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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SOUTH WAXES E MO. ?Ds. ¡ONCE. THREE J THREE SIX \cy-. ^^OSDS^ o°NwCrv E- TIMES. TIMES. rds 0 6 10 1 6 *P| ?WofdsOQ 1 6 25 ? SIX TIMES 7" -"NEWS' 40 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 "ECHO." 40 Words 1 0 2 0- 3 0Al,iD 50 Words 13 ? 613 9 20 Worda 2/6 60 Words 1 6 I 5 0 ? 6 I 30 Words  OOCTU WALFA MM?V N19WS. 3/9 ?&M ONCE* lm.IŒ SIX 10 Word,  TIMES. TIMES. I 20 w 6 10 v 16 « ZT ?WordaO 6 1 0 1 6 ?? /10 Ward:! ?WordsO 9 1 6 2 3 }/- Words 1 0 2 0, 3 0, I h extra ■ *v0 wW- ords! 0 3 0 6 0 9 ?Aete charge$ apply <Mt? to the classes of i,ci ''specified ?e?Mc, and ar& st?'c?ycoy?m?t (. "Ose ?!<'A arc cr?Ct'?? for consecutive insertion, 4"4 paid for prwious to insertion; i) either c? ftes-E CMt?t'?otts is not complied <M(?, <?e?<?'er<Me- "'??MtM?<?a.?-? ?!/?<?s?)t<'M?'c??<— ta,.toments. Situations Vacant or Wanted, To 6f J"?t or ?oM, LOlt. Found, aad Mtsce?«t?otts ??tH. IAt-=Notice,-APrliC!\m.s sending replies to Ad,er. j tisenieuts addressed -o initiate or fictitious names, at th, mee. are requested not to send original testimomals *ith ,their applications, but to enclose copies of testimonials °uly fMKSOafA?  I}' Goods left at 22, Buzz?rd-?tr?et;. Newtown, C?rdifr. are not claimed within 7 days will be sold. 849 J* the Box left last July at No. 40, KeMtaQd-street. Barry (ra ock, is dot claimed in seven days will be sold to de- lr exieases, 805 ) the Goods left ,? 5, hoel-y-de. Pontspr?dd, are not ,¿,aImed within tbre' days, will be >old LO pay expenses PARTNER, with ?203, w?ntea in ?fYlTkno?n [ecxf bu!n- 1 J>. llefs (c,?pable of ;,xtcmiO!11.-Wilmshurst and Hclm", *?*??' ?-???'. ???y-s?''eet. Cn rd)BF. 436 .< ATK!?)X?!A? 'lAUIO'd, L. GE"1'LEfAN:-good;itiõn, a¡¡" 30, de2im C; ?,spo?,d?.?, with Lidy or Widow, About similar age. Sri0 n with strictly honourable intentions.—N 73S, Echo, :"?'e. m 1\1 AT]UONy,Y-;ng Wid;(-U;;cumbrnnc/') fec'l'nS lo.iely, wishes to m^rry atrain she has SoOn f a year and a considerable banking account.-Air j ,r 15. John's-place, Sidney-square, London. 652 ? :mtAT«t?A:. COLLIERY OtlktaÍs and Miners.-Leons by post: ^he SUïest road to promotion. 8yll"bu, Id sta mp.- IU' 4k. NI.E late Inspector of Mines, The 'i'ver&\[ Mining School, Derby. 327 ?RORj'HAND (Pitmar.s) Eveu?,,g Jesso;Pupil! to Uusl1* and Qualified for appointments by an expen- 'Do „ ulr¡r, orally or by post; individual tuition, every (»e from 7. Corresponding and rep)rtil1 styles, aud ?? ???'A.—Appiy I'riactpt? 21, De Burh-sreet, River- ;miiff' -= ??_? <<<?' A?M ?'<!t!?.,< FOUND, brown and white Spaniel. Must bo claimed within three days.—Apply James Taylor, Gas Works, T^thyr T'Qtil. 820 PÕÿfD:-Yotll1¡; dark brown Collie Dog- if not cla.imed J h iu three days ?iH be sold to defray expenses.—Hayter, b ~«»arich. 74 g ?OUND. :t Diack Md Tan ? Ti,, (pup), four white feet.— u°t claimed in three days will be sold.—Apply tl8, ?SDI Ott-road* 671 J?OU?D. :[fti.h Terrier Hitch. ]f not.. ?imedin three days wdt be sold.—Apply, after 6, 17. BWt'mld-st., uara, ?OUND, Fatvu a,ud White?Cotfie Dor. If unclaimed withiu three dayswiUbesotdtodetray expenses, -44, ,barris.st I eet. 649 L 081', April 3rd, Sable Collie Doc with white IDa!'kin. jjr Cloo.cd with St. Bernard reward offered.—Clare- t?A?4t, CorbetL-road. Cardiff. Dewiurr prosecuted after 'hJi ^notice. Second notice. 702 LOS1" December, 1335??? Letter Pocket Book, con- Jz-4 t4inin receip* for rent siftned M. Mably suitable ard giveQ.- W 6'J. n?t)y ?ews. Cardiff. 690 I ?ST. on night, of the 23th inst.. small <rown Rough- 11 haired Terrier Bitch dark eats. Anyone bnnglUC '?ej.o 78, Miskin-street. ?iH be rewarded. 353 J .^ST, black aud white Sheep Dog, with brown and r Mick face bushy tail forming riue 00 back finder ??rded.—Pohc'e Station. Tntiypan'')'. 219 ,H(¡,I'í.' S.il 'Lf. ;\D'h A General Servant wanted also a pood Washerwoman ? for Mondays or Tuesdays, forti?iiitly.-55, Chepstow* ?. N-wport. 93?3e A Ue ervant wanted, ?oo(i character and willin;. iu ?-_?:h? LlwiIv.-AppJy IS. C.tsUR-n'ud. 669 A ,¡, .rq;ct;bî;G¡1 wateù is 1,,ood home ? 'L??".???- rrtnA.M)!y .Nsoually. 16. H-eTbcrt; "? port.M. '?* 932e A General Servant wanted at ones rood wages com* A, f"rUb)" -Apply, with Nferences, 128, CaRlle- ??.Ko.).ti).'?'a.?Hr. ??' ?'  ? 402 \l"en'¡u;po!n-d- F;e,-p.eciry OfficL for Ser- oC'1. vants changing situation3. or respectable women em- !?°ycdc)?i)y.—l?. Moira-t errace (near InUrirary). Cardiff. '!O-d 1,?eds cooking, very convenience 4d per niht lnolu- Lndies apply for charwomen, kv. 85S A Home for Friendless Oiris. t>, Newport-road, Cardiff, late The Parade, 20n A JiYLailies requiring Servants, Servants requiring Situa- ? tions m th?? lihondda V,.illey. Seri,,iizt?' Registry, ^^ft-street, J.lwynypia, Rhouddx ,r dwp..d envelf)pe. 36 ??RNCAGFD G?erpt't Se.v;u)'t (21), 2¡J'(-h. ter General 0.8). 17 montbs' character now linng at ('ostt-r, Rvgi!iti-y. (',Ii?ticester. 335 ?XPKRIM??KD Cf?ct?l.?.T 2Cto it, must be clean and qnicU 5n her work.-Apply alter 6. 12, Newport-rd. 758 ]?XPi-;RIE?<. )T' H: P???.?maid?not' under 22: ill a I 1 1.v (00Ù and imr.-o KJI¡;; good r<-fernce3 £ 'Sper,s 7 1 SMW T'?,? ?irfus, Newport. 343- ( i- :I::2îII¡¡;Iti, ?tli ref?n-i( es. ? M:8 DtTies,<?rr.n House. Trehanis.779 G hNER-ÀI ;;nt-1;g-bo;iti6 'es 12  monthly.— App'.v, with ? ?''??''?' Marks, 25, Trani- road-tide. Pontypridd. 8"3e atE Gen< ral wanted (t)ot tinder 2):;¡'le to 11 cool:.—Address Mrs Wùe, Tyuu House, Kogcrstone, ?'' Newport, MOD. ° ? 925e (1 õõi)-G(;);i Set wanted-rsc kePt,=-APply86: '? Rydcr?ttcf! Cunt01:, 339 f?OOD Genera) .-ietvan? Wantfd ?t once: ?bo?iteher.- )I ruaid good w"g1! giun to those used to busil1o; pulley's Kescaurant. Purthcawl. ..75 1 OWTHKlt Kegistty, CrtL.:br3c.t-st??tr Rlchmon;:C-ûj "5"' Cardiff, V/anted, Private and Hotel Generals, Nurse- 4(,Usemaids, diseusjaged ?-eeer.. Lauudresseg, Char- Wen. 934 ??ANTRD !tt. once. ne?t Girl, no' nndr IS.-Apply J Rich^nond-terraee, Pork-place, Car(lie. ANT-il?, ? Honsekeeper tor a Branch EstaMish- ment: no other servant kept.—Apply Mrs Harrl, HI¡dHtreet., Merthyr. \y ANTKD at once. Middle-aged Woman as General: plain cooking trust r/urtby good character from ??itu.ttioa.—D?re.r'ortbf?w). ? 722 \VATED- for couutry (m:lll family), House. Parlour- maid al60 Generals for Cardiff and district.— R?e?! ?j." Registry, 27, Tud?r-rond. ?rdi <f?_ '? \X7 ANTEO. a üod General :J- able to do plain cook In; mith old reference and appearance permao'n t "t'l?t;,)n to a suitable person —Apply Mrs A. Chappell, YiJle.terrace, DouslM. Islc of M.n?. __?_ 757 a good General Servant, able to do plain cooking and ironing fond of cliil(lreii.-Aliply. with re'iTence, Thomas, 253, High.street. Torky. 827 X\T ANTED, a General Servant.—Apply 12, Pitmau f street. Canton. 751 WANTED, re;si)ectable Girl,s General; from country preferred.-Apply, after 6 p.m., 38, Claude-road, «0ath. 7C4 ANTED at once, a good Girl, age about 14.—Appiv 6, Penarth-terrace, Docks. 718 \rANTKD, Nurse-housemaid, one child: must have good references.—Apply Mrs Edwards, 3, Richmond- Ascent. Cardiff. 732 WANTED, a respectable General Servaut Roo(I refer- ences two in family.—Apply after 10 a.m., 39. ^Onw»v-K,ad. Canton. 619 WANTED at once, a young girf about 14. fond of ellil- dren.—84, Holton-road. Barry Dock. 717 WANTED, a good Servaat, one who can wash and iron well, for the country.-Arply Mrs Davies. Shaftes- W?ry Temperance Hotel, Newport. 932.. WANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply 35, Albany. road. 657 WANTED, clean, respectable Girl, from 14 to 16. to f asiist with houso-,work.-Apply 10, Wellfield-place, 603 WANTED, Miss"Morgan's Registry, few good Generals at once. and three about 17 two farm servante.-10, ^jive-street, Grangetown. Cardiff. 623 \\7 ANTED, Cooks. House-parlourmiids. Cook-generals, Nurses, numbers of Geueral Servants.—Miss Crock- Registry, Fancy Bazaar, 115. Queen-street. Cardiff. WANTED, a tidyyoune Girl, about 14, to look after child days orly.- Apply 15, Plasturton-gardens. 589 WANTED, a good General, also Mother's Help for young cbiltlren.-Addre. 31. Richmoid-road. 622 WANTED, a good General Servant.-Apply 16, Charles- street. 5;9 WANTED, a General Servant; small family.-Apply 66, Loudonn-square. Cardiff. 554 WANTED, respectable person M GepiY at vonce 68. Kinesl?od-creeeeat, Barry Dock. 49J ??ANT?D. a, .tr..c (' i-I early riser: age 18 to 19'f 20 references from het situation.—Apply M. Johns, ?M?r!!ft-street, Pontyphdd. 523  ?? ANTED, respe,"bl? Girl, about, 16, to Msisc in houM work; fond of child.-cn.— 67. Plactuiton-avenue. 484 WANTED, two good General Servants, able to do plain cooking and washing.—Apply &lrs James, Globe ^gn. Ebbw Val& 439 \iiA1STED a 5tron girl as General &rvart.-Apply Mrs Wood, Confectioner, Aberav.m, Port Talbot. 492 \,7 ANTED- ?ood General for'Rh?nddrrv?Uey. If d.g- » engaged Housek"per ladies and servants uited ijerywhere.—Servants' Hegistry, 6A, Wood-r&, Pontypridd. WANTED, a strong General Servant; one able to wash. —Apply 87, Woodville-ro»d, Ciithays. 368 WANTED, 50 Servants to apply for good Situations I' f (different towns). Plain Cooks, Housemaids,General?. "■Proprietress, 1. Catherine street, Aberdare Junction luclose stamp. 363 7 ANTED. a good General Servant, with good references; 't one from the country preferred.—Apply Salutation *otel. Newport. 882e \X7 ANTKD, by the 12th May. good General Servant for v London another servant kept.-Apply 159, Dock- '•icet, Newport; 287e WANTED, a General SerrantTfor two in family: must T sleep bome.-Apply after 3 p.m.. 16, Sulty-terrace, lOrt: 357 W ANTED immediately, good Servant: able to wash, iron, and babe wages, El month character reo quired.—Apply Evans. Leeds House. Treharrin. 362 7 NTIID, good General, early riser. able to wash.- » Apply 1, Senghenydd-road. 520 a clean, trustworthy Servant.— v Apply 132, Newport-road, Cardiff. Yi4 WANTED at once, good General Servant, about 20. r", Apply, with references, &c., to Mra Watkins, 7, "ca,cre3Cent, Pontypridd. 876e \\7 ANTKD, General Servant: good refe.-enoes.-Apply after 6 p.m., 26, Ruthin Gardens, Cathays, Cardiff. IVA.NTEI), clean respectable Girl, as general good reference requirea.-Applp Cross Keys Hotel, •iW'in-street, 211 W' ANTED, a co oa Geberal Servant.—Apply, ,ving \tv' AC: aosag;e;<Jrer;k'iPs W. T. Gwyn, Cuwbridge, Gbmorgan. m W ANTED, an experienced General Servant.—Apply "1' John Evans and Co., Drapers, Pontypridd. 296 W ANTEI). by 9th May, good General sintil family "f nurse kept good references indispeusable.Dr. Jones. Bodfeddyg. Cwniaruar, Aberdare. 298 SITUATIONS VACAW A Tailoress wanted on ceats,-Apply at once 7, Nelson- terrace, Cardiff. 837 A Strong Lad wanted.—Apply to 46, Gray-street, Canton" AC&rdiff. -Silim ALL persons requirin Situations, any kind, in Bi-. Amingbaim or Midland Counties. should write Withefora. 30, Norton-street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. 821 AKER.As Third Hand used to emails.—George JD Edwards, 1, Old Sea Lock, Harrewby-street, Docks. Disengaged. 555 BOOT Trade.-Wanted. smart Lad to Msist in sh'- Bmust speak Wetzh.—Uni?er?t Boot Co., Neath 826 B-'OOT'de.-Wa.nted at ouce. smart Salesman first class references indispensable —Lyons, Market-street, Ebbw Vale. 316 CCLOTHIER'S Assistant required immedi?tety. one of J 5 or 6 years' experience, for one month. -Anderson and Co., 33, St. Mary-street. 843 CCLOTHIER'S Assistants.—Required immediately, one V of about six years' experience, for hats, &o full particulars first application.-Simpson, Outfitter, Ponty. pool. 310 CREDIT DMpery.-W?nted immdiately for above, C steady. pushing Man references and full particulars. T 28, Daily News, Cardiff. 720 D-RAPEJW.-JUniOr and Improypr wasted -Apply, Dstatiug references and 541a ry, B. A. Evane. Ystrad Khondda. 931 DRAPERY and Clothing, wanted immediately, sharp Youth, as apprentices good opportunity to learn the trade.J. Jenkins, Emporium, Ferndale. 290 DRESSMAKING Apprentices and Improvers wanted.— Apply Miss Wade, 9, Christina-street. Docks. 660 ELECTRICAL Enyincenn?.—Messra Sydney F. Walker Eand Co. have a Vacancy for au Articled Pupil.- Cardiff Electrical Works. Cardiff. 252 (- RocIÜfS'Hauïiera, — Experienced Man with tirst- c class references wanted wages. 25s per week. Must be experienced.-Thomas and Evans, Portli. 802 GROCERY and Provision Tr?de?-WantedT Junior Ass?- Gtant: must know Welsh -Apply Wm. Harris. 144, High-street, Merthyr. <15 tJ AIRDRESSER.—WantGdT Junior: must be well up in shaving and hair cutting.—Apply BeynoD, 88, High- street, Merthyr. 741 ti AIRDP,ESSER.-W-,tuted at once, an experienced Haud constant work for a good shaver.-Appiv Richards. Don, 7. Marshes-road, Newport. 884e ï\i-At;ONS:-butween-"OaDd 50. wanted cenEt?ntr work to n competent non-society men wages 8,d per hour.- Apply to Richards. $1, Berw-road, Pontypridd, or T, James, East-street, Pontypridd. MASONS wanted, Pumping Station, Penarth-roadl 643 II Ii! 'E:-Youths.-A1i-ci; requiring any employment, write at once: Situation Guide free: busy time: hundreds suited don't delay.—Tanner and CJ..Box 54, ,12, Newington-causeway, London. Men late Army, Nary, also write. 759 OUTFITTING.—Wanted at once, young Man for Ont- fitting good stock-keeper.—Apply McCano, Holt.on- road, Barry Dock. 601 Pn APERfIANGER and Painter. -Winted, a good hand. t- -Apply to S. T. Lewis, Newtown, Pontypridd. 938e 1':>APJ<iR-:B-a¡: Makers.-Wanted, an eXperieDd Fore- woman and a few smart Girls for hand-made brown paper ba"s-D.O. Eva()saRe!. Mills, Haverfordwe-qL 93e PLASTERERS.—Wanted at once. good. reliable Man  to contract for work on seven shops.- Williams, Builder, Senghenitb, Caerphilly. 763 PLASTERERS.—Wanted three o¡(Piast; at new cottages. Miskin, Mountain Ash,-lees, Con- tractor, Merthyr Vale. 30 PONTYPRIDD.—Masons are Requested to See Secre- tary before seeking employruent. DiRpute pending. i> ESPECTARLE Lad wanted.—Apply, perso):a))y? C?sh it, and Co., Boot Stores. 20, Clifton-street, Roath. 841 SADDLING and Harness-inakiug.—Wanted, u respect- f -:7 able Lad as Apprentice; indoors.-Apply 125, Cifstle- rotrd, Cardiff. 496 SIlOliING Smiths.—V/anteu, competent Shoeim: Smith f able to take entire charge must be sober and steady: constant job.—Apply, with references (copies only), O 327, Echo Offlee., Cardiff. J27 SMART Boy, used to fish and fruit trade must produce t ood character.—Newbery, Mackintorfi-plaee, Cardiff. rr-o-rtillters_V:tnted immediately, good Grainer and .,i,App, 55. Parc-rcad. Senghenith. 633 rino Quarrymen.—Wtinted, an experienced Paving Cutter, J- age about 35, at ouce.-Apply Oharle Herbert, Cefn Bdthdir Quarry, Tirphir, New Tredegar. 520 TO Painters.—Wanted, 8 good Brush Hands must be steady men.—Apply C. Jenkins and Son, Contractors, Bridgend. 903e rJ'OY and Fancy.—'V/anted, experienced Young Ldy, age A 20 (0 25; also Apprentice.—Apply by letter, Stephens, Royal Arc sde. Cardiff. 784 WANTED at once Two men used to Stone Pitching.— t t' Apply Cl-,ireuce-road.. 843 WANTED, Two Plasterers, at once.—Jokn Morgan, Plasterer. Pontycymmer. 826 W A N TI?D, several Painters and Decorator.?. -Apply, by if letter, naming wage and qualifications, to T. Pugh Jones, Llangathen Yard, Llanelly. 946c ANTED, respectable Young Man, 16-tfe 18 also Lnd (14) to assist with horses make themselves generally useful.—2U7. Cowbridge-road, Canton. 835 WANTED, two or three good Bricklayers for glazed I Ÿ work.—Apply Corporation Baths, Guildford-crescent. W ANTED t once, Electric Light Wiremen; own car- penterinr.—W. A. Baker St Co., Ironmongers, New- port. 941 e ANTED, SM!??rb. steady Young Man a? Wareh-W; v T man ood character indispensable.— Robert Eng! land, Potato porte_6,Io\s'8t.. Cardiff. 77 -\).1 ANfjH?. Y?ms T?ty fop COBfKt.fnN&r StitH in V 1 Market good -eferences required. -8 764, Echo Office, Cardiff. 764 V47 ANTED, Boy as Apprentice to the Blacksmithing.— v — Wyndham Carriage Works, Craddock-st.. Cardiff. AiNTJ-,J), Carriage Painter; consta.nt employment to « v experienced mac.—Write G 695, Echo Office, Cardiff. WANTED, Two Walling Masons.—Apply E. Trotman, l' The Parade, Barry. 667 VI7 young Men (a Kedl4To 30)aiidI.adie.=', (15 to » t 20), to prepare, m their own homes, for permaner)t Govsrnment situations good salaries. prospects, pensions, Jrc. Prospectus, with every information, free.—Apply stating ige. M. Stuart, H.M.C.S., Buchanan-road, Sea- cornb, Liverpool. _u_- 555 VS/ ANTED at once, thoroughly competent Machinist" it used to four cutter, spindle, kc.-Apply E. R. Evans and Brof- Contractors, Cathays. 677 WANTED, smart Salesman, Clothing trade, manage branch well up shipping trade: g o od references; age 18 to 2?.— Rosf.er, Hotwells. Bristol. 724 W A NTED Young Man to assist Pawnbroking Business, t 16 to 17 good writer, with character.—No. 1, Thomas- street, Orangetown. 645 j WANTED, Commissioned Runner for Docks for Hard. war onc running for other trade,?preferred.-Ap. ply :atin terms. J 637, Echo oatce. Uardia- 627 ANTED at once, two good oa?ú Painters able to write also good smart Smith none but com etedt DIe" need appJy,-Coachbnilding Coinpat),Y. PontypriTd.92le 'i7.\f;¡'TIm-1-Man:èüstomcd to horses: know ¡ r town well: food cbaracter. and an early riser.— App?y Pilo?. Hot,e). Docks. Cttrditf. _666 V\T aNTED, Two Pit Sawyers piecework sawing Scotch it and other timber in a wood in Carmarthenshire.— J,mig, 'limber Mercn_PontX?- 612 ANTED at once, a good Cropper Machine Lad.— Apply South Wales Printing Works, Westgate-street, j Ctrdiff. WANTED, for a few hours d?i'y. au experienced Cellar- man used to bottling good references required.- Apply A "50. t?cUo 08icc. Cardif. 430 V\7 ANTED, a few quick Machinists immed ately also bome work for the same. —Z 464, Echo Office, Cardiff. V' ANTED at, once, at the Eagle Provision Stores, Aber- t f avon, a Junior Rand.-T. Ric ti nr d s. 450 7AN?TED, Apprentice (indoor) to good mechanical V? A -e:u:-Jogp tools preferred small premium.—Metal. Echo. 455 YOUNG Lady wanted, suitable for office and to make herself useful.—Apply, with references, Diamond mid Co., 11. Bridge street, Cardiff. °° 752 4*2 Weekly Upwards may be Realised by Either Sex Witt our, hindering present ocelipatioli.-Poi- Samples (re- turnable), Ace., enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, Co. (P -NTc-rclianl, Birminglini.-Tliis is genuine.142 U] 2" to 15s weekly easily earned in spare time by either sex everywhere: work cau be done evenings Send addressed envelope to Eclipse Wurks, 9. Playhouse-yard, Water-lane, London. 435 *irrr,vj'««\ WAVSF.». seeks Situation < Second or good ihird.-Apply E. Dykes, Rosewood House, New.strcct-, >Veston-super-Mare. 518 IOACHSMITHS.—Young Man wants situation »s irn- Vy prover. used to wheelwrighting and agricultural nuC^ Rinery.—Alsop. Post Ofijeo. Whitson, Newport, Moil. HAIRDRESSER. Experienced Haud requires -"R. eut at cn" good hircutter aiidshtiver ex- 32-4 IADY desires daily employment in any capaeitv. Lusi- J ness, private domesticated, musical could attend itivitli(i or rii!lclren,-F 781, Office, Cardiff. 781 'jPO Bakers.—Young Man (2U wants Sitix??tion as S&couci X or Third bread and cake good ruference —Smith Iiyng, Taunton. 760 rt10 Masons. -Employment wanted a Banker Hatid JL DIOiH\H1éntalor builder's yard letterins if required -S. 25, Eldon-road, Riverside. Cardiff. 26S \\7 ANTED, Situation as Masons' Foreman. experienced T v and steady man.—Write E.W., 13, Wood-road, Pon- t.ypridd. M?A?TET) by a young Person with leisure time, cmp!oy- 1'1' moot to col!"ct rents small remuneration security if required.—L 789, Echo, Cardiff. '°" 789 ??ANTED.i-itu?tion ?sShoeinK?tnith. C!lrd¡ffpfl';d. '??ly _??S.?(?9?str<'et. Docks, C?rditt. 73 T ÄÑí'EÐ,by;Y-ung b1;-(171';ari1'  ,'rf*n any empioyment on shore.-F. 716, Fho Offi,?, Card1Ji.uffIl. )' an>' employment on shore.-F. 716, Echo ;V 'ATED, by ¡-I'i; bleï;<ili;;t;õk¡;- I X ? "?'?'?'?M'? '?. P'?uttcenet-etreet. Rtver- s, 4 e, (,,? rdit. 711 ANTEI[I. by a Young'??dy?itu?tion in C,).f !c ?n?) T? ?''?? not ?' ""? '?''<- ?i!ti?for ^Bin^11 I !°,^Slffr^ly B?" ? Cambridge -rte,,t, rGn-nge I'r 654 W  ? ? .?spec?Me' wiMw?ce as WorMnK DowhJ ? ?''?P? J76,Victcri?tre?  651 W???' by YouDg T,ady. F;i loll 11 ,,f7lotery T V or L Husmrss experienced good refer- ???'J??-? 3SC. Echo pili? Cardiff &*0 t<7ANTH?. Situation us Cen.r?; and ?inj: Sinith? f UEd1 to whedwnght. 5 work: oQd references, if r,t Q,.ii red.- X. 10, SoutJl Wales 1<cho, Cardiff, 414 '()UN-G-L¿y(24):I'8itti;- Moti,er's'H?tp?p?m i sewing-CCdd home mpiefereoce toht?h H?es-io ? ????'?'' Barry. -.— 270 -=;i. "==.I ?'OMi'KTKNT General C¡er seeks R-.en-' .(r?nent? 'U at.ewy, refi&Me and energetic good corrcs'M. d?r ? excehent ref?nces.-Eust?e. 116, DOIlld-street, RoO\th Park, Cardiff. 549 AW.-Watited, General Clerk, with knowledge of 'liori- tJ band.-AI)ply, stating and experience and uame rmdoccupatlon of parents,to Linton and C. and W, Kt nsliolc, Solicitor, Cardiff. 3qO WANTED, for Solicitors' Office, Junior Eri777ssin" Y f Clerk one with some previous experience and able to write shorthand.r-Apply, stating salary, A 465, Echo ¡ Office. Cardiff. 465 _H a,N(:n;. 'I'R,(, t'£, I. t; It.f:. A CENTS wanted everywhere, canvassing shopkee~ie7'' Glamorganshire. RTonmouthshire, Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire good salesmen earn £'1 weekly stamp.—Messrs Pamphilon. Congleton. Cheshire AGENTS wanted for Jwellery, Cutlery, Electro Plate" —Address Parker, Tindal-street, Balsall Henth Birmingham. 2QS A SSURANCR Agents wanted for Llautrisant, (,nw- bridge, and Gilfacli Valley. Special salary, downs and commission. Only those acquainted with (he districts need apply t(, A. W. Evans. 12. Wynrtham-street, Bridrend. A SSISTANT, as Saleswoman, married or single, wanted A to canvas Cardiff and district; eplccdid openiiig.— M.. 3. Liverpoot-street, Loudon. 755 1????7''??? Sa?ry and Conilnigsin)7"A??' '.r.)ni7(f pickles, vinegars, sauce?.—Apply Turn-jr. A li/ott  U*ward-road, Stoke Newinjtcn, London. Ma FIRST-class Agents Wanted to form Watch Clubs in Mad)', Cilfynydd, Mountain Ash, Penrhiwceiber. Aberdare Junction, Treharris, and Rhondda special terms offered to smtabJe men.—Apply, with full particulars. to Thomas & Co., Watchm"kers, Aberdare. 806 'G-F.NERAL commi-š8iOn Agent wantedpUih sale of Vx apparatus needed in eve"y bou;;e.-Apply Curtis and Son, Grauby Hill, Bristol. 412 HARDWARE. Furlture. Basinettes, Cvcles, Wringers, r, Pipes, Watches, JeweUery, Agenls Wanted.—Buyers' Guide free.—Write Henry May. Birmingham. 819 WANTED, an energetic Man to Sell (Wholesale) SmaJJ f Ware, Stationery, Haberdashery, 4e„ for Cardiff.- K_.h.<?ftioe, Cardiff, 673 \\7 ANTED, steady Man as Book Deliverer, good Can. vaser. and security reqUIred: CommenCtne wages, 25s aDd ccmmi¡;sion.-hrown,.)l:?ffice.rt. 9lge WANTED -h,- afirm of builders' merchants, an active, energetio CM]nS6T and CoIledor for town and neighbourhood must. have ¡1:ood references and be well acquainted with th requirements of the building trades, —Apply, atinc: salary, H 674, Echo Office. Cardiff. 57 '7 ANTED in the Bhondda Valleys. Agents with full or m spare time for A. and G. Taylors Celebrated Por- trait Paintings,-App!y to the District Superintendent, 1\1r F. Carpenter. Tynewydd. Trehe,rbert. 769 !I.=-q;o'q J.MWCiyCiS. A8*AKTKKfTS Jte APA RTMENTS.-—Captain s wife wiJhes to Let two nice Rooms to suitable coup.e.-06 Langley-terrace, Alfred-street, Roath Park. 341 B ACK ^rlouand Bedroom to Let, with oven grate comfortably furnished reat 6s 6d.-66, Wells.street. Canton. 790 COl\IFOR'fABJJE Furnished Apartmente (suit a gentle- man) with widow lady; hot and cold bath. Apply 3, ssich.se(>t, near Rcath Park S24 CCOMFORTABbK I..odjÚnifl for a respectable Young J Man in North Luton-place, to share a bedroom: t^rms moderate,-J. 603, Echo, Cardiff. 603 G() W FOR T AB I,Y fur a isb e d 8ittiug-rooLH aud Bedroom, or a Bed Sitting-room.—24, Lo_n_n«:Iuare, Docks. SCO OMFORTA BLE Lodrings for one o two repectable V Younf Men: terms. 46: no children.—Apply 17, .1nbilee-tmace, Peuarth-road. Cardiff- _1_- C- OSfFORTABLK Lodgings for otle or two respectable Young Meo terms, 3s 6d each: no children.—3, BroM1way, Roath, Clifton-street end. 217 i 'Or.1FOUTABJ:E-APrtments, suit gentleman or wo J friends bath. No children.—Apply 25, Strathnn.ro- street. Castle-road. 2u.) D-iN AS Powi:=superiõ;-AP;!t; t.o' Let,close to Rt tion, with us of stable if required.-Apply A 371. Echo OtSce, Cardiff. n'" n3?' 1?IRST^cTass Unfurnished Apartments: central for .L1 stations, trams, docks, bW!iDe8: one or more bedrooms or half house —V 358, Echo. C^rdiff. L"llŒ1 '-clas;:l;'¡;is]'I-;ïÄ;'¡';e!1t, large ront SiW' room neRr stations, trams good cooking no chil- dren.-33, Charles street- .y,9_ l::ïuiiNiSREDAP;:t.i"neu¡;; suit 'two or three gntlemeJJ i- friends piano, bath (hot aDd cold)# bome omfoHs. 2, Church-road, Can tOll. i^l^lSHiaj ^Si^-room and To Bdr)ms: piano In the country, near station unr,v,IJLd scenery good fishing.— Foilsy, Govilon, .11.rA bergavEy'. _63" r fl'Ù:RNIsiÏED -Aartments for Gentleman or two .Il Friends: front rooms, hot and cold bth; two minutes Tad' Station.-22, Dumfri'p!£]¡I! 1! if1URNi.HEDA partm en¡;Ruitgentleman: or LodrinB B- for two respectable youn meu terms moderate. Chapel (Cottages. Uant,hewY.8t. Aberaman, Aberdare. 631 'iuiÜiisHiÐ Armrtrm en tJfcTr Gentleman or two friends: JL front rooms hot and cold bath good cooking t*o Jj children.-33, Machen-place. | rf X ENTt7kMAN I;i good Apartm3nts (sitfcing-room VT and bedroom): nc:s!ibourhocd. Stow Park: pIano an bathroom.—Write, stating t. Bo.x'?!I.r:t: '^ENTLKMAN (leavini; DardSj highly recommends C X Apartmuts: suit one or two fnends, hot ana cola bath moderate.—18, Llandough-street. Cathays. 7<.9 G,EN,i'JEM AN dining ontTequires :;IÏ Fürnisbe Roos VX use of bath Cathedral-road sta"e terms, mc!u<ve or ",xtrae.-Write 0.261. EchQ, Cardiff. £ u jODGINGS or Furnished Apartments for two Young -J Men epara.te bedrooms terms moderate.-Apply 33, Elm-street, Roath. pm.. IODGINGS for o; or two yõU£ Men; bath: no J children piano near tram; term, moderate.-37, Crwys-road, Cathays, Cardiff. ,?L LODGINGS for respectable working an: homely people no children no other lodgers kept, 8ystm' street, Roath.-Address T,256, Echo. Cardiff, 2i6 O-NE or two respectable young mëëanlmvëc¿mfortable Lodgings with young married couple no childrcn.- 126. Penarth-ro:1.d. 838 "P ESPECTABLE couple have Unfurnished Rooms o -8- Let: every convenience: in vicinity of St. John s. Canton.—2S, Denton-road, Canton. ti11 T..)OATIli>ark.fo Ld, two or three Unfurni:;hed ioom8; hot and cold bath: no children.-No. 77, Donald-street, Roath. 34 STACEY-Road, Roath.—Unfurnished Apartments to k: Let hot and cold bath every convenience.—Write i \.3EIœce. Cardiff. 393 WUPEIUOR Apartments, near G.W. Station and St, l > Mary-street, suih ble for two or three gentlemen bath. :hembankmen- 564 rB^O Let, unfurnished, Front Bedroom, Back Parlour: X Oven: bath every convenience good neighbonr- liood ^s week.—21, Moorland-road, .South Splott. 629 npo Let, Furnished Front Sitting-room and Bedroom X suit gentleman.-Apply 44, Longcr08s-plaee, Roath.347 'rwo or Three Room" to Let with respectable couple X oven grate ncar the docks terms moderate.—13, Newport-street, Grange. Sa1 rpWO or tmee Unfurnished Hooms to Let, with young JL couple (ne children), at 76, Craddock-street.-58, Beau- eliamp-3treet, Riverside. 535 'rWO or Tiiree Ros to Let (unfurnished), with conple X no children Oyen crate.—Apply 70, Cornwall-road, Sa.ltmNd. 351 CjPWO Rspcctable Men would find comfortable lodgings, X no children, 51, Conrt-road, Saltmead or Dicely fur- nished Front Room to Iet, 234 UNFURNISHED Apartments to Let for respectable people.—Apply 6, Loudoun-square. Docks. 683 UNFURNISHED Apartments, two or three good rOOmS: pleasant part, near town and station bath.-33, Clare-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 543 UNFURNISHED RoomsTtwo), suit young couple bath, near buses, moderate rent: company object in let- ting.—37. Glenroy-street, Roath. 336 U-TNlU-llNISHED Apartments, with Kitchen and Bath- vJ r00m —26, Crwys-road, CardIff. 226 UNFURNISHED7Ai7a7tnients7-Large Front Sittíng- room, one or two Bedrooms, use of kitchen also Furnished Apartments.—32, Llaubleddian Gardens, Cat- hays. 248 W' ANTED, Two Unfurnished Rooms in Barry to ware. 'f house furniture, with thoroughly tmtwortby t>eopl, Write P 840. Echo Office, Cardiff. 840 '7 ANTED, Two Rooms (unfurnished) foryoung married f" Couple with one child within 10 minutes' walk from St. Mary-street 6tate ftlll particulars hot. cold baths.- I 771, Echo Office, Cardiff. 771 WANTED, Three Rooms (unfurnished), with U6e of kitchen, or Half Hou6e. near Sen^henydd-road.— S 688. Echo Office, Cardiff. 688 WANTED, thre Unfurnished Rooms in locality suit= '1' able far Senants' Registry references exchanged. —Apply 126. Miskin-street, Cathays, Car<iiff! 487 WANTED by young man, Bedroom and Sitting-room out to dinner, breakfast 7.0 to 8.30: state terms, 4c.. Including attendance with or without board.X., Argus Office, Newport. 875e 1 Alt;n'dra Villas, 215, Castle-road.—A gentleman left 1 his room to o abroad wishes to recommend them as comfortable. 730 8 N orthcotreet-R¡;d''d-Cardilf.-Supeio; F"ünt Apartments, one or two bedrooms: all con. venieaces: no children 01' othcr lodgers. 22 -o »iX- HOUSE to Let. i-'Duha.m-str;t:ry convenience: for two parties if necessary respectable pople only. -Ap:JIy 0!yre;uise8. 679 HOUSE to Iiet, ÑSJlriug Grderl8-terrooe, Roath; :L rent, 6s per week.—Appiy R, Sutherland, 4, Cynl, C(,8cent. Roath. 640 IJ áitÊo t, back of shop.-Apply 114, Clare'I'oati: Cardiff. ml HOUS K to Let (66, Moy-road), four bedrooms, ho an d cold bath, clIar; rent, lis.—W. Davies. 52, Treharris- stret, Roath. 608 HOUSE to Let, 4. Angus-street, 6 rooms and bathroom. —Apply Downing, 103. Clifton-treet. 587 HOUSE and Garden to Let at Dinas Poivis from May 1st 6 rooms and cellar.—Apply Robert Harry, Dynas POWI. 321 N"r;;Wi:otl,.=ïk.'et, 20, Kensington-place, i.i Mamaee seven rooms all c/Ævcuienees: bath, hot and e?ld water rent, low,-AppJy on premises, or alkner VI!rHn, Newpor. 883e L- OWKR Plassey-street. Penarth,—Well-finished, con- v!lient 6-roomed Cottages to Let.-Apply Mr Westyr Evans, 17, Quay-strcet, Cardiff: or Messrs Maddox and Sons, Poke-street, Cardiff or tor Sale, cheap. 795 (L5ARK-t»>rrace, convenient 10-roomed House, rent £ 36 X Neville-street, every convenience, near town, 11s in- clusive.— Pcnnev, 19, Puke-strpet. 663 'I HE Houth Wales and Monmouthshire Property Re"iste X for Moy free on application or post,-llern" and Pertwse, House Agents, Auctioneers. Valuers. &e.. CardIff. TO ct. H0use, i'6,Arthur-street, Br7)adway^—Apply Miss Thomas, 103, Newyrort-road, Cardiff. 6&0 rPO Let, nome& ;n Uaneliy and Ethel strpet,s and X Charl()tt-street, Cogan.—P. L, Smith, House Agent, 10, Queen-street. 645 TilO Lt. 11, Aberdovey-street, E»stMoors: ho and cold X bath.-Apply. 11, Shakespeare-street, Resth. 618 rr<0 Let, neCr08s Hands, large convenient well-built X House, with all improvements, greeuhouse, and use of stab:e.-P.. Echo Office, Newport, 915e r|TO Let, commodious Dwelling-house, newly papered, 81* X Stacey-road. Hoath,-Apply J. Williams and 800s Ironmongers, Queen-street, Cardiff. 450 MHO Let, two Honses in .Bradley-street, Broadway ju3t X renovated —Apply 185. Pearl-street, Cardiff. 265 WYNDHAM-croscent.—To Let, side entrance, hot and cold bath, and w.c.—Captain George. 92. Windham. crescent, Cnton. Cardiff. 3411 111. Cathay3-terrace. Cardiff, to Let rent, i weekly. Apply Hern and Pertwee, 94, St- Mary-st., Cardiff. 659 SouthLuton-place, Cardiff, to Let: rent, 123 weekly.— (3. A!>:f_llern and Pertwee. 94. St. ;\bry.st, Cardiff. 658 12, Park-gioye.—To Let. immediate possession, com- modious Residence (centre town): 13rooms, lavatories. — Oswald Coleman, 11, High-street. Cardiff. 613 I 1, 6:'P;bkt;ace:-C¡{li iI-;to Let from Midsummer day ncxt. -Apply J. T. David. Solicitor. 2. Bute- creceDt, Cardiff. 614 i. 6d per Wee.-Hom"" in Springfteld-plnoe to good O tenant.—Apply Wm. Sanders and Sons, 28, St. Mary- fatreefc, Cardiff. 562 HOUSES and Shops to Let as under.—Apply Evans 1.. and Hughe; House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers amI Valuers, Couuty Fire aud Provhlcnt Life Offices, Horoush Chambers, VV l:arton-st.reet. Cardiff. Sge Fitzhamon-embankment, with stables, Riverside. '),4. James-street, Penarth. 5s per week. rvt 1>ACIOUS Wa-ehouses, Rotunda Buildins. fronting o canal. |6, Conway-road 9s per week. 8 Clare Villas, Riverside five millutes from town: l' ;¡::n:i;¡¡;daPtedfor offices. 46, Eldou-street, commodisus House and Shop: I mod"rat rent, ^^FFIOES, Tr-iit:Y:;et. Despenser-gardens, Riverside. J^JOUSE and Sho>, LlandaSf Yard: rent, 8s per week. Castle-road. Nice House and Shop. 17. Radnor-road rent 9s bath (hot and ld). j 87, Severn-road superior House. ^"tOTTAGK, illd YRrd, "God garden, 6s per week. ^•8, Hewell-street, Grangetown. 4 4. Chancery-lane 7s per week. "I^XTENSITE Shop and Cellarage, Pier Head. Bute CÙJJ;¡- .Sl-op and Premises, Cadoxton. vJT? .S per week House in Ethel-street to good tenant-.—Ap- ?) p!y Wm. Sanders and Sons, 28, St. itary.?t. CardiS. I  Dud!y.stl'eet, Docks, rent 7s 6d: also Houses off Broadway, i?obt 7s.-Apply Mr John Jenkins, 10, Westf?.te-?tree? Cardiff. 446 ".>8, Elm-street.—Capital Dwelling-house, good garden O and stables.— Apply Diiiiiel Nlorgan, House and Estate Agent, 19, Dukc-street. Cardiff. 3S8 1> 6-1;1-36,- SI;flh t¿;t:' 7Z Saltmead-road.—Inquire 0 IGlmi¡¡er, 82. Sa.Itmead-road. 385 J26, Cottrell-road, S rooms, bath, blinds, gas, bay windows. rent 12s 109. S trntbnairn.street. 6 rooms, bath. Minds, bay window, 9s 45, Dalton-street (Cr,?-adh rooms, bath, blinds, gas, bay window, papored, suit two families.—Appiy 13S, Castle-road. 375 VIODIII-%ES. Ac.. WANTED. Y?7A ? Grann>; Land, five to eight acres, with w for 12 months, near Cardie.—F 240. Echo, Cardi! 240 WJ ANTED to Purchase, Business Premises or Private v House in Carlisle-street, Cardiff, near the Post- 0ftice.-P, 262, Echo, Cardiff. 262 ro X,ET-USVNEis PKKMISKS kc BUSINESS Premises to Let. James-street, Docks, suit- e., for stores.—Apply 45, George-street-, Docks, or 34, Broil-'Riverside. 839 j ("'lOOD bops: t- LZi, in Canton and centre of town (-X rents £ 45 and £ 70.—Powell, Lwis and 00.. Auctioneers, Temple Chambers. 8, St. John's-square, Cardiff. 611 C\OOD ??hop. £ 60 per annum, 18. Custom House-street. G-A,i)piy Flint Brotberm. Iloe H- -ÕUSE,-Shol<ill'd-mabletõ Let, 59. Diamond-street, Roath moderate rent.—Apply 7._A.a.C eOU SE and Shop to Let, 29, Broadway: back entrance. Suit any business. —Apply Mrs Cripps, 23, Arthur- street. Roath, Cardiff. 306 t CCK-UP Shed, 30ft. by lift,, suitable for storii,g.- l Apply 24, Loudoun-square. 501 Wf-(.)I' 'To be of Offices four rooms and -L i Lavatory; centrally situated in Tre:legar-phce.- f'ai-n_ cnlar? of Manager, "Daily News" Office. Newport. 23e S T A P, L-C, (two-stall) nd Coaclihouse near Victoria- kj place. Stow Hill, Newport: immediate possession,- C. Willis, Rosedale, Newport. 896e SHOP and House to Let; suitable for greengrocery, Ac.: good opening for butcher; growing neighbourhood. -Al)plv F. 620. Rcho Office, Cardiff. 620 OHOP, with Pwelling-house, to Let: Trevethick-street, r near Craddock Hotel.—Apply 16, Charles-street. 558 SHOP to let at 150, Clare-road, Grangetown splendid position low rent.—Apply D. Pavies, Trade-street, Penarth-road, Cardiff. 21C C<T. Mary-street (close to'Co-,ivenieLit S'lop and PwelH (J mg house to Let: rent low; would suit potato merchants or as showrooms.—S. Hern and Pertwee, Aue- Cardiff. 763 rjpO Let. in a populous coal and tinplate district, double. X fronted Shop (plate-glass windows) and Dwelling* house, consisting of front sitting-room. 3 bedrooms, scullery, kitchen (containing most modern range), 4c. most suitable opening for a beginner would suit. any class trade.—Apply Florenoe, Prospect House, Pontypoo!. 632 rjpO Let, House, Shop. and in growing ùis- X trifit, goodwill £20 stock at valuation good class 11719, Echo, Cardiff. ° 719 '1' "O"b Let or Sold, Large Yard, Stabling suit large X bufipess (central position), cab proprietor, &c.-22, FilOToy-stre>t.Cathays, OardifP. 452 rro Hairdressers.—Shop to Let-.—Apply 34, Bute-street, X Cardiff. 457 "1"0 EutchArs and Pork Butchers.—To Let, 132. Castle- X road: titted lip splendid position: immediate pos- session.— Apply 138, Castle-road, Cardiff. 376 rjTO Let, two three-stall Stables every convenience.— Appi Y Salutation Hotel, Newport. 883e rl'iO""I,et, Whet-lwrigbt s Shop, with two. Work Benches, I quantity of Spokes, Fellies, Stocks. tc.—Stephens, Shoeing Smith, Davou-place, Grange. 318 rrO Butchers, Pork -:BÎl¡:Chers.-D¡Ürymel;O;-Oilier.-To Let, 1. Dalton-street, Cathays: commodious corner Shop. owelling, four-stall stable, workroom, yard busi- ness locality immediate possession.—Apply 13I1,Castb-rd. TO Let-—Splendid block of new Business Premises, close JL to new joint Passenger Statioii for G.W.R.. T.V.R., nlld Barry Lines, consisting of large and substantially- bunt, warehouse (four floors), line suite of offices, a shop, and manager's house no rooms, well appointed throughout, with t every modern convenience. These premises are adaptect for any business, aud can be taken at a moderate rental in part or whole, by arrangement.—Appiy D. 0. Evans and Co., Penarth-road, Cardiff. 663e ^8 Let 3 sets of Rooms as 09ieM. above South Wal?s TDaily News,, otec?, St. Mary-street.-Apply Daily JNh ews. Cardiff. 2e T,r Shop, with Fixtures: suitable rmJ for almost any kind of business.-Apply John Jenkins, 10. W estgate-street.. 416 03. Wyndham Arcade, fitted out with counters. window r"" showcases, &e.—Apply Daniel Morgan, House and Estate Agent, 19, Puke-street. 387 FOP. SALE—HODSKS J,_NI!t. A1RANstrpet, ??.?-'?'Sate. comRr House. opposite Mackintosh InstItute. ntLed up with every conTeni- eace.—P?rttOHlars ??4, Arran-street, Hoptli. 666 <r?O?'BMDGE-road.-Fcr Sale (adapta ble for business ?? preauses) Capital House, with hrgc garden and i of lanaa,o^ joining, suitable for building workshops, stabtes. _c?—Herajn]dpprtwee. Cardiff, 710 FOR Sale No. 3. ?lacdevine-street. off NeviUe-stre?t?- Apply on Premises, or No. 5, Howard-gardens. Cardiff. 170R Sale, Villa, Angus-street, facing intoRoath Parkl five bedrooms, bath, lavatory, and w.c. side entrance —Apply CiovellyfHouse. Angus-street, Roath. 648 Sale Double-fronted Leasehold Residence, No. i Richards-terrace. Roath, containing two lartre sitting. rooms, kitchen, scullery and washhouse, and usual offices on ground floor four bedrooms, bathroom, and w.c. on first floor: separate servants' staircase: good conservatory: ground rent, P,3 10s price, ,10550.-Apply Mr Walter Cook, 93, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 539 I-ïOlt Sale cheap, the Lease of Business Premise, 48, X Bridge-street.—Apply Mrs Gorman, No. 7, Bridge- street,, Cardiff. 5'15 F01-S;le. =Strat,hnail:tr;t:, -tb-ë;sti: end: X four bedrooms, bath, lavatory, well fitted: cheap if .¿ld quickly.—Brend, taet¿r';Îi:b;yr:g.: cher8 if For- '"e & Six-roomed House near Roath Park PF?pere'd and SKsnttinss throuxhout.—FarticutArs apply 35, Moy-ioad. j 354 37OR Sale.—Keppoch-street, Roath (Castle-road eud), one Fof the best Houses three bedrooms, bathroom £ 310. Do.-get- 63, Keppoch-street. 350 in?bR Sale or to Let at Llanishen, pleasantly-situated X Villa Residence in Station-road; with every conveni- ence, large garden, &c.—For full particulars apply T. Hawker, 6, Church-terrace, Llanishen. 286 J^'OR Sale, excellent House iu Ninian-road, Roath Park j[ drawing-room, dining-room, seven bedrooms, box- room, kitchen, scullery, bathroom (hot and cold), two con- servatories, every convenience.—Full particulars of C S. Arthur, Estate Agent, 10. Queen-street, Cardiff. 233 FOR Sale, 2 Shops and Houses, Welltield-roid, Roath Park: excellent position: suit any business.—Gough Bros., 1, Oxford-street, Cardiff. stcess. 264 F ÓR Sale two weil-built ?KTen.roomed Houses?doubie Fbay.? Rond position: excellent inTestment.—Write Builder, Echo Office, Newport. 874e 1!_t dUSES for SHte.—One. two. or five Houses for Sale In Diari" ?t-reet. DockR. Offers wanted. Address Je.kins, 93, }<cbange Buildings. 410 LLANISHEN.—For Sale, Bei?i7deteb.d small Villas, L five minutes' walk from station cheap ground rent.— Apply S. Hanson, Bute Brick Works. 664 OFFERS wanted for five well-built Houses on Malpas- road (good positiou. well tenanted), together or sepa- rately.—Apply 2. Bryuglra-road, Newport., Mon. 912e j?OATH Park.-Several Villas for Sale, cheap: best ll0{¡g Phbhd in 1:ëa:dIff lIci\1: Doggett" 63, Keppoch-strect. Roatb. 350 R-OATH Park.—Convenient Seven-roomed Houe; hot P-?, and c.ld batb, private improvements paid: £ 275. —1)og?ett, 63, Keppoch-street, It.aih. 350 -tt OATtf.-M.edilim Rome. convenient, with back en- trance, £400; cheat); for investment or occupation. Apply in first instance, S. 28), Echo Office, Cardiff. 280 rrVíTo-ïÍ;;1se for Sale in AJfrehtneotud eold X h?th. double bays, back cutrances.-Apply 73, Anus- street, Roath. 647 06, Egerton-street, Canton, for Sale; six rooms; side O entrance ground rent, £ 2 good condition.—Jutsura, 18, High-street. 370 RUSSNESS PREMISES WASTK9. V17ANTED, Small Shop iu Cardiff, central position for country people passing.—Apply N. 260, Daily News, CM'diB'.   ? 260 BI18IKESHES WASTEB. MILK Round wanted in Cardiff.—Write, with full parti- in culars. to P 432, Echo Office, Cardiff. 432 BfTSSNK.SSKS FOR I5SSPOSAI.. A first-class Tailor Business to seU, centre of to?-n.—A? -riL l?ly TPclho Oaice. Cardiff. 55? BOOT Trade.—For Sale, an old-established ready-money Concern, principally repairs, eccentric press knives, lastR. two boot repairing machines: good position.— PnVis, 65, Castle-street, Abergavenny. S96 |_>UTCHER S Business for Sale in rising locality sat s- J factory reasons for leaviu.Write G 621. Echo, Cardiff. 621 and Tobaeconists excellent position goo(I J claws trade rent low injoing £200, including lea^e. —Wi'.mshurst and Holnaes. Quay-street, Cardiff. 545 (COFFEE, Tea, Baked Faargots, and JRefreshnient J Business: pleasant position: near railway htr1.tiOB, Bristol: good living for husband, wife, and small family: incoming only -L65.-Apply Tebbs. Valuer, 72, Bath-road, Bristol. 602 |T^ONFrXyriONFRY and General Business for Disposal; VV neighbourhood of Roath Park.-Writ,e J. 249, Echo, Cardiff. 29 R geB"Ille eouutrv Bakery aud Grocery Busi- B ness. good rounds daily, with horses and traps, shop, house and bakehouse, garden, and piggery: reason for leaving, taking.larger business: everything to be taken to •stock at valuation.—Full particulars. Temple, Newbridge- on-Wye. 665 G-. ÕÓD-Millinery and Fancy Drapery Business for din GI)o.l!?,i in E3t,ern Valleys good chance for bc¡:inu r.- FuU particllai:iít. 366 a" RoCmtY and Provisions, with off Wine aad Beer V7T IjiCfnsM. in hest poition in CliftoD trade apprc?cbes £2.COO a year: price £150,. and valuation.—Apply R. W. Miller and Company. Limited, Stckescroft Brewery. .Bris' 90f MAIRDRESSING, Tobacconist est?bHthcd 5 ye?rs JI :l "001 going concrn hot and cold water good reason for ??!")K.—App!y P 332. Echo' )met' 232 eA.TR DRESSER'S business to iTet as Oing concern f iir trade no reasonable offer letter oniy. Hairdresser, Echo Office, Pontypridd. 905e SMALL ready ruoney Grocery Business for Disposal7 bargain to immrdiate ptirch, teer.-Wi-ite 505, Echo Office, Cardiff. 50S, Q'iVi,ÚL Swee and General Business at Docks for l)i7 ? pos:d: satisfactory reMOns for leaving iucoming low Apply 34, Patrick-street, Cardiff. 416 O WEETS and Genera! Business^— For 1, Fittures. O ocl{ low rent, 10s per week good position. popu- lous ileigli'ijourbood -Sweets, l?ello Ot'll,-e, 9?3'e rj?o 'B?kers.-A Bread Rounded -riki"Utensils f X Sale.—Write L.731, Echo Ofoco, Cardiff. 731 r abiished CornerHoiise and Shoo to X Let: double front, plate-glass.—Apply on Premises, 92, Broadway, Roath. 223 PIIBMC BERGAVENNY.—One of the~7h7a77sr and most A ha"doU1ely.titld Double Licensed Houses ever offered to Let: 1,,? iu-goa?.-W. Gi;? 119, .q? ??ry.str?t, Cardiff. 772 BEERHOUSE, old tenant civinl" np (iIlThe,7lth) ingoing P,50, rent only £8; tr.ide doubled in good hands.— HUlmau, Auctioneer. Newport. 923e ENTRJ^f of C.trdM.—To Let, one of the best Free Double-Lice used Homl's; low in.going.-GiH, above address. 772 i"1Ã1Ü)'IFF;- Dacks,-To 1,ct. handsomely-fitted DoabieL Liceii,?e4 House long lease, moderate rent, lnw in- going :-good trade.—Gill, above address. 772 D OUBLI?-f,icen?!ed House, agricultural district; last tenant 25 Y-ars: igcig mod.r&Le stock at v"laa," Apply Penney, 19. Duk°-strect, C.1diff. 662 "\fEA.Tl~ Centre of C?rdttf.—I?auufnHy.SttedSi?Ie? i.X Licensed Honse to Let tet ol)portuniLy?i'ler ot,?r- to young _bItI-=.c._ïI! a d dress. 772 XTV* I EAR CMdiS.—Sptcndid free SinsteJieenM(f PHbUc i? House. I,ong lea8C. Low rent. Moder?e it, ?.1?g. — Gill, above address. 7"2 ;k;L"t.. one, Of-be'(idl, t' licKnsed Houses in this seaside resoit. Trade, r40 weekly during the summer. Rent only i,35,-Gr.I, above address. 773 £3õèi;uïlre one of the b(-sL Hcuses at Pontypridd. Low rent. Good Yade.— Apply per. *,r".Ily, Gill, above addrem 772 ? excellent Trichord Piano, first-class condition. A. £ 15 i5o, at Kennards MM?. 83, (?astle-rd., CtrdiS.Mo -A- 5rst.cí¡s overstrung Piauo. a great barjrain, 25 A guine??. at Kennard's Mart. 88. Castfe-rd.. CardiS. 846 Avery supeiror Piano. alTlatest improvements, nearly new, Llt 1;8.-At Kennard's Mart, 88. Castle-road, Cardiff. t46 A good Piano, po\verfuT tone suitable for concert room A ga1ia.£LÃrf:Ui;¡,fOá3o1:.d Cardiff. 846 J Ej¿PÈRIÊNë::ED\rastl:r g-ive? Two LeMons Weekly, Pianoforte, American On?ai), Violin. Theory Pupils prepared for examinations, 68 6d monthly.—T 346,Echt, CardiS. 346 EXCHANGE OrgaUette?nd'tuner (cost £ 3) an(?H?tt- EMO(le]ShiP.6f, long, for good Safety.—O 687, Echo Olee, Cardiff. 68 F OR Sale. a good American Organ owner leaving neigh- JL bourhood.-Apply 3, Nottingham-street, opposite Tramway terminus. Canton. 853 [-OR-si'-S-i;1gï:ct;}!arp¡Sb;;t.i;-E;d;mke ), in very pood conditioD.-For price apnly A. REs, Harpist, Porthcuwl. 685 HANDSOME Second-hand Walnut Piano; panelled JtLJt- front sconces: great bargain, £ 9 10s guaranteed five years.—Ridgway's Piano Showrooms. 109. Castle-rd. 325 -1::JAtt5W:NIUl\íS, Pi&aoE? Organs, ?cTo?the Hire Fur. JH- chase yst"m. Atlas Furnishing Co'BpMy, L?d., a?es. Cardiif. 25,? j ^6, James-street, PocksT Honse and Shop rent, £ 8J. OFFICES, Dowlais Chambers, Bute Docks. 66le JOHN Zeaie, 26. Capel-crescent. and 26, Dock Parade, Newport, Musical Instrument, Maker aud Repairer to order of all kinds of instruments: harps and vioims receive special attention: also maker of all models: best work- manship guaranteed. 774e J ESSONS given on .h doncertine, Pint?, &nd -1-i Piccolo by experienced teacher terms moderate.- Apply 17. Silver-street, Hoath. Cardiff. 477 MAGNIFICENT Pianoforte full trichord, steel frame; 1., repetition check action 18 guineas only must sell; warranted. 21. Mark-street, Riverside, Cardiff 355 PIANO, by Broadwood, perfect condition, good tone. and ivory keys, B5: also American Organ cheap.-54, Partridge-road, Cardiff. 776 PIANOFORTE, a bargain trichord, check action, ivory keys, perfect condition: 9 uineas,-Apply 150. Cathaya-terrace. Cardiff. 369 P IANOFOR-. i!; untliz -W, F. Ridgway, from the cele- J- brated firm of Bord's, Paris terms 3s 6d.—Address 0" Castle-road, Roath. 326 PIANO (bv Emns and Co.. London). only 8 guineas, equal to new thoroughly good iiistrunient.-Atias Furnishing Company, Hayes, Cardiff. 25e -P-UNO (nearly new) for Sale all latest improvements: pcost E44 grand tone: rare opportunity. -Address P. W.?Echo "'0??. C?dM. ?? ??? ?' ? W ANTED, Whit-Monday. BrMS Band to head Church -1?,0 da oci- -Apply particulars, D. S. Joncs. Oak-terrace, Abertitiery. 8"5 8.-CSfCJLSis7 ~X'Rit;SCIiES Jtc. ANOTHER CODsigmnent.-Just arrivcd, Imperial A Rovers, renowned EMe:slora. Helical PreMi?!-?, hish? class Osmonds. A lso large stock of second-hand Machines at what offers. Repairs, C11..m(>,lling. and nickel plating. Machines exchanged. Inspection ilivited.-Parry and Co., Manufacturers aud Agents, Mill-lane, Cardiff- 67ge A Cushion tyre Safety. equal to new, cheap,-Apply 17 X3, Caerpbiily-streat. East, Moors, Cardiff. 482 Bargain.—Champion Cushion Tyre, ball throughout: will sell for £4 10s.—Apply C. 232, Echo Office, Cardiff. ABSOLUTE Clearance 10 solid-tyre Bicvcles. Will -fTL take back any time in exchange. Send P.O. 15s, full address, for sample.—Morris Bios., PontYPlid- BARGAIN.—Pneumatic detachable tvre Safety, non- tyres, weishtXZIbs., never used, taken for debt, cash (no exchange) £7 5s approval with pleasure cost double.—T. Kerslake, Pnotoltrapher, Regent-street, Weston-super-Mare. 377 X>ICYCLES wanted to repair: no job too difficult. J Fittings, rough aud finished, supplied. -Catb c dral Cycle Works. 5!, Lower C?thedra'-road. 712 f CUSHION -tyre Safety.no? scratched, equal to new L ?' high gear, light: 105s, worth ?10: rare bare<tin.—12. ? Neville-place, Cardiff. 59 L"OR BicyeHste.—The new Focket Foghorn a large stock F to be soid at less than half nrice.—Stephens. Arcade, Cardiff. 579 ftEAT Sacrifice.—Overstone's Path R-.eer.,Yiglt Dunlop tyres, splendid machine, nearly new; what offers -l1, Albany-road, Roatb. 639 ( '1 R_\NVriLES Pioneerg, Pneumatic and C?hiocg. (X hii, g,.d?? "ash or easy p3yme"ts: machines ex. changed repairs promptly executed. -Agent, 11, Albany- road, Roatb. 638 JUST Forfeited, new Howe Bicycle, never been ridden Dunlop tyres, Carter gear care: bargain. -Isan ci, Pawnbroker, 31, WOod-street. Cardiff. 459 NEW Howe Cycles New Howe Cyc es!—Manufacturers' 1.? t)epo?. 3 Church-street. CardifL 535e "VfEW Howe Cycles, for speed, lightness, rigidity, aud 1." ele,anct", Call and inspect the-. 535e iVTKW Howe Cycles at Popular Prices. Inspection invited. .1, Buy direct from Manufacturers and Save Intermediate Profits.— New HOITC Depot, 3, Church-street, Cardiff. 5SSe NEW Howe Cycles are unsurpassed Orders by post care- fully attended to. 555e Q- DADRAN'Í'S;;fetr, patent oval cushion tyres, in first. cls_condition, £10 cash.-N 352. Echo Oftice, Cardiff. ? EPAIRS.—Pitting'?ndTEn?melhng promptly at trade prices.—MornsBros., Pontypridd. 12e RE PAIRERS officially appointed for C. T.C.. and r.lso for Cycle Insurance. Co. Ltd.-rorris Bros., Ponty- pndd. Repair: of any kind to pneumatic tyres. 19; H EPAIRS—All go to Morris Bros..Pontypridd H, No job too difficult, no iob too small. Don't forget.IS.- SALE, first-class Safety, diamond frame, detachable pneumatic, gear case: splendid order; cheap. H, Arran-street, Rcath, Caidiff. 39S ÔA'RTYïIi;Mt; ,nie new. Humber typi • £ 5. worth £ 16 —Writo A 7ab, Echo OfEcp. Cardi&- 756 AF1';TY Pneumatic, t.h;;ghly-;í¡abl;189S machin L5 I's. -?V le. F 653, Echo OSce. CardieF. 653 S- AFE'rY P;1rur\Úlatt"ci 6iteerlug gea rolled -balu s tangent Spok?5: reliable machine lamp, bell, pnmp, £ 5 10s.—8, AngleHey-street. Canton. ? 337 SAFETY, solid tyre Premier. L2 10B, in good condition, suit working man, ball bearings.—64, Minny-sireet, Cathays. 331 s AFETIES.-illoiicy, money, imoney saved. Free boat I': ticket to Weston-super Mare. Buy your Safety from Warrilow, Weston-super-Mare, or 293, Bate-street, Cardiff, Single machine at trade price 1,000 in stock. Write or culi for large list free. 453 S4°J-TD Tyred Safety, ball bettringe,, in good" condition] ^fL2si~-Apply 17, Percv-st., Penarth-road, Cardiff. 682 TOP Thief.- New Cvcle Lock with Key seni; Post Free i* for 6d stamps, together with 1595 Lamp Lighting Table JUusirated Cycle Lists: Cycle Insurance Pamphlet. Notes tor lounsts, and other useful information, limiced number Only early application required. Morris Bros., Cycle Works. Pontypridd. 19e r|X)URING Outncs.—Like thewise vimins. see you have all T L te?dy. Post. free per return. 1895 Lamps, ?s 6d '5(h?i n9d Lubricating, 9d Tvre OutNts. Is Solution, 6d: Ee,x Cement. 6d Gold Pain for rims, any Bhadc 1M Enamd and B,, h. 10d Tool Bag, 28 Spanners, Is 9d • Plated Oiler, 6d Pocket Oihr. Is A!?rm. Is 6d Sm?U B?-Us. Gd Cork Handles, 13 9d Black Handles, 1s 6d Pnnc?ire-proof B?nds :wd how to fix, 9? 6d Non-slipping ?'? ??'??= 2 Vatve Rubbers for 6d Longlna?to? 5s 6d: 1895 Locks, Is Steel Baiis. any SIze, Is 6d per doz. • B?kehpr;nc,6d: Chain Pi,?. 5d: Sa<ldle Pm, 4d: A-,I? Pedal "mail Nuts 2d ?ot Rests. 25: T?f?. ,2s Nuts. ?i;lbz ?r', each 1895 Saddle Pads, Is d; P.0.0. M stamps?—Morri-! B)os., Pontypridd. 19 YNYSAN(ÙIARÄD ¡ of our street. ?tt Mor^s Bros Pontypridd, is sulbeie-f to find the oldest Cycle .1 orks in South Wales We will forward you, 011 jeoet? of stamp for post?e. our New List. profusely 1 lu?;trtted containing everything new in cycling, with useful hints to all riders and tourists, and particulars of some great bar- gn-Íns: also enclose Is stamps for the new Screamer Whtstte. all the rage; most attractive road-clearer invented. He wen t he happy till he gets it." X9e It 6 Cash.—Pneumatic Bicycle, Dunlop detacbables, very cfmf good condition inspection invited siviog up riding. Perim Clarence-road. 514 Vi, c. A good second-hand Parisian Wagonette. 4- wheel Dogcart, and nearly new Battlesden Car, cheap. —<-aover, Lewis.street. Canton. 209 Pleasure aud Business Traps, Crank-axle Cart J (suit, grocer or bottler), Trucks, Wheels, Pneumatic Hafety.—Gover .d Co., Guildford-otreet, Cardiff. 6a9 ii OR Sale, ? sood PIe.?ure Trap ana Harness: a!o a good Pony. rising four years edd. 14 bull". Will be '3?ld separately or together. Apply for particulars to John £ r ertr ill'"u'er' Caerphilly. Mi", R Sale, Coburg Cart: suit baker: splendid condi'ioT: S- room wanted: price L12.-T. E. Jones, Thomas- street. Merthyr. !^OR Sale, Tht ee-horse Brake ■ in first-elass condition to L carry 20 persons.—Apply A. Edwards, 22. Mill-street, Pontypridd. 922e I^OR Pale, new spring Truck, cheap suit builder.—Apply William Davies, 44, Harriett-street-, Cathays, 5E1 FOR Sale, Brake (by Marston, Birmingham), withdouble J*- seat in front seat 25 people cusaions. lamps, bars, complete equal to nevv, -A PPIY Carlton Livery Stables, Cathedral-road. Cardiff. 571 IOR Sale, cheap, Brake, seat 13 persons suit one or — two ",Or.- -Apply 118, Lewis-street, Newport. 8S9e OR Sale (cheap), 40 new and second-hand Pleasure c- Traps, Croydon Cars, Goveruess Cars, Wagonettes, and Carts.—Avery's. Dock-street, Newport. F- OIt Salstylish Butchers Trap, eqtial to new: cheap. —S. 11. Edwards and Co., Carriage Builders, London- I road, Neath. 258 CJALK, 2 Tip Carts. 2 Flat Carts. Business Trap, light, o Crank-axle Cart, Handtruck, cheap.-Elkington, Wheelwright. Penarth-road, CardIff., 684 t ALE, Wagouctti', seat 10, exot,condition, lamps ::7 and cushions, £14: second-haua lip Rave Cart new fi tifier's Cart Business and Pleasui n t raps.—Knight and L^-vis. Junction Works. Cacrleon-road, N 379c V\7 ANTED, Baker's Bread Van or Coburg, BaKery Utensils, and Confectionery Fitting- — Full particulars to Davies and Co.. The Stores, l-i;i-n;,vQn■ 7gg ANTED. a ¡¡nod st of SecoI,d-tand '.ltr£ !o:e llamegs: must be best make, and in good repair.— E-ioch Davies, The Stores, Tlehërbrt. 537 'J. good Drffbs, Governess Car, suit pony 12 hand? several fwJ business and pleasure trap. very cheap.—Gibbon !21:riùd. SC'7e -A- B;?TS?'?Powf.r?7???r? ??? ?n??"W!trr?nted .A worb:r; chain or britchen L:trnt??? master {j three tons warranty of soundness giveu price, i-15 -60 t,e tons r.rrvnt,y of soittidne?i5 gtvet' rrien A fast black Coo (14 hands). T''?H. b?ilis-Plat,d Hp.rnHs?. A. turnout .EH -also smlnd, hon st.. thick-set Cob 14 2 5y6:?s: C22: <.?n be tid.-I)d. MorWtn. EnorH:yoMi'.? Caerphilly. 742 A Rooastronf Pony. with SpriapCn.ri.?j????? AL any business, ?13 the lot:?' h^accy-road, Ro??b, Cardiff. 728 A B:t.rga;u.-StrontT Cob: 13 hands: good worker: Set C Harness, and Spring Cart: lot. X! 10s.—Mill-street Poi:fypriild. _——— 931e nelly n, Flat Cart, and suit green. A grocer, lot £ 14 several other Flat Carts and Business Travis, suit tradesmen. — Apply 21, J-opaz-st., Roath, Cardiff A- Usefu) K)MK'?rc."15 hMds. ,tt? ?y Mare, 15  h,od" 6 yeMs both are wa,r,t,-Bay Nlare, 15 (would suit sny tradesman or caoman) can be tried any time Habershoii^st-East Moors,("ardift". ADf'nkey?nd'C?t' ?d Harness for %Sale.-Apt,ly ? .SMCh?uQ-strcat. Grnneto:- 409 Cart, ??ARGAIN? Poay7 F?t ??' H?rcess.to?eth-r or -? spaTat. suit fishmonger or Creeo?roccr also Hor3e s.?ut coal cart.—Apply 23, ieckvvith-rOl(,, 765 ?iNH'Ru))?'e7ner Bitch for ?? cheap F good:-ard?ad ■ water dog.—Apply No, "1 "^set-place, Saltmead, CMdia'. ?' 754 jj'OR Sale, good Ccb, with Harness and spring market Cart, to be ;V)M a bargain.— Sin»norld.s and Son, Madras- -street, Orapsetown. 722 i^OH Sale. Chesnut Tony, 13 hands, ridings (one of the Comftr), "rlloud action M'd qutet mit a gentleman, lady, or anybody, and an excellent tnare for breeding also a r,ew hand.tnlck.-Apply n^3. arn.'h i r e-st., Car a i ff. 'I jtOR Sale, Bay Mare, 6 years, 15-2 qaiH iu single and X double harness, also ride warramed sound.—To be seen at Carlton Mews, Cathedral-road. C irdiff. 578 I^OR Saie, good Pony, 12 hands, price £ 7 iCs.ITiofi, Clive- street. Grange. Can be seen after 6 p.m. o'clock. 56! IT'OR SfJe, eood.lootiins BuU Terrier Dog wilt tacklc X anything. 20.1 LIsoptire "illciog pUPi 15s. —Stt-pjim l\IorŒ:tI1. Carmarthen. 526 J4»OR Sale, Horse, long Coal Cart. P-askets, Harness. Wil Jt. tell separate owner requires stronger horse.—Apply 70, May-street, Cathays. 338 -(-oItHJ<'l'r3.p-.i'&te, eait any buBiDes, £ 14 the lot, oreep!tH)?e,—Gibbon, Mtn?rt? PpBtyphdd. 0 ALE, U'¡:-f>e nice Pigs, ei;:bt weeks old; \fin A1 -=', ,,?st £8, tor !xcha1J¡; sma!1 t:lp,lasons Arm; CALP;. /{Md-W-;¡kings-m;¡IPony, wit,b Cart and Har;ess ¡: SUit ¡>reen¡¡rocer or fisbmon¡rer: lot, £10 1Cs,-<¡q Bed. ford-street, Roath, Cardiff. M2 A LE, Dark Efty Pony. 3 years, 11 h-ds.3ichp; sit Ere lad}' warrant.ed in ba.rJv.!8s 01' 3add!-Apply 6,Edwin- st.et..N e!P6rt.. 86e SORF;s.biilld-('Ors ^rCa Thrush- Ouickly Cured by S° Com 8 Fhud. H^ orses suffering f rom Sore Ba.ck. ort :Snouldrs, broken knees, wounds, uts, bruises thrush cracked beels, grease, mud fever, mange, &:c., quick:y cured t,y b_2.thH1;! t!;le parts atfecLed with a ta olespoonful of ComlY's Fluid in a piut of water. It makes the hair grow where rubbed off. Prices 8oz. Is: 200z, 2g of all chemists. Insist on bavin; Condv s Fluid. 857e THFL IATE AIr Samuel ("oieman.—For isnm^diate""Saie' X a strong useful a.U-round black mare, 4 years 15 hands free from vice grand waggonette, single or don hie. to C&I';Y 8 splendid dog trap upholstered, strong contractor's crt few sets of harness, well ma-de bridle and saddle br30k harness, som carnage lamps. chaff mac:hine.-Apply to kxeeutor. Blackwood. 8':>3 rpo Sportsmen, Irish 'rerief Fancirs,. in fa.c anyõ; .I. requiring game, hanasome companion.—Mick Irish Dog, l months, hard coat, long wedge head c!oe V-buttoned ears, smt41I black ere, mouth like shark: smart fashiouable companion £ 2, sacrifice appronl with pleasure.—22, EJ¡llnt-street. Tipperary, Ireland. 743 USE" Jeerol ■Ointment for ppeedily curmg sprains curbs and splints V7n forming, over-reaches. cann»d bocks, rhenU1"tlm, windfalls, scurf aftr blisterin.-Lar:- box post tree for Is 2d from Coudy's. Fluid Work. 23 1-st,dan. E.C. 857e "E!:tNU B°° F1"¡>e. con"amm¡r. fuJJ instructions V fi- ,i TTre^ atment? and Cure of AilmenU affectinp Horses, D7! ogs Cat, Cattle, 8hcep, Pigs, Poultry, 4c., from Condy a Fluid Works 83. Turnmill-street LOLdoD, Le. 857e \57ANTLD. Pony, Trap, and Harness, from 13 to 14 hands, on hire for six months with intention to purc, hase.—Apply, stating terms, to W. Williams. Coffee Taw,lU, Pnl.yglVaith. 407 PHa;Us..C" I A Few Sittings White Leghorn Egs w spare from gran d winter layers; 3s 6d sitting.-F. Miller, 34, Sralop. street, Penarth. 426 A Good Cl1ance.-Fi'fe Hens ior Salc and House and ru7. [1 all healthy, 153 lot; reQJOnng.-D 236, Echo Office Cardiff. 236 BROODY ens for Sa1e.-Apply Hallett, Bryn ClYt4 .J Newport. S24 ~tOPEMA>iS Challenge Breeding Cages, fitted e6 ° 5 es a Lotties complete sent anywhere for 2s od eacu b.—C.opemao. Oharles-st., Newport. (Trade supplied). E GGS from grand pen Hurst's strain ■ sp1en<hd layers hatching out well, 2s 6d sitting — Brown, 7. Bert, ram-street, Roath. él6 EGGS for hatching, 4 and 3s dozen pure bred chickens, 1(\5 7s 6d doz"D, with hen 35 6d extra. Plymouth Rocks. lIlincrcas. OrpinRtons: hõt on applicatinn,- wardsa.y. DursJey, GJo!Icestershir. 847e I^OR talc, Broody HeI¡, 35 each eggs from grand Ayles- .I.' bury } e 1 Pucks, 2s per sitting.—A. Dunn, Tun-yr- 1wen, Birchgrove, near Cardiff. 737 GRAND White Leghorn CockeI'd, 3 Pullets (unre!atd, layin¡.;), 0. also s™e 'n Brown: prize winn"n: Eg5, 7s 6d, p"r sitting from s'eeial and first pnze winners -Jen\¡itls,n_}'1Iway, Aberdare. 737 PLYMOUTH Rpcks, Houdans, Golden and Silver WyanåoLte Eggs. 3s 6d ,,¡tin: weH-known prize ärains: unfertile replacd,- W'illiam Bowen, Llaiifoist Abergavenny. 276 HRWruii. 1?OR Sale, nearly new Drawing-room Snire in stamped velvet: will be sold cheap.—Write J 759, Echo Office. ï:"UH Sale. cheap, a 8plenditl Saddle bag Suite: walnut X frames.-Apply 50, Neville-street, Cardiff. 251 FURNITURE Bought in L^rge or Small Lets; cash t once no waitin:Apply Cyril Second-handTurni«ire Stores, 12, Broadway. Cardiff. 574 Mi",UH.NI'l'URb ot"; description fc&uuutl n value 10 J, select from, on the Hire Rystem; strictly privact The 1,a.rgezt rremises an Stock out of I.ondoll,-AtJlI.ö Furnishrng Company ,Limited, Hayes, Cardiff. :5 e HARRIS'S Hammock Sll5pemion Carriage, 35s spcial value. 636 HARRIS S P;I Mail Ca.ns; patent convertible fold- wg shafts 27s 6d. 636e 1-11 ARRIS S Mahogany ChelIonier (second band). 24s 6d. XX 6 HAIiRIS S Bedroom Suite, chest five drawer. wash- stand, table, glass, three chairs, towl rail: onlv £ 3 3s. —Harris's Emporium, Newport Market. Dock-Bt. Entrance. -0 AlRIS'S -Fe-ath!'r Bed, Bolster, and Pillows, only 35s .I.-i. worth 55.-()all aDd see Harris's Emporium, 5Iarket Hall, Dock-street Entrane. Extensive showrooms in- specti0n invited. Caut,ion,;no connection with any c.ther firm. RARE oid English Regulator, massive mahogany case, £\¡ cost, 35 puineas, from London maker; marvellous timekeeper good condition 30 ba.rg301O.-tr01Jg, Jeweller, 13, Castle-road. Cardiff. 668 SECOND-Hand Bookcase for Sale, complete, with cup- II boards and dra.wr, solid mahogany, beautifully polished bargain.—Woodruff, 1, )\letDr-stre"t (close Infir. 578 SECOND-hmd Furniture or Surplus Stock Bought for Cash or 801d on Commission.—Taylor's Salerooms, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 865 rI'IÏE-l5t-inea Dinner Set in tbe trade at W. Pobbs X and Sons. Queen-street. 777e 'X7iLTXA5<;¡=Full ;e Bedsads: job line: 93 6d.— (,. H, Hjh-stret.. 553 Vt71LLIAMS'S—Good Saddlebag Sni: sound frames: y v 6i guineas.—14, High-strett. 553 V\71LLIAMS'S—Bedroom Suite, with glass door Ward- » robe, Dre5siv= Chest, marble-top Stand, &c £ 4 17 6d.—14. Hish-street. 653 \\7 ILUAMS'S—Bedsteads—ene of tbe Lan;est Stock in Wales or West of England. 553 W'lLLIAuIS'S—Magnificent Hi¡h.cbss La.ther Suites: 1' a marvel of v<\lu: £ 4 17s 6d. 555 -ifíLiXAMs'8-:Bordered-'rapestry Carpet: 15! 11.- v T 14, High-street, Cardiff. 553 _11"1 tJ H:¡ïi';¡l- our new !i;rc H,r- iSystem. Houses oc A art merits completely furn;shed on a new system adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, and nquiries nSlulJy mack ty ether companies are dispensed with. 'Ve have an immense stock of Househo:d}, urDlnc of cheap and sHperior quality. AI! goods Bold on the Eire System at ready-money prics. We makE; DU extra charge for credit, aua all goods sent home in a private van free 0/charge. ='0 stamp orag-rep-ment charges made DO bil- oi sale; everything pri.ate, Arrangements completed without delay, and, being manufacturers, wé gua.rsmtec quality aud will undertake to supply, furniture, etc., at 10 per cent, les3 than any price-list iS3tKd by any firn!in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Croll aud inspect oUrlm- mense stock, and Gownare pf1ce nefore purchasing else- where. We will supply £ 6 worth tor 2s 6d weekly; £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for 5s weekly £ 20 worth, 5s weekly, and o on m proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the addre. :-South Wales Furnishing Company' 31, C:1.8tle.strt (opposite th Castle) ()a"di;f 7e i)&)J£S]'f( AKT1CXES. BÃBY Linn.-A Parc1 of Babv's First Clothes, superior -> quality quite new, never worn: very cheap.—L., 18, Lancaster-road. Fallowfield. Manchester.. 542 (y OOD Perambulator, new, only used one month, COlD, T pld-e, with rug; cost £ 4, wilt sell for 2gs.— O 777, Echo, Cardiff. 777 LADY wishes to dispose of her Pemmbulator, but li"tle n.cd. 25,Apply Hutchins, 19, Duke-street. Cardiff. 610 J1GHT Perambulator, goorl; cost 5td, will take J 3^s; real bargain.—25. Kincrai:-street. 675 MANGLES, ashing Machines, Seiviug Alachices on the Hire Svstem.—Atlas Furnishing Company Ltd. Hayes Cardiff £ 5 i>ERAMBUXjA'10RS Mail Carts on tbe Hire Svstero. ALias Furnishing Company. Ltd. Hayes Cardiff. 25? '-I'UILLA:'IIS's-t:ail Carts and Bassinettes, at cleain v » pnce. 5.3 t'OIt SA.IÆ-1IIS(;ELLA.Ør.I. A ltrtk:s;et;.1rf;y"=â Stockmgs, Trusses. -Apply Manufactory, Pf'arce and Co" lQ, SUtion-ter., Cardiff (opposite T.V.R. Station). 836 A- Captain, retiring from sea. wishes to Dispose valuable A Ortfit cheap sextant, night, glasse8, aneroid, books,&;e. 676, Echo. Cardiff. 676 BAKER'S Trough for Sale (14 sack): also small Safe— 3, Mill-lane, Cardiff. 505 BILLHEADS, 1,000 for 4s 6d 1 ,C0j Business Cards, 4" 6d (specbl line), at 49, Blide-stre"t, Cardi.-Rees, Mallett, and Stanbury, Printers. CrichtFixturs. 759 ( 1HRYS7ANTH EMUMS.—Strong-rooted tfiittiiies7irpc7 V dozen. Flower POts (clean), Iso Lawn Mower, ch('ap. —Apply, after 6, 179, -ewport-road. 307 í "1URLY Greens Curly Grcel; For sale, any quantity. V Good stuff and cheap.-W. Baker, Forest Fr.im, W hitci-.urch. 392 DAILY Paprs, Weekly Tapeis, Comic Papers, ad-U kinds of Papers.—Robertson, Chnrch-road and Chep- fitow-road, Newport. 294e l-LiàELSTO:NE'S, registered as ,The Popular Cardiff X Pawnbroker, Jeweller, and Outfitter, 22, Castle-road, Roath, C.irdiff. 664e .i:;üir¡;'}:¡:¡;iD at Fligelstone's, Gent's 18ct. Englisli GO]d _1 J_vr Hnuter, original pTice 2 guineas, oniy 6 guineas. T^ORFEITED at Fhgelstone's, Gent's Fancy Curb Albert, X lfct.. stamped very link, £ 2 piece attached, only 10 uineI. f64 I^ORFEITEP at Fligelstone's, Lady's 18ct. Gold W-atCb, 18c.t., h"ll mrked CP- cost 5 guineas, only 5s. 66«e FLIGELSTONE'S, Standard v.Oïd;ïier -'Hall-m.a!d. -rz!Os. F710HFEITLD "t Fiigelstone's, Endish 8ijve Levers, by Benson. 42s5; Skarratt, Worcester, 425: Tainsh, Cardiff, 50. FORFEIT EP at Fligelstone's, Lady's hanôsome Gold Watch, fancy dial, hall.mr"?d caes, only 2¡: splendid value. tlLfGlLSi'ÓNÊ' for Clothing. Fancy Tweed Suits. X 12s lid Black Vicuna Coats and Vests, 10s Bel; Black Worsteds, 125 lId. i^LIGELSTONE'S Annual Price List now ready: many bargains post free on application. FUGLE STONES 22ct. solid R;ns, 3Jwt., 15s 4dwt.. 20s o\id Gold Kpeper from 2s ML IIjGF;LSTONE'S for Clotbin.-Real Wdsh 8hirts. X 48 lId real Welsh Flannel Drawers, Is id very best value. WLIGELSTONE'S Feather Bed, Bolster. 2 Pillows, best X LEnen Tick, weight 6Clbs,. oOs. No competiticn. Ji'LW-LSTONE'S(;o;a(JJaues, 2<j lldTFie!(S or -{, M:\rine Glasses from 5g Army and Navy, 15g. 1- ¡IGJ;;LSTONKS Lady's Gold Dress hall-marked' 4.,s-,IJ_G?l()_e.Eil1.l 3s .d. 17*LlGET,STONE'S for Boots.—Men's Nailed Derbys 3-s Hd Yclths' Derbys, 2s lid Boys' and Girls' Boots, Is 11 id. FLTGELSTONE'S f;r Cord aud Mole. Trousers, 3s lid. lid. I1d. 66 lid Fancy Twead Trousers, 35 1hi, s lid 55 J^ (iRFlÏTED;tFjig;ito -G- t:(}.;Id- Wth-t;:o .1. IS: Silver LeYr" from 10s Sdver Wat«hes, 6., LoiœÈITJm.t Fligelstone's, Gent's solid GQld Ãibert, X 25s Lady's Gold Alberts. 218. Best value in Cardin, 1 FORFEITED at Fligelstone's, 301.) Men's -Coat;-2; I Men's TmuFerö from Is 6d Vests. Is. -Y-i'LiÖ iLSTON.j.<l.¡lC;S- Money on Gold and Silver X Valuables. Strictest priYacy. Orders by post promptly attended t.o. .QÜ'-S;l-Tù ue sc:d cheap, a second-class 'P3S" to L' AmerIca, Allan Line.—Apply to Mrs Old¡jdd, M:Uiner, CaftJe-street, üaerpÀUly 947e í.Olt&.1e, Hamjiers and Boxes in good condition.—Apply L' L. Davies and Co., 27, Wood-street, Cardiff. 672 Ij^OR Sale 12 Gallons Milk Daily, for 10 or 12 mo warranted,-Baker, Leacroft F;um, Worle, Weston- super:Mare. 656 j- oÍi. hle, Cork, C(lrk: Ginger, and Herb Beer, ami X Corks of very descnpt'lon; shive3, bun;s, bottling corks.—2, Moira-plr.ee, Cardiff. _m 556 FOR Sale,Garden Fran;Counters, Ladders, Steps. Milk Cham., Haud Trucks, Clothes-posts, tc.— Blake, Cathays YArd. Minister-street, Cathays, Cardiff, }^OR Sale, Copying Press, second-hand Counter, Wagon, Donkey Cart, Galvanised Iron, WIre NettIDg. Bla.k.Ca"YS Yard. Minister-street, Cardiff. 451 FUlt Boa (Russian).—Lady offers very bushy, quite new, dark, soft, silky Ahsk.. Tail Boa, thre yards long caRh needed accept 11:5 6d, worth £ 5 5s; approval, car- riage paid, before ¡;ayment; great barRaio.-Mrs Edwl\rJ<, 52, Hugh-street, Eccleston*squaie, S.W. 813 (' KKAN1UMS. Fuchsias, Calceolarias, Helio,:o¡¡e. La X hclhs. ood plantR from Is 6d per dozen van(1,; other plants cheap.—61, Wymlham-eresceut, Canton. 'YTLEl\m:d-oVp.r sês ts;o10 (Jr C,mii1f and district. Wbat more do you want! No hUor can pús.bly compete wi'h our AIl.wool Tweed and Serge Suits to measure at 35" 6d, Wrjt for patterns (free). -The Wnoll?1! Company, Bradford. 387 G'1-C,\f;s-t-;¡;;II j-sfo,ciooks..gUrc.lië.. cbè' » also Fish Globf.-J. C()";D. Naturalist, 2, Hytl Arcad- ■* Sal (-iL'tt-a .ud Earthenware.—13avs you seen J. R boaster Show of Glass, China, Earthenware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, and General Fancy Goods?— JmporLant to every Shopkeeper and Householder, Never in the annsis of the trade have goods been offered at such marvellously iow quotations. All genuine, best goods, at aiaKers prices. Hundreds visit us. and are astonished at our display and value.-Note address :-J R. Rogers, 9. U ooO-s- Tret. '9ppo^r,e Wood-st. Chapel). Cardiff. Lis's free. ° w;th the times, aLMt?F(?hck?7 where everything is I, e:,eap and relia.hJ 1e3e GO to Folllcks for the well-known 6s 6d Silver Watches, ( "to to Follicle's if you want a good Gold Signet Ring fo v -11 Is 8°, worth double. j G- 0 to Follick s if you want a reliable Watch end good timekeeper. G' ° to Fcllick's if you want a heavy Silver Albert, n stamped fvervjink. far 4s 9d. Go to Follick's if you want a Guinea Gold Wedding Ring m for It's 6d. 0 tD 40, Bridge-street, Cardiff, if you want one of Fol- lick s 6s 6d Watches. GO to Fol'iick's before Lhe rale is over if you want bar- gaius in Overcoats Go to Folhcks if you want a Lever by Wright, of Covcn- A try, for 27s 6d (jJ-O t0 Rollick a if you want a Sol!d Gold Albert for 35s. '?fim.—RaiiwayCans. excellent make cuarnntped at ? iowt>st piee all dairy utensils. Also dcd boxes and senera .heet metal work. Largest works in Wales -Cam briall Tin sVorkinp Co., Dumballs-road, Cardiff (5 rainntes from G.W.R.) 949c:< Hiroka!—The Great Afghan Reeiedy. Hir-Va Oin:ment, a positive Cure for Eczema. Piles. jI jris, tu.ia, Old S.ores, Rheumatism, Ulceratcd Legs, Burns, sc., &, invaluable for the Complexion. Price, Is lid per box. 1 Ca.raiff agents-Duck and Son. Cheasists. Or post II ee Is od from Liroka <oiupany, 53, Queers-street, Cardiff. ICE ore am Cart for Sale, complete.—Address 44, Maria- street, Docks. 495 ?rdox?Ant?' gt. 2d per "'?'Cording. Ts?idermist. 42, Roml "Af rcade, Cardiff, 532 t! ???P?''??'??'s°°'?'?t"re. ?d ounce Pt, Gold Fiake, 4d ounce, 2 ounces ,4rl ?.lixl,,i?e, ?d ouncp—W. E. Robcrtson. Church-road and 152 Chen stow-road, Newport. 294e rpA?M. CuUery.-I?dvoSer' four-guine??er?ce. best ?)  table, 12 small '??- P?'' carvers and ,teel for 147, 6d ?h.te pinned b??nce handles Sheaieid! SeaVbiM*au>i unused approval paid before ?.y- !n.-Mrs O.t?son. 31, Moretuc-?. Pim!ico. S. W S? rB_ ',RAVELLING Trunk-. Bonnet Boxe8, Tour¡t- Boxe?I- f 7rJ7''nt from largest manufacturer in the world f,ir %bgolu?,e m,(Ie of very be?t ?*' Pt'?' and 0*Uv. 5ittli i best lever locks, in all sizs and colours. Large ^lze i-ravelling Trunks from 3s 6d each. Bounet Boxes, is Is 3d, ???' ? S? each ditto with locks. Is 3d, Ih6J.1sSd??ch. Tourist B0XM, 25, 2s 3d, 2" 6d eaeh ditto with locks, 2s 3d, 2s 6d. 2s 9d e?ch.-J. R. Roers, 9, ?ooQ-strept. C.tr<iifKvrbo:es?e and ntil). 43e npIN G?oods Galvanised Gocds, Brass andCopper G?pd? ?- 11 cl Jal?,iniied Goods of every description at Birmingham Pric, MHn'el1oulJ !ow quot?tious. Table and pocket ( titlery, Spoons. Forks, and E.-P. (Joods in endless variety. Hawkers and Shopkeepers should visit us, ana we will moke ;t worth their while e.in. so. We re- present manufacturers only, and if we cannot give sati?- t?ctton.who jc&n?-J?R?UcKC! 9,'Wood-street,Cardiff. ?c r-c'lOiÙCCOKIST8.I-hi; ?°'? ?dT Thick, 3s 4dl AU .1. Tobaccos stocked.- E-Ro'?ertson, Wholesale and Kcvail Tobacconist, ewporL 2!4e OOL ??- c. lltai?,i. t,,ig. jack, ?nd tmoot.hi? T'0121r)t-s, and nUlm rom oLber mots. B3 IO?.—App)r 19, C?st!e-roa? R?t,h, Cardig. 705' ??<????r*?ic';??." for Salt, ebe"p: rising TPO 5 and 8 CIV. each no further us,-Encch D?ies. The J?tM. Treherbert. 508 T RAT OSrers. fur ?2CO."App:oprMtion (without intpr5t) 'ntirstNeath and District Starr-Bawkett Bu;]??-' .'?c'fty ??App?yJ? Cheeky Alma-place, Neath. 97 AND Jesburus waxed fat and kicked, thus chronicles it tt ancient llÍtor¡an. We presume Josh kicked because U]e oM lady wouid .ns?t on ?oine the sprmj; cleaning. And it is just the same ta.dty but it is (Mooting to knew at the very best place to go is "'a!kios'. the Popular Provider, for all you want. l,i-e F-, from fca^rr' from ? ? P? ??"' 1"? ?' '?? froni 2s '?d lo;l Jzrgs from 1M gross. Brass ?ai!" z" Id Boxes -ifrom <d doz. Cur?a Hooks, from 1, ? p-i- ?''o?. Polished-baek Shoe Bruf-hp' from l? 6?-I (I(iz?aii. Scrubbing Brushes, from 2? 6d 1- Wood V-?shias Boards, 3s 9dper dozen. C!oths Peg; 7à per gTOSS, or pr 5-,ro 03X 2s 8d.- ?aU.Ln?Provid?r.j[2S-12:-i50. Chepstow-od. XewporL IR?P?IF?L He!ection of New Roses, Flowers, Scenes, Vi-w-?. ?-'??''?P?s. Uluminated in gold and silver with moiee mottoes ad tpx?. ?ze 10 x 8 sell at Id each our pnc?  dozen, 4s M lcr aroM: 122gross to cle?r.-Watkins, Provider, }:' wvort.. List3 free. 63e Fountains.-Rou7d Bird GI?ssss. 6id per doz. uefuJ 7rd F?tnt?iu. 3d per doz.. 7s 6d per gross or M Kvif fifr S Bird Fctmtams, f:re? novelty, 2s 6d per doz., or 24s p<-r gioss.—\vatki-is. Provider, Ne?pot. 6?e ?IA BOARD Mounts, best quality, white, down as? V present pricp. onJy IE dOL 11s 6d per gross pretty Oak rZnr ai;cy Mounts, Sd per doz. Flock and Bronze frmnsl? br?e mounts equally cheap. Picture Rin? ,r.1 nrp vn" g?08?- Elackbords, Picture yaik. Brads. Pi Hooks. Ke.t Picture Cord, Is lid per ?ross yards, any colour.—W?tkics. Prr.vtder. 63e ?ANDM6TIC?76?hM7besrtin.?Trer doz. China Tin Cups and SMcerg,9d per P°nc<-r??T'"?'??? Bra?P.c!oc].s.9ddoz..Stfel ? '??'-? °? ?P? Measures. 6d pr doz Hair Pins, 3:id per 1 P&ckers. ?tun?ry Scrubbing Brushes, Is 8d per II,7-vecial. Is Catp?t Biooms, b??t red handles, only 43 lid Pe ùoz, r.??"? D?n-s. Ions handles, ? lid per doz. '71Z' Coll&r ?'?' ??"oz.. lOd per cross, and (H?re. ,il?- P* ? ?" ? spare any mOe room: you will want t.hewhotc?per Mop-Ed.)-WatkiM. ProTider.l2M2S- 'Cp&Pstow-road, Newport.. C??P.??' Cruets. Crue's.-T?fM 3-Lttie, with black ?11 and brass frame, "nly ditto with cut bottles, j iVnv^ ■ j), ^,i^o'-nea niehl. besr frame, 4 cruet, with cut n,:?,Uo with ?j?c best cut bottles, cniy Bs 6d. Best. ^"Stal Spoons from Bd doz. Can"? from ?. ^• m useful Table Cutlery at really very low prices. —Rattans, Z"'?r. Kewuoit. 63a -E-5f};;is! -jiSt-cpinlO. white T  es  ? t ? per "? 5s ? Per gross ditto 3 Gold T :np= 7H ,1" ?, 3 ? ??'' gross ditto Ce'este and Gold, PmkandGoJd.and Maroon and Go1d. from 7!,d perd?z 157 gross to clear. Provider, Newport. 63e F IRE SCREENS! Fire Screens 1 Fire Screens.—As most of X tn& peop.e will be burning their old Screens that have been m:u1" to do for one room after another for so many yeits, we Svrong.y advise you to lay in a selection cf New Patterns at once. and we have the prettiest Screens this year uiai, ever have been seen. Please note prices 6d fire screens, well assorted, 2s 9d doz. 9d do., excellent selec- tion, 4s ud and 4s 6d dozen and our Is screens are posi- tive.y hanasome, 7s Sd, 8s, and Bs 6d per doz,- Watkins. Provider, ?ewuMt. All postal notes, orders, &c., should be ma?d???t??Pij?vtder.Newport.' and crossed.63e, -G-- LASS-IG¡S;I-Giass 1- We wiii -cb;s- 7?3rto Gme,-sure this month only at Us 6d pr 100 'quare feet, Ltr?rqua.ntitic?chMper?-Watkins. Provider, ??ewport. GOOD-Old N e,p:t. We!! done C?rdiC.Anothpr'su)? Gpriise. Watkia s cargo of New Season RaUs arrived to- d??y. ?Nrte the Pnces and marvel. Best colour(¡ ina?ed. la. Ed a?.ec. 7s 6d ?ross 21, Is 2d per dozen 3d, Is 9d per dozen 4a, 2s 6d dozen 6d. 3s 9d Is. 7s 6d. Larger sizes piu«'ly cheap. Best inflated grey balls ex,ualiy cheap. Also solid balis. crickeu bidls. tenuis balls. Also large seie-ction of n*ts.—At atkins, Provider, Newport. 63e HAIR Curlers, Ilair C'urlcts.—Best penuy Steel Hair Cuviers. 1 gross, is 3d 5 gros,; lots, Is 3d per gross 10 gross lots. Is <:cl j-er gross, Vire must clear 300 gross this month. Half-gross, carriage paid, for Is.—Walkius, Pro- vider, .Newport. JOHN Su)itli. That shop you told us you was going to take when the coal ailair was settled you had better open at once, so as to have som? of the loose money that is always spent during the holidays. Go to WatKins, Pro- vider, Newport. lie keeps everythirir, and yuu wiil get your goods sent off same day. I''}A.:llPAŠ. I'amps. Pampps Grass. cmi 'lul Flowing Pluiuep {wh'tt*K czirn )ar?. Is He' do2 or ail the New Colours 2s lid per doz. Pretty Benches of Grass from SM per doz. Pretty hand-painted 6d Splasheis, size about 33 by 18, ouly 3s 31 per doz. New Palm Fans, large siz, 7,'d dcz.. 7s 3d gross.—Watkins, The Evergreen, 123-130, Cheu- stow-rcad, Newport. 63e SPECIMENS.-Handsome New Rutv, Green, and Blue k: Specimen Glasses, 11 Inches high by 5 bror.d. only 4s 6d dcz. Compare these 8iz'è with what you ?re now selling at Is and Is 6d each. A?s(, .11 th?. New Art Co?urs"iu6d Specimen Glosses at 3s nd doz. Choice Selection New Epereces from each. —Watkins. World's Provider (Note New Nos), 123-133, Chepstow-road, Newport. 63e rl-BLI Gh.? TaMe'*?Hj;??.-e" JJ;e-iiock -1 about 72 caes of Table Ghiss of every description, and another 61 to c(,me. Note our present prices:—5 to quart ordinary Tumblers, 25 different patterns, 10.:1 per doz., 9:; 6d per gross. Tots same patterns and prices. Leg Tuujbiers. 6 to quart. IC-Ad per doz., 9s Sd per gross alsy 6 and 8 to quart sensations, barrel or lenion shape ie.: glasses, same prices. Best Cut Wines from Is 5d per doz. Be-t Cut Stem Spirit Glasses from Is lid per doz. Large Ginger beer Glasses from Is 9d per doz. Glass Sugar C'ruehers, 7id pr doz. Tom of use. ful Glass a: unnet;rd of prices. All orders promptly exe- cuted.-WatILi People's Popular Provider. 123 — U0, Chepstow-road, Newport. 63Ð T0^ACC0NISTS.—Vcvey Fins. 15 2d per bundle of 25 X 4s6d per K'O, :12s per 250- Gold Flake, 4s 6d per lb. Richmond iJmV» Lye, 4=; 5d Mixture. 4s 4d Areher's Returns, 1)¡; 2d. Penny Packet Cigarette5. 3s 3d per box pu V ireinia Cif;arettes, 6s per Ib: 3d Boxes I'lgorettes] Is nrl box. Watki"s's celertrated Loose Superfine hag-, 3s 6d lb. Snuff. Brown Roll. Thin Twist, Thick T^ist., Tart;eL CoiJ Chy Pipes, is ? ).er ;,ro?'?. Be.? ]?,ndon ?r;nys_ 3?[ per doz., 2s 9dper gross best Washed Clays, td per doz., 5s 6d per grc)??5, best French Cl?N,s,7?d.?per doz large Football Pipes, hold I oz. tobacco. 2s 6d per doz Splen- did w Cicarp, 5s 9d per 100: 2d Cigars, 7s 6d. 7s 9d. 8s, 8s lioi, 8s 6d per 100 3d and 4d equally cheap. Briar Pipes, Poticlie; at absurd prices. Pipes in Cases, full size, from 9s per GOZ. Cigarette Paptis. assorted, 50 for 2s. Bell s V, ax Matches, 6d per doz., 55 9<1 per gross. Everything in Tobacconist. Goods of the very best quality at Wat.kins, Provider. Newport: 4 Shops. 25 Storerooms. np RUNKS TruukBTTrun]J !-Be:?t St?I?rrunks. brass X locks, hl?Iy tini'h"d, bnmd new (no old stock), just amved from manufacturers, from 2s llAd each, or 1fr nest of four large sizes, 13s 9d per nest.—Watkius. Provider Largest stock in South Wales. Lists free. 65e \7 ÅSlIEOAnD,S:-f;¡ £¡;d,I)W w??ze. 4N e;;¡ ,As clciz. wc).jpd br,,teket? .for 17 to ? inches, 4d each. 3s 9d doz. Best PGli.hed perforated chair seats, full SIZ. 21 each. 2,4<1 doz Workmen's frails from 6d per nest of three. Everyone should come to our monster sale. We supply over 500 shops, iu addition to our r6Gail busines5.-l"Ükius, Provider. Newport. 55Se 5000 feet lOin. by jin. Red Boards, ,,d foot: Mouldings, Mahogany. Joinery, Fencing carriage paid list free. —Tilney, Saw Mills, Abertillery. 7jj 40,000 Pink Celery Plants. Is YJ;!gt.ter 1,M?I 4AIgply Daves, Cross-road, Miy.ne?rO?rdiiT. 766 1 0,000 fee! ? Dunnage Boards. 50s per !.G ? square fee.. ■ Scantlings, I)z,-al.;?, &c.? ch -Sh-p, '??.d, b tto? E ,?tI Dock, Cardr'Y. 776 iEFl'-CH ClOTICSii. LADTES Gentlemen's. Children's, left-off" Clothing bought.—Mrs Rich, 57, Castle-roid, Cardift. Good prices: orders pniietoally at-teuded to. Furniture bought 226 T ADlE:='.G<nr)''m.'n's.:t.'idChi!drRn's Left-off Clothing -L< bou?t. Furniture bought.—Mrs PLuijt?d. oppogite l?uperra H?oLel. Ordt?ll-s(re?t, East Moors. Cardiff. 185 ]i| RS ?""?'??°? 8, It idg?-t, C:?,-dity. Al nd -5 1\1 yndham Arcade, 81;ni:;('Id\l11I: and ('h)idrens Wardrobes, Dress Su?ts. H('ot, &nl nl<o Furniture, Curtains, and Carpets. Ortiers P".Ctu,liy at- tended to.  Est.abhshed 13S3. ,76 « «!»<:«!,LA>'K»*l»i Wa V'fivi ?HE?IST-?.-Fi!: ).-c.. wa.f'?d :boMf's7&c' whole or C part, for f:ïh -V{it 8 7?0. E,' ?? Oti ?. C.rùi. 76? -Ti0ifi;J), Hcitch Cr?ne, Hf? Mc?L."P?o?.h&nu: T ? .?so two J'looring Cramp^—Lewis, Timber M»r- chant^Pontypridd. 217 MAtHl.MKt. "——— ——— FOR Sale, very cheap, ne,?riv new, 3-b,p. Fi@lding Gas Engine.—Thomas Mahoney, Adeiitu-st.,Newpori.,51on. J^OR Rale. 1 liorse, power National Gas n,gi.? p'??,did Londiti'D; n parJy ew- sell cheap also Chaffeut?er.-IVilc?x, Abersychan. 517 G- OOD second-hand Eucine and Mortar Mill wanted at CX once.-Full p:trticul?r?. price, &c.. M W. 783, Echo Office. Cnrdiff. 703 Engines, ouc combined 6. Engine and Mortar Mill, several Mortrtr MilU and I Saw Benches for Sle at low prices Weil worth attention to intending purchasers.—Clarence Wharf Machinery Com- pany, Newport.. 83; e E H; ARTIFICIAL Lc?sTAr.ns?EvesrBei?r Lec Iron." Spine AS i?7 rio Trusses.—The oniy Mr Peai?-t?, maker, is ?t c I- zee t. (:ardiff. 72? _A SiROiOGv:MI\7;:inge, T,tu,?r ke.. e'er -C? stamps busice?. life's prospects, Is. ',???d ??i"thtim,, rof. R?? gg St. Ut lea 1,?zLi;?o"i.ls P:lJ'y:¡-'i;t i',vclç:oll .l"\ "Character from Ha!1dwátm(: Seven stamps. Send birthtime.—Gordon, 22, Catherine-grove, Given wi^h' LondoD. M2 I{LOODOut cf O;d-?-pï;th hllrdk;;a.  ? others HtU soon put, it -i?ht. A p-?ant m,!d:C- P.ce ls, post free Is Jet- -Triznnell, The Ilerbal&t,' 1 Cm* < 544/ CLEARS the Skin as uothing else will, azid pleasant.. No case too severe. Result of many years' experience. Unparalleled success. Children like it. Ssrsaparilia com. pound. Purely herbal. Price is, post free Is 3d.—Trimrell. The Herbalist," M"ira-terl"lce. Cardiff. 344 -C-ÜUGH Herbs, Indigestion Herbs, Pile Herbs. Kidney J Ht rbs, Composition Powder. Blood Purifying Herbs. Purity Guaranteed.—Trimnell, The Herbalist, Moira* terrace, Cardiff. 344 e^URE for Piles.—Periect cure aun?ra?t?ed in most y ftutorn cases; post tr? ?, 2s 5d, 4s 6d.—La Trobe, ¡ Chemist, St. Michael's-hill. BristoL E23 GEXERALHOU¡;e Repairs,-AJI kinds of repairs and J" drains promptly and carefully attended to estimates given.—Apply H. Collins, Primrose Hill, Llandaff Station. HERB Beer made withTrimuell's Herbs is pure herb beer; P- t no herb beer Ilk, it strengthens the system, de!?iouB. appetising: 6d per packet. Your grocer can supply you; if not, Trimnell, Medical Herbalist. Cardiff. 345 ATKIMONY.—Photograph future husband or wife, with positi'i- '0 6d: OT) year's events, Is 6d five wars, 35 6d sex. birthtime.—Prof. Lisle, 25, Firgrove-road FI-semantle. South-0.1. 818 V\7"ATCHES Clocks and Jeweller < on the Hire Svstem vv Al las Furnishi.m Cain Ltd Have? Cardift 25P 3IWKI < *5 to £500 Advanced without any delay.—Apply 110, ë;1; Cowbridge-road. Canton. Cardiff. 185 l\l-ói:y.=-W¡¡.nt'd.-£50 foBBiDrposes; good lJX security; no fces- 1,Tly letter, W 122, Echo Office, Cardiff. 422 MR L. R"d, 56 .H>r- t.. Moors. Cardiff, adnnces a from £ 2 to £ 200. rs receive courteous and orompt attention 404^ MONEY at a fair ra of interest, adianced in anv sums without. d&iay distanoe no object.-Apply, by letter or personally, to W. Williams, Vine Cottage, 1. Station-terrace. Pontypridd. 203r. ARIAS ar iogheb na. thraul ua thrafferth.—Ysgrifenwch It neu dewch yo bersonol at Lewis. 67, Castle-road, Roath. Caerdyad. 405 S *5 and upwards rranted daily to householders, withou sureties, no delay, no fees and confidential. Apply, by letter or personally, to F Gould, 88, Pontmorlais. Merthyr Tydfil, 20, Caroline-street, Bridgend, and at 3. Friars Park. Lamicas-st. Carmarthen. Itge CASH Advances rnude to any amount proniftly, privately and at a fair rate of interest: distance no object.- Apply, by letter only, to Mr C Lloyd. 24, Raglan-street, Newport. 925? MONEY, frpm E5 upward advanced to respectable ThIO¡¡;hr3s, t5"b Proprietors, etc.. G!Jt,St, by the actual lender, J. P. Thompson, 71, Adam-street, Cardiff. No fees Office hours, 18 to 7 Wednesdays, 1C to 2. THE TREDEGAR ANDDISTRICT ADVANCE T BANK, 2??. Bridge-street, Trede"ar, Mon., Advances Daily Sums from £5 TO £ 509, On Note of Hand alone. Fair Interest. Easy Repayment. -Apply Manager. 164 i\¡j¡-o J.:Y A {"-vanccd to all parts of South Wales, from Pc; to £ 590. Jf you reouire MODey Without Del&y, on Fair Interest, Easy Repayments, aud 8;rictly Private, apply to the BEAUFORT MONEY LOAN OFFICE, 231 Ii, BEAUFORT-HILL. SEAUFORT. MON. 25 to £ 5,000 Lent Privately, In any part of town or ii1WtI country, to respectable people, on a Note of Hand alone, without Bondsmen or any Security. Exceptionally Low Interest. Apply to H. TffljNIAS, ?lan,-tg?r (He??d OfEce), Victoria Chambers, 25, Hridg-e-,treet. Bristol. 515 ONEY MOISEY M07sEY !-1)0n t be without 1 Money when you can obtain an Advance From £2 to ANY AMOUNT. on your own Security aud Easy Repayments, as arranged. Apply S. HARRIS- Manager, 251 Central Advance Bank, 48, Crcliff. \7ALLACEAND CO., 98, QUBK -ST" CAJ?DIFF. ¡ V (Entrance, First Poor at Side?. f E5 TO :?300 ADVANCED DAllN ON NOTE OF FA?N;) j m. I AT SHORT NOTICE. 406 PROMPT ATTENTION™ COUNTRY APPLICATIONS. MON EY LENT AT FI VK PER C E K T FROM £ 10 to -c 2X00. Why pay more. when a Private Geu ieID30n is prepared to grant Advances ro Male or Femile, upon their PRO- i SUSSORY NOTE ALONE, -in any part of England or W .!»s without lean office formalities t W' BtLuaŠ;i:¡.<5e ÓR;Ht,IIES REQUIRED. The advance can be paid back by easy instalments, or can I remain out from 1 to 15 years by paying the interest only. Call or write to the actual Lender, CECIL G. COURTENAY, ESQ., S?5e J 11. Stroud Green-rcad. Seven Sisters-road, Jjondon, N. LOAXS FROM N' E Y CASH ;1;2 to £300 Advanced Advanced to R. PHILLIPS. Same Day as all^Classes of 18, CHURCH-ST., Applied for. Borrowers CARDIFF. Terms and in Town Interest Quoted or Country. Private Office. Beforehand. Apply personally or by letter to above address. 927 ONLY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE CR SURETIES, on Note of Hand, as fo'?;ow,? £20-24 MONTHLY INSTALMENTS of £0 18 4 1,50-24 tI „ E2 5 1Q £ 100—24 „ £4 11 S No Commission or Legal Expenses. A graarantee given of strictest privacy. Apply for prospectus to UNITED KINGDOM DEPOCIT BAXK, 55, Craven-street. Strand, London. 82a A. G. WILLIs, Manager. ONEY Lent upon Note of Hand, without Bill of Sale A.TX or Sureties, ns follows :— £ 25, repayable in 24 monthly instalments of £ 1 2 5 £ 50. „ 24 „ „ L2 4 10 £ 100, 24. £4 7 Larger sums iu proportion. Strict privacy guaranteed No commissions charged. Distance no object.—Apply 1/ Williams. 15. York-road, Waterloo Bridge. London,S.E. 57e rrO-¡JOXEST AND RESPECTABLE BORROWERS X ONLY. The Castle Advance Bank is prepared to Advance Money at the lowest rate of interest Without Sureties or Bonds- men, On Your Own Note of Haud Alone. You must bear in mind that we are no agents, and that you are dealing with the firm direct. If you prefer prompt treatment and strictest privacv applv, personally or by letter, to GEORGE DA VIE. and C;o.. CASTLE ADVANCE BANK. 207, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF 166 A CAPITALIST is t? make 1MMEPLATE A PROMPT, and" STRICTLY PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES m Sums froiri !JI0 TO £ ?.0S"> TO Professional Ladies and No Fee of any description. Gentlemen, :0 Bi'ls nf Saie, Tradesmen, No public or local exposure, Farmers, No 0 hjeçtionable Inquiries. Florists, No u.suai Loan Office For. Market Gardeners inalities. Hotel Proprietors, And at a Reasonable Rate i Job Masttrs, of Interest. And -11 ON NOTE or HAXD ALONE. Intending Borrowers are Cautioned against the flattenne Advertisements that appear daily. The majority of them emanate from Agents, whose Sole Object is to Obtain Fees of nll descriptions. Applicants can rely upon it that hv applying to me they do 60 iu confidence, and that they will be treated in a fair and business-like manner.—Apply M- BARNETT, 7Se 9. Caroline-streirt, Cardiff. Is. FIELDING AND COMPANY. LIMITED (Established over half a Century). FINANCE, MORTGAGE, AND INSURANCE BROKERS. HEAl. OFFICE-THE HAYES, CARDIFF. DEPOSITS RECEIVED £ 10 AND UPWARDS, At the following rates of interest, payable Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly: Withdrawal on deD!;].ud .4 percent, per annum. „ at 5 months' notioe,5 per cent, per annum. at 6 months' notice.6 per cent, per annum. „ !lot 12 months notice 7 percent, per annum. Depositors have the first charge upon the entire assets of the Company: one of the safest and best paying invest- ments of the day. Advances made in auy Sum upon personal and every kind of Security from E,10 to £ 1.000, in Tawn or Country, without delay or publicity. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospectus and particulars free by applying to Manager, as above. BRANCHES: Ma.Dehl'st(:. London, Oxford. Bath, Manchester Croydon, Exeter, (Hol1csr, Leicester, Reading, Liverpool, Cheltenham, &c" kc. 4, St. Catherine-street, (opposite the Police Sb"wn) Ponty- l> an_b:,ambt"8W II_ b,e I ONEY P R IV A T K L Y,:PR OMP TLY, A ND CHEAPLY. TTIE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BA LDW lS-SnŒET, BRISTOL, The Directors of this old-established, well-known Office, having large available funds, offer uuusual facilities to all respc-c;.ablc and tiiisi,worthy persons who require cither t:lIÿor9ry or pemlannt assistance. (Jkh lro amounts from £20 to £lO.GOQ advanced in alll,arts of the kingdom without sureties, delay, or publicity, and on the security only of the borrower s written promise t-o repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalment? exr,end!:1 over a period of time conveiiietit I a the borrower, or "he princioal may remain t o loug as the interest is paid. No Bills of Sale taken, aud the transactions are not lJUb. lished :u any newspaper or gazette. Apply, stating amount required, to Mr T. C. MILliURN. General Manager. NOTE.—Specially advantageous terms for Leans on l ife Insurance Policies, Reversions, and Second Mort?*ges.«S 4e im ^uctren. a:itS b!1 Àtlctt1!!t. CASTLE AUCTION MART. CASTLE-STREET, CARDIFF. IMPOKTA NTTO HOTEL PRO PUIETORS, PRIVATE R KS IDE NTS, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. -Ni E:5HS DAILEY and CILLER will ?-,ELL by AUCTION, in their Sale P?i)om, 'A,I above, on MODAY and TUESDAY, May 6th and 7th. commencing each day at 3 and 7, a valuable consign tnent 01 Nottiucli: m LACE CURTAINS, from the manufactory of Messrs S. Peach and Son, Nottingham, con;prising magnificent reception anrl bedroom curtains, real Swis embroidered and guipure d'art curtains, lace counterpanes, antimacassars, a variety of lace goods, including black silk Bouncings, scarves, Chantilly and Spanish l ices. All goods are of the latest design and in the newest colourings, and have been made specially for the present season. I1 On view Mornings of Sale. Auct,ioneen' Office:c;' Llestreet. Cardiff. 845e  CLIVR-STREET, GBANGETOWN SALE n4, OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURR, FULL COMPAQ PIANOFORTE, AKI? OTHER U?. l-CL EFFECTS. MESSRS BAILS.Y A GILLER have l.:t:J.. received instructions from tire Owner to SELL by AUCTION, ii t he premises as above, on TUES- DAY, Miy 7tli, ]S&J>, comm nicing at Ii o'clock, the whole of the valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, ? cpmpri.'iH?theconi.?nt.sof fhe bedroom", two recep- tion rooms, and domestic ofbce,. including bedsteads aan bed din: bedroom siiits, dining-room ,mite, draw- ing-room su!re, full-compass pianoforte in Mack Iticise(i gilt ca,e, dining and occasional MLle,, (?rpet.s, felt ders, pictiires books, and numerous orm;,menwl items. On view morning "f sale. The H?idcnce to be Let.—Apply to the Auctioneers. Aueft"neers' omces. 3, Castie street, CardiS. 843e -u_- QUEEN-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. LARGE UNRESERVED SALE OF SUPERIOR HO,j'EHOLn 1 URXITURE, Removed from C-e-roatl and ClyUe-streel-. Roath, Sold by order of 1)- ?-4Col»s ami Mr Fowler. MOORli and Cí). are instructed by the above Owners to remove aud SELL by I AUCTION, at th ir Salerooms, Queen-street, on TUESDAY, Ma.- 7th, the whole of the above Two Houses' FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Comprisin ui, e in saddlebags, mzitf-s in p'.tish and I leallier siaeboard. overmaniel-j, carpets, rug-, fenders' bva-.es dining table cit,, cabinet, ocfo%rt:i IDble, writing ttbe, bedroom suites ia ash vrainut,' ducl-esse toilets, diests of drawers, wardrobes, com- -s, bedsteads, spring mattresses. Ledt'an-g. ware hall rtands, coal vases, three clocks, linoleums, double dinner set. stair rods, two mangles 111 capital condi- tion, very handsome oveistrung piano, gilt mirror, atoir carpel, ore. I Un View Morning of Sale. Owing to the numerous lots the S:de will con»w?*>e I at 1 welve o'clock sit, Ip. 1S' n Reserve. 8Z, ?r E W P O R T OTI I 0 j? 1. OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," IT riUSDEGrAR rLA9 business 3.iiDresae»> ♦ W BIT S U N T ID- S. RASTERS & CO. SEE THEIR BEAUTIFUL RANGES OF THE VERY LATEST jgUITIKGS AND T R 0 U S E E I S-6 8j TROUSERS TO MEASURE* 10s.6a SUITS TO MEASURE, 48ft. MASTERS & CO.'S G U I T S FOR BOYS. YOUTHS, AND MEN. r Are without donbt SMARTEST GARMENTS la the district THE pRICESt MOST MODERATE. THE "TEARt MOST SATISFACTORY. 6tI public |vmas £ nwttts» CARDIFF. HEAT R V. R O Y A L JL LESSEE A MØAGER. MR EDWARDFLETCHEBL MONDAY, MAY 6Lh.1895, Cardiff's Favourite Musical Piece The LADY SLAVEY, The Greatest Success of the Day.Vide Press. Tour under the personal direction of H. Cecil Bery"„' (representing the Nottingham Theatre Company Limited). Full Chorus anr1 Powerful Orchestro.. Each evening at 7.30, the Highly successful Go-as-yoik please Musical Piece entitled Tbe lADY SLAVEY. 319-324 Penomances in the provinces by this the Original Company. On Thursday, May 9[h a special excursion train wit leave Swanses at 2.15 p.m., calling at all stations Return p.m. Prices 6d to R2 2s. Early Doors, 6.3U. DoorsopeD ai- 7 commence at 7.50. Half-price at 9 o'ciock. Book. ing Offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackeli'it Limited, Queen-street. Telephone No. 521. MODA Y. MAY 13fch, the famous Actress, Misf Olga Brandon, in the great Play by Victorien Sardoa, LA TOSCA. THE EMPIRE* Manages OSWALD sroLL TO-NIGHT T. E. D u ls v iL L 8, THE EMBODIED JOKE, A COMEDIAN SECOND OSLY TO DAN LE.!iO- THE SCARECROW t THE MAN ALL LONDON LAUOHS AT. VAFLT'TTTT.S BY OTHER ABLE ARrIS, NEXT WEEK: PEGGY PRYDE. Jenny Hill's Daughter. GR A N D THE A T R \JT LESSEE & MEAGER. Mr CLARENCE SOUNBe EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, The Great American Drama, « THE STILL ALARM," From the Princess's Theatre, London, with all the original ceDry raid effects. Seats booked at Messrs Heath's Music Warehouse Qneen-street. Price". 6d to Sl Is. Doors open at 7.1$ commence at 7.45. MONDAY NEXT (Six Nights only), last appearance eí MISS MINNIE PALMER IN 1 Y SWEETHEART." QTOLL'B 13 IF OF'TICON, K'Now occupving the JL who1e premises named PHIL H A??'O?'l'U H ALL & ??DINQ? ST. MAR'-STREET. STAGE PERFORMANCES AT 3.30, 7 a.nd 9. The LUPINO TROUPE in Robinson Crusoe. Cornie Ballet that is comic. LITTLE D SIX). SURTZ AND IlOLTEIN. CARRIE JOY. ZIOBE. LOOK INCIDENTALS CUT THE CRYSTAL MAZE. i-OR THE WITCH'S SWING. THE 1 THE PHONOGRAPH. EG-YP IT AN PHRENOLOGY. GIAXT THEATREPHONES. AND i FLOATING LADY. NUBIAN GLASS BLOWING AND SPINNING. DWARF, TATTOOING. 'D:t.F, l\IECHA1¿":¡?'KLTIES. IN A PJead.nt Place to spend an boar LONDON.  ??..pend an onr  -4.dmision, 1 and 61, P Q2n TY I' KII) I). ROYAL CLARE?C? THEATR J>OTY PRIDP, PR?PRIRTWRS—M?'r.< TRENCH ARB JONB& RHONDDA HOLIDAY, MONDAY, MAY And during the Week, The Successful Ai:»i -American Drama, in Four A- IY KATIY.b: LAXD. Under the Personal Direction of Messrs Garside ftof Wharton. Specially Selected Company, including Miss ELEANOR REARDON. Popular prices cd to 3s. p(t.r open t 7 commence 7.15. MONDAY, MAY 13TH, THE WORLD FAMED DRaMA, THE STILL ALARM, WITH ALL THr: ORIGINAL SCENERY AND LFF ECTS, JfUNTYpOCL; GLONDIK FETE. POITYPOOL PAP-K. WHIT-MONDAY, ISc'S. ORIGINAL AND INIMITABLE BLONDIW. TIMBERING COMPETITIONS PrlSML FIRK BRIGADE COMPETITION M Priaes. BOY BRIGADE COMPETITION £5 Priaefc 'Iry lo; J. E. U ooiiej's £ o 'j .eke;-Selling X'rize. W. G. FARR, St-.TcLary. Poni.yr.ooL 861e ABEliG A V ENN Y. 4 NSnAL AMATEUR, ATHLETIC .1.. SPOR TS AT ABERGA VENNY, WUIT-TUES- J-AY, June 4th. Over x.50 in prizes. Events :-123 and yards, half-inilc. mile half-rnile bicycle (scratch), lituf- nile. and mile bicycle ProgrammM from Evans and Poweil, Somerset, Abergavenny ORAND FETE AT AB ERG A VENN ST CASTLE, Wiiit-Moi:day and Tuesday. Go and see the Comle Original Japanese Perforiuers. Military Band fotr dancing both days, 1- ire works, 920c SWANSEA. rr 11 E iVi T I K isTT MAK*«kr.. OSW ALD STOI.L. TO-NIGHT 1 THE MISSES GRACAND SYBIL ARUNDALBL THE BELLE QUARTETTE, the .MARVELLOUS DANTES, BlCKLEY AND BARRON. FRANK TRAVIS. CROMO and SOLO, atitl other 'lip-t-<,n Artists. Next YE-el: :— DFOLt. nc xltLi'I\;V at C?rdirf. ?'EW?'RT. ''H if?T"E *? 1?1 "?T'E jt. MANAij.R O.-WALW ?OLt. O pEG G r ii Y D F, JENNY FOLLOY AND TISK HARVEY HEREERT LE MARTlNf Aid olb.r E-. p-Perfori .'r- lantewta*.