijf 74. f!* chS?' ?B. reBpechle Girl, about 16, look after ObUdre and assist in HtMewerk.-MMTayIer, 242, C?w. bri(ige-r?. I Cardiff. 71, »_ .Oediately, a respectable Girl as good tetra cS '?.' ?'TMt: .ge 13 or 20.-Apply 22. Edward- ^*6e, Servant: age 18 or 20.—Apply 22, Edward- ee&' an experienced Gencral Servant; good plain -??nda f?mUy.-Appty Mrs Evans, renybryo, 'W  m  T — 6L cle ED, General, about 17: one able to wash and ea-.thitt's been out before preferre(L-Apply limit viil- l?4%ugh[Ln-t-errace. Penarth. 51 =-—-  t?<? "? Person or steady Girl as General Serv all? two in family.-28, Cwrt-y-vH.rd.. Penarth. D. 16 t orough good General 8erTaot.—A?p)y -yr^s 14 ft?'O a 12, Tudo'reet. C(lilf. &85 ANTLPb 2it respectable Gi'I as General Servant.- AD,,I,i. Wells-street? -Canton, C:trdiBf. 97J Le fOJ¡d,D. rpfctabl() Mother's Help domesticated  *°Od'of ^"id.ren pe?onal application preferred.— Wi% (1014 ??'m l?-&eY, Porthmwla941 eoo' !°? General: must understand p't:n tS<)t!'?«te*<. °??'y' ??' experienced HouseM?.d. *oiod*,retie«s «r.e0q0ud ired.—Apply OaMeId?treot.' Ro??h ?y ?N? B B—— 929 =- -i. 010d General Servant, active, able to wash. AX^gg?ii' Windsor-place, Cardiff. 955 ?-?.? dr:čtClell.n, respectable Nurse Girl, Me 13 to 14, rftfdo. r gloo to r 8 house. cbud ?—Appty 175, Commer-  y Art, Mo? 973e Penarth. strong Young Girl to Mttst in k<Lt°h«m 4 Un Fifoot, Ingledene, Victoria- W ?ir .863 ?**M strong. respectable Girl, ab#ut 17. to assist    ?  lauswork.-Apply Mrs ^h?, .SS' M,. F .? L  General Servant by 9th August for small il,. no childr*u.-28. Glynrh ondY?!,t.. C.rdiff. "Ts^A_jJge^^airWcoigemaid, and Nurse good charact?rs to !».. r»j^T~Apply, etattng age, wages, and referCDC'8' Yy *■ cf" Planar, near Mountin Ash. M9 Itr hou. lood General Servant for small nrivat6. •trMf -Apply t. Mrs Williams, i and 6, Sb. Mary.  V  R?. f  \y.#tr°ni, steady Girl, fond of Child-r;D=34. -street, Lower Gr,,tnl;c. ^YANj/st^Lower^raDKe. 801 C-vr4b strong. steady Girl, fond of children 34,  Genera! age 18 or 20: three in family; L"lod General age 18 or 20: three in faniily: Gleb e.str C.t*' l?I-h pl,-du cooking good reference.-Nkirti, l  1t\hf'onlC. honest GirJ.a-Me to milk and sell  David Price-strpet. Aberdare. 769 ?<?Mi*?Mt'-??'??"? Servant. also Housemaid. — ?""<. -'?.M.C?.B<MBe.0?h<dm)-Ma))i(topfnd!. :JW- \\J OKKING Housekeeper Wanted, middie-aged prc. t ferred plain cooking no w?shin?.—App'y. with copy refeu-nces and terms. Mrs Phillips, Grocer. Meir.ryr^ LIroIt"Ii1"" WaXt'ATtOSS VA»i!» ALL Miners are requested to Keep Away from Aher. gwynfi, pending dispute. 960 OOT Trade.—Wanted, good Kepairer, all-round Hand: M one used to while you wait; references.-Fell,,wi, Birmiogham Houfe,fAb?rsycaan. ? tD?OOT?and 'She?TMdp?WMt?? a practjcal Pepairer; ? state wage and age.-Appy W.,Hoyd, Boot Manu- facrurer, Orange-street, Swansea. 965c KieiaXYERS and Hardstoue Masons w&nted.—Apply 1? to Morrison and Masou, Ltd., Knigbton.  D-RAPERY:-=-W;I;te¡Ç a Young Lady to the counter: i? EOodxatMwoman with knowledge of Dullmery. a!so Junior Young Man.-Apply D. WUUam.. 194. Commercial- road, Newport, Mou. 97',6  RAPERY.-Wanted. a good JUnior Yoang In; DWt3lsh.-Stat?o- full PartioalaTS &?t. letter. Win.? Is.nc, Draper, Maesteg. 993 RE3SMAKING.—Practical and scientific, good fit and style guaranteed charges strictly moderate,—Miss Howies, Severn House, Plassey-street., Penarth. 157 RESSMA KFP,W,,tn Led, August 20tli, good stylish Hand. thoroughly experienced; good class trade: rni,tll %vorltroom. -Particulars M. Davies, London House, Talgarth. 906 ivf^GXNK-Driver and Fitter wanted at Llanbradach.— Apply Rees. Contractor, Mertbyr Vale. 832 IANCY D rapery.-Wanted, Young Lady Apprentice: ..i.1 also Apprentices to the Dressmaking.-A. F. Heal, 1S6, Castle-road, Cardiff. au ROUERY'nd Provisions.—Wanted immediately, Gsniart Junior or good Improver: M'e 18: must be accurate at Ssurea and good Mnv?sser.—Apply personally, Hiley, Treherbert. 191 (GROCER'S Asaistviit.-Wanted immediately, good Gsm,irt Junior for Order Counter and Stock: ruus Inite well.-Apply personalJy. S. Williams and Co., H:5, •Jlifton-street. Cardi If. 23 G-1R\)CER'SPOI'L.Wan'ed:trong Dad must be used Gto the trade and horses.-App1y persona,Hy. S. \l_d Co., ] 6. i!t-a.2- GROCERY.—Waiited, a smart, trustworthy Lad to assi?;t Gge?,Pr,Ily: I've indoors tate references and W)HS. —AddrMsT. SSS?Echp_OBjce. 'C?rd'e. S03_ G-ROcJiÜîÏEs-1lr;Vir,i¡;;=\V;Ü;t;d:mp-e-t;t G Assistant; mast be quick and obiiging.-Send references F. S. West, Dyva_S_t?_6. ?<ROCEUY.—WMte<fYQung Man, well œcd to bcmcs, Gto deliver goods: states reference and WU(;es re- quired.—Thomas Rich, Gr"ei-r, M?rthyr. 789 HC-Xin DR IEs-sJ;-RS —W.tntfJ, a good Haheutter aid Jt' 1 .Shover must be sober. -M. D. Price, Ferndfth? 10 Al) wanted for erraL-de and assist In warehouse good jLt opportunity ior industrious boy.—Address Box 40, Post Office, Cardiff. J928 MASON.C—Good Masons wanted at Tywith, Maeatc, A. Whitcombe. 57; JTL fJLAOTERl^S^WrnoedTlbKOOd and quick Men.—Rses, New Houses, Merthyr. Wages, 8d per hour. 881 OMART BUhard Lad Wanted, who thoroughly under- O stands the game.—Apply, personally. Corporation Hotel, Cardiff. ^jnHE~Duiria Cake Co. has vacancy for two strong Lade, X able to mould and assist in smalls, ete.— Penarth-rd. 'j"EÃ-'frade.-Wanted. reliable Lad with good references i who has not been out before.—Choola. Tea Co., Park Hall-7)uildinqs. 916 rJpL o^Paiiiterir—Wauted, a good Grniner and Writer.— A Appiy G. King, Paint :reB.90_ rpo Grocers.—Assistant wanted; also a Man to solicit X and collect accounts.—App]y.' with particulars, to T. ? homas?imtted. Y!trad Phonda. 132 r.JpL cTsiioeine Smiths.-Wanted, a good Doorman.—App!y JL Jone8, Veterinary Surgeon. MerthyrTydfU. SS?' '(j";T ÃNTED a thoroughly experienced Cellarman sober V v and tnltworthY' state wages and references. —Me~?rs J, F.!(C'u"r:nt:!<l.7 ï:iTAK1:ED( two good Joiners. at once must be accus- t"wed to filing.—Apply JE]IY, Builder, HLrw,io, Aberdare. 154 W ANTED, Wheelwright used to ligbt work; handy yoiing man :i.1J improver would do,—Eosser, Carriage Builder. Herbert-street, Newport. 992e WANTED at once, Youuz Man: accustomed to Pflwn- 'i" f broking, good window dresser, ticket writer: ab!e speak Welsh.—Goodman, College-street, Swansea. 'l:V ANTED, a Hoy for milk wa[k.—App)y Wm. I:homs, f ]Jandkg Fields Dairy, Pontcanna. Cardiff. SO WANTED at once, a good Bread and TGake lla.mli: t"t' abstainer: indoors.—Apply, with full particular", John Jones, Nantyglo. 49 WANTED at once, few experienced Men in Fruit Busi- ness must be o,)d salesmen, also abstainem.-A p- ply W. Thomas, Market House, Merthyr. 64 WrANTED, Wortunct Foreman Moulder: must be a t' Y good, steady man, and able to manage nieu.—Write A. 54, Echo, Cardiff. 5q ANTEDT Young Lady of neat appearance to nttend shop age not over 20.-Apply A. Miraki, 24, Wood- street. 070 WANTED, a strong improver to deliver goods ,md VT Rs?ist behind counter.—Apply, stating wages and references, James John, Grocer, New Tredegar. 957 "7 ANTJiD:'Appre;;t:iêës and Assist ants for Dressmaking. —Apply Mrs Bowen, 101. Castle-road, Cardi?-. \X7 ANTED, fharp Youth, able to drive and make him- l't self ucful; accustomed Lo shipping Preferred: live i,Apply 33, 876 V\t ANTED, strong Lad to look "iter Pony, make himself v T useful.— Apply lioioiter, Butcher, 108, Woodville-road, Cardiff. 1)56 W'ANTED, Young Man with good knowlK'se of India It' T Rubber and WKterproof nMiness mmt !Mve learnt the trade and be competent to take charge of \v&rehûuso.- Apply O 833, Echo Office, Cardiff. 833 ??ANTF.Df.mdoors). a si roug. ?.t?.idy, Perso!i as ,of Warehouseman must be accustomed to the work .d t.,?alb bacor?.-Apply, with references, ageiJt)ud i 3.1?,ry, J,)Rl)iel, Po??typool. WANTED, ?t Llatibnidach, Masm as Working Fj.o- ?v Man must be well up in cott&ke buUdi,,g, pubing, and su,ady.-J,ew¡, Timber Merchant. Pontypridd. 773 'l"OlJN(i"Man-'Vauted¡¡5d com;n¡ioll. I Regular work. Splendid openiD&Addre88 Compo ,¡l!orth. Bolton. Lancs. 6 2 Weekly and UpW:ärd;n1¡;e realised by eithërSZX' .t without hindering occupation.—For samples (retHrn: abta)_ &c., enclose addreMod envelope to Evans, Watts and Co.. P 155, Merchants, Birmingham. This is genuine. 9C4 12 to 158 weekly easily earned in spare time by eit.her sex everywhere: work can be done evenings. Send addressed envelope to Eclipse Works, 9, Playhouse-yard, Water-lane, London. 295 "I'nJ,n'DO" WAfliTiKfiP. ——— BAKERS and Confectioners. -Situation for hread cake L P 'and smalls nquired (25), absbiuer. 13 years' XPfr¡: CMC.—10, iiedlaver-street. Grange, Cardiff. 033 Y?AKER?.—Respec?Me Man (28) seeks sÚ,uatiõ; BSeco?)d, Third, or Single, or delivering ouMoorss good references.— H. Passey, Hampton Charles, Tenbury. BAKERS and Confectioners.—Situation wanted by com- pet eDt hand, disengaged; reference.-Baker, 11, Locke- siieet, Nowport. 952o a-RÓCËRY aud ProviEion, Young Man (21) WRUtg PtMo Giii above trade accustomed t, 80Ucitill: good leference.— Jones, Echo Office, Pontypridd. 9tile PAWNBROKERS.—Wanted by the advertiser, ite- P engagemcnt at the Counter r.nd Sales 5 years' good experience two years with present employer.—Address E. U.P., 17, Cranbrook-street, Cardiff. 934 WANTED, Situation by experienced Gardener. or good 't' jobbing middle-aged; good references.—^Write D. 757. Echo OftiOP. Cardiff. 757 YOUNG Lady (161 wants Situation in boot shop or any other light Jmsinees; can have reference.—P 918, Echo Office, Cardiff. 918 YOUNG Endy (2), seeks situation iu Confectioner's or JL any li^ht Business. Apply Z. 829, Echo Office, Carditf. 829 (IMtKS. IVIA.%IAGI,,ILS. tc. A Gentleman desires Secretaryship to Club Association or Company. Exvierieuced; nominal salary.—King, 18, Church-street, Cardiff. Z7 L AW.-W,t,ed at once, Shorthand Clerk, accustomed to routine of solicitor's office must be well recom- mended.-Apply, with reference, to Mr W. Cook, 98, St. Mary-street. 78 S¿Ù,ICl'l'OR wanted to form Company for Manufactur- ? iug Allen's new Patent Fire Escapes highest expert opinions.—Write Allen, Herbert-street, Brithdir. 793 S LTITVEYORS.- Wanted, a competent Colliery Surveyor C5 good references required.-Apply Aberdare Works and Collieries Company, Aberdare. 55 TELEGRAPHIST (19), Needle, Sounder. Wheatstone, &c., desires Situation as telegraphist, clerk in mer- chant's office, or insurance ooUeeWr.-Pendieton, Post Office, Aberavon. S80 W ANIT, D, two Young Lady. Clerks must be quick and correct at figures: apply, with copies of references, stating age, experience, kc.—Address T. 89, Echo Office, Cardiff. £ 9 WANTED, by Youth age 15, a Situation in an Office.- Address A. C., 2, Coldstreaia-terrace. Cardiff. .IWKKCJEW TK.4yiEM.KKS JSsc. ADVERTISER wishes to Represent good Firm of Bottlers, ales, stouts, wines and spirits; experienced; good con-ection.-Ii., Eciio Office, Cardiff. 964e A GENT Wanted for the Sale of Patent Medicines, &c. AA eond commiSSIOn given state w?ges.—App)y to P?'"h[M Md 00., 'cm.mnce Hotel, Brynmawr. 770 ? ?LUB AgenM Wanted, to form Clubs for Watches, V Clocks, JewtDeiy. Silver Pl?t?. Opera GiMse!. Musical Instruments, &c. Members pay Id per weci? Terms. Cata- locues.&c.,Kendal D,&l::tÍeÍnJ.:spl;ii value. Cr??tttucBe?. Mention Paper. Ladies'and Gents' Silver Levers. 428. worth 70s. 730 ¡.OIU..ING!<. APARTMENTS 4e A 11-ftirl)ished Sitting and Bedroom vacant: bathroom; A. good cooMoK and attendance moderate terms.—Ap- pty »,dsworth-avenne, ewport,.roM. 26 A-r:RT:ÙŒTS to Let immediately: ttvo sitting and three bedrooms, well forniah?d gentleman dining ent, hot, cold, and shower bath.-16, Ryder-street. 979 A partments to Let.—Young married conDle w?nt to I ?' lot portion of house ? re3Wtitble loc?Utv.-Whte H 519. Echo Office, Cardiff. 819 COMFORTABLY Furnished Front Sitting-room and one or two Bedrooms: suit two gentlemen baths: no children maderate t,erms.-2g. Julanbleddian-gardeng. Comfortable Home offered to one or two Young Ladieit: bath. ?'' P?' <?''ms very moderate.? IDglewo.d Home. Atlas-road, Canton. 117 C- OMlORTABLE Rooms or Lodgings for respectable, steady men quiet, clean homo bath near 'bus.—W,, Stationer. 8. Mackintosh-place. Roath. 38 COMFORTABLE Lodgiors for one or two younik Ladies engaged p during dav: terms very moderate.-ADPIY ios, Clive-street, Grange. 780 COMFORTABLE Apartments for two or three Gentiel men bath and piano near Docks 'bus passes door. Ashgrove. Clarence-road, Orangetown, Cardiff. 784 "I^FRNtfcHED large Bedroom use of good kitchen, JL piano, bath locality Canton 'elderly gentleman preferred: el,eap.-Write B. d9, Echo, Cardiff. b9 ifuii-NISHED Front Bed ?nd Sitting-room to Let, Mit F U=tlemen no chudren.-Appiy 1, Fi,ds-place. Queen •sireet.CardnT. 911 FURNISHED Apartment. :euit two gentlemen or lady Ffriends: trams yaw the dw.-Apply' 164, Clive-street, Graugetown. 836 LPRACOMBE.-Castlt, Boarding House, 12, Church- street. Apartments. Home OOMfOrts terms moderate daily parties catered for.—Apply K. Webber. Proprietress.' ADY and gentleman require two Bedroom, and front JU Sitting.room (furnished), ek1DC Md <ttteBdM)eo- state germs —0. 122. Echo OMeo, 'Crd1W. '?cna' ?e. LODGINGS for respectable young Uan, or two friends JU -5, Adamsdown-square, Koatb; near Docbj and, town. 21 NEAR Penarth. -Furnished. Two Bed, DininR. and Sitting-rooms. Kitchen, forfortnight «r longer: piano • 13s 6d weekly.—C 146, Echo. Cardiff. 146 "O ESPECTABLE Lodgings, suit a youog maD, no ohil- XV dren terms 4a per week.—15, Lead-street. Roath. 130 ESPECTABLE Onfurnished Apartmente to Let?- JL? Apply 36, Burnaby-street, Splotlands. 775 I->-OOMs.-sitt¡-ith ono or tn Bedrooma. to Let. (unfurnished): use of kitchen respectable peol)l ■A pply 232. Bute-road, Cardiff. 907 STAGE Y-road well-furnishedcomf or table Apartments!* L baths no children good cooking suit gentleman or two friends.—IT. 959, Echo.Office, Cardiff. 969 rI"v-õ-¿oure¡;¡ffit]'ll.iõom3 to Let sui respect^ JL able married ooupls oven v:mte terms moderatt ?Rmb?rda-street, C-tthtya. 179 ''t?WO Uafamished" Rooms to Let: oven grate two JL minutes from Dock and 6t"ion 4s weekly.-7"ing, 'f"t:\1'ry Dock. 838 T7?.???????''?*sn?;?'?'espectaMem&med. h  couple < °S"???= bot and cold w&t?bt.th.a?o? ) wm-w M?!wa?M-)?? ?K'M?- ?M<" UJvJb LI.^HED Front Fa/toür and Back Bedroom U pleasantly situated, near to'vn no children preferred. -Ap1JI, Cowbndge-road. 891 ■; MINTED, end of August, Bcd, Sitting, and Boxroon? furnished or unfarniHhed; attendance and cooking, by gentleman, wife. and child.—State full particulars and terms to 0 85. Echo Office, Cardiff. 85 \7!i i ¡';LLFu;ihed Sittiugand Bedrooms to Let to gentl.' m''t?l or gentlemeu friends: good and punctual cooking and attendance: terms moderate.—H., Alma Villa, Plymouth-road, Penarth. &S WELL-furniihed front Sitting and Bedroom vacant: good cooking and attendance no children bath- rooip near town, Machen-place, Riverside. 925 IWELI, Furnished Apartments to Let.—Apply 51, Pitzliamon-emba,ikment. 812 \,r.M.C.A. Home, Cathedral-road. Cardi1t-EvErY home c,)Mfort; ptMO, bath, amoke-room: terms, 15s per v, ii?CI us i 777 1  Hant.wi?stre&t, Saliebury-road.—TJnfumished'Rooma 9. to Let to respectable people close to town rder. enccS. 73 4t. t) CILDING Land. Bryncenydd Estate.—Eligible Sites for small houses to be Let on the Aber-road, Caer- philly rising (listricts low ground rents good builders linanced.-Apply J J- David and Co., Esthte Agents, St. John's Chambers, Cardiff. 765 ("lOKBETT-road, off North-road, to Let.—Good house:* J 3 reception, 8 bedrooms. Also larger House suitable for Ladies School; splendid view of Cathays Park usual offices.—22, Woodville-road. &8  I,AN. T R-.AFÕN,-Ch.;I;d:u;;Im (?R' BCUUMY, bath, W.0.. large cellars, back entrance.— Apply 29, Loudoun-square, Cardiff. 172 1-IOUSi-Lét.iÙidObï;cb:i:iCia-r;-Bidg;; X A all the latest improvements: key next door.—Apply 33, D< Burgh-street. 1CW H- 6ÙSI;tõL;i6"ëÏa;nce-road:-hõt-M;î-'c-ï.ï-ï;th "M papered throughout.—Apply 94, Clifton-street, Roath. 807 BOUSE to Lei, Marion-street; 4 bedrooms; Venetian ils bath room: newly papered.—Apply Palmer, 99, Constellation-street, Hoath, 802 HOUSE, WVllfiekl-place, RoaLli Park, near 'bns ter- .1. niiiju s four bedrooms, every convenience, back entrance, &c.—Apply 62. Mackintosli-piace, Roath. 772 JLANiSHEN-3treet, Cardiff. -House to Let: ?007n, 1?er 1-i and g??x throughout Key at corner house. 598 ¡\iÃ.NOÜ:rÕ:.I-)è-;rSt:Joh-;g-Church. Canton good 8- ll. roomed Honse: hot and cold !Jth, &c. rent 1l. Apply 13, D?nton-ro?. 149 ],IIBI'.OKE-terrace, Ceiitre of 'COWD.-Seven Be.(I- I. rooms every convenience rent, £ 43.—Mr Mont- gomery, House and Estate Agent, Station-terrace, Cardiff.. OONTYPRIDD.—To Let, with immedi.atc possession, J. House. Woo(I-road.-A pply J. S. Williams, Explosive Merchant, 157, Wood-road, Pontypridd. 664 f jOKE South Wales and Monmouthshire Property Register X for July free on application or post.-Hem and 1'erw" House Agents, A ucuoneers. Valuers &c.. Cardiff. riS6 l<et, Corner House, 100, Habershon-piace, suitable for X joDbiup carpenter or masou.—Apply 8, Uabershon- place. South Splotlands, Cardiff. H2 ^O Let, with immeliat-a tiouses iu David, L!&neUy. Hthe), Ch&rlotte. Dock-streets.—Appiy D. L. Smith, 10, Queen-street. Cardiff. 34 ^J^O Let, 43, Denton-road, Canton 12s weekly hot, cold X baths lavatory, coal cellar, conservatory.—Apply 299, CO\vbrid:e-ror.d. 18 ?jpd Let, 12, (ilynrhondda-street; hot and cold bath Tl,,t?atory, &e., every convenience newly decorated throughout.—Jones, 56. Cottrell-road. 943 'I-;O'17e;-c;{-ï1-;j's.te;;ace: bath, Javato:y. six bed. X rooms suitable for sub-lettmg !2s weekly clears ail. -ltadcliffe Brothers, George-street, Cathays. 850 J '["(fi-50Ã: Plan et. s tree b. (ard;ff: sitting-room, X kibebeii aud culJery: three hedroom" and bathroom, j Fine view from front windows. Rent, 10s weekly.-ApplV Cook, 53. St, !lartr, Carditi. 8Z2 rI"Õ-f:-et-23.-ÅùedoveY-8treet, hot and cold b?th rmt. JL 10s weekly.—Apply John Williams, 1, AberyslwyLh- street, Mooro, Cardiff. 815 rjno Jt:t,ovci;;t s.:d Houses, Nos. 24 and ?9 X Windsor-road; rents, 115 per week inclusive.—A pply 30, Windsor-road. 730 ■< f jPO Let, No. 17. Park-street: lately papered throughout .1 —Inquire 5, Longcross-screet, Roatb. 837 6_- South Luton-place,fcoLet, centrally ituated rent ,2. vj -Apply. Hern and Pe-twr.e. Auctioneers, Cardiff.205 I 1-5.1i'V-õCki.et:-Ëiiro-s.A¡;PIY S. Hern ?and Pertwee. Honse Agents. Cardiff. 206 f 111. Cathays-terrace to Let: rent 10s six rooms.-Appi? S. Hem and Pertwee, Auctioneers, Cardiff. m 5S to 8s per week.—Houses at Canton and Cathays to Let to tidy tenants,—Apply, with references, to William Sanders an d Sons, 28, St. Mal!-e:ait!9 X4, Maughan-terrace, Penarth.—Large House, close to ? dock, C?i per week.—Apply S. Hern and Pertw", Auctioneers, Cardiff. 848 HOUSES ond Shops to Let as under.—Apply Evans ..1. and Hughes, House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, County Fire and Provident Life Offices, Borough Chambers, Wharton-street, Cardiff. 590 HÖi>enie:;¡Ý:;¡tnn.ted.t-Lï:\ndaff-Ÿa.rd: newly t Llaladaff Yard: newly ,I renovated; ICs per week i?ellisive. 3, EasMerrace, Ss per week. jj 9, Hewell-street, 7s per week. 9, King's-road, Canton. 10s por week. j7, Brook,street, Canton, lis per week inclusive. IVJ and 5, Dudley-place, Docks Ils per week each. 1- 1, Bridge-street, very large Shop witli cellar and ware- h,,u el 6S, He^ elkstreet, Grange, 7s per week. Belle \ue-terrace, Cadoxtort. Modern house: eTery ,V!2"ce. 1"'l¡fi¡:('nG V'"w 46, EMon-stireet. oomtaOdious House and Shop: -a: low rent. 6. -Ev"ns'.iJUildin"e, North Morgan-street; 3sM per week. Newly popHéd. jfJ'XTKNSIVE Shop and Cellarage, Pier Head, Bute' JLj Docks. ^lORNER Shop and Premises, Cadoxton. en JPJtKlttlSKS &c A Small WArehouse. 19 by 20, Piite-lane. off Maria- Astreet.-Apply 266, Bute-street, Cardiff. 60 BARRY Dock.—Shops to Let at Holton-road splendid JL-' position: good opsning for ironmonger, chemist, temperance notel. grocer, or boot shop.—Apply John Jones, Brynteg, Holton-road, Barrv Dock. 768 BAKEHOUSE and Loft to Let,, in best position in V >aotou: good oven hot water.—Frank Iugleton, 49, wel.li.gto.- Canton. 761 MOUSE nndshopto Let., IA, Graham-'trcet, Newport. —Aopl^y 66, Almi-atrcjt, Newport. 959e ^TEWPOm1.—To be Let, Suite of Oilices tour rooc.p and; .L Lavatory centrally situated in Trodegar-pi-ico.- ,"articii I arA Df, Alan ag or. "Daily News"Ofiice, Newport. 23e No 2, RicharlfB-street, CxthaYs suitable for nuilder or St. cab proprietor. -ADply Hunt and Hunt, Solicitors, 93. ht. Mary-street. 753 OFFICE to Let, ground floor, 18, Custom -Honse-street: belt position for wholesale business, also 8 rooms: rent moderate.—Flint Brothers. 110e pONTYPRXDD.-Double-fronted Shop to Let; suit, any. l.. ousiness best position under Railway Station.-At)ply Job Williams, 67, liickard street, Pontypridd. 155 r T Al'.BACil.-Houge and Shop to Lot; best position X stilt-able for any business rent moderate.-D. Ifey- cock, léa, Gelli-road, Pentrc. 133 TO Let, Photographic Studio and Rooms goodposition. x —Apply 217, Bute-street. Cardiff, 47 TO Let House and Double-fronted Shop in populous X district of Abertillery: suit grocer: immediate posses- sioil.-Ad,tins, Brynteg, Abertillery. 808 ^B^O Let, 0 sets of Rooraa as Offices, above "South Walea X Daily News" Office, St. Ikiery-street.- Apply "Daily News." Cardiff. 42e '{"'REFOREST.—To Let, House, Shop. Warehouse (with X double doors) good Stable suit auy business. -Ar. Ply 1, Pontcanna-aveuue, Canton. Cardiff. 945 [ YY/ENTWOOD WaterWorks.—Good Shop to Let: suit v butcher, conveniences for slaughtering.-Apply W, Echo Office, Newport. 994e Duke-street, Cardiff.—These commanding Premises to f.1, Let at Ali haelnias present occupier. Mr Bowdeu, Harris, "urveyor, CMrleon. 90 FOR SALE-—WOUSKS LAAD. Ote I^OR Sale, Villas, close by St. John's Church, Canton 4 Fbe(Iroim. bath aud lavatory, coal cellar, cona?rva.tory. and all modern convenielJce: one with side entrance.? P-trtfcuhrg apply 44, Arran-street, Roath. 113 OR Sale. Six-roomed Cottages io Inverness-place: bath- room, tcc.—Apply J. Williams, Builder, top Inverness- place. 936 II' F- OR Sale, two small Villas, neenei- hot ami cold baths chc?p to An immediate purcha3er If., 901, Echo, Cardiff. 109 ri OR Sale, snmo first-class Cottages, in Pentrc bane-street X and Penhaved-street: ileo 2 Villas, in Clive-street, Lower Grainge.-Apply G. J. Barrett, 6, Richmond-terrace, off Park-place, Cardiff. 132 GEO. Willett, Auctioneer, House, Estate Agent, and; Rent Collector, 13, Vere-street, Cadoxton-Barry, h. open to Collect Rents at Cardiff or Barry District: good' references cash paid over weekly ■ or monthly to suit, owners. G. W. has for private sale several excellent well-" built Villas, Shops, and Cottages at Diuas Powis, Barry, Larry Dock, aud Cadoxton: businesses disposed of -1 sales conducted: commissions executed.—For particulars address as above. ill > L LANISHEN.-For Sale or to Let. charming country 10- roomed Villa, near station decorated throughout; 40 feet frontage garden 200 feec long can erect stable if required.- Hawker, Builder. Llanishen. 131 NEAlt Tyndall's Monument, North Nibley, Gloucester- i shire.—For Sale. Freehold Detached Cottages, pleasantly situated. -Apply Webb,Nibley House,Cathedral- road, Cardiff. is ^ALE (cheap), two Houses b:iv-Wii1dôm!üPs, ? down, threa bedrooms. b?thrMm, front and bMk- KZ? downk,i.tchen, with good cooking range and dresser, MtlUery?etc.—I?tieB, 5. St. Wanos-read, Newport. 9?5e "*USES. &c.. WANTFD. WANTED, convenient ROUEe, respectableloca.lity I  Ho&th preferred: hot and cold bath: moderate "rental.— Apply 3. Southey-street. Cardiff. 20 Ba'fllffBSSKS FOIt »lt>P08A> BOOT Business, Maindee. Newport: genuine c?ncorn Bestablished 11 yeaM: proprietor retiring: capital &boat B150.-Ga)-?nd. BrookwMd Villa, Kiaca-ro?d. Newport. 968e ? CARDIFF.—WeD-paying Kesta.urMf. wine and beer ?? hcmce attached immense future :CSCOeveryth' —FoweH.LewM and Co., Auctioneers, Cardie. 53 DAIRY and General Business for Disposal: stock aud JL? nxtures?tv?uatiou: stable.-ADply Penney, House Agent, 19. Duke-street, Cardiff. 147 T?OK .Dfbposa!. oM?st?biiehed Drug Store.sin B-Ÿ' I? Dock.-George Willett, House and Eatate-AKent? C?doxtou-BMry. w TJ-'tOR?imtnediatu D!ptsat7 t chance Beldoh: ■ °en^a9i17?, 'Ewichi^oa, Aln position in ?"? ? "'°? ing low,-Z ol 0. Card 917 r?.ROCt!t{Y?ndPfov)sioM. with off Wine and Beer ??LtcenMe. In .b-t poition in Clifton: trade approMhes jB2.000ayear.pne. 6150, and ?tumon.-AptdyR \y' Miller and Conwny, HjMted, Stkesmfb 3t.?e?' ?'?- 98e FOTBUIC imovam. TO be I>t, th« Oram Keys Inn, Georgetown, Marthrr JL Ty&g.?F40f partimilan tp?y Taff VM< Brewed, 2&erthyr. 6g y, ?ANTEJ),a Y?einn. betw?B Cardiff and. OrT. 13 h 'L, with cOOd aurdem-Add.Iro a Mtn?r. 123, L-i&atr"t, Wawpc,rL 12e WESTON-Super-RI^rj^uM(..Hcense(j House weM V". aituated Present Protite 9500 per annum.-PoweU Ls and Co. 3, John,"quare, Cardiff. 52 MUMCjli. BANJO sTuoio, Adaasdoim-squ*r». Tutor, JR. Allen,, JD author highly-popular "Danse Bonbon," 2 banjoes; und piano, «■ vacancies for pupfls. 394 ■•4 IOTTAGE Fi%fO wanted must be cheep and in good V./ condition.—Wri.te A 924. Echo Office, Cardiff. 921 tF OR Sale, fine1 Violin by Colin-MeKin. made 1833, and, bright Loather Cilw.-Al)ply j2, Belie Vue-terrace, JL'euartb. 129 .'?OiFsaIerOr?n (¡'1Bdi-ëo.).ù'Btops. 2 knee ? swcUs: ocav; couplers splendid imtriuz?alit cost'  will  :i' ,a 11;,on Sale, PIano, iron fram", trichord: grand tone: soh!1 w"Inut case: superior instrument: good as new.-5, CJare-road, Cardiff. 868 "TJj^OR Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing, address F JL 6d L. Morgan, 66, mchards-terra.ce, Cardiff. Tenas'm 3s 6d and 4s. 992 ? the Hire Pur T_8 ARMONIUMS,; Pianos, Organs, kc., on the Hire Pur.' AX cha"e System. Atlas Furnishing Company, LId.- Hayes, Cardiff. 25e PIANOFORTE.—Lady must sell 75 guinea upright C?'and elegant Walnut. 18 guineas: approval: car- ?119?O paid.—Piano, 159, Stockwell-road, 8,W. 513 I piANOFOItTE Tuning.—W. F. RidgwAy. from the ce'e< I.PI!dOJ;E oruJj: {i:y:r6:ld<fr:: 109, Castle-road. noat? 508 W ORTH Fifty guineas,—Second-hand gmad Piano?? \V ;{ b:agoed.te, l: (good condition price, -16 guinm,-Atloa Furnishing Com- pany, Hayes, Cardiff. 25a u tmiis. imcYc'LKs <»«. ABSOLUTE Clearance.—Morris BJOS, will seed List of 'Å B olla;:litor¿:c::oJí:il and inspect our large stock, which will be cleared regardle of COt. Few Good Boys' Safetyies. New Cve-le Lock senfc Eree for 6d stamps, together with 1895 Lamp Lighting Table: Lista: Cycle Insurance Pampbiet, Notes, and useful information.—Cycle Works. Pontypridd. 19e ABNORMAL Reductions in Prices ot New Howe Cycles. Call ana see them at the New Howe Depot, 3. Church- street, Cardiff. New Howe Koadsbers and Racers ri.t excep- tional low cash prices. New Howe Cycles for speed, light-' ness. rigidity. and elegance. Largest Cycle Factory in the World at Glasgow. Highest skilled labour only employed. Buy direct from Manrfacturers and save intermediate profits.—New Howe Machine Co., Ltd., 3, Charch-street. Caraiff 775e .A Lxe;rd Repairs, Enamelling, and Nickel-plating executed with care and despatch at trade prices. HaadJe bars bent and re-nickeld from 2. Depot for 1m. perial Rovers, Osmonds, Excelsiors, Premiers. Lamps. 2s jid: B{'!l. ls.-Parry and Co.. Mauufncturera and Agents, MiIl.lane. V/trdiff. 19.3e A L{:e' .rls:;l)l¿r;. the manufac- facturer direct and save agents'profits. Call Rnd iL? spec& the magnilioentstock of Cushion and Pneumatic Tyre Machines. Repairs and plating a speciality. -A Ildav a and Oi?io, $, Pneumatic Engineering'Co., 49, Westgate-stri'et, Caraiff. 370c ALTjDAYS'Celebrated Cyele3.—Buy from the manufac, turer direct and save agents' profits. Call and in- spect the magnificent stock of Cushion and Pneumatic Tyro, Maohines. Repairs aud plating a speciality.—Alldays and Onions, Pneumatic Engineering Co., 49, Westgate-street, Cardiff. 579e AL-L;iebe<a.zc¡;g¿;Ur¿fi tt'\iff j ? turer direct and save agents' pratits. Call and iu* speet the magniticel?t stock of Cushion an d Pneumatic Tyre, 1f;;l\ÆTl0LnI\hci8t;'n¡ 'J::d' Onions, Pneumatic Engineering Co., 49, Westgate-street, Ca rdi fE, 37le I "OANK Holiday?.—Time in short, but money makes the ?E) inare go. If you want first-rate Tandem, suit lady in fronc. or a Path Racer, weight 23103.. or a Roadster, ail up to date, we can supply from stock at a great advantage forcash. Or if you've got a little job on your machine or any article to complete outfit for next, week, we will suit you by return o £ post, but don't delay.—Morris Brothers, Cycle Works, Pontypridd. Inner tube and valve 8s 6d. 13eii BARGAIN.—14 Cushion Tyre. Safety, equal to new. £ 4.— 13Ar:¡;*pI81;:I'e::¿Id'aJiff.' ¡ "OICYCLE. good condition, 30s also hall-marked silver Lady's Watch, good timekeeper, nearly new, only 16s. -24. Harold-Street, Roath. 81 CUSIllON-Tyro Bicycle, in perfect condition; ball 'I "r'l)g.i thrOt1hout; price £ 3.—Frauk lngleton, Grocer, 49, WeJhnton-8treet, Cauton. 763 C Al' ,DIFF Plating Works, Panise.pl1\ce, off Queen- ( ) rtreet, Car<hff, do Nickel and Silver Plating of euery dscription at Birmingham prices. Spci:.l Notice to Cyclista:—Bring your Cycles direct to ubove address, and we will Re-Nickel beautifully at trade price. Handle Bars from 2s, and other pans at low prices. Our work is guaranteed, as wo use nothing but pure Nickel. Cycle Re-Enamelling by Stoving Process. Coffee Taverns. Hotels, and Families, &c.. wai??cd on. on receipt of post-card, for Re-PlrÜin of Teapots, Cruets, Forks, Spoons, fee. 10 EXCELSIOR Road Ha('r, Dunlop tyres. as new, what Eoff,?i-? Raglan Road Racer, bargain, cash or exchange. -Parry, Mill-lane. Cardiif. 894 tj^OR Sale, this season's new Turner Safety patet i 1:' Welch-Dunlop tyres balls throughout: warranted.— 72, Salisbury-road, Cathays. 831 F-Rï}'Fre! Post free to any add rem- Safeties FSafeLi?3 Safeties Important w agents, dealers, and othrg. Wholesale list containing 1,0C0 (one thousand) machines, new and second-hand, sent post free to any address, 50 per cent. elieaper than other makers or agents. Why pay more or fancy prices ? Single machine at whole- sale prices. Write at once for the largest and most com- plete list in the cycle trade. Sterling value and no large profits.—W. R. Warrilow, Cycle Works, Regent-street, W"eston-super-Mare. 977e KING of Scorchers Path Racer (Palmer tyres), as new what offers, cash or exchange.—Porry and Co., Mill- lane, Cardiff. 895 fIGHT Roadster Safety Bicycle, latest pattern. Dhulop -J tyre.) lamp, bell, complete: must be sold.—Davies, 25, Forest-row, Taff's Well. 893 LADY'S Cushion Safety; C\1hion tyres, iatest 1835 pattern, ball head: light machine, guards, complete, pl'fect add new: calih, only £ 4 18 kd. proval.-S., -P?-,ent-atreet,We stOn-SUTp)er- vI "re. 906 ![)NEUIIIATIC Bicycle. Ivel,.i)uniop?aetacb.%bl?? tyres.' fi_ never punctured good as new: i;7.-Pmnk Ingletoio, Grocer, 9, Wellington-street, Canton. 762 REPAIRS.—mating and stove Enamelling promptly at :\¡ trade pl'ice8.8hros., POPrldd. 19 REPAIRERS officially appointed for C.T.C.. and also  for Cycle IDumn(',e. Co. JJtd.-Morri Bres., Ponty- pridd. Repairs of auy kind to tyref. ]9e I EPAIRS-Alf at) to Morris Bros. PGntvririd(I I: No job too difficult, no iob too small. Don't forget.19. S AFKTY.—Lady's PDeumu tic: balls everywhere up to1 date £61C8.-WI'- F 4, Ec_Om. CArdiff. 4 SAFETY.—Pneumatic quH,e new balls throughout: diamond frame worU1 ??20: £ 5 15s.-Wri G 5, Echo Office, Cardiff. 5 ¡,;f.r:T1" :mcyd0 'lOi 8:11", ruùø eat-y, and in U splendid condition.—Apply 69, Moy-td., ltoath, Cardiff. OAFET1ES.—Cushion .-n:;<Í- Pneumatics. Bargains, b3!- s gains. Don't pay high prices. Call at Warrilow's,. 233, }itr';liJ1\1::7:' at n prices charged by ??htrs.-Pt. Warrilow, 293, Bute-street, Cardiff; also at Weston-super-Mare. 8 ..S-=(AFETU;S_-J,arge. Stock, must Sell, lwtest O large tube, I;ghtmucl)ine,. Pneumatics, ;c7: <htrbions, 'Or. Cheapet House for Repairs. All kind of fittings .D¡Wie, Cclo Works. rry.)Tnar. 8 (J.4..BRIA.GES. VKRtCXKS. c. FOR Sale, nearly new. Brake to carry 15, new cushio,13, lamps, pole and b<ir, shafts into collaring axle made stylish and strong.—T. Plummer, Carriage) Builder. Newport IGIIT Trap, suit pony, nearly new, £ 6: good Dogcart, JU buit cob, £6: bargains.—43, Carlisle-street, Splotlands, Cardiff. 999 I L I:t;ûr:d and Trap to be Sold cheap. No. 71,- Comn-all-road, co.?uer of Darse,?-street, Saltmead- C-?rd-"f. 8D4 NAVVY Barrows for Sr.le.-Apply H. Williams. Mill- 1. street, Pontypridd. 3e SALE, several Traps, suit buil1e8, from £6 izp also, I K-Y eereral Sets of Harne«.-Apply 21, Tep-.z-street, Rontli Cardiff. 541 SEVERAL good Traps, ü¡t bn"ine@sor pleasure, 11õn ?-7 Coal Cart, to be sold cheap.—Gibbon, MiIl-xoad, !??.typ. 4o n ri'O pe So)d chenp. second-hand BroughMH Hansom.— j-^pp'y.66, Arabella-Street. Roatb, Cardiff. 025 E!«U3E3. LiR STOCK. At ?A CT1VE bay Horse, 15 hands, sound and good worker, 1.L4. suit trndeSm!l.D, £ 13, bargain. -Apply Mitchell, Milt- road, C?frphiUy. A Powerful Cart Mare, 16 hands 6 years: staunch ::il P';Í1'f:i CÏI8r.<n: must :bes;) on account of tU.health.—MrsiUrst, 5, TrUey-3troet, Chcpstow- road, N?wport. 993e A good useful Pony, with Flat Cart and Harness suit Ereengroofr price. £12 the lot. Also strong Cob, 14.2, with first-class Trap and Harness; suit baker or grocer: £ 18 the lot; warranted good workers.-Apply D. Morgans, Energlyn Mill, Caerphilly. ]25 A Handsome Cob, 13,3 sire, Lord Dang; 5 years colour1 red roan: trial in hMness with Teteritiarya approval before purchase ?21 aUo Bay (?rhage MaTe, 15.2 suit br?kc, Krocer. or tradesman 21P lO?.—App!? 60, Gordon- street, Chepstow-road, Maindee, Newport. 9866 A good Cob. warrttnted, with Cart and suit jT&. greengrocer or fishinan P,14 the lot.-2B, Stacy- road, Roath, Cardiff. 999 A useful Mare, 15 hands, 6 years good worker? warranted suit tradesman £ 15 on trial. 43*' Carlisle-street, Splotlands, Cardiff. S99 BARGAIN, fast Cob, 14 hands, soand and good worker L with Trap and Harness: suit butcher or any trades- man: LIS the lot: any trial allowed.-App,y 28. Stacey. ,.road.Roath, Cardiff. 199 -IRUAM Pony and Cart for Sale the lot C12. money fi, > J wanted.—Apply 34. Thompson-street, Barrv Dock. F OR sale, a pretty littlt Terricr Dag, very playful with X children; chain and collar chea.-31, Sauqnhar, t street, Cardiff. 145 FOR Sale, very large Mare Donkey also strong Cart and < X Harness will sell separate.-Apply Neptune Iflu, KJarolioe-street, Cardiff. 138 4 S WOR Sale. Pony, Flat Girt, and Harness quiet to ride JL. rand drive pries 10 v-inueag.-No. 1. Canal-st..Cardiff. '}:fOn. Sale, Pony. 12 hands, Flat Cart and Harness suit lipht work.-Appll No. 10, Edmund *a-buildiur., Ely- oad, Canton. 48 IWOR Sale, very handsome Dark Brown Cob, 13.3, six tJL years old: in, every way quiet and sound: suit any lady or gentlemen vet. cert.—F. T. Broad, Confectioner, Cardiff. 986 I -GOOD Mare for Sale, aged suitable for breeding. Apply W. Davis and Son, 11, (jneeti-street. Cardiff. PONY, Flat Oar? and Haxnew: cart ol?IF used one? pO:E!r&;n ever t{rd t. b:elg. 11f, Cathays-terMCe, Cardiff. j?? Q ALE, useful Hom. 15 ?&odt: thorough good worker, ??' o r exchange for smaller cob.-Perry, 43, GEIU- galCd"'d ,?xch^DIFt,l hondda, 952 galed-r  .,i d, YstradRhondd?. 962 S-Ö'RË-Sh(;Uidr-örase Thrush. &c„ Quickly Cufedby S?adLa Fluid. H6rson offering from Sore Backs. Sore I:Ihoulders, broken kneee. ?ounde, cuts, bruises thrush cracked heels, grease, mud feve r muge. ke.. QUMkly cured rby bathing the parts affected with tablespoonful of Condyl a Fluid in a pint of water. It makes the hair grow where rubbod off. Prices: 8oz. Is 20oz. 2: of all chemists. Insist on having Condy"« Fluid. 949e rrBREB good C'arfc Horses, warranted in shafts or chains, also several Cobs and Ponies, h,Gbb. Mill- road, Pontypridd. 6e U- BE" J eerol 1 Ointment for speedily curing sprains curbs and splints when forminll, over-reaches, capped boolm, rheumatism, windgalls, scurf after blistering. -Large box post tree for Is 2d from Condy's. Fluid Works, 83, furnmill-st., London. B.C. 949e ,V" ETRINARY Book Free, con?inum fnU inBtructio?' forthe Treatment and Cure of Ailments aBFecbi? ¡f; Dogs, Cats.CAttIe. Sheep, Pi?. Poultry, &c., froni Cnndy s FhiidWorkg 83 Turnmi y Utreet Tx)iidnn. E.O. 949e VUIILTRY. FtftKosg. CANARIES.-Graud Stock to select from. Norwich Vy Cocks from 5s each: approv,I. -Baker, Empire Hair- .dressing Saloon, 108, Frederick-street, Cardiff. 108 NET Tr;tvs.-Catch, birds, alive; Is 3d post free. Plenty; ot grand Canaries in stock satisfaction guaranteed no rabbiah.—Lloyd, Mountain Ash. 65 1 "kiOTIOE.—Half-dozen Cock Goidfliiehen warranted all XI strong, healthy bird", on reed: price 6#.—Apply John Davies, Cartlett Quarry. Haverfordwest. 175 P.- OULTRY, Pigeon, Care Bird, and Dog Foods.—Wot? for prices and samples to Next &MMW!iSM.Hsy. <? ?nh tnd_Sced WerobsuML Oardia. Kit yiiawTntK. »»<i'#ee ?? New iNtowroMM. 11. Dook-etMet. ? ?!?!f <WHte Marke?L Walnut O?nntntet. 6M V 4f,In. wiido, ctH?ed paneb4 pU&n, eher?, brackets, aad oubt bevelled 24t" rectuar price, 05 17a 63: Harris'[' ,higlv Veii/ght ?Tet!e<! t?te* regular price, ?: 17* 6d Htrrm'a price, £2 198". Dwarf BeokoMe. in w?Mt. 2ft. IUD. wide. 3U. hmh, !e<Hh<r lintd ?elvea rwtM prIce" 218: Harris's price, 161 td. Bamboo Cornice Pales, brass ends and rings, ll^d, Is 3d, Is 6d, and Is 114d complete.—E. B. iiarria's. The Cash Furnishers, 11, Dock-street. 569e Sj1 E. Harris's Neiv Showrooms, 11. Dock-street, nearly F, opposite Market. Special lines: Strong Kitchen Chairs, usually 3s 6d, Harris's price, 2s 9d: Armchairs, usual price, 6s 6d Harris's prioo, Ss 6d large Hearthrue, 6ft, by 3ft. fringed,-only Is llfcL A visit of iuspeetion will beestcemcd. gjjge E E. Harris, the Pioneer,of Fwh Trsdi?le. The E: Cottage upbflste-pd in best Ame?icln leather rehr phce. C3 &, ??f?n-is't price, ?2 12s 6d,— The New Showrooms, 11, Deck-BCreet, nearly opposite Market Hall. 5590  E. Harris's, Manufacturer of substantial Furniture at E whole?te prices for Cash. The Relianca Dining-room guineas complete: unsurpassed quality, uu uafled IQ Suitex. voak fraines, Dile Pi8C?e,&: Harris's price only 5 _:liW.¡¡.U;.k'lImt. E E. Harris.—Extension of Business Premises. Harris's, I The Cash Furnishers in the Market Hall (main entrance), have opened another large Furniture Showroom at 11, Dock-street, nearly opposite Market. 569e FURNITURE for Sale, cheap: chairs, tables, chemonre, &c.; parties leaving Cardiff.—O. 198, Echo Office, eOardilf. 193 E^UKSITCTRE of every description £600O n value M J.: select from, on the Hire System; strictly privaet., r ,l, he _Largest Premises and Stock out of London.—Atlas-. fnrnishj.ng Cotopany HARRIS'S, the Pioneers of Cash Trading. 584e J L I L _??_ 5 S < e HARRIS'S One Pftoe. Plain Pigures, Cash Only. .564e I JLl_? 5 M  HARRIS'S. The Market HalMain Entrance. 5846 J -J L S 8 4 e HARRIS S, 5, 6, 7, Md9. MMketBuitdines. 534e J- 584e HARRIS'S New Showroom, H, Dock-street. 58 -d -.?_ 5 S  HARRIS'S, Complete Honse Furnishera. 584e J L i L 5 8 < e HARRIS'S, Drapers, Milliners, &c. 584e n S M e HAliRIS'S, The Popular Furnishers. 584e ?_ 5 4 e HARRIS'S Emporium, established nearly half a JLJL century. 5b4e H.- ARRÏ:7S, The Largest Open Display of Furnishing -H ?Goods in Newport. 584c I-=IARllÎs'S:A. Visit of Inspection will be greatly .tLJL esteemed. 5Me Pl.RN;DlI.> Mahogr.ny Showcase (or bookcase) 13ft. 6in. k.7 hy ou, 6Ul. cupboards under plate glass front, clock in centre: bargain.—Webber and Wilkinson, St. John's- square. Cardiff. 816 -S' ECOD-h:nd Furniture or Surplus Stock Bought for C:J.I'h or Sold On (.'omintssion.—Taylor's AuctiOn.rooms, 12, Custom House-street, ?ardi?' ? "? ° 682'?' jEcOND-hánd Furniture wanted: o-iginal advertising 0 cash nuyfr best pnceR: Mr deahue.—T. •• The Don t Fort'et?. <n, OMtte-road. 923 rjt?HE rp?dy. th?t "pt?tJ aU JtnfMmeM, down??n the m.iI. ? ?ood ounù principle. T. Woodruff, original adver- ti?ne-. reliable, cash buyer of New and SeconQ-haod Fur- niture. Ihe Don't Forget It." 41 CfMtUe.re?. Roath. Any?&nht,?sbTu);h? jtndathetty p'ate trans.ctions.922 I^UR.MSU on our new hire H7re ?yecMO. Houses or '? A .rtmlIt,9 completely furnished on a new a,Btem adopted Mte'y by us, whereby aU puMicity.expMnre.?nd nqutHM usuthy made by other companies are dispensed ligri\V eUi:Y nmisL::cTlt:h:;íd n¡ ot cheapxnda?eMorqu?ir.y. All goods Bold on the Hire system at ready-money prices. We m?ke no Mtr& charge for  credit, Md a.U ?oott? ?nt home in ? private vau flee ofcHyge Ho Rr.amp or ^eeuient cha-gesm;tdo:nobH' oi sale; everything 1:1tnt;tr:m:' competed **iitnout delay. a.fi. jRc.?? m&nufactureM. we gu?Mnteo qnahty and ?i'! ■nderuiike to RUpp!y furniture, etc., at H) perCE'nt,. "5; '-u?n.n.ypriee.tistisBued by any firm in ?ar'l)R. r^a, eveu fhovrrcmiuc. Call and iuspecb our im- mense shock, and compare prices uHore purchasing 61$e. Cardiff. stock, wiU 9upp!y £ 6 ?ori?tof 2s <S ?e?y?'s fo :[; qsW;e:l ?15 ;:rtb°f tg ::eJy e JMO oftt:1 6s weekly, and so ou :n proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Pte.?a uote the address South Wale Furmahtn!: Company 31, (?eMt?tret.t (opposite the Castle) •Oard'ffi- m ,„. r 7e i^OS8)asTI<: AKIKXES. 1??I? C'?. cõ1mrtibl:o;in¡í and double quite ue?: rb 3O, 35s. and 403: genuine cI<MtMnce.—Hutchios. 19, lJnke-atrel)t, Cardiff. 824 ?1 '????'?' W?hiag ?oMces, Se?U!! Ma.cbiD on lJ ?""? ??tem.—AUMFttrmsbineCotcpan)' J.td. tH, ay\e. s !C? ardji.ff 26? f-) ERAamUhATURS j??u Carts on the Hire Hvs?J. X Atlaa Fu'-M?hntcCpL.May. Ltd. Haves CardIff. 25e O EE Windows in Market Entrance.—Millinery and Und? KJ wear 8pee!al clearance sale this dy, everythIng rpJnced-A Harh? Mi?ne? and ?):'?Dr'aper. ??ud'? ?''??"??'?°e!trcet. Newport. 8S2e (QPECIA L Cieamncf Ss!7ofM.7l)ineryand 'UndMc!otbing. o A. Iiarri3, 7 andS. Market ?uildiaKS. Newport i I O Harris. ?'? D.'y?r?xtreme:y Low Prices.—A. k3 iMyi'lVli: ner and Fancy Dntner. .^1 ^ECTAL Summer Sale ofain!dr?rs Costumes, Juvenile '? -?'???r?.?''?' ThePopabr MUUner. O PECIA L Sale this !)ay?dtM' d-Chlldren'R Unde'- Newt^ri1 8 rtliDR bai"sain«.-A. Harris, MMket Buildings, Rboultl RO to Fligelstone's, Registered the I .r Popular Cardia Pawnbroker, 22, Oastle-rd, Cardiff.8<t0e A LLMMtOM -Note ?tue. Fligelstone has forfeited. ?5 ?T.Kenuine ?itTer EngUsh Leyer Watch'2_ each A ?n ???????"?I"?'I'<eiatone has forfeited -?.-???.S?r?tcha). ail warranMd. jSs?eh. A?F'??'?'?'!?'?'' h*" marked. t'l?etetoneB -,Gdùin« RiDM: 3 dwt, 15s: 4 dwt, 20s. A ???''?"?? bfnealasr?ii?tone ha forfeited ■mA Gentsa.8S Gold LGvt'rs. írom_o £l A ? ?'??"'?'?'?'?y ba¡;¡s;i'e<1. Fhgelatone'a ??soh??Yer?urb_Atb?t:. ?Maped CTery link, 6s. M'?tOM's ?acy ViMua and Bt?k ■nA Wor6ted Coats and Vtsts. only 12? M. ALL JJ:IE'ctörs.-Gøt 5 Jean' wMranty.-F!i!!eM,oue's 5 A guineas Silver English Lever (Wright, Coventry). 50s. A? J<:lectorr.Grål1d ???°???t,on'ah?ndMme XA A. P.vr Bronze _???pr<MS.onty_ 21s, worth <?. A ?.?'???*?? ?'«'t-one'6 noted Wooden VlockR. Is ???L???????sJ?eep d;6turbM)_Is II?d. A?t?'?? ??M?t.M?ey' from F?Jstoue's. ?L??-?-_JJ?'ct.s????: lowMt ¡n¡¡crML. A    ?'B"seIsionf has forfeited -"?.??°?o?Go]d Ctfrb Atbert.veryhtaTy. only 45s. A? ?'t-?'? L?'<s' F?fy J?- %Gold Pref.3 Rm?. OalDent: hall marked, only 4s M A LL RiMtorB.Comp?e ?e. Fti?shone bM forfeited ??°'?*?'?'????M??dtes' DiaMCnd Ringi.. A LL E?Mrs.-N? oP??.'?FvM.?o?.??? Ff.?. ? tner Beds, ?o!6ter. ZfiHowf?ibs?tisht, 35s. A LLEiMto?.-Try FiM?tone's noSedls Tud ShirtT: and3t_in C¡¡''d_e, sale. ALL Elcctors.-GO to FlIgelstone s f?r ?pera. Fietd. aud .T]L Marine CiMMS. very P!asBes, from 8s 6d. ALÏ,- ElectoGo to Fi;S6!3Lone's "for'T.adies' Gold -?. Watchec frsm xSs Gents Gold WatchM from 20. .4 L-LEfëCtõrš:=Gõ-¡O-F!iJ{elt-<?M'S. See'tM'.tmom? £ A X Lady s solid Gold Watch, qlt,lew, onLy 21s. A-' LJ"EI;ë"tö;S,Goto FHxekton.'6thiB'week r :jd?and-  some SHvr Brooches, ouly Is 3d cMh. hall-marked. B-URGLARY-¡IÑõt-'11a.ving aay toIda.y?IjpwpUery too -??chMPjJ?thh?iext ?o?oth?g at Blaibcrg's Arcade I. yUhGLAP..Y!! Not paJing? I should think not  South Wales Welsh Flannel hi. ?URGIjARY" Not paying r'N^uTc^dii^w^H i3 F?nue! Drawers, ? IC?d. ?'MU:. ?eisn BUiGLAJ{Y! 1 Not payinc I see it now. He rea ds colours1"'8' 21s' Cot? .ad VMM, 12s 6d warMtted fast BUHGLARY "?' Di?ond Rings Mid at E& light up tho whole room like eleetrc hght. 10UMLAi?n*Not' p?!Wh7 ?lGoid?eweI? -'? ?ocheaDittmMbergs Arcade.  !DU'RGLARYT' Not. paying ?tTiyT?Mwt 22c. Wed- -Et du? Rinea for 15: atmaiber!:? Arcane BUnGlRY ï- N;t-layill¡t I Why ?—Gold" Wedding  ?gs. wide. 5s 6d, at MtMbcrg'? Arde. B. URC;JJAlY 'Not paying Why ?IIsiiver T'ever? by ?"?' 21:. at Bl'I..e. ?'?' f?KG?ARY)! Notwort!rthe?ouMe? Wby?ReTd —— ""??S'a Aicadc Advertisements ?ud Note PricM. :BulfGLAliYri Not pay )?ait? Why '?I?jMbe' wlli^e Lakes' «oWnWaUbM,?3g?'"lbe'e 3  Not py agaiu.-Gold SiBner RinE' ?_ 3s 6d&tbbiberg's Arcane- "?' B-URGLAlY ) t Besides low prices?Aimostev? XJ hougo has one of Blaiborg's Anconia Alarm -o.,? at 4-f BUIWLARY 1 Too ri.ky. Why ? -Maiber? 'A?de' ? Me Mttii? a large number of R?ot?ra. Eu? ¡lish mak,e. 8s 6d. OURGLARY! f Too risky. Why?Bbit,?-s Arcade ?' are Efbing such strong Spectacles at Is they can "'meet see in tbpir sleep. BURGLARY H Not pAy afrM?Why!—The opJe ?M????''??'? ?eyfisten to the Musics Box I!old fOf? Mc at Blather? s Arcade. DNRGLARY I Not pay again Not even on wet JL? Digh. Everybody w?'ttnitaboutwHhoneef Blather? Ar&aae Guinea MackiStoshes. CiaiDere s BURGLARŸT!-Too risky.1 Why?u thy ?ickupone h? dozen'75'0 KniTea we ? done ?? ??e n- URGLARY! I Too dangerous now Wh? ? If ca.p.! x> Mired, one of their 58 6d SHver Curb Alberta are M strong ?here would be no Retting awa'. -?"erm are so BIRMINGHAM Goodsr JewOIery. Watch?. Hardware? L' Joya. Cycles, Furmcure, WnogeM.—Agents war: WholMale book free.-Henry May UQS). Birmingham 352 EARTHENWARE and Chioa.—Seconds, £ 2 cr JLJ best. :1.3; or will send 15 dozen seconds articles for lis 6d: write for lists.-Webb and Co., Railway-passage.' Loagton, Staffordshire. 7&1 ¡ But^lT^ FOR Sale, seveial CounteM. Judders, Tmcks ic Bla8k4 ei Block, 6ft. by 4ft., ScAles and Weieht?.  C?thays Yard, Cardiff. g? IT^UR Boa (real Russian).—Dark brown, suite new veTv jC bMh? sot? silky A?ka T?il ??'h?ya?dY 'I?? lady requiring immediate ca?h: accept 198 &1, worth ?5 5s sent for approva). c?rriace paid.—Mra E. Honktos ?5 Handforth?oad.Bnxton-road.S.W. "opkins.??. G- LASS Shdell (all sizes) for Clocks. Figures &c • chep' ?-' Also Fish GIobee.—J. Cording, Naturalist 42 Roy?i ^Arcade, Cardiff. 99^ QENTLEMEN we sent ovtr MO Suits l^ts^aBon into ? <.?rdift and distric. What more do you want f No taUor can possibly compete with our AU-w«ol Tweeds and ?SerKe Suits f. measure at 358 6d. Write for patterns (free). -~TThhe Wwoolnlen Company, Bradford. 250 (if^JREENHOUSF: Boiler. and Pipes for Sale: joners expansion joints. all complete room wanted; bar- gain.— Marshall, Hotmsdale-street, Grange, Cardiff. lse ? EWELLERS' Case, 4ft. bv 3ft. 6in„ and ouuIdTTam^ cheap.- Waterbury, 44yal Arcade, o?!? 781 ir ADVS finest quality new silk three-euinea UmbKHa* ? 'ong feat ivory carved handle, rich)y mounted with OYer 4-mcn dp &ao <o!d ?iM haU.ma'ked stt?r- Fox's Ewagon frame accept 163 6d approval i carriage caid— B?21. MossMry?ad.CIaph?m JUnction. ?""?ep g$j MILK I MUkt Miikt-One .Ch?t'??MominT Milk Ifi. far Bale: on rail RaglM 7.56: 1& p.c cream— Griffiths. Gwernmelya, Raglan. 143 M. ILK.-RMlway Uan? exoeUent makeeu&rant?ed at .r lowest price: all dairy uteMils. Also deed bo? 'a?d geDen.1 heet meal wark. I?rcest Works in Wales-C?m briau Tin Workinc Co., DumbaUa-Mad. CardiN: (5 num? from u.W.B,}, ICjb ?Bundles. Stutfs.Cahcos. V dvets, Shirting Ft ? nelettes also Pinafores and Underclothing. Price List free.-J, Mitchell and SODS., Wellra.dford, Vort PLUMS from growers choicest kinds fiCper Ib: Jt. 241bs and upwards, carriage paid—Howard Bevpn' Sansome-place, Worcester^ g?g' pS?PhmitT'Rheumatio Cura. 24, StT??reet? P-' HILPiülli' Rhemnatio Cure.—SocksI0oB 8 tt>>^ar»err pa.ir. Send si of boots. ??"' PHIL PhiUips' Rheumatic Cnre.—Ladie? ??drG,?,. ? waited upon at their own residences. ?enEiemen pHILPbUli^R^matio Cure,—Cures Rhenmatte Gout. PHIL Phillips' Rheamatio Cure.-Beltø from loT15" Send measur* of waist. ?'" ?" JpKtL Phillips' JU»eu»atic Cure.—CureTscUtte^T- pHIL Phillip*' Rh«U»atic Oure.-WriWrtT from 5eper. PBlL Phillipg* Kbtmnatio Oart.-i'reanv,fc^r^ of cures daily. -M* <n pHTLraiUf. Rheamatio Cure.—For Ice «7»a«»nb; OHIL Phillips' Rheumatic Cure.—Solo n—am""iWf.^Otarer. 24, X 8t. Ma1'7-atreet, 0ud1f!. ?-fOtnfM? 24. GLASS, China 804 Earthenware.—HaTe you z?m  'LXT Ro??e?-t' Monater Show of GI_, CMna. Ear??'J' ? T.bt. and Pocket Cutlery, and General FaMy ?"?' Important to every Sbopke"r and Householder TV? in ?he annab of the trade have ,oods been .Kered a? marveUOusty low qnoUuons. All genuine, beet ?""? makers prioe. Hundreds visit us, and are Mt?h?' .? Mr display and v.tue.-Not. adtreM :-J. R. RoJim Woa?atrMt(.ppem? Wood-st. Chapel). Cardiff. Ss*?ee' R" OGERi; ;õ;¡t:t;ce Tea Set,, from ? 'd'-r;k-t in windows. Peers' for W-piec.H? f?t Set. from 7s set.. Rogers' for M-pioce Dinner 8? from 16s bet. Why pay 21s for same article? We giv I value. Rogers for Golden Rock Teapots, at 4d, Sd. and Sd for Decocted Jet Teapots, Ilt S'l, 9d, and ini H „u ?e'-s' Monster Set of Jugs, at 18, is seUi?bv the Hundred, and can?nt: a sensation. Rogers' for Travel- hng trunks, from 3s 6d each. Rogers' Celebrated CutWv ?T?T?'? ??' f?r ?<"? Vases. aDd ?"cy Glass. S???????'?"??'?<??K?,a9Ma)'<9f N? CKtct?mw ??; <4t? ?.wh? ? "?' r ?RAVELLING Trunks. Bonnet Boxes, Tourist Boxes. 5(0 Eent direct from largest manufacturer in the world t absolute Sale made of very best steel plates, and finished with best lever locks, in all sizes and colours. ;:Large size Travelling Trunks from 35 6d each. Bonnet Boxes. Is. Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d each ditto with locks, Is 3d Is 6d, 1 s 9d, 2s each. Tourist Boxes. 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d each; i- i. with locks, 2s M, 2s 6d, 2s 9d each.—J. R. Rogers, 9'* >Vood-street. Caidiff (wholesale and retail). 43c TABLE Cutlery.— Lady offers 4-guinea Sece. best- X quality. 12 table knives, 12 small knives, pair carvers, t and steel for 14s 6d white pinned balance handles: Sheffield make: gre:1t bargain unused. Approval before t payment.—Mrs Dawson, 31, Moreton-street, Pimlico, S. W. VV ATCHES Lever with warranty, at 355, are onl, to be bought at Follick '8. WA'rCHES, Lady's solid Gold, at 30s, are only to be bought at Follick's. WATCHES, by all the best makers, Me only to be ? if bought at FoIIiek's. 954 WATCHES, in heavy silver'cases at 10s Sd, are onb to' ?_ TT he bough?t Fol?ick's" ??  ? "°? WATCHES at the lowest pricss, are only to be bought at Follick's WATCHES, solid silver, in order at 5s M, are only to be T v bought at Follicks. WATCHES, only go to Follick's. 40 and 41. Bfdee-  street.?ardiS. ??ATCHES by Skarratt Worcester, at 25s, are only to  T be bought at FoHi, k's. -,XT ATCtlE' En?iish Lever, for one guinea, are only to be bought at FoUick's. WATCllES. the renowned 6s 6d, Me only to be bought f l' at FolJick's. O KO?d Second-hand Scales, suit butchers or grocers set ? M Beil Brass Weights, very cheap.—Gibbon. Mm. road^Pontypridd.. 7e 5,000 Gross Blauds Pills, 6d per gross, postage 2d.—The '•o and Dispensing Stores, Limited, Wolverhampton. ASKETS, Baskets.—Pretty Picnic Baskets, with cover leather fitting, 4s 6d doz. also all the pretty new Open isaske„s, all the new colours, 4s 6d doz. also larger and better new patterns, 8s 6d doz. New covered Perambn- "°?' ?fM"s 6d doz. T?y Rattles, Newspaper Stands, 'l'iù.ies. endless variety of Wicker Goods at bottom prices.— Watkms, Proiider. Newport. CCABINET Mounts, new Tints, taucy eu plotterns, size 10 x 3, 8.1 per dozen. —Watkin^. iSie /^jLOTHES Baskets, Market Baskets, Galvanised Buckets, ? all 5s 6ù doz?n.—VVat kins 6?e Ch ON8TÃÑ-TPelilser and Gammon.—In answer to Yon;, J we have not been asked yet to join (he Cabinet, and it is quite posible we shall refuse, as we hope to par- tieipate in the golden showers now anticipated, and I should never feel happy with Orkard Joe.—Watkinb,' Provider. CRUETS, Cruets, Cruets.—Useful 3-OOttle. with black brass frame, only lld: ditto with cut bottles, is lid h.df.!{uine¡, nickel, best frame, 4 eruet, with cut bottles, only 7s 6d ditto with six best cnt bottles, only 836d. Best wetal Spoons from lId doz. Carvers from Is TOlls of useful Table Cutlery at really very low prices. —SIVatkin?, Provider, Ne wport. 63e ENVELOPES.—We h?t K0.800 bestPalace shape Court ?J Envelopes. As we want room we shall clear at Is llAd per thousand. These are all well made andweUcummed and are really worth 4t> M thousand.—Watkins, Provider N ewporf. 63e E>IRE Shovels Fire Shovels '—Best steel plate, with t- wood 3s doz. 9d size, extra large, 3s 9d doz. Stickfast Fly Papers, 7d doz. Watkins, Provider, Newport. 6 -GLAD;TONF.E=- Em En?Ush make Cowhide. Bags, vX nickel silver fittings, oniv ?d per inch any size f?ai 18 inches up.-Watkin" Provider, Newport. 63e Go'VlmNMEN'r-Š;d MeaMu-es. best q'ial<t?"b? ?? mocha, or g"lmon colour. Please note reduced pric*s Quartr. 7s 6d pints. 4s 8d: half-pints, 3s 4d per doz. War. ranted new and perfect.—Watkins, Provider, Newport. REEN Peas.—If you want to enjoy them use our twc £ ? handle 8 inch Strainers best m?ke, oniy 3s Ud p?er dozen.—Watkins, ProviJer. 63e HO-)! Instructor Library.—We only have about a thousand copies left, of these 2s books. Each volume complete and handsomely bound in red cloth with gold ednes. « e shall clear them at 73.1 per copy. Sample copy post free lid. We have no complete list, but state wbat yon require fully. — Watkins, Provider, Newport. 6e ICE Cream, Ice Cream.—Watkins, Provider, lias just received a big consignuisnt of 2d Ice Cream Glasses on leg as wen)Mt clear wfshaUseUatldeach.IOMdoz.. glida;V:rs"C¡n:p:l at ld each, 10 doz., I IMPõHTANT-Notice.-We will. during this month aDd ?L next.?veaHandscmePraseotto aU Young Conpfea [.h?tpmoh?a their Household Goods to the extent of 30s 'Jt J;;â: t,9le0vierhN e; 6e30s JAM, Jam, Jam.—Thr Mretui housekeepers -'I .J t't'kí;:yTin; a l :rbIrGj:ll ae: I lib size, 1? doz.. Us 6d per cross 21b size, 23 per doz — Walking, Provider, Newport. 63e MATHER'S FoiKonoua Fly Papers, 3d doz. aandPape7 it (ny ???' 4d ?°"- ? Emery Psper, 7Ad doz. t«ss Perforated Chair Seats, 2s 3d per doz. best bound Trails large size. Is 4d per nest of three 4ft. Blind Laths, 74d per doz. Broom Handles, Is Id per doz. Hair Curlers, Is per gross: Pen-ribs, 5d per gross: Corks, 8d gross, large size new Ruby Epc-rinies, 17 inches high. )s 9d each Anything and everything at Watkins's. See the trams with our name, and jump People's Popular Provider, 123, 128, 128a, 130; Chepstow-road, Newport. -I'AÑTLLA! ManiUa '—r?rce bundles cfbast fine l.V MallU¡a, 8d pr doz., 7s 6d per gross pretty bunches" of J GMSs from 9? per doz. We are nearly sold out of our large stock of Pampas Grass, se come early.—Watkins, Provider. -l\.iOÛL.l>INGS! Mouldin?s I—Tons of new Mouldings 1.1 for Pictures just 1\rnnd. Note reduced prices. Best Gold from 2s 3d per 108 feet 2iin. Best Brown and Gold handsomely traced patterns. 9s 6<1 per 1C! feet; Black and Gokl, same pattern, sume SIze, same price 3in. Br..wn and Goid Alliimbra, Is 9d per length, ISs 6d per 108 feet: do. Black and Gold, same size and price. Solid Oak wonderfully cheap: Maples ditto. Our sample Bundles of Aborted Mouldings, carriage paid to your door 7s id, 10.5 6u, and 2ls. Kir.dly state wh\t kinds you prefer, 4s we keep all kind-.—Watkins, Provider, 123, 128, 130, Chepstow-road, Newport,. FOnXMANTEAUS, Ic?tJter bound, n inch, 69 6d Tr.únÙu.; Eaja uois 2.00 eacn. —iv'atkins. 6St> PAMPAS. Pp&S. Pampas Gn.>8. -Beautiful Flowing Plumes (whitd, extm large. Is lId doz" or aU tie New Oolours 2s lld per doz. Pretty Bunches of Gras, from 8id per doz. Pretty hand-painted 6d Splosheis, size about 3 by 18, ouly 3s 3d per doz. New Palm Fllns, large size, 7d dcz.. 7s 3d gross.—Watkins, The Evergreen, 123-130 Chep- stow-road, Newpor. 63e S-i LÄTEiStronlt Penny Siates. M per d07eu, 7& 6d per ?7 gross.—Walkins, Provider. 63e '"I^ABIjK Glass. Tabic Glass.—We have in stock X about 72 c.ises cf Tab)e Glass of every description, and another 60 to come. Note our present prices :—5 to quart ordinary Tumblers, 20 different patterns, lOd per doz. 9s 6d per gross. Tots same patterns and prices. Leg Tumblers, a to quart. IOd per doz., 9,; 9d per gross: also 6 and 8 toquatt sensations, barrel or lemon sh»pe leg glasses, "same prices. Best Cut Wines from Is 5d per dcz. lleot Cut Stem Spirit Glasses from Ix lid per doz. Large Ginger beer Glasses from Is 9d per doz. Glass Sugar Ciushers, 7id per doz. Ton9 of use- ful M unheard of prices. All orders promptly exe- cuted.- W ¡tl.kiu!, People's Popular Provider, 123 — U0, <hJ>3t(lw-rcad. N c'wr,ort. 63e 'I'OYS-T;TOys.-Wt) h,\v thouMnds of new Toys of X every dc?c'ipt)?:) for Bauk Holiday at ridiculous prices. -Watkiu, Provider. 'I'RU'K8 Trjokr Trunks 1—Best eel Trunks, brass X looks, h! ?]iy:iaMh?d. brand new no old stock), just arrived from maimfr.cturers, from 2s Hid each, or per nest of four large sizes, 13 9d per nest.—Watkins, Provider. Largest stock iu South Wales, Lists free. 63e TOBACOONlSTS.-Thick R?T 3s M Thin Roll, 3s 4? X lb.: (,i:uettes. Id packets, a)t hinds per box of 50 packeM, 3s 3d 3d Boxes Cigarettes, Ie ?d box Watkins's Superfine Shag, 2s 6d lb. best 4d Mixture, 4s 4d per lb. Gold Flake 48 id: Richmond Bird's Eye, 4s 5d: Frank. Iyn's and Wilis Tobacco at cu prices. All makes of tobacco in stock at bottom prices. Id Smokes frem 3s lid per ICO choice 2d C gars. 7s 6d, 8s, 8s 6d 3d Cigars, extra large, Us Sd. 12s. 12s M, 13s. 14s per 100. Cigarette Papers. H'at¿. 50 1;2s BlnJie Pipes in cases, tt('jf:[: Holders, Ponche, Ci.?ar Cases, Ci:ar Holden, WaJking Sticks, Canes. Endless variety of everything at Watkins's, Provider, Newport. 63e rpHE Improved Develine tfooter, 6d size 3s per doz.— X Watkins, Provider. Newport. 630 W' HIT E and Gold Brekfst Cups and Saucers, 2s 6d i,. doz. Pmk and Gold do., 2s lid doz. Large size Dinn-r Plates, Is 41 doz. Dinner Sets, from 6s lid per set. Useful Tea Cups and Saucers, neat patterns, is 6d doz. Toilet Sets, from 4s 6d. We have over 40 tons of crockery at really wonderful prices.—Watkins, Provider, 123, 128, 130, Cbtp9tow-road, Newport. 63e W?'? ?? Gold Tea Sets72s Hid: pink IoDdold if 2a II?d o.ue and gold, 2s 1I. Full size Toilet Set!, pretty pMt,.m; from ? lid. Black and gold Teapots from 3id each. Dinner Sets, full size. 54 pieces, from 12s lid 3-gusnea handsomely gold-traced Dinner Sets. 29s 6:1. We eer.d out tens of crockery every week, aud we have 1!0 acres of floor space. Beware 01 cheap imitators.—Watkins, The People s Popular Provider, 123, 128. 130, Chepstow-road, Newport. Packing Warehouses, 1 and 2, Speke-street. and Duckpool-road. g3e MISCELLANEOUS WANT*. \V ANTED, respectable Person, to Adopt Female Baby. —Apply A. 169, Echo. Cardiff. 169 WANT:D. seeood-h?nd BnsateUe Table.-State price ? V tnd 6ize to Sretary, Cottage Club, 58, Barry' -r-^oa3d, caaoxlon. 1115 lEFI'-OFF ILOTHI'it. LADY wishes to sell Parcel of Baby's First Clothes, *► JLJ supenor Qmhtr. quite new, never worn, very cheap- L., 18, Lancaster-road, Fallowfield. 990 Ge'ernen's' Children's Left?otr Clothms .fLJ Bsnxht.MrsRich.57. CMtle-road.Cardift. Good pnces orders punctually attended to. Furniture bought.113 LADIEt, and Gentlemen's Ward-rclJ8Purch: ooci' prices given orders promptly attended to.—Mrs or til, 14, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 791 T ADIES, Geutlemens and ChUdrensn.s Left-off Clothing .t-J bought good prices given. Furniture bought.—Mrs Plaisted, 43, Carlisle-street, SplotlandB. Cardiff. 325 M- RS McMurray. Wardrobe Dealer. 12, Aroot-street, i»X Penarth.-Good prices paid for children's clothine.. UrUers receive prompt attention. Furniture bought. 734 I MitHIMJtT. HALF-Horse power Gaa Eneine and Chaffcutter for f>aie also silent SausaKe MachinH and Filler, with enamelled bowl and several Butchers' BJocka. rerr cJiean. -Gibbon. Mill-road, Pontypridd. 6e UISUELLA.1fíEOIJ!!I. A RTIFICIALLeM. An.M, B.lU, L?IroM. 8p!n.? Supports, Trusses.-TJt&flnly Mr PearOt. maker, is at 4, Charles-street. Cardie. 994 ASTROLOGY.-Marnage. success, business prospects*  kc., Is -partner described. 7 ,t.mps Mod birth- time, description.—frof«b»or ET?oa. 66. FtUtton.road.? Iwkh. 9 A pleasant Medicine. SarsaparUla Compound, price Tnmuell, The Herbalist. Moira-terrace. Oardiff. 123 BILLHEADS, 1,000, 4s 6d 1,080 Busineiss Cards, 4s 6d, (special line), 49, Bridge-st„ Cardiff.—Rees. Mallett. M?d Stanbury, FrmteM. FootbaU FixtnrM. Testimonials, B-'ï.;õõD-PUrifYinc Herbs ?othint like it: priw "!? J-. ? post ls3<i.—TnmneM. Moira^terraco. Cafdit. 823 ???The ?r??? ?P?"d'd ?emedy prioeM. p<Mt 1^ J The Herbalist, MOll"a-terrII, Cudiff, 823 CWRE for Piles.-Perfect cure guaranteed in most ?? tubborn cpses: post free, 2s 9d. 4S M —,Ta t Chemist, St. Michael s-hiil Bristol 63A ?PTLERY of all DeMnptiona?-A. W. Staniforth, su.- cewor to G. H. ????'. The Cutler." 6. Church- Cardiff. Gnndipg and RepMnt? d?ilyoa the premieet INDIGESTION' Herbs; .udt,<uarMteed:pnoe M. post Is.— The Herbalist, Moira-terraoe. Cardiff. 823 J?L?'- ???''? ? ??' Sto^T&0.: price $d. poet Is.—" The Herbalist, Moira-terraoe. Cardie. 823 MATRIMONY-—Pbotogr*ph future busbaDd or mfe ??. withpositMn.lsM. 8D8 year, ^atg, 1& 6d avo yeant. :s 6a sex, birthUme.—Prof. 1?, ?? .1rrl'O'f Fresgmntie, Southampton. M3 OLD Artificial TeeuTBougfr, Old Gold, Silver "Platina &c. Highest prices given by.nunufact.tlriq d8ntlst. Writfl Dentist. Echo Office, Cardiff. 3 PHRENOLOGY Marriage BusIneMTcharaerer. Palmis. JT try, free.—Prof. Mayo. Castle Arcade, Cardiff. 805 PARALYSIS. tSciatica._Rheumat?m Cured Expediti- PA#!u:a,Eltt.àJI.<æi Establish- ment, Stuart House, Edwarde-terrace. Cardiff. 265 JYL >ILE Herbs: quick relief price 9d. P68b lll.-Trimnell, JL The Herbalist," Moira-terrace. Cardjg 123 .wist. tc? latJo" fC" aT??i???-w Jr a?9 iHii- gh-street Arde, Swansea 2b0e y&NKTIAK Blin<M made any colouTTwarrauted 4d Ir v foot: lists and eetimateø ^1^ ^0^.198 Uowbridge-road, Caidiff. 915 WATCHES Clocks and Jeweller r on tbe HU'e Svstfn ?7'ATUHMti C?ck!) and JeweUer f on the Hu-e SvE?'n 1 !tJON,2 !t,.25 to Lent Privately, tn anv part of town or □W country, to respectable people, on a Note of Band alone, witholtt Bondsmen or any Security A.M. wA THOMAS, Manager fHeacl 0lII), Viot-oria Exceptionally Low Interest A3TTED, Loan of £40 on bill cf sale security, house- bold ?urmture.—R 1"4. Echo OtBce. Cardiff. 144 ,01,000, B6M..E300, Md £ 1P0 separate sums, at £ 5 per i cent, wanted in good le?hotd Mcuhties in Aberdare ly.-A. B.. Daily ?ewgQSoe. Cadiff. 2e <*4,500 wanted on good security (leasehold houses) at 4 e )' per cent.-Apply X., Daily News, Swansea. 970e I A retired tradesman will advance Loans from £5 upwards. —By letter only. 13, RomiHy-crescent, Cardiff. 139 -MONE):- at a fair rate ff interest, advanced in an? i.T?. sums without, delay d?Lance no object.—Apply, hy .letter or personally, to W. Williams, 36. Graig-street (late or Vine Cottage, I, Station-terrace). Pontypridd. 330e ARIA N ar log.heb na thraul ca thrafferth.—Ysgrifenwch C T neu dewch yn bersenol at Lewis, 07, CasMe-ro?d, Roath, Caerdydd. 45s C1ASH.—Advances promptly made on reasonable terms I to responsible householders from £ 20 upwards. Trade I .hil{ ls discounted.—Apply J. W. Williams. Accountant, 11 Duke^treet, Cardiff. 168 tM R L. Reed, 56. Railway-street, Moors, Cardiff, advances ■"■A from £ 2 to B200. Borrowers receive courteous45d'l 200, £300, and i.5CO to Advance on Mortgage at 4j per Cent. at once.—Morgan Morgan, Albert Chambers. High-street. Cardiff. 422 MONEY Lent en note of hand.-Apply. in confidence (letters only). 69, Moy-road, Cardiff. 445 pRIVATE gentleman Advances x easy repayments as arranged.—Apply by letter, 4, Clare-street. Cardiff. 140 jY| ONBY Lent upon Note of Hand, without Bill of Sale •"A; or Sureties, as follows :— £25, ffpatraMe in 24 monthly instalmente of £ 1 2 5 SSk ? .CZ410 l £ 100, ? „ ? 7 J.g; sUm' in pr;rü::n. Strict pmRcy g:ral1t.eJ. „r? cowmÏBaior.s charged. Distance no object.—Apply D. Wttlt,,ms?Vor?road.W'itertoo Bridge. London.S.E. 57e ?t??Y. from ?5 upward, adT&ncsd to re?pcctaMo 1., Householders, Cab Prfpriettxs. "te on own security, ? ?'??' lender. J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-stret, CM. am. No fees. Office hours. 10 to 7 Wednesdays, 10 to 2. CASH Advances mude to any amount promprJ.y, pnvately 'U' &nd ?t a fair rate of interest: distance no object.— App?, by lter only, to Mr (J .Uoyd. 24. Raglan-street, t Newport. 935e .t.5 and upwards iranted daily to householders, withou I' ( sureties, no delay, no fees and confidential. Apply, by letter or peisonally, to F Gould, 88, rontmorlais. Merthyr Tyd81, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgend, and at 3. Friars Park, Lammas-st, Carmarthen, 145 PUBLIC NOTICE. — rkspjxtable HOUSE- j ?- HOLDERS are now ENABLED to BOREOW MOXEY in sums fr(,m B: to ?5UO. All ?ppUc?ticn!. whether in j '-ardia or the su rrounding wwn«, are attended to wtthom delay. { Letters Receire Prompt. Attention. f r, ^t?dreESWALLACE & COMPANY, 98, QUEEN- j STRlSET, CARDIFF. 444 N.B.—Entrance first door at side. j MONEY lent AT fTVE per CENT. ji :nW!\oI £2:> to £2.000. ¡ ?W? hy pay more. when ? Private Gentleman ? prepared i to grant Advances to responib¡e jiersons, Male or Female i upon their NOTE OF HAND ALONE, in any par? of England or Wales, without loan office formalities ? NO BILL OF SALE OR SURETIES REQUIRED. The advance can be paid back by easy instalmeJlt6. or clm remain out from 1 to 15 years by paying the interest only. Call or write to t.he actual Lender. CECIL G. COURTENAY, ESQ., 895e 11. Stroud Green-road. Seven Sisters-road, Londen I MONEY LENT WITHOUT BIuT OF SALE OR 1 ON&R¥¡;.IJ?;1Iaiq ffow ('P. S20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of BO 18 4 t.50—24 ?2 5 10 £ 100—24 B4U8 ?o?ommmton or I?g? Expenses. A guarantee KiveQ of strictest privacy. Apply for prospectus to ?N?ED??SN?D?DE?O?S'?AN? 1 .?. ?5. Craven-street. Strand, Jondou. J _933^ A G. WILLIS Manero MONEY i MONEY i MONEY !-Don't b. without MO ?EY! MONEY! MONEY !-Don't bt without Ftom ?2 to ANY AMOUNT, I on your own Security and Easy Repayments, as arranged. Apply o. HARRIS. Manager, 131 naal Advance Bank. 40. Wood-street, Cardiff. TO HONEST ANl>7RE^PECTABLE~BdRROWERS I ONLY. Tbe Castle Advance Bank is prepared to Advance Money at the lowest rate of interest, Without Sureties or Boeds- j men. On Your Own Note of Hand Alone. You must bear in mind that we are no agents, and that :a:;e:tÆ with the nrm direct. If you prefer prompt^ j "?t?ent. and sthctMt privacy apply, personaJiy or by !I leUer, to GEORGE DAVIES k CO.. CASTLE A_D VANCE BANK, 2(J1, CASTLE-ROAD. CARDIFF. 142 j O A N S. MONEY LENT in small or large rams, repayable by eosy I weekly instalments or arranged to uit \)()rrcwers, con. venience. The tornis and interest will be quoted before any business is done. Strict privacy. No delay. Apply, per- sonally or by letter, to ,I R PHILLIPS, i 628 18. CHURCH-STREET. CARDIFF. A £ £ £ £ J £ IjIST is Prepared to make IMMKMATE'  c. and STRICTLY PRIVATE CASH ADVANCK& :n Sums from £10 TO £1.000 TO Professional Ladie. and No Fee of any descriptien. Gentlemen, No Bills of Sale. tradesmen, No public or local exposure, maimers. No objectiouaMe Inquiries' Flonsts, ?0 usual Loan OSee For- i:'Gardeners N. Loau Office For- Hotel Propnetors. And at a ReMoaabIe Rate Job Masters, of Interest. And all clM,cs. ON NOTE OF HAD ALONE. Il]teDdin Borrowers arc ?.tutioued ngainst the aatterinc Adverhsentents that appear daily. The ma j ority of them Zef:;t;5,g SiYÖ1) is Ottn ti of all descriptions. Applicants can lely UDon it that by applying to me they do so in confidence, and that they will be treated in a fair and business-like Manner.—Annlv M. BARNEIT, *M' 9 Caro:ice-atr?t. C?rdtff. ?rn_? DIRKOTOE3 ? t ;-t?KLENG AND VO ?- <MM?D Advance DM!y SuaM fro B5 TO £I.CY)û, Method of Business: FAIR INTERES?. EASY REPAYMENTS. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO DELAV. NO SURETIES TRADE BILLIS DISCOUNTED. Prospeolue and l'articulars Free. Apply at either Addresses below :— Head OfBce: THE HA YES BUILDINGS. OARDIFF. 1 ALBERT,-CH.AMBERS, RTOW-HILL, NEWPORT 4, s'r. CATHERINE ST.. PONTYPRIDD (Opposite Police Station; lie JJ| £ ONEY FP.IVATELY. PROMPTLY, AND CHEAPLY. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL, The Directors of this old-established, well-known Office, having large available funds, offer unusual facilities to all respectable and tn18tworthy persons who require mther temporary or permanent assistance. Cash in amounts from £ 20 to BlO.OOO advanced in a)l parts of the kincdom without sureties, delay, or pabiicity. and ou the security cnly of the borrower's written p'-o?ise to resay. Theee a d v?uces may I be repaid by weekly, month1y, or quarterly instalments extending over a period of time convenient to the borrower, Qr the principal may remain so louJ; as the interest is paid, No Bills of Sale taken, aud the transactions are no pub- lished in any newspaper or gazette. ¡ Apply, Stating amount required, to Mr T. C. MILBUEN. General Manager. Note.—Specially advantageous terms for Loans on Life InRnrance }>oJicio8, Reversions, and Second Mortg-a.gen.586e A COpy OF rmHE CARDIFF TJjllMES AND gOUTH-y^ALES^rEKKLY J^EWS • ONE PENNY WEEKLY. SëïïoOL Tre ats, Picnic, and L?rge Parties K? Catered for on the m?st reasonable terms &t Abergavenny, Raglan Castle, and other places of attraction bv C. H. SA YCE, CATERER AND CONFECTIONER, ABERGAVENNY. All kinds of conveyances at low charges. Large tent and field and every accommodation for large aud small parties. 691 A PERFECT CIGARETTE DEXTER'S "DON CÆSAR" Eand-Mad?» » J) 0 » 0 iES AR" I Dalicioufily Cool) and Fragrant. £ ) & S A R In Pflckot* of 12. "DON Q,«ESAItM Of fell TobiccohiSb; TRY THEM, 746a «Thsy'fe kll tight!" | "rLL SWEAR UPON THAT BOTTLE.' —" Tempest," Act 2, Scene 2. JgftER IN jjOTTLE. "Y^TSITBREAD AND LONDON COOPER, STOUTS AND ALES For full particulars Apply to EA ST -y^HARF, QARDIF F 'l62e ROBERT BAKER, SOLE Agent. l OSTAL DELIVERY OF ™ SOUTH WALES D?ILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALKS DAILY New beg; o announce that by a special concession of the I ostal ÂuthotitJ. they are enabled to despatcn the r ???'<?tMB each morning by the Mails leaving Cardifi &? 2.30 a. m. and 3.45 &om, Country 8uhcribre residi Wilhin thE" limits of I <iLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE. As well doS those portions of BRECON,SHIliE and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Treàegar and Rhymney V alley Postal Districts, may now have the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS delivered at theij reæ d 8DCeS '1 b1 lJ the wp ¡ "l. c., ,.¡'J' (Bxcnrstgns. J D A I L Y S E R V I C El BETWEEN I CARDIFF and WESTON By the magnificent Saloon Steamers WAVERLEY & RAVENSWOOD. ? Weather and Circumstances Permitting. AUGUST. V LEAVE CARDIFF. LEAVE AVEPTON Tues. 6.-8.45, 10.15 a.m., I Tues. 6.-9.45 a.m., 5.15,, 4.15, 6.15, 8.25 P.M. | 7.15. 9.15 p.m. Wed. 7.7.30. 9.20 a.m., Wed. 7.—"3.15,10.10 a.m., 4-15 p.m. 9.15 p.m. Thurs. 8.7.30, 9.15,11.30 I Thurs. 8.-8.15, 10.10 am., a.m., 5.45 p.m. 4.30, 9.0 p.m. .Note.-The above Steamers will call at Penarth Pier E% ery Trip except trips mark ad thus*. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS FROM CARDIFF By the CAMBRIA, WESTWARD HO, RAVENSWOOD, and WAVERLEY. TO-DAY. LYNMOUTH, ILFRACOMEE, and CLOVELLY.— Leave Cardiff 9.0 a.m., Clovelly 2.30 p.m., Ilfracombe 0.45p.m., Lynmouth 4.20 p.m. CLEVEDON and BRIbTOL.—Leave Cardiff 3.45 p.m.. Bristol 8.30 p.m., Clevedon 9.30 p.m. EVENING TRIP to CLEVEDON and BRISTOL.— Leave Cardiff 6.15 p.m., Bristol 8.30 p.m., Clevedon- 9.30 p.m. CLEVEDON.—Leave Cardiff 10.15 a.m.. via Weston 3.45 and 6.15 p.m., Clevedon 2.45 and S 30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th. LYNMOUTH, ILFRACOMBE, and CLOVELLY — Leave Cardiff 9.30 a.ra., Clovelly 4.0 p.m., Ilfracombe 5.30 p.m.. Lynmouth 6.10 ip.m.. CLEVEDON and CHEPSTOW, via WESTON — Leave Cardiff 4.15 p.m., Chepstow 7.45 p.m., Clevedon I 8.45 p.m., Weston 9.15 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th. MINEHEAD. LYNMOUTH, and ILFRACOMBE • Leave Cardiff 9.30 a.m.. IIfracombe 4.0 p.m., Lynmonth 4.35 p.m., Minehead 5.45 p.m. For Fares see Bills, and for any further parlicul, apply to Mr WM. GUY, 70A, Bute-street, Cardiff Or to P. and A. Campbell, Ltd.. Bristol. 510r q 11 o s s -B El R 'S WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIAL VALUE IN BEST GALVANISED CORRDGATED i IRON SHEETS TO COVER 2 FEET IN THE CLEAR. PRESENT CASH PRICES j S?.Iong.lsl?deaeh. I 2ft., 1" 10%dpershee. 6ft. „ Is Vld „ 9ft., 2s 2V„d 7ft. „ lift, 2s d „ RIDGING, NAILS, WASHERS, and all necessary Fastenings at Reduced Rates. GALVANISED IRON CISTERNS, TANKS. INQUIRIES SOLICITED. 875e (VE NERAL LECTION ¡ VISIT OF THE JpRINCE OF ALES TO I cARDIFP. I And other interesting items of News oomp1.1,. Eclipsed by the Extraordinary Value now being s glTen by the NOTED CASH FURNISHERS, BERRY AND CO., QUEEN-STREET. i .SEE BERRY & CO.'S Bedroom Suites at nil 6d. SEE BE, NRY & CO.'S Dining-room do. at 70. SEE BERRY & CO. 'S Enormous Stock of Furni- ture, Bedstftivls, and Bedding. SEE BERRY & CO.'S Bamboo Tables at Is 9d. SEE BERRY & CO.'S Bamboo Poles at Is 9%d. j SEE BERRY & CO.'S Bamboo Tables with Folding Flaps at 5s 9d. SEE BERRY & CO.'S Marble Top Washstand a:.? D?.l.?6 Td.Me ?t 376 6d per | pair. SEE BERRY & CO. 'S Grand Stock of Glass and China. SEE BERRY & CO.'S Cel(-brated Aerinda Por. traits, 20 by 16, in Massive Gilt Frame, at 14s. BERRY & CO. Sell only for Cash. BERRY & CO. Pack tree and Deliver &U Fur i nishtn? Orders Free to any Railway ij Station. Try them, and you will be sorry you have not dene so before. R J. HEATH & S0Ki' .tLA/ ?. JLBL tO PIANOFORTES AND ORGANS. I SPECIAL PRICES IOR THE SUMMER MONTHS Cash. M'nthly. WAlnut Case, full-compass tricherd, £ s. d. WaJnut Case, 3ft  15 10 6 Wahiut Case, Sft 10in hii;h 15 w 10 6 Similar Model, Kuperior quality 17 U S ? Vanderbo!t Model, iron frame, full-com- pass, trichord, machine-covered ham- mers, 3ft lOin high 20 14 0 Variderbolt Model, 2in higher, sunerior quality 22 15 2 European Model, full. compass, iron frame, full trichord, metal platik bar, plated bolts, !;cone! incised and gilded panel and trusses, 4ft 3iii ln^h 26 18 9 I Ditto. check action 28 19 10 I Association Model, 4ft 2in high, burr walnut, prize medal dcsiltll. A first- class insti-ument at a moderate urice, witballthemostmodernimprovements 31 22 ORGANS FROM £ 5. Before Purchasing do not fail to see our Stock and compare our Prices and Terms. SHOWROOMS ¡ 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 70, TAFF-STREET PONTYPRIDD. Agencies at Aberavon. Cadoxton, Caerphilly. Bridg end, Maesteg, and Penanh. 9431 THE QUEEN R ESTALIRANI* (Adjoining Station), STANWELL.ROAD, PENARTH. FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEAS, &c., HIGH. CLASS CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY. PICNIC AND OTHER PARTIES CATERED FOR. IT) IN ING JJ O O M S TO ACCOMMODATE 130 PERSONS. Write for Terms to— II H. R. WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR. 837e JpINEST CARMARTHEN BUTTER IS NOW SOLD -a /\T> TO -|S PER LB. AT Pit?C,'OLD 0 D TO iS PER'LB. BOWENS AND LEWIS BOWEN, I CARDIFF MARKET STALLS Nos. 147 & 111, 155 158. II Why buy flavourless Danish ? A Large Selection of CAERPHILLY, CHEDDAR, and' AMERICAN CHEESE always in stock. SUPPORT HOME FARMERS. WI ?- EPPSIS c 0 C OA. GRATEFUL, COMFORTING, I BREAKFAST-SUPPER. BOILING WATER OR MILK. 454e JJOMGEOPATHIC JNSTITUTE, 76, GLEBE-STREET. PENARTH; 6, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. Homoeopathy is the New Therapeutics." It cures quickly, safely, and pleasantly. I Thousands benefited where Allopathic treatment failed. He who refuses new remedies must endure new evils.1 Hours :—10 to 11, 3 to 4, and 6 to 7 daily. DON"f FORGET THAT "VIRIDINE' is the CURE for CORNS.—This grand discovery has led many to imitate it, but without gaining fo* such preparatfoa the satisfactory results Viridme has secured. In bottles, Is by post, Is 2d. J. MUNDAY, Chemist, 1. Higb-strert, Cardiff. So GREAT AMERICAN PRESCRIPTION Twenty years' research has brought to light a paranteed Remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY Weakness, Dimness of Sight, Bladder. Grarel, Kidner, and Liver Complaints. This Prescription is in the hands of a Minister, who will befriend anyone suffering from these enervating diseases. It has CURED THOUSANDS. Merely send self-addressed staruped envelope to the Her. David Jones, Ray Villa, Lewes, when this Pm«cription will be sew FR-LE of CHARGE -itaine the paper. 81 HO-MPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. X THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.-Purify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach liver and kidneys. These wonderful Pills etir diseases which couid hot be reached by any other medi 4 cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piios, Gravel,Paius in the Back, Scurvy, Bad Is, Wounds or While SweUin?,ScroM&, Cancers, Blotclies on *?ile Foze and i Body, Swelled Feet, &c., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Jfever j lot all kinds. u .¡ *y ^ttchenmt^.0 j,tep|jhi>aiiiuwri»Bt<wy tA i.~i>zr<^|- 's.t: IBtisttiesa Àbbrts5tl. OUR BEST ^DVERTISEMES¥8 us THS QARMENT8 vn QUSTOMBH8 CtTNAB. MASTERS AND CO* C L O T H I E CARDIFF, SWANSEA, NEWPORf, MERTHYR, PONTYPRIDD, HERB- FORD, ABERDARE. PONTYPOOL, ABERGAVENNY, LU A NELLY. "'1 pttititc ^mnsfments. CARDIFF. Theatre ROYAL. JL LESSEE & MANAGER, MR EDWARD FLETCBM6.* TUESDAY, AUGUST 6th, and during the week, F. A. SCUDAMORE'S COMPANY, Specially organised for the Production of his Origitti Sensational Drama, JpLIGHT FOR IT IFE, Introducing the latest scientific marvel of the agt, THE FLYING MACHINE.  ?R H E A T R ER 0 Y A L? MONDAY NEXT, Aug. 12th, first production of DI. Joseph Pa.rry's New Legendary Grand Opera, SYLVIA. Libretto by Mr Mendelssohn Parry. The following renowned artistes will appear Miss Louie Van Dalle. Miss Hannah Jones, Mr Maldwyn Humphreys, MI Meurig James, and Mr Franklin Clive. Powerful Chorus of 60. Augmented Orchestra. of 4et Conductor—Dr. JOSEPH PARRY. Special train Great Western Railway from Swansea, Aug. 15tb, leaving High-stxeet 2.10 p.m. return train, 10.4o p.11I. lihyinney Railway—Late trains a.t 11 p.m. to Caerphilly Thursday and Saturday only. Taff Vala Railway—All passengers will be allowed to travel at single fare and a quarter for the double journey on each day during the week ending the 17th August by the two trains due a.t Cardiff at 4.55 and 6.51 p.m. The tickets to be available to return by the 10.55p.M. train. Parties purchasing Theatre Tickets will he ADMITTED by Early Door without extra CHARGE. Time and as usual. Box Plan new open. NOTICE 1'0 CHORUS AND BAND —The BE- HHARSAL of SYLVIA will take place a.t ONB O'CLOCK TO-DAY (TUESDAY), instead of 11 as arranged. TH E Ej\l FIRE. MANAGER OSWALD SlOHj, TO-NIGHT THE COMBINATION, IN LUCETTE'S HUSBANDS." Miss KATE REEVED Miss MARTh. ASHTON, Miss MAUD MONTTGOMERY, ALEC. G. PEARSON. VICTOR DU CAN EDWIN KEENE, and THE MASCOTTE FOUR, A charming Quartette of Dancing GiirJ Miss MELINDA MAY, the Crusoe" of the Pantomime a.t the Grand la?t Chris Muas. T. W, ??'"?'P?- ? Most oriinal Ventriloquist. MM: MI?ME MOORE, Contralto, pupil of Garcia AND RMtde?er. Miss DOT MCCARTHY, Mcbt Comedy Songstress and Dancer. n. W. WATSON, Comet Soloist and Posthorn expert. The BROTHERS LANCU Appalling Knockaboutf. NEXT WEF.K- GEO. BEAUCKAMP, BANELLO and MILLAY, the Burlesque Whistlers, from the London Empire. O'CONNOR and BRADY, &c. ? R A N D T H E A T R E. ?? LESSEE & MANAGER. Mr CLARENCE SOPNE& Enthusiastic Reception of the Great Military Plaf4 rpHE rjpwo 1-1CSSAR8, Enormous Success of THE GRAND LADIES' ORCHESTRA, TO-NIGHT AND EVERY EVENING at 7.30. Doors open at 7. Prices, 6d to £11s. MONDAY NEXT, the latest tendon success, "THE TRIUMPH OF THE PHILISTINES," from :s5. James's Theatre. AUGUST 19TH, HIS EXCELLENCY." glOLL'S jp A N~ UPT I C ON, PHILHARMONIC HALL and BUILDINGS, ST, MARY-STREET. EXHIBITION AND NOVELTY PALACE. AUTUMX CARNIVAL ONE WEEK ONLY. Twelve Continuous Amusement. THE WRESTLERS. JACK WANNOP and TOM THOMPSON. MAGGIE EDWARDS. HYD E and HILTOS SISTERS LAURIE. FRANK WHITELY. BOB GATES. SISTERS CUNNINGHAM. SMITH and JOHNSON. ALICE OAKLEY NELLIE COLEMAN. Incidental Side Shows of a diverse ch&ractwt- A MammoLh aggregation of Heterogeneoaa S Amusements. AMI>>SION, SIXPENCE. SPECIAL SEATS, Is and In PONTYPRIDD. ROYAL CLARENCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. Proprietors—MESSRS THEN CHARD AND JONES. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3RD, AND DURING BANS HOLIDAY WEEK, Important Engagement of Messrs Rogers and V erner's Company in £1,000 REWARD MONDAY, ArGUST 5TH, AFTERNOON PER- FORMANCE at 2.30. Popular Prices. Iii18 FOLLICK. PAWNBROKER AND JEWELLER, 40 & 41" JgRIDGE gTREBi; CARDIFF. ADVANCES MADE ON JEWELLERY, PLATa AND ALL KINDS OF PORTABLE PROPERTY. Large Fireproof Safes kept for the receptta* Valuables. On Sums exceeding 40s, 4d in the £ interest. A Large Selection of Unredeemed Diamond RUN and Jewellery always on Sale. 96 fjpEETHi jQENTISTRY 1 JjiEETii 4 Restore Mastication, Digestion, and Beauty! M R K E ALL, SURGEON DENTIST ,,Q^ Experience, 28 Years in Swanee?). 199, HIGH.?TREET, SWANSEA (Jut.beow the Ga.t Western Raiiw?- Station), Be¡rf> to tnUnoMe tUM he can produce A pefiecHytItt<M 0 fcSePt o,f Teeth in one <-iea- dav Thf Terybeet workmM- slup gu?Mteed. Paiules ?ent.strv by GQ, BY THE Anaesthetics, Coc?ne !md Ether Spray Partial Sets frum S? per Tooth. Upper or Lower Se from Two Guineas. AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and SPEEDY Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreax, HhfUMs. 'J'oothaclie, and all Nervous Pains. and 2s 9d per Dottle. Througii any Chemist Carditt Mr Munuay, Chemist, 1, Duke-street MT Robb, Chemist, lioath. Newport MESSRS' Garrett AND Atkins, Chemists, 33, Commercial-street. Neath J. G. Isaac (late Hay in an), Chemist, Llanelly »°irsffI W. James. Bridcend Mt»srs Fritchard fipberte, i?w»iw&-§teeeu