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fjusnuss J\,bbrtS5t!í. XSTOP ONE MOMENT' W 3? Oh, dear doctor, must my darling XX die!  ?f?L "There i very little hope, but TRY •NX OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE. TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT JJALSAM OF HONEY. Tfccaaanda of eblidven h»»s been saved from an untimely death by 6he prompt use of RUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONKY. No Mather should aeglecs to IcMp this Infallible Remedy in the.bouse reaay for any emergency, Remember that it is wiser 00 check a slight Conch at the commencement than to allow it to develop into a igering complaint DO NOT FORGET TO GIVE IT TO THE BABY. OVKR 4,000 TESTIMONIALS TO HAND PROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. 1 LARGE EMPLOYER OF LABOUR SPEAKS HIGHLY OF IT IliAd jour Tudor Williams Balsam of Honey very useful for cold or coughs, arul keep a bottle always by Ne. My children have also found much benefit trom it in rase of Bronchitis and Cough. Yours ttujy BENJ. PETTY Of the Firm of Messrs Petty & Sons, Ltd., White Hall Printers, Leeds. January 17, 1895 PARENTS THINK IT A GOLDEN REMEDY SIa,-1 consider it my duty to send you this testi- monial of the great benent my child has derived from rour grand Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Uonev. Sfce has taken it for three years She has ben troubled with bronchitis since 14 weeks old. She is now 6 years old, and since I discovered this prepara- tion I consider my child out of danger, and no need to :all in any medical man. Yours faithfully, Mas BOND. 17, Argyle-atreet, Oar wen, January 21st, 1895. Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World atlft T-Sid, as 9d, stud 4s 6d per bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 3.i, and fu hom i1e Inventor, D, rpUDOR ^HLLIAMS,: MEDICAL HALL. ABERDARE. 1425* 17 9-; 177 THE CARDIFF MILK SUPPLY COMPANY be the largest retailers ox Milk in the Provinces. They deliver to all parts of the town twice a da.y. BUTTER, EGGS, RAW CREAM, AND DEVONSHIRE CREAM FRESH EVERY DAY FROM THEIR MODEL DAIRY." ,.1, the best of everything, so that the public can depend upon having good value. A ddress- CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. 74QE J. E. COMLEY AND S°. WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF FANCY GOOD, &C., 23, MOIRA-TERRACE, CARDIFF, is the Best and Cheapest House for Hardware, Hol. loware, Tin Goods. Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Stationery, Haberdashery, Glass, China, and General Sundries. Shopkeepers and others about starting business should Call and I:1speet our Immense Stock before gCling elsewhere. Strangers arriving in Cardiff ask at once to tee lirected to New Infirmary. SQle OUR ESTABLISHMENT^ CLOSE BY ESTABLISHED 1880, 1342 SUDDEN HAVE YOU GOT ANY ? n DEATH "OFCOURSE YOU HAVE, TO LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. ORNS What a strange thine it is that these sittle pests to comfort should be allowed to make cowards of us all as they shoot their fiery arrows in the corners of our 1 boots, especially at this time of the yea.r 1 I WHY NOT i CLEAR THEM OUT « j Bard, soft, lare, or small, they ma.y be removed in a few days, root and branch, by MUNDAY'S I "VIRIDINEIJ (Registered Trade Mark.) 1fter feeing tormentors for years In fact VIRI. DINE" scotched one that was 50 YEARS OLD and whicb hMl de-Bed all other remedies Ho PAIS ^NLEVERLY AND No CACSTIC COGENTLY, MUNDAY'S jCONCLUSIVEJY "VIRIDINE" 0OMPLETELY Has never failed to CURE CORN In Bottles, Is By Post, Is 2d. i Prepared only by J J^UNDAY, 1 JJIGH-STREET, QARDIFF. ¡¡e I fJtEETB TEETH i TEETH I A COMPLETE SET.ONE GUINEA SINGLE Five Warranty Prize Medal QOODMAN & CO., 1 M, DUKE-STREET, AND 56, QUEEN. STREET, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third the usual chMMa. No Extractions necessary; perfect and penBH-nent life-line appeateuice; special SOFT PALATES fori Tonder Gums perfect for Mastication and Soeacfc COUNTRY PATIENTS supplied in One v'isit.<anlJ" railway fare allowed. Specialattentiongiven toRepairs, Extractions,Stopping TESTIMONIALS.—Dr ANDHLUV WILCOX (late U.N.) says:—"I can laconiinend Mr Goodmau as 10 very skilful and iium-uie Dentist His retv mwabla charges should attract to him all cIMSes: Consaltafcions'Kree.—Speciality in WIUTK ENAMEL ;IIHIOOLD FIILINGS. AMERICAN DISN'J.TSTR¥and. I FLATKL3SSS PALATES. Before entering look for the Name— GOODMAN & CO., 53 QUKRN?T.. A !f\ DUKE-STREST, CARDIf? 15, CASTLE-STRRET, SW ANEA. ?M'YPRIDD—86, TA FF-STREET (over Glorgan. shire Bank). ?2e—1276 AKMAT 18, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. Consultations Free. Hour-s. 10 t" 8. FOUND DEAD OVER 600 DEAD BLACK BEETLES AFTER ONE APPLICATION Of JPUCK'S INSECT TZ-ILLER. Certain Death to COCKROACHES,FLEAS, BUGS, CRICKETS, A NT*, MOTHS, and all Insects. Get a tin to-day, and rid your Dwellings of the pests Ousted among furs, die., it prevent-, and destroys cloths. Harmless to Animals. Tins. 3d, 6d, and Is Postage 2d. Sole Proprietofi- DUCK AND SON, CHEMISTS, ST. CARDIFF. AGENTS Cardiff-Sanders, Chemi-t, Tudor-road Greaves, Chemist, Cowbridgeroad; Prust, Chemist, Chfton-street. Penarth—Blake Beujamiu. Barry- County Drug Co., limited, 81, Holton-road. Ponty- pridd—Key, Chemist. 56e ALL PERSONS desirous of having their C ?. Dwellings or Business PremMes Stted wUb ELECTRIC LIGHT, BELLS, or TELEPHONES, should call and see our new showrooms, at 47 THE CASTLE ARCADE, where all the latent and best fittings can b*, seen. Beat quality material onty used, and all work guaranteed. Kleetrical apparatus of all descriptions supplied. Repairs well and promptly done. Insulatio:: tests taken. T. MADDREN & CO., ) Ell; etr j c'I ¡ Engineers, Cardiff. National Telephone, 452' 77a 13'7 DON'T FORGETTHAT 1 VIRIDINE' is the CURE for CORNS.—This grand discovery has led many to i»itat.e but without gaining for such prep,« ;v>! .on t»e satisfactory results Viridine haw secured. In bottles, Is by post, Is 2d. J. MUNDAY, Caemist, 1, High-streft, Cardiff. 3e Itasintss J WILLIAMS'S JpURNlSHING JgMPOniUM, 14 FJIGHSTREET, QARDIFF, ¡ have obtained a high rfputatibn for selling good class goods at tnodfi prices. WILLIAMS'S are most anxious to JJlease Mid, satisfy their cuatomfers; Every effotB forth to sebd bti goads id beSfi-JWSIi^ji3 otdp I WILLIAMS'S are debeftttiM«d tbafl btiiittes shall be straight, and fdlijr beli§¥tf iS iS bad policy to charge the price of a firsfcraie article for what is btii third-rate, a ctisfcoin only too prevalent. Many people think bbi the way to wealth. \YJLIAl,AM¡;;S DO NOT. If yon get an assurance from WILLIAMS'S that what you are purchasing is FIRST CLASS, yott itifcy rest) safe it will be '0. I SEE WILLIAMS'S LIST OF PRICES IN Williams's Magnificent Furnishing Guide Frseori application. All goods delivered Free. Railway Fare allowed to Country Customers. WILLIAMS'S F'R NISHIN6 JGJMPORIUM, 9 4. TT ? ? ? 14, IIIGH STXlEET j CARDTFF. V.tf? 54a TiETH I^ENTTSTRY TE;rrí-í-1 .JL .iU' A R<tc:e?ta;!H<'&!LtO:t,Djmesi.?''n,?tt'tn.?!ty' I M R KIA L L ♦ SURGEON DENTIST (33 Years' Experience, 28 Years in Swansea), 199, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station),_ Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in ol1e clear day. The very bMt workman* ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the Anaesthetics, Cocaine and Ether Spray. Partial Sets from 5s per Tocth. Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KKALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and 8peedy Cure for :1\eumJg¡a., Tic Doloreux, R.hS111Jl3, Toothache, ;,tud all Nervous Paul". ¡ Is ll/^d ilud 2s 9<1 per Bottle. Through any Chemist. I Cardiff Mr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street: Mr Robb, Chemist, Roath. Newport Messrs Garrett and I Atkins, Chemists, 33, Commercial-street. Neath Mr J. 0. Isaac (I?te Hayman), Chemist, L!a.neUy Mr Morgan W. James. Bridaeud Messrs Pritchard and Roberts, Caroline-street. 4e 1038  i 1 I THE BEST TEA IS SOLD BY PHILLIPS AND CO., "THE TEA SPECIALISTS. Drink our Taa for a time and you will soon be convinced of this fact. If you send a Postcard for our Tea Van to Call, we will deliver better Tea to you at your own door, than you can obtain tbrough any other source. Every leaf of Tea sold by ua is bought and blended in SOUTH WALES WATEB on the spot," and this fact no doubb, largely accounts for the superiority of our Teas over all others, for we appear to be the only Tea Dealers in South Wales, who can honestly lay claim to this important I advantage in bnyin. Yon will-get best served by obtain- 'I ing your supplies from— PHILLIPS & CO., i I "THE TEA SPECIALISTS," 174 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. i j I IT"jTHiIf¥T" Jm. CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, A LONDON, PIANOFORTE AND UUGAN i., MERCHANTS; ¡ ¡' (From South, Wales Daily News, Hh .Tun., 'l '?Z&B!CT OV ?MN HCK))&ED.Uti?@!'tMf <!He-' MessM R. J. Tt?th and Hona, Qutter.-street, Oftldiff, Eianoforte makers, organ b?dera, .?d music ?Me- .honaemea ba.e'èótlted Wi impo-an? Mmy of teed"; monials and Press opinions relating 1.0 the qnality ot; the musIcal instruments supplied by (hem. The great majority of the letters ih this list telMe to pianos, and while many of them have reference to most costly instruments, containing all the latest improvementet supplied to the well-to«*lo, the greater number relate' to serviceable instruments purchased for the homes ofr the wage-earning portion cf the community. This growing love for so refining an. art as music is a most favourable sign. For though in the Principality music nas for generations been the chief recreation of people, it has for the most part been choral music that ha a occupied attention. Instrumental music is now, however, receiving its fair share of attention, and a those in true sympathy with the art most trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These testimoniaJa. have been received from every quarter of the Princi- pality, while not a few come from other portionsof the United Kingdom, and some from South America, India, and other distant countries. All speak most favourably of Messrs Heath's business method& aa well as of their instruments. 2e H. J. HEATH AND SONS INVITE INSPECTION. Full Illustrate Liet and Verdict Post Free.-9431 ASK FOR R OBFRTS' RICHMOND BIRDS TT»YE. œ J P. FREEDMAN AND CO., ENTIRE HOUSE FURNISHERS, NEWPORT, SWANSEA, AND NEW TREDEGAR, ( Have a very Large Selection of HOUSEHOLD FUBNY TUBE. CARPETS, BEDDING, &c., suitable for Apartments, Houses, and Hotels, which can be sup. plied on their well-known EASY PURCHASE SYSTEM. General terms subject to alteration to suit customers C'OQvenience. £ 5 worth, 1/6 per week, 6/- molJ. RIO „ 3/& „ 12/6 £ 15 „ 5/- 20/- £25 7/6 II 30/- S50 15j- 60/- B1CO „ '/6 „ 100/- Without any Special Payment or Security. THE OLDEST FIRM IN TH t TRADE. PIONEERS OF THE HIRE SYSTEM. £50,000 OF STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PROSPECTUS FREE. PRIVATE DELIVERY. NOTE ADDRESSES— 34, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. 3125 3 & 4, MARKET BUILDINGS, NEWPORT, MON, KLLIOTSTOWN, NEW TBEPEGAB 91ae fBitsimgg ).bbrt5!itS. YY HITSUNTIDE. JJASTBRS ft C Oó SEE THEIR BEAUTIFUL RANGES OF THE VERY LATEST g UITING3 AND rjiROUSERINGS TROUSERS TO MEASURE^ iOè (ml SUITS TO MEASURE, 42S; MASTERS & g U I T S FOR BOYS; YOUTHS, AND MENt Are without doobb the SMARTEST GAttMENTS In the dibriblr. THE P R ICE S-t MOST MODERATE. THE MOST SATISFACTORY: 1346 69e 0 ri 0 S S R 0 T it E R s WORKING STREET. OARDIFi\ SPECIAL VALUE IN BEST QALVANiSED CORRUGATED IRON JGEEETS TO COVER 2 FEET IN THE GLEAR. PRESENT CASH PRICES I 5?; long, Is 2?d each. 8Ft., 1 lid pef aha? ?6. h 1 5d H 9ft.. 2 3%d 7f6. Is 8d „ 10H,! 2 3d „ RIDGING, NAILS, W ASlIERS And all necessary Fastenings nt Rpducrd Rates. GALVANISED IRON CISTERNS, TANKS. INQUIRIES SOLICITED. 695A —- —— jpRIEST AND CO., 60, KING'S-ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF. GALVANISED WIRE NETTING, IN 50 YARD ROLL. 3in. Mtsh 2ft., 3/- 3ft., 4/5 4ft., 6/- GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOF. ING SHEETS, 2ft. 3in. wide. Sft., 1/2 6ft., 1/5; 7ft., 1/3 3ft.. 1/11 9ft., 2/3 10ft., 2(7 PATENT ROOFING FELT, in 25 Yard t Rolls, 4s, 5s 6d, and 7s 6d per Roll. GALVANISED STEEL TANKS, ALL j r KINDS. 615 TEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea. JL Five years' warranty.—GOODMAN & Co, 10 Puke-street, and 56, Queen-screat, Cardiff. 9e SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE STREET (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF). SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF, "jJNDERTAXES TO SUPPLY rrHE BEST QUALITY IN FURNITURE ON 1^1 IRE SYSTEM OR FOR CASH, WITHOUT BILL OF SALE. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN'I J?TL. PRIVATE VAN. lOWEST PRICES CHARGED. EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM SOLELY ADOPTED BY US. 1 1 FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP. TION. "JJNAPPROACHABLE VALUE GIVEN. REALLY HANDSOME SUITE FROM £ 4 10s. lTEWEST DESIGNS in FLOORCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. JNSPECTION INVITED. SIDEBOARDS IN MAHOGANY, OAK, AND WALNUT ?t-7 JTOUSES FURNISHED FROM TOP JLJL TO BOTTOM INDEPENDENT OF DISTANCE. N° EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. GRAND DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, /COVERED IN EVERY DESCRIPTION ? OF MATERIAL. ORDERS BY POST PROMPTLY AT. ?? TENDED TO. MIND, DON'T FORGET OUR AD- J?JL DRESS. 1RARTIES ABOUT TO MARRY A RE RECOMMENDED NOT TO GO ELSEWHERE, BUT TO ■131 CALL ON US. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO B OUR TERMS. JB3 for Is 6d Weekly j £16 for 5s Od Weekly £ 6 „ 2s6d „ £10 ,,4s0d 3ge OUR ADDRESS 31, CASTLE-STREET, OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF. j STO N EBllOS^ I | (Sans i of the late A!d. G?iua Augustus Stone  COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS 3 AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. I I Every requisite for Funerals of &I1 classes. IPropriewr8 of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilli- I biers, a.nd Coaches, Superb Flemish Horses.etc. Price List ou Application Please Note the Only Address- :— ¡. WORKING-STREET^^ Telegraphic Address "STONE BROS., CARDIFF." 118e PILLS. EECHAM'S PILLS. JBD Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For BiHoas Atbacb. 'DEECHAMS PILLS. For Nervous Thsorderø. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its fonns. EE CHAM'S PILLS. JLF For Wind and Pama in.s1Ðmacb. 4 BEECHAM'S FILLS. JL? For Sick Headacbe. BEECHAM'S PILLS. J) Have saved the livee-of Thousands. EECHAM'S PILLS JL3' For Giddiness. PILLS. For Fulness and Sw-ellitifr after-Meals. PILLS. Are Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. JD A Wonderful Medicine for Female&of <al] Ages. 46a 1895 GPRING CLEANING. 1895 CARPETS BEATEN by Gold Medal process; also taken up and relaid by practical men. CURTAINS CLEANED and tinted in oar well-known style, equal to new, from 9d per pair. WINDOWS CLEANED on moderate term. Note—Red Cross on men's Jackets and on trucks. WASHING LAUNDERED in a snpeyior manner Shires, collars, cuffs, Ac.,a speciality, Cardiff Steam Laundry, Carpet and WindowOlean- ing Co., Limited. PoatA address and office, 1, Minny- street, Caihays Penarth office, 19, Windsor-road. Post Cards receive prompt attention. 512e NEBOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure Gravel, Pains in the Back and all kindred complaints. Guaranteed free. from. Mercury. Sold in Boxes 48 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world or sent to an y address for sixty stamps by the Makers, Tlle Lincoln *and Midland Counties Drug Company Lincoln 50e public J\,muStuunts. CARDIFF, THE A TR E ROYAL. JL LESSEE & MANAGER, MR EDWARD FLETCHER. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1895, The Highly successful Go.s.you.plase Musical Piece entitled The LADY SLAVEY. 319-324 Perfomances in the provinces by this the Original Company. The Greatest Success of the Day."—Vide Press. Tour under the personal direction of H. Cecil Beryl (representing the Nottingham Theatre Company, Limited). Full Chorus and Powerful Orchestra. On Thursday, May 9th a special excursion train will leave Swanses at 2,15 p.m., calling at aJl stations. Return train leaves Cardiff at 10.45 p.m. Prices 6d to B2 2s. Early Doors, 6.30. Doors open at 7 commence a.t 7.30. Half-price a.t 9 o'ciock. Book- ing Offices at Messrs Thompson and ShaekelTs, Limited, Queen-street. Telephone No. 521. MONDAY, MAY 13th, the famous Actress, Mj;, Olga Brandon, m the great Play by Victorian Sardoo. LA TOSCA. THE EJIPIREK MANAGER, OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! T E. D UN v IIjL E > THE EMBODIED JOKE, A COMEDIAN SECOND ONLY TO DAiN LEXO. THE SCARECROW! THE MAN ALT. LONDON LAUGHS AT. | VARIETIES BY OTHER ABLE ARTISTS., ncXT WERE P E C4 GYP Nt Y DE; Jenny Hill's Daughter Yi It. A N D THE A T It J. VlT ifeSiSEESS! MiNAHER. Mr CLARENCE SOUNES. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, The Great American Drama, "nnSE STIlJL ALARM,I' From the Princess's Theatre) London, with all the original scenery and effects. Seats booked at Messrs Heath's Music Warehouse, fc|ueen-street.r. Prices-, 6d to Sl Is. Doors Open at 7.15, commence at 7.45. MONDAY NEXT (Six Nights onlv), last appearance of I MISS MINNIE PALMER I IN "MY SWEETHEART." -O'C' 'Q T ?LJ?Sy) A N O P T I CON/ the JL whole premises named PHILHARMONIC HALL & BUnJDING, ST. MARY-STREGT. STAGE. PERFORMANCES AT 3.30, 7 and 5. The LUPINO TROUPE in Robinson Crusoe." A Comic Ballet that is comic. I.ITTL !-• DANDO. SURTZ AND UOLSTEIN. CARRIE JOY. ZIOBE. LOOK INCIDENTALS OUT THE CltYSTAL MAZE. FOR THE WITCH'S SWING. THE THE PHONOGRAPH. EGYPTIAN PIIRKNOLOGY. GIANT THEATREPHONES. AND FLOATING LADY. NUBIAN GLASS BLOWING AND SPINNING. DWARF, TATTOOING. NOW MECHANICAL NOVELTIES. IN A Pleasant Place to spend an hour or LONDON. two. Admission, Is and od. SWANSEA. rp H E E M PI 1?R JL MAMAQBB.. ? OS fVALD STOM. TO-NIGHT! THE MISSES GRACE AND SYBIL ARUNDALE. THE BELLE QUARTETTE, THE MARVELLOUS DANTES, BICKLEY AND BARRON. FRANK TRAVIS, CROMO and SOLO, a.nd other Tip-top Artists. Next Week :— DROLL DUNVILLE, now at Cardiff. NEWPORT. THE EMPIRE., JL MANAGES. OSW ALD STOIL. TO-NIGHT pEGGY pRYDE, JENNY HILL'S DAUGHTER. FOLLOY AND THE HARVEY BOYS, HERBERT LE MARTINE, And other Superior Performers. Next Week—Geo. Lashwood, Ida. Heath, etc. I PONTYPRIDD I ROYAL CLARENCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. PK«ritlET«BS—Messrs TRENCH ARB to JONES. RHONDDA HOLIDAY, MONDAY, MAY 6TH, nd during the Week, The Successful Anglo-American Drama, in Fonr Acts, jy £ Y J^ATIVE JJAND. Under the Personal Direction of Messrs Garside and Wharton. Specially Selected Company, including MISS ELEANOR REARDON. Popular prices: 6d to 3s. Boors open at 7 commence 7.45. MONDAY, MAY 13ril, THE WORLD FAMED DRAMA, THE STILL ALARM, WITH ALL THE ORIGINAL SCENERY AND EFFECTS. ABERGA VBNNY. ANNUAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC j?L SPORTS AT ABERGAVENNY, WHIT-TUES- DAY, June 4th. Over S50 in prizes. Events :-120 and 440 yards, half-mile, mile; half-mile bicycle (scratch), h>.tlf.mÏle. aud mile bicycle. Programmes from Evans and Powell, Somerset, Abergavenny. GRAND FETE AT ABERGAVENNY CASTLE, Whit-Monday and Tuesday. Go anù see the Condo Original Japanese Performers, Military Band for dancing both days. l ire works, etc. 920e PONTYTOOL. JgLONDIN FETE, PONT YPOOL PARK. WHIT-MONDAY, 1895. ORIGINAL AND INIMITABLE BLONDIN. TIMBERING Prizes. FIRE BRIG AD I: COMPETITION B5 Prizes. BOY BRIGADE COMPETITION ?5 Prizes. Try for J. E. WooUey'? B5 Ticket-Selling Prize. W. G. FARR. Secretary. Pontypoo!. 861e (teursxmts. ALF HLTITR D^ Y TRIP From NEWPORT to WESTON By RAVENS WOOD (Weather and circumstances permitting), THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1895. Leave Newport 4.45 p.m., Weaton 7.30 p.m. for Newport, For further particulars apply to Mr WM. GUY, I Agent, 70A, Bute-street, Cardiff; or to P. and A. CAMPBELL. Ltd., Cumberland Basin, Bristol. 978e JDttbUr gloims. I THE SIGNS OF Til!: TIMES, THE JL GREAT TRIBULATION AND THE COMING OF THE LORD. ADDRESSES on these subjects will be delivered by Mr G. COOKJ\1,an Evangelist of the Catholic Apostolic Church, as follows :—On MON DAY, May 6th, in the VICTORIA HALL, ABERCARN TUESDAY, May 7th, in WESLEY HALL. CWMBRAN WEDNES- DAY,, Mav 8th, TOWN HALL, POKTH THURSDAY, May 9th, BOARD SCHOOL, ABERSYCHAN. Each meetin to commence at S o'clock, Admission free. All Christian people illd. 727 ?a?a hj ?u?ion. THE MODEL AUCTION MART, NORTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. Highly Important and Unreserved SALE by AUCTION .BANKRUPTS STOCK OF DRAPERY & HOSIERY. MR R. C. COOKE has received instruc- J3-IL tions to SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY next, May 9th, 1895, the above Stock of DRAPERY AND HOSIERY, consisting of dress materials, Paisley and wool shawls, flannels, flanellettes, crlieoes, ribbons, silk and other blouses, &c., < £ c. men's, boys', and youths' under- clothing; a, quantity of woolleu cloth and lining S; also, a quantity of CIGARS AND CIGAR CASES. Goods on view morning of Sale. Sate at U a.m. and 2 p.m. sharp. 9Tle FOR ACHES AND PAINS. For Rheumatism, 'E-?M-?-?jI.?.M ?v-??A?N? ?S? sp??-. ELLIM A Lumbago, S<aEwVvEwRnE E'PT'AATINMS< from Cold, CbMt SEVERE PAINS. Ssf stiffn^ 6 Mrs S. Dallinger. Aldinga Cramp, Villa, Oxford-road, Bournemouth, Bronchitis, &e. writes:- UNIVERSAL A lady in my house-was taken —————————— with severe pains iu the leg and Bottles, side at night. I rnbbed well with Is l%d & 2s 9d. Elliman's the affected part, which Jars, lis and 22sJ allayedithe pain and ennbtpd the Prepared only by lady to sleep." ELLIMAN, SONS, & CO., 62e Slough, England. E MB RO CATION. USE ONLY O Y A L IAD -«■ M SELF-RAISING FLOUR. PRACTICAL TEST WILL PROVE IT THE BEST. 112e "T^RU^ENNESS T)r the LIQUOR HABIT positively CURED by administering Dr HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It is a powder which can be given in beer, coffee, or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is harmless, fand will effect a perID.1,nent and speedy cnrø, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or r.n alcoholic wreck. It bas been given in thousands of cases, and in ifevery instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, it.-beeomes au wkter impossibility for the liquor appetite "to exist. 30-page book of particulars, on receipt of postagestarap. Can be had of HiCKSaudCo, 28, Duke- street, Queen-street, and Paradise-row, or DECK and SON, St, John's-square, Cardiff. Trade supplied by Lrr-CH and Co., LTD., London. 1277'3e I Unshtesa A&Hrcsges, NEURALGIA, SANDERS7 TOOTHACHE, WEAKNESS, NERVE ABSOLUTELY PILLS CURED BY PILLS. In Boxes Is l%d and'2s 9d. Of all Patent Medicine Vendors, or SANDERS, 60, TUDOR-ROAD, CARDIFF. We G. A. STONE & CO., UNDERTAKERS. KSTA^BLISHED OVER 30 YEARS At TUK-DTN AND ONT.Y ADDnBSS- 10, 11, &.12, WORKING-STREET^ CARDIFF. UfmKB THE MANAGEMENT OF Miss STONE. assisted by an Efficient Staff. Telegraphic Adtlress tofje, 11, Working-street. Ca.rdi!f." 8B—1103



The Man About Town.


l - -GOLF. - - I


1 "» ■■■ 'T|—JBfc—BBggW— !…










- -:- - -- -"-_-----LATE COUNTESS…

[No title]

f TO-DAY'S WEATHER, 4.30 P.M.…







