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BnsiRMS ABnouncomenta. IRO N F R AM ED PI AN 0 S. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE AT A. RICHARDSON'S, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co., WALNUT COTTAGE, Seven Octaves, Panel Front. Carved TruBMB, Sconces, Ac. 14 GUINEAS. Iron Framp, Braea Pressure Bar, Seven Octaves, Bracket ) 15 Trusses', Panel Front, Sconcea, &c., Ac. ) l' „ Iron Frame. Brass Tun!nc Fin Plate, Compecaatrng Bar.? Meta! Treble Bridge, Brass Pressure Bar, Full Tr!chord, ? 17 Seven Octaves, Panel Front, Bracket Trusses, and Sconces, ) „ „ Iron Frame, BraM Tuning Pin Plate, Compensating and Brasa? Pressure Barp, Metal Bridges, Full Trichord, Seven Octaves, I 19 „ Panel Front, Bracket, Trusses, Sconces, &.c., & ) A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HANDS FROM SIX GUINEAS. ORGANS. ESTXY CHANCEL ORGAN, Twelve Stops 20 GUINEAS. „ COTTAGE Ten 14 Others from Five Guineas. HARMONIUMS FROM THREE GUINEAS. 0UR SPECIAL THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, Money returned if faiiure to complete payment. SPECIAL CHEAP LINES. JpST PURCHASED, 30 BELOW CoaT. a considerabte portion of the Stock of R firm declining business, and offered at LARGE REDUCTIONS. A ep!ondid opportunity to secure a bareain in VIOLINS, 'CELLOS. BASSES, VIOLAS, MELODIANS, MANDOLINES. BANJOES, GUITARS, &c., &e. GENUINE CARLO STOBIONI VIOLINS (selling price Five Guineas) Only 50?. VIOLIN, CASE, AND BOW COMPLETE From 12s. MUSIC ROOMa FOE TEACHING OR PRACTICE, WITH USE OF FlANO, la. PER HOUB. 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW. CHESTER. 1472 .TORPtD UVER. H T IHEADACHE.  G,) C All Chemists Is. Hd. Small Pi!! Small Dose Small Price. 1263 AiL ? or These Remedies have stood the test of ?g FtFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family use. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LivEB, STOMACH, EiDNEYs and BOWELS, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages, THE OINTMENT la the only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SoREs, ULCERS, and OLDWouNDs; for BRONCHITIS, SORB THROATS, COUGHS, CoLDS, GoDT, RHEUMATISM, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and for all SxiN DISEASES it has no equal. oJ Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533, Oxford St., LONPON, SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ?,. Advice Gratia, at tha above addresa, daily between the houra of 11 & 4, or by letter. _? ss? ? ??? "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE UFET WORLD-FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER f7'OR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from Jf ALL IMPURITIES, cannot be too highly reoem. mended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never failing and permanent cure. It CURES OLD SORES CURES SORES IN THE NECK CURES SORE LEGS CURES BLACKHEADS, or PIMPLES on the FACE CURlLS SCURVY CURES ULCERS CURES BLOOD and SKf DISEASES CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINGS CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE MATTER, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. A.1t this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted fMe from anything injurious tc the most delicate constitulinn ct either aex (from infancy to old age) the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a .rial to test ita value. c LARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE Skin Diseases, Eruptions, BIetches. Sjtota, Pimples, Pustutes, Boils, Carbuncles, King- worms, Sore Eyes. Erysipetas, Scurfs, Dis- coloration of the SMn, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatarer name or nature, are literally earrietl out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed medicine. IMPORTANT ADVICK TO ALL.—C!ehMO the vitiated blood whenever you txd its imparities bursting through the akin i* pimples, eruptions, and sores; cteanae it when you find it obstructed and sluggish ia the veins cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep yamr blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sotd in bottles. 2a M each, Md in casoa. containing tix times the quantity, 11s— sufficient te effect a permanent cure in tte great majority of tang-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MED-T CINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 13t stamps by the Proprietors. 'J HE LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COM- PANY, LIMITED. TRADE MARK, "BLOOD MIXTURE" Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do Mot be persuaded to take an imitation. 1844 BOILING WATER OR MtUC EPPS'S GBA TZPU:r.-COMPOJr,T%NG. COCOA BREAKFAST OR SUPPER. 1728 HOW TO SUCCEED. BUY RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1893. It teUs the farmer when to sow his crops to ensure success, and buy and sell his csn.t!e and farm produce. It tells the gardener when to sow, p)ant, prune, transptant, or do anything e)so. It tells the young when to court and marry. It tells the sick the herbs to cure them, and the exact days and hours when to gather them. It teUs the unemployed the exact days and hours whm to seek work with success. It contains Birthday Information for every day of the yeM, also the Fate of any Child born darint: 1893. It tel)s when to set fowls for suceesafut rearing. It tells when to trave!, remove, ask favors, deal with others, bu), seU. spfcutate, sign contracts, hire servants, bake, brew, kilt pigs and fell timber. It explains why we have troubles in this life. and the way to overcome them. It contain; predictions of the events and the weather for the coming year, and numerous useful tables. It contains a targe Hierogtyphic, and 110 pages, and is the largest au.1 best A)manack published. P.ice ? 6d, post free 7,1. RAPHAEL'? B<'ok of Fa'e, exptains the <'&rds and te)!s the Fate of Anyone la, by post Is Jd'l RAPHAEL'S Book of Dreams, Is. The only true interpreter of ftrOtms Insist on having RAPHAEL'S. RAPHAEL'S Key to Astrology wiUenab!e anyone to cast their own horoscope and read their own ptaner. Price Is, poat free Is Id.—Foutsbam and Co., 4, Pilgrim St., L'dlZate Hilt. E.G. BA.YLEY, WREXHAM, And aU Stationers. ZtStSf rHE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT. 1887. i.ioRTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. I H.M. Inspector ot Mines, HENRY HALL, Esq.. having certified those Rules to be now correct, he ha<) given us the necessarylopecial authority to issue them. Fhls we are mow in a position to do, both in BOOK & SHEET FORM. PRICEa AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY "ADVERTISER" OFFICE WREXHAM. IX CABINET PORTRAITS, 3s three for 2s. Twelve ? Carte Portraits, 2a 2d Six for Is 4d. Eight-inch Enlargement, 3s three for 6s. Stamp size, 24 for Is 6dl, 100 for 3s 3d. Send Carte or Cabinet and Postal Order, and in about ten days you will receive Highly Finished Copies with original. FRANCIS & CO., 29, Ludgate HiU. London Business Announcements. 1 NO'STABLE IS COMPLETE WTTnODT IMCN FOR STRAIN, CURBS, AND SPLllITS WUNIT TOEItntQ. rom ovBn-BNACnEs, cHAPPBD BBBtt, WINK GALU& MR nnguirATISM IN BOMM. MB BOM TnBOATS AYD I:fH<M!fZA. TOtt DnoJt1::=r UNEES, BHU!SEa, CArrBO EOCM< TOH SOBE snOULDERS, EMM: BACKS. FOR srnAHfs, curs, DauiaEs !N noca. "J«Jttp<n«iHe in any sta.Me,Lut especially in the ttttblo of a MMtor of Hounds. HADI)M(;TON, 'Xaater of Bertttekshiro nOcn&t. ELLIMAN S L '-??-??. UNtVERSAL.?? ?.? EMBROCATtOt? FOR I)V ??? ?" B R Ut S ES -======-?" t /tl B CHEST COLDS t/? pS,. O«Ev TnROAT(?COLD-ST<FfWES3 '/J? I Prepared onty by ELUMAM SOHStC!Sh? t)? EUtMAN'S UNWERSAL EMBROCATtON RHEUMATtS? LUMBAGO.)! SPRAtNS. J?: ?'?A'?????-' ? ??-???? BRUt8ES "======== ? t /T! CHEST COLDS 6?-. ORE-Tr HRQAT?COLD-STtFFWESS *)/ /?? Pfepared on!y by EJUMAN 32H Tbere are many Brands of COMPRESSED CORNED BEEP each represented to be juat aa xood aa Hbby'a." THEY ARE NOT, but like all !m!tationa, they lack the wholesome and appet!a!nK qaalit!ea of the Rename. Ask for LIBBY'S COMPRESSED BEEF, and inBiat apon having it. 'Tta sold everywhere. 2370zc LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNO LUNG LU<G LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG I/UKCt LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUKG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG SAVE YOUR LIVES By TAKING OWBRtCEE'S LUNG TONIC THE MIGHTY HEALER. It has a power cMf dMe<Me hitherto MttjbtOtMt tn medMt?t<. Ale you at all Weak-chested, of inclined to be ConsumpttM, with just a touch 01 Cough now and thett? yry this zv&nderful JfedMtne." The Cough and weakness tM!{ disappear as if by inagic, and you will-feel a strength and power you TMcer had before. HAVE YOU A COUGH ? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. HAVE YOU A COLD? A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL REMOVE IT. Bronchitis and Asthma it re!feMe t7M(an<!y. The SpMMt 01 Coughing so afead/ttt in Whoopinq Cough. become !<M with each doM 01 the JfedtCtne. "I wish to add my testimony to the gre&t curatre properties of ycur Lnnf! Tonic, t have many times had proofs of )ts vame !n my fitmny. and wou!d not think it safa to be without a bottle of it in the house. I believe it has been the means of saving me manya doctor's bit! and the rnty fault I can find with it is that ycu make it rather too palat- able. W. S. HOI.LtNGWOTRH. CUfton-street, Manchester." .Pr pared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, Chemist, Hull. Sold ttt Bottles. Ie lid. Ss 9d. 48 61. and 1!< by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale, all London and Provincial Houses. TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONfC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIO TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOSIC TONIC TONIC TONtC TONIC TONIC TONtC TONIC 1969 EEEBE  DIQ s???s? ILWSTRATED M(OPHL6T FREE ON APPUCATION {MTCHXJHmL€RY REPA!RS.PROmPT & REUABLC 2032 ??NK BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS ia warranted ?? to cnre ai! discharges from the Urinary orcans in either sex, acquired or constitutionat, GraTel, and raina m the back. Sold tn boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chaaii&ta md Patent Medicine VendoM; o< sent to any address tor 60 ttamp* by the Makers, "The Lincoln & Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln".—Wholesale agents. Barclay end SoM, London an'' all the Whotesa!e HonsM. 9?3 GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Advertiser Ofee, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM. Every description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXECUTED Pubnshers(by authority) of the Abstract of the Coa! Mines Regulation Act AND Special CoUieryRnIesfor North Wales. To be had in Sheetfmd Books in both English and Welsh. BAYLEY AND B ITADLEY, PROPRIETORS.


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