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h. Shipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this Line follow the specified Outward and Homeward Tracks adopted by the leading Liverpool and New York Steamship Com- panies. I' J" < ,,< ¿-w-L é. 'f, A1ïil¡:&yî LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via (J U EES- TOWN. every WEDNESDAY. *TFTTTO\TC Wed -pl. 24 *MAJHSTIC.Wed. Itffiy 8 *Tl- 4 IT TON TC BRiTA??IC Wed. M?y 1 | GHKMANIC..AVod. May 15 Second Cabin will be carried on the voyages marked thus* Cotton 11)1 carried on Pax*fTV)tr Steamers. Steerage passage at low rates, including Outfit free of charge.. to New York, no,ton, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Superior accommodation -.tt iiioder.-tte fares for Saloon and Second Cabin; also through bookings to China. Japan, Xc.v Zealand, and Australia. For further information apply to R. ROBERTS. 23, Town Kill, Wrexham; W. D. JoNi. Old Bank, Holy- head .T. W. HAT.T.. 97, George-street, Chester J. COSII3J!V. 79, Bough ton, Chester or of IsilAT, Imnlia & C0., 10, Water-street, Liverpool. 95o CUNAltD LINE. FIVE ANi) A THIRD DAY PASSAGES. TT> OYAL MAIL STEAMERS FROM LIVER- XV POOL, CALLING AT QUEENSTOWN. T; y 7 "? ?'. 9 3 ,.A\ •' :r- IW- •" •• í!,iii]j¡il YOIŒ. FOR BOSTON. CAMPAX lA.Sat., Apl. 20 | GALLIA Thur.. Apl. 18 UMBiilA Sni. Apl. 27 j I'AVOXIA Thur., Apl. 25 AUKA.V1A..Tues. Apl. 30 j SUYTHIA Thar., May 2 Surr.inoi: ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for First and Second Cbss Passengers :1150 through to CHINA. JAPAN, NUW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. 3tc eragc Passengers to all parts of America and Canada at low rtiies; those by Boston stea.mers booked to i"ew* York without extra charge. Tirm CANARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED S. Water-street, Liverpool, Or tc th c: .en ts; T. Cirviti.ios, The Old Vicarage Bry-.nbo, Wrexham; n. ROKKUTS, 23, Town Hill Wrexham U. D. ROHKIUS, Estate Agent, Rhvl J W. nAi.L. 97. George-street, Chester. 261z AB K It D E E X LINE .—LONDON to   E .-LONDON?- to J- T t- AUSTRALIA, via Cape of Good Hope, in 42 flays. DAMASCUS Capt. A. Douglas, E.N.R,3,693ton9 Apl. 25 ThLIUIOi i J.CL,Cnpt. A. Simpson 3,711 tons May 25 These magni'lcent full-powered steamers will sail as above lor MELBOCRNE and SYDNEY, taking passengers for Tenerife and Cape Town and for all Ansyraiian and New Zealand I'orts. For Fares and full particulars apply to tho owners Geo. Thompson and Co., 24, Leacienhall Street, London, E.C. 5f ???- EM tG RAT) ON.    S ^ALL ""•■ho desire informatiom about ('õn:H, the ?«rt? ?<'st Territories, and Hi-t:!?:! Columbia, .?luld write to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., 13, James Street, LlVERPi ti., for their Handbook of Information WHICH IS SENT FREE. 30s SILYER WATCHES. SILVER WATCHES 30. OWB If OTTO IS GOOD TAI.BE. EBTABLISHF.D IN 1855. The most genuino and reliable Bargains ever offered to the Public. NVe are now offering ladies' hand- somely engraved, heavy stamped Sterling Silver Keyless Watohes, with 1;"1,1 winding button, and elegantly tinted enamel dials for 30s. Alc;t,, gellim, ,trl)n Silver Levers, in heavy English hall-markcTl cases, with chronometer balance, for 30s, or on our easy pay- ment terms. NTatch delivered after first payment. Write at once for hill particulars HAlUilSOX & Co.. Watch Manufacturers, 13. School Lane, Liverpool. TJaese vv atones are all extra jewelled, silver domes. have marine bexita with crystal glass, aiul are marvels of cheapness, durability, and timekeeping, and are usually retailed at two guineas, and we guarantee to return money if not as represented. Gouts' Silver Alberts, Government stamped every link, curb or fe, ter patterns, at 6s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, extra heavy 12s 6J each. Ladies' Silver Alberts, handsome patterns, at 5"1 6d, Ss 6d, 8s, and 10s each. Our Sterling Silver 'Watches at 17s Sd, lauies' cr scma' size are a speciality. 523fb FIT EE TO MEN When you are tired of taking nauseous and mysterious prescriptions and compounds, which :do yaø no good, but only ruin your digestive organs write to me and I will send you a bookwhich describes QUICK AND CERTAIN cure for lost strength wast"weakneils. d:c., from whatever en-use arising NO STOMACH MEDICINE, NO ELECTRICITY. Sent in envelope on receipt of two stamps for postage A. J. LEIGH, 92-23, Great Russell-st,, London, W.C 1916 A 10 YEARS' RECORD.—The Favourite Brand of PURE MOSS. SPLENDID MANURE. Is the best ard Most Economical BEDDING for HORSES and CATTLE, Superior to all others. Testimonials and Prices on application to the English Peat iloaa Litter M.F.G. Co., Ltd, Whit- ch urcla. Salop. 169j TJf "-Tv t7> A Wi ;i«4 ? ?.? ? ?.-? =?A ? ? ? -.? -? i*? ?,3  l?e.1:'l'if-Ðc  '7', (. Zlf? 7J 'It liimg We&lGr*  ? ?? & ? ? ?? v <-? —  _J .J ? ??  ?nequaHed for IX VL UEXZ A. COUG- H S, COLDS, A.ST!{MA, HHOCHIAL AFFiXTIOXS AND ALL CHEST COMPLAINTS. 'LiBii'raimjhrtm Chronicle, Novem- (I' t S'U 10.°')' KVVS Tll most eliicAcious cure ever offered t-) 1. public 1'or the nuutni-ons varieties of < • :np!a;iits is Thoinasso's "Perfect" LUNG liiiALr.R. It will be found of the greatest in bronchial affections. lioars«n>iss. ■ o'l^rhs. colds and astinua, and afford. instnur ici:ef to the sufferer. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. l/q per bottle of Chemists, or post fr u 1 liiinj L. Thunnsso, London, S.E. Tliomasso's P3SFEC3" OIL .s E S ?=EMt.° ?s???, ?z?sS? The Greatest outward application for G-out, ShQumatism, Sciatica, Neu.. ralgia, Hsadach.3, Sprains, BruiEas, and all pains. The most Perfect Oil ever brought before the public, and will give relief quicker than any other remedy. Sold by chemists at 1/11 per bottle, or post free 3d. extra, from US, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S E DEAFNESS CURED, li b?fcly. Rapidly, and Permanently, S '*?? BY USING 6c E R. 0 Z 0 N m "I Which has Restored the Hearing of Thousands. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. one genuine without the word" EROZONE." Price lIlt per bottle of all Chemists, or post free 1/3, from L. THQMASSO, US, Westminster Bridge Boad, LONDON, S.E. I- i02TE DOSE j neiievoo. 1- CITF SOS C^TUL5?eS„ A- LONGSTAFFS PILLS '——<«»—"V— These Pills will Positively Cure quicker than any other remedy all DIS- CHARGES of the GENI- TAL ORGANS in either sex, Acquired or Constitutional; also GRAVEL and PAIN8 in the BACK. FREE FROM MERCURY. Soi<! in hoxes at Illi and 2/9, of all Patent wme Dealers, or post free 1/3 and 3/- from 148, Westminster Bridge Road, London. 1626 WANTED, AGENTS for the Sale of the tt Wrexham Aitariittr ia Districts where not already repreeented.-Apply, BAri/Hr Á8 Brvldlut, Limited, Wrexham. Business Announcements. 0.1 TORPID LIVER. HEADACHE:. PURELY VEGETABLE, SUGAR COATED. All Chemists is Small Pill Small Dose Small Price. I 1263 L 1121 _r.jiIi- ,I I I G jj>Y '¡:k:i. "1 ij r I,(:>J..l t.{ T." t.Y \:l;¡'- :-=)'" "'1I!1: f ? I'.çc;??. 5? í!F'¡ f:t.J; (::)1 :3' 11'; Il ç¡ 1;1) C). ::Š\ ,Y!l rl ,i;i!.J-JJ:J:àf_b.g¿-1?:-A'i:ti0{; ¡I ?  I,III 11,1 1'1' r. r(,Y.- í 11:[" A ,,> '?'   ,oc:- .1: '?r?-?' .???-?-?????? ? ?? ? -1?4? ?f gstV-i-TjLJr M ?' \1 :1 6'< -j l';jJnt .¿$i! < ) i'Jl_>$tLJ!: Ii !r;;Æl:br'?.=i cC>7,d- c :C_O'C:_n-'C?' ,¡,:¡: :1 These RerLiedies have stood the test of ,I 11 FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, 1 j I And ars pronounced the Best Medicine for FamUy =,3. THE PI LLS ? i Pur:J the Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, Kidneys and I' J iju?HLS, u.ud aro iuvaluablo in all complaints incidental to lemaloa u?? ail a¿es. t I' THE OINTMENT I; iI: T IS tho on?y rel!aMo remedy for BAD LEGS, COKES, ULCEns, and O,o:n'; 111 I • for Hn<??t'j-f;. SORB THROATS, Colons, rCv-,r.sy GOUT, lijihu.MA j !s:j,| j II CrL.?<Dt<?.it !5wELLixG3, and for all SKi? Disi:AS?3 it h?s EO eou:d. j I !); ITa??Gtursd only at 73, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533. Oxford St.,1,02^02, j !l SOLD B» ALL MEDtONE VENDORS THROUGHOUT TH= V/ORLO. J j! Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily between the hours of 11 & 4, or bt letter. j^-vi f¡ ;t-  ? '??_?_ _? -r- Money. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED), ESTABLISHED 1856, Are prepared to advance, at a few hours' Hotice, from JE5 upwards, uron PERSONAL SECURITY, or upon depos" i of ..JIFB POLICIES, IITLE DEEDS, SHARE CERTIFICATES, DEBENTURES, &c., AT 1IODKBATE INTEREST. N. Preliminary or other Charges or Premiums. of Specially Reduced Terms for BILLS and LOANS an upwards. Repayments by easy instalments. Strictest con- fidence and privacy observed. Forms of application furnisl s Free by post or other-risa. Prompt attention gjvn to every tipplical tiou.-Apply JAMES PHE-INAH, Secretary, 4, Tenjple- row, Wrexham. 72 MONET. MONEY. MONET. MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT FROM £10 TO £ 5,000. AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS. TO LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Farmers, JL Gardeners, Carriers, Cowkeepers, ShopKeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks. Schoolmasters, Clergy- men, Gentlemen's Servants, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders, and others in good situations, on their own security without bondsmen, on note of hand alone, re-payable by easy instalments, or ar- ranged to suit borrower's own convenience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honorable and straightforward transactions guaran- teed. Intending Borrowers are invited before apply- ing elsewhere to apply to the actual lender. B. EDWARDS, 17, Pepper-street, Chester. N.B.—Town or Country; distance no object. Letters immediately attended to. No charges what- ever if no business be done. 192n _n_- -_n- NO FEES UNLESS CASH IS ADVANCED. PRIVATE ADVANCES FROM £ 10 UPWARDS, on Borrower's Fown PROMISSORY NOTE, without Sureties. No Bills of Sale or other Registered Security taken for mpwaids of Ten years past. For Prospectus and Terms apply to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOWKTAHT, 5, TOWN WALLS, SHREWSBURY; 1, 0AHBRIAN BUILDINGS, OSWALD-ROAD, OSWESTRY OR 3, CRESCENT-ROAD, RHYL. Established 1870. 1195n OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM, THREE SHILLINGS PER QUART, F,cizal, if not Superior, to anything in trade at 4s W I LLD E R'S,' CHEAPEST HOUSE m WREXHAM FOB SPIRITS MARKET HALL VAULTS (Entrance to Market Hall). 167. WREXHAM. BREAKFAST SUPPER. E P P S S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA. BOILING WATER OR MILK. 1453 READERS OF THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER SUPPLIED EARLY, AND DIRECTLY FROM THE OFFICE, CAN ARRANGE TO DO SO ON LEAVING TREIR NAMES AND ADDRESSES. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. The Oldest Paten Medicine. In use for nearly a Century. The Safest Family Medicine. Of purely Vegetable Ingredients. If ree front Mercury and other Injurious Druc-os. THEIR USE. For all the common ailments of everyday life, Cockle's Pills are simply invaluable. FOR BILE, LIVER, ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY, INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE, and all kindred complaints, these famoua Pillg act readily, surely, and safely. COCKLED ANTIBILIOIf S PILLS. DR. G. F. COLLIER, writing on the Pharma- copoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, says I have no hesitation in saying that it ia the best made Pill in the kingdom." TAKE NO OTHERS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. Cleanse and regulate the whole system, leaving it free from all impurities. They carry off all un- healthy humours are ad- mirable in women's ail- ments, overcoming all ir- regularities and maintain- ing the system in health, strength, and vigor. To use them always is to keep yourself in perfect health—the bowels free, the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and complexion free from blemish. May be had throughout the United Kngdom, in Boxes at Is lid ,2ii 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 22s. 4, GRBAT OBMOWD STRBBT, LONDON, W.C. fl94. Is your Hair turning grey, or does it come out when aombod ? IF SO, PURCHASE A 1/- BOTTLE OF EGYPTIAN HAIR RESTORER from any Chemist, and you will be surprised at the result." 1535z THE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1887. NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H.M. Inspector of Mines, HENRY HALL, ESQ having certified these Rules to be now correct, has given us the necessary special authority to issue them This we are now in a position to do. both in BOOK AND SHEET FORM. PBIOSS AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, LIMITED, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM. Business Announcements. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE WREXHAM ADVERTIS E R. ( EST ABLISIIED 1SJ8.) REDUCTION IN PRICE. The PRICE of tlio WREXHAM ADVERTISER IS NOW REDUCED TO ONE PENNY. THE "ADVERTISER" IS THE LEADING PAPER FOR NORTH WALES AND THE BOHDER COUNTIES, AND GIVES THE FULLEST REPORTS OF ALL LOCAL NEWS IN THE DISTRICT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. The Proprietors wish to draw the Special Attention of Advertisers to the fact that the Reduction of the Price of the Advertiser has been followed by a very large increase in the sale of the Paper, and therefore greatly enhances its value as an Advertising Medium. The Paper is of the same size as heretofore, and continues to report as fully all the Local News of the District in which it circulates. The Yearly Subscription on and after April 6th will be in advance, 4s on credit, 5s or, if by Post In advance, 6s 6d on credit, 7s 6d. PROPRIETORS BAYLEY L BRADLEY, LIMITED. BAYLEY & Co., PRINTERS, 1TIONERS, BOOKSELLERS AND BOOKBINDERS, 51. HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY. Our Special Demy Broad Folio LEDGER. bound half-rough sheep, 800 pages is Extra- ordinary Value. DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, Ac., at Wonderfully Low Prices. GOOD CREAM LAID COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES from 3/- per 1,000. SPECIAL ORDER DEPARTMENT. ACCOUNT BOOKS, Ruled, Printed, and Bound to any Pattern, at Moderate Pricec, and on the Shortest Notice. IS WELSH AND ENGLISH :— FROM PENURY TO AFFLUENCE;" A Tale of a Wresnam Lad. One Penny. A Choice Selection of CHINA VASES AND TEA SERVICES JUST RECEIVED. Also, A Great Variety of TOILET AND DINNER SERVICES, AT ALL PRICES. BAYLEY & Co., THE NORTH WALES GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. J •••••••• mf EVERY J I LAWYER, ESTATE-AGENT, 2Z I DOCTOR, SURVEYOR, ♦ AUTHOR, TRADESMAN, T I AND BUSINESS FIRM. EEDS A I NORTH S *fF. I V TYPE-WRITER ? f All writing matter neat, legible, and 7 m done in one-third the time. W • A few hours practice enables anyone y A to Wt ite easily. a I NORTH'S TYPE-WRITER f I AGENCY, 4 f Crypt Chambers, CHESTER. j 737 QTT1M INSURANCE OFFICE. LJ 1M FOUNDED 1710. SUM INSURED IN 1893, £ 395,854,440. For all particulars apply to Messrs LEWIS and SONS, Agents at Wrexham. 109 ALL Orders for PRINTING, LITHO- GRAPHY, BOOKBINDING, &c., intended for the 'ADVERTISER" OFFICES, will be received at the Offices MARKET SQUARE, ONLY, there being NO CONNECTION with any other finn. Office howrs, 9 &.ct. to 6 p.m. Business Announcements. GLOBE F URNISHING c-IOMPANY OOMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 12, 14, 16, AND 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE LIVERPOOL. tS" FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM AT CASH PRICES. THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest establiiahed and by far the most extensive Furnishers on the hire-purchase system in the provinces, supply every requisite for the complete furnishing of Cottage, Hotel, or Mansion considerably cheaper tnan the majority of those firms who sell for cash only. This they are ilble to do through having n. very large capital at command, and being the bona- fide manufacturers of the principal gooùs they sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED, NO EXTRA EXPENSES, ON OUR HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. The fair and equitable manner in which our business is carried on, and our reasonable terms and low prices, are so well known throughout the North of England and Wales as to render further comment unnecessary. General terms, which, however, can he altered to suit the convenience of Customers. Payments Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly:— Amount of purchase £10 Payment per Week 3" 6d ti £20 „ 5" 0<1 „ £50 „ 10s 01 £ 100 17a Gd £ 500 „ 803.0J An inspection of our Steele will at once satisfy in tending purchasers that we give better value and olfer easier payments than any other house furnishers on the Hire-Purchase System In the Provinces. All goods are delivered Free in our own private vans, and no expenses of any kind are incurred by customers. Furniture sent to any part of England or Wales. The trade supplied. Shipping orders executed with despatch. CAUTION.—As some firms adopt various means- such as copying our prospectus, (i-c.-with the evident intention of inducing the public to believe they are connected with us, please note our address. FURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE HIRE- PURCHASE SYSTEM. New Prospectus, Large Illustrated Catalogue, Press Opinions, and Price List sent Post Free Application. Kindly mention this paper. Business hours, 9 to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 9 to 6 p.m. G LOBE F URN ISIIJTL- 'CX C 0 -%IPA NY ^J_LOBE JjlURXISIIING ^JOMPANY 12, 14, 16, AND 18, Pkmih;OKK-PLAC" LIVERPOOL. 788j AWARDED ALL TIIE FIRST PRIZES IN THE OPEN CLASSES AT THE BIRMINGHAM SHOW, 1894. From 6d. per lb. For full particulars, see WBitr,'m FApm SHED CATALOGUE, Gratis and Post Free. ORDERS of 20s value Carriage Free. Five per cent. Discount for Cash. WEBB & SONS, WORDSLEY, STOURBRIDGE. 803 THE NEW SMOKING MIXTURE. Sweet Smelling Cool and Fragrant. BRITISH FLORAL TOBACCO (Non-excisable.) Containing the same properties as found in the highest class tobaccos used in this country, but in a modified form, but much more pleasant, less expensive, and equally durable. Its manufacture into cigarettes is indeed a luxury, both to ladies as well as gentlemen. The daily increasing demand for this new Tobacco has induced us to bring it more prominently before the public, and we feel certain that a trial of the same will induce further and continued orders. This mixture is a compound of the finest English- grown herbs so effectually amalgamated that there is no predominance of one ingredient over another. It smokes particufnrly cool, and the aroma is pleasing and agreeable. When mixed with ordinary Tobacco in equal parts, it emits a most fragrant aroma diffusing itself with an aromatic odour most pleasing and refreshing, and is highly appreciated by all who have adopted this method of smoking it. For CIGARETTES it is particularly well-adapted, being smooth and easy in its manipulation, and is ac- knowledged to be quite a iuxury with Ladies as well as Gentlemen. It is perfectly harmless as a Smoking Mixture, but will certainly do all that is claimed for it. Price, Post Free, 4ozs. 9d; 8ozs. Is 31: lib. 2s. A Reliable Agent wanted for the neighbourhood. CHARLES WESTON AND SON, Wholesale Manufacturing Chemists. Analytical Chemists by Registration of the Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain, Consulting Chem- ists to the Brewing and Mineral Water Trades, Micro- scopical Specialists on the Organic and Inorganic Condition of all Still, Flowing, Mineral Spring, and other Medicinal Waters, tfce. ADDKESS :—SAMPLE OFFICE-92, Malpas-road, Brock- ley, London, S.E. Please mention this Publication. 807   WORL'DrEAMEQ For cleansing and clearing the blood from all ira purities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, tie effects are marvellous. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczema. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cures the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumatia Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy te old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to gire It a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. "21. Orchard-street, Warrington. "January 5th, 1894. I am pleased to say that your Blood Mixture a." Lotion, used as prescribed, has done my daughter Elizabeth, aged sixteen years, a world of good. About eight months ago she was attacked wift a severe slvin disease. I took her to the hospital here. and she attended for six weeks. I then took her to the Manchester hospital for four inontks. but neither of them did her a bit of good. I was obliged to take her from her work. At last I was persuaded to try Clark's Blood Mixture, and I now thank God I have done so, for, I am happy to say, the disease has disappeared, and, I can safely any it. the medicine has worked a miracle in my daughter's case. Everyone that knows her says ft is a wonderful thing, she only having taken three bottles, to see the difference in her appearance now and a few weeks ago. This is quite unsolicited, and I send it hoping it will persuade other possible BUfferer i io try your valuable medicine.—I remain, gentljor yours gratefully. "ELIZABETH BOHJI." Witness Charles Price, 48, Battersly-iame Warrington. Just a few lines in reference to a wonderful can that Clarke's Blood Mixture has effected. I hare been a sufferer for over three years with a bail leg. I have had several doctors, and tried dozens of receipts from people who professed to know wlu. would do me good, but I never received any relief until I tried Clarke's Blood Mixture. I should also add that I was recommended by one doctor to go to the infirmary, as he could do me no good, but a friend of mine asked me to try your Blood Mixture. I did so. and after using two lis bottles my leg was completely cured. It would be impossible to tell you how many wounds I had on my leg; it was com- pletely black up as far as the knee. My friends were alarmed, and I thought that I should lose my leg, but now iL s all right. You may use this letter as you please. Make it as public as you please, for I shall recommend your Blood Mixture wherever I go. "JESSE SMITH, 34, Jane-street, Hetton Downs. County of Durham, January 16th, 1891." Sold in bottles 2s 9d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lis—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VEN- DORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COM- PAyY, LINCOLN. TRADE MARK-BLOOD MIXTURE ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. And do not be persuaded to take an imitation, or •wiwtitute. M44ao


I Agriculture.


-MARKETS.I - - -_

[No title]






HOLYWELL. '1hont
