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1 Skipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL NEW YORK via QUEENS- TOWN. N- o v I,, P,- c 12. OCEANIC Oct. 17, Nov ]4, TVc. 12. TEI-TTON- I Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Doc. 19. ,)v. 28. GERMANIC" Oct. 31, Nov. 28. MAJESTIC Nov. 7. Die 5. CYMHTC,r:16. W o»^ Dec. 2;. Will not can at Quoenstown on this voyages. Third ClaacL pp.pa-.jte at low rate3, including Ontfit free of rhR.fQe, )-LltiTrore. ?o°?'?? .-?n. rhil?p-?. cr miumore. Sur'nr ?-ommnr)'mon at moderate fares for Saloon Second Saloon; also through bookings to ChinR. N<"w Z 'l^nd, and Austra'ia. For further information apply to ROBERT JONES, Hone-ritrcr t Chamhr-a. Wrexham J. DAWSON, -ir.dge street, Ruaben W n JONFS, Old Baak, Holyhead; street, 'Y l rt.:L',3on; WM COVENTRY. 41. W-itcrgate-street, Chester: or of I¡\)fY IVHIE & C> S.W.. and 34. Lea-^nknll-strset, E.G. London. CUNAHD USE.. ROYAL MAUJ STEAMERS FKOM T.IVl'.nPOOI., VIA QUEF.NSTOWN. T" NEW TJRK. TO BOSTON. UM!U: Pnt O'-t. 13 I RVT.VANTA T«r«.. Oct. 16 ¡ ('?[)-?? "'? '? Zq IVF?Xl .Tue. Oct. 30 (Ici. 27' IXTONIA Tnes., Xov. 6 Second Cabin, from xl 10s, Th;rd Cla* £ 5 15s. and So. Third Glass rsa»r: svr* nv New York Steamers booked '.o Boston. TMvViHpbia, ou Baltimore with- out extra charge. Th'-d CIR,-Q Passengers hp Beaton Steamers horkc i to X w York. Philadelphia, or Baltimore withon?: cvV.a charge. OTTK-t Ft:KE 10p??r cc:?. re-?nftt Return Tickets Saioon; 5 per cent. 8, cq?'itlii. ° Passei:r" "r- ? oko.i ?hr?mh to nU par s of Amfnc? ?nd Canada. Apply to The CuM-a Steamship C?mpRny. Llmi' T.ivcrpool, or '0 ? y ? oc.U Aceut: T. CnAR?". TheO? Vic?ra?. ?rvm. ?<-?h?m; R"??T??M. -i-r Wrexham 1. T. MORRAX. & Co., tS.Chester Rt.,V.rexii>i; H.D. ilor.KP.Ts, Estate Agent, Rhyl. -61t ALLAN LINE STEAMERS. TO CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. BAIMS8? FROM LIVERPOOL. CORTVT'II AN for Quebec and Montreal Oct 11th 77 SIBERIAN for Sr. John's, N.F-, Halifax. ami Philadelphia.Oct. 15th PARISIAN for Qnebe" nn-1 'N i.?..()et. lth ?r- GltKPlW tor St. John's. N.F., ainl Halifax.Oct. -3th „ AGSTIL\ fo" Monte Video and ?,?,.?. ?h Buenos Ayres.Oct. 23th Via Londonderry. -Gloomy. Saloon FTP a from £10 S< cord Cabin X7, Steeraee t5 10;. Thronch Tickets t ill points at special rates. n.V—Hanflho >K3, map*, rales, and fnU particular- frea .napplication to Amass BROTHERS«;Co., IS Jam-s-s'Tf- Liverpool or to R. JONKS, Hope-street Chambers. Wiexnam, J T. MORGAN & Co.. 24. Chester- Ptroet, Wrexhain. 61gz ABERDEEN LINE to AUSTRALIA via ?_ Plymouth, TcEcriSe and Cape Town in 42 da.v?. &, C. t SOPHOCLF.3. Ci.pt. T. F. Spaldinc. 4,748 tons -Oct. 23 ABERDEEN, C?iX:. A. llobb, 3.659tons. >ov. 1 'The eteaiijer.9 of thia favourite Line sail from LcndM aa above taking saloon and third class pt<bciigers to TENERIFFE, CAPE TOWN and all Australian and New Zealand Port3. Fa1"es to Australia 14 149 to £50; to Cape T-)%vn S9 9s to JE30. For particulars apply to Geo, Thomp-iou and Co., 7, Billiter Square, Ijoadoa E.G. 5 ELDER, DEMPSTER & CO. (BEAVER LINE) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO ST. JOHN, N.B. (VIA HALIF AX B.S. LAKE SUPERIOR Oct. 16th s.s. LAKE OKTARIO.Oct. 23rd Passengers booked through to all parts of Canada and United States. Superior accommodation at lowest rates for First, Second, and Third Class Passengers.ies intending to Special terms to Fat. lies and Parties intending to 6DlI^T^t6 Apply to ELDER, DEMPSTER& Co., Afric- House, V''Ater.&treet, Liverpool; or Mr Robert Jones, Printer, Hope-street-chambers, Wrexham. 589f DOMINION LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. To CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. PASSENGER SAILINGS FROM LIVERPOOL. Oct.lS'h..DOMINION, for Quebec and Montreal. Oct. 25th..NEW ENGLAND, for Boston. Oct. 25th..CAMBROMAN, for Quebec and Montreal. Through tickets issued to all inland points. Companv'a handbook of information and book of views forwarded on application. AH passengers embark at the Prince's Landing Stage. For further particulars apply to RICHARDS. MILLS, a.nd Co., 24, James-street, Liverpool, or to JOHN T. MOHJAN, 24, Chester-street, Wrexham. 1091f COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The Oldest Patent Medicine. n rse for nearly a Century The Ss.feet Family Medicine. Of purely Vegetable Ingredients. Free from Mercury and other Injnrloaa Drngq. THEIR USE For all the common ailments of everyday life Oock'ie'3 Pills are simply invaluable. FOR BILE, LIVER, ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY INDIGESTION, I SICK HEADACHE SJI5 a'! kindred complainte these famons Pills act readily, -inrely, and safely. COCKLE'S A N'T 1 B I L 10 U S PILLS. Di4. G. F. COLLIER, writing on ho Pharma- opoeia of the Royal Csllege of Physicians of Lon- don, aaya I have no hesitation in saying that It la the best made Pill In tba kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. ^"lOCKLE S PILLS. £ (OCKLE S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. c OCK'i.AE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE S PILLS. 0OCKJE S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. Cleanse and regulate the whole system, leaving it free from all impurities. They carry off all un- healthy humours; are ad- mirable in women's ail- ments, overcoming all ir- regularities and maintain- ing the system in health, strength, and vigor. To use them always is to keep yourself in perfect health—the bowels free the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and complexion freo from blemish. May be had thronghont the United Kngdom, in Boxes at a lid 28 9d, 4s 6d, 21s, and 22s. 4 GREAT OBMOND STREET, LONDON, W.O. fl294n p RINTING. p RINTING. pRINTING. T) R i^TIN G For Printing that will attract, For businesslike printing APPLY AT A DVERTISER J)RINTING WORKS JJENBLAS s TREET, WREXHAM. TELEPHONE, No. 66. ¡ Business Announcements. IF YOU FEEL "OUT OF SORTS," TAKE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE; BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' llUININE BITTERS There is only one First m a race, and it is acknowledged that this preparation is THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE THE BESTffREMEDY OF THE AGE THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, LOW SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE, CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. This Remedy strengthens that part of the system which is weakest, or has been weakened by disease, and therefore more liable to Colds And their attendant ailments; it purifies the blood and stimulates the circulation, assists and prooiotes digestion, and improves the appetite. It braces the nerves and fortifies the muscles, rouses the sluggish liver, and thus enlivens the ppirits it removes all impurities and obstructions from the human body, and gives tone to the whole system. PURELY VEGETABLE. PURELY VEGETABLE. PURELY VEGETABLE. This Preparation is purely vegetable, for the formula includes the tonic properties of Harsa- parilla, Siiff.on, Gentian, Burdock, Lavender, and Dandelion, in addition to Quinine, and is suitable to all age3, from the infant to the adult, and confidently recommended to those who have to devote themselves to study and brain work, to all who work long hours in close rooms, to those who breathe impure air, and all who have to stand exposure of the weather. People that suffer from brain fag and sleepless- ness, who feel out of sorts," and 11 run down," fiud rapid and permanent relief from the use of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYJ EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. The occupations of some men keep their whole faculties continually at their furthest stretch, and life is all hurry and worry. Little wonder it is that this extreme tension leads to an unusual wear and tear of the nerves, and that these hard-worked toiTers require an extra sustenance for body and "rain. Now Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters ieed a both, and men are wise if they look ahead and preserve their strength by taking this infallible feeder to all vital powers. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Bewirp of imitHv :na. Sae that yon get Gwilym Evans Quinine Bi. r8, with the name "Gwilym Evans" on label, b, .np, and bottle. Sold every- where in bottles, 2.. 91 i a-d 43 6i each, or will be sent direct for the above pri, carriage free by .the SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BIT'iERS MANUFACTURING rCMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 2527fcj TIMBER. SLATES. FIRE BRICKS. TILES. MENTS. LATHS. SEWERAGE PIPES And all other Building Material. EDWARD MEREDITH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD AND GAS ENGINE SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. TKLEURAPHIC ADDRESS.— 1816 MEREDITH, WREXHAM." WORTH A GUINEA A BOX  P?]MLLS?S FOB ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WIND, AND PAINS IN THE STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER I AND FEMALE AILMENTS ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d each, with fall directions. The Is lid box contains 56 Pills. Prepared only by the Proprietor- THOMAS BEECHAM. ST. HELENS LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH—PERFUMES Tffiu BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, of all Druggists, or from thf Proprietor, for Is, post paid. fl739i Money. WREXHAM, RUABON, AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1846. ADVANCES made on Mortgage Securities at moderate rates of interest. Repayment by instalments. Premiums moderate. Rapid comple- tion of Mortgages and light legal c harges, which may be fixed before- and. Full particulars on application to T. J. PARRY, Secretary. 5, Temple-row. Wrexham. 1229s MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. From £10 UPWARDS, ON BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARGED. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. PROMPT ATTENTION TO INQUIRIES. The undersigned has been established for 30 years and has always conducted his business under HIS OWN NAME. He has consistently endeavoured to act in a fair and straightforward manner, and has received MANY HUNDREDS OF LETTERS OF APPRECIATION AND THANKS from those who have dealt with him. For evidence see pamphlets which, with prospectus, terms for advances, or any information desired, will be supplied free of charge on application either personally or by letter to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOUNTANT, 5, TOWN WALLS, Shrewsbury. Wednesdays, at 1, Cambrian Buildings, Oswald Koad, Oswestry (next to Cambrian Railway Station). 2225r WANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the Wrexham Advertiser in Diatriota where not already represented.—Apply BATLKY AND BKADLKY Limited, Wrexham




[No title]
