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II BOROUGH MAGISTRATES' COURT. I SATURDAY, JANUARY 2ND. I Before S. T. Baugh, E, qq., and W. Prichard, E-q. I A BOUGH CUSTOMER. Samuel Rowlands, laborer, Wrexham, an o.d offender, was charged with ns-aulting the police.- P.O. Breese said at 8-15 on theprevious night, lie was sent for to turn the prisoner out of the Rainbow Vaults. Witness several times asked liiiii t) go (,ut, but lie refti-ed.-C,)nil)l.,viuaiit titeii obtaine 1 the ats- aistance of P.O. Beresford. With difficulty he was got away by the back door, but when in the entry he kicked witness and Baresford. The prisoner Wn!! with great difficulty taken to the lock-tip.-P.C. Beresford, who gave corroborative evidence, said the prisoner was in drink. J: med 10:1 6d and cost-, or 14 day*. THE ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Joseph Parry, lal)oter, Eagle-street, was brought up charged with having attempted to commit suicide. The pour fellow, who looked very ill, was accom- modiitrd with a chair.—P.O. Here,ford tiaiii shortly after one c'clock on New Y ..r'a morning he heard some wi:mon screaming in h i :le-stieet. lie went there, and was informed t mt .» mail had hung him- self, i,d Eh. t no one had cut him down. He went in f., p.im-'i h'\1hl ami in t.hp sriense under the stair,3 found Elward Davies supporting 1-1,tiry, who was I susj ended by a rope round lii-i tieck, friiiii a iiail. Witness got him down, and by using artificial respir- ation sustained him until the doctor came. I he magistrates remanded the accused until Monday, bin linn bin: over to his son, Mr llobeit Pariy, skinner, of Trafalgar-road, who entered into a recognisance of £ 10. Parry was removed from the court in a cab. MOXPAY.—Before the Mayor (F. W. Soames, Esq.) in the chair, T. (J.ones, E-.Q., It. M. Jones, E.Q., Ald. Jno. Jones, J. F. Edisbury, Esq., and W. Prichard, Eóq, A LIOUGH FELLOW. James McLeary, of Wrexham, was in cuatody charged with having assaulted the police. P.O. Reese, said at 11 20 on Saturday night he heard a low on Town Hill. He found the prisoner creating a disturbance. He asked hun to go away, but he declined. Prisoner then tried to throw him down, and seized hold of his leg. They had a severe SCulfle, and witness was unable to obtain any help from the crowd, one man, on being asked, declined. Mr Wilde, D. C. C., said he heard an officer's whistle blowing, and he with Sergt. Wynne went down Town Hill. There was a large crowd, and defendant was very noisy. Witness tried to induce him to go home, but some bystanders encouraged him to resist. He struck out right and left, and knocked witness's bat off. Then they closed, and the prisoner was locked ut). Witness said he believed the prisoner would have gone home but for the encouragement given him by some cf t'ie crowd. The names of some of the offenders were known, and they would no doubt bear about it again. Prisoner was committed for fouiteen days, and was ordered to pay 4) (j i damage he had caused in the cell. FAIR FLORA IN TROUBLE. Flora Manuel, an inmate of the workhouse was summoned by Miss Isabella Graham, labor mistress of the workhouse, for having assaulted her, on November 3(hh, during the hearing of a case against her at the County Magistrates' Court on that date.— Miss Graham said as she was passing the prisoner to give evidence, she struck her a violent blow in the face. -Mr Williams, relieving officer, [gave corroborative evidence, and the prisoner, who had a long list of previous convictions, was committed to prison for three months with hard labor. DRUNKENNESS Richard Stretch, of Biook-street, was summoned by Sergt. Morgan for having been drunk on Town Hill on Wednesday, December 30th. The com- plainant said the defendant was partly dressed in woman's clothes. O.dered to pay the costs, 4; 61.— Charles Clark?, Wheatshe.tr. butcher, who did not appear, was fined lO-i and costs for having been drunk while in charge of a horse and trap on December 22nd. P.O. Beresford proved the case. THE EAGLE-STREET CASE. Joseph Parry appeared on remand charged with I having attempted to commit suici,ie.-P.C. Beresford having repeated his evidence (given above), Parry, in reply to the magistrates, said it was all on account of trouble caued by and abuse lie had received from his son. He (Parry) WM a laborer, and had worked for Messrs D?vie? Brothers for twenty-three or twenty- four years. Tne eon of whom he complaiued had served in India as a soldier. A dispute had arisen about his lodging money. On Christmas Day he came in and demanded his dinner, which was refused. He thereupon abused him (furry), and be could nut endure it. Aid. Jno. Jones Instead of going to a rope, why didn'c you go to a policeman ? Parry I had no means to pay for a sutnmonp. In answer to the magistrates, Inspector Lindsay said he had known Parry for a long time. He was a very steady man. Kobett Parry, th son who had char.;e of his father, said he was prepaid t., ,aka c?re of him. Hi" mother was in the habit of drinking, and she and "is brother had cau,ed his father to do what he had done. The accused was then bound over in C20 to come up for judgment when called upon. ) A COOL THET-L. Thomas Smith, George Williams, and Eiizibeth Owen, ali Wrc-xham people, were in custody, charged with having stolen a parcel of groceries and provisions valued at 12s, the propel ty of Enos Turley, Ci ois- house. Gresford.—Complainant, who is a (iietnan at Rhosddu Colliery, said about 5.30 on Saturday even- ing he was in the B d Lion, Cliester-ttrett, where he took his parcel. He placed it on the form, ar.d con- versed with some d the people in the house. Two of the prisoners were in also, and presently he missed his goods, lie then gave information to the police, and it was recovered in half an ii,ur.-Sergettit Morgan said he went to the female prisoner's house, but she was not in. He met Williams in Holt-stieef, and presently saw Smith coming with t':e parcel on his shoulder. William-t said that Owens said tie parcel was hers, and when she went mt without it lie went after her, and called her attention to it. She I aaked him to fetch it, md when he did so Smith enve him the price of a dtink.—i??ch prisoner WM fined 10i and cut??. LICENSING. The licence of the Mitre was: ransfen ell from Mr W. Price to Mr T. Beliis that of the Smitiifioid Hotel from Mr iJeiiis to IU, Isaac Jackson that of the Greer. Man, j lope-street, from Messrs Williams and Co. 10 Air ll'cliard Lewis that of the fieece from Mr Lewis to LNIr J. J. Scuit and that of the Rose and Crown from Mr David Dobie to Mr Deunis Lowe. TUF.SDAY. -Before E. iNI. ttorel-, Etcl., J. F. Edis- bury. E q., and Aid. Samuel. ASSAULTING THE POLICE. Richard Morris, collier, was charged by P.C Raese with having assault'd him in High-sireet on the previous evening by striking him in the (ace.—Fiued 10s 61 and costs, or 14 days in default.





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