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Business Annonncementa. -r_- .f" IRON FRAMED PIANOS. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE AT A. RICHARDSON'S, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co., WALNUT COTTAGE, Seven Octaves, Panel Front, Carved Trusses, Sconces, &c. 14 GciKEAS. II Iron Frame, Brans Pressure Bar, S°ven Octaves. Bracket ) 1"- ? TtUgsef=, Panel Front. Sconcef, &c.. &c. ) .) Iron Fr?me. Brax? Tuniner P!n Piate, Compensating Bar.? Metal Treble BrHgp. BraRs Pressure BAr, Full Tri(, -ii?r-i, 1< <' Seven Octaves, Panel Front, Bracket Trashes, and Sc:'nce", ? Tron Framp, Brass Tuniner Pin Plate. Compensating at:d llraR) pfpssure B,%rp, !Etnl Bridge! Ful) Trichord. Sjven 0ctavt3, ? 19 Panel Front, Bracket, Trusaes, Sconces, &c., &c. A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND HANDS FROM SIX GUINEAS. ORGANS. ) o GUINE.'kS. ESTEY CHANCEL ORGAN, Twelve Stops 20GMKEA3. „ COTTAGE „ Teu Othera from Five Guineas. HARMONIUMS FROM THREE GUINEAS. OUK SPECIAL THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. Money returned if failure to complete payment. SPECIAL CHEAP LINES. JTc? sT rrr?-nrcH?AQ?Dn ? 'M BELOW COST. a considerah'e Dort;?n of the S?ock of ? nrm dec'mmK buainees. ani offered at I,ARGE REDUCTIONS. .-X Pliletdid ??'S? to 'secun. a harfain in VIOLINS, 'CELLOS. BASSES. VIOLAS, A A .p.?e. .d?.;d d ?nortunitv ?ANDOLINES. BANJOES, GUITARS, &c., &c. GENUINE CARLO STORIONE Vt'.LINS (seMinR price Five Guineas) Only :,io VIOLIN. CASE. AND BOW COMPI,E]-E From 12.,3. MCSIC 1:00)[5 FJR TEACHING OR PRACTICE, WITH USE OF PlANO. l3. PER HOC8. 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW. CHESTER. Uõ2 r TORPID LIVER. !HEADACHEJ! ? ? r ? ? Purely Vegetable. Sugar Coated. _.4; All Is. lid. llCl..¡. u. -j. SmaH Pin Sma.!i Dose SmaH P?ice. j q P;I Sn1al1 Dose ma:¡ rice. J '???\SLLl-??B?M??jRK?)?i???@ ?' These Remedies have stood the test of ? F tFTY YEARS' EXPER!ENCE, And are pronounced the Beat Medicine for Family use. THE PILLS I Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the LrvER, STOMACH, KiDXEYs and BOWELBI and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages.. T H El 01 NT MEN T I Is the only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SoREa, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS; I for BRONCHITIS, SoRE THROATS, COUGHS, CoLDa, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, I I GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and for all SsiN DISEASES it has no equal. NanufacturedoDlyat 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533, Oxford St., LON'n,ON, ? SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDOR3 THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Advice Gratia, at the above address, daily between the hours of 11 & 4, or by letter. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM 7S PILLS /??\ t  e, & ?p  l ?' f/? "PATENT?S) !? ? PtLLS. ? ?-—— ? ?? .4 KE univeraaHy admitted ?.?. to be worth a UutN&A A Box for bilious and nerv- ous disorders, auch as wind Md pain in the stomach sick headache, giddiness, fn!- caaa and swe!!ing after nie:ds, dizziness and drows;- aess, coid .:hiUs, fluqllings cf ?aat, loss of appetite, ahort- aesa of lireatii, co-;tivene«s aenrvy. and blotches on the skin, disturbed <!eep, fright- fRt dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen At-;ons, <tc. The nrat dose wil! give re!ief in twenty minutes. Every suaeror ia earnest'y ia?it;d to try oce box ff! "eae PA-ls, and they w:H be acknowledged to -)e WORTH A GCIXEA A BOX. For female.. ui aU agB these Pil!a are itnvatuitble, as n f f," doses of them carry off all &amors, &,3d briq;> ¡ &h')ut aU that is No femate should be without them. There is ao tcedicice to be found equal to) PtL_hS !or reiaoTing any obrlle¡;ion 01 I' irngutarity of the system, if taken according to the l <l!t"e!iiona t-,iven with each box, they wtll sooc r'}stote I teBa<Je3 of all agfs to sound and robaat hea!th. Tttta hA< been proved by tb(ir-s-trds who n..ve me} thetn an.1 tosnd the bene"t< whi, b are ensured by their use I Fjf a weak stomach, imculred digesti'jn, and &U dia OT:te:sot ttie liver, they &ctIi&e"MACHC,"Mdafew dnsea wUt be fuand to work wonders on the most tm. portant off;r.DS in the hucaan machine. They strengthen the whole Etuscuiar sygtcm, rastore the long-Iost' eom- ) ptexion, bring b&ck the ke"n edge of appetite, ana arouse {cto action r/itu the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical e,.qe?Zt,,y of the bam.tn frame. These areFACis ¡ teatiSed cO!1i¡:u;llj' by members of all classes of society, an.1 c::e of shu bfst gu!trante-€3 to the Bervoaa and dt). bilit,Bt&j n, BEECSAM'S PILLS have the largest a&te of any patec!: 'nedicine in the world. BRECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS, As & remedy for Conghs in genera!, asthma, brunchi d ¡ aSect:on3, hoarseness, shortnesa of breath, tightnesa and oppression o< the chest, wheezing, <&c., these PiHs stand unrivaHed. rhey 4re the best efcr oMered to the public and wi!! sT,)eetl;ly tbnr. ier.3e of oppresstonand diCi-' culty jf brca.thicg which nightly deprive the pat'SBt of r&8. Let & per.'i0n giva BEHCHAM's CouGU ?:LLS a trW, and the most violent eoughwiil In a short: time b reiaoTed. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Ft ¡ pr!etor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, LancMhire, i! boxes at 9H, Is Jtd, and 2s M each. tSold by a'1 Druggists and Patent Medicine De e?er:'w.here. N.R.—Fa!t JireeHona ara gtrm with each box I I I The Star ofsoaipsi, that out-shmes all others M ¡ ??? ?F&Ma? U?S? V It Saves C?<\A n Rubbing. ?UAt" I Washes the Clothes in double-quick time I BY BO!L!NC & RtMStNC ONLY. <5A\/F? ?"?? ? MONEY I ?AlLV EL? WEAR & TEAR. j Can be used in the ordinary way j for all Household Purposes! 1893 GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Advertiscr OtJice, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM, Nvery description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAD, AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXECUTED Publishers (by authority) of the Abatr&ct of the Coa! Mines Regulation Act AND Special CktUiery Rntesfo? North Wale*. Tc bo had in Sheetf <;ad Books :n both Eog:Mh and Welsh. IJAYLEY AND f3. R A IDLE? PROPRIETORS I Business Announcements. I i GLOBE TARNISHING COMPANY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 12,14.16. AND 18, PEMBROKEIPLACE.SLIVERPOOL. I' gar FURNISH FOR CASH, OR ON THE HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. I AT CASH PRICES. THE GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest established tmd by far the m<Mt extensive Furnishers on the hire-purchase system in the prov'nce", supply every requisite for the complete furnishinK of Cottage, Hotel, or Mansion con!lideràtJl) cheaper than the majority of those arms who set! {"r cmh only. Thi-) they are nble to do I, through having a vc-ry large cupital at command, and bei<:t: the botm nde mitnuficturers of the priacipal tgoods thef sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED, NO EXTRA EXPENSES, OX OUR HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. The fair and equitable Diaaner in which our business is ca:ried oo, and our re6Son:lble terms and low prices, ara so well known through ut the North of Engtand and Wales as to render further comment unnecessary. Genent terms, which, however, cn be altered to ut the convenience of customera. Payments Weekly. Monthly or Quarterly :— Amount of purchase. £]0 Payment per Week 33 6d X20 „ 5s Od .£5U K's U.t „ X iot) „ 17a6d „ J;;5Ot) SUsOd An inspection of our stock will at once s&tisfy intending purcba-ers that we Rive better value and offer easier pay- ments than any other h-'use furuishera on the Hire fur- cbaae System in the Provincfa. All Rouda are delivered Free in our owa private vanf, and no expenses of any kind are incurred by customers. Furniture sent to any part of England or Wales. The trade supplied. Shipping orders executed with despatch. CAUTION.—As some firms adopt vaiieus means-such as cupying our prospectus, &c.-with the evident intention of inaucm,: the publ'c to believe they are connected wi;h us, please note our address. FURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. New Prospectus. Large Illustrated Catalogue, Press Opinion", and Price Liat seut Post Free oa Application. Kindly tuenti'm this pap<r. Bu-iineashoara, toSpm Saturdava, to 6 p. m. G LOBE F URNISHING COMPANY, 2. U, 16. ANO IS. PEM3RCKE.PLACE. LIVERPOOL, j2U55t fTphero are many Branda of COMPRESSED CORNED BEEF each represented to be juat as good as Libby*a." THEY ARE NOT, but like all !mitat!oD8. they lack )he wholeeomo and appetising qualifies of. the Kenmne. Ask for LIBBY'S COMPRESSED BEEF, and insist upon having it. 'Tia sold everywhere. 2370zc LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LU.% G LUNG LUXG LUNG LUKG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUXG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUXG LU-G UNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LU\G LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUXG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG SAVE roc.R LIVE3 BY TAKING OWBR!ME'S LUKE TONIC THE MIGHTY HEALER. T< has a power over disease At<Acr<o unknown in med,'cine. Aie ycK at all Weak-chested, or illclined to be Co'MU!np!fM, with just <t touch oj Cough now and fAeM.? fry this wnnderfiol Medicine." The Cough and weakness unlZ disappear as if by mcgic, and you will feel a strength and power you 7:PMi' had beyore. HAVE YOU A COUGH ? A DOSE WILL REL'EVE IT. HAVE YOU A COLD? A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL REMOVE IT. Bronch *tis atid Asthma it }'f!tfM6 instantly. The Sp1;fSmB of Coughing Sf;) drMdjul in WhoQpiH'1 Cote.9h. become less with each dOS? of the Uedicine. I hi vo much pteasare in certifying th!\t your Lung Tonic M a most vatuttbte remedy in ca,;es fjr which it is recom- mended. It 8rat c tme under my notice at a patient's h use. and fr.-metti-iosito I su;i induced to try its curative effects duting a sharp attack of Bronchitis con- tracted by iiiyself when traveHing, and conscientiously assure ycu that t found immediate relief. I have since given it a p!ace in my Surgery, have prescribed it in several cases, aud can thoroughty recom- mend it. You &re at t:berty to use my nrme. JOHN G1\EEt M.R.C.S.L., Keadby, Yorks." fr I)a?-e(i !JZf W. T. OWHRtDGK. Chemist, Hiz!t. Sold m Bottles, Is 1.1d. 2s 9d, 4). 6 1. and 1 !s by all Chemists and Patent ,Ilediciiie "e)zdors. Jr/wlestlle, all Lo,do)z a2Ll Prot'incia! Z?0!f!-M. -gg I TONIC TONIC T<'NIC TONIC TONIC TONtC 'IONIC TONIC i TONIC. TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC 'JOSIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TO"lIC I Ti INIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TON'C TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC I TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC 19S.< EDWARD HORTON, 29, REGEKT STREET. WREXBA.M, PRACTICAL MECHANIC. SEWING MACHINES of Every Make &ni Description Cleaned, Rep-ured, and Adjusted Thoroughly. ? f ? ? < ? ? ? ? AOEKT FOR PRfZR GOLD MfIOAL VERTtCAL Fi<,ED SEWING MACHtNE. (This Machine Is the Wonder of the World.) Baf¡'4acti(J G!!ara;-¡tl'd bath tM Repairs <f- New Machir.es. PRICES :.OWER THAN AKY OTHER HOCSE. N.B.—Bicycles &nd Tricycles REPAIRED on the premises. 1851z ¡HE COAL MINES RESULATtON ACT.1887. rIi ûRTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H.M. Inspector oi Mines, HENRY HAH,, Es<h&Tlng certified thsse Rules to be now correct, he hag given us the nece!l3.rYI3¡:1ccial authority to issue them. Ihia we are cow in & position to do, both in BOOK & SHEET FORM. PIECES &r<D PJo.RTr:uuB.S OK APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY ''ADVERTISER" OFFICE WREXHAM.



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