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RU.UAMF.NT-SESSION 1888. WliEXIiAM, MOLD, AII I CONN AH S QUAY RAILWAY. I (STEAMBOATS.) 1 p oj Steamers ami other Vessels f < ■■■ i>(>i,: Pom r to constitute same a s. I lub-rtaknig Power to contribute to v fuiitjKiiij t: Tolls, Rates, and Duties i hir.,rl,(,r<iti„), <J >J4W.N A tiu ndnu nt ■ /V- r- ,I j'ttrpitsf s.J UTIRK IS HEREBY CiVEN, that applica- tholl 1:- ¡utt.uded to he mad to Parliament ?t: xsu.n.n Session,_ by the Wrexham, Mold, list, ilig S"?tsi(on, by the Wrexham, ,Nlold, ?? i I .iii ? Cilay R?lway Company (hereinafter ?. èhe 'mp:t¡y ), for leave to bring in a Villi (i urei n.if ter rtf. nvd to as "the Bill"), and ?  an Ad t?r&I! ur some of the fullovviu^ pur- <. t hat is to say — 1, t;!))"?'' the Company to carry on the busi- ,„ carriers by water, and for that purpose to buy, Slil> construct, repair, work, take on lease or hII" ami maintain steamers, steam tugs, tug boats ami vessels ot all tviiuls for the conveyance of pu-libera, aunnals, minerals, and goods and other tf" | empower thv; Company to constitute such stcai'" and vessels a separate undertaking of th. C nipany, with separate and distinct capital, a ta:y and borrowing powers, and to allocate t,. such separate undertaking such portion of the capital authorised to be raised bv the Bill as may hI Ii, Med expedient, and to prescribe, define, and regulate the respective rights of share, stock, or debenture holders in such separate undertaking inter se, and ith respect to any other share, stock. or debenture holders of the Company, or any class ei" viastes thereof respectively. To c utcr on the Company power to contribute to aud hold shares in the undertaking of any St« ainbo.-t Company owning steamboats running between any port or ports on the Rivers Mersey or nee rnd any other ports, and to make all neces- sary agreements in regard thereto. Tu authorise the Company to demand, levy, and take tolls, rates, fares, duties and charges in res- pect ot the use of the Company's steamers, steam- tug", tug boats, and vessels of all kinds, and the carriage- by them of passengers, minerals, mer- chandise, animals, and goods and other articles and things, and to vary or extinguish existing tolls, rates, fares, duties, and charges, and to confer vary or extinguish exemptions from the payment of tolls, rates, fares, duties, and charges. To authorise the Company to raise further sums of money for all or any of the purposes of the Bill, and also for the general purposes of their Under- taking by the creation ot new or additional shares and stuck, it itli or without guaranteed or prefer- ential dividends, or other special rights or privi- leges attached thereto, and by the creation and issue 01 uib-nture stock, and by burrowing on mortgage 01 Unid,or by any of such means, and to define, restrict, and regulate the rights and powers of shareholders, mortgagees, and others in refer- ence to the railways and works of the Company, with such other regulations and limitations as may be prescribed by the Bill. To authorise the Company to apply to all or any of fhe purposes of the Bill, and also for the general purposes of their Undertaking, any capital or funds now belonging to or under the control of the Com- pany, or which may hereafter belong to them or be under their control. The Bill will or may vary or extinguish all existing rights and privileges which might inter- fere with the attainment of its objects or any of them, and it will confer, vary or extinguish other rights and privileges, and will incorporate with itself and amend the provisions or some of the provisions of the following Acts or some of them The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, IS45." The Companies Clauses Acts, 1863 aud 1S< W." To repeal, alter, amend, extend and enlarge, so far as may be necessary, the powers and provisions of the several local and personal Acts following or some of them or some part or parts thereof, namely :—25 and 2G Vict., cap. 221 27 and 28 Viet., cap. 234 28 and 29 Vict., caps. 17G and 2(">1 2!1 Vict., cap. 3S 29 and 30 Vict., caps. 270. and 3.19 30 and 31 Vict., cap. 200 32 and :;3 \¡d., cap. 153 3G and 37 Vict., cap. 232 45 and 4(; ict., cap. 232 46 and 47 Vict., caps. 65 aud 10S 47 and 4S Vict., cap 165 and any other A.t or Acts rclatiug to or anectiug the Company J:! ami 24 Vict., cap. S9, and all or any oilier Act ur Aeis relating tu the Buckley Railway Company, I'liiite l copies of the Bill will be deposited in the Bill Office of the House of Commons on or before the 21st day of December next. fated this 9th day of November, 1887. EVAN MORRIS, I Wrexham, Solicitor for the Bill. WYATT, HOSKINS, HOOKER, AND WILLIAMS, I .%IS,I Westminster, Parliaincnt-stre.- Parliamentary Agents. I

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