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e38 Announcements. BEW MILLINERY, MANTLES, PRINTS & DRESS GOODS. I am now showing a grand selection of these eoods, PERSONALLY selected in London and the Leading Markets, and can Msure my friends and customers they are nSered at prices that will stand comparison for good value," style and quality, with the Cbeapeat House in North Wales. PLEASE KOTE THE ADDRESS :— C. E.EVANS, 19 TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. 353ao PUMPING.WINDING AND HAILING ENGINES. ONE 30-inch CYLINDER, direct acting seM- c"ntained, PUMPING ENGINE, modern improved design, and in condition, titHe "ore thim aew. Pairs of WINDING ENGINES, with CYLINDERS, 18-incb, 20 inch, 25-inch, and 3t) inch, with Drums complete, and in nrat-clasa coD'iitior'. PAIRS OF HAULING ENGINES, With Cy)inders 18 in., 15 in., 12 in., and 6 in and Single Engine? with Cylinders 12 in. and 9 in., all with Gearing and Drnms comptete. Suitable SeconJ-h&nd BOILERS {or above, both ¡in Iron and Stee!. A!t for Sate at moderate Prices. RATCLIFFE & SONS, HAWARDEN IRON WORKS, NEAR CHESTER. ESTABLISHED 184?. TELEGRAMS—RATCLIFFE SONS, HAWARDEN. j574n ALLIANCEASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL FIVE MILLIONS STERLING. THE RiSBT Ho?<. LORD ROTHSCHILD, CHAIRMAN. ROBERT LEWIS. CHIEF SECRETARY. CmEF HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. .Dtreecort: R. VENABLES KYRKE, ESQ., CHAlRIUN. SIR R. A. CUNLIFFE, BART., DEPUTy CHAIRMAN. THOMAS BURY, E. DA viES, ESQ., M.D. SIR R. E. EGERTON, K.C.5.1. J. E. POWELI., ESQ. JOHN PRtCHARD, ESQ SIR WATKIN W. WYNN, BART. Zt/e Policies /rfe from RÆsti'Íction. Wlwlc IF(/rM and 7n<fM/?M<aMe. Unexcelled Security- Large Bonu8U. This Company preaenta in nn eminent, degree every alhantage thnt C.10 be contEmplated by parties desirious of tff"cin insurancea againat loss by Fire and Lightning. JOHN FRANCIS, 2S4n SECRETARY, WREXHAM. EDWARD HORTON, 29, RECENT STREET, WREXHAM, PRACTICAL MECHANIC. SEWING MACHINES of Every M: ka and Description Cleaned Repmred, and Adjusted Thoroughly. AGEKT FOR PRIZE GOLD MEDAL vnRTtCAL FEED SEWING MACHtNE. (This Machine is the Wonder of the Wor!d.) SatÙifaction Guaranteed both tH Repair's 't yeto 3fae7tt;tes. PRICES LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOfSE. N.B.—Bieyc!es and Tricyc!ea REPAIRED on the premises. SPRHtQ CORSETS ARE A LUXURY ZtEGLEH'S PATENT. :r, F'i' V (. DJ1i .rf { I.t; ?- ?'— ?? L 'o,' 0.7' { 'c' > '?- "¡II ?.?.???????? ? ??.??? ??' í \1 .W1! 'r F?s???.\ ? J:??'??f /? ??? ¡'- I' <J1:li' ,'I /,j, -hI :¡I, /1, fl ;1" j f,(- :"f.li\¡"\ i-,t' /1. IILl.! _¡r,o. ,I ?%. ?????,/ 1, 0' t: .Jlf; /> ,1" 1 '1 P ,I.. .<¡!¡ .i 1! t ;JJc;fJ %?? ???? '????.? :>11' I)¡ .)iJ;' '.4' ..r ,I.. t' .t' j 3-??.. ?/ 'c- ?.. '? ??.,?tA?'??'')"?? J???' ?' '0_ Thit4 Corset has been thoroughly tested and is groatly praised by all who have worn it for its comfortable as well as its lasting qualities, both of which are remarkable. ihM CORSET may be htm in Various Qusmues. Pficea frum 4-i 9d to 2ta per p&ir. To be obtained hem J. SUDLOW S MILLINERY AND DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 6, ROPE STREET, WREXHAM. 65tz HAXELL'S HOTEL, WEST STRAND, LONDON. Teicpraphic A'iJnss —" Haxell, London." Tt-ttprtms {c: victors must betnarkcd "c,\j H:'xel!, Ljn.<<;)." F°I: Famnies and ent1en.en. In the Idd,t nf the r Theitres and P!ace3 cf A:EU-iH!nfnt. \thin -40 tn!nutt.s of the City by 'Baa cr R.tiiw&y. Thorough!y luu'ft-rtr.spd in every p:n'cicu'ar, combining :t fJfg-;¡nt J'tstdunmt, Separate Ladiea* and Cen[temeu'a CcSt-e Kooma, BiHi..rd Rfom, Ac BED AND BREAKFAST FROM 68. LIGH1S & ATTENDANCE FREE. EVERY HOOM UGH FED BY KLECfUICITY In lh" Love of meftir.p in every way the ontiuued ) refer. ence :-hown tu this Hotel, A NEW COFFEH ROOM. IDCK [-IIYIi(i THE WHOLE OF THE t'!RSI-FLOOR, Ha:; bern a<ide<) to the Uctf!, ITS SI"VE:'f N&B.E WJ:\VOWS cnDI""[JJ=-G THE STRAXD PANORAMA, with DHAWIXG, READING, AXD -NIUSIC HOOMS ADJOINING LONDON AND BRIGHTON. 1182 eALVAN!SED CORRUGATED ROOFtNG SHEETS. BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. SHEETS AS LOW AS Is. 2D. EACH. Ø" PRICES 0?! APPUCATION. CORRUGATED IRON Co., WOLVERHAMTON. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE KINGDOM. 21580 Business Announcements. R. ELLIS & SONS -PU REAL WATERS CAN BE HAD AT WHOLESALE PRICES FROM J F. EDISBURY, CHEMIST, 636 3, HIGH STREET, WREXEAM. ELL!SS MJNERAL WATERS SOLE ADDRESS:— JFL ELTI8 <& SON, RTITHIN, NORTH WALES. 929 ? R. ELLIS & SONS' PURE MINERAL WATERS CAN BE WHOLESALE PRICES FROM C. KL. BENSON & CO. GENERAL SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, 1619c WREXHAM. THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, PRINCIPAL: J. F. E 1) I S B U RY, M P. S. (ESTABLISHED 1819). Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Surgical Appliances, Invalid Requisites.. Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Pomades, Toilet Articles. mHE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT has been SpeciaJiy Arranged, and embracea alt the Modern JL Appliaocea ao essential to the correct manipulation of Prescnptiona, Recipes, &c., and is under the euperviaion of MR CALDECOTT, PH., CHT. Assisted by Mr E. HINCKS. Imporber of German Mineral Waters, &c. Agent for Ediabnry & Co.'8, Schwepp'-s, Elli&'s Waters. AGRICULTURAL CHE)IIC.U.s, FARMER'S REQUISITES HORSE. CATTER AND SHEEP MEDICINES. LISTS POST FREE. ALL CHIEF PROPRIETARIES AND PATENI MEDICINES STORE PRICE FOR CASH ONLY. eoaaz A. RICHARDSON, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co., 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER, ESTABLISHED 1S13. THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, PIANOFORTES &-om 10/6 per month. AMERICAN ORGANS from 5/- per month. HARMONIUMS irom 5/- per month. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ANGLO GERMAN CONCERTINAS. 88 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 35/- 88 Keys, Germa.n Silver Reeds, Ma.ha.ga.ny SO/- SO Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 27/6 20 Eeys3 Steel Reeds, Mahogany, 25/- 20 Keys German Silver Reeds, Mahogany, 21/- GERMAN CONCERTINAS, 20 Keys, ACCORDIANS, two rows Reeds, and stops from 5/ VIOLIN & BOW in case complete, from 12/6 ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TUNING AND REPAIRING OUR SPECIALITY. BANDS SUPPLIED. 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW. CHESTER. 1392 ALL PATENT MEDICINES ADVERTISED IN THIS PAPER AT WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH AT J. F EDISBURY, ss 3, HIGH STREET. WKEXttAM 'PILSENERy BEER, THE QUEEN OF LAGER BEERS. SUPPLIED TO THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, RAILWAYS, STEAM BOATS. Ac, IN THE TOCRIST DISTRICT OF WALES. BOTTLiyG AGENTS REQUIRED IN TOWN WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. "PURE ICE," MANUFACTURED FROM THE WRE XHAM TOWN WA TER PRICES ON APPLICATION. AFPt.V TO THE WREXHAM LAGER BEER COMPANY, LD BREWERY AND ICE FACTORY: WREXHAM, NORTH WALES. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SEASON'S MALT FOR SALE. 464 PtMT PR!ZE MEDAL: LON DON. t875, SOAMES WELSH or P.AD I I. II 1, lií At\. SKfLtLtAMT. FMK6. S:PAR.KLtN!G., THE BREWERY, WREXHAM,NORTH WALES. 2022 Business AnnonncemeBts. MAY, 191. SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS. DURING THE MONTH OF MAY, We shall exhibit in all Departments THE LAHGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK OF NEW GOODS WE HAVE <EVER SHOWN. A SPECIAL DISPLAY OF MILLINERY BONNETS, HATS, NEW MANTLES, NEW CAPES. NEW JACKETS, &c. BEAUTIFUL NEW SHADES IN DRESS FABRICS. Tasteful bat fnpea!ive MILLINERY IS A SPECIAL FEATURE IN OUR ESTABLISHMENT. W. & J. PRICHARD, WREXHAM. A'" jz<98fo WREXHAM STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED, ESLESS, WPEXHAM. A PERFECT SPECIALLY ARRANGED FAMILY LAUNDRY. The Laundry ia Qtted with the beat Modern Appliances for the perfect Gleaming of Household and other Lines. Private Families, Hotels, and Restaurants, will Snd this Laundry to be excellent in it* arrangements and mode. rate in charge. Special and Urgent Ordera will receive prompt atten- tion and despatch. Clergymen's and Choir Surplices cleaned and dressed on Special Terms. The work of Hotels, Ciubs, &c., collected and delivered daily by arrangement. Ordera per Post to be sent to the Wotka, addressed to the Manager. Shirts, Collars, and Gun's Sniahed in a superior manner, retaining the appearance of New Linen. Lace and Mnslin Curtains cleaned and frame Bciahtd. VANS WILI. COULECT AXD DELIVER FREE. C. K. BENSON, J. M. JONES, ALFRED OWEN, WM. BlilRNE. CHARLES DAVtES, D.rectOK; JAS. PHENNAH, Secretary. Price Liats Free by Pottt on application to TEE MANAGER, Or to THE SECRETARY, 678-tBZ 4, Temple Row, Wrexham. W. IRWIN ROBERTS, M.R.C.V.S., VETERINARY SURGEON, OfFa Cottage, Ruabon. E.d. PO ON, PHOTOGRAPHER. THE STUDIO, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXH.AM. Qpen daily except F1'ida1j6 from 9 <o <?. C?MC<< Friday at 1 p. m. 839o MR A.P. 1\1 C LENNAN, R.D.S. ENG., SURGEON DENTIST (ASSISTED BY MR. W. J. TAYLOR). ALBERT HOUSE, RUABON ROAD (TRAM TERMINUS) WREXHAM. ARTIFICIAL TEtrrH from 2a 6<1 each. UPPER OR LOWER SETS from .El Is. EX FRACTIONS, Is; STOPPINGS from2a6J. TEETH PAINLESSLY EXTRACTED BY NITROUS OXIDE GAS, 2s 6d. TEETH CAREFULLY REGULATED, AKD MADE A SPECIAL STUDY. EXTRACTIONS FREE BETWERN 9 & 10 a.m. HOURS OF BUSINESS from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAIURDAYS—Later. ALL CONSULTATIONS FREE. S83zf FFR1TH BRICK WORKS, BRYMBO. RED & BUFF BRICKS & TILES Ot til kinds. FACING BRICKS, FIRE BEICES AND SALT GLAZED BRICKS. For Particulars apply— FFR1TH FIRECLAY COMPANY, 714t Brymbc, Wrexh&m. Business Announcements "r- '0, THE CELEBRATED PENADUR "HonoraMe Mention" at the Paris Exhibition, Certlfica. of Merit awarded ¡by the Counc:! of the Sanitary Institnte of Great Britain, for these Waters; also at International Exhibition, London. 1881. PURE AND STANDARD BEVERAGES ? ?? ? ?? ,?0? And MINERAL WATERS ? ? ????? ?? < ??? ? Manufactured from ?' ? See tha.t ??? ? ?? ???. 0 ? ? ?? PENADUR .?<'SCL????? ?? ?????t ? Trade Mark are SPRING.. ? ?? ??? ? ? ?? ???M ? ? ?.? <? ?? Cork-la.bel-bottle ?????E%????? In order to prevent Spurious ??????L?? ??? Articles being Substituted! ??????? ?t? ??? ? ?? Agents Everywhere, or direct W???? From NORTH WALES FACTORY, WREXHAM. Contra.ctors to the General Station Bun'ets at Chester, Birkenhea-d, Wrexham, Ruabon, &c., Hydropa-thic, Blackpool, Rhyl, &c. 569 COFFEE IN PERFECTION To obtain CofRee in perfection it is essential tha.t it should be freshly roasted and ground. Phillips and Co., 1, Town HilL and 19, Hope Street Wrexham) who are probably the largest buyers of Conee in the Principality, and give Special attention to the selection of the Choicest Growths of all Countries, buy their Coifees in the raw state, and roast and grind on the premises as required. 1833no TK BEST & CHEAPEST fMMtSE Mt WALES. CRANE & SONS beg io Inform the PuUic th&t. havine employed a. Superior StaBf of TUNERS, persons entrusting their Instruments to their care may rety on receiving that careful attention which can only be given by Superior Workmen, such as they exclustvely employ. F I R W I N, MANAGER. 27, REGENT STREET, WREXHAM. 974 TEAS AND COFFEES. THE PUREST & BEST TEAS, OF GREAT DELICACY AND STRENGTH, DIRECT FROM THE GARDENSOI.INDIA, CHINA, AND CEYLON, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. COFFEES FROM THE CHIEF PLANTATIONS. DIRECT FROM THE GROWER TO THE CONSUMER. ROASTED ON THE PREMISES, AND ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO MIDDLE PROFITS. BBNSON & Co, 2), CROSS STREET. OSWESTRY, AND 14 HIGH STREET, & 35. HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. ESTABLISHED 1812. P R ?" 0 C T 0 R & R Y L A N D PRO C T 2G!L MAFACT!RXF L Lt\ N D PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN, AND GRASS, ALSO SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS—CHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST, WITH PARTICULARS OF PRIZES FOB ROOTS OFFERED IN 18Yl, POST FREE. AGENTS:— MR T W. DAVENPORT, YORKE STREET. WREXHAM M.GOMRBY PARRY, UmMttnud.C.rw. Mr J. J. BANCROFT, Rutbin- ?. ?S??' ??''?"?''? Ir W. P. JOES. ironmon2er, %told. ?-M????S:?'?.k. ? KO?TKOBttRIS. Tm HMw. GroM.D_ e.b,tt, I Mr WM. MADDOCKS, The Shrubbery, Wem, Salop. Mr WM. JONHS, Nant GwUnn, Boj'ar!, Uh; MrEDWD. GRIFFITHS, Jun., Bradford OScea, Kaockin, I Oswestry. I Mr (HRISTO, Bndgwdter Arms Haimer Hi)!. 5Cl;t TO pARMERS AND CHEESE MANUFACTURERS fJTL HE BEST SALT FOR CHEESE AND BUTTER MAKING, ALSO FINE LUMP, LAND, AND ROCK SALT, Can only be obtained la this Strict from CHARLES SEDDON, CITY SALT STORES, LEADWORKS LANE, CHESTER Urders PrompHy attended to in Town or Country. Atte?nQane S?be Chester Corn Exchange every ?ur?y Atte ????? ? Wrexbam every Wednesday. 21 Jf SIX CABLET PORTRAITS, 3a three for 2a. Twelve Carte I*ottra:t", 28:Zd: Six for Is 4d. Kight-inch EnJargement, 3-3 three for H. Stamp size, 24 for Is 6d 10t) f )r3s 3d. Senfi Carte cir Cabinet and Poatai Order. and in about ten dsys you will rpceive Highly Finished Copies with engine. FIL4..NCIS & CO., 29, Ludlite Hill, London. ??NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS ia warranted ?? to cure all discharges from the Urinary orgMH in eittUT sex, acquired or contititution& Gravel, and PMEs n the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by aM eh&mists a-id Patent Medicine Vendots; of sent to any address for 60 ,mpJ by the Makers, "The Lincoln <& Midland Counties ¡):ug Company. Lincotn".—WhoIef!alf agents Barclsy and SaBS.Lcaaoc au'* aU the Wholesale Reuses. 9'3 *f Business Announcements ISHMAEL EVANS & ESTATE AND MORTGAGE :0 AGENTS, PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM PROPERTY QUICKLY &OLD. MORTGAGES PROMPTLY ARRANGED FROM FOUR PEK CE.ST. RENTS AND ACCOUNTS CAREFULLY COLLECTED. CHARGES FIXED BEFOREHAND. NO CHARGE UNLESS BUSINESS RESULTS. 792o WATTS & CO., COMPTUN nOUE) H.VERPOOL. CABINET FURNITURE, Ann BEDDING, CARPETS AND FLOORCLOTHS. CURTAIN¡; <&c &c. Theee Departments are the largest of their hind cat ef London. The Stock held ia enormous, and the va!ae offered cannot bo equated in the kingdom. MESSRS WATfS <& CO., lay tl1(ml,e5 oat esp¡cb111 for Complete Home JFurnMbiof;. A saving to purchaaera of &t lea.,t en third w!l! be apparent on & walk turongh their Showroomf, compat- ing the prices quoted with those requires by credit homsea. Severa! hundred Bedroom Suites of wonderful va!ne and artistic design are now cffèTel. A house be completely furni-ihed in a day. Estimates and particuiars free. rMNIKG ROOM SUJTES, ? U? ) FROM DRAWING ROOM. AND ? ??0 50 TDEDROOM SUITED, i OUtKEAS. 1DEDROOM FURHITURE. Comp!ete Suites, in so!id hardwocd", including wardrobe, with tnirror door, pair t ,ilet tablea, marb!e and tile back to WMhat&nd, &c anù chaiM, .£tJl6a6d. 50 Suites, inctuding wardrobe with mirror door, dressing chest with mirror attached, marble top and t!!e washstand, with pedett&i and towet raUa attached, and two cane.teated chairs. ?7 17s 6d 50 Large Suites, new design, bevelted plates through- out, best value ever ottered ac 10) JIIuiol'a' Suitea in Ash, Walnut, Mah,'gall)', Wnlnnt, Burr Watnut, <&c., in wouderfut VAriety of dftiicn, at 6!, 7;. 8i. 9i, 10i. 11;. 121. J31. 14;, 15;. !< 18. aad H) guineas, and from <:U to (i0 PAINTED FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND. WATTS <& CO., COMPTON HOUSE, LIVERPOOL. fl065a MORGAN & CO., MMITED, (wte Ja.CkB<Jn ecnd Son), COACH BUMjDERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, OF LONG ACRE, LONDON. PATENT CEE SPRING BATTLESDEN CAR. On Morgan's Patent Cee Springs. Lf<ST OF TESTIJlONIALS POST JlRB BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, NORTH WALES CARRIAGE WORKS, WREXHAM. EstabUahed 176¡¡. 765a MANCHESTER A.B? CORPORATION. CONCENTRATED ?F? MANURE. MADE tROM AKtMAI. MATTER. pLOOD, JgONMS, pISH, &0. ANALYSJSG ABOL'T 38 ? per cent. of ORGANIC MATTER, containing ) :1 f_O „ cf AMMONIA. 508 „ of AI.K¡\ UNE S Œ TS, c-ntaining) QUO cf POTASH. 857 of THIBASIC PHOSPHArs. 2-50 of SULPHA) E OF HME. Delivered in Bags at any Railway-Station within 51) mifea of Manchester in not Icsa than Two Ton Lota, and within 150 miles in not le'a than Four Ton Lota—Special quotation beyond 150 mi!ea. .S3 per Ton. Will be BoZd by .Analysis if writte-& applicti()¡¡ be mad! HY. Superinttindent. Cleansing Department, Town Hal!, Manchester, or to BOLD ALDRED, Stamford-road, Altrincham, an<I ISoOO Saltney, Chester. THE MEWrWEBSTER7 ? WEBSTER'S ? ?.]a?Ta3]a?i?Gricas?\i. j ? DICTIONAKy/ ? ?- ??? ??? ??—?" The Standard in our foatal Tele craPh Bepartment. The Standard in the United States Oovernmont Printing OQoe. Sale dttling tlte last JO Years 20 that of any o<Aey Q/' sim.ilœl9 <cope. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, AtTD ALL BOOKSKLLEES. WT"iwÉtLEI{.\JiO:' -t !LUJSTRAT6D PAQOPHL6T FREE ON APPUCATiCN U)ATCH X JE{D€U.6RY REPAIRSPPOMPT & REUA8LE CSH MRS HOGAN, 6, PRINCESS STREET, SHREWSBURY, Bfg9 to inform the Ladies &nd Gentlemen cf NVrexhain that. h villg received some large ordera for CAST OFF CLOTHING, of every description, for exportation, she !s e?n"p ?)m advance upon the usual price ?Uowed. ?f?, tr also pm-chasea every description of FL-RMTCRE C?AR?MM?s-, BEDS, BFDD?G. OLD PLATE, &C &c La?es and Gentlemen w?ted upon at anv diat?ce AH lettera pr mptty ?tended to. Parcels ? an? ?boxe& forwatd'd Mrs B. paya carriae fer. MatemtDh Money Order., cHr c. Je?es c?arnri:?aM d ??-r e ???t? ????NT.TIVHSEMP.OYED ? Mrs E. HcgM purchase9 surplu.; ?tock? of \Mrercery Drapery. Ready-Made C?thint? Ac WANTED LADIES'& CEXTLEVF?? ? rC?ASI.OFP CLOTHING, i?arKeorsmatlqu?t?;?- ??e note the ?re?- ?..ncr?t, Shre?- bM ;7-1 i