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r Sales by Auction. SALES BY Mil F. LLOYD. j -r i.H?L.- FORTHCOMING < 'J i ?E- II ( L; r. '1 .\L' FIXr[HI> FOR MAHCH AM) APR)L. II :p'\F:"D.\Y, MARCH '?th.at 1 (.'<??.-CrMd Sa!) ,\t.. of?'??? C >ws, Ho'ses.hnp?m?nts. &c., at Al<ierspy, liy older of the executors of the late Mr .Ir.hnson. ) -riiUY. APRIL 1st, at I Szle of t Dairy and Barrens, Hay, Implenu-nts, at • Br'umhton. :i from Malpas, l>y oder of Mr t Houi^roi'l?. V(.>; j)A\ •• Pl» IL at 1 oVlnck -Furn uve, Vessels, an<' P.istnre Land, at Lane End, Shorn- 1-ji-h, 1", oder of the executors of the late Mr Mullock. of Hairy Stock, Horses, Iniplenieiits, &,c., at Park i E,.ton, oy order of Mr Taylor. •n'l'sDA Y. APRIL 5TH, at 12 o'clocV.—The gre;it Foster Pnze Sah' ff Fut Ca"'e at M:?pM SmithScht. THC: ??AY. APRIL 7TH, &' 10 :?.—r?t and -tore?toc?-, in V»roxliam Smithtield. po., at o'clock. -The Aprl Horse Sale at the Wrexli-tiii Horse Repository. >10NDAY, APRIL INTH, at 12.n-Impfta"t Sale of Dairy St ck, Furniture, A c at the I le F. nil Tilston V>v order of Mr Bateman. TL"E"»DAY, APRIL ]ITH, at 11.SO. -The great Sp,ii,- Prize Salo in M:;ipas SmitV.field. THURSDAY. APRIL 21ST, at 10The GREAT St■> P stock and Bull Sile in Wrexham Smithtield. Al')t'T THE FN't) ()I,' APRII,.— 'mportant Sale (f 10 head of D.irv Stock. Hors*">, Impl-ment<, Ac :.t ne- Bangor, by older of Mrs (;t?rtrw?n 1' e,? I iiin, Grifiitlis. MONDAY, Ailltll. 2~TH, at 2 •■'clock A £ N;nd S'ock of rin Dairy Cows, illills, :)It# F,,t F,!t Ac., at C »ld cott Hall, near F.rndon, l»y order of Mr Darlington. Entries for the alinve trs ,.f *)I,, Farm Qtock S.des, und any oilier ommunication t or I from the ArcTiosKEU, I yton House, Wrexham. wdn.«« <-teemed a favor. d 4;), "Z I ?HD?E?DAY, MARCH :<?TH. AT O?H O'CLOCK. II tl'7» import*nf .<?<»'<■ of 41 fx'ra yrav > CI"ft j 2t -otrsaad pj'- ^"r-' r-.r. and Heifers, Year! and ,h < JLe ( "f' tt\, ,.7.n ?.< ?.? ?.'?. ?' ?'? ?"? ? ?"???' .? ?,? H\i -ion '71ij /r. '¡ -t.. V" '( ",l,i thr Agricultural /'■■>;>' ■'»'«■ .??'„?, a portion of ?< /?.A?r/ /• unutwe. "< Ah BERSEV, s'titat'' 2 Miles from Ta'te nhall Station, 1?: from liiirtdn, I from IIa'ib. ii, at: S from Chester. MR LLOYD hasVcn instruct >d by th'? FXpclltc) of 31 tht? I!kte Nlr wli ) are L,:vin?r up t!ie lrzq?rt(ii?f t,, Bl' AUCno. in the F;ir?'I'vard at Aldersev, situate as a foresaid, on Wednesday, March 3u;h, 1*>'X7, niOriut reserve, the wholA of th-'ir valuable DAIRY STOCK. 1IORSKS. IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY VESSELS, Ac., particulars as f -Hows — Foi'.TV-TWO CATTLE, viz. :—:): errand young Che-hire A dry cows (most with calves rt fool) and in-calf heifer*. 1 fr,h youni barren, 4 yearling heifers, roan stock bull tir) ye-trs old, y arling bull. I'k.IIT Hoitsrs. including Flower." brown waggo-. mire, 5 years old. about c, Diamond," ],.rotvii waggon about lli1 (the a, c an excellent in itch); "Charlie," half-bred celling, about good spring cart or van liorsel black wasruon gelding, S years old («ill make a w.ijjuon horse, abnut Li.C) powerful bay cart filly, 3 veal's very iiseful brown g-)Iil- in;, rising 3 year? old; bro vn pony c.dt, 2 years old chestnut yearling fitly. I Pi(,s.—Three sows with 21 pigs. CKAKS will include sh ift, chain nnd ploughing gears, neck straps, he-L(I -Aiin,irv odd gears, <tc. Till" I %I N-T?; t-oii)l)riqp. 2 bros-wheel carts, handy CrMskil1 cart with tumtiril, 3 mowi -a machines, nc as pood as new Cunbriil^e roller, 5 ploughs, harrows, cniti- turnip scuffle, n w hor,e rake with seat. donbUi row turnip drin. 2 chaff cutters, turnip pulper, winnow- ing nncl:i'"e, weighing m chine, the uollal assortment of farm to >ls, Ac., A'c. <}n intity if o itg. at par meisure. Al x uidra drag for enh. 2 sets of harness. About 10 couples of fowl 3 ducks. Tiii: Puny Vi s-i.t> will includc- wo d chee«e t'.b, suit- ;il for 3'i cows small chee«? tub, 2 cheese pres»es. v.heel churn, curd drainer, (-iii il mill, cheese hoops, ali.ml 2(1 pnirs of cheese vats from 12 to 15 inches cheese stool. 12 tin milk pins. 4 pans, 2 bonks, salting turnel, sundry brewing I ve-sels. scales and we ght. & &-c A portion of t-^e Hor-Kioi.n F!'RITl'RF.. including old oak d -csser with shelves. 10 drawers and cupbonrdi It) kit.-}vn chiir«, -1 bedsteads, small clock, small stand, kitchen leaf table, benches. Ac A-c. Tho: Auctioneer begs to invite his numerous patrons to a I 12 15 L'Uiclieon, and afterwards to witness the dispers il (without reserve), one of the most usfn1 Shocks of Che-hire Dairy C ,w" that has been offered for public com- petition for tome years. Sale at 1.15 prompt. ratrUoTu 's from place of Sale, or the Auctioneer. F,"on H, Wrexham. f4ii3n TUESDAY, APRIL fru, AT 11.30. THE ORIGINAL GJEAT SPRING PHIZE SALE OF FAT AXD STORE STOCK IS M ALP AS STATION SMITHFJELD. "]* V R LLOYD has much pleasure in informing his l' numerous patrons that he wi'] bold h? Great Spring Sale of F \T AND STOHE STOCK, on Tuesday, April 19th, at 11.30, in the above Sinithtield. 20 GUINEAS IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY for the following classes of Stock FIRST PRIZE, SILVER CUP, for the Best Ptir of Dairy c';w or Heif -r" II For the Best Pair of Barrens or Ptirks. or oilier pre ent for the I liest Pair of Yearling Heifers or Bullocks. For the Best Stock or I Yearling Bull. or other present, for the Best Sin je Fat Beast, tith-r cow. heifer, the riuest and best fiiiiihed of its class. Al'. i'li- Prize Winner- to be b- <ie n,Jr sold, otherwise the )■■ H will lie witrilo-ld. .t..]; .ld last Spring 5ale, April 350 Ca!' '4 Sheep and Pig-. TUESDAY. APRIL Si IT, AT 12 O'CLOCK. I THE GREAT EASTjB FAT CALF SALE. \f R LLOYD beas to < fer the PRI/RS 'orr?t C.t?? 'If at the Eister S;;le, on Tuesday, Ap. ii ;¡h, at ]2 ck, instead of the spring S :le. First Ilriz. a Present, value 30% for the Best 3 Fat C.ilves. Fir it i'rize, a Present, value 10s, for the Best Single Fat (' E?rh Entries fc: these Sct? s re p<. tful!y i::v!f,e t.5n WEDNESDAY, APRIL i?,j!!? .?T 12 O'CLOCK. •itant Sa-b- of 2^' Tht • ?-?. /??..t/r??.S'?.'«/ 2' [ill;n¡ r..)? .7,? W.< 4 H'.???? Hor.<<a (oul p(di"f" (:1; /'f<A.?r" <?<?;.<. th-~ irfiolc of the Agricultural I mp'< uu'o tx, T)u>ry I '■ tif jircatcr puri o,i of thr Ilot'h<ild Ct PARK EYTO, i.ituat^ three lailr. front Rita'/W, from B<i,ij>or, aivl r'-z froir. W'rerhaui. MR LLOYD has ?p?n ir.t-ucted >iy Mr Tajlc.r, who is retiring from farming, to SFL1. BY AUCTION, in his Farniyard at Pa" Fyti-n, situate is aforesaid, on Wed- nesday. the Oth day of April u xt, the whole of his va'u.ib'e DAIRY STOCK, HORDES, Implenients, Furniture, 2S CATTI E, viz., 21 dairy cows and heifers (about 12 of which will have calved by day of S.i'e), 1 yearling heifers, two barrens, and stock bull. 4 HORS::S. —" Darby." powerful black %\a«rgon mare, four years lnv waggon geld- waggon mare, about it; hanc'-s grey cob pony, steady and fast in hanwss. PIGS -Sows and pigs, in-nig sow, ) fat pig. POI'I.T,Ahoilt III eoujdes of fowl. (;I'ARi.-S(-t Of tlirill, chain, and ploughing gears, pony- pears, set of harness, neck straps, odd gears, stable t ols, Ac. The iMPI.KMF.NTS will include broad and narrow wheel (-,irts with harvest gearing, narrow wheel waggon, two turn'- rills, straw cart, soring cart for cob. t: owing machine, horse iat;e, tl-ree -b:iti(i and wheel ploughs, sci of iron Vl «j rir.n't' r. 11 »■ cAfo n/ «*'<••/•»/! f n Vnii 6.1U' l'HI ""1" ""11. "11&' >ql. ,J" and w .od tollers, two g.irdeii roll. is. garden -eat. large chaff cutter, by H. McGregor, for horse-power, chafi cutte • by b'iclmi aid and Ciialloner. turirn pulper, weigning machine, winnowing ma-hine, lad ;ers, wheel >arro'.vs, and the u~ual assortment of f;,rm too! Ac. Alexander Drag for cob. OAIHV VIC.SSEI.S, including cheese tub. em u drainer, curd mill, live wood Stilt n cheeee vats with travellers, cheese plank an.1 tressels, ab )ut 12 pairs of cheese vats from 12 to 10 inch's. tin che ese hoops, two cheese presse3, sa ting j turnel, large wheel churn, small wheel churn, six milkim; j pails, three milk carr ers. cheese stonl, curd basket, sieves, cream teins and pans, butter scales, butter print, knead- ing turnel, Ac. The HORSELIOI.N FI RNITCRE will include the contents of dining room, sitting room, entrance hall, bedrooms, I kitchen, Ac. Pininp-ro -in will comprise mail-ganv two- leaf table on pillar and laws, o ik inhid bureau with tall cupboard and several small private drawers, hand- some Spanish mah- giiuy sidebo ird with brass mountings, cellarette ànd drawers with tall cupboard in centre, sofa in leather, two fawn's heads, eight days' clock in mahogany case, by Adams, Middlewieh, fenders and tireirons, I,rass f.reions. cretonne window curtains, l'rn, T'/Jh', }¡'¡rthrul!. linoleum The en- graving*) and prints include Scotch and English game- keepers, trotting roadster, at Islington, Ac., A'c. SIDE ENTRANCE. Polishedoakfoidingandhunging ward- robe with five drawers, sitting loom mahogany hail-seated and other chairs, mahogany gentleman's easy chair, walnut couch, mahogany dining table, stuffed fox and rabbit in case, three cases of stufTed biriis, excellent barrel organ, which plays forty different tunes, in mahogany case, chimney gltss in gilt frame, chimney ornaments, set of plate engravings Shake peare's works, entitbd "The seven ages." by J. and J. Bovdell, presentation plate of the late Sir Watkin and Lidy Wdliauis W" vnn, with their favorite horse and hound, pi-te of the Wvr:il-qtiv Hunt, prints and engravings cf the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Empress of Austria, piloted by Captain Myddleton, pieces of carpet, old china bowl and tray, six spirit and wine de-anters, set of three very old itigt in blue and gilt, set of four trays, sundry glass. ENTRANCE H.U.L-Pair of engravings, "Return fr.«n Hawking," medium sized oid-f.«shioned barometer, I barometer in rosewood, two oak ha'l chairs. RKLIKOOMS.—o^k tent and ()-ilr bedsteads, chest of drawers, wa hstmds and wa-e, dressing tables, swing j dressing "Ja*?, tr.pestry carpet, (ow' mats, oak Mid other j chairs, chimney ornaments, two prints —Daniel in the Lions' Den. and Moses viewing the promised Land — stufTed htwk and livc-ret in case, plate of Capt. Burlinson, sundry engravings, curtains oilcloth c irpets. aud the asual assortment, of kitchen reaui-ites, Ac., Ac. III cnnst"I'I"n f tl I f rt"nt lots ''n "?'??'? ?r?e nunj'?- of important lots .lc ,in V"nuu'r" factually at 12 ,dock. ■ .t m -? ? '? -?'?'———'?? -t', wW^rc\i ham. nc62Jf MONDAY, APRIL 25TH. ,,1.  ??.<?, ?, Si' of SO well-bred hail. r tir p s' aad y<a?<,? Bulls, J, at .'? C?' ??-?/?,?,?,?,, p;  "CAHLCuTI IIALL,   Fanul- i I-o?n Malpas MR f:v ''dr^1 v,i! h ins-tructions from    'i"?' ?. '-t?cticns from .J MAIl r l>Vr who i, Sfihiijr t'j; Wh0]e of his raDd :1. ¡ well-known S!c. (I' DM" KY ('J \YS, in CODjf(lUenCe Of the restoration of Li, IMUS Tllt iN-.1i ht-ld th'?-< 1". r .ivar.i ™ VnnrUo tt,c 2:tb ?) ? Apn', tv o -jj iM th a-e?c.? "?? Sales by Auction. KALE BY MR F. LLOYD. TM U BSD AY, APRIL im, ISS7, AND EYERY ALTERNATE THURSDAY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. WREXHAM FAIR AND MR. LLOYD'S AUCTION SALE. Catt'e alwavs s ->H first throughout the year at 10.30. Sir ep aed Pigs sold alternately at 10.30. MR LLOV I) wishes to inform his nnmercus patrons ? B. tLL' v n"xt Auction wiil take p?ice in the Smith- fi Id, at W.e.iim, on the ab..ve-named date, when an evceilaof lit of CVJTLK, CALYR^, SHEEP, and PiC-S nill be for competition. Tue present entries include SO Fat and Store Cittle, including snme v ry neat Fat Heifers and Bulioeks, superior Dairy Cows, Barrens, Mirks, and Bulls. 3-i Fat C lives. 20 I Fat sheep and Lambs. 15V Fat i'-ok and B .con Pigs. Farther entries invited. Wr.-xh»»n now being the g.e.tt centae for North Wales. ;n t',e ilii,i,;t lif a large arid increasing population, with a good :-ttendance of buyers, owners of stock cannot do better t.!J.n patronise the above auction. No :-?e no charge. ?U St?ck raid for (,n the fH of the h?ma?' if required. Sale at 10 30. Office—Eyton House, Wrexham, and at Wynnstay Arms "Srf Hotel on Thursdays from 2 o'clock to 4.30. MONDAY, APRIL 4TH, AT ONE O'CLOCK. Irnp'otanf S' i?r of the ii-ho'e of the Household and Bed- loom Furniture, Dairy Vet-sds, <tc., <Lc., at the L4NE END, Sli'ichljch, nnd a valuable Meadow and a piecr. of Chief Land, adjniiiin-j th ■ farm, at the "Fish Inn," Shoch- lach. at 5.30 time day. \?II LLOY?hasnpunhpfn instructed bv the Execu- f 6 tors if the late Mr M?tioch, to SbLL 6v AUCT:OX at the Lane En 1 Farm, situate as aforesaid, on Monday, the 4th day of Ap.¡¡ next, the whole of the Valuable HOUS HOLD FURNITURE, Dairy Vessels, Ac., in- eluding out-door effects, dairy vessels, Ac., kitchen uVnsils, handsome mahogany hat and umbrella stand with marble slab and mirr"r in centre, old oak screen, two m ihogany hair-seated chairs, a very handsome house keeper's kitchen piece with five cupboards, eight drawers, and two cupboards below, and an excellent ei;!ht day's clock in centre old oak arm chair with beautifully carved back, old "ak tall back carved cha'r, six strong oak chairs, arm chair to match, mahogany hair-seated rocking chair, gentlemir/s eas y chair in leather, small oak stand, bureau, small writing desk, mahogany dining tahle with leaves forming two D ends, mah'gany hair-seited sofa, oak table with two leaves, pic- tures, pier glass in gilt frame, clock, ornaments, bookcase, a small collection of book-, silver service, glass, Ac., w ilnut drawing room suite, upholstered in blue rep, comprising gentlemen's and ladies' easy chairs, Gsinplt- chairs and couch, 2 mahogany hair-seated chairs, arm chair in leather, round table forming two D ends, bedroom furniture. linen, Ac., tie. The same evening, April -1th, at the Fish I- n, Shch- lacb at 5 30 LOT I.-A Valuable Freehold Meadcw or Piece of Pas- ture Land, containing about 2] acres, situate ne Ir The Lane End Farm. LOT 2. Pie-e of Chief Land. estimated to contiin 1 acre and 7 perches, situate on the siiie of the road lead- ing from The Lane End to Shochlach, subject to a pay- ment of two pence per year, payable to the Lord of the Manor. Lots 1 and 2 have lief-n in the lat- Mr Mullock's own occupation. Mr John Mullock will kindly show the pro- perty. and any further particulars from the Auctioneer, E: ton House, Wrexham. Furniture Sale at 1 o'clock. Property at 5 30. aG-lo FHlDA Y, APRIL 1ST, AT ONE O'CLOCK. Ili'illy Important S-zle of 51 Grand Young Dairy COW", Heifers, Stir!s and Rarreua 30 Tons of Ila u, It) Store or PorJ; Pijs, Ayricu'tu -al Iinpleuwi.ts, and a portion of the Dairy Vessels and Household Furniture, at THE WOOD FARM, BROUGHTON, Situate three uiilrs from Malpas, one from Worthenbury, and hen front Shocklach. \| R LLOYD h!? been instructed ) y Mr H"ulbrook (who is leaving tha farm) to SELL BY AUCTION, in his Farmyard at Broughton, situate as aforesaid, on Friday, the 1st day of April next, the following Valuable DAIRY STOCK, PIGS, PRODUCE, I.NIPLE-NIENTS, &e. Particulars as follow:, 51 CATTLE, viz. :-3J grand young Cheshire dairy cows, with calves at foot or near cilvirig 20 fresh and smart young barrens and sti'ks ^principally two, three, and four vear-oldsb roan stock huil, two vears-old. PIGS.—16 strong Store pig- (very fresh ) PiionrcK.—About 30 tons of prime hay in three sticks. THE LMPI.EMEXTS will include—Two mowing machines, broad wheel cart with harvest gearing, very handy Cliorlton Vme made straw cart, tumbril Cambridge roller, American hay collector, c-pital set of three wood harrows, two or thre-h ose twin or euliivator, excellent pony trap to carry f'lIr (nearly npw ) THE DAIRY YE-SF.I.S, etc., will include -Double chamber cheese P"(\ (hy Allii .n Iron Works), wood cheese tub Suitiltile for fo'ty cows (new), 1 trge barrel churn, about sixteen pairs of cheese vats, from i5 to 17^, inches house- keeper's cupboard, eight days' ciock, six mahogany hair- seated chairs, etc etc. The Auctioneer invites an inspection of this excellent stock of well-bred dairy cows, most of which are under six ye :'s o!d: they nre hn- youns: cattle, a'd notrl good milkers. (Ni Hulioro k r -tains a few of the aged catt!e for his own use ) The twenty young barrens and stirksare an exceptionally good lot, such as are sel lom found at the Same farm. Refreshments at 12 o'clock. Sale at 1 o'clock. Catalogues from the place of sale, or Eyton House, Wrexham. .js3z ALES BY MESSRS LUCAS. HORSE SALES. LUCAS'S NEW REPOSRTORY- EOTHAM STRSST, LIVERPOOL. W !:OX}':C;DA y", throull"UL the ye1.õ f}r CJ.rt, Van, and Harness Horses, Crts, Gears, Ac. SATURDAYS thr-ughout the year for Hacks, Harness Horses, Cobs, Ponies, Carriages, Harness, and Saddlery. .r,?-s, H:iriiesq, and S"ddlery. HORSES for these Sales to be sent the day priur. SELECT '-ALE"; FOR VALUABLE HORSES EVERY ALTERNATE THURSDAY. NKXT SAI.F. — SATURDAY, 26th MARCH. Gnnd Nation il Steeplechase week, large Sale, Hunters and tii.st-ch.ss Horses. 114o SALE EY MR H. H. ETCHES. WHITCHURCH SALOP HORSE SALE. FTA BUSHEll 1-73. 'I^Iill NEXT SALE is fixed for Frid?y, AWil 1st, ?S7 ?. Eatiies for Catalogues close March 25th. H. H. ETCHES, Auctioneer, Whitchurch, Salop WHtTCHLRCH, SALOP. ANNUAL SPECIAL SELECT SPRING SALE OF HORSES. H. H. ETCHES wili SELL BY AUCTION, at -ç ¡j th., \ïetoria Hot. \hitehu'cb Salop, on Wednes- day. Apiii Gth, ISS7, FiFIY HIGH CLASS HUNTERS, HACKS, HARNESS HoR>ES, COBS, and PONIES, the property of Lieu'tr.ant-Co'onel C. Rivers Bulkelev, Capt. H. C C itton, C T. Dugdale, Esq., Walter Diig,lale. Esq W. C. Roscoe, Esq., H:ii c-ld Lees, Esq Ca; tain French, C. H Ashton, Fsq., 1\h J. S. Walley, Mr C. Fotherley, Mr Wm. Brown, Mr R. Brassey, Mr H. Weaver, Mr George I Kirtley, Mr Da',ton, and others. Full particulars in catalogues, to be obtained seven days prior to the Sale from the Auctioneer. Fiiithtr entrit's are respectfully solicited, and can be made up to the -41)th inst. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Offices, Whitchurch, Salop. tiiIJc SALE BY MESSRS CiiURTOX, ELPHICK, AND CO. r TO HOTEL PROPRIETORS, CAB OWNERS, COACH BUILDSRS, FUNERAL CAR I AGE PROPRIETORS, WHEELWRIGHTS, & OTHKRS. Sale of upwards of 100 Carriays, Timber, Ironwork, and Material* tlb,d in the trade, at the COACH FACTORY, *1. FOREGATE-STREET, CHESTER. MESSRS CHUHTO?. FLPHICK, & CO. have been ..tJ6 fvoured with instructions from the Executors of the late Mr James Parry, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 5th and 6th, 1887, com- mencing each day at Eleven o'clock a.m. punctually, up- wards of ONE HUNDRED CARRIAGES, including new and second-hand broughams, omnibus, waggonetel, h .oded and open photons, drags, pony carriages, gigs, dog carts, Whitechapels, Clarences, Ac. Also a large quantity of WHEELS, SPRINGS, AXLES, IRONWORK of all kinds, B :y wood, Hickory Billets, Ash, and other Timber, Pole- shafts, Unfinished Bodies, Underwork, &e., &c. X B. — Kail particulars and Catalogues will shortly be published. 6öOc SALE BY MESSRS. TATTERSALL. RUGBY. 7VI E S S R s jTATTERSALL JL* J <L -? WILL HOLD SALES AT THEIR 11UGBY ESTABLISHMENT OF HUNTERS. HACKS, and HARNESS HORSES The Sicond Tuesday in every month. In c nse iuerce of Easi.-r week, the next monthly Sale wi 1 b3 he d on IU;:SDAY, APRIL 5TH. inntif eim for terms and stalls to be made to Messrs TATTERSALL, Albert Gate, London. g10 Sales oy Auction. SALES BY MESSRS JOXES & SON. r MESSRS JONES AND SON'S FORTHCOMING SALES:— TUESDAY, MARCH 29th.-Sale of Live and Dead Farm mg Stock, Dairy Vessels, &c., at the Home Farm, M^iui, Alyn, Rossett, commencins at 11.30 a-m W EDNF ■ MARCH 30th.-Sale of Live Stock, Im- • n ts, Dairy Vessels, Ac, at the Nant Farm, ,ith, at 2 o'clock prompt. APRIL 4th.- -Sale of Fat and Store Cattle, Caives, Sheep, and Pigs, at the Rossett Smithtield, commencing at 10 3 a.m. T UESOAY, APRIL 5th.—Sale of Live and Dead Farming Stock, Potatoes, Dairy Vessels, H 'uscho'd Furni- ture. Ac at Marford, one mile from Rossett Sale at 1 o clock prompt HU. RSDAY, APRIL itb -:il of Fat ;lnd Store Cattle, Calves, Sh-ep, and Pigs, in the Wi- xham Smith- fl,-I(I, commencing at 10.30 with Fat Cattle. W L,D\ E DAY, APRIL I:t,h -Sale of Live and Deal Farming stock, Manure, Potatoes, Dairy Y'essels ;,1101 Household Furniture, &-c at Cyfyovs Farm, Brymbo. MONDAY, APRIL ISth. — Sale of Live and Dead Farm- ing Stock at Grwch Teg Farm, Cross Lanes- Mai eh v.-i el. THLRSD Y, APRIL 21st.-Sale of Fat and Stare Cattle, Calves, Sh?ep, and Pi"s, in the Wrexham Smith- tifdd, commencinf with Fat Cattle at 10 O. I MONDAY. AP:;H.25th-?!e of Fat ami Store Cattle, .\IOND Calves, 'heep. a -d ?ii:?, at the i?o?ett S)Bithue:d bale, ctmmenciug at 10.30. 631f FAIR DAY. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 7xn, IbBl. Commencing with Fat Cattle at 10 30. MESSRS JONES & S'JN beg to thank tbir patrons l B and friends fur their constant supooi t. and that they will hold their next Sa'c of FAT A- STo Rio, STOCK in the above Sniithfleld, on Thursday, the 7th dav of April, 18-;7, wheu the following Stock will he offered A prime lot of magnificent Fat Bulls. Oxen, and Heifers Several Dairy ç,\V'< Fresh Barrens, In-calf Heifers and Short-homed Bulls Very ripe Shropshire-down and other Fat Sheep A grand lot of Fat and Rearing Calves. A splendid lot of Pork and Bacon Pigs, Breeding Sows, and Store Pigs. Stock to be at the Mart at Nine o'clock. Settlements at close of Sale. Offices-4, Arcide, High-street, Wrexh .m. 907 SALE of l: hcad "f Dairy Cows, Tlcifers, yearling Bull, fat and store Pigs, Sow and 1G Pigs, Gilt, smart Cob, Dog cart, Harness, Poultry, sundry Implements of HIlS- bandry, Potatoes, Tu nips, Mangolds, Dairy Vessels, 2 double-barrel Guns, Ac., at THE NANT FARM, FFRITH. MESSRS JONES AND SON have been instructed by Mr J. R. Barnes, who is leaving th" f irm, to SELL BY AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY. MAHCH 30th, 1887, on the above premises, the whole of his live and dead Farining stock, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Vessels, A'c., comprising— LIVE STOCK.—Five young dairy cows cilved and to calve, 2-year-old in-calf heifer, barren heifer, three yearling heifers, yearling bull, weanling heifer calf, fat bacon pig, sow an-i lo followers, two strong store pigs, g'lt, smart chestnut cob, about 14i hands high, steady in harness, 16 couple of f wis, three turkeys, three ducks, ferret and box, I &c. OUT-DOOR EFFECTS.—Turnip pulper (new), patent chaff cutter (ntw), excellent stained dog-cart (equal to new), set of brass-mounted harness (nearly new), horse rug. wood shed, lomr and short ladders, wheelbarrow, quantity of boirds, cow chains, wood harrows, ferret boxes, pig troughs, hay knife, old iron, two hives of bee i, meal tubs, m xing tubs, mole traps, hay rakes, ssytbes, skimming spades, pikels, brushing hooks, picks, shovels yelves also a few potatoes, turnips, mangolds, black oats, Ac. DAIRY VESSELS, and other EiTects.—Wheel chum, butter mitt and prints, cream pots, milk pans, buckets, washing tubs, three o-k chairs, o:tk dresser with three drawers and three cupboards, eining table, two double-barrel guns, powder flask, shot belt, fire irons, rain tubs, and other effects.. SALE AT 2 O'CLOCK PROMPT. 4t:60 Hiuhly Important Sale of 44 head of Young Dairy Cows, Barrens, and Heifers, four Shorthorn Pedh/ree Bulls, 70 Shropshire Down and Leicester Ewes, with their Lambs, six Shropshire Dawn and Leicester Hams, twe?ve Shrop- shire Doicn and Leicester Yearling Elves. Pork Pigs, Poultry, t-atns of powerful Wayynn Horses and their G"ars, a large assortment of Agricultural Imvlements, 100 measures of Po'atoes, Manyo'de. 100 Iron Hurdles, Iron Mangers and Hacks, also the whole of the Dairy Vesssls, ilc., at HOME FARM, MOUNT ALYN, jl vc in >nutts walk from Rossett Hallway Station. \M"J2SSRS JONES & SON have been favoured with in- ?VH struction8 from Mrs BaJfour, who has let the Farm to SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, March 29th, ISSi, on the above premises, the whole of the valuable Dairy Stock, flock of Shropshire Down and Leicester Sheep, Waggon Horses, Pigs, Pi ultrv. Agricultural Implements, and Dairy Vessels, &c., including— 33 Youno Dairy Cows and Fresh Barrens, 5Yearling Heifers, 1 Shorthorned Bull, 4 Pedigree shorthorned Bulls (the property of T. Beakbane, Esq., Llay P;nce, Gresford), 9 Po-k Pigs, 4 Powerful Waggon Horses and their Gears, 70 Grand Shropshire Down and Leicester Ewes, with their Lambs, 12 Shropshire Down and Leicester Yearling Ewes, 6 Shropshire Down and Leicester Yearling Rams. 30 Couple of Fowls, Turkeys, Ducks, Guinea Fowl, Geese. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c., include-Narrow. wlieel iv tg,on, carts, two iron land rollers. hor-e rake, two reaping and mowing machines, clover seed drill, cultivators, heavy and ligat iron harrows, iron wheel I ploughs, by Edwards, LianypNrll, and Ramsome and Slins iron iidging plough, Norwegi.n harrows, double turnip drill, tur* ip scuffles, 100 iron hurdles, v. ire netting, cattle cribs, ladders. cake nrll, kibbling mill chaff cutter, turnip pulper, weighing machine, sheep dipping apparatus, sheep racks, sheep troughs, iron mangers and cratches, corn sacks, mash and other wheelbarrows, sheep netting, corn truck, iron pig troughs, dog kennel, pikels, heel rakes, hay rakes, picks, scythes, shovels, ropes, sieves, riddles, Ac. AlbO, about 100 in- asures of Magnum Bonum potatoes, and a few tons of mangolds, Ac. DAIRY VESSELS, Ac include-Patent milk refrigerator, two churns, milk tankards, milk pans, milking cans, butter mill and prints, scales and weights. Catalogues may be had from the A UCTIONEERS, 4, Arcade, Wrexham, one week before day of sale. Lunch, by ticket, at Half-past Ten. Sale at Half-past Eleven o'clock. 467tz ON MONDAY, APRIL 4N, 18S7, AT 10.30. SALE OF FAT AND STORE STOCK AT THE ROSSETT SMITHFIELD. MESSRS JONES AND SON beg to thank their l' patrons and friends for their liberal support, and wish to remind them of their next Sale of Fat and Store Stock, which will take place on Monday, April 4th, ISSï, at their Smithtield, Golden Lion Hotel, Rossett, when the follow ng stock will be offered Prime Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Hulls, Useful Dairy Cows with Calves at foot, Barrens. C living Heifers and Yearling Heifers. Prime Shropshire Down and other Sheep. Fat Calves. Pork, Bacon, and Sfore Pigs. And other stoc that may he entered up to the time of sale. Entries respectfully solicited. Stock to be at the Ma-t at Ten o'clock. SALE AT 10.30. The Auctioneers earnestly ieque.t t'ieir supporters to be there punctually. offices, 4, Arcade, High-street, Wrexham. flU7 On TUESDAY, APRIL 5TII, 1SS7. Sale of Dairy Cows, in-calf and barren Heifers, t'ck Bull, Pi;:s, draught Horses and Colts, Pony, part of a stock of Clover Hoy, about 100 measures of Magnum B oium Potatoes, Implement* of Husbandry, Thrill and Chain tpurs, Harness, Dairy Vtst-els, liait of Household Furniture, e"-c d-e., AT MARFORD, One mile from Rossett Station, and Four miles from Wrexham. MFSSRS JONES AND S"N h?ve received instructions ?i ll from Miss Hoberts (W:lO i r?tirin" fro.-n furmi?") to SELL BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1S87, on the above premises, the whole of her Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, Clover Hay, Potatoes, Dairy Vessels, and part of the HlJU: HOLD FURNI- TURE, A'C., A-c., viz. LIVE STOCIe-Eight young dairy cows calved and to calve, two colourv ;D-(-.tlf lt:iferq, one barren heifer, short- horned stock bull, grey draught horse Gilbert," powerful bay horse six ye irs old, two promising three years old cart colts, brown Pony Lucy." fit pig, Ac. IMPLEMENTS, &c., include narrow wheel cart with har- vest gearing, useful dog cart shandry, iron land roller, cultivator, iron wheel plough by Howard," two ridging p oughs by Howard," s t of iron harrows, double turnip drill, iron scuffle, patent ch .ff cutter by Richmond and Co." turnip pulper by Bentall," Avery's weighing machine, corn truck, twenty-, ne corn sacks, ladders, cart ropes, wheelba-row, iron Buckley and stone pig troughs, st 'iie cisterns, cow chains, stone pillars and caps, rakes, pikels, yelves, shovels, picks, scytliei, sieves, riddles, two sets of thrill gears, two sets of cha.;n gears, plough gears, odd gears, set of harness. stab'e lamps. Also a part of a Stack of Clover Hay, about 100 measures of Potatoes. DAIRY VESSELS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &-c.-Wheel churn, cheese screws, cheese stools, vats and binders, filletting. cheese tub, milk pans, cream pots, butter tub, brown ware, crockery, meat covers, dresser and shelves (in cherry wood), oak leaf table, fire irons, mahogany card table, toilet glass, bedsteads, screen, &c., &c. Sale at One o'clock. 667n PRELIMINARY, Sale of 2ti head of young Dairy C ars, Calving Heifers, yearling H ifers, Pigs, team of valuable wayyon Horses and their gears, two very promising two year old draught ColU, the usual assortment of Agricultural Implements, stack of prime upland Hay, two stacks of Oat Straw, quantity of Wheat bolting Straic in building, the whole of the Dairy Vessels, J-c., at GRWCH TEG, CROSS LANE-5, 1A miles from Bangor, and 4 iitilet; from Wrexham. MESSRS JONES & SUN have received instructions 1, from Mr Thomas Dade", who is !(a ing the farm, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Monday. April lxth, 18S7. on the above premises, the whole of his valuable DAIRY COWS and HEIFERS, Yearling Heifers, Waggon HORSES, COLTS, PIGS. IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, HAY, Wheat and Oat STRAW, DAIRY VESSL LS, &c. Particulors in future advertisements. USSf PRELIMINARY. Sale of Dafy Cows and Heifers. Waggon Hones, Colts, Sow and Fi'loicre, Pork Pig- Potatoes, Manu,c, Imple- ments of Husbandry, Dairy Vessels, and part of the Household Furniture, al CYFYNYS, BRYMBO. MESSRS J()ES .? SON have been icstructfd by Mr M John D?vies. who is Je i.vh.g the farm, to ELL BY AUCTION, on Wedne day. April 13th, IH7, on the above premises, th' whole of his Lire and Dead FARMING STOrK, MANURE, POTATOES, DAIRY VUSSELS, HOUSEHOLD FUIDiTll'/Œ, Ac. Particulars in future Ad' ertkiirejits. Uc Sales by Auction. ASLES BY MESSRS BAUGH & JONES. MADEIRA HILL, WREXHAM. FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES AND GAImE" rO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by 'lE.n.; BAUGH A JONES, at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexh im o; Wednesday, the 30th March, lV-7, at Four o'clock it. toc- afternoon punctually, in the following or such other Lots as mav be agreed upon at the time of sale, and subJject to conditions to be then produced. I-OT I.-All that PI EC or PARCKL of LAND, with the disused Buildings .-md Summerhouse ihe pm, adjoining Alma-terrace, in Barnfi- Id, .11 deira Hill, in the Borüugh of Wrexham, and which Parcel of Laod is well adapted for building purposes. LOT 2.—Four Newly-Constructed COTTAGES with the Yards, Gardens, and Appurtenances ther-unto btlonging (adjoining Lot 1), called ALMA-TERRACE, situate in Barntield, Madeira Hill, aforesaid, *nd now in thp. several occupations of John Rowland, Frederick Houghton Richard Parry, and William Swann. LOT 3.—Eight newlv-built COTTAGES, with the Yards Gardens, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and ad- joining ¡, !!(1 contiguous to Lol. 2 and now in the, everal oc upations of Henry Craven and o'liers. The Property is well situated, having a Southern aspect, with a frontage to the gardens. All the Lots are approached from Madeira Hill Ly a carriage way, and are within a few walk from the Parish Church and New National Schools. Plans and Particulars will be ready q- vtrn days hefo-e the Sale, and for them ;• n<1 any further information apnly to the Auctioneers, or to MESSRS LEWIS A-SON. z,5S I a Solicitors, Wrexham. SALE BY MR JOHN P HITCH ARIL -.I J BODELWYDDAN, ST. ASAPH. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS, OR.'ZIERS TEAM OWNERS, AND OTHERS, MR JOHN PRITCHARD ia favored with the intuc- tions of Sir W. G. Wiiliams, i?rt. (who is declining Farming), to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in APRIL, NEXT, the principal portion of the Valuable Agricultural Iinpl- ments and Live Stock. There will also be TO LET upwards of 300 Acres of excellent Grass Land in convenient L-jts. Detailed particulitis will shortly appear. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. t;¡)!Io SALE BY MR R. OLLERHEAD. -J" r. '.J" UNDER COUNTY COURT EXECUTION. 1^0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr RICHARD i. OLLERHEAD, in theV?etaMe Market, Wr('x:m¡, on Monday, March i^th, 1887, Four Capita! SILVER WATCHES, and a large assortment of HOUsEHOi n FURNITURE, Bedsteads, Feather and Flock Beds' Weighing Machine, &c. Sale at Two o'clock. tio4c SALES BY LYTHALL, MANSELL, asu WALTERS. 180 SHORTHORN DAIRY AND JERSEY CATTLE. G. Franklyn Ward, Esq. twho is giving up Lair.ing) has instructed JVJESSRS LYTHALL, MANSELL, & WALTERS, to 1TJ. SELL BY AUCIION, at Hadnall Hall, Farm four m les from Shrewsbury, on Monday, April 4th 1*87 h's entire Herd of Pure-bred SHORTHOHN DAIRY CATTLE aud the bulk of his weil-known JERSEY HERD. The Sale will comprise 150 Pure-bred Shorthorn Cows, Heifers, and Bulls, ind about 20 Reitl of Choice Jersey Bull-?, Cows, and Heifers. ear This is one of t'e leading Dairy Herds in the Mid- land Counties. Rev. John Hill, The Citadel, Hawkatone, will, bv per- mission, include 6 choice Jersey Cows and Heifers in the above Sale. Sale after Eleven o'clock Luncheon. Catalogu-s upon application to the Auctioneers, College Hill, Shrewsbury. tioSn SALES BY MR ASTON. SALE OF FREEHOLD LAND AT CEFN MAWR, RUABON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr ASTON, at the THolly Bush Inn, Cefn Mawr, on Mon 'ay, March 2Mb, ?867? at Four for Five ,dock in the afternoon punctually, iu one Lot, and subject to conditions to be pr"duced at the All that very eligible BUILDING SITE, containing about 470 square yards of Land, and upon which now stand an old Chapel and Cottages, situate near to Well-street, Cefn Mawr, Ruabon. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Regent- street, Wr,xham- 64&- MR ASTON will SELL BY AUCHON, on 1'uefay next, March ?)th, at his Sale Room, Regent- street (removed there for the convenience of Sale) a quantity of Useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, consisting of iron and brass beds'eadj, mattresses, feather and fl 'ck beds, washstands, dressing tables, toilet glasses, fenders, fire irons, sofas, couches, mahogany and other chests of drawers, mahogany centre t ible, half d< zen mahogany hair-seated chairs, Windsor cane-seated, arm, and rocking chaits, round and leaf tables, eight-days' clock, book case, ten dozen of ale glasses, and numerous o her effect-1. Sale to commence at T-vo o'clock prompt. tJSftii MR ASTON has 17e, fav?tred with instructions from I -i-' j L Mr Price D..vi:?, of 30. Regent-street, Wrexham (who is giving up the Business in Regent-street owing to ill-health), to SKi L by AUCTION, on Thursday. March I 31st, also Saturday and Monday. April 2nd and 4th, the whole of his superior st ck of fiannal shirtings, c itton shirtings, skirtings, black and coloured dress goods, flannels, Hollands, prints, lace curtains, pinafores, um- brellas, and varhus other artic es. Sale to commence on Thursday 31st at Two o'clock, on Saturday, April ind, at Six in the evening, and Monday. 4th of Aprii, at Two o'clock. The Auctioneer calls special attention to this Sale, the Stock being quite new, and chosen with great care from the best houses in the trade. eUOa SALE BY T. WIlITtflELD & SON. IMPORTANT SALE OF FARMING STOCK. H A L T 0 N On the Chirk Castle Estate, 2], miles from Chirk. MESSRS WHITFIELD ? SON have been honoured 1" with instructions by R. Mvddeiton B'dduiph Esq. (in consequence of the farm being let), to SELL BY I AUCTION, on the premises as above, ,Il Monday, March 2"th, JSS7, the whole of his valuable Live and D ad FARMING STOCK, viz. 125 Superb ShroDshire Down KWKS initthoA nr.,I lamb. "8 70 Ripe Fat Shropshire D)wij WETHERS. 50 Grand Fat <Tun WETHERS, nice weights. 20 Excellent Fat Welsh WhTHEifS. 3 Puoiaree Stiropshire Down RAMS. 52 Ripe Fat OXEN and HiUFafiS. superior quality. 21 Cross-bred Twn-jear-old HI LLOCKS, very fresh, 1 New Milch COW, ar.cl 2 Fat PIGS Cart HOUSKS. and their Gears. A modern collection of AUR C(JLTtJRAL IMi LE- MENT-S appertaining to a 300-acre farm, also a two-horse power GRIST MILL, with pulley complete (bvCortett), about 3 tons of Mngnum Bonum and harlv Kidnev POTATOES, a few articles of HOUSEHOLD* Fl'RNI- TLliK) (fcc.j &c. Luncheon at 11, Sale to commence wirh the Implements at half-past Twelve pr. inpt. N.B.-Tlie Auctioneers, in calling the attention of the Public to this irapoitant Sale, beg to announce that the Breeding Ewes have been selected regaidhss of cost from some of the best Flocks iu the Kingdom, possess big frames, sh-w undeniable breeding, and have an extra- ordinary crop of Lumns, by those two celebrated Rams "Essex Princ and Atherstan" the Fat Wethers arc of ihnce qun ity and very ripe the Fat Ox .n and Heifers aieci.-n and cake fea, of prime quality avd de-irab'e weights the Store Bullocks are very fresh, healthy, and improving the Cart Horses are really a good lot and are grand workers with great power and activity, and are adapted to town work the Implements are modern and equal to new. Catalogues may be had from the pla-e of Sile, the Hand Hotels, Chirk ziz.d Llangollen, the Wyi nstay Arn.s Hotels, Wrexham and Ruabon. or from the Offices of the Auc- tioneers, Willow House, Oswestry. f5y.3n SALE BY MESSRS DAVID ROBERTS AND SON. RUTHIN. 1 e^SRS n. ROBERTS A SON will SELL BY Monday, M irch 28:h, 1S87, at the Wynnshy Arms Hotel, Ruthin, at Three o'clock in the after- noon, subject to conditions to bo then produced, a neat FREEHOLD COTTAGE RESIDENCE and PREMISES' known as PORTH Y DRE, BORTHYN, in the suburbs of Ruthin (near the Denbigh Road), con- taining kitchen, back kitchen, parlor, anil two bedrooms small garden in front, back yard, c whou e, pigstye and w.c. Water laid on. Now in the occupation of Mr T. G. Griffiths. For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEERS' Corwen, or to Messrs LLOYD & ROIJERTS, Solieiti)r.-i, Ruthin. SALES BY MR J. E. DAVIES. Important Sale of 8 Head of choice Cattle, 7 Shropshire She"p,2 Horses with thiir Gears. 11 head e).f Barndoor Fowl, a number of Duchs. 12 Measvr-s of yellow seed Oats, a few measures of Barley and old Red Wheat, about 12 hobbetts of magnum bonum eMžliU rlltatoe,, and a quantity of early kidney Potatoes, A- together with the Agricultural Implements, Dairy Vessels, and eery antique Household Furniture, and Miscellaneous at RHYD Y CEIRW FARM, Llanarmon J'IL Yalt, close to the lli-.h Road, midway bc-tween Tryddyn and Llanarmon. MR J. E. DAVIFS is instructed bv Mr William .1 Morgan (who has lt the Fan..) to Sell by Auction in the Farmyard, as aforesaid, on MONDAY, the 4th of APRIL, 1"7. the underl -.entioned Live and Dead FARM STOCK, PRODUCE, and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE* namely CATTLE.-Grand cros-i)red cow, Cochen," with third calf at foot, ditto, dittt., Beauty/' due to calve her second c:ilf April 18th, <:itto, ditto, Pio?en due to calve her fourth calf in May, ditto, ditto, Brithig," due to calve May 2nd ditto, ditto, "Cherry," due to calve early in M.?-, 3 .olory rearing calves. HORSLS,- ??P'?! ?"k bay c,ut mare, F.m 4ve:n- old, about 1.) 2 a not.d m?r?, and a grnd thick ?' in fr 0^1 to a cd ?'"?. Lay ?rt gelding, 'Blutcu-, .y-year-old, about 17 h:<n.? T! udnl h'np"lJire Down in-hmh eW(,5, 1. 2, and 3 sh-ar, most of wtich ?! yean by day of sle, pure-  ?'P?'? ??r ram I.?b. Tog«h r with th" nm.Hrv 'Vl liCP,K, da;ryvc-.?-, ?r:-critural imple- ment, and huuse-noliTd f; -.a-niture. Sale at I'lt-ren o'clock. T.i if rfcxham-st, reet, Mold. PILSENER EXPORT LAGEII BEER. Business Announcement?. THE TOTTENHAM LAGER BEER STORES BY JOSEF WASSMANN, (Lute Manager of the Wrexham Ligcr Br fie- rj .J STORES AND OFFICE- — CARNARVON CASTLE, BRIDGE STREET. PFLSEN-EH EXPORT LAGER BEER In CASKS and PATENT SCREW EOIILKS. Health Exhibition. London, 1884, highest award, G01..D Mr:lML. THE TOTTENHAM LAGER BEER STORES. 31tj 1 PILSENER EXPORT LAGER BEER WILLIAM ROBERTS, 0 0 A L LIME, AND SALT MERCHANT. EVERY QUALITY OF COAL, SLACK, LIME, AND SALT, DELIVERED IN TOWN OR NEIGHBOCEEOOi). (PIT PRICES AT WIIAEF, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY STATION.) ALSO BEST PORTLAND CEMENT. AGE N T FOR BRADBURN'S ARTIFICIAL MANURES AND TRI-AILEY HALL LIME WORKS. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. OFFICES 4, LAMBPIT STREET, AND 1, TENTER S SQUARE, WREXHAM. 383nc JENKINS AND JONES, STEAM SAW MILLS, JOHNSTOWN, RUABON. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN TIMBER MERCHANTS, FESTINOG AND LLANGOLLEN SLATES. AGENTS FOR THE FELINHELI DINORWIC SLATES. JOINERY OF FIRST-CLASS QUALITY, AND FIELD GATES Of Every Description Made to Older. PRICES AXD PARTICULARS ON APPLlCATIO. 55  NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE SAM U E L JE F F R E Y (Late Manager to Messrs J. Baker and Son, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, 12, High-street, Wrexham), Wishes to inform his wide circle of friends, and the General Public, that he HAS OPENED A BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, No. 3, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM, The second door from Mr Fisher's, Stationer, and three doors from top of High-stieet, wLere a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES will be exhibited at the lowest possble prices. Procured from the best Manufacturers in the Trade. All Goods marked in plain figures, no advantage taken, or imposition made on anyone. A be,tutiful present will be given to each Customtr. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS. 307 RATCLIFFE AND SONS., HAWARDEN IRONWORKS, NEAR CHESTEK. ESTABLISHED 1846. MECHANICAL AND CONSULTING ENGINEKR^, VALUERS OF PLANT AXD MACHINERY And Agents for the Sale or Purchase of all kinds of NEW AND SECONDHAND ENGINES, BOILERS, A CENERAL MACHINERY, BOX & STEEL RAILS BARS, FORCINGS, &c. Side Agents for North Wales and Cheshire f r THE PHOSPHOI: BRONZE CO., LIMITED, j LONDON. TELEGR?'i)C AnnRFSS— iEEG,'T1tFii. -H-=-'A:I THE STAR BRATTICE CLOTH CO., L\ "H ESTER. RAILWAY STATION, QUEEYS FERRY. HAULING ENGINES.-Pairs of good Second Hand for Sale, with CW ylindW ers ° 8 inches, 10 inches, 14 inches, 15 inches, llj inches, and IS inches di.mo'er. c: IBU AI." 'F A:S. -On" :!O feet di imeter, and oLe !oity feet diameter, with Engines complete. MORTAR ?HLLS wi-Tth soh-I or p.jrfor?d bottoms from 4 feet to S feet diameter. Double and sine?-Hne? vert!-i! and Egg-ended Boilers of v?nou. ,,¡ze. and for hih or low pies ure", or TLlks ?d cr. p.e? w?h ng™ 1-unparhcu?rsandprtc? on .pphc?tion to ITATCLIFFE & ?SO-NS, H?.ardenJron?-c.r?.n?r?he? ^r c!8r:7n ESTABLISHED 1812.  PROCTOR AND RYLAND, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, COHN, and GRASS, ALSO S F P E H P H 0 S P H A T E OF LI M E WOKKS -CHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST, WllH PARTICULARS OF PRIZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED 1.. h'<ï. FOiT FREE. AGENTS:— MR T. W. DAVENPORT. YORKI. KTRPFT wpw-LMM Mr GODFREY PARliY, L'ansantffraid, Corwen. Mr J. J. H IN CEO IT. Ruthin. Mrs AhTEKLli-Y, Pentrt-f, Llanymynech, Oswestry. .Nle srs HASSALL k- SON. Bul n-y, Whitchurch, Salop. I Mr WM. WYATT, Elle.-inere, Salop. j Mr WM. P. JONES, Ironmonger, Mold. I Mr W GRIFFITHS, Cross Key- Chirk. Mr IWEIT ROBERTS, 'fan Hhiew, Groes, Denbigh. 302zo "iII' .I"L. Mr JOS. COuKE. 'TheGM.n?e, Edge ?tip.n ?fr ? ? ?,?'?'CKS. ?e?hruhhe'y. \Vem, h.?np.   ?'' °mce- ?. "? HoJyweII. M"u r WM. J(?h., NMt. Uwt))c:, Bodfuti, Hhyl Mr(:):JFFtTH LEWIS, ?tst-, i.!?nfy]hn' Nlr ™, F ?'? ?'' Br4(,'ur,. '??' '???". West Felton. MrJUH? <!AItMsr<?, Hf:?vjttr H?mer H?H. Mr JOHN GAEMST< 'N, Br'.d^wjttr .Tins, Harmsr Hill. STEAM BAKERY AND j STEAI BAI{ERY AND BREAD STORES. 12 AND 13, HENBLAS STREET. BREAD BREAD Be t vallie in Wrexham and BREAD District. BREAD BREAD 51. THE 41b. LOAF. BREAD BREAD F.)ni the Finest Flour. BREAD BREAD BEST VALUE, 5d per lib. LO -.F. BREAD BREAD BREAD DELIVERED BREAD BREAD to aU p?rts of the Town and Dbh-;ct BKEAD BREAD by own Vims—or way be had at BREAD BREAD THE STORES BREAD BREAD '2 A: HENBLAS STREET, BREAD BREAD AND BREAD BREAD 14, HIGH STREET. BREAD BREAD BREAD ——— BREAD kREAD BREAD Best value in Wrexham and Dis- BREAD BREAD trict. BREAD BREAD oil. PER 41b. LOAF. BREAD BREAD BREAD -—— BREAD BREAD PORK PIES PORK PIES PORK PIES PEST VALUE. PORK PIES PORK PIES ——— CAKES CAKES IN CAKES CAKES WREXHA M AND CAKES  DISTRICT. B u ?N BUNS BUNS ——— BUNS BUNS REST GOODS. BUNS BENSON'S BES(): i BENSON'S i BENSON'S BENSON'S BENST).NIS BENSON'S BENSON'S BPNSO S! BENSON'S BHXS<,?'s Bi"N:so.N ? BEXSO?'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S j BEN'SI)N S BENSON'S BENSON'S i BEN-'UX'S i BENSON'S I BIŒsO:-J'S BENSON'-i BE:\fsn:s BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S IŒNSON' BP,NS, N's BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON S BENSON'S BEX-OX S Ht, S')' BENSON'S BEN ON's 1, E.N 8 () B1 BENSON' BENSON'S BF.SU:-J'S BEXS N'S BI<;NSON'S' BENIN'S BENSON'S j BENS ?'? BENSON'S BE.N:UN' EASY TERMS. ur, Illustrated Price 1,ts Free. Second hand Price Li,t i l,r,e. Prices 13 to 20 New Patterns. Machines bought, sold, exchanged. L rgest Defers in the World. Before purchasing elsewhere call or ,.vrile for "lir I.i.,t: BRITISH CYCI.E MAMTACTTRINI; COMI'.VNY, Jo, E/ertoa Road, Liverpool. JNO. JAMESON'S IRISH WHISKY. FIVE YEAHS OLD, -Ss. GD. PER gt'AKT. .V,o Blende u-ith inferior or cheaper Whiskies. WARRANTED PI" RE JOHN JAMESON'S. INr IL L D E P, S MARKET HALL VAULTS, WREXHAM. WH.LDEll BRoTnER, Ja.ge:; hc.jer'i of tl-is WHIIKY • n the ,Pri-ncipality. tajc ? i* 'iJ ,(,, .¡ -? 1-_F.1. %:1 v« a- ■ 1S 'J.r \1 %J? 6 | f Men si, rieriri,, from Lost Vlaror, Nej- vous Debility. ta;'k of Development, 1 rfinntiire itecliue, e:c.f resulting ex(,(, )r over. w rtu'-tl niUiojif sterna') th«.r.? "IMXSl'OS TUKATHKM V'ahiahle rt ¡ t with nf^rrua!ion of vaiti'j f :tl\ will i,c seTit in plain 'ist ti'so. MAS-.TON EEUEDY CC- 'it-liolborn,London. 45 NEW POULTRY KNIFE. T0 meet the numerous enoairies from our Customers for a Handy and Compact KILLING KNIFE, we have intro luce-.l one which answers all their requirement?. It can also be used as a Packing Needle for sewing up packages, and for many other purp ses in dressing or operating on Poultry. Of all our Agents-, or d.re.t frca u*. price Is or sent per Parcel Post for Is 3d. SPRATTS PATENT POULTRY MEAL. Of)' pir Cw? r'r"p'J'(1 I 20s pir Cwt. Cairi.ige Paid. The):!06tXutmiouSMdD;gt-s:ib? Feed for Chicks M? Laving Htm (being Jhticughly cooked). in: pI Post Free. GRANULATED PRAIRIE MEiT CRISsEL,' Piice v. t. lu b] dining i:.clcmen; v.tl:tr. t:i3 CHEAPEST A; j- s-Iflf.f.IX'i'i '.V.VITM vF R U M OR WHISKY H \) .H. 1Y ,J \I y \y = T  -?, — ?y ? ? ? D ? b \¡. i; >: I. WRHXHAM. E"y -rrr-.re. SiiO Business Announcements. RESIDENCES IN NORTH WALES ANff :¡ CHESHIRE W & F. BROWN & CO., Chester, Cabinet Makers anci Upholster r< t.> the PRINCE OK WALES, wib on applica tion send po t free their list of BEsT HOL'sES TO LBT, with other useful infoimation. wAREHOUSES FOR STORING FUR-NITLIER. Vw Clean, Airy, Dry, and at Low Rates. W. & F. BHOWN Ar CO., EA.STG.YTK Ruw, Ciu.-i KR. C.?7z TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TKA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA Tit: TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA T b.A TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA C, K. BIHSOS a :>J ij1 U Co., NORTH WALES SUPPLY STORES, HIGH STREET AND GOLDEN LION PASSAG 3 WREXHAM. DRINK. DRINK. DHISK, Di, INK THE Bi-ST DRINK. C. K. BENSON & Co s. T E A S BLENDED 10 PERFECTION. BE6T VALUE FOR THE ,i: < PEOPLE. How is it that C.K.E. and Co. can offer goods so cheap is a question often put -simply this they buy largely ;'ntl well-for CASH. On this principle C. K. BENSON ft CO. have made their name famous for Teas, Coffees, and Articles of Household Consump- tion throughout the District;MALL PROFITS—and sound jud^iwnt- h ve earned C. K. H. ft CU, a reputation unknown for Teas in the history o: Wrexham and district. Other firms bounce and adtetH e the finest Tea at Is 8d per lb., wh cii is so GLARINGLY ABSURD that the most CALLOUS must detect the DISREGARD for TRUTH. C. K. BENSON & CO.'S TEAS CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Their T, I]billings Indian HJend ii gu;rantee#?PENCE per lb. better value tban!any offering in Wrexham or district. Other Blends from Is 4d to 3s per lb. Grand Quality—and from 4d totid per lb. superior to most dei.Ieis in the town and district. BENSONS i;??St<iSS f'KN-ON-S ?F?so?s MK?so?'s BENSON'S BEN-CN S P, I-, N s o.N', BEN"or- S BENSON •; RE,rJ Bh N>oN -f BEN-« N BEN-oN S Br NSONS BENsoNS i PI-'Nsr.N S N'S BENsoN'S BENSONS BE NSON S BEN,-ON'S B EN ->( N'S BEN -UN'S BEN -< >N S BEN ON S BEN-ONS iE:S"('I; IH N.^i)N S 15KN-CN i< \T (; 'J BENSON'S BKNSON S EENS;,N S IF'.j.f IN >0; BENSONS BEN S BEN Ul" 8E, ? BB?SCN? BENSON'S BENSON .S BENSF>N'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BKNSONS BENSON'S BENSON'S r BENSON'S BENSON'S BKN.-CN'S BENSON'S Bf:(J.'I/ S BEN -ON S BENSON"! B), N ON BF N-^OWS IH N SON'S BEN BENSON'S BKNNOH'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BEN -;ON" BENSCN'S BENSON'S BENSON'S BENSON'FS BKNSON'S BEN-ONK CIGARETTES EGYPTI EN N ES HE LA GRAXDE FABRIQUE DE TABACS ET CIGARETTES D'ORIENT. DE G IAN-CARL 0 ANTONINI ALESSANDRIA (d'Egitto) THE FINEST BRAND IMPORTED. They are delightfully Mild, Delicate, and y Aromatic, the result of great care, experierj ;e skill in Selecting and Blending the leaf. CONNOISSEURS IN CIGARETTES DECLARE TFT KM PERFECT. S o L K AGENT: J. FISHER EOISBl'fiy, CHEMIST, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. .A 'In HENRY K EL LETT, SANITARY PLUMBER AXD HOT WA /'KR FITTER, HORSE MARKET, WREXHAM. HYDRAULIC RAMS, IRON AND LEAD Tl >!?" BATHS, WATER CLOSETS, Ac, Made and Fixed on the most Improved Principle. RANGE BOILEKS AND HOT WATim CYI.i N TE:; Fixed on the Safety Principle, For supplying Baths, Lavatories, Ac., with Lt\.d and Iron Pipe. Estimates Given. — In ?<t.tte!<;t! &?'t';t. ?- tn FINEST BLEND OF SCOTCH WHISKY KSOW.N, BEST THAT MONEY CAN Bey. WARRANTED FROM ti TO 7 VFAU.V OL > 4s t d PER QUART. ?ILLDER 1? ROT HERS. 590 MARKET HALL VAULTS, WREXF .I/! 590 MARKET HALL VAULTS. WRRX?-t/' ()LD PORT WINE, 38 PER QUART. WARRANTED A FINE Q U A L 'A W I L L D E !I'S MARKET HALL VAULTS, WREXHA M. WILLDER BROTHERS, largest Dealers ii. the L'i,.nt- i.-I y J 0 H N \V ILL I 2\1 S (Late Mr Read), BB ■ 7, QUEEX STREET, WREXIL.LU, H I UNDERTAKER, I ■ THREE HEARSES FOR HIRE, A CARRI O r-s H OF A 1.1. DESCRIPTION! HE B Town or Country. Moderate Cha.j- HI H J, W, be83 to st;,te he has no conn.-c^.o HB with anyone ebe, and dees nv: s',llcõt 0-de H for funerals. jD H DWID SHAW & CO., MANURE MANUFACTORIES. CLAYTON, M A N C H E S T E I. We have pleasure in calling attention to cur Price List for this ye.Ar I Ground Woollen Shoddy, with 3 civt. Bone Meal v- > r 0 Ground Woollen Shoddy, with 8 cwt. Bone Meal 0 Prepared Bones for Turnips and Grass i'S 0 0 Blood and Bone, suitable for every crop i V 0 SUPERPHOSPHATE. SPECIAL POTATO, TURNIP, TOP DRSSSIlul, FINE GROUND RAW OR STEAMED BONES, (> IUUMnteml nil liouie collected. Pricts and particulars oa application to our • SAML A LLCOCK, .ANDRA AULTS, YORK STRE' > j WREXHAM. I ATIENiia RO^SELT AUCTION SALES