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ESTABLISHED ;AB, ] '8. mE W&EXNAM ABVEMSER ,!)¡; ¡.bighsh iri1.Plitshire,IICeionethBhire. i :C)4csi4ire, Shropsitire and .N'M-t& tFa!ee ill ,e ,g,i ,s ,tie ,f'. t,6CcaBty raper for all Ofraelal Notica in DenbiAshke, and Elintsl&e. IPlTBLlSHfBD EVERYPBliDAiY ANDSA7\UBDAF. C!!RCULATtON, 550C TE&MS OF SUBSCRIPTION. t;STAl\II,ED. STAMPED. I tn a(iv,,ince, S)s per annum. On Credit, ICs per annum. I In udvance, Us per annutn. Ii (JllCredit, 12s per annum, t B' AYLEV & Bil !RADLEY PROPRIETORS. Salfjs ?y Auction. WR.£XrHÅt SMITHFIELD. Sa!<' oj !Pat Stock only ct. to the Orders of the Local Authority.) THURSDAUT, NOV EMBER 8TH, 188: (FÅIR-DA. ???'?? ? ??M?ce he win hold a sale of ?? ?? STOCK m the above Smithneld, on T?hatT?ad'mayy, Kowmber 8t.h, when be will oner for eale Several fat cattle. Severa! f.tt sheep. Severa! fat and porket MM. A few fat calves. The property of Harold Lees, Esq., PickhiII H&U, MextmpnmestaU.fed bullocks and heifeM. T. H. Fitz-Hcgh, Esq., PIaapower, o, pmme < fear,oldSootChbuUocks. Col. Roper, PIaa Teg. A act cf prime tat heifers and sheep. Further entnes eoKcited. 10 3) o'clock. House, Wrxh::im.2;}91 THURSBAV, NOVEMBER STH, 18F3. WREXHAM HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. SALE OF HORSED. CARRIAGES. HARNESS, SADDLHRY, &c., &c. ?Mr'R LLOYD most respectfuHy Rives notice that his ?* next {-Me of Horsfs, Carri?es, Harness, &c., &c., T" "? ??° ?? Repository. adjoining the Beast Market, on Thursday, November 8th. ¥.. The present entries include:— M C.irt Horses and Colts, S Hscks, Cobs, and Ponies, Sundry Traps, Carriages, Carts, &c. H'he property of the Rev. E OHphant, Erbistock Rectory. A very stylish Brown Cob Gelding (aged), about 142 ery steady, a &et of Black Harness to tit, and a very nice Pha'-on tn suit the pony, to be sold in one lot, or if desired '111 bČ'dlcrHle(l, SoM at 130. A!so & stack of capital oid Hay, about 10 tons, standing in the stackyard at Erbistock Rectory. This wilt be sold immediately after the hay at King's Mills. E. RatcliSe, Esq., Hawarden, Chester. A !Very nsefu! young Horse. Mr Moyd, Wrexham. A Powerful Roan Gelding. Mr Jones, Wrexham. Powerfnl Cart Horse (aged), about M hands high. Mr Williams. LIangoUen. Stytish Pony, four years o!d, stea<ly to ride or ,drive. Further entries wiU oblige. The u&ual Horse Sale witi commence at One o'clock. TERMS :—2s 6d if not sold. Entries taken np to time of S;.tie. Speciat terms made for three or more horses. Omces—Ey:on House. Wrexham. 2376 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER STH, 18S3, AT TWO O'CLOCK. S<t!<; << theiIJell.known 71ealJ¿ of CwsM /roM tAc Willow jE<'<;tec! IVrexham, togctl/.iJ/' withthwi;r ¡G,an;, ,FlGat, jDt-tn/<, C<t"ts. d'l:, abo oj ,traw ;j5tonsof yjat/ <tM<! a valu.able nelO jrrott Stoc/r FrameWlduthe Aat/ .s<ac& at White Ca<e p(n'< stctct oj M<ty <tt otttd 30 SM&<! of M alt{:dPeas, bc sold tM THE WREXHAM HORSS REPOSITORY, tltC Horfic Jlarlæt, itFfca;<t;M. LLOYB most respectfuUy announces that he has jiM. been instructed by the Trustees of the late feter Walker, Esq., to SELL BY AUCTION, in his Horse Repository at Wrexham, on Thursday, November Sth next, the who!e o! the HOUSES, Fioats, Drays, &c.. &c., from the Willow Brewery Hay and Straw on the farms, &c. Particulars as foUows :— Sa!e of Horses and Gears at 2 o'c!oc! Produce, Ac., at 2 45 o'clock Moats, Carts, &c., immediately after. Five Grand Waggon Geldings, from six to nine years old, about 1(!.S ts i7 hands bigh, of immense power. Four sets o! Th'iU Gears,setiof Back Sands, Belly Bands, Breast Plates, Top Straps, &c. THE PmoDUCE, 83!d about 2.45 o'clock :— Stack of Wheat Boltcn, oat and barley straw at top and bottom, containing abnut 30 tons, now standing in a neld at ,Station,theow,oX lg. Stackof Rye grass and Glover and Meadow Hay, con- tainint! about 35 tons. now standing in the stackyard at Wbit.el!a.te.lane Farm, the growth of 1882, lI.l.ou new iron stack frame the Imy st;i.nds upon, 6U feet long, 00 feet wide, niade extra strong, with additional bars fot top. Part of ?Jp?and Hay, now standing in the stack- yard at King's Mills F.tnu, containing abONt eight tons, aihe growth ot 18H2. A person at the Willow Brewery will be appointed to show the lots. 30 Sacks of Malted Peas, as per 100 Ins., in suitable tots. The Drags Md Floats sold immediately after the produce in the following orfier (in lots) :— Seven one-ht'rse brewers' noa.t.s, in first-class repair; seven OMe-hurse drays, dit-to, d:tto: one hop cart with extrnboard, one farm cart with harvest paring, t.ne Scotch cart "v,th ,h,.rvest gearing, one liquid manure cart, one *!t:t of gra';i< or Hcxibte hav row!, one set of ploughing backhands with cruppers, two extra horae collars, two large double corn c"Sers, Sve head coilars and chains, uino blue heavy horse rugs (new), eight old horse rugs, five pairs of stable lamps, six sets of whips, &c. Sale commencing with the horses at 2 o'clock. The whr.lc cf the abovt: are so well known as being of the best they need uo comment on behalf of 'the auctioneer. The usu.U MONTHLY HOUSE SALE. or which there are numerous entries of H'.rsos,wiH commence at one o'c!ocb. and parties sending horses to this sale will please have them there befote t!t:t! time. OHices, Eyton House. Wmxhuui. 2423c SALE BY' MISSUS TAYLOR & WELC'H. Sa5e <??' Pnn/.Ïture, J)rtf,lci,lg.room l,la,d Art,.cle,, .Carpets, fj'un and R'"o<! l>crlsteads, ,pallia.w; Mtt.j' Plock Bcds,an<l u'ht; .Kyt; intlte VEGETABL!! MARKET, ?rf-?a-M. t mME?SRS. TAYLOR and WSLsa ha?e arranged for a jjH. SA.LH'y AUCTION, in the Vegeta'Ie Market, WCrfxh?n, on Mondav, Novembf-r M), 1883, of the foUow- i!!<; superior Household FURNITURE and other Effects, fix.. watnut drawi: g-room suite in green striped terry, half-a d?zcn chairs in crimson rep. aiso in walnut; too, dining, sofa, and Sutherland tables (in mahogany, walnut, rosewood, polish* d pine, and other choice woods); painted tab!es domestic or bed-room pnrpoaes, engr&vinga and Iitho,tr;'phs (of oak pointed wardrobe withir- mediutn size Shewing machines (i 'Tudor' treadiean! 2 'Litt'e 8tra.'ges,')Brussets and other car- pet- IbecbLalts, and ibeddi.1g,&i", wit'i very numerous f'ther articles aud enacts appettaining to IIHousehoh¡ and ,£.d.room requirements. fuHer particulars Of which mnv he obtained on aPlJllcationto the Auctioneers at th!r oIH.:M, Mope street Chambers, Wfexham. SaJe at SALE BY MESSRS J. C. AND H. H. ETCHES Mj?HK acxt Whitc?urch (&:lop) HORSE SALE wtH take .Z piacu on Friday, November !Cth,iSS3. Entries for c?tatogues c'os; November Sth. J. C. & H. H. ETCHES, Auctioneers. 24;4p ,1.1itchurch.(,5ah¡p) and Crewe. SALES BV" MESSRS D. ROBERTS & SON-. OX MONDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 5T! IbS3, At BRA K AS tJCHAF, Mant!ri:lo,nearCorwen. R-? Colourv tM?s-bretl and Velsh Cattle, H capita M Ht?os and Pci::?, Sows, and Ptgs, i5MrylM? S:?sofHaYand Corn, S.cdo.i, TjU-mps &c. (? te cMps to ga oH, the p. opcrty of Mr Henry Cavte? who ?ts leavin, "t f £ an 1 ? ?t wiU be given u ?n ?PP''????'? ?dE upwards tii!C?rwen f.Lir, M?reh i?h, IbSit, ordtsccoouunnt aU()Wt;dforc.:sh. Luncb at H and sale st 12 o'clock. S<t/ bp NEXT, NOVEMBER 7TH, 1883, At TY [0SAW, lil,mdrillo, ne..r Corwsn. ?A-n?E, H? .s. Pi: Hiy, Corn, Swedes ? ? cr?psM-goeH) thep?.psr-yof MrCnSiMi ?Ro. berts. Th<: u?u.t! credit ar discount given. S-e at Tweivs o'clock. 2t/9p ON MONPAy, NOVEMBER 12xn, [t§S3, At TMIanerch (halfway between Corwen and ,J!aDgol1en. ) j? ? i*' HE ?B (? GOTTEN- '4 Horaes, Sows and Pigs, crops <,r H.y .?Co.n<to go o<f) ????? iPot!.L<.oes, F.uming [[moIetMnts, A-c., &c? t? property 01 Mrs C\.omb?, v.bo is giviM? up farmtng. ''ISOo ?'ri,I:tord!ccuntg've! ??? ? a'¡fDRSfU,iY, NOVE-MKER I5TH, 13, At PSNLAN FAWi!, near Corwen. ? HEAD cf v.ry cboice ?ATTLE 5 H?, ?? ? ?'.) Pi;'s. Potatoes. Farm:n? Implcmelr;;s, DaIry ?qu?:?? aud H?usehcid F)irn:tHM. the .prepay c. ?Me 'M isses D.iY;ea, who Mf -g!?'ng up f?rm:ng. a?SiP -?Mdit?fd.sc'unt..gM<t}. 24S1p 0,14 F-RIDAY, NOyKMBER Mm. At FRONGOCH [SA, Bryseg:wys. [, o. p7,?T) ofC,,TTLE, 3 JiOrscg, '70 F;,t and Store M??3?S.JS.?! HJY ¡md Cçm (to go off), Turnips, Slvedes,P¡)t3e. ??-???? (If r ??? ?. tctttin?. ,t', "I.J'. CMtlit or discc-unt gtven. 'I ,Auctiûr.eer. OSce, g<S2t< TaBp:e Buiidings, Corwen. U Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSES. JONES & SON. ? "r -r.j'" .r- "r" SALE OF FAI STOCK ONLY. ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER SrH, 1;S3. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. MESSRS JONES & SON?eg to announce that they 1' intend holfhng a Sale of Fat CATTL?E sntrt-t* ';l.VES,ad Pl(.S, iut.he :bove Smit11iield,on CALVES, ? p,??? the above SmitIu?Mn Thu? rsd?aye Lo? ?? '?.?' ??'? ? ? crders s?ued .Sered ? ?? ?? ?o?g Stock wUl be Prime Fat Bullocks and Heifers. Ripe Shropshire Downs and other Fat Sheep Sf-vers! Fat Calves. Pork and Bacon Pigs. Entries respectfn!!y solicited. Sate at Ten o'clock. S07z ? %?' ?Hoc? <tM? Ne<y<??, Mi.M? Cotps ?M: Be?M ?<t? P<?, <&C., <tt ROSSETT HALL, ROSSETT. ?ESSRS JONES & SON have been favored with in- i7?TT? ?? ? ? BoydeU. Esq.. to SELL BY AUCTION, on Monday, November 12th,18?. at a bnifding meartoora?omtngtheG.Iden Lion I?n, Rossett, h6 valuable Fat and Store Stock, comprising, viz. :— 4 Grand three-year-old BuHocks, heavy weights. 4 Rtpe three year-o!d Bullocks. 4 ditto two-year-old ditto, 7 Ripe three-year old Heifers. 3 Very nseM Cows. near calving, 3 ProMising HeKers, ditto 3 Fat Pigs. One week's keep given on the fat Stock, it required. Sate at Two o'clock prompt. 2470c S(t!c o/ JToMM7toM Feather alld Flock Beds, <t;c., No. 5, CROSS STREET, RHOSDDU, .Wcrexham. m MESSRS JONES & SON have been instructed hy Mrs LT' S. Jones, who is giving up housekeeping. to SE?LL iy-tA- UCTIOK, on Friday. Number K?h, l?,on the ???r???' ?e ?oU?wing useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects, viz :—Mahoganv couch in b)a<:khtir. with spring sext;in!a!d rosewood' card t&Me mahogany cbntre table. six mahogany chairs in black hair easy dttto m Mack hair; lady's chMr in green rep. with scnng stat; cbi:.rs chair, walnut square whatnot' K!d<term!nster carpets, sted mounted feuderf, fire irons CiHtdIeshcks, waste paper basket, four kitchen chairs mahogany too table, two !paf table, tin hastener and bottle j*ck, saucepans, tea kettles, sta=r and landing carpets. thtrty braM stair rod", fe .the- and Hock ;spring, nock, and straw mat.resses; irnn half-tester bedsteads. 'ith dimtty hangings; iron French bedsteads, two top and other wash-t<tnrls, dressinK taMea, mahngany and hirchwnod toilet gta'M.es. toUet services, towel rails. Mahogany corner whatnot. m.ihOEany chei-tcf drawers, three cane-seated chairs, chad's bath and nnmerous other effects. Sale at Hatf-paat One o'clock. 2511z SALE BY MESSRS. CSURTON, ELPHICK ANB CO. .r. To Capitalists, BnihZers. Brick ami rt:e 8!tlp of Bt-Mt <[K<! Fire Clay lH"úrkS,to!)ether with <7<c P<<m<, Buildings, C!M! 3f<M&tMe7-M ee a.fJQmo coKcerm, SttMate at ACREFAIR, within C few B!):Mt(eS' M<tM- /}-om the j<C!-C/<ttT- Station. emd o&ot<t one mile ,and a from Rua1.l0n, DeK&M't. ¡¡hire. m MESSRS CHURTON, ELPHIOK, & Co. have been ?T.R favorfd wtth tnstntetioBS 'from the Executors and Trustees o'the late HeBry Harrison. Esq., deceased to SELL BY AU TION, at the Wynostay Arm Hotel. Wrexham, on THURSDAY, Sth November. I8S3, at Two for Thrceo'cl 'ck p m., pcnctuallv (unless previcus!v dis- posed of by t.r:vate contrnct), the !easeho!d interest in the above-mentioned Suable property known as THE DELPH BRtCK AND F1KE CLAY WORKS, together with the costly machinery, ptant, and buildings, comprising a 32- horscpower horizonta! high pressure steam engine, S boilets, 2 grinding machines, 2 clay grinding mitls. horizontal pug CMl!. 2 vertical ditto, btick making machine capable of turning out 1",000 bricks per <Uy, 2 pipe making machines (one Spencer's patent), :iU Htted up in the best possible manner regardless of cost; moulds for chimney pots. brick tables, weighing machines, 3 railway coal trucks, pipe dies, <X5c. THE BujLDtKGS comprise range of three weH-bui!t ofBces, m-umger's house, stabling for six horses, hay cutting house, straw and hay bin, weighing-machine house, six pipe kUns, four brie!: ki)ns, nve drying sheds with Hues, ttfo upper sheds with ditto, heated by exhaust steam, brick shed, blacksmith's shop, store house, carpenter's shop, bothy, chimney stack* &c. There are also two ample reservoirs, three tramways with turn-outs, three gins for raising clay from pits with wire ropes, &c., complete. THE MACHINERY AXD PLAKT are of the best description. and the whole are in good working order. THE WORKS are connected by a siding with the New British Iron Works line, which joins the Great Western Railway jat Ruabon, they are a!so in connection with the Sh,ropshire UniQJ1.C-aøa.L. d_ for a term 5i*3C yeaM from March, K-CS, &nd a further term of 30 years at the opt!on of the l..¡;¡"e<>, &t & dexd r<nt of JM20, whtch i<! to be taken in part satisfaction of the royalties, consist- ing of 4d per ton of 2,6 !0 Ibs. upon manufactured goods only. For further ita'-t,cu!ars apply to Messrs ROI!lNSO, PREsTON;,an.,1 Solicitors, 35, Uncoln's Inn FieHs. London, W.C. or to the Auctioneers, Messrs CHt RTON, ELPH'cK, ROBERTS, & RtCHARDSON, Chester. 2275pz jM.pM-<<tK< S'<t!<' of .Ea'c<'H€):< MoKse/toM Furniturc, 110rse., Harness, StuMlenJ, <tH(! <'<tcr IIli¡>cellaneolls effects,«t LEESWOOD, witlânone mile /f0)/t the Llong ."tation, OIl the Chc,ter, .1I(ileI., ,and Railway, <M<! e&o!tt miles from lJlu/ct, J;li'(j t:sltire. ?/H ESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK. & CO. h?ve been Tjt favored with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION (so that the house may be let unfurnished), on Mo:. day and TuM.lay. November 5th and 6th, I8S3, com- mencing each f!ay at Eleven o'clock the whole of the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, appertain- ing to Dining and Drawing Rcorns, Study, Library, and numerous Rt'drootrs The Out-Door Effects iac!ude a thoroughrred horse, by Partnesan ge!d:ng and 61!y, four and three years old, by I.;¡.mlash two years old clb ti!!y. singtc brougham. Jog cart. two pony CitrriaxfS, three c&rts and shandry, harness, saddlery, double-action churn, and other misce!!aueous tSocts. N.B.—Catalogues wi!! short!y he published, nnd may be obtained from the B!a.ck Lion Hotel, Mo!tl; the R:.i!way Inn, Hong Station; or from the Auctioneers, Messrs CHURTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS, and RICHARDSON, Chester. 21S3z SALE BY MR J. E. DAVIES. ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER CTH, The day before Mold Fair Day. ji«)'<tcM'M s&!e of 12 Head of CaWe,22 Shrop.hire Dote:! Z;<i:fM&.<, Ugh! bay Pm! ?'<p aK < No'MMS. SftdfHe and Bridle, foM)/ Ctt)-<, 2 "<'<.< o/' Gears,al;:o fA'' Impleo ments, Dairy rcs",ls, (CMd <t <)/ <Ae BoxscAoM ttr:nittt1"e,at THE BRYN," NANNERCH, CZOSC <0 <hc Railway Statton. Y/SR. J. E. DA VI E?h?s received instructions from Mr ,v)6 WHIiam StocM.de (who is changing his residence), to SELL BY AUCTION, on the premises aforesaid, on TUESDAY, Nr.yeinbM- Cth, ISS: the who!e of his !.ive and De:td 'ARMING :OCK,and a portion of his Household Furniture, viz J CATTLE.—Weii bred red and white cow to calve in January (second calf) grand cross bred Mack and white cow to calve in December, do. do. wit! have calved by day cf sale (second c.df). big framed fres't barren 4 coming two- year o!d bettors, I do. do. bulIork, 1 yearling heifer, aud 2 do buHdeks. SHEEP.—16 Shropshire Down ewe Iambs, b do. do. ram Iambs.. t 12' Poxy, &C.—Capital light bay mare pony. about .1.2,? hMtds, seven years o!<I(in foal), an exce!!ent mover well- made tight running trap, to aest four. set of brass mounted harness, very handy pony cart with harvest gearing com- lete, set ttew), set of pony cart gears, excellent riding sadt'le and bridle (''n!y recently purchased), also a few couple of 1.rn-<10ç¡r fowls, together w!th the Agricultural Implements, Dairy Vessels, and a portion of the Household Furniture. Sale at One o'<ock. Grosvenor Place, Mold. 2493p RE-OPENING OF THE MOTD FAIR DAY SALE AT THE OROSVENOR STREET, AUCTION MART. mjfR J. E. DAVIES wil! SE.LL BY AUCTION, on ?JM Wednesday next, November 7th, 18?, the follow- ing, viz. :— SeM-'raI Prime Fat Beast' A number of Ripe Fat Sheep. Pigs, and Calves. Also, six pure-bred Shropshire Down Ram Lambs, the property of Mr J. Lloyd. Tyn-y-Caeau. and tbont 30 Scotch Stock Ewes Oust come from Scothmd). the property of Mr James AIxaader.CFcpn, together with such other stock that may be entered, provided that on the i!ay of such sale no Foot and Mouth Disease exists within a distance of two miles fnm the nfores'aid Auction Mart. No animal can be brought to the above Sate from the counties of Chester or Denbigh, except from the L'anarmon, and L!audegla. in the lattr county, without a movmnt]icensc, obtainable ab the Police Onice at Mold, provided that there are not on the above day any cases of pro VI e" ft. b hes Foot and Mouth f)¡sease in any of tbe above parishes. Persons sending StockírnID the above nMKtioned parishes, sbouid obtain licenses a few f'ays before the day of Sale. Ss-le :tt One o'c'cck. Grosv ,nor Place. }!LoId.. z ,Attl'Mtil'e Sale of S.yerior HUlcschold FzwiiEtit)-c aml Hfjects, at Tt-N LLAN, C ilce;about Jow.mile¡; frtlm M uld. M H jr F D ?YIES b?e to annocnce his Iae<xNchons m ftom?rs Wotstenhcime (who is teeing TyaUan). <?<FTT'RY AUCrioy. os the above meHhon?! pre- ?? o.?lon?yne? Noye.nher 5th. I8S3. the ?ole of ???ri'? HOUSEHOLD ?HXrTURE. &c ?per- ?n:??a?ing, dining, a?d breakfast r.oicshtebe? ? ?ee b?r?ms. Also the w&ole of her E?ectro-p:? ooatis_Gl=, China,-&c. For M! particu!aM eee posters. SaJe at 12 o'clc<$. Grosrenor-plae?, Moid. 249k >ALES!3 MR RICHARD !R: -I ?S 0 BE SOLD EV ICTION, b? Mr OLLERHEA? in the Vegetable 3lM?et, WrexhMi, THIS DAY ?TPRO? Nu? mber 3?1. chests of dr.?ers, tweau, ??mch.cMr taMe., beds, bedsteads, m?-e? ?e?uisites, patent mM?e, &c., remc?d to sbore inarket for convenience .f sale. ?et for co??en???? .?ctione?e?Sce,9,CharIes.street,Wrexham. ?m Sales by Auction. BY !\fR SNAPE. SALE BY MR SNAPE. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD SHOP IN HO'PE ? STREET, WREXHAM ??.?.?? ?'" ??? ?? SALE by PUBLIC ?C"P?' ? ?e Lion Note!, Wrexham, on Wed? Tn? esday. the 7th day of November, 1883, at 3 for 4 o'clock the afternoon, all that very desireaMe FREEHOLD SH_OP and PREMISES, being No. 30 Hope-street in the borough of Wrexham, now in the occupation ofMrW. Wllbal1s, sweets dealer, and having an 18 feet frontage upon Hope-atreet. This is one of the best business positions in Wrexham.' commanding the general tramc from the raUway station.. and immediately near one of the principal eenutMraannccees s tMo the proposed centra! station. A pbtn of the property may be seen at the oSce of the Auctioneer, 27, HenMas street, where further informa'ion <?n be had, or from Mr EVAK MoRRis, solicitor, '?? ham. Wrex. SALE BY MR. E. SMITH. MR EDWARD SMITH wil! SELL BY AUCTION, in 1ML his Sate Room, 26. High-street, on Thursday next, November 8th, an as-tortment of useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, iron bedsteads, chairs, looking passes, perambulator, sewing machine, by Wheeler and Wilson one gas stove, oleographs in gilt frames, &c. Also a lot cf useful rugs. Sale at Two o'clock, prompt. Sate Room and OSee, 26, High-street, Wrexham. 2S02n EDW ARD C.M1TH, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AGENT, AND UNDERTAKER. VALUATIONS MADE FOR PROBATE OR LEGACY DUTY. AUCTION SALES OF PROPERTY, AKD FARMING STOCK, Conducted with the least possible expense. Funerals Furnished throughout with simplicity and economy. Miscellaneous sales of Furniture, Stccks-in-Trxde, &c., held on the First Thursday in each mouth, in E. SMITH'S Spacious Sale Rotnn in High street. Consignments of Goods for Sale invited. Auction Room and Omce, 2S, High-street, Wrexham. 1425c SALE BY MESSRS. TATTERSALL. r" "> RUGBY. }!ESSRS TATTERSALL ? M JL W!t.t. HOLD SALES AT THE!R RUGBY ESTABLISHMENT OF HUNTERS, HACKS, and HARNESS HORSES, The second Tues !ay in every month. NEXT SALE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH. Applications for Tencs and Stalls to be made to Messrs. TATTEKSALL, Albert Gate, London. 1742 RUGBY t?rE SRS TATTERSALL wi!t SELL BY AUCTION, l?JL at Albert-street, Rugby, on Tuesday, Ncv. 13th, Ten HOMES, that have the huntsman and whips cubhunting. the property of Earl Wi\vil¡hm. RUGBY. PYTCHLEY CUBHUNTERS. m/jTESSRS TATTEHSALL witi SELL BY AUCTION, at J?jL A!be:t-street, Rugby, on Tuesday. Nov. 13th. Ten HORSES, that have been regularly cubhunted with the I PytcMey Hounds, the property of H. H. Langham, Esq. 24HSf GREAT SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES AT A S T 0 N S COMMENCING THtS DAY, NOV. 3RD, ISS3. GREAT BARGAINS. 25(Mf Education. r, -A\IB. W. n. H 0 L T r Professor of Music, -I Begs to st&te t']at he has quite recovered from his late severe i!!ness, and thanks hia numerous friends for their kind enquiries. 8, ERDDIG TERRACE, Nov. 1st, 1SS3. 471c )1R. YV. H. HOLT, Professor of PIANOFORTE, ORGAN. SINGING, AND COMPOSITION. TERMS OK APPLICATION. ERDDIG TERRACE. W R E X H A M 2135z BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 4,GROVE PARK, Fcr Terms and Particulars 3}:n!y to HISSES tLOYD. Separate Schoolroom for Boys. H)4t)z 1, LEA SIDE, RHOSDDU, WREXHAM. SELbCT BOARDING AXD DAY SCHOOL, CONDUCTED By THE )1 I SSE S TJANMER; Also a CLASS for BOYS, from 7 to !2 years c.f age. IKt3n WYNKSTAY HOUSE SCHOOL, WREXHAM. PRlCIPAL :— MRS. SIMMS, Assisted by Experienced and Emcient Teachers, hclding Oxford, Cambfidg". and College of Preceptors* Cfrti&ca.tes. The course of ¡:tud)' is nrranged so a-s to prepare Pupils for the above Examinations. WEEKLY EXAMIKER—W. H. MUNNS, ESQ., B.A., B.Sc. (London University.) Mustc—E. B SiMMS, EsQ" Professor at the College. Chester. FREKCH—MADAME LAFON. DRAWtKG AXD PAIXTING—J. NOYES, E<Q. (Socth Kensington.) ScmxcE LECT'jREt—D. MACKINTOSH, ESQ., F.G.S. 89x ST. rpBLOMAS' COLLEGE, RHYL. Mf <Kp<!M-s of ec Boy e< this School !S limited to the <M Kernel &c!cM, <tM<! & lleduction M MfKfC /<):' Brothers. The College provides a high-class Bducaticn for M'ddlp- tiass Boys, based on the Protestant &nd Evatigeiical prin- ciples of the Church of Engiand, and at the lowest re- enunerative expense. Scholarships are now open for com- petition at the commencement of each of the Three Terms. Pupils are prepared for the Oxford and Catnbrx'ge Local and ether Examinations. Th< residence is facing thf sea. Inclusive fees for boarders ThirEy-six Guineas a year. Fur- ther icformation from the Rev. Principal. 392 ?HOMEST OLD WHISKIES. Dublin Whiskey, the ? ce!cbrated D. W.D." (bottled by us in Bond), 7 years o!d nr very Snest oM Highland Malt, "THE QUEEN," a meè of the most eminent Dis'i!!eries in the Highlands. Purity and age guaranteed. One dozen ease een* carriage free to any railway station in the Kingdom for .62 2s.—T. W. STARTUP & Co.. Wine and Sp'rit Merchante, 71, Edg- ware-road, Hyde Park, London. W. CHS. FUSNOi's CHS. CARTRIDGE ?ASES NEVER MtS"! FIRE And are the EHsT <& CHEAPEST. Particulars of OSCAR SCHOLZIG, 9, New Broad Street, London, E.C. E-NGINKS io" Dairy a.nd F<irn purposes, for ChaS JCj Catting.Grintliiig.Paipirig,Ste,iiuing, B <ing. &c. —E. S HtXULEV, Bourton, and H, Queea Victorn-st. London, E.C. <?*? t? —f!etinng from bnsmess.—Remainder cf ,t3 IO. Stoc!—A few LADY'S JSct. COLD W?TCHH?,worth.6553. Qtitteaew. best eorkmanship, j e!egaat 6niah. warrauted pfrfeci! tiHiekeepMs.—WiU for- I w.:rd on receipt of P.O.O. addtessad Henry Gamlen, 2, itrewern Vi!<s. Ft:!h.Mn I:oad, Fa'ham. P.G.O. made payaMe Po't UiBce, Wa!h&m Green. S TLYl\IERING effectuaUyCURED by Cotrespondence k and practice! 1Jnu,¡I, or ptrsona!!y. Artieles on The NATURAL SYSTEM in ElOC1tiÙm¡st, Dec., 1882. Copy frae.—X. H. 31AS-i-N, 18, STAVOEDALE ROAD, HIGHBURY, LONDON. "LATE GLASS INSURANCE.—Agents in etery Town H. required on remunerative terms by a first-class Plate Glass tmaurance Compa.y.—Address, Messrs. Wtt.L!AM POOLE & CO., ll'iSLiRA;'iCZ BROKERS, 75, PROCESS ST., )IANCHESTER. v/¿:!v.1 T.C.JON ? BEGS t-espectfnUy to MO<MBew hia tetam horn London and other mafh ? fnIm whence he baa selected his stock of ;f WJNTERDS. and invites the attention o< hH eattomeia and the public to a variety MANTLES of the newest ehspes; & Ja<se amottment of FUR CAPS, A STOCK of DRESSES In aU the latest shades and matehab, imdadicg a variety of BIaet and Colored VELV E TBBN8, A Sne SeleafoD of VELVETS. PLUSH. BRAIDS, FEATHER And other TRIMMIN3S win be found. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT la replete with the latest desigas in BONNBIS, HATS, CAPS, FEATHER and LACR3, peKcnal!y ae!eeted. TAILORING m all its Brmc&et H tmder the Mpenn. tendfnce of an p;.rineed Cmtttt. MOURNING ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. 10, Church-street, Wrexham, October, 1883. a2403n THE TEA WAREHOUSE, 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. NEW SEASON TEAS. PHILLIPS & Co. solicit the attention of those who consume reaMy Sne TEA to their CHINA & INDIA (BLENDED) TEAS, which comprise selections from the Snest parcils of :Ms Season's Growth. PHtLLIPS & CO, PROPRIETORS. 7 -11 THE VALE OF CLWYD BRICK AND POTTERY COMPANY, LIMITED, PREWL NEAR RUTHIN. lflHE GOODS mannfactnred by the above Company JL having gtven satisfaetioa to its customers, the Directors tMve determined to issue a limited number of shares at par, to enable them more fu!!y to deveiope the works and meet the anticipated demand. Full particulars on application to ths Secretary. 2408f Just PuML-hed. mHE NORTH WALES COAL FIELD: J. Being a series of Diagrams showittg the Depth, Thickness, and Local Names of the Se'lms in the principal Cohieries of the various districts, with Index, Geological Map, i.nd horiz ntat section across the Ruabon, Brymbo, Buckley, and Mostyn distr.cts. By JOHN BATES GREGORY and J ¡"SE PRICE, Of Hope Station, nen Mold, Flintshire, From whom copies can be obtained on receipt of Post Onice Order. Price: Mounted on Holland, colored, and varnished, and Sxed on tnahogany rollers. each; or m t)pa& term, IS + 8, moamtett and<6&)]ced, Very few-eøfelt. ?< J. ROWLANDSS ANNUAL ROOT SHOW, I. AT LLANGOLLEX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH IS83 (FAtH DAY.) FOR THE BEST FOUR ACRES 01' TURMP OR SWEDE A SILVER CUP. For the Best 2 acres. EOs. uLang Red Mangels. 5". to '!YfUow ditto 5s. u I.Í 8\.ede 5s. <! Ynldw Turnips. 13s. '3 'hite Curnips 5s. CONDITIONS, 1.—Entrance foe of 5s on the 2 acd 4 acres, to be paid on or before October 27th, to J. R. 2.—Th% Manure us.;d for the 2 and 4 acres must be bought of J. 3.—The Roots must be grow. from Seed bought of J.R. 4.—The Roots must, be at th< Saop by 11 o'clock a.m. 24t5p THE LATEST FASHIONS !:t DOLMAN ULSTERS, MtLLINERY, AXD FANCY DRESS MATERIALS, ARE XOW SHOWN BY HONES & TONES, WESTMINSTER BUILDINGS, REGENT-STREET, WREXHAM. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. 19/i0/ll/12o AUSTRALIA FROM LIVERPOOL. THE magniScent Aberdeen Clipper Ship "AVIE- I. MORE," 2,0(M tons bcrthm, c! 'ssed Al at Hoyds, will sai! from Liverpool about Thursday, I5'h November, for Melbourne. Intending passange's shoa'd apply early to HOULDER BROTHERS and Co., 14. Water street. Liver poo!; 30, Hope-street, Glasgow or 14U, LadenbaU-street London, E.C. 2413a GAME PROOF WIRE NETTING. FIVE THOUSAND YARDS IN STOCK, FROM ONE PENNY PER YARD UPWARDS. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON SHEETS- GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. ASPHALTED FELT sd PER FOOT. PATENT ROOFING I ELT— This does not want coating at any time and is almost in. destmctaMe. Its advantages are-Cheapness, Lightness, Strength, and absolute ddioce of Ruin. IRON ROOFIXG AM) FEXCIXG WORKS. S. SOTHERN, 21, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM. 8S9n J;;sr OUT, an elega-at tittle work, us::flÙ both to Students and Youg Teachers. ?TALUABLE HfNTS TO?MANISM H?w to Become V Pre-aeient. ByE.M J?MPIOX. Post free, Ie Id; ClGth la 7d. Addresa jMfttd B. C.Mmpion, IIfracombe. GOLD ALBERT; CHAINS 7s Co EACH. ?t?HESE spteadid French, C!oM Albsrts are o? the very ?. bet.t man&factare and in aU'patterns. They cannot be told ficm l§ct. gold eh&isa at XIO ench, and will last as long. WARRANTED TO STAND THE ACIP. Post free to any addMM oz receipt of P.0.0, 76, wr ftsmpe 7/9-Q. WJLD, <?, BMasbury Road, JLcndcn, N. Business Announcements. "r' WINTER SEASON, 1883. We have just to hand a choice collection of the newc&t styles in JACKETS, DOLMANS, ROTONDES, ULSTERS. IMPERIAL WATERPROOF CLOAKS, FUR LINED DOL- MANS and CIRCULARS, FUR CAPES, &c. All sizes now in Stock, and to a large extent the production of the best London and Berlin Makers. Prices extremely moderate. We now offer some beautiful Novelties in MILLINERY, to which Department we respectfully invite attention, as we are in daily communication with the London Houses. W. & J. PRICHARD, 14, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 288 SEASON, 1883-84. SEASON, 1883-84. LAMPS. HINK S PATENT DUPLEX, OPAL READING LAMPS, I ROWATTSANUCAPNIC, HURRICANE LANTERNS LEAUTAS PATENT MANCHESTER LAMP. And every description of CHIMNEYS, GLOBES, SHADES, and LAMP WICKS, Required for the &bove. HORSE CLIPPERS 4s CD EACH, CLARKES OWN MAKE, 11s EACH. J. COLEMERE GITTINS. IRONMONGERY STORES & LAMP DEPOT. 7, HOPE STREET, WREX3AM. 444 THE TEA WAREHOUSE, 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. NEW SEASON TEAS. Pri ILLIP6 &- Co., suHc't theatteotio those who consume really fine TEA, to their CHINA & INDIA (BLENDED) TEAS, which comprise selections from the finest paicels of this Season's Growth. PHILLIPS & CO. PROPRIETORS. 191G NEW IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT. REGENT STREET, WREXHAM. WILLIAM tJ \yiLI.IAMS Begs to announce that he his opened the above premise" I as a GENERAL AND FURNISHING I IRONMONGER, With an entirely New and carefully selected Stock, com- prising Iron and Brass Bedsteads, PaHiasses, Fenders and Fire Irons. Table and Pocket Cutlery. E!ectrop!ated Cruets. Tea Pots, <&c.. Brushes and Brooms of all kinds, Register Stoves and Mantel Pieces, Japanne4 Oak Baths, Toilet Ware and Travelling Trunks, Galvanized Buckets. &c. Tin Ware of alt kinds, in great variety Cut, Wrought, and Wire NaUs. C&rpentera' Tools, and Builders' Ironmongery. LAMPS! LAMPS'! LAMPS! BIN DUPLEX" r& ROW ATI'S ANUCAPN-IC, LAMPS; Finest Petroleum, Colza and Linseed Oils Paints, Colors, and Varnishes. All Orders <tHt! Repairs Promptly aMd CareftellyCxoczltcd PLEASE KOTE THE ADDRESS- W. H. WILLIAMS, IRONMONGER, REGENT STREET. H'29n R S CCOTT BEGS to announce that she will [make a Special Show of Novelties in Miltinery, Mantles, Ccstumes*, Furs, &c., for the Winter Season, on TCESDAY NEXT and MIowing days. I' MILLINERY DRESS ROOMS, 1 23ICp 31, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. I ——————————————— DRESS AND 1\IA' 1 LE MAKING. I MRS. C. JONES, LATE OF BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL, Bega to announce that she haa commenced Business in the above Department at 24, OLDACRE TERRACE, TREVOR STREET, HIRDIR, And hopes by strict attention to Business, 11.11 guaranteeing Fit and Style, to receive a share of pnbiic patronage and support. PLEASE NOTE ADDRESS :— 24, OLDACRE TERRArp, TREVOR STREET, HIRDIR. 2219z 7 4 BENSON 1,S WORKMAN'S SILVER ENGLISH LEVER. X5: 5: 0. I SPECIALLY MADE TO KEEP PERFECT ? TIME. STAND ROUGH WEAR and TAST A LIFETIME. IN ALL SIZES. CAPPED, JEWELLED, and ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. Delivered safe and free to all parta on receipt of £5 5. 0. BY J. W. BENSON, THE STEAM FACTORY, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. IllMtrated Lists of Watches from JE2 2s to JE260 free.' Agents, Secretaries of Societies, Foreman, and others, required to establish Watch Clubs for the above. I:C2zc HENRY HOWELL, CHESTER STREET, W!tF-XR.t- PRACTICAL GASFITTER, Of Eleven years exper'encc, is prepared to fix and supply GAS FITTINGS Of every descupt! in upon the most reasonable tt:rnm. BEST MATERIALS AND COOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. REPAIRS AXD ESCAPES PRC'.H'TLX ATTEXDED TO. Chande!ier3-2-Hght, H/ 3-light, 1S/ Globes. from Hd to 5/ Brackets, Ha!l i.imp.,A, and ether nttings, at equally moderate prices. SOLE AGRNT FOR THE XEW ALBO-CARBON LIGHT (Renowned for its Economy and Illuminating Power), and also Agent for MULLER'S AIR CAS APPARATUS. P<t«e)'M BfJok.3 CM<! P)-ic, List.,3 on AppUcation. ESTIMATES GIVEN. 2142 WEAK SIGHT! HENRY LAURANCE S IMPROVED SPECTACLES, 44, HATTO.GARDE. LO:DO:i. At least cne-'ourth of those s H'enng fr.- I bHndnesa can cteM!y tmce the caIamity to .he use f'f Common SpeetaeJea, b; perfëctly adapted totheSii-ht. HENRV LAURAXCE'S SPECTACLES Are manufactured on an important principle, and are u-ed and recommen'if- by the !ea')ing Ocuhsts and f!e::t!cTnen of the Medicai Pro- fession throughout the United Kingdom. These Specacles are Clear and Con!, never Tire the t<yf, and whitst s'tbduin!; aU fnnam- matory Symptoms, assist. st:engthen, and pre- serve the Sight. Sm Jut.n & BEED1e1', 2,?tanche'!ter Square, London, W.. writes-I have tr ed the principa! Opticians in London withunt succe's, but your Spectacles <;uit: me admirKb!y, both for reading and walking. The clearness of your giasses, as compared with others, is realty surprising. t shall at all times recommend tem. Hundreds of Tes-timoBiais have been re- ceived from persuns whose -ighl. has been bene- fitted by their tMO when Ri! others have fai!ed, a iengthnned Ji-t' f which can be had gMtis on applicatioa to the APOTHECARIES' YJALL, (FRANCIS' BRANCH PHARMACY), 18, TOWN H!LL, WREXHAM. All Spec ac:3s :t:\mp<1 H. L. 272 A GOOD PLAN. i?t ? AND upwards jnd:cious!y invented in dMLV Oot'ons on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days. FULL DETAILS IN EXPLANATORY BO<'K CRATIS AND POST FREH.—Ad'tress, GEORGE EVANS and Co., Stock-brokers. <resh:m Hoaae, Old Broad Street, London, E.C. Best ac<t safest ptan ever devised. 2029 PHEASANTS PHEASANTS SPRATTS PATENT GA3IE MEAL '.XD "CRlSSEL," THE MOST SUCCESSFUL FOODS. S,A m. i, 1 s Fc-t fre?. GET YOCX lOULTRY l:;T,') SHOW C 0 N DI T I 0 N By using cut PT-JUT TRY MEAL, The most r<Btritious and digestive Food, invaluable for Turkeys, Dueka cr C-eese. Sample:; pest free. The Common Sense of Poultry Keeping, 4d. GROUND OYSTER SHELLS Specialty prepared. ninstrated 1.1st Post Free ef out IMPROVED POULTRY HOUSES AND APPLIANCES. "SPRATT'S" PATENT. Be?mondsey.S.F. HSc t T'S most astonishing the va!ne that can be had i. at the PEOPLE'S PROVISION MARKET, No. 10, CATTLE MARKET, WREXHAM, In Hams, Bacon, Cheese, and butter. Teas especially. All Farmers, Householders, and others will do well by giving a call before purchasing. CHARLES PRICE, PROPRIETOR. 2363p BREAD AND CONFECTIONERY. is H, L EECIE WISHES to thank his na-Btrom Customers and the Public genera!!y, for thsir kin-I i and begs to inform them that in addition to his NOTED BREAD SHOP IN YORKE-ST!;ELT, He has OPENED the premis-s lately occupied by MRS R. JONE- No. 5. HIGH.STREET, For the. ale of the very best BREAD, PASTRY, AND CONFECTIONERY. HOP3 supplied with Bread and all tin la of CatM. 9. YORKE-STREET, 5, lHHH-STREET. :3eja GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. Ad1:mÍ$t1" Office, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM. ETery deseriptioR of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTED. PROMPTLY EXECUUTEB Publishers (by authority) of the Abstract cf the Coat Mines Regulation Act Axn § Special CoWerl Rnteafot North Watea. To be had im Sheets and Bec-ks, in be ih and Wehh. B,AYLE¥ AND, B,RADL :8,1', PROPRIETORS Busmess ADmouncementa. r,.r, JBsSL TEA! t!! 4, ,:a..¡, :S 81 ARRIVAL OF THE :NE,'V SEASON'S TEAS. d4 .1, C. K. BEN80N, Q.. U;¡ ARE XOW SELLING THE NEW SEASON TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. NEW SEASON'S TEAS. G00D' B.tACK TX" bcoll qu:.lity aud 1 STRONG BLACK TEA, good Savour and JI. tid. Hquor. f VERY STRONG TEA. a;reat strength, ? ? d. good navour, and Sne )if{ucr. f" SUPER!OR BLACK TEA.—Mon:ng and, Datjeeling Assam. ExceHent Family h ,9di high'y recommended. J OUR FAMOUS MtXTUH&t.f China, In<tiitn Teas. ReaMy Mnf, of };t' :t'< t cedented vatue, as M proved from its t ever-increasing sate. VERY SUPERIOR BLACK TEA.—A that is a perfect boon to connoisseurs, j a mixture ot Hneat Indian Teas of „ :0.. icost iBexhaustiMe strength and 1hvour) highly Mccmmended. td per !b. less for Mbs. ai:J upwaids. Every chcice hind the connoisseur may ?n asefuthind theeccnomist may wish to purchase, .re .tp p!ied at wholesale ptices. tNMAN TEA. DEHVERJES FROM FfVE ,nIUO:1 POUNDS Pt R )W'fH. tm!ian (!rowth (as regards stre'igth find richnes-: of as a tulefar surpasses the thoicest cf China. Frotn :,r lùto"e Tet.s has steadily inerfased untit t!)e ,ie 't.ts ;f.teh!.tt ionneaae proporM<.ns, thus a growth inpubiic favour, and not a mete temporary'le-i'sfjr change. This decided preference isnotf!ifSctt!f; t1 of India having nflate graduiiMy i!:n.rd7:d in nmonr ar.d <tH8!ity, whiie nf ('t i: .j been! re:rosradi!!g, owing to t'!e f -;r w! -) jn that. country to produce quantity at thj of quality. Prices—Is M.; 2s.; 2s. tM.; :];J. Those who wish to aave their money should pur- chase at these STORES. Terma strict Cash except by spt:ciali :1rrr:¡::3- ments with the PROPRIETORS. PRICE LII;Tt> FREE by Post. GO" 'In app:ic?.ticn :.t :b.o Stores. !c. K. BENSON & CO.. TBE NORTH WALES SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, M WREXHAm. 7/OM. ,SltTueOl lJeu.!i:>t to the a!< SURGEON DENTIST. OPPOSITE THE SAVIXGS BAXK), W KEXli,r. )IR., COLTDIAN: begs to thank hi.s pat!r')ts 'r patronage during the fast 17 years, a).d tf ini'irc 'h"r.¡ that he teamed practice, after Hn extensi.'e tCtH in and South Afri'n. CONSULTATIONS FREE. the Ji¡.¡¡t (md t 'A<! ¡,¡.nnth. H. Wrexham, m m'ymedd yn oi. Y maent he<h1}"v reoB ddifH:ch n'r dyd<t y "efais hwy. Y nM' nt ;n ;wj' A na danedd natur cdtUethr ychydig yn y (tcchrm. Y :t:e!1 wyf ) 1), sicr :ti .t\na bria rhefl:u.td Mr C. !eman ond gwehusrai c\!M- w. i £liJ, .£i2, a .e!5. Y mae p-mdtr D<:i:ttwyr DC.. ') jri i ;1' fod yn yn eu prishm. 1!.b;:iH 21, 1b3, J. K. COXWT. (j C 0 P X. j fae gen)'! byfr}..I\Vh mawr iddwyn fv i fedrusrwy'td )fr T. H. Coleman fel Deinty<:d. Cvni:mm.(t a gweithiodll aHan f::is yn tra rhugoti f:t- un n;ui 'ne n sym!rw)('J, e<fe:thio!rwy(:d, a gal!f rhe.y- molrwydd pri< Wrexham. Ebrin 2.5, !??. DAYiD R.?B-R: [COPY.] Dyn cywir, a cywrain, <!yna fy f ,.m :'ft T. H. Go:em<m. LIanfynydd, 25 EbnII, T. R. LLM a (M;n)! *t'CanMtei]:trou:iauRheHfff(rdd i r< f rhesymo! i Wrcxham. a roddant Mcheb wp(!')f' Attendance at CORWE the 1st and :}r<! fln.¡ \t 'o 2nd and 4th Fridays ia every month. 1":a ? t A CAR D. MR. ¡, I". ,I; il.ElO L.D.SR.C.&, Late student of Hnspita!. London. ¡H¡ s'n f Huratio Jonet, 25. GasMe-strt:et, Shrew ibury, SUKGEOX DEXTIST, Begs to state that he hi'9 madearrangemcn-K tr: h: :11: Wrcxh..M, and may be djUj & MRS HUGHES, 2G, REGENT STREET, WREHNAM. NITROUS OXIDH GAS Reduced Fees fot Domestics. I"- 7T ir' l\lUSIC'AL BOXE. %Po 3 0. 0 TO £150 0. o. E. LN.S 0 N'S M U S I C AL BOXES .Ð.i¿:" "i of Speoit! ma!:e ?nd 't i;y ?t i v h, I pe?s pricea, p ?cnt lon? ?!y- ing Ilan(loli ne. I:c and S'tMime Harm:.r!v ft with net's, Cni-tasncttps- Xnhec acccmpHnintects an't aMe Barrels. The !arges& Stock m Ron.' rt. On view at the St<m t2, and 64. HTDGATE H:I.L. I!!ustratc(t C..talo;ue'J Fre'1'. I RAVE'S COJlDlEU CORSET and .\P,DO,!l:l.'£ PAD. From Ihe Corsets of :ll3.,L.rn. (-Mj are the best we h;{,,« t-ver -ie-a an<t wHtgive White, iO 1.: B'ack or ScarM. ;< 1" d, 25/ WhIt".J for u,. ¡ ¡¡If, 17 ). Black S;atin 42 The Bel* on!y, White, !¡; Black, W ¡j. Corsets, without B-'t "V!"te 31ll, 5,f. 7;il; t 5, t;, Ilt; U. ACEXT: MRS. EVANS, 2283 CHURCH STREET, WREX.lA f C?s C(?K???XT?????M??????vH?? '?HIROPOOINE," the htest mvent.on, win p?t. '? ?lyc'?- AM?WiHe.MMnceyo.j. ?i?eM tf?Mrnitnythmg ytft mvented. Price 1:?. free b' ? r??? tra 1"5 stam?. 9 Trx i? Pot-age, Chemiat, B?erley.