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Sales by Messrs. Baugh &; Jones. (Success to the late Mr Edishury), ..LE .T ?????GE;B? -NEA[T l. XllA. ?ES?S. DAMU ?D JOKES h? beea f? l' Toured vlith lDtructions from 1\1 f3 H?-rd. ?./? .?/? ?? ? to ?' ??? Mfser?.i ??!)' X'V Y AAUnCrTT')0fi\, .t Dr?Hin?utt C?t.? n.ar PIP. Cbap,l, ???. ?e 10th day of Arn? ?'' ? '"?'. ????''?"'?????? ?? ?r?;? tither dft'(:I, crtnpriing,-H Hndsorne .t?) ?h ?.r,?;??, ????? r??? dav.r.? .i..l („ .,? %? ?? ??' d?&-siiiL, c.e (..?.)y u?). ?nd..? ? :??????? t.-ia i,tlt:f t?bles' ??????????? 1,1,d Wroom rhairlt, couch- chests 01 d'awers, plateb ??:?J?.??????????????? eight days' clock In nhk CII, hOIlP\:kt:el'cl' 6 cu ..board, sundry books, ?r.? ?r?n,, .i .tair c.rp.t.n? he?"' .t.. d..k ?,th draw.r. unjjne.th ta ?t, t..Dd,?e bah-te.ter and other he??rho.?J r? bed" with ¡'t,IIt'r and th? M.wnh)..?? ?d pi. bedc?h? ?' ? d??.? Hb_t?. w.Bh.t.nds and ,er??..? .U? ??' ??:r:?- ????' -? wine and ..?r ?,d c.?'?.:?.??::? ??t?"" u.uat k.tchen nqui.itea and other .<rect8 T?? ???? ? ??kp?pt. Temrle Place, Marl;h 20, 1861. BUtLDING SITE IN ?RBOT?TniET——— ?T?.. "?'c'.?j':??;;?'???? ??- ?? "I JONES, on MO:\ID.H, the ??? -Y-? ?6? at six o'cl,.rk p m., PUnt'tllally, at th" Son Inn, Abbot- ?. \Vn.,h?. in one ?J ? ???'? ?? ???' be then produced. All tlw"e Exters;ve FItEEHOLD ????'L''? Stables, and Yarù vi h the ap]lIIrt,onllDeCtI thf"tt:IJDtt} hdongill, .ituate in 1??????? to the Old Swan Inn) .¡ now in the ef?v, ral hI Idings or occup..tion of Mr ??????????? J"hn Jone. fdward wilh, and Juhn Jenkiiis, or tbelr H'<' prenuet") sre vcrv pxtpm?n ?-j i- ood ?n?.e .0 Abbot .tr.<T? bS n,:?. ? ?? 'or war.hou.. or woi k.h"TJP, 8nd there il atOple "1'3CO ta the front ot as 8trèlt for the erection of a largo houle ??????? t. ? ?X:?:"? ? ? T. ? ??' Sol-tor, or to t h, Aucliont-eti,. GRESFCmo, DENBIGHSHIRE. T? ? '? ??' ? ?——.BAUGH <. AA.\DJr?bSs.at t?ht, ?G'rifEn Inn, Cr?,.). ?? Mob.:?. t?. 22nd .fay of April. 186) at 5 ,c!o.?nt ..t??n. h. the f.Howing?r .uch .th?o? k ?: ?? ?. ?'? -? ? -d.t. to }.f! the.. .d L.t 1.- ? Iti.o?TnREE CO-fTAGKS, orDw?e!lin&- ho?.?th.heKa.den or bui)dinK,.IotBd)oin d ?u??tu.t Cre.ford.<?nid, ?oin.n?? ?d f.nn .? n,c n?h?.? f? t? c?s?r t? uri? ?ito ? Chu,.b, .om,!n!? ,,OC5 ?..r. yaros .r L.L?u.s and no? ? t'? ?.up.t?, cfJuhn Robert.' < ? \in?c..? ?ici?.i C?t?ri.), h" '?'TACE .n.t JuiXERS' SHur, h uil"illg ?"??"?'?' b"'ODginga.,d r j.i. n?r.K .i.rt o?. (onlai,.iJI ?8 ??reya.ds ? tnere- ?.?'r. in ? ?"?- ? L-H. J.n.. and Ejiz,t-t:th I il?foyw, ..j ? ?" ?" ''?"? "?'y ? M?' J?E. and OWt, ??, "?""? ? 'c?i.a. or Ht the om..8 of ??e A? uet1 ..u?, wher. a phn of the Property may be rn. T.n]),!e Place. WrMh.)m, Nl3rch 28, 1861. DESIRABLE FRKEUO..D BUILDING SITES, A.\D Curt'AGEs, ?< ??ZZ?v?/?OC, ?. ??? 7't;?????:?. T??j?S ?i??'- ? ?- ??s ?? ???'?? ?????? ebraitog. un li?t- 9th c7ay 01 .April, )861, at Fir" 0' cIoel. ill the "fl. J II< t.lI, in file ft'liowing or 8uch ?/ ?/.?? upon i-t the lime of Bale, ".d ,u).j.c< :f. cun<jino,.s K. t,c U.cn produced I?t I A!! that Pint nf Ht;H.PI?(, L.?D con- 'r..n?,J..fc-t .<t.tre y.,? t., ? n.od, ,it? ? ? ??e i'oi.k. y, m tiie ?ri.h ot Rn?ou X! Rooda of L?d or tbetehouh. T??. ?n?e.hcr.t.inin?.. -?"- ? l.t 6 An?brr 1'h.t .„ LA?. a.-ijoini.? ,ot ??''?'< 'be t h.ee CMt'. IA,G!l.Sa[.dHutc!?S),?d. tnt: thu?n, <-on)'? C ?..ds and ?..i, ?- ?e ?upat.onof Mr. J. O"ru .IId others. ?ot ? < t. i4 i?iu.?. .Jjoiu?? the fast ?' c"lch cunt.iujn; ?t ? A.?r dn, r?n.n?.g ?, ]4? ? Loa 16 7??'???-'? '? I '?) ? ?'? r.u.i.g t.je [.?n?.p?d f?j.? > ,nd <? Lhus to po ?.y .?.e.-id ? 24 'yd. to ?_ .nd?n-r,a.;ju..?th.J??t 'achcontatau? ? I?t4H Aether att.ocontaioi? ? ],at 48 11. 0(her aitio ecntaioi* ng 31 I?t ? A?t?r d,,tj c.nt..n.n? rood! & 24 yda Yf.t?n A?.t.-?: ° ..?2 ':oo? uaa& <K?ZtvYuda. —-  ——?..rrux.tucontatntng a??r?on"d' Lot j?t Another ditto containing 2i ?t. 52 and 5.5,.ach containing ?? Lot66.cont!nnin? 66, containing. 21 ? ''?" tbe!.t. a.e mo.t e?gih)e<orBni!d? nu? "??° ?'? ? far the ? ?theRho? {A-'ery cca?rehh.. been taken to arrang°e th. lot. for the «nT.n.enee of purcha.ers. f"r further particuiM-a and an inspection of a plan of the several Joù, apply to the Auctioneer,, or at the Uaic. of Mr. Bughe., Solicitor, Wrexh.m. Sale by Mr. Grimths. ??'?? ?? ? ??"?? ?M<-?M J-M?.-?r< ? -48NEY ???? ?<- M!'?OM (/Mr?OM, in ?C ?OMK/'y f'f?/tMf. 'IR. GRIFFITHS bas the pleasure to announc. ?- t that he Las b<-en favnured with inetrnctions from Ir, Hillgineon, ??° ? ?"?'"S' the F?m) to SELL BY AtrLUrtIUff, on the prennFe? situate M above, on Monday th. 22nd day of ApriJ. J86t, the whole of the truly ?unbl. HOUSEHOLD FURNirURE, feather bed? d.trT and brewing Teaaela, exceiient milch cow, capital chtenut pony, 5 yeara old, a quantity of p.ime hay, and btD<r eneett, a, per oatatogues, which may be had from the Auctioneer, one wehk prior to a.Je. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock Auctioneers' oBict, Overtoo April 5th, 1861. NOTICE. TO MALTSTERS, BREWERS, AND OTHERS. c 0 K E" Manuftctured from the best Ruabon Coals, can now be obtained at the GARDDEN LODGE COLLIERY WHARF, Situate cloie to the Turnpike road between Wrexbam and Ruabon; or can be supptied in trucidoafis of not IM* thito t t<.na to any ration on the Great Western or Oewet.try and Xewtown hoM. S6. Qki4-eii-street, Loodon, Aunust 23. ls6C. K1R :SlR: have. -is to.d&v "Mtted I he ]ttly-ii L-tunth" wtt.h i fcraric to tha .LiverLise.MClit of the KottinLham nrm, who state that tbctr iExrcb hM been used Jor many yeRN ill the R<'yat l.aund:i ..ud havf been assurt-d by Mr. Ttiompaon, tha superintendent, that none m)t vour- M)ve< hitve anyrinht tn stit)c that they supply Starch to her m Is sundry, ha no other Stafch is there used, nor ttas. h<cn used for sotii.-i yu.u'tt, bubthu Ijlutkld Yatent Starch. J nsvo tweii tlir¡.'wr ;1'¡Snre<! that your Starch continufa 10 ?i?e couj?lcte satisfaction, and tnat t?uu?h tria) hft )<e<;n n'-td" of ?tmxies of various Starches, noue ct thfio hHVf heen follitti lltarly L4ual n) (jualit% to thu Gkn1Ïc:ld, aw, dear :.Irs u! <'b<-d))-nt "r\'ant. 't M. HL-ACK. l:S>b. k. Wulhersporon and C' 46. DunbJl-nrecL, FAMOUS MELTOX :MO'VilHA Y POUK PIES. J A _N, E S U J. L E K H E A D 'T)E(jS to announce to the P't'iic ?eucraily, that he .U has nof commenc' u, aud wili cuatmue to recaive h': re;kular viiii,I)IN, of the tar-huucd :dLLTüN MO\ BRAY FuhK riES, and that he al« ays keeps on Iiaua ?EU'tk ..t his ..wn C?EQUALLLD "URIGIL?AL A?D litGhLY CEL?i?lED i-lNE W lEXHAI H i¡;h- .Lr,t. I LxL;n. ROWLAND'S STOMACHS DIGESTIVE PILLS. n?HESE PILLS are pr?p?ed iromthepreseriptioaof J.?? < u.n.ent pb) stcia. aad wiU be found a most viiI UIi bJt: remedy tor aM dl:rr!ers of the Stomach_ impaired l!iDct1"n, datuicnee, auidtty, dencient &ppt:tite for lIod ,¡J.Í1I in thf btoniach attfr nicLLi6, head-ache or ner- al. t. d t YuusnMs, a;'d in' ft-ttiid ch Le i'rc an d a<ter cuutioements Th<;y do not cuntliti a pa! tide of mercury, or any ut !ta preparation!} oeiDê) composed tntirely of "eget<tb)e ingrc(.,ienLA; and 'heir <:oniinued u"" will not weaken or )n any h'ay tnjmc tht: system, bm trom the tonit propeEL) \t'hich th y couta'n, will k&ve a s'rengtheniDg and mvigoraiing ctteft. A more vaiutthte tamiiy medi- cine cannot he obtttmed. Sold iu boxes at 8-id, Is 1-1,J, and 2t 9d by the pro'- P'ietor, MR. W. liÙW.LA.J), DISPESSI,Sl1 CllBHlT, M 'gL-efreet, WrcxhaDI. Sales by Mr. Johnson. MALPAS AND TILSTON. T?????.? ?T??,-????"?????? on Tuesday, .Apnl 9th, 1861) at three o'clock in the ?.?°'?'?- ??'" ?"M., X< ?n S .hr?''h? ?" ?" dir!c?cet at Ihö lime f s LOT 1. ? <X?° .? ?"? '? f"? Inn, c.? ???" tUmt, ,„ the T.wn ..f?Up,, ?°?p?:???:?" '?'- and no-m occupied by M r Hea,h, The JJrerniM comprise a Rubstanti..lIv built House, ?'? ?????? aed Spirit Vault. to thf ?ont, w,,h excellent CeUarh,,r, ..nd large Yard. ??ri'r?'?' ?-"?'?? ? th. b-ck. 'Phu Inn h.. ? ?''? "? poMHon in the town. Lor 2. A rery compact FIELD of expellent LAND c.Hed the "Nunbrooks," containing 4 .en, 3 roods 12 percbee or hereabou.i.u..e near the Church, in the village of TIlton, in the county of Cheater, and now held by-Mia. Price. The Tenant. wiH ,hnw the ref? p?ctiTe Lot., !?md for fuither particulus apply at the Offices of Mr JAwls, ??r?:? ? ? ? ? Ypytty, WrMbtm, March 7th, 186t. T? ? ?? ? AUCTIONr byJMrr jtmNSON, -L at the Co.eh .nd HoMe. In. WrMham, on Mon- day, the 6Lh day of May n.xt, at 4 o'cLck in the aht-r- nooo,m oue l.t, and subject to such conditions ofaaje as eha!lt,e then produced :-Atl that freehold piece or parcel of LAND adjoiuing. and upon the aouth side )f tne turnpike road ieating from Wrexham to Ruthin, and ex)end:ug from the bridge of the Great Western Railway to Lan-3.deva hill, situate in the Township of Bershaui, in the Porish of Wrexhain and also rU .bo.e 10 AlLbSCAGES nr Dwelling, 14oiqes erected, and al.o a ) messuage or -u tv.f.L-UK G. HOUSE in course of erection upon part of the M: pif-ce of land. All which Mid Al.MuatjM or Dweiiing..HouM and Landa are in the retpecUve occupati*a of Meai-rs. Handies, Green. Stam- ford. Pub" Jones, Butterton, Haitowo, Prico Pbi!Itp6' Mra. WiitidtNa, and Mrs. Watson. The propefty is within ten minutea* cMy walk from IVrexhaui Church, and ju.t beyond the Borou.h boundary ihe huusea are newiy built, well teno-ited, and low 'ented. the land unbuilt upon hiford* exceUcnt buitd- mg euee, abounds ti < Iny and every other faciUty for carryit,g on a !.rg. trade in brickmakiai., and.a.M well-kiiownp the denmud at present in Wrexham fuf goodbnekt is grelltly in excess of the means ofauppty 1 he tenants will silavy the property, and for further !n ormhH.,n apply to the Auctioneer, ur Mr. John Jone, aoitotor, Wrexham. 4th April, 18Ct. Sales by Xr. C. 1-i ichards. TO BLACKSMITHS AND OTHERS. SALE AT T!I M KING'S MILLS. One mils from )Vreibarii, in the Cuuntv of Denbigh. T\/TR. HICHARDS baa "ten imtruftrd by Mr Ellis Ioroe,.4, ",i'.Q is leaving the jit-iglibourhood, to 6ULL PY AUCJI1UN.on Atot.dav.Aoril 22nd 1861 the wlwle of ins STOCK.1N.THADE. comlJlhiug a quiintity ufroU ind other iron, )=nvHo. vices, sponnerii, I wrenches, bracf- punches, and sweiiges, tongs-, hammer/ watt.r tue-ironit, Mad and bnit tool.4, screw plate, <apl Mfi dtea, ii)es. thoein}! and nhit boxe.4, iluantity,)f rew horses hoe', f)ittoof iron ch-,iiii. dutocuw chain, wcizht? beam and ocates, aet <.f twc.i.tch iron arma and bushes, qlJalltity ufpitte hai-Lqings, two new beJ}'lWI!, wood lllrn- in;: iathe and too), iron ditto, dittc, iron cratch, 9 ieet long, tand rokes and yeJvca, (tl4 nmbpr an't pluiih-s gn..d fituilt-, pitc trough, stone cKtern, Jadder 28 new )run a( afie.'r, three "Id {{uns, &c. A amait quantity of fiit;.—Sa)e to commence at 2 u'dock nuuctuaitv Omce, H igh-i., Wreincm, Aprit Sad, 1861. SALL! AT THE GREDINGToN ARMS, HOLT, IN THt! COUMTV (.y IIESJIIGH, T?fR. RfCHARU? hxs been comm?&ioned by Mr. H L Jag. Armstron< (nh? is chanttin? hia residence?' to SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, Aprit 23rd J861, the ey.t:re Stock ..i Cowa. Horses, Ewes <md La'uba, two R<nna. So%-in-Pig, Porit aod Store PjKS F.rmip.- Jtnp!cment', Manure, a Stack oi good Upiattd Hay, (Kboiit. 8 tons), Brewing and Dairy Veeseia, and part the Houfehutd Furni'ure, Chtna, Gtaas, & &c., fnt) ut,U rc-quiijtra tor tiouse)«-t:ptng. 'l'wo capital Tet.ts, one J6 x 6, one ditto, 10 x 4, I Cttttogut-amay be I-a i )t we,-k prior to thea<!f, at the B)-<ck Bc"r, Cheeter. Grediaglon Armf, Holt, of at t.tc omce of the AuctioCter, Wrexham. Sale to comaieuco at 12 o'clock punctually, owing to the iota being numerllU3. Otiiee, Iligri-iit., W<exbam, April ]:.t, tS6t. Sale by Messrs. Churton. EMRAL PARK, FLINTSHIRE. T?TESSRS. CHURTON re.p.ctMly annonoce that J.'LL they are inetruc?d by the Executors of the late Sir Richard Pulet-ton, Btrt., to SELL BY AUCTION, without the leaat reserve, on Monday, Tuesday. Wedcet- day, Thursday, Md Friday, the 15)h, 16th, 17th, 18th, end 19th dav of April, 1861, the entire establishment of HOUSEHOLD tUKNUURE, Pai.tingB, EnKMnnRs, China, Glass, HorKt, Carrieget, and all other etfeen, upon the premHM. Sale by Mr Timothy Roberts. OVERTOP, FLINTSHIRE. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE AND GARDEN. < fine BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD BY AUCTION, .L by MR. ROBERTS, at the White HorM Inn, in Overtoo, on Mon<?Sy the 15th day of April, 1861, between the hours of 4 aad 6 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to bf then produced,—* newly aod tubstantially built DWELLING-HOUSE, conta'niug two ffont par- louro, 13 ft. by 11 f[. 4 in each, back parlour and kitchen, good cullaring, and four airy b?drooms, the whole being repLte with closets and suitable grates, marble chimney pieces, &c., wrsh-houBe, piggery, "nd other convenient out-omcts attached, surrounded by a large and productive garden, we'I stocked w)th choice trnit trees. The prcmiMt are eligibty situated within the Borough of Owerton. forme'ly iit the possession and occupation of Mrs. Sadier, (deceased), and now in the occupation of Mr. Ihoma: Hushes. To view the samf, npply to the said Thomae IIughes, or the Auctioneer, at Overton, aforesaid, and any other iaform-mon may be had at the utBee ot Mr. eiaiter, Sohci- tor, Elidsmere. Elleimere, Alareh, 1861. [ A CARD. j THOMAS JONES, IMPORTER O.F G-E-R-JEAN B.Â.llM, FEATHEUS' INN, MOLD. 18——TO SERVE MARES THIS SEASON .-61. At <?M Sovereiqn each Alare, and Ywo SMlIings and Sixpence the 6'rooM, (The Groom's Fee to be paid at the time of serving, and the Hrrae's Money, on or before the 24th day of June next, or an extfa charge of Two Shillings wilt be made for collecting.) ?S?HAT Beautiful Diitk Browo Colt of the w?gon jL kind caHed PHiXCE ALBERT, the property of Wiiltafu Chcetham, of Gwrcbtfg, near Cross Lanes, Dt.-)H)i({h?hirt;. L'MKCE ALBERT, rising 4 years old, stands 17 baada lJigb, very temperate, clcr, btruigbt, good short, h:gs, short joiuted, an'l immense cheat, thigbf, nrms, with nea'i up, weit set un and splendid actioM aaany colt in 1'Rinc'! ALBEKT was got by Fa:met's Fiiends'' who o us got tjy that celeb<ated horse Young Ben." JtouTE—If Lcatth permits, every Monday through Pitktuil, Sutton Green, Rid]eywoou,totheAVhUeLion Inn, ilott, from 11 lill 2, thence to Ltan-y-pwit, trmn 3 tul 5, thcueehome. Tue.,diy, through SLieet-yr-wch, jHav')dybwcb, to the New Inn, Gutter hill, frotn tO till m,Lcu tothe Wy iinstoy Armc, Rditboo, 1 till 3, thence to the Fox and Huui.d!<, Crabtree Green, and home. Wednesday, tit home. Thursday, to the Bridge Honee, Wrexham, till the Market is Over, through Marchwiei a,d bo-tie. Friday, to tbo Mile Stone, RalghMa.forl hour, thence to Whitchurch ior the Market, isaturday, to Malpas for 2 hours, thence to ThtMpwood lor <! hours, thence to the Oak luu, Baugor, and home that n'ght. Any mares tried by this horac and afterwards put to another will be charged the season price. \/t ONEY TO LEND, from .EtO to jE400, on personal J?L or uUier becurity, to be repaid by easy Monthly or Quarterly instalments, extending over a period from one to three yeara. Loans :granted within one week from day of application. Confidence strictly observed.— Apply, by ietter or perBonaHy, to Mr. EDWARD CLOWNS, K". &(i, h.tuth.street Eaat, Oxfutd Road, 1r1ø.nCh\3ter. .iOt;i, I UNLY NINEPL,NCE PER POUND. FINEST SMOKED BACON AT WALLIS'S BUTTER SHOP, No. 3, CHARLES-ST., WREXHAM. gr Fresh Butter Is. 4d. ptr Dish. SHOEING AND JOBBING FORGE. IVII]TES311TH AND BLACKSMITH, MoUNT YARD, WREXHAM. EDWIN CALDECOTT b?t re<pectfuHy to iof-?rm the -< fuulic that he hM taken the above premises where he intendt carrying on the biis,.ness uf Engtue, Shoeing and jobbing Sutith, and Jmplcment maker, and tr'ttts by glJod workmanship, ntodoate ehrrges, and prompt ex- ecution of a)t ordera with which he may be favoured, to merit a ehare of public Nnpport. SMALLWARE, TOY, AND FANCY REPOSITORY MR3 THOMAS PARRY, 15————TOWN H ILL—————I S (Entrance from Brook-street), H ESFECTFUijLY inviteaTho attention of the pubHc -R to the new and choice stock of u?ful, fancy, ?od ornamental r*tic)c<, comprismg aU khtde ot nuvei, in- tereating, and amuaing toys. Mus!iawork Crocket. t.otIcM. & Edging RibbouVeiveta Bonnet Frouts BtaMa ii0t!'ery Clinohne Shirts Fat.cy und p)Mn Bfads UiM)' Bi uabeii xud Cciuhs nair lads I Kets Re? i D"'M Ornaments Purse* Bra(:elefl Broochex Scarf Pm& <juards Btita,&c.,Ac. ENTLEMENS'WALKIKG.STICKS. I PLAS ISSA BUILDING BRICKS. FACOB DAVIES nspectfuHy announce hia being tf Agent f?r the s*!e of these Bhcka, in the .Hhoe, and itb neighbourhood. Rh<.a,Mtrchl4.1861. IT OAKS from .650 to .6500. advanced for 3 veare, on ? petfonal security, on the most reaaonabte terms.— Appty to Mr John Wyke, Accoutttant and jagent to the Weat of EnglMd Jnautance Comp&By, Hope-Street Wreiham PURE CRATED WATERS. 'E'LLIS'S RUTH IN SODA WATER. E LLISS RUTIIIN POTASS WATER- jDLLIS'S RUTHIN SELTZER WATER. E LLIS'S RUTHIN LEMONADE. E E LLIS'S LITHIA AND POTTASS WATER. An cifgant prepnritt'on, etrfnpiy recontmendtd by (he Facn!ty :M ao inturuhl remedy (or &ju). Tht above, so lorg kaown as v4perior to allY otlJer t?! the JlLarket," umy be obtaiueJ from all ltet,ilcri. Sold by Joseph Ciark, Viue Merchant, and J. Brougb- tou, Cbedust, WrMham. and .K. Daviee, DIUggl/lt, Ruabou. I J. AND H. KEYWORTH, AENTMX C L A Y T 0 N, SHUTTLEWORTH & Co. "DEC to inform the Agric?tnral Interest of North Vale*, -D that they :tff )'rf;M:rct) to K'?'e p?rticuhra and to receive order, f.r STEAM ENGINRS, THRASHING MACHINES. SAW T'AB).E\ MUKTAR MILLS, &c. by th<- above CELETIRATEI> MA"K.q..AIo for CtAYTON'3 BKICK, TILE, aod PIPE MACHINERY. Delivered Free at <Af principal JZ<ttJ<c<ty Stations, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, and the fullest par- ticulair:s, on a"tti<tion .t thelf UBces. Estimate* given f,)reornpl-to FIXED HA UN WORKS. SECOND-HAND PORTABLE ENGINES now on Sait. -Two 6-tn'rsc, one 6-hoMe, two 7.hoKe, two 10- hursf, and one tO-horse with BeveMingLiDk Motion. The l whole have juat been put in the meet complete repa'r. COLONIAL BUILDINGS, 36, DALE.ST&EET, LIVERPOOL. "E D 1 S 11 It yyCTO.P-XL V SGSTXBLB YECTOltAL 'P C01JGIl S"Y.RUr. .Á..t <AM <tNM of tMYear no Family <A<K<M he without <r ?r?HIS Syrnp promotes free eipeetnration, and therefbre JL removes that accumulation of phlegm which causes a sense of choking, heala that unpleasant serenes* which is felt after much coughing, and is invaluable in the early stages of Asthma and Consumption. la CouKhf of long standing it is peealiarly beoeScial, if it does not encct a perfect cure, it affords the sufferers such rel'ef during the paroiyam, as to induce them never to be without it. The advantages which this Syrup possesses over many of the so-railed Cou&h Mcdictues, are various. It is pleaiait to the taste, ft.r which reason it is highly recommended fur Children, does not leave laogoxr, debihty, and other un. pleasant sensations, which is frequently the case, making the remedy worse than the disease. Prepared and sold in bottles at 5d. and Is. ld. each, by JAMES FISHER EDISBURY, AT HIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMICAL AND .M!7G' -ESTABLISHMENT, No. 2, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Or Medicated Plaigiers for the Chest always in Stock THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEORGE GRANT, ESQ., CHAIRMAN. CHAS. S. PARKER, AND JAS. A. TOBIN, ESQRS., DEPUTY-CHAIRMBN. I?HE remarkaHc success of this Company is shewn in .L the foUowing Table TEAK. f IRK PBEMJ-PMLIM PREMIUM; ??"? FuND8. 1850. JE4a,028 JE25.467 I 2415.700 1855. 18,27 63,969 I 716.92S 1860. 31:<,725 13t,72i I ],S59.826 Tbie !xr{;e lucome is rapidly increiniing. The ANNUITIES paid by the Company exceed 219,000 a Year. Protection di4ringr days of Grace urquestioned. AGENTS: (HRE AND LIFI!.) WREXHAM.—Vatant, (se: note at foot). DENBIGH.—Mr. Fraaos Wyncc, Solit-itor. CtiESi'ER.—Mr Joseph BndgemaD, Suliotor. „ -Mr Ct'arles Townshend, St. Werburgh-at. FLINT.—Mr John O'Kylr, Ststiott Master. HOLYWELL.—Vacant, (stc note at foot). MOLD.—Vacant (tee noto at foot). RUTH1N.—Vacant (see note atfo.t.) Si'. ASAPH.—Vacant (see note ut foot). Fire Policies due at LADY DAY should be renewed on or befcre the 9th Aprtl. Appltcttions to represent THE LivERrooL AND LoN- DOJ< iu pitiees and districts where Agents have not yetbten appoit-ted, may be addrozaed to the Secretary, Liverpool and Londjn Insurance Chambers, Liverpool. SWINTON BOULT, SECMTART. March, 1861. MUSIC.—SELLING OFF! ? 1 ? ?? ? PIECES of the "Musical Treasury t jLt'\?\? and the "Musical Bouquet" at B<U < pric' or Thirteen Piecea will be eold for Is M. A. 1) bayiey'e, UuekaeMn-. Wrtx).a.a THEATRE ROYALS WREXIIAM. GRAND MILITARY AMATEUR THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE THE SECOND AMATEUR THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE BY VOLUNTEERS, In aid cf the Fundt <f the Fint Denbighsbue R'Se Vo!ucten'<, TrTNDER DatiB{:B[<I)ed P?trooo?e. w)tt take pja?c 00 U Monday, the 8th da? of April, 18C L The t'?rrorm- aMc "'n he precpdeJ by an original Psologtie, wri'ten by a Member oi the Corp-. Oo Monday wiU be presented— USED UP, MY WirE'S SECOND FLOOR, BOX AND COX. AdmiMtoo— Baxe?, 4P., Pit 8e., Crallery h., Private Bo' 2 gMDta*. Tit kett tl1 be obtained from Mettrt. Potter & Snape, where the B<n Plan may be :een, and plates fecured. WILLIAM PARRY, m 'CT I I. :D :El:S <Sc o-, -MRIDGE-ST., WRRXHAM. Ett'mate< given for Contratt*. AU crjers promptly ttteudfj f. NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE, 27, Bridge st. Row, Chester. "DOUCHER AND CO. have always on hand JL) am extensive selection of KEW and SLCOXD HAND INSTRUMENTS, of the best charttcter, for OALE or HIRE, on the most moderate terms. Additional Stocks kept by their various Agents in Wales. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE. ELECTORS OF THE DENBIGHSHIRE BOROUGHS. ?\N Feb. 20'h, a Bi)l WM introdnced into Parliament, \? to ALLow DiMenters to be Trtntce? ot Public Char tiex (when the trust did NoT rebtrtct )t to Chmch- men:— MR. MAINWARING YOTED AGAINST IT. On Feb. 20th, a Bill was introduced into Pfriiament. to ALLOW DisfenttM to be Members of Corporation", \"Jth- out obliging them to promke not to U'C the mttuence of thej otiice tu Wt-aken the Established Church :— MR. MA1NWARING VOTED AGAINST IT. On Feb. 27th, a Bill was introduced ilit J Parliament to Abohth Church ItatC3 MR. MAINWA8ING VOTED AGAINST IT. TO AGRICULTURISTS & K1 SEPERS OF STOCK. THF. LANCASHIRE MANURE COMPANYS' (messre. J KloIIUH'['& Co., Wi., aea, neer Warrinst,.)n), CELEBRA TED NITROGENISED BO NE MÁ1!t URE8. Specially M-epareJ for WHEA1', OATS, & BAj<LEY GRASS, C-LOVER, TL JRNiPS, &c. ArrMCATtoN: Thuo Maaurea; are io a powdered. stat, aud Cl\n be Bowu broad caf t or drilled in with the ced, ctther teparatelyor mix. )J with ea<th, *and or ashe", or applied in a itquid atate. Three to 6ve cttt. per acre applied. Atao, RAW GLOUND BONE SUPERPHOSPH- ATE OF LIME, NITRATE OF SODA, &c., RICHMOND, CHANDLER, & NORTON'S M A C H I N E S, Including Chaff Uuttere, Cora CrusheM, for Xibbting Peaf, Bean! Oatil, Imdtan Corn, &c., MALT MILLs improved 'iURNIP OU RTERS a ad PULPERS, SACK TRUCKS, IRON TROUGHS, ROOT WASHERS improved wrought iron SHEh.P' RACKS, BROAD- CA&T GRASS, GLOVER OR TURN!? SEED J3 0 W B B, Improved STEAMING A J'PARA.TUS, Patent Iron .SACK HOLUER8. Ac., &c.. THE PATENT CLYDESDALE FEEDING CONDI- MENT, AND THE BRITIStf CATTLE FOOD, For iiorata. Cows. Pige, Sheepr and Poultry, tn bags of 1 cwt. ¡. cwt. and 1 cwt. caake. INDIAN MEAL. AND RICE MEAL, lJ ALP FOR AOMCULTUBAL Pl1BPOn:¡. McDOUGLAS PATENT DiSIN ACTING POWDER fjr use in Stablep, and Cattle Sht ia. Dredging Bottles supplied w.m the xame. A ttock of the above artidet and machines alw-ys kel; on hand. Agent -Xr. ARTHUR CLABKE, IIENBLAS-BTMET, WKEXHAM 2 Doon from Chesier-street. T E Ap Clwice and Fine Flavoured (this ;&'«MOM'x Importation,) AT F R A N C IS3S.9 (r'um l'ul"ell, Willmma, & Co., Loudoa, F.A.m,TLY .à.N.D DiAs-PENSING CHEMIST HurE-STitEEf, WKEXHAM. ar The Grocery Department far MsheJ with Rrst-cIaM Art,t,les, Geiiuiiie fS ituportcd. F F R A S JE R „ THATCH-MAKER, SILVERS MI TH TEW E L L ER 42, niGH-uTREET, WREXHAM, 'RESPECTFULLY infcrma the PuM=c that he ha-t jusi. hia extendva Stock t. large atsortmcut of GOLD I.JL .A.NlJ SlL.V±;K WAi'LMKb, Cuioured tioId Alo<;i-t Mn..t Gu-i-d C.a'H).. .Yeii-.Iewcn's D:eis.P'ns ind Stites of the latest designs, Cast Signt-L and ctiier l..m,. Also, a n:agn\G.ccnt lOck d L:1(heS J ewcilcry J c)Wpr!t.lDg .l',ar-r!n!(8 tn cuwure'i )tfd bright GolJ, Dresa itiags in Diamonus, Ruttiea, Bme:atJ?, I\ati' &e., &c., Luckuts, Biai:elets, tle,Rnt Rrouches, &c., &c at. tfic lowest poaatbte nr!ees. Engli.5h aa'i Foreign (Jioeks', D.awtnQ-ruom Timepmces, CB1"3 and Chapel Diah, 1L11 Clockt, Amcriean dittj, Wcatbcr-gisaa''9, S;c., &c. ø" HAIR WORKED ]-fO GUARDS AND MOURNING RINGS. 1S61.————— WREXHAH AIARCH IpAl R.—————1801. THE FUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY INFORMED THAT THE YORKSHIRE HALL WILL BE OPEN AS USUAL For the ensuing THREE WEEKS, for the tale of WOOLLEN CLOTHS, FANCY TROUSERINGS AND WAISTCOATINGS, FUSTIANS, FLANNELS, STOCKINGS, AND SMALLWARKS. G R 1. C U L T U R A L TMPLEMENTs JL WILLIAM OVEBTON. IE ON MONG Ell, WR EX H AX1 ARtnt for the Sale of Richmond and Chandler's Prize Chaff Cutters and Corn (LuaheN. b<-Tttall'a Root Pulpers. Samuelaoa'a Single and Double Action Pnze Turnip Cattera and Pulpers, HOWARD'S PRIZE PLOUGHS AND HARROWS, Croak!U'a Carts, RoUers, &c. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. -p p 0 W E L L I T RONMONGERY, TOVN-HILL, WREXHAM, DEGS to inform hia friend and the puMIc generally, that he hae in Stock a large variety of AGRICULTURAL JD IMPLEMENTS by the foUowing Mtten :—Richmond & Chandler, E. H. BentsJ4 Samnetson, HowMdt, W. MdJ. RodeDhuMt&Fiy,tompr!HBg liougbs, "Urrowt-, Beatif3crii, Chafl Cuttete. Com Crurbers, TnmipSlMM. Gratin Md Pnipers, all at Matere' Pricea; tiso K!tcht.n RangM, RegMter Gratee, StOTOt, &c., of every dMchption A large tMortment of Scales and Weighte. E.P.— bell tw intMt'tt that he haa jUit received a irc.h toppty of PARAFINE, PHOTOGEN, Md tt-tr LAMP OILS. GENERAL F URNISI-IING E STA-BLISHMENT. DRAWING AND DINING BOOM SUITES, IN WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, AND MAHOGANY BEDROOM DO., IN MAHOGANY BIRCH AND ALL PAIN- TED WOODS, IRON BEDSTEADS, FEATHER BEDS, HAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK, MATTRASSES, CHIMNEY, AND PIER GLASSES. IMMENSE STOCK or WALL PAPERS, AT VERY REDUCED PRICES, FELTS, DRUGETS, COCOA INDIAN AND RUSH MATTING, HEARTH RUGS, DOOR MATS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, and a choice Selection OF UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS, &c., &c., <&c. E. OWEN'S Extensive Show Room- offer the greatest Variety in the Principality to purchaaera of the above rticlea. Estimates given for the Furnishing of Houses or separate Rooms. Furnicureto any amount bought or exchang:I. A lar-,Ye assortment of Second hand Goods always on Sale. 16, TOWN HILL, (Latp of the Old Shop Bridge Street.) RICHARD NOKES, (For several years Assistant to Mr. W. H. Johnson,) 'TrTA.S the pleasure of announcing to t?e GenUemen, Tratlcsaen, and Farmers of Wrexham and its neighbor.r- U hood, that he has taken the business bf FAMILY AND D ISP-ENSING CHEMIST, Which for a period of twelve years has been conducted by Mr. E. T. Jones, at 31, YORKE-ST,, WREXHAM. R. NoKPacoBndent!y<rus<s that the Tesprmibilny he has now undertaken will be fully warranted to the satisfaction of his patrons by )be thorough knowledge f i his business, acquired in an experience of eleven years. Prescriptions caieiuHy aud aecurstciy dispensed. Every Drug perfectly iresh; f.cd Chemical and Pharma- ceutical Reparations of the purest and most gtcu'ne quality. CLATE WHAB,Jj', TTPPER lOroPE-CjTREET, W' REXHAM 1) (AJjoiniog the Wesleyan Chapel). JOHN "J" 0 N E S TTN returning his grateful tracks to his frifnds aod the public for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him since his JL commencement in business, takes tLe opportunity of infotmmg the public that in addition to the SLATE BUSINESS, he now carries on the trade of a T I X B E R DEALER, and has now on hand a large variety of Pine Logs and Planke, Sprnce Deal, Dry Boards of different kind*, which he is onering on the very best of terms. Alt<o, a large quantity of BANGOR AND CARNARVON SLATES, j of the Firet and Second qualitiet, purchased before the L<te advance in those articles, which he ia therefore enabled to stil at lofer rire a than any cttur de.lers in the locality. ,O.?,i,a Ltle(-.t sssortmelt of PucHeyTilef, Brick?, StaBcrds?ire Tile', Sanatary Draining Pipe' HMr. C. n ent fa'tf?i', L?'h-, &r., &c. COUNTY OF DENBIGH. A BSTHACT of :n ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS -OL ;trd DISBUHSME? Tofthe COUNTY and POLICE RATES for the ye"r 1KGO, commencing Eoiphany, aad euding tt ti.e close o' Mi'-haeImM Qn"rte! I860. EDW. H. GRIFFITH, Treasurer. RECEIVED. jE a. d. < f. d. Balance on hand. I9S5 10 I A quarter': County Eate, 2:iJ. in thepound 423 J. 6 1 Returm from the Treasury on account of Pr,imeeutioiis and cooveying Cocvictt to 31 D<;c., 185U 620 4 5 For Maintenance of PriMneM in the Gaol tentenced for Feiony, &c., from 1st Aprit, 1859, to 31.tMMch.l860 164 1 ]0 ————— 784 6 3 Clerk of the Peace forReguten i of Vcteta 1 10 0 IntpMton of Weight*, &c., for Stamping 16 4 4 Denbigh Hall-keeper, for Old BraM 084 Goaler for Maintenance of De<er- t<M 0 12 9 Old BMM Md Lead, 31. 2t. Od mtBDre,6o. 380 Deducted from Tmrnkcy't txlary 1 18 2 ————- 5 18 11 Ctpt. M'Coy for Lodging AHow- ance for the Staff of the Koval De«bi{;h .H'Se*. in the Depot., for the ) ear ending 3 tat March, I860 21 5 6 Jno. WilHam*, for PiJtart and Stones Mid trom Depot. 4 8 0 ———— 2513 6 Fine; from )lagiltr"te.' Clerks. &e., viz:—Jno. LeAis, Otrk <or BromSeld, Ruabon, and BoroQh ef Wrexham 930 Chas. Richard*, dttto for Llan- Hcl'eu aad Uanailin 11 0 3 John Seire Hughe', ditto, Uch- IIlas 11 9 9 Ll"wclyoAdama,di'tj,Ruthin.. ]2 10 9 Ditto for IHenal Weight", &c.. 15 3 6 Richd. WiHia)ux, Clerk f-ir Bor. ough of Denbigh 6 4 0 Ditto for Hfega) Weights, &o 1 19 0 Etwd. Pngh, Inspector, fur Illegal Wciäht:l, ¡-.J 13 1 6 80 10 9 ————— 80 10 9 7134 8 3 DISBURSED. Apprehending, Couvcvuig, and Prosccut'j:0tr<of)crs 564 7 5 Expemps of ("ùunty (:td 859 C 6 DittftofHo. C9uf .)U 33 10 10 Ditto of Couatyila.la 7H16 9 Ditto of Bridget and R-a'3 G39 17 8 Clerk of the Peace, a year's SRiary, Pi-,1 sundry cx'r<t fxpensca 473 10 10 II Coroners ot the Wrextmni snd Denbigh Dist.lct- 224 10 0 County a :;i:a.'¡j atdt.'y, ands'tno/ expcll 8 204 11 6 CouotyT ;r. ,ft¡" lI;.oi4ry luO 0 ') Uricr of L d.¡., and extra atte'ithnee. 1010 0 Jno. Bradshaor aod Edward Pugh, I"spectora of Wcijthtx, &c. at Wrxham, Denbigh, for In- specting Weights, &u.) 10! and Rcotof Rooms. 3614 8 Magistrates' Cieritf, for bus!neM nndef Jury Act 44 15 0 Rfliefof puurrrisonera in Queen's 'PriMo. e 0 0 Stationery, Bookbinding, Avertia- ing. Printing, MejsecgcM, Postal, Starr ps, &c. 200 1 9 Expend at Depot, tor Buitd- ing NVoik, Irun, Plumbing, Fuel, Gravel, tnni Inauranott, &o 238 1 10 North Wiles Lunatic Aaytum, for BuiMing, ULeDaifoi and Ma!ntain<tnM of \Ý m, Long andJaneCiubb 10810 4 Interest of Money borrowed to buitd Aoylom and Depot, and Instalments on accuunt of Principe 742 3 1 L4587 8 2 Amount received 7131 8 3 Amount paid 4587 8 2 Balance in hand J62547 0 1 THE POLICE BATE. RECEIVED. j6 d. j6 a. d. A year's Police Rate, at 1!1 in the pound 272814 2 For conveying Prieonert to Gaol, and other bMUM<a done by the Force. 10713 6 Return from the Treasury efone- foorth of the expensee of Pay and Ctothing, Jrom Itt Oo- tober, 185S, to SOthSeptem- her, 18o9 86716 5 23704 4 1 DISBURSED. JE e. d. JE t. d. Balance' 190 0 6 Expemewa of Look upa, ior Buitdintt and Repaira at Aber- gete, Cerris-y-dJ.-uidion, Den- bigh, Llanailin, LIaarwet, HangoIIen, and Ruthin 395 11 2 Printing, Stationery, and Stamps 28 17 0 Clerk of the Peace, a year*< saiaiy. 60 0 0 OBSce expenses and httlf-year'a Rent 16 5 1 Thos. Jonea and Dr. Pierce, for Medical attendance and ex- amining PoUeemen 8166 Interest of Money borrowed to ¡Lûck-up, and Insta!- ments on account of Principal 182 10 0 Apprehending and conveying Prisoners. 1 8 6 Edward Roberta and othora, for Clothing. 21916 5 Lanterns, \?'hist!es. Hand CoBs, Staves, aid Capcholdera 1019 2 Chiof Construes for Contingent Disburse[!.ntø 140 4 7 Ditto, a yea < salarv. 3u0 00 Ditto, pay .or :iie t"Qrt., from let Januafy to 3l6t Dc<.ember9740 3 11 —————— 3180 8 6 Superanuation Fund, being de- ductions from PoticouM'n'6 pay frem lat January to 31st December, 1S59 4513 0 A r-' 4340 510 3704 4 1 Balance d to the Treasurer JE636 1 9 GREY HAIR. ?LEVER'S WALNUT POMADE restores Grey Y?/.Rair to its natural coiorr, darkens red or light hair prevents its laiiing oif, :'nd wili not stain the skin. Price Is. and 2s. 6d.; by post, M. extr.i. SOLE AGENT, KENRICK, (From 8tjuire. caemist t. tlie Qum, London,) ToT.'N IllLI.. WREXHAM. W. P R I T C H A R D, GENERAL DYER, LLANRWST T LANRWST ia noted for the softness and purity of .a J its Watere, (which is indieppnsable for nrst-rate Dyeing and Bleeching purposes,) a constant run of which pasaed through the eeiebrated LLANRWST DYE WOK KS. The Establishment is of long and respectable standing, and hie connection well cemented throughout tho PrincipaHty. Agents in every town. The LLIWDY, LLANRWST, is now a Household Word in Wates. Damaeks and Moreen Furniture, cleaned or dyed any colour, and nnished plain or watered, also Tabte Covers and Carpete. Chintz hanging" g!'zed, do. Sofa and Chair Covers glazed without ttking them to pieces. Silks and Velvet: cleaned or dyed or coloured, also Satins and nniahed plain or embeeMd. Feathers cleaned or dyed any colour and nnished plain or curled, Kid G!ovM dyed or cleaned. Shaw Ie, French Merinoes, or any oth''r Article in the Tude, cloned or dyed and tinished as new. A CENT FOB WN!XnAM,—MISS JONES No 1, CoM.Mt!. r T- r fLtur,rtintt. M???"?T7E?———— ???.?r?C7?J /?IVF'SLeMUnsonthHriauu-f.;? ?. u,c! ;!I ?r S?i. T.?s-T??.i??.?'?,. re't under twelve ?cars cfazc, s'x .'a:ne? as ?n ??'? 7. Kin? .trcet; Wrc?m. O'tL:neas pt:r an-nun. ? Iff :in. TO BE LET, WITM BIMEnl AT POSF.SSI()N DWELLING taining two P¡¡rlourlJ, Kitcbea, ou;ta'ale Bed:t(JO, :tnd Out.(,H]n<-g, with Yard, Garden, and about M acre <r Land. situate at Hurt''n, in 'he raj-ish of Grcsfo-d within a few huodred yarja of Rosi-ctt Station, oa i( Greet Western Railway; t)ow in the occupation of .\) WiUia.m Mercer. For further patticniara. and to treat, apply to ."fi. Dayley, Stationer, Wrexham. To HE LET and entered upon on the Firtdov .f -L May neit. 1861, a BLACKSMITH'S SHOr. wiu. Heilows, Anvil, Vice, Screw Piat«, Water Trongh, together with a HOUSE with 2 BeJ-roome, Btt'e-hon'f, and Boiler, and Garden attached, et Pl.ASDRAiM CorrA-iF, near Rhoallanerebrugog, pai-iah of Rua.bon. Jt is fn t x- reUeut opRning for a ftfudy man, eitaate on tlfO or thr CroM Roads, twenty farmtH ufcd to Ktt their work d iiii, there, now they haie to eo a distanrc of 3 miles tn gl their work executed. Bcbt coaia about a mHo oC, othl'l' l,alf a mile. Good ffeah air. Apply to Mr. Robert Daviett, Pias Dra!n. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. T 0 BE LET, with immediate poBBeMion, all thota entensive and eonvenieat prem"'M situate i)t Hopt- ttrfet, Wrexbam, now in the occupation of Mr. EJ.v:.rJ Willtame, or his assignees. Tne Dulling in i'rot.t cnnms's of Parl(nir, Drawing lt-jom, four Bedrooms, two K.tchens and Celtar. The Trade Djpart.nent has a large Yard. Workshops; CO X 18 Stjtc house", Olfees, sheds, Stabtings, and Pits, axd has been the pnnctpa) building establishment in the tuwn during th: last 23 years i This is an cpportunitr f,eldo:nto be met with for a Builder with a moderate capital to commence businsn, the pre-. mises being every way suitable for carrying on a Rut class trade. For terms apply to Mr. WiUiam Turner, Post O&co*. I Wrfxhatn. ?7iM? TO CONTRACTORS AND l'ERSO\S AHOLi EUlLDfXG SMALL GAS TTpO BE SOLU, a l?ain. ? set u t )- i ne? Con d en?'rit T wi'h IS pipes ris?tg 13 ffet hi?h, v.?h bottom box U f?et x 18 x 14 inch Jrcp. i'v.-t) <!ryJL.i'ne PurUtcrs, a x 4 x 2 Jeet die)), with. lids and 3 tiers of wrought irf)il eievfp, uompietu. A h' ? HyJnwlic y:.lves, wifitCM- tcctions f'Jf P'r tiers, !31t.1 \1', x 1) in. ,x 22-in dee D. A. v. t" 'M'iror cohininB. girl; ttjfs ro.tf, pnitiea, gtlidt. pl')tc<, &c.. riji-ig 12 i'eet and ut) ffct ot 1 -1000 cil"ic i' ct ilL G". in good cojilf)tior aud otily par; L;Ll ,:¡ t.) mak2 Lricc aDd far': or p:rMcukr3 apply to Atr. BArnelf, Gas Wor! Wrc:;I¡é1õ11 YjlOH SALK.—SccJud-hMd.—Pnce i)Sl ICs. Od., ha' ? f t?ttrj?d&t.'at, tvitti i'n!? sse t; tit, and a !.?<: Shoe Bath. fcr hot or co!d wa Apt ly to Mrs. Hob": n, the thop, Gresford. S1JARFS IN GAS COMPANY. nnO BE SOLD. 1-? Shares ii. the Wreihf.m G.n ) ? -S- Cuke Company. App)ytoMr. Jo)mBury,\Vfex)i!tn. j 0' AL' ? ?? SALB, I:i quantities to ?!)tt pirchasers, :tbm)< ? t ?-? ton6of weU preaefved MA?&ULDS, .?Hvcrci i.? the town at M?. per tor, iii.-i & cluarl,:ty "f ¿,,(.,t V/a RAT STRAW, suitable f,)r cuttiug..4\,kply at Iligii istreet. RED DEAL8. rmo BE SOLD attbeltaHway btati.'n, Chester, 30?? JL Weil St-asoned, St. P<itersbur?h Red Dsa's, av?'- '.4 age size, 21 feet x 11 "]c))C3 x 3 ) LOCKVVOOD & FARRLMOND, Egerton-stieet, Saw mIUs, Chesfp'. rr?? BE SOLD, 20 A., 20 B., and 35 C SHA ES il'l. JL the Vrexham (h)9 and Coke .Company. Apply ai. Ayrtieer" Oaice, Wrexl1am, ON 8ALF, two excellent oue-horie CAR)S, w.'h. harvest fra.'ne:. Appiv at L'ay llsll, Gresford. /? COD SETS of sound Pot?toc? co.!i be hai Qtf Mr. ?'. ?. \Dr L'hom's, Ba.fi?or. ON SJ!LLET TTPWA.RDS of FOUTY TONS OF HAY. m qaant!. U ties to Milt porchasera, and will be 'R'ffegA by Puttlio Auction early in March nett, aulcM previotnjy- disposed of by private treaty. Application to be, Wade to Mf. Roberts, Auctioneer, &c., Overtoa. February. 186L .< TO INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS. T) ICHARD DAVIES, Temperance HoMM,, Regent JLA' Street, hM on Sale, one 4.?heet ?earse, for either one or two horees, Hearse body, NeT Stanho.a Gig, 4-wheel Drag, Waggonette, &nd two stnall Pony Gigs, which he is prepared to sell at a g.rea 89'C,nfice. ituati.an¡¡t &c., æardt: RUABO ASSISTANT OVERSEER. A N ASSISTANT OVERSEER is Wacted ?r tha < Ju Parish of Ruabou. All persona detirocs of the appointmeat are requested to send in their appticaUoa ta the Cbanman of the VMtry, the Rev. T. Thomas, Vicar of Ruabor. on or before the 15th day of April instaut, from whom any other information respecting the ofEee may be obtained. ROBERT LLOYD, Rnabon, April 2nd, 1861. Vestry Cldk. \T7'ANTED immediately, a HOUSE (the neighbotir- ?7 hood of LLmguIIen preferred), containiti- Mtchet), scuHery, ce'lars, two partours, and four er five bedrooms, with all necessary outbuildings, with about 30 or 40 acres, of land iiiiached. For a suitable pt-«'e t:<e advertiser )t wiiiiugtopaytbe o.itgoiugteMt't :C20. fur good-wilt.— Apply to Mr. Bayiey, bookseller, Wrexham. 'iT ANTED, Alto, Tenor, and B?a SINGERS, -fbe ?V the Choir of St. Mark's Chureb. ForpartieuIaM as to satary, &c., apply to Mr. R. J. Hopper, 7, King- street, Wrexham. IT ANTED a DWELLl?G-HOLSE, with ?.i? 1 VV G?den attached, about a .nite trum ? rexham. Rent ehout Ss. per wff-k. Addrcii With. pattioitara, to G. R. H., Advertiser" 0<Bce. ?'WANTED to rent. a HOUSE in or nmr Wrexba.:r, W haviu? three or four Bedtooma; wither without a. few across cl p<.i,turc iacd.—Appiy to Mr. Bayiey, booit- isEtltr, WrexhiLui. '??tT'ANTKD, A,)ptentices to th" ?icss and Mtm?a Vv making B.t9? at MH R ?'d<- i's, 15 Chester ?., 'r('%hm, 'X.?T ANTED, in h Gentlema&'a family in the neigh-. vV bourhond of '\Vrexh"'B, a married muD <?a GARDENER. WMe8 13s. p& week and a Cottage w'thL ,i),id Garden a.;t¡¡,:he,l,-Ap; seller. Wrexhatu, or Mr G. C. Baylcy, (;ro¡¡, .oSiVc".r.l' ?Y7 ANTED to the NURSERY and SEED bUSt<. ?T NESS, a sharp active L"d, as &n Apprentice, f'-am 14 -o hi yeaih of .ig&.—Apply to Y. ST.i.tACHAX, 37, H -h- sl ftt', W rexha t/ ANTKD imu'.ediatjy, any quantity of Ui.? TV ?EWSrArER?. i'h- best price giveu ?y \Y. Bayiey, Hope Street, Wrexham. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. tTICTHlS to jyU?G???ION. Nerycusr.css. Phv?ic!'? V Debility, rilious !n;d l.?ei- Comphmts, Ms?-asM o: t: ? ChMt, Lungs, i-ud IhrM.), ..M<i all "ho desiroto J'eI, :H.d. estst',)Iish their tiealth wnh speed. ,!¡ullld ul1lDcd¡aLèly u:;e th" '.s itt th' roo of dlS(se, purify ti.e blood, Prepared e.o)<y hy Jo).u H.:tye. Esq.. Prospect Hal! ,V,),) ford, late of I)ilton H.iII, cear liuduersiilw..f e".LJI ot Cllrc c:>cdo:e.i 111 ech,lx. Suid I)y;Ait cil,,Iiibt4 'n" <.ther t'"<)''rs mPatotit Medl(a:J" at 9< U() ,.n < 4s.M. WhotesaKt Depot. 32. ??AD?T?EET.LonduD. BUYNYPPYNNON B H E 1NEÚY,.o, AND STEAM SODA WATER WORKS, H 0 P bl Ti ??y? H À ill, (ExTRANCE—PtnoUY STREET.) ? 'Y?T' BATHO bega to rtturn his grateful thanks to h!s ? we Friends and the Public for the liberal patronaga ? tiMtowed upon him since he nas conducted the above ? business, and tRkes t,is opportonity oi stating that ha haa dispcscd of the Wiue aud Spirit buainMS to Air. EDWARB Lt.'W)s, by whom tt.at b.auch will in futur b-' carritd on. W. B. Mill ti.erttme demote his enure atten- noti to the WhotpBele Brewing a' Qnt]9 W fac.-Uring,