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Shipping Intelligence. J ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO UNITED STATES and CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. ASSYRIAN Foil H\l.n AX A- BAI TIMOHE.NOV. 22 PARIMAN 'on HAI.II AX Pomi.vM) .Nov. 24 PERUVI AN Kou HALIFAX & BALIIMOHF: Dec. 6 POLYNESI AN FOR HAI.ii-AX <V PORTLAND S NOVA BALTIMORE.. Dec. -20 SARDINIAN FOR .Dec.2 OCEAN KATES. Saloon 10 to Is (JCINKAS Intermediate £ t> lis: NTKGRA(>E, AT LOWEST KATES. Through tickets at special rates to Montreal, Toronto. Chicago, and to all parts of Canada and the Western SwfttiOfl TOURISTS, SPORTSMEN, and others visiting th-I O&nudian North-West this Summer, can avail theuiselve •f a special low reiurn ratt to the wonderful scenery i:1 the Rocky Mountains and the r-porting di-tricts. NOTE.—The best, quickest and cheapest route fo- Manitoba and th Great únh West is hy the M;ii Steamers of this Line. fcT for Fiorida should go by the Allan Steamers to Baltimore, which is the cheapes; and I convenient route. ASSISTED PASSAGES TO C VNVDA. 116" Passengers landing at Quebec and isi inland a-e accompanied on the Railway by the Com ■ .r;> a speci.s: cenduclors. PAMPHLETS on Canada. Manitoba, and -he vv.gtt-rr. States free on application. I fall particulars on ..ppiicatioD tc ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., ¡ James sheet, LIVERPOOL, J? cc C. HEBER RODERICK, ADVERTISER OFFICE, W'Rf-XH J. OWEN, Uhurch-street, Ruibon. THOM AS M ADDOCKS, >1, High street. ),1.;1,1. THOMAS CHARLES, old Vicarage, K:>mbo. JOHN HEVViTT, Bank-street, Ponkey, Ruabon. STEAI, LONDON T.) AUSTRALIA. Via Cape of Goo 1 H"pe. THE ABERDEEN LINE, S S. AIT-TRALA^IAN Tons, Will leave Ti! iicRv on DECEMBER 20m, f >r MELBOURNE AND SYDNEY, Taking Passengers for all AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS The accommodation for fir,t and third-class passengers is very superior, and a experienced surgeon will be carried. Fares from 13 guineas. To be followed the mw f-il'-powere-l Steamer •• D4MASCUS" on the 17th January, and the ss, ABEiiDKKN in F<,buiary. For freight or passage apply to GEdiKr. THOMPSON and Co., 24, Le denliall Street, London. EC 223Sf DOMINION LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. a.S. s.VUXIA, ORHjON and VANCOUVER Have Saloons and State-rooms, amidships. :-1tl¡Ii,}.1 lioiiE '10 CANADA AND Western STATES Lowest Inland Fares. Free Farms of 100 acres of fertile land. SAILING (nan LIVERPOOL weekly, and from BRIS- TOL Fortnightly. The Steamers of this line are replete with every modern comfort. Fares from 10 to 15 guiri-as Intermediate 6 guineas, Steerage .£4. Assisted Passages Apply to MAIN, A M. NlUOMERY, & Brtstol; or to Mr R. ROBKKTS, Hosier, Town Hi! WI Z ham Mr G. POWELL, Park -creet, jluabon Mr D. E. D^VIES,Riiianfa, i'wUh« li: Mtairs HEWITT & RJDGEWAV. Bank-street, Honkey, near Uuabon; E. POWELL, near Plasmadur, Ruabuii. (j:20 1/ H 1 1 E STAR LINE V H 1 'f E :-5_ It L I N E ???i??' ? ? ROYAI. ?AtL -TKAMERS. '?J? I LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK VI A QUEEN S rOWN EVERY WEDNESDAY. Forwarding Passenger? to al? the United States and Canada. The splendid vessels of this t.ine are all uniform in m"dd and arrangements, and un urp tssed in the complete- ness of their appointments for the comfort of Pas engers of all classes. Second Cahin£7. Steerage Passage at LOW RATES. Appj.i TO Mr R. ROBERTS, 23 Town Hill, Wrexham, Mr W D. JONES, 10, Newiy-street. Holyhead, or to ISMAY. tMRlE, & co, It), Water-street, Liverpool, and 34, Leacienhall-street, London, E.C. 45 Money NO FEES UNLESS CASH IS ADVANCED. PRIVATE ADVANCES FROM ?10 UPW?UDS on Pumi?hor? Ni te, with or withou suretie.-For prospectuses application forms, apply personally, or "1Î1o" to (.EOUOE I'ilNE, Accountant, S, Town Walls, Shrewsbury. Established ls70. 1345 MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILLS OF SALE. NO SURETIES REQUIRED.—ON PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE. EVERY CONSIDERATION AND FAIR TREATMENT. SEVD stamped addressed tnvelope with full particulars C to M 1 Preece Jones' Residence, Shrewsbury House, Crescent Road, Rhjl or call there any Monday or Friday. Information Fiee. Per-oual attend:nee at the Chester Office Entrance, Bold Place, Tucsd.iis and Saturdavs. If71a THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, IS prepared to advance any sum from £5 to £50il upon A personal or other secuiity, for periods of from three Booths to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, quar- terly, or other instalments Good bills discounted on ad- vantageous terms. The strictest confidence observed. Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Price, Ottices, Summer Hill, near Wrexham. Fcrms of application furnished free, and if applied for by post will be forwarded an receipt of a stamped directed envelope. 773n PI'I"ATF' M O N E Y I A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, with spare capIta, is desirous of making immediate CASH ADVANCE S fum £:1 Householders, Trades- men, l-arimrs. and others (speci.d advantages given to the working classes), upon their own security, at moderate interest. The stiiitt st confidence guaranteed. Repayable by ii stalmepts to suit borrowers. Distance no object.— Apply on Wtdnesdays and Saturdays, from 10 to 5, to Mr All.A;\ Rf.NNIE, 3, Bailey Head, Oswestry (private resi- dence), also at 24, Chester-street, Shrewsbury. N.B.—No connection with any Loan Office. Letters promptly attendee to. 224lo MONEY MONEY MONEY > £5 to £1.000 ADVANCED on Day of Application, to all respectable /TL Householders (male or fellulc), Clerg. eu, Shop- keepers, Farmers and others. ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE. No Sureties required. Moderate Interest and easy repayments. Cash advanced on all kinds of M -rchandise. 1 Mortgages arranged. S rictest privacy observed Apply personally or by letter, which recede immediate attention, to THE EXCHANGE LOAN COMPANY, Itj, LORD-STREET. LIVERPOOL 2100n WILLIAMS, Manager. MONEY LENT ON PERSONAL OK OTHER ,U SECUKiTY. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM- PANY, LIMITED, is prepared to advance any sur from £5 to upon Personal or other security, from periods of from three months to two years repayable by Monthly, Quarterly, or other Instalments. Good Bills Discounted on advantageous terms. The strictest con. Bdence observed. Applications to be made fa the Secretary, Mr Johc Davies. Offices: Roxburgh House Wrexham. Forms of application furnished free, and if applied for by post, will be forwarded on receipt of a stamped directed envelope.^Office hours for the purpose of making advances and receiving repayments, from 10 a m MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY 1.' by the CHARING-CR 'SS BANK (Regd,), 28, BEDFORD STREET, COYENT GARDEN, LONDON CAPITAL, A: ElI,OUlI. RhSERYE FUND, £ 50,100 ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE. Upon art roved Pr, Netec as follows, without bit uf ale. Advance, ,£2; twelve monthly repayments of.£2 5 10 ti 4 11 S Hill, 9 3 4 Larger amounts in the saiue proportion. ADVANCES of £ H'I to £ II(!O crant"d at a few hour- notice, in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, Ac., without removal, and to assist i-ersons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. forone month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call (personalty) ur write. NOTICE —Before applying elsewhere, or paying fees, ask any solicitor or auctioneer throughout London and the country knowing this Bank, and they will at once tell ynu that you are dealiug with an old-established, bona tide registered Bank. Having very large capital, can do business at a lower rate < f interest than any other advance I Bank. and all applicants can rest assured if they caunot I get advances here they cannot elsewhere. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts, as no charges are made for keeping accounts or cleans country cheque*. 4 per cent allowed on the minimum ¡ monthly balances. Current accounts opened with £10 and upwards, personally or by post. DEPOITS of £10 and ui w ,ds received at 5 per ceot. i? per annum, subject to three m ,nths' notice of withdrawal i Suhect to six months' notice of withdrawal 6 per cent hubject to 12 months' notice 7 per crut Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agreed, For prospectus write or apply, U510 A. WILLIAMS, Manager. Business Announcements. I SPECTACLES v. BLINDNESS. DAILY experience proves that coumon hnd Imperfc-c. Glasses are the frequent cause of Impaired vision, and in many cases ruined sight and b,indness. Henry Laurance's celebrated Spectacles, as supplied by Messrs FRANCIS, Chemists, can -,ilw.t) s be re.ied upon. T. EYTON-JONES, ESQ M D., F.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Gro^venor Lodge, Wrexham, writes I have been supplied by Mr John Francis. Chemist, Wrexham, with HENRY LAURANCE'S SPKCTACI.ES, and am glad to be dohle to bear testi mnny to their value. They aid the sight without distressing the vision, however long worn, the glasses are uiiii-iially clear and will he found by all persons re- quiring them a great desideratum. 1  *eG'STfcftL!TTSAD6 I* GRENVILLE JONES, ESQ., L.D.S .R.C.S.I.. late Dental Hospi- tal, Lucester-square, writes: I have great pleasure in testifying to the excellence of Mr H. Laurance's Spectacles as supplied by Mr Francis, Chemist, Hope-street, they are cool, comfortable, and a ,re,il upport to the eyes i Believe me dear sir, I have no i faith in any spectacles but yours. L Should the pair you are about to send me for walking suit me as good as my reading ones I shall indeed be a happy man. R. H. DIOMAN, Esq Birkenhead. I have rried the principal Op- ticians in Lon 'on without suoces<. but your Spectacles suit :e a,l- mirably, both for eading and walking. The (-Ie 1rOt s.. of y. ur glasses as compared wi h utilt; s i, really surprising. Sir JCILIIS BENEDICT. PRICE LIST. PER PAIR. s. d. s. d. Steel Spectacles, in Muo an 1 straw frames, oval and pantoscopic, conv-x en ,tal :I;jo-es oo.oo. 2 6 3 6 peris o ic crystals, highly polished 5 6 8 0 tinted, specially recommended lor weak sight, to u-h,'(-h 'a iiii, ct fL(I gas 1,:jht is (listressinq S f) to oval fr jiiies, with iii-c.nwx pebbles. 7 6 ajit(,sc(ii,ic hntl oval fiarues, with best selected b'-c'-ncex 1 cbbles 10 6 „ the working m m's pectacle 1 (I Sye-glasses, Steel Fr:.m-s, b^st crystals, convex and concave 2 6 2 6 "gro ved ieriscopic lenses, highly polished, concave and convex 5 5 for short sight, blue and .-tia v steel frames, best crystals 3 6 5 6 for short sight jinest invisible frames, grooved, single or curled sides, white or tinted lenses 10 6 Spectacles, Gold Frames, from 20 0 SOLE AGE,T F ft A N C I S CHEMISTS AND OPTICIANS, 53, HOPE STREET,) > WREXR-M. 407 22, TOWN HILL, ) j 11 A QUICK Bruwn F"x jamPs over the 'aË.)' dob." As surely as all tha letters of the alphabet are found in the above sentence, S) surely is the B^ST value in :he T Vl ,OiilN'} TilADE to be had from GEOFFREY CALI)ECOTT, TAILOR AND LADIES' JACKET MAKER, 12, REGENT STREET (OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE AND ,3 A V I N G s IB A N K ) W KEXHAM, L.te C tter at Nicill's, Regent-street, London. OVERCOATS to Order 21s, 25s, 30s, 35s. 40s, 45s, 50s. SUITS 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s, 50s, 60s. TROUSERS 10s 6d, 13s, 15s, 16s 6d, 18s, 20s. 2036n COAL! COAL!! COAL! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE VRON COLLIERY WHARF, NEAR THE WORKHOUSE, WREXHAM. Price Delivered to houses at the Wharf in the Town. TALWRN CRANK COAL. 5td per cwt. 10s 2d per top. „ MAIN 5d op 9s 4d „ COBBLES 4d go 7s 8d SLACK 3d it 6s ALL COALS ARE DOUBLE SCREENED. IF SENT IN BAGS, 3d PER TON EXTRA. 80la ^R^OWNED^EMEDIES*™ 11 HO L LOWAYS,, PI L LS &0 INTMENT I THE PILLS I Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the | I LIVER, STOMACH? KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, | I They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. e I THE OINTMENT ■ Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous I for Gout and Rheumatism. -1 1 I FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. k I FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS I I Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff iomts it ■B I acts like a charm. I The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, I ■ 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; | I also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ild., 2S. gd., 4s. 6d., S I Is., 22S., and 335. each. The 2S. gd. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size the I I 4J- "4. size six the i is. size sixteen the 22s. size thirty-three and the 33s. size fifty-two time-0 th: i in e_ 1_ I quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. I ■ Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any Iangliage B iq.B.-Advice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. II 1 1 mwt | a 0 2M—TL'- "iiii.i ■ HBMBuaGKB^anMaaKOBi WATERLOO ROUND FEEDING j OIL CAKES. tm 111 in 1 ■ 11 1 ■ ——T 4 !li I t H I I ?l I I 1 k I. I Unequallr-d for all classes of Stock. Every delivery is guaranteed to Analysis. WATERLOO ROUND LINSEED CAKES. Guaranteed at least 95 per cent, of pur ty. Manufactured by the WATERLOO MILLS CO. (Limited), HULL. 537 I III WI i mi »■* ~"n 1K1 r n ■ THE STOCK EXCHANGE. J MEMBERS OF THE roCK EXCHAGE arc ?OT ?JtL ALLOWED t) ADVEHTlSE for business purposes or to issue circulars to er,o-is other than their own principals. Brokers or Agents who advertise are not in any wa., cnnnectt>! with The -tool; Exchange, or un-Vr the soritrol of the Cmnmitt-e. Lists ,.f M.-uil) rs of the Stuck Exchange who act a- stock a.:ui sh.ue brokers uriy tie obtaiue>i upplicatio" to FRANCIS LEVIEN, Secretary to the Committee of the Stock Exchange Comwitt'-e The stock Exciiu :^e, I.on ion, E.{'. S a USEFUL BOOK. ro SOI.101 roils, ACCOUNTANTS, AND DEBT COLLECTORS. COUNTY COURT LEDGER. Special! ;>rep.ireii ioi keeping accounts entered 'n rhe Coiint% tJiniTt. ifiatfk ruiet! i.-r t | >r«i icave-,■11. •! I.-1 ri. ,ccou..ls, | PHICE °21s JIAYLEY X BRADLEY, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM. STKANGES A-1 CRYSTAL OIL. TRU)E JIARK. LIHHT. Tne BEST an.i SAFEST L\MP OIL EVER PRO- DUCED. It has bt en ?f "•r'e th** ^'uhic ffr over a Quarter of 1 Century, and NOT A '!XULE .VCCIDENT HAS EVER OUCUKRiiD IN ITS USC. Out of 1 numerous Testi:. • .:i.ils, following will speak sufficiently for its merits Extractfrom Litter from ALFR1' ) lIILL, 31. D., Public Analyst, Birini-ighain. It is perfectly safe, and I havp no hesit-ition in pro- nouncing SI RANGE'S A-1 CUV.sTAL OIL superior to every other Oil derived from similar sources which I have examined." Authorised Agert-: for its Sale in this district are :— ROGERS & JACKSOX, Ironmongers. WHOLESALE ONLY-.S. TenOn & SONS, White Lead Manufacturers, 17, College Hill, London, E.C. 22.'to'n Relief from Cough in Ten Minutes. HAYMAN'S The sti l e is BALSAM OF  ?? HOREHOUND The most certain and speedy remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, and all DlSOUDKKS of the CHEST and LUXGS. It has proved itself the most successful prepara- tiun ever offered. In the nursery it is invaluable, as children are fond of it. Immediately it is taken Cou^hin-r Ceases, restlessness is gone, and Refreshing Sleep ensues. No lady who has once tried it would ever afterwards be without it. Prepared only by A. HA YMAX & Co. (late of Neath) 15, Albemarle Street, St. John's Square, London, E.C., and sold by all Chemists. Price H. 2 9, and t II per bottle. 2017




I Trade Intelligence. I




