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Sales by Messrs. Baugh & Jones. (Successors to the late Mr Ediabury), B(E AT DRELLIXCOURT COTTAGE, BERSE ??EARWRrXHAM. T?.tESSRS DAUGH AXD JO?ES have been f.- J-tJ. Toured <t)th ?natructions <rot? Mra Wayward (wbn in ch?n?nR ht.r f?dcnce) to o?-r for UnreM?rvedr ?LRBY AUCT.OX, at D?, I.incoun Cottar ber.c rh¡¡I, on WEI),NFPDAY, the li))h day of ArML, 11'61. <hc wbott: of hfrTatuabtD HOUSEHOLD yUK. l' Ill" HI\, and other e8ft. compnsing.—Handaome roMwood "rH'('rgJa. J-rehch nm<.pitce, (uudt-r ElaM ?d€), P)ght days ?r)? di:.I (,n n.ahog?v c?e) h.nd- ?? 13d" dr?inR c?e (..?.rty n?), h?d8ome ro.e- ?oodb?b?? c?e c.rd :.na .tb.r t.b!? pa.tour, kitchen and beJtMm chair.. cnuch. chfsts of drawer.. pl.te. and prints ncaily irimed Ilnù Kiaz.d, eight dayii' clock 1Ft o.k case, hou.ck.eper' nupbuard, .undry books r-r our Lecr.om, and stair carpeting, hearth rugs, ??' ? ??h ?awers underne.th, ro.ewond tea ?'"r ?"??' ?? °?er be?tfad? tether bed?'J'? ?" "? ?"?"' ? ????. m?tre,Be., ? ?? ?'?' ??M? and ?r?it=e, toi?t glasse, chimrsy ?????. "'?t co.nn?de. to?el rail., ?oct:an ?do)htTbhbdsaudro!te.? chin. tea ?.r?c.e, wine and other gla?a. bird ca?e? watfr )..hf., together with the OtU<l ktichen r?qnisttes and other eRecta. Saie to t ommencf at two o'clock prompt. "TrlDFle PIacp, Match 20, 1861. BUIJ.DIKC SITE IX ABBOT-STREET' ?TO 1JE SOLD Bl AUC?J-ION by Mesars. BAUGH ?. and JONHS, on Mu?DAY, the loth of ApRiL t86! ? Six o_ct.,ck p ?., punc.u.))y, at the Sun Inn, Abbot? "?'' ????. OD. lot, and subject to conditinM to be then ?' ?" "?"? ExtenBive FREEHOLD T.???. \J? ? "?? "? Cowbou?c!, StabtM, and Yard ?nhrthe apl.?n.nc?th?unto b.Ion?, .ituatein Ahbot-.trcet, ?reyham. (oppo.ne to the (?dSwaB Inn? .ndnow in the .e.. rat hiding. occup.U.n.fMr John Jones,. Edward km,th, and John Jenkins, .t, their WlJ..r-tenaDb. ?h. pr?I,e..re very r?ten.ive, and httYC a KOOd frontage to ?'?' ?? ?''d'n?ar. ?ett adapted ??'wl ?h ? or ?'?'hof, and there i. ample ?ce ?? d,? h g¡ the atrtet ? ?' ?"?? ? ? ?'? Ind shop. to!????? ? ? ? ??. Soh?r, or to the .\uclioneeu. FREEHOLD ESTATE AT BERSHAM :Nenr ?'-??' -D?&???. rT?r° ??'??? -??'?? by MESSRS. BAUGS AXn ?' t'? ? "?? ??.n., in th. C?.y ?n, D\ e..? b,ph on ? ed?day. Apr.i 3rd, 1861 (unles. ?h.eant.m.d,.po.d <,f by 1-ri.a.e .reaty, ,f which ?.uonce?.Ubeg?r? subj?t to euDditionsto b.the?u ?d here !rodu?d, and in one or more iot or lots as thtU be dcciareft at the time of a?p ?n. '??I?al MESSUAGE or DWE LUNG-HOUSE *Allmi 11 11_11" .1 °' -uau, w.th tJ.e staUujg, shippon, m. and Ot,hrr out-buildit)g. large and productive V,,Yden and orch.rj wcll-stucked wuh the choicest fruit tre<-a togtth.-r %ith ab)tit eleven acrea of superior LAIND, e.tuate at Bersoam, in the pariah of Wreiham 'athe county of Den Mgb. There ia some Sne oak. elm, Md yew. and young hmbtr gro\'4: nK upon the )ands. and excdient beds of miy Md Baud undeine-ih thu Bumc. 'thtt property affords )o Henticn.cn JMirou, to obtain countr, h01 an opportunity rarely to be met with, aud ? within half.an-hour's walk horn the tu.a OfWfexham and the K,ailway Station. Thia estate furround..d hy the landsof T. LloTd 7itzhiigh, Esq., ? ? ?"?'-?M? Hun?phre? 1? ) ?'? n'?mime may bt-obtained upon -ni&. ?'" ° ? ??" '? '?''?? ??h?, E?.. ??'? w?<-?am, or at the of the Auctio?e? wh.re plan of the property may k inspected, and fUlther ??n?Sy' ?" ? ????' ?' '"?? GRESFOnn, DKXDLSHSUJRE T?- ??-A?D?JO?ES?.a?t Ttho ?' ? "——- ?Cn -t AND JONES, at tho Rri?n Inn, Gr.ef..d on n!.y. t .e 2.'nd day .fAprii. 1861, .t 5 o-o?k i. t? .? ft.fnor-n. in the fujiu?ir.g, or ?ch .her iots .a .haU be ????d"- -? -? ?"?'- ? ?'? to be then produced. ?'???r????? or Dwelling- hou"e", wilh t?e gardt,n or b,¡jlding ..lot adioinm and ???????? a(ijcining and {rontill the II ad JI adin fn,m tl.e Chester turnpike. ? ? "?????? now in ??? ? Robertp, Geor(' WooJrid:!p. an,J Cart\nijlht. ?????????????? c(H'rAGE and Julj\'EIiS' B]IOP, witb I lie grden t.r buddi!'g Iot rhercunto belonging and ??S;?;:??'? -p.? .???, and EEzal,elh Tilftol', widow. .nd ? ??'?""? "?? ? ??" ?MER aDd ? ?r"? ?M'.am. or at the oS? of ?'? Auc.l.neer., where a plan of the Property ?ay be leen. T, mple Place, Wrexham, M.rch 28, 1 S61. DKSIRAHLE FItFElioI.D HtlL})JNG lTES, A?D CUt'j'?Gt-:?, ? ?MZZ????.?? ? ?? .ÐwbiglllJhire. T??????? by re8&f8. BAUGH and JOXES, at the White Borse Inn, Hhoøllaner- ???? 29th day 0' April, 1861, at Fin o'clock in tLe afternoon, in tbe following or such ether lots al shall be agreed upon at tbe lime of .aIe S?h?????? to be then produced;- Lot 1. All that Plot of JWHDI:iG LAND con- taining 3 rood#, of 64 6QUare yards to the rood, ituate ??? in the pariah of Ruabon afore- IMid. Roods of Land or thereabouts. ?? < ? ??"?'? ?? cont.;n;n??.. 3 US C Anoth.r P ot oi LAND..jj,? 1, togetber with the th,c-eCOT. TAGES and Butcher'a Shop etand- !ng thereon, containing 6 rood. and 22 yards, now in the oceupat.OB of AM !r. J. O".en and othera. ?. ot 7 to I?.tccIusiYc, adjoming the last lot' e?ch containiDg 3 i? ? ?"? ?' ???"g ?t 14? H Lot 10 Another d.tto .djoi.ning j? 15 ?d ) 2 rood, rontiDg the towa« hip fo.d leading and 17 tn ? ?? ? ?. ?? ?<? 24 yds. LLoot t 17 to 47mdu?, .dj.i.,ng th. j? J.t each containing g Let 48 Another ditto containing ti ? ? Another '? cODtaining ? ? ?y?' Lot 50 A?nothher ditto containiag 2? roodt Lot 51 Another ditto containing 2i Lo« 52 and 55. each containing 3 Lot 66, containing. 21 The whoie of the lots are moat e ig;He for Building purposes, the situation being by far the beat intbeRhoa. Enr, ctre haa been talcen to arrange the Iota for the Mnvtntence oi purchasers. For further particulara and an intpection of a plan of the acTeTat Jots, apply to the Auctioneers, or at the Umca of Mr. Hughe: Solicitor, Wrexham. 17 BIRMINGHAl\f HALL.———17 G. BEKNETT, CUTLER, (F ROM sNE-F.Fi-ELD,) WITH a first-claas STOCK of aUkinda of CUT. H LERY, rlurin the rair. No. 17, Birmingham all. K?\IVES REBLADED. N me E.. TO MALTSTERS, BREWERS, AND OTHERS. C 0 K E Manuftctured from the bp?<tn.,t. ?' can now be ? at t??'??be ARDDEN LODGE COLLIERY W?HAR?F S.u.te ci? to the Turnpike ro..d between U'rexitam .nd Ru.b.n; cr can be BUppM in truckload.otn? IeM tLan ? t?n, to .ny .tation on the Great Western or O\estry aLd -%ewtown iinpa. SALOP FIRE 0 F P I C E. E,sTABLIS)fED 1780. Trustees—The Right IIonourabtc the Viscount Hill, Robert Bnrtun, Eiq., George Pjitcbard, Esq. TilE advantagHs ottered to Insorers by thia Omue are -L eqmtl to th'-se of similar Inatitunona, and a large paid up capital is available at all timea to meet the Com- pany's engagt:inente. Farming Stock at 5s. per cent. 0 extr.t cnBrge for the use of Steam Thrashing Machine*. r<;r.uns inturing for seven years by one payment will be allowed one yfar'a prennufns and duty. Re<;<Jp)a fur the henf-Mat of Premiums due at Lady-Day are now m the h%tn.ls of the ri-st)ective Agenn, EDWARD B. TIfTON, Secretary. Agent for Wr(,xham-iiR. JOHN BURY. FAMOUS MELTON MOWBRAY PORK PIES. J ..1..Y E SOL LE R II E A. D IDEGS to announce to tbf Public generally, that he -tJ haa now eommt.r.cnd, and will continue to reeeiT? is re ? ular supply ? ?'' far-famed MKLTUN MOW- IIRA ""? ]?ILS 'nd )ht.t he alw?a keepa nn hand alS .took of hi. OWl: UNEQUALLED ORIGINAL A.hD IUGIlLY CELEb?ATED FINE WR&XHAM QiKUti.'jMM'?*hfj?-??o. W(? ttW, ?r.?.?. Sales by Mr. Johnson. EMRAL PARK SALE. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT. T?j?? ?""?? ?? P?'? ? EMRAL Ms S?D° "? ?"? ? ? 3. 4, and õ i, POSTRONED. By order of Executora of the !.te Sir R. Pulton "'? „„ ?? ??, March 28th, 1861. AUCTIONEJ:R. MALPAS AND TILSTON rp0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR R V -L JOUNSON. at the Crown Inn, Ma?p? Cheshi?re on Tuesday, April 9th, 1861, at three o.?kin the aiternoon. punctu.]!y. subject to conditionst and in the foiling or such other Lot. as the Vendor. thaU direct at the time of Sale. LoTt. AH that Old EstaHished and weU accustomed Inn. called the CUCWN," aituate in the Town of Malpas, upon the main road from Cheater to NVhitchurch, and now occupied by Mr Heath. The Prenhsea comprise a Aubtantiany built nouse contatnmg two PttlouM. Bar afld Spirit Vaultp, to the front, with excellent CelIanDff, and a large Yard, with commodioM StabHng, Orach HouM, &c., at the back. The Inn has heid a first rate position in the town. LoT2. A very compact FIELD of excellent LAND called the "Nunbrooks," containing 4 acr<;5 3 rouda 12 perchet or thereaboute, situate near the Church, in the village of Ttlaton, in the coumy of Cheater, and now held by MiM Price. The Tenants will thow the respective Lota, and for Huther particulars apply at the Offices of Mr Lewis, !Suhotor, Wrexham. Yfpytty, \Vretbam, March 7th, 1861. Sales by Mr. GriaUhs. PARK EYTON, Two Miles ham Raabon, DenMghahfre. T?H R. GRtlriTHS ha< much ptea<ure to announee ? that he has received inttroctiont from Mr. Ortord, who has givt-n up the Farm, to SELL BY AUCTION, on the premuM, at Park Eyton Farm atoieaaid. on Satur- day, the SOth day of March, 1861, the euttre Stock of ten Cross-bred DAIRY COWS and HEIFERS, a team of four powt:,ful WAGGON HOUSES, two mufieuiar WAG- GON COL1S, and the usuti asMrtment of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, comphstng a capital narrot-wheeled %,Vaggon with iron arms and harvest gearing capithi hruad. whteled Tumbrti ditto, capital Tnrnip DnIJ, cast-iron Laud Koll and hame, capital Twins with wheels and shaft", eMfUeut Winnowing Machine, Corn Coffer, ditto, five sets ot Coniu Gears, two seta of ThriU ditto, sundry ditto, Btck E"II' '1 I I tJham and -tteJJy-tiand, two tron llloighs, two paiM of Harrows, Rakes an<! Pikeia, long Ladder, a quantity of old iron, two box CheMe Pfcsfes, and part uf the Ilouse- (,Il ir;.V,,ITURE and other Ettects. Sate at Our o'clock. Overton, Flintshire, Mxrch 15, iSCl. SMITH FIELD, WREXUAM AUCTION. Ty/T R GRtFFlTHS na< the pleaaure to announce th?t JJLL he has received inatrutttous to SELL by AUC- TION, in the above Smithnetd, on SATURDAY, the 23rd day of March, 1861, (March Fait Day). 10 Prime Shropshire Down Weihets. 3 Prime Porker Pir,s. 18 Ptime Fat BuHocka. 1 Fat Bull (heavy weight). 10 Prime Fat Cows, and other Stock which can be entered with the Auctioneer, on or before the morning of Sale, the propetty of E. Fee), Esq., and othere. Sale at Eleven o'clock. Overton. Flintshire. Sale by Mr Jenkina. CHESHIRE. CAPITAL OAK and oth.r TIMBER to be Sold by ? Auction, by A)R. JENKINS, ft the Bull Inn, Shoch- lach, on Monday, the l&t day of April, at 3 o'clock in tLe afternoon, subject to coudinons to be (hen produced, and in cue or more iota as determined upon at the titre of sale:—34 capita OAK TREES, numbered with ascribe trom t to 34, and 12 ASH TREES, scribe marked irom I to 12. The above Timber appear to be quite sound, is now staudn'g on a farm xt Horton Green, in the Parish of Tiitt'jc, in the oecupat'on of Jr. John Maddock', s'tuate about midway btt,eeii Tilstou and ShocKtacu, tbr. e mil:* from Malpae, and adjoins good roads. The oak n of tine quality, and bu'table for Shipbuitding and general purpose*; the Ash useful fur Wheeiwrights and others. Mr. Mtddocks, the tenant, viH appoint a person to show the sauic. f'UI t'er pattfularsmxy boubtaintdat ttte Auctioneer's UtHef, Etiettoer' Sale by Mr. Cooper. HALGHTON HALL, 8 milM from Whitchnrch, on the WreTham Road. '??'R. COOPER hM received iMtructiOM from Mn -m Weaver, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Monday and Toefday, the 1st and 2nd day* cf April, 1861, 22 Dairy Cowt, 2 Barren Covis, 8 Calving Heifer*, 4 Stirk Heifen, 3 Yearling CaWea, two-year.old Bull, team of 6 Waggon HortM, in.pig Sow, Gilt in-pig, together with the implement* of Husbandry, Dairy DtenMLt, and the Household Furniturf. FirBt day's sa)e-Farmiiig Stock and part of the Dairy Utennlt. Seeoud day—Tn<t remaming Dttiry Utenaila and Furniture. 300 CARRIAGES. T IIP, ANNUA  BY AUCTION, rJpL HE ANNUAL SALE BY AUCTION, At LUCAS'a, LtTEnrooL, ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, APRIL 3rd, 1861, At 10 o'ctoc k ptccMety. 3 0 0 C.ABBIAGES AND 70 SETS OF HARNESS. Cattlognea may be had at Luea* RepoMtory, Hver- pool. rr?O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, at the Neptune Inn, J. Lytham, on Tuesday, 2nd April, 1861, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon prompt, all that arst-clasa Clipper built YATCH, cal)ed the "NINA," of 13 tons burden, copper fastened, complttc !n every retpect, with Boat, AaehoM, Uhatu', Sails, &c., &c., mt<w iyiug in the Craving Dock poot at Lytbam. 41so at the Mme time and place, that meet exce)lent fast sailiut: YACiiT, having won prizes at RegattM, called EXTRAVAGANZA," cabin and berths most eiceHentiy nttej up with every eonveuience, cntter rigged, running bow sprit, square stern, length 58 3-lUth's feet, breadth outtidc plank 14 5-lOth'a feet, aud depth in hoid, from tonnage derk to ceiUng at midahips, 8 7-lOth's feet, and teg'stered tonnage 28 ton:, but capable of carrying 50 tona, together w<th tongbuet, gig, anchors, chains, sails, &c., &c., compete. The Enr-tvagecza" is a fine aea- boat, fulty found in cap<t<l crder, and qutte ready for Sta. now iyiog in Lytham Dock ivr iuapection at any time prior to sn!c. For particulars apply to Mr. Henry Farnworth, Sherins' UNcer, Pre.tjn. 18__TO SERVE MARES THIS SEASON.——61. A, otig Sovorei§p)t each MaTe, and Two Shillings and Sirpcllce the 6f<-007«, (The Groom't Fee to bo paid at the time of serving, and the UtMe't Money on or before the 24th day of June next, ut an eiltra charge of Two Shilling wilt be made iur collecting.) fl 'lliAT Beautiful D-ttk Brown Colt of the waggon kind catied PRINCE ALBERT, the property o( \VUl.am Cheetham, ot Uwicoteg, uetir Croat Laned, Denbishehite. standj a 1??7 ih. and,). t?NCE Ai?ER-r, rising 4 yeara old, 17 an. hi.h, very temperate, clear, straight, good short iegt, shun joimed, and immense cheat, tuighs, arms, with head up, weU set on and aplendid action .a any colt in Eugianu. pRiNCtc ALBEKT was got by .farmers rnenus" who "as got by that celebrated horse Young Bt;ii." RuuTE-If health permit)., every Monday th. rough, PiL.-LI-W, Snuon Gicen, Ridteywooa, to the White Hon inn, liuit, from 11 uU 2, thence to Han-y-pWit, trom o ml 5, tbcnet. home. Tucdy, through Street-yr-weh, HavoQybw<.h, to the New iun. Gutter hiM, from 10 tl" 12, then to the Wynnatay Arms, Ruabon, 1 t!ll 3, thence to the Fox and llounda, Crautree (jioen, andhome. WedLitz3day, at home. Ihursday, to the Bridge i_iouM, Wiexham, till the Market is over, through Marohwiel acdhotue. Friday, to the Mile btone, ii&lghton,forl hom, 'hecco to Wnitciiuruh tor the Market, LSALurdiLy to iU&Ipas for 2 hours, thenco to Threapwood lor :4 hours, thface to tho Oak Inn, Hangor, and home that mgat. Any mares tried by this horM and afterwards put to another witi be cnttrgxd the aeaaon prtee. MUSIC—SELLING OFF! JL-?L/?J ? PIECES ot the "Muaicat 'itMaury 1 /< ? ? and the "Mu..oal Bouquet" at Rail pelve, Mr 'Atntt<)t Ft'M" WtH tM twM W. A$ Ids i" Wt Jf.t. WREXHAM LITERARY INSTITUTE. THE SERIES OF LECTURER AND MUSCIAL ENTERTAtNMENTS. THE Committee beg to annoance that they have <;n- gaged the REVEREND J. B. OWEN, of London, to deltver the conctudinR LECTURE of the preeent perte!, on Friday Evening, the 5th of April, 1861, in the Town Hal), WrexbMn. Subject! HAUNTED HOUSES, with the Moral of the Spints in the School, the Tap, the Asylum, the Lone House, the Vast House, and the Last Hou<e'" From the Rev. Mr. Owen's wcH-knowu *b)l:ty M a Lecturer and an Orator, the Sobscribert and Pubtio may anticipate a rich treat. Doora open at Seven, Chair to be tsken at 8 o'clock. AdmMHon:—FiMt C)M9, 2< Second <I;tto, Ie.; Back Seats, 6d. Membera admitted at Hatf-nrice. Tickets can be obteined from the Bookseller*, or from R. ROBERTS, Secretary. March 29th, 1861. WREXHAM CORN :EXCHANGE. Committee of Management:— MR. CHAS. GRIFFITHS, I „ JOHN DAN1ELL, „ FREDERICK PRICE. MR. JOHN ALLMAND, MR. JOHN MANLEY, Treasurer :—MR. WM. PIERCE. Secretary:—MR. JAS. T. JONRS. BULM AND REGULATIONS. liit. THAT the Fjicbange be opened eMh TbllradlY tt JL 2 o'clock, and closed at 3 30 p.m. 2nd. ? That Millers, Corn Merchants and Facton<, Brewer', Maltster. Hop, Seed, Manure, Coal and Litne Mfr- chante. Sack Deatcrs, Auctioneers, Carriere, and othtr rerauns deating in or soliciting ord*ra for any article of Merchandise, Manufacture, or Produce, pfy yearly 10<t. 6d., without the tight of having a atand. 3rd. TbattpctMM provided with Standa, pay yearly <i la. 4th. That Ftrmera attending tor the sale of the Produce of their owu Farms, or for the purchase of Article* for their own use or coMumptMn, be admitt6dkree of Ct<t)ye. 5th. That all Subscribers become dae on the Srat. Thursday in April, and be paid in advance. 6th. That SKbNcnbera to the amount of .61 I?. Od. (who are entitled to ttand:) ehati have the priority ur' choice as to the position of the stand, according to the rotation of their namea on the Sub&crihert' litt. 7th. That no Subscriber ahsit have the power to aub-Iet his atand. By order of the Committee, CHARLES GRIFFITHS, Committee Room, CiiMtmAN. Xotn JHaret), IHoi. N.H.-Subscriltion.! received by the TreMurer. WREXHAM CHtCKET CLUB. A GENERAL ? FETING of the Member* of the ?A. above Llut) will be held at the Lion Hot<fl, on Wed- nesday Evening neit, at 8 o'clock, p.m. All loiers of that nobL game are t.arnettly tequested to attend. GEO. WARBURTON, March 30th, 1861. HoM. SBC'KETABT. FOUND, A YOUNG RETRIEVER.—Apply to Mr. Kyrke, A6taL,oty Lodge. < STRAYED early in the month, a SHEEP, will be ?9 delheted on corrtct dMeription a? to tex, breed, and mbrke, and payment of Mpeuaes. Apply at FKN.Y- GAuDDEs, Ruabon. BRYNYFFYNNON BREWERY, A!\D STEAM SUDA WATER WORKS, HOP E S '1' R E E T t WBFXHAM, (ENTRANCK-PRIOIZY STREET.) 'YT7' BATHO Legs to rtturn his grateful thankt to hit W irieads and the Pouiie for the hberat patronage bestowed upuu him smce he has conducted the above bustless, aud tP.bs tbi< oplortunity ot atatiog that he has d«pcscd of the Wine xud Spirit busint;bs to Mr. i.DWAi:D Lt.Wts, by whom that brauchwill in future be carrttd on. W. B. "ill thertfore detrote his entire attcn- t'on to the Whutt;s:de Lrewing and Soda Watef jdaau- inuHniug. EDWARD LEWIS, In succeeding to the above busheM, bega t" slate that it "Ill be his earnest endeavour to secnro pnbl'e p..trottt<ge by supplying the very best qnahtita of AVI.NAS aud &FiRijL&, ALES, PORTER, &.c. There is a comfortable Smckc RooM, tupplied with Daily and ether Papers. Daily and .MOPE STREET, the cearest Spirit Vault to the Railway Station. EMIGRATION TO CANADA. A GENTLEMAN acting vith the eanction of the ?L Canadian Government will ATTEND DURING TJbE NEXT WEEK, between the homra of Ten and Four. On MONDAY, at the Albion Botel, Cheater; the Eagles Hote), Wretham, on TUESDAY; the Hand Hotel, UMgolien, om WEDNESDAY: the ——— Hotel, Leominster on THURSDAY; at the White Lion Hotel, Wem, J-RLDAY, to give inibrmation about Canada, onr meare&t and moat \aln.tbla Colony. A. C. BUCHANAN, Chtef Eatigmnt Agent fur Canada. Canadian Government emigration Ogice Ltyerpoul, March 2Cth, 186t. T CANS from JESOj?jMOO. adTanced for 3 year', en ?J peMonal security, on the moat reaaonable teims.— Apply to Mr John Wyke, Accountant and ?Agent to tha We*t of Eoglamft Inauranc* Company, Hope-Street Wrexhtun. J. AND H. KEYWORTH, AGtNT MB C L A T T 0 IVP SHUTTLEWORTH & Co. 'DEG to inform the Agricultural Ictereet of North Walee, 'J that they are prepared to give particular* and to receive ordeM for STEAM ENGINES, THRASHING MACHINES. SAW TABLES, MORTAR MILLS, &c. by the above CELEBRATED MAtLKBS. Alao for CLAYTON'a BRICK, TILE, and PIPEJMACHINERY. lJeliverød Free e< the princ-ipal RailwlIV 8tatiom. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, and the fullest par- ticuttM, on application at the<r UH)ee9. Estimatet given for complete FIXED BARN WORKS. SECOND-HAND PORTABLE ENGINES now on Sate.—Two 6-hor8f, one 6-horse, two 7-horse, two 10- horse, and one 10-horse with Re?eHingLiuk Motion. The whole have just been put in the moet complete repair. COLONIAL BUILDINGS, 36, DALE-STREET, LIVERPOOL. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEORGE GRANT, ESQ., CnAiRMMf. CHAS. S. p.A.1i.K.ER, AND JAS. A. TOB1N, ESQRS., DEPUTY-CHAMMKN. *1T?HE rematkaNe sncceM of this Company is shewn in ?. the foltowinj; Table YEAR. FIBI! PREMIUM LIFE PREMIPM IIWVBSTED 1830. JM3,9M JE25.467 £415.700 1955 186,271 63,909 716,925 1860. 3M.725 131,72: I.SM.S26 Thia l"rge Income is rapidly increasing. The ANNUITIES paid by the Company exceed 219,000 a Year. Protection during days of 6race unquestioned. AGENTS: (fiRE AND LIFE.) WREXIIAM.—Vacant, (see note at foot). DENBIGH.—Atr. i'Taocia Wyune, Solicitor. ClijES.LEtL.-M-, Joseph BndgotuaD, Solicttor. _Mr Chnr)M Tuwnsbend. St. Werbureh-tt. FLINT.—Mr John O'Kyle, Station Master. I HGLYWELL.-VacaI11, (Me note at foot). MOLU.—Vacant (see note at fuut). RUTtllN.—Vacat.t (see note at tout.) el'. ASAPH.—V'caat (see uote ft foot). Fire rolioifa due at LADy DAY ehould be renewed on or before the 9th Apni. Applic.tioB. to repent THs LivimrooL AND LON- DOX in phce. and district. whe.eAgentthave not yet b.en gppoik,ted, m"y be addreised to the Becret.ry, Ltv.rpool tud Loodin iMnnmce Chambere, LtYerpoot. .W 1:4 fO:f BOULT, eMM'r*M. 1!'fl, THEATRE ROYAL, WREXHAM. GRAND Vj Lii,4B r AMATEUR THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE. TWO AMATEUR THEATRICAL PERb'OR- MANCES BY VOLUNTEERS, In aia of the Fnnd* of the First Denbighsbire Rifle Vo!unteer*, TTTNDER D!tt!ngnt*LeJ Patioringe, will <ahe place on ?J Friday, the 5:h., and Monday, the 8th da- of April, ) 861, The Performance ontach eveniogw'U be prcctded by au criminal Pn)to){ue, written by a Member of the Corpa. On Friday wilt be presented A THUMPING LEGACY, MY WIFE'S SECOND FLOOR, LEND ME FIVE SHILLINGS. ON MONDAY,— USED U P, MY WIPERS SECOND FLOOR, BOX AND COX. AJm!tMOn—Boxe<, 4: Pit 2s., Gallery Is., Private Box 2 guineas. Tickets to be obtained from Mews. Potter & Snape, where the Box Plan may be scec, and places secured. WILLIAM PARRY, :BTTI:L:D:E:R, <Sc o- BRIDGE-ST., WREXHAM. Eitimates given for Contratt?. All crders promptly attecdcti to. PURE DERATED WATERS. TPLLIS'S RUTHIN SODA WATER. LLIS'S RUTHIN POTASS WATER. ELLIS.-B RUTHIN SELTZER WATER. E LLISIS RUTHIN LEMONADE. 'CLLIS'S LITHIA AND rOTTASS WATER. An elegant preparation, stronply recommended Ly the Facnity at an Mternal remeJy for Guot. The above, 80 long known" as superior to aMy other in tlte Market," may Lc obtained fiota all rei3pcctitle Retailera. Sold by JoMph OaA, Wme Merchant, and J. Brough- ton, ChemMt, Wretham, and E. Da vies. Druggist, RuaLon. WR;EXH;AM UNION. TENDERS FOR REPAIRING PUMP-WELL. mHE Guardians of the Wrexham Union are de-nrom J- of receiving TENDERS by 12 o'clock on Thurs- day, the 4th day of April next, from persona willing to undertake to clean out the sand from the rump'WeU at the Workhouse, also to put the Pumpa and Walls of the WeU in thorough and proper repair. The walls to be properly eaiked with MOM, M at to pMvent the sand from getting into the weli in future. The work to be done to the eatiafaction of the Guard. ians, or such person aa they may appoint to Intpect the same. By order of the Board, March 28'h, 1861. JOHN BURY, Clerk. WREXHAM UNION. TO TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. A LL Persons having MUe or demands of  any kind -?. whatsoever, against the Board of Guardians of the Wtexham Union, for Goods, &c., supplied during the Quarter enuing Lady-Day, are requested to send the pafticutars thereof to me immediately, for examination by the Finance Committee. Contractors or Tradesmen, or their authorised Agents, are requested to attend at the Workhouse, en Thursday, the 2nd of May, at 1 o'clock to receive payment of their respective accounts. The pay- ment of all accounts not sent in before the above mention- ed day, wilt be deferred until the last week in the enau- ing quarter. By order of the Board, JOHN BURY, March, 37th, J8C1. Clerk. ELECTORS OF THE DENBIGHSHIRE BOROUGHS. ON F"b. 20th, a. Bill wall Introduced into ParHament, to ALLow DisaenttM to be 'Jrnsteet of Public Charitiew (when the trust did NOT restrict tt to Chutch- meo:— MR. MAINWARING VOTED AGAINST IT. On Feb. 20[b, n BiM was introduced into Parliament. to ALLOW Disfeuters to be Members of Corpora.tionit with- out obliging them to promise not to me the innuenee of their office to weaken the Established Church :— MR. MAINWARING VOTED AGAINST IT. On Feb. 27th, a B)H was introduced into Parliament to Abolish Church Rates:— MR. MAINWARING VOTED AGAINST IT. NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE, 27, Bridge st. Row, Chester. VOUCHER AND CO. have always on hand Ban extensive selection of KEW and SKCOND-H?ND INSTRUMENTS, of the best chfiM.cter, for SALE or HIRE on the must moderate terms. Additional Stocks kept by their various Agents in Wales. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE. F. PHASER. W ATe H. M A KER, jsj ILV E R S M ITH, TEW E L LE R 43, HIGH-STREET, W R E X H A M T) ESPECTFULLY informs the Public that he has just added to his extensive Stock a lar?e assortmeot of GOLD ?V AMD 81LYEK WATOiiKh, Cutoured Uold Albert and Gturd Chains. Gemlemen'* DreM FinB tnd St)td< of the l&tMt dettgns, Caet Signet and other lting. ALo, a tmgni&ccnt Stock cf Ladies' JeweUerv, cumpriting Eai'-rinea m coiotired and bright Gold. DftM Lingt in Diamonds, Rubies, Emerald-q, Pfa<b, &c., &c.. Lockets, Biacclets, tIcMnt! .Bfoochee, &c., &c., at the lowest poMtbJe pricea. -MngiMh and Foreign CiocJM, Drawing-room Timepieces, Caee ana Chapel Diala, Hall Cloc!M, American ditto, I Weather-g!ass?s, &c., &c. IW HAIR WORKED JNTO GUARDS AND MOURNING RINGS. 1861.———— WREXHAl\I MARCH :FAIR. 1861. THE PUBLIC ARE BESPECTrULLY INFORMED THAT THE YORKSHIRE HALL WILL HIS OPEN AS USUAL For the ensuing THREE WEEKS, for the sale of WOOLLEN CLOTHS, FAKCY TROUSERINGS AND WAISTCOATINGS, FUSTIANS, FLANNELS, STOCKINGS, AND SMALLWARES. AGRICULTURAL TMPLEMENTS WILLIAM OVERT ON, IRONMONGER, TVBBXHAM) Agent for the Sale of Richmond and Chandler's Prize Chaff Cuttera and Corn Crnshera. B<mtaU'a Root Fulpers. Samuelson's Single and Double Action Prize Turnip Cutters and Papers, HO WARD'S PRIZE PLOUGHS AND HARROWS, Croakill's Carts, RoDers, &e. GENERAL FURNISHING E STABLISHMENT. DRAWING AM) DINING ROOM SUITES, IN WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, AND MAHOGANY BEDROOM DO., IN MAHOGANY BIRCH AND ALL PAIN- TED WOODS, IRON BEDSTEADS, FEATHER BEDS, I-IAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK, MATTRASSES, CHIMNEY, AND PIER GLASSES. CA AIR 4t ft CA Asst,% '? KtR -OWITN Ls FLOcKs IMMENSE STOCK OF WALL PAPERS, AT VERY RED IIC ED PRICES, FELTS, DRUGETS, COCOA INDIAN AND RUSH MATTING, HEARTH RU&S,DOOR MATS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, and a choice Selection OF UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS, <&c., <&c., &c. E. OWEN'S Extensive Show Room! offer the greatest Variety in the Principality to purchasers of the above ttlcles. Estimates given for the Furnishing of Houses or separate Rooms. Furniture to any amount bought or exchanged. A large assortment of Second hand Goods always on Sate. 16, TOWN HILL, (Late of the Old Shop Bridge Street,) RICHARD NOKES, (For several years Assistant to Mr. W. S. Johnson,) AS the pleasure of announcing to the Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Farmers of Wrexham and its neiohbour- tL hood, that he has taken the business of t> TpAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, 'Which for a period of twelve years has been conducted by Mr. E. T. Jones, at 31, YORKE-ST,, WREXHAM. R. NoKM confidently trusts that the resp(,n6ibilit.7 he has now undertaken wilt be fully warranted to the satisfaction of his patrons by the thorough knowtedge of his business, acquired in an experience of eleven years. Prescriptions carefully aud accurately dispensed..Every Drug pcr)ebt)y iresh; and Chemical and Pharma- ceutical Preparations of the purest and most genuine quahty. CLATE WHARF, UPPER -rroPE-gTREET, W'P-EXHAIW, (Adjoining the Wedeyan Chapd). JOHN "V ONES. TN retuminK his graieM thack: to his fricndp ard the puhl!c for tèe liberal patronage bestowed upon him aince his JL eommencement in bu-zitiefs, takes the cppMtuBity ui tBfu'nmig the puLhc that in addition to the SLATE BUSINESS, he now carrie< on the trade of a TIMBER. DEALER, and has now on hand a la rge Tanety of Piue Logs and Planks, Spruce DcaL, Dry Boards of diiTercnt kindt, which he is offering on the Tery beat of terms'. Al&p, a large Quantity of BANGrOR AND CARNARVON SLATES, of the Fint and Second quslities, purchased before the late advance in those aitlcle!, which he is thereiore enabied to sell at lower prices than any t.thtr denier: in the locality. sell at lower '8 rle a select assortment of BucMuy Tiles, Brick', Staffordshire Tiles, Sanatary Draining Pipes, Hair, Cement, Plaster, Laths, &c., &c. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ? POWELL, IRONMONGERY, TOWN-HILL, WREXHAM, t)EGS to inform hie friends «nd the puMic gencraJJy, that he !)M in Stock < large varietv of AGRICULTURAL J) IMPLEMENTS by the Mowing Mtkers :—K!chmocd & ChaDdier, E. H. Bentat!, Samnetson, Ilowards, W and 1. Rodenhurat &: lry, rODlJ;rir.lrg Stsnf<'rt, (.haS Cutteta. ConiCrufhcrt,Tnrnip8]iMr Gratere Md PNlpen, all at Alaiiefa' PncM also Kitchm ]Rt:nEes, Register Giatcp, StovPt, &c., of every dttMtption A iMf MMrttBtBt of 8ca!ea and Weighte. t B.P.— ?t t? ift?f? th?t ? t.'a jt?t T??tj a f?*! n? ?y cf r.?A!?KE, mOTOQB?t M<! ??? MMf t t?lLS. t THE PROVINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE COMPANY. cniEF omcES. High-street. Wrexhatn. 49, Moorgate-street, London, E.C. 77, Buchanan-street, Glasgow. TRUSTEES. The Right Hon. Lord Boston, Be!grave- square. London, Hedaor Lodge, Maidenhead: and Llanidan, Anglesea. The Right Hon. Lord Tredesa.r, Trcdezar Park, Monmouthshire; and 32, Portman-square, Lon- don. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart.. M.P., J8 St. James's-square, London, and Wynnstay, Denbigh- shire. Colonel Myddelton Biddulph, M.P., Lord-Lieut. of the county of Denbigh, Chirk Caatie, Denbigh- shire. Townsbend Mamwar!ng, Esq., M.P., Galltfaenan, Denbichshire. Colonel Watkins, M.P.. Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Brecknock, Fennoyre, Brecknockshire. Frederick RicbMd West, Esq., Rutbin. Casge, Denbighshire Henry Thomas, Esq.. Chairman of the Glamorgan- shire Quarter Sessions, Llwynmadoc, Breck- nockshire. Thomas Brassey, Esq, 4, Great George-street, Westminster, and Lowndes-square, London. Hugh Owen, Eaq., Barnabury, London. TRCaTEES IN IRELAND. Viscount Avonmore, Ennlsmore, Kingstown. Lord Massey, The Hermitage, Castle C onne!, County Limerick. DIRECTORS. CIFAMMAi;-Thomas Barnes, Esq., M.P., Fam- worth, near Manchester, and the Qninta, Salop. John James, Esq., EIwy House, Wrexhan). R. Venablea Kyrke, Esq., Stansty Lodge, Wrex- ham. Hhgh Owen, Esq., Barnsbury, London. Thomas Painter, Esq., Bod!omleb, \Vrexbam. B. C. Rawtins, Esq., Hope MrHs, Wrexham. Edward Tench, Esq., Plasnewydd, Buabon. William Wright, Esq., Gresiord Bank, Wrexham. The Hon. W. H. Yetverton, Whitiand Abbey, Carmarthenshire. BAtfKEBS. The National Provinctal Bank of England. The North and South Wales Bank. CONSUMING SURGEON. T. T. Griffith, Esq., Wrexham. CONSUM'mG ACTUARY. Griffith Davies, Esq., London. SOLICITORS. Messrs. Edgworth and D. rugh, Wrexham; D. TLomaa, Esq., Brecon. SURVEYORS. Richard Kyrke Penson, Esq., Swansea. M. Gummow, Esq., Wrexbam. SECRETARY TO THECOMrANT. Anthony Dillon, Esq., Wrexham. .l.V- DUN BOAKf. CHAlBHAN—The H&a. \V. H. Yelverton, Whitland Abbey. Colonel PoweII, M.P., Junior United Sen-Ice Club. G. W. Fitzhugh, Esq., 2, Gieat Stanhope-street, May Fair. Hugh Owen, Eaq., Barnsbury, London. BANKERS. Messrs. Hanburya and Lloyd. CONSULTING SURGEON. John Propert, Esq., 6, New Cavendiah-street; SURVETOB. IMchard H. Moore, Esq, 4, Queen's-terrace, Re- gent's Park. GLASGOW BRANCH. Calces. 77, Buchaoan-street. RESIDENT SECRETARY—W. J. Carsweii, Esq. SPECTAL ADVANTAGES Tr IFE.-—Stamps paid by the Office-Medical Referee paid for their Reparts—rroiin', Eighty per cent. returned—OBice Expenaes very moderate, and chiefly borne by the Fire Department:, so as to increase the bonus—Non-forfeiture of Police?—N o liability incurred by the Assured as in Mutual Offices-Members of Vol- unteer Rifle Corps assured without extra charge. FIRK.—Moderate Fremimua—Prompt and liberal aettlement of losses-Farming Stock insured at 4s. per cent., provided the amouut to be subdivided as directed in the Company's forms as heretofore or at 5*, per centr if not so subdivided. Fire Insurancea effected in other OCicea may be transferred to thM Compttny free of any charge tor Policy or Stamp. ANTHONY DILLON, Secretary to the Company. Chief OSee, Wrexham. AGENTS WAMED. PLAS ISSA BUILDING BRICKS. TACOB DAV1ES respectftiMy announces hia being tF Agent for the sale of these Bricks, in the Rhos, and ita neighbourhood. Rhoe, March 14.1861. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. E,d B T E B 110 L I D A Y S. ?N THURSDAY, March 38th, a SPECIAL TRAIN \? will le?ve Wiexham at 11-5U a.m., Usweatry 18-15 p.m., for LONDON, jg.s.dd rNG, OXFORD, BANB U2 Y, LEAMINGTON, WARWICK, BIRMINGHAM, YTOLYEBnAMrTOy, WELLIBfGTOy, SnBEWsBURY. And on Cood Friday and Eaater Monday Will leave Wrexham at 10 30 a.m., Rnabou 10-45 a.m., LhmguUen Road 10-55 a.m., and Oswestry 10-40 a.m., FOR SHREWSBURY. For times of retnming and fares, see hand-bills, to he htd at the Umlway Stations, and from JOHN ERYING, CONDUCTOR, a TT 1 1 T Atuance tion:i, 41, kNorLULI-Stft:t;o ..LU yca JJUUh S6, Queen-street, London. August 23, 1860. DBAR SIRS.—1 havo. as reum-sted, to.day visited the Koyat .Laundry, wich r.;feren<M to the i.dvertisemezit of the ottjDlcham hrm, who state that their March has bcea used iormftny years in the R<.yat Laundry, and have been a&aured by Mr. Thompsott, the itnperiotendent. that uono but your- no,ves h&ve anynxht to titMe that tijty suppfy Starch to her Majesty'* Litund' y, aa uo other Starch h there uaed. nor hix been ustm ibr sotua years, but the (Ueutieid Patent Starch. 1 h&*e been iurther tssured that your Starch continues to t:ive eumpiete satisfactlua. nud that thoutth triat hat} been made of mayoples ot various litai ches, none ot these have heeo found ncarty t: .al in quality to the ult;uliuiti.-I aui, dear sirs )uur obedieutttervant, Wal. BLACK. Mesera. it. Wotherspoon and Co., 4,5. liunlop-sLrt;uL. Glabgow. W. P R I T C H: A R D, GENERAL DYER. LLAKRWST Tf LANRWST is noted for the eoftneM and purity of ) J its Waters, (which is indispensable for nrst-rate Dyeing a.nd Bieeching purposes,) a constant run oi whtch passed through the celebrated LLAKRWST DYE WUH KS. Ihe Eatabhshment is cikng and respectable standing, and his connection we!I cemented throughout the Principality. Agents in every town. The LLI W DY, LLANRWST, is now a Household Word in Wales. Damaska and Moreen Furniture, cieanedar dyeda.ny colour, and nniehed piam or wattled, also iabie Co'Tera and Ca.peta. Chintz longings gh.zed, do. Sola and Chair CoTers gtazed without taking [hem to pieces. Silks and Velvet* cleaned or oyed or coloured, also Satina and nniahed plain or embossed. Feathers eieaned or dyed any colour and finished plain or curled, Kid GIorea dyt:d or cleaned. ShaKis, French Mthnoea, or any other Article In the Trade, cleaned or dyed and tinished aa new. ACEXT FOR WBEXnAX.—MiSS JONES No 1, COLLEGE- BTKEt.T. SLACK, AND LIME. A LFREO T. JONES, A?nt to the undermentioned J.]L Companim, has always on Sale at the Wrexham Station, THt R&Y]tBO & WEBTTUKSrEB. CoMpANNM' COAI. AND SLACK. ARE RUABON CoMPANY'a BEST YARD CoAl- THE MINIZUA CoMPANX't UMB. Luada dclicred tn'i'own and Neighbourhood tipon thO thottett CoUce. v t Ut?n tfe? to t!W 'm? MyNtf« f?' ? Bt ¡ j V ?,. h .t '? .?, { H,t. t-.< bu.rnfimr. MR. R. j. -HOOFER, (Organist of St. ]iIarl:' s Clmrelt), ?<IVES Lessons on the riMo-forte, the Ora:ao, an<! !? \-? Siua:iu?. Terms—Two guineas per quarter, child- ren under twelve years (jf age, six guineas per aonam. 7, EiaR ttrcet, Wrexham. DANCING AND DEPORTJfENT;' C. A. k TEPHENSON, (Za/e Assistant to 3fr. H. Giddetis, Professor of Dagiesnqp Liver poo?, ID ESPECTFULLY informa the GentrY and ?habitanta i ? of Wrcxham acd the vidnity, that he iafends giving IcatructioM in the above elegant accomplishments. Tne Qllarter will commence o't Saturday, tue SOth of March, 1861. JuveaDe Clats every Saturday afternoon at Two o'clock. Eveiiint, Class every Wednesday, at Eight o'clock. S9, Mount-street, Wrexham. TO BE LET, WITM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A KEWLY-ERECTEU DWEELING HOUSE, con- -?- taining two PariouM, Kitchen, tuitable Bed-rooms acd Out-ofHccs, with Yatd, Crardca, aod about aK acre of Land. situate at l!urtun, ia the Parish of Gfc:.tbrd, withm a few hundred Yards of Rossftt Station, on tha Great Western Railway, now in the occupation of Mr. William Mercer. For further particulars. and to treat, apply to Mr. Bjyiey, Stationer, Wzexham. f1p0 BE LET and entered upon on the Fir?t dnv of JL May next, 1861, a HLACKSMITII'5 SHOP, with Bellows, Aov)!, Vice, Screw 1'iates, Whtu- Trollb. together with a ROU6E with 2 Bed-room?, HRC.hollfC. and Boiler, and Garden attached, Et PLASIHtUN CorrAuE, Dear RhoEllaDHchrugog, parish of ltuabvu. It is an ex- felleut opening for a steady Mac, situate on two or <hr:a Cross Roads, twenty farmtrs used to pet tbc:r wor): <iune tbcre.Dowtbey bai e topo a di4t of njilCS to gLt their work executed. Bt&t coaia about a mik off, othtM half a mi)c. Good frp6h air. Apply to Mr. Robert Davie, Pfas Drain. TO BUILDERS AND OTHEW' ?tPO BE LET, with immediate possession, atl those JL extensive and c?nvenieat premises situate iu Hope- etrtet, 'WIexham, now in the occupation of Mr. Edward. Williams, or his assignees. The Dwlling in frout consists c.f rarlour, Dmwiug Room, tour Bedrooms, two Kitchens aud Cdiar. The Trade Departmutt bM a large Yard, Worhshop!, GO x IS Staic hotues, Oliicts, shedt!, StabHugs, and I'ita, and has bMn the pnncipal Luitdiug (istabiishment in th& town dnriu;; the last 23 years This is an upportunitr seldomto be met with for a Bmlder. with a modcra.'e capital to commence business, the pre- miocs being etery way suitable tor carryiug on a iirat clasa trade. For tcrma apply to Mr. WiUiam TurnErt rost OiRco, Wrexham. rpO BE DISPOSED OF in an improving Wel? ?. town, a Drug business, doing & good trade, Mtd may be much Increased, on advantageous terms. A small capital only required.—Apply Chemist and Drug* gist, .P.O., Oawcatry. ?\N SALE, in quantities to suit purchaser! about 20 ?? tOM of well preserved MANGOLDS, delivered in the town at 25e. per ton, also a .quantity of goo(t W SEAT STRAW, suitable for cutting. Apply at 3S, HIgh street. FJ)pL 0 BE SOLD, about sevtn Tons of Prime Upland Hey, harvested without rain.—Fur particularti apply ttt- Mr Baytt-y, Bookseikr, Wrexham. FOR 8A LE, TT AY FOR SALE.-A few Tons of superior quality n Apply at Messrs. Putter and Snipe's. RED DEALS. To BE SOLD at the Hallway htation, Chester, 3000 Well Seasoned, St.Prtersburgh Hed D"al, aver- age size, 21 feet x 11 inches x 3 inchee.—Apply to l.OCK.WOOD & FARR1MOND, Egerton-sticet, haw mill?, Chester. I 0 BE SOLD, by Private Treaty, Two very choicf, ex"llcnt, and "elHu:cd l!>i -CA.L.F DA.t.Uï, COWS. For particulars apply to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, &.o., Wrexham. t ON S ALE, TLn) TTWARDS of FORTY TONS OF HAY, in qaantt. \) ties to huit purchasers, and will be onercd by Ftlbho Auction early in March next, unless previously disposed of by private treaty. Application to be mado to mr. Robeftt, Auctioneer, &c.,0verton. February, 1861. TO INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS. T? 1C HARD DAViES. Temperance House, Re-ent li Street, haa on Sale. one -t.wheel H?ae, for ..ther one or two hoMes, Hearse body, Now Stanhope Gig, 4-wheel Drag, Waggonette and two smali Pony Giga, which he is prepared to t-eil at a great Batnnce. ifuatialtS, &rot w ANTED a Hou:c and Parlour Maid. about 25 years W of a,e, she wul be required t. it.ttabtc, good .hector in?sable. App'ytoMr?.B.yley.books?r. W.exham. ? ?rrAMTND immediat.Iy, T H?? ?? neighbour. W hood of Ll.us.Uca pre.urrcd) conta.mn.? kitchen, scurry, 0-1?, ?o p.d.ur., ?d io.r crh.e bedroom? with aU LC?ary outbu,ldin?, -t..bout 3U or 40 ? of l.ud atLached. For a ?abl. pl.ce the ?''? ? wiliiug to p.y the outgoiu{; ??"\ '-? ? ?o'i-w.11.- ? Apply to Mr. Bayley, booKseLler, \t7ANlEDbyareBpectableY<?gW.maD,aSitua- W tion ma Gentleman's tamdy, as UJsD?H. ? ROOSEMAID or Scullery Maid, c=n be ?U r.c.Mn- mcMtd.-Appiy to Mr. B&yley, booliziulivri NY rt;xuztm. '?TrTANTHD. Apprentices to the Dress and Manila W mt.king hu.MeS9, at Mra Rhodes a, 15 Uhe?tcr-st. AVrexham. ANT.ED, in a Gectleman'ii family in the neigh- W bouraood of WrexhtiLag a married man M GARDENER. WaRes 13a. per wlek aiKi a Cottage with guud Gflrdén anached.-Ap,ply) tuMr W lhyh:y bcok- iialler. Wreibatu, or Mr G. ii. Bayley, <JroM, oswestry A PPRENTICES AND IMPROVERS WAITED ?/ i?r tbc Dfe?s itud Mantle Mukmg business. Apttly tu Miss C. JouM, No. 1, Collc.e-strset, 'W rexham.. TY7'ANTED to the NURSERY and SEED BUSf- W NESS, a sharp activu Lad, as au Apprcnttce, tfom 14 tu 16 jears ol«ge.—Apply to Y. SmAUU?, 37, High- street, Wretham HA/ ANTED immediately, any quantity of OLD W NEWSPAPERS. I'he beat price H??n by \V. Bayley, Rope Street Wrexham. TEA, CX.O!M and .FM<' Flavoured (tltis ScaS01¡'S lmportatiol¡,), AT F R A N CIS'S, (Frjm Fulwell, WiUiams, & Co., London, FAMILY AlVIJ IJISP.ENS1NG OHEMIST HOFE-ST&EKT, WKEXHAtf. The Grocery Department furniaied with Srtt-cl.tM Art.Lles, Genuine aa lwrorted., SMALLWARE, TOY, AND FANCY REPOSITORY: MRS THOMAS PARRY, 1 6-T 0 W :k. H I L L—— —— 1 5 (Entrance from Brook-street), DESPECTFULLY invit,ea the attention of the puMio to the new and choice stock of u:,efu), jangy, &nd ornamental articles, contprising itil Huda oi&ovci, .In- teresting, and amuaing toys. muslin work Crocket, CoUers.& Edginga Ribbon Velvet* Bonnet t'routs Braid!) ttoMetT ?H?H))<?'?t9. f)n,??'* ? .?'" ?"t?a tt?t a?'tM e? u?ut ? 04 Hairtada Kets. He<tJ 1) rpqq 0 rnamei2to rurt,et Hracoeta 1JN'r .l:'ir.. UMa'-Ua M tsto