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Shipping Intelligence. 'WHITE STAR LINE.-RoyAi. AND UKITRn STATES. W MAtL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO ?<EW VOKK— BVEIlV WEEK ON TUESDAY OR THURSDAY. Forwirtling tWMemgers to &tlp&rtsof the United St-atefi aiid C.,Liia(ii miese splendid vessels combine the highest speed an comfort, and &re unsuTpassed in their a.ccommodittion for BMsengers. Satoon Passage 12,15, M, and 21 Kuincas. Intcnnediate, A:S. Afp!YTO WtLLIAM HAWKtXS TtLSTON, 3, Hij-h street. Mr R, ROBERTS. Town Hm. Wr>;xh:1\, IM r W D. J ON- E H ol yb ea(l, o r t o tSMAY, IMMKIH, CO., 10, WntM-stMct.Liverpoo!, and tt. Leadnb:i1-stn.-et, L,)ndan, E. C. 'r¡ L L A N L I E ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO UNITED STATES A?!D CANADA. "'ROM LIVERPOOL SARDtttAX t\)rHAHFAX AXt) P6RTLPN-r) Dec 27 NOVAS<'<!i')AN.forHAHt\x an'l BALTtMORF.. -Jan 1 .for J:M. :< i'OI.YNE';lA .F-.r HAmAX an,! Po:nI.Al'iI'1:m T' PARtStA"< For HALii AX and Jf. 17 PERUV[A'<T.F.,r HAD) AX and )'0!:Tt.A'<t'J<tn 24 OCEAN HATKS. Saloon 12 to 21 GtJlXF.AS :]tnrrued:att: Jt:S Nr,EER1«;;E, £;4 4' ThTf'nfh tich'ts :tt'<p{'cia.l rates t" Cbir,, go, Mid to ;tll pomts hi "hI:: Wc¡¡t,(,rn =-,tatp. .mll Can .,<1>; jHr !\o,r¡. '-¡'hI! he"t, quick""t :mt1 dl"«!J't r.Ü.f,:r Munitohit and the Great ortli Wf-st is I,. v ths Steam :rs '.f this Li ie. Ass<STf;f) PASSAt.HS to HA' X :e i;rant<'d t') C. r;lt, .L?BO"!?KM. ?!CHAKtCA. Ac.. for ?4. :?'? Tn \?::)«' TUR)STS, AntUCf'L'UKA!. !.A!t?!'n.?S. ?nd 'A!.F. MESTiC SERVANTS for ?:i;an'< Throush? !ni n't p< in Ctnt(la at S;Tp.-t i-.1 I-ates i.t!!f" ,Pa"ell;!Ar¡¡ Jandin!! atQiMbfc acc(irnl).,tpit:il on the Jtiuiway !'y t:w C.juip'fy' speciij conductor 'J. ] th U'f.<st.,r.o oil CaDada, Manitoba, and the Wt-stt-rn States frt'e 'I applicat,or.. Full,particii,ir, on applic,%tind t.< ALL N BROTHERS <& CO., Jitrncs Street. !< KK)'oo! or to t Ht)WA!m LOVATT,Auct'neer,V.'rfxh:nn. Tlit) %I %S M nDOCKS, ht, Hi,;h-st-ee:, M<. d. -t HOWAR!). Mrvmh. JOH\ Ht,W,TT, LLinlc-strect. Ponte', J¡..1"lr ,ttHHhon. D= 'MtNIOX LINK. tT?K?CCEt) FARHS -Frf.u. L!R!:fO?. <n Tm'K? t? R?Ys. This Line books Pa-.s?n?eMthruu?h ton.t p.j.rt N cf At ?P'-ci-i! Low rutes. Saloon. frovn Jt;!() t'? 11"rtI.e:l:'t." ?7 7s- St<-erii?, t4?. AS?Si-KOP?SSACR?'-esw?' to Manitoba, t!:h ?erth-W?st Tcrrtt'.ry. nud tn aH p'n-ts f CAXA!)A. ocean rates fir their PamUifs.&nd Fematenom<t:c Servant-). i::< Mechanics. ..n.ltht>lr ¡lair-,h.> .E4: Chit'!rcn':nder twe've 'ears å; ,Inf¡nts nuder <ht. ,For ? Tickets. ap).!y to FnxN, M.us A'r S!, Jantes-strfct, Liverpo'! Mr < ?OBEhTS Hoh:(-r, Towo Hiii. ?'r?xh?tn or t'< Mr <?. POW)?. P.tr'-<tr<'t-t. Rt),?'on ? U. K D?VfKS, Khian :), & h!UGK\\AY, near?Utbon. _? J" '?? ?H??Sin?TKAMEt?.- ?0!- ':i:y re ? n:M')fr.itiv <nves?m?lsin<h"bf.st::n'! ??'?;?-?? '? t?fest S'emthhip t??'p.-]!? 'xisun?, app'y ? l!J.,d ,l1Iws. er :'it.,¡tmshlp :;IU'n)' ,r aad ¡.;h:t1e ?S'Z??Thos. User, Mt-amahip?'nvt-y r :tHd Shue Broker Duel; 4,Clrrliff. J_ UXK ?n<APK OF SOOD HOPE, KATAL,?nd RAST A?MCAX ? STKAMKRS.—The UKIOX S.S. C.?.'s \!?i: PACKETS SMt from SOfTHAMP?r?K every fUtur?t" Tm: s and freight apply At tae company's ()T1er.t"t-Tlh..(! Southampton, orH. W. H.HJ., Att.ion Cottape, Victors Money /r. n:Ui: CAMBMAN LOAN COMPA XY, MM !T!:t\ ITS prcpM'dto .tf}v:inceany sunifr'tc.?5 tc??"0"n j? p-t?i!d or other f!ecu)iby,<?r pbriodsuf fr?'ui'hxm months t" two years, rt-payable t'y w.k!y, mu' th:y, ';u:tT terh' or othor t'i!!s <!tMCNmti- < ad- tantHK<Hh tenMS. Thf strit-.test t)'crtH.L- AppIic?Mu: to be m?'!<- to thf S'-cretary. ?!r J:uMt"- t'r!<;h. OEcos, s;cr H;)?<:arWr<txh:in!. 'us of &p .!i'tt!ct) <nnushe<! free, &nd if appU?! for by pMt wtl< be forw:irA?d OB receipt f'f a stamped dirttcted t:Te!or' Branch <)<ti:-e, 7a Hcnh!s-st"(;t, Opt-n cu Wednesday:' and Thursdays from 10 ,) p.m. .,n LKKT ON £'(f.i{RON AL OR OTH! .It SHCU!UTY. THK WH,F.XHAMI.OAN AND C.tM- L!M!rH!), is prepared to iidrancf :my sllmf:n upon Person-i! or other security, fr<) pi-r!<x!s of from ehrfc months to two r'!pay<e hy Weekty, Monthly. <t':HTtHr!y, or othur tniftahftcnts. (.d MacnuHted strictest i-t.n- Bdence observfd. App!:c.t!.icns to be made to the Secretxr;, Mr John n<?:cs. OSicbti K?"rcon-3tr<-t;t, ?rexhinn. Forma of a.pp::c.itio!. fuTfti?ht:! free, and if ttppliod for by post. 'II! bt: forwarded on rt'cMpt of a tttaKipod directed tnc:'Hrpos<;j ttf makinc 3.dVP_DCti!!li..nd )'ec«!fin;: fr.'zn <') a.it) to 4 p.R' 7n Business ?r ? R T H A 0 P 1 N E A A 80 X. WW B E E C H A M S P 1 i. L 8.. A rm&dttittedby Th:MKauJs to bo worihaOctXEA A' .L box for bi.iious &nd disorder' s):ch liS n-ind <Hni pMn iM the htotn&ch. sick ba:).d:tche, dddiness funrt.'sa .0 J &nJ :i.ftH meais, dizzineiis at.d co!d chi!t8, flushings of he&t, of appetite, sh"rtnesa of breath, c.Mtivont'ss, scurvy. blot"hfsot* thfski: ,slOOI, fril!htfl11 amI a::d -,ot- w&tions, Ac. The first (!os<: .viH givereH.fin twcnt;, .minut&s. This is no Sction, for d<'ae it iy. tho;)- eandsofcam's. Hvery suffei-"r utTitc.! to tn <HM:!?OKof these P:i!s, MtdtiieywUi ''i-acknowIt:a:t:dLo !be WOHTH A GUIXRA A HOX. CoT aU agea thesf! t'i!!s arH Î!1\llnal);e, as :t few doiies cf them carry off alt gw..s hu!oors, opbn ah obstructions, iutd bring about aU that i' rtiqturcd. K( shou!d be without thiim Th"e is no Med:<e to be found to eqn&t PH.M!or obstruHtion or irregut&rity of thf system. !f ttAenacccrd- ing to the directions fiven with they wi:!sooa !testore fenia!es of an a.es to sonnd nn'! rohu.st ht;a!th. j For a stomach, imp:Mred dige¡;tinn, {tH dis- frdersof the tiver, they act Hkc "lA{HC," :Lnd a tcw dasas wiii be fouMd to work wonders u!Jlmtherno.stilll- I porta.Ht orgMts in the !tum:m mMhint:J They strcngrhfn che who!e mui.cuta.r system, restore the !ot:;T:ost corn- :t!exion, bring bach the keeuedHH of aupetite, n'td aron:;<; mto action with tha RO&RKUD ff ht::)th the who!« physicit! enerKy o: the human fr:m:e. ThLSc are FACT" ftdniitted hy thousauds, &H eh'sses oi socit:t\' and one of the bfst KuxraHtuea to the nervous :.n'! Mtitated is, PILLS have Hie target sale of I, any patent medicine in thf wortd. mIWHAWS MAUIC COPGH PtM.s. As a reMt-dy for Coughs in genera!, asthma, di!*n't.' of rbr¡¡athing, shortness of ijrfnth, tighinuMsund oppression o! itae chest, whot-K'n?, <c., these !Us st:md unriraHcd. ? fhey ?p.-o.ly rt:!hov<: that sense of oppression aad difnca)ty of breathiti?: whtch nightly deprive the piltiont of tsst. !.<.=t any psrtfon };ivt! BKECHAM's Uon.u Pn.Ls a tria!, and thp most vio'ent cough w: in a shott time be reu;ove' I CAUTION.—The public are requestetlkJ notice the wora' "BEECUAM' PttLS, St. Helens," are en the Government Stamp aiBxed to each box of the PiUs If uot on. they are <t forgery. Prepared onty nnd sold wholesale &nd ret& by the Pro- nuiens, 1,!u¡cs.shre, in boxes at Is ld a.nd 2s 9, <-Mh. Sent post fret. fron the proprietor f or !P«r:M b¡/al! and "Patent .'1 (;dÙ:;ile N.B.—FuU directions are given aith each box. 2:ml THE K K W ir A N C A S H!HE STEEL PEN II t? AXD A).L OTHr:R PKKS, by RDH' ARb '(.'úORS.iJ.'Gl';R, I S 0 t. M B t CaARLES G. BAYLEY, I TaE CROiSS AND CHUHCHTREE7 One of the Agents (ot Oswestry. PUBMc KOfiCS. fF)HOMAS LEWiS, genera! b!? poster and advertising. J. agent, fentsaU the poatittg stationa m and cound ttswestry: MU poster to the Cumbrian and Great WestM-t! KaUway Companies. 0!Bce: Oswatd How, Seatrica ttreet, Oswestry, whert: aU crde'a must be addressed. ?AREON t?CANDE?CE?T LAMPS. ?/ 3,'6 each. Electric Se!ts 4d, Carbon Piates 29 per doz., Battehes 2s. HALLETT AXH Co., S4, Wel:'ngt,on-street, Leicester. OtTrATCHE?, JHWELLERY. M!DLANBCOUXT!ES WW WATCMCOY. (Cheapesthouiieinwortd). L?Ues' <tt Cent's tine SitverCryatats?ss heavy cased Watches, S5/ Ladie-i'heavy cased Gotd LeveM, 7' t:cut's no' Do., Do., ?)-. Before purchasing send for Company's CataJogue, 500 fine copper '-Jateen- graviugs. Th.- Press" uHiveri.al!y Tecomme .d theif readers to obtain one. Sent Oratis andpo-t free to anv part of the World. App! to Company's Manager.—A fercy, Vyse Street, Birmingham. A USEFUL BOOK. roSOUCIID0HS., ACCOUXTAXTS, AND DEBT COLLECTORS. COUNTY COUKT LEDGER. SpeciaUy prepared for keeping accounM entered im the County Court. S50 teaves ruied for One account. 258 teaves ru!t:d for fwo accounts. PR!CE 21s. BRAD LEV., "AÐVEltTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM. ir?ATAL FIKHS. -AWH L M)?S <?F HFE—occurrint: .(hily, renders it imperative for DISC'S PATETfT ? dtHy. rtRH ESCAPE to be Sxed in every Homse, HOUSEHOLD IlImESCAPEto be fixed in every House, Shop, Factory, Hotd, Tbeatre,orotberbuiIding.Afford ready, easy, and certain means of escape at any moment. No one is safe without them. Can meTer get ont of crder, cost but a !ast for ever. simpte in eonstraction, cam be used by a chiM.—For particulars, address A. DISS (In- wentor). Buitder, &c., Coichester, or London Agents, Midas & De S4, Knight Rider-stieet, B.C. Business AnnouncemeMS. lXTERF.TIXG TO GENTLKMEX. -? B ?"? ? "AKtHLSUTHKt:LA?t) SurseonattheXew? z. ..Ienu'?1 7:3.Jtm;ncn Street, H'M<?gow, hereby '"tun tc t'. a!] whf-m it m y cfiicem thut I bar.; long m'n:. <' ;ut: c )):S enttti Coinpiaints aud Weaknesses Ma pruxip-i! ;trt of ui'. h&rf- and in Hd'n- 1JUr!,I, i" < tha' th s );<) :"<: !mty bf constrmd as a )' ''«'!) f ;t')f—i tt<il eti\iIH.tte; t'ft I thtnk it very OU1l1'r of <!ent!('tUfn f..< t"e v,th ti.FirC nstituti"n; injured :n'<. li: J ;ii:- ;t,t.t-'J hftt;¡- bfing for ninths md ?'). ihe !t, .f Q;h-i :tn'! !)ru?g:st". I consider It a r!i;i.t 'Ms < ¡.-tv j )« f'Hb k jllteltS to a:verti e the { c', !h<:t a \1 tit'.e. ':) tha Prm- si"tl pr(,I,e, dev'te- his < ')ue t') the iHlly t;t11!!eli th:>. K;<"c!a.I C"!rp':unt9. Cc..t.n:<'t) ;:r. i. e't:al ]; t!M'y !U 'nt' the hlnd: ot" is t k f'e- to assure t'.t-;r t':H.}!uce thtt they iii .n"I\ UH'.Ï1 tht t:¡:t:t pt,f"i'J¡J;J.1 bon ur an; kiUcd c'ti c':i!i.. s tr.)!t. "h-th-r they vist !UH :it 73, Jiii.i.d! >. '.<. "r <t!)'nu: '.tc M!th me by letter, ,w i h. L.Jit.it\f:? itn'r'i?t'n'tt-ntion. !n,f.t;?;ut:y. itAN EL -?i'THF!:LA.X?, Y.ic?nt:t? u h<- .i (f'U?e "f !hysic:?ni:, Licentiate '<{ t!:f !;o &! ('()'. f,;(; f 'i)? <.ni- ?!o 01 t':M Fm-u?ty of Ph:. icnr..?! nn'! 't?f'nus. For 7ycar:,Cour.ci!!oran't 'Jrx't'e 't the Cty <.f t:inbu ?h, ?nd ?ana?er ff the '.?\:t. ?):t'<)it ?o?t':?!i':?u't:h. Pre?t'L-'itoft'.e S:t-h<).s.im-' '')'i-!tCt' ."ftfit-?. .?i?t (R?y;l C..i!t'?- u'?" '??'!7: a'sr<d Q':es!i' PriKe?e'er?e <l ('' '-tti? )? Kt't-'n a,? ar(Itid Prize (se-ey.?ce Ho .<ju:.s (ttl)y.d C<'H-se Sur. o.t ), <&c &c. -(:\11-1'; í L A T H.-I -KWEK \G F:PE-, < It!).: i:u'<iinp & "'> ? ?KEDITiI JONES'S, i., .i,¡,j,¡I 1i..Li. U. & ?w & i ?J E E H Y A K D 'lI: SAW HILL, CHAM.ES-STRHET, lHi WREXH .1. -_u_- I' .? ? A M H L E ? ?y E.ADMO!:H. 'TL'cr M)-:f;CH' -yr, I illt, .u I: 1.. t ,\XD :¡'¡:A;,f:¡' I=- AI.I, iiI"\)'; OF :.FW A!\D I 'C.OH-H,D MACHIXF.RY. r" S<'F<i':)its- t,d rrl.cks, T_arhQ, \\a_01,1 CMts tof tv.rv .t.rpti.?: Ste< Por?hle 'tMm?ya ?.a ?e? ?t?i Turut. P?.?. Cr.?:.? ?'?s? ? ??t<? e<??M. Tipple: Pa-en-?t.?: C.Mks an.' Bu??. <?. .? -?. s'?rc?es." n?ch ch?p.r ?.n.) iniln.t.-). i?ht- !)'M st,t.<. <.r ?"?"? '?"?" ? ?uirf.). an ?i:' ?.rc.h- 'vcr ?.r .ut. Patc?-?e! ?i? i.?r. t?.??t.i S.?-! t:=.?s:in.)a.;c?.:?-. '.?nt ?.) ?r?.?-"??. ?" ? ?' '<?-' h!? ?!t.,H;r)3sa'??—!??c.fa:'y-ei?<! ?t?_ ) SB? AV! iT ?'? Y?:'K HoL'-?m.—IA?n'LCf.H's e J: PY<T!C SAi.t?K It is the s?fe .n.uu.T! !<??ht t-vr,tn')"x. ?.-d-.thtr <tise;ts& -nt:?.d: ?? ?'.n;ticT?.?-i'?'KHe d:.ch. K h..u-t.?, ? <t?u'K:H SMn AHf.i't'.s. ?io?tt PuM"?: t ? t- Af tez: i,ii.s, ??-?M? u.M.<U? T.t:)-i .!s, -M. M ?'??? Si)?.a s;?. ::?f..rH C?. ? '?'?. ?..T"?' ¡ L.?.-i. i.v H '.?]'?."U'H. t'? t!"?'"r' '< HAVH ii tX YO.'?H.C?K- ..X.?'.i!H '«'- -? I ?YUU!?'i-S °t .?- -——- ? ?' A''?'?i- -t'?V!!L<'X H')TH!—L? ? u i:rc.!by I. :t !.r.?-:?f-? stuy <? '< 't.H.. t'.e P;ince '?.y-? !\V<;n 'i?t'?.t?< ??s ?rfttin's. '? t'm.i-, Ac. ?..t.. -? .h!Ecr, 'ft' !:?::R CHA?C' d- ) J L l;[; ?1 ACH; AT ¡ J ¿";2.cr JIa ;.1' ?.? (JH;1l ,'C 1';¡¡:1il, 'l'r.'a,lle ;\i":i.in,"s, I¡'W '1' I ?0? r; i.ni!y''r.-n.Ue ?i..<-hint'<. ticw -t"-i' ? Wf,?-<iV.i)-?-<- ?'?:"t-;<?.??' S??-t??? ? ?. ?s .y.f.w -r. ?.v .ct. <.<?.!?? A- !V!?t;)\t.'sL'i'LY I'L. li'J, t'?s-i, ?'!m- i <(; ter. !j A!j- \V¡j)- TO !H:Y, l'xcrJAcE, on (ELL i) .4 J. OF PEKSOXAL l)HOPEUT\, t-r..n) \.t'¡(> to "t'e o! the (}r(,:l' \Ine. 'rnm <fl. m. ]f r'f'X!L 'H¡';H,ï.HLXód,(.¡¡;.AKT,NJJ. :.k .L t pF:i ¡.; 1 OHcrs th.. t <-ht-)- !"t m-'st rep.(3.- le(1;ll in- L-'k, < .yr;f <- .?,? '{.?'' ?ay- tht; Mu?e, f?-?rnft? <' < x.iiff?- o? yT:lIU t"II.' (' J/. obi/'f"" It'II' J I t t. IH I.AZ k A:i'*f) krtl(-I-Rs a .1h 't .?: .?' i :'ts of :t'?st to Amat.-urs. '1" 'H ¡.: .?AX\ ?t: c.tt. ? had i'r!t-c 2!, 01 an XmY?ay<its ? :t!t.) :tt t?<- i.?-.y t?.?!U)s. <r n: '.ftho apt' .)<) a ut whom v.n! be settt on <'f H't in -t:tt<);!s. () A s:{"I'HiCOj)\' "fT.,E BAï.AH se',t 011 ie,!eiiit of:* .t I, et:t::ips. 170, LOND(KN, NY.C. < A'tt!S''?tL!) KKYH?S?ATC'H!-?. <)" t'!?", 9 ;t-.) iH cvciv ?"?;. perfect t itCh?ne?'.r', <*x- !<j'!is't' ii't d. j?.<t-) sh?)??-s n'H t-h-TghiS ?! '(ja ''?r ?n:n?; :"i' h :n 't'f present? );' fc:' s\ich ?' i ?. :cd at t!-H ;.r:<. S. <t itppr.t) '"t r?".?ipt. nt J!¡C:f"' f. t :r, J .P.O.U. ,i: 2s t«HA!:Kt'-K A- C<J., 7, !'i.t)'t'' ftena, L"u' t )J:E:; AXH MINING. C R 1. H W t 4 A C 0 tt-* House. Bart:M!ctnew La¡; L-t)<i'-n, Anu ).57, St. VuM't-stK't, Gln" !b ANI) hRuK&s, ''imspt'cht! in{.r!M:tt'<)n as to the p;sit-L*oii o-,pE;cts of -')! '¡'Il"S ::nll'on.:gn. H Ii I {.js & Co, d.;v,.te thems1"es t¡¡tÎnd!, [0 JUne. K«t/ :In:l t'<-ir )ft)K (.h<'m t'' !:it'" l',1!tl.l,h to iut-K'itH;: :tiT<:st :rs.- hive ;t"r in :\liail1;! Se,ur¡ti will !id ¿". <) a'«* y;M7'M !). :n!tt ::ct!ttg <n H. l!. Le\\is :md CM.'s .nnice bcf"tt* t'uyina: <'r :-fU:ng. H. i:t all MitiinK O'strifts :.t h'jtnt: aud 'n :t!i iiatteri. Speculafier' ?,6': "¡¡'rta,iw'd. OX!A' t ) .f ? RH T t{A!<t.A!?.—?Ui'?Lh\ t't.t.?? ..? !\? <?t<)DS.4()in'-hH9wi.)e,fcrWtX!i'J !I'd jin New "UxtUrt'S Any 1(-iig,h cut—DKt.ssi YAR!). )-U:)C );A:-¡I'FACTI'RI:"G (o., One of the Quietest. "ott;!s in London.—Chm'?"- Mo ter&te. BKXS "t!' C"UHT FAMILY HOTEL." High Holhorn I i nud LtncoiM'-i inn F;e!ds, W.C. Uintrt? Moms, ?c fJ\'I,rhok LÜ¡c 1, Ill:! Gardens. H\'th'.n:Hc lifts, T¡hle I J'Hute. TAAtFE A COLUWELL'S C E LF P> I' A T !D PERFECr :FITTl!šG SHIRTS, With f'ure Irish Line:! Fronts and Cutf-. j Pt;. ii (; i/ti,u!)I\' admitted to be the best-St leg eve r 'i I'ti, duccd. K!:i.t 1<j Sc!f-M('a'=!trement Form on ap!)Hcat!on. An'one c;tn tu-j-tsure himself. We gu,Iltee 't perfect, ii:. of !uuHt-; returned S¡.lIIple .hirt per rest 3d extr.t, or hsif doz.n free to any acllre, iu the Kincd'no. 1'AAFF. A COi.UWELL, 81, <!RAF10K ST., DUBLIN. 4 LL SCHf)H;.?t:QUIS:TES -BOOKS. STTIf);EnY: i .? MAPS. n?SKS, BLACK BOA!:))s, APPA!:ATt.? &?-.—pnphe<! fr«M Stock on at ort Mot:c< <'he::o pri<'t-<' -H. M. CAHEHOX, 22, ST. GfLES' MKEKT, EU!'??-H; .i HOtCIST-J.I> WHISKIES. Dublin Aliiiel,ibe <t. c j'e';M ed !).W.H." (battled bv us in Bond), 7 \enr< otd n:- vt-ry nnt;st <d.t nilllalltl Malt, THE QUMKN a Biend of the Most eunnent Distineries in the H¡gh1ands. 1 Pt-rity and :t}:e guarwitted. One dozen case sen: '¡lrria.2:e frec to any ta'!way sta.on in the icir!g(join for £2 2s —T W.SiA'tTur&Co..Win<}a'.dSp-rit Merchantf, 71, < Edg. w.ire-road, Hyde Path, London. W. 'I"'> A JHlEI.EY KEYNOLn: 11) T 20, OI.T t<j!ey LIP '<C., Makers of I-NDIA RrBBEH STAMPS Agents wantfd. l\TI-.H\'(H'S DE:tILITY.-A ChnsttiM will t'c!Mppytof.).-wni\tpartit;u!a'sofa. sa.fe, s;:eedv& p-rmHH.nt Ctj!;R on r..celpL of ¡-tamped adll.es.:ed e¡:- Mr KOLrn (P. ](.!), L,liCJJbcå.t:.tt pff"j}. WORKMAN'S SILVER ENGLISH LEVER. 25 :5 :0. !IPEOrAL1..y MADE TO KEEP PERFECT I S TIMH. STAND HOUGH WEAR and ? ? AST A LIFETIME. IN ALL SIZES. -_u I RAPPED, JEWELLED, and ) ?_??.?_ !t. LL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. I DeUvered safe and free to all parts on receipt of I t.5 5. 0. By I J. W. BENSON, I THE STEAM FACTORY, I LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. Illustrated Lists of Watches from .62 Ss to £::eo free I Agents, Secretaries of Societies, Foreman, and others, required to establish Watch Clubs for the above. 1552zc j I5S2zc T0 LAXD AGENTS. SURVEYORS, ARCHITECTS IROK MERCHANTS, Ac.—THE BmKENHEAD GAI.AXlSED IRON COMPANY, BIRKEXHEAD, are pre- pared"to appoint AGENTS in all towns and viMages in the U.K. for their Sre proof GALVANISED IRON BUILD JKGS of aH descriptions. Liberal terms. A GIFT, FREE, POST PAID. p R 0 F BROWN'S SHAKESPERIAX ALMAXAC (Illustrated) for 1881. It fairly glows with quotations and illustrations from the "Bard of Avon." t shall print three million copies, and willaendten copies free, prepaid to auvone who will judiciously distribnte them in their locality. Address, FREDK. W. HALE, 61. Cbanclo-q-street, Covent Gaiden, Lendon. 2133e t7<REESTOKE & CO.'S SPECIALITY. Ladies Keyless H.' Hunters, magm&cently chased. Equal to acy watch worn by !adtes of title. We=t End houses are charginc ? ? Odfor similar watches without the keyless move? '?? ?? of Cheapness. Sent on approval on receipt ? ?'?'??????? ? ?' ?ctoria Mount, Weodsley-roM, Leeds. .0" Business AMionncements nrADL?Y'-? AUFOMATIC PEXS, durable as Gold, .ML Sfxi'?Ie as a qu!U, pomts smooth as glaas. Four Dozens. post free, 1/1. HADLEY & Co., St. Paul's, Bir- mingham. ,1 >. OROIDE GOLD LINKS, ?-?'' < EI ?.ictly engtaTed, S'- PER. SET. /??: ?-?**? STUDS, S.6 per set, post free. ) '?'- ? Send for ?" ?y '? '? ) Fn-? iJU.I'ETRA'nEDPBtCELjSTCf i ?-—??/??OBOIDE COM) JEWSLLERT, i ?' ? ?'? '? P?" \?X C. C. ROWE, ? ? ? ?? 92. Brompton Road. London. S.W. P? nnHE'-A?ME" CHEST EXPANDER t '?t -B- a?Tj? bMk supporter.—Cnres roumd shoulders & :10 tGopin;; habits-Price from 7 6. Write for Puce Listt ?? t?CS. DMwry. 1M. Walworth Road, S.E. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA, DR. J. Corns BROWNE'S CHLOMDYNE, A ft)w do.-es qB-:u -rne Pxtraordinmy :n.<hcalrt:pMt- <: (''hlorodY11C yitaI imort- ;pi-biie shonn! Iiiine, ivhi,-Il i- t; 0 -i-ernmei l-' the word- .I-.1 ?c ?az ?xa on the eincacy render it of auce that th< obtain the ?en. orotected by t stamp. bearUMf Dr. J. CoU& Brownc's Clilor(,ti., .See deg- -n of Vice-Chancelior airW. Psire Wnod, the 7'.m' Juiy )6tu, toM. Xnm"rous teHu.lO:ûals from eminent Physiciana accompaay enchbuttle. Sold :n Bottle' 1 H. S &.& 46. by all Cholniists. am?REE BY BBMELS TQSK ?? K/n TROUSERS. Sendl stamp for pat. ??? t3/Jt.tem6atSUtolO,8p6rpsir.&yonwiUreceiTW ???? A 00 tI_NCB: TATE MEASURE. & an assortment e< ??M aU the most fMhionaNe Angolas &All-WoolTweed6tt ?t?t now being worn in suits and trousers, together with t ?? list of t<Mo?t<t?et! testimonials, fashion plates tdirec* ? M tions for self-measurement (acknowledKed to be as eaay ?.??t?? asA.B.C.). We guarantee ant. Yon will End on com- ? ? parison that our goods are at ?e<M< 20 percent, cheaper timn any other house in the trade. Address—TAT!T<TN&BBOS.. Ibnafactnrers & Contractors.<a.GosweU.rd..London. Estd.1840; h-l U H i V ü\ V .bT Wi'iii SAFETY, JilL BOW to Si'ECULA.TK WITH the LEAST POSSIBLE BISK. S<*Ttu for K. 1). J'YERS a.nd CO.'S STOCK EXCHANGE ADVISER. only. Cociainathe 2u.t, t'' irf .1 ;'r' 7H.-=e a'rd Full of Sto'-ks. Sha.res, and :-t 's .itie: -Ii-h Jnlch .aluable infunnation. ?'? ':t-< bv }' ?:i r!.??:t "t s?H.:nT'fd directed envelope. ?' f-. ?.H.Jt.l?. 's?C.)..15.t.(?<'orx<'St..W<istmin- 8t< i.?. \V. T t-?. ..ii?.? .).t:.?::)i'?ti!r:th<itr.&ExchaT'geCo.'e tat-?t. rn?s. :-?..J.L!LL yAC?JLl'iIESforCp?XTRY CLIENT8 lSD.a.. I R K B E C K 1QAN E:.— t-'LJ? ? ?? SO, Southampton Buildings, Chttnoery Lane, London. Currfnt A('cnU1lts cpe:n;d -c,,crjrsiirg to the usual practice oi ("Jthr a.nd interest &!Io'A'6<t CM the m.m.imum tn""thly balat'f's when nnt <lrn".n belov JC2S. 1':0 ch:lIhd fur kee:'in;; Accounts. Dcpo,it at Three per cent. Interest, rcpaya.Ne on d';i:innd, tt.nd undertakes the 'ur:;has Mid rajf tif Stocks ajtd Sha.rtt. Å Pam:pl.1t. ft'it!tf"U r"ulÏclÛ-ffI':J. on <!}fH<'a<«Mt. FRAXCIS RAVEXSCRdrT..Manager. FOUND 54 R:<t= fonno 4<'ad bv onp rlrei I of SANFORD S RAT POISONT. :<? 'i'HmoniaI from F. FowLER. t ?t-n]f;r. H'?nit?, Bfdfordfhtre ?'-?"-?'Kr<;?nSta-s.&p..bTttsinK S,.ANFORDS BMCE rOISO!f which has pven entire sati.-faution for the past 27 Years. Te"t:monials comtantly coming to hand. Price M., 3/ of all Chenusts; or from aANTORD & SON, SANDY,BEDS. DEAD. POST FREE FOR SIX S'l'AMPS, The MARVELLOUS WORK on CONSUMPTION. BY GE<)RGE THOMAS CONGREVE, Coonibe Sc&dge, Peck-.iam, London, S.B. BI: Congreve is publishing ONB RBOJENT CASE of CURE .EVERY WEEX in i h c cl)-is t i and asd athor Weeklies. -nEAnLY 100,000 SOLD! ?? + '& ii4 FO C3-S I And DAMPAIB. produce Catarrh, Coughs, Hoarseness. THE FINEST REMEDY FOR COLDS, COUGHS, etc., IS CONGBEVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR. In bottles. Is. ltd.. 2a. 9d., and 4s. 6d. SOLDJBY ALL MEDICINE HOUSES. I -y:?. .? ,1'- eS.EAMt.tM SSS ?.? :??"? g fltxe ??? MAs?E' o? < ? ) S ) fP?L!S'!ES'' ?.. iJ.D i?<? :?? ????L ''A? 1 s.:¡:{ -Le i! STii,.t. ¡: 'j I' ?? 't.}! "'I 1= ? ? ?????MM?MT S9M Sp??:?;. J ? THO:,I<: WHO It HAD '"fIT-BIT:; ?:EXRV! }: STUUVTO JŒI.ATE ,-4.. or a RiCH .JÜICi<: wit!l whh:1 to aMU<e their friends Ilooic of MRniCAL W<.N!'KHS i.hcudbere.tdhya!' lk,o you,g 'con. impartant to deb:!ita{.f.t netvous ? -ttcrcrs and ft .se :)h .ut i, )narry. Free in Hnve'n?pe for ??Es?? -?" "? ??"- :O;IlU'i.re. -qhefeeld, Estabd. IS;J, V? tMMKI.'S AROAIATJC OX )N'X; Afra"-?' ta;r S.? pur!fyins f'uw.'cr of Pines a'id t:neaiv t5a T? oj.!y agr?).!G -i=s;f..c.Mt, Is, by post'J??m? inMMKL-S TOI..KT Vi-.EG.U!.d.ic?.. t.? ?'?:' frcshmK, ], 2/ ?n.! 5 Sold e?r' w.! <-re -?nn'?!? P.-rfumer. 9f), Strand, London. L??? UBLty?OU?.?j<??i)???????? ,?? KAISEU th? PHICHS.-AnchorBr?ery?u? t?ARCRLS rosT IRK .— SPHcT?L N'TrtCP" !"N ??"???'? ? ??L-JDE?S for H?Sor BANDS. CONCEHTIN;S, 20 ke s, ? a.id 7 Do. ste"! Hot.s, !t.ther t.c'Iows. ??',t?, J?/g A- H <; .Me!of;Mn3. two ets «f ,?. powerfut t.? ?s, elegant &'ush. ttr..w t to; s. 7. 1U,. l%t:, 15/, ]7/o. Md 20/ i.?s .utt.xc?Ien!. accot.i.-niviient for Un. V '? ? ?'' ? '"? ?"?" ''?'? ?'? ?" ?PP !C?.M? J. ?0'm&cu.r:.XT? RUA? H!JD!)H?iELP. M???.?"??. ? M ACGJ: EGO i;'s, GLASGOW.- l: I 'the la",h¡onah:e Empwium for Costumes. Manties ?Mi!h,. nery. SUks Dr? G.oJs. T?t.?.uad aH Scoter Manufactures. Hif.hhMd Suits, comp- ete 44' BuchiUMnstrect. AGEKTS WA-N, TED ii it in aU ptt" of Ureat nr¡tain a',ll Inland by The CHIN. THA \?'?' ?TAUHSt.ED iS;?. J. i?E ,WLHY. see. The TEAS suppHed at a I u,ua1 pices, carr:age paid. Cotmulssion In.era!. ? ? P 'cTar[¡,'S, PQ:;f free, for ca-t. A??? THEATRICALS, &c nL ?!us}:r? ?; FuU Bear< ;s SJ- Srin" Moustachi?s. 7d M: la 2d; Noses. 7.) nud Is Nigger tOthrs, :s; ?')?. <;o?tu:n:-s, SceKery. anc' cverv necessary for ti? sta?c. ?c o:t :?e ::n<! Htre. C?.ta!'Mtiefor stamo —W?ALLEU, 4:). T.J)en:aete Wiitk, Lordon. -W. IV,'kl.LEIL, Tiil)eriacle Wtil?-, Lor.(Ioii TO 30 PERCENT.INTEREST ?? SfEA??Hip SHARES. We =:re ]Mvi..t: built a steamer to he re'dy fotse-nn December. JSS:}" Shar's £;0 ea.ch V.-r:te for orospfctus to JOXES :md THOMAS* .}, Wha.ri-!>trc<,t, CanHtf. t ? SCOTT'SBIHOUSAXn LiVEHMLLS 'L? rtJRH SICK HKADACUHC. Ci KE StCK HKAHACHES. CURE S:CK HEADACHES. D I:. SCOTT'S BIHOUS AXD H\ EH PILLS CltR'TE APrET!TK. CRKAfE AD'ETIiE. I CREATE APt'ETiTE. V?U. SCOTT'S B!HOUS AND ") JYER FILM ?-? PROMOT:: OtGEST!OX. l'lln:lOTE DIGESTtOK. PROMOTE DIGESTlO. sCOTI"-s BILIOUS ANr) PH.LS t.f THE HEST FAMILY APER!EXT TnE MEST FAMH.Y APEIIIENT MEDtCtXE THE BEST J'AMU.Y APEKtE?; NIEIIICINP. tr ÄP\-XESI: £-¿:;FÜNJ;¡E'- COobs ? Impnrters.—A ¡ BEXD. A Co., IS) and I;M, Houudsditeh. L- nd n, E. ¡" WK:COME B RTHD\Y or CHR?TMAS I ? ? PRESEKT.H-THER CUP, beIu?MthM cfpy(,f the one presented to the gre.t Reform t.r by his t?out pupH. Kins Christian II.. of DeHmark, ancestor of R.It.H. the Piincess -;f <Va!es, and used by Luther in the WarLbur. This rehe ha< "vr skce remained in Luther's fMrnuy, ::nd is now in pocsession of h!s onty descendtmt ;B Wurttemberm, y whom the ex(-Iu-iive ri-At of reproduction t has been concf-ded to the eminpnt ¡';Ie.tro-plate Wcrks at 'I C-nnstatt (London OSice: 44,KingWi'!i.mSt)eet London Bridge, rcmitt:mce pa)abl.,¡ to Messts. <ess!er and Stem) by whom thousands h<w heea s. !d aU over Germany. The I only cup admitted for s:tle at the !&te Lather Exhibition Exeter Hall. no < ther in the market havin,, a pedigree. It I is eK-ctro sih'r wit}! goM orn.tBicnts and nMr!y ;-foot I htgh. Price 15 R: in vehetliafd leather t-:Me 21- free by po.t. Litber Photagral)Ls, ('ahlone uf Chri tmas Pi-esents gr3U". I TO VISITORS. I THE pENNY GUIDE TU WRExHAm With fut! iaform&tion of :U! objects of interest in the town, and excursions to ORESFORO HOLT BAKnOR OVERTOX EREISTOCK RUABOK WYXXSTAY MtKERA HOPE :\IOt':iTAI CAKRGWRLE CASTLE NA*<TY:FRlTH j &c.,&c. Sold by all Booksellers. Publis]¡c,j by Bayley <& Bradley, .J.dl)Cl.ti¡;tr O.F,tce. Hits the mark the author aims a.t, T:z., to supply in a3 concise and compkte a form as tossiMe, informattbn aa to what there is to see in and around the town and how to see it." -Oswestry A dverti,;er. A verv cheap, complete :md inte- sting guide to this in- tere,qting Jistrict. Wel! written, with its information full concisely given, the tourist wilt nnd this little book the very thing he requires.Car?zari,n;i He:-(!M. "In this little 6rocAt<n', published by Meaara Bayley and Bt: dtey, of Wrexham, visitors to the metropolis of North Wales, will Smd a pleasant and reliable com- pamon, who rtorth Walews, ill conduct them to a.U the places and oMects of mteiest in the locality, and who will give a pleasant and concise description of each.-Shrelvebury Chronick. Busies. An:iouucaments. ??*i D i s?!?ts?i! t?r M ?<p? s lkheel ? cures Neuralgia ? Tic and T tl I 11111 IND Tootliaelie SICK HEADACHE. -c' 0' Tiklteel is not pri-tcntled to be n. cure for every ache and pain, but a cer- tain H.nd safe remedy for ra- pidly relieving. M.l sneedi'y cunna- TIC in th" TIC m the Face. TTC n the'C::ms, NERVOUS an I !ICK HEADACHE. TOOTH- \f'HE 'en when rJroe,cding !"on a f.a:e,l rt'ndrrii"r ''xtra''t:un do tt "1, rcmovr-s at t'nw thfT'othafhc to whit'h me :tt so ?ubjec?. n:K'E t:s. Gd.. of aU TI" n't'- r" t' ,l,c?" PARCELS POG? FREE': -r Stttiu-'s o'- P.0.0.. fro;:i the M!mutn :nrr. CLARKE, BLEASDAI.E. HHLL cj CO., YuRK. IjOCAL AGEKTS :— WlEXHA)! THE NORTH WALES PUBLIC SUPPLY -TORES (-md atOswestry.) MOLD: R. BA&E& (Ia.te Birch), 22, High-street. IS.Y ES fRY: J. EVANS (late.imale and S n), 1, Church ŒeeL THE NfMtm WM.BS PCBLIC SUPPLY STORES (a. d at Wmxham t !3T31 HELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN l\H UTE. HAYMANS BALSAM OF HOREHOUND. The 'no t certain and sreedy remedy for Couchs, Colds Ho:trst-t!MS, .<nd all disotders of th*' Chest and Lungs. it hn;i proved itself the mos successful preparation ever uiiere'). The sids is increasing daily. IT HAS A 1'foST PLEASANT TASTE, In the nursety it H invaluable, as children are fond of it. ha!Nediate!y it is taken cou,h-,ng ceases, restlessness is gone, :tnd refreshing sleep ensues. .No I;tdy vilio has emcetrle<i it would eTer afterwurdsbe without it. Prt:l"ued only by A. HAYMAN, Chemi-t. Neath and < .)d t)y all Chemists in London and throughout the Kingdom. Price Is Ud, 2,; 9d, and 4s 6 i per bottle. 235Sa. JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT (Trade Ma?!: Registered.) FHE BEST APPUCATtON KXOWN for Scrofuln scurvy, Skin Diseases and Sores of all Mnds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Legs.;) It curfs Ulcerated Sores on the Head and Nectc. It cures Blockheads or Pimples on the Face. It cures Scurvy Sores C&ncerous Ulcers. It cures Burns and Scalds, Ringworm, Itch, Piles. tt cures Weak and Watery Eyes. !t cures Red and Sore Eyelids. It cures !nnMnmation in the Eye. It cures Moving Spee&s or Floating Bodies before e Eye. It c'tres Cataracts and Partial Blindness. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dhnnesa. It cures children's Sore Eyt;s left after Measles. It a11:tYs itifiamin-.tti.)n in a few hours, and soothes pain very quickly, go'd in Pots, Is l;d 2s 9d, and 4a (M. "J 0 N E S S PURIFYING MIXTURE. (Trade Mark—" Purifying Mixture.") For Purifying. Cleansing, and Clearing the Blood from all impurities, arisins from whatever cause, and guaranteed to be the best preparation in the world for all eruptions of th& skin, hlotthes, spots, pimples, blaehhea.ds, pustules, boils, car- buncles, ringworms, sc:t! heads, sore eyes, eryisp- elas, Itch, scurf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular swel- lings, cancerous sores, bad legs, piles. syph'lhs, secondary symptoms, and for all blood and skin diseases. For rheumatism also it is unequalled for relieving pains and subduing innammatiom. and speedily effecting a perfect cure. It is agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may be taken at all seasons, and under any circumstances. Sold in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s (!d each, and in cases (conta:i"ns six times the quantity) lls each by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom, or aec? to any address on receipt of :?, 58, or 132 stumps. ?"' J ?) N E ? PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. I (Registered.) A speedy and certain remedy for all who suffer from Pith.s in the back and across the Loins. DtHtcuity 'n ming Urine. P '.ins ii the Kidneys, Bowe!s and Stomach. Shooting Paina in the Leps and Thighs. Depression of Spirits and Fullness of the Chsst. Swelling of the Legs and General Weakness of tb? Body, &c., &c. ) Sold in Boxes at Is Inland 2s 9d each. Post Free !d) extra. JONES'S HEART AND STOMACH REGULATOR (Registered). For the speedy curf of aU." Diseases of the Heart and Stotmach, such as Indigestion, Palpitation, Heart- Disease, Wi'f!, Weakness, Paintings, Pa!n in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Restless Ni¡hts, Headache, Giddiiiess, Coated Tongue, Sour Taste in Mouth, &c. Sold in Bottles at 2s 6d ::nd 4s 6d each. 'J ONES'S VEGETABLE P'LLS FOR WIND I Ct'gi!!tereù) ? RE THE BKS1 PILLS IN THE WORLD ??. tor bad digestion, wind and pain in th& stoMach: liver complaint, jaundice, sick head. ache, p:dns in the chest, loss of appetite, na.tu- !ency; griJticg, a sense of weight in the back and Io!ua, darting pains in the region of the heurt.IiVHr &nd kidney constipation, p:uns in the thigha, sometimes shooting down to the cait and feet, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the stomach, and all liver eompIaiHts. Thousands have been cured by these PiMs, and many who had been pro- aounced hopeless, have been thoroughly re- stored to health by their use. ONE HOX WILL COXViXCE THE HOST SCEPrtCAL OF THEIR EFFtCACY. Sold in boxes at Is lid, 2a 9d, and 4s 6d each. Sent post free for 15 or 36 stamps. Sole manu- facturers, W. JoxES and Co.. Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. CUUGHS, COUGHS, AND COLDS, TRY JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND & LINSEED T HE'IO,ST AGREEABLE AND EFFECTUAL remedy t for asthmatic and consumptive coughs, bronchitis, winter c :ughs, dimcult breathing, whooping counh, hoarseness. loss of voice, and all affections of the chest and lungs. One bottle in most cases effects a cure. Price Is lid., 2s 9d., and 4s 6d per bottle. JONES'S PILE POWDERS. Is Hd per packet. Are an invaluable remedy for piles, fistula, gMve!, pain< in the back and lions, darting pains in the stcmach liver, :nd kidneys, pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down the leg, difficulty in passing water, costiveness, <&c. "J 0 N E S S PILE SALVE. This Salve wit! give instantaneous relief in those distressing complaints known as Piles, which anects the anus, and if used in conjunction with our Pile Powders, it never fails in curing nine casea in every ten. Sold in Boxes at Is I ?d each. JONES S CURE FOR DEAFNESS. An invaluable remedy for Deafness, Earache, and for Cold in the Head, with N 'ises in the Ear. A single bottle in most casfa, eSects <t cure. Price Is I!d per bottle. Agents for Wrexham and districts:— Mr J. F. EDiSBURY, Chemist, High-street. „ J. FRANC!?, „ Hope-street. „ J. DAViES, „ Yorke-street. „ RowLAKD, „ High-atreet. Rhos MrMagin! Rnabon.Mr Ed. Davioa UangoUem.Mr Evans Oswestry .Mr Vaughan t, .Mr Ttimer „ Mr J. Evans, grocer Mo!d.Mr E. WiUiama Demb!<!h.Mr Jones „ .Mr Hughes Rttthin.Mr Romw HolyweU.Mr Carman Rhy!Mr Jones „ Mr Daviea AbergeIe.Mr Jones Corwen .Mr Jones Fhnt.Mr Jones, chenust Chester.Messrs Bower Bros I Coedpoeth .Mr Price fnl237bz THE CROSS, OSWESTRY. V?AILY and WEEKLY t?EWSPAPERS, conveyed by i the CambriMi RailwayCo.,on the dayofPabMcation, by the nrst Tram after receipt. AU orders promBtly at- tended to by C. G. B A Y L E Y, BoexsEHEB. "OUR TEA" A SPECIALITY FOR FAmuES. 6 lbs. Post free for 10/. Foatal Order. GODFREY & CO.. 10. Rood ?jr L?ne, London, E.C. Tea direct from the Importers. PARCELS POST FREE. 1 Ib. & upwards at 1/6,1/10.2/6. Postal Order, P.O.O-, or cash mnst accompany all ordera. AGENTS WAXTED EVERYWHERE. t???P ? BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE I STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Price wtB. G. EDWARDS ComeT of Harwar St.), KINGSLAND ROAD. LONDON' fp0 TMSE m SEARCH of EMPLOYMENT.-Sendan iL addressed wrapper to Employment. 8 amd 10 DeM street, Newcastle; or 172, Strand, London. W.C., when doubtless yon can be suited, P?OURNEMOUTH.-BOURNE HALLFOR VISITORS 1) Resident M.D. Fro:p€ctusMrwMded. Business Announcements. HENRY HOWELL, GASF1TTER, BELL-HANGER, AND ELECTRIC BELL FITTER, CHADELIER, BRACKETS. HALLLAMP5, PATENT FENDER LIGHTS. STOVES For Heating and Cooking at reasonable Prices. A AsMttment of GLOBES always in Stock. REPAIRS AXD ESCAPES PROMPTM ATTEXDED TO. SOLE AG:;XT FOR NORTH WALES OF THE NEW ALBO CARBON LIGHT. Elec.rie ami Pneumatic Be!ls, Indicate s, Batteries, Covered Wire, Pushes, Bu'g!ar and Shop-door Alarms, Bxed on the shortest notice. Best Materials and Skil'ed Workmen in the above Branches for Town or Country. ESTIMATES GIVEN. SHOW ROOI-19, CHESTER STREET. WORKS-L .uIBPIT- TREET, WREXHAM. 282Sa LIME: LIME!: LIME! mHE FFRITH LIME COMPANY are nowpre- ?. pared to supply building or agricultural L:me in any quantity, etther in cart loads or m trucKs, to an; Railway Station. CM also supply bruk<.n Road St&ne in any quantity to any R".lway For prices apply to ISAAC WATTS, Manager, AItriIIcham. Chests, or to E. PRomTT. ForemM at the Qmamea, EMth, near, Wre&ham. ?.?? NURSERY STOCK. Yr STRACHAN, SEED MERCHANT AND NURSERYMAN, WREXHAM, Invites Inspection of Ms Stock at the Railway Station Nurseries. Catalogues on application. S6')ce PLANTING SEASON. ?OHN FARQUHARSO BEGS to ncr a 6ne eo!!ection of general Nursery Stock, including ornamental Trees and Shrubs in greil.t variety Fruit Trees, Roses, and a .la.rge quantity, of Green Hollies, ail in ood condition. this year &re Sner than usnaL NURSERY, WREXHAM. t?ANCE MUSIC!.—We suggest the following as the best t_? Hos??Me Dance Programme. Cut this ont f&r refer- ence. POaT FREH :tt HALF PRICK. Dream Faces (Vatse) Meissler. GiftofL-)ve(Va]se) Meissier. J.)I!y Vagrants (Po!ka). Meissler. My Own '(Valse) Gun?' Silver Rhine (Va.!se) Mobster. Wetcome Friends (QuadriUe). Meiss!er. Maiden Fair(Va!se) Lieberman Under the Stirs (Va!-e) Meisaler. Love's Golden Chime (Val.e). Mfissler. Heart or my Heart (Va!sf). Seyde!. Tiptoe (Polka). Meiss!er. Ehrenort theRhine(Va!se) Hutchison. Who goei! there (<;a!op) Meissler. HerbsthMer (Va!se). Messier. W. Marshall and Co., 7, Princess-street, Oxford-street, W fNGHAM'S EUPHORBIA PILUMFERA I ?. The Australian or Great Queensland Cure for Consump. tion. Asthma, Bronchitis, Influenzl, Coughs, Colds, Dimculty in Breathing, and &U Ch'-st Affections. Br:ghto". Meiboume, September 2t, 1881. Dear Sir,—Having -uSered from Asthma, for the last fix years. I h:1.ve the pleasure to acknowledge the great beceSt I have derired from our Essence—Euphorbia Pilutifera— tlther with yonrEuphorbia.Anti-Asthmatiqne fobacco. I have ta!:en 2 or 3 b 'tHes of your Es ence according to directions, and have atse smoked your Tobacco at nii;ht when the att ck comes on; a.nd am happy to state that for the !ast C months I been perfectly free of these Asthm 'tica' attacks, for which I am truly gr"tefuJ. I am, yours v-ry tru!y, Charias rAe a6oa': rM:tMtO!!M< i, <HM <)/' MC<'n'e< Price, 23. M. p&r bott'e. Thomas Ingham, Phar- Chemist, Rockbampton, Queensland. Who!t-sa!eAgents—Bnrgoyn8 & Co., 16, Coleman St. London & FOUR FOLD SCRAP SCREENS. ?L Pric-: 17a r!d and .Et, Carriage paid. JOHN JACKSON, POt;LfOX-LEFYLDE,LAXCASmRE. +-_ LOVELY \VOl\I(J \N Made Lovelirr, by wearing a. PERFECT FITTING DRESS. FOR FIVE SHILLINGS we will send a. lining cut by Scion- tine System, from self-meaauremmts, including the pattern. I Instructionsfor setf-Mcasurements on application—Scientific Dreas Cutting Association, ?ROWE'S BAI,SAM of LINSEED :md HONEY per-I ? fectly cure< COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITJS, DIFFICULT BREATHING. LOSS of VOICE, and a!! CHEST and LUNG AFFECTIONS, is more reHs.hte and cfBcacious than anv ot'ier known medicine. Sold by a!I Chemists in B=.tt!es at Is M and 2< M, or by Parcel Post, 15 or :M Stamps, by THOMAS CROWE, Practical Chemist, 1, Wardonr Street, London. 'V1LLIÅI pIERCE, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. J!ÍfJe¡¡t ? the Patent Jfeta.lUc Âir Tîght(Joffi¡¡ CoM- jpomy, Limited, IJi.rm.inghaln.. The Cf.Sms a.re highly recommended by cU the Medie:J Practitioners of the Neighbourhood. They a'e covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet; and every design of colored metal furni- ture is used The METALLIC SHELL COFFINS, encased in stout polished oak, or covered with or velvet, can he hud :tt a few hours' notice I SHELLS AND COFFINS always in stock. 1358 LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, I CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, I CURED BY DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS, (WITHOUT lIfERCURY.) Act effectively on the liver, and, while mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pi!ls purify I and clear the entire system by direcHy freeing the liver from sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- I form its functions, thus quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppression at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm sensaticns of heaviness and irritating depression attending bilious attacks and liver derangement. Dr. King's Dande- lion and Quinine PiUs have the great advantage over all other Fills that not a trace of mercury or calomel is used in their preparation, and so are perfectly safe for any con- stitution. SeM M &<MCM, <tt 181}d <M<f 2s 9<? 6y N:: Chemists <MM! Otke7JJ. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 28I3& F__ IRE t' ducted in all par's. Bess value for money. Price Lists free. Carriage paid on £2 worth.—DYER & ROBSON, East Greenwich, BAYLEY & BRADLEY, PRINTERS AM) BILL POSTERS, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM. BEG to announce that ":hey have secured a mcmbet of HOARDINGS in tee Town and Country for BILL POSTING, And are now prepared to secure proper publicity to a!I Bills printed at their Establishment. P-Htiea having their Bilia Printed at the .4 (hwtisIJ¡' Omce, and employing their own Poster, can Post on the Ac[lJettise¡' Hoardings Free of Charge, or Messrs Bayley and Bradley, will undertake the Posting of them, and all Bills at a moderate cost. W ATED, HOARDINGS or DEAD WAM.S for POSTING BILLS, in Wrexham and Country around. — Apply, Ã.clvertiSe7 Omce, Wrexttam. N?'.T? T PTT ? T A!I those ?ho "reaUy JH.?'MLJ.t? C7< wish to marry, should read the A? dverhsementa in NUPTIALS," a Matrimonial Paper circulahng atl over the United Kingdom. Price 3d Sent m large envelope, 4d.-Addres3. EDHOR, 40 Lamb's Condmt Street, London, W.C. C?PECIALLYGOOD for Xmas.—London Joint Stock Tea Jk.7 Co. send CARRtAGE FREE to a?y address in U.K 3!h3 ??? ??'????? S""?- ?o retaM proSts: 1/4 to 3/- per Ib.—S4, LeadeahaU Street, E.C.


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