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WREXHAM TOWN COUNCIL. I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29111. I Present: The Mayor (Councillor F. W. Soames), in the chair Aldermen Jno. Jones,. W. E. Samuel, and R. W. Evans; Councillors J. Fraser, George Bevan, C. K. Benson, R. H. Done, C. Murless, G. Cathrail, Benjamin Owen, Bernard Lewis, Thomas Jones, H. V. faiin, and A. Nuttall. Mr Thomas Bary, Town C:erk; Mr J. W. M. Smith, Borough Surveyor and Mr David Higgine, Sanitary Inspec. tor. THE LATE MR BTRACHAN. I The following was placed nrst on the business paper :—" The Mayor will move that a vote express- ing the regret of the Council in reference to the lamented death of Mr Yeaman Strachan, J.P., formerly Mayor of this borough, be entered on the minutes, and that a copy be sent to Mrs Strachan with as assurance of condolence and sympathy." In moving a resolution embodying the spirit of the above notice, the MAYOR said Mr Strachan's good qualities were known by many of those present who had sat with him when discharging his duties in that Chamber. Being only a recent arrival in Wrexham he (the Mayor) had not had the pleasure of sitting with him, but he believed he brought to bear on the business a strong common sense, which was of much benefit to the town. He thought the ratepayers should acknow- ledge the services of those who devoted their time to the service of the town, and he considered in the came of Mr Strachan speciul acknowledgment was due, (Hear, hear.) Ald. SAMUEL seconded the resolution with profound regret. He had had the pleasure of sitting with Mr Strachan as Councillor, Alderman, and Mayor, and he could testify that at all times he guarded the interests of the town with great care and diligence. He had troops (f friends, and was universally respected. (Hear, hear.) The resolution was then carried. THE nOTAL MARRIAGE. I Aid. JNO. JONES expressed his surprise that the agenda paper contained no reference to the approrch. ing marriage of the Duke of Clarence and Princess May of Teck. He suggested to the Mayor the pro. priety of moving such a resolution. (Hear, hear.) The MAYOR said he was obliged to Aid. Jno. Jones for the kind way he had mentioned the matter which had been before him. It was no doubt the duty of the Corporation of the Metropolis of North Wales to offer congratulations upon the event to the Queen, and the Prince and Piinccss of Walee. He moved that such messages sl.ou'd be sent. Aid. JNO. JONES, in seconding the motion, alluded to the high pattern set all wives and mothers by the Queen, and said that no doubt the popularity cf the marriage of our future King was due to the fact that Princess May was of British birth, and full of British sympathies. (Hear, hear.) The resolution was then carried. THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING. On the motion of the AlATOH, seconded by AID. JNO. JONES, the minule8 of the Council meeting held on November 24th were confirmed. The following concerns the joint district, which has been constituted in conjunction with the County Council, for dealing with the Contagious Diseases (Animaie) Act:-Ttie district consists of the borough of Wrexham, together with the component portions of the district of the county authority—namely, the several parishes and townships comprised within the several Petty Sessional Divisions of Bromfield, Kuabon, Vall. gollen, and Upper Ciiirk. lieprcsentation includes all the members of the local authority of the county for the time being representing the electoral divisions into which the above Petty Sessional Divisions are divided, and the Mayor for the time being, and six other members of the Wrexham local authority, and the expenses to be apportioned among the component areas belonging to the different constituent autho- rities in proportion to the rateable values of such areas as compared with each other.—The Council le. solved that the draft agreement as altered be approved of, subject to confirmation by the Board of Agri. culture. WATER SUPPLY. I A." who Mccttmf; of Wetow Supply Committee held on December 8th there were present—Mr Alderman J no. Jonep, chairman Mr Councillor Soames, mayor; Mr Alderman Evans; Messrs Councillors Owen and Benson.—The Borough Surveyor reported that prea. sure of other matters had prevented his completing the plan showing mains, hydrants, fcc., within the Borough, but he hoped to have it ready next month- The Committee recommended that the Borough Surveyor be requested to obtain information from the Secretary of the Wrexham Watar Works Co., and report generally as to the area of the company's gathering ground and source of supply. the capacity of the reseryoir., and such other particulars as the company may be disposed to furnish an to their work?, and extent and size of mains throughout their district. The Com- mittee proceeded to discuss the report dated 27th October, 1891, dealing with the constitution of the Fire Brigade, the charges for engine and services of firemen outside the borough, and suggestions for alteration of such charges, and placing the brigade under regulations of the Council, and they recom- mended that the Council request the Town Clerk to prepare draft rules based upon the information arrived at, and submit the same to this committee to settle regulations for the direction of the brigade, subject to the approval of the corporation, and concurrence of the officers and members of the Volunteer Brigade.— The Committee also recommended that the Council reduce from the 25th March next, the charge for use of fire engine outside borough (within five miles) to correspond with charges for Chester manual engine, Tiz., 1:2 2 Aid. Jso. JONES proposed the confirmation of the minutes. This was seconded by Aid. SAMUEL. The resolution was then carried. THE EVERLASTING SMITHFIELD. At a meeting of the Smithfield Committee held on December 8th, there were present :—Dr. Palin (Ex-Mayor), chairmaa; Mr Alderman Samuel, Messrs Councillors Thomaa Jones, Cathrail, Owen, Benson, and Fraser. Mr Higgins stated that after three weeks with the experimental check books, he was unable personally to undertake the duty of issuing sueh checks in a satisfactory manner. Mr Councillor Benson having offered to assist in collecting on the next fair day (fat stock sale), December 14th, and ehow how feasible the check system was, a further test was agreed to before any recommendation be made to the. Town Council on the subject; the matter to be brought forward again at the next meeting of Î this Committee. It was recommended that a list of tolls be painted on a board, to be fixed at the Smith- field for public information, and stating that prepay- ment of tolls was required, and that no change could be given. It was also recommended that it be an instruction to the Surveyor, in preparing the detailed plan and specification for the intended alterations, on which contractors are to tender, to treat the direction of the Council, dispensing with any auctioneers' rostrum accommodation as intended to extend to the roof covering and also dispensiug with concreting the flooring of the sits which had been marked on the idian for such rostrum and its immediate surroundings. .fhe Committee decided that In soon as the detaile 1 plan, sectionp, and specification are ready, tendrs be advertised for and submitted to a special meeting of this Committee, to be held during the third week of next month, so that the Council may be in a position to decide at their ordinary meeting on January 26h. to accept a tender for the work. Ald. SAMUEL proposed, and Mr BENSON seconded, the confirmation of the minutes. The MAYOR said a letter had been received from Mr Frank Lloyd, referring to the alterations of the Smithfield. Mr DONE proposed that the letter be at once referred to the Smithfield Committee, but the TOWN CLERK pointed out that the u-ual custom was to hear the letter, and then deal with it. The letter was then read, and in it the writer com- plained, among other things, of the removal of his sale ring. On the motion of Mr DONE, seconded by Mr BENSON, the letter was referred to the committee. Mr MUBLESS asked what convenience was going to be given Mr Lloyd, for if they were going to cut away his sale ring he would have nowhere to sell. Mr BEVAN expressed his supreme disgust at the state into which the Smithfield matters had got. and looking upon the taBk of trying to satisfy all the auctioneers as hopeless. He moved that it be a re- commendation to the committee to prepare a plan and stick to it. The MAYOR said that was what the Council had done. The EX-MAYOR said, as chairman of the committee, be wished to explain that no alteration bad been made in the plans since they had been before the Council. Mr MORLESS seconded Mr Bevan's proposal (the terms of which he had just obtained from Mr Bevan.) Aid. JNO. JONES said Mr Murless did not know the resolution. Mr MUBLESS retorted that he did; that he knew what be was talking about that time. The EX-MATOB again informed the Council that there bad been no alteration in the plans. Mr OWEN corrected Dr. Palin, and pointed out where some alterations had been made. Mr FBAUIE alluded to some changes which bad been made, but urged that they were only. inteuded to equalise the facilities afforded each auctioneer. Mr Bevan's motion was rejected. The minutes of the committee were then confirmed. THE GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. I The minutes of this committee, which met on Dec. 9tb, came up for contirmation. Mr NuTTALx, referred to the postponement of the tiling of the path on Vicarage Hill. and asked why this decision had been arrived at. He pointed out the inconvenience the present state of the path was to the numerous persons who used this road. Ald. EVANS said it waa because of the alteration which was expected to be made in the road when the Railway Company extended the line. Mr NurraLL urged the importance of having the work done, and moved that it be done. Be aaid the alteration would not affect the path. Mr (J WEN seconded, and asked if it could be paid for out of the current rates. The TOWN CLERK said it could not, and advised that Mr Nuttall would have to give notice of the resolution after March 25th. Mr NUTTALL then withdrew his motion. Aid. SAMUEL asked whether the Borough Surveyor had communicated with the owners' of Uobden Mill, soliciting their co-operation in improving the upper portion of Watery Road. The BOROUGH SUBVKYOB said the communication had not been completed. but he hoped to be able to make a report to the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee. In reply to Mr DOME, the BOROUGH SURVEYOR said he had written to the Wrexham District Tramway Company, calling upon them to place their portion of Ruabon-road, within the Borough, in proper order iu accordance with their statutory obligations, but had received no reply. I Mr 13EVAZi referred to the new street from Argyle- street to Egerton-street, and Mr DONE expressed the fear that it would be passed over, and consequently the meinbers would not hear of it again. The MAYOR said it would come up again, and mem- bers could carry it in their heads. Mr DONB But Mr Mayor, if we are expected to do that- Mr BEVAN What are you elected for? (Laugh- ter.) the Town CLERIC referred to the instructions given him to write to the Wrexham, Mold, and Connah's Quay Railway Co. as to the obligation to maintain the road and bridge approaches in Bradley-road. He explained that the road was made under exceptional circumstances by agreement with the Corporation. The Railway Company agreed, under seal, to' maintain the road, but afterwards it was taken over, by the Council. He had written to Messrs Evan Morris and Co., who had replied, denying liability, and urging the agreement. Several members expressed surprise at the position. In reply to a question, the Surveyor said he had never repaired the bridge, but Mr Davies, who was then engineer of the line, had repaired it. After a conversation, it was agreed to let the matter stand over; the TOWN CLERK suggesting that the Railway Company would probably wish to repair the bridges themselves. The minutes of the Committee were then con- firmed, on the motion of Ald. EVANS, seconded by Mr B. LEWIS. SEWAGE DISPOSAL. A meeting of the Sewage Disposal Committee was held un December 9th, when there were present: Mr Alderman Samuel, chairman Mr Councillor Soamc-s, Mayor; Dr. Palin, ex-Mayor; Mr Alderman Evans, Messrs Councillors Bevan, Thomas Junes, Cathrall, Owen, Beuson, Done, and Fraser. The tenant was in attendance, ana wished an interview with the Committee.—Mr Jones, on coming before the Com- mittee, asked to be informed whether it was definitely decided that he should leave the farm, and urged that he had labored under considerable difficulties during the present year, since the sdwage works had been in progress. The duty of disposing of the sewage in future, in accordance with his agreement, would be duly carried out now that the carrier pipes were pro- vided, he having Becured the services of a man to be constantly in charge. Mr Jones then retired.—The Committee recommended that the rent of the farm be fixed at B350 per annum, plus estimated average tithe rent-charge, say 235, making the gross yearly rent 2385, subject to such tenancy conditions and stipulations as to effectually dealing with the sewage as the Committee, with the approval of the Council, should require, That the farm be advertised to be let from the expiration of Mr Jones's tenancy, giving short particulars, and stating rent and acreage, and that conditions of letting might be ascertained at the Tuwc Olerk's office, such advertisement to be inserted in the Wrexham. Advertiser. North Wales Guardian, the Oswestry Advertizer, Midland Counties Herald, and Chester Guardian, applications to be brought before the Committee on Monday, the 28i.h inst., at 3 p.m., prior to being submitted to the Council on the 29th iustant. That the Surveyor cause an employé of the Corporation acquainted with sewage irrigation woik to visit the farm frequently, and report as to the dis- tribution and disposal of the sewage, having regard to the tenant's obligations to prevent any nuisance or pollution, the result to be laid before the Committee from time to time. In connection with the Wrexham and Ellesmere Railway the Committee recommended that inasmuch as it appears, from the Borough Sur- veyor's report, that the main occupation road between the farm house and nearly the whole of the farm lands and the Bangor main road will be stopped up, and no cart road approach substituted (unless over a level crossing with gates), Messro. Evan Morris and Co. be asked to refer the plan ba: k tj the company's engineers, with a view to an uuimpedea and direct road being provided by means of a bridge, or other. wise, and also that c venient roadway communica- tion may be afforded between the farmhouse and the intended new railway station at Marchwie'.—The Committee recommended that the alterations necessary at the Hafodywern Tanks, estimated by the Survtyor to cost £45, be carried out by him wi h the authority of the Counci).-Tija Town Clerk re- ported his negotiations with the Local Government Board as to the proposed loan of £ 1,7C), and stated that the Board had asked for proofs of compliance with Section 32 of the Public Health Act, 1875. but he had submitted that owing to the nature of the works constructed the provisions of the section did not apply. The matter was st present in abeyance. Aid. S/MUEL proposed, and Mr MURLESS seconded the confirmation of the minutes. A letter was read from Messrs Evan Morris and Co., relative to the position of the Ellesmere line and the Sewage Farm, suggesting that the Borough Sur- veyor should see Mr George Owen, the Ccmpauy's engineer. The suggestion was accepted, and Mr BENJAMIN OWEN hoped the Surveyor would endeavour to get the best possible terms from the Company. The TOWN CLERK reported that a local inquiry would be lield, as soon as the engagements of the inspectors permitted, into the circumstances of the required loan. The minutes were then confirmed. THE LIGHTING COMMITTEE. At the meeting of the Lighting Committee, on December 11th, Mr Ald. Evans presided, and there were also present—Messrs. Councillors Cathrail, B, nllon and Lewis.-Tile Committee ordered that the Surveyor obtain twelve ordinary lamps for stock, to make renewals ax found necessary.— An application from the Secrttary, Central Arcade Company, for a Bray's lamp over their Hope-street entrance was Bubmittjd, but inasmuch as two such lamps are already fixed in proximity to the arcade, the committee c nsidered the present lighting sufficient, and were not prepared to make a recom- mendation to the Council in favor of granting the ap- plication.—A memorial asking for additional lighting to the portion of Henblas-strett running from Bank. strett to Chester-street, was submitted from the tradespeople there, and the committee, having in. spected the locus in quo, decided t j reccmmend that a Bray's lamp be tized at the corner of Bank-street and Henblas-street, and that the lamp at present on that corner be removed and refixed on the corner of Mis Rogers' furniture shop. Mr OWEN proposed, and Ald. EVANS seconded the confirmation of the minutes, which was carried, after some conversation had taken place as to the pattern of the public lamps. THE FINANCE COMMIT IEE. At the J inance Committee meeting, hold on Decem- ber 23rd, there were present :—Mr Councillor Bevan, chairman Messrs. Councillors Thomas Jones, Cathrall, Owen, Nuttall, and Fraser. The following is an extract from the collector's statement book- November 14th. balance on general district rate un- collected, £ 2.216 10s lOd; December 19: h, collected since 14th ult., 9706 161 lid; balance, 1:1,509 131 lid. The receipts were as follows :-Distriat rate as above, 1:706 16i lid; slaughter-houses, R6 2" Od water supply, JE5 8t 6d paving, £1181; highways, £4 7* 6d; lighting, 215% 8d suudries, £ 1 2s 6d; total paid to treasurer, 272714 Id. The treasurer's balances were as follows :— Dr. Cr. £ a. d. £ s. d. General fund 349 5 11 Borough fund. 4(4 g 2 Griffith fund 9 13 3 Cemetery Account J02 8 2 Sewerage Extension Account 816 14 1 Net Dr. balance at date. 844 8 9 1298 8 2 1298 8 2 The wages books showed that the expenditure for the five weeks ended the 16th inst. was 2129 81 4d in Surveyor's department, and t54 Is 2d in the Inspec- tor's department, total 2183 9. 61. The committee recommended that the wages account be passed, and that the Council isiue au order for 2130 on the general account, and S20 on the cemetery account, making, with Ell 161 2d balance from last month, 2161 16. 2d in hands of the Surveyor, being the amount of his estimate of wages expenditure for the five weeks to elapse before the January meeting of the Committee. Various bills and accounts which will appear in the cash minute book laid before the Council meeting were examined, of which items amounting to 2641 17a are chargeable to the general fund, £ 81 4s 6d to the borough fund, and 237 18* 4d to the cemetery account. Total £100 193 10 I. It was recommended that orders be issued by the Council for payment of the several bills passed. The Committee recommended that having regard to the large item for repairs in the bill of the Rural Sanitary Authority concerning the Fever Hospital account, the Council ask to be furnished with particulars before an order is made for payment. Mr BEVAN moved, and Mr CATHBALL seconded the confirmation of t ie minutes, which was agreed to. Mr BEVAN formally moved that application be made for a loan of 21,400 for the Smithfield alterations and footpath improvements. Mr OWEN seconded, and the resolution was carried. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. By courtesy of the Council, Aid. Jno. Jones was allowed to move, out of his turn, the following reso. lution That, in pursuance of the Technical Instruction Act, 1889, the Town Council, as the Local Authority, do supply out of the borough rate an amount not exceeding a half-penny in the 2, for the twelve montha ending 29th September, 1892, in sup- port of the Wrexham Art Class in connection with Science and Art Department, South Kensington." He thought the Council would be pleased to hear that the Art Classes were proceeding satisfactorily. There were quite 100 students, and the progress they had made was gratifying. They had the certificates and prizes which had been earned by the students, and they would be distributed shortly. The work was progressing, and be hoped the Council would be prepared to aid the usefulness of the classes. Ald. SAMUEL (with whom Mr Lewis also rose) seconded the resolution, which was carried unani- mously. THB BW XElfAN" I The TOWN CLERK read the minutes of the Sewage Dispoeal Committee held on Monday, which recom- mended that Mr William Lee, Park Farm, Acton, be accepted as tenant. On the motion of Ald. SAMUEL, seconded by Mr I DONB, the minutes were confirmed. THE TOLLS. I Mr HIQOINS reported that the tolls of the Iaat I month showed aD increase of 58 over those of tbo corresponding period of last year. FORMAL. A letter was read from the Local Government Board approving of the re-appointment of Mr R. W. J. Evans as medical officer of health. NON-COUNTY BOIOCGH3. The TOWN CLERK read a letter from the Secretary, Non-County Boroughs Association, with copy of a letter from the Local Government Board stating, with reference to the memorial presented inviting the President to receive a deputation on the subject of the Parliamentary Election Writ in Non-County Boroughs, that in the event of the Board introducing a Bill for the amendment of the Redietribut' ou of Seats Act, 1885, the representation contained in the memorial would be fully considered, but that it does not appear to the President that there would be any advantage at the present time in his receiving a deputation aa suggested, AFFROVED. I A communication was received from the Clerk to the a County Council stating that the Board of I Agriculture approved of the draft agreement for the formation of a joint district, including the borough, under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts. -1 TH. MILITIA. I A letter was read by the Town CLERK from Colonel Tipping stating that the ultimate decision as to the place where the 3rd Battalion R.W.F. should train rests with the Major-General commanding North- Western District, and that Wrexham was one of the alternative places recommended by Colonel Tipping, as he was anxious that the battalion should train within its recruiting area next year. On the motion of the MAYOR, seconded by Mr DONE, it was agreed to write to the Major-General commanding the Dht riØ. Mr Benson I aID afraid it is too late, for the battalion will go to Aldershot. DISTRICT RATE. On the motion of Mr BEVAN, seconded by Mr DONE, inbtructions were given Mr J. Kerrison Jones I to prepare a general district rate for the borough. The Council then rose,
















