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Business Announcements. -r.r- ? \\?\? ?/?//? "? ndin" when ]ooks  SOJP W UBei AAV0\1 WWill!l/A Ssoacp J £ M ,°uHseTd. "now l-L Inu^wor^ to WhOreyer:S??nUjAt.5vap ?&fmm l;> S', ^V XaTSSJ> V x WOMAN who ha.. ?"se???to d now! the trouble that the waB'iins 6ay ?nnM She VVPT!V h:^to brd over a ate?nunx w?h tub full of soiled c!lthe3-to boil all the fore- „ in, and m', all thaft- moon-and whtle hll warm and perspiring from the hot, ?Uthyst-.am often to run out into J. ?)J-h?-'P?? M? arp?rmcd-to hnn? np the clothes on a frMxin? !ine wc-k after week! The sudden Mvitom hot iabonr m thew.t st?m to thRco!?ir outsMe produces ? co'd, and followed (?ither b?  mi. uir.oLiao^'li'ihtlr r.^ or fomkindirdcJ^? u. ending in the death v of ?'' poornctim by hard 'abour ? e?ur? i »<»\"T 7>TK REM^Tt- I < )L R I IMh. L; e a soap whloft MpntG. ffe?tnf.andIoiMlaBtim Th<>-p mia'iti « «.v A1,nri  NLI(;II'F and by it ':se a girl twelve yc? old can do a larger w? inleg time with "SUNLIGHT Vi„ ;)U>v (ban a 5tron woman can "1' h an ord,oary oap. :-1, CLOTHES LAST J?OnXTGr?S??. # With the adulterated soaps clothes wear out quicker than litrhtnino- but SUNLIGHT SOAP takes the dirt out without injury to the fine3t material :aU"r-r'ON"S ISOME-A,-W C:)o:L%T. For ia n-ing SULIGHT 50 kil tioll., ing j3 unnecessary. and thin the buttons a,,e not torn off or brakes. 260 TORPID LIVER, ?"' ?HEADACHE. bD II ,.c¡  > I: SQafl IBBH fl|E £ ^S mSfSBZ P-4 !=S( I HannnaMHpa^Hi I Ail Chemists Is. lid.  ¡ Small Pill Small Dose Small Price.  I2T3 ,I ';¿,- < <i (jj' '8 V ..I I, II '$ 15 if (,01 t""ê)- 11 ;¡- ø '?' t_ B !I I ,,tJ "1J.- "f; ";9 ,I. < L 'Z> t rov1 i: '1' /<1 II'" '£1 r. r:f.:J: i "r. I ..i" ¡ 11 These Remedies have stood -10'-1 líiQJ:1tt'L$. !iHJ. ;;11  'I | Purify the Blood, correct all disord 'I. {5 -J -i" I k'- These Remedies have stood the test of 1",i"7. ¡, I.. -= ".IT' «.jl'fti, c,' "0'I.VA:.&H'ii.2:tL.i.m!'¡ I il ;1 F 1FT Y YEA R S' E X PER I ENe E, ¡ And are prono;lC;: e Bt IMc;:eor Family use. r Purify the Blood, correct an disorders of the LIVER, STOMACII, KID1;"EYS ana ll(}w£Ls, and are invaluable in ¡¡ll complaints incidental to Female5 of all agC:3 Ii f Id the only reliabl: rÐedfOr BAX> LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD W 0"=-; I ior HKo?curna, SORE THROATS, COUGHS, COLDS, (;()Llr, GnxDU?AK SWELLISGS, and for all SKIN DISEASES it has no ecjuuL I' jl j. Kanul,-totured-only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533, Oxford St.,LONDON, II |j i, SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. !) ?' Advice Gratis, at the above addre. dailv between the h?urs of 11 & 4, or by letter.  I ?E?. r!t. I: ==-==-=- aBMM—MiTTTr^ • ^—— Vk'f)" WATERLOO ZROTTHSTID IFZEZEZDIHSTG- OIL CAKES. I Unequalled for all classes of Stock. Every delivery Is guaranteed to Analysis. WATERLOO ROUND LINSEED CAKES. Guaranteed over 97 per cent. of pur ty. Manufactured by the WATERLOO MILLS CO. (Limited) 1  HULL.  510 1 1 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BE EC HA M'S PILLS ? /?%\?\. \?' f P.Vi'liNT ? PtLLS. e? "I ? \?. ?/?/  b- "!It- A lift universally admitted to .tJ6 vv-rtti A A fcSox for bilious and nerv- ous disorders, such as wind vid pain in th.?? stomach, sic! hJ,da(;he,gidli:ness, fl1"/ nesa nti aweiiinn aft r ac ii-? Jinine?s and drowsi- ness, cold '<)! ti'?h'n?? < f j 'teat, loss of appetite, short- ness of ■reVj'i, co^tivditess. scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed ti.-ep, frizlit- ful dreiiias, and all nervou ) and tTeuihling sen itinns, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try oa box tf "°nll,i 3.Da they win be acknowledged to -le WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For feu:ales of all ages these Pills are invaluable, a* a few doses of them carry off all humors, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There Is no medicine to be found equal to 3EECHAM S PILLS for removing any ob-itrucucn oi irregclarity of the system. If hÙen accor??i 'g to the ??ions fi?en with each box, th"y wul so"i- rnt)re females of all ages to sound and robust health. Tnis h ><• been proved by tbous%Lds who n ve srie i them, an 1 found the benetlta whi h are ensured by their U-. Pjr a weak stomach, imoaired digestion, and all dl- orJers of the liver, they act like 5IAGIC, 'and i. :e» doses will be found to wcrk wonders on the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengths the vrbole muscular systcul, restore the ion^-iost cllm Plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and ,.run", Into action with the ROSEBUD of health she .nol, Physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS- tsatiSei continually by members of all classes of so«jiet>, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and olt", bilitated is, BEECHAM'S PI1XS have the laigost sjie ( f any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, br jnc^-i affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, Ac., these Pills stand j nnrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the publ.c ana will speedily remove that sense of oppression and diffi- culty of breathing which nishtly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH ?ILI.s A ''?a!, and the most violent c?ugh will in a shcrt time h  removed. t Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pi pnetor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, j 0198 at !Id, Is Hd, and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Druggists aud Patent Medicine De i BTery?g?  N.B.—FuU directions are giv?n with each box ¡ COME TO VIRGINIA. PRACTICAL FARMERS OF GREAT BRITAIN ',re INVITO to buy of State Authorities, COMFORTAM.K 13 CIREAI* HOUSES, with all conveniences. For Particulars write to THOMAS WHITEHEAD, Commis- I ioner of Agricalture and Immigration, Richmond, irgin.a, U.S.A. 6S.>  I tR??T?HE <tB I '7TH!: I IPERTH! IDYEI WORKS j AGENT I IN WREXHAM: I •J. S UV LO'V, RI{ IPEI>, <tc., G, HOPE STREET, From whom Catalogues i!iv be obtained. GOODS FORWARDED TO PERTH FREE OF CARRIAGE I EVERY WEEK. 507ii I MRS HOGAN, I G, PRINCESS STREET, SHREWSBURY, Begs to inf -rmthe Ladies and Gentlemen of Wrexh im tint, having received some large orders for CAST OFF CLOTHING, rf every description, for exportation, she is giving an advance upon the luinl price allowed. Mrs H. dso purchases every description of FURNITURE, CARUETS, 1,EDS, BEr??<t. Ot.n rn/r?, ?c. Ac. l tt L-idies and Gentlemen naited upon at any dist-nc. All letters pr lnatly attended to. Pa roe's and boxes forwarded Mrs H. jays cirriajre f-r. "«tateia«-nts, Money Order*, or Cheques remitted same day". No UKIMtF,SKST\TIVES KMU OYKO. Mrs K. Hog.i:: pur-liases surplus torks of Mercery Drapery. Ready-M.ide Clothing, Ar. WANTKD I.ADl Ks' <fc GEN ri.EMEX'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING, i i larss or small QII;¡,ntitie". Please note the a,laress-(;. P :Incess-streot, slirewg- 77 lj KbTdBL13UED A.D.. IS I. THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER, Denbighshire Flintshire, Merionethshire Cheshire, Shropshire !tn<7 Nirth. Wales Register TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. UNSTAMPED. STAMPED. fn advance, Us per annum. I In advance, lis per annum On Credit, 10s per annt' ii. I On Credit, 12s per annum. he County Paper for ill Official Notices in Denbighshir and Flintshire. r DBUSHED KVERYFRl DA V AND 8.4. TCRD.t 1 CIRCULATION, 5 500 J.JAYLEY & JJRADLEY, PROPRIETORS.

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