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THE WAR IN AMERICA. NEWS BY THE ARABIA.. The Cunard mail steamer Arabia, Captain Stone; h' b ^iiod from Boston on th= ?th and from Halifax he 31st ult. arrived in the Mersey on Sunday morn- ::g. She brings 74 passengers and lu,5? dols. in specia DD freight. "°? ?r ?r? TT-?-.TJ? says :—The cows from New Or! aDS is most Important and encouragmg. (,eneral \s has doce aMo sci-vice in that region. A severo ?j? was fought on the 17th of April at the Vermillion Havou, in which, after a hard contest with the rebel kitteries and a strong force of infantry, our troops LjneJ a complete success, driving the enemy from his Lotion, capturing his guns, and taking 1,500 prisoners. In addition to this the batteries at Butte la Rose were gjleueed by our fleet the valuable salt works of Pititi inse, which supplied the whole interior with this indis- pensable article, were captured and a number of rebel Cts were destroyed during the expedition of General Bants into the liayouTeche region. Thus the finest portion of Louisiana, is at the command of the Union forces, and rebellion in that quarter is tottering. The -Vit" Origins Em of the 19th April says :-The latest news from the front of our army on the Toche is of the same encouraging character as before. On Friday tizbt, General Banks reached Vermillionville previous to which, however, a sanguinary and spirited fight took place at the crossing of Vermillion Bayou, a short distance this gide of the village. At this place the rebels posted a force of over 1,000 infantry, and strong batteries of ar- tillery in ambush. Fire w..s opened upon the advance of General Bank's army irorn the whole force of the enemy. The fight raged furiously for some time, but resulted finally after considerable loss on both sides, in the giving „av of the rebels, and the crossing of our troops. It was jeported that General Banks would undoubtedly be in Ooclausaa to-night, with his whole army. As the army advanced they came up with a force under General Grover which had been engaged in a desperato fight. It was in General Grover's engagement that most of the prisoners were taken. Our forces have taken over 500 head of horses, mules, and cattle, which are of incalculable value to the captors at this juncture of affairs. This expedition of General Banks up the Tech" country, so far, has proved to1,0 the most important and productive of the ost s:i,:factory results of any that wo have had to re- he has assumed the command of the depart- ment of the Gulf. Our army is rolling like a ball of fire through the finest portion of Louisiana. When the rebels arc thoroughly driven out of the Opelousas country the backbone of the rebellion will be very much broken so far is this state is concerned. Despatches had Iteen received at Washington from Jlajur General Grant and Adjutant Gonpral Thomas. Tbey are dated before Vicksburg. April 23. They an- nounce that on the evening bc, 'ire six gunboats and twelve barges passed Vicksburg and Warronton batteries, j ?,111, 1 WarronLt)ti batteries, which opened upon the vessels. Buildings in Vicksburg, prepared for the occasion, were fired to ii r, lit lip the river, led enable the gunuers to sec the boats. Over 500 shots were discharged at the licet nono of the barges were hit: only one steamer was injured badly enough to cause her to be abandoned she floated three miles below Warren ton, where she grounded, but all hands on board of her were saved. Another steamer was somewhat in- jtiTt.il, but can casi y be repaired. The passage was ao- eoa3[«lishod with the loss of only two men mortally j wounded, and a few more, not exceeding ten, Boverely and slightly wounded. General Grant telegraphs to tho President that he considers this movement, in view of its importance, the terrible fire to which the boats were fjposed, and the slight loss of property and men, a sign ifi cent success. The lYe?,: York Herald of the 28th ult. gives the fol- lowing as the situation of affairs" at that date ■ 6. Every; hing was quiet in General Hooker's army yester- day, but there were rumours afloat that a movement was ah.ut to be made, and that a collision with the enemy was not very improbable. Mr. Seward, together with Prussian and Swedish ministers, accompanied by a num- ber of ladies, attended a review of tho army yesterday, acd proceeded from thence to Fortress Monroe. I- The news from Tennessee to-day isimportant and in. leresting. The Texan Bangers of General Van Darn'. Lagioa were attacked yesterday morning at daybreak, eight miles out from Franklin. Tennessee, by General G. Granger's cavalry, 700 strong, under Colonel Watkins of the 6th Kentucky Cavalry. The enemy were surrounded ar.d defeated. Nearly 200 prisoners were taken among them was General Brooks, commandant of the rebel I cimp, and several officers. The camp and equipages of the enemy were destroyed, and about 300 horses and uules were captured. I A startling rumour prevailed in Nashville and Murfrees* 't'oro', yesterday, that the rebel General Bragg had been shot dead by General J. C. Breckinridge in a rencontre at lulkhoma. It was known that a hostile feeling had ex- isted between them for some time. Difficulties had been existing for a long while, and this termination of the quarrel, should the report prove true, need not create any surprise. I The latest news from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, states that the less of the rebels in the recent attack was about I SO killed and 200 wounded. It was reported that Gene- ral Martr.aduke was in great danger of being cut off. A despatch, dated at the Cape, yesterday, from Colonel Pomcroy, says —li The enemy are moving off fast, and I General vrns starting in pursuit. There is no l doubt but Genera! Vandevcer will strike him to-day." Another despatch from General M'Xeil, some two hours II later, states that General Vandeveer attacked the repulsed •newy en the night of the iMtb, taking a large number of and arms. General M'Neil says :—" I pr?onen., horses, and arms. General M ell says.- I prisoners, horses, the flying enemy, who are retreating to- wards Bloomlield." Cieneral Peck continues to skirmish with the rebels on the Nansemond, but up to yesterday there were no hostile demonstrations of any moment taking place at Suffolk. I Telegraphic despatches from San Francisco on the 26th itatc that it is understood that the government has pur- chased a fleet of six steamers to cruise in the Pacific, *iz., the Washington, California, Panama, Oregon, Ben lialiiday, and Herman. Late advice3 from Bermuda inform us that the Anglo- I rebe- trade in contraband of war and supplies for the t Southern people is very brisk from the island harbours lo the rebel ports, and' rtVe versa. Our correspondent in Hamilton requests us to call the attention of the authori- ties to the fact that there are to American vessels of war at Bermuda to stop this contraband trade, and that tt'seis are constantly running the blockade, and a line of Reaaerg, owned in Liverpool, run regularly to Wilming- ton, North Carolina. A Washington tole,-Mm says: The success of Gen. Baaks in his Louisiana expedition is regarded by the military author tics here as of tho highest importance. In connection with the movements of the gunboat fleet on the Mississippi it is supposed that the expedition of General Banks will render it necessary for the rebel forces occupying the strongholds upon the river to fall back upon some now base of supplies, as their communi- cation with Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, through which thoy have been receiving a large amount of provisions lad munitions of war, will be cut off. At the uatcof the latest accounts the rederai bionitors wtre all lying off North Edisto Island, and the Federal lan i force occupied the island. It is said in official quarte 8 at Washington that there  sufficient evidence to condemn the Peterhoff outside of what was contained in the mail. S The Rev. Hen). Ward Beecher was about leaving New York for a tour in Europe. Repments whose time of service had expired were be* ginning to arrive at Washington from the seat of war. By an arrival at New York we have Vera Cruz dates to the 5th April which state that Mexican guerril as had ?aptured a camp of rai road labourers near Vera Cruz, ?troymg and carrying off all the property there. several other similar camps near Tafcira were also cap- tured. Some twenty labourers were killed, and fifty or *uty wounded. It was stated that the French wero making very slight progress in Mexico. A small fort near Pueblahad been captured, with a loss to the French of over 700 men. A heavy storm at Vera Cruz destroyed dols. worth of French stores. Reinforcements or the French army were continually arriving. N'EW YORK, !!9th April (Evening).-Considemblo txeitement prevails in Western Virginia and Maryland, in consequenco of the appearance of a large Confederate c in those states. They captured 31orgaDtOwnp V irginia, near the Pennsylvania state line, and attemp- Id to break up tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, but rllry destroyed one bridge, which has since been repaired. tears were were entertained for the safety of Wheel- lug and Pittsburg, but large Federal forces have been Moved to all the points threatened, and the excitement has subsided. t' General Hooker commenced a forward movement Oil Cc 27th mst. Heavy masses of artillery and other troops crossed the Rappahannock at sunrise. It is sup- posed that General Hooker's design is to make a flank Movement upon Fredericksburg, which will probably bring on a general engagement. It is reported that the Federal Monitor fleet i again 6ide Charleston bar, prepared for another attack. The Confederate steamer tit. John, bound from Nassau or a Southern port, has been captured off Cape Roman. NEW YORK, 29th April.—General Stonewall Jackson, It the head of a large Confederate force, is reported to 8 taken possession of a portion of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, between Cumberland and Piedmont. Differences have arisen between the President and General Hooker. General Hooker submitted his ideas ot forward movement, which required for its success the co-operation of the greater portion of the troops tending Washington, thereby exposing that city t? the chances of an attack by the Confederates. Wieral Halleck at once denounced the scheme as fool- bard Y. Strong efforts are being made by the friends of General Fremont to obtain his appointment to the Accession; but it is believed that General Halleck 1fill himself assume the command of the army of the Potomac. The arrears of pay due to the army, amouutm g to 60,000,000 dollars, have been paid. The Confederate steamer Alabama is reported to have 5»led and received a supplv of powder at Ponce, Porto ?'co, on the 7th April, and on the 8th to have captured  American ship Morning Star, which was afterwards leased upon giving bonds to the amount of 60,000 dollar, NE YORK. 30th April.—The raid of Confederates st.to Western Virginia has created intense excitement al along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railway •specially at Wheeling. Advicos from New Orleans tc Yo"-)Otll report that General Banks had taken possession t j ^psiousas railway, and hud ^minunication will Adluiw furauut.



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