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Shipping Intelligence. I o (:lE; H LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMEbS 6&;Iing on THURSDAYS alternately f om HV?RPOOL and BRITOL for HAHFAX and P?RTLAXD, and from BRISTOL to NEW YORK Fort- lug )tss.) rDIa. (I or B'ghtty(s a.)'!?rn'a. Oregon.and Vancouver have *alo >ns and sta!eroom.4, replete ?ith 6?ery comfort, fare from 12 guineas in the (ther steamers from 10 guineas, Intermediate 6 RuineM. Steerage £, A?sist?d PSIIg's and through f res to all parts of CANADA AND UNITKD STATES. Apply to FS.1NN, NIAIN-, & MONTGOMERY, 24, James- lit I' v I u ,ame' t I iverpool. ?nt70, Queen-square, Bristol; orto?r K li,isivr. T(,wn Hill Wrexham Mr G. POWEI_I.,I P:trk sti Itu .Inn Mr D. K DAVIF-S. Rhianfa, Pwllle h; Messrs Hnvrii & 1;IIU,LWAI, Bank-street, Ponkey. near Uuabou. *>12° ?TTrHITCSTAR HXE-?t'Y.u. AD UNITFO STATJ- ?? MAIL STEAEH.S LIVERPOOL TO N ■« EVERT THUUSUAY. Forwarding fM?°S?-'?,?"? of t?Unit.d.St??nd C?d?. TheseVEIS combine the highest sp?d and comfort, and ? "-?"" pbtssed ill their ;iocoUiiiiodution for P&^sengt! Sulo-Hi Passage L,2, JL!5. £1". ,Ind £ Interzue,li,.te £7 and £ *> STKEKAGF. PA^SVGE AT LOW RATEs. ARRLVT O WILLT I. A, M H A WHINS TILSTON, 3, Hent?M- tUe't, Wr.'¡;m:; >!r L. LOKBIF-U1.IJ.S -Jown Hill, Wrexham,  tv SMAy ,MK1E> & Mr W D. or to INIHIE, t CO., 1^, ^VntfT-strefVt, °L,Hivveerrpnooool l, aan*»u d JJ*L Leadenhadl-street, Co" li?, A L LAN L I N E Y A L IL -t TO C -k D A. FROM LIVERPOOL- :1:!¡,\j ,N v..r H \l.u AX 1 l'»Hri.ASB.DeP..11 :-<),. .?;!?\. ? ? r?.r HU."AX;? P«)<rt.A-<R..D-f- U :)-.SMt ?. t?' ? "n? n t- ):u.T)'i"KH h m 5 -VP VR TI\N I'V.r HXU'-AX and POKH.ANI.JM. 1» pkIM n .F-r Hm.II'AX ;11,41 J.&n 21 r .Y?'?)-? .?"' HAurAX?dP<?.TLA?u .J?.?? I-Iki. RATES. c >o ♦„ ??H-i'AS:!nt-'??li.ttt.?'?: AS I,O\VE*T UATEM. -tsnicid rates to Montreal, Toronto, Chic. ,.n,j tu all I'Is of Can:);1 and the Western l,¡ t., ron:; ■< spo"> 'TSV FN, ?m oti r, visiting the  U!"ll¡er. (":1T1 :a.!l thetJlè1ve' Jite w"he w^'fuV^cnery the r:)'izrii rat k: Lt) Rnct:Y??t.t:n?nJ the-p.rt.!?'?-tnc?. route for rjr N«'Ti;.—Tin be^t, quickest and cheapest route for Manitoba and tl,; .,tvrtli Hc-.t is by the Mail b??t..?. oi ??' Line. A??it? P??A(;t;S TO CANADA. C3r p. .in.r .t i i.I 4. ;.t Halifax or Portland, ami fC- intf inlanare aconiii,anted ou the 1:¡,Uway h:- the Com- ing inl-'Il 1 alj tt(*("Iliii,:Ll"] ou the IaLlway li?. tile com- pL-.rH.? on C?a, M?utob.. ?nd the Western Ststus fres Ifn application. Full j«rticulara on application to ALLAN ii ROT HERS & CO., .1 hl.nes Street, LIVERPOOL, or to EDWARD LOWTT, Auct?.nc.'r.Wr<.xh?. J !:0<:i..): i.?k??r, ?c ?", Hope-street, W.. xh:ur. I ? 0\\h?; thurch-'itreft.K'nbon. "rjj li'.M S M '.unoCKS.sI. High .itree.,?0 't. J. HOWARD, Krymbo.  JOHN HiA'i'iTT, U.?.t.ecl, Ponkey, Kt'.n^near ¡"L,>ll- 64"!a Business Announcements. _.j NICHOLSONS LONDON I GIN. i PUlE 4k* PER QUART. WARRANTED PURE NICHOLINSON'n. lJirwfe u-ith infrt r or chf-t7per Spirits. \?T  E R S "T ILL D E R S 410 MARKET HAI.L VAULTS. WREXHAM. A USEFUL BOOK. TO SOLICITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND DEBT COLLECTORS. COUNTY COURT LEDGER. Specially prepared for keeping accounts entered In the Couuty Court. leaver ruled for Oneiccjuat. :'1 leaves ruled for T«f accounts. PRICE- 21S. BAY LEY & BRADLEY, ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM. THE CROSS, OSWESTRY. | > AILY ;.nd WEEKYL NEWSPAPERS conveyed by f .? the Cambria Railway Co., on the day of Publication by the first latin after receipt. All orders Promptly at- tetidi d to 10) C RAY I. E Y, BOftKSELLER. LUNG LCNG LING HJIIOO LUNG LUNG i.l'Nti J UNG LUNG LTNG WING LUNG LPG LUNG LUNG LlINu iio'Xii I.UXG I u M; LtiNti 1 HNG Li, N, i LUNG LUNG 1.!Xfi LUNG LUNG 1.11 w LUNG LUNG 1, ij iN 8 -I f" LONG TONIC, THE MIGHTY HEALER, far*' Jfmtr Liri',< by I'al-i. i oWBiilDGE'S LUNG TONIC. ho > a pvtr-r uocr (liseat>e hitherto a.ikuow.i in Mi icinr. At-e v,;ti at all or i?t- c'in. 7 t'i he C<m*vmptiret viith just ev-^t'ih of ("oii,ih iioit, aild then Cry this Wonderful medicine." The Coii'jh and Weak net* trill disappear as if b<; -.Huyic, and yn will fe-l strength and T'i r*r v"U >-eivr ha it cfore. HAVE YOU A COUC-11 A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. H AVE YOU A CuLD A Uo>E AT BEDTIME WILL RE- MOVE IT. r,i >>i hitif and Aathuia it relieves insta nthj. ?.po«ms of Couyhiiiij so dreadful in Wiujnpinj C'W ih become- lets with tach a me rf the m-'dteine. 1'r'pa. ed bal W. T. OWBRIDGE, Ct.eiiiist. Hull. <»!di,i HottUs, 1, qd, 2* 9(1, 4, iid, and Ih; by all Chemist* and Patent Medi- ci, IV?< 7«»vi. IVholesaL all London and I'r ■{•, .-tcial 11 1925 TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TUNIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC OLD PORT WINE, 3s PER QUART. WARRANTED A FINE QUALITY. V^T ILL D E R S MARKET HALL Vzi CLTS, WREXHAM. Wi:.i,t;i:R rRoi,ill.' Its, largest Dealers in the Principality 440 THE WIlES HAM LAGER BEER Co, LIMITED. fi to Soi,th A)iierica, Africa, India, and Australia. THE CELEBRATED IMAGER BEER, FUESH FROM THE COMPANY S ICE CELLARS IS NOW ox DRAUGHT AT MESSRS SUMMERS AND FITCH'S, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, And fioui whom Families can be supplied with CASKS Oil BOTTLES IN A V Y SIZE OR V L" A N T I T V II)S:in Money PRIVATE ADVANCES. 1?4)NI A:11) upward ON NOTE OF HAXD ONLY WITHOUT HILL OF SALE.—For prospectuses :\11.1 app'irat'-oii forms, a;'p;y personally, or write, to G: 'iiu.i. I'.o Accountant, .j, Town Walls, Shrewsbury. Established 1 s70. 1240n THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, IS prepared to ao vance any sum from L5 to jC.%O upon t p-rsonii! or other secuiity, for periods of from three Hi ii:th-i to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, quar t-r:>. or other instalments. Good bills discounted on ad- v-intru^'ss tern.s. The strictest confidence observed.- A,:<>ltc.ition.- to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Price CK near Wrexham. Firms of application Turkish ,J and if applied for by post will be forwarded ipt of a st..rapej directed envelope. 773n T^fONEY LENT ON PERSONAL OR OTHER ? SECURITY. TV.?. WRF.XHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM- P\NY, I-INIIIFD, is prepared to advance any sur" from A ) to £:I upon Personal or other security, from periods of three ;II-nihs to two years repayable by Weekly, V >laly. Quarterly, or ether Instalments. Good Bills Dt.v.»U3U.si or. advantageous terms. The strictest con- ti "¡,.j .I. Applications to he made ta the S-rjtary, r Jehn Davies. Otl:ces Ecer ton-street, I W-s_ham Forais of application furnished free, and if applied fur by pest, will be forwarded on receipt of a mLAuifwd directed envelope.-Office hours for the purpose of -Xairing akivanc-ea and receiving repaymente, from 10 a.m p.M 72n Business Announcements. SPKATTS pATENT POULTRY MEAL. The most Nutritious and Digestible Food for Chicks and Lajing Hens (being thoroughly cooked). Samples Post Free. THE COMMON SENSE OP PovXTRV-KEF:M>G, 4D GRANULATED PRAIRIE MEAT C R I S S E L." Price 25s. per cwt. CARDIAC. A TONIC FOR POULTRY. Price Is. per packet, or lis. per 71b. has POULTRY AND PIGEON SOAP. Price 6ù. per Table- Write for onr Illustrated CLital-igu, ,f POULTRY, PWEO, AND CAME HOUSES, BASKETS, and APPLIANCES of all k::1 ¡s, Post Free. "SPKATT'S PATENT. S E. liO -0 -I ^OCKLE'S ANTiBILIOUS PILLs, THE! ONLY PREPARATION I^OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FREE FROM MERCURY c OCliLL'.S ANTIBILIOU PILLs, THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE /"V'CKLh'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, T E SAFE.sT PATENT MEDlUINE c ANTIBILIOUS UiLLS, THE BE.sT_FAM il.Y APERIENT | COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILL-, ATJlJILlOL" 1'1LL'. FOR LIVER j COCKLE'S ANTiBILIOUS PILLS, FOlt BILE FOR BILE I^Ol.'KLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR INUK.K.sriON J ~\OCKLE'o ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. FOR HH. '«RTF.URN c ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, FOR SICK HEADACHE OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILT., IN USE AMONGST ALL CL\SSES /^OCKLE'S ANTiBlLIliUS IT! LN, IN USE KIGHTY-FOUU YEAR I^OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE. RUCKLES AXTIBILIOU.S PILL', THE OLDEST PATE N T MEDICI N I: In boxes at Is 1U1, 23 9d, li tjd, an 1 lis COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In use EIGHTY-FOUR YEARS. May be had of J. FISHER EDISBURY, 3, mCH STREET, WREXHAM. 12I-loz SULPHOLINE LOTION. THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. IN A FEW DAYS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, ENTIRELY FADE AWAY. BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT. PERFECTLY HARM- LESS. CURES OLD-STANDING SKIN DISEASES. REMOVES EVERY KIND OF ERUPTION, SPOT OR BLEMISH, AND RENDERS THE SKIN CLEAH, SMOOTH. SUPPLE, AND HEALTHY. There is scarcely any eruption hut will yield to Sul pholine" in a few days, and commence to fade away, even if seemingly past cure. Ordinary pun. Ie-, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic; whilst old, enduring skiu disorders, eczema, psoriasis, acne, blackheads, scaly eruptions, rosea, prurigo, tetter, pityriasis, however deeply rooted. Sul|>h<*liiio*' success j fully attacks. It destroys the animaU-ula1 which mostly cause these unsightiy, ili-itable, painful affections, and aiways produces a c;ear, smooth, suj.ple, healthy skin. Sulpholine" Lotion is sold bv most Cheiaists. Bottles, 2s Id. PEPPERS QUININE AND IRON HEALTH, STRENGTH, rP^VIP ENERGY. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH, GREAT NERVE TRENGTH, GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH, GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH, Follows the use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. It improves the appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse, gives firmness to the muscles, alters pale countenance, supplies deficient heat to weak circulations, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures many painful com- plaints—neuralgia, sciatica, &,e is a letaedy fur dyspepsia, stomach affections, &c., and thoroughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. MOST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! A new, smaller size bottle of this valuable m-dicine is now supplied, at 2s til, thus bringing it in the reach of all classes, and greatly preveutiug the many inj urious imita- tions largely olFere 1. PEPPER'S TONIC. Insist on having it. Bottles, Iti poses, 2s tid next size, ;)2 d )ses, 4s Gd. Sold everywhere. PEPPER'S THE SAFEST rLrruri O ANTIBILIOUS TARAXACUM "ED,C,!IE AND PODOPHYLLIN. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WITHOUT MERCURY MADE KROM DANDELION AND MANDRAKE ROOTS. Is now used and regularly prescribed by many Physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion of the liver, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, ui-agreeable taste in the m )rnin-, gi.ldiness disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of geneial depression. Bottles, 2s 9d and 4s td. Sold by all Chemists. Insist on having Pepper's. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. The Best. The Safest. The Cheapest. RESTORES THE COLOR TO GRAY HAIR. INSTANTLY STOPS THE HAIR FROM FADING. OCCASIONALLY USED, GRAYNESS IS IMPOSSIBLE. REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES THE HAIR, CAUSING IT TO GROW WHEREVER THIN AND PATCHY. Large Bottles, Is id. Sold eveiywhere. 7ô7noz n_- CHEAPEST d: DE:NT SHILLINGS WORTH OF R U 51 OR WHISKY AT "r I L L D E R s MARKET HALL VAULTS, WREXHAM Buy and Compare. 440 CERTAIN CURE FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. RATIS, a Medical WORK showing sufferers how they JT may be cur?d and recover Health and Vitality, with- out the aid of quack-, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing ,kin Affections also chapters on Hapoy Ma:riagfs; When and whom to Marry": The Tempera- ments Stammering; Vital Force, How Wasted and how Preserved Galvan.c Appliances and the Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints Post free for Two itauips —Address, Secretary of the Institution of Anatomy, Birmingham. 22j ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS Is warrantee to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains In the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent to anv address for 1511 stamps by the Makers, "The Lincoln & Midland Counties Drag Company, Lincoln"Wholesale agents Barclay and Sons, London, and ill the Wholesale Houses. 9931 Business Announcements. .r. rr E. H. STRACHAN, COAL, LIME, AND SALT MERCHANT. BEST CRANK & MAIN COAL delivered in T )wn and Neighbour- hood, or at Railway Station. All Orders receive prompt attention. Office:- 46, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. OPPOSITE THE NEW TOWN HALL. ]!,7 ROYAL HOTEL, LLANGOLLEN. JAMES ?SHAW, IS I (Several jears with Mr Mt-ht at the Queen's Hotel. Man- che-te-, and at County II)tel, Carlisle1, bens to intimate to the Nohilitv, Residen s. and Visitors 11 this district that he has taken over the above first-class old- e.-tabli>hed Family ami Commercial Hotel, and hopes by hi, th ,rough knowledge of the business to merit a share of their pat: • nage and support. 2253o PROSPERITY AND FORTUNE IN 1886. RAPHAEL'S ALMANACK for ]SSl5 tell* you when to 'Ii 'or I'?St? telli you wh?n to < sow your farm and garden crops to ensure -ucce-s to tIny. sell, bake, brew, deal with others, ask favors, travel, speculate, *et fowls, court, in irrv.nr do anything else. A Gentleman writes Allow me to thank you for the excellent. irstructions in your Almanacs, for gardeners and warmers. All my pardei cro s and fields I arrange according to the dates you give, and they never feil." Another says:—A friend having sho-An me your Al- mitnic a few da\s ago, I mu-;t. sav I w is surprised at its contrnts, I never saw :iii% thing like it before. It also contains Birthday lnfornia,ion for everv tiav and the Fate (,f any Ch Id born during 1S8(5, breeding table for farmers, etc.. etc., pric, ti h, post Tree 7.1. Catty, 4, Pilgrim I -treet, London, E.C., a'.d all Stat:oners. Raphael's Book of Dreams, ISO pages, rrice Is. Will iuterpret truly every dream. Get a copy at once. 2080 EIO,000 \vo"riT~oF NEW PATTERN HEARTH RUGS. Offered to readers of the Wrexhua Advertiser at the remarkably low price of s tid each, post free. ALMOST GIVEN AtYAY ALMOST CIV EX AWAY. POST FREE. POST FREE. TWO AND SIXPENCE. 1 TWO AND SIXPENCE. THOUSANDS SOLD. THOUSAND* SO LD.! These Rugs are six feet long by tlree feet wide, and m;igi.iiic -ntly blended in seven (if the choiotst ami richest colors, and can be liatt in shaiies to match arv colour of carpet or suite. The designs are rno.,t ex- clt;i.,iite. v,z. -Gi-apeq, ft-riig, I flowers, oak leaves, masonry, etc.. etc., ttc. Suitable tor drawing-room, dining-room, bedro ia, or kitchen. III order th it every h >me in the land may posstssone or more of these beautiful rugs, we will s-nd them at the prices stated below. I Wrcxhaui IdvertUer Coupon. ? .rallle "<< Addre-s We guarantee to send one rug as advertised above, on receiot of P.O.O for s Cù two for: 5s. thr e for 7s tid, >ix for 13s '"d, twelve for • £1 '<. If stamps ¡,rf' sent, one penny extra • must accompany each or(I-r. (Signed) R. THOMPSON & CO. P.O.O. to t e made pavahle the G.P.O., to R. THOMPSON CO., 10, Ludgate Hill, London. UTION. -A,'] our goo,ls are sent carriae paid Beware of all fi ins not specially stating this, as otherwise you may be calletl to pay heavy charges for carriage. 2284 i GRATIS, by Post, on receipt of Two Stamps to pay r HF BOOK Postage. ItT-, '%IEDIES. It is the FHE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES. It is the t Book of Positive Medicine for the Cure of all Diseases. The Positive Remedies were used for Thirty ) Years by a Retired Physician when in practice. They are now patented, and the NAMES GIVEN IN ENGLISH to enable invalids to select the Remedy proper for the disease, and Cure themselves. Everyone should possess a copy of this Book of Positive Remedies. Sent direct from the Publishers. H. SMITH & Co., 26, Southampton-row, London, W.C. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Fost free in envelope to any address, three stamps. DEBILITY NERVOUS AND MUSCULAR, ITS i F CAUSE. CONSEQUENCES, SYMPTOMS, AND CURE. By DR. SMITH. This work gives the result of Thirty-Five Years Special Treatment of Debilitating Diseases and Diseases Peculiar to Men, by the Positive Remedies. Illustrated with c ises and testimonials with mians of cure used in each case This book should be in the hands of every man, young or old. Sent direct from the Publisher, H. SMITH & C o. 2(j, Southampton Row, London, N C. -3;30 OLD IRISH WHISKY OR RUM, <3s. PER QUART, Equal, if not Superior, to anything in Trade at 4s. WILLDERS, CHEAPEST HOUSE IN WREXHAM FOR SPIRITS MARKET HALL VAULTS, ENTRANCE TO MARKET HALL, WREXHAM. 440z BAYLEY & BRADLEY, PRINTERS AND BILL POST ERS, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM, BEG to announce that they have secured a number of HOARDINGS ia the Town and Country for BILL POSTING, And are now prepared to secure proper publicity to all Bills printed at their Establishment. Parties having their Bills Printed at the Advertiser Office, and employing their own Poster, can Post on the Advertiser Hoardings Free of Charge, or Messrs Bayley and Bradley, will undertake the Posting of them, and all Bills at a moderate cost. w ANTED, HOARDINGS or DEAD WALLS for POSTING BILLS, in Wrexham and I Country around. Apply, Advertiser Office Wrexham. PUBLIC NOTICE. THOMAS LEWIS, general bill poster and advertising agent, rents all the posting stations in and round agent, bill poster to the Cambrian and Great Oswestry; Western Railway Companies. Office: Oswald Row, Beatrice -treet, Oswestry, whera all orders must be addressed. JOHN DONALDSON GAME, POULTRY, J AND RABBIT SALESMAN. WHOLESALE FISH MARKET, MANCHESTER, SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS. Cash with Sales Daily 2C6Co TIMBER SLATES BRICKS TILES CEMENTS LATHS SEWERAGE PIPES Aad aU other Building Materials at E. IEREDITH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD and STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, IS16 WREXHAM. AN IMPORTANT FACT. 10 AND L'PWARDS CAREFULLY INVESTED in Options on Stocks and Shares is the safest and most popular way of rapidly making money en the Stock Exchange, by the Non-liability system. Explanatory Book (5th Edition) giving full details. Gratis and Post I-ree.- Address, GEORGE EVANS & CO., Stockbrokers, Gres- ham House,, London, E.C. 2230

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