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TB? CYCLISTS' CARNIVAL AT .oJ .L f.t..J.U y ..L\:J. _wL WEEXHAM. ,¡ ..(.£¡ .ö..1'1.L. O-i Pi-id.iy held, when collections were Iniid in the sirec.s along the line of route in aid of the Wrexham 111- I irm;cy. The carnival was arranged by the W rcxham Cycling Club, of which Sir R. E. Egerton n tne I freri'Jitnt. The members of the Carnivai Committee wet- Mr Walter Robshaw (chairman), iiessrs. •. ltciri:e, A. Breese, R. Breese, G. Catnralh J. E. Post or, -T. E. Heritage, W. HJgginaon, £ R. S. J ones, iI, N. Kowr.es, F. 11. Scotelier. and T. F. Shoihy. m. =o^i*et irios were Mr Robert LvsJdu. and Mr n. Meredith-one*, iicdlo-idrh, Grove-mad. To the committee and "■ jo ^rea'u credit is due for me remarkabie 71! was w'taessed. The day opened wet, and it v,as at one time extremely probable that the di-piav W.-tlid have to be postponed, but tov.ards 3 veiling ihe rain cleared a way, and the night proved -•old. but fine. lii kind permission of Mr Frank Lhyd. the cyclists as-ieuibSed in his Horse Repository, which was lighted toy Wells Lights, and the place of assembly pre- sented a remarkable scene of colour and ingenuity with a considerable amount of humour. Among the lneml.ers of the Wrexham Cycling Club, the following to ;k part, assuming the garb attached to their jjiiic.—Messrs. Alfred Breese. Spanish Muleteer; IT L. creese, Spanish Bullfighter; R. Breese.! Ifenhistopholes; T. Wilde,Jester;Fred Beirne, Pirate Cap.aln; Frank Beirne, Wolf: G. Calhrall, Irishman; W. Cathiall,Robin Hood; J. E, Heritage, Don CæSilrj J. E, Foster, Eastern Prince W. Higginson, Peace aad War; E. R. S. Jones, Veneiian Nobleman; Georse Roberts, Gondolier A. P. McLennan, Shaza- ib, C. Mortimer. Beefeater R. Kaylor, Sir Walter Ttaleig'n R. Potter. Ally Sloper; F. Scotcher, High- jiwier J. E Roberts, Cavalier officer W. Robsliaw, Juse; W. Taylor, French officer; W. Wright, Costor II. Meredith-Jones, Roman Charioteer; R. W. Nownes, Uncle Tom and Master Davies, Clown. A)j;ong these characters Lieutenant McLennan and Mr Foster as the Shazadt" and an Indian ncj were especially gorgeous. They sat in a yuanq'tin. "carried" ostensibly, butreally "diawn" hy eight bearers in correct Orien'al costume. Mr 'Wright, of Manley-road, as the" Original Arty from "O'ludsditch," was very cleverly dressed, and his bar- row, which bore the usual napthalamp also contained a chc-i:collection of vegetables. Mr Hisrginson's cos- liiji: for" Peace and War," was half military and half cle:ieal. Bis machine bore a working model of the Wheel, and his ingenuity is to be commended, M r Hhelbv was capitally made up as a lady, and on IHT" machine bore a cradle containing the baby." Mr Barber, Queen-street, was good as Father 'i'ini'V and on his machine was cleverly erected a tower containing chimes, which sounded at inl-Tvals. Mr Scotc'.er was effectively dressed as a fit*-Lehman, and was attended by two lilt! boys, who also wore the kilts. Mr OdsK-ra, Cross Keys, was elaborately got np n betting man, and his list contained some tempting prices. Master Davies, of the Star fjh.p, made a dainty little clown, and his tricycle I vri.M effectively adorned. The remainder of the n:< mbers of the Wrexham Club were all well cos- tumed, and they are to be congratulated npon their appearances. In every instance they were clever, tnd afforded a striking instance of what Wrexham people can do when thev put their minds to it. Hut the Wrexham Club, able as they were, no U'nht, to do great things alone, had the advantage of the help of cyclists of the town not attached to the club, as well as members of clubs in other places. Mr I.I. Vickers, of Chestor. made an excellent and lady- Üke "Ladv." Mr C. W. Caine, of the South Liver- pool was Church and Stage "—one side being serious and clerical, and the other being frivolous and Gaiety. Mr Selwyn Prichard, Longfielda, Wrexham, w I. an excellent Mephistopholes. Mr Cartwright and Mr Meredith-Jones had charge of a yacht, which wjis well designed. Mr E. S. Morgan, Wrexham, looked excellent as an Indian chief. Mr Cameron Davies, Plas Dar'and, Wrexham, made a charming girl, and was attended by a liveried servant. Messrs Edward and William 'Davies, Pentre Broughton, appeared a?" Two little girls in blue," and Messrs H:UTy Lowe and Ernest Harvey, both of Wrexham, were capital as lad!es. Mr W. Walker, Wrexham Fechan, was very original and amusing as The new man." He pushed along a large perambulator, containing two very noisy youngsters (Messrs Harold Daviea and Charlie Jones), who cried and took refreshment from bottles very impartially. Mike and his Moke was extremely funny. Mike Ii was Mr Walter Roberts and the Moke was Mr Heath. This turnout was quite as amusing as any- thing in the carnival. The visitors from Liverpool, Chester, and Pulford, who came in considerable numbers, added greatly to the variety of costumes, and it is to be remarked that very few persons took part in the procession who were not in co ilume. 'I Tile conveyances which joined in the procession included the Wrexham football team with the So Charity Cup, and the Shop Assistants foot- btH team, each bein? in separate conveyances. Mr G?oree H. Whitchouse figured as General Gordon, II an effective tthlea? being arranged on a lorry. Maldoou'a Picnic Party was there as well as Mr Herbert Meredith Jones with his chariot drawn by llir je ponies-a most effective display. A number of what were called Japanese Clowns" also paraded. a.nd a cli trming little fellow called Bubbles," but in reality Willie Daniels, Feathers Inn, Lower Bridge-street. Chester, also joined the procession, and was much admired. A car full of Japanese (iron) Chester) came near the rear of the procession, i d was very effective. The procession which started from the Wynnstay :iis Hotel, was marshalled by Mr Frank Meredith- J.P.. and his assistants were Mr H. Hawkin, Howell, Captain Hobbins, Colour- •. rgiwr.t W. Palmer. Colour-sergeant H. Palmer, and ("••:onr Sergeant T. Powell. The following ba.nds ,Ii pirt:—Wrexham Borough Band, under Mr • Ingham; thc Boys Brigade Fife and Bugle J*i (with a very stroncr muster of tne Brigade); I 0.-eclpoet.Vi Silver Band, under Mr Edward I r rts the Rhcs Maelor Band, and the Ilhosrobin it's; Band, under Mr S. Lloyd. The Wrexliaui. ( '.••r.i'jr, and Farndon Brigades also took part, ana -■j-i -1 verv lartjeiy to the excellent effeut produced by I iinpoaing display. route of the procession, which was closely I *•• i ,1 with people, tn" a long one. but it was com- I t in very good time. I i now comes the place to mention the collect v i ■ accompanied the procession. There ware Qnocns and Indian Chiefs, Oitiot L idles and I -.v iy Ladies, whites and blacks, thin men and very I a vivandier asked alms, and a charming f in si black domino was well nigh irresistible, a erdessaought- her shoen in the crov.-J and f Ja.id in short, all sorts ami conditions of men and were represented, and there is no daub 1" they well for the InSvmary. In addition to th-'who gained prizes, Mr Stonier also specially j nt«.:nioned the following collectors:—Miss Tilly all, who was dres?ed as a girsy; Miss F. G. 'iv/ri, who was attired as an Italian; Miss K. Williamson, who posed as an Italian dancing girl; MN* Barbara Evans, "My Sweetheart"; Miss ;il Morris, "A Flowc-r Girl"; Miss Bessie v. 'lock, Harvest"; Mr H. Edwards Ice Cream ■i and Mr E. Carter, A Welsh Girl." -iniero ta prizes were offered, and Mr W. A. rrlor, vice-chairman of the Liverpool Centre N V'.l" and vice-chairman of the Liverpool Parade (Vsnunitte, judged the cycles and the collectors; the r.:i.i v. ">ces being jndccd by the Mayor (Mr Murless) v;■' Å.1ernlll.n R. W. Evans. Toe following is a list of the prize winners :— Soecial prize for a miniature cup. given by Mr W. a-tin, for the best cyclist in procession (costume • i;.1 decorated machine)—Mr J. E. Foater, Wrexham Indian Prince." Neatest and best cyclist in costume—1, (English :r timepiece), E. R. S. Jones. Wrexbam C,C, l-.viss Peasant"; 2, (solid silver albert), Selwyn .Vii-.hard, Longfields, Wrexham, Mephistopholes i'y"clorn, J. E. Heritage, W'rexham C.C., Don r. decorated bicycle—1 (silver-mounted ebony .•ing stick), A. Johnston, Wrexham C.C.; 2 ,.i:atic pump), F. R. Scotcher, Wrexham C.C., ¡ ¡"II), G. Roberts, 2, Willow-road, Wrexham, 1;¡t decorated tricycle or tandem-l (electro- p?: u. cruet), Albert Jones. Ruabon-road, Wrex- ): 2 (lamp), E. W. Davies, Pentre Broughton; > {:■■>-11 >, E. Davies, Star Shop, Hope-street, Wrex- < "in -j.-t comically dressed cycli:t—1 (accordeon), C. W. Caine, South Liverpool C.C., "Church and 2 (pipe), W. L. Walker, Wrexham C.C., NV,vM;.n" ;•> (cycle pouch). G. Ll. Cathrall, Wrex- 1, "Irjbma." iV. it representation of a lady—1 (gold brea.stpin), (ron Davies, Plas Darlanti, Wrexham; 2 (lamp), t1. Shelby, Wrexham; 5 (cyclom), Mark Vicars, <Vi«v r. *V» t costume among lady collectors—1 (silver- uted umbrella). Miss Julia Crompton, Wrexham, Gij-ay;" 2 (breakfast cruet), Miss lcke, Queen- •■:r- t, Chester," Gipsy." i st costume among gentlemen collectors 1 v-r-mounted umbrella), John Icke, Chester "Inditn 2 (pipe), J. W. Venn, "rexham," Fat Man." 1 decorated conveyance—1 (box of cigars), Mr Meredith-Jones. Roman Charieteer;" 2 (box of • ). Mr Whitehouse, General Gordon." M .st comical conveyance—1 (field glasses), Jf (. anese Clowns (not identified). judges awarded a box of cigars to the Wrexham ■ .all team, and Mr Fletcher V.S. gave a special jvto Bubbles," who entered too late to be judged. ;1 pr.zes were distributed by the Mayoress (Mrs l. lea-) in the Assembly Room of the Wynnstav Hotel, and on the motion of Mr Frank V. dith-Jones, seconded by Mr Edisbury, was allv thanked for her kindness. "lie Mayor, who responded, congratulated the j-i •.•!«)<>ters of the carnival upon the success which had ^_U-. ided their effort's. They had workod nobly in ort of the best institution in WTrexham, and if in the streets had only done as well as who had taken part in the carnival, the result v. ;d be gratifying. \j ;■ H. Meredith-J ones proposed a vote of thanks to { H I jn Iges. and this, having been seconded by Mr F. til. I iith-Jones, was agreed to. V r Stonier, in responding, said he had judged at • v shows, but had never found a greater difficulty if-, .f.-aiding than he had that night. The display was A t. rman R. W. Evans also briefly responded, and ihe r.oceedings ended. A '.nee was subsequently given in the Public Hall, v 1;n Mr Corrison supplied the music, and the r. i'r-. -hmeuts were under the efficient charge of Mrs I i ;• l oins. ■( '.0 money collected riOi;^r the line of the pro- "<)!} was counted on Saturday, aad we are very to learn that it reached the bum of £9 18a 5ji. I "j tj.» lady who collected the largest sum was Miss "1, c. Feather's Hotel, £: 145 9!;a, and she has won prize a biscnit barrel. Miss Butcher, Arcade, ■ nt-- with £1 9s lOa. and has been awarded ir ..i vises, iar-onfr the gentlemen. Mr C, "r>o • .lis a gold breast pin. Mr W. Price ol Chester, next with £110s4d, raid lias awarded to himaa mounted walking stick. I tor«joi>ig report appeared in mr Saturday morning's edition.]

'uE LAT3 MR H. B W Ll.J. I…







I -I i --RUABON.




News in Brief. i I



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