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"gusiDess AnBOuncementS; Business Announcementit; REGIS Ilri, ACCORDING TO ACT OP X PARLIAMENT X KELlt-F R tFtKu0' M COt'OHS AND COLDS IN F1 E I N U T B 8 in TAKING V D 0 R \V ILL I A M S' S PAT KNT BALAI OF HONEY. IF 5'0H <.p. ?(Tfring ni?ht ami day with a dreadful v".g harassing an 1 8c""?ely able to talk. X or. reath*. v.* *b-u4 use or Ik itic. ?'-tu use 11[11 TUD?? \S SHAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. R ,!«■« the H?'ng Cough, Old Standing Cald, Short- ¡¡th Breath, M<-??en<?:j. Spitting of B!w.d, Cfoup. !lee (\ n c n?. Bronchitis, A-thm?. Quinsey, and aU di.(ITftro itile lbttiit. Ch -s t itnti l.ungs. ,jj.orn«r „ ?he ThroKt, Ch st, and t.Mn?. di!(\rrseruli!lT ?'r"ten o< this Balsam consist in its 'fI¡e Pstin¡¡: *rd healinp properties it di-su!tes the fxPectOrlIbl<l's the p?iett to expectorate freely, and t> ?)??lvint;duwt) without f.-?r of suff Cation it the r- 1, b*i1S ) t o,uess al\\aH felt at the chbst from severe <lnrii<sed ccu?h" r, anJ. they who have long been and c I of their neces^ry ies,? at ni?ht will, on taking deprl\e-l"'A \1 OF tt(' ¡' <-xp?ri.nce the b)?sin?of dJe B, I,I 8¡"I', !n all a-t)""4tical compiaint:! it "■'■ ^!iri«Ki sleep. In all asthmatical complaints it v v relieve"' the oppression ai d d 'cult). "f breathing ere,ff t\e".ttf" tl1.hstl.mg cough fH?ndant on tbem. loll f Irl- and cong} it is a c?t:tin cure frequ"nt!y Forc,) ,tht'1Il ? ?'' li,)uia thf-, inflammation JjeOlui! d I r I (e I xing the cu?ru.cted v,'sse sot:t: bronchi! 611'1 Te'" iv THK NUI:S:i:Y 11 -a ,n?)un'e f'T children SHfr<-f in? from Hoo?in.; Coueh, I\\ld". })rolltbitis and Cou?h rfhMve< them inat?ntty ?cct tried, aiw?. u?d. [TKSTIMONIAI.S.] frQrn Mr David Jei-ins, Musical Bachelor, Aberystwyth. A erystwyth College, Nov. 2nd, 183:?. p?? Si.V—It gives me ple""ure to testify to the Wtliin., Vifluenc* of y< tir Balsuia of Honey" on the  h ,Ocal tc?' As I hail to ')ng at three succ?sire meetings, I can tftuft" express in opinion as to its effect in iect- ing fur the throdt freedom of a. twn and flexibility. ":><:(or" and Chemist* recntnmend Tudor Willtains, ftlsom of Bootoy, in November, '82 my children had severe cold, incessant ,v„h, and Kr ni'hitis. I g ve them 'I LII)OR WILI.IAMP,' c. 1:1 op HIIM V, which relieved them instantly of their .h and by the end of the week they were quite well, ?n c"!Il'ilLtiou,l recommend it to all re.specta'de lairilies, kn»winc it to be a bona fide medicine. I have a grclit tale for it her- Yours truly, (f T. W. KVA>S, M.P S Chemist, Truherbert. Cured of Bronchitis and Axthma. Albion-square, Pembroke Dock. AIR—A short time ago I suffered much from Bmn hitis aIlIl Asthrn-i. I w;.s j,:i-piiig for my lire th ;:nd bad to be propped up with pillows in bed The first tiose gave me UiaUnt relief After taking two bottles of i UIJOR WII.I.IAH-' BALSAM OF HONEY I quite recovered to my usual health, ) would strongly recommend all families to keep it always at hand.—I su, sir, yours truly, JOHN DAVIKS. I have in several -ccasions recnmmtnded Tt'DOR W IU.HMS Balsam of Honey 'or affections of the Chest, Throat, :In,1 I.wigs, and have found it very beneficial in pting relief in such cases. S, CKAKil.YN JO.NKS. Late Assistant Physician to the Liverpool Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest. lAe* LUcyfo and Mr James Sauvage, the London notea Baritone, states :— Tinior Williams' Balsam of 14rney is a marvellous remedy for all <lis jrders of the throat, chest, and lu:is;s for sore thro its and hoarseness, we always take it, finding immediate relief." ani/thiiij if worth A-fioW/i' it in worthy of being extremely knoicn." I have much pleasure in testifying tD the marvellous efficacy of our Tudor Williams' BAUHM OF HONEY. I have taki it nnseif. and it has invariably relieved Mt, of IbY C, uuh and Hoarseness. My boy also, who has heee fur many years a martyr to Bronchitis, has been asiii- it. all'( ever since lie has not had the slightest attack of i t. I can, therefore, most heartily reclmmend your HALSAM 01" H»>M:Y to a!) who are subject to Hoarseness and B;orchitis. N'u-s fair liful,'y, WY.NUHAM LEWIS. Cahiui,tic Methodist Minister and Chairman 01 Car- marthen School Board. 8oM by all Chemists, in bottles Is IJd, and 2s 9d, each. Creat saving by taking the I rger bottle. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey. Pr,p,iie,t(,iil) lp) I)r. TIM)')K WILLIAMS Medical Hall. AUEKDAKE. Sold at Wrexham by Mr J. F Edisbnry, chemist, and Mr l'raiicis, chemist. r2odlcf BUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. BENSON'S NEW PATENT (No. 4658), "LUDGATE" WATCH, IIAH OBTAINED THB HIGHEST AWARD OF A GOLD MEDAL AJ TlJR INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, 1885. SILVER GOLD ?   r?s?'  ? -pt? zt,5 0. w ZLI2 1 The LLDCATE Watch is a SILVER ENGLISH LEVER OF MY BEST LONDON MAKE, WITH "SPECIAL STRENGTH" THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JKWKLLKD TH I >' O U ("SHOUT IV RU HIES, TKCE I:H1!0\()11KTKI! BALANCE, An.Il:(n:n FUI EXTREMI S, WITH DA.MC ANI> UI ST PROOF PATENT LILNCI BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL. M \ssj v E STEKLINO SILVER DOME CASES, WITH ('l{\ SI AI. CLASS FRONT Wllicli combines the strength of a Hunter with the con- fluence of the Open Face Watch. W?t)s, AND SETS HANDS AND OPENS AT B?CK The IJIJIHIVWK superioritv in Value, Accuracv, a»;d Dur bi1ir, of the •• L.T LX^ ATI: Watch to KH INM and ANTKLT'AK, (made in I.TIITATIOIV of an I SOLD as EI glisli), and to the OM Full-Plate English Lever (still sold bv other makers), from the great defects of which the I.udgate" is exenll;t,- is proved by the Award of a GOLD MEDAL THE ONLY ONE ADJUDGED TO ENGLISH WATCHES. THE "LUDGATE" IS OF BETTER QUALITY AND VALUE THAN ANY £10 WATCH HITHERTO MADE THE "LUDGATE" lis MY BES1 LONDON MAKE, S'NION'J, HANDSOME. & RELIABLE, WILL STAND THE HAHOEsi WEAK A ROUGHEST USAGE, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH FOJ( HOME, INDIAN & COLONIAL WEAR BY RAILWAY MEN, MINKRS AM) COLONISTS, (No. I l.Aiua: SIZE) WOKKMEN A- ARTISANS, (No. 2, As SKETCH) GENTLEMEN, OFFICERS, k MEN IN H.M. SER- VICE", YOUTHV A BOYS', (No. 3, SMALL) WILL BE SENT FRFtc AND IAP F, AT MY RI-K TO ALL PAIn.. OF THE WOULD FOR A:5 5. (I. 0;: IN I-('A.RAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES, TW ELVK «1I\EAS (No. 3 SIZE) A Rsmittance by P.O.O., Draft or Cash, must accompany Order. SPECIALLY NOTE that J. W. BENSON is the only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for £ 5 5s., or ¿;I Is in Hold, and that our Patent Ludgate' Wat',h, cannot be had through, or of any other Watch- I maker in the Kingdom. Any infrirgrmsnt of the Patent Rights will be proceeded acainst. An illustrated and Priced BOOK explaining the ADVAI.W^ES of this Watch over the Full Plate English WatcLes sold by all other D akers, will be sent Post Free any.pphcation, to I J. W. BENSON, JrATCUfrdHER TO 11. Jr. THE QUEEN, TEE STEAM FACTORY, I;2, AND -t:, LUDGATE HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD ZOND STREET, W., LONDON Constquent upon ti,.c 4 ward of the Gom MEDAL the de- r»and, alvvajs great, hr-S so increasrd as to necessitate ;I:we extensive IN W4IIIIER>% which now enables us to EXE- n: ALL ORDERS LUR the 'LUDGATL' WATCH F.JTHOUT DELAY. lliustrat-d Pamphlets of Watches from 1:2 to A:500, and silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime and 'URRS-T), Electro-Plate AND JDTIIICAL Boxes, Free on Appli- •-aiiQE. C'.C.'I ASSOCIATIONS.—RGREMEN. SECRETARIES \>* FHiENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and ftht-rs will their Incomes considerably increased hy establishing < for the New Patent ".Ludgate Watch, as it is "tit FRON J. to i.10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all ,ethers. Particulars "n application. 103 -m_ irloo.000,000 = TO COTTET or cjulqcERY I- Cox &.Co., 41, Southampton Buildings, Holiiorn. Lon- don, W.C., have just published a list of the heirs to this wealth. Reader, send a postal order for Is. 6d., and ther wil forward you thia valuable list, and if you fk>d by it that you are entitled to any money or property ?&im your own. Cox & Co. will ehow you the way. ■ 2336 ) Business Announce ments. -J" SMITHFIELD CATTLE SHOW, DECEMBER, 1 8 8 5. THE TWO CHAMPION PRIZES, £ 11)5, FOR BEST BEAST IN SHOW, £50. PRN 01 SHEEP, « ^IEKROKOX. Fvur CuP-. NTUE £ a EACh Five ( nps, value £2G each and n!l cup, "I N- T T. ? ?- -1.? .? ??.?.??? .?.?, ,;?. ?, .?  it.tttlej to "-TOCI; Fed OR u.e WATERLOO ROUND CAKES. ———. BIRMINGHAM CATTLE SHOW, NOV.-DEC., 1885. The £!tdu¡;tm RHIL-eo- C-IP, TH^ P.ESHLENTV PRIZ» T,vo £ V), Three £ T. One £ 10 10s, Twenty-six First To-enL)-five st:cvnti, and A o: O her priz. s were awarded to St ck KD on the WATERLOO ROITND CAKES. AT NORWICH CATTLE SHOW, NOVEMBER, 1885, the Two Chimpion Pr zes. the P;itron s Prize, the President's Prize, and the Priz for the Best Beast br- 41 and fed in Norfolk, together with Twenty First, Thirteen Second, and many smaller PRIZES, were awarded to Stock fed on the WATERLOO ROUND CAKES. THE ABOVE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. For Pric-s and Particu'ars app'y to WATERLOO MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED, HULL. — 2419zc c I i I I I WATERLOO FEEDING OIL CAKES. ;I 1. Unequalled for 11 classes of Stock. Every delivery is guaranteed to Analysis. Price U7 10s per Ton. Free on Rails in Hull. FULL ANAI.YLIS -M ture, HM Oil, 3 03 ^H-F Tilling, 12 4:I; F-t-Form^ng, «2 CO Fibre, H12 Ash, O*7O. ] Manufactured by the WATERLOO MILLS CO. (Limited) I HULL.   ?? ? ?PnO.U?SHurES ccE?mU?ALTO? r™s»ES E»LTO1] 1 X e S BURNISHED STEEL. Y <? USEOWUHOUT WASTE ??N?B ? DUST• -I ji Black Lead SOLD EVERYWHERE MANuFACTORY; SOHD SQUARE, lONDON. I 2420 WAR N I NG When you ask for II Reckitts Blue -fVi'j-j" VyA°U II §Aept t ? ? As bad Qualitiesare ee a you se I. often substituted. uao RENOWNED REMEDIES. I JI m;lil I! 11!! U! Wl | THE PILLS I| Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the I LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, I ■ They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints I■ ■ incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. I THE OINTMENT I I Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous BB I for Gout and Rheumatism. I FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. 6 I FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, | Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it H§j Bj acts like a charm. if The Pills and Ointment are sold at TISCMAS HOLLUWA) 's Establishment, g 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; | also by nearly every icspcctahle Vendor of Mclicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ild., 2s. gd., 4R. 6d" 1 1 22s r.ml 33 f cach. The 2.. 9J, size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size the I 6 si/i- si v the i is. size sixteen the 22s. size thirty-three and the 33s. size fifty-two times the RB| p qua .tity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. a arc r. ffixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. B 1 K B.—Advice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. H 1 I Co LMAN S MU STAR D LARGEST MANUFACTURERS INTHE WORLD it;os O_n ■yy I L L I A M J> 1 E li C E CABIN KT MAKER AND GF.NKRAL UNDKRTAKHR, i'.RIDOK KTRE-ET, WRKXHAM. FUNGAL" conducted uron the principal of the Funeral Reform Association. Agent tn the Patent Metallic Air Ti :'ht Coffin Com- pany, Limited, Birmingham. The Coffins are highly recommended by all the Medical F. ctitioners of the Neighbourhood. They are covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet and every design of colored inttal furni- ture is used The METALLIC SHELL COFFINS, encased in stout polished oak, or covered with cluth or velvet, can be had at a few hours' notice. SHELLS AXD COFFINS always in stock. I 1;)".5 J I I I I I FOR CLKANSTSG THE SinN and Scalp of Birth Humors, for allay IU^R It chinfr, Burniug' acd Inflam- mation, FOR ciiriiig the fir-t SYMPTOMS of Eczema, Psoriasis, Milk Crust, SCALL Head, Scrofula, aiid other inherited skin and diseases, CrTlcnu. the great Skin Cure, and C'L'TH'ri.A S')AP, au exijuisite Skin Roautitier, externally, and (1.e new Blood l'uritier, y, are infallible. Abso- lutely pure. Sold byalI chpmists, "r PO- T Iroe of Francis Newbery ArSons, I Kincr Edward St.. XEWCATE St., London. E.C. Price, CRTIITKA. 2s. O-L.; ,YT, 4. Cd. SOAP, Is Prepared by the POTTER Dii.1"; ANI) CUDtJ- CAL Co., B06TO.:i, MASSJVCHI-SKTTS, U.H.A. ggg* Writ? P. NewlKsry & Sons for 3Iow to Cure Skin Diseases." 5tH VV ° K T u A G U 1 N E A A BOX. KKECHAirS PILLS. 4 KL" admitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A BUX FT R billious and nervous disorders, such as wind ind pin in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness: MIL swelling after iueal>, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, dushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, C^stiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed S'EEP, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen- litlons, A-C. The tirst dose will give relief in twenty aiinutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thou- t?nd?ofcast-s. Every su?erer is earnestly invited to try one Lox of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For farnales of aT ages these Pills are invaluable, as a doses of them carry off all gross humors, open all obstructions, and brine about all that is required. So 1 :'eiu.ile should be without them There is no medicine to IF fo-UML to equal BKECHAM'S PILLS for removing any Jbstiuciion or irregularity of the system. If taken accord- 1 ing to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all aues to sound and robust health. F r a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- or iers of the liver, they act like JIAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengthen :he whole muscular system, restore the long-lost com- plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole PHYSICAL energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society ind one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de, bilitated is, BEECHA:'I!'S PILLS have the largest sale of iny PATENT medicine in the world. BKECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of tne chest, wheezing, &-c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let *ay person give BEECHAM'S COVGH PILLS a trial, and the moft violent cough will ir a short time be removed. CAVTION.—The public are requested to notice the words BI.ECIIAM'S PILLS, St. Helens," are on the Government SRIIEIP affixed to each box of the Pills If not on, they are t forgery. Prtfptred only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pro- prietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in BOXES at Is lil and 2s 9d each. Sent post free frow the Proprietor for 15 or 36 stsmps.-Sold by all Druqatits and Pat'.Kt Medicine Dealers. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 2159 THE NEW A N C A F, 11 1 R E STEEL PEN J ALL OTHER PENS, JI!I r.tI.f¡¡"lT¿d (jy ED WAR D VOORSANGxR, SOLD By CHARLES G. BAYLEY T H P CROSS AND CHU- RCH STREET One of the AEN>? for Oswestry. ¡


-; - - - - - - - - - Correspondence.


f Markets.

