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Shipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. i'V^ ^rt- VJBRFOOL NEW YORK via QUEERS: TOWN. GE 1901. GERMANIC.We3- Nov. 23, Jan. 2.J? .M. ?b. 27. MAJESTIC Wei.. Dec. 5.JM 9, l-eli>- 6. Jar- |- OCR-\XW. Wed.. Jan. 16. Feb. !3. MM'- ?- TY.TTTONTC Werl.. Jan. 23. Feb. 20. ?.2.??. CY?rRIC .?(-? Dec. 26. Fr;. *Ja?-2?. ?' 8. *Will not call pt. QtieenptoNvu oii this voyage. Th;i,d Class passage at low rates, inciting Oatnt free o' ? charle. ?o° ?Y?. Hoston. Phn?pb? orB?ltimcre Snperior R,commoaè.t!on at moderte fareB for  SeconasSoon; also through bookings to China jftpin, NL-IW ZfalLn,A, and AnRh'A.IÏ!t. For farther ;nformption apply to ROBERT JONES, Sope-?e.tCh??.W?a?? Bridge street. R1JR.boil; W. D. JONE;, Old Bank, Holyhead; Wm. C0VENTRï. 41, W!Iotergate-street, Chester; or of sr,vs?»<*> tJrri. izfissz* B.W., and 34, LcadenhaU-street, E.C. London. ✓^TTNVRD L,I\'K. ROYA.Ii MAIL STEAMERS  ?00.. VIA QUEENSTOWN. TO NEW TOKK. TO BOSTON. ETRUPTA .^t.,Xov 21 4 Tue?.. DeC, 4 IiUCANIA Sat., Dec. 1 I Ul,-ON.IA. Tues.. c.ll SI.It., Dec. 8 ?y?iA.Tues.. Dec. 18 r^r8=.Sal^n,from .M: Second Caoin. from 17 Irs; Thi:d Cta.?. ?5 1?. and 16. York Steamers   York SteFLmere booked to B?ston. PhilpAelphim, OR Baltimore with- ont excr% charge. ThiTil Clafl Ppq-3engpr.; bp Roeton  ?'?r  or Baltimore witboit c-xt?-a 'OIITFIT FRFP,. 10 per cent. reluction Retur? Tickets Saloon; 5 Per Paq?,engers booKedthroa h to a11 nuts of America and cent. Second Cabin.  i ° ? CHARma. Canada. Apply to The Cuna.rd SteamsMp Company. LIMITED, .Liverpool, or to anyLoc T CHABLES, The Old Vicarage, Brymbo. Wxnam BoMWr ,TONES, Hope-street, "'rf'"ham; J. T. MORGAN, &- Co., 25,chc^r ggaSS' As. «w. A KE'RDEES N LINE to AUSTRALIA via pljmo. Ten«a« »a C.p. T? in 42 D.ÜL-\R{jU8. Capt. 1:' :\IcKilliam, 3609 tons.Dec. 4 "grt" ^»°'»" "SS Tbc .tern*, of this tejtakin Line sail from London as s-b?ove ?ta.?? B? ??" and lihi:d WN""S"'? ° T.?NERIFFE. C?,,PE TOWN' and all Ar:,xtraliin and ?z.?r.a r?., F? ? <??.? .-? ?.?.? apply to -Town S,9 Sis to E30. For paxtier,ax-q app:? ?6a Geo. TYOulpgou and Oo,, 7, Billiter '4q-anxe, ELDER, DEMPSTER & CO. (BEAVER LINE) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO ST. JOHN, N.B. (VIA HALIFAX 9.9. LAKE ONTARIO No*. 27th s p. MONTFORT Uec" 4th pMaenao??o??throushto?lp? of Can? Paasengera backed through to all parta of Canada  "tSuS perior a e c o n i ir. o a at i on at lowest rates for First, 8eccnd. ad Third G1a" Passeneers.ies intending to Spec^l terms to Faa :l'ea and Parties intending to emigrate. ELDER. DEMPSTER& Co., Afriv Elouse, Liverpool; or Mr Robert Jones, SHopeet-ct»mb«., Wrexham. 5891 HORSES AND CATTLE. BIVIS (Registered) TONIC ( powder) for HORSES I Sample lib. tin, carriage paid, Is. 99 71b. „ i) 5s. CONDI' .1 ENT For COWS, HORSES CO LNDI?vIEI\TTFCoAr LVES&, -c., &c ..i. CAL YES, PIGS CG^. Half-cwt. bags, 16s., carriage paid. AGENTS WANTED, Apply. THE ElVIS HORSE & CATTLE CONDIMENT Co STORETON, 2170 NEAR BIRKENHEAD. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS wi m lira -ct*—■—1TpagMnawrg .3 PILLS. The Oldest Patent Medicine. a rao for nearly a Century The Safest Family Medi cine. Of purely Vegetabla Ingredients. Free from Msre=ry and other Injurious Drags. THEIR USE For all the common ailments of everyday life Cockle's Pllla are aimply invaluable. FOR BILE, LIVER. ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE and all kindred complainte these famous Pills act readil>. sarely, and safely. I COCKLE'S ¡ ANT 1 BILIOUS PILLS. Dn. G. F. COLLIER, writing on he Pharm?,- opeeia C." iha Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, says :— 1 hsva 22C hesitation in saying that It is the beat made Pill in the kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. .pOCKLE'S PILLS. Cleanse and regulate V the whole aystem, leaving COCKLE'S PILLS, it free from all impurities. c Thev carry off all un. COCKLE'S PILLS. healthy hnmours; are ad. t  mirable in women's ail. ??O??r??lrjw?b? iP'lTTijTij.h? ments, el'coming an ir- gularities and maintain- {-"fO"KLF'(;: PILLS ing the system in health, ?< ??OC?KtyTL?? 'S Q PILLS, strength, and vig?r. To  use them always is to COCKLE S PILLS. keep yourself in perfect J ?/ he:rtj-the bowels free CIOCBJ E'S PILLS, the liver active, the head f clear, and the ekin and COCKLE'S PILLS, complexion free from t, blemish. May be had throughout the United Kngdom, in Boxes at a lid 2s 9d, 4B 6d, 21s, and 22s. 4 aut\"r OSMOND STBEET, LONDON, W.O. azMa pRINTING. PRINTING. PRINTING. p RNTING For Printing that will attract) For businesslike printing APPLY AT A DVERTISER pRINTING WORKS JJENBLAS STREET, WREXHAM. TELEPHONE, No. 66 j l Business Annonncementa. SURE TO BE WANTED. GWILYM E VANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM E VANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS. WEAKNESS, LOW SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS. GWILYM EVAN3' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM E VANS' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. INDIGESTION. INDIGES "ION. INDIGESTION. Harlech Gentlemen,—I have snfferpd for ROln8 years from Indigestion and its pai) fn) effects-viz., Pain in the Head. Tool h ache. Sleeplessness, and Frighifnl Dreinis. I spent mnch on doctors and various remedies, but all in vain. Bat at lapt I eot rir1 of all these pains and troubles by taking a 4-f 6i bottle of Gwilym Evans' Quinine BitterL;, and now I enjoy excellent health, refreshing sleep, and good spirits. I can renom mrnd this remedy to ail who suffer lUUI such pains.—Yours truly, E. G. JONES (Police Constable.) GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. CHEST AFFECTIONS. CHEST AFFECTIONS. CHEST AFFECTIONS. 16, Upper Gough-street, Birmingham. Gentlemen,-For ten years I have snffeted from Bronchitis, Inflamm ition of theLnngs, Cold in the Kidneys, and Pains in the Back. Hearing of Gwilym Evans' Qainine Bitters, I was persuaded to trv them I have had two small and one large bottles, a.nd I can assure yon that I already feel quite another itiztn, and can do my work much easier now — yours sincerely, J. PRATT. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWiLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Save yonrae!ffrom ?heU?d of imita- tions that fill the market. Inaia? on having the genuine article. L??k on ibu label, stamp, and bottle, and find the n?we Gwilym Evans." Then you :?r? anfe. No other preparation i" Jnatcs ? good," or The same thi^g." THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. THE BEST REMEDY. There is no difficulty whatever in obtaining ir, being sold by chemist" and patent medicine vendors, or will be sent direct, carriage free, by the proprietorp. to any address in the United Kingdom. Sold m Dottles 29 9d a;id 4; 6J each also in cases of three 43 6d bottles at 12s Gd. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURE COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 2527fcj —— TIMBER. SLATES. FIRi) TRICKS. TILEs. W. E N LATHS. SEWERAGE PIPES And &H other Building Material. ED; ;r B;R;TH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD AND GAU ENGINE SAW llILL. CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM TEI.F.GRAPT'IC ADDSESS .— 1818 &EREDITH, WREXBAM WORTH A GUINEA A BOX BEfSSuss 0 fj PILLBS "(u VOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WIND, AND PAINS IN THE STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION. DISORDERED LIVER AND FEMALE AILMNNT8 ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each, with full directions. The Is 1:i box contains 56 Pills. Prepared caly by the Proprietor— THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. KELENf LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH—PERFUMES THl I! BREATH. In Collapsible Tnbea, of all Druggists, or from 50- Proprietor, for Is, post paid. fi 739 I I fl739i Money. WREXHAM, RUABON, AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1846. ADV ANCES made on Mortgage Securities f at moderate rates of interest. Repayment by instalments. Premiums moderate. Rapid comple- tion of Mortgages and light legal charges, which may be fixed before-hand. Fall particulars on application to T. J. PARRY, Secretary, I 5, Ten-pie-row. Wrexham. 12298 MONEY LENT PRIV ATELYI. J3JL From £ 10 UPWARDS,—and payable by instalments, or as may be mutually arranged— On Promissory Note only, and with or without sureties. NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARGED. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. PROMPT ATTENTION TO INQUIRIES. The undersigned has been CSTFVBLISLMD einco 1870 and has always conducted bit3 basinet under HIS OWN NAMV. He has consistently endeavoured to act in a fair and straightforward manner, and has received MANY HUNDREDS OF LETTERS OF APPRECIATION AND THANKS from those who have dealt with him. For evidence see pamphlets which, with prospectus, terms for advances, or any information desired, will be supplied free of charge on application either personally or by letter to GEORGE PAYNE, 5, TOWN WALLS, Shrewsbury. Wednesdays, at 1, Cambrian Buildings, Oswald Road, Oawestry (next to Cambrian Railway Station). 2225r w ANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the W Wrexham Advertiser in Districts where not already represented.—Apply LUVLBT AND BE^DLEY Limited, Wrexham







[No title]