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Sales bv Messrs. Eaugh & Jones. OF FAT AND STORE CATTLE, AT GRESFORD. MESSRS. BAUGH AND JONES beg to announce 11 (hat their NEXT MONTHLY SALE at the ?TpFI? I, GRESFORD, wiU "take place on .1 lids, the 18th daJ of May, 1863. and will )10 ? Mriies wishing to introduce stock to do 80 at ? OSCC. Temple Place, Wrexham, or with Mr. t6 of the Griffin Inn, Gresford, as early as possible. gje to commence at 2 o'clock prompt. fIRST MONTHLY SALE OF FAT AND STORE CATTLE. &C., AT ROSSETT. 1 ESSRS. BAUGH & JONES having been re- qnested by several of their (farmer) friends to blich a MONTHLY SALE of Fat and Store Stock (jje Possett. have fixed their first sale for Monday, lIe 25th of May, 1863. at the Alyn Hotel, and will ttjttk parties wishing to enter Stock to do so as early as possible, with the Auctioneers, or Mr. Ledsome, of the Aljn Hotel- jj'g —JfMgrs- B. & J. beg to say that parties favouring thtm with Stock for any of their Sales may depend upon prompt settlement of their accounts. Sale at 2 o'clock. Hexham SMITHFIELD MONTHLY FAIRS MESSRS. BAUGH and JONES beg to announce lt that their next Sale of Fat and Store Cattle, gieep, Pi, Horses, and Implements in Husbandry, ,J take place in the above Smithfield, on Thursday, tif 4ih day of June. 1863, when they will be pre- perrd with every accommodation for such Stock as their frjrnd¡¡ may favour them with. Terms moderate and Settle merits prompt. Sale at Ten o'clock, fiO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MESSRS. EAUGH and JONES, at the house of Mr. PBLLirs, Pontblythm, mpr old, on Monday, the 2ird Jcne, 863, at 5 o'clock in the Afternoon, subject tftcsditionp;— .All tint FREEHOLD PUBLIC HOUSE, called the Mill Stone Tavern." situate at Sam, near Tryddyn 'ii. in the County of Flint, with the Garden and Ap- cnrteraniyes thereunto 1 donging, formerly in the occu- pntn'of r. Wm. Jones, the owner, but now of Mr. t111,rd Price Jones. Brewer, or his undertenants. Tor further particulars apply to Messrs. T. and J. Aiiii. £ ton Hughes, Solicitors, or the Auctioneers, Wreiliam. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, CALLED ■CAE BRYNOG," NEAR WREXHAM, DEN- BIGHSHIRE. 1 0 BE SOLD BY MESSRS BAUGH & JONES, < at the Lion Hotel, ""rexham, on Friday, the 29t dirof May, 1863. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to he then produced. All those several Md<, pipce? or parcels of LAND containing ?3 aores or thereabouts, caUed Cae Bryno?" situate near Adwy'r towus^P Bersham, in the parish of T\re?m.!u the CGUDy of Denbigh, Mid now in the oc- m&twn of Mr Maunc!' nUt!'h. And aJaoaU those 3 ME?UAGEaor DWLLO-HOUSES with the out- ?tilJin. lirdem, ?J &ppurt€nanees theeunto belong- !E? adJ(¡]mn te ?bc? mentioned land and now in the respecbre o<- ?p??g ? jj? j?? Roberts and others. ine yrty m bounded on the north and east sides tMrpp by township roads, and on the south and west by lands of T. L. Fitzhugh, Esq., and is within the 'vsiance of 3 miles of the populous town of Wrexham, fran whence there is railway communication to all parts of the Kingdom. There are valuable Seams, Beds, and Veins of Coal Cancel, and Iron Stone, under the whole of the property, which is adjacent to the Vron, Tahvrn, Broughton Hall, ud Brymbo Collieries. The Minerals now worked in the adjoining estate com- prise the following strata, viz.:—The Smith's Cool 2 feet inches: DrowsaJ, 3 feet; Powell, 4 feet, 2 yards 6 feet; Crank, 2 feet 6 inches, (with beds of iron stone) Brassey, 5 feet, (with iron stone); Black Bed, 1 foot G inches, fwith iron stone) Main, 9 feet, and yard 3 feet. lor further particulars apply at thø Offices of Mr. Humphreys, Solicitor, Messrs T. and J. Allington Hughes, Solicitors. Wrexham, or to the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. COED-POETH, near WREXHAM. TO b? Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. BAUGH and JONES, by direction of the ?OTtg?ee. at the house of Mr. Camn?ton, the Cross ?Ks. in Coed-poeth, near Wrexham, on Monday, June iSm. )863, at Six o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to conditions to te then produced:— D Three unfinished FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOt SE S, with apiece of Land adjoining, containing bf an acre or thereabouts, be the same more or less, situate on the south-east side of the Township Road lea&D? from Coed-poeth to Nant and Wern, and in the ownpttion of Messrs. John & Joseph Senior, Builders. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, ard Bandies, Esq., Brynafon, Marchwiel; or at toe, Offices of Messrs. T. and J. Allington Hughes, solicitors, Wrexbam. -==--==- Sale by Churton & Elphick. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. I' ^'dminary Notice of Sale of a very DesirabV Residen- tial ERtate. called "Rhiewport," in Berriew, three aijes from the railway station at Montgomery, and six touen from We].>-hjiool, comprehending a Family Resi- dence, and Demesne Lands, extending to fifty acres, and a1,,0 -everal fine mountain farms, fulling mill, marlow lands. &c., close to the town of Llanidloes WBtj the unsold portions cf the estates offered at Llan- }\,) F."IS CHFRTOV & FLPrrCK have th* l onrnir to annourced that they have been in- ducted to SELL BY AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 22nd '^ofJCNE next. 1863, at Welshpool, in the County of JI ^oirery, the whole of the above fine IREEHOLD iihfd full particulars of which will shortly be pub- !B the meantime any further informaton my be had ? "'m Mr H. B. Jone?. Solicitor. 22, Austin !rlars, Lon. Messrs Bronphton and Hens?ey, SohcItors, Nant- r¡' h or 1rom MHSrs Churton and Elphick, Auctioneers, 'fr, and Whitchurch. Shropshire. -===-=: () r SPOWDER, SHOT, <fc c AT T. SMITH'S, t 21 HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM -21 p NOTICE FOp. T.uTvn ?I-.?trs. Garden Tools (all kinds), F ApT-ni'unJ Inj j??rnf-nts, hon Eedstewls, Marble l.:¡aü1.le' PI?.t.?, nra?? and COOkiH Ranges, (all ?'s', DutJ¡s, 'rei kUë Wfare. Iron Nai?, &c., &c. to ALFRED OWEN, (Late W. Ovei-tor,) HJGH-STF.EF.T, WREXHAM. Special ij.uotatiors to Colliery Proprietors aud Je '•oiihuniers. Tinmen kept for repairs. ffB'f: £! GREAT YfEtT ER^f RAILWAY. El'SOM IX ACES. A SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN will leave WREXHAM 10-55 a.m., and RUABON }¿.llJa.II1.: on ilONDAY, 18th MAY, 18(j3, for LON ]) 0 N Fares for the Double Journey. let CL Cov. Car. ls. (Jd. Us. Od. Children under Twelve years of age, half fare. ) ^turning tn THUEJ ZAT the 21st, or SATUBDAY 23rd ,\1', trcm Paddingtcn fetation, london, at.5 a.m. TICketM not Transferable, and only available by the  Trains llckEt.; Bills' &c can be had at the above-namEù ?tiMta. ?benger?bvtiese Trains will le aHowed 60 fond8 '?'.t ,,i ln??? Lupgage hee, but it must be di8lUCt. ? ?MM?cd tLat it ?H be entirely at their on riak. i'tir Whit#untjJi aon other BaiJa. — I Bales by Mr- C. Bichards. (T HIS^D A Y r SALE AT THE MOUNT HOUSE, WREXHAM, DENBIOBSHIRE. Tt/t B. RICHARDS has received instruction from Mr. 1' t Owen, who is leaving the town, TO SELL BY AUCTION, on the above premises, on Saturday, May 9th, 1863, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, and other Effects, comprising kitchen and bed- room chairs, two screens, two oak leaf tables, capital sycamore kitchen table with fall leaf and drawer, single ditto, round oak stand, dresser and shelves, painted corner cupboard, ditto sideboard with drawer and cup- board, four post and tent bedsteads with mattrass, in chintz hangings, three excellent feather beds, bolster and pillows, wash-stands and dressing-tables, easy chaIr, commode, oak chest, carpets, pictures, trays, fenders, &c., &c. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock pnnctuaUy. Office, Hope-st., Wrexham, May 1, 1863. IMPORTANT SALEAT BROOK COTTAGE, WOR- THENBURY, FLINTSHIRE. Mp K RICHARDS has been 'noured with in- ?''?? ?? ?s executors of the late Mrs I M-? a?. n, to SELL BY AUCTION on Monday andTue? day, the 11 th Rnd ] th days of Mav 1863 the whole of the Ta!uaNe and modem Household Fuiture, &c., in mahogany rosewood, crved oak, and other woods, suit. ale for diBJE?, drawic?, and bedrooms:—Comprise wmged and other mahogany wardrobe. bedsteads fea- I tber beds, wcol and hair inuttseB, and the UBal cham-  ?prendageft, mahogany dmmg and drawing room  tables, breakfast do., sideboards, mahogany and other chair?, easy do., couch, sofa, occasional tables, chemoneer, l docka, painoforte, in Msewocd, (by ChappeUe and Co., .London), handsome cabinet, plated articles, oil paintings and engravings, library of books, china, glass, &c., with I' the usual kitchen requisites. The out-door enects comprise:—Handsome douMe eat- ed circular glass fronted Brougham, clarence, lined with drab cloth, patent lamps, travelling box, &c., equal to I new, for single or double harness, by Wheeler, Kindr, II and Robinson, Lif center; single brougham, lined with drab, for sing-le or do tMe harness, with lamps &c., com- J plete, by E. Stocken, London Handsome headed Cabrio- lette pheaton, forming close or open carriage, with lamps, &c. complete; set of double harness, set of single do., I (nearly new), without, crest, valuable bay brougham horse very fresh barren cow, store pig, useful cart, gears, &c., with other out door effects, which will be enumerated in catalogue. The furniture, &c., on view each morning of the sale. Descriptive catalogues may be obtained from the auc- I ti. oneer, Wrexham, the Victoria Hotel, Whitchurch, the Lion Hotel Malpas, the White Horse Inn, Overton, the PJouKh and Emral Arms. Worthenbury, on Monday, May 4th, ] 863, and following days. Sale to commence each day at 12 o'clock. Office, Hope-street, Wrexham, April 23rd, 1863. TOWN HALL, WREXHAM, DENBIGHSHIRE. (Removed for convenience of sule), A QUANTITY of ueful HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ?1 TURE, Feather Beds, &c., by Mr. RICHARDS. F or particulars and time of sale see future advertise- ment. Cffice, Hope-et., Wrexham, May 5th, 1863. WREXHAM JUNE FAIR. MB. RICHARDS be?s to announce that bis i'Li next Sale of Fat and Store Cattle will take place in the Wrexham Smithfield, on Thursday, June 4, 1863. Sale at 10 o'clock. The Auctioneer will thank parties who intend entering stock to do so as early as convenient. Sales by Mr. Lovatt. SALE AT RUABON. MR. LOVATT has received instructions from Mrs. Buckton, (who is giving up housekeeping), to SELL BY AUCTION, on Wednesday, May 13th, 1863, the whole of the useful FURNITURE, suitable for Kitchen, Parlour, Sitting and Bedrooms, comprising sofas, tables, cane seated and Windsor chairs, book- case, four-post and French bedsteads, feather beds, chests of drawers, washstands, services, toilet tables, glasses, bed clothing, dinner service, glass, and other necessary requisites, to be enumerated in catalogues, which may be had from the Auctioneer. Sale at One o'clock. Old Sawn Inn, Wrexham, May 6th, 1863. ATTRACTIVE SALE AT GWERS Y LLT HILL, WREXHAM* MR. LOVATT hea much ple^ure in announong in- 'I..trucHonl' rpe?ived fiom M?ymk SLawe Plut ke t, E-q., who is having the neighbourhood, to SELL by AUCTION, on Monday pod VA»doekday, Max 18th and 20tb, the whole of the OUT-DOOR STOCK, comprit- ioA capital milch c>w, yeatling heifer, pair ot car- riage hoises (weil known for their good qualiiiet-, loth to ride <r drive in sicgle or double hamets), U1;1- headed (ltootcn, dog cnlt; Crosskill's patent cart with I arvest g. ariD, bean c rusher, hay cutter, turnip -lirer. &r. Also, the whole of tie HOUSEHOLD FURNI TUKEin rosewood, maho.any, polithed oak, and beaoh in suites frum entrance hall, drawing, dining, ard bedroom the kitchen*— Servauto' ball; dairy and brew* house aie »uf plied with every requisite (or thtir several uses. 1 he whole in thorough good order and tqunl to new. d (Jataln", ne will be reedv for delivery on Thursdiv, Mav 14th, 1863, price tbrefpence each. or forwarded bv post for four stamps, aD application to the Auctioneer. Office-Old Swan Inn, Wrexham, May 7, 1863. CARRIAGES. THE LARGEST STOCK OF CAURIAGES IN THE PRINCIPALITY. (ESTABISHED 1762.) JACKSON & SONS (Successors to the late Mr Joseph Cooper), COACH BUILDERS, HOLT STREET, WREXHAM. IN ejpreesing their most grateful ackmwledgm<Titf> for the distirgui.^htd p&Uonsjie aDd suppoit they have received trom ite Nobility, CllTY, and Geniry, J. & S. beg respectfully to intimate that they ) aye OA SALE a large Asaoiimetil of JNliW 4NL> SLC0.ND BAND CARRIAGES. THE NEW CARRIAGES Consist of exceedingly light double Broughams, with circular pJate glass front?, I, r one or two horses, double ud sincle-seated Cabiiolette Ptajtons with sod without h ads' ver\l light fa?h'onabte CaMe.back?d Pony Car- nages handsome {.ur.?he<-kd Wag?onttt?with aH rla¡.tt'8 d .h I à 1J s alII, re ?nt improven ei.t<; four and two.wh?d Dra? an? D.gL.r?? t?!? Pb?. n?tWb?hap? biid D/=ts of ?a'iou. <br?; So?bl. Cars, adapted l >r Hi.tel-keeper. &e., &c. T.: above ?.'? ? ? built the ?- C II b .It the Prennsf8 (', I be.t 6<a.orfd Ble'I'olB 6??' ?ed m S;?.at. -rate ? ? e o t'1t- f:'t 8t B80re m t b 1, wo.kmans b. and are constructed Irom 1 e mo,t fa- WOI manll Jp, an I..1' ?Se d &g? co?biain. ?.-? ?"?? "Y. and 6 ODO e ue6lgDI!, C PO d lightness, the whole 01 will ba war ranted, ard 11/;1. nees, tJe woe sold at the lowest romnierstive price3. SECOND-HAND. ..b two wbfels B" Very .i?ht cce.).(.r? On"" us, on tw0 w h eels BH ktt.?g and \\h.?pe!; l<ub). G'? with lIOta d' backing; ti?ht u.et? B?n'sCart, "lIb Mf?d Lt?ad tuti?'dCter?cc; .?t,et Ja.?e De'cns with eaut and t'aneetu loin- tkte ctuiagtfc lv, J tUltlllltor 1'" ktep?fs); "gLt 01 e houe bluk; ttL?l one o¡;U )> Irih Jburitng CH, W?ottttt?, Bnukis, S?MS La Chair, snail Pj atoct, &c.,««•, all iteitC b\ »■ Jinbi liduilid.. basket Carnages made to order on the sbcrtest nctict N.B.— A design ot any ot tie above cariia^es lot* Wt rded tree of co-i on application. llt IBlary Omtn tnioi Paii<hrg, Family HatchmeoU, &c., tiMUted, bs btual, ift the ifist bijle. Old Cain&gt < 1 evti y dtsiriptun taken in esthanbe, or iitltd up 11, t He kibt naLuei..— iiclU6Ufcet> WI, 17, low. — SIMMER FASHIONS AT BOUSE, j CHURCH-STREET, WKEXHAM. M. WRIGHT B EGS t inform his friends and the public, that he has returned from London with a Choice Sleek of JL SUMMER GOODS, comprising—Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Mantles, Jackets, White Shuta. Crinoline Skirts, Bonnets, Flowers, Cap Fronts, Bats, Ribbons, Neck Ties, Gloves, Collars, tlnir Netts, Siaya, Partjsols, Sun Shades, Umbrellas, Braid, Buttons, &c., &c. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. GREAT BEDUl TION IN THE PRICE OF TEA WILLIAM-PORTESj ,'f TEA DEAL E It .AJi JX L .A.-»&U.. -t:ga;ir -:7: C: ;¡" i > 'tt': "J:7" ¡. No. 1, HIGH-STREET, (CORNER MR HOFE-STRSET), Successor to Jtfr. Overton and Mr. Beale, HAS much pleasure in stating that in consequence of the REDUCTION in the DUTY ON TEA, by the  Chancellor of the Exchequer, has REDUCED the Price of all his Teas 5d. per pound, and he belieVéS/ I this great reducüon in the price of Tea will result in a much larger sale of this important necessity of domestic I comfort. He congratulates all lovers of GOOD and CHEAP TEAS cn this great boon, and calls their particular I attention to the following REDUCED LIST OF PRICES Useful Black Tea (sound and good) II 2s. 6d. per pound. Good ditto ditto 3s. Od. „ Superior ditto ditto, highly recommended to large consumers 3s. 4d. „ Rich Pekoe Flavoured Tea 3s. 8d. „ Finest Tea imported (a mixture of the rarest and finest Black Teas).. 4s. Od. „ Fine Pearl-leaf Gunpowder and Young Hyson, from 4s. to 5s. „ N.B.—Every article connected with the Grocery Trade charge the lowest possible price. Samples and Price List of Articles on application. Observe the Address— W. PORTER, (LATE MR. J. BEALE). SPRiNG AND SUMMER MILLINERY. GOLDEN EAGL ESTABLISHMENT, 22,—TOWN HILL, WBEXHAM,—22. E. E DW AEDS BEGS to announce her return frcm Louden, with a choice selection of London Millinery and Straw Bonnets, A) Bnts, Dress caps, Head dresses, Shawls, Mantles, Dresses, &c., & which is now ready for inspection. Mrs. E. would also wish to call attention to her Stock of GENERAL DRAPERY, and hopes for acontinuanoe of the kind support she has hitherto received. I SUMME R FASHIONS. T. C. JONES T[ EGS to inform his trends and the Public that he has retnmed from London with a choice selection of goods I r for the Season, comprising Millinery, Straw Bonnets, and Hats, Head dresses, Flowers, Ribbons, &c., &c. Likewise, Dresses, Shawls, N antles, Jackets, in great variety, Crinoline Skirts, which are now ready for inspection P.S.—T. C. J. has always on hand an extensive stock of Mourning. ¡ FULL EEDUCTION IN THE PEICE OF TEAS AT ;1 WILLIAM PHILLIPS'S GEOCEEY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM, In consequence of the duties being considerably Reduced Vj the Chancellor of the Exchequer. 1. WP. begs to thank his Friends and numerous customers f??heir land patronage, and trusts to eie a W continnc:e of the kind favours. He also respectfully solicits a trial fm ho88 who have not already VlS1ted his Establishment, bemg assured that the superior ^ualitiesidf his TEAS will gne every satisfaction. JOHN L. GAkNKTT, CONFECTIONER, HlfiH-STpET, WREXHAM. M" 'r OLLERHEAD'S ORIGINAL WREXHAM GINGERBREAD. AGENT FOR THE FAMOUS MELTON "MOWBRAY PORK PIES. PRIME PORK MIl u mioa 111>118 M t tt rrcnr wmwmwum iim MMMUM ur .VlI1& vuuu luiiiuu lift tltitilR eccecceecerce* ttMttttM [MI mi tr- UUBU \Iii". un M't rcc next ttteeeeeeetttt IM MM tMtM MM M unun vuuu UITT* I ml «*» lea IlIe elrlC ttte IWM MM MMI t» i uuua uuttu nut «aa uk Illr rfte MM* ru UDSU sitou taut PIIIC iiui Htf-MUt vuuu vuuu urn IUUUMI rnxc wtwett MM* MMM KU«UtM> UUllU VUUU MIM* MIUIHWM WK KgKfKg eercccM IMM* IIIUI aaiut au. tutu ovuu mm liu «•« ffKK lOIIK eree MUM ,HI IIIIU aaaa lau uvou nuuu tttt tfttM oaaa aaaa I iii iii I 11(11« MM MI IUI NUT aaaa vutiouiuuua ANI MM aaaa aaaa IIIX iKtt et., eteetretee Ml* IUH inuuiu liu eaaa uuuuuvuu unnnn aaaa aaaa irrr'IKI tweweentew aiiuuHi MM uu UM uunuu MM aaaa aaaa IIICC ttttwwwwet mi BRIDE'S CAKE, BIRTH-DAY CAKES, AND FUNERAL BISCUITS. POTTED MEATS, PICKLES, SAUCES, SARDINES, &c„ See. LEWIS & Co.'s CELEBRATED BRITISH WINES.. 1' f; ? 'j-'?- t, & <  J?.? A?' ? -?. ?  F. FRASER, WATCHMAKER, 81TVFRMJTH, AND JEWELLER, 42, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, EESPECTFULLY invites the attention of his customers, and the public generally, to his Stock of ENGLISH J?. and FOREIGN CLOCKS, TIME PIECES, WATCHES, GOLD and SILVER GUARDS, BERTS, JEWELLERY in all its branches, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Portemonnaies, Combs, Brushes, „ Omtlemen's Travelling Satchels, Spectacles, &c., &c., which he is determined to sell at the lowest possible. prices. Monthly payments taken. A reduction of 10 per cent. in Wedding Rings. ATCHERLY LIME WORKS, MINERA. JONES & HARRISON BEG most respectfully to return their sincere thanks to their numerous customers for the very liberal support .D they have received since ihey have commenced working the above Kilns (twelve months ago), and they beg also to state that they have just OPENED a 1SEW QUARRY, which turns out second to none in the Minera district. The Kilns have been thoroughly repaiiea, and are now in a condition equal to new. The reads leading thereto are also in good order, and will be kept EO. By supplying good Lime, the proprietors hope to contmue to merit and to receive the same liberal share of public patronage that they hitherto have so constantly met with. —These Lime Kilns are the only Kilns in the district that are approached by a good road. ESTABLISHED 1821. SPECIAL MANURES. GRIFFIN, MORRIS, AND GRIEF 1A Invite attention to their Mamftes which are successfully used in FORTY SEVEN BRITISH COUNTIES. TOP DRESSINGS FOR ALL KINDS OF CltbAL CROPS. Surprising results are produced by the use of their well-known GRASS MANURES, TURNIP, POTATOE, & MANGOLD MANURES. Agriculturists are invited to send for an Annual Circular, containing List of Prices, Particulars of Premiums, &c. CERES WORKS, WOLVERHAMPTON, March, 1863. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. DURING THE RE-BUILDING OF THE PREMISES, No. 1, EOTE-STREET, THE BUSINESS OF EDWAHJ) JOJNES, LATE R. THOBNELY,) aAT MANUFACTURER, AND GENERAL OUTFITTER, WILL BE CABBIED ON AS USUAL, AT BILL, ADJOINING MB. R. PUGH'S VAULTS, Wlieje lie will àaw lu'jge and aopeuor Stock t t tialeb by Mr. Griffith* ANmJAir^ALE OF FAT STOCK, AT BORRAS, NKAB WREXHAM. MR. GRIFFITHS has the hononr to aullouutt I?! initruetions received from Mr. Meredith, to SELL BY AUCTION, on his premises, situate as above, on Tuesday, the 19th day of May, 1863, com- praiAg— p 10 Magnificlent Fat d-year-old Hereford Ballockfl 10 Splendid Cows and Heifers 60 Shropshire Down 2-year-old Wethers (reryripe) One week's keep if required. Sale at One o'clock. A Lunch will be provided. Overton, April 17th, 1868. WREXHAM JUNE FAIR. SALE IN THE SMITHFIELD. *1i/FM GRIFFITH biw ^aimounee tbat he has jLJLr 'teen honowed whh ftloumetims from Messrs. R. and T. Parry, of Borras Hotili and Plaa Golbourn, to SELL BY AUCTION, in the -Ao-e Smithfield, oa Thursday, the 4th dav of June, 1868, the following FAT STOCK:— 20 Splendid stall-fed Fat Cows and Heifers, of first quality 60 Prime Fat Shropshire Down and other Sheep Sale at Eleven o'clock prompt. N.B.—The Auctioneer considers comment on the above Stock superfluous, as the breeders are so well known for bringing out Stock of unequal quality for several years past. HILL-STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THE ANNIVERSARY SERMONS will be Preached Ton Sunday, May 17th. In the Morning at half- paet 10, by the REV. JOSEPH JONES; and in the Evening at half-past G, by the REV. F. B. BROWN. Collections after each Sermon in aid of the Chapel Debt Fund. FAIRS AND MARKETS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a PUBLIC JLN MEETING of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Wrexham will be held in the TOWN HALL, on í Tuesday night next, the 12th inst., to consider the question of the removal of the Fairs and Markets. All persons are invited to attend. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. 7th May, 1863. A CHALLENGE TO QUOITERS. A NOVICE will play QUOITS with any man in -fJL Wrexham (Henry Jones excepted), at 21 yards. For particulars enquire at R. Evans's Red Cow Quoiting and Skittle Grounds. April 30th, 1863. T) UABON GASLIGHT AND COKE COMPANY, £ V (LIMITED).—The Directors of this Company are prepared to receive TENDERS for the Construction of their Works and Mains. Plans and specifications to be seen at the ofifces, Ruabon, on and after tha 4th day of May next. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Ruabon, April 27th, 1863. (dfcslncits. THE TilSSEs JONES T LLOYD WILL be prepared to SHOW on Monday next, and following days, a choice selection of London and Parisian Bonnets, Hats, Dress-Caps, Head-Dresses, Flowers, Feathers, &c., &c. They have also on hand a quantity of Coloured Straw Hats, which they will offer at a Great Reduction. Attention is particularly called to the DK^SS-MAKING DEPARTMENT, which will continue to receive their best efforts. Ladies own Materials for Mantles and Dresses made up. Mourning and Wedding orders executed with prompitude. Widows Caps made to order. JONES & LLOYD, (late of Liverpool), 28, HOPE-STREET. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 43, HOPE-STREET. MISS LLOYD respectfully announces to the Ladies r of Wrexham and its vicinity that she has returned from London with a. choice selection of the latest and most fashionable novelties in MILLINERY, Straw Bonnets and Hats, Parasols, Sunshades, Lace Falls, Collars, Dent's and French Kid Gloves, Ladies' Corsets, &c., which will be ready for inspection on MONDAY next, May 4th, 1863. APPRENTICES WANTED. MILLINERY AND DHESS ROOMS, 40, HIGH-STREET, WKEXHAM. MRS. SI:uT r rt!8pecLfuJly annoUOla'd to the Ladies JjJL of Wrexham aud its vicinity that she la j'lt returned from London with a choice selection of the latest and most fashionable English and Parisian novelties in Mitlinery, Mantles, Sbawls, Dressea, See., which i3 now ready tor inspection. KEUKiVr-SlKKKi', OPPOSITE THE SAVINGS BANK. M R S. WRIGH T, ¡ IN returning her ",r..tdul ackno w ledge ineuti; to tbose JL ladies of Wrexiim and its vicinity who t avi hitherto so kindly supported her. bepli to iof.irir them hn she baa receivea a Eupplyof SUMMER FASH- IONS, which ate now nady for int-jection, comprising the i.ewest style < t b:iintt-, ha' and the various arti It- o' milliner,, • r'ni■ t■ i> up, inirp WHaht also rep; eptfnlh calls attention to her Dress-Making bur-inf es, w) ich will continue to receive her bet efforts. Ladies' own materials for cloaks and dreast-a she will be happy to make up, with punctuality and desi att b, having a stock of patterns in the PaiLian aud London mode for the approaching seasc n. Straw bonnets cleaned, dyed, and altered. Wedding and mourning oilers piomptly executed. SUMMER FASHIONS. 1\1 RS. EViiKS, Queen-stieet, begs to inform the ladies of the neighbourhood that sbe has just icturn'd troin the principal nurkt-ts, where she has se- lecte i th gretitest iiuvtltlt-s iii Millinery, New Bonnete, Hats, Fieuch and Englisu Flowers, Feaihere, &c., &c. i SHOWING SUMMER FASHIONS, I AT THE BAZAAR, 7, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM.  LLOYD begs to inform his Friend? Gentry, and R • the Public, that he has returned from the iV arkets, and is now prepared to show a choice selection < nd novelties in the following departments:— SHAWLS. A variety of fancy coloured Shawls, Paisley, &c. A parcel of plain and trimmed Black. Lama, and Indiana, long and squares, a decided bar- gain. MANTLES. The newest shapes, including the Alexandra Jacket in black silk and tweed. A variety of Í\. j.; :b..i ¡wd Paletots in all materials, Ladies anti Childrcns j.i^kets. SILKS, FANCY DRESSES & ML,oijl.,NS. French und Swiss black Glacie, biackgros, fancy colour- ed tilk Dresses, a well assorted stock of ciialiut Mohairs, &c., in all the new coiors. Organdu £ othfci At uslins. Parasols and Sunshades. I Crinoline skirts. Hosieiy and Gloves. Laces, Flowers. Feathers, idbbons. I Straw & other Bonreis. Woollen cloths. A variety of Gentlemen and Juvenile ready made cloth- ing, also made to order. Gents shirts, handkerchiefs, ties, &c. Hats in all shapes and colors. I MILLINERY. This Department wiil be replete with every article, ant. attended to by experienced .j llliners. l lfamiiv & complimentary mourning. l- I" bi In. ■I 0 BE LET, & respectable and commo&ow HOUS !n Penybryn, containing Parlour, Kitchcn, *m? four Bedrooaig, A Garden attached. Apply to Mr. Wm. Stokes, 5, Penybrvn. M2& TO BE LET and entered upon on the 24th da7" JL June next, a D UELLING HOUSE ud SHOP? in the centre of High-atfe?, »the thriving and rapidly increasing Town of Wrexham, izow oeenpitj by 1&- Thomas Williams, Draper. The above promises am most conveniently situated for businen parpow, bene opposite to the Market Hall and Corn Exchange.—Faff particulars as to Rent, &c., apply to the Office of Xeura. T. and J. ALLJKGTOS HUOHES, Solicitors, Wrexham. > BE LET,. ABENBURY FO?GE. which M ? A full worHmg order. Alw SoMe and Land. to Edward Tench, Esq., MtMe Gwyn, or to Mr. E<H??? Edwards, on the premiaea. ri 0 BE LET and entered upon immediately a i DWELLING-HOUSE, in the most delightful snbarb of Wrexham, consisting of Sitting-room, four Bedrocms, Kitchen, Back-kitchen, Scullery, &c., ke.. and has a frontage to one of the pleasantest drives in the kiugdom.-Apply to Mr BURY, Estate Agent, or Mr Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. OLD LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE TO LET:— The 11 LLAKERCRiturOG A»<MS," with Brewhonwi ailrt oiLer conveniences. For further particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Edwards, Colliery Agent, The Rhoe, near Wrexham. TO BE LET, 15 acres of good PASTURE LAND. called The Mill Hay Meadow," situate in the Borough of Holt. Apply to Mr. Thomas Jones, Tyn y coed, Llanyclian, Ruthin, or the land may be seen by applying to Mr. W. Eccleston, Holt Gate. $0 bi iol, mo BE SOLD, or LET for ? tenn, a desirable X VILLA RESIDENCE, called Poplar Cottage," pleasantly situate on the banks of the river Dee, within half-a-mile of the Village and Church of Bangor. lsacoed, in the County of Flint, and five miles from Wrexham Railway Station, with Garden, Orchard, and upwards of two acres of excellent Pasture Land adjoining. The House contains two Sitting-rooms, Kitchen. Back-kitchen, with convenient Out-Officea and fivo Bedrooms. Tha Out-Buildings consist of a two-stalled Stable. Cow-house, and Piggery. Immediate possession may be had, and for particulars apply to Mr. Timothy Roberts, auctioneer, Overton, or Mr. Bayley, stationer, Wrexham. ON SALE, that well-bred Frown Horse of Waggon kind, called YOUNG MARQUIS, tà. property of Mr. Bithel, Gwersyllt, Denbighshire. Apply to the owner, or at the Advertiser" Office, Wrexham. 0 BE SOLD. a capital Fmmers MARE, 7 years J- old, suitable for any, purpose. Apply to Mr. Bladon, Marchwiel. TO BE SOLD, a BILLIARD TABLE, with elai? Tbottom and India rubber cmhions. Apply to Mr. W. Pierce, cabinet maker, Bridge-st., Wrexham. WREXHAM MARKET HALL. 1'0 BE SOLD, at a GREAT DISCOUNT, J5 X SHARES in the WREXHAM MARKET HALL. COMPANY. Apply to Mr. Kuibbs, auctioneer, Wrex- ham. HORSES AND STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. IjAOUR useful Draught HORSES to be Sold, in V- consequeuce of the opening of the Wynn Hall Coal Compauy Railway. Aiso, a capital 18-inck -Cylinder bNUI:t\b, oO-laches fatioke, ttands on its foundation, complete with winding gear, lately used in ) sinking a new pit.—A bargain. Apply to the Wynn Hall Coal Co., Ruabon. RHOS-Y-MEDRE, DENBIGHSHIRE. fpO BE LET, or SOLD by Private Treaty, with im- I mediate possession, a PLBLIC-ROUSE, called tho Oddfellows Alms," with two Cottages attached, to- gether with a laige Plot of » and, suitable for Building purposes, within ten minutes' walk of Ruabon Iron Works. For fuitber particulars apply to Mr. Jamea Marshall, Railway Office, Aberdovey. t 0 LET, Four convenient DW ELLING-HOUSES, i situate at Holt Street Terrace, Wrexham. Rent moderate. Apply to Messrs BAUGH & JONES, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 0 EE LET, comfortable APARTMENTS, a short distance Irom Wrexham, consisting of Sitting and Bedroom. Apply to Mr. Griffiths, 1 oundry, Rhostylien, near Wrexham. ^tlnalums, &c., WLzaui*, « TO JOURNEYMEN CABINET MAKERS. WANTED ?nimmn!y, two ?ood hands. Con- W b?m work given gooa v, oilmen. Apply to John Jones, Uphoisttrer, \< i-Hciuti<-ii, alop. WV l ANTED immediately, AH 1 ENTICES to the {" Lic?sa?d Mantle nn-?irn business. Apply to ?Mh- ). <?iltg;e-8t]ft-t, Wrexham. Jfisr C..(i-i k- 8 ). (-ollt ge-stoeet, Wrexham. MRS H t: b hh S. 47, Hope-street, is in immedia want ol "Appunticeb to the Dress, and Mantle making business. APARTMENTS WANTED, consisting of two bed- rooms. A Farmhouse in the neiglibourhood of Wrexham preferred. Address, B. C., Post-Offics, Wrexham.  ANTED a good secondhand ENGINE, from 2 W to 40 horse power, with boilrs and winding gear complete; also hollers, and Pug Mill for grinding and tempering clay. Address, stating jarticuiais and. price, to Mr. John Lewis, Burnt Wood, Buckley, near Mold. lli16 A PI REN 1 ICES WANIED to the Bookbinding trade. Must be able to lead and write. Apply to R. Hughes & Son, 56, Hope-street. Also, a quck Errand Boy or Girl. m9 WANTED a Junior ASSISTANT in the Grocery business. Must be of good character. Apply by letter, A., 15, Post Oflice, Mold. WANTED a Situation as FARM BAILIFF, of W long experience, either light side or heavy. rood reference furnished. Apply to Mr. Bayley, b jokseller. WANTED near Wrexham, a steady Working Man, wv to look after a few Cows, Shtep, &c. Constant employment will be given to a careful industrious Man. Apply at 39, High-street. L R 0 N BED S TEA D S OP EVWNR DESCRIPTION AND PRICE, AT E. OWEN, 20, TOWN HILI, WREXHAM. GREAT REDUCTION IN PAPER HANGINGS. t CHOICE assortment of the best LONDON A PAPERS, horn d. pH piece and upwards. Flocks, Golds, St lins, at proportionate Low Prices, At D. LLOYD'S, 4, CHESTER-STREET. LEY FOR CATTLE, At PEN-Y-LAN PARK. Yearliiigs 50s., '1 hree-yeara-old or Cows, 13. From May 12th, to October 12th. The proprietor will not be answerable for any loss or accident wmch may happen to the Cattle. It is m- q tested thai all the Cattle may be brought in and takou o it of the Ley on the days above-mentioned, as there will be no attendance afterwards. to Joba i tm 44" -v