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Round and About. -


Round and About.  ?ft Penrhyn Castle, B?ngor, I?u r?k. Sto?' Stratford. ? ,}¡no tas been beard in varions partg of the Te ??'kno 1 as been he?r d in various parts of the -i the arrival of the swa.Uow an d other ''? ? reported. 'r'nt II reported. Rohertson observed an oyster-catcher on Iv'davVhen fishing near L?ndderfeL The r'n the comp?nv of two or three blackheaded ?jin? on ? meadow near the river. ? I T? t?a'n Ilugkes an old inhabitant of Carnar-   '1 a )?v puncher amon? the Welsh Congre- T°"' nl' Jied gu(ùnly on Monday morning. The c], coast 1(j' wii0 eigLit.T-five ye?rs of age, "'ttenad d,:cc'] 1'1 'b" urc\'lOUS evening? &nd seemed to be in 1Pt. l t l  ^V^ihcaiilu I' f h l\ 1 U. f USZ&Laniluii 3iieptiii;: of the HatJOna Union of  (' 1'[£ on Tuesdav,  president Sii'-T .i~|ltlts nt Cardiff, on nes ay, the p!eSI ent ,jJ;:i:"utorv early closing, and that Sir John ?,,uo?cK sJ? he amended so as to make it com- 1 1, h h f?.'?'' ?'? ? ? ? antkorities to comply with the jrfilW, of a two-thirds majority of shopkeepers. Tl:è' 'ntr'actor for the construction of a railway to [?i' ?"')-f Snowdon is m&kin? satisfactory pro- ¡ 'è' n h er of h 1 p?rt f the jjjp v-re weat h er of the early part of the ;:re"l:¡'1Ved opcra.t:'ms. as for several months the "ir, l 1, h 1 'i' ri;n ?"? covered with deep snow. The earth- :I. f'r about one half the distance has been C~'ani the resident engineer, Mr Oswell, ex- -?? opinion thn.t the line will be: in operation ¡Le ?Mutcr part of the tourist season this ear. Vr Thomas Davies. Priory Grocery Stores, Carnar- T 1. r*)J; with serious mishap on Good Friday. He v, ,bd' i'?? been on a cycling tour round Llan- !I," 1 h' 1 t"i" 1' M? ?hoi within two mi es of Carnarvon •cideKtully OY?rtook another ider, with the re- ?.' ,,? u-wa. thrown headlong into the roadside. fl-rca- ?r? nach brnised aud dlicoloure about the t ?c ?ms conveyed home in a semi-conscious ft"rl1s now recovering. bill It « '"1' c ?th occurred on Monday, at Brecon, in hie .?.?jjT.a.r.ofMr Edwin Poole, the editor and for' "r 1)rercn and Itadi?,r 7i'?-?v.?a. and a ? vr t;i Oswestry. ?? Poolc was an ardent Liberal "i ,cLiioi iiiit, and placed his own services and ,.??.:tCt uf tb* paper, which he established some r ?M .'CO' fr?c?y at the disposal of the pary with .?''ii;!t-Rt!icdhim?e!f. In Breconshire aud Rad- u r-hir.' be was well-known ?nd respected. Keenly <, f-,iljxved polit?e. his interest in contemporary ?.rTw??uotgreH,terthn.Q tb?t which he too?in .?:t!Mi?n mutters. He was the author of the L?'?Mfpd History and Biography of Breconshire auj cthtr historical works. An Eisteddfod, attentled by 10,030 people, was held on ha-ter Monday at Mountain Ash, for the benefit j Bit'ot age Hospital, which has been built by the rr.t Lady Aherdare. LordAbcrdnrepreaided in riling, and Mr W. Little was the afternoon .in. The chief choral competition, in which a- piece was Dr. H. Parry's "Put off, 0 and a prize of SICIO, u-,Ls engaged in by ;h:c- choirs—the Merthvr Choral Society, led by Mr D.^n Davius. of Mountain Ash, and the Penrhiwceiber led by Mr James James, and the Trecynon [;n;;eil. conducted by Mr Jenkin Moiris. Merthyr ti:' :al Society was awarded the prize. Dr Rogers, of L:-r.fc'ur, delivered the adjudication. On Monday, before Dr. Dalton and Dr. Bold Lliiadndio. the qnestion of admitting Charles E. Smith to bail was argued, he being under jrit-t a charge of stealing X30. the property of the lV?t::ia^ter-(icneral. Mr Allanson opposed the application for bail. From inquiries made he found serioas irregularities, ana lie objectea most strongly La;l rlitil the charge had been disposed of. Dr. silid the understanding was that if a cei*ai;id'je::ni<t;t was given up the prosecution would DPI ol'ject to hail.—Mr Henderson (tor the accused): Which we (buy the existence of. He went on to arir-c that the defence would be prejudiced unless l:Jl u.iB iilloved.—Superintendent Williams said he oi 'av'.til to I'ni!.—The Chairman Then we have no alternative. We uiuat refuse it. 0nSitnriiny the Flintshire coroner held an inquest at Khylrj on the Loclyof a man named Henry Jones, c-rpi' TeJ as a labourer on the new drainage works. G- 'e Johnson said that late on Saturday night, the 23:1 LÍ )1:,lch. witness and deceased went to their lo-kiniit. Ï1: Gas-street. loLh men were the worse for dr:k. arid ellch one sat down before the tire. Wit- fell a-lecp, and was awakened about three ,,> the following Kiorniiig by a cry from deceased. o starting to his feet he J. Vf the deceased lying on L>:ace. IIis head was on the fender, and his right HTIl TV.I- deabled up between his legs. He had a waTcu in his hand. Deceased, "ho Poppeared to be in preit [ain, cried oat, Oh George, pull my leg from n::dtr :ie. Witness tried to do so. but deceased v. t-i ico hcaTV to move. He noticed a quantity of between the fender and the grate. A doctor wa-?er!tfir. A week after the accident deceased tJlwitiit.-s that someone had hit him on the head wi:h a peker. Wit!.ess said he must be mistaken, b»'??.nse there WHS no one in the room besides them- srlvfi. and they had not quarrelled. Soon after de- censed died.—Dr. Sinnmerhill deposed to making a p:sl mjrteii! examination of the body. There was a w^r.d L n the middle of the iiaii d. bnt the skull was not fractured. The cause of death was inflammation of -,he Iram. The wound was one which could have h'1 caticii by a fall on the edge of a fender.—The jury returned a verdict of Accidental denth."



I ---General News. I






ICoalowners and Miners.


2D V.B.R.W.F. 1

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[No title]

[No title]







THE SEASON 1895-6. I


Racing Notes. -----Racing-s_.-

