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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. OP THI FOLLOWING CLASSRS Homes to be Let, I Situations Wanted, Situations Vacant, Apartments Wanted, I Apartments to be Let, Money Wanted Miscellaneous Wants Lost- or Found, inserted 1n thxs Column at the under-mentHmea charges :— One Insertion (20 words) Is Od Uuee Insertions II 6d Persons who reply to Advertisements are particularl) requested to observe the directions given, and not to reply by personal applications when they are directed to address to a certain name or initial to the office of this paper or elsewhere. By attention to this notice a great deal ot unnecessary trouble will be aaved. Advertisers are requested to forward Advertisements as aurly as possible in the week to insure insertion and correct- "? as it is only posaible? to insert a limited number r iYed so late as Friday; the publishers, though anxious to accommodate the public to the latest moment, cannot guarantee insertion when received after TWELVE O'CLOCK Oil that morning. AU Advertisements not ordered for a definite period wil be inserted until countermanded Advertisers are particularly reqnesed to name the nam Iter oi insertions when ordering Advertisements. Legal and Public Notice. i Veterinary Infirmary, Argyle Street, Wrexham. I Take the liberty of in/orniinp the Nobility, J. Gentry, and Farmers of this District, that I have purchased the Veterinary Practice so success- fuUy carried on by Mr KENNEDY for a number of years. I have bad the honor, for some years, of acting as Veterinary Surgeon to one of the largest Panneis* Clubs and Horse and Cattle Shows in Yorkshire, and am also a Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and a Fellow of the Veterinary Medical Society. I have gained a large and varied experience during the year a I was con- nected with MESSRS FLETCHER <FC SONS, Veterinary Surgeon". Sheffield, who carryon an extensive Town and Country Practice. I ought also to state I received n:v irofessional education under the care of PHOFESSOR WILLIAM WILLIAMS, &nd can confidently ask for your support. I remain. Your obedient Servant. W. J. FLETCHER, M.E.C.V.S. 2531o TO TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I will not be J. Responsible for any DEBTS contracted by Wife. SLIZABETH JONES, after this date. (Signed) THOMAS JONES. Witnelø-JOSEPH GRIFFITHS. Rhos, Jan. 23rd, 1901. 168z THE WESTERN FARM MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY, 58, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. CAPITAL 3,000,010 DOLLARS. Six Per Cent. Guaranteed Freehold Mortgages. Five Per Cent. Sterling Debentures, Interest and Principal pay- able in London in sterling. THE First Mortgage Bonds are secured by Freehold J_ Lands in the United States, worth from to four times the amount advanced, and are also guaranteed by the Company. The Sterling Debentures are secured by a deposit with the Debenture Corporation, Limited, of London, the Trustees, of equal amount of the above-mentioned First Mortgages, and are also made a direct charge upon all the property < f this Company. These Debentures are also insurable by British Companies at 10h per cent. For full information, prospectus, and particulars apply to ATKINSON COMPANY, Managers for the U.K. 2591 z BOROUGH OF WREXHAM. APPOINTMENT OF TREASURER. A SPECIAL MF.ETING of the Town Council will be A. held on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. 1891, at 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of eltcting a Treasurer, under the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1382, the Public Health Act, 1875, and the Burials Acts. Security is required 13 be taken for the discharge of the duties of the office. Applications to be sent to the undersigned, from whom further particulars may be obtained. THOMAS BURY, Town Clerk. guildhall, 30th January, 1S91. t24 Business Announcements. DAY. SON, & HEWITT'S ORIGINAL and CELEBRATED LAMBING & CALVING REMEDIES. THE CHEMICAL EXTRACT. For Anointing after Calving and Lambing. For Straining and Preventing Gangrene. For all Sores, Wounds, and Swollen Udders. For Sore Throats. Strains, and Rheumatism. Price 2s 6d, 3s fid, and 7s per bottle. THE RED DRENCH. for Cleansing after Lambing and Calving. For Hide Bound, Red »Vater, and Yellows. For Chills, Fevers, and Loss ot Cud. For Preventing Milk Fever and Quarter Ill. Price 33 6d per doz. (Ewes); 13s per doz. (Cows.) THE GASEOUS FLUID. Ouces General Debility in Stock. Cures Low Condition and Hoven or Blown. Cures Scour or Diarrhfea, and Colic or Gripes. Cures Coughs, Colds, and Loss of Appetite. Irice Is 9J per bottle 20s per doz. THE GASEODYNE. Used as Laudanum for Deadening Pain. For Severe Diarrhoe i and Influenza. For Paining in bad Lambing and Calling. For Inflammatory Colic and Lung Disorders. Price 3i tid per bottle. SPECIAL LAMBINGTCALVING CHESTS With "KEY TO FARRIERY." complete JE3 3! and £1 lOs, carriage paid. Pamphlet on Lambing and Calving Disorders," by Mr T. G. Hewitt, M.R.C. V.S., London, gratis and post free. ROYAL ANIMAL MEDICINE MANUFACTORY, 22, DORSET STREET, LONDON, W. zl95a SPECAL NOTICE. ——— I intend offering the balk of my Surplus WINTER STOCK OF DRAPERY, together with a variety of Remnants, at PRICE that are bound to effect a clear- ance. This being my first Sale for over TWO YEARS, I shall epare no effort to make it worth t ViBit from every Purchaser of Drapery who will kindly favor me with a call. Please den't forget the name and address C. E. EVANS, 19, TOWN HILL, WHEXHAM. 212no WINTER FOOD. SPRATT'S PATENT COD LIVER OIL DOG CAKES. 21s per Cwt. Bag. SMALL SPECIAL BISCUIT FOR PUPPIES AND PET DOGS. PACKED ONLY IN TINS. Price 2a per Tin about 71b., an 1 4s Per Tin about 14 lb. PAMPHLET ON CANINE DISEASES, yoar PRM. Of all-Deaders, or of Spratt'a Patent, Limited, Bermondsey, London. SoB. 559 YOUNG LADIES who want to be independent, and IL m&ke their own way in the world, should write for ?Mapectcs of the Sc;onM6c DM<M-CaMnn<: AaaoeMtion. ? Regent-stMet, London, W. 8itMtioa* <Mmd for all 4MP& at good M?nM. ?' Business Announcements. TO FARMERS AND CHEESE MANUFACTURERS. THE BEST SALT FOR CHEESE AND BUTTER MAKING, ALSO FINE LUMP, LAND, AND ROCK SALT, Can only be obtained in this district from CHARLES SEDDON, CITV SALT STORE, LEADWORKS LANE, CHESTER Orders Promptly attended to:in Town or Country. Attendance at the Cheater Corn Exchange every Saturday. Deliveries in Wrexham every Wednesday. 2131 "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFIC WORLD-FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RRSTORER FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from JE* ALL IMPURITIES, cannot be too highly recom- ix ended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Dise ases Phnple-t, and Sores ot all kinds, it is a never failing and permanent cure. It CURES OLD SORES CURES SORES IN THE NECK CURES SORE LEGS CURES BLACKHEADS, or PIMPLES on the Fics CURES SCURVY CURES ULCERS CURES BLOOD and SKiv DISEASES CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINGS CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE MATTER, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. An this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted tree from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex (from infancy to old age) the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a .rial to test its value. c LARKWS WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE Skin Diseases, Eruptions. Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles. Ring- worms, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Scurf, Dis- coloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed medicine. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it whn it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sold in bottles 2s 9d each, and in cases. containing six times the quantity, 118- sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDI- CINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on rt ceipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietois, '1 HE LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIES DHUU COM- PANY, LIMITED. TRADE MARK, BLOOD MIXTURF." Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. 1844 CALENDAR. SUN. MOON. FEBRUARY. Rises. ) Sets. Sets. H.M. H.M. ?ilises. Mom. 1 S ¡;exage: sunda=. 7.42 4.47 = 10.3? 2 M (Zulu War began, 1879 7.40 4.49 0.58 1050 3Tu!Marquis of Salisbury b.. 7.38 4.50 2.14 11.12 1831) 1 Sir Wm. Palliser d., 737 4.52 3.32 11.41 5 Th:Thomas Carlyle d., 1881 7.35 4 51 449 AF i. « F Henry Irving b 183S 7.33 4.5S 5.59 1.18 e < Charles Dickens b., 1812. 7.32 4.E8 6.57 2.31 7 < ?Charie? Dickens b., 1812. 7.32 4.E8 6.57 2.31 In February the Moon's chants areLast quarter, 2nd- 4.42 morn new moon, 9th. 2.52 morn first quaitar, 15th. 6.30 aft. Full moon 2:3rd. 7.18 aft.

Family Notices


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