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HOUSE OF LORDS.—TUESDAY. I The Morayshire Railway, the Nottingham Gas, The Cockermouth and Workington Railway, and the Laod- vcnrt and Southsea Tramway Bills, were a second time. The Dundalk, Carlingford, and Greenore Railway was or- dered to be recommitted. On the motion of Lord Chelmsford, the London Traffic Regulation Bill passed through committee. The Bill gives power to the corporation to regulate the city traf- fic subject to the sanction of the Home Secretary. The Cayman Islands Bill was read a third time and passed with the omission of certain money clauses. The Elec- tions during the Recess Bill passed through committee. The London Diocese Bill was read a third time and passed. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—TUESDAY. u I FLOGGING ON THE ".ILIAJESTI(j.In reply to Mr. Hadfield, Lord C. PAGET stated that his intention had been called to an article which appeared in the Liverpool Mercury, respecting the flogging of one of the crew of Her Majesty's ship Majestic. The punishment was inflicted under the sentence of a court martial, and was carried out by Captain Inglefield, an officer who had acquired an historical reputation for his researches in the Arctic regions, and whose character for kindness and humanity was well known. The charges against Captain Inglefield, which were contained in an anonymous letter, were a gross libel, and had been directly contra- dicted in a letter to the newspaper in which they appeared by thirty-five of the petty officers of Her Majesty's ship Majestic. The man who was flogged had been guilty of a gross act of insubordination in having struck his superior officer whilst on duty, and the punish- ment had not been inflicted with improper seventy. THE CAPITATION GRANT.—In reply to Sir S. Northeotes Mr. LOWE said that if the Capitation Grant failed, the masters must be paid out of other sources; the Pnvy Council would not make it good. The case between the masters and the pupil teachers was not of the same character. BRIGANDAGE IN ITALT.-JU. reply to Mr. Hennessy, Lord PALMERSTON said he did not see that any object could be obtained by proloncring the discussion as to what Mr. Odo Russell or General Montebello had said, except to establish bad relations between Mr. Odo Russell and the French officers at Rome. Mr. Russell had stated that 260 brigands had found their way from Rome into the Neapolitan territory in French uniforms. It was quite true that those brigands had gone into Neapolitan territory after having bought left-off uniforms. There was no reflection whatever upon the French authorities. The Pope was a mere puppet, and to a great extent the French soldiers had the matter in their own hands. IONIAN JUDGES.—Mr. ROEBUCK moved an address for a copy of memorials presented by Sir George Macoras and Sir Typo Xydras on the 16th September, 1862, to his excellency Sir H. Storks, Her 'Majesty's lord high commissioner in the Ionian Islands. The hon. gentle- man complained that these gentlemen had been virtually dismissed from their offices as judges, and animadverted in a severe tone upon the conduct of the Duke of New- castle in the matter Mr. A. MILLS seconded the motion Mr. C. FORTESCUE said the papers had been moved for in the House of Lords, and would be laid before parliament. He vindicated the conduct of the Duke of Newcastle, and said the change which had been made was for the advantage of the people of the Ionian Islands, and received their approval. The judges in the Ionian Islands were appointed for terms of five years. These two gentlemen were entitled to the highest scale of pensions. There was no charge of malversation or corruption against them, and their removal was solely to be attributed to public feeling General PEEL warm- ly defended Sir H. Storks.Lord STANLEY attributed no blame to Sir Henry Storks, but thought the Secretary of State had not consulted the public in- terests, which required above everything the inde- pendence of the judicial bench. These gentlemen had been placed in a most invidious position, for they were arbitrarily removed, although there was no charge against. them, and they retained their pensions.After a few words from Mr. Evans and Mr. Baillie Cochrane, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER said that the origi. nal constitution given to the Ionian Islands was in reality a corrupt despotism, which all the efforts of late years, ably and zealously carried out by Sir H. Storks, had been to convert into practical self-government. It was mis- leading the House to argue the case as if it had occurred in England, and he warmly defended the course pursued by the Government. Hitherto the government of the Ionian Islands had been carried on by an evil compact with those who would support the protectorate, and who received in return a monopoly of office. But this mo. nopoly attracted hungry competitors, and was the source of all the evils which Sir H. Storks was trying to remove —of these evils he gave a description by no means flatter- ing to the moral character of the Ionians. Their raven- ous appetite for office, intrigues, and dissimulation, aggravated by the conduct of the party who had enjoyed the monopoly of office, had made the English protecto- rate a byeword and a reproach with every capital of Europe.After a few words from Mr. Roebuck, the motion was agreed to. WASTE LAND IN INDIA.—Mr. D. SEYMOUR moved the following resolution :—" That the occupation of waste land in India by sutlers, and the redemption of a portion of the land-tax of India, are desirable objects, especially with a view to the present state of the cotton industry in this country, and that it is expedient that her Majesty's Government take further steps to carry them out." At considerable length he pointed out the injurious effects of the land-tax in preventing the settlement and occupation of the vast tracts of waste lands in the most fertile cotton districts of the world, and the introduction of European capital into India. He condemned the policy of Sir Charles Wood, who had overruled the policy advocated by Lord Stanley and Lord Canning, and was dictated by the narrow and jealous prejudices of the East India Com- pany against the influx of Europeans and European capi- tal into India Mr. BUXTON seconded the resolution. .After a few words from Mr. Vansittart, Lord STANLEY said it was unfortunate that the redemption of the land. tax had been mixed up with the sale of the waste lands. They were two distinct questions, equally important, but to be little understood or cared for in this country Sir C. WOOD said it was a great satisfaction to him to find that his policy was so generally approved of, and that those who objected to it were not at all unanimous as to the course which they would have themselves pur- sued. He asserted that the regulations were working -well, and he believed that if they were made use of, in- stead of being carped at, they would promote the settle- ment of the waste lands, preserving the rights of the natives, without sacrificing the rights of the Govern- ment. The motion was then withdrawn. DECIMAL WEIGHTS AND MEASURES.—Mr W. EWART ob. tained leave to bring in a biU to establish a decimal sys- tem of weights and measures. LEASES AND SALES OF SETTLED ESTATES.—Mr. COX ob- tained leave to bring in a bill to amend the Leases and Bales of Settled Estates Act, 1856. SECURITY FROM VIOLENCE.—On the motion for the third reading of the SecurityfromViolence Bill, Mr. GRANT DUFF moved that it be read that day six months, but, on a division, the bill was read a third time b? a majority of 72 to 18. and passed. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—WEDNESDAY. THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC ON THE SABBATH.—Mr Roe. buck presented a petition from the largest meeting ever held in Sheffield, against Mr Somes's bill for closing public honses on Sunday. The petitioners state that a large number of persons who were not drunkards were in the habit of travelling by excursion trains on Sundays, and required reasonable refreshment for themselves and families. Mr Roebuck gave Mr Somes credit for the best intentions, but he believed that the bill, if it received the sanction of Parliament, would press heavily on persons against whom it was not directed. SCOTCH ROADS AND BRIDGES.—Sir J. Ogilvy moved the second reading of the Statute Labour Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Bill. After a short conversation, the bill was read a second time. The Statute Labour Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Transfer Bill was also read a second time. JUDGMENTS LAW AMENDMENT BILL.—Mr Had- field moved the second reading of the Jugdments, &c., Law Amendment Bill, and explained that its object was to assimilate the law with regard to judgments in refer- ence to estates to that which applied to personal pro- perty, so that no persons should be under legal obliga- tions to search for judgments. Mr Humberston sup- ported the motion, believing that the law as it stood acted most prejudicially upon the buyers and sellers of land. The Solicitor-General gave Mr Hadfield credit for the good intentions with which he had introduced the bill, but thought that the measure itself was a species of retrograde legislation, which would effect in a most im- portant degree, without altering the law of debtor and creditor. The house divided, when there appeared-For the second reading, 23; against it, 43; majority, 20. The bill was accordingly rejected. POISONED Giii-iN.On the motion of Mr Paull, the order for the second reading of the Poisoned Grain Pro- hibition Bill was discharged, and the bill was withdrawn. ACCIDENTS COMPENSATION BILL.-Sir J. Ferguson moved the second reading of the Accidents Compensation Bill, and explained that its object was to relieve railway companies from a misapplication of the existing law by which excessive damages were recovered against them for what were purely accidental occurrences-Mr Long- field moved that the bill be read a second time that day six months.—Mr Bentick seconded the amendment.- The Solicitor-General opposed the bill. Railways were not responsible ior loss ot life unless wrong could be shown and the insurance proposed would be insurance against the companies' own wrong.—Sir J. Fergusson said if the house would read the bill a second time he would consent that it should be referred to a select com- mitte. (Cries of No, no.")—The house divided, when there appeared-For the second reading, 70; against it' W; majority, 20.—The bill was therefore lost. CHURCH RATES REDEMPTION BILL.—Mr Alcock moved that iMs bill be read a second time on June 10. The house divided, when there appeared—For the motion -25; against it, 36 majority, 14. The motion was there- for lost. Sir H. Cairns obtained leave to bring in bill to amend the law relating iodistrict parochial churches in Ireland. The bill was read a first time.

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