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[A pPltinn of the following appeared in our Second Edition rf Sr.tllrdayl I!-t ] QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE TOWN COU-NCIT,. A Quirtfily Mettins; of the Town Council took place in ihe Council Chamber, at the Guildhall, at twelve 4) Clock to-day (Saturday}, when the whole of the mem- bet.-g wern present. Bcforo the regular business com- menced, Mr Bury asked a qu stion about THY. L'OLI.INO ON THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER. Mr. Biuy 8-iJ he had a question to pnt to the Mayor V'ore fl e business waa ^ntaiei upon. He wished to know whether he (the Mayor) liad acted on his own responsibility or by the advice of the Town Clerk, in flopping the poll six minutes before four o'clock on the dav (if lio;i. It win a questionable and very bold proceeding, "n,1 1 al given THe to a great deal of tain online the Burgcs-rs it was at a moment too when the voles ricorded f, r two rival candidates were equal, find a lar^e number of Burgesses were wailing to record their rote?, a wl it appeared to him like wresting th e matter nut ot the hands of the Burgesses, and the course he then adopted roquind an explanation. It was the lilliv 01 the Town Clerk to advise liim in any doubtful point, and he wished to know upon what authority he had The Town Clerk I think I oUglit to answer that quo-tim. .Mr. B try siid he should like the Mayor to answer it, and further observed that it woul d be dcsir.ible to pro- de againt a simil-ir occune c he observed that the Ilo.,ice ai.i they did not consider ii, their duty to inter- j'tre unless then; had been an actual breach of the peace. lie would recommend that a few special constables be appointed to keep order, and protect the Bugiessea as they come to poll, as it would be impossible to get through the business, particularly if the Mayor happened to be slow, as on the las; occasion. The Mayor: I'll ann er it if Mr Bury wishes. I did not close the poll until after four o'clock. I stopped the polling because there was such an uproar. Had the uproar taken jlaee at three o'clock I should have kopt the poll optu until four o'clock, but I could not htive taken any votes. I asked the advice of the Town Clerk when ll e utroar began, and he said it would be illegal to dure the poll before lour o'clock, aud we kept it oprn until foui, hot wo could not take any votes for tt'versl ri-iiiiiites. We could have taken ten or tweive more voles if there hud been Bounce a.,d peace. Mr liury I aID quite siiti-fied. I merely asked the question because a good deal Lad been said abuut it in the H wn. I wai present 1J1 3 sell and I asked the police if they c. u'd not stop it, and they said it wad no busi- lIC" ot tn. irs to interfere. I Mr Hiywuod (interrupting; Mr Buri) I think it is tim.. to btjjiu the businiss, Mr Town Clerk. The Town Clerk said it was. Mr Bury said he would not be a minute. MrHogcrs: We won't hear you-let us go to busi- ness, Mr Town Cie-k. KLICTION C'F MAYOR. The Town Clerk ""i.1 the first business of the Council would be the elcctioD of Mayor Mr Evhiis then rose and said, I have very great plea- Miie in proposing Mr Councillor Dickenson to be Mayor fur the ensuing year, who, I think, bus peculiar claims to that ofice. In consequent e of a untthing which took place sot e time ago, Sjveral professional iteutlemen were made magistrates, but by some peculiar means Mr Dickenson's name "al emitted. We have P"W an opportunity ot mak- ing go(,d that omi=ston, and of converriii,- upon Mr Dick- enson an honour that ought to have been conferred upon him some jeirsauo, and 1 have no donbt that, with the a*sis'ance of the ex-Mayor, and the Boronh Magistrates, he will be able to carry uu the bti.,ir,ess with cretin to him- self, ai-d also the town, Mr Dickeu-on is a native of the neighbourhood, atd he has been in prartice for many yea", and J fe-l confident that frum his ability, his education and his position iu life, be is in every way tjutlified to fill the ofiiie of chitf magistrate of this horouith. Mi Wr. Rowland seconded the pror)os;tl. At'er a pause, the Mayor said If no one el-e had any one to propose, he should declare Mr Dickenson duly elected. The newly elected Mayor then went through certain f riiiaiities, after which the ex-mayor vacate I the chair and the newly elected Mayor took possession of it, the ti-major shaking bands with the newly tk-ct. d Mayor tnd observing —I have very grent pleaMire in giving up ti.i, i ha r tu you, Mr Dickenson—1 IIBV., known you I r n any years, and 1 hope I shall know you for many zuorp. Alderman M'Cov 'hen moved a vote of thanks to the cx-il svtr. Ile sii,i h.- I.a!i pr.,t plo-.ov.rc in doing so. Thtja.i Jift-w » nil what tdiin, he had di-'chargcd the duties rf hi:. i tb,-t- j,jst in Hit spuil of a true Knglish- iM.n. It I l:e i t w 11. yor woulo aluw him to offer him a v, rllllt a'.vi. e, it would be tl.Lt J.e should tullow the example ot the ex-mayor. Mr Heywood seconded the rote of tharks. The Ex-Matnr then said Mr Mayor and Gentlemen, I have great pleasure in thanking you for the vote o! thanks that yuu have just passed, and for your kind ex- pression of the manner in which I have done Uly dut. ] have done my best at all times, and I have at all time I JI et "Ith the greatest courtesy and attention from you, and I ain very weli s .tisfiid. i again thank you, aud I hopt- you may live long. lhe Mayor t'en said Gentlemen, — I relurn y)u my toe-t thanks for the honour you h-ive this day conferred I up- n itie, in electing me to fill the civic chair for tt.e I ensuing jear, and I am the more pr ud of the hon- our because 11 is the gen. rai wish of the council J J t'ust c t-idt it is a h> eshadowing of better things for tte future, and tnat the Council will be enabled to carry out in the town such measures as will contribute to the com- f,.rt, the impiovement, and the prosperity of the t,.),A n. We as you hro very well aware, a deal to do, for 8, ye: very iiitlo has been done towards carrying out the I ohjtxts i, r whicii thecuaiter was obtained—that is, very little of a pei Luitlieut cliardcter. L'ertainlv foim of h •streets have been cleansed, but the from streets 1111\ I fear, been cleansed at the expense ot the ba k btreeis. We lave chared of ti,e t;t,t:i 011 a market oay, but we hine ouly removed Leul to Queen-street, wnuie taey are still com- JIlaineJ. uf as a nuisance, and where no such nuisance existed before. Thus much for what we have done, I will now, by your permission, advert to what, I think, ought to be done. There is a great deal to bo done ^■ith regard to sanatory matters, especially drainage. J Deed not name to you the dirty pestiferous places which are to be found in this town, they are aa well known to you as they are to me, all this exists because we have no main drainage. If we had a proper system of drainage, it would be easy to drain these laterals into the main drain and thus get ri6 of a vast amount of filth and pollution. 'his is of vast importance to the poorer classes, to whom health is everything. Health to them is their capital-it is their bread-it ia their independence, with- cut health their next move is the poor house or the prison. I think that under these circumstances a good system of drainage is of the utmost importance, if we wish to im- prove the condition of the poor. There is another ques- tion of great impoitfince and closely allied with this that ia a supply of water for the town. You are well »w .re of the very scanty supply that we have at pre- &tdt-dependeut as we are almost entirely upon pumps for cur supply—and I find that there are not more than loo pumps in the town to supply a population of nearly eight thousand persons; and out of this number two- tbir da are either out of repair or in the hands of private individuals, the public having no access to them, there- fore we have only the small number of forty pumps to supply the whole town with water. Looking at it in this ieht, each of these pumps will have to supply two hundred persons with water daily. If you will look to the supply that they have in large towns, the average quantny being ten gallons per head- each of these pumps ought to supply seventeen hundred gallons per oay. The whole bulk of the population would therefore require sixty or seventy thousand jjailous daily this the pumps will never supply. 1 meiely mention these facts at the present time to put you on your guard to look out lor a future day. "e bIl know that the supply of water in this tiwn COIDLS iroin Ri,os-dilu-irom the btautiful spring that is Lu id in that locality. That percolated .iirousrl. certain urisia and when we sink to a given depth that spring is psieked. iVwI Lave reason to think that this spriug i. al jeopardy by something that ii going on in that lu- ca tN. A new colliery is ^bout to be opened th. re, and :1, Yore now I nsily er.^aged in sinking a hrg., shaft, •t \n they ^et low down as the sj.ring 1 icar then lu..t o:;r presor t suj ply of water may be drawn oft. J ''o r. t wish y 11 to plunge headlong into the water quevion, but I with tu draw your atie.ition to this eircuiL.iance that you way ho picparcd for ELi, emergency. I am told there is a veiy good suri'-y of pure water at Pentrebyuhin— good pure waii-r—not further than three miles. Ti.1re m las ;s not Vtn far to bring watt-,r-nir would it bd very exp --naive. In Liverpool the water is brought 30 miies-.Nianches- ter 15 miles-Birmingham and Wwiveihntnpton navo water brought all the way from Lichfield—London oil IDij hy the- New River. To the South side of London b,no- ejuipaii,c-s bring the water from beyond Cherts^y :-ad Ca LEam. To Glasgow water is brought ui the v,ry iron. LiJ.;h KaarÍ:ie-upw11r!J of 60 mli-s. the d i'.u'ice f r 3 miles beii g tunti',je I ti rol!z 'b ro- !■ I not UtkV. therefore, th -.t three ui les is veiy far. The expense would not faU upon the present ratepayers as the money could be borrowed, and repayment spread over thirty or filty years. There wonld of course be an income realized by the outlay, and the benefit in a sanatory point of view would be incalculable. Then there are other matters that require our attention. We want a Smithtield. The present cattle market or Smithfield ia not half large enough for the purpose. The consequence if, that one third of the borough is turned into a Smithfield on fair days -Ch,iries-etreet, Chester-street, Ilolt-streef, Farndon- street, and Market Street, are all turned into a Smith- 1 fi: ld. This i3 very disgraceful, and creates a deal of dirt and disorder, 'j o obviate this I should recommend the council to rent some field on the outskirts of the town and fence it out into stalls—the stallage would pay the expenses, and at the same time we should be getting rid of a most disagreeable nuisance. Another question that demands our attention i, what has been for sometime a great bugbear—that is the purchase of the Market Hall. The Maiket Hall and tolls are now in the hands of a pri- vate company, and so long as they remain so you can hardly expect any steps to be taken for improving the town and oh-aiing the streets, because you would not compel peoplti to go into the Market Hall while it is private property, as you would be enhancing its value, and raising the price of property that the town ought to purchase. I hope the owners of the Market Hall and the lessees of the tolls will look at the matter in a liberal spirit and let the Market Hall pass into the hands of the Local Board on reasonable terms. It is really advisable that the Market Hall should be the property of the town, as without this many other improvements lemain at a stand-still. Another matter that now agitates the ,,itat  a t?;o whole country is the supply of gas, in respect to quantity, purity, and price. When the extenbive altera- tions that are now going on by our spirited Gas Com- pany are complete, I have no (lout,t that we shall have an abundant supply of gas in this town, and at the same time I trust the price will be reduced also. I really think that, situated as we are in the midst of a coal- field, we ought to have gas at least as cheap as it is in the neighbouring towns. There may be some other matters thut I m'ght allude to, but I think I shall leave them until a more fitting time. I will conclude by again thinking you for the honour you have done me in electing me to this chair. (Loud etieers.) ELECTION OP TOWN COUNCILLORS. The Town Cierk repo, ted that there had been an elec- tion for Councillors, when Mr. Williams, Mr Rowland, aud Mr Ewau-, had been elected Mr Rogers and Mr Bayley having polled an equal number of votes, tha as- sesaorti and the mayor had declared Mr Rogers duly elected. Mr. Bury again Adverted to the abrupt closing of the poll at the late election. He consinered the Mayor stop- ped or closed the poll when he refused to take any more voting papers at sis minutes to four o'clock, and as the votes tendered were all on paper reaiy ti be put in by the different burgesses then present, be could readily have taken them before four o'clock, and could.have ascertain- ed the result afterwards, as was the case at a previous election. He observed that the votes were taken very slowly, and that a crowd of voters who had not polled was the consequence towards the close-in the middle of the row whioh ensued he asked the Town Clerk what would he best to be done as to the unpolled voters, and he replied -thbt the- doors ought to be closed at 4 o clock and ail votes then in the room may be taken. Alderman Painter: That was the plan I adopted, and I think that all who are in the room at four o'clock, so long as they vote with written papers have a right to have their votes taken. Air Overton said the uproar was all created by one man—if the police had removed him Irom the room the voting might have been proceeded with. Mr Beale said he was present when the uproar took place, and it was impossible for anybody to vote. The Ex-mayor said he acted strictly under the advice of Mr James; and he did not think it right tlat it should be stated the votes were taken slowly-that they were tak,-n fairly he was quite sure, for some parties, ho was informed had been scrutinizing the papers siuce. Mr Rogers I cannot understand this. It the polling had been kept open a little longer there would have been all the reds in. Mr. W. Rowland: Nothing of the sort—there were thirty or forty white voters in the room at tho time. STANDING OHJJERS. Mr Hey wood moved au alteration in the standing orders—namely—that they should meet at ten o'clock in the morning instead of at eleven. It would be far better than regaining there so late he thought. Before this point was settled Alderman Joseph Clark prop kt:d titat the day of meeting should be altered. He thought Tuesday woalil be a much better cay for meeting than Wednesday. Mr Heale seconded this at once. ille W. R lwland opi)--)s(!,) it. Tuesday, he s..id, was a SiHtof mark -tuay, woeicas W, du-s lay was a slack oay. It tliey change! at a 1, he proposed that they shouiJ change to Fiiday. A dtrman fainter said there were many meetings on Friday already. Mr ilhauis supported Mr. W. Row land's view as to Tuesday being a kind of market day, in proof of which he intimated that the Ccfn, Liangoileu, and Mold car- riers uaiiie to Wrexham on Tuesday. The whole ot the red party spoke in favour of Tues- dav. lr. T. Rowland said they were altering the day just ti please Mr Manuel Jones. .Nin.; voted for the change of day and six against it. The change ot hour was also carried. ASKING QUESTIONS. Alderman Painter moved—" That no question should I be asked tue Mayor or Town Clerk during the course of the regular business, that had not reference to the busi- ness on tha notice paper." They could not tell, he said, what discus-ion would arise from a very simple question, and if any menDer had a question to ask he could ask it when the business w as cyur. Air Iieywood seconded this proposition, and after a little discussion, it was carried by ten to five. SCKUTINISING THE VOTES. I Mr Bury said s"me allusion had been made by the -i)-r to a set utiily Ciiat tAud taken plice, bui, iic (the mayor) did not tell them of a bcrutiuy that took place last year when he (Mr Bury) wad elected. He wished to know from the Town Clerk whether any person who wished was at libeity to overhaul the whole of the voting papers, and look how every person voted. He thought himself that a person might ba permitted to look for one paper-or half a dozen voting papers, but to go over the whole he thought was not fair to the burges- ses. The Town Clerk said the act stated that the box was to be closed at four o'clock, and the Mayor was to hand it to the Town Clerk, who was to keep the papers in his office for six months. Any one by paying was entit led to a seaich but the pet did not say what was meant by a search—but he took it to mean going through every paper. He had not charged the usual shilling when a search had been asked for, bat had made a sweeping oharge for the whole search. Tais closed the business of the meeting.




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:;;;;;:;;- - J DISTRICT TTEWS.--


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