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Business Announcements. .r- r-, -.f. r-oo. 19 TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. Having just. returned from London, I am now showing a Choice assortment of FLOWERS, FEATHERS, New Styles in STRAW HATS AND BONNETS For the EARLY SPRING TRADE. Together with a variety of PRINTS, AND 1\EW DRESS FABRICS, An inspection cordially invited. C. E.EVANS, S12BO PIANOS AND ORGANS. CRANE & SONS, PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL, Beg to announce that they have opened a BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE SALE OF THEIR INST RUMENTS AT 27, REGENT STREET, WREXHAM, And hope by Fair Prices and attention to business to merit the Patronage of the people of Wrexham anJ neighbourhood. PIANOS AND ORGANS, BY ALL THE LEADING ENGLI&H AND AMERICAN MAKERS. ALL INSTRUMENTS GUARANTEED. TUNING AND REPAIRING BY EXPERIENCED WOUKMEN. Any Instrument not approved of will be Ex- changed within two years without any less what- ever to the Purchaser. Pianos at 10/C per month. Organs at 5, per month. Harmoniums, 5/- per month. F IR W I N, 526jo MANAGER. PUMPING,WINDING AND HAULING ENGINES. ONE 30-inch CYLINDER, direct acting self- contained, PUMPING ENGINE, modern improved design, and in condition, !itt!e worse than new. Pairs of WINDING ENGINES, with CYLINDERS, 18-inch, 20 inch, 25-inch, and 30-inch, with Drums comp!ete, and in first-dass condition. rAIRS OF HAULING ENGINES, With CyHnders 18 in., 15 in., 12 in., and t! in and Single Engines with Cylinders 12 in. and 9 in., all with Gearing and Drums complete. Suitable Second-hand BOILERS for above, both ,in Iron and Steel. AH for Sate at moderate Prices. RATCLIFFE& SONS, H AWARDED IRON WORKS, NEAn CHESTER. ESTABUSIIED 1S4S. TELEGRAMS-RATCUFFE So:o.s. HAWARDEN. j574a EDWARD HORTON, 2J REGENT STREET, WREXHAM, PRACTICAL MECHANIC. SEM'IXC MACHINES of Every M:.be and Description Cleaned Repaired, and Adjusted Thoroughly. AGENT FOR PRIZE GOLD MEDAL VERTICAL FEED SEWING MACHINE. (This Machine ia the Wonder of the Wor!J.) 8att"adiol1 Guaranteed !'o</t m .Recurs tC' .New .1Iachi¡¡tJ. PRICES LOWER THAX A:<Y OTUER nOLSE. ? B.-BieycIes and Tricyc!es REPAIRED on the premises. 4Mz Tliz PERTH I !DYEi ) WORKS t ? B?HN?B???S????BNN AGENT IN WREXHAM: J. SUDLOW, DRAPER, Ac., HOPE STREET, From whom Catalogues may be obtained. GOODS FORWARDED TO PERTH FREE OF CARRIAGE EVERY WEEK. 5u7n SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS IN BULK May be inspected every THURSDAY AND MONDAY IN FRONT OF MR WILLIAMS' LIVERY STABLES, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. Fine SamD!es of WHITE. YELLOW, and BLACK OATS. BLUE PEAS, SEED BEANS, SEED BARLEY, also about 3CO Measures of :hin Crop POTATOES, nice size. A good change for this ne!ghbourhood, being direct from OrtBskirk. LEWIS, ROSSETT MILL. 35Ho )1.\CHETER .ta- CORPORATION. CONCENTRATED ???. MANURE. MADE FROM A:VUIAL MATTER. BLOOD, BONS, pISH, &c. ANALYSING ABOL'T :;¡¡ per cent. of ORGANIC MATTER, containing ) of AMMONIA. ) 5U.S „ of ALKALINE SALTS, c.Dntaining O'W of POTASH, jt 857 of THIBASIC PHOSPHATE. 3 50 of SULPHATE OF LIME. Delivered in Bags at any Railway Station within 50 mDes t'l Ilalicbester in not less than Two Ton Lots, and within ,)1) mi!ea in not less than Four Ton Lots—Special 'rotation beyond 150 mite- 83 per Ton. WiU bo,, sold by A)ialysis if written applicati01 be iiiade. HY. WHILY. Superintendent. Cieanaing DepartmeBt, Town Hall, Manchester, or to BOLD ALDRED, t"¡}{) Stamford-road, AItrincham, and -û Saltney, Chester, Business Announcements. "J" THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY, 3, HIGH &TREET, WREXHAM, ESTABLISHED 1819. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Surgical Appliances, Invalid Requisites, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Pomades, Toilet Articles. fJHE DlSPESIXG DEP Ap,Tl\lENT has been Specially Arranged, ar.d embraces all the Mod-.rn Apphaucea so essential to the correct manipulation of rrescr!pt:ona, Recipes, &c. Importer of German Mineral Waters, &c. Agent fjr Edisbury's & Co, Schwepp's. Elli.'s Waters. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS, FARMER'S REQUISITES HORSE. CATTLE AND SHEEP MEDICINES. LISTS POST FREB. PRixcipAL: J. F. EDISBURY, M.P.S. 602az 602az TEAS AND COFFEES. THE PUREST & BEST TEAS, OF GREAT DELICACY AND STRENGTH, DIRECT FROM THE GARDENSOF INDIA, CHINA, AND CEYLON, AT WHOLESALE PRICES. I COFFEES FROM THE CHIEF PLANTATIONS. DIRECT FROM THE GROWER TO THE CONSUMER. ROASTED ON THE PREMISES, AND ABSOLUTELY PURE. NO MIDDLE PROFITS. BENSON & Co,, 2], CROSS STREET, OSWESTRY, AND 14, HIGH STREET, & 35, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM tz2445n A. RICHARDSON, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co., 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW, CHESTER, ESTABLISHED IS13. THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, PIANOFORTES from 10/6 per month. AMERICAN ORGANS from 5/- per month. HARMONIUMS irom 5/- per month. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ANGLO GERMAN CONCERTINAS. 28 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 35/- 28 Keys, German Silver Reeds, Ma,ha,ga,ny 30/- 20 Keys, Steel Reeds, Rosewood, 87/6 20 Keys, Steel Reeds, Mahogany, 85/- 20 Keys German Silver Reeds, Mahogany, 81/- GERMAN CONCERTINAS, 20 Keys, 8/ ACCORDIANS. two rows Reeds, and stops from 5/ VIOLIN & BOW in case complete, from 12/6 ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TUNING AND REPAIRING OUR SPECIALITY. BANDS SUPPLIED. 43, BRIDGE STREET ROW. CHESTER. 1392 I ALL PATENT MEDICINES ADVERTISED IN THIS PAPER AT WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH AT J. F. EDISBURY, 635 3, HIGH STREET. )IEY':O; WATCH SPRING CORSETS ARE A LUXURY ZirCLEK'S PATENT, This Corset has been thoroughly tested and is greatly praised by all who have worn it for its comfortable as well as its lasting I qualities, both of which are remarkable. This CORSET may bs had in various QualitIes trom -h \M to 21s per pair. To be obtained from J. SUDLOW S MILLINERY AND DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 6, HOPE STREET, .WREXHAM. 651z COlVIE TO VIRGINIA. PRACTICAL FARMERS OF GREAT BRITAIN :tre invited to buy of State Authorities, COMFORTABLE and CHEAP HOUSES, with all conveniences. For particulars write to THOMAS WiUTEHEAD. Commia- '-ioner of Agriculture and Immigration, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. 568o GALVAN)SED CORRUBATEO ROOFtMe SHEETS. BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS SHEETS AS LOW AS Is. 2o. EACH. Ø' PRtCES ON APPLICATION. CORRUGATED IROX Co.. WOLVERHAMTON. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE KINGDOM. 2-1580 YOU MAY l\1 AKE VOUR 1RORTUNE I TO-DAY! Tfj?ORTUNES are often realised in a single day by seeing J* promptly a favorable opportunity. The REMARK- ABLE AXD SPECIAL OFFER now made to the readers of the WREXHAJl ADVERTlSER may be your oppor- tunity. GRASP IT FIRMLY TO-DAY whilst within your reach-hesitation may mean loss and disappoint- ment. Time is money By procuring to-day one of H. I Samuel's magnificent Watches, accompanied by a VALU- ABLE FREE PRIZE, a golden opportunity is secured. W.ite to H. Samuel, and enclose a Post Office Order for £2 129 6d. By next post H. Samuel will send. securely packed and safely registered, a splendid ENGLISH LEVER ? ???' ? P?eet timekeeper, Sited with dust and damp- tight cap. jeweUed movement, in S?id Silver Hall Marked tC?agshet and worth ? as retai!. Or. If the order is for 25a the sender will receive H. Samuel's CELEBRATED ';ACME" WATCH, opiate, extra jewelled movement, timed to marvellous accuracy, solid Sterling Silver Cas s, Lady or Gentleman's .size. H. Samuel's price. 25s.. worth Three Guineas. H. Samuel will enclose with each Watch, during this month, a MAGNIFICENT FREE PRIZE Each Watch WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Md snpphed upon a WEEK'S FREE TRIAL. No ri? P?r. ?ct sahsfaehon. Money returned if not approved II ?f ?"?°'' ?- SAMUEL'S ILLUSTRATED t?AfAL?OGUrTE contanung over one thousand engravings and complete descriptions of H. Samuel's f?med manufac- tures also hundreda of marrenous testimonials from the actual wearers. Sent to any address on application, alone I with particulars of H. Samuel's Free Prizes. Gratis an§ Post Free I 12 H.SAMUVs 123 ??oo. li2?j t ??cH AND PRIZE BOND ?0. 123. -I R??r?jf ?Dr??r/?ER. Grand ? undertake to .upp!y the hoider Cut  Grand of this Coupon with the Watches „?"? "? Free Prize described above, at the reduced out and prices of 1-2 12 6d or .El 53. and to Distriba- include free with each Watch a enclose tion. Handsome and appropriate Prize, it with available Stoned, H. SAMUEL. vour .Nlancbester.your for All P.O. Orders to bo made pay- Order to 21 d.v.. ? to H. SAM. EL. General Po.t H ? Samu?, ( Ofhce. Mancheste' COLOSSAL SUCCESS.—Seven Thousand Ciubs in fnU op.r. ir.n ina?I the )?e Manufactories an D 'P?f? K.i?dom. Timekeepers. Foremen, Ac. ?c w?efor r?t?ul.rs Peasant occupation. Libera! tenns sfwin? ?p'P?d;' ?" ???' '?——' ??.-———??? s\Jrplid. H. SAMUEL LEVER WATCH MANUFACURER 97,99, and 1U1. Market-street, Manchester. 974 FRAMING Send your Photographs and Pictures for Artistic Framing to JOHN LITTLE The Library, Wrexham. 2027 Business Annou: .cemep.ts. SPECIAL VALUE. We now oSer an impo tant delivery of Beautiful and very Useful INDIAN CASHMERE, 42 inches wide; price I? 4id per yard; made of Pure Soft Woot, and In Twenty charming New Spring :hades, together with the largest collection of Fashionable DRESS MATERIALS we have ever oSered. Inspection respectfully invited. W & J. PR1CHARD, 14, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 498 SPRING. 1891. TAILORING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. E. LLOYD Invites inspection of his NEW STOCK for the present SEASON, which is large and varied, being the Newast Designs and of the Best Qualities. The Stock I may mention comprises a Sne selection of SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS amd OVERCOATINGS. These Cloths are carefully selected, and are the best makes of English, Scotch, Irish and Welsh Tweeda. The Highe't Class of BIacb Cloths in Worsteds, Vicunas Serges, &c. GENTLEMENS COMPLETE OUTFITTING. This Department contains a well-assorted Stock of ex. cellent value, and quite new. The newest shapes on!y shown in SILK AND FELT HATS, SCARF. AND TIES, Also a good assortment of SHIRTS AND SHIRTINGS, GLOVED, COLLARS, UNDERCLOTHING AND HOISERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. EDWARD LLOYD, REGENT BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. 679m o WhEXHAM STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED, ESLESS, WPEXHAM. A PERFECT SPECIALLY ARRANGED FAMILY LAUNDRY. The Laundry is fitted with the best Modern Appliances for the perfect cleansing of Household and other Linen. Private Families, Hotels, and Restaurants, will 6nd thia Laundry to be excellent in its arrangements and mode- rate in charge. Special and Urgent Orders will receive prompt atten. tion and despatch. Clergymen's and Choir Surplices cleaned aud dressed on Special Terms. The work of Hotels, Clubs, &c., collected and de!iveied daily by arrangement. Orders per Post to he sent to the Wotks, addressed to the Manager. Shirts, Collars, and CuSs nnished in a superior manner, retaining the appearance of New Linen. Lace and Muslin Curtains cleaned and frame Bcished. WILL COLLECT AXD DEL!VER FREE. Pnca Lists Free by Post on application to THE MANAGER, Or to THE SECRETARY, 678 tBZ 4, Temple Row, Wrexham. If you want Good and Reliable PROVISIONS go to JOHN WILLIAMS, 17, MARKET HALL, WREXHAM. FINEST SELECTION OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PROVISIONS, Comprising some of the Snest AMERICAN AND CHESHIRE CHEESE, From the Best Dairies. Best Value in Wr.xham in Home-cured and Wright's Crown Brand AMERICAN HAMS. CHOICE SMOKED WILTSHIRE AKD BkLFAsT ROLL FINEST DANISH. KIEL. IRISH AND WELSH BU1TERS. EC.GS, TINNED MEATS, PICKLES, A1"D SAUCES Of all description always n Stock. NOTE THE ADDRESS- 17. MARKET HALL, WREXHAM, 173f FFR1TH BRICK WORKS, BRYMBO. RED & BUFF BRICKS & TILES Of ftll kinds. FACING BRICK9, FIRE BRICKS AND SALT GLAZED BRICKS. For FMt!cu!ara apply— FFR1TH FIRJ.LAY COMPANY, 7Ht Brymbo, Wrexham. TO FARMERS AND CHEESE MANUFACTURER?. ? THE BEST SALT FOR CHEESE AND BUTTER MAKING, ALSO FINE LUMP, LAND. AND ROCK SALT, Can only be obtained :a this district from CHARLES SEDDON, CITY SALT STORES LEADWORKS LANE, CHESTER Orders Promptly atterdedto m Town or Country. Attendance at the Chester Corn Exchange every Saturday. Delnenes m WreX).tID every Wednesday. 2!3f Business Announcements THE SELfBRAIEB PErADUR SPRltG WATERS "Honorable Mention" at the Paris Exhibition. Crtiflca:e of Merit awarded ;by the Council of the Sanitary iNstttute of Great Britain, for these Waters; a!so at International Exhibition, London, ISSL PURE AND STANDARD BEVERAGES ??? ? ??"?e? And MINERAL WATERS ? ? ? ? ??? ???? ??? Manufactured from .???L "'?'? TENADUR ??? ? ?? ? ??? ?? _???? ?????? Tvade Mark are SPRING. ?????? ????SL? ? ???? ? ? ?? Cork-label-bottle ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ??jp ? ??? In order to prevent Spurious ????????? ? ? ???? Articles being Substituted ?M?????? Agents Everywhere, or direct ?? ? ???M??? From NORTH WAL?S FACTORY, WBEXHAM. Contractors to the General Station Bna'ets at Chester, Birkenhead, Wrexham, Ruabon, &c.. Hydropathic, Blackpool, Rhyl, &c. -69 ARE KOW ON THE <?M? ??? <M? Bt?BcBM I?tBwtStfSt?F N ? ? ?* ? Mt tZSB tC??Saf?t <B? 9N?Br?N? & cEB tBEarB! ? §?? ??? EBBEt?M BY PHILLIPS <& COMPANY, F)RST PR)ZE MEDAL: LONDON. t875. SOAMES WELSH -rRAD AJ\t'» B'ÉtfL.L..vANT P1jrt" SPAR.KJt(Gd THE BREWERY, WREXHAM.NORTH WALES. 2022 WREXHAM "PILSENER" BEER, THE QUEEN OF LAGER BEERS. SUPPLIED TO THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, RAILWAYS, STEAM BOATS, Ac, IN THE TOUHIST DISTRICT OF WALES. BOTTLiyG AGENTS REQUIRED IN EVERY TOWN WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. "PURE ICE," MANUFACTURED FROM THE WREXHAM TOWN WATER PRICES ON APPLICATION. APPLY TO THE WREXHAM LAGER BEER COMPANY, Lr BREWERY AND ICE FACTORY: WREXHAM, NORTH WALES. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SEASON'S MALT FOR SALE. ? A LARGE STOCK OF NEW SEASON'S :\IALT FOR SALE. 4tH R. ELLIS & SONS PURE MINERAL WATERS CAN BE HAD AT WHOLESALE PRICES FROM J. F. EDISBURY, CHEMIST, C36 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. MINERAL WATERS SOLE ADDRESS:— R ELTJIS & SON. NORTH: WALES. 775 R. ELLIS & SONS PURE MINERAL WATERS CAN BE.HADSAT WHOLESALE PRICES FROM C. K. BENSON & CO. GENERAL SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, lgl9c WREXHAM. ESTABLISHED 1812. P R 0 C T 0 R & R Y L A N D ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN, AND GRASS, ALSO SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS-CHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST, WITH PARTICULARS OF PRIZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED IN unl, POST FREE. AGENTS:— MR T. W. DAVENPORT, YORKE STREET, WREXHAM Mr GODFREY PARRY. Llan sautffraid, Corwen. Air J. J. BANCROFT, Ruthin. Messrs HASSALL & SON, Bubney. WMtchuich, Salop. Mr W. P. JOES. ironmonser, Mold. Mr W. GRIFFITHS. Cross Keys. Chirk. Mr ROBERT ROBERTS, Tan Rh!w, Croes, Denbigb. I Mr WM. MADDOCKS, The Shrubbery, Wem, Salop. Mr WM. JONES, N&nt Gwi!;m, Bodfari, Rhy!. I MrEDWD. GRIFFITH?, Jun., Bradford OSiees, Knockin, I 0,3westry. I Mr JOHN GAR)ISTOJ Bridgwdter Arma Harmer HiU. 5fjljf Business Announcements ISHMAEL EVANS & SON, ESTATE AND MORTGAGE AGENTS, P UBLIC HALL, PROPERTY QUICKLY SOLD. MORTGAGES PROMPTLY ARRANGED FROM FOUR PER RENTS AND ACCOUNTS CAREFULLY COLLECTED. CHARGES FIXED BEFOREHAND. NO CHARGE UNLESS BUSINESS RESULTS. &7 tmJ' 'BATCHES TItc Best Value. the aio=t Durable and Finest Timekeepers ever made. TESTIMONIALS FROM of Owners now usmg them in all parts uf the world. V, tMP R 0V E D EYLESS ww ATCHES Not lial.1e to failure. pivinf Kxu.' Strengii). Greater frcm /ud Induced 01 Masufa-tmc. "SPECIAL MAKE" LADIES KEYLESS LEVER WATCH In Silver Cases Ic Geld Case Three-quarter Plate Lever, witb Compound B:t.lance, Ruhy jewels d in 13 r.ctij33, Extra Strong Keyless v.-urk. each y,.n t Interchangeable througiiont. rrico £lO'in Missive lKd. Cold Half-Hunting, or Crystal muM, richly ur plain polished. With ronogrnm Engraved Free. In Silver Cases. jE5. THOUSANDS HAVE BE EX SOLD I\'iforma.c ? 'wa.rra.nted. Seat free and a.t our rik tu all parts cf the world. tC!S1f L ES@ "BAMtf WATCH Cheapest, Strongest, and Best .E5 ENGLISH KEYLESS WATun ever made. Silver Caaes Silver Cases Best London make throughout. Three-quarter Plate EmfH 4i L;;vcr, Large Chronometer Ualant-c, Jewelled in Rubies. Extra. Strong Key!css A'-tion, Each part interchangcal,lc. An Exact Timekeeper and the Best Va!ue in thO market. THOUSANDS HAVE hELK S( ¡LV. rrice £5, ia Extra :dh'r CryEt.al Glass Cases. Performance warranted. Sent free at our risk to all prts of the vorld. ? ? tr/b Will send the above Watcher tocethcr Trith Warranty for correct performance, to any part of the world, free and at his risk. nn receipt of P.0.0., payaMo at G.P.O., Bank Draft, or Ca,h. CLOCKS for the house, of every kind, in pieat ?? variety, from jEl to £500. ?tHURCH and TCBRET CL.OCS:S. -Eslimatea ?- ? and advice free. Just completed the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town Hall. Ashton-unùer- Lyne Parish Ch-ureh, and many others. 'DLATE, for presentation and hon<ehold n?e. In ? Sterling Silver and Electro riate. Prettiest patterns and best quality, at moderate pr?-c? TEWELLERY, in une Gems or Plain Gold of M best London make. Many thousands oi novelties at manufacturers' prices. 'ENGAGEMENT RINGS, In ccd!? variety, set J-t with the Gnest Gem" and of host London make. "Speciality" Bri!Iiant Ring- at .Sf..€10. and Selections free on rocei.pt 01 reference. 'DENSON S PAMPHLET, the largest and best ?D of its kind, containing nearly ?(<t page" of Prieet and Illustrations of e\-<-rv of WATCHE! CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY. PLATE, and TURRET CLOCKS, sent po-t free. Steam Factory is the only one of ita kind ;a London. Visitors to tu\\t) arc invited to view both Factory and Shuv.' Room' ,hidl rontain tuo Largest and Best in London, at the Lowest Prices for Cash. ? ? /?9 ? ????/??t?t/?/ ??????????????????L?i????/???/?1?749?. tfAEER TO Z7. 7'77r R(" r:V7'rv' W.-l R OPFiCE, /A-D7: UFFICE. t.'L' TEE STEAM F 11 CT0B.Y. 62 & 64, LUOGATE 1iLL, Norton Heuse, La Bdl and 1, Eoy Court..C.: 28, Royal ExchaDg-e, & West End Hou<=e 26, Old Bond Street, \V., LONDON. THATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Apphcation' for Aç(>n- eiea invited to establish these Cluhs. whi 'h were originated by Mr. Benson over 40 year:, t Qll partictuara post free. 774 W. IRWIN ROBERTS, M.R.C.V.S., VETERINARY SURGEON. Temporary Address 33, CHESTER-STREET. t:Sl ECONOMIC FIRE OFFICE, LIMITED. NON-TARIFF FIRE AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE L;3(m.\CE Subscribed Capital. "£:{;ii,5I.JO ??-"r.?n Paid-up Premium Income for_18L. £7ti:3)tj ?.to, ? ? lLI ci' Ch.irm?-S?p.onS ? ?.?, ??? ?,?? Head OHice-26. Old Broad Street, London B C apector for Wate?.M. Pennant'Jones -? ?' ?M'- Kh?-stree3, Wrexham -stree:; Prospectuses, rates, and other irf? t- ? obtamed on ?ppHcat.on to the Head or' D?-????'° ?s be above. The Comply invite app!c'-a'*t";r-? ? if?cr fiis Wales. èt:nCles Ji] lla