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Tenders. -'4' WREXHAM DISTRICT HIGHWAY BOARD. TO CARTERS, FARMERS, OWNERS OF ROADSTOKE DU ,IN PIPF MANUFACTURERS, IRONMONGERS, AND OTHEhS ri^HF. HWHWAY BOARD of the WREXHAM DISTRICT invito Twicmruc t r- "<» ( ar In; ones, muer!'1, :'In! ?h Marci^lSsC^n-ntenanCe ? ? followmg Township and Main Roads within the tatrictfo fthe en C, 2.th llI.reh, IS", viz nc or I' e.r en 1"1.: PARISHES. STONES. CINDERS. GRVEL. NJ- [ Per Ton. Per Ton. Per Ton. 1 -Abenbury-Fawr(Froin Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham I From Five Fords and Borras Station. 2—Acton From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Frood. From Borras. Station. Rossett Station. Fiom River Alyn and Burton P t < -Bersham From Bwb-hgwyn & Wrexham From Nant River. Station. i)-Bieston, From Bwlchgwyn A Wrexham From Frood. Frnm Borras. Station. I (i—Borras-Hovah,From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Frood. From Borras. Station. 7—Borras-Rilfre From Bwlchjiwyn & Wrexham From Frood F, om Borras. Station. 8-Broughton From wkhgwyn & Wrexham j^rora Brymbo. Station. j 8— Brymbo iFrom B?Ich?n A Wrexham From BQmbo and Frood. I Station. lO-Burton station. From River Alyn and Burton Pit 11—Cacca-Dutton. From Bvkhpw;n .fc Wrexham From Borras. Station. I2-Dutton-Diffeth From Bwlchgwyn Wrexham From River Dee (Graig Ford). J Station 13 Dutton-v-bran From Bwlchgwyn A Wrexham From River Dee (Graig Ford). ,)- u. on- ran Station. Erlas From Bwlchgwyn Wrexham From Borras. I Station. 15-Ertbig From Bulchgwyn & Wrexham From Llwynennion and Pant. station. lti-E s cl u s h a m From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Llwynennion. Above Station. 17-Esclusham Be-From Bwlchgwyn <i: Wrexham From Llwynennion and Pant. low. Station. AS—Eyton From Bwlchgwyn <t Wrexham From Llwynennion and Pant From River Die. Station. 19-Gourton From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Frood. From Borrae. Station. 20—Gresford From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Gresford Pit Station. 21—Gwersyllt From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Frood. From Blue Bell and Bradlev Station. 2"2- Holt. From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Borras. Station. 23-Llay From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Frood From Pant Mawr. Station. 2i-Marchwiel From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Llwynennion and Pant. From River Dee (Eyton Ford) Station. i.J-Minera. From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham Station. 26-Pickhill From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From River Dee (Graig Ford) station. Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Borras. Station. Bwlchgwyn A Wrexham River Dee (Bangor and Graie Station. Fords) 2■>—North Ruabon From Bwlchgwyn and Ruabou Pant. Plasissa, Cefn, Acrefair, Station. and Llwynennion. I 89—South Ruahon From Bwlchgwyn and Ruabon Pant, Plasissa. Cefn, Acrefair, Station. and Llwynennion. 81-Sesswick From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham River Dee (Bangor and Grais Station. Fords.) 32-Stanst). From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham Station. a:Sutton From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham River Dee (Graig Ford.) Station. MAIS ROADS AS UNDER 34—Acton, Chester, From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham and Holt Station. 35-AlIington, Ches- From Rossett Station. tirr 36—Bersham, Ru- From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham thin Station. 37—Bieston, Holt. From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham j Station. 3S—B ro u g b t on, From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham Mold Station. iW-Brymbo, Ches- From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From Frood. ter Station. tlI-Burton, Chester From Rossett Station. 41—Erthig, Ruabon From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham Station. 12-Esclusham B". From BwJc" gwyn & Wrexham low Ruabon.. Station. Overton From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From River Dee (Eyton Ford). and Bangor. Station. ii— Gourton, Holt From Bwlehgwyn & Wrexham Station. .5-Gre.ford, Ches- From Bwlehgwyn & Wrexham From Gresford Pit. ter Station. 46 -Gwersyllt, Mold From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham I Station. 47—Holt From Bwlchgwyn Wrexham Station. 41—Llay, Chester. From Rossett Station. From Pant Mawr. 49—M archwi el, I From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From River Dee (Eyton Ford). Overton amt Station. I Bangor  M—Minera, Ruthin From Bwlchwyn & Wrexham I Station. 51-Roy ton, Over- From Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From River Dee (Eyton Ford). ton and Ban- Station. gor.J 52—Ruabon (From Bwlchgwyn & Ruabon From Ac:fair, Cefn, Plasissa, i Station. and Pant. 53—Sesswick, Over-JFrom Bwlchgwyn & Wrexham From River Dee (Eyton Ford). ton and Ban-j Station. gor M-Stansty, Mold.jFrom Bwlchgw\n & Wrexham j Station. The Board also invite Tenders for the supply of Roadstone. The stone- must be hand broken tc pass through in every way a 2-inch guae, of equal quality, and free from dirt. Samples to be sent in with Tender, stating price per ton for unsoreened, also price per ton for screened with a 58 inch riddle, where the material is prepared, and price per ton delivered at Wrexham. Ruabon, and Rossett Statins. Also solicit Tenders for the supply of Glazed Pipes and Channel tiles for the year ending 25th March, 1SS8. Also invite Tenders for the supply of Tools, Implements, &c., including Birrows, for the year ending March 25th, 1888. The articles must be all of the best quality. For foim of Tender and further information apply to the District Surveyor, Mr John Strachan, Crispin Lodge, Wrexham, or to the Clerk. N.B—All Bills owinj by the Highway Board must be sent in to the Surveyor not later than the 19th instant. Tenders to be sent to me on or before the 21st instant The Highway Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. JOHN BURY, CLERK. March 3rd, lSt-7. 4kt JENKINS AND JONES, STEAM SAW MILLS, JOHNSTOWN, RUABON. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN TIMBER MERCHANTS, FESTINOG AND LLANGOLLEN SLATES. AGENTS FOR THE FELINHELI DINORWIC SLATES. JOINERY OF FIRST-CLASS QUALITY, AND FIELD GATES Of Every Description Made to Order. PRICES AND PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. 55 NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOTICE! S A M U E L J E F F R E Y (Late Manager to "Messrs J. Baker and Son, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, 12, High-street, Wrexham), Wishes to inform his wide circle of friends, and the General Public, that he HAS OPENED A BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, No. 3, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM, The second door from Mr Fisher's, Stationer, and three doors from top of High-street, where a large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES will be exhibited at the lowest possible prices. Procured from the best Manufacturers in the Trade. All Goods marked in plain figures, no advantage taken, or imposition made on anyone. A beautiful present will be given to each Customer. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS. 307 PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS. 307 RATCLIFFE AND SONS, HAWARDEN IRONWORKS, NEAR CHESTER. ESTABLISHED 1846. MECHANICAL AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, VALUERS OF PLANT AND MACHINERY, And Agents for the Sale or Purchase of all kinds of NEW AND SECOXD HAND ENGINES, BOILERS, GENERAL MACHINERY, IRON & STEEL RAILS, BARS, FORGINGS, &C. Sole Agents for North Wales and Cheshire for THE PHOSPHOR BROZE CO., LIMITED,  LONDON. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS — HATCLIFFE SONS, HAWARDEN. I THE STAR BRATTICE CLOTH CO., MANCHESTER. RAILWAY STATION, QUEEN'S FERRY. XJAULING ENGINES.—Pairs of '?ood Secon d Hand for Sale, with Cylinders, 8 inches, 10 rTTtT  ^hes' ? inches ? inches and IS inches diameter. ?" ? ?? di .Mct..r. and one forty feet diameter, with Engmes complete. MORTAR :\IILL With solid or perforated bottoms frum 4 feet to 9 feet dmmeter. Double and sins!e-Hued, vertical, ana Egg?end? ed Boilers of various sizes, and for high or low pres-ures, or Tanks, and complete with aU Sttings. funp:trttcu!arsanupncM on application to J?TCLIFFE? SONS, Hawarden Iron Works, near Chester. cl867n Business Announcements. REGISTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OP X P A R L I A ICI E N T. X KELIEF FROM COUGHS AND COLDS IN FIVE MINUTES BY TAK I N'G I U D 0 R ILLIAMS'S PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. IF you are suffering niaht and day with a dreadful wearying, harrassii.G Cough, "nd sc ircely able to talk, or walk, or breathe, you should use TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. Re'ieves the HACKING Cough, OM Standing Cold, Short- ness of D Spitting of Blond, Croup, Hu oopmg Coiitth, limn.-hiti-, Asthma Quinsev, and all disorders ..f the Throat, Chest, and LUNGS; p:ell:iar Vir'Il"" of tlii- :11:ilsaiii consist in its ex- pect, r tin* and henlinc properties; it dissolves the P'"?"t. enables he patient -o expectorate fredy, and to bre .t!v wtin h in" down with"llt 'ear of suff cation it heals t? hat alw?t?? felt ztt th? chest from seere a d C 'tinnued coughing, and th?y who have long been (ifti-rive(i of their rst ? "'?'' will, on taking the BAI,SANI ()F HoNE'?, xl,erien, e the blessing of un- 'isturh'd sl.p. tnana?th.n:)ti.-a) ompHintsitspee.Dy  TH°!LP ?-i?n and dim?-utty of breathing and a INlLeTv a'T tes the' DI-TRESMIIJ; cough attendant on them F, ,:ollls and coughs it a cer»-.in cure frequently reli. ving them >n a few hours; abating the inflammation and relaxing the c ntraeted REBELS of the bronchial membrane. ¥. IN THE NURSERY It is ill -alual)le for children Sutf-I ing from Hooping Couga, 01,1 Colds Bronchlti., a-d Couyh; relieves them instantly. Once tried, alwajs U-PIL. [I'FSTINION*IAI. ] From Mr David JeiLh-iiis, Musical Bachelor, Aberystwyth Aberystwyth College. Nov. 2nd, DEAn SIR,- It gives me p ea^ure to testify to the sooth- ing influence of your Bal-am of Hi)tiey on the vocal tubes. As I had to sing at three successive meetings, I can venture to express an -pi-it)n as to its effect in securing for the throat freedom of action and flexibility. Doctors and Chemists recni>i,i«n<l Tudur Williams' Balsam of Honey. In Vovember *S2, my children had severe cold, incessant Cough and Bronchitis I gave them TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF Ho, Fv, which RELIEVED them instantly of their cough, and by the end ot the week they were quite well. I can con-cientiously ricomn,end it to all respectable families, knowing it TO he a bona fide medicine I have a great sale for it here -Yours truly, T. EVANS. M.P S., Chemist, Treherbert. Cured of Bronchitis and Asthma, Albion-square, Pembroke Dock. DEAR SIR,—A sh. rt time ago I suffered much from Bronchitis and Asthma. I was gasping for my breath and had to he propped up with pill-w- in bed. The first dose gave me nstant relief. After tak ng two bottles of TfROR WtLLlAMs BALSAM OF HONEY I quite recovered to nay usual health. I would strongly recommend :.ll families to keep it always at hatid.-I am, sir, yours truly, JOHN DAVIES. Physicians speak highly of it. I have on -eve al occasions recommended TUDOR WILLIAMS' Ralsam of Honey for affections of the Chest, Throat and Lungs, and have found it very beneficial in giving relief in such cases. s. CRAIGLYN JONES. Late Assistant Physician to the Liverpool Hospital for C .umpiion and Diseases of the Chest. Llew Llwyfo and Mr Jam's Savraye, the London noted, Baritone, statr TUDOR VVILLI.IAMS'Bal.-uni of Honey is a. marvellous remedy for ill disorders of the throat, chest, and lungs for sore throats and hoarseness we always take it, findin" immediate relief." REMARKABLE CrRK OF COI'GH, COLD, AND SOUE THREAT From the Rev J Krans Tn-alati> Rhondda Valley. 11 With regard to the efficacy of your Patent Balsam of Honey in relieving my Cough and C' Id, I was unable TO speak with A sore throat and trouble- pome cough for days, I was happy to give my experience in it I have only had to try it once, and then it completely cured .-Le I quite recovered the use of my speech in :t few days, AND my voice i" now like a bell; the cough has entirely left me I feel sure it will impart relief and yive satisfaction t" all friends troubled with Ruch it is the be-t medicine yet discovered for the purpose mentioned." Sold by all Chemists, in Bott'es, Is Ud, 2s "d, and 4s "10 each. Great avilllZ hy taking the larger bottle. A zase cc ntain:ng three 4s 6d bot-les sent direct paid from the maker for 12s Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey Prepared onl by D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.D S., Metlical Hall, ABERDARE,* Sold at Wrexham by Mr J. F. EDISBURY, Chemist and Mr FRANCIS, Chemist. 1823nfc OPTIONSI OPTIONS!! £ JR and upwards judietumty invested in Stock Exchange .0 Securities by a safe and reliable method is often doubled in a few days. Full ietails in explanatory book (seventh edition) sent gratis and post free. Address GEO. foVÄ S and CO., Stockbrokers, Gresham House, London, E.C. 511a For Hunting- and Wear. BENSONS U i ';1 SPECIALLY-MADE WATCH,    ?? GOLD. CZ) KEYLESS  "<?ss -4  i1 EallsL^fi c re- ,-¡ J0 HALP-CH KO ?M?TER BENSON'S "FIEM" WAT? i"" t!t, The Hunting Editor of "fn!:Fi?H)"?. "I can confide .tly recommend Mes-rs. Be.if-on's iJlJli: :!In watch &8 one that can be depended on. "—FIELD Ala! ch 1884. GENSON, QUEEN S JEWELLER. B" ENSON'S WEDDING anrl BRIDESMAIDS J[) PRESENTS SPECIAL PRICES. Brilliant Half-hoop Engagement Ring. £18 18 Brilliant Cluster patent band Bracelets, from £ 15 Brilliant Star Brooch and flair-pin R21 Bi-illiant and Sapphire Horscsnoe patent Bracelet. £30 Brilliant (triple row) Bracelet (51 stones) £ 50 ENSON'S WEDDING and BRtDESMAIDS PREENTS-" Art.iHtic and pretty.Adelitia Patli Nic,olirii. Superior to the French in every respect."— Marie Roze. "Quite a new style.Clourt Journal. "Much to bei(imi red. World. BENSON'S WEDDING and BRIDESMAIDS' BPRESENTS. A tasteful sel(ction sent on approval to any part of country on receipt of Banker's or London reference. BENSON'S LXTOGA.TB SILVER. GOLD. J|!F WATCH. CD C) o ?g? J ?T? <.w t[?nt)  S & X .???'?\  BEST QUALITY. BEST QUALITY SILVER; BEST LONDON GOLD.    4656. JN,.? BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCH. 'C Superior to American, Swiss, or country-made 'Watches sold at far higher prices."—TIMES. Illustrated Pamphlet Free. J. W. BENSON, SOLE MAKER, STEAM FACTORY, LUDGATE HILL; 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE; and 25. OLD BOND STREET, LONDON. AGENTS T E D F 0 It B E NTS 0 N'?'! 1-1 WATCH CLU!!S for til?, 4,)f iheir patpn? "Ludeaie W.?cfi at A:) ?n:?? uOt.1.d tlw (:ola Med?at the It,cr-or w.ft k .?? a ra e o' ;?n • <;ua.c^ e L', 'J' "i' a Pocket Chronume?r ef?'?n? i.?. Mt ?.! '< WCM- and roa?h u.a?, which rh" latter wih tu -M'P-: OMions invited; ter?s very Itbem. I araculaw uos?r 1780 f




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