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1L NAT. TELEPHONES, 326 CARDIFF. 101 PENARTH. ESTD. aELEGRAMS—"TARPAULINS, CARDIFF." FRED. MORGAN & CO., CARDIFF & PENARTH. ;■ SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. i MAoK/ES SUN-BLINDS DESCRIPTION. (PATENTEES AND SPECIALISTS OF SPRING ROLLER SHOP BLINDS). TENTS, TARPAULINS, FLAGS (SALE AND HIRE). HORSE & CART COVERS, CANVAS, RICK -SHEETS, SACKS, COAL & NOSE BAGS, ROPE, PULLEY BLOCKS, TWINE, NETTING, HAMMOCKS, INDIA RUBBER & OILSKIN GOODS, &G. > J THE 'Barry Dock News' IS THE Only Eigqt-Page Newspaper PRINTED AT BARRY. The Barry Dock News is an Excellent Advertising Medium. The Barry Dock News is 011 the Government List for i Parliamentary Advertisements .1811- The Barry Dock News is Smartly and Enterprisingly Conducted. The Barry Dock -News is the Popular Newspaper of the District. EIGHT PAGES.! ONE PENNY WEEKLY. Published every Thursday I Afternoon. ^11 WELSHMEN I Should Smoked i Prince" I Llewelyn I Shagg. I J MIL j MORE MEN and iiore ladies too, to prove f or tliem-,elves the Important saving offectedby purchasing Watches, Jewellery, &c., direct ISBCCESSACBRTAINTY 9 _«"*•. READ! READ!! READ! W 9 JO SAVED FROM A BOER BULLET, j H i' one from you about SO months ago and it gave every satisfaction, standifig S M t MSA though the back case. It has been with me through the Battles of Coleaso Spion Kop, and the Belief of Lad nith.-I am, Dear Sir, Yotirs ti-uly, Y;d (Signed) W. HOWE, 2 Royal F-ttsiliers, Field Fo)-ce, NataZ." 9 :!l il UNPRECEDENTED VALUE, EXTRAORDINARY SUPERIORITY. B I lllll J|il| Nearly Ik. MILLION in wear. tSH 11 eMJJ fkdU THE "ACME" PATENT H. Samuel'S "ACCURATE"I 9 lUBtfVllI P-EY^"s TtrflttQdwithremov ^ate^nulvftnent ^elYlled'* Fitted B WHMt.W/ HflPdaTn SDLIDU8TERLING damVSfCAP." Inhea^HALL? B IlnilM SILVER K Warranted for MARKED STERLING 9 W9WJ r! e H' SAUT7E1,'S Y E A R S^W°rre ty. F V E 9 H. SAMUEL'S Special H. SAMUEL'S CELEBRATED MONTH'S ■ New Improvements, pro- »* I ||p|/V » lAfCnMNft RINRS. FREE TRIAL 9 ffprMaiftStV'SROVal Chc<ce and Elegant. A lifetime's wear. Each Solid allowed jnthall pur- H n6l ffldjOOLj onujfdl 22-carat Gold, Government Hall-marked. Beauti- chases. If dissatisfied H LETTERS PATENT, ful and Massive. A HANDSOME WEDDING the full amount re- ■ are only to be obtomed PRESENT CIVEN FREE with each. d H in H. Samuel s Watches. BEWARE of Imitations. B Solid Real Gold Watches, 30/-• Solid Real Silver Watches, 10/ Black wlii' B Hall markeKd Silver Alberts. 4/6- Real Gold Alberts, 17/6- Gem K'Solul Eeal Gold' HalU H mMked set with Rubies, Pearls, &c., 6/6.10/6. to £ 20- Newest and Best designs^ ■ 'iaraest Sale in the World. Middle Profits Abolished. ■ M,fv bade paid to all purchasers of Watches at 25/-and upwards who come f™™ydl^ncc B t- — LflRr"SCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE gratis on application, or sent to any address pos "free. I B H SAMUELiJ ^C And atMANCHESTiRREET' „ EDUCATIONAL. KENDRICK HOUSE, VICTORIA ROAD PKNARTH, (Close to Railway Staiiou). BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES Pupils Prepared for Local 3x&min*'sona. PMSCTPAUS THE MISSES WAU.IS. Prospectus and terms on application. Musically Important. MR. MARTYN THOMAS, CERT. R.A.M., Sometime Organist of a London Church, PRINCIPAL OF CATHAYS SCHOOL OF MUSIC, CARDIFF, Which is Registered with the Associated Board R.A.M. and R.C.M., visits Barry and its neigh- bourhood weekly to give Lessons in Pianoforte, Organ, Voice Production, Harmony, Counter- point and Theory of Music, &c. Pupils prepared for the R.A.M and R.C.M., Trinity College, London College of Music, College of Preceptors, Oxford and Cambridge local exams. Pupil Teachers coached successfully for Queen's cholarship, Certificate, and Government Exams. Theory, Harmony, and Musical Composition Classes may be arranged. Write for Prospectus and Terms- 109, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. MR PAUL DRAPER, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, VISITS BARRY, BARRY DOCK, AND CADOXTON EVERY MONDAY AND FRIDAY, AND HAS VACANCIES FOR PUPILS FOR STRING AND WIND INSTRUMENTS. ORCHESTRAL CLASS every Monday Evening at the INFANTS' DEPARTMENT OF Hof. ton-road SCHOOLS (Court-road entrance. FOR TERMS, &c., apply 91, Windsor-road, Penarth; or to the Secretary, Mr. A. J. Pratt, Jeweller. Main-street Cadoxton. ALL GARDENERS JOIN IN FRAISB of the Patent.. Instantaneous HOSE COUPLING AND Spring- Hose Fitting's. I ^jV's •> £ ifc===s2>a&- ? I SIMPLE, CLEANLY, and INEXPENSIVE. No Tying or Wiring ReQUirecL MED HURST'S, THOMPSON ST., BARRY DOCK PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed with Neatness and Despatch at the Barry Dock flews Office, Holton-road, Barry D >cks. WONDERFUL MEDICINE ^PILL^S ARE universally admioocd to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, fuch as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushing of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For fetiiiIOS of all ages these Pills are invalu able, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring aoput a l t ar. is Squired. No female should be without them There js no medicine to be found equal to Boccham's Pills for I removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to tne directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands wh0 have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use.. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act lute magic, and a few doses will be found to wer=c wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, arid arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical with theroseoud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of BEECHAM'S MA(;IC COLGH PiLLS. society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and debilitated is, BELCHA >1 >> PILLS have, the Largest S'ale. of finy f aimi« J. ndicine in the world. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, shortness of Brearii, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wh^iog, Ac., those "Pi .Is stand unrivalled. Thej are the li,(,ei ever o>Torc*d to the pubhc, and will apeediiy re»«n'e that "cOStl of oppression and difiic»jky of ;*fi-athiiig which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEKCHAM S ( OCJGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent (Vmgh will in a ;;hort titne be rcmovtd. Prepisred only, crid Solcl \V nol.8ilk. and Retail by the Proprietor, Tho nas litiechani, St. lIdon s Lancashire, in boxes 9jd., is. lAd., and 2s. 3d each. Sold by aU Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. N.B —Full directions are given with each be* JftEINERTj SELF FITTING J I ilKS SlfEIDS ARE T.1E .SEST, A GUARflNTFE WITH EVERY PAIR. SEE THE IlAMK AND TR-U>K MAKK ON EACH SHIEL* If uiable to obtain fro :i the Itariing drapery store in the town r write to K.EIHERT RUBBER CG, 6j basinghall St. London, e.c! I I Aro IG G L ss CAR D E N, HOSIE 6,3 LONC ACRF-LONDON. LARGEST I MAKERS OF HILGH- CLA.5 3 HOSE iN THE WORLD. THE CREDIT ASSURANCE & GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LIMITED. Head Office—10, King William-street, London, E.C. Cardiff Offlee-Insurance Buildings, New-street. Capital £ 1,000,000- Subscribed £ 380,000. I j Guarantee of Trade Acceptances and Open Credits. The Corporation will guarantee Traders 50 per cent. of their credits, at premiums repre- senting only a small percentage of the the ordinary trade profits. Fire. "Each risk rated on its merits." Apart from the Corporation's subscribed capital, which exceeds that of any other Non-Tariff company, and is larger than that of several of the Tariff offices, it possesses re-insuring resources enabling it to write large amounts. Workmen's Compensation. "Non-Tariff." The Corporation issues an absolute guarantee against all liability under the Acts of 1897 and 1880, and at Common Law without limit. APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES INVITED. OLDEST ESTABLISHED. THE BARRY DISTRICT BILLPOSTING CO., LIMITED, RENTS ALL THE BEST POSITIONS, HAS ALL THE BEST HOARDINGS, And more than Treble the Space of all others combined. MEMBERS OF THE BILLPOSTERS' ASSOCIATION. Handbills Carefully Delivered. OFFICES: 71. HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOCKS W. THOMAS, SECRETARY. MR T. J. MORGAN, Metropolitan Bank Buildings, ¡ BARRY DOCKS, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. I Trustee under the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887. SPECIALITIES The Negotiation of Arrange- S ments with Creditors, Preparation of Bank- ruptcy Statement of Affairs, the Auditing and Balancing of Companies' and Traders' Books, the Valuation of Grocers' and Drapers' Stocks, Sales of Leasehold and other Properties. The Phoenix and Palatine Fire Offices, the National and Provident Institution for Life Assurance, Lancashire Yorkshire Accident Companies represented. N.B.-All Business receives the best and personal attention of T.J.M. CAPITAL PLOTS OF BUILDING LAND TO LET, Facing the Common. t) SPLENDID VIEW. LOW GROUND RENT. APPLY :— „ J. A. HUGHES, Esq., Solicitor, OR TO J. A. OWEN, Architect, Cadoxton. BUILDING LAND TO LET at Moderate Ground RonuS for tiho Er6cfcion of COTTAGES, VILLAS, &c.» on the MOUNT PLEASANT ESTATE, Cadoxton; Church Estate, do.; Cadoxton Land Syndicate, do.; Land off Court-road, do.; a d Central Estate. Barry Dock. — Particulars on application to J. A. OWEN, Architect and Survbyor, vere-street Cadoxton-Barry. SPECIAL NOTICE. XJust Published, for Two Stamps, nc A TREATISE ENTITLED HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH," uiost valuable Book for all. On the LAWS GOVERNING LIFE and the CAUSES, Symftoms and TREATMENT^ of all diseases depending on Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the. Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, &c. Sent post free on receipt of Two Stamps. Address, Messrs BARNkS and Co. 48, Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, LONDON, N. TE I I &c 1. Or post free for postal Order to 'E, -J(JIIN GAI-,ABRE. 2CB L LITER ÔUILO¡ Cycles. — Bargains. — 1,500 Machines, new and second-hand, ZWsSb. from 30s. each; agents wanted; wholesale list free any addrM, Warre'ow and Company, Weston- «uper-Mar». CASTLE HOTEL, BARRY DOCKS, (Five Minutes' Walk from Barry Dock Railway Station.) Family and Commercial Hotel. Ordinary Daily from 1 to 2.30. COLD LUNCHEONS PROVIDED. First-Class Billiard and Assembly Rooms. WINES AITRT SPIRITS OF THE CHOICEST QUALITY. GOOD STABLING. PROPRIETOR WILLIAM FARMER. j

...á!!I.IlJ-.... BARRY POLICE…






