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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. < SOIITU WAXES ECHO. ?ORDS. ONCE THREE I SIX WO»»S. i 1 ONCE. TIMES. T!MES. S?\  ^WORDSJ 0 6 10 16 1 WORDSL 0 9 1 6 2 3 J SIX TIMES | I  I 'NKWS' ^WORDS 1 0 2 0 3 0 .'ECHO." ? ords, 1 0 2 0 i;) 0 "ECHO." -;17; I "t-i- 2/6 ?? 165046 ,??j 3/9   n WAXES t?At?Y NEWS. J II.Ds. ONCE THREE SIX 40 Words I TIMES. TIMES. 5/- 0 6, T 0 1 6 E,ch „„„ —— ——.— !C Words ?orda09 1 6 2 3 1/- j Woids 1 0 2 0 3 0 J  *?oxtr<t ^OWORDS 0 3 0 6 0 9 These charges apply only to the daises of Advcr- ff&nent specified beloio, and are strictly cowincd to 'M< which are ordered for consecutive insertion, paid for previous to insertion; if either oj conditions is not complied with, the Advertize- ''?"< tMK be c??ed by the Business Scale;- ?M'?MM? Situations Vacant or Wanted, To 6e '? or ?oM, Zo?. Found, and ?ftsct?a?MMt J?H. SPCIAL Notice.—Applicants sending replies to Adver- tbie tiseruents addressed o initials or fictitious names, at ?"?Omce..tre requested uot to sendori?iMttest-UBOnm!? J*P their applications, but to encloe copies of testimonials > fEKS?XA? ? the Three Seamen's B?ss left at 27. MiH-p?mde. Ncw- Port, ar not claimed within three days from the ahove I^e hey will be sold to defray e,penB.-F. Johnson. 975e IF Goods left at 22. Buzzard.teet, N;own, Cardiff, are lalmed thílJ7 days wtH be sold. &49 I^ the Box left last July at No. ?0. Newt?nd-street, Barrv t, cok, is not claimed in senn days will be sold to de- "??J?peMe? S05 ?J'OncE.—If the goods left at the Bu'l Inn, Ebbw V I!, about 12 months ago, are not claimed within three '?they _w? be sold to defray expense. ?9  Wn::Lth;P;;s-o;hOfound Pocket-book, size 6iby 1)'el 4in., black covers, near corner of High-street. 10 ?°ck Monday morning, kindly send same to Mr HUey. ?'?Oa)oes. Ca.st!street. when he shall e_war!? yOU?G M?n named Henry MM?y. left Waggon aud Horses, Felton Wmford. Somerset, Christmas, com* %22 £ at ^JNCE^EOUIER^ERIOUSLY ill. 996 ,11 A'l'KUIO NU..I,. TSATKIHOMAI,. \lATRlMONY.—A Colliery Proprietor, agedi 45 ¿fJ (widower, no family), tall, educated, and refined. !IlDI" income, wishes to Correspond with au attractive, "liable, and domesticated Christiau Lady (spinster or Wow) respectably connected with vie" to marriage: settle- ent strict secrecy.—Address Mr Woodward, 83, fosvenor-screet, London, W. 187 MATRIMONY.-Youn Widow (without encumbrance), feeling lonely, wishes to marry arain she has f600 I\f1 &<:tyo::r3::ab banking account.—Mrs '^Qea. :John's-place, Sidney-square, London, 652 WORKING Man, 32, desires correspondence with !II t Chribtian Domestic or Shop Assistant: "iew, ?trimony: genuine: no agents.—B 1M, Echo ONce, £ *rdiff. US ?? tEMMATt??At r?OHjERYOBSct!d6 and Miners.—LessoM by post: <!?' the surest road to promotion. Syllabus, Id stamp.~ ?>• A. Southern, M.E., late H.M. Inspector of Mines, The ??ersa! Mining School, Derby. K7 SHORTHAND (Pitman's) Evening IjtMOM.—Fupu-) N taugh* and qualified for appointments by an expen. *?<!i utor, oraUy or by post; individual tuition, 'Tery r nilJK from 7. Corresponding and reporting styles, and I '?edcltse".—Apply rrincip?). 21. De Burgh-street, River- ''? Cardifr W ANTED, engagement as Governess to juniors (experi- enced), English, conversational French, musi, or Ijft»gI y's Help': thoroughly domesticated.—B. 924, Echo ?ce. CardiS. 624 ??? MST ASP m?KC. FOUND, Pug Dog. If not claimed in three days will b e CL Mtd defray expenses.—1, Howard-place. East Moors.50 POUND. white wire-hair Fox Terrier Bitch with lemon i ears; unless claimed m three days will be 8OId.-23, ?h?treet. Peuartb. 962 FOUND, brown and white Spaniel. Must be claimed ?- within three days.—Apply Jams Taylor, Gas Works, MetthyrTydai. 820 LOST. from Tynewydd, Pentyrch. AprU 29th. !?r?-e Sheep head and body, white neck, bobtail. Re- '?r doefered. 113 J 08T, a big. Black Retriever and Setter Dw<WalUs). .'? with long ears: !ast seen in PootUoyn. Findr re- *H°ed: if detained prosecuted.—Rickards, Mftrket?quare, ?bbw Vale. 1M EOST, in a railway carriage, between Pontypridd and '? Pe mdale, Silver W,th: No. 38,967: GoM Guard, ?yone bringing same te Thomas Wright, 1 OeUM. TaC- -'?t. Femdale, wiH be weU rewarded. 119 EOST, between Docks and Cathedral-road, Lady's Oxy- E-? dised Watch, with Chain, Pendants, and Charms.— "'Oder wiH be rewarded an retnmin same t» Cross Bros., "< Mar?street 34 EOST, young black and white English Setter Dog, black '? ea? and black patch on back. Detainer will be prose- ?ed?—Coward. 1. East-grove, iCardiff. Ml EOST Irish Tether Pup. Finder wUt be rewarded by i  retumtng same to 123, Commercial-meet, Newport. "?'ner presecuted. 9?e EOST, on April 29th, small, thickset, brown Irish '? Terrier Dog. Reward for information leading to '? ery.-Al!h Cottage. Ely. M4 LOST, April 3rd, Sable Collie Dolt with white markings, crossed with St. Bernard: reward offered.—Clare- t,C?nt, Corbett-road, Cardiff. Betainer prosecuted after *hia notice. Second notice. 762 OST, December. 1893, Black Letter Pocket Beok, con- r tainin receipt lor rent; signed M. Mably; suit Ilble given.—W 690, Daily News, Cardiff. 690 STOLEN at Maeste? on the "th, a Skye Terrier Bitch '? anyone detaining same &fter this notice wtU be pro- Iuted.-Thomas Thomas, 27, High-street, Pontycymmer. ToLEN, 29th April, small Hand Truck, painted blue, No. VII. cut in the side painted in black letters— Cathaya Coal Supply, Gwennyth-street, F. Williams. If not returned at once will be prosecuted informer will be Warded. 72 iiTRA YED from Spelter, Maesteg, since May 2nd, Black .J Ma ra Pony, lone tail and mane, with white star on ipfehea d. about 11 hands. Finder rewarded-—Apply Brace, er. Maesteg. 73 S2TKAYED, from 27, Park-nlace, a long-haired, yellow Coli", Dog. Finder rewarded. 35é from Great Western Railway rw Station, Fedtration Book and Discharges. Finder re- ded on returning to Central Police Station. 166 WOWESTH! SEItVAWTS. A General Servant wanted also a good Washerwoman f1- for MondaYII or "M-tys. fortnighUy.-55. Chepstow- ewport. 933e A Women's ftropole and Free Registry Office for Ser- 1 vants changing situations, or rrspectable women em- £ !oTed daily .—12, Moira-terrace (near Infirmary), Cardiff. oOd beds, cooking, every convenience d pr night mciu- *'v?. Ladies apply for charwomen, to. 83i A Homo for FriendlesK Girl. 17, Newport-road, Cardiff,  !ate 7, The Tarade, ? :0e ANY Ladies requir ing Servants, Servant requiring Situa- tions in the Hho edda VaUey. apply Servants' Registry, __rt-strpet, Llwynypia, Rhondila stamped envelope. 53. T?XPERIK?CED General, age 29 to i5 Mttst be clean and ? quick in her work.—Apply aftr 6. 12. Newport-rd. 758 Experienced House Parlourmaid, not under 22: ? smsll family cook and nurfe kept good references ''tUspensab'e.—Uroome. Stow Park Cucus, Newport. 943e GÈNEltA.L Servant Wanted: c-of;;tabl;e for a ? trustworthy person.—Mrs EYnns, 7, St. C?therine- 8eet, Pontypridd. 770e f^.ENERAL Servant wanted, sm"ll family.—Apply, with references, ke., Mrs Davies.Carno House. Treharns.779 f J. OOD General Servant required for private Apply 13. Duke-street. Cardiff. 194 f ^OOD General Servant wanted (not tinder 20), able to cook.—Address Mrs Wade, Tydu House, Rogerstone, ?MNewport.Mon. 925e t-õW'fm:R'iiegistry, Cran brool-street, Rtchmond-?d,  Cardiff.—Wanted, Private and Hot"t Genemls. Nurse- Wonsemaids, disengaged Housekeepers, undresses, Char- women. 834 NURSE wanted, aged 30, thoroughly domesticated, for ¡ th-ee chH'lreu. and to help mother with baby.—Apply ?''yrt Villa, Uplands -cresent, Hw,nea. 96Se 8" ERVANTS. male or female, requiring situations in Lõ G don or Country, write Mrs Coster, Reltistry Office, J;louce3ter. Hundreds suited. Testimonials free. 871 WANTED, Two respectables Girls as Apprentices to tfes Tailoring.—Apply Cantoii Tailnring Establishment, 293, .9°\Tr,ridc:e-rolld, Canton, Cardiff. _4's General Servant, accustomed tc » washiDR.- Apply, v. ith reference, Seven Stars Diniog- BridRe-st reet. C -rdiff. 169 -.W-' f ANTED at once, Plain Cook, and to make herself generally useful.—Apply Evans, 21, Trinity-street, Cardiff. 172 guod General Servant, aged 25. accustomed » to hotel work two in family good home for suitable rson. -Apply. with reference, Mrs H. S. James, Work- men's Club. Aberdare. 161 AXtftD, trustworthy General Servant; three in family, must assist with baby.—Mrs Bluet 11, York-place, Newport. 980e WANTED, at once, General Servant.—Apply AT1"8 Thomas, 4. Splott-roaci, Cardiff. 27, Y? ANf KB. ? respectable couple, without children, th v woman to oook and do housework for two, in return ?f three moms. nre. and light.—Nurse Franke, Aberfm- ?d. Merthyr V?te. 153 ',r ANTED, a General Servant, 16 to 18: country pre- ferred.—Apply, refreBce, Q Quarters, Gaol Lane, C?rMiaf. 122 Y?ANTED? Genera? age about 18.—Coombes, Arcade, Pon ypridd. 954e 'iT ANTEl'speetabie General Servant; no washing—  82, Holton-road, Barrv Dock. ? 994 \\TANTl)t- once, a Girl, about 14.—Apply Mrs t Davie, 43. James-street, Docks. CardiIL 155 M7 ANTED, an experI(;edPa.rlourIJ¡;id good refer- ence indispensable.—Apply Mrs Bird, 56, Newpsrt- road. Cardiff. 89 V\7 AN TED, good, clean Genrni-mtl;ïeto-r.l t cook wdl: pood wnges given.—Mrs Pugh, 14, t-Vstle-road, Cardiff. 35 WANTED immediately, a Young Girl, about 18. to Assist another servant good references country ?rcferred.?-Appty 31. Charles-street, CardiB. 51 WANTED, good, strong Girl as General Servant -Duke 'T of Cluence Hotl, Clive-road, Canton, Cardiff. 62 \?/ ANTHD, General Servant one used to ea1n-hOUBe r. f' busmess preferred—App!y, at once. Empire CotfRe ?vern. 19. Bridge-street, Cardiff^ 56 ?7ANTE]7.?.?Seneral Servant: no children.—Apply 41, 'V Oahnetd-street.Roath, Cardiff. 25 WANTED at 'once. a?useM Lady's Companion.— "f Address Mr Williams, HMtrMMt House, Ponty- Oridd. _6!- \XfANTEDCook, £ 25? Housc-ParloarsaaJd, £18.: also several Generals for different towns.—Full particulars (enclosiug stamp) Proprietress, 1, Catherine-street, Aber- dare Junction. 6 \x7 ATi:i>:Generai Servant two in family.—Mrs Ellis, Blackbrook, Treharris 14 Ni;ËÙ,-gO;'¡'U'¡82 in family.—Apply .f Mrs TapEon. 103, Richmond-road. 0 55 "1ANTED; experienced General Servant, able to cook.— App!y Mr? J{'ou. 18.nrch:C!di1f. S88 ?\? ANTKD at once, neat Girl, no under !0.—Apny 5, Richmond-terrace, Park-place, CMditr. 966 "I aaxnu, a good, strong ueneral Servant, age about v » 20, able to serve in shop and make herself generally useful: wags 5s weekly.-Apply Ward, Restaurant. 3, Bridge-street. Cardiff. 9811 Y\7 ANTED immediately. Two General Servants, with full experience: swll famHy: little washing wags £ 13.—Write P. 969. Echo. Cardiff. gjjg 'Xl.ÜYTW- Girl, from 14 to 16 years, folight housed work.—Apnly 39.stre=-t, Cantor:. 939 WANTED, Youn? Person as General'ervt:co-uld sleep home, if she wished must have good character. -78. Queen-street. 935 YV ANTED, strong Giri as General.-Apply17, Ct Vil-road, Penarth. 955 WANTED immediately, respectable young- Girl, about 14, to teke baby out morning aod afternoon.—Apply 18. Turberviil-square, Canton, Cardiff. 13 ,'iT ANTED, Housemaid, paricularly for bedrooms.— Apply, between 6 p.m. "nd 9 p.m., Mrs Howell. 21 The Walk, Cardiff. 885 WANTED, clean, strong Char Girl to assist servant in housework Bleep out.—Apply Royal Tudor Hotel. WANTED, resp;b¡;ŒrJ, for housework.—Apply 10, Miskin-street, Catbays, Cardiff. 881 V\T AN'IED;pectable- Girl s General fondof ,t children; good character.—Jones, 10, New London- street-, Newport. 957e WANTED, a good Girl as General, about 18.— Appf" Mrs Kinman, 62, Castle-road, Roath. £ 9S 'XfANT¡;}D-Ïothe-fu-lp:-thoChlv-;lo;;e;i. f' cated, well educated, fond of children comfortable home wanted.—Apply 27! (Joid&ead, Cardiff. 895 WANTED, a respectable Girl as Apprentice to the Dressmaking. No premium wiHin; to learn.—Miss Bale, 31, Eldon-road. 91. ANTED, good General Servant country girl pre- *crre^ small family: washing jut out; nnrse kept. -Apply 17. plott-road.lot0nds. Cardiff. S7 WANTED, a respectable Generl S('nat:a¡e about20T -Apply 124, Portmanmoor-road. East Moors, Cardiff. WANTED, a good Cn';¡-Re.v,mGo washin. Also Nurse, about 17.—Mrn Powell^ 49, Alb»ny-rd..Cardiff. WANTËV, respectable little Girl, about 14, to loos v y after a baby sleep home.—7. Ryder-street, after 6 o clock. 876 vy" ANTED a General Servant, able to wash and iron: r, ODe 'rom country preferred.—Apply, with mfcrence, .147 TC. aroline-street, Cardiff. SSS WANTED, a Housekeeper lor a Branch Establish- I,. ment: no othr servant kept.—Apply Mrs Harris, 144, High-street, !II ertIJ.yr. 853 WANTED at once, Middle-aged Woman as General: plain cooking trustworthy good character from last situatiou-Dare. Porthcawl. 782 WANTED for country (small family), House. Parlour- maid also Generals for Cardiff and district.— Riverside Registry, 27, Tudor-road, Cardiff. 767 WANTED, a good General one able to do plain cok: ins, with good reference and appearance permanent situation to a suitable person.—Apply Mrs A. Chapnell' Woodville-terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man. 757 -i¡ ANTED, a good -Gr.nel-Srv-;tbl¡;; It cooking and iroumg. fond of children.—Apply, with reference, Thomas, 253. High-street, Treorky. 827 WANTED, respectable Girl as General from country preferred.—Apply, after 6 p.m., 38, Claude-roid' Roatb. 704 WANTED at once. a good Girl. lJ.bout 14.— Anrilv ft e, Penarth-terrace, Docks. llS Y*7ANTED, Nurse-housemaid, one child: must hav v good references.—Apply Mrs Edwards, 3,ltichmond- crescent, Cardiff. 132 WANTED, a respectable General Servant; good refelv ences: two in family.—Apply after 10 a.m., 10. Couwav-road, Canton. 619 V\7 ANTED, Miss Morgan's Registry, few goodTcJenerals TT at once, and three about. 17 two brm servants.10, Clive-street, Grangetown. Cardiff. 623 W'ArED-C;ok,-iio=P;lÕ Cook-generals Nurses, numbers of General Servants.—Miss Crock- ford's Registry, F.mcy Bazaar, 115, Queen-street, Cardiff. WANTED, a good Ganem:. also Mother's Help for young children.—Address 31, cbmQnd-road. 6?2 'iXTAN-TJ;m, a good General Servant.—Apply 16, Charles- 'f sreet. 5S9 \XT ANTED, a Genera 1 Servant; small family.—Apply f f 56, Loudoun-square, Cardiff. 554 WANTED, a strong active Girl: early riser: ae 18 to If 20: references from IMt situation.—Apply M. Johns1 19, Market-street, Pontypridd. 523 WANTED, by th May, pood General small family nurse kept: good references indispensable.—Dr Jones. Bodfeddyg, Cwnaman, Aberdare. 298 SITUATIONS "A CANT ATailoress wanted on coots. Apply at once 7, Nelson- terrace, Cardiff. 837 A Strong Lad wanted.-Aply to 46, Gray-street, Cantonj -i-S. Cardiff. 511 ALL persons requiring Situations, any kind, in Bir- A Lninhr:nr i/cofe{h5Ulnlin''it'f ,t 30, Norton-street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. 821 BAKER.—Wanted, Youn Man ton;(ï smalls deliver occasionally live in.—Apply, stating waRes, H. MAtts, Confectioner, Cowbridge. 79 BAKER.—As Thud Hand used to smalls.—George Edwards, 1, Old Sea Lock, Harrowhy-street, Docks. Disenped. 555 BOOT Trade.—Wanted, smart Lad to assist in shop must speak Welsh.—Universal Boot Co., Neath, 826 CARPENTERS andJOinrrb offered Employment by Agents from London are Requested to see their rsp"c- tive Branch Secretaries. 145 ï '1LOTHIER'8 Assistant required immediately, one of J 5 or 6 years' experience, for one month.—Anderson and Co., 33, St. Mary-street. 843 COACH PAINTER'S Labourer wanted at once.—Apply J. Norman, Coach builder. Canton. 960 I CREDIT Drapery —Wanted immediately lo/t above, C steady, pushing Man references aDd full particulars. -T 28, Daily News, Cardiff. 7 DRAPERY.—Wanted immediately, during sale, Two experienced Men, outdoors; Saleswomen and Milliners required, indoors.-Apply-, Clare-road. 879 DRAPERY.—Junior and Improver wanted. Apply, stating references and salary, B. A. Emns, Ystvad Rhondda. 831 DRESSMAKING.—Wanted at once, Apprenticesto high- class Dressmaking.—Apply Mrs White.. Plasturton- avenue, Canton. 973 DRESSMAKING.—Wanted, Improvers and Assistants! Apply 8, Kincraig-3treet, Roath. 933 DRESSMAKING Apprentices and Improvers wanted?— Apply Miss Wade, 9. Christina-street. Docks. 660 ELECTRICAL Engineering.—aiei7s^ydneVF.Walker and Co. have a Vacancy for an Articled Pupil.— Cardiff ElectnCàI Works, Cardiff. 55 E- NGINEERIG.-anted. a Premium Apprentice for general eugmeerm¡ trae. through all its branehe* -Apply J. S. Wydh'm. Collingdon-road, Cardiff. 921 GROCERY Trade.—Wanted, twa Ímprov; must be quick and accurate at figures.—Appiy Bevan: Carlisle-street, Cardiff. 99 GROCERY.—Wanted at once, good smart Junior, must be accustomed to provisions.—Apply Pugh, Grocer, 5, Meteor-street, SplotlaDds, Cardiff. 86 GROCERS Assistant Wanted immediately (Welsh) iu- doors.—Apply, with full paricular8, J. Evans, Tre- lewU, Treharris. I GROCERY.—Wanted at once, smart Junior, used to Provisions. Apply personally, 120, Chfton-street, Cardiff. 915 GROCERS' Hauliers. Experiend Man with first- Jf class references wanted wages. 26s per week. Must be experienced.—Thomas and Evans, Porth. 802 HAIRDRESSERS.—Wanted, Improver or Junior Hand: no Sunday work.—Apply, stating terms, Pritohard, Haírdre8r, Abertillery. 183 HAIRDRESSERS.—Good Junior Gent's haad: know- ledge of boardwork preferred.—Apply, after 6.30. rd,tle.road, Cardiff. 124 HAIRDRESSER.—Wanted, first-class H:mdresser aud Shaver not Sunday work close half-day.—Write 13 16, Echo Cffice, Cardiff. 16 HAIRDRESSER,—Wanted at o;cuod Improver I must be good shaver.—Apply A. Blncert 7, Mill-lane, Cardiff. 8 HAULIER.—Wanted «t ouce, young Mao to take charge of horses and deliver goods.—State wages (indoors) to J. W. Uobrts. Grocer. Brdgend. 18 HOME Employment.—Plain writers preferred, either sex anywhere, for Book Agency Correspondence no canvassing. Specimen copy, with full instructions, 9d. Liberal payment. Genuine.—Ohaney and Co., Beaumont- roaIIorrleys. London. 907 IROJiERS.—Wanted, first-class Shirt and Collar ironers piecework or otherwise.—Apply Bute Docks Laundry, 167, Bute-road, Cardiff. 941 I-ADIEs'T;ilorsRodice and Jacket Hands required.— _J Apply Cone, 4, High-street. Cardiff. 131 I-ABQ-URÊRS-sted-t¿-accePt work at New- JLi poit Rivr Wharves without first seeing J. Twomey, 4, Granville-street, Newport. ggge 1\/1 'A;o;;ON8 and Plasterers wanted at Llanharran.—Apply 1'" J. & W. David, Brynna, near Pencoed. 164 l\!iA"ûI'is l;rwee- 40 .and-5Õ-wIted cnstant work to 1'" competent non-society men; wages Bd per hour— Apply 1:0 Richards. 8, Berw-road, Pontypridd, or T, J;imes, East-street, routypriiM. 950e MEN, Youths. All classes reQl1(riUg any-;mployment U. write "t once; Situation Guide free: bmy tim: hundreds suited don't dela.Y.-Tanner and Co..Box 54, 112, Newington-causeway, London. Men late Army, Navy, also write. 759 OUTFITTING.-Youth wanted—Apply 126, Holton- road, Uarry Dock. jgj OUTFITTING. —Wanted at once, young Man for O; £ fitting ood stock-keeper.—Apply McCana, Ho£ lton- road, Barry Dock. Q1 PAWNBROK1NG. Wanted, an experienced Assi8tan able to dres wmdow: references required.—Apply to Julius Pm, 21, Victoria-street, Mertbyr Tydfil. -]jÄIN1'EU wanted, can do Paperhanging (well): none J- but steady person need apply.—H. Evans, Pent re Ystrad, Rhoudùa Valley. 117 PAINTERS.—Wanted at once, good Painters aud Paper- lianjers good wages and specml inducements to good men.—Apply Morgan,r, Abercarn. PAPEll-Bag Makers.—Wanted, an expei ienced Fore- woman and a few smart Girls for hand-made brown paper bags — D. 0. Evans, Paper Mills, Haverfordwest. 93e 'PERMANENT Situation.—Wanted, active, sharp Youn 1. Man (Welsh; total abstainer), as Collector and Can- J" f°r mercantile firm.—Apply, stating salary, age. C l!. South Wales Daily News Omce, Cardiff. 162 TpLASTKRERH.—Wanted three or four good Plasterers, at jew cottages. Miskin, Mountain Ash.—Rees, Con- f tractt or, Merthyr Vale. 530 PONTYPRIDD.—Masons are Requested to See Secre. ay befor:eeking employment. Dispute pending. PRINriNG^—Cropper boyn wanted, also feeders for cylinder machines.— J Wood k Son, Bute DockB. 12& RESPECTARLE Lad wanted.—Apply, personally, Cash and Co., Boot Stfton-street, Roath 841 SAJ}1JLLN(W and Harness-making.—Wanted, a respect- a able Lad as Apprentice indoors.—Apply 125, Castle- road, Cardiff. 496 SEVERAL Painters and Debtors wanted at once; O long job.—AppIy Farley. Porth. 10 rpo" Ta 1!ors^—First-class Co^tTlvuS^ wanted.-Apply X Griffiths and Sons, Commercial-road, Newport. 974e ¡r-OT;iIO-S{Úlme-diateIY-; oeÙ}eneTl\lHand B -Anderson. oo, St. Mary-street. 60 To Tailors.-Wanted, 2 General Hands; weekly wales or piecew<>rk.-Apply T. Hujws, Tailor and DrapAr, 13urry Port. 978, 1'0 Painters. Wanted immeQ¡at¡y- S ^Tood BrUh A Hand.-Anply personally to J. Williams, Fainter, Trealaw, Rhondda. MO TO Quarrymen.—Wanted, an experienced Paving Cutter, age about 35, at ouce.—Apply Charles Herbert, Cefn Brithdir Quarry, Tirplnr. N!Trdltr. 520 rr- Op¡;;i.e;s.-W;u-W:3 good Brush Hands must -'h Jl steady men.—Applv C. Jenkins and Son, Contractors, Bridgend. 90ge rIÓYand-Faooy.wante" experienced Youiig Lady, age A 20 to 25; also Apprentice.—Apply by letter, Stephens, Royal Arcade, Cardiff. 784 rfllROUSERSHands wanted.~3, uildford-øtreë¡; 887 'XT ANTED immediately, respectable Young Man, over 18. to take Charge of Billiard .Tale and make himself k'eneraHy useful.—State wages to hve m and out to Secre- tary, Coffee Tavern, Tredegar. 1111 VVTANTED, a few good Plasterers, used to cement work. v -Apply, Hawkins, Merthyij WANTED, a Pe; f¡;r a Wardrobe Shop aa Assistant: t good knowledge of Dressmaking.—Address, with references, H, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 9 ,cV- ANT'ED' your.i- -delier bread: al good l' Junior for Grocery and ProvlSlon.-Apply with full par»ti_ culars, Arthur Daniel, Troedyrhiw. 163 tU ANTED, Milkman, ace over 16 7s 1VeekïYwith.d: v* able to milk and sell: reterences.—Apply Wtlhams, Gilfachrhyd Farm, Navigation. 12 \? ANTED. a Young Man (mineral water manufacturer) as Bottler thoroughly understand machinery state wages, with reference.—R 88, Echo, Cardiff. 88 WANTED, respectable Errand Boy.—Farmer and Co., t Tailors, Castle-road. 5_1- \\7 ANTED, -aM;;rried Couple wib no incumbrance, or v elderly Housekeeper, to live in flame house and cater for Young Gentleman, and provide own furniture house. coal, and gas, etc., free.—Address XYZ,Echo Office, Ponty- pridd. 972e WANTED, resectable Lad as Apprentice: outdoors.— Cooj er and Williams. The Hayes. 83 XT ANi'ED:dy. sober Person as bulier aud Warehousemaa understand horses and has know- ledge of grocery trade.—Enoch Danes, The Stores, Tre- lrt. ° 8t! WAN-iJ'at(;0ï:ood Wheelwright: also Improver to Coaahpainting.—Apply Knight and DavK, Junction Carriage Works. Caerleon-road, Newport. 37 ?7 ANTED?Youug Man to Deliver Bread and Assist in Bakehouse state age character required.—Write A 25, Echo Onice. Cardiff. 28 'X rANTED at once, Improver to Whe?wrighting. one 't' from the country preferred.—Apply Bush Weel Works? Park-row. Tredegar. 956 WA'NTEi,:gO;(l Bricklayers wages, S?dpsr hour and overtime if defired.—Apply New Biscuit "orks. Roath. Cardiff, or W. Symonds and Co., Contractors, Rectory-road, Canton, Cardie.? 94u ??7 ANTED? s -vfr?i Youn<; Lady Appredtices to the Millinery, and also for the Showroom.— Ar.ply Edward Hobins?!). Draper. Cardiff. 990 YV ANTED, a gootT Junior Young Lady for Showroom Sales (not less than foir yaars experience).—Apply Edward Robinson, Draper, Cardiff. 9i9 WANTED i. few"goodT wailing Masons.—Apply Fore- man. New Station, Maesteg. 932 W- ANTE j)-Grõom-Gardeiler; must have good ufer. ences.—Apply 35, QueeD.sreet, Cardiff. 950 WANTED, exP;:rid-youn", Lady for branch TobM- conist's shop good references nesgary.-Apply personally Rayward, 33. [-ligJ:t_cad". CMdi?f. 923 WANTED for Imperial Hotel, Weston, two Young Ladles a¡; Barmaids: also Waitress, Hou8<IDlaJd. and Boots.—Apply between 6 and 8, Mrs Jeo.mes, Mox- burgh, 361, Newport-road, Cardiff. outfitting, good Sales- » man, age about 25: must be steady.—Apply J. Gittelsohn, 39. Broadway. Roath, Cardiff. 8ú8 WANTED, a strong Lad for general work, sleep home, it' -Apply Heath Hotel Cathays. W3 WANTED at once. Dressmaker to work in for a few days.—F 901, Echo Office, Cardiff. 901 WANTED,! Assistant improver and Apprentices for once Two men used to Stone Pitching.— f f Apply 848 WANTED, Two Plasterers, at once.—John Morgan, Plasterer. Pontycymmer. 826 YXT?AN??HDTre?pecttM??Youns Man, 16 to 18 also Lad (14) to assist with horses: make themselves generally useful.—207, CiJwbrid¡re-wa.d. Canton. 835 W" ÃÑ-r ¡;;De,- Eteccric Light Wiremen own car- penterinr.—W. A. Baker & Co., Ironmongers, New- port-. 541 e YV ANTE D, Boj-as Apprentice to the Blacksmithing.— T v —Wyndham Carriage Works. Craddock-st., Cardiff. WANTED, yoaag Men (aged 14 to 30) and Ladies (15 to 20), to prepare, in their own homes. for permanent Government situations good salaries, prospects, pensions, &e. Piospeofcus, with every information, free.—Acply, stating age, M. Stuart, H.M.C.S., Buchanan-road, Sea- comhe, Liverpool. 655 WANTED, smart Salesman, Clothing trade, manage 'T branch well up shipping trade good references age 18 to assist Pawnbrokiug Business, » 16 to 17 good writer, with character.—No. 1. Thom. WANTED, young Man :5toD1(>d to horses: kuow t' town well: good character, and an early riser.— Apply Pilot Hote)? Docks, Caid'a'. 606 WANTED, Two Fit? Sawyers: piecework sawing Sotch and other timber in a wood in Carmarthenshire.— Lewis, Ti,nbsr Merchant, Pontypridd. 612 "T A!r:fiD-t,-nê¡"¡;-od(5pper Machine Lad.— Apply 80uth Wales Printing Works. West:aæ.streo6. Crdi(f. YOUNG Woman wanted to work at best Trousers Work must put good buttou holes in.—42, Little Scott- street, Temperaneetown, Cardiff. 905 .Z -W bekly Upwards may be Realised by Either Sex with- er out hinderinc present occupa.tion.-For Samples (reo turnable), &c., enclose addressed envelope to Evans. Watts, Ii; Co. (P 133), Merchants, Birmingham.—This is genuine.142 128 to 15s weekly easily earued in spare time by either sex everywhere; worlc can be done evenings. Send addressed envelope to Eclipse Works, 9, Playhouse-yard. Water-lane, Loadou. 466 '1T A.N'J'ID. BAKER.—Young Man seeks sitnation as Second or Third, well up in bread, cake, and smalls good reference.— Apply T. Hood, 7, Partrids?terrace. Yftrad Rhondda. 116 BAKERS.—Respectable Young Man seeks Situation t Second or good Third.—Apply E. Dykes, Rosewood House, New-street, Westou-super-Mare. 511 /OACHSMITHS.—Young Man wants sttnntion as im- Vv prover, used to wlieelwrrehting and agricultural machinery.—Alsop, Post Offiee, Whitson, Newport, Mon. r~VRESSMAKING.~Wanted, Situation as tirst Hand J-' 10 years' experience excellent references entIre management small workroom.—E. Price, Cwmhelig.Erwood, R.S.O., Radnorshire. 35 DR. E. Vernon Pegge wishes to recommend his groom as Groco-Coachman age 21: abstainer.—Albert Farr, Highmead Cottage, Ely. 886 MASTER Baker amT Cofectiouer.-Wanted, Situation 111. by experienced Hand in all branches &!S 27 ab- stainer first-class reference from last employer wiu start immediately.—Charles David, 23, Craddock-street, .wan¡;ea. 963e S-iT'UATJONa-ntd-di;tlr M Working Ro; U keeper, by rbapeotaMe Widow (36): no encumbrance &ood reference,—Apply 64, Taff-terrace, Treforest, Ponty. pridd. 983e TO Pastrycooks &nd Confectioners—Advertiser seeks A situation as Second: thorough knowledge of both branches well up in hot pla te goods.—Apply H. Harding, c.o. W. Letter, Ystrad Rhondda. ?g?' T-Ouli"kers.=d;S¡t;oo- M food Third Ha1i disengaged.—Apply G. Goodridge. 61, Cyfarthfa-street, Ro'th. 865 TO Tai'ors.—Young Man wishes to go as Improver ou t- eoats or trousers making.— H. Sirrell, 114. Castle-road, Cardiff. 882 WANTED, by Young Man. age 18, situation as Porter, Or *V EomeHung simile.—Add'-eM' GriSn. 100, St. Mary, street, Cardiff. 992 \'J.T ANTED,Sit.nat.io;H:mnan: ag;21- good refer- i" er:ces: London experience.—Apply G. V., South Wales Echo Office, Cardiff. 15 ¡C- ANTED, to Apprentice a Young Lady (15) to  Light t v Bnsmess: three years in return for board, & 0 952, Echo, CardiCF. Sa2 WANTED, by Lady, Sewing of any description, repair- 'f ing, boys' suits moderate charge-c. 884, Echa 'Oaice, Card!? !84 W- ANTED. Situation as Masons' Foreman experienced and steady man.—Write E.W., 13, Wood-road, Pou- typridd. 9510 YV ANTED by a young Person with leisure time, employ- » » ruent to collect rents small remuneration security if required.—L 789. Echo, Cardiff. 789 WANTED, 8it:¡¡íti;n as Shoeinltsmitb. Cardiff preferred. —Apply F.J., 38. Louisa-street, Docks, Cardiff. 735 YV as w¡ki- Housekeeper.—Apply "2, PIantzgenet-ctreet, River- si d e. Cardiff. ff J 711 » OUNG Man seeks situation as Baker and Confectioner, MI/.I'ket-street, back of Hepworth's, J<:bbw Vale. ^A\A<;I:KS. "IOMPETENT General Clerk seeks Re-engagement: ) steady, reliable and energetic good correspondent: excellent references.—Eustace, 116, Donald-street, Roath Park. Cardiff. » 549 "7 AN:rlÓ::>. smart Boy for an ONce (temporary).— Vt 1.9 9, Eoho Office, Cardiff. 95 ANTED,.Oiffce Boy.—Dorotich, Docks, Cardiff. UaN(Jn" TIA ":I.IÆ¡S .rr-c. ASSURANCE Agents wanted for Llantris?nt. Cow- j? bndf:and GiIfach Valley. Special salary, downs. and commission. Only those aquainted with the districts need apply to A. W. Evans, 12, Wyndham-street, Brideend, A SSISTANT, as SJesW01RlIm, married or single, wanted to canvas Cardiff and district; splendid opening.— M.. 3, Liverpool-street, London. 755 C^AN V A SSER wanted for ?ardiS. Newport, and Pont?- ?' pndd 30s to £ 2 per week easily earned.—Apply 7, Tnlhot-strcet, Cardiff. 965 t?IRST-class Agents Wanted to form Watch Clubs in JL Mardy. Cilfynydd, Monnt,in Ash, Penrhiwceiber, Aberdarc Junehon. TrehulTÍS, and Rhondda special terms offeredto suitable men.-Apply, with full particulars, to Thomas & Co., Watchmakers. Aberdare. 806 II AltDW ARE. Furmture. Basinettes, Cvcles, Wringers, jLi- Pipes, Watches, Jewellery. Agents Wanted.—Buyers' Guide free.—Write Henry May, 'Birmingham. 819 mo Credit Drapers and Tailors,—Traveller, with hTrgeT J. solid connection, wants situation good references.— Write E 43, Echl) Office, CI11'ditf. 43 Man to Sell (Wholesale) Small » T Ware, Stationery, Haberdashery, &c., for Cardiff.— K 673. Echo Office, Cardiff. 673 WANTED, steady Man as Book DeHverer. good CRn. j  T vasser. and security required commencing warM, 25s and commission.-Brown. Echo Office, Newport. 91ge WANTED by a firm of builders' merchants, an active, Vv energetic Canvasstr and Collector for town and neighbourhood must have good references and be well acquainted with the requirements of the building trades. —Apply, stating salary. H S74. Echo oaee. Carder. 57 APARTMENTS Ac j A Sitting-room aud share doaMe-bedded room offered to? -t\. any lady in business bath small terms object, company.—43, _t;1]Et\.In:se. 87 A oentleman recommends front sitting-room and two bedrooms by'a widow lady without children: suit two" frir-nd3 dining ont: no objection to forergnerB.- AppJy 4, Alfred-street. Roath Park. APARTMENTS (unfurnished), 5, Adamsdown-square, to .fiL respectable couple. 42 APARTMENTS for twënt,îerueu sharing sitting-room, every convenience 18w terms for permanency late occupants 5 years.—77. Wyndhiun-oresoent. ii3 APARTMENTS.—Captain's wife wishes to Let two nice Rooms to suitable '?"?' tn<Ie;-terrace. Alfred-street, Roath Park. 1 BACK Parlour and Bedroom to Let, with oven :rat; ?F comfortably fumished; re»t 6? 6d.—<6, WeHs-street. C11nIl'- 790 C- Ol\IFORT ¡BLY-FiBhed-Sittiõg-rõom- and Bedroom, ? on Mackintosh Estate bath moderate terms.—Iu- quire_,nroy-street, Roath,'CarditI. 152 COMFORTABLE Apartments to Let duhng'?ummer \?' Dlons in cuntrv, near Cardiff, suit lady or gentle- man.—Write A. 150. Echo. Cardiff. 130 and Front Bedroom for a gentleman: no "children or other lodgerô.-3, Pearson-street. Castle-road. 92 ?OMFORTABLE Lodgings, snit gentleman or t, V bath no children close to Park and "bus terms moderate.—Apply 101, Alfred-street. 90 /COMFORTABLE t.odgmgs two or three young mei: terms, Ms per week. Also well-furnished Sitting-room and Bedroom bath and piauo: passes door.—Ash Grove, Clarence-road, Grangetown. 58 COMFORTABLE Furni6hÄJlarÎments for gentlemar or two sharing rooms; bath (hot and cold): ever convenience.—218, Castle-road. 31 /COMFORTABLE Apartments to Let. suitable for tw< V-' '°""S Men Friends, Riverside 3 minutes' wal?fron town.—Write A. J 2, Echo. CardiC. 2 /COMFORTABLE Apartments for two gentlemen sharing ?' same rooms and dining out; dose to 'bnssee.—?A. Treharris-street, Castle-road- 981 /COMFORTABLE Lodging for reepectaMe Men; terms, ? 5s M per week.—Havelock VtMa. Elm-street, Roath. 974 /COMFORTABLE Lodgings for one young man: every ? home cmfort no children terms moderate.—Apply 60, Graddock-street. Riverside, Cardiff. MS ''OI\IFORTABLF.rtmnts,81rit one or two gentlemen; J use of bath and piano with or without board.—42, Redlaver-street, Clarence-road. %7 (jOMJ;'ORT ABJ.E-F-;}rnj;¡l;-Awtts, ambYadiesor gentlemen bath, no children, terms moderateI, EssMh-street (oa Augus-street ) Roath Park. 902 ?SOMFORTABLE Fumishecr ApartmeoM (suit a &entle. ?/ man) with widow lady; hot and cold bath.—Apply 3, Essich-street, near Roath Park. 824 COMFORTABLE Lodgings for a respectable Young J Man in North Luton-plaoe, to share a bedroom: terms moderate.— J. 603. Echo, Cardiff. 603 COMFORTABLY furnished Sitting-room and Bedroom? \? or a Bed SUttOE-room.—Z?, Loudoao-eqa?re, Docks. 500 FIRST-class Apartments for one or two ndt'men, 5s 6d weekly, with attendance 168 board exclusive.— 73, Pembroke-road, Canton. 89 FURNISHED Apartments: suit one or two gentlemen convenient for Docks or Grangetown Station bath. -54. Clive-street, Grangetown. 168 FUR,NÜiH.ED Front Sitting 2nd Bedroom, or Lodgings A? for gentleman or two friends: close G.W.R. terms moderate.—3, Lower Cathedral-road; Canton. 134 FURNISHED ApartmentB or Lodgings with respectable homely people in select locality, suit married couple or two friends ht and cold bath and evety convenience moderate terms.—73. Marion-street, St>lott. 51 1_ (JliNI8HÊDApa.nme-t- and quiet home for gent-le- ft. men. or unfurnished for respectable married couple truli moderate.—Apply 31, Woodville-road. 909 FURNISHED Apartments, with attendance bath- room. no children,—54, Alfred-street, Roath Park, Cardiff. S53e fpURNISHED Apartments suit two or three gentlemen .1.' friends piano, bath (hot and cold), home comforts.— 2, Church-road, Canton. 844 "Ij^IJRNISBED Apartments for Gentleman -r- two .I. Friends: front rooms, hot and cold bath two minutes Taff Station,—22, Dumfries-place, Cardiff. 617 jj^URNISHED Apartments, suit gentleman: or Lodgiogs .1_' for two respectable young met, terms moderate.—?, Chapel Cottages, Llanth..wy-st, Aberaman, Aberdare. 631 tt 1ENTLEMAN de6Ïre5 good Apartments (sitting-room V"T aud bedroom): neighbourhood, Stow Park vino and bathroom.—Write, st.ai: terms, Box. Echo, Nort. LLAJNTVVIT-street.—Well-furnished Front Sitting-room aud Bedroom suit gentleman or two friends terms lUaderate.-G 908, Echo, Cardiff. 903 LODGINGS or Furnished Aprtments for two Young Men separate bedrooms terms moderate.—Apply 83, Elm-sweet, Roath. 847 IODGINGS f;-t-Youniï\len; bath: no J children; piano near trams terms moderate.—37, Orwys-road, Cathays, Cardiff. SOI ONE or two respectable young men can have comfortable Lodgings with young marned couple no children.— 126, Penarth-road. 838 PLASTURTON-A venue.—Furnished Apartments, gentle- man or two friends. Terms, one, &: two, 128, inclu- sive hot and cold bath.—S 984, Echo, Cardiff. RESPECTABLE Lodgings for one or two Y011 Gentle- men.—Apply 23, Cogan-terrace, Miskin-st.,Cathays. 82 IJ EXPECTABLE eo;ië have Unfurnished Rooms to Let: every convenience: m vicinity of St. John's, Cant-on.—28, Dtnton-road, Canton. 970 STACEY-Road, Roath.-UDfrnished Apartments -tõ. Let hot and cold bath every convenience.—Write B. 30, Echo Office, Cardiff. 30 SUPERIOR Ap;rt-;nt$: Station fond-St Mary-street, suitable for two or throe gentlemen; bath. —7, FHzhamon.eulba.nkment. 564 I'OLl"t, comfortable Furnished Apartments, suitable for A oue or two youn meu in busineps.—10, Brook-st. 929 '['OI:UUfU-idl,,C-j¡):ot Bedroom, Back Parlour A oven bath every convenience good neighbour- hood 48 week.—21, Moorland-road, South Splott. 629 "r-W-O-1;b-R-ooms to Let with respectable couple -L "ven grate ner the dœks: tenm moderate.-13, Newport-street, Grange. 581 r-r-WO or-t,h-Uuflr¡;bd- Hoom to Let, with youn: A couple (n» children), at 76. Craddock-strcet.—58, Beau- champ-street, Riverside. 535 1- UNFURNISHED Rooms (two), suit young couple bath, nar 'bUS8. moderate rent company object in lt- tim;.—37. Glenroy-Etreet. Roath. 67 UNFURNISHED Apartments (two or three rooms) to Lt, hot and cold bath, cloe to town, every conveni- ence.—9, Green-street, Riverside. 40 'C" UNFURNISHED Apartments.—Large Front Sitting- room, oue or two Bedrooms, use of kitchen also Furnished Apartments.—32, 1.anbledclia.u Gardens, Cat- hays. 133 UTÏoiFliit'NisHEÚ- Rooms, with use of kitchen rang: U bath, hot and cold water.—46, Talworth-street. oft Castle-road. 14 I 'U-l'NFujr'I-iSHEDAPltrtmet;tOLet fot;¡;í people.—Apply 6, Loudoun-square, Docks. 683 -U1-NFUJiNISI:iED Apartments, two or three good rooms: pleasant part, near town and station bath.—33, tl'ec!lverside. Cardiff. • 53 WANT 12 £ > by gentleman, cQmforttl.bo?rd nd iAMlgings near Docks, or share with another stte t..erms-K.cho Office. Cardiff. 68 Ct-;hle Lodgings (bedroom, sitting-rooai) 'f for wp young men, without board bath preferred. —Apply, sin¡; terms, 069, Echo Office, Cardiff. 69 WANTED, SciI¡edroo-;¡tb-&a-dbY YÕli gentleman.—Apply, with trms, J 934, Echo Office, Cardiff. 934 {.XT AN:TD. by Yong Lady engaged during the day, SlttlD!1;-rOOm and Bedroom, in &,000 part of Cardiff. -State ten X 517, Eho Office, Cardiff. 917 WANTED, Three Unfurnished Rooms, including front slttlD,room, use ot Wtchan Canton preferred.— Addreõ8 Q- Ed¡o Oce, Cardiff. 857 WANTED, Two Unfurnished Rooms in Barry to ,vre:. i" hemEI' furniture. with thoroughly trustworthy people. tM6. £ uE!iT cho Oe, Cardiff. 840 —Wri• te P 840, 840 WANTED, Two Rooms (unfurnished) foryoun married Couple with one child within 10 minutes' walk from St. Mary-street state full particulars hot, cold baths.- 1 771, Echo Office, Cardiff. 771 91, Crwys-ro:1.d.-S!t.ting and Bedroom to Let, for lady or gcntlemea friend moderate terms, with board or otherwise bath. 78 1 Alexandra Villas, 215, Castle-road. — A gentleman left 1 his rooms to go abroad wi8bes to recommend them as comfortable. 730 YO .LET.-nOI!SF..s. I DETACHED House Let or for Sale good yard btb. hot and cold water; gas all through.—Apply 8, Walker- road. 70 i,URNI8HED House, containing 16 rooms, with stabling ..L' and about 15 acres of land and roup shooting over abont 1,000 acres, situated 6 miles from Llandilo Station, to I be Let for £ 100 a yar.-Apply Rhys Morgan, Cwmgigfran, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. 967e HOUSE t-o Let (66, Moy-road), four bedrooms, hot and -1. cold bath, cellar; rent, lis.—W. Davies, 52, Treharris- street, Roath. 6CS HOUSE to Let, 6. Augus.strt, 6 rooms and bathroom. -Apply DowuiD, 108. Clifton-street. 517 IOWER Plassey-street. Penarth.—Well-finished, cou- 1.4 ont ;ë¿ta:ntrttt.'Å;ù<d\V eCs;; i Evans, 17, Quay-street, Cardiff: or Messrs Maddox and Sons, Bulce-?:reet, Cardiff or for Sale, cheap. 796 LLANISHEN-street..—House to Let or for Sale': hot water and gas throughout: papered rent, lis.—Key at Corner House, 926 FARK-t«rrace, convenient 10-roomed House, rent £ 36 Nevillo-street, every convenience, near town, 178 in- clusive.-PeDney, 19. Duke-street. 663 rIIIE South WTes;-d Monmouthshire Property Register A for May free on application or post.—Hern and i ertwee, House Agents* Auctioneers, Valuers, ke.. Cardiff. f IPO Let, Ñ- 8 MMiõApply--i5;-Š-Pïott-roä A "1"0 be Let or Sold imo1ediately, four comnact Cottages, A papered and painted throughout, in Highland-terrace, Lower Pll1.ssey-strcet, Penalth.-Apply Maddox and Son, Auctioneers. Duke-street, Cardllf. 976 TO Let, some more Houses Nesta-road 3 minutes from trams and t,Nes Park; two reception, ten; bedroolll, large kitchen and scullery, bathroom (hot aud cold), Venetian blinds, gas fittiDgB throughout, railiclfs in front. back entrances, gravel Bub3oil: Ss 6d weeldy.-Ap.. ply at Corner House, R.H. side. 845 HMO Let, 13, Glynrhondda-street. Cardiff immediate A possession.—William HoweUs. 96. St. Mary-st.,Cardiff. "fO Let, 11. Aberdovey-street, East Moors: hot and cold A bath.—Apply. 11, Shakespeare-street. Roath. 618 I T- o:i::et, near (Jrs Hands, bre convenient well-built House, wIh all modern improvements, greenhouse, and use of stable.—P., Eoho Office, Nwp"rt. 916e 126, Cottrell-road, 9 rooms: bath, blinds, gas. bay windows, rent 125; 45, Dalton-ctreet, 9 rooms, b ith, blinds, gas, bay window suit apartments Us 6d.—-Apply 38, Castle-road. 109 ]-li. Ca t.bays-terrace, Cardiff, to Let; rent, 128 weekly J. Apply Hem ad Pertwee, 94, St. Mry.t.. Cardiff. 659 SouthLuton-place, Cardiff, to Let: rent. 12s weekly.— 8 Apply Hem and Pertwee. 94, St. Mary-st., Cardiff. 658 1- 2:-Pk.0-Tõ-J-edt; possesslo-rn- modious Residence (centre town): 13rooms, lavatories. -Oswl_an, 14, Biht., Cardiff. 613 ~0 6, Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff, to Let from Midsummer .L day next.—Apply J. T. David, Solicitor. 2, Bute- crescent, Cardiff. 614 6'.S 6d per Wee.k.-House in Springfield-place to ¡¡ood.. > tenant.-Apply WM. Sanders and Sons, 28, St. Mary- street, Cardill. 562 5. S per week House in Ethel-street to good tenant.—Ap- pply Wm. Sanders and Sons, 28, St. Mary-st., Cardiff. HOUSES and Shops to Let as under.—Apply Evans -I.. and Hughet House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, County Fire and Provident Life Offices,' J10rou¡:h Chambers, Wharton-street, ardi1f. 5ge 1'2, Northcote-street, Roath. ~| 8, Adeline-street, Moors good conditionrent'8s. 29. Fitzhamon-embankment. with stables, Riverside. SPACIOUS Waebou$es, Rotunda Buildings, fronhng D canal. 8 Clare Villas. Riverside: five miuutes from town: eery convenience. 13, Wellington-terrace: well adapted for offices. 46, Eldon-street, commodious Bouse and Shop; moderate rent. OFFICES, Trinity-street. Despenser-gardens, Riverside. j £ JOUBTS and ShOIt, Llandaff Ya.rtf: rent;'8sl'er:week, "7, Ctle.rol\d.Nice House and Shop, ~| 7. Radnor-road rent'9s bath (hot atldld). 187. Sevem-road; superior House. COTTAGE, Llandaff Yatd, good prden,6s,per.weelr.: ^•8, Hewell-street, Grangetown. t 4, Chancery-lane; 7s per week. J EXTENSIVE Shop aud Celtevage, Pier Head. Bute Docks. CORNBR Shop and PreIDÙles,Cadorlon. 4: 6, Janes-street; Docks Hon?eai)d Shop1: rent, £ JQ. FFIOES, Dowlais Chambers, Bute Docks. me Hwrsas. «Sc.. WASTBW. SMALL convenient House wanted, within 15 minutes walk of St. John s-square, not to exceed 10s.—Apply 30. High-street Arcade. 912 SO IJET—BUSINESS .8REMtSJ<;S AC BUSINESS Premises to Let. James-street, Docks, snit- ,b!e for stores. -Apply 45, George-street, Docks, «r 34, .Broo reet. Riverside. 839 (- rONt;t, CarriiIf. House and Corner ShoPtõ,' near Post Otlroe. 8Ultable for any trada:" mb- 'erSOM Nll!_dap:32, Clifton-street. 993 8LÏS-¡:m Photographic Studio and Waitir«-room '\088' except Camera, and Lens: first lacding e: good opening.—220. Bnte-rd., Cdilf. 1 o Let. in Canto and centre of town » £ 70.—Powell, Lewis Co., Auctlonf>ers, r 8, St. John's-square, Cardiff. 611 per annum, 18, Custom House-street. Brothers. HOe to Let, suitable for butcher, in good "Y3ll-road. Saltmead.-Apply 16, Aller- 63 i table t* Let, 69, Diamond-street, .te rent.— Apply 71, Adam-st., Cardiff, Let., kood p08it.ioo, Westtraw,-atreet.- ,rdiff. 971 J i jÕf t. by 1 1ft. suitable for storing.— "| ,y.¡, i.oun-square. soi "Vj *"• l-et, Suite of Offices tour rooms and 1. rally situated in Tredegar-place — P- "Daily NewB" Office. Newport. 23e Pf N"' Let, immediate possession^ Two I "d Shops, suitable for any business splen l1llng Pontypridd Railway Station Gate tms. 67. Rickard-street, Pontypridd S'ii< UA xtMi windows, Tw £ r~ceUar»T k I cilery, back entrance, five bed- rooms. wldns, Tobacconist, 139, Portman- iiioor-ro 380 SHOP to Let, at No. 7, System-street: very low rent.—• .J Apply on the premises. J SHOP and House to Let suitable fr 1t1'ltl'OCery, Ac.: good openm for butcher • growing neighbourhood. —Apply F. 620. Echo OtBcp. Cardi?*"°? °? ?0 SHOP, with .OwpHing-hoHHeTto? Let: Trevethick-street, ? .ear Craddook Hotel.—Apply 16, Charleo-street. 55& S'IT. Mary-street (close to).—Convenient- Shop and Dwell- O iHg-house to Let: rent low; would suit potato merchants or as chowrcems.—S Hern and Pertwee, Auc- tioneers, Cardiff. 769 1-()Buth;S:-Pork Batchers. Dairymen, or 9thm.-To A Let, 1, Dalt-on-street, Cathays- commodious corner Shop, dweUice. fonr-stall st??ie workroom, yard busi- ness locality immediate possession.—Apply 132,Castle-rd. ?0 H;"d'r-¡TO Leta Koom r^ vare chance for a A steady man.—Apply, by letter. Hairdresser, Echo Olflc, Pontypridd. 9600 ripo Let, Hairdresser's Shopwith fittings been doing A good business two living rooms attached.—Apply 9, Mill-street, Pontypridd. ,n S2e, rP0 Lt, H: ?hnp. ?n? Bakehouse. in growing di- A trjt ?oo'lwiU £ 20 stock at "alnation: good class trade.-H 719, Echo, Cardiff. 719? ,-r-Ó-Lt:-i;n;'p¡:;iQu ;O;IÄ,,d- Ú'di;trict, double- A fromed Shop (plate-glass windows) and Dwelling- house, consisting of front sitting-room, 3 bedrooms, scullery, kitchen (containing most modern range), tc. most suitable opening for a beginuer would suit My class trade.—Apply Florence, Prospect House, Pontypool. 692  Butchers. Pork Butchers and Dairymen.—To Let, A J3? Castle- road: fiaed up: splendid POI'IOI: immediate possession.—Apply 133. Castie-road, Cardiff. slO TO Let.-Sp;endid block of r>ew Business Premises, close I JL to new joint Passenger ration fot G. W.K.. T.V.R., and Barry Lines, conistiug of lare and 1:hstalJl,nlly- built warehouse (four floors), fine suite of offices, a shop, and manager's house 110 rooms, well appointed throughout with every modern C01w.micnce These premises are I adapted for any business, aad can be taken at a moderate rental in part or whole? by arrangement.—Apply D. 0. Evans and Co., Penarth-road, Cardiff. 665e rI' "0 Let 6 sets of Honms a-?OSceaJ above South Wales A Daily News" OSce, St. MMT-street.-Appiy "Daity News," Cardiff. 42e tf5- Wellineton-street.—House,Shop, and Two-stall Stable, 4 suit butcher or greengrocer rent 12s. Also 76, Wel- lington-street: Three-stall P-'t-able and Loft: rent 5s.— Rees. Solicitor, Bank Buildings. Cardiff. 61 SAt^:—HOtiSES 1ASI>. «tf ARRAN-street, Roath.—F?r Sa)e? corner House, opposite ?L Mackintosh Institute, Stted up with every conveni- ence.—Particulars 54, Arran-strett. lwath. 666 C'-ÃNroN, close to Westbourne?''esc?at.-For Sale by ?? pnvate treaty, )one Leasehold House, containing front and back parlour, kitchen, and outer kitchen, four bed- rooms, bathroom (hot and cold), large cellar, with con- venient offices very low ground rent.—Apply Richards. Albert Chambers, Cardiff. 139 ? ?OWBRI?E-rox?.-Ff,TH?!e (adapt.able'for business <? premIses). Capital House, with large garden and J premises a), djoining, suitable for buDdin: workshops, staMes, etc.?-HGm and Pertwee, Catdif. 7!0 COURT-road, Saltmead.—Several Houss and Shop for Sale, cheap sell together or separate never idle.—For particulars apply 108, Dorset-street, Saltmead. 76 F- OR;ïe,-Thrc'Hn';s- Penarth-road. Cottages East t Moors, and Houses in ?reeoE-street. Canton.—At?)!y B. Evans,41, The Walk. Cardiff. 176 F-Õ-R-2a.ië'-C-tõ-l'IOil- tramway terminus. Six cfth JL prettiest well-built ViUas m Cardie very ChUIJ.- Doggett, 63, Keppoch-strcet. 964 I F"OR" SÙRt.h Park, best nMt?seTeral tma)! ViUM. FOR Sale, £ 195 and £ 200, with b?ths, tc.-Doggett. 63. Ke,pOtlHtreet, Ro?th. 964 Sale, several New Cottages. Spring Gardens, off Broadway, aud Ilear tile new biscuit manufactory.— James Lodge, T.i ler-street, CardiiT. 896 Sale or to let at LIa-jisher, pleasantly-situated -1 Villa Residpnce in Station-road, with every conveni- ence, lare ¡¡arden, &c.-For fall particulars apply T. Hawker, 6. Church-terrace, Llanishen. 353 I 'j(;ji-S-l ViUa., AnKus-?treet, f ;\iinto Roath Park A live bedrooms, bath, lavatory, and wc. side entrance. —Apply C!OTeHy;Hou? Angus-street, Roath. 646 T?OR Sale Double-fronted L6eh?(d-Ridence, O:'2; I A' Richards-terrace. Roath. conalOm:: two laree sitting, rooms, kitchen, scullery and washhouse, m:d usual offices on ground floor four bedrooms, bathroom, and w.c. on first floor: separate servants' staircase: good conservatory: I ground rent, ?5 10s price, £ 559.—Apply Mr Walter Cock' 98, St. Mary:treC_iff. 5S9 FOR Sale chcip, the Le;sOf-BusmesJPremise,- 48. jt' Bridge-street.—Apply Mrs Gorman, No. 7, Bh'd? street. CardiS'? 575 GOOD 6-roomed House for Sale, in first-class condition back entrance, close to Thompson s Park.-Avply 73, Pembroke-road, Cantou. 891 1:-LANisI,mN.-For Sale, semi-detached small Villas, Jl J tive minutes' walk from station cheap ground rt"nt.- Appl.asoD, Bute Brick Works. 664 OFFERS wauted for five welT-built Houses on Malpas- road (good position, well tenanted), together or sepa- r¡¡,tely.-ApJ1I_ynI'\wpart, Mon. 9! 2e EllSLANENT Mortge: ?OOr BSSoT £ 500. £ l,000 to £ 5,000 ready for immediate investment.— Apply Morgan and CO:Ile-street. CardiS. 100 ¡rWO Houses for Sale in Alfred-street; hot and cold I bath, double bays, back entnM'cM.—Apply 73, Angus- street, Roath. 67 BUSINESS PREMISED WANTEB. -¡NTEïJ: soon as pibl [hop and Dwelling, with W two plate-glass window preferred, suitable for jewel- ler, Ín main thoroughfare rent must be resonabl.- Cymro, 5. Worcester-street, West-, Brynnoawr, Breconshire. WANTED, large Room or Warehouse on ground fioo r f for a workshop, in tht" vicinity of St, John's-square good light, and not racing the street.-Send particulars to Architect. 22. Duke-street. Cardiff. 146 BttSlKKSSKS WASTED. I WANTED to buy MUk?Round?r paying business Hilis TT or Barry Dock preferred.—M., Yarmouth Houe, Little Havelock-street, Cardiff. 949 I BITI1\:ESSK'!i I"OR ?H8:'<?A?.. 7 '?UTCP??"? ?sifMss foo sai?T ii,g 'ot?Hty E?t 3- .0 factory reasons for leuin¡.-Wnte G 621, Echo, Cardiff. 621 BOOT Trade.—For Sale, an old-established ready-money Concern, principally repairs, eccentric press knives, lasts, two boot repairing machines: good posiion.-Davjs, 65, Castle-street, Abergavenny. 596 i'1IGAR8 and Tobacconists excellent posihon: good J C1a8 trade rent lo ingoing £ 209, including lease. Wilmshurst and Holmes. Quay-street, Cardiff. 55 I "'HEMi.<iT:<; and Herbalists.—Death,vacancy prescribing, J conultinK, and teeth extracting lock-up Shop low Mnt.-R Prust? Chftou-street. Cardiff.$58 OFFEE, Tea, Baked Faggots, and Refreshment C Business: pleasant position: near railway station, Bristol: good living for husband, wife, and small family: incoming only £ 65.—Apply Tebbs, Valuer, 72, Bath-road, Bristol. 602 fpOR disposal as a going concern, first-cl Restaurant; best position in Barry Dock bar, grill, dining and coffee rooms overlooking dock* close to railway station, General Post OSiee, Fp?eration, Board of Trade, and reneral offices, chief entrance to dock: lease from one to seven years.—Wnte R ;63, Eche Onice, CardiS. g? FOR Disposal¡;;akery andu"i- JL ness. good rounds ?aily. with horses and traps, shop, house and bakehouse, garden, and piggery: reason for leaving, taking larger business: everything to be taken to stock at valuation.—Full particulars, Temple, Newbridge- ?' o"-Wye. 6(} f^JROpfiRY and Provisions, with oS Wine and Beer Licenses, in best position in Clifton trade approaches £.OOO a year price £ 150, and valuation.—Apply R. Miller and Company. Limited, Stckesoroft Brewerv Bristol. 9Ce I AIRDRESSING, Tobacconist established 5 years Kopd goiii^ concern hot android water good reaso-i forjeaving.— Apply p 832. Echo Office. e32 HAIRDRESSER'S Busiuess to Let as going concern: fair trade no reasonable offer refused.—Applv. Echo OtBce. Pontypridd. 9C5e "OAINTING. Glszing, Paperhanging Business (practic?Uy no OPPOsItIOn) together with a Wall Papet O?in? I?rthenwarc and General Business '■ in a rising litHe ?wn in outh Wales' HI health sotereasoaforseUing-For parMeu!ajrs?pp[y Decorator. KchoOSce?CardiC. 121 CMALL ready money ?roeery ?usiDe6sio!DiRpo?r- ?' o-??'" ?. immediate purchaser.—Write C. 505, Echo I O* ■ t;h. ce, Cardiff. 565 QWKKTS and General Business.—For Disposal, Fixtures, block low rent, 10s per week good position, pemu- loug neighuourhooij —>S\r<-et-a* ICcbo Othce. Newport. 9131" To '-ec' old-established"Fried Fish, Coffee TaveriT Busi- J. neas; main street.: proved trade owner leaving town. 3-cbo Office, Swal1ea. 96e TO and IJtensils for bale.—Write L. 731, Echo Office, CarniK. 731 A BERGAVENNY.-One of the cheappsr?na '?nMt f■y- ?"?omfty-ntted DouMe Licensed Houses ever C?d? ? ? '? in.gcin:.W. GiU, 1.9, St. Mary-str? •v?• Uidiffi -772' ?ENTRtrotCardiS?To' Let, oe of? tht-F; V-< DouMe.Licensed Houses; low m-¡omg.-GilI, ab^ove address. no¿ ( ^ARDIFFT V' Licensed House long lease, moderite rent, low in- Bcing good trade.—Gill, above address. 772 /I~\OUBLE-Lieensed House, agncultural district; last -f tenant 25 years ingoing moderate stock at valuation. —^prly Penney, 19, Duke-street, Cardiff. 662 'TW"EAR Centre of Cardiff-—Beautifully-fitted Single- ..l Licensed House to Let: test opportunity ever offered to young beginner.—Gill, above address. 772 T? EAR Cardia.—Sp)endH ? free Single-licen3ed Pobltc  House. Long lease. Low rent. Moderate mgoinK. ?—Gill, above address. 772 -<r¥10 Let, Bres Arms Hotel, Llanelly; free double-licensed house: good position; south entrance to market.— i A. pply 44, Mnrray-etreet. 944 ESTON-euper-Mare.—To Let. one of the best double licensed Houses intbiB seaside resoit. Trade, B40 (, Weekly during the summer. Rent t35—Gill, above 'address. 773 .f..3QO will take one of the best Double-licensed Houses at 'c38; Pontypridd. Low rent. Good trade.—Apply per- 80nally, Gill, above address. 772 musicai* AN excftllent Trichord Piano, firet-class condition. £15 15s, at Kennard's Mart, 88,le..rd., Cardiff.846 A first-class overstrung Pia^°j0 Breat bargain, 25 Cardiff. 846 A very superior PjD"; all latest improvemiiitg. nearly new. £ 1* 18s.-At Kennard's Mart, 88, Castle-road CardtN.  445 A good Piano, powerful tone suitahle for concert room' L cMh, £ 21.—At KenDar 8 ,83, Castle-road i Cardiff.  846 ¡' EXPERIENt7Eb~Master <'?s Tw LessonsWeekly.  JLL< Pianoforte, AmencM on, 'M?n. Theory Pupils |'prepared for examinations, M 6d monthly.—T 65 Echo, C:\dI_c- 65 EXiaiANOT~< £ £ 5Sr» £ £3) lJ.ud Half- iL Model Ship, 6ft long, ?'' goo afety.-o 687, Echo Office, Cardiff. __——— 68 R Sale, a good America??°;owner?ving neM? 1' bourhood.—Apply 3, Nottingham-street, opposite Tramway terminæ, Canton^ 833 ?OR?a!e.?Sin<le-acuon'H?Seba8M!tn 'Erard F in very pood condition.—ror pnce apply A. Rees, Harpist, Porthcawl. 685 ARMONIUMS. PiMOsr? ?.&c?n'th. HirePur- JL1 chase System. AMM rnll! ns: Company. Ltd., Hayes, Cardiff. 251' JOHN Zeale 26. Capet.. aud 26, Dock Parade, M Newport, Musical Instrument Maker and Repairer to order of all kinds of instruments: \1."tr¡¡s and violms receive special attention also maker or all models best work- manship guaranteed. 774e PIANO, by Broadwood. perfect conditc tone, and ivory keys, £5: also American Organ cheap.—54, Partridge-road, Cardiff. 776 PIANO (bv ISvaM 'ancTCo. ?M?ronty?' KUtneas' J- equal to new thoroughly good In8trument.-aI! Furnishing Company. Hayes?Carai!T. ?  ? 25e PIANO (nearly new) for Sale all latest improvements: JC cost 1:44; grand tone: rare opportunity.—Address P. W.. Echo Office, WANTED, Whit-Monday, B^ss Band to head Church VT School, also dancing.—Apply Particulars, D. S. Jones, Oak-terrace, Abertillef1. 815 8 (HI KS. TKK l i l.KS Ac. A Raglan cushion-tyre Safety, diamond frame, balls J-TL throughout: nearly new will sell cheap.—Apply 22, Pill-strtet, Cogan. 14'1 arrived. Imperial Rovers, renowned Excelsiors, Helical Premiers, high- olass Osmonds. Also large stock of second-hand Machines at what offers. Repairs, enamelling, and nickel plating. Machines exchanged. Inspection invited Pavry and Co., Manufacturers and Agents. Mill-lane, Cardiff. 678e A Cushion tyre Safety, equal to new, cheap.—ArplyT77 CaerpMlly-street, East Moors, Cardiff. 432 Clearaoce 10 so;d-tvre Bicvcles. Will' take back any time in exchange. Send P O I"* f„u address, for sample.—Morris 109.Ponp 1ge BARGAIN.-Pnellmatic detachable tvre Saf»tv BOD. slippinä '95 tyres, wei«ht 321bs" neTer l1sed. taken f'Jr debt, cash, (no exchange) £7 5s: i>PP'cvaJ wit!l plea.sure cost d!)ub.e.-T. Kers!ake, Photos;rapher,5 Re:ent-street:, BICYCLES wanted to repair: no job too~difficulF Fittings, rough and finished, suppliei.-Cathedral Cycle Works, 5:, Lower Cathel-road. 712 /^USHION Tyre, diamond frame Safety^ for Sale • ball ^ewoa: iaspeir 'i!Ïd.-14, Wlt!cnar, 76 FOR Sale, a Penmbu:ator: lined with carriage clotl new lust season no fmther use for it.—54 Kim- si road, Canton. 29 FOR Sale, Cushion-tyred Safety, ue;-b-i throughout; on viw 6. Pamyscallog, Dowlai;.— An^Ov Snead, 13, Swansen-terrace, Cardiff. 9V7 FOR Sle, a Safety, cushion tyre, d'amond fraD)e, hafl bearings, lamp and bell: will sell cheap cos, '£14 • as good as new owner giving up riding.—Apply C. Scrim- shaw, Llandaff Yard, near Station. 8511 t^OR Rale, Two good cusbion tyre CycleS;- di() r mm, balls throughout, £ 3 10s and £ 5—Annlv 11, Chapel-Street, Llindaff. 9:12 F'OR Bicyclists.—The new Pocket Foehorn a large stock 1- to be sold at less thau half JlriœSephen\ArCáde, Carddf. 579 fie -to -r-ddre5S. -Seti! Safeties Safeties Important to arents. dea!er. and I others. WhOlesalc list containing 1,OCO (one thousand) machines, new nnd second-hand, sent post free to any address, 50 per cent. eheaper than other makers or agents. ■\V hy pay more Cr fancy price ? Single machine at whole- 8ale prices. Write at once for the largest aad mœt com- plete list in the cycle trade. Sterling value and no large profits.—W. R. Warrilow, Cycle Works, Regent-street' GREAT Sacrifice.—Overstone's Path Racer: weight 221 bs! Dunlop tyres, splendid machine, nearly new; what offers?—11, Albany-road, Ronth. 639 RANVILLES, Pioneers, Pneumatic and Cushio VX hi?h grades cash or easy payme' ts machines ex- changed repairs promptly s xecuted.—Agent, 11, Albany- road, Roath. 633 HUBER (genuine), highest pouihle grade, cost £ 26 Dunlop detachable tyres weight, 241h: very fast machine: bargain; 9 guineas,—Angle, G.W.R., Aber- ¡¡avenny. 22 1\.T1\Howe Cycles !-ii;;How(' cis !-Mauufactrl'U' i- Depot. 3, Church-street, Cardiff. S35e NEW Howe Cyclell, for speed, ¡¡htuess, rigidity, d elegance. Call nd in8pct them. 53ce K iV Howe Cycles at Plar Prices. Inspection invit ed. 1. Buy direct fro.. Manufacturers "nù Save Intermediate PnfiIB:.=!' Howe DepotChl1ch-5tci__ 535e NEW Howe Cycles are unsssd Orders by post care- fully attended to. So5e REPAIRS.—Plating and Enamelling promptly at trade prices.— Morris Bros., Pontypridd. Jg KEPAIRERS officially appointed for C.T.C., and;¡W for <yd" Insurance. Co. Ltd.—Morris Bros,, Poniy- pridd. Rf-pair; of any kiad to pneumatic tyres. 19e REPAIRS—All go to Morris Bros. ,Poutvnndd No job too difficult, no iob too smaL Do forget. SAFETY, Ilumber pattern, diamond frame. pneumatic I f detachable tyres, tangent wheels, £ 8, worth double.— W ;67. Echo Office, Cardiff.$ £ SAFETY, Hin. cnshiou tyres, quite new, Humber type £ 5. worth £ 16—\Vritc Z 756, Echo Office, Cardiff. 756 SAFETY P;t¡ th onghlv-I'liabl; 1895 machine, £ 5 lcs.—Write F 653, ('o OSce, Cardiff. 653 AFËTIES,-){oney. money, money a"cd. Free boat KJ ticket to Weston-super Mare. Buy your Safety from Warrilow, Weston-super-Mare, or 293, Bute-street, Cardiff. Single machine at trade prices 1,000 in 5tock. Write or call for large list free. 463 SOLID Tyre Safety Bicycle for Sale, go»d order, e-¡¡;ÿ runner, price 27s.—Apply 26, Newport-street ljower Grange. Cardiff. S73 OOLTD Tyred Safety, ball hearings, in good condition, £ 2 2s.—Apply !7, Percv-st., Peuarrh-road, Cardiff. *82 8TOP Thief.—New Cvcle Lock with Key sent Post Free .1 for 6d stamps, together with 1895 Lamp Lighting Tr:bh. Illustrated Cy.'le Lists Cycle ;nftl;\1:ît Notes for Tourists, aud other useful information, limited number only early application required. Morris Brw., Cycle; Works. Pontypridd. TIÜ "1\bnate" Scores.-b the quarter-mile race on Saturday at H:trleqnin3' Sports ;11' Sid Jenkins proved t,e winner on his new" Magnate," winning the first and second heat by a second faster than any of the other heats, aud winning the final in style, proving the local made machine to be second t" none for speed.—For further pr- ticulars apply Josh Williams, Magnate Cycle Works, 44, Wood-street, Cardiff. 199 TO Cyclists.—Before ordering elsewhere call and see ;my stock of Nimrod and Zimmy Racirs and Roadsters.— W. G. Francombe, Ii. Crwys,ro1.õ. 75 ;:¡"öuRiNG-6uÜlta,-Lik the wise virsirs. see you haye an .L ready. Po3t free per return. 1ES5 Lamps, 3s 6d: Lamp 011, 9d: Lubricating, 9d Tyre Outfits, Is Solution, 6d Box Cement, 6J Gold Paint for rims, any shade, K>d Enamel and Brash, 10d: Tool Bag, 2s: Spanners, Is 9d: Plated Oiler, 6d: Pocket Oiler, 15: Alarm, Is 6d; Sm^ll Bells, 9d; Cork Handles. Is 9d: Black Handles, s d: Puncture-proof Bands, and how to fix, 9" 6d: Non-slipping Tyre Band, 4s 6d; 3 Valve Rubbers for 6d; Long Inflator, 58 6d: 1895 Locks, Is Steel Balls, any size, Is 6d per doz. Lrake Spring, 6d: Chain Pii 5d: Saddle Pin, 4d: Axle Nut-s. 4d Small Nuts, 211: Foot Rests. 23: Toe Clips, 2s Pedal Rubbers, 6d eRch: 1395 Saddle Pads, Is 9d P.O.O. 01 stamps.—Morris Br03.; Pontypridd. 19 Y \^ANTED, Light Pneumatic Údser (cheap) for ld, ]_* 13 years old.— F 48. Echo Office, Cardiff. 48 YNYSANGHARAD is name of our;t.but Morris .1 Bros. Pontypridd, is sufficient to find the oldestCyde Works in South Wales. \Ye wiil forward you, on reclpt of stamp for pOsta¡¡e. our New Lbt. profusely illustrated, c?n 'nlnK everything new in cycling, with useful hints to llllders and tounsw. and particulars of some great br- e:ails alsJ> enclose Is stamps for the new Screamer" 'Vhltle, aU the rage: most, attractive road-clearer invented. "He wen t be happy till he gets it. 1ge Jp 6 Cash.—Pneumatic Bicycle, Dunlop detacbables, very cW Sooa condition inspection inTid: civing up riding. jA^. Perim nouse, ûlarenœroa.d. 514 ( ABKIACTS. TEIIICLFj;. Ac. BARGAIN.—Must be sold, good Four-wheeled Dog-cart also good Business Cut: also splendid Coal Cart, new pair or wheels, 4tt. 6in., suit Coburg Cart; cher.p.- Apply 102. Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff. 175 BAKER'S Covered Truck for S{Ichp.Appli 156, Broadway, Koath. 9!! BARGAIN.—Flat ('art, nearly new and newly pam ted, £ 3; also Set Harness, cheap.-60, Gordon-street, Chepstow-road, Maindee, N ewport. 95e BUSINESS Traps, aÚh.¡; Pleasure Traps, seai two or four Flat Carts Harness, new and second-hand, every description Saddles and Bridles: good Tipcart and Harness bargains.—14, Havelock-street, Temperance Town, Cardiff. 998 (CHOICE of two thorough good Easiness Traps, suit £ :'rc'fer' Ker' ,r butcher, cheap good Saddle and Bridle, bargain: no further use.—Apply Groom, Theatre Royal Hol!-ivery Stables, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1 C1HEAP Pleasure and Business Traps, ()nnk-axle Cart J (suit (rocer or bottler), Trucks, Wheels, Pneumatic Safety.—Gover and Co.. Guildford-street. Cardiff. 629 17*OR Sale, a good- strong Trap suit t.cher or green- grùcer.-Applr Jones, Old Stores, 12, Market-street, N eWi)Ort. 97ge F01 Sale. Business Carts (all sizes) and Traps, Trucks, Ladders, Garden Barrows, Set of Harne¡;PoWIE, Clarence-place Rope Yard, Newport. 97ie I-?OR Sale. Pony, Pbaetol1 (all Nplete).-Appl, T. Price, Ravcu5worth, Llandaff-road. 863" FOR 8ale, one double-horae Brake, with top aud cushions corap.eto, to carry 16.-Apply Selway, Williegton- terrace, Aberavon. 33 VOR Sale" a good Pleasure Trap;-d-H-arn6S;;ï;-¡õ;d .1.' Pony. rising four years old. 14 hands. Will be sold separately or together. Apply for particulars to John Tyler, Fruiterer, ::PI1Y' 94., TJ^OR Sole, Coburg Car. suit baker: splendid condition room wanted: puce £ 12.-T. E. Jones, Thomas- street, Mertnyr. -H'- _.851- FOR 8a!. Three-horse BrakeT in first-class condition: to carry 20 person8. l1P:y A. Edwards, 22, Mill-street, Pontypridd. 9220 FORSale, new spring T;wk;;bup:suitbtïildcr.-A.-í;piy I Wuliam Dang, 4, Harriett,-street. Cathays. 5a I'OR S-a Ï;k (by Marsten, BiTSingham ).it,h do:¡bl- .L 'It in front SMt 26 people cuhions, lamp;, lxirs, complete equal to .new.-Apply Carlton Livery Stables. (athedr:>-1-r03d. Cardiff. 571 ]- jILÚTON.-Splendid artiCbYBristol Carriage Company; cushions, lamp?, latest improvements •cohsi&o: only used oncc 2S guineas.—Gregory, l,ower Bridge-street, Pontypool. 96 SALE, 2 Tip Carts, 2 F CarST BMine.'S TrapTli^ht Crank-axle Cart, Hwtdtruek, cheap.-Elkinston, '2ht. Pn.rth-oi_ W A Ii' F •Baker> Van or Coburg. Bakery "7 UteEnrs?i! ls. and Confectionery FittiDgs. — Fu!> particulars to Davies >1011 Co., Tlie Stores, Blaenavon. 7&1 W ADL: gbl set of Second-hand Carriage Harness: v » must be best make, and in good repa i r.—E>;och Davies, The Stores, Treberbcrt. 5-17 AGONETTE for Sale, to seat 12 good condition v v with pole and bur: moveable top —Apply 34, Lr)llisa-otree t. Docks. 959 ,ood Hrabs. Governcss Car, suit puny 12 hands: several 41 hnsiness and plasure traps, very chea.p.-GilJhon, >Ii 1I-1. "0" ù d. 90'. IHHt.ES. LIVJ "iV TÎlargain.-Handsome Cob, 13.1, four years, fast, with .tv&" grand action guaranteed sound, no vice. Also pretty Pleasure Trap, new Harness, Saddb. and Bridle.-A pply 102, Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff. 174 A handsome, thick-set Cob, 14 hands, bay, four years! warranted sound: also Pleasure or Bumess Trap and Harness to suit, together or separately, bargain trial allowed.—14. Havelock-street, Temperance;Town, Cardiff. 3 APouy, Fish Cart, Harness also 3 Cobs, £ 14 each Donkey Cart and Harness, £ 5; all warranted.-3, Penyped-roa.d, Canton. 910 A Bargain.—Powerful Cart Mare, 16 hands warranted A staunch worker chain or britchen harness master o! three tons: warranty of soundness :1:iven: price, ;15.-6, Gordon-street,Chepstow-road, Maindee, Newport. 940Q A bat black Cob (14 hands). Trap, bra85-plated Harness, :.6-"1. turnoat £ 14 also sound, honest, thick-set COD, 14.2. 5 years: £ 22: can be tnd.-Dd. Morgan, Energlyn Mills, Caerphilly. 742 A good strour Pcny. with Spring Cart a.nci,5t;ii. any business, £ 13 the lot.—28, Stacey-road, Roatli' Cardiff. ■ 728 A Bargain.—Stroug Cob: 13 bauds: good worker: Set Harness, and Spring Cart: !o. £ 7 10r.—11, Mill-street Pontypridd. 93le Useful Black Mare, 15 hands: also Bay -ï5 A hands, 6 years both are warranted good in all harness (would wit Imy tradesman or cabman): can be tried any time price £ 16 each.—2, Haberehon-st.,East Moore.Cardiff. BARGAIN, leaving neighbourhood.—Bay Horse, 5 years, 14"2. sUcht blemish, but warranted good worker, with good Buin. Cart and Harness, Lamps and Brake com- -plete 815 t, or separate also light hauling Tip Cart and Shaft H a rness, £ 6.—9, Rhys-st., T, Rhondda. 9S0 B AEG A IK.—Pony, 1 hands. Flat Cart and Harne>s, suit grasngrocer or Ashman the lot for £ 9.—Apply Tynybprllan-terrace. Caerphilly^ i 1 9 B.- ARGAIir-P-¿;DY, Flat Cart, Harness, together or JL* separate, suit fishmonger o greengrocer also Horse suit coal cart.-Apply 23, Leckwith-road, Canton. 765 COB(i4b.;&),FltCt, Set Harness goodcondiÜõn; C J suit gree»grocer or coal dealer: cheap.—Ab. Lewis, Macheu, Mon. 112 FINE Bull Terrier Bitch for ale, cheap good yard and water dog.—Apply No, 8, Dorset-place, Saltmead, Cardiff. 754 FOR Sale, Pony, new Greengrocer's Cart, and Harness. perfect eondition sale reason too small, or f!8pa.ra.te. -Lloyd, Grocer, Peutre. 995 FOR Sale, a good Cob. 14.2, with Harness, and good useful Trap to be Sold: baain. -57, Broadway, Cardiff. 941' FÕR Sale, bargai Honest Pony, 13 hands, with fiat X? crt or trap, suit grocer, and Harness, lot £ 14 sell separately tt required trial allowed,—14, Havelock-street, Temperance Town, Cardiff. 999 FOR Sale, ood Ccb. with Harness and spring market Cart, to be sold a bargain.—Simraonds and Son, Madras- -street, GraDetowD. 722 VORS Chesnut Pony, 13 hands, rising 5 (one of the .J.' Comets), grand action and quiet; suit a gentleman, lady. or anybody, and an exclIent mare lor breeding also a new hand-truck.-Apply Hap.£ iff. FOR Sale, Bay Mare, 6 years, 15-2 quiet iu single and double harness, also ride warranted sound.—To be seen at Carlton Mews, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 570 POR S"l good Pony 12 hands, price £ 7 10s.—106, Clive- 'I: street:GraD. Cn be seen aftr 6 p.m. oclonk. 568 (-IVL."GBineS.5.-Must be Sold, pretty Cob, 6 If years, quiet ride and drive, good hack, £ 18 stylish Dog Trap, silver-plated mount5, patent leather fittings, Lancewood hafts. brake, lamps, state and cushions, £ 15 strong Business Trap, suit grocer or butcher, brake, 2 seats and cushions. £ S Ü of Cob Harness, nearly uew, £ 3 10s y, b! UteusilH.—179, Court-street, TonYlland,. 156 tpOR Sale, good-looking Bull Terrier Dog will tackle ,1-' anythin¡, 20. &lao pure Bulldog Pup. 15&-StÆpben Moreau, Carmarthen. 526 H????I ??* ""? Harness complete, suit any business, -???!ot? orseparate.—Gibbon. MiU-rd.. POTIdd. 1 IrCtnd ffa'cess suit gree?rocer war- ? ranted tn?cod condition and sound: lot. £ 9 10s. —45, Brook-street, Cardiff. 57  ?.ALE. Mare, la hnds, 7 ye?n:. ?mta.Mefor brake, S coburn, or spring cart work (free trial allowed). £ 9:   Ca £ anri Harness. £ 8,-Apply No. 2. Wharf- r:I, Maindee, Nwport.. 973e SAL. good working small Pony, with Cart and Harness J'greengrocer or tiohmonger lot, B10 lCs.-44, Bed- ford-street, Roath, Cardiff. 642 CjORE Shoulders Gre??e Thrush7&e?0uickly Cured by f Candy's ?""?- Horses suEfering from Sore Backs. s? ore SbouldeŒ, broken k?ees. wounds, cuts, bruies, thrush, i'. 1 j "K?.sre?e, mud fev.-r, mange, &c.. QUlckl cured Ity ¡-'a.tlnn> the Parte affected with a taMespoonfut of ?? "'?.. ?? ill ? P"? of water. It makes the hair ?*?'J 'T' ??hed off. Priee: Boz. Is 200z. 2s of ? an ?L hemM-ts? Iiisist^ on having Condv s Fluj. 857e ?HE late Mr Samuel CoIemau?-For immediate  Sale, ? ""??S useful aU-round black mare, 4 years 15 hands, f_ fnB1- vice; grand waggonette, sin?ie ordouMe. to carry 8 splcncud dog *?P "?bolstered. strong contr,wtor s cart. f  ?'?' ?"" ??e bridle and saddle, brake ?h??- carriage lamps, chitS maehine.-Apply to E^c^. B^Sd^6 I!lInPS• Ch"ff machine.—Apply^ to ?0 i^e a kind home, strong harness Mare? 15 hauds, thick-set, suit any tradesman, warrDted sound and good worker in alllmmess 14 days' trial given t? STumeas. Apply Hanson, 16. Orbit-street, New.?<Ï: T^O bportsmn:"ilRb''Ï'er F;;ir;i;-Úct anrDe game, handsome companion.—Mick, Iri?h (lrirr months, hard co?t, long wedge head, doE" -tr V?C ears, small black eye, mouth :ike shark mt ?"'?'?coiDu?uion £ 2, s?rince appro? vith P'e?sme?Z?mme?stree? Tipperary, Irelrtrd. 7'! TTS*' Jeerol Otntmect for speed?y'?cunne spn<ws '? curbs and sPhnts wh"? forming, over-reaches, capped hoek?. rhenm?m, wind?ils, scurf after blistering-La-?  Jre foI ls  ?°'° ?°?'?- ?M Work-?85. Tnrumi1!-st.. London, E.C. 857e V- Enm Il-i  Book Frt-o, con'ainin?tUI'mstrm-?..ns T T nrooc tJ Treatment and Cure of Ailments n?cctm' Horses, Do¡:s, Cats.  ??"?'- ?ss. Poultry, &c„ from åY's ?F!pm°-su orks 8UljU-3.rep!,()rJd"n, E.C. 857e \V????' ""? ??"' month or Mx ? eek? good, u?fut ng- Horee (must be q?et) for light spring w?gon. ^iV 1 siting termS' to A. EUis' Ro?h Nur^ry, Cdirffy'  _pa:B"t"(am\ OEEHIVES, Super, J?tractors. Sections, Foundation. <LJ S'?ps Fevers FfKines. &c.. &c. Illustrated catalogue fTZ ^.R,? "?'?P??"? M??uf.n;mrer, Stroud-road, Gfoucester EGGSfroDl prxe-hred Minorc&sT?ng&hans,Wy? JL?dottes,4s&Ktmg. guaranteed fertile, eercincate: also Mtcorca- ?ns?an. Wyaadotte-Minorc?. 3,. SrKt cross make splendid ??rs. Chicks for Sde.-Nork, Gr?g. tl' ,!O''p::irl: 77 "RU^for batching. ''?c? dozcn 7pure bred chickens, i5Os .aui ? od aoz n, with hen 3s 6d extra. Plyn outh K,, ock, s, Minorcas. Orpin?tODS; IBt on application.— ?awarda?Co??.y,JDurst?y, GiouceMerehire. 8?7e "CpOR Sale, cheap, splendid Turkey Cock, wpi;:bt-2L JL ?raPd Ltird for breediug purposes,—Apply Rose Vi'la. L f: )'?bnd^e-roaa, Cardiff. \?? TroK 4 Pullets and Cockerel, Us cheap to ci-ar~  ''°°? wanted.—Appiy Burton and 5mitb. B&kpt-? PC:¡'I'¡-Sl'l"ét, CariEII'. 419 I^OR Sale, Broody 3s ear-h from grand Ã-yje-. bury rekin Ducks, 2s per sitting,—A. Dunn Tor-vr- iwen, Birchgrove, near Cardiff. 757 if30LDFINChTeS. Goldfinches! majestic appearances and songsteis, 1-, 9d each. sent immediateiv receivins pos?) order :?innets, Is 3d.—Copps, Bird Stores* 0'(ù.. 17 C-?R?D White Leghorn Uoc'ke.?S PuUt:'(lt('d, c 7??'' ?"? "'? Eame '° BrO'D: priz wiODUS: TL??. s. 7 M, per sitL, from special and firs pnze winners -? Jeaktns. ?[ar.? Ruiway. Aberdare. 737 =j;l;H!?'DO= Foods.- Tt^ I for Pnces :u,d Ðampls to ?o.?h Rees ami SOD, Hy, Corn, and ?ead Merchants, Cardiff. 161e ^RlZE-bred o.¡hC:nitÎ-i;Ï1 EODg. ?a.rr.m?d?' b 3' 6d, and 10s 6d each Hens to m?ch, 3s 6d t K!-a as each: satktac.ion rairanteed. — Llo->d M,,} ? ?,?? each: M.Msfac.ion ?ir&nteed.—H.yd, i s RxirrRi;. A DVICE Gratis re FumishinK.—See below. L 636e ^^DVICE Gratis re Furnishing —See below. — 636e ADVICE Gratis re Furnishing.—See below. 636e A Saving of 10 to 3C per cent, by purchasing at Harris's ^IBta ???'? and ?°? Quotations are mie- ??°'°B tt»o  the pubhc. bee below. 65te A????''?'?'? you w?t ?rti?tic. substantial F,K°°, Harn:- Tha Wholesale House Fur T.d. ?'? ?' ?? ?-?' Bu?in? Newport. ?"6~Lti_ cg manufacturers no middleman's proSts; nrlpree • marked in phil) fiurrs: One ?'? ?-?t °value Cash only SmaU proSts Free delivery. ?VTnnT° h r-Coa'?t'y4 Bu^ers-~The DeUit way to Harri'3 is throu:;h Feuul's Arcade- faciQ5 Station only two minutes' wh&tK. IntEnding customers inspecting our stock win not   ? l'areh'l"e- Largest open display of furn,lJÎlJg goods in Newport. 63Se DARGAIM.-?M saddlebag suiti^f Fumihn'?' JL' ?i,ed.cMhB6: & sp-M? stuaed.-Appty Pinchin, JL-?'?'-??'t. Newport, g?g ?'?'?t.s.—Good sub3tantial B6d&te:,? best- R?? ..? tn.w Pauses, and good Wool Bed and ? r2 .a).neas ? P" ?"- '<'? th?ch?ede!se- w?h??CtobcFtunush,trs. Custom House-stet. 53 ?????' ??L "? ??wicg-rooBrSuite irrst?njped velvet: will be MM chM?.-WriK- J 7o0. Echo 0_f^ce.  750 l^^NmiRE on Easy Payment?Mrst-cIaM'Lecher -? suite, splendidly made. warranted quaUty. 7 mirx-M on easy payment*. lCs deposit 3= weekly.—Globe Fnmi?;ie)g; CuEtom Kouse-street. 53 F-URNiT"iTREBot¡;LI;-OmaI1 LotsT ?sh at  ° ??"'?'?? Cyril Secouc-hasd Furniture Stores, 12. Broadway. C;,dlâ. 57^ ;UR"l'UitL °? '???' ùecriDtion £ 50000 n value-f., .L eeiect from on the Hue System; strictly privet. r.hKe A Lar! gest Premies Md Stock out of J?ndon.-AHas "?????!'?? Limited. HayM. C&rdifT. 6 n ?A?nSOAlEBiueMdOIf?oId ?Ud'?artmrSutte?or ?- SBJe: manufactured byHoweUsandCo., cash, IS 1\1linea.s: ca.3h, £8. The C?H Second-hand Furni ure Stores, 12. Broadway, Cardiff. £ 9 :R-AR'E¡d English Rlat,ahoga.nym- cost 35 pumeas, from London maker: marTdlous ? ''u? eas. frum London maker: marreUous 13. Castle-road. ( ardiff.   ????- ^3 EUONDb;-d-j;;k;rS; cO}1î¿eith ;l;' ?  and drawers, sotid mahogany, beauMruUy v^2a.; U bargain.—WoodruS. 1, MMe<r-strpet (close Infir- mary). 0.6 OECOND-hand Furniture or Surplus Sk- ghtf'; Cash o. Sold 011 Commission.—Taylor's Salerooms. Custom House-screet, Cardiif. 255 ,.1"HE¡)strni;>DT';Der Set in the trade at W. Dobbs _a9ueE'n-"treet. 77 ie \\1 ;:i'fa83d:r<;ih anTlable for Saleriare i r awin!'glass 3 (irawers high; equal to cew; cost 7t;neM ca.sh, B4 lUs-Tne Cyril Second-bad Furniture Stoes. 12, Broad1 way, Cardiff. ?2 \TANTED to Purchase at once, a small House of Furni-  about ?? = ?"?" ? ? good condition.—Par- ticulars to Z90U. Echo. Cardiff. 900 S_"FuU size Bedsteads job line: 93 bd,- T V H, High-street. 553 -iiÜÍÎÜ\IS'S=-G;r1Sd-l;ba: Suite: soun<ffram?- V 6t guinens-14, Higb-stre- t. 55? \\7XLLIAMS'S-Bedroom Suite, with glass door Waril- \V I;'b;:c>ghf: ie-l gd,dg '4íi 6d.—14. High-street-. 553 "u ILLiAilS=-B-;d¡;teads-or. of the Laest StoC'k-s in I M Wales or West of England. 553 \;V L'f:f;;t;£lsHb-class Leather SuiteT »v a marvel of value £ 4 17s 6<1. 555 t\7I?LYA?'S?o7?e(l Tapestry Carret: 15- Hd? f M. High-street, Cardiff. 5? g  U?f?i.ti cu our new hire Hire System. Honse; ur Ii' lJ 1:'¡;;es :ll:Ifrn1.h:'d-;I(O' lln:tf)' Mlopted Bolly by us, whereby aU publicity, exp?ure. and nqmnef usually made by other companies re dispensed with. We have an immense stock of Hou:eho'd Furniture of cheap and superior quality. AU goods sold ou the Rire Ssstem at ready-money prices. We make uo extra charge for credit, and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge. stamp or agreement charges made 110 bil1 vi saic; everything private. Arrai.gements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, we guarantee quality and will undertake to supply furniture, etc., at 10 per cent. less than any price-list iesael1 by any finn in Cardiff. Eleven showroom.1;. Call and inspect our im- mense stock, and co:upare pr:ces oef*>re purchasing else- where. We ?iU supply £ 6 worth toi 2s M weekly jE? vorth, 4s vreldy; worth for 5s weekly £ 20 worth, 6s weekly, and so ou ai rrop'-rtloi). Special terms for larger Quantities. Ple.se ccte the add res? :—South Wales Furnishing Company" 31, Castle-street (epPoRite tb Cr.,¡, Cardiff Ie IMi.n»>?'!»' BABY Linen.—A Parcel oi Babv's First Clothes, superior ,.> quality quite new, never worn: very cheap.— L., 1S. Lancaster-road. Fallowfield, Manchester. 5<2 I^OR Mail Cart, very 8tron, and in good condmon cheap.—2, Coruersweil-rd., Penarth. OOD Perambulator, new, o>dy used one momh. cm- CI T pkt". with rug cost j?, will s\l for 2g?—0 /77, Echo. Cardiff. 777 1ADY wishes to disDOse of her Perambulator, but little J med, 25'.—Apply Hutchips.?9. r?tke-street. Cariff, 610 MAIij Carts and Bassinettes ittmarTeUouspricef. At .J. Globe Furnishers. 53 ÏiiANGl}; Washiu? Machines, e.vmg Machines ou lJ the Hire System.—Atlas Furnishing Company Ltd. Hayes. Cardiff 25 1 PERAMBULATORS Mail Carts on the Hire .S"s?m. ?- Atbs Furnishing Company, Ltd. Hayes Cardiff. 25? ard Bassinettes, at clearing V V prices. 553 I OK SAI,K—M:r.EXA MIOHK. ARTIFICIAL Legs, Peg I^gs, Arms, Eyes, Belts, Elastic stockings, Trusses.—Apply Manufactory, Pearce and Co.. 14. Station-ter.. CardiS (opposite T. V.R. Station). 836 A Captain, retirif-"m s;. wishes to Dispose valuable 'A Oatnt cheap extant, night passes, ?ntroid. books.tc. -N 676, Echo. Cardiff.$7$ BAKER'S Trough for Sale tH sack): also small JD 3, •Mill-lane, Cardiff. 58;, BILLHEADS, 1,000 for 4s 6d 1,80J Business Cards, 4s 6d JL* (special line), at 49, Bridge-street., Cardiff.—Rees, Mitliett, and Staubury, Printers. Cricket Fixtures. 759 DAILY Pspers, Weekly Papers. Comic Papers, and all kinds oi Papers.—Kobertson, Church-road and Chep- etow-road, Newport. 234e JTtLIGELSTONE'S, registered as The Popular Cardiff JL Pawnbroker, Jeweller, &ud Oututter. 22. CtsUe-road, Roath, C?rdinT. 6S4e J FORFEITED at Fligelstone's, Gent's ISct. English Gold jf?OEFEITED at Fliirebton< s. Gent s l?:t. Encttsh Gold F-1 ORPEÍrEDatFhllst(lne's. GeatVFMcy Curb Albert, JL 1Set.. stamped every link. &2 piece attached, onlv 10 guineas. 6Me J FORFEITED at Fligelstone's, Lady's ISct. Gold Watch, 1Bet., hall marked cases, cost 5 guineas, only 45s. 654e F- LH}ELST():rÜ;'¡;, Standard Value.—GeutY soM ?ttTer Alberts, hall-marked, 6s over 2ozs., 10s. FORFEITED at Fligelstone's, English Silver Levers, by Jt- Benson, 42s*: Ska.rratt. Worcester, 42s: Tainsh, Cardiff, SOt. FORFEITED at Fligelstone's, Lady's handsome Gold JL Watch, fancy did, hall-marked cases, only 21s splendid value. V^LIGELSTONE'S for Clothing. — Fancy Tweed Suite. JL 12s lid Black Vienna Coats and Vest*. 10B lid Black Worsteds. 12s lid. I^SGELSTONE S Annual Price List now ready many bargains post fr on ppl_ ;ïLrGLESTONE'Szi;;t:- clid Gold Wedding Rings, Sdwt?, ■ 15s 4dwt., 20s solid Gold Keepers from 2s 6d i."LiGELSTOKEsi-;cïo:-B.eaI- ?e?h Shirts, r 4s lid real Welsh Flannel Drawen, Is S £ d very best value. FLIGELSTONE'S Feather Bed. Bolster. 2 Pillows, best Linen Tick, weight 6OIbs., 3Os. No cpetltio F~ LIGKLSTONE S fOpera G?MSM 2s lld; Field or Marine Glasses fro* 58: Army and Navy, 15s. F-' LiGt.:LSTONt.'S Lady's Gold Dress ings. hall-marked, JL' 4s Gent's Solid Gold Bloodstone Rings, 5s and 31i. FLIGELSTONE'S for :rit&-Men's Nailed Derbvs. 3s 1 Hd Youths' Derbys, 2s lid Boys' and Girts Bc?ts. Is lld. FLIGELSTONE'S for Cord and Mol Trousers, 38 Hd, 4s  Hd, 6s Ud Fancy Twd Trousers, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s IL?ORFEITED arriMeIstonesrGeots Gold Watches from J- 16s: Silver Levers from 10s Silver Watches. 6s. lRFE ITED 3t PIeI6tone's. Gent b solid Gold Atb?rt "5= I.adyg Gold Albert. 2!s. Best valu in Cardiff. FORFEITED at Fligelstones. 30 Men's Coats from 25; Men's Trousers from Is 6d Vests. Is. FUGELSTONE Adnnce8 Money on Gold and Silver Valuables. 8tn'ctest privacy. Orders by post promptly attended to. Ij^OR Sale, cheap, 80 dozeD Apollinaris and Champagne ¡. r Boitles abu 50 dozn Ston G!Ders and Boxes.—53, HabershoD-stret. 8plotlands. E4 FOR Sale.—To be scld ch.sl'ë;d-clu.ss Pass to America, Allan Line.—Apply to Mrs Oldfield, Milliner, Castle-street, Caerphillv 947e FOR S^le. Hampers and Boxes in good condition.—Apply L. Davies and Co., 27. Wood-street, Cardl. 67 L FOR 'le:-Cork('o'kG;n"; and Herb Beer, and Corks of every de,-iptio t h¡ves, bungs, bottling corks.—2, Moira-placr, Cardiff. 556 FuR Boa (Russian).-L!t,;y offers very bushy. quite new, dark, soft, ) 16da Tail Boa, thre<! yards long cash needed accept lis 6d, worth £ 5 5s; approval, car- riage pid, before payment great bargaiu.—Mrs Edwards, 52^ JHugh-street, Eccieston-square, S. W. 113 GERANIUMS. Fuch;i Calceolarias, Heliotropes, LO' belis. ood plants from Is 6d per dozen various obcr plants cheap.—Si, Wyndham-eresceut, Canton. Evenings | £ GENTLEMEN, we send over 5CD Suits last S!'a.BOI; into | VX Cardiff and district. What more do you want ? No tailor nn possibly compt » with our All-wool Tweed and, SeTge Suifs to measure at 35s 6d, Write for patterns (frer-). —The W() Company, Bradford. 7 G LABS, China a1 Earthenware.—Have you seen J. R Rogers' Monster Show of Glass, China. Earthenware, Table and. Pocket Cutlery, and General Fancy Goods?- Important to every Shopkeeper and Househ0lder. :Np"-r in the annals of the trade have goods been offered at such 1t;:1I:S;1; quotations. Ail genuine, t;e.}t s, at makers' prices. Hundreds visit us. and are astonished It I our display and value.—Note address ;J. R. Rogers.. | I \ol}d-rEosit,e Wood-st. Chapel), Cardiff. Lists free, GI'A6S Imd! all sizes, for clocks, fgure8. &c.. cheap: A slso Fish Globes,—J. Cording, Naturalise, 42, Royal Arcade. Cardiff. 531 I Ó-tht h-t¡m"S. also to Follick's, where everything IS J* cheap and reliable 954e GOtOFOllCk'Úor the wen-known 6s 6d Sie. ('10 to Follick's if you want a good Gold Signet Ring fo A 4s 9s. worth double. G. 0 Follick's if you want. a reliable Watch and good timekeeper. O to Follick's if-you want a heav0iJver Albert, X stamped every link. for 4 9d. ( ° to Folhck's if you want a Guinea Geld Wedding Rin: X for 10s 6d. G-õ- to 40, Bridge-street, Canli1f, if you want one of Fol- T hck:, ts :'<d Watches. GO to Follick's before the sale is over if you want ba gaius in Overcots I, G- Ú:i to Follick s if you wanta ve l' by Wright, of Coveu- W try, fo 275 £ d I O to Fliik's if you wnt a SoM- Gold Albert, tar 35s. j MAHOGANY Cmmr (new). £ 5 10s: Mahogany Boards, H Fixtures, Handrails, St'iircasing. Show Cares. 1';('00:111 Fittings Joinery list free-Tilney, Joinery Works, Aber- J tillery. -SO MIT/K,—Railway Cans, excellent make guaranteed at I H lowest price aH dairy ntensil. AI30 deed boxes and e:nr:).1 shev metal work. Largest work? in Wales -Ca.rn hrum Tin V.'or kin? Co., Dmub;,Us-roltd, Cardiff (6 minutes fiom G.W.R.) 949e HIROKA! Hirob !Tbp Great Afghan Remedy. -'1 Hiroka Ointmnt. positive Cure for Eczema. Piles. Tistula, Old Sores, Rheumatism, Ulcerated Legs, Bums, &c.. k,c. invaluable for the Complexion. Price, Is Hd per box. A 11 p'in ciPle (,hIlli,t or post free, from Kiroka I 0mpany. 63. Queen-street. Cardiff. 731 e ICË Cream Cart for Sale, comp,ete.-Address 44, Maria- street, Docks. ■ 4S5 I LIVE G('lù-F¡hjimpl;;Cf;'olD; 3;-pe: d-¡;: Ants' J.s2d per ounce.—Cording, Taxidermist, 42, al A-cade, Carùdf. 532 I PIPKS—Bept Cliy Pipes, stamped with nam" and -afi'- dress 2s 3i per gross. Ji;6trated Est post free.— Cor- CNan'g. Manufacturers, Lamb-street, BS'o, 1S2 I RETAIL Specialities.—Robertson's Mixture. 4d ou'.cr Gold Flake, 41 ounce, 2 ounces 7»d Mild Mixture, 4id ounce.—W. E. Robertson. Church-road and 162, Chel' I .stow-read, Newport. SHOP Fixtures, Counter, large and sman Scales, Trolley Truck, surplus stock of Dog Collars. Braces, Purses, J &c.-Dvid Jon-n, 2, Coldstream-terrac Cardiff. II3 ¡ GIMMES for 1S15 oireiual copy, containing Welling- JL ton's despatches describmg rind ovenhrow of I Napoleon, list of Olc!s kined and wounded, tc. What offers ?—Alpha, Daily News, Cardiff. 165 I rr^ATUjK Cutlery.—Lady offers four-guinea Service, best j, quality. 12 t»ble, 12 small knives, pair carvers and steel for 18 6c1: whit pinned balance handles Sheffield make: great bargain: unnsd: approval paid before pay- meot.—Mrs Dawsou, 31, Moreton-st., Pimlico, S. W. 814 TIN Goods Galvanised Gocds, Brass and Copper Goods, ana Generai Japanned Goods of every dcription at I Birmingham Pries. Marvellously Jow quot ations. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Spoons, Forks, and E.-P. Goods in enliiess variety. Hawkers and Shopkeepers should visit us, and we will make It worth thpir while doiog so. We re- present manufacturers onlJ, 'ual jf we cannot give satis- fatio\],who cau ?-J. R.Er8. 2.street,Car_diff. 43e I TO Summer Half Hose. 2s 8d dozen; i S dozeu for 20s. — Deaville & Cu., Manufacturers, 29! Hout-ds Gate, Nottingham. 869 '"|X>!RACCONISTS!—-Thiell, 3s 5d; Thick, 3s 4(L All ¡ A Tobaccos stocked. — W. E.Robertson, Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist, Newport. 294e rl'OOL Cht-co;;t!l.inin¡;i-¡;-¡;jack. and smoothing X planes, and numuons otbr tools, £ 3 10s.-Apply 1, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. 705 npRAVELLING Trunks. Bonnet Boxes, Tourist Boxes.— JL SCO sent direct from largest manufacturer in the world for absolute Sale made of very best stel plates, and finished with best lever locks, in aII Eizs and colours. Large ize Travelling Tnwks from 3s 6d each. Bonnet Boxes, h. Is 3d. 1s 6<1. Is 9d each ditto with locks, 1s 3d, Is 6d, h 3d, 2s each. Tourist Boxes, 2s. 2s 3d. 2s 6d ealfch ditto with locks, 2s 3d, 2s 6d. 28 9d each.—J. R. Rogers, S, Wood-street. Cardiff (wholesale and retail). 43e rrwo Pun^ys. "Picker: £ i, f Sale. ch°»p: rising A. power, 5 and 8 ctrt. each no further use.—Enoch Davies, The Stores, Treherbrt. 508 H AT Otters, for £ 200. Appropriation (without interest) »v ir. First Neath and District Starr-Bowkett Building Society ?-Apply J. Cheekc, Alma-place, Neath. 497 I J^*OR Sale, i4,QOO feet of inch Boards, cheap.—Apply Hor- ton, 7 George-street. Docks, Cardiff. 932 C'OO Calico Flour Bags for Sale, clean, .iplendid cm: ji-I r tiou; must be sold.-Apply 1, Rennie-street. Riverside, (. anton, Cl1.r:hff. 71 00r fet lOin. by Aiu. Rd Boards. d foot Mouldings, I i), Mahogany, Joinery; Fencing carriage paid liet free. -TIlney. Saw Mills, Abertillery. 7&1 40,000 Pink Celery Plants, Is per 100 or 7s 6« per 1.000.— n A Dly Davies, _C!s-road, Ely, near Cardiff. ï lO.OQ feet j Dunnge Boards, 50s per 1.0JO square feet; I Scmtlir.gs, Deals, &c.. cheap.—Shapland, bottom East Dock. Cardiff. 7' AND Jeshurus waxed fat and kicked, thus chronicles the ancitnt historian. We presume Josh kicked because tile old lady would insist on doiug te spring cleaning. it is Just the same to-<1Hy: but- It 5 consoling to know tht the very best place to go is Watkins', the I PopuJ" r Provider, for nil yün want, Firescreens, new patterns, from 2s 6d per dozen. Iron Shovels fr 2s 8d doz. Brass Ewgs, l) 13r:oss. IrË8s8¥.?:iî I from ad gro"s. Id Box-s 'J intacks. from 4d doz. Cunain I Hooks. from 16 2d per gross. Polished-baek Shoe Brushes, from Is 6d deli. Large Scrubbing Brushes, from 2s ea doz. Full-size Wood Washing BoaNs, 3s 9d per dozen, Clothes Peg, 7d per gross, or per 5-grœs box 2s 8d.— \s,E,(}!i-213.D,h,:t_(}-<l: I BEAUTIFUL Selection of New Ross, Flowers, Scenes, I Views, Landscapes, illuminated in gold and .i!ver with choice mottoes and texts, size 10 x 8: 8ell atld each • our I price 4,d (iuzn. 4s 5d per rOS6. 12, gross to clear.—Watkins, Provider, Newport. Lists free. BIRD Fountains.—Round Bird Glasses. 6:d per doz. useful Bird Fountains, Bd per doz., 7, 6d pr gross • or 6d Self-filling Bir;t Fcimt. ins, greit novelty, 2s 6d per doz., or 24s per e1ü5s.Vatlrills. Provider, Newport. 63e CARDBOARD Mounts, best quality, white, dowu again, | J present price ]'i:'d 1[;¡6'r'' :et¡:k and Gold Fancy Mounts, 9d per doz. Flock and Bronze same price large mounts equally cheap. Picture Rings from 6d per gross, Blackboards, Picture Nails, Brads, Picture Wire, Hook'. Rett Picture Cord, It lid per gross I yards, any colou>\—Watkins. Provider. 63e CA DL1;jTICKŠ6hes, tti-96d -z:-chi j Nest Eggs, 5d per doz Tin Cups and Saucers, 9d ner QO z. Baking-nns, 9d doz. Bras" Padlock. 9d doz. Stl Pincers. 9d doz. Tape Measures, 6d per doz Hair Pius, 3icl per J6 packets. Laundry Scrubbing Brushes, Is 8d per I doz. Special. Is Carp-t Brooms, best red handles, only 4s I d per doz. Feather Dusters, long bandies, 3s lid r doz. White bone Collar S:ud". id doz.. 10d per :ross. anJ(H" do dry up. W e can't spare acy more room you will want the whole paper soon.—Ed.)—Watkins, Provider, J23-1$- 130, Chepstow-road, Newport. ilnTET8, Cruets, Cruets.—Useful 3-bottie, with black v ar.d brass Ïrame. ody I1bd ditto with cut bottles. Is lid halfl(uint'1i nickel, best frame, 4 cmt, WIth cut bottles, only 78 6d Úitte wi1 h six best eut bottles, only 5s Sd. Best metal 8.oons from 8),Ü doz. Carvers from Is pair. TOils of useful Table Cutlery àt really very low prices, I -W&tki!1r::)Vid",r. Newport. 63? EGG-CUPS Eg-cups! Egg-cups -Best china, white and gold. 6^d per doz 5s 11a per gross ditto 3 Gold Lines, 7d per doz., bs 61 per gross (iiro Celeste aúd Gold. Pink aud Gold, and Maroou and Guld, fr rm 7^d per doz 157 gross to clear.—Watkins, Provider, Newport. S; I FIRESCREENS! F¡r Sceens! J.çe-Ser;s.s m j the people will be burning their old Screens that have been made to do for one room after another for BO many years, we strongly advise yon to by in a selection of New Patterns t ooce. and we have the prettiest Screens this year that. ever have been seen, Please note prices 6.1 fire screens. well f'S8or,d. 2s Sd rio 9d do., excellent selec- twu, 4s 3d and 4 6d dozen: aud oar Is screens are l'oi- tively handsome, 79 9d. 8s. anù as 6d pr doz.—Watkins, Provider, Newnort. All postal note. orders, &c.. should be marked Watkins, Piovider, Newport." and crossed.63e, GLASS Glass Glass 1—We will cut best Glass to measure this month only at lis 6d per 100 "quare feet. Lar. q?a [1tties cheaper.- Watk::is. Prov:, h port. GOOD Old Newport. Well done Cardiff. Another sur- prise. Watkiu's cargo of New Season Calls arrived to- day. Note the priees aúd marvel. Best coloured inflated. 1d. 3d dOZll, 7s 6d gross: 2d, Is 2d per dozen: 3d. 18 Sd per dozen 4d, 2s 6d àoen; 6d. 3s 9d Is, 7s 6d. Larger sizes equally chap. Best infbted grey balls equally cheap. Also solid balls, cricket bdls, tennis balls. Also large selection of bats.—Watkins, Provider, Newport. 63e HAIR Curlers, Hair .Hlers.-Best penny Sœel Hair Curlers. 1 gross, Is 4d 5 gross lots, Is 3d per grob- 10 gross lots, Is 2d pergros;. W must clear 330 gross this mouth. Half-gross, carriage paid, tor Is.—Watkins, Pro- I vider, Newport. JOHN Smith.—That shop you told us you was going to take when the coal affair was settled yoa ba better open at once, so as to have soe of th« loose money that is ahrays spent during the hohüays, Go to Watkins, Pro- vider, Newport. He keeps everything, j1nd you will get your loods sent off same day. PAMPAS. Pampas. Pampas Grass.—Beautiful F¡owiD Plumes (white), extra large, is lid doz., or all the New Colours 2s lid per d0Z Pretty Bunche of Grass from 8rl per doz. Pretty hand-pamted 6J SpJa.ShPI, size about 33 by 18. only 3s 3d per doz. New Palm Fans, large size, 7^<j doz.. 7s 3d gross.—Watkins, The Evergreen, 123-130, Chep- stow-road. Newport. b3e I SPECLMENS.-HandsomeNew Ruby. Green, and Blue Specimen Glasses, 11 Inches high by 5 broad, only 4s 6d doz. Compare thee sizes with what you are now selling at Is and Is 6d each. Also ail the New Art Colours in 6d Specimen Glasses at 3 9d doz. Choice Selection New Epergnes from 2s each.—Watkins, World's Provider ¡;ote.' New Nos), 123-130. Chepetow-road, Newport. 63e TABLI. Glass. Table Glass.—We have in Block A about 72 case of Table Glass of every description. and another 60 to rome. Note our ig'1tpalr:, :—5 :J;zt 99 ordinary Tumblers, to diiterent patterns, lOd per doz., 9s 6d per gross. Tots same patterns and prices. Leg Tumblers. 5 to quart, 10id per doz., 9, 9d per gross also 6 and 8 to quart sensations barrel or lemon sh..pe je glasses, same prices. Best Cut \Vines fro III 's 5d per doz, Ben Cut Stem Spirit Giasse5 from Is lid per doz. Large Gioger beer Glasses from Is 2(l per doz. Glass Sugar Crushers, 7d pr doz. T"ns of US. ful Glass at unheard of price>. All orders promptly exe- cuted.-Watkins. People's Popular Provider, 123 — 130 Chepetow-road, N cwport.. 63e rnoBACWNISTS -Vevey Fins, 2d pe- bundle of 25 X 4s 6d per 100, 125 per 250 Gold Flake, 4s 6d per lb. Richmond Bird s Eye, 4s 5d Mixture. 4s 4d Areher's Returns. 58 2d. Penny rackt t Cigarettes. 36 3d per box pure Virginia Cigarettes, 63 per lb.; 3d Boxes "f CIgarettes; 15 94d box. Watkmss celebrated Loose Superfine Shag 3s tid lb. Sn^' Thin Twist, Thick Twist, ?Tn arget fCoil Clay Pipes, Is '\d per gross. Best J/ondcn Straws, 3id per doz., 2s 9aper gross best Washed Clays, fcd per doz., 5s 6 tier gross best French Clays.7Ad "per doz. lfrgr Fo°tba!l P..>es, hold loz. tobo. 286d per doz. Splen- did Id Cigars. 5 9d per 100: 2d Cigars, 7s M, 7s M, 8s, &s 4J, Ss 61 per 100: 3d and 4<1 Mjuaily cheap Briar Pipes. Pouches at absurd prices. Pipes in Cases, full "ize, from 9 per doz. Ckarctte Papers, assorted, 50 for 25. Bell's Wax Matches, 6d per doz., 5s 9d per gross. Everytbanc in Tobacconist Goods of the very best quality at Watkins Provider, Newport: 4 Shops. 25 Storerooms. lNKS Trunks Trunks !—Best Steel Trunks, brass TA KFlock!s, h. i- yhly finished, brand new (no old stock), iuct arrived fWIIl from 2s llid each, or per nest of fonr large sizes, 13i 9d per n"st.- Watkins. Provider Largest stock "I Sl;Li i; WrJ-s. Lists free. 63e YI7ASHBOARD.S. fell size wood, best make, 4j eacli \V A H9?cÎ;:ÜS'tr:l:'l¡ wJ b?;;ke'ov(,r;LN; u 23 inches, 4Jd each, 38 &d doz. Bô polished perforate! chair seats. full sIze. 2ld eaeh. 2s 4d doz Workmen's traiL from 6d nst of three. Everyone should come to ou monster sale. We supply over 500 shops, in addition t nw retaiTbusiness.—Watkins. Provider. Newport. 558.- UFT-OFP ( F ADIES', Gentle¡¡dre.n's Wardrobes p chased fu,l value eiven ladies waited on orders promptly attended t-o -Mrs North, 14. C*roUc.e-?t., CardlK. L'TOiii,tten¿;:ls jf¡i;:i'c: XJ bought. Mrs Rich, 5;, Castle-roid, Cardiff. Good pnces-=-d.alld(>dto._FuTlliture bought 9a LADlE, G £ ntlemeu's. and Children s L^^off Clothing Kupcrr^ i ? bought-.—Mrs Plaist-d, opposite wnHoteli fiOrdtrli-s, trcet, l^ast !VXo#r £ 235 G2Lman' 7 ani 8. Eridge-street. C^iElIIiid 35! M^v yndham Arcade, purchaser of i/idics, Gentlemen's, and j C,1 hildren's ardrohes, Dress Suits. Boots, and alio iurmture, C^rtainsand, arpets. Orders punctually tended to. Established 1863. 676 K1SCnL.t'I;OI:s ~VfAXT&. CHEMISTS.—Fixtures wanted bottles, &c • whol« or part, fo-=- Write S 7iJS' EII:i-=._Cad: 786 DRAPERY Fixture8.-Wanted et6 of Drl: various sizes—Particuliirs and pnce S. Moal1 99* Holton-road, Barry ^Dock. '45' MARRIED Couple, without encumbrance, oad home" .ill. wishe* Adrpt a Child with premmm.-Write G 59' Echo Cardilf. 69 MA(JnSE:RY. FOR Sale, à strong Vertical I'Jteam Engiue.-APfJJI Harpur-street Engineeriui; Woraa, Penarth-road. 9i3 FOR Sale. 2 Vertical 'rubul Boilers, -1 4f'- 6iu. br ?ft 6in, ""d 3ft. Siu. by 2ft, liu.. equi.l to new, working pres sure 10}lbs. Also 1 4-iiorse power Verrieal High Pressure Cba.l1dlier's Pateut Engine can be f5een working un.l?t steam.—Apply J. S, Wyndham. Coilingdon-roaci, Cardiff. i^OR :al;ery ¡'ea.la.rlY ne 3-h.p. Fielding Ga; r Engine.—Thomas Mahoney, Adeline-st.,Newport, .Mon FOR Sale, 1 horse-power noir-inal National Gas V. ■ splendid condition nearlv new sell cheap als't Chaff cutter.—Wilcox, Abersychan. 617 SALE, 6-h.p. Portable Engine, Mortar Miil, ana Jkdt £ S0, cash, or would Hire wi h option of purchase.- Clarence Wharf Machinery Co., Newport. 881e (! 12. ami 16 h p. Portable Engines, one ;'nùlh, '¡' 9. ED;ne and Mortar "II. several Mortar Milit anr SW Benches for Salt- at low prices well «orth üth;¡iat to intending purchasers.—Clarence Wharf Maehiner'v 5Com pa^jNewport; 3 « (Sf; i s:«sr?«.. A R^IFf -lAL Le;5, Arms. Eyes :&elt, L&Úons, Spun xV Sunports, TmsseB.-Th only *,lr Pearce. maker, is 4, Charies-street, Ca.r 727 S^LWYT^^RI^R ^IRT^"DE^RI^(RTI7SEVES x stampe business, life e prl)spts, Is. Send birthtime. f Rex. 99, SL Hn 8-st^lpowieh. 1,000 te.timGHÜah. {SOUGH B;bs-¡n-.itiR;rb, ^ile H;: Kidnej Herbs, COmPltsmoD Powder. Blood Purifying Herbs. Tnmnell, The Her.^list, Moira-terrace, Cardiff. 32 ( WRE f-Pj¡;.Perft- CU;-I4;rr,;e1i-i moat V Huboom c; post free, 2s 9d, 4s 6d.-La Trobe, Chemist, 8t. N, lcha.-l r-hill, Bristol. 823 'GE.I\ERAL- house Repairs.—All kinds of repairs and drains prompt!/ and car; fully attended to estimates given. Apply H. CVdlin^, Primroõ Hill, Llandaff Station. 1-1 EKB Beer made withTrimnell's Herbs is pure herb beer; ■ no herb beer like it strengthens the system,delicious, pe\Í8iDc 6d per packet. Your grocer can supply you; if not, IrimneU. Medrcal Herbalist, Cardiff. 33 IT Purities t-Elood: no tear taking c'ld ;^rl^es nOt violently purge not nasty Sarsaparilla Compound elands alone pleasant medicine price Is, post free 1s 3d. rrrmuell, The Herbalist, Moira-terrace, Cardiff. 32 IS yeur Watch Wrong ? The Best and Cheapest Shop it Cardiff for the Rejair of Watches of erei-y descriiOD Eavlisb or Foreign, is 38. Casfclc-arcade (third sbop f- Castle-street), by James Keir.før Ie years, with Mr SsiridiiMi Clocks ud Jewellery Reyaired. Vioes at-.d Stiks :\1ountecl MATRIMONY.—Photograph future husbtca or wife, 1. with position, IE 6d: one year's events, Is 6d: tin vears, 3s 6d sex, birthtime.—Prof. Lisle, 25. Firgrove-road Freemantle. Southampton. S18 ARSAPARILLA Compound clears the skin, aids diges o tion. strengthens the system price Is, post fre 16 3d. -Trim nell, The Herbalist. Moira-terrace, Cardiff. 32 \\7"AT(-HItS Clok8 and Jeweller on the Hire System VV Atlas FurnishiiiE Company, Ltd Haves Cardiff 25e FRIENDLY Societies and others Jnnt;dto submit tenm for Loau 01 £ 150 repayment sruarauteed within five yrs good serurhy given. Professiouals need not renU Bona Fide. _L?_ffi5:_S!E. 9.1 V\^ ANTED at once, £ 60 on good security no fees ibib of sale if required); private ('ntleman preferred.— W. S. R., Echo. Cardiff. 43 6 *3 tÂ-;£ 500 -AdvÙ-;iih()ma-de¡;y.-APPIY 1} Cowbridge-road. Canton. C"(lJ.. 165 Mli L. Ret-d. 56 Railway-street. Moors. Cardiff, advg. 1'1. from £ 2 to £ i00. liorrower reccive courteous ane prompt attention 404" MONEY at, a fitir rate of interest, advanced in an? 1\1 ü :L¿Üef;e: distance no object.—Apply, bj letter or personally, to Wr. Williams, Vine Cottage, 1, 8tatiou-1:erraee. l'o;1,ypridd, 203e 4RIAN ar lop heb na thraul na thrafferth. -Ysgrifenwcb ,l, mm dewch yn bersonol at Lewis. 67, Castle-road, Roath, Caerdydd. dOS < *5 anù upwards granted daily to householders, vithou rlji, sureties, D0 delay. no fees aDd confideDSial. App}yt bi letter or personally, to F Gould, 88, Ponticorlais, Merthyr Tydfil, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgeiid, auù at 3, Friars Park. Lammas-sr Carmarthen. 119.: CASH Advances made u> any amount promptly, privately and at a fair rate of interest; distance no ob j ect. Apply, by letter only, to Mr C Lloyd, 24, Raglan-street, :r-: eWT>on, 92Sf 1\¡:-ox}i;Ÿ, -froa.1 £ 5 upward adaucd to resÐ;:ab¡e 1. Householders, Cab Proprietors, ewoO ou vwn security, bv tbe actnal lnder, J. P. Thompson, 71, A dam-street, Cardiff. o te Office bours. 10 to 7 Wednesdays, 1G to 2. 1"1iE- TREDEGAR AND DI^TKICT ADVANCE A BANK, 29. Bridge-street, l.'redr, Mon., Advancer Dally Sums from £ 5 TO £ 500. On Kote of Hand alone. Fair Interest. Easy Repayment- -Apply Manager. 164 MOJNKY Advanced to all parts of South Wales, from £ 5 to £ 500. If you require Money Without Delay, or Fair Interest. Easy Repayment;. and Strictly Private, apptj to th. BEAUFORT MONEY LOA OFFICE, 231 17, BEAUFORT-HI! L, BEAUFORT, MOl". ■ ••25 to £ 5,000 Lent Privatelv, m any part fl at äJW country, to respectable people, on a Note of HaÐI alone, without J30udômeD or any Security. E1:ceptionaliv Low Intr6st, Apply to H. THOMAS, Manager (Head OfSce), Victoria Chambers, 25, Bridge-street. Bristol. 615 MONEY I MONEY KO^EY !-Don;tbewithouf Money when you can obtain an Advauee Fmm £ 2 to ANY AMOUNT, .0 your own Secu7ity and Easy Repa.ym"nt6, as &rranr,-ed. Apply S, HARKIS, Manager. 251 Central Advancp Bank. 40, Wod-5reet. Cardiff. M ONEY LK NT AT FIVE PER CEKT. i-'l- FROM £ 10 to £2.00:). Why pay more, wbn » Private Gelll1m"D i, prepared to gran; Advances to Male or Feinile, upon their PRO- MISSORY NOTE ALONE, in any pan of England Of Wales, wicÍ10nt han omce formalities NO BILL OF SALE OR rl<:1mS REQUIRED. The advance can be paid back by easy instalments, or cac remai1 out from 1 to 15 years by paying the IDterest only. Call or write to the actual Lender. CECIL G. COURTTINaY, ESQ., 895e 11. Stroud Green-road. Seven Sit"r5-lOad. London. N. 11t1 ONLY LEN V WITH OUT llILL- OF'sALE CR 1',¡, SURETIES, on Note of Hand, a follows £ 20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of £ 0 18 4 i-50—24 „ £ 2 5 10 £ 100—24 £ 4 11 8 No Commissiou 0: Legal Expenses. A gua:a1tee givell strictest privacy. Applv for prospectus to UNITED KINGDOM DEPOSIT BANK, 35, Craven-street. 8tr".nd, T.ontlon. 82£e A. G, WILLI5, Manager. 6~NEYI LOANS :FRO)1 1. CASH £ 2 to £ 300 Advanced A<lvd.IJced tV R. PHILLIPS, Same Day It alllClasscs of 18. CEURCH-ST., Applied for. Bon(,wcrs CARD IFF. Terms hnd in Town Interest Quote* 0; CUllnlry. Private Office. Beforehand. Apply personally 01 by letter to above addres.. 927 -7 ArT-ArE, ANircb"s £ T^in^N.ST., CARDIFF. » v \J..nt.rance. First Doo: at SIde). £ 3 1'0 £ 5n» ADVANCED DAILY OIo; NOTE OF HAND OR OTHE1 SF,CUJUTY, AT SHORT NOnC E. PROMPT ATTENTION To COT'M'RY APPLICATIONS \-| ONE V-Lent upon Note of Hand, without Bill of Sale l' t or Sureties, as follows :— £ 25, repayable iu 24 monthly instalments of £ 1 2 S £50, 24 •• £ 2 4 10 £ »fC- 24 „ „ £ 4 Î Larger sums in proportion. Strict prlvay guaranteed. Ko cr,mIL1;"sions charged. Distance no objec.Ap¡:!y D. lVi!¡¡&.Ul5. 15. Waterloo Bridge. London,S.E. 57 RJPO HONEST AND RESPECTABLK BORROWERS B 0>. LY. The Castle Advance Bank iõ prepared to Advance Mon at the 10wesL rate of interest Without :ureti5 or Bond? IBeu, On Your Own Note of Hand Alone. You llJ1\SG bear in loind t,hat. v/e are 110 agents, and thai you are uealiiig with the ii.m dit(c!. If yùu prefer prompt treatment aud strictest privacy apply. nersonally or hi letter. \'0 GEORGE DAVIES and Co.. CASTLE ADVANCE BANI. 207, CASTLE-KOAD, CARDIFF 856 'I f!. FIFLD1NG AND COMPt,KY. LIMIT ET (E?tll.bli<J,,¿ cvei hr-lf a Centurv). I FINANCE, MORTGAGE. AND INSURANCE BROKERS. H*a.I> OFFICE—THE HAYES. CAH1)IFF. DEPOSITS RECEIVED £ 10 AND UP WARDS, At the following rates of interest, payable Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly Withdrawal on demand '4 per cert, per annum. at 3 mODths' notice ..5 per cent. per annum. at Ei njonths' notice.6 per cen-. per anuum. at 12 mouths' \)otiee.. 7 per cent. per annum. Depoitors have the iirst charge upon the entire assets of the Company one cf the safest and best paying invest- ments of the day, Advances made in auy bum upon personal and every kind of SecUlity from £ 10 to £ 1,00., in Town or Country, without delay or publicity. TRADE BILLS DbCOUXTF.D. Propectu trd particulars free by applying to Manager, a5 above. BRANCHES: London, Oxford, Batli. Manchester, Croydon, Exeter, Gloucester. Leicester, Reading, Liverpool, Cheltenham. te.. tic. 4, St. Catherine-street, (Opposite the Police Station) Ponty- pridd a d Albert ChaniL: rs. SW Hill. N En-port. Mon. 84e IVl ONEYPRI VAT E L Y!PR O MP X L Y. AND CHEAPI,Y. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE EANJC. BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL, Th Directors o' this ()ld-Etl):i!Ù1ed, well-known Office, having large available fnnds. offer nUnSU:1.1 facilities to all respectable aUf: trus we,; thy prSOJJS who require either temporary (Jr permanent i.stih.nce. Cash ín amounts from £ 20 to £ 10,000 advanced ir: a: pam of the kingdom withouG sureties, delay, or public; y, and on the security only of the borrower s wriLten 1Jrowit: to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, 0r Quarterly Instalment* extending ove" a period of rim" convenient t4> the borrtHH>Z. 0:- the principal may remain o long óJ.S tile interest is paid. No Bills of Sale taken, and tb transactions ate not pub- li_ shed in any newspaper or gazette. Apply, statillC amount i'èqU;!0, to Mr T. C. MILKUilN. Gen!1 Manager. NOTK.—Specially advantageous terms for Ivoans on Lift Insurance Policies, Reversions, and See"uù Mortgages.48 4« A jISI prepared to make i .iMKDlATR A SUA™ STRfCTi.Y PKIVAXE CASE AX»VAN( hS \l1 8:m¡s from £ 10 1'0 £ l,:xw J O Prof!¥sional L!ldil"8 anù Feeof any description Gentlemen, >-0 1>111: 0f ,hlle. 1raùesmeo, j-:0 public or local exposure, }:"nnerô. X oj objtctiona.ble Inquiries. Florists, !í 0 usua t Loan Office FOP !\farket, Gardener inalitiee. Hotei Proprietors, And at a Rea-0t1abl.. 1;:tA J'u Masters. üf Inlt<resr.. And aU classes. ON KOXi.' OF HAND ALONE. Intending E,.rro\7ë:' f'.I'<: Cautioned againt (he A. arertisemeuis that ar1*a! (!ily, T!¡ maioriry (I ihcin tIDiWlate tram A!:{,ntr;. "hose ol" Objeet is \.0 Okain Fers uf all DESCRIPTIONS, A ppliC3nt.s caD lely nuo:I it. thnr, hI appiTiog to me ihey do so in cO\ítidcl:CP, &n<I that they wil bt treated in a fair ann businesslike m:tnner-A\lp¡1' K, bAi:ETT. 7" S, Caroline-itrcet, C&rdilf.