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CHiasiMAS SHOWS, &c. II MOLD. Tiiis year, though falling siK.ri of it> :,rlessor* in prodigality of its profusion, was still very excel:e:1t Ul character, and some t,f t,lie establishments u\Ailed even the best years ot the pa-l. There is rot.inis stirnnq in the to%vl)l n. great w nk is being carried on, and the collieries arc most of them lying Idle. It is f3uifi tlitt the oi trade is worse now than lit has yet been, and that red c t i'L be collect-, d nor debts paid, together with a lot of things which are always said by the noble army of croakers. What we know as a fact is, that empty houses are more prevatent than they were three or four years ago, but that empty cupboards are not-n: ady so many. There is no great success certaillly,but it is as certain that the abject poverty which so prevailed duting the winter of 79-80 and 80-S1 is not apparent either. We hear of other countries that things are even worse than they are here, and we know of ro ""d that is done by continually dinning into the ears of the public that the town and its trade is in ti.,e (pf decay. It will do much to retrieve ai v deficiency, could we be persuaded that after all the evil is ?; )t so bad as Fome dis'aped imaginations would have us believ. We ip many establishments doinc very good busi- ness even now, and some of them, fuvii; to their eood management and gnt-erprise, doing actually a larger business than ever. Things a:v not very bad thdJ. and want is not no apparent at times when the croakings were less. S.) let us take heart and bote for belter times. In repotting the Chiistmas show IWe generally begin with tin. GIWCUii, and we see no reason to depart fioin the tule on this occasion. Messrs Henry Roberts and Co. have a most attrac- tive window, ill which is shewn a mass ¡,f fruits of all description. In the centre is a panoramic view of the French troops starting out of ttieir cantonments for tin: war in China.. Surrounding this interesting view are the piles of fruits, consisting of new season's raisiii. currants, sultanas, muscatelles. citron, candied lemon, and orange pad, ndeueia", French plums, Metz fruit, Huntley and Palmer's Jacabo calces and biscuits of every description, Crosse and Blackwell's jams, jellies, pickles, aim .T.ds, preserved ginger, &c. Messrs Cummings and Law, th-* Lim. Shop, display an excellent variety of fruits of alt descriptions, such as Valencia rasius, sultanas, muscatel!es, currants, lemon and orange peel, preserves, &c. They also shew a ^re^t variety of provisions, such as bacon, hal..s, clr.'cses, &c. Mrs Davies, Victoria House, shews a choice selec- tion of fruits, and the delicacies of the season of every description. Mr JCiward 'Griiffths, -has a nice selection of the ijess.ii • fruits, raisins, currants, candied lemon and ,1, buc-.iits, preserves, jellier, &c. Mr Barker, as usual, has hi- window dressed with great taste with all description of fruits—such as Tar-ins, iiiu-.cateli>;s, suitanas, currants, candied peel, oranges, lemons, potted meats, and iish, &c. Messrs D. Powell and Co. haw a very excellent show of riiioifis. muscatelles, curr-iiits. cauui-;d peel, Impsrial plums, preserves, sauce*. spices, potted meats, and iish, biscuits, &c. Mr Humphrey Lewis, a.s usual, has an imposing display of cVoiy kind of fruit -rai.;iiii in all their vark-tiir, currants, if^s, candied leanm, and orange rje ci. oranges. uresu-ves. iams,.biscuits, &c. In Kiag-treet. Mr Ù. H. Adams has a very attractive show of all kilidi of fruits—preserves, pott-d fish, jams, biscuits, and also a show of very excellent provisions. Mes rs J. Edwards and Co. (late Mn.sker and Co.), have R fine display of fruits, comprising all the varietur already named in connection with other establishments. In Chester-street Mr Wtiiiani Evan*, whose window is generally most attractively decorated with fruits, lias, tins time, uivon its place to bottles of scents, drugs, &c., -reserving the inside for the sale of fruits. Mesv rr. George Leweti and Co. have an excellent show of ail kinds of seasonable fruitsin great pro- fusion. Mes-rs Lewin also continue their agency for Gilbey's wines and spirits, &c. In New-street Mr J. D. Itowlaridi lia, a very good show, of muscalelles, raisins, sultanas, currants, figs, candied peel, French confections, spices, biscuits. &c. In department Mr Rowland has a choice selection of cakeó-seed. spung-e. plum, Madeira, &c. In Wrexham-street Mr Griffith Jones shows a very nice variety of all kinds of fruits, together with all the other seasonable articles which form .so attractive a feature in the shop windows just now. Mr John J)avies displays an excellent variety of similar articles in profusion, together with something of a more ■ ubsfcantial character which, in his capacity ,as & confectioiiui, he would he expected ta sell. Mr Edward Huberts also shows a nice selection of seasonable fruits. Mr 15. A dams has an excellent and compact display of fruitt; in every variwty. Mrs Jones, the new Beehive, has a similar show. THE 'CONFECTIONERS. Messrs B. Powell and Co., show a monster bride cake, which ia the chief attraction. This is sur- rounded by a great variety of christening, iced, seed, iplum, G-uou, sponge, seed, Queen, Madeira and Sultana tv.kes iced sponge moulds, plum bread of e%,ery -eiipii- n, pastry of every variety, mince pies, Ifrnlts, French confections, all kinds oi biscuits, and last, though not least, a large supply of the famous Mitch am sausag- s, whichcontinuc to maintain their well-earned superiority. Mr J ob Edwards has his establishment dressed with every variety of confectionery, including seed, iced, and Madeira cakes, plum colkes; fruits, including raisins, cn'-rants, candied peel, biscuits, preserves, &c. Mr Lewis Everett, Wrexham-treet, showed a tine selection of confectionery, including bride cakes, plum cakes, polka cake, sponge mould, mince pies, iced cakes in every variety fruits, such as raisins, Mas- ■catells, grapes, figs. Sultanas, jams, marmalades, Shrewsbury cakes, biscuits, &c., in great variety. Mr A. Adams had also a display of similar articles. Among others we may mention the establishments of Mrs 3 ones at The Cross the Misses Price. Hirh- street; Mr Maddox, High-street, Mr liees, High- street, &c. STATrOKEM. Amongst the stationers, Mr Yorke as usuai, takes the lead, with a great variety of articles, suitable for inclu d iii?, Christmas presents and New Yeai's gifts, including— writing in leather, mahogany and walnut, ladies' and gentlemen's dressing oa--es, albums in vari'us bindings, an excellent assortment of Bibles, church services, hymn books, Chu?tmas annuals, ] talc, toy, and other diaries for the coming year, and inkstands, brackets, book slides, paper and pocket knives, scissors, ladies' companions, card cases, glove and handkerchief boxes, crumb trays, toilet sets, jewel cases, cabinet and other frames, playing cards, birthday cards, whitewood goods, with views of Mold, New Year's cards, and the usual well-selected stock of general stationery, for winch this establishment has for in;iv<y years been noted. Messrs JSeresUud and Co,, The lion Marche, as usual show well and carefully selected varieties in every department of their extensive business their •caumiodh.is premises, both outside and in, presenting a most retractive appearance. Mr J. LI. Morris, printer n:1 stationer. New- street, ha« a very attractive di.play of New Year's cards, MI excellent assortment of general fancy stationery, suit ai de for presents, including elegant photo albums, scrap albums, folding desks, work boxes, syphon pocket penholders and ink reservoirs, watch stands, money boxes, fancy baskets, desk slates, watch boxes, scissors and knives, ladies' companions, trinket boxes, a very nice variety of wood and metal inkstands, a large selection of reading books, IJicturc boohs, Sec., for children, together with a selected stock of other gv ;ds usually exhibited at th¡. season. THE BUTCHERS. We have had no opportunity to get from the butchers a list of the animals they exhibited. We may say, however, that the show, though not quite so large as some of those of bygone years, was not a wl.it behind any of them in quality, and so far as we could :e th." dem:ud was quite equal to the supply. Messrs Huberts and Son, High-street, shewed some magnificent beef and mutton. The same might be said of Mr George Edwards of the High-street and the Market li.il-I)](-.ndid foil, -x-eat--old oxen fed by Mr Williams, of Ilellygortli bacon pigs, Shropshire and Welsh wethers. &c. Mr William Price, High- street, and the Market Hall. also displayed some very fine samples of beef and mutton. Miss Mattison showed some very fine beef and Shropshire and Welsh wethers, ks di(I Mr Thomas Jones, and Mr Ed- ward Jones, while among the conntry butchers who had fine shows were Messrs Griffiths and Williams, from Gwernaffield, Messrs J. Davies and T. Sinroj, Ciicain, Mr J. Jones, Llanarmon, &c. In Wrexham- street,Mr Oldiield displayed some very fine specimens of beef and mutton. THE MIIXINEBS I Mad a most attractive display. The shop windows of Mr Mimhall was the admiration of many and the same mLht be said with respect to the Misses Francis, also in High-street, Sir R. Jones, Man- chester House, Mr H. Lloyd Jones, of the Cross, and Mr J. Worthington Roberts, of Wrexham-street, were also all of them well-worthy of attention, and we may not forget that of Messrs Lunt and Davies, also in Wrexham-street. THE POULTERERS. Mr Edward Rowland had some hundred and fifty turkeys and geese, together with a very large quantity of pheasants, partridges, hares, rabbits', and other game. Mr Geraghty, in High-street, had also a fine show of game and fruits.


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