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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SOUTH WALKS EDO. ?nRTM ONCE. 'ÚIlLEE S' WQMM. ONCE..?.?? ??? ?§\ 20 Words 0 6 0 9 Il 0 30 Words 0 9 10 16 six TTMKS 30 Words 0 9 1 0 11 6 \81X rfRg  !N 40 WORDS 1 0 1 6 2 3 ..ECN 40 Words 10 16 25 ..E?o." • 60 Words 1 3 6 ¡ 3 9 20 WORDS 2/ 60 Wos 1 6 3 0 4 6 MWORTJ J„80»TH WAXES DAILY NEWS. 3/3 WORDS. ONCE THRKK SIX 40 Words TIMES. TIMES. 20 WORT. 0 6 1 0 16 Ea.eh Extra! lOWords I 30 Words <10 Woids I 0 ,2 0 3 0 I Each extra 10 Words 0 3 0 6 0 9 These charges apply only to the classes of Adver- tisement specified below, and are stricMy confined to those which are ordered for consecutive insertion, and paid for previous to insertion; if either of these conditions is not complied, with, the Advertise- ment will be charged by the Business Scale:- Apartments, Situations Vacant or Wanted, To be Let or Sold, Lost. Found, and Miscellaneous Wants. SPECIAL Notice.-Applicants sendinc replies to Adver- tisements addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this Office, are requested not to send original testimonials with their applicatIOns, but to .enclose copies of testimonials only. PF.R."ONAI., THORNE.—Don't consider I acted cruelly, but cautious. ?. but bone no further interference.-Rose. WATKIMOMAI. HIGHLY respectable young woman wishes to meet respectable man, about 39. widower not objected to eenuine.—F41. "Echo" Office. Cardiff. ?°* 4? TVTATRIMOJFY.—Lady, orphan, living in rural district J A havint freehold land and household property, also £ 5,000.—Address Miss Huntington, "Advertiser" Offico. Br1!ltol. 249 TWO Young Gentlemen. Tom and Harry, wish to cor- respond with Two Youne Ladies, BItes 11 and 20.— Addrerei Matrimony. "Echo," Cardiff. 484 "\7*OTJNG Man. tan. fair, in good eituation. wiahes to eo? ?')?J?? 7'??°'? ?'"?y; MT,E means preferred. AddMSB ^*°GRT^^ Ecbo" OfBce. OardiN. 489 EUIJCA. TlONA. FRENCH and German Correspondence and ConverMt:on -? taught thoroughly m a few months. Rapid, ey P'E*sant, and practical method. ND long and tedions ntles: AJso Book-keeping and Shorthand moder..t fee. Private lessons given every evening from seven.— F, D., 132, Castle- road, Cardiff. 186 SJJHORTHAND (Pitman's).—Evening Lessons by DiP: »XR „?AEIL Teacher; individual tuition.—A. Brown, Wyndham-CRescent. Canton, Cardiff. 131 HORTHAND (Pitman's). Evening Classes. — Pupils taught and qualified for appointments hy an ex. perienced tutor, orally or by post: individual tuition, every evening, from 7. Corresponding and reporting styles, ONN speed classes.— Apply Principal, 21 De Butth-atrpot. Riverside. Cardiff 373 SIMPLIFIED Shorthand.—Joint Vowels, one thickness^ one position. Readable as longhand. Postal lessons by Author. Proficiency in 6 weeta. Certificates granted, :rJ:d testimonials, ono stllomp.-Rev. D. Da;;3!1, AND POliN D. FOUND, large black and tan Collie Doe few white haira on head and back. If not claimed in six days will be *?d-—Apply No.6. Letty-street, Cathays. 574 F- -OuND on December 27th. a young black Retriever ? Do)! U not claimed m three days will be sold to 4efrav expenses.—Apply ll,atreet, Cardiff. FOUND, Pony (bay), white fetlocks 13 hands?owtx-r  c.n have by paying expenses.—Chick, Angel Mews. 537 T?OTTND. on Saturday. 30th. Young Black Retriever Do?. If not claimed in tbree days will be sold to defray ex. Pjnses.—Apply J. Gibbons. Leckwith. near Carditt. 425 POUND. a lalXe black and WHITE Dog with collar. IiÏÏÕt claimed wiihin three days will be lold to defray ?pensM. —Apply 19, CLIVE-ROAD, OANTOU. 376 FOUND, a FTerri;rBitcil. with two brown earaT it NOT CLAIMED IN THREE DAYS, w'U BE sold.—?ewis &&nO:O. ja:W\)n J3l::gIYdh' Jini:ld.-r 406is P- OUND. BLACK and White SETTER Bitch: if not claimed .? in SIX DAYS wUl be sold.—ThomM WATKINS. Dmas View, "ENYGRAIG. 62 T OST, Black and Tan BITCH.—FINDER pteMe retum TO -'? Bryntee.Danedarne. U detained aftr thm NOTICE WILL BE PROSECUTED. « 651? T .?' 8atUTd,. Jut. Member's TICKET (C)M-<M footbaU ? C!ub? be?hnt: NAME, DATE.—FINDER REWARDED by re- ?Smm< same. ?. HOWARD-GARDENS, ROATH. 586 LOST. JOeem'bmr 31 St. 18M. ?er AND WMte Ron?h Terrier :anawers to the nama of Keeper: reward detainer proMeutetL—Afpty John Payne, Oak Bank, Mill- road, Caerphilly. 584 I-OST. from Clydach Vale, December 22ND, Black AUD J Tan Sheep DOG; answers to NAME of MOSS. Finder will be rewarded.-PrlCe Jones, BUTCHER. 585 T OST OR Stolen, FROM ROMILLY INN, CANTON, a Toy Fox TERRIE" BITCH. ANYONE RETURNING IT WILL BE REWARDED GGYAINER prosecuted. 434 T OST or STOLEN, a Brown RETRIEVER name and ADDRESS on collar. Anyone DETAINING after this notice win be PROSECUTED.—H. FOX, 21, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. 524 LOŠT':P-;g-äitCh, creaolour, black iäce. in pup. an- ? swers to Rose. Anyone found detaining same will be Prosecuted. Finder will be rewarded.—Jones, adjoiuing ?'obe Inn, Briton Ferry. 429 f OST on Saturday attemooD. an old Gold Ring, set "V | with a garnet, very thin at tbe bottom, and shows 'lgoS of being enlarged.-Anvone returning the same to ?? Cardiff PeUce-stattun will be rewardedL EOST, December 20th, Black Female Cat, white spot  undM- neck.-Reward if returned to 3, Oak&eld-st., .?di<f. 191 LOST. at Cardiff Great Western Station, on Friday evening. Blue Scotch Terrier, named Plncher; Under '?rded. -App)y Library, Penarth. 252 L<iT, Stolen, xr Strayed, mOSe-coloured Mare and Bay ■ -« Filly Colt, Rpittlc mark right ear, Ipft ear snipped, long -ne. Anyone detaining above after this notice will be Sj g ted.-Joeph Davits. near Trevil Station, Beaufort. BOMKSTIC SEUVANliS. A Women's Metropole and Free Registry Office for  Servants ohanKin? situations, or respect?bie women dailv.-l2, Moira-terrace (near Infirmary), Car- ?C. Good beds. oooMnR. eveiy convenience, 4d per night, ~fflwsivc. Ladias apply for charwomen. &C 776 -:A Clean. Quick Girl wanted as General Servant, a.t-i8.J -Apply Mrs C. H. Thomas. 209. Castle-road, Cardin" A n. respectable Girl Wanted, abont 16, as General 8ervant, fond ot childten.—Apply 32, Lcudoun-square. A THOROUGHLY-EXPERIENCED General SERVANT WANTED; ALSO yount ttirl all NURSEMAID to sleep out.-Apply 12,MIS- treet, CARDIFF. 200 AN erprien('ed GENERAL SERVANT WANTED, ABLE TO COOK ?- thr? in FAMILY; WAGES, £ 15.—APPLY 16. PEMBROKE- "?!"RACE, Queen-street. CARDIFF. 204 A GENRAL SERVAUT WANTED.—APPLY 2B. CHEPSTOW-ROAD, .A Npwport.. 47e A THOROUGHLY experienced General Servant want.ed; THREE in FAMILY; boy kept.-Apply 7, Park-place, I'^RDIFLF. 160 FIENERAL SERVANT WANTED: early RISER, good plain cook: V NO bakin OR WASHING.—APPLY, WITH REFERENCES, M RS ??e! CoUef?. ?or?heaw?' r  ?euces 70 rs f?KNERAL SERVANT required for PRIVATE HOUSE "ood WAGES GIVEN.— Apply 13. Duke-reet. CARDIFF. 6C ??.ENE?AL? SERVANT wanted, about 16 or 17. twom V-FAMILY.—ANPLY after SIX in THE EVENING, at 35, P?rt- "d?road. Cardift. 351 CIENERAL Sernnt wanted at once—Mrs SHEPHERD, 26, ? WINDSOR PLACE, Cardiif 258 (j.ÈÑRÃÍ SERVANT wankd, ABOUT 21: &ood REFERENCE.— ? Apply NO. 5. DUKE-ATREET CAIDIFF. 292 neat RESPECTABLE Girl 11 (with a REFERENCE).—APPLY MRS Price, "MODERN R^KERV," Barry Dock. 337 L4niËs nqljrinlr Servants, 8erVa.nt8 place. House- b tIlaids aud Generals, appl, to Jones. 152, Cardiff T ket. 119 J OWTHEB Registry, 69. Cranbrook-street. off Richmond- road. Cardiff. Wanted, Nurse-housemaid forgentle- f family, and experienued Genera! bervaots. Stamped ""?'ope? 497 j?ONTHLY Nun,. (CerttBeatcd) wanted for May: GOOD -.1 REFERENCES INDISPENSABLE.—APPLY, STATIUG Lerms "nd '?fereceM. TO J. "32, ?ono Oaaee. C?rdin?. ??°' ?2' pANTRY?rATD?Wanted7?'antFyma.td. — Apply MRS Rowe. Queen's Hotel. NEWPORT, MON. 490 MERTHYR GENERAL HOSPITAL.—WANTED IMMEDIATELY,^ 1.1 GOOD LAUNDRESS.—APPLY, with FULL particutars the MA ROP. GENERAL HOSPITAL, MERTHYR TYDFLI 50;) WANTED immediately, a good General Servant: good wages to a suitable girL-242,Ne.t-rd., Cardiff. WANTED. General Servant; no family.—Apply, with y references, to F. Freydberg. 44, System-st., Cardiff. WANTED, good Plain Cook, Nuree. Housemaid? Parlourmaids, and pix Generals, who can wash.— 26, Hickman-road, Peiaarth. Stamped addressed envelope. V57 ANTED, good Servant, aMe to wash good character: f AQNDL lajaily.—Apply between 9 aud IE »JA., Geneva Bouse. Senghenydd-road, Cardiff. WANTED immediately, a good Plain Cook.—Apply Mrs Edwards, 39, Nowport-road. Cardiff. 56 TtTANTEb, a General Servant; able t« do plain cook- IT "TOIJ.'—Apply 7, Rotnilly-road, Barry. WANTED -a gõõd8toogGTrl, age about 17 must be food of cèildrpn.-AlIpl_d_ry.street. Newport. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A GENERAL SERVANT.—APPLY vT MT3 JENKINS, 6. CYRIL-CRESCENT, CARDIFF. 526 \XJ ANTED, GOOD GENERA 1 ServMt; SMALL FAMILY.—APPLY \'t Mm I?oo?. 27. Despeuser-street, C..rdi5 ?TANTED?mmcdi?tely. STRONG Girl, nge 17 or 18. TO VV 's;it ANOTHER SERVANT; GOOD REFERENCES REQUIRED.— Apply 31. CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. 500 WANTED, YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 16, TO do House WORK ACD make HERSELF GENERALLY USEFUL,—APPLY 73, ARRAN-STREET, ROATH, Cardiff. 534 '\X7 ANTED, RESPECTABLE GEUERAL SERVANT; ¡ood wagM to "V SUITABLE GIRL MUST have satislactorv characl' '?paty Mrs CrMd. 147. OOMMERCIAL-ROAD. Newport. 544 'W- .A.NTEjj:-ræpeoœbltwort1-Girl,-i826,M v GENERAL; SLOEP OUT.—APPLY, 6 to 8, at 12, Eeppooh. ""reet, Ro?th. 547 WANTED AT ONCE, clean. RESPECTABLE GIrl. about 16. AS GENERAL SERVANT. —APPLY 26, BRIDGE-STREET, Cardiff. \"KF ANTED IMMEDIATELY, GENERAL SERVANT, AGE about 16 1. 1 CHARACTER requird; NO CHILDREN.—APPLY 66, Hmil. •.WRRTREEFC, Canton. 539 i WANTED IMMEDIATELY, CLEAN, RESPECTABLE GIRL, about J F 16, TO _at IN hO uewerk (NO CHILDREN), REFERENCES ir..d.-20. METAL-STRTET. ROATH. ?_ 486 WÀÑTÊD. a reŠ-Girl as Genera! Servant, age 18 to 20 _?Appty  176, Sevenn'd..?anton. Cardiff. t ??ANTEh. at oaoe. Genera) Servant: clean and honest J steady (frl 'lVi\J1indod home.—LcMi), Grocer. 25, (F JXT[ R £ OG-»TREET, CARDIFF. 48 M? ?N TEDTa??ood STRONG Girl M GENERAL Servimt? NOT "ader 18: MUST BE CLEAN.—APPLY 12, LOWER CATHE- E'*?oad. Canton. CARDIFF^ 442 W ANT?D. good Gm;à;t:=A.pplY Mrs WATERS,  OXFORD-STREET, Mountmn Ash. 445 W ANTED, a -bië¥OUJlg Girl M NuMemaid p?? hnomiDp only).—Apply 15* Plasturton-gardens, ?-.?? 479 ?V??? strong Gëne'nÛ Se.nant, sm?U family; fait. COMTOR<*BLE" home.—Apply Fattlkner.rond, N?w. \\J ANTED at once, a strong Girl as General Servant I v one tram country preferred.—Apply Mrs White, 26, !tilwaY-5treet. Newport. 496e WANTED, RESPECTABLE ctaan Girl to help in housework; T V AGE BETWEEN 14 AND 15.-Apply MRS M. Jones, THREE 8!3ssaleg. 495 \?7ANTED.'?)eM. active GIRL, about 18. with good v CHARACTER, as General SERVANT.—APPLY HaU. GROCER, CRADDOCK-STREET, Cardiff. 491 ANTED, a General Servant: other servants KEPT.— V Apply 11, PARK-PLACE, CARDIFF. 464 W ANÉD, Housekeeper FOR working man and THREO EN COUNTRY WOMAN preferred. State WAGES. Middleton-street. Briton Ferry. 516 XFITANTED, A CLEAN, RESPECTABLE GIRL (GOOD~ CHARACTERJ V V all GENERAL Servant: able TO WASH.—APPLY 54. BFEIMCBARUP-KTREET. Riverside. 471 T?7ANT?D. good General Servant able to wash and T 'ron.—Appty James, Pork Butcher, Canton, Cardiff. WANTED, a Young Girl, about 15 yr; of agp. ?ood d ?"?''??' as General Servant.—Apply 34, Denton. roa!d. Canton. 454 '??ANTED. GOOD GENERAL Servant: smaU FAMIIY TV CASHING -Apply PERSONALLY between 7 to 8 P.M.. 44, ChMtes-strpM.CardiS. 427 T?ANTED. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT—APPLY Limesdoo? -ytuare.ryort. 426 T? ANTED immedi?tf!y. ?ood Geneml SERVANT in SMALL "?muy.—Appty after 6 P.M. to 175, RICHMOND-ROAD, UARDIFF. 422 WANTED, GOOD General SERVANT, ALSO GIRL to WASH ;p V T and MAKE HERSELF useful. APPLY MRS Grimtns. 16. Cacoltne-street. CARDIFF. 415 W^ANTED, a good GENERAL Servant, able to cook,62. t't OAKFIELD-STREET, CARDIFF. 361 ANTED IMMEDIATELY, a good General SERVANT.— Apply 4. QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. 363 VYANTKD, GENERAL SERVANT—APPLY 5, Richmond- T T TERRACE. Park-pe. 357 WANTED, cood strong Sennnt Girl: froin COUNTRY W PI^FERRED.—APPLY Fair Raven Villa, WYNDHAIU- CRESCENT Canton, CARDIFF. 372 V?7AN1'ED. experienced GenetaT SERVANT; good charae* TER INDISPENSABLE; good WAPES.— APPLY MRS Lewis 169. NEWPORT-ROAD, CARDIFF. ?o -W ÃNTRD Nur?e Child WeeMv. or WOULD ADOPT WITH ^ES:UM; "OTHER'S CMK.-Mrs BIRD, 42, Dover B!nH- INGS, OLA KENT-ROAD, London. 333 WANTED, a Girl about 16: one baby.-96, Strath- J' NAIRN-STREET, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. 377 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A RESPECTABLE young Girl for VV Housework, from 16 to 18.-Apply 116, SEVERN-ROAD, CANTON. 58 \T ANTKD, RESPEOTABLEGIRL AS GENERAL, abont 17.-Apply V T Hutchinson's Music WAREHOUSE (shop DOOR), CLARENCE-PLACE, NEWPORT. 368 W- ANTED at once. good GENERAL SERVANT.—APPLY ROKer- T T stone Hotel, ROGERSTONE, NEAR NEWPORT, Mon. 356 WANTED, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, abont 17.-Appl, V T between Z and 3 P.M., to HOUSEKEEPER, Morgan & CO., THE HAYES, CARDIFF. 352 WANTED, STRONG Young?trt AS GENERAL SERVANT, aMe  ?°Z?Ll?PP!Z 23, _??'?M-r<'? Roath PARK. 354 WANTED, at o?ce. A GOOD, STRONG GIRL M Generaf ?e? VANT —APPLY !1, STACEY-ROAD. Roath. 340 WANTED, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; must understand P'^INC?° NG-—APPLY, with GOOD REFERENCES, Mrs L!oyd, 51, Sahsbury-road. CARDIFF. 338 ?T ANTED, at once. a GOOD Qeneri WITH GOOD character: GOOD wax? sivn: no W SHING.—APPLY Anchor RESTAURANT, 31. CUbtom HOUSE-STREET. 339 WANTED, superior Woman AS General SERVANT, abl to cook; rood WAGES.—MRS REES, 40, MERCHANTS-STREET. PONTLOTTYN. 332 .W-ÃNTEn, YOUNG Woman Jook after chUdren, ALSO TO do "°??°' = "?°P <Mt.-App)y 3. ScoM?treet. T^DIFF. 322 -?AN?;D7 TGu?etwceni5?nd?? YEARS, to Msistm t  e ^A ^U^>17. KCTEUU- TERRACE, Roath. CATDTFF. fX/ANTED. 8ervat. about. 15 or 16 to gleep homf.— WA APP^AN:VM;-STREET. C^FC^DIFF.^ W ANTED IMMEDIATELY, a GOOD COOK.-APPLY, »TAT^ ?e.waKM. references AND aH particu?M to Mrs KJI- RK,H, OUSE. BRYNBEDW, TYLORSTOWN. Pontypridd. 400 ?AN??oodGener?Servant.-Apply, AFTER 3P.M V T AT 71, COWBNDGE-ROAD. CANTON. 320 WANTED, a good GeneralTservant. Apvpv h' TSrs VV Walker, 312 WANTED at onee, a good Geueral Servant; country T girl preferred.—Apply 2, Charles-place. Barry. 316 ANTED, a respectable Girl, about 15, as Servant; T T to sleep eut.-Apply 57, Romilly-crescent. Canton. WANTED, experienced GENERAL SERVANT. two in family. TV -Apply, between 6 and 8 p.m. 120. RICHMOND-ROAD, ROATH, CARDIFF. 291 Dr ANTED. a good General SERVANT —APPLY AT THE Rose V R and CrOWD, CANAL-PARADE. NEWPORT. MON. 48te WANTED STRONG Girl AS GENERAL Servant, able to wrosb v V and iron: smail FAMILY.—APPLY 4, ALBANY-ROAD, ROATH, CARDIFF. 288 WANTED, a GOOD, CLEAN GIRL AS GENERAL SERVANT: TV reference REQUIRED.—APPLY Mn Arnold, 15, BUTE- TERRACE, CARDIFF. 279 WANTED, a ood General Bervant.-Apply 10, AlbMt. CRESCENT, PENARTH. 284 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, GOOD KoueemaKL—Appty MRS HOWELL, 21, THE WALK. CARDIFF. 227 WANTED, an EXPERIENCED GENERAL, AGE about 25 (no vt WASHING).—94, ALBANY-READ, corner Cot Hell-road. ?Tt7ANTED?t once steady YOUNG Girl A3 NURSE-HOUSE. MAID.—APPLY 42. COWBRINGE-ROAD. 295 'J&T ANTED, a young GIRL, about 16, FOR general HOUSE- vT WORK. one from the country PREFERRED.—APPLY 14, MISKIN-STREET, CARDIFF. 301 WANTED, two strong Girls as Kitchenmaid and under Houseaid understand duties abstainers state age, wagea under Housemaid good needlewoman.-Mr!! Sandeman, Crickhowell. (;21 WANTED, A goo? GIRL, ABOUT 14, TO ATTEND CHILDREN W nllJT:R te!sYr re;b:f': SLEEP OUT.—APPLY 17, RECTORY-ROAD, CANTON. 231 ?7 ANTED, A gd Gfnerl Servant for A baein8ä ?t tMM?.??t)?te??<:cwbrtdterottd. Canton, CARDIFF. ?r-ANTED. üöõ¡¡'-£-2ó; Nu?e.?UtTHowemaid. £ 14; V V PARLOURMAID, B20: KITCHENMAID, £ 12 —WRITE, STATING AGE AND CHARACTER, MRS COSTER, GLOUCESTER. 222 WANTED, a RESPECTABLE YOUNG CM M GENERAL.—2. r,. LANDSCAPE-PLACE, LLANDAFF. 2U W. ANTED AT once. a good General SERVANT.—APPLY 35. VT WELLFIELD-ROAD, Roath. 226 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a YounR Girl to assist in HOUSE- V v WORK.—APPLY sa. Richmond-road. 433 W. AN'J'FJD, Genelairvant,abo1Ît2be cleM. Vv ALSO YOUNG GIRL to ASSIST.—APPLY MARSH ViHa, MERTHYR-ROAD. Pontypridd. 121 YX7ANTEDrQuJCk. WILLING GIRL AS GENERAL SERVANT- APPLY 22. COMMERCIAL-ROAD, NEWPORT, Mon. 45"- WANTED. a good GENERAL Sernnt, ABLE to dó pïh1 cookin. -Apply 276, COWBRIDGE-ROAD, CANTON, C:?r- DIFF. 149 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, 't'V FROM 20 TO 25: satidactor7 REFERENCES REQUIRED.— APPLY 15, WINDSOR-PLACE, CARDIFF. 207 W ANTED, A «OOD GENERAL SERVANT, ABLE TO WASH; T REFERENCE REQUIRED.—APPLY MRS JONES, GELLIDEG, Pontypridd. 4é5e W AN'l'KD immdiately, General SERVANT; GOOD REFER- ENCE AGE about 17.—APPLY Mrs Harper, Belle VUE INN. EBBW VALE. 46 WANTED, 0. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER WAGES, £15 to £18. vv —APPLY JONES, Brackland House. TYPICCA, Ponty- pndd. 464e 'JliTANTEorouhiiRespectabïeGirl, about Wõr V V 20.-Apply Mrs WUliams. 2T, MORDEN-ROAD, Mamdee, N eWJIort.. 469E WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a good General SERVANT; no (f CHILDREN.—APPLY 2, DUDLEY-TERRACE, Docks, CARDIFF. \H7ANTED, on the 11TH of JANUARY, A GOOD plain Cooh? YV A ppj!!?,ood Park-roa«:'lI- 263 WANTED, CLEAN, reRpecbJ GIRL as GONERAL, aNe TO DO WASHING FOUR IN bmily.-Âpply MRS L. LEWIS, 41. BLEWITT-STREET, Newport. 470e WANTED, at once, a STRONG eirt AS GENERAL, able to y V wasb AND IRON.—APPLY 103, Alma.street. NEWPORT, Mon. 4570 .W ANTED, a ?ood General SERVANT.—APPLY Dairy, 5, 11 Charle?street. Newport, Mon. 461e W-. ANTE:Õdomticated Mother's Help for yo1Î, V V chUdren ALSO G"neral SERVANT, about 18.-Mrs EVANS, :51, BRIDGE-STREET, Newport, Mon. 4::1ge WANTED, good GENERAL Rervant.—AppIjrM. Words- If WORTH-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. 166 WANTED at OUCE, GENERAL SERVANT, aboat 15 or?6 vV YEARS OF AGE. — MRS G. Phillips, RUBY Cott.?e, !liltb..e.t, BLACK WOOD, MON. 144 'XT ANTED, General SEIVANT; no chUdren.—lM, COW- r v BRIDGE-ROAD, CANTON, CardiS. 134 W ANTKD, a good GENERAL SERVANT.—APPLY, personaUy. WITH REFERENCES, TO MM! L. W. JONES, HetthnKt?o, Dynas POWIS. NEAR CARDIFF. 124 \XJANTKD. clean, RESPECTABLE Girl, aced 16, for bonse- 11 WORK —APPLY 47, ALMA-STREET, NEWPORT. 455E trustworthyGirl AS GENERAL v » SERVANT early riser: slOall family.-55, H.amilton- street. Canton. 103 WANTED at once. a good Geu»*al; nurse kept.—Apply 49, Albany-road. Cardiff. WANTED at once, a respectable Girl for general work Y" sleep out —Apply 6, St Johns-square. Cardiff. 43 ANTED, a respectable young Girl to look after Baby II day-time ONLY.—APPLY to Mrs Oilier,44, Plasturt,on- AVENUE, CARDIFF. 35 "(T ANTED IMMEDIATELY, GENERAL Servants-Apply, with » V REFERENCES, BUTE HOTEL, TREHERBERT. 30 WANTED, good GENERAL Servant; RETPRENOE REQUIRED WAGES £ 12.—APPLY FROM 3 to 5 at No. 3, TALBOT- streot, CARDIFF. 25 WÀNTIr.D i_dii;ïY,tle:-c/ellon, steady GIRL, 11 ABOUT 16, AS NURSE.—APPLY 12, 13.1bo-6t;rMt, Cethedrai-foad. ?'ardin'. ? 24 .w. ANTEri-:BtéadYr:-e;p'eêt;bie YOUNG PERSON as MothdB HELP MUST furnish hifhMt REFERENCES.—MRS PRIOE, 62, Tudor-road. Riverside. CARDIFF. 1:: Girl, about 15, of neat APPEARANCE, t't for GENERAL HOUSEWORK one from country PREFERRED. —APPLY 7S. Partridge-road. 59 V\7ANTED IMMEDIATELY, GENERAL SERVANT, CLEAN, AND v V GOOD CHARACTER INDISPENSABLE AGE ABOUT H.—Apply O, MISKIN-RTI-EET, CATHAYS. 7Q WANTKD, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, able to do plain v v COOKING housemaid KEPT.—APPLY, with PARTICULARS, Mrs JONES, 19, Westbourne-crescent. CARDIFF. 128 WANTED, thorough respectable Pefson as General v T Servant; age 20 to ?8 must be able to wash and iron good home, Stamp for reply.—Apply Mrs Edmonds' Registry Office, Holton Road, Barry Dock. S3 W ANTF:D. General Servant not under 20; also Lad as Billiard Marker, to make himself generally useM.— Hobbs, Cross Keys Hotel, Newport. 449e .W'ANTEDiDlme.Iiåtely, in a iiIfämI1Y, good General v v Servant, about 18, able to wash: must have good character from last place.App]y Mrs Canty, 52, De BurKh- street. Cantca. CardiO. 66 -iT ANTED, gOOd General Servant.-15. TaJbot-stree? v Canton. 37 WANTED, a .ood General Servant at once, able to do v i washing, country girl preferred.—148, King's-road, Canton. 40 Y\ ANTED, good General Servant, must be able to wash v 1 and cook well: age 24 to 26; early riser wages £14. ^Aj|j^_3^Gj^nirwndda-street. any evening about seven. HI THAT! QMS YJCAST A homo for FRIENDLESS GiriEl and Free REGISTRY at '2 -rL THE PARADE. CARDIFF AH Irls NEEDING a fnend AND SHELTER ARE weloom_ 29c APPRENTICES WANTED TO THE WAISTCOAT MAKING. Also Errand Girl. Good chance to LEARN A TRADE.— APPLY 99, CONSTELLATION-STREET, CARDIFF. 242 BUTCHERS.—WANTED, RESPECTABLE Younl: Man who can 1 SLAUGHTER well AND WILLING to make HIMSELF GENERALLY USEFUL.—APPLY E. MAUNA, BRECON. 297 CARPENTER wanted IMMEDIATELY.—APPLY Moore and Co.. QUEEN-STREET .CARDIFF. 53 I "10LLIERV Oalcials and Miners.— Lessons DY post The ? onrest road to promotion. Syllabus, Id s"mD.-T. A. Southern, M.E., 1 e Hb M. Iospoctor of Mine'. The UingiOveer- sal Mining School ?erby. ?g? DRËSSMAKlNG. Wa.nted at once. ApprenticM.—Ap. JL??ly MiM I?nnoo.?'.?HchMds tetrace. Roath. CardifT. D-RAPERv.-wanted immediate!y,-Sm&Tt Pu;h JLf Junior ?Apply'l?Mf?omars. J. Williams, Scofand HOUSE, Newport. 491e ?OOD?heeiwr'sh<r w&ated?Appty 120, Cairnwtreet, ? Ca?ays_ CARDIFF- 443 GR()è;EàYdrro:;isiOQS"WQ.nted, a?good Hand FOR ?Jf CARDIGAN,—APPLY Bowen Bros., Cardt?au or PONTY- PRIDD. 499E G- RÓÙER.-YõWï: Man about l? years, Wantcdto ?? drive pony and t?ap and assist genera.Uy.—Addrcsa Proviaious*" Daily Mice. SwaivKA, 397, HAIRDRESSIiR.- Wanted, hteady YoMan. to H AM!ÏI;¡;var t;dha;/¡'e t::D;ta: ?Ses?—Appty C. Hï.I8, Pontycymmer. HAIRDRESSING.-Wanted. APPRENTICO0' IMPROVER TO THE ABOVE.—APPLY WATKINS. 119, ST. "?-street. (!91:B!!t, CARDIFF. ?3" HAIRDRESSERS.-Wanted a cood'H?ttter and J SHAVER. State EXPERIENCE, wages M aod?t-dooM — PAYNTER^LM, CASTLE-ROAD, Cardi4 HOWbtaÚl a Situation. Apphc?Meto'? trades? ?? ?'< home work or f?ency POST free.—B*? and Co., H?rrosate. ?g MEN, Youths, all classes. town oT country, t??tiagauy J -? Employment, write at once; Situation GUide free, busy "me hundreris suited; don't dettv.—TE.at? and Co., 'MxM.U2.Npwineton Causeway, London. Army, Navy. or Merchant Service also write. 255 TV'I n«LINER.—Wanted? an cxperianced 'MUfie" aM?to X 0ervo.—Apply, with reference, stating salaf Squired, to Mrs Mcintosh, Arcade, Pontypridd. '1pLASTELERS.—\Vanted,?x?drianced hMdstCe?at?,,? J- to coating steam pipes.—Write B 931, Ecf" OSce Cardiff. 931 rpO Wheelwrights.—Wanted, a good M:an.-APP! James X Bros., Treharne-road. TO Butchers.—Wanted at once, steady youn Man to JL slaughter, help in shop, make himself ^enerU* ? Useful. -Apply. storing age and wages indoor. W. Bt- Howeu, Mormton. Swansea. 472 ?0 BuMhera.—WMted?au ?U-round Man; clean, and good reference.—Edwards, !"?ydet" Vr¡md Rbondda 404 rtpb Sboema.kers?W.MtedT ? General Hand sewri J work and repmr?.—John Morgan, Commerci?'strpHt,. Ogmore Vale, R.S.O. 521 'XT ANTlm;-G;dener. about?O'rmarn?d?oO?'?Hy'; f t experienced in vi nee, tomatoes, melonS, flower kitchen gardens, ferneQ'. greenhouse, eto.—St? ?ses' ?'l' ?' J???"ce. Chepstow. 583 ?7ANTKD at once, a good Tinman.—Apply J. ?!Bn' IB, TAFF-STREET, PORTH. Rhondda VaHey. 532 WIJ_ ANTED, 6FCAID LadytfTtakT chartf? OF Diuing'?Otns? VV SECURITY REQUIRED. A)so Waitress; STATE e and WAGES.—WRITE RESTAURANT, "ECHO" OfEce. NEWPORT- 6Oe WANTED, A yOug-man TO DRIVE OUT AND MAKE FI'^SEIF W GONERALLY USEFUL m ?arebouse.—Tnom?.? So'M?? STORES, BRITON PERRY. 5"3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a SHARP YOUTH AS Offi Toy ;N Corn BUSINESS.—APPLY H 499. Echo" OFFICE, C»R<IIFF. WANTED SITUATION AS UNDER-BARMAID, AGE W L^OW- V V LEDGE of THE BUSINESS DISENGAGED on 28 JAFLU»T^S THOMAS, Queen IS Hotel, ANTED, an Xperience-d SWAGE-SAWYER ooø 11 WORK.—A. DEACON, BOXIAND PACKING-CASE MANUFACWFER, BARLEYMAW-LANE, Canton. 437 t?T ANTED an active Youth, to drive a Cob aad?P? 11 Cart, and make himself Uõeful; must be uB<<' to horse!. harness, &nd stable work.—Apply DaTtes. B17I\r. Tudor-lane. 177 WANTED, smart Youth, just leaving school, for Vf —Apply Wilier and Riley. Hope-street. Cardiff. <1(¡1 \7S7ANTED, a smart Youth AS APPRENTICE or ERRWD 11 Boy TO the PICTURE framing.-Apply Mr J. Ic, 64, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. 421 WANTED, a xtrong Boy that will make himsejf u.eu.L T V -Apply 276, COWBRIDGE-ROAD, Canton. CardiS. WANTED. ApprenMoe to Dupery (FEMALE); ALSO, &f°4 V T GENERAL SERVANT.—APPLY LEGOSSLCK aud Comp*??. 70. UOWBRIDGE-ROAD. Canton. ? \V ANTED, SEVERAL COMPETENT PLUMBERS and GASFITTERS. IT —APPLY, letter only, W. H. Allen and CO., PLUM BE", CARDIFF. 6 "IT ANTED, sharp, RESPECTABLE Lad. 14 to ISyearao? t for News StaH WORK.—APPLY, in OWN handwritM. SPOWANT, BOOKSTALL, PONTYPRIDD. 4446 WANTED, Strong Lad, to attend to horse. ASSIST >N f1' garden, and be GENERALLY useful; good CHARACTER.— Apply ch3!a..s!P_ WANTED, MiM'a. Sh)pwright? &r(f Enginecn, aDd?t! T T British Workmen to no!? thM advertisement. Yon require the most nutritious and finest flavoured bread, ana can have it bv using D.C L." Yeast Sole manu»acturers. The Distillers Company, ljimited, Edinburgh, who will gladly sen'l sample 00 receipt of Fourpence in tampe, 5t your Grocer, or whoever you buy vour yeast from, to "Ive you D.C.L' and _Bsin fOl'ei" yeR5t 29?6 I W- HjfELWi{IGHT.-Wän-tëd.-îtt!-Miy-iftÏDmï.ïit be l 'T up in his work. P?rma.naut job —Joues and Giles, Marsbes.rod Carr-a?e Work3, Newport. ??7a -t:2 Weekly upward may btJ realfuëii bJ either sex, without W hindering present Occupntion.-For samples (return- able). &c.. enclose addressed envelope to BVnns, WattS, and Co. (P 133), Merchants, Birmingham. Genuine. 93b *IT»ATSO\S WANTEW. A Situation required as Housekeeper, useful com¡r.1.I110;1 Iwvernesa, or assist in light business; small salary S?od references.—R 72. Echo,' Cardiff. 72 A Ship's Cook, speaking several languages, just arriving home, wants Emplovmeut ashore; 6.rst-{)laI!s character.—Joseph, Echo Offioe, Cardiff. 999 B.. -i.Kiiis;dCo;;f;;tïs-:=W-;ntédb1yun/ M- JD afed 20 (single), Sitnatton M Second or cood Third, knowldge of cake and smalls, 7 years' experience, ab- otainer.—Albert. 6, Church-place, Peaarth. 535 BAKEITS.—WANTED, A GOOD SECOND HAND GOOD SETTER JD MARRIED man PREFERRED.—THOMPSON, 48, Broadway ROATH, CARDIFF. 175 BAKERS.—YOUTH SEEKS SITUATION, aMist in BAKEHOUSE, AND DELIVER, &C. GOOD REFERENCE.—JOHN GOUGH, HAL- stock, YEOVIL, SOMERSET. 141 CCARPENTER, AGE 24, SEEKS EMPLOYMENT,—ADDRESS J Echo" OFFICE, MERTHYR. 32 DRESSMAKING WANTED by xperieced HAND AT LADIES' BOUSE OR AT HOME; enning WORK PREFERRED.—11, CAERPHILLY-STREET. PORTMANMOOI-ROAD, CARDIFF. 410 ?'?ROCKRY and ProvisioM.—Good Hand. 26 years, JT single, seeks Re-engagement as First or Second most accustomed to provisions disengaged whc1YØllited; drive and solicit if required Hopkins- town, Pontyphdd. 188 RmË:.F.:N:GAGEIENTM-WOrkikeeper: good JL? rcferenoeR: ago 28.—J 37, Arcot-strcet, Pecarth. ?2 .S-iADi>TRR;elJ up in hn¿tie8, coï1d assist in ? general harness work, seeks Situation.—WrU.e Phi)lip3, 2, Hwiry-street, Newport. 446e SITUATIONS wanted as General Servants for twenty C? strong country giris, English and W clsh; excellent charact'-t.—Mra COSi.ry °f!ie, ITUATION Wanted by middle-aged Man M Working SõJ;t)1itd c!sf:edlfga: ri: boue work no objection to cow. Wife good InundrcR" Write A,, "Echo" Office, Newport 448e Master B;k; and Confectioners.—A Young M -I leeks situation as Second H3nd UBed to patent ovens. —The Retreat. Swiss-road, Weston-super-Mare. 5C4 ?B?6 Butchers.—Youoe Man requires Situation as Second X iu Shop StMjfhter-hoMe.—Appty 12, Theswer-street, Cathays, Cardi1f. 441 TO Builders.—Advertiser is prepared to give Pri-;f -t Labour in StaircMine, Handrailing, Shop Front*, Chnrch Work. or Carpentery Work of Honses; thoroughly experienced —Apply B. 333. Eaho Office. Cardiff. 998 ?7 ANTED. Situation?MTBaker, 8<ntte or Recõd: hand: KNOWLEDGE of smatb.—Apply S, MU:er. 8, MILK-STREET, EXETER, DEVON. 511 Wm ANTFD.ISITUATION AS GOOD BREAD BAKER; firat, SECOND, TI OR SINGLE EXPERIENCED, flood REFERENCES.—CORNE.1-, 18, GELLI-ROAD, TON PENTRE, RHONDDA. 501 WANTED, to APPRENTICE A BOY OF 14 TO OFFICE slight T KNOWLEDGE of SHORTHAND. APPLY P 456, South Wa!e?DaHy NEWS." CARDIFF. 456 '-jTA:NTED,-Bit'lIti-õf-Tn-;tbY hhly-respectal TT Ynuth.M'e 16, with a year's experience in a Birming- ham Factor's Office and Warehouse.—Apply H. Ball, 12, Gslllwastad-road, Pentypridd. 501e W-: ANTJi:i>i Apprentice A Lad 14 YEARS ot ace.—Ad 'L '?'?" C ??" ??° OFFICE, t?rdiS. 218 WANTED, BY RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN. SITUATION AS GARDENER; THOROUGHLY expeneuced.-n. H., 23, LORD-STREET, PENARTH. 283 .W- ANTEDijÿ-a-:NI!.Y&1 PeMionor, A SITUATION M Oare- TV TAKER, or any place at trust.—Wnta T. J., Bouth Wales Echo." 233 -¡ANTi!m, Sittïon byU;eri;;P TO ASSIST with I GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO CHILDREN; PRIVATE HOUSE, C.trdM:Roodj'efer<'ucM.—F.2.Echo,"Cardia. 23 T?ANTKD, S'tuation as SECOND HAND USED TO SMALLS t' GOOD rofacuce.- APPLY EAKER, 5, RAILWAY-VIEW, CLEICDON, SOMERSET. 31 T? HEE LW RiGHT'W'aa?rSitua?on AT ONCE.—APPLY 11 W. YAIDMENT, 5, DAVIES-STREET, COEDPENMHEN, FontyptKid. ?? YOsN:c (married), good scholar, requires Situation as Warehouseman or Timekeeper; 34 years' refer- ences.—Apply Winstolle A3, Wyndham-road, Canton, 161 AUE9i<!3E8 TBAVEUEKg, <Kc. A good chance for Assurance Agents and others to in- A !r.hi/c:F: p:ia::dWt¡:Hs/ 1, Ivy-street, Penarth, 260 A good Salary ;e;klv-!fe-dt:o;-p;u.et¡met(;ci¡;h1' sex everywhere. Work cau he dono evenings.—Apply, with addressed envelope, u Waller, 75, Playhousc-yaid, Queen Victoria-street^ London. 271 A SSURANCE.—Wanted, energetic Men at Cwmbran .1. and Pontypool: rotcrences and securities required. Good Hooks given to successful men.-Write A., Echo Ofiice, Newport. 476e AGENTS WANTED for ?aie OF PATENT Otntment.—W?!te ??L AGENTS, ECHO OtMce. NEWPORT. 92Ð AGENTS WANTED TO CANVASS FOR FURNITURE.—APPTY J'iL BRACEY, NEATH FURNITURE, PIANO, Sewing Machine, and MANGLE STORES. WINDSOR-ROAD, Neath. 484E AGENTS WANTED TO SELL WHITE AUD other SEWING ?- MachinM: SALARY AND COMMISSION.—APPLY BRACEY, WINDSOR-ROAD, Neath. 41e AGENTS WANTED to Sell Bibles ?Weiah AND Ens'ish? ood COMMISSION Nath AND DISTRICT.—APPLYBRNCEY, WINDSOR-ROAD. NEATB. 4840 AGENTS wanted TO SELL PIANOS. ORGANS, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Ba.Iry AND COMMISSION.—APPLY Bce1, WINDSOR-ROAD, NEATH. S4e AGENTS WANTED in EVERY town AND rillae for jewl"U; -c?L cutlery. SPOODS, &e.—Addreaa W., SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," Cardi!! 245 AGENT WANTED, £ 26 per QUARTER, paid WEEKLY, BplcnJi1 OPENING, EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY, SPECIAMS FREE.—AD- dress COMPO Works, Farnworth. BOLTON. 46 AGENTS wanted throughout South Wales and Mon- montJu5hire to take Orders (0[1 our new hire system) for our well-known Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, Melo- deons, Violins, Watches, Clocks, Sewing Machines, Mangles, Washing Machines. Family Bibles, Albums, Opera Glasses, Electro Plate, &c. first-class commission to capable men [10 risk or responsibility illustrated catalogues ou applica- tion; good references ond security inclis})e[lsablc.-Jonos and Jones, Portk 961e ( "'IANVAS8ERS and Agents for CardiS and district; good J commission to smtable men.—Apply The Mana er. Maasic?hatN, 4, Hi?h-street. Cardiff. 453 MB R. Reid Wants a good Man as Salesman and Collec- i)UL tor for Bibles, Jewellery, Machines, (fcc., district Rhondda VaHey; salary U and commission; security and References — Apply to R. N. Best, 27, Smeatou-atreet, Can- ton, Cardiff. 216 PEARl. Assurance Company. — Wanted, additional A cents for Eastern Valleys. Splendid Books to suc- cessful men.—Apply James Meadmore, Glyn View, New- bridge, Mon. » 475e RENT8 coilested, prompt settlements made7~Weekly. Fortnightly, Monthl¡¡, Quarterly, as principals dC8iro. —J. Cuthbert Gouldins, Estate Agent, Accountant (next Theatre). 91 ?[7 ANTED energetic Young Man to take orders for TT bottled ale and stout. References and security indispensable.—Apply by letter only, Manager, Newport and Maindea Bottling Company, 44, Duckpool-road, New- port. 482e WANTED, Traveller, with good connection, to Sell Ai; tT a.nd Stout in cask and bottle; liberal commission. A 214 Echo Cardiff. 214 C'LEKKS. MANAGERS. «*<•. -ACCOUNTANi"s Cierk.—BooMM?eTdestres?empoMry x3L or permanent Engagement; 15 years' accountancy experience; "ceIIeut references; moderate salary.- Accountant, Daily Nevs,' OMdiB'. 39 LAW.—Wanted, experienced General Clerk (shorthand rlter), 301 Junior Engrosser.—Apply, stating salary requrred and experience.—8o)icitor, "Echo" Onice, New- port. 4778 1'hitectø and Buttdera—PrtCt'e? QaanMty Sur- J- Teyor has spM'e time to assist above.—2 2%4, Echo," CtrdiN 224 TO Water Clerks.—Wanted, immediately, an experienced JL man to r >resent a butcher; must £ e well up in his business and oi sober lialiita.—Apply, with referencell and full particulars, to C 235, Echo Office. Cardiff. 215 La.dy6:PõSition ot trust, clerk, or v bookkeeper, highest references.—Beta, 8. Gloucester- place, Maindee, Newport. ———_ 352 i.onvtxG*. AHAKTHBSTS. ,TT. A Sitting and one or two Bedrooms to Let; terms nioderate, with or without law University), Cardiff.; 496 A YOUNG Lady REQUIRES COMFORTABLE, quiet Home in Car. dill: Canton PREFERRED terms MODERATE.—APPLY Q 308, ECHO OFFICE, CARDIFF. i.) ADVERTISER wants Bedroom, share PARLONR, HOT BATH, -CTL convenient Docks, low TERMS, send PARTICULARS —B 201, Echo," OFIICE. 201 A NEATLY-FURNISHED Front Room to Let.-AJlP1,-44; A Talbot-st-eet,, CATHEDRAL-ROAD, Cardie. 110 A Captain's WIFE has House larger than she REQUIRES, Cardi AND WOULD LIKE TO LET °°? ? °? ROOMS.—O 17, "ECHO, CARDIFF. 17 ACCOUCHEMENT.—LADY REQUIRES APARTMENTS with good nurse: RIVERSIDE PREFERRED.—APPLY, with terms, Mater, "ECHO" OFFICE, CARDIFF. 561 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED), BACK SITTING-ROOM AND A. Front Bedroom: HOT AND COLD BATH.—9, PLANTAGENET- ATRENT. Card ill. 480 A PART,\zE:N'TS, wiUi or without board, in respectable -L.!L family, with good accommodation for bicycle, for eingle young ventleman — AddrMo Homeless, Echo" Office, Crrdiff. 5SS APARTMENTS, Furnished or Unfurnished, front bod- room AND kitchen, to respectable couple without children.—Apply 99. Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff- 230 APARTMENTS.—LARGE Front DRAWING-ROOM, one or TWO BEDROOMS SUIT ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN PIANO — Apply 12, WORDSWORTH-STREET, Roa.th. 298 APARTMENTS, FURNISHED, Bitt.ing-reom and BBD- c rooms, HOT AND coJd baths, home comforts.-28, Tatbot- STREET, CAT.HEDRAT-ROAD, CARDIFF. 270 -A- PARTMEN'Î'AUnfr;;¡sbe<1, sm? wIdow l"d OR LADY ?Tt whose HUSBAND GOES to SEA. No CHILDREN.—12, HMxor- ROAD, ROATH P?rk. Cardiff. 420 APARTMENTS, 'ell fumMhed conveDle:.Iy situate? -c t QUIET; hot AQD cold BA H home COMFORTS suit LADY Md geutlt!man,_=: blf'ddiaD-I1deus,Crdi1f.69 APARTMENTS <Furntshed).?mt&ble foitW6 OR THREE j!-?L GENTLEMEN or marded COUPLE: bath, PIANO.—218, CMtte-ro&d. R-a:fI. U8 AFTER XMAS ?Middle?tttin?nd?T?TMrooms ?ot ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN ENG GED DURING DAY EVERY COMFORT.—46, Loa?croe?atreet. 821 APARTMENTS, furnished, TO young ma.med COUPLE ?L without chi?reu, or two FRIENDS bah: TERMS mode- mte CLOSE TO bBst!ll_Cottrell, Ro?th. 10 BACK PARLOUR, O11 G?te. front BedroomT use of froot J[) SITTING-ROOM COMFORTABLY FURNISHED; terms MODERATE. —6$. WeUs-etreet. Rt?Krside, CANTON. 20 -BÕÃRD-¡;Ùidene for GENTLEMAN WITH & FAMILY in m Wordsworth-street, NEAR InnrmMy TERMS MODERATE; uo CHILDREN.—P 559. Echo." CARDIFF. 569 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Front. SITTING- room AND Beùra.um; PIANO; bath; no CHILDREN.—93, Roath. Clean, quiet PEOPLE. 580 ?io??YFORTABLE Ledetn??or TMpee?Me Young Man? ?-? 101, 8trathnairn-street, BoMh, WITH or wtthom board NEAR "BUSSES GOOD COOKING TERMS MODERATE. 447 COMFORTABLY-FURNISHED Apartments TO LET; TERMS ? MODERATE hot AND COLD BATH -Appl, M, ALBANY-ROAD, Cttrdtf? 4N COMFORTABLE Lodgings for GENTLEMAN: ho AND COLD bath. TERMS MODERATE.—127, TUDOR rd.JHTerstde. 5 COMP-ORTABLE Home for Two RESPECTABLE YOUNG VV MEN, WILLING SHARE BEDROOM AND SITTING-ROOM: NO CHILDREN.—APPLY 24, Pembrooad, CMton. M! COMFORTABLE LODGINGS FOR one or two respectable YOUNG MED, WITH QUIET COUPLE NO CHILDREN. TERMS MODERATE.—2, ZINO-STREET, 8plGtlaDda. m ?OMFORTABLR?Lodgin!) cr ApMtment< FOR ONE or ) TWO rpectalJle Y outh8 ENGAGED DURING DAY; MODERATE TERMS.—28, MMbIedditn-ca.rdeo? C&rdtn'. 319 COMFoiiT¡BLE J FRIENDS, IN Turberville-pbce, CANTON HOT AND COLD w?ter TERMS MODERATE.—BETA, Bcho," CARDIFF. 3 C-OMFORTABLE ApartmeoM or Lodgings io TWO OR THREE RESECTABLE YOUNG MEN TERMS MODERATE.—NO. 1, EDWARD-PLACE (ne?r T.V.R. STATION). 1 F-URNï:qIÜD o¡:UnÎluõdiou.sDici;;gl Bedroom (with hot bath). near Bhymuey and Taff 8tat.ion. TRAMS pass door for all "arts. Terms moderate. INFERENCES required.—11, Llantwit-street, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. ? SKFIG ?rUSNTLMMA'?'ttitiily re-Ølmcnd8 very?otNformMe VX Apartments: one or t"O entIemeD.-AppJy 27, Seville-street, Riverside. 572 ?TKNTLK'ti'ANreuuires ?tntort?bteBedroom and \J( 8ittmg-room WiUl honest, clen people, n"o Echo, children, bath, state lo"cst terms inchlsive.-P 35, 1 Ctt'dM'. ? S -F-I-AMiTToN -8tM;:=-Uiürnløl!edApartmMlt8. eui!?b!a FOR YONNG COUPLE; LEFEREOCCS EXCHANGED.—WRITE 0 77. ECHO." C*rdif. ? "? "77 "I" ADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN BE SUITED WITH LODGINGS ? or Apartmenu, FREE of CHARGE, THROUG t't? E??M. 9. KIM-?TREAT, ?a i-cM. 142 I-ODGINGRf;onõ;t;;nlmeninRYdenu  USE OF SITTING-ROOM; TERMS MODERATE.—APPLY B 3^7, 'ECHO." CARDIFF. 347 ) ODGINGS FOR TWO YOUNG HEN, USE of sitttn?-roo;? J piano, CM; terms MODERATE.—APPLY 36, HARRIET-SWEET, Cttbtye? 269 NlcËLŸ.Fumi8hed FRONT artments, ALSO LODGIOJS FOR ONE OR TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN FRIENDS.—Z, I>E B?tb-?reet. "i68 PENARTH.—Young Man wants respectable LODGING^ near Ship Hotel.—Particulars to D. Davies, (left tiU called for) Post Office, Penarth. PENARTH.—Comfortably Furnished Front Sitting AND Bedrooms, or part House. XJufurni?hed, in Windsor- road hot and cold bath; terms moderate.—Write Z. 313, ECHO" Offiee. Cardiff. • 313 ROOMS to Let, Furnished or Unfurnished; suit mar- ried couple rent moderate: trams pass the door. — 97. WoodvUle-;oad, Cathays, Cardiff- 164 CITTING-Room and Bedroom, well furnished, to Let. k7 Despcnser-gardens; every home comfort; no chil- dren good cooking references if required term", 1? weeMy, including Bre. TM. and attendance.—V 59 WEEKLY, Office, Cttrdte. 959 T. e:iÙE-Ufiz-rnished ROOMS to LET, H'tutte CMUe-MM[: I YOUNG n?rried COUPLE preferred. -Apply B416 "Echo OSco. C?rdiO- 416 TO LET, FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS, WITH HOT JL AND cold batb.-44, AncutrØtYeet, OFF ALBANY-RIM D, ROFTTH, CARDIFF. 514 T-O-T:tbree UNFURNISHED ROOBIA, wi!lo"e}l d I JL every cMMS:ence TERMS mbcær8tè< AvJ Y ,1 ROAD. Roath. «S ;-1'0 lt. suit t frDdø, 8uperior Front Parlour, i:ë) .1 SEPARATE bedrooms, bathi, piano, &c. no chddren comfortable home botvrd if required I reasonable term? — .39. Clare-ntreet. liivereide. 461 LET, GLENROY-SLREET, TWO UNF«MI»HED RoomR, HOT X AND eold baLh: HUlt yount MARRIED couple. R-EFER- CNCESEXCHANGED.—W 414, ECHO. CARDIFF. 414 TO LET. TWO ROOMS, FUMISHEDT FFLODER»TE TERMS. —APPLY JL 8.CLARE-STR»ET, CARDUF. 247 M6 LET, FURNISHED HOUSE, GOOD NEIGHBOURHOOD, NEAR X TOWN, eight ROOMS, ALL CONVENIENCES, low RENTAL.—APPLY N 22Shoce, CARDIFF. 228 T-Ù LET, LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR SOLICITOR, COM- JL MISSION Agent, &O.—APPLY David DAVIES, top of MARGARET-STREET, Aberdare JUNCTION. 399 RJPO Itft, Apartmonte, furnished or unfurnished, back X sitting-room and front bedroom sulble for young ?dy dressmakers or hichly respectable married couple with- out children use of ho and cold _tel' bath reference Canton. 208 'r-O-Vt, Furnished Apartments for one or two GentleT X MEO.—Address D., 18. Clive-road. Penarth. 56 T-wõ ROOMS RO LET, WITHOUT ATTENDANCE <)J X THREE ROOMS unfumished.-Appll 120, CottreU-roxd CARDIFF. 545 -U- NiTRNi8ËD.-TõLë:-I;-RoU8e, "ith bathroo tj 16, J?tos'6-ro?d. 272 tT? ANTED, APARTMENTS FOR ONE YOung tJentlcm: I H C?'tou PREFERRED TERMS MODERATE—APPLY W 391, "EehoOa?t. CARDIFF. M: y ?*'?' ? OR NEAR COWBRIDGE-ROAD, Canton.—AddreM D. 424, ECHO" OfHce. CMdia'. 422 -iTiÑTE1):-LodS, by TWO YOUNG Men.—PieMe Ehne W TERMS (exclusive of board) to HOME, "Echo" OFFICE. CARDIFF. 342 F>9, PLANTARANEB-STREEFC.—SITTLNPR AND BEDROOMS for THREE T) FRIENDS. TERMS MODERATE. Hot and cold BATH, USE OF PIANO. 285 4-u¡;¡;r-KiDcraig.stre-t. M"cintoBIlÙ;;öd -f Home for RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN, with or without board. 321 14, KINGSLAND-CRESCENT, BARRY Dock.—Lod?tnt? for TWO ) L respec?h? YOUDg MEN HOT AMI COLD bath clo to DOCK AND Statma 257 4GUILDFORD-CRESCENT.—COMFERTABLE APARTMENTS, SUITABLE FOR O1mcrcial OR OTHER :eDtlemau; EASY ACCESS TO AIL RAILWAYJ^TAUONS. 162 39, ALBANY-ROAD.—COMFORTABLY Furnbl'd .APARTMENTS HOT a:d BATH ^IMS YASSES DOOR: modertJ,t TERMS A AUD P. PUKE, HOTEL BROKERS, 21, BRIDGE-STREET, BRISTOL. A -Hnndreds of Licensed Housea in ALL parts of TR.WN AND COUNTRY. LIST* FREE. 371 H?XT RAOi?:ARY??lue.?CoMh-y??u!y? JL? HouHe, ?'th iaree garden 25 or 50 actes ot land can be rented, LOOMING by valuation about £ 50; £ 300 ro- cently expended on the home.-Duke, 21, Bridge-Btrext, Bristol. 371 !t/J!?J8T be sotd. owi']g to?itlneM. o)d.mtab!tahed BeerL J.. house family 30 years. Bcds let well. Price f40.—D?. JJn,ol. 871 -N-Õl'ED Public, t?Mne B!0 monthly. Can be JL? bought A bargain at v?toatioa: about £ 40.-DUKE, Valuer. 21. Brile-Htreet, BrMto!. 371 SPIRIT Vaults, close to ExhibItion. Theatres nominal rent: ouly T60 caRh required. Good inventory.—Duke, :l:-8t,r"et, 8f?to? 371*' BIi¡;INJ.S£8 FOR »B«P«5AU CIGAR, Tobacoonlst. Newsagent, and Hairdresaing; J hea position increasing neighbourhood average £ 24 ",eekJy, at vaIUU.tlon. Exceptional opportuuity.-B "2, weekly, OFBCE^OFTRDIFLR. 42 DKA I'ERY AND OUTFITTING.—IF you WANT TO BUY or SfU a BUSINESS, 11111,ly Isaac THOMAS, LICENSED VALUER, 146, COWHRLDI;E.-ROAD, ^ARDIFF. 87 'L"mST-=UII\8S B?t?n ?mily Grocery  anÜ'iSionT;dë. J- -Wanted, ltng MEN, WITH CONNECTION, TO SOLICIT; 'tera)? TERMS.—L["VERSITY STORES, CARDIFF. 407 tPCR Sale, a M? Round?Q Ct\nton.-ÃppiyWho'; t? omco, a' 223 ROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS.—SPLENDID poMMon. ?-? TAKING £30 ?ee?y RENT LOW IN-GOING at VALUATION. -A?ppiy ?."Kcho osc?cardicf. 305 LIGHT REFRESBNAENT BUSINESS, DEALING ABOUT £ 3 p<-7 ?,???''?? LOCK-UP SHOP lniiation, if desired— N 51e, E(&o_? OSco. CardiK. 51C '?ILK Rond for Sit?CardtOf.dotng laOe?OM weeht? ??- S?tMaotory JEALOUS for GIVING UP.-APPLY MTLK, !,Oo.- S ^37 ??LD-Este.Mifhed S?eet Bneinem IN busy THOROUGHFARE '?rdMt; YOOA bving ACCOMMODATION MUt LADY.— CARDIFF PEAQE. QARDIFF 5H ?' ??'????S?WAJtTKM.- T?? ILK Bua!neM or? DAIRY OF 10 OR 12 COWS wanted. at 1 ?ncc.-Mjt)k?'Rcho"Ofnce. Cardl1L 119 Y? ANTED tn Ne?rt. MHk"Round. SMAU^FLAIVO^ J' Write BuY€r?_Ech« OBce, NEWPORT. 441e MOUSES..SC.. WAKTE1* '? ANTEDTn'Roat!TfMm Lady Day, & Small House, F.FJ with (t?rden: fat moderate.—Apply Meta, Echo Cardiff. \?'AN'TED.witab!e twtmaue&menter'B Shop, neigh- Ford ??P? '?G? Western 8?t{.B.Cardui-App!y 'I)d8or-!arth. 341 V? ANTED, a Ho"M. in theRo&th dietHct.Rent not ?". EX03ED ? ?'<???. TeMn?. Echo r 9' Cardiff. "7 tOsF,D-UII!! 'ill Cathays; bath; rent about Ech ..lIlclnslve; .o S WITHOUT chtldren.-Apply House, ?-? .'on SA??"<mns UNFT, C" (???S?YS. bMt P*? 351 f;;t froDtaM. side ?ntntnce4  ?= "?   gent, 94, St. Mø."treet, Cardiff' 67.. ??RSLL.Ro.td. e"? th. NE* PARK' D'oe compact ?- £ 210.—Dog^ett, _Pl>o'h-8tTe.t, Carw 412 TS??Ro?. '??.?r b?roome. hotandco)d ?rdia- ?? ?'' at ? £ Doggett, 63, ?epDocb?treeb. !7??? ?U"' in !D1dèet(õff ()ätdf.4 ? ?f?°'°?. bathrooO'.?.e.. back entrance a:eo Two  21' WeU^d" ???ea??' ?'? Cott?° froper'ty o?tbe'Hpati?tate; LNTNEA AR P?! ^EW Pnrk, lthiest sPOt in Cardiff; Comer « S and ^FJT-street, G^'GE Corner Shop, with large 'Gran.e.? F??pe?; w!?"?' ??'? 'eouTeni.nc?.. MUtb .J.: II B&? !th ?ew of cf?Otte): aanitary arrauEeu'ents fmo" ?a. e, Now,on. 4t7e FOR Sale. Llwyutew Villa, Llannoo, Llauelly; sub- Jf stantially built and well furnished throughout in a superior manner, with half an acre of land (fruitful garden, fcc.), and excellent new oub-bouseg unexpired tenn of lease, 81 years ground rent, £ 2 per annttm,-Ap¡;ty o Miss R. Price. on the premises. 619 T7IOR SaleA everal Cotbf?gM Dlmr Docks and Dow]*? .1 Works, I !et: good mortgage.—JMMB Lodce, H, Tyh!lNõtreet, Broadway, Carditf 176 FOR 8le, Houses In Wyndham-eresceot and Alex- Jt' aodr?-rostd. CMtton tmntedi?te posses?ton.—Apply Robert Nixon, Estate Agent, Charles-street, Cardiff. 116 FOR Sale, cheap, two new well-built stone Cottages at Jt- Pontnewydd with four bedrooms each.—Write Cottage, "Echo" Offi. Newport. 483n FOR 8nle (East Moors), convenient 6-rocmed Honøe; F hot and cold water b&th btr?o. Subject to mort? gage.—B S3, Echo," CardLS. 83 HOUSES on Macintosh Estate.—Hot and cold baths- ¡ t B- Prices from £2.. each.—Thorn. Builder, 41, Minny. street, Cathays, Cardiff. 419 HOUSES fo;S-;¡efn Richmond-road, Richards-terrace, JLJL near the Park, Woodville-rosd Shop3 in Castle- road, Pontypridd. 999 teMe Porth, Penygraig, Tony- pandy. Clydaoh Vale. Shops in Commercial-road and Villas in Chepstow-road, Newport.—Apply 142, Richmond- road, Cardiff. 163 IF you want to Buy. Sell, Let, or Red a House, apply to t t H. E. Doxgett. 63, Keppooh-etre^t, Roath, Cardiff. 4!C KNA R'lTL— £ 470. —Small. well-Jjuilt Villas Oakley- terrace, Penarth every convenience.—Apply F. Speed, House Agent, 2, Plvmouth-road. Penarth. 198 'pONTYrMDD.—Cott?es Md Shops for 3?te or to Let on Tymawr, HopkinstowD: immediate pœIre8iún.- Evans and WiIliamnt.:Jwn,- Poctypridd THREE genteel Residences. Cathay*, nine rooms, hoi and cold bath, w. c three-stalled stable, loft, and large yard to each, let to respectable tenatttc at £ 32, price for tb Srea B?—OMB? ?ho.'? Cardi?; ?*? ?33 TWO Houses for Sale, together of separate, in Paget JL street: hot and cold bath. Writo 0 S38, Echo Offioe, Cardiff. 988 YILLA in Albany-road for Sale, feaa private back en- trance,f1ve bedrooms, hot ana cold bath, nd every convenience.—Apply Geen, Buildar, Office. 1A, Albany- road. Cardiff. FO LET-8D8ISI%S PREMISES .æCl GOOD Shop to Let, iu prominent position immediate .J'C possession low rental.—Apply ■ Secretary, Queen-st., Arcade Company. Cardiff.. 81 C^OOD Stable to Let, back of 22. Oakfield-street j rent 5t JT week.—Apply Phipps, 8, Working-atreet, Cardiff. 80 HOUSE and Shop for Sale; b?t pOEMon Church-road, JLJL Newport; back and front eu&r8I1ee; spuedy ?pptica- tion. BM." "Echo OSoe?ewpori. 4&7e NEWPORT.—To be Let, suite Offices tour rooms and Lavatory; centrally situated in Tredegar-plsce.— Particulars of Manager, "Daily News" Office, Newport. 38e TuataT ^Miil-land. Cftrdiffr^ "OENARTH.—To Let, good Shop and Dwelling-house; X plate-glass front: main thoroughfare; suit anybusi- pcas.—Davies, 8, Lord-street. Penarth. 310 PHOTOGRAPHIC Studio 'ta?our MTins Rooma top part of large house in Bnte-road, where the business has been carried on fDP many years: separate entrance, and the right sbow esses at door. Apply 45. Wellfield-road, itaath. Cardiff. 309 pREMISK?t-o?Let b?ct of Q1.1nt Arcade, amt?Me lor stores, b!Apply to the Secretary. 82 PREMISES in Mill-lane; suitable offices or stores; Jt. centra) position low rent.—Apply Rayward, House Agent, 4, Mill-lane, Cardiff. I-i3" ST Jehn's square. Cardiff.—(»Bee= to Let.—Apply David I«wia, 6. CharleB-etreor, Card" 680 ''E^O Laundry Proprietors, Feifatougars. Engineers, Boiler- X makers.—Valuable rreuiis«. Yord, Warehouses, St able?.'close railway.—Apply peon, Windsor-road Ynrd, Adanisdown, Cardiff. 465 ^l^O l-et. M. U!>r Gfrce?t.reet. Cathays (Hou? and X FUlop). Dd 13, ETeJyc-?tre?. Dcc!ff.—yic!djac and Co., Hayes, Cardi(L 461 TO l/et. Two Sets of Oiffce*.—Apuly 11, Higfc-sireet, JL Newport. 478e rnic Let. I.ock-up Sliop. Oharlrt^treet, opposite Theatre. X W. Edwards ic Co., L:mit«d> lronmQogers, 151, Com- meraal^treet, Newport. 46Ce rpO Let, good comiuodious Stehliuc aod Coach-bouRes, X about to be erected in cen of town.—Apply Sasil)f)8 and Sons. Penarth-road. 33 r*X> Let, new Warehouse with toft over, in Trade^tieot, X Panarth-road aise, 24ft. bf l'it. renc, 16 per week.— Apply D. Davies, Builder, Triwle-street, Cardiff. Sï5 X attached; eabbing coonecbon; low rent, Miskiu- street.—Gouldiog, 84, St. Mary-jtreet. 553 2:. ;¡-£ Bute-road, —A oonvenienUy-oetn.blisbed Photogra phic Gallery on first landing alW '-Mailed Stable and Ixft. —Particulars on the premises. 573 ?? ?ET.—MO'PS'M.?. BUTE Dnck?'-DweUi?hoi? to Tjet.?-Appb' to Johns! JL? t. Patrtck-street. Bute X)o6kj'J-]yd jfc. 394 C1EFN VUloT Tydee, to ]At imedite.l1Plv to Tho? ? Jwjø, 75, Mordea-rcad. .l'ew. 4e 'ÕRNER HouM. i;-ibÃ1, to l,'T1IcantJ;u, ?' 9th: Hve bedrooma, hot *Qd cold bath every con- venience just papered-A.D'" Geen, Builder. O!ice. 1a, Albany-road. C?rdiS. HOUSE to Let :n Etni-?trfet. with SmMe smtaM<r ?r t JL smali horse and oart.—ApPU116. C3tuU1fa.street. CM-. diff. HOUSE to Lat. Aifred-atr??'?nt t? exe!M{re: hoi !-I ot !d6aÃ;;t rh?m. 1, el.i¡:¿., Cathays. Cardiff. 418 'JTB OU8E tar Let, 15. Alex:-t, wi? 00:???. 9s JLJL per week.—Apply ?. OeO:!¡¡treet, QathRYS. 226 HOUSE to Let. LlaniabBU-evrotThelieatlil fine -t.JL healthy situation everr convcnieiiee gas throngh- put.— Apoiv Phipps, 19 ROCKFIKLD House. 457>Je Parade, Cardiff, 2recep- J t ■ tion, & bedrooms. tmptroom. and Kratrnr, good «*)•ptiXm posseaeioij.—Apply po the ^rataises. 180 8MALljVjlia.te Let, just vsoated; every couvenioDce J uplendid sitUAtion. 10s weekly, Koecds)e. Ma. C'owbndee-?ad. Cardiff. Ml 'Tt?WO rotmee to I?Te?HMtdae SMttton 'rent X 5? 6d per week, eeod ?rden.-Appty 50, Court-road, !'lt.m(l- ^l^O Let. 57. P!?turton-???ns??r particulars, apply ?21. HtnuIton-Mreeb, Captor. -? 541 nPO I?t. House M'Seneheoydd?oad i;-e&- -iL ?0:1. -PoweD.noaeh. ?nd <À>" Estata Agents, 5, St. JOhD'8:.rPet, Cardi ggg I To Ltrt, 44, Clare-road, gte bedrooms, hot and cold bath, B immediate po3seasion.-Appjy y g. Lock, Tresiili*n- terrace, O&rdiJf. 432 nPO Let, 114, Cottrell-road. 103, Strathnaim-street; hot J. and cold baths, near uoses.—Inquiro 138, Oaatle-road, ("ardiff. 430 Dock-road. Penarth. with drawing and dintnK-room. two kitchens, and usual offices on first floor, o DeOfooma, and baths upstairs; rent e?eepticnaUy low to ?rafm temMt.—Apply on pro- mives. _? 38ó r8^0 I,et, Moun'. Pieamflt HougBt Swansea, opposite JL Gmro&o:eÂtnt we:; w&tk from G. W.R. btatto?. *°*ee rccepUon -and four bed- room, kikhen, etc. Key nftxt daDr, No. 4, StookweU House rent £ 30. 360 re?orLetr'M?????r Ro.th: B:x bedr.om? X bath. &c., hot and ?td VMer-App? 128, CHfMn street, Roath. 302 f IPO Let, HOWIe, BMa?.rotd.??pp??.? door, or &tll. X Hi¡h.5trce Newport ?qg T'o'Let;- No. 152. ??terr?yt.t MId oold bath, JL w.c., &c. rent, I6g.?HUMt aud Hunt. M. St. Hary- street, Cardiff. 506 TO Let, 65, Albany-j-otfd (Jour bedrooms, every con- Jt- venience, recently papfred tbi.oaehout).—Applv on the pt-emuies. IS4 rT,0 be 'L-Š;Id;-('nïéb:rdlee, Roatb.-Apply 9, X Richmond-t.erra.ce, p?-pl.tc? 202 TOtr:ïtTw'k;e¡8-t- FL-;hi;¡ Moors, near D -w?i, .y°rkB> ?.nt 6e 6d.—Apply Mr OriaEth?-t? Tenby?tret-t?Moo? ?.ppiy?tr O ItH;H;;F l"nd-Šw!'e  T~ good thoroughfare. 01:' p?rtteu?ri! write L 74, Echo/'Csutiff- n ?crt?Let'?So'd. S-pojise.. 'lto'niHy?Mcent7?)6w!? I JL. decor^TCD ?t<'? «'o'y trrtmxentente 'bUB pMaej. -Gibbs. P?rtrMge-M??? po??. 26 ? ? HOWIe on the 0?,0 re? at WbitChurch, buitt th.-? y?ran,so wide fr"n(??. MCetif-ot eMde. two ption- rooms, tbr&e t?dreops, Mth-ooo). he. R„reayy paired. Rcnb BM. immedm, P?SM?f?.-Aopty JohuKo:)? Aldine Cottage^ _H_- 4G.3t1 QS, Richmond-rotd. iOi<><,>JJld. hoc *nd cOfd bMh. w.o.? mF h?ek entMMe. ttn?edi?te ttooee'isictt.—Lpw?, junior, ?.B?-<t''Mt.. „ 55 '???T?tyr?''<<.?;J?'te —————— I I) REEDING Trapcitfes,lTfidToSdfiiidb; X> Linnet C?oa.Is. tt6d. 0;Mn Larks' Oage with food box, wt"r tin. Is foo??oMt t?r? Cage, 2s 6d. S?mn re-=!!J_B,lrI:! oath. 373 C-'1OCK Sky??m?.'],! .MhT' COCk ?.dbreMt Lin ? U?te' i:1  ?X' p*ckea free.-Stew?rt. !I. System- Itïeet, Roath, Cnr"i<t. <61 V^A, NARIES (Y^^rZTH^?~ ^archjl,ed 1M; ? a*'yth!<r<Surph? Stock cM euppty Coob. Mme etnd. as hM ?on?.f?m 7s 6d t? from 58. A?prov&L -B?kcr. Empire H-Hfd?st? 8?00.. 5, Fredertc?tre? CARDI CP. 209 ?ANARIES.-Nor?'n?tH ,ong, fra?aT otan?oM \? Md Yo?'?'f.,??'? aiug¡ Cocks, 5s.—Baker, HatrdrcMpr, fredcrt??treet, C:n(U?. ?? FOR Sale, 16 St?f?SCochinRen.. two ye.rs o!? I' price 6. etch.??p?y R. wm?ma, M.uor HoMe. Canton.  327 ?S RAND WJtt. ??'"?don?rMar'R?.'srMpo)' ? ?htins: ?ert,?p!aced??.Kepp?? Roath. M ???J?'&&'? yeUow-b?d?l Am?on A-JL P'?'°'? !!C<?""? only 20s on appro"al- D!rlltha.pton.1oå TQrORwYcH t?Ct"?'?. SsMT&rrMck ^oTdUn^^iB r't pmkofe<?tiM.?M _?owbtr?.&6d; brcecUnc and sinc'ne L'nneta, ? 1l"¡¡e,8d box. fre?-Thoma? Btrd_Df;?er.Ne'tb? ?_  379 '?tWG B??. ]?M Lop« make 22 aDd 24 ine!)? JL 18 M. ?'?6<t ?' ?WM. Greys, B:Mk&-40 Letty-stroet. O?rdiC 4t5 '?))trs«?' A Bar?in.-S<Von.?f?? ??n?, sple" nEdcid ho, &nd A_ 6n:?:J?'?Ucbe???te F. 490, Cardi<f. A JohnMn. snec.?of A? B??'' toili;¡ mM ?TL. Johnson. Bjnds for lis, Banqueta, 4o.—Address t03. G\'G Jrr_Eœ! M ARRY M? Voice ?rty ?now 0)x.n tr H Enc?ementa. Concert &o.T.r? to be had of T. Grimtha. 11, Reteot??ee? *»g?JPocfc. 240 B"ANJO^Sto^ir^w'30^* ?Mr.T Botth?'R. jEt AHen. AUTHOR AND Tn?- '??aciee for PUPTLS. FOR B?e. 2 Bplendid Zither Ball os, '? b?t MAKER, no HE&N USED, 55S 3ud 15tJ, BARGAINS. 151 ??ASTLElstr??Ad?' •nd ?&Ue '??rM9 C'?. ?' conducted by MiM K. r w?t ? resumed Tuesday. January 2n<L 47 FLUTE AND P^OTAUGBTLW PH0TO LL— Carolme street, Cardiff. ??tZPv?n.t.The?rea Koyal and Phitht?ncomc H*"?*triettet<, OMdiC. <md 20 ,ean Johnsen <md Roberts n. 457 1!?ORtmmeditteSA!e.<tB56.P?°o;,? reMoaaMe o&er ? refused no fofMtwuaa I want the room ?t once.-EdwardDa,^O^oIS^t"°tjW,K Cardte. AM ?'OR St)e. P?noforte.fuU MmP'?. cheek M<jOt) 7Trou ?- fr&cae. walnut case. co?. -"?. B16.—Fhaee's Sale Koottt? Ht. John'B?Qi*re. C*rd"'?_ 542 I^OR Sale, Pianoforte, full ?'??check?et? iiõn JL frame, walnut ome: cost ?Ss ,pH ?p £ M.?. P"°e? Sale-rooms, St. Jon'are, c?rdtC. S48 ?RANDOretm (by MMou?od H?ta? "l"3E« cho "Office, ? eweUs, JOOd M new, chetp'—?r???, Ecbo OtBce, Cardia. Mö T?R??UMa, ORGANS.  tbe HIRE Purch?' X1-X 1 Syatem.—AthM Ftn-tMbt": CotB?ny, LtL HAYES CARDIFF 41E1 L-ES8ONšCtwo tonrx we41knnforte, A-enMu j JU Or?*n. theory. mu*ic<U tco?M'tee for examinations, at pupil "reMdenoe if re<iutred.?Mt<te? "Eche." Oardtff. MAiipN and HMt!ya ?OrMo To'?],. perfect dition 10 stops Cardiff.—write to 0 $4. "Echo." C<trdiN. 34 l\fusičJ'l'8.t1¡ht. 78 6d per qf? by M experienced -L Y onnr Lady. Apply MtM'0?6. MiaMn-?.. CAtbays. THANOFORTE. in ebonised e";?'?hM:k action, full J. comp-Ms, iron frame cost S6o eMh. B25.—PtTtco'6 Sale Rooms, St. John'g-square, Ç"rd¡œ- 54S PIANOFORTE, in ebonised cagej cheqjc> action, full L compass, iron frame; cost cash ^glerooms, St. John's-square, Cardiff. 548 by, 'he Bcst Makers ôn the Hire rurcl;ass C System,-Atlal ^ftisbinc -Ownpapy, Ltd Hayes, .ardllf 410. ROATH Musical Academy, 63. Kowpoil-vcad. Cardiff. Established 15 yeans. Organ, Pianoforte, Violin, 8inl:in:JMtie:-røKD.Idie r:t:' 'Tb: Nxt term commenCM .Iau. 8th.-C. O. Thatcher, I.S.M. WÄiiTi'D. Pia!lit; one who caa sioz preferred.— V AGGLY^ GrCGt ^WESTERI^HOTEL^MERTBYI^ l'ydvil. 502 BIL"IlCLES. Tnln(;I.E8 AC. ABSOLUTE Clearance; 18 sOlid.tyre BIC]1Cl, good ndiDg order, 15s eMh; 50 to 64. We will take back machine at any time in exchange. Send P.O. 156. full ad- flress, and size required.—Moms BlOB., Pontypridd tie FOR Sale, 110 Referee 8dety Bicycle, cushion tyres, is excellent coDdition.-Apply 46, Hamilton-street, Cu. diff; 76 FOR Ral, Safety Bicycle; balls throughout: cusliion- tyre £ 5, worth £ 10.—Apply-?9, Radnor-mad, Canton. FOR Sale, SeY Pairs experienced-working Hom; will sell 25s, or exchange canaries.—Smith, 9, Pentr». bane-street, Lower Grange, Cardiff. 276 KEPAIRS for the Tnde BV MOlTis Bros. Pontypridd" PlADi, painting, fee., at trade pr1cÐ8, also tYre8. REPAIRS—All ao to Mania Bros..Pontypridd No job too ditfi=1t" DO 1ob too small. 27e S AFETŸ, Dunlop Pneumatic, diamond, unse.ratohed.b&f head, liells everywhere, £ 10 10$, werth £:2. -APP H. 367. Daily News Office, Cardiff. 36T SAFETY Pneumatic, diamond trame, b&ÚSthrouabõut O "94 pattern, latent improeUl<!Dts, ecaroo soiled, I!.oriel!, ¡¡3Crifice £ 5 10s. Clements, Trinit"-6treet, Weal, Bromwich. 369 SAFRTY,pu;a¡¡c tyres, Mw-mâëïl: used, Iiin. Macintosh tyres, diamond frame, baU bead, brake and gnards, laced wheels, weight 35!be, cost £ 19 105, never used cash £ 5 18s 6<1, bl\r.'1tin.-F. Meakor, 45, Grt Alfred-street, Weston-super-M»ri. 220 WIP1' Road-racer (cushion), mll¡jards, Ac., complee; not ridden much immediate disposal for cash £ 6 W. L., Daily News, Cardiff. 80 50 PneumaMe a11d Ouahion-tyred Safely Bicycles, new and second-hand, aU complete must be 101d.-P..rl'J', Westgate-street, Cardiff. I ..a, CABU1A«E8. LITE STOCK. 4 Å Cart, suit butcher or baker, PlnllUre Traps, to seat tour several Gi, to 8t1at two three Flat Carte cheap. lTif:;clk; Gig, Cob. and Pony Harness Apply 14, Havolock-street, near Theatre Royal, Tem- peraneetown, Ca.rdi If. 140 BARGAINS.-Three-year-old Chestnut GeIdlmc. Also BAv Horse, 14 5. Three Sets Harness, One Fish Cut, PoayCart.—Jones, G waelodygarth Arms, Mertbyr. 268 B- AB¡:iÄmt;Ciii-ePoprl;ndõther"H.Dd. som, thick-set PODY, 12 bands, 5 yean, warranted sound, good In any harness and saddle, free from nee.— Apply 12, Albert-sireei, Cau ton, Cardiff. 858 C"1 ARDIFF.—For Sule, Cover's, Wharton-stre Two J new Hauling Carta and One new Spring Cart, suit- able for gvocor or gentleman's le cart, and new Sprinr Truck. 421 CRACKED Heels, G- irë:-<iüiékï;cured -by Condy 's Fluid.—VeteriHsry book free. Horses mtferioc fh;m sore shoulders, sore btwIb, broken knees, tu., eared in It few hours by bathing with diluted Ocndy's Fluid. Of all chemists: joz., Is; 20CK., 2S. ut"fntsb Cd Flnkl.-VetrinM'1 book free fram Condy', ]¡kzid Works, S3, Turnaiill-street, London. e DOO for &le.A beautiful Tbri;iRet.¡; prize winner, champion h() or rd dog will be sold rhe1.p,ns owner doesn't require aúm.-ó7.Port.ulanlli:>or. road Eas Moot*. 413 I7LAT Cart, with movable .id. UI!e,;ïï7Œit h 14 to 16 hands £ 3 108.-61, A rcot-street, Penarth. 152 FOR Sale, Horse, 14.2, with Business Trap and Harness IÙSo Flat Cart, suit any bU!lia6Ø.-Apply 67, Broad- W37, Roath, Cardia.' 531 FOIt Sale, good Working Coh tld H; or 8e(3, cheap.—32, Tnby-street. Moon, C1\rdHf. 529 IT'OR aI, a t.ioo.iI{\, Lonjj Ooal C»rt. New Baaketo, to carry one ton.—Apply Windsor S;vw Mills and Firs- wood Works, AdamsdowI1..6P. FOR Sale, a good Donkey, work well in harness.—Ntvisii, 19, D..uie1-¡¡tree Cathays, Cardiff. 423 FOR Sale, Collie, pure bred. 15 months splendidly marked, lon, head, vaud coat, and affectionate com- panion price. £ 1 15s.—Apply William Morgan. 28. Richard- etreet, Cilfynydd, near PoutJ\md\l..38 G\ORf.;lO.le, a bargain, handsome Sable and White ¿;\ïl; Jl' Di.kh. sp!onùh\ conditien, podig. approval.—Wm. Porter, Wostuate Hotel, Cardiff. 282 Ij'OR Sale, handsome stamp blf.ck Horse Cob-;l handS. crming four alw two preÜy PonieR, two "ud tbree years old 11011 three warranteù 8Ound.-Jones, G\F&cl<.dy. garth Arms, Lower High-street, Merthyr. 267 ]?ÓP.-Sall." Newfoundland Puppy (Dog), cheap.—Apply 8, X Overton.rrace, Canton, Cardiff. 1S4 FOR Sale, thlok-set Pouy, 12^ hÍ!a. Baker's Van (nearly new); also Pleaeuro Trap.—M. Johns, Pwllgwaun Shop, I'ontypridd. 4510 TTVDR Sale, 8 strong Spring Grocer's Cart. good condition; Jl price £ 10 (carry S saet¡¡).-Peters, Royal Storeo, Peny- graig. œ Ij^OK Sale, Lisht Sprins Tip Cart, new, suit light hauling; .r weight, Scwt Horse. 14 bands, and Harness.—Apply 27, Gadiys-road, Aberdare. 122 ÐOI-š;í;iil Retriever 1llièh five months old;d .r Bull Terrier Hitch, full grown.—24, Hillside-terrace, WattEtOmJ, near Ynysbir. J20 ijiOB Sals, Pony, Cart, aud furCeHg, suit el or groeugwer; i>riet<, 9 gUlae.-Appl, 21, Bridgend- street, Bo»t Moore, Cardiff. 51 H-iRNESS.hõïnurcturors. 1"tOOk in AVaies; hlt saddlers' priceR. 500 carriage lamps, old Im\)s repaired.—Saddlery Company, Alexandra-road, Sw¡¡,uøe&. 472s MUSI' be Bold, a good Ponr, Can and Harn0&" and .L greengrocery rounds. ÀWf, 37, Mertbyr-atreet, Cathays. 65 -ALp', thiok-sefc POD¡;Offl. Pony 12.2: good worker and Quiet, suit tr&desman.-App¡y Lock House, Oilfyl1)àd.. 533 SEVERAL Business Traps, 8rin« Tracks, quant.itV O Wheels, Sprjug Axles, fre.—Gover and Co., Coach- bt1ild' l'hwtí\t. 8tr: gdilfh. -MALWi¡e"Blak Spaniels, 4 month* old, same strain I.' my winners? H Nesth, A&P.mtv\A'i-:ld¡ antl Merthyr Vale Shows: doge, Wõ: bitchy, 15$.—E. 1. Richards, Rheoia-street, Penrhiwceiher, !63 STRONG Cart for Hale, as l "n.&rlt;hïe-fM gieemrrocer. with haad rails and a Bet of harness.— Apply 3. HyroD,!ttreet., Roath.Oardiff. 540 TRAP and Harness on Sale suitable for grocer, butcher, cr greengrocer, or pIea8ure.-Apply Reynolds, Gooch. bualdtr. Merthyr. 571 TREMENDOUS Ball Terrier Dog, demon on buln or aiaht prowlers; warranted game as lion cheap.— Copp, 68, Taff-view, Pontypridd. 126 WANTED, strong Donkey or Pony for its keep, with "T chance of baying the same cheap.-Henry Durhm, Llandaff Yard, Car8ill'. 405 "\T .I\ÑTED.lifiht.-Fuy Tp t& carry four, suitab¡for iv 10 to 12 hands, must be in good condition, in ex- change ):d h:, ;'¡:e £ 8.—Address Cymro, Wateh- maker, ltrynmawr. 96 r<i»K SAW-HUCELLAKMIG. ARTIFICIAL Peg-leg*, Crutches, made .nd reœired at the manufactory.—Pearce and 00., Truss Makers, 14, St&tion-termco, opposite T.V.&. Station. Cardiff. 6S ARMS, Legs, Eyes, Spine Supports, Bolts, e¡-Ler Irons, Elastic 8ioeldngø. mI\, fitted. -Pewee & CO'l 14, Station-terrace, opposite Taff Vale 8tation, Cardiff. 155 A 8troï:P-¡¡:¡;-ÐfWbecla for Sale, cheap, suitahls for cauk axle or coõLl cart.-Ap,ly 28, Llandatf.rou.d, Canton. 300 ASH Fellora, 3,COO lor Sale,2jin., in.. 34in aud4in.,sood, ready fer despatching.—Lewis, Thnber Merchant, I'ontyt>ridd. 48 AT Our Shippinv Branch.—The Cheapest Albert (comP3,:è weights), 60hd gold. BOs, in Cardi1f. Approval for ietltinjf pUn>O!Iell, nt J..me8-8tteo!lt., Blaiberg's. 63 AYE I Aye! Aye! tjo»ta, Boots, Boots—Fligelstone the poplllu Cardiff Pawnbroker, Jeweller, .nd Out fitter. 22, CJo.rolld. ROth, Cardiff, bavins; purchased A manufacturer's stoek of children's boo ill now offering them "t ridiculously low prices to elear. 170 ALT. look at the price. Boots. Boots, Boots. Men's Derby's, 3s 6d; light Boola from 33 11d. &r:¡D in boots.—Flicelst-one. 170 ALLIOk&ttJï; price. Booii, Boots, Boots. Women's Lace Boow, 2 lid. Elastic Boots, 2s 6d. Call see our 170 ALL look -;tth-¡;-riBoo:- Boo;,E;G-t;¡!; -},. of Boots. Children's, from l 6d upwards.—Note ad- dTC88, Fligehtone's, 22, Casile-road. 110 AT Fligolstene's only.—Coats. Coate, Coats. Men's Coats frcmZo 6d. Xry our 128 4d Vicunna Coat and Vest great t)lr¡:aiJ1. 170 A. -Tliligcle'8 only.—Coat and Vest, blnok di8lf-al¡ IGs 1 hi. Fancy Treusere frum 2a lid upwards. Cll and R6 our Stock. 1T0 AT PiigaJstone's onlv Blantets, Blankets W081 Blankets fro. 3s. Our 12s 6d Cloth Blankets bpat all competition. 170 AT Fligelstone's *nly.—Quilts, Quilts, Quilts. Full jz; Qui'ts. 2s 110. Faney Tapestry, 58 lId. White QuiltJ, 5s lld. Barfains in Quilto. 170 AT i'iijelstone's Only.—Overcoats Overcoats, O,, coati, Our Wool-lined Velvet Cdilar, 1!8 6d, are the cheapest nd be3t vslue In Uardi/f. 170 AT P'¡¡ge1stone' Only.—Watohos Watches Watches 1 Gent" Silver Levers fJoom 15s Silver Geneva. 5s Lady's Silver Watchea from 5L All warranted. 179 AT Fligelstone's only.—Rings, Rings, Rings. Lady's Handsome Diamond Rinc, 10s Geat'e Fancy Ring, Cheapest h(Jt\ in Cardiff. 17ù A-'i':f.;Ú;o-ïy.-B;oOChes Broo;hos, Brooches. T' Gold Brooobea trom 3a. Siirer Brooches from Sd fancy patterns, choice deei,WI. 170 AT Fligelstene's only.—Gold Alberts from 15s; Get'ï H.t! marked Gold Albert, fancy curb pa.ucm, only EOs; Lny'e Gold Albert, 128 6ii. 110 -A- LL Genuine Bargains.—Silver Levers, by Burdess and J\. Wright, Coventry, 80s; Heif-zman's, Tainsh, Ium-a.m's, Ht((): Spiri(lion's Silver LaTevs, t>(\s.-F¡igle3tone 170 A handsome 8ix-bot-tle Oniet Stand, only 21s, worth Sgs half-dosen örsklasa Knives, 3s 6d.—At Jligrelstone's ouly- 370 A Gent's Silver Watch and heavy hall marked' Silver Albert, only 15s, 9Valrt.ed two years, honest worth 170 A LadJ" 8i1;¡;W;b;d-FDCY Silver Albert, only 1 worth three guineas warranted two years. lAdy.. Gold Watch, I&I.-lI'1igelstone's. 1'10 A LL iant r Money, Pledce at Fligelstone's, tho Popular Cardiff Pawnbroker. Sums exceeding £ 2, 441 In the £ Interest. Private office tor conenit>uC3 of cus- tomers. Highest Price given on Gold aud Silver Valuables. t:iy address, 22, Castle-road^ ReiCk", =1Jl' tished 50 years. 110 BAKERS' Ovens send fer prioe Itst. Also <nen Fi of aU klnds.now ADd second-hand.—Tunks, 3, MilManI! CItr/1i.lf. J1 BAKR8' Cart Scales. Dough Scales, Doujh Tróu';iii Sack Weighing Machines, S'clt Hoists also Second band Ovea Fittings.—Tunks, 3, MilIllana, Cardiff. S B-¡K.EP.S adÕonfç;;t¡;rs.-8endfo;-îi.;t-;f Tunks' J improved Gas Hot Piates, Patent Bread and Cake 11ns, Peels, Troughs, Whisks, et.-Tunb, 3, MUl-lft-l9< 213 Ti ARNKTT MId Son, 6 d 7, Caroline-street, hat\ 1,CS0 XJ pairs of Skeleton 6bw.s at Hid per pair: U5UalPce 2a 6d. 508 BARNETT aDd Son, 49, Bnte-street, have 1,000 pal;ot XJ Mblton Skates at l1d per pair; limal plice 5s M. BARNETT ud Son, 8. Main'1ltreet Cadoxton, have 1,000 Pairs 01 Skeleton 8ntes at ll-d per r usual Ss id. 503 B- J.RNErr "Dd 8on, 4!,B'l!Itreet, and 6 Bnd -c;roïi; L» rtreet.-5!.o Pahtl of Acme Skates at 28 6a per I^ 'r. usual price, 4s 6d. For this week onl" BARNETT and Son, Barry Dock an.on.-500 Pairs of Acme Skates at 2s 6d per pair, for this w?pk only; usnal price 4s 6d C08 BARNETT -<1 Son. 78rHolton-road, BaiTy :Dock, have 1,000 Pairs ot Skates at lld per pair usual prilX',2ø_ B.- ARNETT alld 8e¿, and 1, Caroline-street, and 49. Bute-srtet.-2,8Lu Pairs of SkeletoD Skates at 1;d. ffo- Uits week only. ^8 BLAIBERG'S Aroad.-Goid Weddi > V'r>r, 5-. very wide; SHYer Albert, Gents' or W ( lakinø both, 10B. 63 BLAiBERG'B Arcade.-Ne. Ov i velvet collar, lit 6d. 6S BLAIB£RG'8 Arcade.—5sl0i^.P»i .¿.&- H- LAf¡iËR, V. .C *« w h 6n ltd. 63 BLAI8KRG'S ANWDE.TOTVTJF?* I5~6D, 63 BLAiBERG s Arcade.—; aaker, Carrie, EdiJbr), 21S. J5ee tel' 63 B- LAIBERG'8A-;CF' 1?- ',vr) Welsh FIIJDe], new patt i. 63 BLAi8ÏRffi'¡-Äùe.-F.Tc;diy. finished, double, ceutrr cauge, laminated steel banels, niiihf Pryse & :t, I' Q<loD" £ 4 125 6d, reboundiogbar lock. "r, :¡s; oil BLAIBERG'S ARCADE.—NO. 1 SUIT, 2s; NO. 2,16S NO. 3, 21S. MONEY RETURNED IF YOU CAN PURCHASE chea.per. 63 LAIBERG'S ARCADE.—FORFEITED ENGLISH LEVER, i T WILL RE-ADVANCE 20; A WRITTEN GUARANTEE GIVEN. A Slver Albert FOR 5S to THE pttrcllø.ser. 63 BLAIBERG'S ARCADE.—30S LADY'S GOLD WATCH, A FOR- FEITED PLEDGE pllmdld BAIGAIN 30S, LADY'S GOLD Albert to PURCHASER of GOLD WATCH. APPROVAL. 63 BLAIBERG'S ARCADE!—18S WEDDING RING, 3ADWU, 22ct. WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO THE PURCHASER 6 STAR SILVER TEA SPOONS INCLUDED. 63 B.- LAIBÏ.;mœSArc.¡e-mhi;;Blt! 8ALB, i 4AD THE PAIR, Bloiberl" ARCADE, WORTH 21S; OR MONOY returned if CAN be PURCHASED UNDER. 63 BLAIBERG'8 ARCADE.— ZS l PAIR MEN'S NEW TWEED TROUSERS. 63 BLAIBERG'S ARCADE.—FORFEITED ENGLISH LEVER, KEYLESS, HIGB-CLASS FINISH, MAKER RUMen. LIVERPOOL, PLAIN BACK CASES, sold lBet, 25 YEARS' WANANTY from maker, £ 16. 63 BLAIBERG'S ARCADE.- FORFEITED, SIX T&ble FORKS o SPOONS, 3s 6d D-rt.. 2S 6d: SIX TEA SPOONS, l M. o GERMAN rubbih. 63 BLAIBERG'S ARCADE.—FORFEITED, SIX TABLE KNIVES, 3A 8;X DMsert, 2S 6D. 63 BLAIBERG'S Arc:J,de.-l'otrei GENT'S UMBRELLA, 4S 6d Pmmnutan, 6S 6d FIELD GLASS, H)' 6«: Stant, 3Q». 63 B-17iiliili:ïiS. -&&iœndBr¡;«iell W eights, IÙ.O OTEEL- X> YARDS, EQUAL TO NEW, CHEAP.—TUNKS, 3, MILL-LANE. C&rdi{1. 213 BURLDERS.—SEND FOR PRICE LIST of Tnw' PATENT OVENS, ALSO OVEN FITTINGS. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TRAD*. -Tunks. 3, MiiJ-i&ne, CARDIFF. 213 BUHJDERS AND CONTRACTORA^-PAVLNG TOR Bal.-ApP¡Ÿ JOHN THOMA«,'6, BLANDY-TERRACE. GILFACHGOCH, BLACK- mill. n..S.O. CLAY PII«S.—SIX GROSS BEST CLAYS, STAMPED WITH NAME AND ADDRESS, 10S ïl8fr(tS: P3ST FREE.—COR- coran. manufa.ctnrer, Ll\mh-trt.reet, BRISTOL. 506 COOKING STOVE 36 INCHES LONG, EQUAL TO NEW, ONLY in ue FEW WEEKS PRICE 3S COMPLETE, COST £ 4.—TUNKS, 3. MILL-LAUE, CARDIFF. 213 (J-mTL M;;b;ts.- 'V;-ïibi- J',Ihi-iö-&g;&; kets, or yard also 00&1 Laoels in aooordanco with new regulations, the best and cheapest.—Tunks, 3, Mill-lane, Cardiff. 213 CORKS I 03rkø I COI KS tapered a1 sire, 5 crOM for 3s Bottles -and ls, cbe6peat.ImJ><nt, 1, Tre- vethick-street, Cardiff. 348 CORKS 1 Corks Oorks !—All sizes, best quality, 6 gross sent to any add reM-for &I_-Impol'r, 7, Trev«*hiok-6treet, Cardiff. 349 DOilEN Table Knives, beet quality, white bs.nd!n, cost £ 2 2», sell 10S 6d sent on approval post free cash urr¡=J; n:dr N G'D:frrÑ. eW1h EXCRLLENTLY-Pu rifled Poultry Feathers, reedy for bedding. 74d per lb., delivered free in Glamorgan.— Apply Matthews, 6, Stoekland-AT., Upper Grange, Cardiff. FOR Sale, Dining-rrom Suite in leather.. elM piece;: £ 4 6s cash.—Prince's SalenMas, 8t. Johu'a-aqmve. C!J.rdiF.. 54& FOR SlLle, MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, OPENING 24 FEET; £ 7 eaab. vonh £15.-PrioC9'i1 SALEROOMS, & EQUARE, CARDIFF.! 548 FOR BALE, MAHOGANY Dinim¡ TABLE, OPENING 24 fNi: £ 7 08M. WORTH £.-PriD08'8 SALE ROOMS, ST. JOBO'S- ¡square, Can1ifi. 548:: FOR SALE, '¿-SuiiCl LEATHER, nlue 111-. £4 FVI CASH.—PRINCES SALE ROOMS, ST. JOHN'S-EQUARE, Ca.rdill. 5U TTVJR SALE, A COUNTER. IWT- IIY LIT. SIA., WIIII FIV»> DRAWERS JS AND A MANGLE. FURNITURE BOUGHT IN LARGE OR SMALL qUIU1WII"; acesABfBe\d. 33, r:ricl gcr. 525 FOR SALE, Portable F.iwne and Boiler, horse-and-balf power complete warranted in good work and order suit chaff merchant no reasonable offer refused.—AJIJILY Mr ITheyw»u. Fair. Cinrcrice-plsce, Newport. 4OSO 57UH YULE, 8 H. p. Portable EMNTIO, double cylinder, per- .i. fect condiuon makers, Ciayton and Sbuttleworth. ;i\}W1Cb, ,I!.h 28110'11'1'. :\1JOl1t 6Cft. 2Ho. shafting, with. new !umm. blocks SJIRT 1Juili. Ql.\o.n1.iI;J of ntow beltiI$.- WRITJ! Bngiu?, "Echo Office, AEWPJIRT. 4S6E I i.?Ol ilf.lë:s:h:p:-i'Tt';Ü;-Ë-;¡, in tfcorougU working ? ordar can be bou1Cht p.Vrite O 723, "Echo Office, Cardiff. &39 "CHJli &l:G;;d-&W;-t;I)¡:d, X? Trucb. ete.—Blake, Oatbaye Yard, Minsc0N!treei;, or 31. LlanbleddiAD-ctai dens, Cardiff. 183 A JL real Russian Tail Fur Boa, verv dark brown, 10 t,, long, immensely thick, soft. Value, íSø cacntice for 1911 9D: perfectly new.-oan be eeea by writing P. fl., Dan, N e1VB," Car<iiff. S6.2,5t GENUINE Recipes. iil'Pt-l'"¡ïíid! lïUb STAMPS, and luk, Florida Water, In1'wble mk; post free. 15 Id.—Carlton, 16, Tresillian-terrace. 114 G- -L.SS-:Oîa.56.-Roo;;iv-õ-r-mOO(t fe of Win- VJT dow G1Mø, 34S per OMf'. or cut to customer 8 nieaeure- ments, 12s per 100 feet; putty, 7 s wr ewt. miied paintc. 28« per cwt.—DAVIS and Son, 11, ;Dt&;iri6i CS ROCERS' Scales aDd B-W;iKht8. also Sack T;ï; K Wdghiug Machines, a.m18ad HOLSTSI equal to new.- Tunks, 3, Mill-Xane, Cardiff. 2i3 [RoëEM;tO1i;bi- by P;a.ii:1.Ÿ VT had little use, price 36S also large Tank. 8ft x 2ft., ",1b e:v same ':f06 cin;i:ZÙlOm1I't:'U;k; .MiU.lane, C3.roit!. 2 13 ^ROCERS.- 3 wge Coffee Mills, also 20 Tea Bins, fo» KX Sole cheap, all equal to Dew.-Tunks, 3, Mill-lane Cardiff. 213 HORIZONTAL Steam Kngine, little u.øe<1:-cŠï 3in. x 4i. heavy By-wheel, governors, and pump, nr- tical copper boiler complete 111St 11500 for driving lathe. -011 view. Miles, Clifton .street. PT2e L- A.DY -išle¡t;-S;lIPaiB-bŸ"Fi oi(;i.h; superior quality, never wom, ver, cheap.—Mrs L., 33, RiPpiwh&m.roa.d. Withington, Manchester. 432 LOVELyP;'l.-Ph;VelVet. &t¡'rOC&de, o Is 6d two, 8S Id lav«O BAZAAR parcel, splendidly a56ord'l; ;tw crazy iO 2!1 blltiM:{::Sl. tbII. God°ll>b. MACHINERY.—JH.JI. "ertiGi Gis Eugin?, ÇNr 11>v'- Otto Langenberg »n Ü6 &c3D at work a!sc 50-G»llon ,Terae7 Cresmmr and II. 50lb. Olwrn, 1Jy 'l'lt1kl&1'Xner, YO.RE C.ITT.*A». Dairy Fcnn. 4I,7 j\'¡-AGiJE$. Wi'n¡¡ MivcMnes, FI^WINA II 00 .l.Y.J. the Hire SnkJu.-Atl108 'umishing CompaD) Ltd. Hayet Cardiff 41. MIXING MacWne.—" B:o(i;¡eki;;t suitable for* l..l.. veterinary surgeon will mix about 301 BS. equal to DeW. Pri, 25S.—Tunks, 3, !Idl1!-la.ne. Cardiff. 213 OLD Newspapers.—Clean, folded newspapers in any Quantity. Apply D. O. Evans and Co" Penarth-road, Cardiff.—Buyers of &11 kinds ot waste papers for re-manu- fn.ctl1re. Offices elp&red by arrangement; destruction of books and documents guarantet-d. £ Ie ONIONS CMIOTIS 1 OOIONS !—FOR SALE ODS THOUSAND CASES BORDEAUX ONIONS.—APPLY F. CASE, 35, QUEEN- STREET, CARDIFF. 293 OYILTERS OJ'STERS !-RMt RIVERS, 48 6d AUD 56 PER 100. BARRELS AT CHEAP pric ANY KIND OF OYSTERS AT SHORT NOTICE.—GIRFFIN, 186 AND 188, MARKET. S57 PICKLED COOKIES.—PICKLED COCKLES. 3* PER dOZM. ALL KINDS 01 SHELL FISH AT. CHEAP PNOES; COUNTRY ord", uBotu.ud:<i FCO.—GRIFFIN, Karå@í;. 5SJ ERAMBULATORS Ma Carts on the Hire vstem Atl.. Vurni.hin" Company, Ltd., Bayeu Cardiff. 41e PHONOGRAPH —Edison's very latest, almost new; eplendid reco!d8, including Gladstone's speech, brass hands, dialogues, laughing sougs. &C. glass case and stand, travel l ing case two 53-asapere ACCUMULATORS all in good condition £ 60 complllte.-T. D., Neath. 467 PUBLICANS.—NOGGINS AND HALF-PINT B.w;Øuks' SHAPE; 3 2S GROSS. HALF-GROSS SENT, PACKAGE FREE. IMPORTER, 7. TREVCTHICK-STREET. rdi1f. S23 SCOOP SMJeø ALL l&Ni. am. Welgh STAMPED READY f USE.—TUNKS. 3, MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. 213 '-IHÓPf't£ib.;øOOd6.=-Fõdeited from a 6wan8a O onltiU,er. ,63 SEfe" window at Blaiberg's Aroade.—About 100 dozen pairs of Men's Drawers,pledged by a manufacturer, real Wel5b flannel, full sizn. la lOJA. Have been pledged iu this town at 2r 6d a pair. The usual price iu the market ï. *3 6d. Money returned if not as ctated. 63 S- PECiAL;¡;fl- In Table ar.d Dessert Cutlery, Plated C7 Spoons and Forks, AMmdenns,Pipell.Cümb.5,Urooctlffi. Smds, &C. Illustrated lists free.—J. R. Rogel. Wesfe.vtc- TO Anyene Opening a Secondhand 'r;l Shop.-Ih- a qmmtlty of all sorts of everytbiog useful to Irjv to anyone, a ba..in.-Dart., 2, Geor:re-6tret;. Cardiff. 364 ¡:1-lÖSh¡P;riabt6.I'OOi;j to be Hõjd;&bBi;¡n.-Àpply 17; X Richards-street. Cathays, Cardiff, aftcri.30p.RA. to 7.. F.]",WO-8econdha.ud-'Pi;f;¡:f&leir-ie6:rü X compa. 12 guineas and 15; .uautee-d; orgau, four guineas.—Apply 34. Stacey-road. 12 To WholóJ8a.1ft CoweetioneMl.-The tinest &11(1 n10Bt novel packet* snitablefor Valentine's Da, (ud Ea6ter, ld, irl, and a £ 3 øampJs lot CIIrriè ¡¡eld.-F. Attlee, Y&rdl"1, Birmingham 21.9 °W-'7ATtl¡'j1Ë89¡'iJ-Ü; on tho H SYSTEM -_r_u"'h[n6( Company. I>td., Hayes Cardin 41a 40. 'Pr¡e:treet, Cardiff.—Gent's solid Gold Geilera Watch, in thorough goiog order, only 309. -Fofljek.'14 .4 0, BRIDGE-STREET.—A h-h¡;:fih;d -8üver -íi1Îl)t¡ :r LOVER, IN HEAVY CASES, SPIENDID ACTIOS, ODLY S2S 6D & :ujn.ral.-oUick. 474 BRLDGO-SBREET.—A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SOLID GOLD YF 0, WTDDIAJF RIOTFS, GOVERNMENT lIt;amo FROM 58 6D.— IJLIICK. 474 40, BRIDGE-STREET.—A PERFECTLY NEW SOLID GOLD ALBERT, 4 0, Bridlle-t!t\'eet.¡,rfectï1-lid Gold Albêtt. doubf:olitrn, aD 1 35e; at'1l.atced to be 11'4; BRIDGE-STREET.—A VERY HANDSOME riÇ DIAMOND YA T 0, HALF-HOOP RING, SOLID 15C. 10M SETTING, 5 :uln.M- FOLLICK, 474 10,000 FEET. Deal., SCNNTLINES, AND BOARDS, aU .izes AND LEUGTHE; CHEAP.—SLUPLAND, 18. LOUDOAN-SQUARE, CARDIFF. 325 50 1'0011 OF BEST EARGB HOME 00.1 delivered at 188 PER on", in lot. of 25 to ro CWT.—ADDRESS Cø.rbon, ECHO OGICE, Carùilf.. 542 KKCFAUMBttCS KiMTS. ('1A.BIf (full value) Itinn tor JAldi88'. Gentlemen's, and Children's Cast-off Clothing; a1M miscellaneous articles. All orders punctually attended to on RECEIPT of poetcud.-Mn Carter, 46, Broadway. Roath, Cardiff. 346 I^OREIGN Stamp Collection wanted: ;rot.o 20 years X RCO; .ood priM; upward! of 1,000 different dI1ÐliC6t. old issues to exchange with ooll.ec&Or5.-Particulars, H. !_¡n. 56. Pl-et.reoot, Pen. 3 LADIKS'. GenUemen's, Childrnn's Left.otf O1ot.bi BOD¡¡M.-Mr. Rich, 51, Oa«.le-r»»ad, Cardiff. Gaod price*. Orden punctoally.attended to. Furniture bought. 11 fLf RS Robins, purchaser of todies' and Ge;-UGmen'. east- oft Clothing. JIR^RSAOD parcels REOEIJF I^M^DIATE JBI 'VA.¡-TED:-Vlër Bath Cmt he in good order _eheap.W!i'¿cho," omco, Newport WANt'.p, ta B!w tNàeepers;-¡; ir.-Q', etf",1C1' (th õi1'U. Mtil1ll_111\ rieU, pjiY.¡. iwyer, 107, Cardiff. 350 \'X7 ANTED, lty experienced Laund'eso, Family's Wash- I°S- Good dr,ic¡ :ronnd. with » very eonvenienre. rrlr™'2'L*~K 1* S4. Wyndham-st„ Canten. 172 WAlfTi-:t. b;V!,r;ki" Foreign Birds, or Aoî8: —Menagerie, (¡rid', Fair Ground, PI!I1h. T-RNL, C_ardiff. UK^BE.K,ANE»SIKI A DVICE AND one week', Herbal Medicine, 2s 6d, post X*. free, for &"1 disease, nervous d..i>my, Fleoplessneos, M1P -IOn8, In.nl, and aa female complaints.—Address BRETT & Co., 10, Gilhert-road, St., George, ilri.ItI}1. 192 CUR.f-Piieø.-Ptlrfect. Cure ru, moM stub- 155" born CIWES post trM¡ 2R 9d, éd.-LaTl'Obe,ObemI6&, 15o, St. Miohael'S Hill, Bristol.444 ('iURI 0 us-i;L;tt:tiix extraordinarily-funny .J !\4ounW Ph"tO(f""nh. and Six Magio Cords, U peDn 8t08.Hve.ma, u. Myton-street, Hull. 353 D'NNERS Dinners! Dinners! from 3d, 6d, 9d, tÕ Is, rea d y from 11 to 11. Large Dining-room, suitable for OLNBF, r* lf-oJl;ds. k?lnf¿ooc::y:r FUH,NITURK.' everv descriution S60TFJ8 in vaÚ;t;; select from, on the Hir6 SYSTEM strictly prWaet. The LARGEST Premisen and Stock 6U of London.4..tlu Fnmisl.1hllr COMPANY Limited, Hayes, Ce.rdUI. "1. HERBAL Treat-meat, all diseases, QUlCkest cures, by P^ARWN^ BOTAMC CHEMIFCT, 18, Caroline-st., Cardiff. Fyou want ï-Oü-; Dining or Drawing-room Suite ø..l1ph 1It.e .end for IN. Stinchcomb, Practical Upholsterer and Mattress Maker. 13, Iron-streets Roath, Cardiff. 7'16 IS 'ÿ;ur Watch wroe. 1 Th-Bet and Cheapest Shop in Cardiff fer the REPAIR OF Watches C4 every de8riptiou, English or Forsigii. i 38, O,,t1..rœde (tJurd 'heø from CfI.1\tltl-stmetl, hy James Reir, for 10 ;renr.J with Hr Spiridion. CLOCKS and Mt1.ic.B\1xe Repaired Mid Cleaned. 210 ¿emhï;;të- k¡-ithis ImportaDt step, we can send you valuable ioformition which jou ought to know. Send your t\ddr8ll8, and we willl!leod you catalogue and pamphlet free.—Address H. G. Kerr, » eathill, Wandsworth. London. 957 JNCE, SiI.ersmitb, Newport, ah'e highest prices for old- fasliioned Silver, SilTer-plated goods, old Gold and Silver Jewellery aud Watches, old Coins, Cloen, China, èa. &rcels sent by rsU or post receive IMMEDIATE .WDtiO.n.-Ó, Xredee»r-piaof, Newport. Mon. I" 81E I L ADIE8' COlD bin!: adc np, 16d onMe witcl1 or I J Tails cr Hair from 50 each.-Our Boys, Umrdremer, The Cross, -Morrisfon. 473 MARRIAGE.—When and whom to marry. Full descrip- I Lion and position Fnture Husband or Wife, Is 6d on ear's events, is-6d five years, 3s 6d life chart 6s6d to 761ea:X eb?::bt'ft,3s8 iitG'a Sonthampton 494 PHRENOLOGY, Matrimony, Palmistry.—Right place In life Alten, Oostle Arcade,Cardiff. PHRENOLOGY —Health, Pursuit, Matrimony, from Is. -Professor Cook, Blewitt-street, Newport, Mon. Come or send Photo 217e 0 W!?-!street. now open to TAILORING.—L. Cossick, W!'ro.5teet. now open to Teti'ts make, and trim for the Trn/> .ho gentJemen's owr. materials made up at lowest possible prices Repairs done npon the premises at shortest notice; a trial solicited. 440 ripo Dipsomaniacs and their friends.—C'-entlemnn 1 tosses. Ting Specific Remedy will be happy to arrange for per- mausnt cure worst cftses (loathing drink) cured in two weeks no failures pleasant to take.—Particulars from R. Charleston and Co., 7, Nicholas-street, Bristol. 250 Pembroke-road Canton W Cardiff. Estimates given for the erection and main tenance of telep one lines, electric bells for private houses hotels, and mines Also Burglary Alarms. Ac. 21.. FURNISH en our new nÜ'e liira sy^em. Houses Ot FA artwents COQIp1ete¡y fumi.hed on a new system adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, and nquiriw usually made ty other companies arc dispensed :rtihU: &I1JB=;.t:TÎ:h'd ::I of cbtap and superior quality. AIlgoode sold on the Hire System at ready-mouey prices. We make no extra charge for creAU. and all goods mnt hon), in a private van free of 4,Jmme. No 9,?%mp o agreement charges made no bill of gale, eftrythi pnvate. Arrangements completed U:; delay, at 2 being manntacstururs, we guarantea quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, eLe., at 10 per cent., less than any price-list issued by any firni in Cardiff. Eleven showrtoms. Oullind inspect ourim. mense stock, ar.d compare pnoes before purchasing else- where. We will .ppl.1 £6 worth for 28 6d weekly £10 worth, 4s wet-ldy; £ la worth for 53 weekly ;2O worth, 6s weekly, and so ou <11 proportion. Special terms for larger quanUties. Plfts-i note the address :-Bout.h Wales Furnishing Company 51, Caafcle-streef. (oppegitl the Caatls), Cardiff 10B EETIRED Gentleman will Advance lmus from 22w? any amount to all reswt?at)le pe; OD8 at very low interest nd e i!Y rel??Tm?,.Dt- as arranged.-Appiy. by lett?r ;I 4lm:¡fI,lõ.è:4¡trifI1 private.sm MONEY Advanced Daily, from £3 to :93W. at 0, few hnut-Er notice.—Apply to the Provincial Advance Bank, 30 Metal-street. Cardiff. 531 m ON-BY Lent upon Note of Hand. without Blll of Sale or Sureties, as follows :— I £26, repayable-in 34 moutblyinstalmentoof fl 2 6 £50, „ 34 „ „ £2 4 10 £100, W „ „ £4 9 7 Larger mmu in proportion. Strict privacy No connnimpas chorge& Distanas no object-.—Apply D. Wil"m& 16.York4vad. Waterloo Brid ,ge. London,S.E. 298e MON BY at a fair rate of inwrest, advanced in any I l' suw, without delay distance no object.—Apply, by letter or p¡¡roortn,]lr. to W. Wiliiivuis, Vine Cottage, I, Statioi)-terrace. Pontypridd. 84e C ASH Ac.ld;t'tP;¡pt\y. privately' J and at a fair rate of iiitereat; dist4nce no object.— Apply, by lœter only, tc ù' C Loyd, 24, ILS&Ian-ebret, Newport. 7 Ji*75,000 t4 Lend by the Southern Counties Deposit 1 ot* r?auk. Limited, in sums of $10 to C5W on Note of Hand without 8\'rcwœ. er on Furniture, F?ming Stock, st?d all other personal socuritWjs, without romovaL Easy repay- ments, distance no object.—Apply, personaUy or by J, to the Mauag^r, Mr A J. Suffolk, 1. Queen-square BristoL NJB.—Dif>f rict Agents. Messrs Bailey, ft Oilier, 3, I Castle street, Cardiff 70 DOVTWAS^.¥^T7TJR TIME AN!) MONEY, but D ron to the uudr-rmeutioned Bank, and obtain a loan I for as mlith as y>u require, WITHOUT URETIES. WITHOUT DELAY, a reasonable late of interest repayment? to suit your circumstances. Call and learn our New SysLv-m of doing bliniiifiiis. and you will be convinced. > A pply. in strictest confidence, personally. or .,by letter, Mr W. W. JAMES. MAXAOKK.' THE CASTLE AD VANCE4 BANE, 192, CATTLE-ROAD. CARDIFF. gmiited (1?ily tf) w¡:, sureties, no delay, no fees, aud confidential.—Apply I t! lete, ,r personally to ,? Gould, N. Foutuio'l.i. M,?-.tb x Tydvil. Oe 17W^ TO SURETIES; Nt.) PURBLICITY. NODELAY MOXEY. I LOANS FROM £3 TO £ I,0(M, At a few hours' notice, on ynar ogrn Easy Terms. No Fees. Distance no object. Writt- or-Cali. TO THE CENTRAL ADVANCE OFF-ICE, I 40. WOOD-STREET. CARDIFF. 584 rinilE" DIJBECTOItS oPT'RFIKL'i)IN(i:-A:Ñ.u C i X (LIMITED) Advance Daily Sums from IC5 TO £ J.OCO. • Wet-liod of Business; FAIR INTEREST. EASY RBPA YM.E;TS. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO DELAY. I NO SURETIES. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. FrOspecUtt find Particulars Free. Apply at either Add:'ee. be?ov :— 1 A iT.?l.d OW, THE HAYES BUILDINGS. CARMFF. ALBERT-CHAMBERS, STOW-H1LL, NEWPORT.. ARCADE-CHAMBERS, PONTYPRIDD. 14s 23, ALFRFD-STREEr, NEATH. 8, GHUGOH-TEHRAOR. PORT TALBOT. 23,.CLARENCE-STREET. PONTYI'OOL. t -.3 to £1.00 ——. I If you want to.?Irrovrr ?oney on note of. hand slone? ia:1 stF-ct,ml,? Dr'v WITHOUT BON[iJ'iW'.t>!èTRITY FEES, OR FORMALITIES, AT VERY I«W( NTEREST, I It CAN be adruueed at a. D4.Y's NOTICE, in Town or Country. We send the money direct So your residence lfr desired- Before arkiog elsowhere apply personally, or by Iteter, to Lbe RATIONAL ADVANCE OFFICE. 976 ?5, Otare4zreet? Riverside, CAP.DIET AJO r6Y Tx -iT WITli6lb-!? -iiie1- C', ^J7)KEY TJINT W1TH0UT BIFJT/ 0F—&AL^ By tie UNITED KINGDOM DEPOSIT BANK, 35. CRAVEN-STREKT, STRAND, LONDON, Upon NOTE OF HAND, as follows £20-24 monthly instalments of -20 18s 4d. £ 30-24 „ „ C. I 7s 6d. £ 50—S4 „ „ £2 55 IChi. £ 10;,—24 £ 4 ll M. No Commission or L?gal Charges im,urrNl. A Guarantee given ot Strictest Privacy. Wn:.s or call for I'?t-ISPCC IU. 46 A. G. WILLIS. Manager. irQRY. ABSOLUTÉLYWITHÕ-tTiBU;OF¡ .L.T.L SALE. OR PUBLICITY. FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. 1 mE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK. BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL EST. 1875. CAPITAL, £100,000, The Directors of Uùs-well-known, old-established Bank are prepared to offer exceptions advantages to 111 re- sponsible persons in need of temporary oaeh assistance. Private and Prompt ADVANCES made. daily, on" borrower's simple Promissory Note, AT 6 PER CENT. INTEREST. The amount borrowed may be repaid by instalments or a' the end of a stated period. SPECIAL NOTICE. This Bank is not connected with any Loan Societies or Advance Companies, and the usual objectionable loan office routine is entirely dispensed with. Apply in strictest confidence to MR T. C MILBURN 3710 Resident ManaRer. MONEY* ADVANCED D A I L Y 1 ° N £2: £cX at a f.}:; urf>' nRic. I L Y t,? Apply 'M E IMPERIAL ADVANCE BA.NK, 9, Senghenuydd-road, or to 1. Munday-place, Cathays, Cardiff 720 MONEY.—If you want it promptly, privately, a-Dd a a low rate of interest on your simple promissory notes, with &r withc,,?t sureties, apply immediate!?, enclosing ;d to rew P. I.vThi:I1Jj,tf>1àrk1tl;g Abertillery. Special features :~No inquiry fees reasonable iiitercefc, which is quoted beforehand uni prom Dtitude, a days notice being generally sufficient: no oppression of honest and solvent clients. The Carlton Bank, Ld., fur whom Mr Thomas is Branch Manager, has been established 10 years, and has a capital of L30,008, consequently no genuine and reopectable application is ever refused. 10ge J WALLACE, 6, Low«r C-ardift (opposit T. V.R. Station). CASH 4DVOZD-£2TO£ Apply persouarii or by letter. Prompt attention. 382 THE RO A T ¡r--ÄI) V A N CÖFF I 0 E ¡I Tg, CYRIL CKKSCENT. BR3ADWAY, CARDIFF, .£3 t-o £1,000 ¡, dYl\nced on dny of application, in Town or Country, on Promissory Ncto alone, with or without sureties. Interest low. Easy Repaymeiib.—Apply personally or by lebtei- to 18trictl,y private) 8. HARRIS. 574 (i OMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK. 19 QUAY S CARDIFF ?M bo £M (*a be obt#?ined on the same day as )led for 'y plOte&iona1 Jent1ewen. tradesmen, farmers, c=cepere ana hoiuehoideri. Apfilwonts may rely on tie strictest seorscy betug ob. served. Cbargee moderate, and no enquiry or other fees charged unless cash advanced. Oonutry application* attended U> without delay. ApiHypersonally or by letter to Mn JOSEPH, Mr. LC. OMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANJt, 1911 19. QUAY-STREKT. CARDIFF MONEY LENT AT FIVE PER CEN FROM. iJ5 to £ 2,000. WHY psy more, when n Private GenUemen is prepared to graut Advances to Male or Female, upon their PRO- MISSORY NOTE ALONE. in nny part of England or Wales, without IjMso office formalities NO BILL OF BALE. OR SURETIES REQUIRED The advance an be paid back by easy instalments, or can remain out from 1 to 15 years by paying the interest only Cull or write to the act,ual Ijender, WILFRED WILBERFORCE, ESQ., 11, Stroud Green-road. Filto London, N. DMTISTBY UP TO DATE MR PEARSON, SURGEON DENTIST, Supplies with all the latest adyert.ised improvoiHCKts known op to this day. and fitted p?m;es?y lcnir, wn Without Mtr?etiea of te.?eth. Kh)(t!e Taoth. 2F. Complete set. 203. Single 28. Complete Set. 20s. Singlo Tooth. Es. Complete Set. 20s. Single Tooth. 2s. Complete Set., 20s. Single Tooth. 28. Single Tooth. 2s. Complete Set 20s. Anj s vt made or work done by him, ami not gtriug absolute satisfaction in every detail, will be imme- diately corrected, or an entirely new set made free of eharse. Teet-li Extracted, Is with Gas, 5s Stoppings. 2s 6i. All welcome to FI'6e Consultation from 10 to 7 PEARSON, DENTIST, 10, CAROLINK-ST (off St. Mury-at.), CARDIFF. 853 JG PRIEgT AND CO". TAFF VALE IROmVOBKS, KING S ROAD CANTON, CARDIFF {\S* AAA ROLLS ROOFING FELT, very Beat. /?<?\? No. 1, ?6; No. 2, ?; No. 3, ? M per roll, 2byd long, Kin. wide; No i-ih free with mch roll, y d .?. locangrr, i&ge ] WO?ING -SHELITS, very Last; roll; 8 rolls e&rrie paid. ? AO/< TUNS ROOFING SHEETS, very EMt; t .7 5rt. by vvide, I- 4d 6ft b)7d '1 t" l?l" ft., 2s Id; 9ft., 2* 6d 10ft-, 2s 16d, each, at Works. QQ' e ??? YAHM GALV}NISED IEE ?O?t??U NETTING, Best. 3in. nOA. 2ft wid 4d ift., 5s 4ft.. 6s 8d ioU 2in. mesh 2ft wide, 5s 4d ?t.. 68 1M 4ft., 9s roU. wide, ?t 6d 3!t., YARDS SHEEP NETTING, i? 9 8 Centre Stand, 3ft. wide, 4in. mesh, hh 7s 1 1; heavy, Ma 4d strongest and heaviest 139 roll of 80 yards Ca?h with order; 50e ?t of nett"' carriage paid. Name Paper. 51? §^K GALVANISED STEEL TANKS — G?!on. 12* 6d 40 Gallon, 14s M 60, 1?' 6d 100, 27s C e paid. 1 /•Qti TONS BARB WIRE, 16s Md'17< Mr ..). C>vt Cama?e paid. U W A N ? E AU F F ICE K? OF THE :-SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, 4 Ko-2- inbIi, Atnustnunb. CARDIFF. rjlHEATRE lOYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE AND Manager ..MR EDWARD FLETCHER, SPLENDID COMPANY. MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. SUPERB AND COSTLY DRESSES. ALL THE LATEST SONGS OF THE DAY. Doors open 6.30; Pantomime at 7 Stage Door at 6. TO-NIGHT, JAN. 4th, 1834, and EVERY EVENING until further notice at 7, TheHklagnificent, Bright, and l'uneful Right Bang-up- to-Date PANTOMIME, B L U E B E-, A R T). THURSDAY, JAN. 4TH. Chemip Holiday Excursion Train for Pantomime wm le-,irsk;wan-,ea for Cardiff 2.15 p.m. return 11.10 p.m. MORNING PERFORMANCES EVE] Y SATURDAY until further notice Vt X 0 clock Door- open at 1. Booking Office, Thompson and Shackell, Ltd. Telephone No. 521. 1041 THE EM F I RE. MASAGEB. OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT The Feature of the Season I T H B MIRROR DANCE, K- BY MISS MARIE LEYTONr, Of the Tivoli, London. I^This dance is now produced for the Fint Time in tilt Provinces. THE OTTAWAYS, Specialty Entertainam GEORGE NENO, the Eccentric. FLORENCE SMITHERS AND 00, In Hard Lines." Florence Smithers has been designated The FenuM Dan Leno." CHARLES DRltW, Funny Character Impersonator. PATTIE TIIORNHII.L, Serio-comic Vocalist. GERAGBTY and GILLIGAN, Eccentric Comedians. THE DOG MUSICIANS. A fnll Band formed of Little Dogs 1 A striking Novelty, introduced by me famous French Mie Clown, LOUIS LAVATER. 2= KV3 i T?O L L' S PANOPTICON? o PniIhMmonMHaJl.St.Mary-st. OPEN ALL DAY. ADMISSION, SIXPENCE. COLOSSAL SUCCESS of Mrs Stoll and Son's Fitit Gigantic XMAS and NEW YEAR CARNIVAL. 300 TOYS from the XMAS TREE Given Away New Year's Day to the First 300 Children entering I Da3 the Building on that day. Endless Attractions :— MILITARY BAND. i WAXWORKS. ROLLER SKATING.. v Performances 011 Stage by k MILO, THE MUSCULAR MARVEL. [ THE METMRS, Aen?l Wonders on the Globe. L MMIELTOE, ORS, CUS?ICK, the Eccentric Two. PALLES and CU&,ilCK, the 1,,ecentric Two. KELMAR, THE COMIC VENTRILOQUIST. THE WONDERFUL ELEPHANT, whose cleverness has amazed thousands of patrODL THE CIRCASSIAN, GLINKA BROTHERS. Novelties THE MAZE OF A MILLION MIRRORS, j ^-brilliant Puzzle Palace, the surprise and delight of all who enter it. THE AZTECS, the last of a Famous Race. The most Peculiar Human Beings alive :— i L MADAME POLONAWSKI, The Bearded Lady. MISS MOLINEUX. The Cheshire Giantess. THE MYSTIC" EN A. THE MAID IN THE MOON. 'PROF. t PHRENOLOGY AND PALMISTRY BY PROF, t AIXABY. G Y M N A li I U M. One, Uninea Prke Gymuastic Competition ■ every Wednesday. "One Guinen- Prize Skating Cornpetition eftry FridELY -NOTICE—NEXT COSTUME SKATING CARNIVAL. JANUARY 8TH. Particulars can be obtained from the Management Undoubtedly the greatest and most varied Entertain- ment ever put before the Cardifi Public far in advance j of any" thing attempted in the Unite i Kingdom for &i2a which a similar ciiarge is made. 3610 It. LHAMBRA.OKE PERFORMANCE* -N NIGHTLY. MDLLE, MARFA ILA'S TABLEAUX VIVANTO (Direct, from the Oxford Music-hall, London). [ Grand success of CHRISTMAS SPECTACLE, CHRXSI- MAS CHIMES, and other noted Artistes. Popolar. PricesId 6d, Is, 6d, and 3d. Half-pricest9 Is and 6d. GEORGE HARRINGTON, 3E22 2í33e ManapllI Mireotet. HWAJSSRA. ? H E JJ M P- I B B. TO-NIGHTJ ISS ALICE jjKAMARt On of the brightest et?rs of the varioty stage. 1 songstress and <&ncer of immense popniajtty throughout the kingdom. WJLLL-MITCHAH, i.He aJjiak-tU atxi Kac^tloue. „ MAUD ROSS, Bailadist, Guitarist, and Danoer. THE DONNELLS, Irisli American Specialty Axbist £ JESSIE MACNALLY, Irish VocalisU HASSAN, The Mystery. DORA CLIFFORD, Light Comedy Article. IJUM5 A THOS TJIROUPB 543e OF HEAD.TO-HEAD ACROBATS. 2054 NEWPORT. rjl H Le -1-Al M P I R E. ^UNAOKB ..OSWALD STOLL- TO-NIGHT! rjlHE JpOLTR EDOARDOS, From the Palace Theatre, Lendon. French gretesfM Dancers and Vocalists. First appearance in the Provinces. THE KARNO TRIO of Musical Eccentrics THE LENTON FAMILY Of Marvellous Feet-to-feet Acrobats. "A MORNING IN TEE FOREST," by JOVE and JONNY, The Continental Frog and Lizard. Two positively 544e unequalled Artistes. 2035 Varieties by other able artistes, including ALLEN and HART, quick change specialists THE POW ELLS, peerless dancers; Miss J ESMOND DENE, a charming caatatrice; CHARLES ANGELO, a gifted vucaliat. A F, E P. D A P. E. F M P I R E, 3 Recreation Grounds (Entrance, Hjgl:-strp<»t\ MANAGBR MR W- IffAae. Piogramrae for the week commencing January .C WOOD TRAVELLI TRIO, in the Ctimedy SIc..t4 "My Billy Buttons." R. E. MKLLING, Comic. FLORA LINGTON, Vocalist and Dancer. CASSTDY anù F AR.lt ELL, Corned ;8.n,J and Dancers. IvIcASKE*».> the Funniest Wizard on Earth. 11. E. BIGI", r=.. Sheeny Undertaker. THE SISTERS CHIVEK. Duettists and Dancers. BAKER, and his Great Mechanical Theatre of Art. Halt-price at 9 o'clock to all seats Admission, 6d, Is, 2s. 420e public ?oitMs. 'A.,NTNC-ATi ?ARDIFF"INFIRMARY"ANNUAL ? BALL THE PARK-KALIj, JANUARY 10TK, 1894. Dancing 8 to 2. Tickets Lady's, 10s 6d; Gentle. man's, 12s 6d Double, 5:1 Is. Balcony Tickets, 2s 6& CHILDREN'S FANCY DRESS BALL ON JANUARY 11TH, at the PARK-HALL. Dancing 6—11. Tickets (for Children or Adults) 5r each Family Tickets for five, £1 lB. Please write name and costume on tickets. Tickets may be had from Mr Lewis, Duke-street, Members of the Ball Committee, and from üa. Honorary Secretaries, Mrs INGLEDEW, "V C&thedral-road, I Hon. J. LYNN THOMAS, fSecs- 3C06 23, Charles-street, L A S T WEE K-. JLJ A DREAM OF LOVELINESS, A. WAKENED," PAINTKD BV S. J. SOLOMON. EXHIBITION OF THIS PICTURE At IMR BRITTON'S, 79, QUEEN-STREET (OPPOSITE CHARLES-SREET), CARDIFF, CLOSES SATURDAY. 11 TILL 10. SIXPENCE. 82e _ta!ts. by Ruction. QUEEN-STREET SALE ROOMS CARDIFF SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNrrUR& MESSRS MOORE AND CO. M. ?yjL i.airu«ed to SELL by AUCTION, on MON- DAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, Janu&ry Lit, Srd, and 5 h, n largo quantity of SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Compiising magnificent, sideboards, cabinets, over. mantels, dining tables, fancy tables, drawing. dining, and bedroom suites, all brass Parisian and Frenca bedsteads, mattresscv,, wardlobe.s. ducliesse toilets, commodes, hall stands and chairs, fender* and brasses, carpets, and rugs. Sale each day at 2 and 7.30. 439e SHORT 1140TICH OF SAlI CASTLE ARCADE, CARDIFF. M R A. HOWELL? has been instrucre? -i.fJL to SRLL by AUCTION a large consignment ot valuable Marble and Alabaster Sculptures and Works f Art of all kinds and descriptions, a very handsome u tid massive Pair of Ornaments on Pedestal, suitable for hull entrance or hotel. Sale to commence on MONDAY, Jannary 1st, 1394, at Seven p m., and con- tinue each evening uwtil the whole is cleared. No Reserve. 185 JAMJI,-S, I'LT13LIC ACCOU-NTANT, ti. AUDITOR. ESTATE AND PROPERTY AGENT, 74, BEAUCHAMP-ST. RIV RSIDE, CARDIFF. (LATE 7 ct 8, WORKING-STREET.) Books Opened, periodically Checked and Balanced. Partnership and P. & L. Accounts Adjusted, Audit* conducted. Author of the Simplex" System of Bookkeeping for small traders. This System is clear, accurate and simplicity itself. 22S 663e Free Estimates based on strictly moderate terms. (Simcfftiou. GLOUCESTER. t?DUCATION. —17? guineM?Mrly for F-i board, laundress, English, nelleb music, smg- in? and &ncing; no extrM; cerMac?ted EDgli Mid French ?ovemesses: gymnasium, tennis; cow kept. Ages 16 to' 6. Beforenes, pmspectuses,, view of honsft "Id ?tonndE, ?oTernease? —7, Alfred-place, GIQUM%W),t 8 =])A on the M.R. M'd G.W.R. 315