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Business Announcements- B' A R C Y' S Celebrated DUBLIN STOUT I J)LF -iNCHOR BREWERY, DUBLIN. (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one). P ices and Lt?i m? on application. _T_ALKE_H's CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are WALKEII's CIZY-)TAI,  WATCHEN ire W superseding all others. Prize Medals, London. t-?-. I?rts, 1S-7. ?7??- tr.jin jE:< 3s., C?? from E6 Ms? Gomhill, E.C. 23" Hcocut-strcet, W. A: 7ti Strand, W.C. ?-?crtptiv& Pamphlet live. tU?SON S DYES7—lslMers^ M. each. —RIBBONS, <? WOOL, SH.K, FEATHERS, Completely Dyed in Ten Alitittes without soiling the hands. Full instructions s?ppiied. Of all Chemists. TEA.-BEl' VALiTB-}o'O!(:.l\lüNEY.. 'BSTER BROS. 39, Moorgate-street, City, have W a large stock of well selected Black TEAS, from ? M to 2s 4d, and supply Very Fine Strong Rich Congou, .2ti 6d, Very Choice Souchong, 2s IOd. Orders for £ 2 Korth sent carriage paid to all parts of England; E4 Wale- £ eotla,nd, and Ii eland. E. nAG i. E-'IN HU RAN C E COM P AN Y, -1 Established 1807. (FOR LIVES ONLY.) 79, LALL MALL, LONDON. Premiums £ 346,279 £3 199 {i' 9 Invested Ponds £ 3,199.699 Interest & Dividends (bcine- 1;1 8s I'd per cent.) £ 139 019. FUKTUKU SECUHITY—A Subscribed Capital of more than ■ £ 1,M)0, OO-Expellscs of Management under 3 per cent. GEORGE HUMPHREYS, Actuary and Secretary. RRASS, IRIEEI), ,TlilNG, ANI) DRUM AND L,'IFE ISiKDS, PIANOFORTES, AND HARMt NIUMS 1 SUPPLIED. A T wholesale prices, at J. MOORE'S Buxton-road Hudderstield. Patterns and prices post free. llusic for any kind cf band. Patronited by the At my, Navy and Rifle Corp". ITJO-H'Y CARRIAGES and Victoria Broughams Every descnpti.m of Pony Carriages 2 and 4 wheels, Waggonettes, Village Carts, Landau's, Broughams mc-w designs free. The Registered Victoria and Pilrh Jkvughams form Brougham, Victoria and Driving Phajton —drawings. J. RIDUI.ECOMBE, 57, Grert Queen-street, W.C. and US. Euston Read, London. ASPH ALTE ROOFING FELT. p „„„„ One Penny per square foot. ? t! ?n r ?? ??T??' MANUFACTRERS C AFlLbHLioM n Wharf, 10, Upper Thames-street, London. 59 George Sqnare.Gia?gow. -2: G ort)e Piazzas, Liverpool. ItON CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, AND ROOFS, Erected by CROGGO-N AiD CO. Albion Wharf, 10. Upper Thames-street, London. o9, George Square, Glasgow. 2, Goree Piazzas, Liverpool. Taut u M N HOMPSON'S CRINOLINES. FJIHOMPSON'S 0 VERSKIRTS. fJlHOMPSON'S CORSETS. r rIIOAIPSON'S CORSET BUSKS. THE BEST MANUiACTUBED ARE The Pagoda," I- Duplex" or Empress" Crinolines. The Genuine Seamless "Batswing" Oversldrts. The Pique" Seamed "Batswini?" Overskirts. The Celebrated" Gl,ire-Fittitig" Corsets. The" Unbreakable" Corset Busks. e I'HOMSON," and Trade Mark a CROWN. The only sectirity for Gonuine Goods. HKJfRY ARCHER AND Co.'s  REGISTEREL nGOLDEN BIRDSEYE. everywhere in 2 or 4 oz. Packets, at 6s per lb. T^ tv ^w Oniv at !7n and K2. BOROUGH, London, S.E. iJ £ i,:pu STOMACH and $????'? ? '-??'L.?.?T? sue .-f; -.ually relieved ..uallyrelieve(i IV '• J 4; 11 EAT) & LI V. PILLS. In A! *'ai P":n!re them, or f,. i >'«r, ,.>S and 111 j ILNER'S ?"'m. ?' i'- (<Lt?- AST.?XD FIRE **f S 1 ftT ES. t'?:?- 3 d. p ? ? tf 1 cb-aTH-sj -■ in '.a. Thieves,' t"?: lli-tniid 5.-  ,j J.u::jrrate 51; v", L'-ii' '.Liverpool; M. ?rkti-??:, ^hi-cue tc-r, av. I'k.r.noale Works Manchester. -lafe Works CLEANLlNE-W. G. NIXEY's Refined BLACK ? I V .J "verywhere by all Shopkeepers. C\L>;AXi.l.\i W. G. NIXEY's Refined BLACK iu H-Au (,I polishing Stoves, &c., equal to bur ■' 'iel, without waste or dust. "IV REFINED BLACK LEAD. -ss. "-The proprietor be,s to CAU- n!t being imposed upon by unprin- k ■ with a view of deriving greater I ;iig ind vending SPURIOUS IMI- f article.—Ask for W. G. NIXEY'S • see that you have it. 12, Soho '1' _? ?__ W- ?KOKEX GLASS of all sorts bought. It mav be • forwarded by Railway from any Station in bags M—-o?ld ? dry Casks, addressed AIR E and CALDER GLASS WFTLE COMPANY, Cas:ldord, York?ihiie, or to heir order at any of the London terminal Railway Stations. There is ewploym-nt for Boys in the Glass Works as .b8ve. Letters to 83, Upper Thames Street, where samples ef Broken Glass may he sent. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. ——— THE GREAT REMEDY of the day for ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and NEURALGIA, m tew doses will cure all incipient caces. The extrarrdin- 4ary inedical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne renders it ef vital impoi tance that the public should obtain the Xcmiino, which is now eoid under the protection of govern- ment, authorising a stamp bearing the words Dr. J. Collis Browne s Chlorod^ iie," without which none i, .i ,2e See decision of Vice-chancellor Sir W i -)ce Wood, the ???s." July 16, 8q. S< ld in bottles Is l.'Jd !Ed 4s -d,byn]l chemists. Sole manufacturer "J T. DAvr.NPORT, 33, Gieat Russell-street, London, W.C. mHK TAPER B U-SK BODICE (Patent) greatly im. JL pioves the figure, to which it adds grace and elegance, and is modelled to the newest French Fashions. The Tarer Busk is constructed on an cntiiely aovel pinciple, cannot be broken; for lightness and elasticity is unequalled, and can be instantly securely fastened or Stnfastened- WHE EIDER DOWN BODICES, PATENT (WITH TAPER BUSK), Are a valuable profecUon ?ain? cot?, <?p(.cMllv guarding ihiung. against the dang, rous re?.)t of ,u.dell chiiis °fS^^0f^Le Pat"ntee". W. THOMAS & BROS., 128 and 19, Ch"apside, London; and Retail of all Drapers and Millin(?r,. S ILK FUR NIT U R E.-N O rrT^c^~ Manufacturers of all kinds of FURXITURE SILli CURTAIN BORDERS worsted Reps, Utrecht Velvets, &c. Patterns lent on application. Established ^ver 100 YLa-s. The trade only supplied, 124, WOOD STREET, LONDON, E.C. ?_<WAN & EDGAR, S<LK: MERCERS & GENERAL 6s DRAPER.-Established 60 Years. First-class tAld durable goods at th" lowest pos-ible cash. prices. htterns free. Carii ige paid on £ o jarcels. Piccadillvi end Repent Street, London, W. ?_UTrO?'<&Tco?6,?ewgate tTeet, London F-4,?4TCYGO() i ;,? 'T,)Y.S Ti)YS> ?c—WLoIesale on?.' ?OYELTIRSforChri?n'as Pie-. nts A New Year's Gifts M VRESS, MAMLE, and Upholstery Trimmings M-T Manufacturers, Haberdashers and Warehouse- men. HUT-TON & Co., (j, Ncwgau Street, Ltrndon.— nolf«ale only. RIBBUN YELVETS, Fringes, Gimps, Braids, and Inxnrmngs of all descriptions. (Wholesale and JSxport). HUTTON & Co., (i, Newgate Street, E.C., (Established 1765). CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. TENNER & KNEWSTUB'S GOLD WATCHES. ?B? With latest improvements. Ladies .?10 io 0 Gentlet-.en's be,t English I-ever. 12 12 0 JE-V-NER AND KNEWSTUB'S SPECIALITIES IN JEWELLERY, including fine Gold Bracei,-t6 from E-10 10 0 Earrings from 1 15 0 Brooches from 2 2 0 fiigne'and Gem Rings from 3 8 0 GelD Scarf Pi. from. 5 5 It MUA JIKIITREDS ot USETUL ELEGANCIES SUITABLE for PRESENTS. JENNER & KNEWSTUB'S GOLD CHAINS. 18 CARAT, H«LL MA?ICED. 5 GUINEAS vf-T OZ. CASH DISCOUNT 10 per Cent. JENNER and KNEWSTUB „ To the QTJEEN. JfWeller,, I)resging Care and 'Travillins-' Bag Makers, 33, JBT. JAMES'S ST., hnd 66, JERMYN ST., I?NDO?, W. HALLIARD TABLES.-THURSTON & CO., Manu- facturers by ?PP??<Mut to H?IL The <?ueen und H. R. H., the I'RMCEOT W Je?. Estallihed iSI? 14 ^LH«W 'S8 STAND' London, W.C. NEWANDEXTENL '¡Vf' Show Rooms. LOANS Gnt&ted bv the BRITISH MUWAL iii- i? \ESnœNT COMPANY ?ite? upS?Sd SECURITY WITH or WITHOUT LIFE ASSU-ANCE ?. ??by E-sy In?Imcnts. P.o'-pectu?s, rMms, &C <M. ?;? e&t!onto JOSEPH K- JACKSON, Soc,et4ty. M, ??.ew BRIDGE Stre<.t?L..ndon, E.C. H B A T H E R-Y A u N, For Knitting and Crotchet; WOOL DYED, COARSE AND FINE. Sold by all Berlin Wool Dealers, and General Drapers, in the United Kingdom and Colonies. fpKEI?MFYtXG?L!CArE??? JL ?dured by t? Silicate i?int Compauy, Liverpool. L-re 11(i ip-ioyi (?ii Ir<,mor ot?rMct?s.?J) -44AU4 d? gree bH?teh?, 1 cwt will do WI:JI0UT BLISTERING, 1 CWT WILL DO ? JANUARY, ? ?? ??'- ? ?? ? Engineenng t)? ?? DAMPCHURCHEST &c., curd by the PETRIFYING LIQUID, at a COST ?f 2D to 3d per YARD.—SEE ARTICLE IA Builder, 9th MARCH, 1872 I'or IlóLl'ÜGU4rJi Md Testimonials a.pply to the SILICATE *'K^KLY GAZRTTE'furmAe?nfor?- ?B  inpell,folble to ? 1'rwiers ??S C?'t-  E&ED oa a simple and comprehenHve *Ymle-. m?f?? '?? M"Me<ed with this Etab1ih- anent in L<;ndon, eXc<:l't ;¡¡,t l?) Gi'esham.J:;et. Prospectus ????' ?"? ? ?' ??am.?et. Prospects ««.WlicatU,n YEAST !>OWDER, sed in the oi^EEV'S TrwT-WDER, used in the  and &U Gro(*rs. C?- FO'WLS IN ?-——. A DELICACY*  IS.UPPER'S^ MAM"SS M''IO>FDON FOlmerly \nth 111? 'GO;'emcir Oenl:r¡¡l in India. ? 7a c,/ CÚlJtuining two fowls, í2, G,L ?' exopt bating his registered Ti-a<k Mark. Ail orders to be pr,. ???otfm.M f?wa? on apfii»tioxfc Shipping Notices. "WHITE STAR" LINE 3ci OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY (LIMITED), X LIVERPOOL to and from NEW YORK. 'LSZSS £ -~r £ *■^3L' The new full-powered Steamships— OCEANIC, I BALTIC, I ADRIATIC, ATLANTIC, I REPUBLIC I ANTARCTIC. These vessels are all uniform, of the highest speed, and replete with modern conveniences in every department. Saloon and Cabin are amidships. Passengers booked through to all parts of United States, British America, China, Japan, India, and Australia. Sail from LIVERPOOL on THURSDAYS, QUEENS- TOWN on FRIDAYS. CELTIC .Thursday, Feb. 6 ATLANTIC Thursday, Feb. 13. REPUBLIC .Thursday, Feb. 20 ADRIATIC .Thursday, Feb. 27 Drafts issued on New York free of charge. Saloon passage X18 18s and 21 guineas. Return Tickets, 35 guineas. Steerage, £6 6s. For freight apply at the Company's Office, 19 Broadway, New York in Queenstown, to James Scott and Co.; 96, Market Street, Chicago; or to ISMAY, IMRIE, & CO., 10, Water-street, Liverpool; or to 95e 7, East India avenue. London, E.C. Agent for Wrexham: CAPTAIN J AMES GLADSTONE, 9, Temple Row, Wrexham. Agent for Holyhead :—Mr W. W. SMITH. NATIONAL LINE. THE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE ARE THE LARG- EST PASSENGER STEAMSHIPS AFLOAT. ? O TEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO .iE?!i ?? ? NEW YORK EVERY WEDNES- VM?-?DAY AND FROM QUEENSTOWN :B EVERY THURSDAY. NATIONAL STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Limited.) The new full-powered British Iron Screw Steam-ships. SHIPS TONS I EGYPT,Grogan .50 SPAIN, Grace .4900 ITALY, Thompson 3700 FRANCE, Thomson .3571 I CANADA, Webster. 3500 Gj?E,?Kemp 35001 _.n.. SHIPS TONS ENGLAND, Andrews.3307 THE QUEEN, Thomas.3517 HOLLAND, Bragg .35;0 ERIN, Lawson .3310 HELVETIA, Griggs .3315 DENMARK, Sumner.3118 wuioe despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows:— FRANCE .WEDlŒSDAY, 5th Feb. ijf" SPAIN WEDNESDAY, 12th Feb FGL CANADA WEDNESDAY, 19th Feb.  And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is unsurpassed, the state rooms being unusually large, and open off the Saloons, which are situated in the poop on deck—the poop being 130 feet long. Rate of Passage 12, 15, & 17 Guineas, ac- cording to accommodation in Stateroom—all having same privilege in Saloon. Return Tickets Twenty-Five Guineas. The Steerage accommodation is unequalled for space, light, and ventilation. Abundance of Fresh Provisions served up cooked by the Company's Stewards. R., tes of passage on Reduced Terms. Passengers booked through to Aspinwall,—San Fran- inland towns of Canada and of the United States on favourable terms' also to Australia, New Zea- land, China, and Japan, at low through rates, via New York and San Francisco. For Freight or Passage apply to THE NATIONAL STEAM SHIP COMPANY, (Limited), 21 and 23, Water-street, LIVERPOOL to Mr JOHV POWELL, 2, Charles-street, WREXHAM or to N. and J. CUMMINS and BROS., Queenstown. WILLIAM BAVIES, draper, Dolgelley; STAPLETON H. DAVIES, Holywell; JOHN CALDECOTT, 19, Pepper-street, Chester. 10 r Passengers are advised to secure their Passages from the Local Agents before leaving home. 1 Tx/k ALLAN" MAIL LINE. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE TO CANADA, AND THE UNITED vJ- STATES. —Shortest Route to the West. Tha superb Steamships of this Line now run direct every Tuesday and Thursday, from LIVERPOOL to PORTLAND, forwarding Passengers to NEW YORK and BOSTON, and to ALL CITIES AND TOWNS IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. From LIVERPOOL to PORTLAND. •Moravian .Thursday, Jan. 30. St. Andrew .Tuesday, Feb. 4. *Sarmatian .Thursday, „ 6. St. Patrick. Tuesday, „ 11. "Rcantlinavian .Thursday, „ 13. Nova Scotian Tuesday, „ 18. Polynesian .Thursday, „ 20. Caspian .Tuesday, „ 25. ♦Prussian .Thursday, „ 27. Corinthian .Tuesday, Mar. 4. Sarmatian Thursday, „ 6. St. David.Tuesday, „ 11. "Moravian .Thursday, II 13. St. Andrew .Tuesday, II 18. Austria n Thursday, „ 20. St. Patrick Tuesday, „ 25. "Scandinavian .Thursday, „ 27. Nova Scolian Tuesday, April 1. .Polynesian .Thursday, C3. Caspian Tuesday, „ 8. The Mail Steamships for HALIFAX, NORFOLK, and BALTIMORE, sail as follows:- Forwarding Passengers by Rail to all parts of the Middle Western, South Western and Southern States. Manitoban, Tues., 11 Feb. I Peruvian, Tues., 25 Mar Hibernian, Tues., 14 I Hibernian, Tues., 8 Apr. Nestorian, Tuesday 11 Mar. Nestorian, Tues., 22 Cabin Passage to Halifax, Portland, Boston New York, Norfolk, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, £18 18s, or E15 15s according to accommodation, including Provi- sions, but not Wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. Return Tickets at reduced rates. A limited number of intermediate passengers are taken in each Steamer at £9 9s, including Beds, Bedding, and all necessary utensils, dining apart from steerage. Appli- cations for berths to be made in advance. Steerage passage to St. John, Halifax, Portland, Bos- ton, New York, Norfolk, or Baltimore, £ 6 6s including a plentiful supply of ceoked Provisions. Intermediate and Steerage Stewardesses are carried by this line to attend to the wants of female passengers and children. Baggage taken from the Ocean Steamships to the Rail- way Cai-s free of expeme. Any information required concerning Canada, can be obtained from Mr Dixon, 11, Adam-street, Adelphi, London, Agent for the Canadian Government. Pamphlets on Canada supplied gratis by our agents. K¿ff" SHORTEST ROUTE to San Francisco via the UNION PACIHC RAILROAD. THROUGH TICKETS issued on the most favourable terms. For Freight or passage apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Alexandra-buildings, James-street, Liverpool, or to and 85, Foyle-street, Londonderry. w tc EDWARD LOVATT, Auctioneer, Wrexham. COMPANY'S SPECIAL NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS We advise Passengers to obtain their Tickets from our Agents before leaving home. 874r «. =L ? TNMAN LINE OF ROYAL MAIL JL STEAMERS, appointed to sail from .g?i,???'\?. LjVERrooL via QUEENSTOWN, to NEW -A/JKW 'YoRK. every TUESDAY and THURSDAY. ,,S YORK, every TUESDAY and THURSDAY.  CITY OF MONTREAL .Thursday, Feb. 6 CITY OF WASHINGTON .Tuesday, Feb. 11 CITY OF BROOKLYN .Thursday, Feb. 13 CITY OF BRUSSELS Thursday, Feb. 20 Cabin Passage—Tuesday Sailings, 12 and 15 Guineas; Thursday Sailings, 15 and 18 Guineas, having equal Saloon privileges. Steerage Passage to New York, Six Guineas, with a full supply of Cooked Provisions. Passengers forwarded to Boston, Baltimore, or Portland, without extra charge. Passengers for all parts of CANADA and the UNITED STATES booked through on very advantageous terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water-street, Liverpool; or to W. H. TILSTON, Bank-street Chambers, Wrexham. 1903z UNITED STATES AND CANADA. ?????? STEAM BETWEEN LIVERPOOL,  AND PORTLAND. MISSISSIPPI AND DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. The following and other first-class full-powered Steamers awe intended to form a regular line as above:— SAINT LOUIS 1,824 VICKSBURG 2,500 MEMPHIS 2,500 TEXAS ?350 MISSISSLPM .2,200 1 TEXAS 2,350 BELGIAN ?,150 MISSISSIPPI" LINE. LIVERPOOL TO NEW ORLEANS. ltUSSOUlu: .We(lnesday, Feb. 5 U DOMINION" LINE FOR BOSTON AND PORTLAND, U.S. TEXAS. Wednesday, Feb. 12. Carrying Goods 2nd Passengers at through rates to all parts of Canada. IMPORTANT TO EMIGRANTS. ASSISTED PASSAGES.—The steamers of this Line have been appointed by the Government of the Dominion of Canada for the conveyance of eligible emigrants, to whom passages will be fien at reduced rates. Applicants should state occupation and age, and for- ward certificate of character from a minister of religion or justice of the peace to local passenger agents. For rates of freight and cabin passage apply to TAYLOR, TIPI-ER, and Co., Haigraves Buildings, Chapel- street, Liverpool; for cabin,nd steerage passage apply to the Managing Owners, FfciXN, MAIN, and MOXT- GOMERY, Lancelot's hey, Liverpool; JOHN DAWSON, and Co., Queenstown. 1651c CUNARD .(£1::1' RQYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM LIVERPOOL DIRECT TO NEW YORK & BOSTON. The CUNARD ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS sail every TUES- DAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, and have superior accommodation for Cabin and Steerage Passengers. PARTHIA. CALABRIA. TARIFA. SCOTIA. BATAVIA. ABYSSINIA. CUBA. SIBERIA. JAVA. SAMARIA. ALGERIA. HECLA. ALEPPO. KUSSIA. ATALT& PALMYRA. CHINA. BOTHNIA. 34 lyjr rates of freight or passage apply to D. and C. MAQ IVER, I, Rumford Set, Jiv^rpoo~ ls or to JOS. FIVAXSI 1, B¡t'U.stred, Wrexhimr Business Announcements. ESTABLISHED 18.5 2. F. FRASER, WATCH-MAKER, SILVERSMITH, & JEWELLER, 42, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM, Respectfully invites the attention of his customers, and the public generally, to his Stock of ENGLISH AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, TIME-PIECES, WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER GUARDS, ALBERTS, JEWELLER-Y IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Weather Glasses, Concertinas, Electro-plated Tea and Breakfast Services, Table and Dessert Forks and Spoons, Cruet Stands, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Portmonnies, Combs, Brushes, Gentlemen's Travelling Satchels, Spectacles, &c., &c., which he is determined to sell at the lowest possible prices. CLUBS DONE AWAY WITH. MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. A Reduction of 10 Per Cent. in Wedding Rings. Note the Address: No. 42, HIGH-STREET (Clock over the Door). 2461a FRANCIS'S VOICE LOZENGES, FOR CLEARING AND STRENGTHENING THE VOICE, RELIEVING ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT HOARSENESS, HUSKINESS, SORE THROAT, RELAXATION OF THE UVULA AND TONSILS TEAZING AND NERVOUS COUGHS, Give power and tone to the Voice in*speaking or singing and relieve throat affections arising from any un- usual exertion of the Voice, colds, and other causes. Public Speakers and Singers take them with much benefit as a preventative of Hoarseness, and as a remedy when it exists. Mr Lewis (Llew Llwyvo) I believe that I could not have performed my part (owing. to hoarseness) at the concert, had it not been for the efficacy of your Lozenges." Mr Hughes (chorister, Bangor Cathedral, N. W.):—" Your Lozenges completely restored my voice," &c. Rev. Mr Roberts, Glanaled "They are excellent for disordered voice and hoarseness." A Clergyman (near Wrexham):—"They have a wonderful effect upon my voice. Sold in Boxes, 7M.9Jd., Is. lid., 2s. 9d. each: per post, or 8d., 10d., Is. 2d., 3s., from the Maker. tie FRANCIS, CHEMIST, 54, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. Also Wholesale through Messrs EVANS, SONS & Co., CLAY, DOD & CASE, Liverpool. 1319r PRICE & CO. BOTTLER'S OF EAST INDIA & BURTONS ALE, 1? AND LONDON AND DUBLIN STOUT, Have a arge Stock in prime condition. 991j WREXHAM ADVERTISER OFFICE (LATE MUSIC HALL). ALL kinds of Letter Press Printing, executed by A. hand and Steam Power. CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, AND CARDS, in the neatest styles. DRAW AND PAY SHEETS AND SETS OF DACCOUNT BOOKS FOR COLLIERIES. COLLIERY RULES IN ENGLISH OR WELSH. BALL PROGRAMMES, MENU CARDS, and 1 3 WINE LISTS. BREWERS; and Merchants' Delivery, Order, and Receipts Books Printed and Bound. 13 OTTLE and Cask Labels, Direction Cards. DRAPERS' POSTERS & HAND-BILLS Displayed Din First-rate Style, on the shortest notice, and on very advantageous terms. AUCTIONEERS' SALE BILLS and CATALOGUES with the utmost expedition. HECK DELIVERY BOOKS, ETC. POST CARDS printed for all purposes at cheap JL rates. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. The best Remedy for Gout and Rheumatism. Sold by all Chemists &c., at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6 per box. 17j. SELF CURE FOR INVALIDS. (MEDICINE SUPERSEDED). NATURE'S CURATIVE. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. HEALTH AND MANHOOD RESTORED (Without Medicine.) CURE YOURSELF BY THE ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC SELF-ADJUSTING CURATIVE. O UFFERERS from Nervow Debility, f<tM?MDre<MtM, S 3?Mta! and Physical .D?rMMM, Palpitation oj the heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Im- paired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self- Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, dizc., (Cc. CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES By the only Guaranteed Remedy" in Europe, protected and sanctioned by the faculty. Details free for One Stamp by WALTER JENNER, Esq., Medical Electrician (to the London Hospitals), PERCY HOUSE, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. N.B.—Medicine and Fees superseded. In proof of the WONDROUS CURES effected, Inva- lids can have the ELECTRIC MAGNETIC CURATIVE on Trial, with references to the leading Physicians of the day. day. Established 1840 as Surgical Mechanician, &c. A Test Gratis. Send for Details. CA UTION.-N.B.-This is the only acknowledged Scientific Appliance in use in the various Hospitals and recognised by the Medical Faculty of Great Britain, and none are genuine unless had direct from Jfr WALTER JENNER, who cautions the public against selj styled Doctors imitating his discoveriesaud copying portions of this advertisement. Vide Prize Medal and Hospital reports. 270 Just Published for Two Stamps. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ the New Publication, by Dr. J. A. BARNES, J? M.D. (U. S.), entitled NERVOUS DEBILITY, or Words of Warning." A treatise en the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Nervousness, and Ex- hausted Vitality. The Author has for years given his exclusive attention to the treatment of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and many other ailments, which, if neglected, bring the sufferers to an early Death. I'his Valuable Work, which has been truly called WORDS OF WARNING. is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials, and not only gives the cause but the means of cure. Hundreds of cases which had been thought hopeless have been restored t. perfect health and vigour after all other means had failed. TO THE MARRIED AND SINGLE this book is invaluable. Sent post free, on receipt of two stamps (or by letter post, three stamps). Address, Dr. BARNES, 1, Lonsdale Square, Bamsbory, London, N. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. DR. BARNES may be consulted personally or by Dletter, in all private and confidential cases; and, for the benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit him, he will, on receiving a description of their cue, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinioat upon the nature of the case, and the prin- ciples ef treatment necessary to effect a perfect cure. Kif Address, Dr. BARNES, 1, Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London. N. 2251e RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND is the Hmost certain and speedy Remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Hooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Veiee, Ac., this Balsam gives instantaneous relief, and, if properly persevered with, scarcely ever fails to effect a rapid Cure.. It has now been tried for many years, has an estab- lished reputation, and many thousands have been benefited by its use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIALS. BRONCHITIS. — LADY RussELL has found the Balaam a most effective remedy for Bronchitis, and always keeps it ready for use.— RICHARD GOWER, Cwmafon, suffers much from Bronchitis, always nnds relief from first teaspoonful, and keeps it in the house ready for an emergency.— ASTHMA. MARY JENKINS, Pontaiarlais, Merthyr, afflicted with Asthma, cured with taking three bottles, permanently.-WILLIAK DAVIES, Ystalyfera, bad for seven years with Asthma, bought a bottle of Mr Weir, chemist; able to go to work after taking one bottle. Prepared only by A. HAYMAN, Chemist, Neath sold in bottles at lslld and 2s 9d each, by all respectable chemists in North and South Wales. Agents For Wrexham Mr JAS. F. EDISCURY, High- treet, and Mr FRANCIS, Chemist, Hope-street. 1717 ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 Pills is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains n the Back.-Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemist and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address or CO Stamps by the Maker, F. J. CLARKE, Consuming Chemist, High Street, Lincoln.Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sopg, London, a.n4 al the Wholesale Hauatja. 6SSr I Business Announcements, THE GUINEA WREXHAM. PALE INDIA ALE, A Delightful Tonic, of a delicate Straw Colour and Fine Flavour. Brewed expressly for Family Use, p at THE BREWERY, WREXHAM, THE CELEBRATED PALE INDIA ALE, THE GUINEA WREXHAM t 18 Gallons for 21s., 9 Gallons, 10s 6d. DELIVERED CARRIAGE PAID. H. K. ASPINALL, BREWER and MALTSTER, 2107c WREXHAM. p R I c E Co., SHAREBROKERS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. 6680 WREXHAM. THE OLD SWAN BREWERY, JL ABBOT-STREET, WREXHAM (FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES ONLY), EDWARD LOVATT, PROPRIETOR, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Agent for the Provincial Insurance Company, Tipper s Cattle Food, the Wrexham Tent Company. 893j JOHN H. KIDD & CO., Manufacturers of RAILWAY WAGGON C'OVERS, H BOAT, RICK, AND TENT CLOTHS, CART COVERS, LIME SHEETS, All sizes kept in Stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, TUBING, HORSE COVERS, WATERPROOF RUGS, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS, Roofing, Dry Hair, and Boiler Felt, SACKS, COTTON WASTE, LAMP WICKS, Ropes, Twines, Net &c. OFFICES: PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. 2137 "For the BLOOD is the LIFE."—See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD Ffrom ALL IMPURITIES, cannot be too highly recommended. It CURES OLD SORES, CURES ULCERATED SORES in the NECK, CURES ULCERATED SORE LEGS, CURES BLACKHEADS, or PIMPLES on FACE, CURES SCURVEY SORES, CURES CANCEROUS ULCERS, CURES BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE MATTES, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from mercury—which all pills and most medicines free from anything injurious to the mest delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s 3d each, and in Cases, containing six Bottles, lis each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps, by F. J. Clarke, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN. Wholesale Agents: BARCLAY and SONS, LONDON, and all the whole- sale Houses. 1844c CHARLES cLARKEY- BILL POSTER FOR TOWN & COUNTRY, TOWN CRIER AND NEWS AGENT, P L I N T. Agent for the sale of the WREXHAM ADVERTISER at Flint, Bagillt, Northop, and surrounding districts.  COMMENTARIES, and RE- FLIGIOUS BOOKS, in great variety, at C. G BAYLEY'S, The Cress, Oswestry. I ESTABLISHED 1789. WILLIAM PIERCE, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, AND GENERAL UNDERTAKER, BRIDGB STREET, WREXHAM. AGENT TO THE PATENT METALLIC AIR- TIGHT COFFIN COMPANY, LIMITED. THESE coffins are covered with white, I black, and crimson cloth or velvet, and and every design of coloured and metal furniture is used. They are only i the weight of lead coffins and are more durable. The expense is so small that they can be used for all funerals except those of the very poorest class. Various sizes kept in stock. 2383y PUBLIC NOTICE. THOMAS LEWIS, general bill poster and advertising Tagent, rents all the posting stations in and around Oswestry; bill poster te the Cambrian and Great West- ern Railway Companies. Office: Oswald Row, Beatrice- street, Oswestry, where all orders must be addressed. THE NEW LANCASHIRE STEEL PEN, I AND ALL OTHER PENS, Manufactured by EDWARD V09RSANGER, SOLD BY CHARLES G. BAYLEY, THE CROSS AND CHURCH-STREET, One of the Agents for Oswestry. GEORGE BLOOR, Member of the United Kingdom Bill PosteriC Association, GENERAL BILL POSTER AND DEAD WALL DECORATOR, 8, CHAPEL SQ XJA RE, PENTREFELIN, WREXHAM Lessee of Special Posting Stations. Town and Country orders punctually attended to. TERMS MODERATE. THE GEOLOGY OF WREXHAM AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. COPIES can still be bad of the lecture on "The Geology of Wrexham and its Neighbourhood" by HENRY BECKETT, Esq., F.G.S., (Reprinted from the Wrexham Advertiser of February 11th, It)ti5). PRICE THREEPENCE. WREXHAM: Bayley and Bradley, "Advertiser" Office. OSWESTRY: Mr C. G. Bayley, Bookseller, The Cross e INEXPENSIVE HAm RESTORER^—LOCKYER'S SHLPHUR HAJR ursTOItEKis guarant?mt to restore Grey ors, Hairto its original colour in ten days. Precisely similar to more costly preparations of its kind. Large bottles, Is 6d each, of the Agents, Mr EDISBURY, High-street, and Mr FRANCIS, Hope-street, and all Chemists. HEALTH, STRENGTH, and ENERGY. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC strengthens the nerves, increases the quantity of the blood, and thoroughly recruits the health. Most agreeable to take. Bottles (32 doses), 4s 6d next size, lis. Carriage free 66 stamps of I. PEPPER, 237, Totten- ham Court Road, London. Agents: Mr EDISBURY, High-street, and Mr FRANCIS, Hope-street, and all Chemists. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THB EARS AND DREAD.-DELLAWS ESSENCE for Deafness is an extraordinary remedy; it always relieves, and generally cures. It is quite harmless. Sold in pottles at Is lid and 2s 9d eqch, by the Agents, Mr EDISBURY, High-street, and Mr FRANCIS, Hope-street, and all Chemists. Post free, 18 stamps, of I. PEPPER, 237, Tottenham Court Road, London. THE ENAMEL OF THE TEETH. By using i. CRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE this delicate coating becomes seond, white, and polished as the finest ivory. It is delightfully fragrant. Sold in Branded ifots, Is and 2s 6d each, by the Agents, Mr EDISBURY, High-street, and Mr FRANCIS, Hope- street. By post, 14 stamps. CORNS, BUNIONS, and ENLARGED TOE JOINTS. —The Pain is instantly relieved and complete cure effected by a few applications of DELLARS PL AISTERS.Oold by all Chemists, andmr, EDLsmuRY High-street, and Mr FRANCIS, Hope-street. Is lid and 2s Sd per box; by post, 14 stamps, of I. PEPPER, 237, Tottenham Court Road, London. 229c CG. BAYLEY calls attention to his excellent Is ?'. Packet of 5 Quires of NOTE PAPER, in wrapper, having a well-executed view of Osweafcry Old Church. Sold only by C. G. BAYLEY, Bookseller, The Cross and Church-street, Oswestry. g KAYE'S WORSDEBVS PILIB. The best Remedy for Femate,Complainta. Sold by a.UCheJUjsts, &c., at 18. l, 2s. 9d.» ana Iii. (id. per bag. S1.i Business Announcements. GALVANIZED IRON ROOFS AND BUILDINGS, CISTERNS, CABLE STRAND FENCING, HURDLES, GATES, CONTINOUS IRON BAR FENCING, ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT Less than ONE PENNY per Square Foot Liberal discount for quantity.; S. SOTHERN, 1349f 24, and 25, Henblas-Street, Wrexham. A. FOULKES, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, Land and Mining Surveyor and Valuer, RHOSYMEDRE, RUABON. 2090 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds, by the best makers, new and second-hand, on Hire, with option of purchase, at all prices. Instruments supplied on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM whereby they become the property of the hirer at the end of that period, without further payment. Instruments of all kinds Tuned, Repaired, and taken in Exchange. Newest Music at half-price, and post free. BOUCHER & CO., CIRCULATING MUSIC LIBRARY, 145, BRIDGE STREET, CHESTER. 577 CASSELL'S pURE TEAS & (JOFFEES. • AT THE REDUCED DUTY. C ASSELL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE consists of a selection of the finest growths of East India. In the process of roasting and grinding, the full strength and fine aroma are preserved, rendering it equal to the Coffee so much prized in Oriental Countries, the Perfec- tion of Coffee. Reduced price Is. lOd. per lb. CASSELL'S COFFEES are also supplied under the Reduced Duty at 10d., Is., Is. 2d., Is. 4d., Is. 6d., and Is. 8d. per lb., in Canisters and air-tight Packages from one ounce to one ponnd, by Agents, Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, &c., throughout the kingdom. CASSELL'S PURE TEAS. The purity and genuine qualities of these Teas are guaranteed. Their true excellence has secured for them the continued approval of consumers during nearly a generation. Families not already using these Teas are recommended to try them, as Teas, the reputation of which has been fully established. By their use, real purity and uniform good quality are at all times secured. CASSELL'S PURE TEA, 2/ 2/4 and 2/8 per lb. CASSELL'S PURE TEA, finest qualities, 3/ 3/6 and 4/- per lb., in Packets of 2 oz. to 3 lb. Sold by Agents, Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, &c., throughout the kingdom. 996 SAVE YOUR BACON. Important to Owners and Breeders of Pigs. CALVERT'S pIG pOWDERS, FOR PIGS WHEN IN HEALTH OR DISEASE, Are an invaluable preparation for Inflammation, Distemper, Coughs and Colds, Wheezing, Difficulty of Breathing, Fevers of all kinds, Measles, Eruptions of the skin, Itchings, Rheumatism in the Limbs, Costive- ness in the Bowels, Loss of Appetite and Condition, will improve their general health, and make them thrive and fatten better. Price Is. 9d. per dozen. PIGS TAKE THEM FREELY IN THEIR FOOD. Read the following, selected from hundreds of Yorkshire Testimonials Hutton Cranswick, Nov. 9th, 1871. Dear Sir,—I have used many medicines for pigs, but never found any to answer so well as Calvert's Pig Powders. They feed quicker when takiDg them, and I had one that took the Second Prize at Driffield Show, which took the Powders for a fortnight before and I now have one seven weeks old, weighing Five Stones. I can confidently recommend them. (Signed) JOHN PARKER. To L. B. Ress, Esq., F.C.S., Wholesale Agent. Lower Union Street, Hull, July 17th, 1871. Mr Calvert,-Sir,-I have great pleasure in sending a testimonial for your valuable Pig Powders. I had a pig so bad of inflammation that we covered it up and left it for dead. A friend dropped in, saw it, and immedi- ately ran to your shop and bought some of your Pig Powders; he gave it one, and, strange to say, shortly aftei it showed signs of life, and gradually improved. After giving it a second Powder it was able to take its food, and continued to improve until restored to perfect health. You are at liberty to make this known, for I consider your Powders were worth ten pounds to me at that time, as they saved my pig when we all thought it dead.—Yours, JOHN HOOKEM. 51, Cumberland Street, Hull, July 29th, 1871. Mr Calvert,—Sir,—Please send me a further supply of your Pig Powders at once. I have great pleasure in sending you a very remarkable cure by the sole use of your Pig Powders. A gentleman named Mr Hopper had a pig weighing about twelve stones, bad in dis- temper or typhus fever. It came out in large spots, and was soon of a deep purple all over. All who saw it advised him to AiM it at once, but I recommended him to try your Pig Powders. He took three, and to the surprise of himself, and every one who had seen it, the pig recovered, is now thriving, and doing well. I have never known them fail to cure, and many who have used them say they are the best preparation in the world. R. E. WHITESIDES, Dispensing Chemist. Prepared only by J. H. CALVERT, Chemist, Hull, and sold by most Chemists and Village Shopkeepers in Wales. 1078e PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. 62, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. THE extraordinary rapid progress of this Company j_ is shown by the total premium Income as being iE348,975 15a tid, showing the very remarkable increase of £ 63,267 9s 2d, and being the largest accession of in- crease during any year of the company's operatfbns. The amount of claims paid during the year amounts to X125,229 7s 5d on 15,128 policies, raising the whole sum paid to zC787,110 17s. These have as usual been paid with undeviating regularity. A report and balance sheet may be obtained on ap- plication to A. NIXON, Superintendent, 831c 29, George-street, Chester. PARSONS, FLETCHER & Co's INDIAN STARCH. TRADE MARK-AN ELEPHANT. PARSONS, Fletcher, & Co's INDIAN STARCH, for J_ Purity, and Beauty of Colour. P ARSONS, Fletcher, & Co's INDIAN STARCH, for JL Laces, Muslins, &c., Ac. P ARSONS, Fletcher, and Co's INDIAN STARCH t will not adhere to the Iron. PARSONS, Fletcher, and Co's INDIAN STARCH JL will Retain its Stiffness in the Dampest weather. P ARSONS, Fletcher, and Co's INDIAN STARCH is J. Highly Recommended to Laundresses. PAR-SON S, Fletcher, and Co's INDIAN STARCH. J. The Increased Demand is Proof of its Excel- lence. PARSONS, Fletcher, & Co's INDIAN STARCH is J[. Packed 1, J, and lib. Packets, alse in Boxes, and in 51b. Papers. Works—Gravel Lane, Southwark, London. MAY BE HAD EVERYWHERE. 137z ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. PULVERMACHER'S Improved Patent GALVANIC CHAIN BANDS, BELTS, BATTERIES, and AJC. CESSORIES. Price from 2s. and upwards. Reliable evidence in proof of the un- rivalled efficacy of these appliances in Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Deafness, Head & Tooth Ache, Paralysis, Liver Com- plaints, Cramps, Spasms. Nervous Debility, Functional Disorders, &o., is given in tho PNMNHIFT "NATURE'S CHIEF RESTORER OF IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY." Apply at PULVEKMACHER'S Galvanic Establishment, 186 Regent Street London, W. were Pamphlet and full Price List can be obtained, post free. 530d TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE. DR. HENRY SMITH, who has devoted twenty-five years exclusively to the treatment of r iseases ef the Nervous System, resulting from Exhaustion of Nerve-power, Local Weakness, &c., WILL FOR THE BENEFIT OF PATIENTS WHO CANNOT VISIT HIM PERSONALLY, on receiving a statement ef their case, send by return a letter of advice with instructions, which if followed, will ensure a cure. IMPORTANT.—A form of correspondence containing question, &c-, to assist the Patient in describing his case, will be sent post free on receiving a directed envelope. TESTIMONIAL TO DR. HENRY SMITH. Dr. SMITH has received up to date December 2Tst, 1872, FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOUR written Testimonials from Patients who reside in the country in proof of his successful treatment conducted by CORRESPONDENCE ONLY. AdL H. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, London, W.C. Just published.. post free for two Stamps. PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CURE OF NERVOUS DEBILITY. By HENRY SMITH, M.B. of the University of Jena, Author of the People's Guide to Health," &c. A Medical Work on the New Eclectic Treatment, by Botanic 31pdicines only, Botanic Medicines only, of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Dim- ness of Sight, Want of Energy, and Premature Decline, and all Diseases of the Nervous System, resulting from Exhaustion of Nervous Power. Gives instructional the Development and strengthening the Human Body how to acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, and avoid the Infirmities of old Age. Also gives names of Medicines by which Thousands have been restored to health. Illustrated with Tejitimonals from grateful P tients. I THE PAMPHLET will be sent free by post, tb any address, on receipt of two peony stamps. dress—Pr, H. SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, London, W.O. Business Announcements. NATURE'S PERFECT REMEDY FOR ALL KINDS OF WORMS. WILLIAM'S (PONTARDAWE) WORM TV LOZENGES. (Prepared from the original reipe). Are hailed by every parent as one of the greatest bless- ings ever sent by him who pours His blessings upon man- kind. They are purely vegetable, and innocent to the most delicate child, and yet so enective to the Worms, that they are soon cleared from the human body, and they have gained for themselves the name of "THE PERFECT REMEDY" for all kinds of Worms. Sold at 91d 13id., and 2s. 9d. per box, by most Chemists, by post for 14 or 34 stamps, from the sole manufacturer, JOHN DAVIES, CHEMIST, SWANSEA. We can never speak too well of the inventor bf Wil- liams's (Pontardawe) Worm Lozenges," for he read the best books of the most eminent medical authors, but could find nothing there to answer his purpose; he studied while others slept, and searched and analysed the ex- tracts and other productions of the vegetable kingdom, especially those connected with the diseases of Children, while others spent their time in idle talk, and at last he discovered his coveted prize, a remedy purely vegetable, and innocent to the child, that would destroy the greatest cause of the diseases of chiltlren; but, alas it cost him his life; he did not live long to enjoy the reputation of his great remedy, but died and left his discovery to the benefit of succeeding generations. [TESTIMONIAL.]—HAFOD, SWANSEA, JUNE 18, 1872.— is a pity that Williams's (Pontardawe) Worm Lozenges are not better known. When I lived in Church- lane, Wolverhampton, I tried all sorts of powders for my children, who suffered from worms, but never in my life did I see anything like your Worm Lozenges. I gave them to my children, and my eldest child got rid of, I should think, one hundred worms of various sizes; and the other children got rid of a great number. I am sure the Staffordshire people would be very thankful if the Lozenges were made known to them. My eldest child had been unable to eat scarcely anything for days before I gave the Lozenges, but now she seems quite a different child.—Yours truly, MRS. CLARKE. MR. DAVIES. Any of the following symptoms indicate worms:— Variable appetite, fceted breath, acid eructation, pains in the stomach and head, grinding of teeth during sleep, picking of the nose, paleness of the countenance, hard- ness and fullness of the belly, slimy stool, with eccasional griping pains, more particularly about the naval, short dry cough, and emaciation of the body, often mistaken for decline, slow fever, and irregular pulse, sometimes cenvulsive fits-often causing sudden death, and heat and itching about the anus, which often causes them to be mistaken for piles. CAUTION.—None are Genuine unless they bear the Inventor's Signature on the Wrapper around each box J. H. WILLIAMS. And the words Williams' Worm Lozenges" on the Government stamp. Full directions with each box. 1538b TIMBER SLATES BRICKS TILES CEMENTS LATHS SEWERAGE PIPES And all other Building Materials at E. MEREDITH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD and STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, 1816 WREXHAM. JOHN GOSNELL Sf CO., Wholesale and Expoi t PERFUMERS, SOAP AND BRUSH MANU- FACTURERS, BEG to recommend the following choice and fashionable articles:— JOHN GOSNELL and Co.'s Queen Victoria Bouquet. Prince of Wales' Perfume, Princess Alexandra's Per- fume, La Noblesse Perfume, the Bride's Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Ess Bouquet, Frangipanni, &c., &c. &cJ.OHN GOSNELL and Co.'s Celebrated Fountain Perfumes. JOHN GOSNELL and Co.'s Finest Aromatic Eau de Cologne. JOHN GOSNELL and Co.'s CHERRY TOOTH PASTE, an elegant and most efficient preparation for cleansing and beautifying the teeth. JOHN GOSNELL and Co.'s TOILET and NURSERY POWDER-Celebrated for its purity. JOHN GOSNELL aud Co.'s LA NOBLESSE PO- MADE, GOLDEN OIL, MOELLINE, MACASSAR  for the Hair. OIL, &c., GOSNELL and Co.'s LA NOBLESSE, LET- TUCE, ALMOND, GLYCERINE, and all other de- scriptions of fine Soaps. JOHN GOSNELL and Co.'s AGUA A.NIARELLA," restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue, no matter at what age. In bottles at 3s. each. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Perfumers. Agent for Wrexham J. F. EDISBURY, M.P.S., Wholesale, Angel Passage, 93, Upper Thames-street, London. 2130g IT Is well-known that the Chinese face tea with JL mineral powder, to hide the defects of worthless brown leaves, this enables them to pass of inferior sorts as the best. HORNIMAN'S TEA has for 30 years, been supplied free from the usual facing dowder, consequently it is truly cheap, uniform in strength, and delicious in flavour. Sold dely in packets, genuine are signed LONDON, Original Importers of the Pure Tea. Sold by Chemists and Confectioners in every town. Agentsfor this District: WREXHAM Potter, Bookseller. OSWESTRY Bobe)-ts, Bookseller. LLANGOLLEN Thomas, Bridge-street. WHITCHURCH Jones, Chemist. SHREWSBURY. Payne, Chemist. RUABON G. Powell, Grocer. CHESTER Marcham, Chemist. MOLD Hughes, 22, New-st. WELSHPOOL. Williams d. Sen. WEM Lee, Chemist. 206f HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. CURE FOR ALL." IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. THESE wonderful Pills are valued at the humblest Thearths as well as in the houses of comfort aud wealth They work a thorough purification throughout the whole system, without disordering the natural action of any organ; and eradicate those germs of com- plaint; which consign tens of thousands to an early grave. INDIGESTION, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, AND SICK HEADACHE. No organ in the human body is so liable to disorder as the liver, and none is more apt, when neglected, to become seriously diseased. Remember when nausea, flatulency, or acidity on the stomach warns us that digestion is not proceeding properly, that Holloway's Pills regulate every function, give strength to every organ, speedily remove all causes of indigestion, bile, and sick headache, and effect a permanent cure. WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY. In cases of debility, langour and nervousness, generated by excess of any kind, whether mental or physical, the effeets of these Pills is in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from the system the morbid causes of disease, re- establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions, strengthen the nervous system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back the frame to its pristine health and vigour. TURN OF LIFE AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS The turn of life is the most distressing period in wo man's existence; it destroys thousands. The whole of the gross humoura collect together, and like a tide sweep away health and life itself if not timely and powerfully checked. The most certain antidote for all these dangers is Holloway's Pills. Armed with them the fiery ordeal is passed through, aud the sufferer is once more restored to the possession of unimpaired health. It is but little known that at the so-called "turn 01 lire," iiiitu aioo, wnen verging on lorty or forty- five, discovers that his health is considerably deranged and knows not the cause—a critical period in his life. All perils to both sexes are at once removed by recourse to these Pills. THE KIDNEYS THEIR DERANGEMENT AND CURE. If these Pills be used according to the printed (liree- tions, and the Ointment rubbed over the region of the P _X i. 1 1/ 1 1 1 11. Kidneys ior at icrou uau an uour as oeu-time, as salt is forced into meat, it will penetrate the kidneys and correct any derangement. Should the affliction be stone or gravel, it is particularly recommended that the Oint- ment, in such cases, be used night and morning, as by its judicious application the most astounding cures may be performed. I Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases Ague. Asthma. Bilious Complaints. Blotches on the Skin. Bowel Complaints. Debility. Dropsy. Female Irregularites. Fevers of all kinds* Gout Headache. Indigestion. Liver Complaints. Lumbago. I Piles. Rheumatism Retention of Urine. I Scrofula, or King's Evil Sore Throats Stone and Gravel. I Secondary Symptomg. Tic Doloureux Ulcers. Veneral Affections. I Worms of all kinds. Weakness, from whatever I causes &c. &c. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLO- WAY'S Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine through- out the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three, the 4s. tId. size six, the lis. size sixteen, the 22s. size thirty-three, and the 33s. size fifty-two times the quantity of a Is. lid. Box or Pot. The smallest Box ef Pills contains four dozen; and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. loeg KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. The best Remedy for Bilious Dimrdeps. Sold by aR Chemists, &c., at Is. ljd., 2s. 9i. and 4s. 64. per b £ Business Announcements. M1 v ? ? PIERS and POND, Win<t and S?int u ?'?' Central Depot, 38, New Bridge?eet LI;;I: ?.C., where their comprfhen?Te WINE n?- '??: obtained, post free, on application. ¡¡O,¡ THE PRO RATA PRINCIPLE i„»Srft,1 i ?ERS?PO?D.?ure. J pu?S? I)f or mall quantuies, full value for theu ouu^y QUANTITY and QUALITY in exact protii nrt■ #« ? price may be assured by this 8ystem t? )(,n i W! each bottle bemi? adjusted to the value 01 tt? c?? ?'' a FOR a SHILLING a BOTTLE, W?ps ''?  JT and LIQUEURS of various W   excellence ate supplied on the fro &ta Prin io) Qttt,t BACHELORS, Travellers, Convalescents 'nv Band Consumers of either large and SBJM an¡J" tites, will dud this system most usel'm. FOR the PRESENT SEASON WIES FSPIRITS of the best quality may | selected by Customers fm S. & i\'s ?.?i,? .? ,? 'M3 in large or small quantities. ? '?. ?) FOR GENERAL FAMILY U?E s"'p??? ? I FPOND recommend- jm SHERRY, Letter C in the Liet 9, 19 PORT, Letter C in the List Z „ a dc2«a <■ CLARET, Letter B in the List. )- BUKGUNDY, Letter Bin the List t M CHAMPAGNE (8. & P.'s Carte d'or) i, ■ BKAM>Y, Letter B in the List !N WHISKEY. SCJtch or Irish. Letter A. ?? ? ? '"t t? GIN  ?N RUM .???; t?: ■ Packing Case, Is. a dozen. No charge for bot;h 9 CJEAS ONABLE BIN CASES of WJ"£' 9m 0 SPIRIT- :) 'nil CSE (A; bot1e facb, Port, Sherry Brant' fl9 G?nd ?:y?.? "—- ??y.p? LARGE CASE (A, two bottteseMh,dit?'.o. U« CASE (C) bottl each, selected Port Sh?n E Rum, Gm, Whishe}, of Superior quality ?,r7 1 Large CASE C, two bottles each, IJ'¡tto,' f,'J, '?' <jfl andbotlesmeiudtd. Orders to teac?n' ? remittances, and defiD1t mstructio" ? fl ?hatt be s upplied when it wUl be untc?,, » 9 warded Hee to any Metropolitan KaiW s. to any address within the four mil,- radi, "'v;* ■ SPIERS AND POND, Wine and spirit CENTRAL DEPOT, tn, ant¡" NEW BRIDGE-STREET, LUDGATE, L0\7,0v I1 LOUIS RE N?O U F'S C H A\ P JL? CARTE BLANCHE, EXTRA QC A ifv '.H ■9 is the best value in the world, DRY. LOUIS R E N 0 U F'S C H A ? p ? v JLj CARTE BLANCHE, EXTRA QL\?L'?H ,LB 91 us. and 36s. per doz. quarts. 9 LOU I S R E N 0 U F'S C H A M p f CARTE BLANCHE, EXTRA ILlTvVj 1 to be had from Wine Merchants in L?nduu > 9 LOU I R E N 0 U F'S C H A ? p A f: X 1 CARTE BLANCHE, EXTRA QlAuTV )? ?' i to be haafrom Wine Merchants in the e?:ry LOU I S R E N 0 U F'S C H A \I P (. LOUIS RENOUF'S CHA?ptrv?? »S JL? Wine Merchant?' Orders to London ;'?"'?j? t? 1 Savage-garden", London, E.C: ,C t It'" O/l A The "PR)MA DO?A" ,U¡: OT 4:, 4:, SEWING MACHINES, T„ ? ?? \? foot, Lock-stitch, Knotted M<i..hf.?.. h J"  Agents Wanted. WUlGHT&j?X' ;? H"r?i?' ? Brook Street, E.C. an-i  ¡;I'VT,¡:-a ?NE HUNDRED POUNDS, n?n ???' 1 ?_? addition to one's income. Mav be oht?:?,)? StUingTEASin PACKETS ai.d CAMHKS fucni-hed U .1 Free Trade Tea. Company, Limited, t'?, City Rvu'¡; 4 don, E.C. THE NEW ADULTERATION t Any person now selling Adulterated jfl liable to a Penalty of for the first ,tlel. i months' imprisonment, with haid libur for th« -(.IM ■ BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER i- warranted free from alum and other injurious ingredients u. 1 n most cheap Baking Powders, therefore may be sold -a. fear by all Dealers. O MORE SLEEPLESS NIGHTsHI j| l?t SOLUTION OF CHLOKAL. 1 reduces certain and Refreshing slee;?; -ur?, j speedy. Pain from whatever eau?e in-tantiv ;i, ■ v. and no unpleasant after enecta. Prepare l Mi y ? ?j ?j Hunter, Chemist to the Rofal Family, Kfn-it?- IJ;:] Chemists, with full directions ts 2.. Std, iLU ii sent by proprietor free for 3 stamps extra. LEAKERANDCRISP'SSILK ?)uU?K? 1? VELVETEENS, are unequalled in beauty were :11:<1 prie", vx— 158 6d to 5Us full dress: also the newest iabiv n. Inmt from 6s Ud. SILKS of any description from 1 Uu.c.a dress. Patterns free, 198, Regent Street, London. W. ARM DRESSING GOWNS^ -Mrs YDIWO, VT the originator of the Guinea" Dreeing Unj is now prepared with all th" NEW Season. Patterns and illustrations post iru- Oxford-street, London. B E N N ETT'S W A T C H E S t< Accurate performance guaranteed. In Silver from 3 Guineas. In Gold from ) <;uir.ca;. WITH KEYLESS ACTlO: In Silver 6 Gui! e?s. In Gold from 1'. G'-ir fl Keyless Half-Chronometers, Comien?n?d M' VL. ?..i?; 11 of Temperature, adjusted iuPusttioB-. jj Winding and setting Hands without ,K., fm (; j In Gold 30 to 40 Guineas; ditto in SIi 1<1 b to Ji Guiueas. 65, and 64, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, IC, Y 0 H N?-Y?-?-? ? ?-,? ? .?. ? ? ? p j.? S ?t Patronized by the QLEEN during the '?-: .? Years. Sold by all Stationers. Works-Ne*i.x; ,:r';t; Birmingham. _M_ FENS: ptNs: -j -j ww NEWSPAPERS Recomu?Hd th^m. "Ox- XJ. i I ford University Herald" ?ays the fH.t.T? ±"ENs> :s the Wonoei ot the age." "They come as a boon and a bles,il1;: to The Pickwick, the OWl, and the VfaverU-y i 1"■ L Sold everywhere. Sample by pest, Box 1- !J. MAC' IVES & CAMEKON, 23 to 33. Blair-street, EdinbMrgh. b-?b- Msbed 11.0). J™ THE HIGH PRICE 0 F "MKAT-  JL Great economj effected by nsim: LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT ui .MEAT- ? Read carefully the Printed Instructio. lAUTI0:None genuine without U-uoi. L:, (the Inventor'*) Signature. Beware ot aii XiLiia i. i-i- tract, OLID pEA SOL: P Only ONE PENNY per Packet. Usid by .U-psl Navy. Prize Medal, 1872, Moscow. Sold by Gravr*. Wholesale liom HEWITSON and Co., 17, H London. RE)IARKABLE VERY REMARKABLE ?- DEED" are the effects of /.at/'?'?/t'.? I Saline in Preventing and Curing Small Pox, Vevv aid Skin Diseases. Specially Rifie-hing aud Invigoiv.r.?» the Constitution. It is Sold by Chemist's, and the Xitffj 113, Holborn Hill, London. DFLLEVENINGS MADE MERRY. BAGATELLE BOARDS of the B?t; Make, :K'c JL? 30s complete. Illustrated Catalogues ? '\M Games po.-t lite. ASSEK & SHEKWiN, IH, London, W, 0. CHIGNON (Truetitt's) is formed of '?11 k; "'? ?/ without tufts, in 3 sizes, 26, 30, or 30 nuh '"? easily drastd and very light in weight. Ai'? ? ,úa C?mbs 36 inches long. Ordinary Colours m t.?? can only be seen at WALTER TRUEl ITS i, NlwDom j Street, London, W. j PATENT COOKEUS A liK<»1LKJW. T t Invaluable to ail who study ecoiu'in) ia em kitchen. BRADFORD'S "VOWEL" A W.?!n?'  JD CHINE with a 44" extr t strong Wrn?er L 1'-?. for J66 Is bd.—Free Trial allowed—thede!iri:. ,,1 1) chaser and repays outlay directly.—Sn ot;.»:-r by post. Thomai Bradford aad Co., 63, l-'ket-stro. Lot* j don and Manchester. OODHALL, SPA, HorneastIer?iMt?i"-?"?. VV Most powerful Bromo-Iodine ?atcr, ? ? Woild. Tumours, Rheumatism, Scroiula. Skin Analysis and Cases free. B?ard 6s a cay <m' ? ?" Indoor Bath 2s 6d.—Address, YEATMAN'S YEAST POW pER, For delicious home-made BREAD, )? "?' m PASTRY, supersedes Baking Powder. Y EAT MAN'S YEAST P » w E!ij JL Is adopted by the Government for the A?.' ;UIC1 Navy. Bread made for 36,000 men at Autumn Navy. Bread made for 36,000 men at AlltuUJII ), vres, 1812. Y EAT MAN'S YEAST PUW?SR Jt is used in Her Majesty's kitchen..? £ V E A T M A N 'sY E A S T" I' 0 W n £ It JL and tho new Adulteration Act. ? ?'; ,?' certified by the Government Chemist, the ?'f' and Dr Hassail. YEATMAN'S YEA t; T P 0 W E 5 JL HOLD EVERYWHERE in Id. and 3*1. Family Tins at 2s. tkl., 5s., and 10s. small 11¡¡-, and Is. DEPOT:—119, NEW BOND STREET, LOr)lI:'íer Wholesale and Retail Agents—A. T. A?nn'KU, y11 Ac., High-street, Denbigh- THE CROSS, OSWESTRY .ed DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS t"i>n\'b- by the Cambrian Railway Co., on the tierS lication, by the tirst Train after receipt. AU u promptly attended to by C. G. BAYLEY, BOOKSELLER, The Cross, (Js^e'try. L t to loaøg DR. HUTER'S Special L.-ctn.f.stoY? JL? Men, on HEALTH, ITSR?T<??"?'?M. HAPPY MARRIAGE.-Wllen to marry,  ?a to those who contemplate marriage, pointing impediments which render married life }'?. Jd M direction for their speedy removal. :ShO¿lltl i eby all who value health, strength, and manhood,??? to attain a happy oM a#e. Post free on rec p_ stamps.-A?dre?, Secretary, wtltu of A?t?7 Birmingham.  Birmingham. _.? _— — KAYE'S WORSDELL S PILLS. The best Remedy for Diseases ofthe Chemists, &c„ at Is. lid., 4s. M. per box. ?—— rJp L H E L:0 NDTN?T??? .i 4d Thf?'J''?" Published every Saturday, P"c» a Xi\ The ol-jwt o( tlie this Jonrnal is to set forth tlit prU(|n;ial Religious, Educ;^nal, Be.nevol 'Ill week by week W .tituUons of the?ited ?'" l.Ml'etilJ,<enJ1..nø, report their pToceeding?, whe? th?er -?.,???<??'? 1() p^ent ih** Anni?ers?ric?, or Elections, tiie p,?,?  N.tti? tn.titu?"? to the ?.?{ "th'e put-c. 1¡nar8 Office, No..? Southampton Ko? Ka-elu i ,nare g |^ondo(^ W. C.