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ECONOMY IN HORSE & CATTE FEEDIG HENRFS PATENT HORSE AND CAT- TLE FEED. Bold with Guaranteed Analysis.—Agent for Wrexham: MR. TIIEDEEICK ROBERTS. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN. LIVERPOOL AND CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, VIA PORTLAND AND THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Under Contract vith Iler Majesty's Provincial Government for the Conveyance of the Mails.) 1861 WINTER ARRANGEMENTS 1862 TJ e Montreal Ouan Steam-ship Company's first-class,' powerful Screw Steamers NOMYEIGIAN, Captain A. M'Master HUJFKNUN, W. GRANGE JA jSORTII BRITON, BORLAND «aM?? ? NOVA COTIAN BALLANTINE 114?LBtjl]EAIIAN, AnON 44m?..i. c AGLO SAXON GRAHAM NORTH AAIERICAN, Luhgess JURA, —— are intended to fail from LIVERPOOL TO PORTLAND every THURSDAY Calling at MOVILLE LOUCB FOYLE, on FIUDAY, to %H.bark 1 assergers snd Her Majestv's Mails; And from PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL every Satur- :DAY, calling at iiOVILLE to laud Mails and passengers. Rate of Freight to Portland (iDs. pr Ton Measure- Z fat, and 5 per cent Primage. Weight subject to z.gr.eewent. Cfibiu Pastape-roorey to PORTLAND, EIGHTEEN CJLINEAS and FIFTEEN GUINEAS, including Provi- sions but not wines or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. Steprace Passage Moroey to PORTLAND, SEVEN GUINEAS, including a plentiful supply of cooked Pro- TaioM. By arrangements msde with the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, Bills of Lading and Passage Ticktts will be gian!td in Liverpool, tor the conveyance of Goods and Patenters at very modtiate through rates to all the princiffll towns in Canada. For Freight or l assage apply, in Glasgow, to James and Alexander Allan, 70, Great Ciyde street; in London to MoIvTGojikkif Al'd Gkeekhoiink, 17, GrHcechurch-st. oor to ALLAN BROTHERS, and Co., WcavcI-Luildings, Brucswiik-st., Liverpool. Tasi-fngLia must provide themselves with Pass- pens frcru the Authorities of their respective Countries, vited by a Minister or Consul of the United States. n_ AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA AND NEW ZEALAND. BLACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH AND Ai. i-TRALlAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACEElti AJSD it,A OLE LINE OF PACKETS. S.Lli I.Ncr Fliom LIVE R POOL}. OR MELBOURNE On tic 5ii: and 15th of every month. Una lice ol tecbiaud Packets is competed of the laige.-t arlu most modern Sttam and Clipper Ships, whose ■well tiled superiority have distinguished them through- out the world. They are characterised by the quickest jassaj-fa on refold, and the magnificence of their chief _Eccon?mr cation. It is also the only line which has hadtte (iiitinguiahed honour of a visit from her Majesty theQuccu. For Melbourne. Ship. Reg. Bur. Capt. Date. Marco Polo 162-5..40GO D. Johnston 5th Dec. City of Alrielaide 940.. 2COO David Morris 5th Jan. Oiean Chitf. 1046..2000 W. Brown.. 5th Feb. FOR ii."DSi.Y, DIRECT. 7KOM LONDON. FROM UYERTOOL. Cuirrgoiw 10th Dfc; Indian Ocean ..25th Nov. CairrgoTm .Q.. UEENSLAND, MORETON BAY, FOR to sail 15th November. "CtJFTO?" to sail 15th November. MONTMORENCY" to eail 15th December. PACKET FOR THE 5th DECEMBER. To sail 9th Dec., -1RSS? F 0 R MELBOURNE. Taking "Victoria Passage Warrants" and "Bounty Tickets." The ci-lebiated Fiigste-built Clipper Ship xa: A. :r, a o i^oxjO." 1625 'lots Ligisur, 4000 Tons Burthen. Capt. D. H. Johnston. This f»r-amed Clipper is celebrated for having been tie ricLter of the Australian Passenger Trade, andmak- ing (Die cf the n,(st vvor,dertut voyages on record; her voyage f. om Liverpool to Melbourne and back, including ùt: it f, ¡j[1I all", bO. in 5 months and 21 days; and her two voagd to Melbourne and back within 12 months have never t een suipassed. She has also continued to retain btr woild »iue reputation, and has just come out of Dpi k, rc-cltssed, it-coppered, and fitted in the most efli(icnt manner, Mid offers to intending Passengers and Shipr?< is tte nutt iitsiihble conveyance. Apply to GLFBS, BRIGHT & CO., North John Street, or J AMIS ti.A],N [iS & CO., Water-st., Liverpool. Or to IW r. ARTHUR CLA.RKE, Elt'Y N YFF Y N,\TON TERR A CE, WREXHAM. ROWLAND'S STOMACHIC DIGESTIVE PILLS. THESE PILLS are prepared from the prescription ot JL a late eminent physician, aud will be found a most valuable remedy for all disorders of the S;omaeh impaired digestion, fatultnec-, acidity, deficient appetite for food, pain in t he zv.was.h attlr meals, head-ache orner- vousness, tI.'l before and after confinements They dr, r..r, 'r.v-ii& ;,artieJe of mercury, or any of its prfepferttKjr.* -At.z tsxuys.'A entirely of vegetable izgrv:t'>.rS& 'r cj.Vufjuel like will not weaken or in »Jiy way the fe j'fctem, but from the tonic property which they contain, will have a strengthening and invigorating effect. A more valuable family medi- cine cannot be obtaiued. Sold in boxes at In 1 jd, and 28 9d by the pro- prietor, MR. W. ROWLAND, Disi-EXHixo ClJEHlST High-street, Wrexham. HOLLO WAY'S OINTMEINT. Jjiseases of the Skin. Universal approbation has been awarded to this famous Ointment for its efficiency in removing diseases of the skin. For scrofula, scurvy, scald heads, and all eruptions of the skin, both in infancy and maturer years, no remedy Clill be applied which so quickly cures as HolJoway's Oint. ment. Inthe nursery it should always be at haud to ease the many skin affections to which the majority of children are liable, In all heat and tooth rashes, the Ointment is wonderfully cooling and curative. To soldiers, sailors, miners, and travellers in foreign lands, it is invaluable. Sores, Waunds, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs. In this class of maladies, an improvement in the ap- pearance of the disease of the patient, follows the first dressing with the Ointment. It must not only be smeared on the wound, or sore, but to briskly rubbed for some inches round about the dis- eased swollen or painful parts. It will penetrate to the Hood vessels, nerves, and muscles, and even to the bone, and will exercise the most wholesome healing and purify- ing power over every tissue reqnisite for thorough repara- tion. The effect of the Ointment is increased by foment- ing with warm water before the Ointment is rubbed in; Imt sores, when healing, should ccver be cleansed with sponge rr anything else, as the young and new flesh which appears like a crenm, would be washed way. Rheumatism, Gout, Stiff Joints. Every one sufieiiDg from thtse painful affections should use this purifying Ointment, as it has rescued thousands from a life ot tort tire, alter every other means bad been tried in vain. The Ointment should be well rubbed into the skin at least twice a dav, after it has been properly icinented with warm salt aud water, and dried. The in- flammation soon yeilds, and the patient no longer helpless, xeaaroes his accustomed occujinMon. Glandular bwellinys, Bronchitis, Mumps, Sorg Throat and Liptheria. To corr bat there diseases with success, a remedy is re- quired whieh will have the whole a'. sorbent system under, its control. Such a remedy is Holloway's Ointmentd when rubbed on the skin, it penetrate a to the glands, ard removes any obstruction or impurity which may be imped- img their healthy action. ThlS Ointments acts on the very nainspring of life, for through the glands pass all new matter required lor the body's reparation; in ai the above class cf case3, the Ointment and Pdls used con- jointly, will act su searchingly, aud lertaiuly, as to effect cures in the ou.ht deplorable cases. Hoth the Ointment and Pills should be used in the follow- i);g cases. -Bad Le^g BodBteMtt Burn. I' jnl,)Da Bite of MOsebetoes '"?i-axdMiet C'o.h.y Cht.{o.nut vlu:b ains CluiMMi Hands CvittS (Sol)} 1 Cancers I Contracted and Still. Joint. Eiep >auti&aia Fisrulaa Gout Glfauilular Swellings Lumbago Plies iibcumaijsiii Scalds Sore Nipples Sore throats Skiii-diis, ases Scurvy Sore heads Tumours Ulcers Wounù. Yaua Slr' n! l a(\ ?.???C..t.tjfPRrM?on Holiowat. 244 Tf-r,1,1#. jinr.) 1,, n!ioi, b.? il I world i' uJ rs !y?* s»hron«hout the rivilizea wOlíJ. (j.t 1he p? ?'' P"?=-?. !?. 2. ?d. ? 6d I ? 22S &.nu 3:; "!lel, PI,t,   ??'? ?y ?'"? the !a?er ss N.B.-I)i!"tinnli for ? uid::l1(:e Lf *jssk to tacit PU6 DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium), LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as the safest speediest, and most effectua 1 remedy for Comumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Coughs, liheu- matism, Gout, General Debility, Diseases of the Skin, Rickets, Infantile Wasting, and all Scrofulous Affections The invariable purity, palatableness, speedy efficacy, and consequent economy of this unrivalled preparation, have olitained for it the general approval and unqualified con- fidence of the Mcdical Profession,and notwithstanding the active and in too many instances msciupulons opposition of interested dealers, an unprecedented amouut of publio patronage. The immeasurable therapeutic superiority of DB. De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil over every other variety is incon- testably established by the recorded opinions of the most distinguished Physicians and Surgeons in all par's of the world. In numberless instances, where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long and copioasly administued with little or no benefit. Dr. de Jonsh's Oil has produced almost immediate relief, arrested disease, arid restored health. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS SIR JOEHl OLUFtE.M.D., Physician to the British Embrssy at, I'aris. I have frequently prescribi-d Dr, do Jongh's Lit ht-Br own Cod Liver Oil. and I have every reasou to he satisfied with its beneficial and salutary elects. SIR IIE-N RY MARSH, Bait, M.D, thyhitMn in Ordin- ary to the Queen in li-elatid.-I consider Dr. de John's Light-Brown Cod Livi r Oil to be a very pure Oil. not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of crefct value." 1 R. LAWKANCE, Physician to H.R.H. the Duke of Saie- Coburg aud Gotha,-H I invariably prescribe 1, tie Jongh's Oil in preference to nny ot) cr, feeling assured that I am recommending a genuiue article.-and not a manutaciuied compound in which the eflicacy of this iuvaluaUle meoicine is destroyed." DR. LETHEBY, Mfdical OfEcer of Health, 9ul Chief Analyst to he City of London.—" It is I believe universally acknowledged thrt Dr de Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil has great therapeutic power aud lroininjr inveatigatious 1 have no doubt of us ucilll; a pure and unaduitcratea articie." DR. LAN KESTER, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Food Colltction, houtli Kensington Museum.—1 consider the Cod Liver Oil sold under Dr de JougU's guarantee to be prefer- able to any other Kind as regards genuineness aud meuicina.1 elfii acy." Dlt. GRANVILLE, E.R.S., Author of the "Spas of Geriiiany. Dr Granville has tound that Dr. de Jokigli*. Light-Browu Cod Liver Oil produces the desired eilect in a sborcer time than other kinus, aud that it uoes not, cause the nausea and iudige&lion too ofteu cuiitcotteiil 011. the administration of the .Pale Oil." DH. BARLOW, Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital,— I have irtquently recommecueii persons consuliiiig me to- make use ot lJr tic Jongn s coo Liver Oil- 1 luvu been well satisfied with its eliicts, and believe it to Of a very pure Oil. well fitted tor those cases iu which the use of that substance is indicated." I)IL. BANLKS, Kii g-s Professor of the Practice of Medi- cine at tho L'university of ii itbiiii. I have in the coi.ise ot n:y practice exit lisively euiplo.\ed Lr de Jongh's LiLlit- Browu Cod Liver Oil, and I have no hesitation in staiiiiK that I consider it the best of ail the specimens of Oil which has ever come uiiuer my notice." Dr. de Jcn&h'a Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil is sold only in Imperial Dait-piuts, :¿ti ud.; 'is Mu.. Quarts, Ss, capsuled, aud labelled with his stamp and signature, without which, none can yoetiitny ue genuine by respectable Clicmistsaud L)Yug.;is' s. SOLE CONSIGN BBS; ANSAR, HARFORD & Co.. 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. CAUTION.—Firmly resist attempts often made by tln- scrupulous dealers to recommend, or substitute, with a viav to an extra profit, other preparations, under the fallacious pietence that they are the sutne as lir. de Jongh's, or equally efficacious. AGENT BY APPOINTMENT AT WREXHAM, MR. W. ROWLANDI Dispensing Chemist, lilgli 6THERT. JP&T/o,  ?  ?? ?? ???? ?M?. CORN FLOUR COMBINES all the Nutritious qualities of the finest Wheatt with the best properties of the finest Arrowroot. • DR, LETHEBY'S ANALYSIS Shows that the Corn Flour in general me does NOT contain One per CENT. of Chiduous Matter, whilst John's Nutritious Corn Fl'.ur" contain? vptcardx cf 14 per cent. or 14 tiines more t! c latter also c( ntains 12 per cent. less Starch thin siy other; consequently it is iioiiE nutritious, and more easily DIGESTED than any other. SOLD -wholesale by) PARSONS, FLETCHER, & Co., 22, Biead Street, Cheapside, London, AND mtail BY W; OVERTON, Grocer, WREXHAM, J. F. EDISBURY, Druggist. Ditto, LEAKE & SMITH, Ditto, BRIDGNORTH. Dip Candles to Burn without Snuffing. PALMER & Co.'s Victoria Snvpfless Dips. 8d- jier lb. Manufactured of improved mateiials. free trom smell, a pood colour, may be carried without guttering, burn longer thin ordinary dips. give a better light. Preferable for Schools, piivate Families, and indeed for the general use of ait. Sold by all Crncprq aiid Caiidle Dealers, and wholesale by Palmer ami Co., the Patentees, SUTTON STREET. CLERK. eKWELL, Loxdox. E.C. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. VICTIMS to INDTGEsTION, Nervousness, Physical T Debility, Bilious and Liver Complaints, Diseases of tho Chest, Lungs, and'1 hroat, and all-who desire to restore aud establish their health with speed, certainty, and economy should immediately use wonderful Pills, They strike at the root of disease, purify the blood, and strength and invigorate the entire system. Prepared solely by J ohn Kayr, FHI-, PTOpeCt Ban Wood, oord, late ot Dalton Ilail, near Ifuduelbfic-ld. Buiiei-eds of lascs of cure enclosed in each box. Sold by all Chemists and other dealers i u Patent Medicines, at l».14d2s. 9d. and 49.6d. AVholesalo Depot, 22, BREAD TREET, London, NOTICE OF REMOVAL THOMAS RIDEOUT BLGS to leturn his sincere thanks to those friends .D who have so liberally supported him since he has com menced business in Abbot-street, and at the same time to inform them that he has removed to the more convenient and commodious premises, 16, TOWN HILL (formerly occupied by Mr. John Joues, draper, where he will have Hot Joints in Beef, Mutton, Pork, &c., ready at all hours of the day. GOOD BEDS. Two or three Young Men can bo accommodated with comfortable Lodgings. N.B.—A respectable Young Man wanted to the Confectionery business. Manufactories, 33 and 34, Ludgate Hill and 46 and 47, Cornhill. LONDON, E.C. ESTABLISHED 1749. JW. BENSON, as an eminent ? < and o,detablisliod London Watch and Clock Manufacturer, has, for the guidance of int.incline pur- chasers: published a new Illustrated Pamnklet on Watches and Clocks (tree for 2 stamps), which should ba carefully read by all before buying. It contains a full description of evoiy construction of Watch now made, with their prices, including Chrouo- meter, Duplex, Lever Horizontal,and "Vertical cscapeiut lits. D. contsins also nuniciou:; designs for the decora- ticnot aiches, l y eminent London Artists, made expressly Ilia IlltfiCLOr%, RIILI sketches and prices of various kinus ol Clocks auii_ Timepieces. Tins work is so arranged tlia* persons living iii any part of the world can selt-et the Watch best adapted tor their use; and have it forwarded free and safe by post, direct from the man- ufactory, on receipt of a remittance. It also contains plain and practical directions as to the Watch to buy and how to use it. Every Watch warranted for two iears. Benson's Lady's Watch. Esquisita artistic feeling in urllawcntaLÏon and puitcctiun of n,eciiauitiiu AtorLi- ng Post." silver 3 to 18 guineas. Gold 5 to 50 guineas. Benson's Gentleman's Watch..—'• All that can be deaiied iu finish, taste, and design."—"Globe." Siivti' 2 to 50 guineas. Gold 6 to 100 guineas Benson's Lever Watches,—"Leave nothing to be desired but the moucv to buy them with. Standard." Silver 4 to 30 guineas. Gold 7 to 50 guineas, Benson's Horizontal Watch.—"A good watch with- out paying an exuroitant price."—" Daily Telegraph." Silver 2 to 8 guineas. Golu 5 to 2u guineas I Benson's Clocks 1 to 50 guineas. Liberal terms to cnphins. merchants, shippers, and watch clubs. Old watches taken in exchange, or repaired. All communications to lie a<:<!re<.« <1 to til Manufactories. >!I. "o-o; "11:. 7f' ?M?.SS????S?? i NEW CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 1, ABBOT-STREET, W REX JI AM. (Next door to Mrs. Piice, Draper.) W ILLIAAL KEN DR ICK9- (Late Foreiran to Mr. J Olleiihead, Higb-street,) BEGS mot respectfu?v to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Wrlham and surrounding neigb- j5 hood, that be has OPENED the above premiss with an ENTIRELY NEW AND CHOICE SELECTION OF CONFECTIONERY in great variety and first-cla-s quality that cannot be surpeased; aleo, a choice selection of Teas, Coflees, Spices, and General Grocery for family use, to such quality and at. such prices, as- cannot fail to give satisfaction. W. K. having acquired a perfect knowledge of his business by a 17-years' service with Mr. Ollerhend, trusts that by combining ctre and atUrtion with pUlH tualilY to business end supplying ev.sry article as above of sterling quality and at moderate prices, to merit a shaie of public patronage anrl. support. N.B.—No. 1, ABBOT-STREET, WREXHAM. October 25, 1861. MONEY LENT ON PERSONAL SECURITY. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, (LIMITED), j ARE prepared to advanco any sum from £ 5 to 1100, on personal or other security, for twelve months, repay- ?\_ ??te in weekly, monthly, or quarterly Instalments, at a low rate of interest. Good Bills Discounted on very moderate terms. The strictest confidence observed.—Application to be made to the Secretary, THOMAS JONES, OlEcer,-Tcmple Place, Wrexham. A CCOUNTAWT. ———————————————— MP IORTANT R- '4!G' "9 >1' £< ,?' v '.):J f¡'<\ ::¡-.f. /J Fob ¡ <1( ?-?-? ? I;. Ii :I i .H.OLD ETAEUSD J ?Smrjgf? If.. -A !l I NOTICE. ALTERATION OF DAYS OF ATTENDANCE IN WEEXHAM. ATTEN-DANLCE IN WREXHAM THE 1st AND 3RD FRIDAY IN EACH MONTH, AT MRS JONES,' CONFECTIONER, 5, HOPE-STREET. DENTISTRY NOTICE. MESSRS. GABRIEL, the dd Established SURGEON DENTISTS, bave the honour to announce J?JL regular Professional Visits as above. I., I ? I- 1. J. n, JflesfrB bArsxllL/L B bell Achesive JMmtral leeth and rateiit corame iinm-oiourea India nuooer bums en- tirely tupcrccde the oidinary methods, and are supplied without Spring, INiies, or Metals, and without extracting tteth or Stumps. A mong the more impcrfsnt advantsges obtainable by Messrs. Gabriel's Suction Frames and Air Cells, the fol. lowing may be enumerated :—Sharp (dges are entirely avoided: a wonderfully increased amount of Suctionis ob. tained, together with a ratural Elasticity hitherto unattainable a Fit perfected with the most unerring accuracy and a dgree of lightness almost fabulous, unpleasantness of teste and smell being done away with by the peculiar nature of its preparation, the materials utcd blilig of the very best description, the workmanship of the first ordbr. Messrs. Gabriel from being manufacturers of every speciality appertaining of the profession, are enabled to make their charges less than half the ordinary fees. Patients will thus be enabled to take advantage of the higher re- sources of the Dcntsl Art, without the necessity of a visit to town, or having to pay for tiriit-class workmanship the exorbitant charges usually made. r AMERICAN Minebal Teeth, from f4 43 the set warranted. Partial sets in proportion. I Every operation pertaining to the profession. Stopping Front Teeth with the celebrated White Enamel, &c., at the same strictly moderate rate of charges. Gabriel's Treatise (new edition for 18(1) on the loss and only Effectual mode of Restoring the Teeth, may be had gratis on application, or will be sent direct for three postage stamps. Gabriei's Treatise clearly explains their system, and should be read by all who value- their teeth.London Morning Herald. Gabriel's System will save much money more annoyance, and still much more disappoii itment. Their Treatise should be read before consulting a Dentist, as emanating from such a source it may be confidently relied on. United Service Gazette. MESSRS. GABRIEL, Surgeon Dentists, established 1815, (see Diploma), 134, DUKE-ST. LIVERPOOL, 32 and 34, Ludgate-Hill, City, London, 27, llarley-street, Cavendish square, and 65, New-st., Birmingham. Consultation Gratis. Messrs Gabriel's celebrated ROYAL TOOTH POWDER," as prepared for Her Majesty; lnd the Royal Family Is 6d per box.—Also the "PATENT WHITE GUTTA PERCHA EN A. MEL," the only effective stopping for de- cayed front teeth, Is 6d per bot.-To be had of Mr. Rowland, Chemist, Wrexham. Ti e days of attendance in Wrexham, are:— Friday, Nov. 1st and 15th. Dec. 6th and 20th, And every Saturday at Shrewsbury, 48, High-street. GRIFFIN, MORRIS, AND GRIFFItvTS FATTENING AND FLAVORING COMPOUNDS For Fatting Figs. Fcr JPatting Cattlo and Sheep. Fur Working Horses and Colts. Fcr Store Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, and Milking Cows. Price 25s. per Cwt., delivered free to any Railway Station. Bags included. In Ordering it will be necessary to specify which Ccmpound is required. These nourishing and stimulating Mixtures are compcsed of the choicest nitrogenous starchy, oily, and saccharine gram and seeds, and are prepared under the direction of one of the most eminent Veterinary Authorities of the day. Although we were assured last year by the scientific and practical information we had obtained that the Compounds we then devised would be publicly approved, we resolved on submitting to our connection specimens for trial before advertising them and the numerous Testimonials we have received are most satisfactory. I Further Particulars, with Testimonials, may be had on application to Griffin, Morris, and Griffin, Ceres Works, Wolverhampton. ESTABLISHED 1821. G E N E R A L F URNISHING E STAB L ISHMENT. DRAWING AND DINING ROOM SUITES, IN WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, AND MAHOGANY BEDROOM DO., IN MAHOGANY BIRCH AND ALL PAIN. TED WOODS, IRON BEDSTEADS, FEATHER BEDS, HAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK, MATTRASSES, CHIMNEY, AND PIER GLASSES. IIA7?T? 16 COT TQN IMMENSE STOCK OF WALL PAPERS, AT VERY REDUCED PRICES, FELTS, DRUGETS, COCOA INDIAN AND RUSH MATTING, HEARTH RU GS, DOOR MATS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, and a choice Selection OF UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS, &0., &c., &c. F. OWEN'S FxuriEive Show Rcoms, cfty the greatest Vsiieiy in the Principality to purchasers ticles. Estimates given for the Furnishing of Houses or separate Rooms. Furniture to any amount bought or exchanged. A large assortment of Second hand Goods always on Sale. 16, TOWN HILL, (Late of the Old Shop Bridge Street,) N E w -M P L E lkl E N T VARD. CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM. AKTHUK CLARKE, SUPPLIES, at Mafce.'s ryiefs. ?BJCUL'H-RAL ?!PLE?!E?TS manufactured by R?soMEa & S? ?u  ? .EHL:E.Y. "————— &CLAXTON, IS.UU'JTLEWO.UTH, &-  ? .S manufacturers. AGENT FOR-TEE J[ ANCASIIIEE JJANURE COMPANY'S Nitrogenieed Bone Manures. THE WEST OF EKGLAND CATTLE QlLS and Sheep Dipping Composition. THE CLYDESDALE FF.I:D1:\G CONDIMENT, Cattle Food, &c. AGRICULTURAL SALT, and the celebrated QHEESE gALT, specially prepared. BOOC-S SUCCESSFUL WASHIKG MACHINES, Jl„8,es and Wringing Maebiness  Pard,*P- Boe  Eeatp, RolJers. Lawn MowiDg »u*u. Wire Fencing ard Nttting, I icid rlld r' \V Ire FencIng aLtl tttmg, }lfJU anu GErdtn (;ate, Eurdles, hon Buildmgs, .RoctiD, &c. .NL-B -lu" 1; E.¡ I irp. r, occ 'IL(iI ÜtÙ, SmithwOlk (IOLO on the shortest notice. Onice-HenM??T?    ? '? ?-? ?  NOTICE OF REMOVAL E ZEIIEL MASON, QIOXHIEE AND () U T I -T-T -W  i >EG»s to irifrini h;s Frit re's rr.ii the Pifclic th.*>t l e ]>ic r I ? a r f Chprles-street to lai-ge J"| 3 and more COMMODIOUS PIŒ!1FES, latd)' occupied bv Mr.  in It??t-st?, :hZ* b? lnf8 to be hnortd with a centh.u?ce oi' the pltronai-e nr' rf« which has been accorded Iwhere Le truts to be lanort (I -vvill) a ceritijiu,-ince of tL-e patronsi g e arf] aiipport -w b I' ch has 'ueenuccorded I to hmi tsiiice his commencement in busmess. E. A(. begs to call special att?io? to his large and choice <tr? ? of ready-made clothing, which for quality and cheapness cannot be surpassed. 3 0 1_, "T' n  S  R    —  Q ¡ 3 0-N% rP S A. rii I