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PftHPAiQ ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKS ICUO. s. OCE. THREE SIX TIMES, TIMES. W ordsi 0 6 1 0 1 6 ^QRDS 0 9 1 6 2 3 SIX TIMES -_I IN 40 T»7 NEWS' I WOrds' 1 0 2 0 3 0 AXD ,-I "ECHO." 59 ^ORDS 13 ?7¡- 1- to^T _1- 2/6 W OlGa 1 6 3 0 4 6 „ 30 W WORD7S *1| WAIBS ITAILV M:W*. 3/9 THHICI: SIX 10 WORDS II >0AJ)S- 0NCK TIMES. TIMES. Words 0 1 0 J1. 6O EACH EATRA Etov:a rdsl 0 9 1 6 2 3 1/- ^J^DS I- 2 0 3 0 FE HEXTRA J °NU 0 3 0 6 0 9 I 2'he t Ie Cna,rges apply only to the clasus of A Irrr- *hose ,llL specified below, and arc strictly coniincd lo e 10hwh are ordered for c01uecu:ive inscrtw1I, •W PL%auw\ f4 °r premvui! to insertion; if either OJ ifte.. CO'latWt8 s not complied with, the Advertise. 4pœr be barged by the Business Scale:— tgj l11tt;1t8, Situations Vacant or Wanted, To be ^ants Sold, Lost. Found, and Miscellaneous ,t\) 'J NOTICE.—Applicants sending replies to Adver. I ,\his LTS Addressed o initials or fictitious names, at ARE .reqm.%ed not to send original testimomaV; »i•tht"H"E"I* E' applications. Out to enclose copies of te"timoni,,11 j ■jjaly rAJt'I'ERS:IJP. I'AKlXKKSmir NG MAN in blhiness, established over five years, 110rlld like to HAVE Partner with about £ 50 oapital aLtend to it all hlmplf abstainr preferred; good iO»l^rofif3, —PSNFT Echo, Ca-'diff, 506 .tt:o;O"iA 2.. A y Gentleman is deiros of meetiug with others U;e J th; purpose of R-en'MG a Hou"" in the country for TCHAE RD9I,F,F^J 111"-WRITE immediately to Q 552, Echo Office, I" ba.n Lewis, late of America, then of Aberdare, n; !tiel¡. ¡'ved T0 be AT Pontypridd, WIll write or see Mrs RICHA> P"ntygrai.fen, Pontypridd, she will hear of 'OFTJPN, to her 97e ^R- LIAHINIWMH,. nEN (24), with means, desires correspondence T LE,1 A (2, with means. <1esires \:ornspondence S«CRPR !I:d-YI: i>"i\nEhiffi:cë'ic67 5 LA. ,22ih-re po'de nc-itb-sa ring GeGti;. ON • NONE (,thr need apply; age about 35 to 40.— ITAN bo O!fice, Cardiff. 305 S'•«- D" <'AT 10 I-. V; JBRY Officials and liDers.-I,essons by pest: '.I\ E surest road to promo: ion. Syllabus, 1<1 sta 8Ip.- ?C• NA ;J ol!thern, M.K., late H.M. Inspector of Mines, The > «VL Mining School, Vel by. §27 •O P^'IJAND (Pitman's) Evenmg LeSSOIJ8.-f'pÚ 'qualitied fOT appointments by an expn- '"CEDR U0R' ORA'1Y or by post; individual tuition, every **EQITI from 7. Corresponding and reporting styles, and ide {? Apply Principal, 21, De Burgh-street, River. S. «%».<* V A 0 T»L <i». AI'^< KI'tiiever Pup, both front paws white, a,tJ'1:>D, ,BhLcl, Retriever Pup, both front paw" white, "'Ul olSO "h:t SlJot Oil bre"2t. If not claimed in three d>lY *»ILL T Sold.—Apply 14, Sdmund-street. TY/o_iw!8 £ ON "LE 2st '\by, a LMly's Silver Keyles, Watch, Chain attached.— Finder rewarded upon return- LA» TJJ, ^UNE to the Chief Police .Station, CUrdiflf. 669 LOS1\'hÙ:btwe; (j;\ntol(lT-P; (ILN OQtairÜu money and ring. Finder rewarded taking E.— P'ENTI-AJ Police SldtlO". £ 07 Ol'd-; NI(4BT, between Newport-road and Rumney .tQrni ""DSE. Lady s Silver W lch nd Chain. Fmder re- <0RNI ?F" SL"AE TO W 01. Hill, 2. OrbiUstreet, Roath, will be _5*Y rewarded. NUMBER known. '177 .}'i' lÍ¡tÙ,i;l:o, V ;-tSil;V (No. 383,653). "er aOQ Ch"iu, betwee" the hour. of 10 and 11 p.m. Who- !1, tín(/ SAME will be rew"rùHI by bringing them to JOHN^JCHOLLS, The Oottase. Aberc^.rn. SO ..t°i'- ole May 4th, While. Bull Terrier Dog, 7 £ I d. op Oars, whip wil. {,ï"der rewarded. "lll' STAINING same aftpr this notice mil be prosecuted. Y",n, 1, DIIVIOS-IIJACE, MAIDY. C6 I IIU^DAY 1 STLI, COLD LIROOCH, BETWEEN CATHAYS-TER- t tQ.t rce and PEINBROKE-TERRACE.—FINDER REWARDED ON Y *»TNR !}">S SAME TO CEUTRAL POLICE STATION. 61 •S 12th il!t, AN AC?D BLACK MARE PONY, TO FOAL ,'I.ci II.1 Int., 12.1 HANDS, SWITCH TAIL, B UNDER MANE OFF T Ij'luder HANDSOMELY REWARDED.—APPLY JONTS, NINE W ^*ENAVON, 5IOR., 522 .o'l:Jdr.ï\: A*IS. J P A good. srrong Country Girl WANTED S" GENERAL no ^J ashiug-API.ly AT 113, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 604 .t:\ cl" ;-¡lat.-l';il- C:EACR*L VINTSD, ABOUT ,= A. !Y I8..SMCEY-IOAD. KOATH, CARDIFF. 555 A. SOOA GENERAL SERVANT, WANTED FOR SMALL family: MUST WIT\ BE US?D TO CHILDREN — APPLY MRS THOMAS, 209, CASTLE- A 'O;NE IOR FRIENDLESS Girl, ;7, N eW;1ort-roa.d, ()arrlÜf, Iate '2, THE PARADE, 20: A :N LADIES r-¡;iri-ImlS, S;t3 REQUIRING itua- 0,13 11. h KHONUDA VALLEY, APPLY ervants' REGISTRY, 'OO"RR^I STREET, LLWYUYPIA, KHONDDA STAMPED ENVELOPE. FC92 A" E?()ERIEII<:ERL (JCNERAL WANTED BY MAY 28TH.—APPLY, W'TH REFERENCE, TO MRS (IOODMAN, 3, KEFHE.-DA-STN'RT. ^KIILKNCEO GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.—APPLY 84, IMCBMORJI|.R JA<L, (arùift'. 369 GEÑEltALl'nnt, CLEAN, RESPECTABLE GIRL; MUST l;ê 18 R.60OD RTF"RENCES TWO IN FAMILY.—APPLY, AFTER5 P.M., ^J^MAN TILED DIN J-GARDEUS, Ca¡-ditL 209 ^JJ.KNKI{AL SERVANT WANTED THREE IN FAMILY.—11, d:\sturt'u.nlens, CARDIFF. 131 (jOOd strong Girl wanted AS GDeral Sprvant. fm: J'lanishen.—Apply 34, Kiehmond-road, CardiS. 22 L 0 Ke;stry, Craiibrook-str«et. Richuiond-ro«d, [ Cardiff.— Servants for C.uditI and country, also Gill 'i"1tiCs TO UPHOLSTERY wankd. 64 ADÏES\iiServ;¡;Ú AND SERRANTS WANTING PLACES ltiv ?'^N 1w SUITED AT. ONCE GOOD REFERENCES.—APPLY ITJVE_ RSIDE REPISTRY, 7. Tlldo"-rod. 3[4 H- ONCE ABLE TO WASH J It:i ,LSED TO CHILDREN.—APPLY 29. PLANTAGENET-STREET, ^TTI»'^« SIAE, CmlitL 689 K^^UL^OFTCLEAN, steady GlrJ, 600d General will do.- Appiy La MRS Sarvis, Castle Hotel, Mrthyr. 114 SJ!:VÃNTS: mal <Uf,;malt", requiring situations in Lo". Qlou on OR-Country, \HIe Mrs Coqer. Registry Office. ^Cll0JN JCTSTER. Hundreds sUll1oaals free. 371 'V ANTED, RESPECTABLE YOUN? GIRL AS General-Apply <.krealine BAKERY, 12, TUDOR-STREET. 69T> W ANTED, A respe;L;í;¡;-G;1S;ood ;ef;; ENCES TWO IN hmUy.-Apply 10, CONWAY-ROAD, 5 QTON, CARDIFF. 696 WÀNTED¡:Hollse.pîourmaid TALL, MUST BE r8 ABLE TO WAIT WELL AT TABLE.—APPLY MRS DUNCAU, Yldyn, PENARTH. 730 VY ANTED IMMEDIATELY. GENERAL Sen¡mt; £ 13 -r Y< AI' • WASHER WOMAN AND ANOTHER GIRL KEPT FIVE IN TAM-I —MRS DR. DAVIES, NEW TREDEGAR. 634 \\7 AN'.rED.Eiried-Gencible TO COOK.—APPLY T~ L JL'HOMAS, DRAPER, HIGH-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 171e VY ANTI D. A YOURJG GIRL AS NURSE —APPLY MR3 WAT KIN WILLIAMS, MERTHYR-ROAD, PONTYPRIDD. 688 W ANTED, A Giri- AS Gnera.1 SERVANT, a W. 16,— APPLY in tho ZCORNINS at 43 PlasturtoD-aveDue W AN;fED,- A l\IQth;¡-NuW;Hfor8t'g- HEALTHY CHILD, '25 7 MONTHS OLD TERMS TO BE AGREED UPON —WIITE A, »^C J, KCHO, CARDIFF. 62 W ANTJCD, » respectable Young Girl as Nurse,-Applv Mrs g¡eh3ords, 45, James-street, Bute Dock, C30rdllL \V ANTED immediately, experienced General Servant, 'f¡ age 251030: plain cocking, no washing.—Apply MRS .{¡\), TEMPLE OF FASHION, ABERAVON. 66 W ANTED, STRONG GIRL fGen'èral HOUSEWORK ALSO M'OMAN FOR PLAIN WASHING ATHOME.—MRS LEACH. 25, W^„ OOD^U-E^T, CARDIFF. 593 W ATED'VorlriDg HOUSEKEEPER, AT ONCE HIGHEST ()a. d. ^'EFEREI!EE8 NECESSARY. APPLY 81,. 25. DUKE-STREET, W ANTED, a capable AND trustworthy G.,nera1 SERVANT; |> "m11 FAMILY.—APTLY AT TEMPORARY ADDRESS, 2a, ^TREET, C;,nton. 56 ^VIV/ ANTED, a clean, ;espectable Girl for Hou8ework. able to do washDg.-APEyYoDw¡¡,y.rd. Cl1I1 WA KTED a.t once, General Seivant also strong Boy, about s"veneeu must have good characters.— Bnck- S* mperance Hote:" Aerti1lery. 483 W7 ANTED, a gQ-¿-d-G- Servant; plain cooking 'it Cood cha.ractcr.-Apnly Mr Harries, 100, Queeu- Uardiif.. 4e8 W AWfED, "ood General Servant.—Apply, stating tJo b wals and addres8 for reference, Mr W. J. GwyU, FT^. W, brklge.Glam. fill W .i'ED-General Servant.-Apply Mrs PhilliP;, r:"Üna. 431 W ANTED for Farmhouse, an experienced General: no milking good wag"s. -Apply, wIth references, Mrs Raayr Farm, CarUiff. 502 1AT AKTED, A r¡8P;tbl-Youn:: Girl 04-15 years of ae\ 1 to attend one child.—Apply 5-IsrtoD.gar5 WANTED, a iod St8ùy Girl to do housework and _assLtin bar.—Crofts Hotel, Roath, ludl 400 WANTKD itT once- A good strong girl as General SERVANT.—APPLY 91. STACEY-ROAD, ROATH. 430 WANTED, AN ESPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT 2 IN >. FAMILY.—APPLY, B TWEEN S AND 9 P.M., 23. PLASTURTOU- ^DENS, 431 ANTED, A RESPECTABLE PERSON AS GENERAL 8e;;a.ot: J* MUST BE ABLE TO DO WASHING GOOD WAGES.—MRS ^GOBIUJ, 98A, QUEEN-STREET. ^10 W ANTED NT once, clea,U, respectable Girl. to to h- • I _Wc.rk-A).Jp¡y Mrs White, 29, DesP('n¡;3r.3 W ANTED, cl-r'ptable G¡;i about 14, to assist in housework sleep home: no children.—Apply 99, W ANTED, a -;spt..i>le young Girl to assiEt in ho Work.-Apply 99, Cowbndge-road, Cardiff. 416 W ANTED, -a GOOD GENERAL SERVANT.—APPLY, WITH CHAR V! L. TO 153. HIGH-STREET. Dowla.: 371 ,\V ANTED, RESPECTABLE GIRL AS GENERAL.—APPLY AT ONCE, V L 66' atêt._I'Y.3?_. WANTED, GOOD GENERAL, ABLE TO WASH.—APPLY 1, ITONIILLY VILLAS, BARIY. 380 W AN1.'ED IMMEDIATELY, dean GIRL AS GENERAL (atout FC7. 16).—APPLY "irS MORGAN, 19. WINDSOR-STREET, CAER- lly. 386 W ÃÑTED¡hlled!ïy, good General Servant, age 24 to Q 2ó.-AppJy, with reference, Mrs Edward Jenkins, Maindte, Newport. H6o. ANTED, General Servant: ml1st be honest, and sober. « Z —Apply Boarding-house, 53, lIicent'E.9ff. 443 WANTED, A GOOD Geneml SERVANT: PLAIU COOKING RE- FERENCE REQUIRED.—BUTE CASTLE HOTEL, Aogehna. Dock;, CARDIFF. 338 W ANTED, NURSE-HOUSEMAID, ble TO DO PLAIN SEWING TO, 'ouDgest CHILD SIX.—APPLY, AFTER 6 P.M., MRS ROWE, ,-ewport.ro:\d. CARDIFF. 342 ANTED GENERAL SERVANT, ONE USED TO CHILDREN PRE- Ic FERRED • NO WASHIRG.—MRS MARTIN, THE BAKERY, 1, LS> ^PHIA-ETREET DOCKS, Cardiff 363 WAÑ-;rE:Ur:p-t;bl GIRL, SEVENTEEN TO EIGHTEEN ». 200d HOME TO 5U1ta.bl PERSON WILLING TO MAKE NER- J fu!=-i4,u ALEXANDRA-ROAD. CANTON. 313 W ANTED, IMMEDIATELY, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, ABLE TO WASH COMFORTABLE HOME FOR SUITABLE GIRL.—APPLY, -:th referene'cs, 32, PLASTURCON-AVENUE, CntoD. 105 VV/ ANTED, HOUSEMAID: MORE PARTICULARLY TOR BEDROOMS. ->1,1: MRS HOWELL, 21. THE "'3oU" CARDIFF. 2&5 VV ANTED, to;-=. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT: ABLE I A.. TO COOK GOOD REFERENCE REQUIRED: notber KEPT.— ,)j\ly 8, DUmfries.phce, QUEEN-STREET, Carodr. 150 I VV ANTED, GENERAL SERVANT of GOOD CHARACTE",—13 V NOVCHCOTE-STRT.ET, CARDIFF. 249 WANTED, GOOD GENERAL Servallf. able to do plain TV cooking.-Apply Mrõ Thomas, Wheat SHEAF, PONTY. pridd. 227 W'ANTED immediately, General SERVANT for Ponty- pridd: family, two large WASHING out wages, £15. "A. PPLY Mrs Jones, 54, Park-place, Cardiff. 211 Y\7 ANTED immediately, Working Housekeeper (single- v v handed) for Penydarren Surgery suit A married couple without family: 10s a week, rooms, coal, and gas not board.-Apply Dr. Cresswell, Dowlais. ° 93e WANTED, General ServanL 2 in family; good refer- J'V ences required.—Apply 218, Newporlroad. Cardiff. 99 WORKING HOUSEKEEPER 'ant?edatolce. MUST BE FOND \\7 °J;ele:;PMr:B:.t66Bib:dLer:e ROATH. 231 SBTI/ATIOSS VACANT A BOY Wanted to HeU Confectionery. ETC.—APPLY K, Aw oodville-roid, CATHAYS 495 A PPRENTICR wanted to the Watch, Clock, and JEWELLERY Trade at ONCE.—APPLY Jones, 20, Church- roaù. Ton, YSTRAD. 4DS APPRENTICE required, ABOUT 1, live in, Futmg and ??. Etectnc tr?de "ood opportunity for ENERGETIC LAD; MODERATE PREMIUM —FITTER, ECHO, CARDIFF. _2- Man wanred: ABITAINER.-APPLY E. Snook and Sons, 123, CASTLE-ROAD. CARDIFF. 648 BAKER WANTED IMMEDIATELY,WILLING TO deliver groceries live INDOORS.—APPLY, STATING age, SALARY, reference.&c., Thomas Jones, MANCHESTER Honse, Maesvewmmer. 5 z6 f)-.ÜŒRs.-Want;;d, It STEADY MaD to live IN.-APPLY » Washington HOTEL, CARDIFF. 472 T, ),OOT Trada.-Wanted, TWO all-ronr.d REPAIRERS at once. 1-i Only steady men need apply.-Forward reference to HA:DINS?, GLEBELAND-STREET, Merthyr., E ><)Y Wanted: -ood references indispensable.- Apply i-) Wa.terbury Watch. 44. ROYAL AI CADE. 639 JJUILDERS' FOREMAN WANTED, working or OTHERWISE; J > ulust be an accurate setter out AND able to manage nien.-F. 92, Echo, Cardiff. 92 £ _>OTCHEKS.—WANTED, a COMPETENT SLAUGHTERMAN WHO will make HIMSELF generally USEFUL state WAGES and REFERENCES upon APPLICATION.—APULY MAUND, Brecon. 123 ?ABINET Maker WANTED, th?t c?.n turn HIS HAND to I ?? Uphobtertng and POLISHING: CONSTANCY none but steady MEN need APPLY.— COLLIER. ABERAMAU. 457 COACH ??interE Wanted AT MI Joncs?nd COMVANV'S ?-? Coachbmlders, MERTHYR. 455 DRESSMAKiNGinl:e; WANTED at on" AUO ?_??P''?'?'??'???3 ParsoD. :5. N??Port-rd. CARDIFF. DURES:;MA KERS.=A-'gõod.8'ki;t-J:land-;ed at onec -Apply Miss Roberts, NO 1C. LETTY-STREET, CATHAYS. Cardiff. 600 D-RESSL"ia:Kt;impove Want;dimmëdiiY.= DApp;y MRS ??* ?' NEWPORT-ROAD, CardifY 576 DRESSMAKING.—VVANTED immedtat??ood Bodice DH?-,(I: in )r OUT-DOOR.—APPLY MRS Bevtu. 14, YORK- place. Newport. J5SE DRESSMAKING.—WANTED, AN IMPROVER, also APPREN- tice, at once.-Apply Mre VAUSTHAN. 74, DIANA-STREET, Roath. 3Y6 I DRESSMAKING.—WANTED, APPRENTICES AND ïmõ;¡' t? the DRESS and MANTLE makm.-Apply to WbiLi?ker AND Jones, B. WESTBOURUE-CRESCENT, Cardiff. 97 ELECTRICAL Engineering.—Messrs Sydney F. WT;.jfcer and Co. bave a. Vacncy fo, an ArticledPupii Electrical Works, Cardiff. I ENGINEERING.—Apprentice wanted, in a Civil and ENlechanical Et)?incer' Oilice, where he will be taught his trade thorou?,h??. Small pr 'm ium ?equired.-Apply Engineer, Bank-buildings, Carditf 6 £ E /GARDENER WANTED.—APPLY G. C. Downing, Llan. ishen. 637 (' ROCERY and PROVISIONS.—IMPROVER WANTED, QUICK VJT READY-MONEY trade: -oo?i REFERENCES INDISPENSABLE.— Swith Brothers, The CHALLENGE, Barry Dock. 407 GlO(:EïtY-:=Waut.ed- iU-I and Improver, accustomed Gto proviions; ABSTAINERS PREFERRED.—APPLY, STATING AGE, SALARY, refer=,?, ECHO OFFICE, Card 364 G1 ROCERY and PROVISIONS.—WANTED, a steady Young ? MAN to drive out.-Apply J. Eynon WIlliams, Town SUPPLY Stores, YNYSYBWL. 104 HAIRDRESSER. — WANTED, GOOD Hair Cutter AND SHAVER. SINGLE none but reliable, sober man NEED APPLY^—COUZEN3, 62, THOMPSON-STREET, BARRY DOCK. 610 H' -AIRDÚEi3S1Ú:=\Va-Iltedt ONCE, GOOD Junior GENT'S -ILJL HAND.—APPLY W. B. DUNFORD, 240, CASTLE-ROAD, or 33, Royal Atede. 415 HAIRDRESSER wanted by 1ST June, must be well up IN SHAVING and HAIRCUT'ING ABSTAINER PREFERRED.— Apply T. OWEN. BLAENGARW. 277 B-G AIRDRESSERS.—WANTED, steady YOUNG MAN g(d HAIRCUTTER AND SHAVER. CLOSE early THURSDAYS; hve indoors. -NV rite 1,42, Echo OFLICE. CARDIFF. 142 1- ADIE -want;á-itu;to-d? writing for me I.J at their own homes: can be done in spare tIme.- Apply, enclosing addressed envelope, F. W. Reeves, Manu. faeturer, Oxford-road, Blackpool. 196 ):C-A UN DRY=\V-tcd immediately, experieucedFinerv JT-U Hand; one with knowledge of sorting and packing pre- icrred; good references indispensable.—May's Laundry, Barry. 497 T ACT^DRY Wcrk .-Good Iro.er and Washer required: J-J to live in or out, regular work: sta te age and expen. enoe.—Hand Laundry. Porthcawl. 441 :\fEN, ¥ouths.-AH classes requiring any employment .L.' write at once Situation Guide free busy time hundreds suited don't delay.—Tanner and Co.,Box 54, 112, Newington-causeway, London, Men late Army, Navy, also WRITE. 2-19 MASONS. 40 to 50 good Walling Masons required. Constant work to non-society Men. Wages 8Ad per hour.-Apply A. Richards. 81, Berw-road. Pontypridd, or T. James. East-street. Pontypridd. ]#LE liLJ,ER WANTED IN THE country, USE to grist and oat. lJ meal LIlking: WILLING to be GENERALLY USEFUL.—S.. ECHO OFFICE, CARDIFF.$7; MONUMENTAL.—IMPROVERS AND APPRENTICES WANTED 1,. at D. K. Williams's MARBLE Works, Commercial-street, AI ERDARE. ALSO, sLroDI:.a_ed TO horin, PLASTERER AND Slater WANTED.—PUMPING IITATIOU, PENARTLI-ROAD, (ardiff. 605 PARENTS AND Guardi?ns.-Want?-d, 4 Apprentices I.I FIRST CLASS SAILHI! 8b;i! PREMIMN. £50.-Wdtc n. 425, Daily News, CARDIFF. 425 PICTURE-FRAME MAKERS.—WANTED, RESPECTABLA Man USED TO'WHOLESALE Work. also Lad as Improver.- State WAGES. WOODLAND, PENARTH. 399 PLASTERERS. —SOME GOOD Pstt%reTs wanted f COTTAGE WO 11', MERTHYR.—APPLY REES, CONTRACTOR, CHI RE Houses, MERTHYR. 680 PONTYPRIDD.-MASONS ARE requestedo;mllcrt with Secrtuy before seeking EMPLOYMENT. Dispute PENDING. USe PONT YPRIDD. MASONS ARE REQUESTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH SECRETARY before SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. Dispute pendin 109 SADDLERS.—Wanted, Young Man, of goodappearaDce for general br;wch: one used to collar making pre- ferred must have good references.-J. Thomas, Saddler, Barry Dock. ,525 ^JHARP GIRL, USED TO LAYING ON RULING MACHINE prefer. .J ENCE to 00, WHO can FOLD AND SEW.—YATES, 4, Moira- TERRACE. 545 "1'0 MASONS.—WANTED at ONCE. FIVE or 81- good WALLERS. T-Apply THOMAS DAVIES, Hllilder,Ynys¡_5! f'lm-J\oIas(;nS:-=WaDted, a few good WALLERS.—APPLY Bud- X DING, CONTRACTOR, PENRHIWCEIBER, UEAR i\Jou. '1: ,'oí[';i;:dres.sers.-Wanted immediately, one Gent's X HAND also IMPROVER; HALF day.-State TERMS, JONES, College-stre"t, SWANSEA. 127e r 10 TAILOR?.—WANTED AT once, good Coat HANDS.—A]>PLY JL W. Evas, 31, PORTMAOMOOR-ROAD, 610 1-0 T ailor AT one, few good Coat HANDS.— TApply THOMAS J3ros'?,e £ar.<!5O W'ANTED, A YOUNG Niati as TRIMMER AND POLISHER.— V Aplily MARSH and CO., Undertakers, St. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. 691 {, A.NTED, YOUTH to live INDOORS.—APPLY Jams M ROWE, Quen's Hotel, Newport. !6ge WANTED, ;¡¡'d BLACKSMITH for gates and raiwlg WERK. -Apply eurge KYTE AND CO., Atlas Works, CAUTON. WANTED AT ONCE, A GOOD BATHSTONE MASON.—APPLY 'f Luke Hoopr. MONUMENTAL Works, near RAILWAY STATION, ren3.rh. 682 WANTED, a Firm in South W9]es to undertake the \V A;cu:ir }n'3:e¡ritiî!:tSe:f! iifa; For particular address Thos, Tii? Beeches, Didsbury. 679 W' ANTED, a respectable, honest Boy, good character, to ,V sell milk daily.—Apply 85. B,oad?.y, Cardiff. l.XTÃNTJ<;D, a SMART ERRAND Boy to make himself ener- VV ally useful and solicit orders: with REFERENCE.—6, Wyndham:=t, C!lnto 6-3 \i.T AN'fED at one?!, EXPERIENCED CARRIAGE PAINTER — JAMES SNIOUT. ROCK. BLACKWOOD. Z W ANTED. Servant, to eerve in shop AND MAKE HERSELF "f GEAERILLY USEFUL.—APPLY WITH REFERENCE, GRIFFITHS, DINING ROOMS. CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 620 _7 ANTED AT once, all ENCAUSTIC TILE LAYER.—APPLY W V T A. J.IOTON, CONTRACTOR, Newport. 607 WANTED. 120 EXPERIENCED TABLE WAITRESSES for r f SWANSEA BANQUET, JUNE 5TH APPLY, PERSONALLY, 66. SEVERN-ROAD, CARDIFF. 553 1 ll l n das?ist in shop; -7 ANTD Young Man for REPAIRING AND ASSIST IN SHOP; live i?,Lpply MATTHEWS, GLASGOW BOOT FACTORY. 245, BUTE-STREET, 555 W ANTED, a STRONG Lad, ufed to GARDENT horse. AND V cow: references NECESSARY —APPLY M., 25, Duke, street, CARDIFF. 580 WANTED, COACBSMITH and WHEEL WRIGH T7BOTH U^ED TO heavy AND ligllt WORK.—APPLY J. REYNOLDS, Merthyr. VV ANT "D, PAINTERS' LABOURER.—APPL^ Batten, COACH V V BUILDER, COBURN-STREET, C. 649 W ANTED, Shirt and Finery Ironers nnd GirlB as folàer8 W-W. E. Vaughan & Co., Limited Stea. Lru?dry, Llandaft-ropd, Cardiff. 642 WANTED, Young Lady, fairly well educated, for r, y e Receiving Shop: draper II assistant preferred.— Apply, with references, to the Manager, Vaurhan AI Co., Ltd.. Llaudaff-road, Cardiff. 642 w ANTED, Young Girl, who has had some experience t' at the Dressmaking constant employment to one suitable.—Apply, with reference, to the Manager, Vaughan & Co. Ltd., Dyers, &c., Llandafi-road, Cardiff. 642 W A-N'TED IMMEDIATELY, CARRIAGE PAINTER, experienc, *V for hih-class WORK.—APPLY James Phillips, NEATH CARRIAGE Works. 525 WANTED, STEADY, energetic WORKING Foremn MASON, T who is well CAPABLE of plans: constant w Zes Also MASONS, 8?ld an hour.-Hanis, PENGAM. 519 W-ANnD:-IL-gOC1-G'i-d-Paperhanier: GOOD wwage"' given AND CONSTANT JOB.—APPLY Daniels, Moun- tain Ash. 492 W ANTED, Assistants, IMPROVERS, AND Apprentis to the DREASMAKING.—APPLY 129. TUDOR-STREET. 479 -WÃi.ïfED:- lmproVE'r and APPRENTICE to the Dress- W-aki.g.-APPIY Price and Grant"lÐ, Hamatoa?stree t, Cantoi?, Cardiff. 433  ANTED, a good SHOEING AND GENERAL 8 mith at once. -Apply Harwood, Prtmaumoor-road &at Moors, Cardiff. 470 W^SvL\r kgA Waitresses-Apply Tht Quee tu.r.nt, Penarth. 421 WA» Harry Duck: must r?sid? in Barry.-Apply by letter, National Telephone CO.. Cardiff. WACariutl BAUKER MA30CS -?w Cr?- Ik%ld,, near Cardift. 460 "7 A¡;tee: Apprentice. — Apply 54, Bristol-stre&t, M.amdeeT Newport. i36e WANTED iuimediately.7IPI^EQ^D Bodice HandR.- 34, Miskin-streec, Cathays. 363 W ANTED, imlUediaeJy, for the Pawnbroking and Out- flttmg, a Pushing Salesman (swady) must have knowledge in the unredeemed goods and able to dress wiD- dows. -A!>plyGi_e!n ,way, Roath. Cardiff. WANTED. 100 TIRSML^S Waiters andWaitrii^lor invitation Oddfello«r3 BAAQUET, June 5th.—ANNLV CATERERS, E. Llewellyn and Son, Refi-esh-welat Vontractors, 6wa. 9% WANTED, Working Foreman MASWI^T^^TN^TTTCE bUildin¡ also four P1aste.=-ins. Mertbyr. WH EELWRIT: HTS.—Two GOOD-ALL^OUND^HRNDS -t OUce.-Apply Cross, _-13ui1 Aberdare. 661 "7H-EËLWRÚ1HT:Wanted, good Wheelwrigh7 r¿ light and heavy work constant employment; "oDd wages.-Apply J. Reynolds. Co-xhbWlder, Aterthyr. 239 Y- OI>NG-ÖWSwanU:d -;APpr;;tiœM;kin,. -JL Easy to la.rn. and wages from the first week. ADDIV Samuel and Feiusteiu, Cap Makers, 64, 1,,Idon-roadRil?r- side, Cardiff. 352 12s to 168 weekly easily earned in spare time* by either -JL sex everywhere: work can be done evenings. Send addressed envelope to Eclipse Works, 9, Playhouse-yard' Water-lane, London. 486 WA-NWEIY. AN elderlr Person requires a Situation wib A single AD'I?n: four years' undeniable reference; do not re- quire high salary, but comlcrtalle home,-Apply Thos Mile3, C?"BF Inn, 1,1..tw,t V.rire. 158e i.. Wanted as SLxigle or BH&nd Bread Baker assita amalls rooet -gck"d 6".d I Hand Bread Baker; assist smalls food jEd=,mm&- Addren Oaklord, BakOrVS4, A"Wo, Cow' 657^1 BAKERS.—WANTED, by yaung MAN. SITUATION AS FIRST or jL) second: bread and cal-Le-Address H., 25, Millicent- street. Cardiff. 641 BAKERS.-yollng HLAN SEEKS SITUATION as SECOND GOOD DOIIFH MAKER and quick woulder.-At)ply E. DAVIES, NO, 4, Oddfeitow s-row. BRIDGEND. 5S3 ,RS.-Wanwd, iituation as Second HAND.—APPLY JL) J. Snell. Jun., Castle Combe, CHIPPENHAM. 438 BAKER8-dconfrs.YOuuC Man (18) seeks B8itu-tion good dough MAKER, mouler, "sist, with emails.—Hurley. H. \Yiudsor-streat?Caerphil)y. 513 CARPEYrER¡;;)'ant Job in BUILDING Trade: SEVEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE in iobblO TRADE, wages MODERATE.— Address M HE, ECHO OSice, Cardiff. ° 145 ])i?-AP- E -k Y- -??Y. ?,- Cd- y Situation, can serve through 5 years' experience, good references.—Apply M. Prosser'Ltanbedr. near Crickho?eM.Breconshire. 251 -Wanted at. once, engagement as JL-1 Second Hand S years' experience good references i,ermanency.-K., 6, Arabella-st.. Albany-road, Cardiff. 358 _1-> ESPECTABLEfarmer's daughter requires Situation as XV General Servant in quiet family thoroughly domes- ticatefl.-Apply by letter Jordan, Mill-street, Pontypridd. SITUATION Wanted a.s Genen.1 Smith good and long experience disengaged.—Apply Anvil, Ebbw Vale.664 SITUATION wanted as General Servant excellent :7 character: now living near Cardiff.—Mrs Coster, I Registry Office, Gloucester, 410 RPO Bakers7Young Man seeks situation as good All- X round Hand good reference.-F. Hobbs, 10, Eaton. terrace. Llwy- ypia Rhondda. 567 rijo Nigster BAKTTS.-Situation required by young man as X good second or single absbwer. good references.— Address March, 44, Main-street, Cadoxton. Barry. 40L TO Builders.—W"iinted. Brickwork Pointing, Cottage JL Buildint. or General Repairs by practical Man; labour only,-78. Victoria-avenue, Maindee, Newport. '37e RL '0 Builders. -Wanted by 'a "wl)ewnt Man Situation as J- Foremen Carpnter, (wo?ire or ethennse): capable of settin out and management of men: 15 years' expe- rience—Z 321. Echo Olficc, Cardiff a- 321 ANTED at once, Situation as Under Barmaid; age » » 18 wages no object,—Write T 564, Echo, Cardiff. 564 TXJANTED, by respectable Person, family's washing plaiu clothes: good dryiug ground: every conveni. cncc, -15. L., 59, Minny-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 537 ?? ANTED, by Yõu;' m?a Situation as Shoeing and Geoera.1 Smith :21 ye a] of age 5teady.-MoIP,n, 3., FLEET-STREET, SWANSEA. 512 iJ; rANTED, by CLEAN, respf?aNe Girl, 16, SITUATION A 'fY Nurse or to assist in housLwork.-ApplylS,l?,v?-r. NOAS-PLACE, ROATH. 539 ,ANTlm BY RESPECTABLE WOMAN, DOILY Work.-Apply iiby -street. 189 2, I-larriB's.c(?tirt. W om,- \"XANT};D, SÚ:U';ti- UNDER (??trdener or look after wPO"Y AND GARDEN good CHARACTER.—ADDRESS C., BEECE, NEWSAGENT, et?., LLAUDAFF. 540 i\ '3 AN f'ED,- BY RESPECTABLE PERSON, SITUATION AS HOUSE- k??eper for WIDOWER orsm?llfamily.-Apply C. F., K. TUDOR-ROAD, Cardiff. 373 WANTED, BY MIDDLE a?e MAN, Situation as WATCHMAN or Doorkeeper 15 ye,, rs' CHARACTER.—J. Nylewcil, 103, PAGET-STREET, LOWER GRANGE. _— 187 CI,BKKS. MANAFIEKI». «VC. B?NGINRER'S and Architects Pî',dDr;dê I i. OR COPIED ACCURATELY, QUICKLY and CHEAPLY.—CROWE, 9, J:JI"'IIHI's. CARDIFF. 66E P'-F'ilTlON iu Coal Exporter'& office wanted by experi- enced Clerk: F..lary not )?o much an objec6; good PI-ICTICRL K\T.TLFDGE French Spanish. German, shorthand, L3'pew,g. -Fscribiente, 48' Cardiff, 307 VI7 ANTED, a ShArp Lad for OW,?e.-Apply Chorley,?nd ?p.. 45. Wood-stre?t, Cardiff. 640 VV ANTED, Youug Man as Grocer's Clerk no applica- W tion will be entertained which Càe;e ;n:C° :riel:Îi partM??—Ja.mea Herbert, Crumlin. 4M lG.N.:JES TKAVIVI.9,«K» Ac. A- GETŠt;:d-f¡,r I.e?aaBtck'a Furniture -ii': I A.best and cheapest: Cardiff or R.eiglibourhood. A. P?6eker anri ?ive)- w?nted.-Y-egassick, Canto;), C.trdiR.279 ?REDIT Dtapfiy. Clothu? &C. Wanted, AGENCY for ABOVE BY YOUUG Mao.—Partioutar?, F. 5?3, ECHO ONoe. CARDIFF. 393 C^REDIT DRAPERY.—WANTED, SITUATION as TRAVELLER OR J CANVASSER HAS large CONNECTION good CHARACTER.— WRITE B 334, ECHO OFFICE, CARDIFF. 334 ROYAl, COUNTIES FRIENDLY SOCIETY REQUIRES a few Agents JH; at A bcrcftm, A bertillery, and district: few small books vacalit.-Av)ply GRAFTON, NANTYGLO. 699 'ru-()Erl'l\fõ'v in Your Spare Time.—Agent wanted, X whole or spare time: best paying agency ging uo rIsk: constant income aa^nred experience unnecessary particulars free.—Iretcn, Gracechuroh-street, London. 533 WANTED, Travellers aud Agents paying article 7 V pushing men only dozen samples and particulars seven stamps.—Child. 6, Ventnor-street, Leeds. 485 W ANTED. smart, energetic Canvassers and Agents for if Cardiff District nnd Valleys rood brms to steady men.—Apply (Fridays) Electric Light Photo Company, 4, High-street, Cardiff or for Valleys, Mr Carn, Washington Hotel, Porth any evening, 8 to 10. 318 I.ODftlMiS. APAKTIWKMTS tc ALadv thoroughly recommends well-furnished Apart- ments suit gentleman or two friends home com- forts sttidied.-8, Niiskin-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 450 APARTMENTS to Let, unfurnished evlexy con- venience.—9, Essich-street, Reath Park. 6611 APARTMENTS, well-furnished, centrally, pleasantly -t situated, near trams, rails hot and cold bath, no children highly recoiumeuded.-6. Llanbleddian-gardens, Cardiff. 139 A PARTMENTS to let? furnished or unfurnished, or jnt. Wanted, see Penney's Register to suit all CCldes.- Apply 19, Duke-street. Cardiff. 163 BARKY, best part.—Comfortable Furnished Apartments: bath, ke, suit married couple or lady whose husband is away without children prefer?ed.-Apply first James. care of VNLE-street Post Office, Barry. 596 C°r.lBINE:D8ittlDgd-B-koom for Boarder with CFrench Fnmily.-12. Ric":d-t,n,ark.pl1ioce, Cardiff. ?OMFC?TABLHF'?ni.?fd Ap??tt?Yod?? V l?rge COMBINED Room to LET, CLOSE to TAFF STATION NO ll.í!dren'Edwstreet,rdi1'f. 697 jf ?OMFORTABLY-fumished Frout SITTING-ROOM AND BCD- J room (h. and c. BATH); PIANO: terms moderate AUD IUCLUSIVE,—144, RICHMOND-ROAD, CARDIFF. 675 ? 'tOMFORTABLY-Futnish?l''ApMtments to LET; suit J two GENTLEMEN or MARRIED couple.-Apply 127, COW- bridge-road. 469 COMFORTABLE LODGINGS for WORKING Man, to share with another.-38, SAPPHIRE-STREET, Roath. Terms 3s 6D WEEK. 394 (COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS for two Gentlemen J close to TRAMS AND ROATH PARK: piano, bath TERMS nJodernte.-31, Crw s-road, Cardiff. 252 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, WITH ATTENDANCE: bath- room, no children.-54, Alfred-street., Roath Park. Card iff, 953e IADY aud GENTLEMAN highly recommf-nd firft-claes J APARTMENTS THEY have OCCUPIED SODHI time central 20S WEEKLY, ii)clusive.-O 504, Echo. Cardiff. V504 LODOINGS for ONE GENTLEMAN no children or other LODGERS terms moderate.-9, PEARSON-STREET, Catle. ROAD. 2C4 PENARTH.—COMFORTABLE SITTING-ROOM AND BEDROOM TO LET, NEAR THE STATION, GOLF GROUND, AND PIER GOOD ATTENDANCE.—77. PLYMOUTH-ROAD. 409 RUSSELL HOUSE, CASTLETOU. MUMBLES. SUPERIOR APARTMENTS, NEAR TRAMS and BAYS good SEA vie? FEW BOARDERS TAKEN.—FOR VERMS APPLY PROPRIETRESS. 678 SITTING-ROOM and BEDROOM, best PART OF CASTLE-ROAD I.) bilh (11, AND C.) terms-two, 4s 6d each one. 8s in- CLNAIVE.—G 420. Echo, Cardiff. 428 SUPERIOR Furnished Front Dining-room and Bedroom, k with attendance.—Apply 7, Richmond-crescent. 3!7 S Let, 2 Rooms bat h, hot and cold w.Her gas terms moder,,tte.-3,). LI??f?ir-road, Liandaff-road. 618 TJnfurnished Roowsclose to town and trams. ia??street, Canton. 627 T 0 Let, comfortable Sitting-room and Bedroom, suitable I for a gentleman hot and cold bath.-98. Richmond- road, Cardiff. 532 TO Let, Two nicely furnished Rooms close to town: no other lodgers.-I. Edward-place, Queen-street-. 344 I Hp WO respectable Young Men can .share large Room I" togither or separate baroom to suit one; use of sitting-room to feel at home: terms mcderate.-Mata. 45, Moy-road. Mackintosh-place. 494 TTNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET TO RESPECTABLA L COUPLE oven grate; TERMS MODERATE.-73, Craddock- street, Riverside. 539 UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR HALFHOUSE, FIRST-CLASS, <-J CENTRAL FOR STATIONS, trams, town. Docki, freiii 155 WEEKLY.—N 503, ECHO OFFICE, CARDIFF. 503 UNFURNISHED-TO LET, THREE Booms hot and cold t J BATH.—12, DE BURGH-STREET. RIVERSIDE. 317 LTNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. Large SITTING-ROOM, J bedroom, kit-clien, use of bathroom, hot and cold WATER.—26, CRWYS-IOAD, CATHAYS. 166 UNFURNISHED Apartments to Let to respectabie peopk-Apply 6. Loudoun-square. Docks, Cardiff. 186 WANTED by two youns Gentlemen, Furnished Front t W Sitting-room and Bedroom Roath Mackintosh Estate preferred terms with tttteidance.-W 593, Echo, Cardiff. 597 WANTED, a GENTLEMAN to share large comfortable W Afu;Ied <;{o;h ':noeatlder: 10, FITZALAN-PLACE, NEWPORT-ROAD. 152 W ELIF,-fur.ished AI)iirtmetits: to snit a gentlenian; hot T T and cold bath and piano terms 12s per WEEK.—83. NEWPORT-ROAD. 283 WORKING MAN wants BED AND SITTINGTOOM COMBINE* T V (with elderly people PREFERRED) close to town.-Apply K. 442. Echo OFFICE, CARDIFF. 442 YOUNG Gentleman (single) requires Bedroom and JL Sitt inroom. with or without board state termB, which mnst e wrate.- 106',O-,iff. W6 ?.1, Desp?cerstrret. Riverside. C?rddf.—Comforta.Me o Home offered Gentleman. siUrng-room and bedroom with or without board; re-so.??le terms for Peima?ncy. | TO JLET.—HOUSES. ?tc. A 'fO LET.-JlOIJSÐi. diG. Roath Park A Ffu ;l: 1;ti:alioe:-Ý6E Omce, CardiN. 246 BEDWAS.—To Let, near Bedwas Station, a weH-butIt six-roomed House, with good garden, rent 41 6d per week.—Apply Rees Rees, Bryuhedydd Cottage, Bedwas, near Cardiff. 133e HOUSE to Let in Church-road: 2 reception, S?edrooms BATH-ROOM, w.c.-Apply Osbon, Snowdon, Church- ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF. 663 L LA.NDAFF.-T. LET. a COMPACT eigbt-room ed Villa, JLJ five minutes' walk from LLANDAFF Station-A 95ly JAMES. BROS., ?uitdera, DandaC Yard. 665 LLANIS U EN.—SEVEN-ROOMED House to Let, NEAR THE JU STATION; TOP of Rœtb Park.-APPIY G. HaœoD, Bute Brick Works. <? OLX-ROOMED House to Let near 'UandaS Station—Apply ? WOODWARD. Builder, Uandaff Station. 254 S-OPiiIA..street:-=B:oœe and SHOP in good Position ? cheap rental: immediate ]tosion.-App}y FIELDING Hayes Buildings. 199 OPRINGFIELD-PLACE.—HOUSES TO Lf-rt?good tenantfT- kJ 6s WEEKLY—APPLY Wm. SANDERS and Ens, 28, St. Mary-street. CARDIFF. 207 THE SOUTH Wales and MONMOUTHSHIRE Property Register for MIY free on application or post.-Hem and Pertwee, House Agents, AUCTIONEERS, Valuers, JCC., Cardiff. T0.LET, 2, WELLS-STREET, CANTON (6 ROOMS)J; end house: cart entmnee.-A. L. Coles. 258, COWBRIDSE- toad. Canton. 623 -0 Ltt. -Six Rooms, gas and water: centre of ABERAVON. TA]so Offices: good light.-Letters T. BRYAN, 'Bndge CoSee R TAVERN. Aberavou. 459 1-'Ü-Let, 20, Pennyn-road?Caoton six-roomed RouM* Tb,Y WL"DOW, 10s WEEKLY; near tram and POST.—APPLY next door. 426  Let "?'?"?y' SEMI-DETACHED Villa, lOr?oms. WITH Tbath (hot AND cold WATER).—APPLY GeM?e Pik.. 1, PAGET-TERRACE, PENARTH. 292 'fO Lt, No. 19, Sophia-street. Doe?s, in good CONDITION. X —AM)iy?ext door, No 18, 256 TO Let. some more Houses Nesta-road 3 minnteafrom T trams and Camton New Park two recenUon. three, becbrooiae, large kitchen and scullery, bathroom (hot and cold), Venetian blinds, gas fittings throughout, railincsiu front, back entrances gravel subsoil £ s 6d weekly.—Ap- ply at Corner House, R.H. side. 357 T°- £ ?C'?°iZ1™^orge-street, Bute Docks.-Apply D. <? funes. 35, Tulbo"treeL Cath?dral-road. Cardiff. 272 TO Let. Field. 7 ACRES, well WATERED and FENCED, TWENTY TininutL,s FROM CENTRE of0?rdt?.-App!yW273.Eche 6eEce OARAITR. 273 J?L ? Sever.?roa? Cardiff, to Let: large garden,: rent ,29 arly.-AppIy Hem AND PERTWEE, M. Si? Mry- etreet. C?rdtN. 161 111 UND 113, CATHAYS-TERRNCE. CARDIFF RRENT 10S ELEAREACH: LARGE rooIDB,-Apply Hern and PERTWEE, S4, St. MARY. street. CARDIFF. 160 ..South Chun*-street,, to let rent 96 PER^WCEFECTEAR, ° ,I. ""nooPlJ¡P¡7.; HOUSES and Shops to Let M under.—Apply Evans H OâIe dLeistle UXAltIVe: and Valuers, County Fire and Provident Life Offices, Boroh Chambers. Wharlon-street. Cardiff.5ge I, Hamiltoa-street, Canton every convenience. 31 iladuor-roacl Canton: 8s per week. f 4; Evans'-btiildiiigs, North Morgan-street rent, 4s. 2, Northoote-gtreet, Roath. 4^9, Fitzhamon-embankment, with stables, Riverside. O^ACIOUS Wa'fchouses, Rotunda Buildings, fronting Q canal. 46, Eldon-street, commodious House and Shop'; moderate rent. Despenser-gardens, Riverside. JJOUSE and Sholto Llandaff Yard: rent, 8s per week. Castle-road. Nice House and Shop. 1 7. Radnor-road rent 9b bath (hot and cold). 187, Severn road; superior House; newly decorated. Rent Bif. E':îX'1'ENSrVE Shop and Cellarage, Pier Head. Bute EDocks. c ORNER Shop and Premises, Cadoxton. 0,- FFÏÕËS, Dowlais Chambers, Bute Docks. 464e MOUSES. Ac.. WAVFEf!. < e OTABLE AND PLACE TO PUT CART WANTED, IN OR NEAR ADANT- tMUtSMS. ?c.. WANTHf. WANTED I O PURCHASE, large or smll quantities of Id t?7 ANTED ?o fm'chMe. i?rge or 8tna.ll qu?utitieB of o:d B63? Echo. CARDIFF. 6? \\J ANTED TO PURCHASE 6-ROONI HOUSE in RICHARD-STREET M or HARRIETT-STREET. CATHAYS price MUST be moderate. —M 486, Bcho. CARDIFF. 486 WANTED. » HOUSE, IN -¡,; UEAR KEPPOCB or ARABELLA- TV STREET, ROATH.—APPLY TO L 445, Echo 09Sce. CARDIFF. WANTED, TO PURCHASE HOUSE IN BANGOR-STREET or WELLNELD-PLACE.—APPLY, STATING price. J. 428, ECHO OFFICE. Cardiff, 427 IS7"ANTED, SMALL FUROISHTD HOUSE (THREE BEDROOMS), July or AUGUST, for f??. MONTH; DINAS POWIS.— 5t,ate TERMS, reference. Q 155, Echo, CARDIFF. 155 *.Krsr-«i!Ss:«Ess pkkmisks Ac EST ARLlSHED Photô¡:pbic sh;W:itï-¡"oom 1 Accssories. except Camera and T.ens; first landing main tborougbf?re. good openi.ig.— i-20. Bt':f' Cardiff. G OOD single-stall Stable to LET. f. wuuld make ood OPENING for WHEELWRIGHT.—APIJ; 3, Ponccaulla. TERRACA 541 G' O-Öi> ;hP-£60pe r annu. m 13, Custom HOUSE-STREET. ??' -Apply FLINT ?rethers. HOE HOUSE &nd Shop to LET. 44, RAILWAY-SWEET, Moors; .L1 10i clear.-Apply 14, Wood-atreet. TEMPERANCETOWN, CARDIFF. 566 HOUSE and Shop to Let, SITUATE IN CENTRE of Broad. .1 street. lately occupied by grocer snit any BUSINESS. Apply NELMES, BUTCHER, BLAEUAVON. 139# HOUSE AND SHOP TO LET AT 47, CLIFTON-STREET, ROATH.— APPLY DOWNING, 108. CLIFTON-STREET. 230 -J(,ïHN:;treet(O!Í-Bt.str-;t).-carõ.iff .-To-Let: Stables and Coa.ch-h uses, newly built and fitted; also Stari?ge Accommodation at moderate weekly rentals. — Apply Sessions, Limited, J?enarth-road, Cardiff. 633 'N-\Vli:Ùi:r:=T;;b;];t,t;tOftï; tourroom? ?n<t ,N Lavatory; centrally rit?usted in Tredega.r-pl.- Paricul.r of Manager, Daily News" Oftee, ewport. 23e pONTYPRIDD?—To Let, immediate possession. Two large doub:e?frouted Shops, suitable for any busmess; 3plendid position; adjoining Pontypridd Railway Station gates.—Apply Job Williams, 67, Rickard-street. Pontypridd S HOPS to Let. single and double plate glass fronts, parlour, kitchen, scullery, back entrance. larte cellars, five bedrooms, close to New Dock Works: rent 10s per Portmanmoor- road. Cardiff. 501 STABLE and Coachhouse to Let: snit cab proprietor: near town.—Apply Hern and Pertwee, 94, St. Mary. street. Cardiff. 159 1-'0 I-fuid;sser. -30. Herbert-street. House and Shop to TLet moderate rent.-Apply Fielding,Hayes BuildinEs. '1. -'0 Let, tltcher'8ShO'P-a:OOd opening for greengrocery JL ftBd^niixed trade large yard.—13, Dauielv,, Cardie. T' 0 be Let. with immediate possession, a Shop and Dwelling-house, 10s per week. being 34, Patrick-street, eon!er of e-r\d.pp]y_t.:ï'st., Card' rpO Let, 3-stall Stable, sood ?' Cart House, and Yard.- TAddreqs 67, 1>lantagenct-r6et, 560 rpo Let, Cornwall-street, SaltmeF?d, corner Shop, good p(?si ,lot "iitible for any business possession June 17th.—Apply 258, Cowbridge-road, Canton. 495 0 Lett Stable and Loft, Lower Grange.—Apply Ashley, TStat?on-te"ace. 423 T 0 Let 3 sets of Rooms as Offims, above South Wales '"ro Daily Nt?ws OtUce, St. Mary-Street.—Apply "Daily News." Cardiff. 42e 16, George-street, Cath,,Ys-House and Shop low rent in good repair.—Apply Fielding. Hayes Bl1ild.in/OS. 500 volt SAIiE—HOUSES ),AND. ae A most conveniently arranged House for Sale in Wellfield- place. Boath Park price very moderate double-bay windows 4 bedrooms, back entrance present mortgage can remain.—Write C 349, Echo, Cardiff. 349 FOR Sale, two Cottages. cheap best letting position at FB&rry Do??k.-Appiy 6. Robert-street, Barry Dock. 571 iT^OR Sale, double-fronted Leasehold Residence, No. 2. Richards-terrace' Roath. containing two large sitting- rooms, kitchen, scullery, and washhouse, and usual offices on ground floor: four bedrooms, bathroom, and w.c. on first floor separate servants' staircase good conservatory ground rent, £3 10s price £ 550.—Apply Mr Walter Cook, 98, St. Mary-streot, Cardiff, 263 17^OR Sale, 4 well-built Houses, Turner-road, near tram terminus hot aud cold bath gas throughout: back entrances.—Apply Roberts Bros., Turner-road. 263 FOR Sale, 110, Pembroke-road, 6 good rooms, in first class condition, back entrance, well let at 85 6d per week: price £ 210, mortgage B150 can remain.-Smithers, 73, Pembroke-road, 262 "ff^OR Sale, a well-built eight-roomed House, with all I- modern conveniences; good neighbourhood near town.-21. Hamilton-street, Cardiff. lose FOR Sale or to lot at Llanislien, pleasantly-situated Villa Residence in Station-road, with every con- venience large garden, etc.-For full particulars apply T. Hawker, 6, Church.terrace. Llamshen. 18 '01iSal;5-th-roU&llïÿ-eil.bt;iÎt Houses: a bargain in X good letting locality inspection invi?? rents E2 6s weekly price, Sl.C&O.—Apply Wiiae, 45, Hotmesd?le- street, Grangetown. 220 1?.\NI.SH)?.?ForSai? The?olliesr LIant?h?'la? L RESIDENCE of THOMAS HENRY ENSOR, deceased.-Apply Ensor, WARD, AND GILIING, SOLICITORS, CARDIFF. 222 ?TR ATBLNAIRNlstreet?'CasHeIroad ?d 4 BEDROOMS, BATH, WELL-TITTED LAVATORY: cheap if sold QUICKLY.— Be!:l Deoralis.bu:road:- !81 RPHRFE HONSES, WelJs.stét- (suitaMe?orahops)?hree A BEDROOM, &C.: PRICE £ 625: MORTGAGE can remam.- PENNEY, 19, DUKE-STREET. CARDIFF. 542 rpo be Sold, 2 built JJotises: 3 bedrooms, bathroom, X front, and back parlour, kitchen (with range and dresser), scullery; very convenient: lease, 999 years.- Davies, 5. S t. Woolos-road, Newport. HOe BUS&SESS PUE.ni.SES WASTEU. \\f ANTED, Small Shop, suitable for lady in light busi- vv ness: rent woderate.-Write V 568, Echo, Cardiff. BIJINIiojS.1i\ FOR DISPOSAiu. BAKEHOUSE in best position in Canton to Let: heuse Bkeeper's baking pays :eut.-Frauk Inleton. 49, Wel- lington-street. Rent 7s. 667 BOOT Business.- Branch Sh?p, same hand- 11 years. BOndsdCa;:d good liViDg y;:f! practical man proprietor retiring from the business capital ahoot £]50: immediate possession can be had.- Apply Garland, 148, Commercial-road, Newport. 164e BOOKSELLER, Stationer, and News Agency Business for Sale centre of Cardiff.—Apply David Shepherd, Chartered Accountant, 1. Frederick-street. Cardiff. 616 BUSINESS for Disposal, Greengrocery, Sweets, &c. sell r:) cheap.-Apply J 392. Echo Oaiee. CardiN. 392 /'GROCERY aud Provisions, with off Wine and Beer (X LiCeLg?S, in best po.?it?ion in Clifton trade approaches L2.000 a ye?r price 2150, and taJtmticn.—Ap?Iy R. W. Miller aud Company, Limited, tokescroft Brewery. BrietoL_ _9Se ?' }' J AIRDRESSERS.-For Sa.le. a Hairbmshing ?chTne Hfor 2 cb%irs, with 6 brashes and 2 spindles. in perfect condition, almost new: a bargain.—Jacobius, 9SA, Queeu. street, Cardiff. 411 rrO Butchers.—A Business to be Disposed of in a rising X part of Canton good opportunity.—Write 0 549, Echo, Cardiff. 549 ;.1'° b-DiQ.ed of, a firstcliss Refreshment and Oyster X Saloon: ill health cause of giving up: fixtures, &c., at valuation.—Apply 54, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. t'l ElK BEERHOUSE, !are garden, nm? works, B55.Another B275: another, cheapest house for miles, 245.-RiU. man, above. 153e C^OWBllIDGE-roiwl, Canton. To Let, best Single- J licensed Heuse in this important neighbourhood: immediate possession.—Apply personally, W. Gill, 119. St. Mary-street, Cardiff 270 C-ENTRE of Cardiff.-To Let. one of the best Free Double-Licensed Houses; low IN-GOIUG,—GILL, above address. 270 C1ARDIFF,, DOCKS.—TO LET, HANDSOMELY-FITTED Double- ) LICENSED HOUSE long LEASE, modemte rent? low IN- GOING "ood trade.-Gll, ABOVE ADDRESS. no NEAR CENTRE of CARDIFF.—BEAUTIFULLY-FITTED Single- Licensed House to Let: best opportunity ever OFFERED to young beinner.-Gill. above address. 270 N- EAR Cardiff.-Splendid free SINGLE-LICENSED PUbli House. Long LEASE. Low RENT. Moderate INGOING. —GILL, above ADDRESS. 270 P' ONTYPRIDD.—TO I?t. best Double-licensed HouM in Jt. this IMPORTANT town moder.m rent: good tr?de.— APPLY PERSONALLY, Gill, boYe ADDRESS. 270  PLENDID DOUBLE LICnsed HOUSE, mu"ty town. every. !? THING free, SIM MConunt;.—HiUm&n. Auctioneer. Newport? 152t TO LET, Totterdown Hotel, Bristol: takings about £2,000 JL per annum: PROPRIETOR HAS taken larger BUSINESS. ApplV on the PREMISES as ABOVE, or at Terminus HOTEL. Temple Gate, Bristol. 331 T- 0 Let, Cardiff Docks, handsomely-fitt d Dublc. TLicens?d House: will suit foreman with connection at Docks.—W. Gill 4 Co., 119, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 270 WESTON-super-Mare.—To Let. one of the best double TV licensed Houses in this seaside resoit. Trade, £4;) weekly during the summer. Rent only i.35,—Gill, above address. 270 ANTED. Full or Single Licensed Hotel at once in IT Cardiff town preferred.—Z 606, Echo Office, Cardiff. 1,.300 will take one of the best Double^licensedHouses at dW Pontypridd. Low rent. Good trade.-Apply per- sonally, Gill. above address. 29 MIJSIUAi, A first-class Concert Piano; rosewood C113e, fine, rich tone £ 21.—At Kennard s Mart, 88, Castle-rd, CartUtl A very handsome OVERSTRUNG PIANO walnut EASE A beautiful construction 25 GUINEAS.—AT KENNARD'S MART, 88, CASTLE-ROAD. CARDIFF. 695. A GOOD IRON FI AME, full TRIOHORD PIANO: walilut CUSE nearly NEW 15 GUINEAS.—AT KENNANL'S Mart, sa. CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. 695 USEFUL PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION, PRICE^L— ATKENNARD'S MART, 88, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. 695 good VIOLONCELLO for SALE; OWNER GOING abroad A makers, HAWKES AND SON, 23. LEICESTER-SQUAIE, I LONDON.—APPLY 3, LOP HILL, TREBANOG. Porth. 306 BANDSMEN REQUIRING GOOD Secoid-bandBmssorPl%tya INSTRUMENTS, send for printed list hundreds BARGAINS Turtle, 86, LONDON-ROAD. Manchester. 700 -?OB funo and OREAN I Ding a.d Repairing address F. -C L. MORGAN, 60, Uil?h.rds-terrvw, CaraiM T n,, 3)t 6dMd 4.tg2 vjjARMOJVIUMS. Pianos. Organs, &c., on t Hire PUR- jn- CHASE SYSTEM. Atla& Furnish' eo-P8IlY, Ltd? HAYES. (UrdifL 25e ORGAN IAmerican) for Sale, fine instrument, 11 stops coupler sold because leaviug Cardiff, pnce 17 guineas smaller one and Harmonium also for Sale, suitable for learn. ers; best offers also 33 good Windsor Chiurs.—Apply 8, De Burgh-street 340 "PIANO(&OOd CottaJl:el. nice rosewood case. Ivory keys, i. U"S¡Hvn sconces, very cheap must sell.-54. Pa.rtri?ee- roati, C nviifr. £ 35 PIANOFORTE, a Bargai1iChwcI;;};'Cktion,i;ôr-Y1  keys, peuect CoLidition 9 ?uineM: alM.HMmNU'Mn, rrna.røIA.-l. '!fltJ:: PIANOFORTE. 70 GUINEA UPRIGHT GRAND LADY co- P IAKOFORTE, 70 illlUea. Upright Graud; lady cOii I' rtUÎDepOV:i.2.eJt :wtn 61 OIANOFORTE TUNING.—W. F. Ridgway, from the "lu- brated firm of BORD'S,-PARIS teur? 38 6D.—ADDRESS 90, CASTLE-ROAD, Roath. 503 PIANO (by Evans AND CO., LONDON), only 8 GUINEAS, equal to NEW THOROUGHLY good instrument.-Atla.s FURNISHING Company. Hayes, CARDIFF. 25e PIANO (nearly new) for Sale: all latest- improvements: cost 1;44; grand tone: rare opoortunity.—Address P. W., Cardiff. WANTED, a Bandmaster for th7 Nelson Temperance W A!>;nalmË f:O:i;ÄP;li:îo W be in by 25Lh insl to the Secretary. 119 B'CIICIJES. F RH V«;L!« ABanain.—An Elke, nearly new, road rr; sal ADunlop tyr" weighs 241bs: gear 68 pnce £ 10 10s.— William Docker, 28, Clifton-3treet, Cardiff. 622 ANOTHER ConsigLment.-3,U?t arrived, Imperial ARovers, renowned EKL?eNiors, Helical Premiers, high- class Osmonds. Also large stock of secoud-hand Machines at what offers. Repairs, enamelling, and nickel Machines exchanged. Inspection invited.—Parry lini1fo., Manufacturers and Agents. Mill-laiie, Cardiff. 678e ABSOLUTE Cl;Ü)'Bic\'c!e5, Will take back any time in exchange. Send P.O. 15s, full address, for sample.—Morris Bios., Pontypridd 19e "'LLDAYS'Clebrated Cycles.-=-BÚ;m-th-; manuac A turer direct and save agents' profit" Call and in? sped the magnificent stock of Cushion and Pneumatic Tyre Machines. Repairs aud plating a speciality.—Alldays and Onions, Pneumatic Engineering Co., 49. Westgate-street, Cardiff. 379e ALLDAYS' Celebrated Cycles.—Buy from the manufac- facturer direct and save agents' profits. Call and 10- spect the magnificent stock of Cushion and Poeumatio Tyre Machines. Repairs and plating a speciality.—Alldays and I Oniftns, Pneumatio Engineering Co., 49, Westgate-street, Cardiff. 379e ALLDAYS' Celebrated Cyeles. -UUy Ir the mlWul; Aturer direct and save agentb' pronts. 0.11 and 1D. spect the maruificent stock of Cushion and Pneumatic Tyre Machines. Repairs and plating a speciality.—Alldays and Onions, Pneumatic Engineering Co., 49, Westgate-street, Cardiff. 57ge BICYCLES at great reductions; Pneumatics, Cushions, -> and Solids Cushion (equal to new) £6, another 1;5 iCs: Solids from 15S upwards Accessories for same at very low prices, at Ashton's, Chepstow-road, Newport. lOSe 1'-jIõYCJ,Ó'-vi1J)ted TO RpiliföbWo DIFFICULT FITT- ..> mgs, ROUGH AND FINISHED, SUPPLIED.—CATHEDRAL Cc1e WORKS. 5t LOWER CATHEDRAL-ROAD. 81 C-TFORDPremi;r.a'6S'-£m').n frame J CUSHION. £4 10S both in EXCELLENT conditlon.-19, Brook-street, "rdiff. 363 CCAPITAL New Rowe BICYELE for Sale: latest improve- J ments, Carter gear CASE never ridden; a BARGAIN.— ISAACS, Pawnbroker, WOOD-STREET. CARDIFF. 613 'a.OR SALE, HUMBER SAFETY, PALMER TYRES, DETACHABLE GEAR, X 62 and 72 no REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED can be SEEN AFTER 6 p.m.-ADply 15, 'Knowle-str'n4, IT'OR SALE, SOIID SAFETY WITH SPRING FORKS, 00 WOR E THAN FOe!>iJg t\1hsr:er?'E;;nsV¡ BUILDINGS. TONYPANDY. 281 I.?ORsï;Bicycle, p;matic tY!'eS:sPIeid CONDITION X GOOD MAKERS WEIGHS 3?lbe.-Apply, between 6 and 7 P.M.. 27. WOED-STREET, CARDIFF. 13) FREE! Pr ee Post free to any address—Safeties FSafet, ie3 Safeties Important to agents, dealers, and others. Wholesale list containing 1,000 (one thousand) machines. new and second-hand, sed post free to any address. 50 per cent. eheaper than other makers or agents. Why pay more or fancy prices ? Single machine at whole- sale prices. Write at once for the largest and most com. plete list in the cycle trade. Sterling value and no lare profits.—W. R Warrilow, Cycle Works, Regent-street, Weston-super-Mare. 977e G. EN1:fîrÜ;Î:;¡¡:-ain.-ËàyfiJ;s Tbomas'SEi¡or:neari}. I Gnew: D,,iiilop's detachable, interchangeable gear. 64 and 68 cost 918 103 take 2 10 10s.-79. Clare-rd.. Cardiff. HIGH-CUKS Coventry Light Roadster Safety (forfeited deposit), Humber dhm10ud fmme. Duolop detachable tyres, with Welsh perfected non-slipping 1895 covers, tan- gent wheels, narrow tread, thick tubes. double.-olated crown, baIL- to all parts,all latest improvements; 12 monehs warranty. Will send packed Oh approval, and pa return carriage if not approved deposit, or reference. Splendid bargain, cost £24 will take L9 lgs. Drawings and particu- lars forwarded. Also a Lady's Safety with all latest ini- provements, patent detachable pneumatic tyres: splendid bargain, cost 22gs take £9 loi quite new. and warranted 12 months.—Jones, Ardwick Discount Office, Queen's Buildings, Stockport-road, Manchester. 532 IMPERIAL Path Racer, Dunlop tyres, 2 gear wheels weight. 20ilbs. best cash offer or exchange.—Parry, Mill-lane, Cardiff. 534 NEW Howe Cycles I New Howe Cycles I I inew Howe Cycles I Manufacturer's Depot, 3, Church-street, Cardiff. New Howe Cycles are unsurpassed for speed, lightness, rigidity, elegance, and popular prices. Call and inspect them. Buy direct from Manufactures and save intermediate profits. Largest Cycle Factory h the World, at Glasgow. Highest skilled labour only employed. See the New Howe steering lock, roller brake, changeable gear wheel, kc.w!clrer's Dpot, 3, Church-street. Cardiff. OSMOND PATH RACER, PALMER TYRES WEIGHT, 201lbs. list price £ 30; best CASH OFFER, or EXCHANGE.—PARRY, MILL-LANE, Caraiff, ?23 R- ALEIGH PNEUMATIC BICYCLE FOR SALE SUIT LIGHT RIDER; X*/ BARGAIN.—X 593^ECHO OIDce, CARDIFF. 598 T> ALEIGH ROADSTER, DETACHABLE DUNIOPS, in splendid XLI CONDITION all ACCESSORIES: CHEAP.—38, LONGCROSS- lace, Roath. 424 R- EP AIRS'PlatïiílDg PROMPTLY AT TRADE PRICES.—MORRIS BROS., PONTYPRIDD. 19e it l!PAIREP..s-dici"IJy APPOINTED for C.T.C.. and %Iso XV FOR CYCLE INSURANCE. CO. LTD.—MORRIS BROS,, PONTY. PRIDD. REPAIR? OF ANY KIED TO PNEUMATIC TYRES. 19?! REPAIRS—All CO to Morris Bros. ,PoatyDridd RNo job too difficult, no iob too small. Don't forget.19e I S ING ER'S' Model.d;j-l.ightHoad-;t'lopd stachable tyres, with detachable brake: HOiophote lamp, repeating beJl. and other accessories price £ 12.— Apply after 6 q9, Splott-road. Cardiff. 403 A¡""l'Y Pneumatic HumbeDuuloP tyres: also another, bargains.—Webber and WilkineoD, Auctioneers, St. Johns-square. Cardiff. 263 SAFETY, Ladies' Pneumatic: bans throughout: £ 6 10S. XV R W 217, Fl;ho C .•••lift. m m,i? Pneumatic up to d: good make, £ 515s~ L-J worth more than duuble.-N 141. Echo Office, Cardiff. SAFETIES.—Money, money, moneYMved. Free boat -:J ticitetto Weston-super Mare. Buy your Safety from Warrilow, Weston-super-Mare, or 293, Bute-street, Cardiff Single macliiue at trade price 1,000 in stock. Write or call for large list free. 465 SAFETIES.—Large Stock, must Sell, l.atest '95 patteros, I large tube, light machines, Pneumatics, £7: Cushions £ 5 10?. Cheapest House for Repairs. All kind of fittings 113 stock.—Davies, Cycle Works. Brynmaur. 8 WTOP Thief.—New Cvcle Lock with Key sent Post Free 0 for 6d stamps, together with 1895 Lamp Lighting Table: Lists: Cycle Insurance Pamphlet, Notes, and useful information.—Morris Bros., Cycle Works. Pontypridd. 19e RPOURING Outfits.—Like the wise virgins, see you have an 1 ready. Post free per return. 1895 Lamps, 3s 6d: Lamp Oil, 9D Lubricating, 9d Tyre Outfits, Is 801m ion 6d Box Cement, 6d Gold Paint for rims, any shade. If\l Enamel and Brush, lOd Tool Bag. ls: Spanners, Is 9d 1 lated Oiler, M Pocket Oiler, Is Alarm, Is 6.1 Small Bells, 9d Cork Handles, Is 9C1. Black Handles, Is 6d: Pimcture-proof Bands, and how to fix, 9s 6d Non-slipping Tyre Band, 45 6d 3 Valve Rubbers for 6d Long Inflafor 58 6d 1895 Locks, Is Steel Balls. any size. Is 6d per doz. Brake Spring, 6D: Chain Pit 5d Saddle Pin, 411 Axle Nuts, 4d SmaU Ku[s 2d: Foot Rests, 28: Toe Clips 2A' Nuts. uhber8, 6d e.??c;i 1895 Saddle Pads, Is 9d P.Ó.O: or stamps.—Morris Bros.J Pontypridd. 19 YNYSANGHARAD is name of our street, but Mo r Bros Pontypridd, is sufficient to find the Ollestcycle Works in South Wales. WE will forward you, on receipt of stamp for postage, our New List, profusely illustrated ^"TAINIUG everything new in eyeli"g, with useful hinItFLs P III riders and tourists, and particulars ,f bargains, to (A 'UUA.G IS. VEHICLES, dec. a- AKF om dB rrow,s-u-i-'t -I)ONY 12 hands, TO BD SOLA CHEAP suit GROCER.—APPLY HAYES. WHEELL WRIGHT, Cr-ddoek-?i?reet, CARDIFF. 676 FOR SALE; nearly NEW.—APPLY GOHTCROFT V-/ OGAERLEON, MOU. 154e F OR'-tile at GOVER'S, Wharton-street. CARDIFF, new SONNE X TroUey. e. HAULING CART, and TRADESMAN'S SPRING CART- 660 I^OR Sale, PLEASURE Tmp TO CARRY FOUR very LIGHT AND FStrong %7ill sell CHEAP.—APPLY M. John, pwllgwuu? HHOP, Po?typr?d(l. 166e FOR i>ale, TWO Stylish GIGS, to suit <;obs: a.lso Ç{ond But. cher's Tr-ap AUD Saddle AND BRIDLE.—APPLY O. Bhn- nreet, XTOAIB. 62i J^OR SALE, TWO Hand Trucks, 0"6 SUIT FISH merchnt, .L ch,'ap.-Apply P, GRANDOPT 2, HERBERT-STREET. 3'19 F. -olf :âe;)Q8ie;;$¡;rpíe;- Trap ( 3"?c ?i? HAUUS) OR exchange for SMALLER ONE.—HERBERT Fih I PONTYPRIDD. 142e 0"Z Sale, two good strong Srill Crts, properly of the Fla?? Mr Ny??,l EGT' Merchant: suit a horse 15 hand^s ■ also Set of Harness.Apply W. Wood. 63. Oakfidd-ST è41 OR Sale, superior Wagonette, suit gentleman's familv cny eight: few Sets of HARNESS, SADDLE, BRIDLE. CHAFF Ily COLEMAN, Blackwood. 278 G 001) Car. sui? POY HANDS, HANDSOME front: SILENT SAUSAGE MACHINE and FILLER, ENAMELLED owl :aY.:=GibbOt!, l\Iontyprid< 28S AND BROUGHAM TOR SALE, CHEAP.—AR.NLY W. fl POWIS, PONTYPRIDD. I59E NEWHAMEOS, nenr used: SUIT COB l? to 15 HAIIDS cost NE5 5s, TAKE £ 3 5?,. Sent ON APPROVAL.—A. PARK Pontymister. 144 44 ALE.-Hand Truck, nearlynew .INCL^DLNTCASK and meal BUres. made for oil business £2 13S; or without cask and measures. £210.-APlylk!nton!S-¡;t., Cathays SPI,ENDID' Bargah7-2 Wagonettes, SUITI^WT"^ new and second.h=d Traps all prUJes ??(I sizes. s7e rY* I)ock-fitreeu, NEWPORT. 163 L J TRONG GOVERNESS Cart FOR SALE, CHEAP, OR EXCHANEE FOR trap to carry four.-42, ELM-STREET. CARDIFF. 88 W URREY CART (ill excellent condition), with lamp and CUSHIONS complete, FOR sale CFLEAP.—SAMPSUN. BLAKE Yard, J'ENARTFC-ROAD, CARDIFF. 376 RP ° BE & n;w HANSOM CAB nd HORSE, complete £100: MAKER' GAGE* Cardiff.-Apply A. GRANDE, J^-WPORT 147o W ANTED, SMART TRAP, Euit pony 12 h??;C 77FAUCV R PRICE GIVEN MOST BE cheap.-Write Llewellvn _!111-1)?ace, B?id?,t?nd 547 MOKSES. UVE STOCK. "'t" A Pony and Spring Cart for Sale. 212 the lot warranted good worker.-23, Stacey-road, Roath. Cardiff. 351 A useful Mare, 15 hands. 6 yeare, with SPRING-Cart and Harness sold together or separate cheap on trial. -Appay Furniture Shop (opposite Kuperra Hotel). O^deli. street, East Moors, Cardiff. 350 A Pony, Cact, and HartMO. B'?two baker's Cob-, Don. -CTL (tt, and Harness, £ 4 10s warranted sound£ .7—3 3' A euYPeel-road.'Ca u ton. 173 A very thick-set Horse, 16'I. snit er;trlk-l L*brake, or mineral water waron, or four-wheeled cab cood mover, and warranted sound, free of vice, £ 25.—ADDIV 102 Wellington-street, Canton. Cardiff- 178 A Bargain.—Handsome Col, I&I, fourt, with A. ,?d ctio.: .;U!U-.mteeds?ud. no vice. Also Dr«ttv Pleasure Trap, new HMnMS, Saddle, and Bridle.—ADCIV ?02. We,i ingto;-str?et eanton, Cardiff. J?ARGAJN.-HMdMme' Roan Re??obT e ?ears??Y? warranty of harness. sàdle! ANA ROundness tiven ? tbick-set Stroa?bone (suit any b?mMs). SM.-?so.Got?o? street, ChePatow-roa(L -Maindee??wport. ??? BARGAlN.-Must be sold, good FOdDogcu.rt ? also good BusineM Oart: .?somteadid Coal Cart new pair of wheels. 4ft. &M? smt COBURJ, Cart, cheap.— Apply 102, Wettingttn-stre?t. Cl&n,-ardltf. 179 Sale, Pony, TWO COBS, with HJso, three Business Traps: cbeap; taget er or separ%,te. -Applv <3. LECKWITH-ROAD, CAN TEN. 617 rI OR Sale, cheap. u.%eful P?DY.]at spring I CART.—G. SUMMERS, 4. Higb.st:ontypool. 632 F;'ORSale, hdsomeCob:í4hnds, 5 yea.ld-ranted ?- sonnd and qmet in all kÍl;ùS of HARNESS CHEAP.— y Frost. Eliis_T_W l'redE'ga.. 645 ^|^OR S?e. PONY, fouryeM?lZ.Z hands WARRANTTD sound X quietito ride or drive: 'e'y faatand ?oo? ?ct.?? ?j? lady. Tnai?aII?RcL-WriteR547. -()Hiee. Cardig. 547 F.- OR-S;yfu;;t-i1;rse! six YEARS old, 15ads h?eh i' PRICE BK.-Appty 73, Hlghrry. 521 VOR Sale. a yonng Jack Donkey,soond, quiet to DRIVE. X Apply 7, Pontcanna-place. 463 FOR Sale, Roan Cart-Mare, 16 hands, 5 years of age, J'- quiet, and a pood worker iu shafts or chains also warranted sound suitable for a brewery or a railway carrier; price £ 36.—Apply J- Joues ICcal Merchant) 24, Pyko-street, Barry Dock. 458 FOR Sale, useful chestnut Horse, five years old? 15 Fbands (oad mover warranted sound: good worker: trial &Ilowed.-AI)ply 16, Morgan-street, Pontypridd. 141 e FOTR SAL«, Home, 15-ood workBr?su??cy Ftradesman price 214: owner no FURTHER use —6. Agate-street, Roath. 332 IJLOR S)tle, asmatTjtmaic? T<))lyGoat?$ months o? X QUIET to drive), CART, and Ho ness TAITE two chudren ..TOOK .PROMTNENT_PART ■" lg§t, \i¡wa VA RW^U, ?tt:? ?.??-'? R???. TJ^OR SÙ" 4LL Cart M?re. ?rey, 6 YEARS, 15? HANDS, rfectly quiet and GOOD WORKER.—APPLY 87, Severn- ROAD, CarditL ?g FOX Torhers.-Two first-class PUPPIES, WELUBREDTGAME, A and good points. 10s EACH.—R, SKETCH, 25. Hickm.- road, PENARTH. 435 HANDSOME, thick-set Welsh Horse Pony, six yHarsrH hands, warranted sound, quiet to ride and drive. free from all vice figure, 14 guineas.—Mrs Lewis, 51, Orichtoo- street, Cardiff. 15 HANDSOME Bay Pony, 5 years; i3. hands: quiet to JH- ride or dnve: good action.—Apply 12, JtUduor-roid Canton. 84 H-c OR.'5E wanted 5 y?ars. 16 hands, warraated. for crank Haxle car T, good mare in part paymenL-13? Queen- street, Cardiff. Y n — 59 1; I PONY Cart, Harness, for Stle 13 hands high; suit greengrocer and fish dealer.-Apply No. 9, Hereford street, Saltmead. 516 PROPERTY of Mr HiU. Contract or.-Four powerful Cart from 15.2 to 17 hands, aged from 6 to a years puce 15,18. and 25 guineas the above are warranted sound, and good workers in shafts and chains. Also Carts and Harness to o'Üt cheap trial given contract finished cause of sale ,-A T)"ic Tbree Horse Shoes Livery Stables, Quau-street, CP.RI;?;. 153 S ALE GRANRL White Bull Terrier Bitch: eare FASHIONABLY CROPPED and carried ERECT.-FURTHER C VR- T'CULARS APPLY 7J. TERRACE, CARDIFF. 693 SALE, Po ny, I onz- Uart AND HARNESS suit GREENGROCER KJ or coke.-Taylor. West End Dairy, 10. Edmund-build. ings, Canton. No dealers. 628 s ALE, WAGONETTE, SEAT 9, £ 14: STYLISH PLEASURE TRAPS: also ) new Haulier's Cart.-Kniglit and Davies, Junc- tion Works, CAERLEON-ROAD, NEWPORT, 106E S ALE, STRONG COB SUIT, ANY PURPOSE quiet ride or DRIVE GOOD in COLLAR NO DEALERS.— 2, PAGET-STREET. GRANGE, CARDIFF. 100 SENT in for p-te-s with'o thickset ? aged Blares, 15 h?nds suit crank, wagonett or ?uy tradesmM: w&rr&nty and trial c'ven.—16, Qu&y-etiHet. Cardiff. 'l SOIÙ; Shoulders Grease Thrush. k, OuicMy Cured?ny Condy's Biuid. Horses suffering from 80re Back. Sore Shoulders, broken kr,ees, wounds, cuts, bruises, thrush, cracked heels, grease, mud fever, mange, Slc,, quickly cured by bathing the parts affected with a tablespoonful of Condy's Pluid ii. a pint of water. It makes the hair grow where rubbed off. Prices Soz. Is 20oz. 2S of all chemists. Insist on having Condv s Fluid. 857E TO be Sold a Horse and WTaggonette. to carry S persons as pood as new-T,dbot Inn, Aberdare. 105 USE Jeerol Ointment for speedily curing sprains curbs and splints when forming, over-reacties, capped hocks, rheiiuiatisua Iwindgalls, scurf after blistering.-Larga box post tree for Is 2d from Condy s. Fluid Works. 83, Tnrttmill-st.. London, E.C. 857a V-E'i.lâ{ïNÃIY BcoK Free. cou?ainms fnn instructions V for the Tre?tmeuu and Cure of Ailments ;?etiuc Horses, Dogs, Cats, Cattle, Sheep. Pigs. Poultry, kc., from Condy's Fluid Works 83, Turnmill-street LoLcdoD, KC, 857e WANTED to Hire Light Cart Horse, three months.- T f Apply L. Saunders, 4. Amberst-street, Grange. 666 WANTED THICK-SET HORSE, 14.2, FOR UNDERGROUND WORK quier, AND good worker overage preferrefl.-13, Rail- I wayterraee, Jones Town, TONYPANDY. 51 rf)IJL,rRv. A Few SITTIUGS White Leghorn Eggs to spare from GRAND wmter layers; 38 Od eitting.-F. MILLER, 34, Salop- street. PENARTH. 462 E- GGS -fr¡',ting.-Firskl?..ss Black ORPIDGTOU, WHITE ELegbc,rn, BiMk ?iiaorca. 3sadozen.-Rev.. a t'. STONE, OAKLEY HOUSE. MAESYCWMM»R. 297 J E GGS; for hatching, 4s and 3s dozen pure brect chickens. JLJ 105 AND 7s 6d doz n, with hen 3s 6d extra. Plymouth Rocks, Mraorcas, Orpingtons list ON application.- Edwards, Coaley, Dursley, Gloucestershire. 847e G- OLDEN V.'yandot? Cock, Jmze taker every tWe shown, 'm ?ud two Hens, chep,to clear for chicken: also Eggs from these and Orpingtons, Cook's, 2s 6d per doz.-Gilbert, 18. Elm-street. Cardiff. 0- GRA N:O Selpcnoa of pnxe-btedNorwich?M?M?lOs?M. VX 12s 6d. and 15s pair hens mad for breeding Ss 6d. 45 6d, to 5s each satisfaction guaranteed. Llovd 1 Bird Dealer, Mountain Ash. 434 IONG-distance Homers, 28 6d pair, selected?: ?trone ii Shooting Pigeons, 10s dozen. Animals and Birds Stuffed.—'Ormond, Cross-street, Newport, Mon. 96e PARKOTS, Grey or Amazon, acclimatised, on 14 days' approval, not by lady or gentleman going abroad, but the old firm, Maggs Bros., Wind-street, Swansea. Cali or send for list. 127e p IGEONS for SALE.—SIX Pairs good Homing Birds to be t Sold or EXCHANGED for Fowls.-Newtati. 71, Salop- I etreet, Penarth. 451 PLYMOUTH ROCKS, HOUDANS, Golden AND Silver WYAN- I dotte EGGS, 35 6li sitting; well-known prize STRAIUS un- I fertile REPLACED,—WILLIAM Bowen. Ll-infoist, ABERGAVENNY. POULTRY. PIGEON, CARE BIRD, AND Doe FOODSTWRITA ?- for prices and samples to Noah Rees and Son I Hay, Corn, and SEED MERCHANTS, Cardiff. 161C II S-AiÆ-(Ch-;P).'d'-t; tlking nd MIMICKING ? Brazilian PARROT, CHAMPION "hi8tlr. -Furt.her parties LARS apply PARROT. 29, BUTE-TERRACE, Cardiff. 694  TX/ANTE?. 11 Hen? i'CoekrB?ek MiaorcasTeheap.? j -Apply D. GUY. 70A, Bute-street. 89 EIRMTIHtiw F URNITURE of everv description TIBOOYO n value to FU;l;,On the ¡rcrt strictly ::t' The Largest Premises and Stock out of London.—Atlas Furnishing Couipauy. Limited. Hayes, Cardiff. 25 VURNŒH at Harris's -Epõrim, Newport. Enormous X selection. One "rice. Plain figures. Cash only. ARP-IS'S, in The Market Hall, Newport. H ARRIS'S.-Furnish House complete for C15 15s. HARRIS S Reliance Dining-room Suites in mnrocco i cloth, padded backs: uew design only £ 4 15s. Marvellous value. HA-RRLS S.—Bedroom Suite, Chest ifve Drawers, Wash- stand, Toilet Table. Glssf, 3 Chairs, Towel-rail, polished a nice walnut colour: only £ 3 3s.—Harris's Emporium in Newpoit Market. Two minutes' walk from Railway Station. ¡-i -RiÙi: the CMh Furnishers. Newport Market. I-JAd van, reous to parties fnru;shin?. Combination Spring Bedsteads, iron, 16? 6d, compl('t. Extensive Sao?- rooms. Inspect ion it?viLed. Note Address—Market Hall, main entrance, Dock-street, Newport. HANDSOME Deer Head and Neck, with splendid t horns, B2 10s al. Sewing Machine by Singer (with SC&UDH only 22 2s, cost 4-18. in I^RF^CT order; great bargains. -Ede.s,lrl Curiosity Shop, NEWPORT. 102e S ECCI-ND-I-IAND Furniture or Surplus Stock Bought for a casb or Sold on Conm;ssion.-T<.ylor's Salerooms, 12, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 70 DID Old Oak Dining-room Suite, "rand carving, just oeen renpbolstered in crocodile leather 12 small chairs, 2 large armchairs, and couch, only JUS 15s, worth £ 49—Edes, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 103e SPANISH Mahogany Dining Table, 12 feet by 4J, E4 4s: c' also handsome Spanish Mahogany Bedstead, with box spring m -.ttress, £ 3 3s: Walnut Drawing-room Suite ^6 6s worth £ 10.—Edes, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 104e RPO be Sold, cheap, Dmwing-room Suite (walnut & saddle- X bags); never used: room wanted urgeiitly.-31, Custom House-street. 67 RPHE best guinea Dinner Set in the trade at W. Dobbs X and Sons. Queen-street. 7rie L-'UltNlSli on our new hire Kire System. Houses of t- A artmenhs COMPLETELY furnished on a new syabein aaopi-ed soie/Y by us, whereby ALL jmhlicity, exposure, aud nqiuries usually made by Other companies are dispensed wiln. We have an immense stock of Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold au the Hire System at ready-money prices. We make no extra charge for credit, and all goods sent Lome in a private Tan free of charge. No Stamp or agrfffiment CHARGES MADE no bill sale; d ererythiug private. Arrangements COMPLETED without delay, and, being manufacturers, we GUARANTEE quality and will UNATRT^KE to supply furnitnre, P'O at 10 per cent, less than &uypr.oe.?t issued by any firm fn Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Cralland insoecc our im- mense stock, and compare prices ocfore tllê:ekînf else- where. Ve will supply ?6 wo?h for 2r s M weekly • £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ lo worth for 5s wcekly £ 20 worth 6s weekly, and so oil 10 proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the address :—South Wales Furnishing Company' 31, Castle-street (opposite the Castle) Cardiff 7e ¡;O'IESTIC A.RTICLE:S.   t??M?TT!? ARTtc?E?. MANGLES, Washins Machines, ?e?inK Machines ?. THE HIRE SYSTEM.—ATLAS F?ni3iijug COMPANY LTD' Haye. Cardiff 25 PLILVAMBUJIATOLH MAIL CARTS 0. THE HIRE SVSI +-UJ, ATLAS FURNISHING COMPANY, L,I,D. PAVT-S CARDIFF. 25- t"4Pjft SATIK—MRJST.'KT,L,A\HOGI)!. A GOOD LONG CA3E CLOCK FOR SALE, IN GOOD ORDER SPLENDID C t. oak case.-Apply 17. CAERPHILLY-STREET, East Monro, Cardiff. 471 BILLHEADS, 1.000 for 4S 6d 1,900 BUSINESS CARDS, 4S6D JL!' (SPECIAL LINE), at 49, BRIDGE-STREM, CARDIFF.-REES, MALLET;, R.ND STAN BUR; PRINTERS. CRICKET Fixtures. 759 BUTCHERS, Grocer?.—Set of bra;b1! Weights for SALE 7lbs. DOWN to IOZ. NOT SOILED first P.O. for 19" has tbem.-Tunks, MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. 219 C ARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker. Flieelstone22 Castle-road, Cardiff. Established 50 years. 664e C ARDIFF'S Pogular Pawnbroker. -Fligelistone has for- KJ feited Gent s 18ct. Gold Lever, cost £20, only 6 guineas. CCARDIFF S Popular Pawnbroker.-F ne has for- feited Lady s 13ct. Gold Lever, cost 10 guineas, only 75s. CARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbr(>ker.-l<'lige¡;tir feite(I Gent's Solid Gold long link A.1t, only 50s.664e CARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker.—FiigetstoDe?M ?o- C feited Lad)s handsome Gold Watch, cost "gs. 21?. 664e CARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker.—Fligelstone has for- feited Lady's heavy 1Set: Gold Chain: 4gg; bargain. CARDIFFS Popular Pawnbroker.—Fligelstone has tor- feited 50 first-cla.s Silver English Levers, only 208 each. 1ARDIFF S Popular Pawnbroker—Fligelstone has for- feited SO Gent's Solid Silver Cu-cb Alberte. 5s each. 664e CARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker.-Fligeltune has for J feited Brown's Family Bible illustrations, 2 clasps, 18S. CARDIFF'S Popular PawLibroker.-Flige'stone has for- feitt-d Lady's handsome Silver Watch and Albert, 15s. CCARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker.—FHgetehone has for- 'L? feited Gent's Rrst-ctMS Silver Watch 12S 6d; warranty. I ¡-'ARDIFF.5- Popular Pawnbroker.—FligelstonT has for- ,?i, Gent's fancy solid Gold Curb Albert, h2RVY, 42s. ??ARDJ.FFS Popular PtHYabrnker.-Ftigehtone ha ??for- feited Lady's 15ct. 5-stoue Diamond Ring, 10s 6d. CCARDIFF'S Popular Pawcbroker.—FheelKtone?ag for- J feited Silver Lever Watches, 10s Silver Watches, 6s. C ARDIFF'S Popular P.%wilbroker .-Fnl J Feather Bed. Bolster, 2 Pillows, best Linen Tick, i5s, C. -'ARDIFli'S Popular Pawnbroker.—Fitgetstone? ontt J Wekh Shirts, 3s lid The Popular lmt8, Is HID. CARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker, Fligelstone oniv.- Gents' fancy light Suits, 15s lid black worsteds, 21s. t '1ARDIFF-8Pouular Pawnbroker, Fligelston^ oniT — \? Latest patteni, aJl tvoo? 500 Pair Trouaprs at 3g n? CARDIFES Popular Pawnbroker, Fligelstone only.— Wooden Clocks, Is lljd Nickel, ls4jid: Alarm, Is llid. 'IARDIFF'S Popular Pawnbroker, Fligelstone~ouly — J 22ct. Solid Gold Wedding Rings, 5dwt.. 155; 4dwt.. 20S, CTHIP Potato Machine for Sale on truck any REASMI- able price offered will be sold.-APPIY 8, JamesTttle Cwmcarn, Mon. 13&e C1LAY Tobacco Pipes—Before buying elsewhere, send ?' for Illustrated List (free) to Corcorau's (est?bMshed 1833), Practical Pipe Manufacturers, laamb-strcet, Bristol. DAILY pi?p?r??, Weekly Papers, Comic Papers, and all Dkinds of Papers.-Robertson, Cburcb.ro and Chep. stow-road, Newport. 294e IPDISON' Kinetoscopes—Immediate disposal, three EM&cbines. small Gas Engine ad Dynao for ebarin?- accumulators light and portable lucrative business — R 157, South Wales Daily News Office, Cardiff. 157 FOR Sale, cheap. 3 doz. strong Gravel Shovels, 1 doz Steel Digging Forks, large Glass Cupboard, and PERN CASE—APPLY 49. METAL-STREET, CARDIFF. 553 F-:¡-O& SALE. TWO LARGE double-door Fireproof Saf?s. De¡, FCounLer, M.mofauy.Show Case, and other O?ce and SHOP Fittins, &e. must be old real BARGAINS.—APPLY 26 CMtte-road. Cardiff. _.m 286 GardeuFtames- STEPS" X Milk Chiirns. Hand TRUCKS, CLOTHES-POSTS, &C.— BLAKE! CATHAYS Yard, Milllster-stceet, CATHAYS. CARDIFF. 164 FOB SALE, ICE CREAM FREEZER and Tu? ',so BAKERS' Fbread BARROW—APPLY 21, MOON-STREET, CARDIFF. U7 F OR Sale. Corks! Corks !—GINGER AND HERB BEER and I- Corks of everr DESCRIPTION: SHIVES. BUNGS, BOTTLING eorks.-2. MOIRA-PLACE, CARDIFF. 521 FUR Boa (Russian)—Lady offers very bushy, quitt; nuv, t' dark, soft, silky Alaska Tail Boa, three yards Ion, caah needed: accept 188 6ù, worth £ 5 58: approval, WIr. ri E d ward,? rie paid, before payment. great barKain.—Mrs Edwards, SZ. gRugb-bt.-eet. ,cles.are, S.W. 65? /AILLARDIA Grandiflora; grand plants: double W Lychnia th<?e are worth double: all b-dy 2a doz. free for casb.-Davis, Luawardi.e, Herord. 484 GENii:SMiN;d(;;e7 5iJQSui5 Wt season IDC G ('ardiw and dtrim What more do YOU want? No tailor can POEIIIV compete with our All-wool Tweed and Serve Suits tbat. 35s 6d, Wntûœ freek W1. GLASS SHADES, ALL TIZES, for clocks FIGURES, ke., CHEAP ALSO FLSU GLOBES.—J. CORDING, NATURALIST, 42, kloyid ARCADE. CARDIFF. 213 CCBANT' HEAD Moose Deer, 15 g ?w 'nef?s: AMERICAN ?? Hison,20t?taea?: Red Deer, Reindeer. F&Uow, ?c.. CHEAP.—CORDING, Naturalise Cardiff. 212 GREENHOUSE. Span roof 12FT. BY 9FT., NEARLY new: 30 YOUNG (PLANTS, Stove, &C., complete S10 AT PENARTH. Apply 0 636, EEBO OFFICE, CARDIFF. 636 LADY'S finest quality .w silk three-guinea Umbrella: loag real ivory carved handle, richly mounted with over 4 men deep fine gold gilt hall-marked rilver., Fox's FRAME accept. 16s 6d approval carriage paid.- B Mossbury-road, Clapham Junction. 535 NEW lronmongery Establishment.—A- Seymour tlate with Messrs W. Howards and Co.. Limited), 121,Com- mercial-Btreet. Newport. Best value for cash. 156e OVENS—Important to Bakers and Others.—If you want a good even (either STEAJN Decker, register, or port- able) it will be to your advantage to send to the only penuine practical oven building firm in Cardiff before placing your J order* elsewhere to Dix and Company. Harpur-street Engineering Work; Cardiff. 523 PHIL Pbillipie "eumatiic: Cure. 24. ST. MARY-STREET, I CARDIFF. 123e PHIL PhiHips' RHEUMATIC Cure.-Socks 10s per pai -r. Send SIX? of BOOTS. U30 PHIL Philips' Rheumatic Cure.-Ladies and GENTLEMEN waited upon at their own RESIDENCES. 123e PHIL Phillips' RHEUMATIC CURE.—CURES RHEUMATIC L Gout. 123e P H-IL Phillips' RHEUMATIC Cure.-Belts from 10S 6d. J Send measure of waist. 123E P- arLPhilupS'-P..heuœatic Cu.-Cure' SCIATICA. 123e 4: 123 PHIL PHILLIPS' Rheumatic Cure.-Wristlets from 5s per PATR- 123e PILLL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC Cure.-Fresh TESTIMONIALS of JL cures daily. M, PHIL Phillips RHEUMATIC Cure.-For 106 6d you c. be S- Cured. 123e pHICL Phillips' RHEUMATIC CURE.—SOLE MANUFACTURER. 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 1231' TO ETAIL SoectaItties.—Robertson's Mixture. 4d ounce • Gold Plake. 4d ounce, 2 ounces 7id Mild Mixture 44D ounce.—W. E. Robertson. Church-road and 152, Chep stow-road, Newport. 294C SEYMOULI'S TRUNKS. STEEL Trunks. AND Bonnet Boxes. FOR THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS UN- surpassed. -?'21. Comaicreiil-str?t?t, Newport, ISOE SEYMOUR'S exceptional value in BRASS AND BLACK ?nd C? BRASS Curb?. Fenders, and Fire Brasses, DOGS. Tile HEARTHS—121, COMMERCIAL-STREET, Newport. 155 EYMOUR S best QUALITY MANGLES Brushes OF ALL KINDS warranted CUTLERY, Kitchen UTENSILS—121, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. 155e ÈYIOUR'S Lawn Mowers at stores priooShank's ") LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, easy numill, PERFECTLY NEW.— 121, Commercbl-street, Newport. 156C S EYMOUR'S for Garderi-hoie and FITTINGS. WATERING J Pots, Shears, Syringes, SPADES, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, ETC.-121, COMMERCIAL-STREET, Newport. 156e SHOP Fixtures. Counter, large and small Scales. Trolley, t Truck, surplus stock of Dog Collars, Braces, Purses, FC<^—David John. 2. Coldstream-terrace, Cardiff. 134 SPECIAL Purchase of suiai-t effective, perfect-fitting, and well-finished Blouses in black, white, and self also an endless assort,ment of smart colours and ccmbina lions prices, 9d, llid. Is 4Jd, Is U*d, 2s 64d, 28 lid, 3s IJ d, 4s ild, etc. Startling value. See windows—A. Harris, Milliner and Fancy Draper, 7 and 8, Market Buildings" next Market Gate, Dock-street, Newport. 77e TAELE Cutlery—Lady offers four-guinea Service, best Tqxiality, 12 table, 12 small kaiver, nair carvers and steel, for 14s 6d white pinued balance handles Sheffield make: great bargain unused approval paid before pay. ment—Mr» Dnwcon. 31, Moreton-st., Pimiico, S.W. 533 RPOMATOES—STRONG, enra size Plants. Early DWARF X and Ch?mpio? RED very prolific: Is 9d dozen: car. j?ge free.-Parry, G.EEI. Hall. UandHo. 248 rpOBACCONisTS?Thio RoU, 3s 5d Thick, ?s 4d. ALL X TOBACCOS stocked. W. E. Robertson, WHOLESALE and Retail TOBACCONIST, Newport. 294e W ATCFIES, by aL' the best makers, are only to be ( bought at FO'.LICK'S. 954 w -ti L'OHES, in heavy silver cases at 10s ( d. are only to be bought t Follick's. ° y o \1;T ATClIES, at the .owcst prices, are only to be bought V V atFoIhcks. W ATCH-ES, solid silver, in order at 5s 6d, are oaly to be V » bought at Foliick's. '° WATCHES, only go to Follick's, 40 and 41, Br'd:?. W street, Cardiff. \\T ATCHES by Sharrat4 Worcester, at 2* are only to be bought at Folli -k'S. Y" \F ATCHES, English Lever, for one guinea, are only to t be bought at Foliick's. WATCHES, the recowned os ?d. are only to be bought ?' at Foliick s. W ATCHES. i'?h warranty, at 353. are only to be t' bought at Fofick's. ? o° o s \V ATCHES, Lady's solid Gold, at 30s, are only to be t bought at FoUiCk's. 'VE::JS ADVENTURES IN LONDON," RECITATION is ?"??"°" J?t, printed, PEST free ?.-?.we!? 18. Coils-road. Pcckbam. h.K. AGENTS WANTED. 250 IC.000 FEET RUNNING BOARDS, ID PER foot,-Apply J. Barry, JL 24, Pell ett-street. CARDIFF. 6S1 lOG Oak Field Gates and Posts, 200 Navvy Barrows: cheap JL to clear, SPECIAL CRUOTATIONS for quantities to trade.- Clarence WHARF. Newport. JE EEFT-OFF TLOFHIM,. L ADIES', Gentlemen's, Children's left. oft Clothin J bought.—Mrs Rich, 57. Castle-road. Cardiff. Good prices orders punctually attended to. Furniture bought. LADIES' Gentleman' s, and Children's Left-off Cloth in" L t.GF:r's, bMs pf. :i': I Ruperra HoteL Ordeh-street. East Moers. Cardift. 15S  I '1\"1- BS Ú Gorman, 7 and 8, Bridge-?treet, Cardiff, and 31 H and 33, Whyndham Arcade, Purchaser of L%dl, Gentlemen's, and CMIdre u's Wardrobes, Dress uits,Eoots, &c. also Furniture. All orders punctually attended to. Established 1363. 4q6 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Y\7 ANTED, People to apply for a Mubut) Reserve Fund VT Life Association Prospectus, before insuridg else. where. Founded 1881.-Scott, 3, Fttzhamon-embankme?t, Cardiff. 101 -jrAIT ED-:i GOOD CONDITION, Second-hand BAGATELLE WTable.4end parhculars and pnce'to T. Keyse, READ- ing Uoom, CWMTILLERY. 290 \\7 ANTED, to buy a Stall for fairs, FETES, &c., 8ft. BY 4FT. V V must be ATTRACTIVE and have a good awning over.- State price to Carter, Dover BAKERY, Tenby. 224 MACHIYERT. IO SALE, WASHING MACHINE AND WRINGER, BRADFORD'S ? "we VERY CHEAP—BRADLEY, 5, DA CROCHE-PLACE, RIVERSIDE, CANTON, C?rdiC. ??? SILENT Sausage Machine and two Fillers for ale.- S Goodm?o Bros., Constellation-street, C?rdtS. 51& IBider5 and Carpenters.—Must be Sold, Mortice X Machine, only been three months in use: splendid Cramp, two Benches, Hand-cart, etc.—Nemo, 19, Power- street, Barrack-hill, Newport. H8 WE Let Machinery, Eugines, and Mortar Mills on Hire, V with option of purchase. Contractors supplted. Clarence, Wharf Saw Mills, Newport, Mon. 115e UISCEf,LA.XEnrí!><. A RTIFlCIALLegs, Pee Legs, Arms, Eyes. Belts, Elastic Stockings. Trusses. &c. first-class workmanship.- Apply direct, Pearce- and Co.'s Manufactory (the oldest established firm), 14, Station-terrace, (opposite T.V. R. Station), Cardiff. G;6 C LEAR Skin, pure blood, good digestion, strength of J system may be secured. Sarsaparilla Compound stands alone result of many years experience purely herb IL; NO bad after effects price Is, post free Is 3d.- Trimnell. The Herbalist, Moira-terrace, Cardiff. 9! iURE-f-P:=PeCtcure guaranteed in mos: > stubborn cases; post free, 2s 9d, 4s 6d,-La Trob. Chemist, St. F,-hill B,i,?ztol. 303 G-L¡,:z¡NG Linen Hkf china without polishing iron, i,?- ?_ ciudiM su?enit-s process, 6 stamps; 9,786 testimoniais. Madame Mentor, 421. Beachfarm-road, Southsea. 2S4 -Madame Mentor, 421, Betchf?rm-road, Soutisea. 21?4 H- ERBB;;il:¡;imneîl;sHerbsispure herb bm: no herb beer like it: strengthens the systpm.dplicio?s. APPETISING 6d per packet. Your -roGer can supply yo?? if not, Trimnell, Medical Herblit. Cardiff. ?"?? ? 4S0 S your Watch Wrong ? The Eest AND Cheapest Shop in Card, iff for the Repair of WATCHES of every description Enriisfl or Foreign, is 38, Castle-arcade (third shop frem Castle-street), by James Keir.for 10 years with Mr Spiridiou Clocks %adjewtllerv Repaired. Pines and Sticks Mounted. S ARSAPARILLA, witl2 Burdock and Others —Best o Sprint; Iedicine and pleasant children like it: no case too severe nothing like it for purifyine the blood price Is. post free Is 3d.-Trimnell, The Herbalist, Moira- terrace, Cardiff. <,81 SWEETHEART'S Curious Letter, 3 Funny Photographs C7 and 6 Magic Cards, 7 penny stamps.—Hyams, 1, C nirt St, Luke's-road, Birmingham. 4*7 \V COOKE Electrici?i2& Pembroke-foad (Yant ?n W Cr. Estimates gi;n t"toe ana tenance of telep one liues, electric bells for private house"* HETELB. and mines Also Burglary Alarms, &c. 15.. T5TATCHES Clocks and Jeweller on the Hire SVSHNI "Tm{:: Company. Ltd °Ha CardiC 25 c MONET CASH Advanem made M any amount prompuy, pnv&teh' ??' and at a fair rate of interest: distance no ob?c Apply, by letter only, to Mr C Lioyd.24 ?RMt&n?t???' Newport.3? THAAND DISTRICT ADVANCE ?"r Briace-streec, ?'?"=?' ?" Advances Daily Su ums from C5 TO ESW. On Note cif Handalone. Fair luterest. Easy Repayment. —Apply Manager. B03 MONEY LENT AT FIVE PER CE-NT. FROM E25 to £ 2,000. 1 Why pay more, when a Private Gentleman is prepared to grant Advances to reSDonsibie persons, Jlalp or reM lie, upon their iOTE OF HAND ALONE, in any Daft of Englaud or Wales, without loan office formalities » NO BILL OF SALE OR SURETIES REQUIRED. The advance can be paid back by easy instalments, or can remain out from 1 to 15 years by paying the interest only. Call or write to the actual Lender CEmL G COUHTENAY, ESQ., 895e 11, Stroud Green-road, ^even Sisters-road, London. N. LOANS FROM MO E V • P.OTT~ LOANS FROM ..i., CASH 1;2 to :£300 Advanoed Advanced to R. PHILLIPS. Same Day as all.Classes of 18, CHUKCH-ST., Applied for. Borrowers CARDIFF. Terms and in Town Interest QU#ted .f??. Private Office. Beforehand APPIY pMsouKj? or by ien?r to tbo?e address. 927 CElf'l'Ü1 LOANOFFICERiDGE.STREEf. '-? NEWPORR. C3 TO £5(10. Advances made daily to all respectable Borrowers on their own Promissory Note. Easy Repayments and Low Interest. 1Se All applications treated in the strictest confidence. ,| O-NEY Lent upon Note of Hand. without Bill of Sale ■WX or Sureties, as follows •— &25. repayable in 24 monthly tMt?JmenM of i? 2 5 £50. 24 E2 "10 ?. 2! ? ? ?? L&r?er sums in proportion. Strict lmvacy gu?r?nteed -No commissions charged. Distance no object.—Apply D, Williams. IS. York-road. WWERJOO Bridge, "rO HONEST AND KESFKCTABLK BOltRO\ru'R; JL ONLY. The Oastle Advance Bank ? PREPARED t* Adrance Mc?ey at the iowest rate of interest Without Jrte NoO;gr. MEN. On Your Own Note of Hand Alone. You must bear in mind that we are no agents, and that you are DEALING with the tirm direct. If yon prefer prompt treatmen? aud strictest pri v:y app)y. personally or by leL."r, to GEORGE DAVlES and Co BANK 207, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF w JJ^ONEY PRIVATELY, PROMPT LY, A. I, D CHEAPLY. THE NATIONAL NIEPXANTITBF BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL, The Directors of this old-estacflidied, well-known Office, having large available funds, offer unusual facilities to all rf.spectablt and trustM-orthy persons who require temporary or permanent assistance. Cash in amonuL<I In iu B20 to £ 10,000 advanced in all parts of the kingdom without sureties, delay, or publicitv and on the security only of the borrower's written promise to reDay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly Instalments" extending over a period of time convenient the borrower or the principal may remain so long as the interest is paid. j No Bills of Sale taken, and the t-mueactions a.re not put.. lished in any newspaper or gazette. Apply, stating amount required, to Mr 'L C. buLEURN. Genemi Manager. N adYaz1taceaas ter= for LMns en ,1?6? tMtN?nce y?hctee. B^VEMONS, AND Second Mortt?es.We MONEY a? a fair rate of int4wftt? advanced in any ¡ i?i- sums without dela,: distance DO objacL-Apviy, by I letter or personally, to W. Williams. Vme Cottage, I, Station-terrace, Pontypridd. 203e WANTED, for business purposes. pnv&te Loan of C20 VT torSvewee?: wiHteDayS2S.?nd secure leader. D. 9A Rebo, C?rdiC. 954 A ar logheb na. thraul na tbrafferth—Ysgrif enweh neu dowch yn bersonel at Lewis, 67, Caatle-road, Roath, Caerdydd. 405 r to £ 500 Advanced without acy delay.—Apply 110. <t5 to S5CO A?TMeed without acy d<?y.—Apply 110. MB L. Reed, 56 Riiii way -street? Moors, Cardiff, advanm, JLTi. from S2 to B200. Borrowers receive courteous and Dmmpt attention <M '5 and upwards ranted daily to householders, withou  sureties, no delay, no fees and confidential. AVPly by letter or personally, to F Gould, 88, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgend, and at S. Friars Park, Lammas-st. Carmarthen. llSe MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE CR .a SURETIES, on Note of Hand, as follows £20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of LO 18 4 ;1;,50-24. B2 5 10 £ 100—24 £4 11 No Commission or Legal Expenses. A guarantee given of strictest privacy. Apply for prospectus to UNITED KINGDOM DEPOSIT BANK. 35, Craven-street, Strand, loondon. 828c A. G. WILLIS. Manager. WALLACE AND CO., 98, QUEEN-ST., CARDIFF. W (Entrance, First Door at Side). S3 TO F,300 ADVANCED DAlLY ON NOTE OF HAND OR OTHER SECURITY, AT SHORT NOTICE. 46i PROMPT ATTENTION TO COUNTRY APPLICATIONS. 625 to £ 5,008 Lent Privately, 11l any part of town or country, to respectable people, on a Note of Hand alone, without Bondsmen or any Security. Exceptionally Low Interest. Apply to H. THOMAS, Manager (Head Office), Victoria Chambers. 25. Bridge-street. Bristol. Slfi rX pHE DIRECTORS of 1 S FlEW'NG. AND 00 j- (LIMITED Advance Daily Sums fro £5 TO £1.000. Method of Business: FAIR INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO DELAY. NO SURETIES. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. ProspecLm and Particular? Free. 'I at either Ad(L-esse? below :— AIffdtOeM: 'i'HE ?YI??ILDINGS. ARDln. ALBERT-CHAMBERS, STOW-HILL, NEWPORT. q, ST. CATHERINE ST., PONTYPRIDD (Opposite Police StatioIl; lie MONEY—If you want it promptly, privately, and at a low rare of interest on your simple promimory notes with or without sureties, apply immediately, enclosing stamped envelope, to Mr W. P. Thomas, 20, Market-street, Abertillery. Special features:-No inquiry fees reasonable interea,which is quoted beforehand; uni ereal promptitude, a day s notice being generally safficient no oppression of honest and solvent clients The Carlton Bank, Ld., for whom Mr Thomas is Branch Manager, has been established D years, and has a capital of £ 30,000, consequently no genuine and respectable application is ever refused. 96* FOUNDED 1850. lIA7 OR L 1 ELEOTT014 FOR LARGEstT o AND  BSOLUTELY LOWEST pRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JJOUSEHOLD JjHTRNrrURE, CARPETS. FLOOR CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, PIANOFORTES, kc,, GO TO BEVAN AND CO., LIMITED, Registered as THE CARDIFF F URNISHERS,' whose uninterrupted trading for nearly Half » Century, and whose immense and £ f#r- fift-owing business throughout the Principality and West of England, affords the strongest possible proofs of highest satisfaction belilg given to the many thousands of customers they serve every year; T N I N G i D RAWING, AND JJEDROOM gtTITES FROM 3 TO 50 GutNK PER QT-ITE. AN UNRIVALLED SELECTION. DELIVERY FREE. av. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. YOU WILL SAVE AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. BY GIVING YOUR ORDERS TO BEVAN AND COMPANY Whose byiiy A':¡r'3"s are DUKE STREET AND ST. MARY-STREKT. CARDIFF. OPPOSITE TOWN SALL, NEWPORT. CLARENtCE-STRKET AND H ANBURY- ROAD PONTVPOOL. 658 m. SlS7 rjjlEETH i ^jpEETH tJ^EETH A COMPLETE Sl £ Ti.t.i.ONE GUINEA f in yfttail WnffeLitftf Puts Atedid QOOBMAN r)., 16, IXTKE-STREET, and S6, QUEEN. STREET, CARDIFF ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY i-aTTED~ b>- Atmospheric Suction, at one-third the upua.1 charges. No EXtractions necessary perfect and permaaent Me-iize appea?Mice; special SOFT -? A .1 r, ent; Tender Guins, perfect for Mastication ana Sp'-ecli COUNTRY PATENTS supplied in One Visit. and railway fare al.-d. SpeciaiaUenuong; ven to Repairs, Extractiona^toppiug Tfisn n40Nii.LS.-Dr ANDREW WILSON f. tote R fJ 1 says I mu racoinuiend Mr Ooodnum as a very sttiUul and humane Dentist His rea- sonable charges al- uld attract to him all classes., Coasulta.tion."l¡'rl>e.peeiality in WHITE ENAMEL andGULD EILLENGS.A_MERICAN PKlYTrerKV P,i PLAl'liLESS PALATES. Before entering look for tae Name- GOODMAN & CO., 56"QUKKN^ST., & 10. DUKIi-STRETT. OARDll 1 15, CASTLE-STRE"' SWANSEA. PONTYPRIDD-br:, TAFF-STREE.U (over Glamorgan- &ire Bani.L). 276 AND AT 28, HIGH.STREET NEWPORT. Consultations Eree. H ai;. 10 to 6. JMR (^-oodman ATTENDS PERSONALLY AT 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. I UY ONLY OF THE MAKER PEDLEffS UMBRELLA FACTORY AND LEATHER BAO WAREHOUSE. I Umbrellas made to order, Re-covered and Repaired promptly. Sole Cardiff Agents for the celebrated PRINCF, UmbrcU- The strongest and smallest folding Umbrella made. Prices from 10s 6d to 70s. TRAVELLING REQUISITES of every description. Dress Baskets, Trunks, Solid Leather Portmanteaus, Gladstone, Kit, and all kinds of Hand Bags. Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases. Toilet and Manicure Caæs, E"C-. in Large Variety.  RICHLY MOUNTED WILKIN.G AND CANES FOR PRESENTATION. Note the Aildresg W. PEDLER and son, I 34, BOYAL ARCAUE, CARDIFF. < Established 28 Years. ITU—93-" JAusines5 ),bbrts5tl. W H I T S U w T I D s, ivil abTERS- & 0O, SEE THEIR BEAUTIFUL RANGES OF THE VERY LATEST SUITINGS AND T RO U S E R I N a I TROUSERS TO MEASURE, 10s. 6). SUITS TO MEASURE, 42s. MASTERS & CO.'S g U I T S FOR BOYS, YOUTHS, AND MEN, Are without donbt the SMARTEST GARMENft In the district. THE pRICES4 MOST MODERATE. THE E A R 1 MOST SATISFACTORY, 1346 flit public J\,mnStttttnts. CARDIFF. 4.: HEATH I' ROYAL. JL LESSEE & MANAGER. MkEDWAEI) FLETCHER. THURSDAY, May 23, 1895, and following Nights Important Engagement of MR "|JERMAN]S" VEZIN. Miss LAURA JOHNSON, and a POWERFUL LONDON COMPANY, in Shakesperian and Standard Plays. Beautiful and correct Co-tumes in each play. To-Night (Thursday), Hamlet Friday, Richelieu and Saturday, Macbeth. Prices 6d to S2 2s. Early Doors, fc.3G. Doers open at 7; commence at 7.30. Booking Offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's. Queer,-street. Telephone No. 521. Special terms to Schools and Parties. Monday, May 27th, first visit to Cardiff of the Famcm Dra.a?.?"THE SLAVE GIRL." ? ° ? ? ajnoa THE EM PI RE. MANAOKR OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT GEORGE LASH WOOD, in his new scena. "THE WOME OF MUMBLES HEAD.* RAE AND WESTON. the-Eccentric Cyclists. SISTERS CROSSLEY, Duettists and Dancers. TOM WOOTWELL, the Loose-leggred Comedian. KATIE LE BLANCHE, Serio THE KARNO TRIO, causing Laughter Admira- tion 3 Admiration 1 Laughter 1 i i 1 TRE SIbTERS LEO. Vocalists, Dnettists. arid Dancers. IDA HEATH, The Celebrated Transformation Daneer in "Gems of the Bal Masque." NEXT WEEK I.OCKHARTS PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. ?'?R??? T H E?' T R?]E. GLr?ssEE & MANLGM. Mr CLARENCE SOUNBS EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. ]V1K LAURENCE jrving (Son of the eminent Actor, Mr Henry Irving). Supported by his specially-selected London Company. Wednesday and Thursdav- 'I SILA. RUTHYN." Friday and Saturday-" LADY OF LYONS." Seats booked at Messrs Heath's Music Warehouse, ^ueen-street. Price, 6d to £1 lb. Doors open at 7.15, commence at 7.45. MOXDAY NEXT, the Celebrated Burlesque, "CLAUDE DUVAL.' From the Prince of Wales's Theatre. London. k, T 0 L L S PAN \J P TIC U Nt ^TOLL'S JpANOPT I CON, PHILHARMONIC HALL & BUILDINGS, EXHIBITION AND OYELn- PALACE. RTAGE PERFORMANCES AT 3.3C, 7 and 9 o'clock, a t each of which will this week appear An EXCEPTIONAL COMPANY of PRETTY YOUNG LADIES MILL WARD'S COMBINATION in "The NE W GIRL." Including Misses Daisy Yelland, Dollie St. Claire, irixey Bcli, Mills, Elliott. Florrie Charnley, Nellia Chanùey, and Mr F. J Byrne. BLARNEY and BLAD, Variety Comedians. The TWo PRIMROSES, Nong and Dance Artistes. WALTER TILBURY, Coir.edian. And other Innumerable Incidental Inuucetuents to spend a pleasan; aften.con or evening. NEXT VVEEK—HASSAN A LI. the '1 ;U1-s. Man in the Worid also JAMES BERRY, ex-Public Execu- tioner, to introduce his Illustrated Lectures. Admission, 6d and Is. Private Box Seats, Is 6d. SWANSEA. SW AN S EA. < RR H E E Mj? iRM? A MANagkr OSWALD STOLL. TO-riGHT! Jenny Hill's Daughter, PEGGY PRIDE, A Chip of the Old Block." GEO. McCULLOCH, Eccentric Cume iian. SARIN A, the Grotesque Contortionist. The Beautiful LALO, Electric Cyclist. MARK SHERIDAN, Com^-diau. The TWO VIOLETS, Duettists. The ALEXANDER TRIO, Paviteraimists. APOLLO, the Muscle Man. NEXT WEEK—GEORGE iJVSHWOOD — The Women of Mumbles Head." NEWPORT. The em ~p ire. JL MtJ'?GER OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT T. E. DUNVILLE, the Embodied Joke. Miss LILLIE LAJ"> G'l'i; V, Serio and Dancer. PHIL HERMAN, Character Delineator—"His LIM Ghp. HUTHERlNGTONiSlSTER?. 1tf' and .n!f' ¿leinIlr::ts. L XIANROBINA. JOE J-.DMUNDS,aBlackDuunond, AGNES HAZEL, The Popular Songstress, with New Songs. Next Week—APOLLO. PONTYPRIDu. ROYAL CLARENCL THEATR4 PONTYPRIBB. PMMtlKT«ns—Messrs TRENCH ARB It J •NES. MONDAY, MAY 20TH, And during the Week. MORNING PERFORMANCE, SATURDAY, May25tbl Doors open at 2 commence at 2.30 C. ALLAK-FISHERS POWERFUL COMPANY, in the GRAND COMIC OPERA, I N D E R E L L A. SPECIAL AND EXPENSIVE ENGAGEMENT OF MR COLLWYN TKOMAS. Popular prices 6d to 3s. Beers elsen 4Lt 7 commence 7A5. MONDAY, MAY 27TH, the Powerful Melodrama, THE TWO HUSSARS. ABERGAVENNY. A NNUAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC -? SPORTS AT ABERGAVENNY, WHIT-TUES- DAY, June 4th. Over ?50 iu p?es. E' snM :-1?0 9-3d 440 yards. half-mile, mile half-mile bicycle (scratch), ha>f-nule. and mile bicycle Programmes from Evans and Powell. Somerset, Abergavenny. GRAND FETE AT ABERGAVENNY CASTLE, Wut,.M.or.day and Tnesdav. Go and see the Condo (.ngin&l Japanese Performers. Military Band for dancing both days. Firework. etc. 920e MOUNTAIN ASH. THE THIRD ANNUAL SPORTS or THE MOUNTAIN ASH FOOTBALL AND ATHLETIC CLUB WILL BE HELD ON WHIT-MONDAY, JUNE 3RD. NEARLY JE50 IN PRIZES. Ec?M cle&e Tharsd&y. Ma.y 30th. Friday mominc'e noat in time. For further particulars apply Secretary- 12'DUErY*4t=et? Mountain Ash,