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-.......,.-.-The Man About…




--.___-Amusing Breach of Promise…




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--Cardiff Municipal Muddle








ISusiitm ;Ahõrt.55tS. XSTOP ONE MOMENT! "Oh. dear doctor, must my darling 5C die? X V "There is very little hope, but TRY ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT JJALSAM OF HOEY. feoosands of children have been saved from an untimely death by the prompt usa of TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. N. Motha" should neglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in the bouse ready for a.ny emergency. Remember that it is wiser to check a slight Coub at tbe commencement than to allow it to develop iuto a Bgering complaint Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams'.■< Balsam of Boney. ami see that. you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Cough 4 Bronchitis whep all other Remedies fall. Penwns suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should fire it a trial. URGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH MEDICINE IN THE WORLD OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE. Proving this to be the OBATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all parts of the GLOBE. CUBES EXCEPTIONALLY BAD CASES 5 READ ON FURTHER. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY WORTHY OF Your. CONSIDERATION. :30, Ruthin-gardens, Cardiff, Feb. 9. 1894. Bear 8Ir,-1 have great pleasure in recommending roar Tudor Willia»n?.<» Patent Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, which we give to our children with satisfactory result. The children are fond of it. It merits the high reputation it enjoys. Yours respectfully, EVAN OWE. Sec. for the South Wales lJermanent Fund. Sold by ail Chemists and Stores all over he World a Is V/fcd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for s 3d, 3s, and 5s from the Inventor, D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 141156 23e-1177 SECOND SERIES. 50 BRIEF AND BRILLIANT TALES, WRITTEN JJUSY R EADEM, WILL APPKAR EACH MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY IN THR gOUTH WALES ECHO. OUR READERS MAY COUNT UPON A LITERARY FEAST in the Series of Storyettes by Popular Authors which wo have arranged to publish. Amongst our Contributors will bc- JOSEPH HATTON. RICHARD DOWLINQ. MRS HUNGERI-VRD. W. E. NORRIS. EDMUND DOWNEY. AMY MONTAGUE. KATHARINE S. MACQUOID. IDA LEMON. RICHARD RUSSELL. HUME NISBKT. JULIAN HAWTHORNE. H. CATTERSON SMITH. ANNIE THOMAS. JEAN MIDDLEMASS. J. 11. HUTCHINSON. FINCH MASON. GERTRUDE WARDEN. IN A LEON CASSILIS. EDITH S. DREWRY. MRS E. KENNARD. W. ADDISON. CAPT. C. W. YOUNG. M. MOORSOM. ERNEST GLANVILLE. R. A. D. LITHGOW, M.D. PROFESSOR WILLIAMS. J. H. YOX-ALL. LAURIE LANSFELDT. RICHARD ASHE KING. MARIE DE THILO. Tho following is a COMPLETE LIST OF THE SERIES — 1 AN INDIAN SCARF," by Joseph Hatton. 2 "BY THE WATCH FIRES OF THE DEAD," by Richard Dowling. S "NELLIES DILEMMA," by Mrs Hun- gerford. 4 "BETWEEN THE TWO," by W. E. Norm. 5 THE MAN WITH THE STRAW HAT," by Edmund Downey. 6 "A LOVER'S QUARREL," by Amy Montague. 7 MOTHER VIRGINIE," by Katharine S. Macquoid. S If A SISTER OF CHARITY," by Ida Lemon. 9 "THE LADY'S DREAM," by Richard Russell. 10 "THE SHANTY BY THE BAY," by Hume Nisbet. 11 THE OLD ADAM,"by Julian Hawthorne. 12 A WILY WIDOWER," by H. Catterson Smith. 19 "S'POSE IT'S SATAN, "by AnnleThomas. 14 "KATIE'S PERIL," by Jean Middleman. 15 CAUGHT WITH CHAFF," by J. R. Hutchinson. 16 STOLEN GOODS," by Finch Mason. 17 ART IS LONG," by Gertrude Warden. 18 FOR MORE THAN LIFE," by Ina Leon Cussilie. 19 THE ENGINE DRIVER'S STORY," by Edith S. Drewry. 20 If FOR THE LOVE OF A WOMAN," by Mrs E. Kennard. 21 HER LAST CAST," by W. Addison. 22 MURDER -OR SUICIDE ?" by Captain C. W. Young. 23 THE BLACK DOG," by M. Moorsom. 24 "THE ULTIMATUM OF CAPTAIN FAGUS," by Ernest Glanville. 25 "SPANGLES," R. A. D. Lithgow, M.D.. L.L.D. 26 "MAD," by Professor Williams. 27 "THE CENTURY FISH OF FORT FURY," by J. H. Yoxall. 28 -THE PIANO TUNER'S ROMANCE," by Laurie Lansfeidt. 29 "CLEAR AS SUNSHINE," by Richard Ashe King. 30 "THE ANT CITY." by Hume Nisbet. 31 "THE COSSACK," by Marie do Thilo (of the Pseudonym Library). 32 "THE NEWFOUNDLAND," by M. Moor- s:>m. i 33 "A BRACE OF PHEASANTS," by Riotard Russell. 34 VANISHED IN THE MOONLIGHT," by S. Baring-Gould. a5 DESTINY," by R. A. D. Lithgow, M.D., L.L.D. 36 DISINHERITED," by Richard Ashe King, 17 TWIN STUDIOS." by Jean Middleraass. 18 AN ATTEMPT AT BLACKMAIL," by Herbert Russell. 36 "MY WHITE RIVAL," by Gertrude VV arden. 40 WAITING," by Ina Leon Caflsilu. 41 AL," by Edith Stewart Drewry. 42 "WAH," by Professor Williams. 43 "A CITY OF MYSTERY," by Richard Dowlm- 44 "THE GREATEST GAMBLER IN EUROPE," by Laurie Lansfeldt. 45 "HOW THE LETTER WAS POSTED." by Amy Montague. 46 SCOTCHED," hy F. Eliot. 47 DOUBTFUL HONOURS," by W. Addi. son. 48 FOR HIS SAKE," by S. Clarke Hook. 49 "KISMET," by Daisy Pender Oudiip. to "THE INGRATITUDE OF A BAILIFF," by George Daw. HOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. J. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.-Purify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach liter ami kidneys. These wonderful Pills cut diseases which could not ba reached by any othermedi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Paim to the Back, Scurvy, Bad Lexs, Wouuds or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, Ac., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fever of FTU kind*. In IK>XM as In l and 2s 9dea.ch.-Sold 1. all chcr. ->r fr«m tlw n»*»n«»f'»cfrT.y 1 Oxford c:! (II Bttstiwss At>t>«ss*a. 1894. UP TO DATE OUR NEW STOCK of PERAMBULATORS are in. The Largest Stock in Cardiff. OUR NEW STOCK of MAIL CARTS are in. The Largest Stock in Cardiff. OUR NEW STOCK of PERAMBULATORS is a sight worth seeing. Thousands to select from. select from. OUR NEW STOCK of MAIL CARTS of all designs. Thousands to select from GUINEA, GUINEA, GUINEA. Our Guinea Perambulators are worth 40a each. They scramble for them. We sell at the rate of a hundred per week. This speaks volumes. REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS REDUCTIONS We are clearing our Dining Room Suites at Enormous Reductions. SOLID WALNUT, OAK, OR MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM SUITES, covered in skin, Our usual price, £ 40, reduced to £ 25. OUR THIRTY-GUINEA SUITES Reduced to Twenty. OUR TWENTY GUINEA SUITES Reduced to Fourteen. OUR TEN-GUINEA SUITES Reduced to Eisrht; and our EIGHT ■ GUINEA SUITES to Five Guineas. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES EQUALLY REDUCED. BEDROOM SUITES. BEDROOM SUITES. BEDROOM SUITES. A STILL GREATER REDUOTION IN PRICES. QIXTY GUINEA BEDROOM SUITE— O REDUCED TO FORTY. O REDUCED TO FORTY. FORTY GUINEA SUITES—Reduced to TWENTY-FIVE. TWENTY GUINEA SUITES—Reduced TO FIFTEEN. TWELVE GUINEA SUITES-Reduced JL TO EIGHT. BEDROOM COMPLETE SUITES FROM THREE GUINEAS. REAT REDUCTION IN PIANOS G AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. OUR FORTY GUINEA PIANOS- REDUCED TO TWENTY-FIVE GREAT REDUCTION IN BAMBOO FURNITURE. GREAT REDUCTION IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. We are now SELLING AT ANY PRICE. INVALID CARRIAGES, PERAMBULATORS. AND MAIL-CARTS LENT OUT ON HIRE. CONCERT AND BALLROOMS DECORATED AT -MODERATE CHARGES. WE INVITE INSPECTION. THE LARGEST. BEST, AND CHEAPEST HOUSE FURNISHERS IN WALES OR THE WEST OF ENGLAND. BICYCLES in Cushion or Pneumatic Tyres by a First-class Maker, At less than Half the Usual Price. EAT REDUCTION IN ~pRIDES. -AL W Catalogues, with Price List and Terms, Free on Application. All Goods Delivered Free by Road or Rail, Our one and only address :— ATLAS FURNISHING CO., LTD.. THE I:| AYES, /CARDIFF. 11 V7 40o rjpEETH rjpEETH I fjlEETH 1 1 A COMPLETE SET.ONE GUINEA SINGLE TOOTH Five Years' Warra.nty Prize M dal GOODMAN & 0°" G 10, DUKE STREET, & 56, QUEEN-ST., CARDIFF ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmopberic SuctiOIl, at one-third the usual charges. No Extractions necessary perfect and permanent; life-like appearance; special SOFT PALATES for Tender Gum; perfttct for Mastication and Speech COUNTRY PATIENT'S supplied in One Visit, ana railway fare allowed. Special attentiongiven to Repairs, Extractions,Stopping TESTIMONIALS.—l)r ANIMiKW WILSON (late JI.N.) says:—"A can recommend Mr Goodman as a very skilful and humane Dentist His rea- sonable charges should attract to him all classes.' Consultations Free.—Speciality in WHITE ENAMEL MHIGOLD FliLINGS, AMFILICAN DENTISTRY and PLATELKSS PALATES. Before entering look for the Name— GOODMAN & CO., 56 QUEEN-ST.. & l>UKK-s'l'UEET, CARDIFF. NEWPORT-12. BRIDGE-STREET Opposite Tredegar Chambers.) u-mto i' 118e—1380 PONTYPRIDD AND BARRY DOCK. CAUTION.—To prevent disappointment Messrs Good. man and Co. warn the public against giving orders to late assistants who fraudulently use the Finn's name. Messrs Goodman and Co. cannot be responsible or any work except that made at their establishment 6,000,000 BOXES YEARLY W II I ell MEANS EVERY TIME THE CLOCK TICKS ELEVEN B fi;ECHAM'S pILLS have reached their destination FOR HALF A CENTURY BEECHAM S PILLS have been globe trotting, and have worked thei way into the innermost parts. ITS WELL To know a GOOD THING when you see ITS BETTER To have a GOOD THING when you can. XECHAM s PILLS should always be handy, and banded down to "sterity as WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. LIFE is too short; Then we sh ulddo our best to prolong it. Sufferers will find BEKCHAIM'S PILLS a trump eattl to put down THEY SWEEP THE DECK of Bilious and Ner vous Disorders. Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Uncom fortable Fulness, Liver Complaint, and they regulate the Secretions. 7be SESSIONS AND QONS, i IMITED, O Importers and Manufacturers of TIMBER, SLATES, CEMENT, BUILDING MATERIALS, CHIMNEY PIECES, RANGES, GRATES, &c., &C. 2855 Show Rooms- PENARTH-ROAD. CARDIFF. 656 TEETJ:f. -Complete Set, One Guinea. JL Five years warranty.-GoOOMA.M AND CO. 10, Duke-street, and 56 Queen-atree'C ardifL S. ANDREWS AND SONS. FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS. Every Requisite for Funerals of all lasses. OPEN CARS, HEARSES, BROUGHAMS SHELLIBIERS, BELGIAN HORSES ltc, Price List on Application. Chief Office- 30 and 31, WORKING-STREET (opposite the Monument), CARDIFF. Branches-The Mews, Castle-road, Roath, and ']'he N 'Bus Office, Glebe-street Penarth Telegraphic Address—" Omnibus, Cardiff.' -—>>150e N E U R A L G I A-KEALL'S TONIC. KEALL'S TONIC CURES CERTAIN NEURALGIA. AND SPEEDY! j TESTIMONIAL from Bazaar. I was a fearful suf- teter from Neuralgia, and despaired of a remedy until I heard of Refill's Tonic and Neuralgic Mixture, two small bottles of which quite cured me. E W. P,,ice 'll iy2d,, 2s 9(1, and 4s 6d per j bottle; Free by Post, Is 4d, 3s, and 439<1. J KEALL'S IONIC CURES NEURALGIA CERTAIN AND SPEEDY SPEEDY AGENTS. CAP.Dillg.-B,fr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street; Mr Robb, Chemist, Roath NEWPORT.—Messrs Garrett Bros Chemists, 171, Commercial-street. NEATU.— MI J O. Isaac (late Hayman), Chemist. LLANKLLY.—Mr Morgan W. James. LONDON —Newbery and Son. Proprietor, Mr KEALL Dentist, 199. Hicjh-street, Swansea -126 DRUNKENNESS or the LIQOORHABIT positively CURED by administering Dr. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It is a powder, which can be given in beer coffee, or tea, or in food, without the Knowledge of the patient. Itis harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every .instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for liquor appetite to exist. 48-page book im ,Cir of particulars on receipt of postage stamp. Can be had of HICKS and Co., 28, Duke-street, Queen-street, and Paradise-row, Cardiff. Trade supplied by LYNCH and Co., LTD. London. 2027—55 Itasimss .4\bbrtssts. I —' gPECIAL OTIC Ev DR. ALL'S D R. H"ALL'S w ONDERFUL D ISCOVERY. WONDERFUL IS CO VERY. DR. HALL HAVING NOW RETIRED rnOll BUSINESS (AGE 75 YEARS), WE HAVE PURCHASED THE SOLE RIGHT TO TRE SALE OF HIS HEALTH PAMPHLET FOR THE CURE OF DISEASE, PRESERVATION OF HEALTH WITHOUT MEDICINE," FOR ENGLAND, SCOTLAND. IRELAND, AND WALES, WHICH CAN NOW ONL? BK LEGALLY OBTAINED FROM US. jjR. ALL'S JJYGIENE 00., Or our duly appointed Agents. CONSULTATIONS FREE DAILY. SICKNESS CURED. HEALTH PRESERVED, As testified to by Thousands. Call or write for Particulars, enclosing stamp for reply. PERSONS SUFFERING From Asthma, Piles, Rheumatism, Deafness, Running Wounds, and Skin Diseases ATTENDED TO MONDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. Hours—9 to 1, and 3 to 9 p.m. Our Eureka Oils, for Rheumatism and Gout, 2s 3d; Special Ointment for all kinds of Skin Diseases, Is ld per box. Try the great Deaf Care, 2s 9ci, post free. Caution. —None genuine unless the Government stamp bears upon it the words Dr. Hali's Hygiene Co." A TTENDANCE FOR JpREE CONSULTATIO-NS. PONTYPRIDD-SATURDA YS, Coombs' Coffee Tavern, 3 to 8 p.m. XpERNDALE—MONDAYS, Brynteg Cot- J- tage, near Duffryn Hotel, 2 to 9 p.m. PENTRE YSTRAD — TUESDAYS, Washington Coffee Tavern, next to Bailey's Arms Hotel, 9 to 12 and 4 to 9 p.m. I LWYNYPIA—WEDNESDAYS, Aber- ystwith Restaurant, near Thistle Hotel, 10 to 12 and 3 to 9 p.m. Note our only address in CARDIFF: 10 ST. _^NDREW S-CRESCENT (Off Queen-street). s W A N S B A: 14: DE-LA-BECBE.STREET. 68e JpLETHORA," Ironmongery Stores, Cheapest House in Cardiff, for Furnishing and H0\1<hnl<i Ironmongery. 21, CUSTOM HOUSE ST.) CARDIFF. g65e. f jnHE~C AR D IFF~PL AT IN G COMPANY. -1 STEAM GOLD, SILVER, and NICKEL PLATING WORKS, PARADISE-PLACE, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Nickel and Silver Plating of every description done in finest stvie by staff of Birmingham mechanics Crnet Stands, Teapots, Forks, and Spoons, etc., etc., re-electro'd as new; Cycle fittings of all kinds b"auti fully re-nickelled. Coachbuilders', Saddlers', and Plumbers' work re-plated. Lowest prices to the trade P-S.—We are bona-fide Platers and carry on no otbe siness. Telegrams Pl-Hing Company; Cardiff. 151 R 'W m ILLFR AND CO.8 LIMITED. r jpRIZE MEDAL. ALES AND STOUT. IN CASK AND BOTTLK OCTOBER BREWINGS IN GRAND CONDITION. (gTOKESCROFT BRWERV, B RTSTOL, AGENTS APPOINTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. CARDIFF STORES 47, PARTRIDGE. ROAD, ROATH. AGENT: MR J. L. LEWIS, 93e STONE BROS,, (Sons oi the ILI t, Aid. Gaiu-f AStone), COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, llearses, Shillj. biers, and Coaches. Superb Fleuiisli Horses, etc Price List on Application. Please Note the Only Address 5„ WORKING-STREET. Telegraphic Address :— STONE BROS CARDIFF." iNe E P :P s' sf COCOA 993e GRATEFUL, COMFORTING BREAKFAST OR SUPPER. BOlxJLNG WATER OR MILK FURNIsa- ON THE NEW HIRE SYSTEM FROM THE SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE), CARDIFF. NO OBJECTIONABLE HIRING AGREEMENTS. HOUSES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED ON A NEW SYSTEM Adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity and inquiries usually made by other firms are dispensed with. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD F URNITURF, Cheap and Superior Quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at READY-MONEY PRICES. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. All Goods Sent Home iR a Private Van Frev of Charge. NO STAMP OR AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE. NO BILL OF SALE. EVERYTHING PRIVATE. Arrangements completed without delay, and being Manufacturers we guarantee Quality, and will undertake to supply Furniture, <&c., equally as good at 10 per cent. less than any price list issued by any Firm in Cardiff. FIFTEEN s HOWROOMS. CALL AND INSPECT OUR IMMENSE STOCK, And Compare Prices before Purchasing okewhere. We will Supply 23 WORTH FOR Is 6u WEEKLY. fA WORTH FOR 2s 6D WEEKLY. 210 WORTH FOR 48 0d WEEKLY. E15 WORTH FOR 5a OD WEEKLY. JB20 WORTH FOR 6a OD WEEKLY. And so on in proportion. SPECIAL TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. PLICAssi! NOTE OCTB ONLY ADDituss- SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE STREET (OPPOSITE THE, CASTLE), CARDIFF. 763o 3ousintss PERKINS BROS. AND c U., GENERAL IRONMONGERS AND COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, ST. MARY-STREET AND WYNDHAM ARCADE, c A R D I F F, Whose Splendid Showrooms contain one of the Finest Selections of Household Furniture in Cardiff and South Wales. LpWEST PRICES FOR CASH. D TNING-ROOM SUITES. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE From £ 4 10s Od to 30 Guineas. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE DRA WING. ROOM SUITES. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE From 25 5s Od to 50 Guineas. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE BEDROOM SUITES. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE From 23 103 Od to 60 Guineas. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE BEDSTEADS AND TJEDDING. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE An Enormous Stock to Select From. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE | £ JARPETS AND J^UGS, JpLOORCLOTHS AND T INOLEUMS. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE Newest Z Patterns and Designs. FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE DELIVERY FREE. DELIVERY FREE. 5H1—646a ENLARGEMENT OF PREMISJiS NOW COMPLETE. p E D L E R'S UMBRELLA FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE FOR ALL KINDS OF LEATHER GOODS. Umbrellas made to order in a few hours on the premises. Repairing and Re-covering on the shortest notice. Gold and Silver-mounted Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, Dressing Cases, fitted Bags, etc., suitable for presentation. Sole Agent in Cardiff for the celebrated Prince"Umbrella, the smallest folding and strongest made. Choice Stock of Gladstones, Portmanteaux, Dress Baskets, and Trunks, Ladies' and Gents.' Hand Bags Brush Cases, Purses, etc. 34, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. toe Established Z1 years. 4469 THE ROYAL STORES, IN THE HAYES, CARDIFF, JgEATS THE RECORD L pRICE AND QUALITY -aL \oC FOR Q ROGERY AND JpROVISIONS- 117a 2661 "fZ"EATING'S POWDER." JHL Kills Fleas, Bugs Moths-, Beetles KEATING#S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles, "T^ EATING'S POWDER." XV Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. EATINGS POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. EATING'S POWDER?' Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. This Powder, so celebrated, is perfectly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES, and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life). All woollens and furs should be well sprinkled with the Powder before placing away. To avoid disappointment insist upon having "Heating's Powder." See tho sig- nature of Thomas Keating is on the wrapper, without which you are defrauded. No other powder is effectual. Sold only in tins, 6d, Is, and 211 6d. WORMS IN CHILDREN. WORMS IN CHILDREN. are easily, surely, and with perfect safety got rid of by using HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. Nearly all children suffer from Worms. If suspected, do not wait, you can with ease cure the child (has no effect except on Worms). Sold by all Chemists, in Tins, Is l$jd each. 15350 799e RJTHE SECRET OF HEALTH! FRESH AIR REASONABLE EXERCISE CLEAN HANDS! TEMPERANCE IN EVERYTHING And always keep Jg^ERNICK'S VEGETABLE jpILLS Within reach. Never bo without them, and don't take any other. Since their introduction, fifty years ago, imitations have abounded but a single trial will prove that KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS can never be excelled. In fact they more than hold their own as THE BEST APERIENT MEDICINE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. TRY A BOX AND P1.JVE IT. They are free from Mercury, and the most aristo- cratic Pharmacy cannot produce a medicine luore scientifically compounded. The universal chorus is, They cannot be beaten, for they act like a charm in all LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, HEA D ACHE, STOMACH TROUBLES, and IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. GET THE RIGHT MEDICINE, AND INSIST UPON HAVING KERNICK'S. Specially recommended to Ladies. They restore the rosy cheek and hue of health. 615e 15343 Sold at all Stores, in 7%d, 13d and 2s 9d Boxes. KAYE'S WORSDELI;S PILLS. HV AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. X%- KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS' J^AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. K AYE'S WORSDELLS PILLS. J £ AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J £ AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. They purify the Blood, and as a Mild but Effectual Aperient are unequalled, and beyond this they Brace up the Nerves and set every organ in Healthy Action, thus ensuring complete restoration to perfect health. They are A CERTAIN CURE for INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS. HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. LIVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. FOR LADIES OF ALL AGES THEY RE 11809 INVALUABLE. 367e Of all Chemists, Is ly.d, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d per box. MJRNITURE REMOVED BY RAIL, ROAD, or SEA. If about Removing write or send to Messrs JAMES JONES and CO.. Pioprietors of the well-known Barry Dock Furniture Vans, the oldest and moat complete Removers in the District. None but experienced men hept for Packing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Note the only Address:- HOLTON. ROAD, BARRY DOCK50 JpURNISH FOR £ jASH OR~JjIRE AT P. F REEDMAN & £ JO,'S, 1, 2, 3, 4, MARKET BUILDINGS. NEWPORT, MON. EXCELLENT QUALITY COMBINED WITH CHEAPNESS. SPECIAL LINE IN Ff E Â THE R jgEDS, FULL SIZE, 60LBs., COMPLETE, £1 12s 6D. EASY TERMS B5 Worth 2s Od Weekt, 210 3s 6d „ S20 1. 6s Cd £ 30 „ 78 Óll BRANCHES ALSO AT SWANSEA 34, High-street. NEW TREDEGAR Elliotstown .82, Br!stone-str-:et. ;79:) 526 <t t. # l jtoginflsa Abiirtssts. KNITTED v NDERCLOTHING. DIRECT FROM OUR OWN FACTORY. I Special attention is drawn to our PERFECT-FITTING COMBINATIONS AT 5s, which are ribbed, and fit close to the figure, thereby affording great comfort and warmth. The fabric is open, and, while heat-retaining, is a. free ventilator. UNDERVESTS, in same quality, from Is 8d. CASHMERE UNDERWEAR, For Spring and Summer, in natural undyed pm-e Wool only. BODICES ..from2s6d U"DERVE.iTs 2s 901 COMBINATIONS „ „ 5s Od s COTCH WOOL & JJOSIERY STORES, 471e (FLEMING, REID, & CO., GREENOCK), 26, HIGH-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF. L. BLENKINSOPP. FRENCH STAY AND CORSET MAKER, 5, WHARTON-STREET, c ARDIFF. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. No connection with any other Fir 36e NOP STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT For SPRAINS an ELLIMAN'S RASS' S P R U N « S P R U N « SINEWS, CAPPED HOCKS. OVER REACHES, BRUISES and CUTS, BROKEN KNEES, SORE SHOULDERS, SORE THROATS, SORE BACKS SPRAINS, CUTS, BRUISES IN DOGS, Ac "Exceedingly good for 'I sprains and cuts in horses, T3 f\7 A T and also for cuts in hounds' AViVJ' JL -OLJaL^ feeL. -NI. LIROW.NF. Master of South Staifordslii e Hounds. Sold by Chemists and Sa ddlars. Priee Is, 2a, 2* 6r 4s 6d. EMBROCATION^ I G. A. STONE & CO., UNDERTAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. AT THE OLD AND ONLY Anr)itisf;- 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Miss STONE. assisted by all Efficient Staff. Telegraphic Address "Stone. Undertaker, Careiff. 11s—1103 SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE A BLEND OF THE FINEST COFFEES WITH BRUGES CHICORY. HAS MAINTAINED ITS SUPERIORITY FOR MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS. SOLD BY ALL GROCKKS 358"




ICorpus Christi. -1 '


