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LONDON AND iSTOHTH WESTERN RAILWAY, i (A.DDITIONA.L POWEaa). I (New Rtilways in the If *st Riding of the county of York, and in the, counties of Chester and Stafford New JVorks ani Additional Linda in those counties and in the counties of Any testa, Northampton, Flint, Denbigh, Jjtincaster, Middlesex, and Bucks Abandonment of portion of Cheyoo-d and Knutsford Railway Arrange- mutts with Cheshire Mialand Railway Company as to Station at Knutsfrrd Discontinuance of Footpaths at Bicester, Preston, and Manchester Repeal of provisions .as to construction of Chester and Holyhead Railway over the river for yd Repeal nf provisions in Midland Rtiilway (Burtin BranchesJ Act, I860, as to Railways at £ itrto/i; Repeal of provisions as to Footpaths at SaJfurd and Jfaiielievie)- Working and 1ralfic Ar- rangements with Monmouth shire Railway and Canal Company and Taff Vain Railway Company Arrange- ments with Great Northern and Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Companies ts to Lands at Waverhcc Irocision as to Sale ef superfluous Lands; Provision as to Debenture Sterk- Additional Capital; A»nuitiss Y,) and Arrangements with Cannock Mineral Railivoj i Co-npat.y and Dissolution of that Company Dtvintion (I LlIle of South Leicestershire Railway Com- pany conversion of shares or :stock of Slour Valley Railway Company Amendment of Acts ) N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That application I is intended to be mace to Parliament in th« n..vi -?-I Session fur au Act for the following purposes, or some of I ibem: I To enab'e the London and North "Western Railway Company (hereinafter called 11 The Company") to construct and maintain (with stations, works, and conveniences connected therewith) a railway, to .nramencc by a junction with the London and AVrth Western Railway, at one hundred and fiftv yaids cr thereabouts, northward of the point where the said lael-mentioned Railway pusses under the Leeds :and Eirstal Turnpike Road, otherwise Gelderd Road in the township or chapelry of Becston and parish of Leads • -and to terminate at or near the Farnley Iron Works in the township ot Farnley, in the said pariah of Leeds • which said intended Railway will paes from, in, through, cr into the several parishes, townships, and extra paro- (hIBI or other places following, or some of them (that is to say) Lerds, Beeston, Beeston R yds, Farnley Wortley, and Lower Wortley, in the west ridiaa- of the county of York: To authorise the Company to abandon so much of the line of Railway from Chelford to Kautaford, authorised by "The London and North Western Railway (Cheshire Lines) Act, 1861," as lies between the turnpike road from Knutsford to Holmes Chapel and the terminus of that Railway at Knutsford, and also that Pdrtion of the Railway authorised by the said Act which is therein de- scribed as a short line or spur to connect the said Rail- way with the authorised line of the Cheshire Midland Railway, and to consiiuct in lieu thereof a Railway commencing by a j unction with the main line of the said Railway from Cheliord to Knutsford, at or near the said turnpike road leading from Knutsford to Holmes Chapel, and terminating by a junction with the Cheshire Mid- land Railway 8!1 authorised by "The Cheshire Midland Railway Act, 186 1," near to and on the north-east side •ol the House of Correction, the whole of which Railway -will be in the township and parish of Nether Knutsford, in the county of Cheater To enable tLe Company and the Cheshire Midland Railway Company 10 ei-ter into and and carry into effect contracts and uicmints wiLL rererence to the construc- tion by the Eani Companies, or either of them, on the lsodi now or heieafter belonging to the said Companies, or either of them, of a station or stations at Kuuistord for the use of the two Companies jointly, or of each or either of the two Companies s-pirately, and with rtferenoe to the manazt mert, working, maintenance, end use of the raid staiion or sibtions, IIr any of them, and the costs thueof, upon such terms tind conditions, and for buch rent or other considelation as may be mutually agreed upon between the two Companies, or as may be provided tor under the said intenaed Act, and to confirm any agreement which mav have been entered into between the two Companies in relation to the matters aforesaid To empower the Conpany to make and maintain a short line of Railway to connect the Stour Valley Rail- way with the Birmingham Canal, to commence near the west end of the Albion Station on that Railway, and to terminate near the basins and works now in course of construction by the Company of Proprittors of the Birm- inghnm Canul Navigation, at a point adjacent to where the Birmingham Canal is crossed by tha Albion towing- path bridge, aud on the south-west side of the said Canal; and which nm-uiled Railway will cross the Oldbury and Grcctbridge turnpike-road one hundred yards, or there- at out?, to the norih-wtst side of a bl idge known as Pege's Bridge." over a branch of the eaid Birmingham Caff, and ninety yanls, or thereabouts, to the south- east of a load leading to the Vulcan Iron Works, and in the occuplltirn ot I'Lilip 117illiaws, esquire the w hole of which Railway will be in the township and pariah ol W'stbromwirh in the county of Stafford. To empower the Company, with the consent of the Commissioners of Her Meiesty's Wcoc's, Forests, and Land Revenues, and of the Uommissiunera for executing the oifiie of Lord Hifth Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, to construct and maintain along the north-west side of the old harbour of Holyhead an embatjkment lrutn a point nearly opposite to the exising goods shed of the Company, to a point near to the north end of the station of tI e Company at Holyhead, all which em- bankment will be in the parish of Jlolyhead, in the county of Anglest-a, and to dt-epen and improve nil such parts ofthetaid harbour adjoining the said enibaiikmeut •s may be necessary; and toapprop, ibte to the etilargement of the Company's station, and to other purposes connect- ed with their undertaking, all or any part of the lands which may be reclaimed from the sea by the execution of the said works: To empower the Company to make a deviation in the exi-itin, public road wnioh crosses the north-west end < t t'e a ation of the Company at Holyhead, from a point near the north end cf t'ie said station to a point nearly opposite to and on tne east side of the Rovai Hotel at Boh head; the wh, le of which dt vi tion will I e in t hu parish 01 Holyhead, and county of Anifl>?sea an,1 to stop un and di«connnue as a public Ihorllurdare, itil(i ni)l)i u- yrUtd to thi purposes of the C3.-np-t vg III" s t. or of ? he t'&istin- road as is !;Itu,\ bmreu tne points siWrsnd and altio to empowering Company to provide an access aoross their said station at the south end thereof by means of a footbridge, in lieu ot any exiaiting means of access across the same: To empower the Company to make an alteration or deviation within the hundred of Wymersley and parish of Hardingstone, in the county of Northampton, of the turn- pike icad, known as the Towcester Cotton-end Road, to commence near the point where the Railway of the Company crosses the same road on the level, a. the west end of their station at Northampton, and to terminate by a junction with the Northampton and Newport Pagnell turnpike road, near the point at the east end of the said station, where such last mentioced road crosses the said Railway on the ]eve), and to discontinue and abandon as a turnpike road and thoroughfare, and appropriate to the purposes of the Company, go much of the said Towces- ter and Cotton-end turnpike-road as lies between the said level crossing thereof at the west end of the said station and an occupation road diverging from the said road at the distance of one hundred and five yards, or thereabout., to the north-east of the said level crossing, and to vest the said new or altered road, as part of their road, in the trustees acting in execution of an Act re- lating to the said road, passed in the first ye-ir of Her present Majesty, chapter foity-five, and to amend the said Act and all other Acta relbting to the said road To make an alteration or deviation in the line or ccnrse of the public stree's or highways called respec- tively High Street and Vale Roid, in the township of Rhyl, in the parish of Rhuddlan, in the county of Flint, to commence at the point where High Street forms a junction with Shipley Street and Kinmel Street, and to terminate at the point where the road called the Marsh Road unites with Vale Road, and to carry the diverted roads over the Chester and Holyhead Railway by means of a bridge, and to discontinue the txisiing crossing on the level by the Chester and Holyhead Railway eve ° the said existing streets or highways, or eitherot them, and to appropriate part of the existing sites of auuh streets to the purposes of the Company To make a deviation or alteration in the line or course cf the en tet or highway in the parish of Abergele, in theccutity of Denbigh, leading from Abergele to the sea-shore, west ut the Abergele Station of the Cbeatei and Jlolyhead Railway, ar^U which is now crossed by that Railway on the level; such deviation or alteration to cotnmcnLe near the point where the road from Aber- gcle to l't-nsarn diverges from the before-mentioned rord, and to terminate cn the sea-shore, all in the town- ship of Towyji-issa or Towyn-ucha, aLd parish of Aber- gele. and to cairy the said road over the said Railway bv a bridge, and to discontinue the existing level crossing thereof, and appropriate the site of the existing road to tue purposes of the Company: To empower the Company to connect, by means of a trLm-road, their yards 8'1d wagi?on-worVs lying on the South side of a public road lea-tin^ from Saint Helen's to Newton, called Legb btrict, wiLll other lands belonging to tue said Company on the north side thereof, all in the tewnship of Newton in Makerfield and parish of Win- w:ú with Hulme, in the county ofLineaster: Ti empower the Company tv acquire by compulsion or agreement linds and hou-es for all or Puy of tae pur- pobes aforesaid, and also the lauds and houses herein- after described or referred to, and to alter, vary, or ex- tinguish all existing rights and privileges in any way af- fecting all or any of the said lands and buildings which would impede or interfere with the objects of the said in- tended Act (that is to say) Certiin landj and houses in the township, bo- rjugb, and parish of Bradford, in the West Riding of the county of York, situate near the south end of the station of the Leeds, Bradford, and Halifax Junction Railway and on the south side of that Riilway, and between that Railway and the Wakefield road: Certain lands and houses in the towashilt of Rbylt in the parish of Rhuddlan aforesaid, lyinj to the north- west of 1119 Rhyl Station of the Chester and Holyhead Railway, snl adjoining the same, and the said Railway, on the south-west and uorih-west sides thereof: Certain lands and houses in the township of Great Bolton and parish and borough of Bolton, in the county of Lancaster, bounded by Ureat Moor- Street, Dawes b I Street, and land belonging to the Lancashire and York- shire Railway Company, and certain other lands, hoiiws and property in the said township and paiish lying to the east 01 the Company's existing Bolton Station, and to the south of the aforesaid laftdg of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, to the north of a lodge or reservoir adjoining the AtUerton Coalyard, and to the wedt of Dawes Street aioresaul; and to empower the Com- pany, for the purpose of the more convenient occupation of the said improved station, to construct a bridge over or upou the said land ot the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company from the existing station of the Cjm- pany to the laud first hereinbefore described, and to lay rails thereon: Certain lands and houses in the township of Salford, in the parish of Manchester, in the couuty of Lancaster, on the weaternly side of Rus?HH Place, and lying be- tween the Company's Ordsal LAUO Station aud Russell Place aforesaid; and also certain other lauds, houses, and building, in the said township and parish, to the south of Russell Place and of the said station, to the north ot Fleet Street, and to the east of the Company's land, and of a rope-walk adjoining there- to in the occupation of Joshua Kitson, iucluding a por- tion of the said rope-walk, and on the east by other lands in the occupation of the said Joshua Kitson and certain other lands and houses in the said township, borough, and parish, on the south-east side of the Company's Rail- way lying between Greengate, the Railway of the Com- pany, the River Irwell, and certain property belonging to the a.ayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city of Man- chester, being the site of an intended new street, and for- merly known as Starry hurst: Certain land and houses, being part of certain lands known as Wormwood otherwise Wormholt Scrubbs, in the parish of Hammersmith, in the county ot Middlesex, abutting upon and lying on the south-west side of that portion ot the West London Extension Railway which lies between the North Pole Bridge on that Railway and the Great Western Railway Certain lands and houses in th e hundred of Wymeisley and parish of Hardingstoue, in the county of Northamp- ton, near to and westwerd of the station of the Company at Northampton, lying on the south side of and adjoining the Company's Railway, and between that Railway and the road which extends ltoui the turnpike road from Towcester to Cotton-end, to an occupation road crossing the said Railway on the level thereof: To atop up and discontinue as a public thoroughfare the footpath crossing on the level the Company's station at Bicester, in the township of Market -bud, in the parish of Bicester, in the county of Oxford, between the high road from Aylesbury to Bicester and Water Line, in the same parish and county To empower the Company to stop up and discontinue as a public thoroughfare so much of the public footpath in the township, parish, and borough of Piestoo, in the county of Lancaster, leading trom Dock Street to fleet Street, as crosses on the level the Railway sidings and station at Preston belonging to the Company and the Lancashire aud Yorkshire Railway Company jointly, and the land and premises of the Company of tue Pro- prietors of the Lancashire Canal Navigation, and of the Lancaster and Preston Junction Railway Company To empower the Company to stop up and discontinue as thoroughfares all existing footpaths through their station at Buckingham, and to lay out in the line de- fined upon the plans which will be deposited with the cierk of the peace for the county of BucKingham, as here- inafter mentioned, and upon certain lauus shown upon those plans, and described in the book of reference there- to, consisting of lands lying between the public highway leading from Prebend .r..nd to Steeple Ciayauu and the said station, and of lands belonging to the Company and of a private ruad of the Duke 01 Buckingham, communi- cating with the said statluu on the eadLtrUiy side thcieof, a footpath in lieu of those so proposed to be discontinued; and to empower the Company to acquire by compuiii,u or agreement, such interest in the atoiesaiu lauds as may be necessary for such purpose To repeal the filth and sixth sections of The Londan and North Western Railway (Auditiouui vvutksj Act, 1858, relating to the construction by the Compauy oi certain works within the boroughs of Manchester and Sallord, and to empower the Company to atop up and discontinue as a thoroughfare the footpath in the said section mentione d, in lieu of which such works were di- rected to be made: To repeal so much of the Art of the 7th Victoria, chap- ter 65, authorising the construction of the Chodter and I Holyhead Railway, as requires that the bridge for carrying that Railway over the Kiver Foryd shall De a drawbridge, and as prescribes the depth of wtlter to be maintaiueu iu the said river, or any part thereof: To repeal so much of ihe Midland Railway (Burton Branches) Act, 1SGU," as prohibits the use across the roads referred to in aection 34 of that Act of the Railways in that Act described as Connection Kail- way Nu. 1," ana Connection Railway N0. 2," with en- gines or carriages drawn or propelled bf steam or aimos- pheric agency, or drawn by ropes in connection with stationary endues, or otherwise tnan by ordinary animal 1 traction, and tJ authorise such u?e To empower the Company 0.1 the one hand, and the M onmoutnshire Railway and Canal Company and the !:ALLF Vale Railway Company respec,ivelyon the ot ier uaud, ) to enter into and carry into effect arrangements and agreements with reference to the use by the Company of the iin,ect,&king, or any part thereot, ot the oitiur f the said Companies parties to such arrangement or a^riemout, ClUÚ Wl; n reference to the transmission of traffic upon and over the Railways, or any pans thereof, ot tild Culu- panies parties thereto, and to the interchange of traffic between their respective Railways, and the fixing and as- certaining, and division and apportionment, between such respective Companies, of the tolls, rates, and ehargea arising from such traffic, and to confirm any agreement already made between the respective Companies in re- lation to any of the matters aforesaid And to empower the Company on the one hand, and the Great Northern Railway Company, and the Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company, jointly, or either of the last-named Companies separately, on the other hand, to enter into and carry into effect con- tracts and agreements for the purchase, sale, or exchange of lands belonging to those Companies respectively, or auy of them, situate in the township of Wavertree and parish of Childwall, in the county of Lancaster, and near the Company's Railway at Edge Hill, in the said township: To extend the time and to alter and ameud the pro- visions granted and imposed by the after-mentioned Acts, or some of them, relating to the Company, for or witu reference to the sale by the Company oi superfluous lands: And the said intended Act will amend the provisions of the Acts relating to the Company hereafter referred to, or some of them, authorising the Company to create Debenture Stock and will give further powers and re- medies for the recovery of the interest or dividends pay- able on such stock: And the said intended Act will provide for the pay- ment of annuities to the holders of shares in the Canuock Mineral Railway Company, in lieu of the anuuat sums now payable by the Company to the Cannock Mineral Railway Company, or for enabling the Company to dis- tribute such annual sums rateauly amongst the share- holders in the said Company, instead of paying the same to the said Company in gross; and to enable the Com- pany to keep the register of shareholders or annuitants, net other books relating to the Cannock Mineral Hail- way Company and, if need be, the said intended Act will dissolve the Cannock Mineral Railway Company And by the intended Act the following general powers Ir some of them, will be conferred on tue Company To cross, stjp up, alter, or divert, wuetuer temporarily Air permanently, all turnpike and other roans, streets, highways, bridges, footpatus, ways and rights of way, railways, tramways, navigations, towing-paths, a^io- ducts, canals, reservoirs, rivers, stieaius, oiooks, pipes, ^ewers, drains, waters and walercuurseti wituiu or near to the aforesaid parishes, townships, and places whicn it may be necessary to cross, stop up, alter, or divert foi the purposes of clit: intended Act To levy tolls, iales, or duties upon or in respect ot tnt intended Railwaja and works, and to grant exemption^ irom the payment of such tJlIs, rates, or duties: To appiy their corporate iunds, aud, if necessary, to raise additional capital by the creation of new tuaies or I stock, and by borrowing, or by eitncr of tnose means, foi ail or any ot too purposes of me suid Act: And it is ttlso proposed by the said intended Act to enable tho KoutU Leicestershire Railway Company t nidco eQdn.amt.tiHa deviation Railway commencing ie use pdiian ci Cioit, in Li.(-, county of Leicester, uy i j junction with tho authortsed line oi the Compauy, iu « liell h-l^iigiiig to the iieveiend Robert iiiouiaa Aumit., d being No. 31, in the said parish of Croft, on the plani deposited with the clerk of the peace for the county of Leicester for the purnoses of The Nuneaton and Hinck- ey Kail way Extension Act, 1860J,> and terminating in the parish of Narborough, in the said county, by a jane- tion with the authorised line of the Company, in a field reputed to belong to Mary Grosvenor Young and others, being No. 67. in the said parish of Narborougb, on the said plans, Which said deviation Railway and works will be situate in the parishes, townships, and extra-parochial and other places followiog (that is to say) Croft, Little- thorpe, Cosby, and Narborough, in the said county, and to relinquish so much of the Railway and works autho- I risod by The Nuneaton and Hinckley Railway Exten- ston Act, 1860," as lies between the aforesaid termini of .Ln ..J lue ueviauou LLailway, and is rondered unnecessary there- by and to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, either temporari- ly or permanently, any turnpike and other roads, streets, highways, bridges, footpaths, ways, and rights of way, railways, tramways, navigations, towing-paths, canals, aqueducts, rivers, streams, pipes, sewers, drains,and water- courses, within or near the parishes and places aforesaid, which it may be necessary to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, for the purposes of the said deviation Rail- way and worlts; and to purchase by compulsion and agreement knds, houses, and hereditaments for the pur- poses of the said deviation Railway and works, and other the purposes of the proposed Bill, and to vary, repeal, or eitinguish all existing rights and privileges in any manner connected with the lands, houses, hereditaments, roads, ways, and rights of way, streams, sewers, or drains, which may be taken or interfered with for the purposes of the said Bill, or which would interfere with the execu- tion of those purposes; and to levy tolls, rates, and duties, upon, or in respect of, the said deviation Railway of tho said Sauth Leicestershire Railway Company and Works. To apply for the purposes of the proposed de- viation any funds which the Company have already raised or are now authorised to raise: And the said intended Act will extend to the said de- viation in the line of the South Leicestershire Rail- way Company, all existing contracts between that Com- pany and the London and North Western and Midland Railway Companies, or either of them, with reference to the maintenance, working, and use by the London and North Western and Miuland Railway Companies, or either of them, of the proposed Railway of the South Leicester- anire Railway Company, and the works, and the stations, sidings, works, and conveniences, connecied therewith, respectively the management, booking, collection, trans- mission, and delivery of the traffic of such Railway the supply and maintenance of stock and plant, officers and servants; the fixing, collection, division, apportionment, and appropriation, of the tolls and other income arising theiefrom, and the tolls or other sums payable and al- lowances to be made by each or any one or more of the contracting Companies to the other or ethers of them, and the application thereof: And the said intended Act will empower the Company, and the respective holders of shares aud stock in tbe ca- pital of the Stour Valley Railway Company, to agree for the conversion of such shares or stock into ordinary stock of the Company, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon, aud will empower the Company to create ad- ditional stock for the purpose: And, for the purposes aforesaid, it is intended, if need be, to alter, amend, and extend, or to repeal all or some ot the powers and provisions of the several Acts following, or aOme of them, directly or indirectly relating to or af- ffeeeet ti„Tg .tK he London and North Western Railway Company, ""? p"aonal Acts 8 and 9 Viet. caps. 36 'J' 43, 105, ?' U2' 123, 156, and 198 9 Vet. Jcapn. 67; 9 a'td ? 1f0 n Viet. Mn<. 80 aa i ?q. i IN i a r-- s 269 300* 204, f>l> !33' ?? ?. 262, "9' S f?' ?309' ? 322' ?' ?*- ??' ?1. 359, 363, jn- 38u, and 396; 10 and !I Viet. caps. 7.i 188,'223,'236) J7J l278   '?.' I?'I?'l??'?: Midl& o 11 an? ? ?. cap,. 58.60 and 130; 12 1? ? '?' ?- ? 13 and 14 Viet.  -? ?? V Viet. oap. s 14 and 15 Vict- ccalpo 9944, 15 v Victi caps. „98 and 105; 16 and 17 Vi?t. caps. 97, 110, 157, 160, 161, 205, 216, and 222; 17 and IS VKt. capa. 201 and 204; IS and 19 Vict' caP8- 1n72a Ud ifti 9 aad 2i0 nv V,ct' caps. 52, 69, and 123; •in j o. CT' S? 98, and 108 21 and 22 Vict- claSos \2lfSli la A <1'!v>2 >?od 23 Vi?t, caps. 1, 2, 5, 88, 1?'.? ? ??' 23 and 24 ?'?. CSP9- 77 and 79; i o- V'ct. cap.. 66, 110, !2? 128. 130, 208 and t i r' a also ? JolWiD8 Act. or one of'th.m rc Ut.n the r Mldlaod ?''?yCompanv (tnat is to saO 2fa ? V Ict. cap. 90 and 24 and 25 Vict cap. I 1.? aud af lso of the following Acts, or one of them, ? ?ti ?. ? boath ? '°'?'"S Ac?. or one of the? (tn&t i. to sa>) ??'' ??'c?tenhifa Kai?ay f?? mn.?ny v ici. cap. ?? ? ?'- ?- '? "? ? And nisu tue following Acts, or one of them (that is to say); 32 Ueo. III. cap. 102; 37 Geo. IU. cap. tOO aaulooal and personal 42 lieo. III. cap. 115, relating to me Monauutnatiiro Canal N ivigation « The Newport and i-ontypool Kail way Act, 1845;" The Newport and run typo Kill way Acta AEuenjineat Act, IS48 •" "The iVloumouihshire Kiilway and Canal Act, 1852» Tne Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Act, 1853 •" "The Alonmouthatiire Railw4 and Canal Act, 18-55 and 11 Tkic Monmouthshire Railway and Canal (Works) Act, 1861 j" and tne following Acts, or one of them, relating t.) the Tatf Vale Ibil way Company, (that is to aay) the Ac's (local) 6th Will. IV. cap. 82; 1 Vict. cap. 70; 3 alia 4 Viot. cap. 110 7 and 8 Viet. cap. 84; 8 and 9 Vict. cap. 159; 9 aud 10 Viet. cap. 393; 11th and 12th Viet. cap. 23; 12tli aad 13ttl Vict. cap. 61; and 20th and 21st Viot. cap. 153; and 24th and 25th Viot. cap. 51. And Notice is hereby also given, That on or before the thirtieth diy of NovemOer instant, a published map, with plans and sections relating to the objects of the proposed Act, with a book of reference to such plans, and a copy ot this Notice as published in the London Gazette, will be deposited as follows: (that is to say,) As regards the Railway and lands in the west riding of the county of York, witu the olerk of the peace for the said west riding, at his office iu Wuketitil-I as regards the Railway and lands in tue county of Chester, with the clerk of the peacd tor the county of Chester, at his otfiee in Chester as regards the Railway aud laudd in the county of Staf lord, with tho clerk of tne pe--tee for the county of Staf- forii, at his o?lae ford, at his office in Statfuid; as regards the works and Iaiiu- ia tuo county uf Anglesey, with the clerk of the pviico tor the couuty ot An^icaea, ai his offiw; in tfeau- rnaiis; us ro-garUs mo WOIKS aud landil iu tfie county of I Nortfta'Dpcoa, witu tHe U,Ul k of the peace for the county ol Nortiiampioi), at his offioc in Northampton; as regards tne woi Ks and lauus iu the couuty of Flint, with the clerk of the peace for the county of Eliut, at his office in Mold as regards the works and lands in the county of Denbigh, with the clerk of the peace for the county ot iJenoigb, at his oiiice in Ruthin; as regards the works and JanJII in Lila county of Lancaster, with the clerk pf the peace tor the county of Lancaster, at his oifice in Preston as regards the additional hnd" in the connty of Middlesex, with the clerk of the peace for the county of Middlesex, at his office in Clerken weli; as regards the works and lanus in the county ot Hocks. with tile clerk of the peace for the county of lluckj, at his office in Aylesbury; aad as regards the Railway and lands in the county of Leicester, with the clerk ot the peace for the county ot Leicester, at his office in Leicester: and that copies of so much of the said plans, sections, and bouk of reference as relates to the several parishes aad extra-parochial places in or through which the said intended works are proposed to be made, or lands are situate, together witu a copy ot this Notice as published in the London Gazette, Will, on or before the said thir- tieth day ot November, be deposited as follows: vide- licet, in the case ol parishes not mentioned in either of tile Schedules to the Act 18th and 19ta Vict. cap. 120, with the clerks of such parishes respectively, at their respective places of abole; and 1IL the case of any kucu parish mentioned in Schedule (A) 11 tnut Act, with the cltrk of the vestry ut suou Pdl lail, at his place ot abode; and in the case of ..111 Parisn mentioned 1U OciieUule (b) to that Act, with tue clerk of the district board, at his place of abode; aud iu the case ot any extra-parochial place, with the clerk of some parish immediately adjoiuiag such extra-pa- rochiai place: And Notice is hereby further given, That printed copies ot the proposed Rill will be deposited in tne Pri- vate rSili Office of the House of Commons before tha I twenty-third day of Decemoer in the present year. Doted the 12uii Day of Novembsr, 1861. I SSVlFl', WAGSfAFF, & ULt^VKINSOP, 32, (rreac (ieoige-street, Westminster. I


